SAP ABAP IMG Activity - Index H
IMG Activity - H
# IMG Activity Transaction Code Short Description
1 HAENDLER S_KK4_13000325 Define Trader 
3 HAFRPBS_T5FPBSD8 S_L6D_84000541  
4 HAMPBSCONFTP S_AHR_61003850 Set up link for examining data on server 
5 HANDLER S_ALR_87009302 Define Traders 
6 HANDPLATZ_UMSCHLUESS S_ALR_87007858 Convert Codes for Exchanges 
7 HAUSBANKEN S_P00_07000095 Maintain Owners' House Banks 
8 HAUSW_UMSTELLUNG_TR S_ALR_87003433 Treasury Changeover 
9 HBFIELDSTATUS S_KA5_12000567 Define Field Status for HBS 
11 HCMCEMX_INFTY_0007 S_P7H_77000158 Infotype 0007 (Planned Working Time) 
12 HCMCEMX_INFTY_0009 S_P7H_77000160 Infotype 0009 (Bank) 
13 HCMCEMX_INFTY_0041 S_P7H_77000167 Infotype 0041 (Date Specifications) 
14 HCMCEMX_INFTY_0369 S_P7H_77000161 Infotype 0369 (Social Security Data) 
15 HCMCEMX_INFTY_0756 S_P7H_77000159 Infotype 0756 (Mexico Loans) 
16 HCMCEMX_INFTY_ALL S_P7H_77000157 HR: CE Mexiko: Infotypes Overview 
17 HCMCEMX_INFTY_BADI S_P7H_77000169 BAdi: CE specific Implementations 
18 HCMCEMX_REPS_OV S_P7H_77000162 Reports Overview 
19 HCMCEMX_R_CAFL0 S_P7H_77000164 HMXCAFL0_CE : Generation of IMSS notifications 
20 HCMCEMX_R_CAGU0 S_P7H_77000165 HMXCAGU0_CE : Annual bonus calculation 
21 HCMCEMX_R_S2001 S_P7H_77000163 HMXS2001_CE : Create 2001 absences (Infotype 2001) 
22 HCMCEMX_R_UTRB0 S_P7H_77000166 HMXUTRB0_CE : Update Payroll Status (Infotype 0003) 
23 HCMCEMX_T7MXCEGP01 S_P7H_77000170 Assign Concurrent Employment Grouping Values to Registration Numbers 
24 HC_ACTIVATE S_L1A_49000001 Activate Help Center 
25 HC_ADMIN_COCKPIT S_B20_88000225 Manage Help Center Content Centrally 
26 HC_APPL_HELP_ACT S_L1A_49000002 Define Application Help in Help Center 
27 HC_HELPPROVIDER S_YI3_39000010 BAdI: Enhancement of Help 
28 HC_HELPPROVIDER_2 S_YI3_39000011 BAdI: Enhancement of Help in Additional Help Center Area 
29 HC_LANGUAGE_PATH S_L1A_49000003 Define Network Folder for Help Center Files 
30 HC_ORDER_AREAS S_B20_88000222 Define Order of Help Center Sections 
31 HC_ROLES S_L1A_49000009 Assign Authorizations for Working with Help Center 
32 HC_SAP_EDUCATION S_YI3_39000008 SAP Education Links in Help Center 
33 HC_SOLMAN_ACTIVE S_B20_88000223 Allow Files from SAP Solution Manager in Help Center 
34 HC_TRANSLATION S_B20_88000226 Translate Help Center Texts 
35 HEA_BAS_001_01 S_SH8_72000331 Specify Diagnosis Catalogs 
36 HEA_BAS_001_02 S_SH8_72000322 Specify Diagnosis Key Categories 
37 HEA_BAS_001_03 S_SH8_72000323 Specify Diagnosis Groups 
38 HEA_BAS_001_04 S_SH8_72000325 Specify Priorities for Selecting Diagnosis 
39 HEA_BAS_001_05 S_SH8_72000324 Specify Diagnosis Types 
40 HEA_FAL_010_01 S_SH8_72000318 Define Entry Locations 
41 HEA_FAL_010_02 S_SH8_72000314 Specify Types of Aid Given 
42 HEA_FAL_010_03 S_SH8_72000313 Specify Roles for Persons Involved 
43 HEA_FAL_010_03_1 S_ALN_01002581 Specify Roles for Persons 
44 HEA_FAL_010_04 S_SH8_72000307 Specify Injury/Illness Log Entry Types 
45 HEA_FAL_010_05 S_SH8_72000309 Specify Number Ranges for Injury/Illness Log Entries 
46 HEA_FAL_010_06 S_SH8_72000308 Manage User Exits 
47 HEA_FAL_010_08 S_SH8_72000332 Check and Extend Status Profiles 
48 HEA_FAL_010_09 S_SH8_72000321 Activate Status Profiles 
49 HEA_FAL_010_15 S_SH8_72000326 Display Defined Statuses for Object Types 
50 HEA_FAL_010_16 S_SH8_72000319 Configure Tab Pages 
51 HEA_MD_300_01 S_SH8_72000315 Specify Authorizations 
52 HEA_MD_400_01 S_SH8_72000317 Specify Environment Parameters 
53 HEA_SRV_001_007 S_AEN_10000421 Specify User-Defined Text Types 
54 HEA_SRV_001_008 S_AEN_10000422 Check Document Management Customizing 
55 HEA_SRV_001_011 S_AEN_10000423 Assign EH&S Document Types to DMS Document Types 
56 HEA_SRV_001_02 S_SH8_72000289 Specify Follow-Up Activities 
57 HEA_SRV_001_03 S_SH8_72000297 Specify Check Criteria 
58 HEA_SRV_001_04 S_SH8_72000298 Specify Reservations About Health 
59 HEA_SRV_001_05 S_SH8_72000299 Specify Restrictions 
60 HEA_SRV_001_06 S_SH8_72000280 Assign Print Programs and Edit Form Texts 
61 HEA_SRV_001_07 S_SH8_72000281 Specify Employer Addresses 
62 HEA_SRV_001_08 S_SH8_72000277 Assign Print Programs and Edit Form Texts 
63 HEA_SRV_001_10 S_SH8_72000300 Specify Consultation Categories 
64 HEA_SRV_001_11 S_SH8_72000301 Specify Medical Measures 
65 HEA_SRV_001_12 S_SH8_84000410 Specify Case History Types 
66 HEA_SRV_002_01 S_SH8_72000302 Specify Causes of Illness 
67 HEA_SRV_002_02 S_SH8_72000303 Specify Effects of a Diagnosed Illness 
68 HEA_SRV_002_03 S_SH8_72000290 Specify Diagnosis Ratings 
69 HEA_SRV_002_04 S_SH8_72000291 Specify Sources of Diagnosis 
70 HEA_SRV_003_001 S_AEN_10000415 Specify Value Assignments of Examination Results 
71 HEA_SRV_003_03 S_SH8_72000293 Specify Value Assignments of Test Results 
72 HEA_SRV_003_04 S_SH8_72000294 Specify Reasons for Significant Results 
73 HEA_SRV_003_05 S_SH8_72000295 Specify Status of Test Results 
74 HEA_SRV_003_06 S_SH8_72000296 Audiogram: Specify Adjustment Values 
75 HEA_SRV_004_01 S_SH8_72000292 Specify References for Importing Medical Data 
76 HEA_SRV_007_01 S_SH8_72000284 Assign Print Programs 
77 HEREXP102 S_ALN_01000035 Define Time Before Search Query 
78 HERKUNFT_DEF_UMSCHL S_ALR_87007969 Define Source of Market Data and Conversion Codes 
79 HHP7_1020 S_AL0_96000580 Defining Budget Structure Element Types 
80 HIER_CHECK_ACL S_ALI_97000063 Hierarchy Checks for Logbook Actions 
81 HIER_CHECK_LBK S_ALI_97000064 Add-In: Hierarchy Checks for Logbook Actions 
82 HOME TYPES S_KA5_12000261 Maintain Sales Unit Types 
83 HPPAY00_ESS_PDF S_PL0_09000431 Provide Remuneration Statement (ESS) Form PDF 
84 HPPAY00_RU_ESS_PDF S_XC0_18000297 Provide Remuneration Statement (ESS) Form PDF 
85 HPPAY13_ESS_PDF S_L6B_69000046 Provide Remuneration Statement (ESS) Form PDF 
86 HPPAY14_ESS_PDF S_L6B_69000010 Provide Remuneration Statement (ESS) Form PDF 
87 HPPAY25_ESS_PDF S_L6B_69000041 Provide Remuneration Statement (ESS) Form PDF 
88 HPPAY26_ESS_PDF S_L6B_69000065 Provide Remuneration Statement (ESS) Form PDF 
89 HPPAY34_ESS_PDF S_L6B_69000050 Provide Remuneration Statement (ESS) Form PDF 
90 HPPAY40_ESS_PDF S_L6B_69000013 Provide Remuneration Statement (ESS) Form PDF 
91 HPPAY43_ESS_PDF S_L6B_69000044 Provide Remuneration Statement (ESS) Form PDF 
92 HPPAY48_ESS_PDF S_L6B_69000039 Provide Remuneration Statement (ESS) Form PDF 
93 HR99S00_IT3331 S_HRI_55000049 Notes on Implementation 
94 HR99S00_IT3331_SCREE S_HRI_55000053 BAdI: Logic to Manage Field Visibility in IT3331 Screen 
95 HRALE00INBOUND_IDOC S_PH0_48000194 BAdI: Inbound Processing for HR Master Data 
96 HRALE00INBOUND_OBJEC S_PH0_48000195 BAdI: Check/Additional Processing of Object in Inbound Processing 
97 HRALE00ORIGSYSTEM S_PH0_48000531 BAdI: Fine Tuning of Original System Mechanism 
98 HRALE00OUTBOUND_IDOC S_AL0_96000422 BAdI: Outbound Processing HR Master Data 
99 HRALE00SPLIT_INBOUND S_PH0_48000196 BAdI: Customer-Defined Inbound Processing 
100 HRASR_DPASRR S_AEN_10001026 Specify Employee Grouping for Report Selection 
101 HRASR_DPFMODEL S_AEN_10000513 Create or Change Record Model 
102 HRASR_DPF_DEF_ELTYPE S_AEN_10000691 Define Element Types 
103 HRASR_DPF_ORG_FILE S_AEN_10000813 Digital Personnel Files (DPF) 
104 HRASR_FILL_LPA S_P7H_77000019 Initialization Report to Fill Launchpad 
105 HRASR_FSCN_CUST S_P7H_77000009 Manage Form Scenarios 
106 HRASR_GS_INFO S_P7H_77000018 Display Information About Generic Services 
107 HRASR_LAUNCHPAD_EWS S_AEN_10001024 Configure Reports for Start for Each Employee 
108 HRASR_LAUNCHPAD_HRA S_PEN_05000327 Set Up Launchpad (Employee-Related Reports) 
109 HRASR_LAUNCHPAD_HRU S_PEN_05000326 Set Up Launchpad (Multiple-Employee Reports) 
110 HRASR_LAUNCHPAD_REP S_AEN_10001022 Configure Reports (Employee-Related Reports) 
111 HRASR_SRMMODEL S_AEN_10000512 Create or Change Record Model 
112 HRAS_5ASRFSCNAMTMA S_AEN_10000981 Transfer Attachments Between Form Scenarios of Process 
113 HRAS_5ASRFSCNISRLINK S_AEN_10001004 Link ISR Scenario with Form Scenario 
114 HRAS_APPLICATIONLOG S_PEN_05000029 Delete Logs from Application Log 
115 HRAS_ASRATTACHT_AUTH S_XEN_65000086 Define Attachment Types for Authorizations 
116 HRAS_AT_BADI_CT_GRP S_PEN_05000205 BAdI: Implement Own Logic for Groups for Authorization Check 
117 HRAS_AUTHENTIFIC S_PEN_05000157 Authorizations 
118 HRAS_BADI_AUTH_CHECK S_P7H_77000240 BAdI: Implement Own Logic for Authorization Check 
119 HRAS_CASE_CASETYPE S_XEN_65000003 Copy Case Types 
120 HRAS_CASE_LOCAPROF S_XEN_65000004 Copy Profile for Case Search 
121 HRAS_CHK_FSCN_CUST S_PEN_05000059 Check Consistency of Form Scenarios 
122 HRAS_CHK_PROC_CUST S_P7H_77000020 Check Consistency of Process Configuration 
123 HRAS_CLIENTCOPY S_P7H_77000030 Perform Client Copy According to Piece List 
124 HRAS_COMPONENT_REP S_AEN_10000503 Include Components for HCM Processes and Forms in Workflow Builder 
125 HRAS_CONFIGFORMSCEN S_PEN_05000150 Configuration of Forms 
126 HRAS_CONT_GROUP_AUTH S_XEN_65000084 Define Content Groups for Authorization Check 
127 HRAS_DAB_HISTORY S_AEN_10000999 Delete Obsolete History Data for Master Data Maintenance 
128 HRAS_DPFANCHOR S_AEN_10000506 Anchor Number for Model 
129 HRAS_DPF_CHANGECM S_PEN_05000058 Create or Change Attributes for Content Model 
130 HRAS_DPF_CREATECM S_PEN_05000057 Create Content Model for DPF 
131 HRAS_FSCN_CUST S_P7H_77000032 Adjust Form Scenarios 
132 HRAS_FSSCNCOMPARE S_P7H_77000033 Compare Form Scenarios 
133 HRAS_FT_PASRG S_AEN_10000342 Determine Employee Groupings for Process Selection 
134 HRAS_GENERICSERVICES S_PEN_05000120 BAdI: Implement Generic Backend Services 
135 HRAS_GS_BADI_ADV S_PEN_05000128 BAdI: Implement Enhanced Generic Services 
136 HRAS_GS_BADI_BASIC S_PEN_05000127 BAdI: Implement Generic Services 
137 HRAS_HRASR00FSCN S_AEN_10001003 Create Form Scenario 
138 HRAS_HRASR00FSCNGS S_AEN_10000685 Process Form Scenario for Generic Services 
139 HRAS_HRASR00FSCNPA S_AEN_10000683 Process Form Scenario for Personnel Admin. Infotypes (Service SAP_PA) 
140 HRAS_HRASR00FSCNPT S_AEN_10000684 Process Form Scenario for Time Management Infotypes (Service SAP_PT) 
141 HRAS_HRASR00FSCNXI S_PEN_05000330 Create Form Scenario for XI Message Type 
142 HRAS_HRASR00XI2PRSC S_PEN_05000343 Set Data Transfer from XI Message Type to Form Scenario 
143 HRAS_HRASRREF_NUM S_PEN_05000300 Specify Number Range Interval for Reference Numbers of Process 
144 HRAS_HRWPCEXCLMANAG S_XEN_65000008 BAdI: OADP: Exclude Managers 
145 HRAS_HRWPCMODNAVOBJ S_XEN_65000009 BAdI: OADP: Modification of Navigation Objects 
146 HRAS_MANAGERROLE S_PEN_05000416 Manager Self-Service 
147 HRAS_OADP_010 S_AEN_10000926 Define Column Groups 
148 HRAS_OBJECTLIST S_P7H_77000031 Perform Comparison Run Using Object List 
149 HRAS_OTHERROLES S_PEN_05000415 Employee Self-Service 
150 HRAS_PARTIALINIT S_P7H_77000056 Create Operations for Groups of Form Fields 
151 HRAS_PORTMANOADP000 S_XEN_65000006 Object and Data Provider: Overview 
152 HRAS_PORTMANOADP100 S_XEN_65000007 Define Rules for Object Selection 
153 HRAS_PORTMANOADP130 S_XEN_65000010 Group Parameters for Object Search 
154 HRAS_PORTMANOADP140 S_XEN_65000011 Define Object Selections 
155 HRAS_PORTMANOADP200 S_XEN_65000017 Define Data Views 
156 HRAS_PORTMANOADP210 S_XEN_65000018 Group Data Views 
157 HRAS_PORTMANOADP220 S_XEN_65000012 Define Columns 
158 HRAS_PORTMANOADP230 S_XEN_65000014 Define Column Groups 
159 HRAS_PORTMANOADP240 S_XEN_65000015 Define Hierarchical Column Groups 
160 HRAS_PORTMANOADP250 S_XEN_65000016 Overwrite Column Headers 
161 HRAS_PORTMANOADP260 S_XEN_65000013 Define Coherence Relationships 
162 HRAS_PORTMANOADP300 S_XEN_65000019 Define Organizational Views 
163 HRAS_PORTMANOADP310 S_XEN_65000020 Group Organizational Structure Views 
164 HRAS_PROCESSES S_AEN_10000414 Configure Start Application 
165 HRAS_PROCESSES_HRADM S_PEN_05000014 Configure Start Application 
166 HRAS_PROCESSREFNUM S_AEN_10000810 BAdI: Create Reference Numbers for Processes 
167 HRAS_PROCESS_OBJECT S_PEN_05000314 Required Settings for Process Object in Case Management 
168 HRAS_QISRSCENARIO S_AEN_10000611 Create ISR Scenario 
169 HRAS_SAMPLEPROCESSES S_P7H_77000029 Sample Process for HCM Processes and Forms 
170 HRAS_STARTAPPLPORTAL S_PEN_05000351 Create Start Applications for Different Users in Portal 
171 HRAS_SWN S_P7H_77000010 Enhanced Notifications of SAP Business Workflow 
172 HRAS_SWN_EXOBJ S_P7H_77000013 Determine Objects To Be Excluded 
173 HRAS_SWN_EXUSER S_P7H_77000017 Exclude Recipients from Receiving Notifications 
174 HRAS_SWN_EXUSER_DISP S_P7H_77000015 Check Users To Be Excluded 
175 HRAS_SWN_EXUSER_JOB S_P7H_77000016 Schedule Job to Determine Users To Be Excluded 
176 HRAS_SWN_EXUSER_UPD S_P7H_77000014 Determine Users To Be Excluded 
177 HRAS_SWN_EXWFTS S_P7H_77000012 Specify Relevant Workflow Tasks 
178 HRAS_T582ITTXTFIELDS S_PEN_05000030 Name Infotype Text Fields 
179 HRAS_T5ASRADDCRIT S_AEN_10000967 Create Additional Grouping for Reports 
180 HRAS_T5ASRATTACHMENT S_AEN_10000848 Define Attachment Types 
181 HRAS_T5ASRCONSDPF S_AEN_10000694 Define Constants of DPF 
182 HRAS_T5ASRCONTEXT S_AEN_10000343 Define Process Groups 
183 HRAS_T5ASRDABDEF S_AEN_10000111 Specify Default Setting for Display of Records for Infotype 
184 HRAS_T5ASRDPFANCHOR S_AEN_10000508 Define Node Attribute "Anchor" 
185 HRAS_T5ASRDPFARCATS S_PEN_05000073 Assign Anchors to Category 
186 HRAS_T5ASRDPFARDOCS S_AEN_10000509 Assign Document Types to Category 
187 HRAS_T5ASRDPFCAT S_AEN_10000505 Define Categories of DPF 
188 HRAS_T5ASRDPFDOCU S_AEN_10000510 Assign Anchors to Attachment Type 
189 HRAS_T5ASRDPFFORMS S_AEN_10000511 Assign Anchors to Form Scenario 
190 HRAS_T5ASRDPF_DEFELT S_AEN_10000686 Define Element Types 
191 HRAS_T5ASRDPF_ELTYPE S_AEN_10000681 Assign Anchor to Element Type 
192 HRAS_T5ASREEGROUP S_AEN_10000340 Define Object Groups for Processes 
193 HRAS_T5ASRERRORAGENT S_AEN_10000750 Assign Possible Processors to Error Categories 
194 HRAS_T5ASRFOLDERSEQ S_AEN_10000110 Specify Structure of Infotype Browser 
195 HRAS_T5ASRFSCNRULES S_AEN_10000998 Rules for Permitting Operations 
196 HRAS_T5ASRFSCNSRV S_PEN_05000119 Define Generic Services for Form Scenarios 
197 HRAS_T5ASRPRCGRPAUTH S_PEN_05000151 Define Process Groups for Authorizations 
198 HRAS_T5ASRPROC S_AEN_10000367 Define Processes 
199 HRAS_T5ASRPROCCHK S_AEN_10000396 Link Processes with Process Groups for Collision Check 
200 HRAS_T5ASRPROCCONT S_AEN_10000344 Group Processes for UI Control and Collision Check 
201 HRAS_T5ASRPROCFORM S_AEN_10000368 Configure Process Start 
202 HRAS_T5ASRPROCGRP S_AEN_10000346 Specify Group-Dependent Process Selection for Start Application 
203 HRAS_T5ASRPROCGRPA S_P7H_77000004 Enable Process Start Without Selection of Start Object 
204 HRAS_T5ASRPROCPAID S_AEN_10000809 Assign Pattern IDs for Reference Numbers to Processes 
205 HRAS_T5ASRPROCPROP S_AEN_10000418 Permit Parallel Running of Process 
206 HRAS_T5ASRPROCRESTR S_P7H_77000076 Set Restrictions for Starting Processes 
207 HRAS_T5ASRPROCVALID S_AEN_10000339 Specify Valid Processes for Start Applications 
208 HRAS_T5ASRPRSCXI S_PEN_05000344 Set Workflow Template for XI Message Type 
209 HRAS_T5ASRRFNUMPAID S_AEN_10000808 Define Pattern ID for Reference Numbers 
210 HRAS_T5ASRSEARCH S_AEN_10000356 Assign Employee Search Variants to User Groups 
211 HRAS_T5ASRSEARCHFDS S_AEN_10000357 Assign Search Fields to Employee Search Variants 
212 HRAS_T5ASRSEARCHVAR S_AEN_10000355 Define Employee Search Variants 
213 HRAS_T5ASRSELFLD S_AEN_10000968 Specify Report Selection Fields for Reports 
214 HRAS_T5ASRSELFLDDF S_PEN_05000297 Prefill Selection Fields for Reports: Dynamic Field Selection 
215 HRAS_T5ASRSELFLDID S_PEN_05000295 Specify Reports with Default Field Values 
216 HRAS_T5ASRSELFLDSF S_PEN_05000296 Prefill Selection Fields for Reports: Static Field Selection 
217 HRAS_T5ASRSELFLDVAR S_PEN_05000298 Specify Variants for Reports 
218 HRAS_T5ASRWITHDRAW S_AEN_10000751 Enable Withdrawal of Processes 
219 HRAS_TEST_PROC_EXE S_P7H_77000002 Test Process 
220 HRAS_UWL S_AEN_10000931 Set Up Display in Universal Worklist 
221 HRAS_VT5ASRAUTHACTVT S_PEN_05000155 Define Authorization Method for Activities (All Processes) 
222 HRAS_VT5ASRGR2PRAUTH S_PEN_05000152 Assign Processes to Process Group 
223 HRAS_V_5ASRFSCN S_PEN_05000154 Assign Form Scenarios to Form Scenario Group 
224 HRAS_V_5ASRFSCNGRP S_PEN_05000153 Define Form Scenario Groups for Authorizations 
225 HRAS_V_5ASRFSCNMAP S_PEN_05000198 Transfer Field Values Between Form Scenarios of Process 
226 HRAS_V_5ASRLINK S_PEN_05000363 Define Links for Additional Information 
227 HRAS_V_T5ASRAUTHCONT S_PEN_05000156 Define Authorization Methods for Activities (for Each Process Group) 
228 HRAS_WFC_COMP S_PEN_05000359 Interactive Components 
229 HRAS_WFC_DRAFT S_PEN_05000319 Workflow: Draft for Process Start 
230 HRAS_WFC_DRAFTERR S_PEN_05000318 Workflow: Draft for Process Start (Error Case) 
231 HRAS_WFC_EVENTCOUPL S_P7H_77000028 Activate Event Coupling for Workflow Template of Sample Processes 
232 HRAS_WFC_EXCPTHND S_PEN_05000323 Workflow for Exception Handling When Saving Asynchronously 
233 HRAS_WFC_WITHDRAW S_PEN_05000315 Workflow After Withdrawal of Process 
234 HRAS_WFC_XIACPSEL S_P7H_77000006 Specify Responsibilities for Process Selection 
235 HRAS_WFC_XIACPSTR S_P7H_77000007 Specify Responsibilities for Process Start 
236 HRAS_WFC_XIFOLLOWUP S_P7H_77000005 Follow-Up Activities After Process with XI Message 
237 HRAS_WFC_XISELPRO S_PEN_05000317 Set Standard Workflow for Process Start of XI Message Type 
238 HRAS_WF_CUSTOMIZING S_PEN_05000360 Settings for SAP Components and Workflows 
239 HRAS_WF_RUNTIME S_AEN_10000504 Set Up Workflow Runtime Environment 
240 HRAS_XI_ASSGNPROCGRP S_P7H_77000053 Assign XI Scenario to Process Group 
241 HRAS_XI_ATTACHMENTTY S_PEN_05000325 Form Scenario for XI Message Type: Define Attachments 
242 HRAS_XI_FORMSCENARIO S_PEN_05000367 Form Scenario for XI Message Type 
243 HRAS_XI_FORMSCNMAPP S_PEN_05000349 Set Data Transfer Form Scenario for XI Message Type to Target Process 
244 HRAS_XI_FSCNISRLINK S_PEN_05000342 Link ISR Scenario with Form Scenario for XI Message Type 
245 HRAS_XI_INFRASTRUCT S_PEN_05000348 Execute XI Configuration 
246 HRAS_XI_INTEGRATION S_PEN_05000347 XI Integration 
247 HRAS_XI_PROCGROUP S_PEN_05000345 Create Process Group for XI Scenario 
248 HRAS_XI_PROC_START S_PEN_05000369 Process Start for XI Message Type 
249 HRAS_XI_PROC_VALID S_PEN_05000370 Specify Valid Processes for Start Through XI Inbound Processing 
250 HRAS_XI_QISRSCENARIO S_PEN_05000341 Form Scenario for XI Message Type: Create ISR Scenario 
251 HRAS_XI_XISCENATTR S_P7H_77000008 Check Attributes of XI Message Types 
252 HRBAS_T77CDOC_CUS S_PL0_86000188 Activate Change Documents 
253 HREPX105 S_ALN_01000039 Check Authorization for Calling Search 
254 HREXP0133 S_ALN_01000022 Create Search Server ID 
255 HREXP020 S_PLN_16000170 Overview 
256 HREXP050 S_ALN_01000009 Define Expert Profile Elements 
257 HREXP053 S_ALN_01001004 Define Semantic Attributes 
258 HREXP055 S_ALN_01000010 Define Expert Profile Element Groups 
259 HREXP070 S_ALN_01000011 Define Expert Profile Types 
260 HREXP080 S_ALN_01000012 Define Search Templates 
261 HREXP082 S_ALN_01000013 Define Hit Lists 
262 HREXP084 S_ALN_01000014 Define Detail Screen 
263 HREXP086 S_ALN_01000015 Define Search Scenarios 
264 HREXP088 S_ALN_01000016 Define Expert Communities and Assign Users 
265 HREXP090 S_ALN_01000020 General Settings 
266 HREXP091 S_P1H_12000031 Activate http Service for Expert Finder Application 
267 HREXP101 S_ALN_01000034 Define Time Before Saving Profile 
268 HREXP102 S_ALN_01000036 Check Authorization for Calling the Expert's Detail Screen 
269 HREXP103 S_ALN_01000037 Check Authorization for Calling Detail Screen 
270 HREXP104 S_ALN_01000038 Check Authorization for Calling Expert Profile 
271 HREXP105 S_ALN_01000040 Check Authorization for Calling Search 
272 HREXP106 S_ALN_01000041 Determine Experts for LDAP Key 
273 HREXP107 S_ALN_01000042 Detemine Expert ID from User Name 
274 HREXP108 S_ALN_01000043 Determine LDAP Key for Experts 
275 HREXP109 S_ALN_01000044 Determine Expert Profile Types of Expert 
276 HREXP110 S_ALN_01000045 Define Search Scenarios for Expert Finder 
277 HREXP111 S_ALN_01000046 Time After Saving Profile 
278 HREXP112 S_ALN_01000047 Time After Search Query: Check Result 
279 HREXP121 S_ALN_01000029 Set Up Connection to LDAP Directory Service 
280 HREXP122 S_ALN_01000028 Set Up Connection to LDAP Server 
281 HREXP126 S_ALN_01000021 Update Data in Expert Profile 
282 HREXP131 S_ALN_01000030 Define RFC Connections for Search Engine 
283 HREXP132 S_ALN_01000031 Set Up RFC Connection for Search Engine 
284 HREXP133 S_ALN_01000024 Create Search Server ID 
285 HREXP134 S_ALN_01000025 Create Search Server ID 
286 HREXP135 S_ALN_01000023 Switch On Indexing for Document Area HR_KW 
287 HREXP137 S_ALN_01000026 Set Up User and Service for Search Engine 
288 HREXP139 S_ALN_01000027 Check Settings 
289 HREXP150 S_ALN_01000074 BAdI: Controlling System Response in Expert Finder 
290 HREXPZ01 S_PLN_16000174 Deindexing/Indexing of Expert Profiles 
291 HREXPZ02 S_PLN_16000175 Synchronize Data in Expert Profile 
292 HREXPZ03 S_PLN_16000176 Synchronize Value Table with Expert Profiles 
293 HREXPZ04 S_PLN_16000177 Delete Expired Server Side Cookies 
294 HREXPZ05 S_PLN_16000178 Delete Expired Logs in Application Log 
295 HRFPM_DC_PERIOD S_P7H_77000133 BAdI: Validity Period for Persons/Positions 
296 HRFPM_FTE_700 S_PLN_06000122 Activate Simple Conversion (1:1) of FTEs 
297 HRFPM_REQUMNTS_FLTER S_P7H_77000134 BAdI: Validity Period for Determined Requirements 
298 HRGB00_ESS_PAYSLIP S_PL0_09000331 BAdI: Remuneration Statement Can Only Be Accessed By Internet 
299 HRGB00_ESS_PDF S_PL0_09000330 Provide Remuneration Statement in Internet as PDF 
300 HRHAP_B_SELECT_EVAL S_BT6_28000057 BAdI: Select Evaluation Path 
301 HRHAP_B_SELECT_E_IMP S_BT6_28000058 Select Evaluation Path 
302 HRHAP_SELECT_EVAL S_BT6_28000059 Select Evaluation Path 
303 HRHCP00_DC_COSTITEMS S_ALN_01000506 BAdI: Change Cost Item Records 
304 HRHCP00_DC_EMPLOYEE S_ALN_01000428 BAdI: Collect Employee Data 
305 HRHCP00_DC_ORGOBJECT S_ALN_01000505 BAdI: Collect Organizational Object Data 
306 HRHCP00_DERIVE_VALU S_PLN_16000002 BAdI: Derive and Valuate Cost Items 
307 HRHCP00_DET_UI S_PLN_16000003 BAdI: Additional Information in Detail Planning 
308 HRHCP00_POST_PERIODS S_PLN_16000004 BAdI: Overwrite Periods for Posting to CO 
309 HRHCP00_RESP_OBJECTS S_PLN_16000223 BAdI: Specify Authorizations and Objects in Area of Responsibility 
310 HRHCP00_RUN_HEADC S_ALN_01000507 BAdI: Determine Objects for Quota Planning 
311 HRHCP00_RUN_OBJSEL S_PLN_16000001 BAdI: Change Cost Object Selection 
312 HRIE00_ESS_PAYSLIP S_PL0_09000340 BAdI: Remuneration Statement Can Only Be Accessed By Internet 
313 HRIE00_ESS_PDF S_PL0_09000339 Provide Remuneration Statement in Internet as PDF 
314 HRLDAP_ATTRIBUTES S_AXA_22000001 BAdI: Changing Attribute Values 
315 HRNL_ILL_000 S_L7D_24001541 Relationship Management Overview 
316 HRNL_ILL_005 S_L7D_24001542 Determine Representing Legal Person for Health and Safety Authority 
317 HRNL_ILL_010 S_L7D_24001543 Determine Residence During Sickness 
318 HRNL_ILL_015 S_L7D_24001544 Set Absence Type for Sickness 
319 HRNL_ILL_020 S_L7D_24001523 Establish for each legal person whether self-insurer 
320 HRNL_ILL_030 S_L7D_24001540 Forms 
321 HRNL_ILL_040 S_L7D_24001524 Form Selection: Sickness Forms 
322 HRNL_ILL_050 S_L7D_24001525 Check Forms 
323 HRNL_ILL_060 S_L7D_24001526 Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) form: 13-week/8-month sickness notification 
324 HRNL_ILL_070 S_L7D_24001527 Recovery Notification Form for Body Implementing EE Insurance Schemes [UWV] 
325 HRNL_ILL_080 S_L7D_24001528 Form Notification Diff. Return to Work and Other Changes by Employer 
326 HRNL_ILL_090 S_L7D_24001529 Form Notif. Full Recovery After Notif. of Sickn. f. 13th week (or 8th m.) 
327 HRNL_ILL_100 S_L7D_24001530 Sickness Notific. Form f.Lab.Condit.and Absent.Monitoring Body [Arbodienst] 
328 HRNL_ILL_110 S_L7D_24001531 Recovery Notific. Form f.Lab.Condit.and Absent.Monitoring Body [Arbodienst] 
329 HRNL_ILL_130 S_L7D_24001532 Number of Days before 42nd week/13th Week/8th Month Follow-up 
330 HRNL_ILL_135 S_L7D_24001546 Set Sickness Relationship Period 
331 HRNL_ILL_140 S_L7D_24001533 Determine date for notification of recovery 
332 HRNL_ILL_150 S_L7D_24001534 Determine pay-out ratios 
333 HRNL_ILL_160 S_L7D_24001535 Number of Waiting Days Before Continuation of Payment 
334 HRNL_ILL_165 S_L7D_24001571 Activate subapplication for sickness and recovery notifications 
335 HRNL_ILL_170 S_L7D_24001536 Control Retroactive Accounting Infotype Absences (2001) 
336 HRNL_ILL_180 S_L7D_24001537 Switch off retro. accounting relevance for total infotype 
337 HRNL_ILL_190 S_L7D_24001538 Check retro. accounting relevance for fields Infotype 2001 
338 HRNL_ILL_30 S_L7D_24001539 Forms 
339 HRPACN_CAL_SL_IN_ACC S_L7D_24002295 BAdI: Sick Leave Calculation in Accumulation Period 
340 HRPAD00AUTH_CHECK S_AHR_61019368 BAdI: Set Up Customer-Specific Authorization Check 
341 HRPAD00INFTYBL S_P7H_77000070 BAdI: Enhancement of Business Logic of Standard Infotypes 
342 HRPAD00INFTYDB S_P7H_77000071 BAdI: Performing Actions After Updating 
343 HRPAD00INFTYUI S_P7H_77000073 BAdI: UI Logic Enhancement 
344 HRPAD00_ENTRY_LEAVE S_L6B_69000594 BAdI: Determine Entry/Leaving Dates 
345 HRPADNL_EIR_FILL_FIE S_L4H_49001913 BAdI: Overwrite Fields in the Notifications 
346 HRPADNL_EIR_TRIGGER S_L4H_49001905 BAdI: Create NotificationTrigger 
347 HRPADRU_PKMN_PACKAGE S_L7D_24001688 BAdI: XML File Check 
348 HRPADRU_RUPF S_L7D_24001800 BAdI: Analysis of Working Conditions 
349 HRPADRU_RUPF_WC S_L7D_24001801 BAdI: Additional Information on Working Conditions 
350 HRPADUN_AAP_CLEANUP S_PAD_19000098 Clean Up PAAP Environment 
351 HRPADUN_DS S_PAD_19000051 BAdI: Duty Station Assignment Count and External Assignment 
352 HRPAD_B_SEL_EVAL S_BT6_28000071 BAdI: Selection of Evaluation Path 
353 HRPAD_B_SEL_EVALUATI S_BT6_28000070 Select Evaluation Path 
354 HRPAY00_ESS_PAYSLIP S_AL0_96000058 BAdI: Remuneration Statement Can Only Be Accessed Using ESS 
355 HRPAY00_ESS_PDF S_PL0_09000242 Provide Remuneration Statement as PDF in Internet 
356 HRPAY00_ESS_PDF1 S_PL0_09000246 Provide Remuneration Statement as PDF in Internet 
357 HRPAY00_ESS_PDF1_103 S_PLN_62000199 Provide Salary Statement as PDF File in Internet 
358 HRPAY13_ESS_PAYSLIP S_L6B_69000047 BAdI: Remuneration Statement Can Only Be Accessed Using ESS 
359 HRPAY14_ESS_PAYSLIP S_L6B_69000011 BAdI: Remuneration Statement Can Only Be Accessed Using ESS 
360 HRPAY25_ESS_PAYSLIP S_L6B_69000043 BAdI: Remuneration Statement Can Only Be Accessed Using ESS 
361 HRPAY26_ESS_PAYSLIP S_L6B_69000066 BAdI: Remuneration Statement Can Only Be Accessed By Internet 
362 HRPAY34_ESS_PAYSLIP S_L6B_69000051 BAdI: Remuneration Statement Can Only Be Accessed Using ESS 
363 HRPAY40_ESS_PAYSLIP S_L6B_69000014 BAdI: Remuneration Statement Can Only Be Accessed Using ESS 
364 HRPAY43_ESS_PAYSLIP S_L6B_69000045 BAdI: Remuneration Statement Can Only Be Accessed Using ESS 
365 HRPAY48_ESS_PAYSLIP S_L6B_69000040 BAdI: Remuneration Statement Can Only Be Accessed Using ESS 
366 HRPAYAT_BW_DTZL S_L4H_49002382 BAdI: Override Entries for Statement of Employment Terms 
367 HRPAYAT_I527_JVPREL S_L7D_24002456 BAdI: Check Periods for Calculating Quarterly Income 
368 HRPAYAT_I527_SEVPY S_L7D_24002452 BAdI: Calculate Voluntary Severance Pay and Rationalization Payments 
369 HRPAYAT_IT751_EMFSL S_L4H_49001983 BAdI: Determination of Payee Key in IT0751 
370 HRPAYAT_KSB_B2A_FLIS S_L4H_49003244 BAdI: Listing of Possible Names of ELDA Files 
371 HRPAYAT_KSB_B2A_PERS S_L4H_49002322 BAdI: Determine Correct Personnel Number 
372 HRPAYAT_KSB_MAT_GRTX S_L4H_49002692 BAdI: Adjustment of Text for Conflict Types in Comparison 
373 HRPAYAT_LZ_CHG_SRTZA S_L4H_49002972 BAdI: Change Status of Payslips 
374 HRPAYAT_LZ_CHK_SETS S_L4H_49002442 BAdI: Ändern von Prüfvorschriften des Lohnzettels 
375 HRPAYAT_RPCEKSA0_01 S_L4H_49002276 BAdI: Calculate Statistical Monthly Values per Remuneration Type 
376 HRPAYAT_RPCEKSA0_02 S_L4H_49002275 BAdI: Create Detail List for Income Report 
377 HRPAYAT_RPCEKSA0_03 S_L4H_49002277 BAdI: Create Income Statistics from TemSe 
378 HRPAYAT_TGENA0_01 S_L7D_24002513 BAdI: Change Retroactive Accounting Date for Personal Calendar 
379 HRPAYAT_UELDA0_DTRNR S_L4H_49001892 BAdI: Generate Data Medium Number 
380 HRPAYBE_DMFAOC S_L7D_24000792 BAdI to determine the contract begin- and end day 
381 HRPAYBE_DMFA_FIRE S_L7D_24000188 BAdI: Adjust Occupation and Service Data on FIRE Lines 
382 HRPAYBE_DMFA_USERREF S_L6D_84000025 Business Add-in: Limitation of SI deductions 
383 HRPAYBE_PAYROLL_CAR S_L4H_49002593 BadI: Company Car List Price Change 
384 HRPAYBE_SBA S_L7D_24002434 BAdI: Social Balance Declaration Analysis 
385 HRPAYBE_SBG S_L7D_24002433 BAdI: Social Balance Declaration Generation 
386 HRPAYBE_SBP S_L7D_24002435 BAdI: Social Balance Declaration Printout 
387 HRPAYBE_TAX_RPDTXAB0 S_L7D_24000189 Activate User Exits 
388 HRPAYBR_B_CCED S_L4H_49002564 BAdI: Income Declaration 
389 HRPAYBR_RAIS_RECORD2 S_L4H_49001814 BAdI: SIAL - change record 2 
390 HRPAYCA_CCR_0001 S_L6B_69000722 BAdI: Cost Centre Report Authorizations 
391 HRPAYCA_ESS_PAYSLIP S_PL0_09000389 BAdI: Remuneration statement only accessible via Internet 
392 HRPAYCA_ESS_PDF S_PL0_09000388 Provide remuneration statement online in .pdf format 
393 HRPAYCHBGAC0 S_L4H_49003082 BAdI: Definition of Capacity Utilization Level for Capacity Statistics 
394 HRPAYCHEDCO S_L7D_24000513 BAdI: Create Default Values for Training Costs 
395 HRPAYCHFMZR01 S_L4H_49001581 BAdI: Override Data for Overall Monthly Report (FamRelBReg) 
396 HRPAYCHFMZR02 S_L4H_49001582 BAdI: Grouping of Payroll Results for Overall Monthly Report (FamRelBReg) 
397 HRPAYCHLAW2B S_L7D_24000476 BAdI: Override Comments on Part-Time Employment 
398 HRPAYCHLAW2C S_L7D_24000512 BAdI: Override Texts for Training Costs on Supplementary Sheet 
399 HRPAYCHLAW2D S_L7D_24001883 BAdI: Download ZIP, XML File and Control Characters for Bar Codes 
400 HRPAYCHLAW2_CSV S_L6B_69002808 BAdI: Export of Data of Wage Statement 2005 
401 HRPAYCHLSE_EXPORT S_L4H_49003085 BAdI: Export-File Generation 
402 HRPAYCHLSE_MESSAGE S_L4H_49003084 BAdI: Change or Deletion of Notifications 
403 HRPAYCHLSE_OUTPUT S_L4H_49003083 BAdI: Overwrite Output Data 
404 HRPAYCHLSE_WAGEEARN S_L4H_49003081 BAdI: Definition of Monthly or Hourly Wage Earners 
405 HRPAYCHQSTC0_EMP_ACI S_L4H_49001515 BAdI: Override Data for Withholding Tax Vaud 
406 HRPAYCHQSTEEADR S_L4H_49001731 BAdI: Determine Employee Address 
407 HRPAYCHQSTEEADR_PR S_L4H_49001732 BAdI: Formatting of Employee Address for Print Form 
408 HRPAYCH_YEARENDPAYM S_L4H_49003087 BAdI: Payment of Year-End Bonus 
409 HRPAYES_BANK_TRANSF S_L4H_49001556 BAdI: Control default data for report RPCDTAE0 
410 HRPAYES_EREE0 S_L7D_24002230 BAdI: Check default data for report RPCEREE0 
411 HRPAYES_FINE0 S_L7D_24001563 BAdI: Check default data for Company Certificate 
412 HRPAYPT_ABSENCE_PNAB S_L4H_49002353 BAdI: absence handling in function PNAB 
413 HRPAYPT_CA_SURCHARGE S_L4H_49002420 BAdI: Christmas allowance surcharge 
414 HRPAYRU_RESS_PAYSLIP S_XC0_18000298 BAdI: Remuneration Statement Can Only Be Accessed Using ESS 
415 HRPAYRU_TAX_APKEY S_L7D_24000832 BAdI: Define Additional Key for Tax Assignment 
416 HRPAYUS_ESS_PAYSLIP S_PL0_09000387 BAdI: Remuneration statement only accessible via Internet 
417 HRPAYUS_ESS_PDF S_PL0_09000386 Provide remuneration statement in internet as .pdf 
418 HRPAYUS_TCRT_NEGCHK S_P7H_77000136 BAdI: Control Processing of Negative YTD Amounts in Table TCRT 
419 HRPAY_FR_FEAT_FQIJS S_L4H_49001322 Set up professional attributes 
420 HRPBC_FTE_700 S_PLN_06000121 Activate 1:1 Convertion of Full-Time Equivalents 
421 HRPDV00APPRAISAL0003 S_AC0_52000525 BAdI: Extended Check If Appraisals Can Be Created 
422 HRPDV00APPRAISAL0005 S_AC0_52000524 BAdI: Authorization Check for IT 0002 to Display Appraisee 
423 HRPFD02CAP S_L4H_49002557 BAdI: Override and Download Reporting Data MELAP 563 
424 HRPFD02CAP_565 S_L4H_49002675 BAdI: Override and Download Reporting Data MELAP 565 
425 HRPFDW01 S_AXA_22000054 Pension Fund Selection PC Activities and Value Types 
426 HRPIQ00AGR_APPOBJTXT S_PNI_82001608 BAdI: Additional Information for Academic Offerings 
427 HRPIQ00AGR_COMAPPOBJ S_PNI_82001604 BAdI: Assign Appraisal Type to Appraiser 
428 HRPIQ00AGR_EPACK S_PNI_82001606 BAdI: Determine Which Object is Relevant for Appraisal 
429 HRPIQ00AGR_PERIOD S_PNI_82001607 BAdI: Determine Academic Session for Appraiser 
430 HRPIQ00AGR_US_APPSER S_PNI_82001603 BAdI: Determine Appraiser from User 
431 HRPIQ00COHORTS S_PNI_82001612 BAdI: Override Pushbuttons in the Cohort Builder 
432 HRPTDW01 S_AHR_61016417 Set Up Customer Enhancement 
433 HRPTDW02A S_AHR_61016416 Define Reporting Time Types 
434 HRPTDW02B S_AHR_61016415 Set Up Customer Enhancement 
435 HRPTDW03A S_AHR_61016413 Define Reporting Quota Types 
436 HRPTDW03B S_AHR_61016412 Maintain Customer Enhancement 
437 HRPTDW04 S_L9C_94000478 Define Time Frame for Transfer 
438 HRPTDW05 S_L6B_69000724 BAdI: Take Account of Employees Who Have Joined Company 
439 HRPYCN_CAL_LS_TIME S_L7D_24002298 BAdI: Continuous Sick Leave Period Calculation 
440 HRRSM_EXT_ACT_MAINT S_AHR_61011196 External personnel action types 
441 HRRSM_EXT_COM S_AHR_61011188 Define interface parameters 
442 HRRSM_NUMRANGEDEFINE S_AHR_61011197 Define number ranges 
443 HRTNM_FRT77TNM_SO S_L4H_49002833 Activate Parameters 
444 HRTNM_FR_GENERAL S_L4H_49002831 Trainer Costs: Presentation 
445 HRTNM_FR_T77TNM_CA S_L4H_49002836 Assign Cost Items to the Cost Category Group 
446 HRTNM_FR_TRAINERID34 S_L4H_49002832 Define Trainer ID 
447 HRTNM_FR_V_T77TNM_CC S_L4H_49002835 Assign Cost Category 
448 HRTNM_FR_V_T77TNM_CG S_L4H_49002834 Define Trainer Costs Group 
449 HRTNM_V77TNM_TRAIATT S_L4H_49002680 Define Cost Attributes for Trainer 
450 HRTNM_V_T777TNM_LK S_L4H_49002679 Define Cost item for Trainer Costs 
451 HRTNNM_V_T77TNM_CC S_L4H_49002678 Assign 
452 HRWPC00_HEADCNT2CO S_AX7_68000142 BAdI: Transfer Planing Results to Accounting 
453 HRWPC_EREC_ADD_VALS S_PLN_62000411 BAdI: Define List Field Values 
454 HRWPC_EREC_DATE S_PLN_62000412 BAdI: Initialize Date on Requisition Forms 
455 HRWPC_EREC_MGR_GRP S_PLN_62000413 BAdI: Assign Managers to Groupings 
456 HRWPC_EREC_RECRUITER S_PLN_62000455 BAdI: Enhancement of Recruiter Role in E-Recruiting 
457 HRWPC_PCR_ADD_VALUES S_AX8_68000164 BAdI: Adjust Entry Help in Request Forms 
458 HRWPC_PCR_APPR_FORM S_AX8_68000344 BAdI: Adjust Rule Resolution for Receiving Manager 
459 HRWPC_PCR_APPR_NEXT S_AX8_68000345 BAdI: Adjust Rule Resolution for Higher-Level Manager 
460 HRWPC_PCR_CHECK_DATE S_AX8_68000346 BAdI: Adjust Check for Effective Date 
461 HRWPC_PCR_EEGRP S_AX8_68000162 BAdI: Adjust Employee Groupings 
462 HRWPC_PCR_EFF_DATE S_AX8_68000141 BAdI: Adjust Effective Date for Request Forms 
463 HRWPC_PCR_INIT S_AX8_68000163 BAdI: Adjust Header Data in Request Forms 
464 HRWPC_RC_SHORTPROFIL S_AX8_68000167 BAdI: Adjust HTML Format for Short Profile 
465 HRWPC_RQ_APPR_FORM S_AXA_22000111 BAdI: Modification of Rule Resolution for Approver Form 
466 HRWPC_RQ_APPR_NEXT S_AXA_22000110 BAdI: Modification of Rule Resolution for Next Approver 
467 HRZA00_ESS_PAYSLIP S_PL0_09000329 BAdi: Remuneration Statement Can Only Be Accessed via the Internet 
468 HRZA00_ESS_PDF S_PL0_09000327 Provide Remuneration Statement in the Internet as a PDF 
469 HR_ECM_00_AD_001 S_ALN_01001496 Define Compensation Areas 
470 HR_ECM_00_AD_002 S_ALN_01001498 Define Compensation Plans 
471 HR_ECM_00_AD_003 S_ALN_01001518 Assign Compensation Plan Attributes 
472 HR_ECM_00_AD_004 S_ALN_01001519 Assign Compensation Plan Payroll Data 
473 HR_ECM_00_AD_005 S_ALN_01001520 Define First Compensation Program Groupings 
474 HR_ECM_00_AD_006 S_ALN_01001522 Define Second Compensation Program Groupings 
475 HR_ECM_00_AD_007 S_ALN_01001524 Define Compensation Programs 
476 HR_ECM_00_AD_008 S_ALN_01001499 Define Compensation Reviews 
477 HR_ECM_00_AD_009 S_ALN_01001500 Define Compensation Review Items 
478 HR_ECM_00_AD_010 S_ALN_01001501 Assign Compensation Review Item Attributes 
479 HR_ECM_00_AD_011 S_ALN_01001502 Define Eligibility Rule Variants 
480 HR_ECM_00_AD_012 S_ALN_01001503 Define Eligibility Groupings 
481 HR_ECM_00_AD_013 S_ALN_01001507 Define Eligibility Rules 
482 HR_ECM_00_AD_014 S_ALN_01001506 Define Appraisal Rules 
483 HR_ECM_00_AD_015 S_ALN_01001508 Define Guideline Variants 
484 HR_ECM_00_AD_016 S_ALN_01001509 Define Guideline Groupings 
485 HR_ECM_00_AD_017 S_ALN_01001517 Define Guidelines 
486 HR_ECM_00_AD_018 S_ALN_01001511 Define Guideline Proration Rules 
487 HR_ECM_00_AD_019 S_ALN_01001515 Define Guideline Matrices 
488 HR_ECM_00_AD_020 S_ALN_01001513 Define Matrix Dimensions 
489 HR_ECM_00_AD_021 S_ALN_01001512 Define Methods for Matrix Dimensions 
490 HR_ECM_00_AD_022 S_ALN_01001514 Define Matrix Dimension Segments 
491 HR_ECM_00_AD_023 S_ALN_01001516 Assign Matrix Values 
492 HR_ECM_00_AD_030 S_P7H_77000021 Set Compensation Administration Control Parameters 
493 HR_ECM_00_AD_E01 S_ALN_01002084 Business Add-In: Determine Compensation Area 
494 HR_ECM_00_AD_E02 S_ALN_01002085 Business Add-In: Determine Effective Date 
495 HR_ECM_00_AD_E03 S_ALN_01002086 Business Add-In: Determine Stock Unit for Compensation Review Item 
496 HR_ECM_00_AD_E04 S_ALN_01002087 Business Add-In: Determine Eligibility Grouping 
497 HR_ECM_00_AD_E05 S_ALN_01002088 Business Add-In: Determine Eligibility 
498 HR_ECM_00_AD_E06 S_ALN_01002089 Business Add-In: Determine Guideline Grouping 
499 HR_ECM_00_AD_E07 S_ALN_01002090 Business Add-In: Determine Guideline 
500 HR_ECM_00_AD_E08 S_ALN_01002091 Business Add-In: Determine Calculation Base