SAP ABAP IMG Activity - Index J
IMG Activity - J
# | IMG Activity | Transaction Code | Short Description |
1 | J1AB_LV | S_EB5_05000034 | Maintain Number Ranges |
2 | J1AB_PH | S_SL0_21000023 | Maintain Number Ranges |
3 | J1BECD_NUM | S_EB5_05000368 | Define Number Range for Electronic Accounting File History |
4 | J1BI_NFE | S_P6D_40000143 | Maintain Number Ranges for Electronic Fiscal Documents |
5 | J1BTAX | S_PL0_09000290 | Access Tax Manager's Workplace |
6 | J1I9 | S_KI4_05000153 | Number ranges |
7 | J3RALFFMCHECK | S_ACR_23000615 | Check New Version of Inventory Card |
8 | J3RALFGEN | S_ACR_23000318 | Generate Forms |
9 | J3RALFNRNG | S_E38_98000046 | Define Number Range Intervals for Statutory Forms |
10 | J3RFF4V | S_AC0_52000482 | Define Cash Flow Statement Versions |
11 | J3RFFV4CN | S_EB5_05000472 | Define Cash Flow Statement Versions |
12 | J3RFREGCUSIN | S_EBJ_98000167 | Automatic Registration of Incoming Invoices |
13 | J3RFSTRDIV | S_EBJ_98000204 | Maintain Settings for Structural Divisions |
14 | J3RKBOOL | S_AC0_52000654 | Group Accounting Documents |
15 | J3RKNGLL | S_EB5_05000222 | Use Non-Leading Ledger for Offsetting Account Determination |
16 | J3RS_CDEC_SCR_BADI_H | S_EB5_05000488 | BAdI: Enhancement for CDec Header Screen |
17 | J3RS_CDEC_SCR_BADI_I | S_EB5_05000489 | BAdI: Enhancement for CDec Item Screen |
18 | J3RTAXAS | S_PCO_36000409 | Assign Tax Hierarchies to Company Codes |
19 | J3RTAXDP | S_P7D_67000093 | Maintain Format Versions |
20 | J3RTAXIN | S_PCO_36000405 | Install Table Group |
21 | J3RTAXTEST | S_AC0_52000176 | Check Line Numbers in VAT Returns |
22 | J3RTAXTR | S_PCO_36000408 | Transport Tax Hierarchy |
23 | JAPAN_010 | S_PL0_09000466 | Define Bank Group for Merged Banks (Japan) |
24 | JAPAN_011 | S_AC0_52000065 | Define Branch Group for Merged Banks (Japan) |
25 | JAPAN_012 | S_AC0_52000066 | Define Branch Group for Merged Banks (Japan) |
26 | JBA_SFGDT | S_PLN_06000284 | Modify Risk Object |
27 | JBA_US_PREPAY_AD | S_ALN_01002505 | Activate/Deactivate Prepayment Simulation - Andrew Davidson BADI |
28 | JBA_US_PREPAY_SAP | S_ALN_01002504 | Activate/Deactivate Prepayment Simulation - SAP BADI |
29 | JBA_US_PREP_FACTOR | S_ALN_01002506 | Prepayment Rates Table Used by SAP Standard Prepayment Simulation |
30 | JBDCPNUM | S_ALN_01002335 | Edit Number Ranges for Change Pointer ID |
31 | JBDERH | S_PL9_08000046 | General Settings for Export Relevance |
32 | JBD_AFX_ACT | S_PLN_06000093 | Create Number Range for Activity Log |
33 | JBD_AFX_CUST_DEPLOY | S_PLN_06000094 | Use Global Archiving Control |
34 | JBD_AM_PPJ_APPCUST | S_PLN_06000092 | Maintain Customer Settings for Application Types |
35 | JBD_AM_PPJ_APPREL | S_PLN_06000090 | Maintain Locks of other Application Types Relevant for Application Type |
36 | JBD_AM_PPJ_DISTR | S_PLN_06000091 | Maintain Job Distribution |
37 | JBD_CHGPTR_MONITOR | S_PL9_08000045 | Overview of Change Pointers |
38 | JBD_CHGRELCUST | S_PL9_08000043 | Set Exceptions for Change Relevance |
39 | JBD_EXPACTCUST | S_PL9_08000041 | General Export Settings |
40 | JBD_EXPORT | S_PL9_08000044 | Start Export |
41 | JBD_EXPRELCUST | S_PL9_08000042 | Settings for Export Relevance |
42 | JBP_BADI_AFIXP | S_PLN_62000767 | BAdI After Calling Fixed Procedures |
43 | JBP_BADI_AFLEXP | S_PLN_62000769 | BAdI After Calling Flexible Procedures |
44 | JBP_BADI_BFIXP | S_PLN_62000766 | BAdI Prior to Calling Fixed Procedures |
45 | JBP_BADI_BFLEXP | S_PLN_62000768 | BAdI Prior to Calling Flexible Procedures |
46 | JBP_CUS_DIST_DER1 | S_PLN_06000128 | Define Derivation Strategy for Target Segment |
47 | JBP_FTP_CALCULATR_PA | S_PLN_62000791 | BAdI for Opportunity Procedures: Weighted Independent Tranches |
48 | JBT_FTP_CALCULATR_PA | S_PLN_62000790 | BAdI for Procedures: Weighted Independent Tranches |
49 | JBT_VA_AR_AC_VI | S_PLN_62000754 | Activate TRM Valuation Area for Position Evaluation |
50 | JHVMSTZ_EOB | S_KK4_82001527 | Determine Status for Each Revenue Object Document Item |
51 | JITOUT_NUMBER_GET | S_ALI_97000050 | BAdI: Nummer Assignment for JIT Outbound Items |
52 | JITO_ACTION | S_KA5_12001363 | BAdI: Define Customer-specific Actions |
53 | JITO_CREATE | S_KA5_12001364 | BAdI: Adjust Data on Creation of an Outbound JIT Call |
54 | JITO_DELCON | S_KA5_12001365 | BAdI: Adjust Delivery Confirmations Outbound |
55 | JITO_IDOC | S_KA5_12001366 | BAdI: Adjust IDoc Data |
56 | JITO_LAYOUT | S_KA5_12001367 | BAdI: Adjust Layout of Reports and Lists |
57 | JIT_DELCON | S_KA5_12001368 | BAdI: Process Delivery Confirmations |
58 | JIT_FIND_SA | S_ALI_97000049 | BAdI: Find Scheduling Agreement |
59 | JIT_GM_TYPE | S_ALI_97000044 | BAdI: Movement Type for Stock Transfer |
60 | JIT_MONITOR | S_KA5_12001369 | BAdI: Enhance JIT Monitoring |
61 | JIT_NUMBER | S_KA5_12001370 | BAdI: Assign Internal Number Ranges for JIT Basic Data |
62 | JJJKJK | S_PL0_09000279 | jkllkkljjkl |
63 | JKSDQEVENT_NRKREIS | S_PNI_68000208 | Number Range Maintenance for Events |
64 | JKSDQFAREASEG | S_KK4_82001540 | Assign Planning Areas to Planning Segments |
65 | JKSDVQFAREA | S_KK4_82001539 | Planning Areas |
66 | JOBEINPLAN | S_ALR_87008378 | Define Conversion Sequence and Assign Server |
67 | JPINVSUM007 | S_PCO_36000421 | Implementation: Change Statement |
68 | JPINVSUM_001 | S_PCO_36000082 | Basic Settings |
69 | JPINVSUM_002 | S_PCO_36000083 | Define Line Items |
70 | JPINVSUM_003 | S_PCO_36000084 | Maintain Virtual Accounts |
71 | JPINVSUM_004 | S_PCO_36000092 | Maintain Bank Charges |
72 | JPINVSUM_005 | S_PCO_36000093 | Maintain Number Ranges |
73 | JPINVSUM_006 | S_PCO_36000094 | BAdI: Due Date Determination |
74 | JPINVSUM_008 | S_PCO_36000447 | Implementation: Add Customer Data (1) |
75 | JPINVSUM_009 | S_PCO_36000448 | Implementation: Add Customer Data (2) |
76 | JPINVSUM_010 | S_PCO_36000449 | Master Data |
77 | JPINVSUM_011 | S_PCO_36000453 | Post Tax Adjustment |
78 | JPINVSUM_012 | S_P7D_67000067 | BAdI: Invoice Summary Items |
79 | JPINVSUM_CUSTI01 | S_E4A_94000179 | Customizing Include: Extend Invoice Summary Header |
80 | JPINVSUM_CUSTI02 | S_E4A_94000180 | Customizing Include: Add Fields to Output File |
81 | JPVMPMASTER | S_KK4_82001536 | Quantity Planning (Master-Slave) |
82 | J_1AAA_DOC_KLASSE | S_ALR_87008323 | Official Document Class for Maintaining Asset Waybills |
83 | J_1AAA_FORM | S_ALR_87008322 | Assign Forms for Asset Waybills |
84 | J_1AACTIVITY_GIT4 | S_ALR_87003113 | Define Activity Codes for Gross Income Tax |
85 | J_1AACTIVITY_SSWT4 | S_ALR_87003115 | Define Activity Codes for Social Security Insurance |
86 | J_1AASSIGN_BR_PLSL | S_ALR_87000134 | Assign Issuing Subsidiary to Plant/Storage Location |
87 | J_1AASSIGN_BR_SA | S_ALR_87007615 | Assign Issuing Branch To Sales Area |
88 | J_1AASSIGN_BR_SHIP | S_ALR_87006727 | Assign Issuing Branch to Shipping Point |
89 | J_1AASSIGN_CODES4 | S_ALR_87004775 | Assign Official Tax Code to Processing Keys |
90 | J_1AASSIGN_DC_DT | S_ALR_87006721 | Assign Document Class to Delivery Type |
91 | J_1AASSIGN_FISC_TYP2 | S_ALR_87003093 | Assign Fiscal Type |
92 | J_1AASSIGN_FISC_TYPE | S_ALR_87003223 | Assign Fiscal Type |
93 | J_1ABRANCH_DELIVERY | S_ALR_87007610 | Copy Branch From Delivery |
94 | J_1ACLASS_DOCFI4 | S_ALR_87003694 | Check Assignment of Document Class to Document Type |
95 | J_1ADEFINE_REL_MTYPE | S_ALR_87000171 | Activate Numbering for Movement Types |
96 | J_1ADEF_OFF_TAX_COD4 | S_ALR_87004797 | Maintain Official Tax Codes |
97 | J_1ADISCOUNT_TYPE4 | S_ALR_87003358 | Configure Automatic Generation of Cash Discount Documents |
98 | J_1ADRVERSION4 | S_ALR_87004793 | Maintain Versions for Tax on Sales/Purchases Daily Report |
99 | J_1AFISCAL_TYPE1 | S_ALR_87003096 | Define Fiscal Type |
100 | J_1AFISCAL_TYPE4 | S_ALR_87003249 | Define Fiscal Type |
101 | J_1AFOREIGN_PERSON4 | S_ALR_87004707 | Maintain Identification Numbers for Foreign Persons |
102 | J_1AGI_DIST_TYPES4 | S_ALR_87003112 | Define Distribution Type for Gross Income Tax |
103 | J_1AGI_LAYOUT4 | S_ALR_87004765 | Maintain Forms |
104 | J_1AGI_PERCENTAGE4 | S_ALR_87004758 | Maintain Percentage Rates |
105 | J_1AGL_ACC_INFLATION | S_ALR_87003627 | Maintain Inflation Key |
106 | J_1AINFMTYV | S_EBS_44000525 | Maintain Movement Types for Goods Receipt Revaluation |
107 | J_1ALETTER_DOC_CLAS4 | S_ALR_87003089 | Assign Capital Letter to Fiscal Type |
108 | J_1AMMINF_MOVEMENT | S_ALR_87001894 | Maintain Movement Types for Goods Issue Revaluation |
109 | J_1AMULT_AGREEMENT4 | S_ALR_87004761 | Maintain Coefficients |
110 | J_1AOFF_DOC_ASSIGN4 | S_ALR_87004789 | Assign Official D.G.I. Document Types |
111 | J_1AOFF_TYPE_MAINT4 | S_ALR_87004783 | Maintain Official D.G.I. Document Types |
112 | J_1APAYMN | S_AC0_52000381 | Assign AFIP Payment Means to Payment Methods |
113 | J_1AREASON_DEF4 | S_ALR_87003243 | Define Reasons |
114 | J_1AREASON_PER_TAXC4 | S_ALR_87003246 | Assign Reasons to Tax Codes |
115 | J_1AR_GRIDT | S_EB5_05000625 | Maintain Distribution Types for Gross Income Perception Tax |
116 | J_1ASALES_ORG_EXT | S_ALR_87007613 | Assign tax indicator to sales organization |
117 | J_1ATAXCAT_BKRS_INFD | S_ALR_87003295 | Maintain Company Code Tax Categories for Accounts Receivable |
118 | J_1ATAXCAT_BKRS_INFK | S_ALR_87003298 | Maintain Company Code Tax Categories for Accounts Payable |
119 | J_1ATAX_CAT | S_ALR_87003293 | Maintain Tax Categories |
120 | J_1ATAX_CLASSIF4 | S_ALR_87003303 | Maintain Tax Classification |
121 | J_1ATAX_ID4 | S_ALR_87004713 | Maintain Tax Classes |
122 | J_1ATAX_MINIMUM4 | S_ALR_87003300 | Maintain Minimum Amounts per Processing Key |
123 | J_1ATIDSW | S_ALR_87004720 | Identification Type: Self-Withholding |
124 | J_1ATJ1AB_CN | S_EB5_05000495 | Maintain Number Ranges |
125 | J_1ATJ1AB_ID | S_P7D_67000072 | Maintain Number Ranges |
126 | J_1ATJ1AB_PH | S_SL0_21000024 | Maintain Number Ranges |
127 | J_1ATJ1AB_VE | S_E4A_94000006 | Maintain Number Ranges |
128 | J_1ATVKO | S_ALR_87006728 | Specify Numbering Time |
129 | J_1ATYPE_OF_ID4 | S_ALR_87003285 | Define ID Type |
130 | J_1ATYPE_OF_ID5 | S_ALR_87003087 | Define ID Type |
131 | J_1AVEBRCH | S_EB5_05000116 | Define Electronic Branches |
132 | J_1AWTH_VTAX | S_EBJ_98000112 | Maintain Conditions for Applying Withholding Tax Code |
133 | J_1A_AA_INFL_KLASSE | S_ALR_87008318 | Assign Revalution Keys to Asset Classes |
134 | J_1A_AA_PER_KONTR | S_ALR_87008321 | Maintain Period Control Methods |
135 | J_1A_AA_REV_ADD_SET | S_ALR_87008317 | Maintain Additional Settings for Inflation Transaction Types |
136 | J_1A_AA_REV_BEREICH | S_ALR_87008320 | Maintain Revaluation Areas |
137 | J_1A_AA_REV_SCHL | S_ALR_87008319 | Maintain Revaluation Keys |
138 | J_1A_ASSIGNMENT_KEYS | S_ALR_87001497 | Define Assignment Keys |
139 | J_1A_BRA_ASSIGNMENT | S_ALR_87001495 | Define Branch Assignment for Automatic Postings |
140 | J_1A_CI_LIMIT | S_P6B_12000026 | Define Limits for Credit Invoices |
141 | J_1A_CI_OT_INSTNO | S_P6B_12000027 | Assign Output Types to Installment Numbers |
142 | J_1A_CTYCODE | S_EBS_44000342 | Maintain Country Codes |
143 | J_1A_CURCODE | S_EBS_44000343 | Maintain Currency Codes |
144 | J_1A_INFLATION_INDEX | S_ALR_87003624 | Maintain Inflation Indexes |
145 | J_1A_INFLATION_METH | S_ALR_87003623 | Maintain Inflation Methods |
146 | J_1A_INFL_ACC_DET | S_ALR_87003374 | Maintain G/L Accounts for Inflation Postings |
147 | J_1A_MM_INF_CLS | S_ALR_87001885 | Maintain Material Inflation Classes |
148 | J_1A_POSTING_VARIANT | S_ALR_87003626 | Maintain Posting Variants |
149 | J_1A_RFC_DEST | S_EBS_44000492 | Define Settings for Web Services |
150 | J_1A_TIME_BASE_VAR | S_ALR_87003625 | Maintain Time Base and Exposure to Inflation Variants |
151 | J_1A_UOMCODE | S_EBS_44000344 | Maintain Unit of Measure |
152 | J_1A_V_CAE_REJCD | S_EB5_05000117 | Maintain AFIP Return Codes and Descriptions |
153 | J_1A_WS_COND_MAP | S_EBS_44000493 | Assign Condition Types to Material Codes |
154 | J_1BACCESS_SEQUENCES | S_ALR_87008335 | Access Sequences |
155 | J_1BAJV | S_PL0_09000372 | Define Tax Types |
156 | J_1BAMH | S_EBS_44000715 | Define Screen Controls for Fields (Header) |
157 | J_1BAMIT | S_EBS_44000714 | Define Screen Controls for Fields (Item) |
158 | J_1BAOXV | S_P9C_18000050 | Define Exceptions for Incoming Goods Movements and Returns |
159 | J_1BAPXV | S_P9C_18000051 | Define Exceptions for Outgoing Goods Movements and Returns |
160 | J_1BASSBRANCH | S_ALR_87008344 | Assign Business Places to Plants |
161 | J_1BATL1V | S_ALR_87003317 | Define ICMS Tax Laws |
162 | J_1BATL2V | S_ALR_87003315 | Define IPI Tax Laws |
163 | J_1BATL3V | S_P6D_40000015 | Define ISS Tax Laws |
164 | J_1BATL4V | S_P7D_67000101 | Define COFINS Tax Laws |
165 | J_1BATL5V | S_P7D_67000100 | Define PIS Tax Laws |
166 | J_1BAUTO_NFTEXTS | S_ALR_87007639 | Maintain Automatic Nota Fiscal Header Texts |
167 | J_1BBRANCV | S_SL0_21000017 | Define Business Places |
168 | J_1BBRANCV_TW | S_PL0_86000001 | Define Business Places |
169 | J_1BBRANCV_VE | S_E4A_94000001 | Define Business Places |
170 | J_1BBRCREATE | S_ALR_87008343 | Define Business Places |
171 | J_1BCBTAXPROCV | S_P6B_12000180 | Specify Calc. Procedures for Condition-Based Tax Calculation |
172 | J_1BCFOP_DESCRIPT | S_ALR_87008348 | Define CFOP Codes and Assign Version |
173 | J_1BCFOP_MM | S_ALR_87008347 | Define CFOP Determination for Goods Receipts and Returns (Versioned) |
174 | J_1BCFOP_SD | S_ALR_87008345 | Define CFOP Determination for Goods Issues and Returns (Versioned) |
175 | J_1BCFOP_XREGV | S_P9C_18000049 | Assign Validity Date to CFOP Versions |
176 | J_1BCODES | S_ALR_87002359 | Error Codes |
177 | J_1BCONDITION_TYPES | S_ALR_87008334 | Condition Types |
178 | J_1BCONDMAPV | S_PL0_09000324 | Define Internal Codes for Tax Conditions |
179 | J_1BCONDTAXACT | S_PL0_09000316 | Activate Condition Generation |
180 | J_1BCONTAB_CHANGE | S_ALR_87008338 | Change |
181 | J_1BCONTAB_CREATE | S_ALR_87008331 | Create |
182 | J_1BCONTAB_DISPLAY | S_ALR_87008337 | Display |
183 | J_1BCONTAB_FIELD_CAT | S_ALR_87008336 | Field Catalog |
184 | J_1BCTE_IV | S_EBJ_98000121 | BAdI: Fill CT-e Data During Invoice Verification |
185 | J_1BCTE_PAR_MAPV | S_EBJ_98000018 | Map CT-e Partners to NF Partner Functions |
186 | J_1BCTE_SD | S_EBJ_98000132 | BAdI: Import Outgoing CT-e Data |
187 | J_1BCTE_SELECT_SRVPO | S_EBJ_98000133 | BAdI: Select Service Master Used in Dynamic Exceptions |
188 | J_1BCUST_GROUPS_ST | S_ALR_87003290 | Define Customer Groups for SubTrib Calculation |
189 | J_1BDF_STAT_TAXV | S_EBS_44000692 | Set Tax Type as Statistical for Specific Scenarios |
190 | J_1BECD_CUST01V | S_EB5_05000354 | Define Government Entities for ECD |
191 | J_1BECD_CUST02V | S_EB5_05000355 | Define Qualification for Person Responsible |
192 | J_1BECD_CUST03V | S_EB5_05000356 | Maintain Person Responsible |
193 | J_1BECD_CUST05V | S_EB5_05000359 | Define Register Category |
194 | J_1BECD_CUST06V | S_EB5_05000358 | Define Intercompany Relations |
195 | J_1BECD_CUST07V | S_EB5_05000357 | Define Intercompany Relations Codes |
196 | J_1BECD_CUST08VC | S_EB5_05000369 | Define Subledgers |
197 | J_1BEFDV_COUNTRY | S_P7D_67000150 | Assign BCB Country Codes to ISO Country Codes |
198 | J_1BE_SNDR_DTL | S_P7D_67000188 | Maintain Sender Data for Withholding Tax Reporting |
199 | J_1BFORM_MASTER | S_ALR_87008346 | Define Forms |
200 | J_1BFORM_NUMBER_RANG | S_ALR_87008329 | Maintain Number Ranges |
201 | J_1BGENSERVTV | S_P6D_40000022 | Define Generic Service Types |
202 | J_1BGROUP_NUMBER | S_ALR_87008330 | Define Number Groups |
203 | J_1BIMPCONDAS_V | S_EBS_44000518 | Assign Tax Types to Tax Groups for Import Data Upload |
204 | J_1BIMPLAYOUT_V | S_EBS_44000519 | Record MS Excel Layouts for Import Data |
205 | J_1BIMPLAYOUT_VC | S_EBJ_98000001 | Define MS Excel Layouts for Data Upload |
206 | J_1BIMPXLSMAP_V | S_EBS_44000520 | Map MS Excel Columns to Data Structure Fields |
207 | J_1BIM_INVADJ_MMTTYP | S_EBJ_98000381 | Determine Movement Types for Inventory Adjustment |
208 | J_1BIM_INVADJ_TAXCOD | S_EBJ_98000382 | Determine Tax Code for Inventory Adjustment |
209 | J_1BIM_NF_MVMT_TPYES | S_PL0_09000193 | Maintain Movement Types for Vendor Invoices |
210 | J_1BIM_NF_TYPE | S_ALR_87000508 | Maintain Nota Fiscal Category Derivation |
211 | J_1BIM_TAX_POSTING | S_ALR_87000532 | Maintain Tax Posting String |
212 | J_1BKON1MMVV | S_P6D_40000018 | Define Which Taxes Are Included in MM Price Conditions |
213 | J_1BKON1MSVV | S_P7D_67000076 | Define Which Taxes Are Included in MM-SRV Price Conditions |
214 | J_1BKON1SDVV | S_P6D_40000019 | Define Which Taxes Are Included in SD Price Conditions |
215 | J_1BKON1V | S_P7D_67000060 | Define Which Taxes Are Included in MM-SRV Price Conditions |
216 | J_1BLB08 | S_ALR_87004748 | Modelo 8 - Special Accounts |
217 | J_1BLB09 | S_ALR_87004726 | Modelo 9 - Special Accounts |
218 | J_1BLFD1 | S_PL0_86000003 | Maintain Product Lists |
219 | J_1BMAT_DOCU_LINES | S_ALR_87002376 | Material Document Lines |
220 | J_1BMGROUP | S_ALR_87008340 | Assign NCM Codes to Material Groups |
221 | J_1BMWSKZKALSMV | S_PL0_09000328 | Assign Alternative Calculation Procedure per FI/MM Tax Code |
222 | J_1BNBMCODE | S_ALR_87008342 | Define NCM Codes |
223 | J_1BNFENUMCHECK | S_EB5_05000396 | Maintain Last Used Number for NF-e Number Range |
224 | J_1BNFENUMCHECKV | S_EB5_05000397 | Maintain Last Checked Number for Fiscal Document Number Range |
225 | J_1BNFE_CANCELRV | S_E4A_94000058 | Define Cancellation Reasons |
226 | J_1BNFE_CONTINRV | S_EBS_44000508 | Define Contingency Reasons |
227 | J_1BNFE_CUSTINAUTO | S_EBS_44000190 | Customizing for Incoming NF-e Automation |
228 | J_1BNFE_EVEGRPVC | S_EBS_44000474 | Group Internal Event Codes |
229 | J_1BNFE_EVEMAPV | S_EBS_44000473 | Enter Official Event Codes and Map to Internal Codes |
230 | J_1BNFE_IN | S_EBS_44000136 | BAdI: Conversions for Incoming NF-e Automation |
231 | J_1BNFE_PROCPV | S_EBS_44000521 | Assign Delivery Type to Incoming NF-e Processes |
232 | J_1BNFE_PROCV | S_EBS_44000091 | Assign NF Type to Incoming NF-e Processes |
233 | J_1BNFE_PROCV_CTE | S_E17_83000002 | Assign NF Type to Incoming CT-e Processes |
234 | J_1BNFE_SETINAUTOCTE | S_E17_83000001 | Create RFC Connection to SAP BusinessObjects NFE |
235 | J_1BNFE_SETUPINAUTO | S_EBS_44000513 | Create RFC Connection to SAP BusinessObjects NFE |
236 | J_1BNFITEM_TYPE | S_ALR_87002467 | Line Category |
237 | J_1BNFLWCONDMMV | S_PL0_09000323 | Map MM Tax Laws to Nota Fiscal Fields |
238 | J_1BNFTXCONDMMV | S_PL0_09000317 | Map MM Tax Values to Nota Fiscal Fields |
239 | J_1BNFTXCONDV | S_PL0_09000318 | Map SD Tax Values to Nota Fiscal Fields |
240 | J_1BNFTYPEREDLFV | S_EB5_05000384 | Define NF Type Determination for Vendors |
241 | J_1BNFTYPEREDMMV | S_P6D_40000144 | Define NF Type Redetermination for Goods Movements |
242 | J_1BNFW_SCC | S_EBJ_98000303 | Define Screen Controls for Tabs and Subscreens (Header) |
243 | J_1BNFW_SCCIT | S_EBJ_98000302 | Define Screen Controls for Tabs and Subscreens (Item) |
244 | J_1BNF_ADD_DATA | S_EBJ_98000301 | BAdI: Additional Data for Nota Fiscal |
245 | J_1BNF_CHECK_PERIOD | S_EB5_05000672 | BAdI: Check Period of Notas Fiscais |
246 | J_1BNF_ITEM_TYPE | S_P6B_12000023 | Define Nota Fiscal Item Types |
247 | J_1BNF_PLANTSV | S_EBS_44000448 | Enable NF Issue Within Same Business Place |
248 | J_1BNF_TYPE_MASTER | S_ALR_87008341 | Define Nota Fiscal Types |
249 | J_1BNUMBER_RANGES | S_ALR_87008339 | Maintain Number Ranges |
250 | J_1BOUTPUT_DET_PROC | S_ALR_87008333 | Output Determination Procedure |
251 | J_1BOUT_COND_CHANGE | S_ALR_87008326 | Change |
252 | J_1BOUT_COND_CREATE | S_ALR_87008327 | Create |
253 | J_1BOUT_COND_DISPLAY | S_ALR_87008325 | Display |
254 | J_1BPIS_V_CFOP | S_EBS_44000425 | Maintain CFOP for EFD-Contributions |
255 | J_1BPIS_V_CFOP2 | S_EBS_44000494 | Maintain CFOP by Company Code for EFD-Contributions |
256 | J_1BPROCESSING_PROGS | S_ALR_87008324 | Processing Programs |
257 | J_1BREF_ASSIGNMENT | S_ALR_87008332 | Assign Screen Controls to NF Type |
258 | J_1BSDFK | S_ALR_87007624 | Maintain Billing Types |
259 | J_1BSDIC | S_ALR_87007627 | Maintain Billing Document Item Category |
260 | J_1BSDICA | S_ALR_87007634 | Maintain Sales Document Item Category |
261 | J_1BSDKON0 | S_ALR_87007621 | Special Conditions For Pricing |
262 | J_1BSERIES_NFNUMBER | S_ALR_87008328 | Assign Numbering and Printing Parameters |
263 | J_1BSERVASSIGN1V | S_P6D_40000023 | Assign Official Service Types to Generic Service Types |
264 | J_1BSERVASSIGN2V | S_P6D_40000024 | Assign Official Service Types to Material Numbers |
265 | J_1BSERVASSIGN3V | S_AC0_52000746 | Assign Official Service Types to Services |
266 | J_1BSERVTYPES1V | S_P6D_40000020 | Define Official Service Types for Incoming Notas Fiscaís |
267 | J_1BSERVTYPES2V | S_P6D_40000021 | Define Official Service Types for Outgoing Notas Fiscaís |
268 | J_1BSTSCODEV | S_P6D_40000142 | Define Official Status Codes |
269 | J_1BT001WV | S_SL0_21000019 | Assign Business Places to Plants |
270 | J_1BTANP | S_EBJ_98000325 | Define ANP Code |
271 | J_1BTAX | S_PL0_09000289 | Access Tax Manager's Workplace |
272 | J_1BTAXSITCOFV | S_P7D_67000099 | Define COFINS Tax Situations |
273 | J_1BTAXSITISSV | S_P7D_67000091 | Define ISS Tax Situations |
274 | J_1BTAXSITPISV | S_P7D_67000098 | Define PIS Tax Situations |
275 | J_1BTAXSITUATIONIPI | S_ALR_87003312 | Define IPI Tax Situations |
276 | J_1BTAX_DEFAULT_RATE | S_ALR_87003324 | Maintain Default Tax Rate Values |
277 | J_1BTAX_GROUPING | S_ALR_87100866 | Define Tax Groups for Dynamic Exceptions |
278 | J_1BTAX_ICMS_COMPLEM | S_ALR_87003230 | Maintain ICMS-Complement Exceptions |
279 | J_1BTAX_ICMS_EXCEPT1 | S_ALR_87100868 | Maintain ICMS Dynamic Exceptions |
280 | J_1BTAX_ICMS_EXCEPTI | S_ALR_87003334 | Maintain ICMS Material-Dependent Exceptions |
281 | J_1BTAX_ICMS_GENERAL | S_ALR_87003332 | Maintain ICMS Values |
282 | J_1BTAX_IPI | S_ALR_87003326 | Maintain IPI Values |
283 | J_1BTAX_IPI_EXCEPT | S_ALR_87003329 | Maintain IPI Material-Dependent Exceptions |
284 | J_1BTAX_ISS_EXCEPT2 | S_P00_07000001 | Maintain ISS Dynamic Exceptions |
285 | J_1BTAX_REGIONS | S_ALR_87003319 | Define Brazilian Tax Regions and Assign to Geograph. Regions |
286 | J_1BTAX_REG_EXPORT | S_ALR_87003305 | Define Tax Regions for Foreign Customers/Vendors |
287 | J_1BTAX_SUBST_TRIBEX | S_ALR_87003236 | Maintain SubTrib Material-Dependent Exceptions |
288 | J_1BTAX_SUBST_TRIBUT | S_ALR_87003232 | Maintain SubTrib Values |
289 | J_1BTCNAE | S_EBJ_98000318 | Define CNAE |
290 | J_1BTCOMSIZE | S_EBJ_98000323 | Define Company Size |
291 | J_1BTDECREGPC | S_EBJ_98000324 | Define Declaration Regimen |
292 | J_1BTEXT_KEYS | S_ALR_87002482 | Automatic Texts |
293 | J_1BTICMSTAXPAY | S_EBJ_98000320 | Define Type of ICMS Taxpayer |
294 | J_1BTINDTYP | S_EBJ_98000321 | Define Industry Main Type |
295 | J_1BTLEGALNAT | S_EBJ_98000319 | Define Legal Nature |
296 | J_1BTMAN_TC_RSNV | S_EBJ_98000326 | Define Reason for Manual Tax Code |
297 | J_1BTNBSV | S_EBJ_98000267 | Define NBS Codes |
298 | J_1BTREG_CITYV | S_P6D_40000017 | Assign Postal Codes to Tax Jurisdiction Codes |
299 | J_1BTSPEC_CFOPV | S_EBJ_98000328 | Define Special Case for CFOP Determination |
300 | J_1BTTDT | S_EBJ_98000322 | Define Type of Tax Declaration |
301 | J_1BTVAKU | S_ALR_87007608 | Assign Nota Fiscal Type to Sales Document Types |
302 | J_1BTXCODESEQ | S_PL0_09000291 | Define Sequence for SD Tax Code Determination |
303 | J_1BTXCOFV | S_P6D_40000014 | Maintain COFINS Values |
304 | J_1BTXCOND | S_PL0_09000325 | Assign Condition Types to Internal Codes for Tax Conditions |
305 | J_1BTXIS1 | S_ALR_87003239 | Maintain ISS Values |
306 | J_1BTXISSV | S_P6D_40000012 | Maintain ISS Values |
307 | J_1BTXJURV | S_P6D_40000016 | Define Tax Jurisdiction Codes |
308 | J_1BTXLAWSEQ | S_PL0_09000303 | Define Sequence for SD Tax Law Determination |
309 | J_1BTXMMCV | S_ALR_87003321 | Define FI/MM Tax Codes |
310 | J_1BTXPISV | S_P6D_40000013 | Maintain PIS Values |
311 | J_1BTXSDCV | S_ALR_87003336 | Define SD Tax Codes |
312 | J_1BTXST3V | S_PL0_09000292 | Maintain SubTrib Dynamic Exceptions |
313 | J_1BTXWITHV | S_P6D_40000030 | Maintain Withholding Tax Rates and Assign Official Collection Codes |
314 | J_1BTX_FLEX_CBT | S_EBJ_98000083 | Define Flexible PIS/COFINS Bases for FI/MM Tax Codes (CBT) |
315 | J_1BTX_FLEX_CLAS | S_EBJ_98000084 | Define Flexible PIS/COFINS Bases for FI/MM Tax Codes (Clas. Tax. Calc.) |
316 | J_1BTX_IPI_EXCEPT2 | S_ALR_87100870 | Maintain IPI Dynamic Exceptions |
317 | J_1BVALUE_TRANSFER | S_ALR_87002478 | Value Determination |
318 | J_1BVIEWMAP | S_PL0_09000326 | Assign Condition Tables to Tax Tables |
319 | J_1BWHT_BR_EXT | S_AC0_52000532 | BAdI: Extension to Brazilian Withholding Tax |
320 | J_1BWITH_HOLD_TRANS | S_ALR_87002366 | Withholding Tax Value Determination |
321 | J_1B_CFOP_VERSION | S_P6B_12000024 | Define CFOP Versions |
322 | J_1B_CIAP_COND | S_AC0_52000742 | Define CIAP Conditions |
323 | J_1B_CIAP_FACTOR | S_AC0_52000743 | Define CIAP Factors |
324 | J_1B_NFTYPEBRCHV | S_P6D_40000147 | Define NF Type Redetermination per Business Place |
325 | J_1B_NFTYPEREGV | S_P6D_40000148 | Define NF Type Redetermination per Region |
326 | J_1B_RANGE_NUMBER | S_AC0_52000015 | BAdI: Numbering and Printing Parameters |
327 | J_1ICERT | S_AL0_96000171 | Maintain Number Ranges |
328 | J_1IDDCTR_CD | S_EBS_44000104 | Maintain Deductor Types |
329 | J_1IEWTCALID | S_AL0_96000154 | Assign Factory Calendars to Business Places |
330 | J_1IEWTCALID_N | S_EB5_05000391 | Assign Factory Calendars to Section Codes |
331 | J_1IEWTDOCKEY | S_AL0_96000161 | Specify Document Type |
332 | J_1IEWTDOCKEY1 | S_AL0_96000180 | Specify Document Type |
333 | J_1IEWTDTCHLN | S_AL0_96000366 | Maintain Document Type |
334 | J_1IEWTDUEDATE | S_AL0_96000155 | Maintain Tax Due Dates |
335 | J_1IEWTHKONT | S_AL0_96000162 | Specify Which G/L Accounts to Post Withholding Tax To |
336 | J_1IEWTHKONT1 | S_AL0_96000182 | Specify G/L Accounts for Journal Voucher Losses |
337 | J_1IEWTNO | S_AL0_96000167 | Maintain Number Ranges |
338 | J_1IEWTNUM | S_AL0_96000166 | Assign Number Ranges to Number Groups |
339 | J_1IEWTNUMGR | S_AL0_96000165 | Maintain Number Groups |
340 | J_1IEWTPROVISACC | S_AL0_96000168 | Specify Which Accounts Are Liable to Withholding Tax |
341 | J_1IEWTSURC | S_AL0_96000159 | Maintain Surcharge Tax Codes (Separate Tax Codes) |
342 | J_1IEWT_CERT | S_AL0_96000169 | Maintain Number Groups and SAPscript Forms |
343 | J_1IEWT_CERTNO | S_AL0_96000170 | Assign Number Ranges to Number Groups |
344 | J_1IEWT_CERTNO_WT | S_AL0_96000256 | Assign Number Ranges to Number Groups |
345 | J_1IEWT_COLLCODE | S_EB5_05000276 | Maintain Collection Codes |
346 | J_1IEWT_COMP | S_AL0_96000158 | Maintain Surcharge Calculation Methods |
347 | J_1IEWT_CUST | S_AL0_96000163 | Posting of Withholding Tax Certificates from Customers |
348 | J_1IEWT_CUSTV | S_AL0_96000164 | Specify Document Type (Accounts Payable) |
349 | J_1IEWT_HEALTH_CHECK | S_AL0_96000172 | Health Check |
350 | J_1IEWT_MIGRATE | S_AL0_96000173 | Migration Program |
351 | J_1IEWT_MIGRATE2 | S_AL0_96000221 | Map Tax Codes |
352 | J_1IEWT_SURC1 | S_AL0_96000160 | Maintain Surcharge Rates (Surcharges Combined with Basic WH Tax Codes) |
353 | J_1IEWT_TT_COLL | S_EB5_05000277 | Assign Tax Types to Collection Codes |
354 | J_1IEXCACC | S_AL0_96000107 | Specify G/L Accounts per Excise Transaction |
355 | J_1IEXCDEF | S_AL0_96000105 | Maintain Excise Defaults |
356 | J_1IEXCREF | S_AL0_96000116 | Assign Billing Types to Delivery Types |
357 | J_1IEXGRPS | S_AL0_96000102 | Maintain Excise Groups |
358 | J_1IEXSRDET | S_AL0_96000118 | Maintain Default Excise Groups and Series Groups |
359 | J_1IEX_CUST_ACT | S_AL0_96000110 | Define Processing Modes Per Transaction |
360 | J_1IEX_CUST_FLDS | Incoming Invoices field selections | |
361 | J_1IEX_CUST_REF | S_AL0_96000111 | Define Reference Documents Per Transaction |
362 | J_1IEX_SFAC | S_AL0_96000109 | Select Fields |
363 | J_1IINDCUS | Company Settings | |
364 | J_1IIN_SD_001 | S_AL0_96000187 | Pricing Procedure for Factory Sales |
365 | J_1IJ1I9 | S_AL0_96000119 | Number Ranges |
366 | J_1IMESG | S_AL0_96000121 | Message Control |
367 | J_1IMINBAL | S_AL0_96000108 | Maintain Minimum Balances for Excise Accounts |
368 | J_1IMNSTRY_CD | S_EBS_44000105 | Maintain Ministry Names |
369 | J_1IMVMT | S_AL0_96000113 | Specify Which Movement Types Involve Excise Invoices |
370 | J_1IMVTGRP | S_AL0_96000115 | Maintain Movement Type Groups |
371 | J_1IN0002 | S_AL0_96000809 | Activate Country Version India for Specific Fiscal Years |
372 | J_1IN0004 | S_AL0_96000810 | Activate Business Transaction Events |
373 | J_1IN0005 | Make Sure That Posting Keys Are Deductible | |
374 | J_1IN0006 | Specify G/L Accounts for Taxes | |
375 | J_1IREGSET | S_AL0_96000099 | Maintain Excise Registrations |
376 | J_1IREJMAS | S_AL0_96000112 | Maintain Rejection Codes |
377 | J_1IRELN | CIN 3.0A Release Notes | |
378 | J_1IRSNCODEM | S_EB5_05000390 | Classify Exemption Reasons |
379 | J_1ISERACC | S_EBS_44000041 | Assign Service Tax Accounts |
380 | J_1ISERCAT | S_EBS_44000042 | Maintain Service Tax Categories |
381 | J_1ISERCATSD1 | S_EBS_44000047 | Determine Service Category Based on Customer, G/L Account, and Tax Code |
382 | J_1ISERCATSD2 | S_EBS_44000048 | Determine Service Category Based on Customer and Tax Code |
383 | J_1ISRGRPS | S_AL0_96000104 | Maintain Series Groups |
384 | J_1ISTAPPL | Define tax applicability codes | |
385 | J_1ISUBATT | S_AL0_96000114 | Subcontracting Attributes |
386 | J_1ISUBTYP_TXT | S_PCO_36000389 | Maintain Subtransaction Types |
387 | J_1ITAXIND | Tax indicator maintenance | |
388 | J_1ITDSCERT | Certificate Printing | |
389 | J_1ITDSDUE | S_AL0_96000176 | Payment Due Date Maintenance |
390 | J_1ITDSNO | Certificate Number Range | |
391 | J_1ITDSSEC | S_AL0_96000174 | TDS Section Maintenance |
392 | J_1ITDSTXC | S_AL0_96000175 | Assign TDS Sections to Tax Codes |
393 | J_1ITRNACC | S_AL0_96000106 | Specify Excise Accounts per Excise Transaction |
394 | J_1IUTILIZE | S_AL0_96000117 | Utilization Determination |
395 | J_1IVFRTYP | S_AL0_96000122 | Define Form Types |
396 | J_1IVSERCATMM | S_EBS_44000044 | Determine Service Category for GTA and Imports |
397 | J_1IVSERCATMM1 | S_EBS_44000060 | Determine Service Category Based on Material, Tax Code, and Vendor |
398 | J_1IVSERCATMM2 | S_EBS_44000061 | Determine Service Category Based on Material and Vendor |
399 | J_1IVSERCATMM3 | S_EBS_44000062 | Determine Service Category Based on Material and Tax Code |
400 | J_1IVSERCATMM4 | S_EBS_44000063 | Determine Service Category Based on Material |
401 | J_1IVSERCATMM5 | S_EBS_44000064 | Determine Service Category Based on Material Group |
402 | J_1IVSERCATMMFI1 | S_EBS_44000052 | Determine Service Category Based on G/L Account, Tax Code, and Vendor |
403 | J_1IVSERCATMMFI2 | S_EBS_44000053 | Determine Service Category Based on Tax Code and Vendor |
404 | J_1IVSERCATMMFI3 | S_EBS_44000054 | Determine Service Category Based on G/L Account and Tax Code |
405 | J_1IVSERCATMMFI4 | S_EBS_44000055 | Determine Service Category Based on Tax Code |
406 | J_1IVSERCATSD1 | S_EBS_44000056 | Determine Service Category Based on Customer, Material, and Sales Area |
407 | J_1IVSERCATSD2 | S_EBS_44000057 | Determine Service Category Based on Customer and Material |
408 | J_1IVSERCATSD3 | S_EBS_44000058 | Determine Service Category Based on Material |
409 | J_1IVSERCATSD4 | S_EBS_44000059 | Determine Service Category Based on Material Group |
410 | J_1IVSERCATSDFI3 | S_EBS_44000049 | Determine Service Category Based on G/L Account and Tax Code |
411 | J_1IVSERCATSDFI4 | S_EBS_44000050 | Determine Service Category Based on Tax Code |
412 | J_1IVTTXID | S_AL0_96000120 | Long Texts |
413 | J_1IVWTH_SER_MM | S_EBS_44000045 | Determine Withholding Line for GTA and Imports |
414 | J_1IWRKCUS | S_AL0_96000103 | Maintain Plant Settings |
415 | J_1I_BCKEXCSUS | S_P7D_67000049 | Excise Invoice Capture Against Delivery in the Background |
416 | J_1I_BUPLA_SECCO | S_EB5_05000278 | Assign Business Places to Section Codes |
417 | J_1I_SECCO_CIT | S_EBS_44000107 | Maintain Section Code, TAN, and CIT Address |
418 | J_1I_WTH_SER_GTA | S_EBS_44000043 | Determine Withholding Line for GTA |
419 | J_2ILAYCTR | S_AL0_96000123 | Specify SAPscript Forms |
420 | J_3GABLGVG | New Logik SD Settlement PBE as TBE | |
421 | J_3GARCHIV | Number Range Interval for Archiving | |
422 | J_3GARCH_VERS | Insurance Data for Equipment | |
423 | J_3GBALDAUER | Retention Period for SD Order Log Objects | |
424 | J_3GBELAMA | Assign Sale/Repurchase for Material Deliveries | |
425 | J_3GBESART | Inventory Management per Equipment Type for Shipping Documents | |
426 | J_3GBLART_WF | Workflow Indicator per Document Type | |
427 | J_3GDRUCK_BELART | Assign Print Parameters per Document Type | |
428 | J_3GFIAA | Activate Workflow for Asset Class | |
429 | J_3GFRISTBTLA | Usage Period Deadlines per Transaction Type and Activity Type | |
430 | J_3GFRISTLAZU | Assign Activity Types to Deadline Surcharges | |
431 | J_3GGBBKVB | Sales Area per Company Code/Business Area/Plant | |
432 | J_3GKONZAB | Consolidated Mapping Category and Settlement Dates | |
433 | J_3GLKOST | Default Loading Costs Indicator/Provision Fee | |
434 | J_3GMCID | Matchcode ID for Selecting WBS Element (Project Definition) | |
435 | J_3GMMINTEG_MOVTYPE | Define MM Movement Types Relevant to ETM | |
436 | J_3GMM_BADI_ACTIVE | Activate MM Event Creation | |
437 | J_3GNUMKAU | Assign Number Range Intervals for SD Order Types | |
438 | J_3GPSKOKM | WBS Element per Controlling Area for Material Sales | |
439 | J_3GRVLAUF | Number Range Interval for Settlement Run | |
440 | J_3GSPABRK_V | Block Settlement Calendar with Released Records | |
441 | J_3GSTLKOP | Number Range Interval for BOMs | |
442 | J_3GV_ABGRFMAT | Maintain Material Removal Sequence Dep. on Activity Type | |
443 | J_3GV_ABLE | Define Rejection Reasons | |
444 | J_3GV_ABRMTART | Settlement in MM per Material Type | |
445 | J_3GV_BAMTART | Material Types per Document Type | |
446 | J_3GV_BESTFART | Define Inventory Management Types for Material | |
447 | J_3GV_BESTMTART | Inventory Management in ETM per Material Type | |
448 | J_3GV_BLAR1 | Link Document Types with SD Document Types | |
449 | J_3GV_DEMEQUI | Default Recipient for Equipment per Organizational Structure | |
450 | J_3GV_DISPOB | Determine Planning Areas | |
451 | J_3GV_EMPFBFART | Assign Inv. Mgmt Type to Activity Type per Recipient Type | |
452 | J_3GV_EMTLAD | Activity Type Default in Document Entry for Material | |
453 | J_3GV_KSCHLFRIST | Deadline Logic per Condition Type | |
454 | J_3GV_KSCHLUMB | Assign Condition Types for Transfer Postings | |
455 | J_3GV_LAMTART | Activity Types per Material Type | |
456 | J_3GV_LA_P | Actvty Types for Determ. Utiliztn of Capacity in Usage Statement | |
457 | J_3GV_MELD01 | Determine Message/Output Control for Planning | |
458 | J_3GV_MELD02 | Determine Message Control for Planning Board | |
459 | J_3GV_MEMPFDOM | Assign Dominance Indicator per Document Type | |
460 | J_3GV_MEMPFMIT | Intermediate Recipient Indicator for Material Shipping | |
461 | J_3GV_MITTLE | Intermediate Recipient per Organizational Structure | |
462 | J_3GV_T160M_01 | Detemine Message/Output Control for Package Entry | |
463 | J_3GV_T160M_02 | Determine Output/Message Control for Equipment Master Record | |
464 | J_3GV_T160M_03 | Determine Output/Message Control for Recipient Master Record | |
465 | J_3GV_T160M_04 | Determine Output/Message Control for BOMs | |
466 | J_3GV_T160M_05 | Determine Message/Output Control for SD Order Entry | |
467 | J_3GV_TVKO_IV | Customer Internal Settlement per Sales Organization in ETM | |
468 | J_3GV_TVTA_GRE | Business Area Account Assignment | |
469 | J_3GV_UMLFIX | Determine Org. Structure Access for Fixed CO Object | |
470 | J_3GV_ZUAB | Define Reasons for Movement for Shipping Documents | |
471 | J_3GWFCEM1 | Activate Workflow for ETM | |
472 | J_3G_ABGRIFF | Maintain Activity Types for Equipment Removal Sequence | |
473 | J_3G_ARCH_BOM | Bill of Material | |
474 | J_3G_ARCH_CONDIT | Condition Records | |
475 | J_3G_ARCH_KATAL | Catalog | |
476 | J_3G_ARCH_LG | Performance-Based Equipment Document | |
477 | J_3G_ARCH_REQ | Requisition Note | |
478 | J_3G_ARCH_VS | Shipping Document | |
479 | J_3G_BADI_VS | BAdI: Shipping Document | |
480 | J_3G_BAUBELEG | Determine Indicator for SD Document Types | |
481 | J_3G_BELEG | Define Document Types | |
482 | J_3G_BELEGNR | Define Document Number Ranges | |
483 | J_3G_BENFELDER | Define User-Specific Fields | |
484 | J_3G_BERECHT | Define Recipient Authorization Groups | |
485 | J_3G_BERECHTIG | Maintain Authorizations | |
486 | J_3G_BERSTANDLIST | Users Authorized to Define Standard List | |
487 | J_3G_BESTBELTYP | Determine Inventory Management Type per Document Category | |
488 | J_3G_BESTEQUILEIST | Stock Check per Equi. Type for Performance-Based Equi. | |
489 | J_3G_BILDAUFBAU | Determine Screen Layout for Shipping Documents | |
490 | J_3G_BILDLEIST | Determine Screen Layout for PBE Documents | |
491 | J_3G_BILDVERS | Screen Layout for Entering Insurance Data | |
492 | J_3G_BUCHUNG | Determine Posting Rules | |
493 | J_3G_CHARGE | Batch Determination in Shipping Document | |
494 | J_3G_CO_BADI_IMPLEM | BADI Implementation for Converting Units of Measure | |
495 | J_3G_CO_KALSM | Condition Types Indicator - Conversion of UoM | |
496 | J_3G_CO_UNIT | CO Line Item Conversion of Unit of Measure in Days | |
497 | J_3G_DISPO_BADI_PT01 | BAdI: ETM Planning Board | |
498 | J_3G_DISPO_BADI_PT02 | BAdI: Planning Board - Define Individual Function Codes | |
499 | J_3G_DISPO_BADI_REQ | BAdI: ETM Requisition Note | |
500 | J_3G_DISPO_BD_NUM | Determine Number Range for Requisition Note |