SAP ABAP IMG Activity - Index L
IMG Activity - L
# | IMG Activity | Transaction Code | Short Description |
1 | L2TC_COMP_EXP | S_EBJ_98000248 | Define Compression Logic |
2 | L2TVC_CONDICOMM | S_EBJ_98000111 | Assign Commodity IDs to Condition Types |
3 | L2TVC_CONDICOMM_M | S_EBJ_98000264 | Define Commodity Settings for MM Condition Types |
4 | L2TVC_CONDICOMM_V | S_EBJ_98000265 | Define Commodity Settings for SD Condition Types |
5 | L2TVV_160M | S_EBJ_98000243 | Define Attributes of System Messages |
6 | L2TV_CONDICOMM | S_EBS_44000370 | Assign Commodity IDs to Condition Types |
7 | L2TV_IM_RELEVANT | S_EBJ_98000146 | Define Relevance Settings |
8 | L2TV_IM_SETTINGS | S_EBJ_98000249 | Define General Settings |
9 | L2TV_RDP_PROFILE | S_EBJ_98000015 | Define Risk Distribution Plan Profiles |
10 | L2TV_RDP_T161 | S_EBJ_98000016 | Assign RDP Profile to Purchase Contract Type |
11 | L2TV_RDP_TVAK | S_EBJ_98000017 | Assign RDP Profile to Sales Contract Type |
12 | L2TV_SETTINGS_PO | S_EBJ_98000240 | Define Exposure Update for Purchase Orders |
13 | L2TV_SETTINGS_VA | S_EBJ_98000239 | Define Exposure Update for Sales Documents |
14 | LAUNCHPAD_MT_BADI | S_AEN_10000754 | Create Customer-Specific Enhancements for the Report LaunchPad |
15 | LAUNCHPAD_QI_BADI | S_AEN_10000766 | Create Customer-Specific Enhancements for the Report LaunchPad |
16 | LAYOUT_ERGEBNISDB | S_KFM_86000129 | Define Initial Layout |
17 | LBWG_SD | S_EBS_44000356 | Delete Data in New Setup Tables |
18 | LEDSP_SPLIT_EXECUTE | S_AL0_96000398 | Business Add-In for Subsequent Outbound Delivery Split |
19 | LEGACY_AUTO_MONITOR | S_GF1_13000183 | Activities for Legacy Automated Monitoring |
20 | LEITWAHRUNGEN | S_ALR_87009304 | Define Leading Currency |
21 | LE_POD_REASON_CODE | S_EB5_05000206 | BAdI: Determine Reason for Deviation in Proof of Delivery |
22 | LE_SD_ANALYTICS | S_EBS_44000117 | Analytical Functions |
23 | LE_SHP_DELIVERY_PROC | S_AL0_96000392 | Business Add-In for Delivery Processing |
24 | LE_SHP_GN_DLV_CREATE | S_AC0_52000485 | Business Add-In for Transferring Fields from General Delivery Interface |
25 | LE_SHP_GOODMOVEMENT | S_AL0_96000394 | Business Add-In for Posting Goods Movements |
26 | LE_SHP_ITEM_STATUS | S_AC0_52000486 | Business Add-In for Controlling the Delivery Item Status |
27 | LE_SHP_PRICING | S_AL0_96000393 | Business Add-In for Price Determination in the Delivery |
28 | LE_SHP_TAB_CUST_HEAD | S_AL0_96000395 | Business Add-In for Additional Header Detail Screen in Delivery Transaction |
29 | LE_SHP_TAB_CUST_ITEM | S_AL0_96000396 | Business Add-In for Additional Item Detail Screen in Delivery Transaction |
30 | LE_SHP_TAB_CUST_OVER | S_AL0_96000397 | Business Add-In for Additional Overview Screen in Delivery Transaction |
31 | LE_SHP_WS_MONITOR_OU | S_YDH_92000049 | BAdI: Enhancement of the Delivery Monitor Lists |
32 | LE_WM_INV_WM_IM | S_AL0_96000415 | Business Add-In for Entering Inventory Data in Inventory Management |
33 | LE_WM_LATER_DN | S_AL0_96000521 | Business Add-In for Influencing Delayed Delivery Update |
34 | LE_WM_LE_QUANT | S_AL0_96000410 | Business Add-In for Quant Determination |
35 | LE_WM_REPPL_BADI_01 | S_XB4_60000075 | Business Add-In for Replication of Deliveries to External WMS |
36 | LE_WM_RF_QUEUE | S_AL0_96000413 | Business Add-In for Queue Determination |
37 | LE_WM_SE_HUMOVE | S_EE5_50000115 | Business Add-In for Integration of SAP AII |
38 | LE_WM_STORAGETYPE_HU | S_AL0_96000411 | Business Add-In for Determining Storage Type |
39 | LE_WM_SUTYPE_HU | S_AL0_96000412 | Business Add-In for Determining Storage Unit Type |
40 | LGEBS42 | S_ALI_97000040 | Maintain Selection Profile |
41 | LGEBS52 | S_ALI_97000039 | Create Authorization Keys for User Status Authorizations |
42 | LGEOIBS | S_ALI_97000038 | Define Status Profile |
43 | LGE_SUBSCR_ACL | S_KA5_12001392 | Add-In: Log Entry Subscreen |
44 | LGN_SUBSCR_ACL | S_ALI_97000061 | Add-In: Log Notification Customer Subscreen |
45 | LIM_ART_TR | S_ALR_87007825 | Define Limit Types |
46 | LIM_PROD_GRP_TR | S_ALR_87007798 | Define Limit Product Groups |
47 | LIQUISZEN | S_AEN_10000804 | Define Liquidation Scenarios |
48 | LIQUISZEN_ZUORD | S_AEN_10000805 | Assign Liquidation Scenarios to Valuation Rules |
49 | LIS_CUSTEX_TIS | S_ALR_87000766 | Perform statistical setup: TIS - transport documents |
50 | LIS_MC3V | S_ALR_87000701 | U3 Update (Collective Update) |
51 | LIS_TIS | S_ALR_87000965 | Perform Setup - Transportation |
52 | LMIKLFZ | S_KFM_86000265 | Activate/Deactivate Financial Object Integration |
53 | LOECH_PD_255 | S_P00_07000310 | Maintain Basic Settings for Digital Signature |
54 | LOECH_PD_280 | S_P00_07000311 | Specify Signature Method for Approval Using Simple Signature |
55 | LOG_TRM_INT_OVERVIEW | S_EBS_44000417 | Overview of Configuration and Customizing Activities |
56 | LOG_TRM_INT_RELBADI | S_EBS_44000446 | BAdI Implementation: Relevance Determination for Logistics-TRM Integration |
57 | LOG_TRM_UPD_EXPOS | S_EBS_44000387 | BAdI: Change Raw Exposures |
58 | LOG_TRM_UPD_EXPOSURE | S_EBS_44000380 | BAdI: Logistics Treasury Integration - Change Raw Exposure |
59 | LOMD_VC_CUSTOMER_EXP | S_AL0_96000724 | Prepare Modification-Free Enhancement of Customer Master Record |
60 | LOMD_VC_VENDOR_EXP | S_AL0_96000725 | Prepare Modification-Free Enhancement of Vendor Master Record |
61 | LOP_CAT | S_EBJ_98000027 | Maintain Logistical Option Category |
62 | LOP_DECL_CAT | S_EBJ_98000022 | Maintain Declaration Date Category |
63 | LOP_DECL_DAT_GRP | S_EBJ_98000023 | Maintain Declaration Date Group |
64 | LOP_EXERCISE_CHECK | S_EBJ_98000260 | BAdI: Check Option Before Exercising or Resetting |
65 | LOP_EXERCISE_PUBLISH | S_EBJ_98000261 | BAdI: Publish Option After Exercising or Resetting |
66 | LOP_GRP | S_EBJ_98000028 | Maintain Logistical Option Group |
67 | LOP_NUM_RANGE | S_EBJ_98000019 | Maintain Number Ranges |
68 | LOP_PPE_EVENTS | S_EBJ_98000021 | Define Pricing and Payment Events |
69 | LOP_TDID_HD | S_EBJ_98000024 | Maintain Header Text IDs |
70 | LOP_TDID_IT | S_EBJ_98000025 | Maintain Item Text IDs |
71 | LOP_TXT_GRP | S_EBJ_98000026 | Maintain Text Group |
72 | LOP_V_C_MAIN | S_EBJ_98000020 | Maintain General Settings |
73 | LO_S95_ALERT | S_AEN_10000348 | Assign Alert Categories to the S95 Message Types |
74 | LO_S95_BADI_ALERT | S_AEN_10000337 | BAdI: S95 Alerts |
75 | LO_S95_BADI_ENHANCE | S_AEN_10000338 | BAdI: S95 Enhancements |
76 | LO_S95_BADI_S95_INT | S_AEN_10000335 | BAdI: S95 Interface (to be deleted) |
77 | LO_S95_CUSTOMIZING | S_AEN_10000345 | ANSI / ISA S95 |
78 | LO_S95_CUST_OPEN | S_AEN_10000336 | S95 Customizing - information to be provided |
79 | LO_S95_GEN_SETTINGS | S_AEN_10000349 | Activate S95-Based Shop-Floor Integration |
80 | LO_S95_XI_DEST | S_AEN_10000350 | Maintain the XI Destination for the ANSI/ISA S95 Interface |
81 | LPCONFIG | S_X1D_36000009 | Create Logical Ports |
82 | LPD_BUYER | S_EBS_44000408 | Setting Up Launchpad (For Buyer Role Release 1.5 and Higher) |
83 | LPD_CUST | S_B20_88000165 | Set Up Launchpads |
84 | LPD_CUST_ISR | S_EB5_05000740 | Set Up Launchpad (ABAP) (New) |
85 | LPD_CUST_ISR_5 | S_EBS_44000215 | Set Up Launchpad (ABAP) (New) |
86 | LPD_MP_REP_CUST | S_EAE_99000037 | Set Up LaunchPad for Maintenance Planner |
87 | LPD_MS_REP_CUST | S_EAE_99000036 | Set Up LaunchPad for Maintenance Supervisor |
88 | LPD_MT_REP_CUST | S_EAE_99000038 | Set Up LaunchPad for Maintenance Technician |
89 | LPD_QI_REP_CUST | S_E36_82000042 | Set Up Launchpad for Quality Inspector |
90 | LSB_V_T7UNPAD_EGPSH | S_PAD_19000120 | Maintain Flat Rate for Lumpsum Payment of Book Expense |
91 | LZB-KZ | S_ALR_87003717 | Define SCB Indicators for Expense/Revenue Group |