SAP ABAP IMG Activity - Index O
IMG Activity - O
# IMG Activity Transaction Code Short Description
1 OAAD S_BCE_68001749 Document Administration 
2 OACK ECKE_BCE68001685 Check Basic Customizing 
3 OACK_FRONTEND S_BCE_68001742 Front End Communication Customizing Check 
4 OADFFCUST S_B6A_52000002 Register Document Areas and Create Aggregated Document Areas 
5 OADV1 S_ALR_87006075 Number Ranges, Layout 
6 OADV3 S_ALR_87099936 Assignment of Layout Number Ranges in ALE Inbound 
7 OADV4 S_ALR_87100094 Catalog Code Number Ranges 
8 OADV5 S_ALR_87100095 Maintain Product Catalog Type 
9 OADV6 S_P99_41000053 Define Change Pointers 
10 OADV7 S_P99_41000054 Activate Change Pointers 
11 OAFRPBS_T5F99A0 S_XC0_18000198  
12 OAFRPBS_T5F99A3 S_XC0_18000197  
13 OAG4 S_BCE_68001741 Make Settings for Storage and Display 
14 OAHIEPEN4 S_AHR_61019262 Check Pension Wage Type Group 
15 OAHITAS74 S_AHR_61013788 Check wage type characteristics 
16 OALE_ACTIVMONI_SE38 S_BCE_68000320 Define variants 
17 OALE_ACTIVMONI_SM36 S_BCE_68000319 Schedule Job 
18 OALE_ADMIN S_BCE_68001912 IDoc Administration 
19 OALE_AENDDEL_SE38 S_BCE_68001931 Define Variants 
20 OALE_AENDERDEL_SE38 S_BCE_68001932 Define Variants 
21 OALE_ALEMONGRP S_BCE_68000650 Create and Activate ALE Monitoring Object 
22 OALE_ALE_PROCESSES S_BCE_68000565 Maintain distribution model automatically with references 
23 OALE_APPLIC_STAT S_BCE_68001598 Activate Update 
24 OALE_AUDITJOB_SM36 S_BCE_68000327 Schedule Job 
25 OALE_AUDITVAR_SE38 S_BCE_68000334 Define Variant 
26 OALE_AUTHOR_SU03 S_BCE_68000356 Assign Required Authorizations 
27 OALE_AUTOPARTN_BD82 S_BCE_68000324 Generate Partner Profiles 
28 OALE_BD68 S_BCE_68001451 Assign Classes to Receiving Logical System 
29 OALE_BD68_2 S_BCE_68002003 Assign Classes to Receiving Logical System 
30 OALE_CATSES_01 S_ALR_87100056 Transfer of Time Data to Time Sheet 
31 OALE_CATSES_02 S_ALR_87100057 Using the Worklist 
32 OALE_CATSES_03 S_ALR_87100058 Select Data 
33 OALE_CATSES_04 S_ALR_87100119 Transfer Master Data to External System 
34 OALE_CATSHR_01 S_ALR_87008625 Distributing the Required Master Data 
35 OALE_CATSHR_02 S_ALR_87008614 Distributing Time Data Overviews 
36 OALE_CATSHR_03 S_ALR_87008622 Accessing Overviews of Time Data in the HR system 
37 OALE_CATSHR_04 S_ALR_87008629 Different Payment 
38 OALE_CATSHR_06 S_ALR_87008621 Recording Attendance/Absence 
39 OALE_CATSHR_07 S_ALR_87008628 Global Checks Against Data in HR System 
40 OALE_CATSHR_08 S_ALR_87008627 Transferring Time Data Entered to HR 
41 OALE_CATSHR_09 S_ALR_87008626 Displaying Follow-on Document in HR 
42 OALE_CATSHR_10 S_ALR_87008615 Recording Travel Expenses 
43 OALE_CATSHR_11 S_ALR_87008613 Recording Attendances/Absences 
44 OALE_CATSHR_12 S_ALR_87008620 Different Payment 
45 OALE_CATSHR_13 S_ALR_87008619 Global Checks Against Data in the HR System 
46 OALE_CATSHR_14 S_ALR_87008618 Transferring Time Data Entered to HR 
47 OALE_CATSHR_15 S_ALR_87008617 Displaying Follow-on Document in HR 
48 OALE_CATSHR_16 S_ALR_87008616 Recording Travel Expenses 
49 OALE_CATSHR_17 S_ALR_87008624 Distributing External Services Data (MM-SRV) 
50 OALE_CATSHR_18 S_ALR_87008630 Recording Time Data as EE Remuneration Information 
51 OALE_CATSHR_19 S_ALR_87008612 Recording Time Data as EE Remuneration Information 
52 OALE_CATSHR_20 S_ALR_87008623 Transporting Tables 
53 OALE_CHECKCONTRMODEL S_BCE_68000354 Check Consistency of Customizing Distribution 
54 OALE_CHGPNTMSGT_BD50 S_BCE_68000308 Activate Change Pointers for Message Types 
55 OALE_CHGPNTRALL_BD61 S_BCE_68000309 Activate Change Pointers - Generally 
56 OALE_CHNGACCT_OBV6 S_ALR_87006633 Set account conversion 
57 OALE_CL01_CL02 S_ALR_87009588 Maintain Classes 
58 OALE_CL01_CL02_2 S_BCE_68002006 Maintain Classes 
59 OALE_CLASSTYP_O022 S_ALR_87009587 Maintain Class Types 
60 OALE_CLASSTYP_O022_2 S_BCE_68002005 Maintain Class Types 
61 OALE_CLEARACT_OBV5 S_ALR_87006631 Maintain clearing accounts for decentralized systems 
62 OALE_COMPNRANGE_BD70 S_BCE_68000338 Check Consistency of Application Number Ranges 
63 OALE_CONDAT_CONDA2 S_BCE_68000663 Generate Distribution Groups from CONDAT Filter Objects 
64 OALE_CONSCHECK_SE38 S_BCE_68000337 Define Variant 
65 OALE_CONSCHECK_SM36 S_BCE_68000336 Schedule Job 
66 OALE_CONTROLMOD_BD64 S_BCE_68000362 Maintain Customizing Data Distribution 
67 OALE_CONVRULEDEF S_ALR_87008962 Create Rule 
68 OALE_CONVRULEDEF2 S_BCE_68001982 Create Rule 
69 OALE_CONVRULEDEV S_BCE_68001980 Create Rule 
70 OALE_CONVRULEDEV2 S_BCE_68001981 Create Rule 
71 OALE_CONVRULEMAINT S_ALR_87008963 Maintain Rules 
72 OALE_CONVRULEMAINT2 S_BCE_68001983 Maintain Rules 
73 OALE_CUSPARTCHK_BDM3 S_BCE_68000333 Check Technical Consistency 
74 OALE_DATNAM S_BCE_68001913 Function Module for Generating File Names 
75 OALE_DISTR_GRP_BD64 S_BCE_68001272 Model Distribution 
76 OALE_DISTR_GRP_DISPL S_BCE_68000659 Display Customizing Objects by Group in Model 
77 OALE_DISTR_GRP_DIST S_BCE_68000662 Distribute Distribution Groups 
78 OALE_DISTR_GRP_MAINT S_BCE_68000657 Maintain Distribution Groups 
79 OALE_DISTR_GRP_SHOW S_BCE_68000661 Make Customizing Objects Visible in IMG 
80 OALE_DSTSCN_ACCCO S_ALR_87006635 Cost Center Accounting 
81 OALE_DSTSCN_ACCSL S_ALR_87006646 Special Ledger 
82 OALE_DSTSCN_CDLIS S_ALR_87008590 Cumulative Data Transfer 
83 OALE_DSTSCN_COABC S_P99_41000198 Activity-Based Costing 
84 OALE_DSTSCN_COPA S_ALR_87006672 Profitability Analysis 
85 OALE_DSTSCN_CREDIT S_ALR_87008563 Distributed Credit Management 
86 OALE_DSTSCN_DSALCSHP S_ALR_87008556 Separate Sales and Shipping 
87 OALE_DSTSCN_DSTCNTRK S_ALR_87008555 Purchasing: Distributed Contracts 
88 OALE_DSTSCN_FIAA S_ALR_87008507 Asset Accounting Settings 
89 OALE_DSTSCN_INVCONTR S_ALR_87008589 Inventory Information System 
90 OALE_DSTSCN_KONSOL S_ALR_87006673 Consolidation 
91 OALE_DSTSCN_PPCOPA S_ALR_87008591 Product Costing 
92 OALE_DSTSCN_PPPOI S_ALR_87008584 External Product Planning Optimization 
93 OALE_DSTSCN_PPREP S_ALR_87008592 Production Program Reporting 
94 OALE_DSTSCN_PURCHINF S_ALR_87008588 Purchasing Information System 
95 OALE_DSTSCN_SALESINF S_ALR_87008587 Sales and Distribution Information System 
96 OALE_DSTSCN_SDMM S_ALR_87008557 Stock Transfer Between Distributed Systems 
97 OALE_DSTSCN_SOP S_ALR_87008593 Sales and Operations Planning 
98 OALE_DSTSCN_TRCM S_ALR_87006671 Set distributed cash management 
99 OALE_ERRPROCODE_WE40 S_BCE_68000321 Define Error Process Code 
100 OALE_FICHECK S_ALR_87006634 Check Application Consistency 
101 OALE_FILTEROUT_BD56 S_BCE_68000314 Filter IDoc Segments 
102 OALE_FIVZROLLUP S_ALR_87006630 Initialize rollups for monthly debits and credits 
103 OALE_HRDST_01 S_AHR_61000388 Set Transfer of HR Master Data from External Systems 
104 OALE_HRDST_04 S_AHR_61000404 Create Sales Personnel in HR 
105 OALE_HRDST_07 S_AHR_61000405 Set Partner Functions PM/QM/CS 
106 OALE_HRDST_08 S_AHR_61000406 Set Partner Functions for SD 
107 OALE_HRDST_12 S_AHR_61000391 Set Business Event Billing 
108 OALE_HRDST_13 S_AHR_61000393 Business Event Attendees: Set Up Customer 
109 OALE_HRDST_14 S_AHR_61000377 Business Event Attendees: Set Contact Persons 
110 OALE_HRDST_15 S_AHR_61000378 Set Up Material as Resource in Training and Event Management 
111 OALE_HRDST_16_1 S_AHR_61000396 Set Up 'HR and Accounting from Release 4.0A' Scenario 
112 OALE_HRDST_16_3 S_AHR_61000399 'HR Rel.earlier than 4.0A and Acctg Rel. from 4.0A' scenario 
113 OALE_HRDST_21 S_AHR_61000348 Set Activity Allocation for Training & Event Management 
114 OALE_HRDST_22 S_AHR_61000361 Set Cost Transfer Posting for Training and Event Management 
115 OALE_HRDST_23 S_AHR_61000401 Set Third Party Remittance 
116 OALE_HRDST_24 S_AHR_61000407 Set Remuneration Statement 
117 OALE_HRDST_26 S_AHR_61000346 Set Creditors from HR Master Data 
118 OALE_HRDST_27 S_AHR_61000347 Set Input Tax Code in HR Travel Customizing 
119 OALE_HRDST_30 S_AHR_61000362 Set Payment Method and Bank Information 
120 OALE_HRDST_33 S_AHR_61000390 Set Distribution of Trip Accounting Results 
121 OALE_HRDST_40 S_AHR_61000363 HR Payroll: Construction Industry 
122 OALE_HRDST_50 S_AHR_61018747 Local validation for coding block 
123 OALE_HRDST_51 S_PH0_48000468 Remote Check (Status of HR and AC: 4.6 Minimum) 
124 OALE_HRDST_52 S_PH0_48000469 Remote Check (Status of HR: 4.6 Minimum, Status of AC: 4.5 Maximum) 
125 OALE_HRDST_CMPLTI S_AHR_61019291 Read Market Value of Awards From Treasury 
126 OALE_HRDST_PAINW S_AHR_61000380 Set Up Confirmations from PP/PI/PM/CS/PS 
127 OALE_HRDST_PAPAY S_AHR_61000397 'HR Rel. 4.0A and Acctg Release Earlier than 4.0' Scenario 
128 OALE_HRDST_PATIM001 S_AHR_61000394 Set Activity Allocation for Time Management 
129 OALE_HRDST_PATRV S_AHR_61000350 Set Up Trip Costs Transfer to FI 
130 OALE_HRDST_PATRV_01 S_AHR_61000351 Travel Management and Accounting are Release 4.5A or Later 
131 OALE_HRDST_PATRV_02 S_AHR_61000352 Travel Management (Rel. 4.5A), Accounting (Prior to 4.5A) 
132 OALE_HRDST_PATRV_03 S_AHR_61000353 Travel Mgt (Prior to Rel. 4.5A), Accounting (as of 4.5A) 
133 OALE_HRDST_PATRV_04 S_AHR_61000354 Configure Integration of Travel Management and Funds Management 
134 OALE_HRDST_PATRV_05 S_AEN_10000930 Set Up Integration of cProjects and Travel Expenses 
135 OALE_HRDST_PCPCO S_AHR_61000349 Configure Scenario 'HR or Accounting With Release Earlier Than 4.6A' 
136 OALE_HRDST_PCPCO_02 S_AHR_61012647 Szenario 'HR und RW mit Release ab 4.6A' einstellen 
137 OALE_HRDST_PCPCO_03 S_PLN_16000333 Configure Scenario 'HR Release as of 4.70 and AC Release as of 4.6A' 
138 OALE_HRDST_PP08001 S_AHR_61000381 Daily Work Schedule at Logistics Work Center 
139 OALE_HRDST_PP08002 S_AHR_61000402 Set Work Center Integration 
140 OALE_HRDST_PP08003 S_AHR_61000384 Qualifications and Requirements Profiles in Logistics 
141 OALE_HRDST_PP08004 S_AHR_61000403 Assignment of Employees in Logistics 
142 OALE_HRDST_PP08005 S_AHR_61000383 Availability of Employees in Logistics 
143 OALE_HRDST_PP08025 S_AHR_61000400 Set Up Data Medium Exchange for Payroll Results 
144 OALE_HRDST_PP08031 S_AHR_61006671 Set Prenotification 
145 OALE_HRDST_PP08034 S_AHR_61000387 Distribute HR Master Data 
146 OALE_HRDST_PP08035 S_AHR_61000385 Set Distribution of Cost Centers 
147 OALE_HRIF_AUTOCUST S_AHR_61000345 Auto-Customizing 
148 OALE_IDOCNUMR_OYSN S_BCE_68000394 Define Number Range for IDocs 
149 OALE_IDOCONVOUT_BD55 S_BCE_68000328 Assign Conversion Rule to IDoc Segment Type 
150 OALE_IDOCRED_BD53 S_BCE_68000305 Create Reduced Message Type 
151 OALE_INPUTJOB_SM36 S_BCE_68000332 Schedule Job 
152 OALE_INPUTVAR_SE38 S_BCE_68000299 Define Variant 
153 OALE_ISOCODES S_BCE_68000349 Define ISO Codes for Countries, Currencies and Units of Measure 
154 OALE_ISOCODES_OY01 S_P00_07000308 Define ISO Codes for Countries 
155 OALE_LISTINGS_BD68 S_BCE_68000303 Assign Classes to Receiving Logical System 
156 OALE_LISTMODELL_BD64 S_BCE_68000302 Model Distribution Using Classes 
157 OALE_LOGSYSDEST_BD97 S_BCE_68000342 Determine RFC Destinations for Method Calls 
158 OALE_LO_DEKR_0003 S_ALR_87008560 Proposal for distribution model: Customer and vendor masters 
159 OALE_LSYS_RENAME S_BCE_68000360 Convert Logical System Names in Application Tables 
160 OALE_MAINTAIN_TBD55 S_BCE_68000295 Activate Inbound Business Objects 
161 OALE_MAINTAIN_TBD56 S_BCE_68000296 Activate Outbound Business Objects 
162 OALE_MODELMAINT_AUTO S_BCE_68000561 Automatic maintenance of distribution model for ALE business processes 
163 OALE_MODEL_BD64 S_ALR_87009590 Model Distribution Using Classes 
164 OALE_MODEL_BD64_2 S_BCE_68002004 Model Distribution Using Classes 
165 OALE_MODMAINT_AUTO S_BCE_68000562 Maintain distribution model automatically with references 
166 OALE_MODMAINT_BD64 S_BCE_68000326 Maintain Distribution Model and Distribute Views 
167 OALE_MONOBJECT S_BCE_68000651 Define, Activate and Test ALE Monitoring Objects 
168 OALE_MSGTRANS_BD63 S_BCE_68000315 Generate Transport Request for Message Type 
169 OALE_NUMCHGPNTR_BDCP S_BCE_68000358 Maintain Number Range for Change Pointers 
170 OALE_PARTART S_BCE_68001915 Process Partner Types 
171 OALE_PARTAUS S_BCE_68001916 Proposal for Outbound Partner Profiles 
172 OALE_PARTEIN S_BCE_68001917 Proposal for Inbound Partner Profiles 
173 OALE_PORTDESCRP_WE21 S_BCE_68000339 Define Port 
174 OALE_PORTNUMR_OYSM S_BCE_68000359 Define Number Range for Ports 
175 OALE_POSTKEY_OBBT S_ALR_87006632 Set Posting Keys for Transfer Postings 
176 OALE_PRTNRDEFOU_WE20 S_BCE_68000325 Maintain Partner Profile Manually 
177 OALE_RBDSERCHECK S_BCE_68000294 Check Consistency System-Wide 
178 OALE_RFCDEST_SM59 S_BCE_68000344 Create RFC Connections 
179 OALE_RULE2IDOCSEGMNT S_ALR_87008965 Assign Rule to Message Type 
180 OALE_RULEIDOCSEGMNT2 S_BCE_68001984 Assign Rule to Message Type 
181 OALE_SENDVARMSG_SE38 S_BCE_68000301 Define Variant 
182 OALE_SERDIST_SE38 S_BCE_68000304 Define variants 
183 OALE_SERDIST_SM36 S_BCE_68000297 Schedule Job 
184 OALE_SERGRP_ASSIGN S_BCE_68000313 Define Serialization Groups 
185 OALE_SERGRP_INBOUND S_BCE_68000311 Define Inbound Processing 
186 OALE_SERGRP_MODEL S_BCE_68000312 Maintain Distribution Model 
187 OALE_STATGRUP S_BCE_68001919 Process Status Groups 
188 OALE_STATSATZ S_BCE_68001920 Function Modules for Status Record Display 
189 OALE_STATUSJOB_SM36 S_BCE_68000348 Schedule Job 
190 OALE_STATUSVAR_SE38 S_BCE_68000350 Define Variant 
191 OALE_STATUSW S_BCE_68001922 Process IDoc Status Values 
192 OALE_TEMPL_MODEL S_BCE_68000542 Automatic maintenance of distribution model 
193 OALE_TRFC_SE38 S_BCE_68000614 Define Variant 
194 OALE_TRFC_SM36 S_BCE_68000615 Schedule Job 
195 OALE_USER_DIST_CENTR S_BCE_68000340 Select Model View for Central Administration 
196 OALE_USER_DIST_FIELD S_BCE_68000341 Set Distribution Parameters for Fields 
197 OALE_USER_DIST_MODEL S_BCE_68000345 ALE Mandatory Activities for Central User Administration 
198 OALE_USER_DIST_NEW S_BCE_68000343 Transfer Users and Company Addresses from New Systems 
199 OALE_VARIANTMSG_SE38 S_BCE_68000307 Define Variants 
200 OALE_VARIANTMSG_SM36 S_BCE_68000306 Schedule Job 
201 OALE_VAR_AENDDE_SE38 S_BCE_68001930 Delete Change Pointers - Define Variant 
202 OALE_VIEWS S_BCE_68001921 IDoc Views 
203 OALE_WFBASICS S_BCE_68000318 Basic Workflow Settings 
204 OAM1 S_BCE_68001748 ArchiveLink: Monitoring 
205 OANFOPJ202 S_AHR_61019159 Set up payroll excerpts 
206 OANF_ANF_ART S_ALR_87006397 Maintain Appropriation Request Types 
207 OANF_BERICHT S_ALR_87006299 Define Report Selection 
208 OANF_BEWERT S_ALR_87006419 Define Scores 
209 OANF_BILD S_ALR_87006413 Define Screen Layout for Appropriation Requests 
210 OANF_CASH_PLAN S_ALR_87006323 Define Planning Profiles for Revenue Planning 
211 OANF_CMOD_AAIP0003 S_ALR_87100672 Develop Enhancement for User-Defined Characteristics 
212 OANF_EDITION S_ALR_87006408 Specify Special Symbols for Approp. Request Number 
213 OANF_EDITION1 S_ALR_87006311 Maintain Coding Masks for Approp. Request Number 
214 OANF_EDITION2 S_ALR_87099859 Restrict and Convert Coding Mask 
215 OANF_ERW_FELD   Enhancement for Field Transfer from Approp. Request to WBS Element 
216 OANF_EXP5_DATATRANSF S_P99_41000173 Check Legacy Data Transfer 
217 OANF_EXP6_ACC_ASSIGN S_P99_41000174 Check Account Assignments 
218 OANF_EXP6_TRANS_TYPE S_P99_41000175 Check Transaction Types 
219 OANF_EXP7_TRANSTYPE S_P99_41000176 Check Transaction Types 
220 OANF_FELD S_ALR_87006405 Define Reasons for Investment 
221 OANF_GENEHM_STUF S_ALR_87003568 Define Authorization Levels for Plan Versions 
222 OANF_GENEHM_STUF1 S_ALR_87003569 Assign Version to an Authorization Level 
223 OANF_GEN_STUF S_ALR_87006284 Define Approval Levels for Appropriation Requests 
224 OANF_GEN_WORK S_ALR_87006292 Activate Event-Linkage for Workflow Task 
225 OANF_GROSS S_ALR_87006389 Define Scale 
226 OANF_IMD1 S_ALR_87006363 Define Drilldown Reports 
227 OANF_IMD4 S_ALR_87006331 Define Forms 
228 OANF_IMDO S_ALR_87006368 Transport Reports 
229 OANF_IMDP S_ALR_87006371 Transport Forms 
230 OANF_IMDT S_ALR_87006359 Translation of Drilldown Reports 
231 OANF_IMDV S_ALR_87006304 Define Global Variables 
232 OANF_IMDX S_ALR_87006379 Delete Reports 
233 OANF_IMDZ S_ALR_87006375 Delete Forms 
234 OANF_INF_CMOD S_ALR_87006336 Develop Enhancement for User-Defined Value Fields 
235 OANF_KOPLA2 S_ALR_87006326 Assign Approp. Request Type to Planning Profile 
236 OANF_LANGTEXT S_ALR_87006411 Specify Long Text Templates 
237 OANF_LAYOUT S_ALR_87099780 Specify Tab Layout for Appropriation Requests 
238 OANF_LAYOUT_CUSTOM S_ALR_87100134 Develop Enhancement for Tab Layout 
239 OANF_NUMMERN S_ALR_87006400 Define Number Assignment 
240 OANF_PARTNER S_ALR_87006394 Define Partner Determ. Procedure and Partner Functions 
241 OANF_PLAN S_ALR_87006316 Define Planning Profiles for Cost Planning 
242 OANF_PM_LAYOUT S_P99_41000001 Develop Enhancement for Maintenance Order 
243 OANF_PRIO S_ALR_87006392 Define Priorities 
244 OANF_SELEKTION S_ALR_87100842 Process Selection Criteria 
245 OANF_STATUS S_ALR_87006382 Define User Status Profile 
246 OANF_STATUS4 S_ALR_87006403 Assign User Status to Approp. Request Type 
247 OANF_STAT_BER S_ALR_87006395 Specify Status Authorizations 
248 OANF_SU03 S_ALR_87009557 Maintain Authorizations 
249 OANF_UMWELT S_ALR_87006385 Define Environmental Protection Indicator 
250 OANF_USER S_ALR_87006416 Define User Fields 3 and 4 
251 OANF_USER_KURZ S_ALR_87006425 Enter Short Descriptions for User Fields 
252 OANF_VCK03 S_ALR_87100682 Process Costing Variants 
253 OANF_V_CK05 S_ALR_87100683 Process Valuation Variants 
254 OANF_WIRT_DAT S_ALR_87006278 Specify Value Date for Determining Net Present Value 
255 OANF_ZINS S_ALR_87006309 Specify Yield Curve for Determining Net Present Value 
256 OB72_OBV7_OBB5 S_ALR_87008541 Cross-System Company Codes 
257 OB93_OBB7 S_ALR_87008542 Cross-System Business Areas 
258 OBAV310ABF S_PH9_46000796 Control Module Procedure (Contributions) 
259 OBIL-ALE-11 S_BCE_68000353 Define Logical System 
260 OBIL-ALE-12 S_BCE_68000361 Assign Logical System to Client 
261 OBJATTB_SEP_USE S_EB5_05000541 Separator: Use of Separator 
262 OBJATTRB_FLARE_STACK S_EB5_05000531 Flare: Orientation of Flare Stack 
263 OBJATTRB_METER_OPMOD S_EB5_05000532 Meter: Operating Mode 
264 OBJATTRB_PUMP_APPLN S_EB5_05000533 Pump: Application 
265 OBJATTRB_PUMP_DESIGN S_EB5_05000539 Pump: Design 
266 OBJATTRB_PUMP_FLUID S_EB5_05000562 Pump: Fluid Handled 
267 OBJATTRB_PUMP__TY_DR S_EB5_05000540 Pump: Type of Driver 
268 OBJATTRB_TURB_DRIVUN S_EB5_05000563 Turbine: Type of Driven Unit 
269 OBJATTRB_TURB_FUETYP S_EB5_05000542 Turbine: Fuel Type 
270 OBJAUF_OPR4_KKA S_P99_41000240 Specify User-Defined Message Types for WIP and Results Analysis 
271 OBJAUF_OPR4_KKS S_P99_41000242 Specify User-Def. Msg Types for Collective Processing/Variance Calculation 
272 OBJAUF_OPR4_KKS1 S_P99_41000241 Specify User-Def. Msg Types for Individual Processing/Variance Calculation 
273 OBJAUF_OPR4_PPCO S_P99_41000239 Specify User-Def. Msg Types for Preliminary Costing of Manufacturing Orders 
274 OBJECT_OBJ_ S_XBI_19000066 Document Link 
275 OBJEKTZUSTAND_DEF S_ALR_87004831 Define Object Condition 
276 OBJKAUF_OPR4_CK S_P99_41000245 Specify User-Def.Msg Types for Sales Order Costing and Order BOM Costing 
277 OBJKAUF_OPR4_KKA S_P99_41000243 Specify User-Defined Message Types for WIP and Results Analysis 
278 OBJPER_OPR4_CK S_P99_41000234 Specify User-Def. Msg Types for Preliminary Cstg of Product Cost Collectors 
279 OBJPER_OPR4_KKA S_P99_41000236 Specify User-Defined Message Types for WIP and Results Analysis 
280 OBJPER_OPR4_KKP S_P99_41000235 Specify User-Defined Message Types for Cost Object Hierarchies 
281 OBJPER_OPR4_KKS S_P99_41000238 Specify User-Def. Msg Types for Collective Processing/Variance Calculation 
282 OBJPER_OPR4_KKS1 S_P99_41000237 Specify User-Def. Msg Types for Individual Processing/Variance Calculation 
283 OBJ_MESS_ASSIGN1 S_P99_41000244 Assign Messages to a Responsibility Area 
284 OBKR_PH S_SL0_21000027 Create Number Range Groups and Assign to Receipt Lots 
285 OCHA_AMABM S_ALR_87006935 Define Calculation of Proportion Quantity from Base Quantity 
286 OCHA_BADI_BH_EXT_BRO S_E4A_94000243 BAdI: Define External Batch-Related Object Types 
287 OCHA_BADI_BH_OBJ_ACT S_E4A_94000102 BAdI: Follow-Up Actions for Batch-Related Object Types 
288 OCHA_BADI_BIC_ACT S_PL0_09000351 Business Add-In: Follow-Up Action 
289 OCHA_BADI_BIC_BHBROB S_E4A_94000064 Business Add-In: Selection Enhancement 
290 OCHA_BADI_BIC_BHOBJ S_E4A_94000101 Business Add-In: Object Types 
291 OCHA_BADI_BIC_BH_ACT S_E4A_94000067 Business Add-In: Follow-On Action per Object Type 
292 OCHA_BADI_BIC_SEL S_PL0_09000352 Business Add-In: Selection Enhancement 
293 OCHA_BADI_GET_PLANT S_P6B_12000035 Business Add-In: Enhancement to Automatic Plant Determination 
294 OCHA_BIC_ACT S_PL0_09000347 Define Follow-Up Actions 
295 OCHA_BIC_ACT_OBJ S_E4A_94000139 Object Type: Assign Follow-Up Actions 
296 OCHA_BIC_ACT_USER S_PL0_09000353 Follow-Up Actions: Assign User Groups 
297 OCHA_BIC_BH_ACT S_E4A_94000065 Define Follow-On Actions per Object Type 
298 OCHA_BIC_BH_BROB S_E4A_94000062 Define and Activate Object Types (SAP/Non-SAP) 
299 OCHA_BIC_BH_BROBUSER S_E4A_94000063 Define User-Group-Specific Object Types (SAP/Non-SAP) 
300 OCHA_BIC_BH_BROB_ACT S_E4A_94000069 Define Attributes per Object Type 
301 OCHA_BIC_BH_BROB_EVT S_E4A_94000070 Define Events per Object Type 
302 OCHA_BIC_BH_OBJ S_E4A_94000100 Define Batch-Related Object Types and Parameters 
303 OCHA_BIC_BH_USER S_E4A_94000066 Follow-On Actions per Object Type: Assign User Groups 
304 OCHA_BIC_BRO S_AL0_96000799 Define Selection Tables for Batch-Related Objects 
305 OCHA_BIC_BROB S_AL0_96000802 Display Selection Tables for Batch-Related Objects 
306 OCHA_BIC_BROBJ S_AL0_96000800 Define Selection Tables for Batch-Related Objects 
307 OCHA_BIC_BROB_USER S_AL0_96000803 Define User-Group-Specific Batch-Related Objects and Fields 
308 OCHA_BIC_BRO_USER S_AL0_96000801 Define User-Group-Specific Batch-Related Objects and Fields 
309 OCHA_BIC_SEL S_P00_07000098 Define User-Group-Specific Selection 
310 OCHA_BIC_SEL_ENH S_PL0_09000349 Define Selection Enhancements 
311 OCHA_BIC_SEL_ENHUSER S_PL0_09000350 Selection Enhancements: Assign User Groups 
312 OCHA_BIC_SEL_SAP S_P00_07000104 Display SAP Standard Selection 
313 OCHA_BMAAM S_ALR_87006916 Define Calculation of Base Quantity from Proportion Quantity 
314 OCHA_BMAPM S_ALR_87006913 Define Calculation of Base Quantity from Product Quantity 
315 OCHA_CHNEU_AKT001 S_ALR_87015166 Define Initial Creation of Data for Batch Master Transactions 
316 OCHA_CSMEAKT S_ALR_87006939 Activate Batch-Specific Material Unit of Measure 
317 OCHA_CSMEEDIT S_ALR_87006938 Edit Batch-Specific Material Unit of Measure 
318 OCHA_PMABM S_ALR_87006914 Define Calculation of Product Quantity from Base Quantity 
319 OCMM S_EBJ_98000244 Configure Automatic Postings 
320 OCNG_GW1 S_BCE_68000379 Activate global field values 
321 OCNG_GW2 S_BCE_68000378 Preallocate global field values 
322 OCNG_GW3 S_BCE_68000377 Configure Application Transaction Fields 
323 OCPLM1 S_AX8_68000144 Define Field Groups for Communication with Web Frontend 
324 OCPLMT_ALL S_AX7_68000113 Describe Field Groups 
325 OCPLMU_ALL S_AX7_68000114 Select Data Fields for User Groups 
326 OCPLM_ALL S_AX7_68000112 Select Data Fields for Communication with WEB Frontend 
327 ODELGRP1 S_ALI_97000008 Maintain Number Range for Outbound Delivery Group 
328 ODN_CN S_EB5_05000491 Introduction: China 
329 OFAFDADSU_RPUDAQ9S_V S_L6D_84000430 Display field origin 
330 OFFCY_T7UN_ATTRIBS S_PAD_19000121 Enable Off-cycle EG Advance Payment 
331 OFFDOCNO_AR_001 S_AL0_19000061 Maintain Number Groups 
332 OFFDOCNO_AR_002 S_AL0_19000058 Maintain Number Ranges 
333 OFFDOCNO_AR_003 S_AL0_19000054 Assign Document Class to Document Type 
334 OFFDOCNO_AR_004 S_AL0_19000052 Define Issuing Branches 
335 OFFDOCNO_AR_005 S_AL0_19000053 Define Document Classes 
336 OFFDOCNO_AR_006 S_AL0_19000055 Define Print Authorization Codes 
337 OFFDOCNO_AR_007 S_AL0_19000056 Define Print Characters 
338 OFFDOCNO_AR_008 S_AL0_19000057 Generate Number Groups 
339 OFFDOCNO_IT_001 S_AC0_52000199 Define Document Classes 
340 OFFDOCNO_IT_002 S_AC0_52000202 Assign Document Classes to Document Types 
341 OFFDOCNO_IT_003 S_AC0_52000363 Maintain Number Ranges 
342 OFFDOCNO_IT_004 S_AC0_52000205 Assign Number Ranges to Document Classes 
343 OFFDOCNO_TH_001 S_AL0_19000044 Maintain Number Groups 
344 OFFDOCNO_TH_002 S_AL0_19000045 Maintain Number Ranges 
345 OFFDOCNO_TH_003 S_AL0_19000046 Define Business Places 
346 OFFDOCNO_TH_004 S_AL0_19000047 Assign Business Places to Plants 
347 OFFDOCNO_TH_005 S_AL0_19000048 Define Number Groups for Tax Invoices (Input Tax) 
348 OFFDOCNO_TH_006 S_AL0_19000049 Define Number Groups for Tax Invoices (Output Tax) 
349 OFFDOCNO_TH_007 S_AL0_19000050 Activate Official Document Numbering 
350 OFFDOCNO_TH_008 S_P6D_40000004 Define Allocation Keys 
351 OFFDOCNO_TH_009 S_P6D_40000005 Assign Business Places to Allocation Keys 
352 OFFDOCNO_TH_010 S_P6D_40000006 Define Allocation Keys 
353 OFFDOCNO_TH_011 S_P6D_40000007 Assign Business Places to Allocation Keys 
354 OFF_CPY_T7UN_ATTRIBS S_PAD_19000117 Offcycle Payment of Education Grant 
355 OFRA_S_VERS S_ALR_87001304 Define Insurance Information for Assets 
356 OFTP_001 S_PH0_48000232 Technical and Organizational Prerequisites 
357 OFTP_AC_001 S_AHR_61000673 Maintain Authorizations 
358 OFTP_AC_003 S_AHR_61000675 Maintain profiles 
359 OFTP_DP_001_01 S_AHR_61000669 Assign Travel Profile 
360 OFTP_DP_001_02 S_AHR_61000671 Define Behavior for Price and Availability Queries 
361 OFTP_DP_001_03 S_AHR_61012714 Assign Display Method for Hotel Rates 
362 OFTP_DP_001_04 S_XBG_76000013 Define Maximum Amounts for Hotel Accommodation 
363 OFTP_DP_001_07 S_XBG_76000016 Set up Information Texts for Travel Planning Dialog 
364 OFTP_DP_002_01 S_AHR_61016797 Define Subviews of Control Station 
365 OFTP_DP_002_02 S_AHR_61016798 Define Components of Control Station 
366 OFTP_DP_002_03 S_AHR_61016799 Tabular Tree Maintenance 
367 OFTP_DP_002_05 S_AHR_61016800 Assign Components to Subviews of Control Station 
368 OFTP_DP_002_06 S_AHR_61016802 Assign Subviews of Control Station to Control Variants 
369 OFTP_DP_003_01 S_ALN_01000784 Define Groupings for Payment Methods 
370 OFTP_DP_003_02 S_ALN_01000786 Assign Groupings for Payment Methods 
371 OFTP_DP_004_01 S_ALN_01001112 Define Enterprise-Wide Control Parameters 
372 OFTP_DP_004_02 S_ALN_01001133 Assign Building Addresses 
373 OFTP_MD_000_01 S_P1H_12000026 Default Value: Credit Card as Guarantee 
374 OFTP_MD_001_01 S_AHR_61000725 Define API access parameters 
375 OFTP_MD_001_02 S_AHR_61000728 Define Groupings for Travel Planning Control 
376 OFTP_MD_001_03 S_AHR_61000732 Define API access parameters of user groups 
377 OFTP_MD_001_04 S_AHR_61000737 Define Travel Service Categories 
378 OFTP_MD_001_05 S_AHR_61000718 Define sales offices 
379 OFTP_MD_001_06 S_AHR_61000722 Define resubmission for ticket issue (queue) 
380 OFTP_MD_001_07 S_PH9_46000529 Define Access Parameters for Deutsche Bahn Through Amadeus API 
381 OFTP_MD_001_08 S_PH0_48000032 Define Access Parameters for Deutsche Bahn Through BIBE Portal 
382 OFTP_MD_002_01 S_AHR_61000741 Define IATA Locations 
383 OFTP_MD_002_02 S_AHR_61000694 Define Regions Within Countries 
384 OFTP_MD_002_03 S_AHR_61000698 Define Cross-Country Regions 
385 OFTP_MD_002_04 S_AHR_61000701 Define Assignment of Countries to Cross-Country Regions 
386 OFTP_MD_002_05 S_AHR_61000696 Define Assignment of IATA Locations to Regions Within Countries 
387 OFTP_MD_002_06 S_AHR_61000704 Define Hierarchy for Regions 
388 OFTP_MD_002_07 S_AHR_61000693 Define Geographical Facts of IATA Locations 
389 OFTP_MD_002_08 S_ALN_01000888 Define Synonyms for Airports 
390 OFTP_MD_002_09 S_ALN_01000889 Define Synonyms for Hotel Locations 
391 OFTP_MD_002_10 S_ALN_01000922 Define Synonyms for Car Rental Locations 
392 OFTP_MD_002_11 S_PLN_16000051 Define Special Input Help for Generic Entries 
393 OFTP_MD_002_12 S_PLN_16000047 Define Special F4 Input Help for IATA Locations 
394 OFTP_MD_003_01_01 S_AHR_61000709 Define Airlines 
395 OFTP_MD_003_01_02 S_AHR_61006710 Define Customer Programs of Airlines 
396 OFTP_MD_003_01_03 S_ALN_01002076 Define Exceptions of Airlines for Determining Cabin Class 
397 OFTP_MD_003_01_04 S_AEN_10000426 Define Identfication Options for Electronic Ticketing 
398 OFTP_MD_003_02_01 S_AHR_61000892 Define Hotel Chains 
399 OFTP_MD_003_02_02 S_AHR_61006725 Define Customer Programs of Hotel Chains 
400 OFTP_MD_003_02_03 S_AHR_61000868 Define Hotel Rates 
401 OFTP_MD_003_02_04 S_AHR_61000889 Define Hotel Catalog 
402 OFTP_MD_003_02_05 S_AHR_61000882 Define Room Classes 
403 OFTP_MD_003_02_06 S_AHR_61000886 Define Assignment of Room Classes to Room Types 
404 OFTP_MD_003_02_07 S_XBG_76000014 Define System-Specific Hotel Keys for Catalog Hotels 
405 OFTP_MD_003_03_01 S_AHR_61000877 Define Car Rental Companies 
406 OFTP_MD_003_03_02 S_AHR_61000873 Define Customer Programs of Car Rental Companies 
407 OFTP_MD_003_03_04 S_AHR_61000610 Define Car Rental Classes 
408 OFTP_MD_003_03_05 S_AHR_61000613 Define Assignment of Car Rental Classes to Vehicle Specifications 
409 OFTP_MD_003_04 S_AHR_61000617 Define Agreements Between Travel Service Providers on Customer Programs 
410 OFTP_MD_003_04_01 S_PTH_77000041 Define Rail Companies 
411 OFTP_MD_003_04_02 S_PTH_77000042 Define Customer Programs of Rail Companies 
412 OFTP_MD_004 S_AHR_61018823 Define Contact Persons 
413 OFTP_MD_005 S_XBG_76000018 Choose global control options 
414 OFTP_MD_010_00 S_XBG_76000012 Define Reservation Systems 
415 OFTP_MD_010_01 S_XBG_76000001 Define Logical Systems for Reservation Systems 
416 OFTP_MD_010_02 S_XBG_76000002 Define Sales Offices 
417 OFTP_MD_010_03 S_XBG_76000003 Define Fulfillment Sales Offices 
418 OFTP_MD_010_04 S_XBG_76000004 Define Logon Data for External Reservation Systems 
419 OFTP_MD_010_05 S_XBG_76000005 Assign Logon Data to Sales Offices 
420 OFTP_MD_010_06 S_XBG_76000006 Define Queues of Sales Offices 
421 OFTP_MD_010_07 S_XBG_76000007 Define Queue Categories 
422 OFTP_MD_010_08 S_XBG_76000008 Assign Queue Activities 
423 OFTP_MD_010_09 S_XBG_76000009 Define Groups for Access to Reservation Systems 
424 OFTP_MD_010_10 S_ALN_01000809 Define Sales Office Activities 
425 OFTP_MD_010_11 S_XBG_76000010 Assign Groupings for Access to External Reservation Systems 
426 OFTP_MD_010_12 S_XBG_76000015 Assign SAP Codes to Specific Codes for Reservation Systems 
427 OFTP_MD_010_13 S_XBG_76000011 Assign Groupings for Travel Planning Control 
428 OFTP_MD_010_14 S_ALN_01000921 Assign Multiple Company IDs per Sales Office to Groupings 
429 OFTP_MD_010_15 S_ALN_01000810 Define Groupings for Sales Office Determination 
430 OFTP_MD_010_16 S_PLN_16000261 Synchronization of Travel Preferences with External Reservation Systems 
431 OFTP_MD_010_17 S_PLN_16000413 Define Groupings for Access to External Reservation Systems 
432 OFTP_MD_010_18 S_PLN_16000414 Determine Sales Offices and RFC Destinations 
433 OFTP_MD_010_19 S_P3H_97000006 Define Specific Process Steps for Global Reservation Systems 
434 OFTP_MD_010_20 S_ALN_01002118 Define Access Parameters for Rail Booking Portals 
435 OFTP_MD_010_21 S_P3H_97000007 Specify Addresses of Sales Offices 
436 OFTP_MD_010_30 S_SLN_44000024 Specify Access Parameters for Hotel Direct Reservation Systems 
437 OFTP_MD_010_31 S_PEN_05000299 Define Use of XI Interfaces for Categories 
438 OFTP_MD_010_40 S_AEN_10000308 Define Other Travel Services 
439 OFTP_MD_010_50 S_AEN_10000875 Maintain Travel Agency Processing Statuses 
440 OFTP_MOD_BADI_01 S_AEN_10000526 BAdI: Adjustment of Various Process Steps in Travel Planning 
441 OFTP_MOD_BADI_011 S_XEN_65000033 Specify Category-Specific Reservation System 
442 OFTP_MOD_BADI_012 S_XEN_65000039 BAdI: Specify Category-Specific Reservation System 
443 OFTP_MOD_BADI_013 S_XEN_65000040 BAdI: Check Travel Agency Status 
444 OFTP_MOD_BADI_014 S_XEN_65000041 BAdI: Create and Change Travel Agency Status 
445 OFTP_MOD_BADI_015 S_PTH_77000043 BAdI: Adjust Processes for Integration of Rail Portals 
446 OFTP_MOD_BADI_02 S_XEN_65000038 BAdI: Integration of Other Travel Services 
447 OFTP_NF_001_01 S_AHR_61000623 Define Airfare Rates 
448 OFTP_NF_001_02 S_AHR_61000628 Define Enterprise-Specific Hotel Rates 
449 OFTP_NF_001_03 S_AHR_61006700 Define Car Rental Rates 
450 OFTP_NF_001_04 S_AHR_61000633 Define allowed entries for enterprise-specific hotel catalog rates 
451 OFTP_NF_002_01 S_AHR_61000645 Define Airfare Discounts 
452 OFTP_NF_002_02 S_AHR_61000561 Define enterprise-specific hotel discounts with hotel chains 
453 OFTP_NF_002_04 S_AHR_61000563 Define enterprise-specific hotel discounts with hotels 
454 OFTP_NF_003_01 S_ALN_01000799 Assign Major Customer Rates 
455 OFTP_NF_003_02 S_ALN_01000800 Define Groupings for Major Customer Rates 
456 OFTP_NF_003_03 S_ALN_01000802 Assign Groupings for Major Customer Rates 
457 OFTP_NF_004_00 S_AEN_10000731 Edit Flight Routes 
458 OFTP_NF_004_01 S_P1H_12000034 Define Flight Legs 
459 OFTP_NF_004_02 S_P1H_12000035 Define Routings 
460 OFTP_NF_004_03 S_P1H_12000036 Define Route Segments 
461 OFTP_NF_004_04 S_P1H_12000037 Airlines for Route Legs 
462 OFTP_NF_004_05 S_P1H_12000038 Booking Classes for Route Legs 
463 OFTP_NF_004_06 S_P1H_12000039 Geographical Settings for Route Legs 
464 OFTP_NF_005_01 S_P1H_12000041 Define Contracts for Company-Specific Airfare Rates 
465 OFTP_NF_005_02 S_P1H_12000042 Define Permissibility of Contracts for Enterprise-Specific Airfares 
466 OFTP_NF_006_01 S_AEN_10000319 Define Groupings for Negotiated Car Rental Rates 
467 OFTP_NF_006_02 S_AEN_10000320 Define Permissibility of Company IDs for Car Rental Rates 
468 OFTP_NF_006_03 S_AEN_10000321 Assign Groupings for Car Rental Rates 
469 OFTP_NF_007_01 S_AEN_10000358 Define Airline Programs for Corporate Customers 
470 OFTP_NF_007_02 S_AEN_10000359 Assign Routes and Classes to Airline Programs 
471 OFTP_NF_007_03 S_AEN_10000360 Define Permissibility of Airline Programs for Corporate Customers 
472 OFTP_NF_007_04 S_PEN_05000191 Define Valid Means of Identification 
473 OFTP_NF_007_05 S_PEN_05000307 BAdI: Define Process for Airline Program for Corporate Customers 
474 OFTP_PDF_FORM_02 S_AEN_10000602 Set Up Feature TRVFP for Planning Form 
475 OFTP_PDF_FORM_03 S_AEN_10000603 Set Up Feature TRVFR for Request Form 
476 OFTP_PR_001_01_01 S_AHR_61006686 Define Trip Rules 
477 OFTP_PR_001_01_02 S_AHR_61000596 Define Evaluation Criteria for Query Results 
478 OFTP_PR_001_01_03 S_AHR_61000601 Define Class Rules 
479 OFTP_PR_001_01_04 S_AHR_61006688 Specify Class Rules 
480 OFTP_PR_001_01_05 S_ALN_01000816 Specify Additional Airlines for Availability Query 
481 OFTP_PR_001_01_06 S_PLN_16000290 Define Control Parameters for Queries 
482 OFTP_PR_001_01_07 S_PEN_05000186 Specify Evaluation Criteria for Low-Cost Carrier Query 
483 OFTP_PR_001_02_01 S_AHR_61000608 Define Trip Rules 
484 OFTP_PR_001_02_02 S_AHR_61000649 Define Evaluation Criteria for Query Results 
485 OFTP_PR_001_02_03 S_AHR_61000677 Define Class Rules 
486 OFTP_PR_001_02_04 S_AHR_61000679 Specify Class Rules 
487 OFTP_PR_001_02_05 S_ALN_01000818 Restrict Hotel Chains for Availability Queries 
488 OFTP_PR_001_03_01 S_AHR_61000681 Define Trip Rules 
489 OFTP_PR_001_03_02 S_AHR_61000683 Define Evaluation Criteria for Query Results 
490 OFTP_PR_001_03_03 S_AHR_61000685 Define Class Rules 
491 OFTP_PR_001_03_04 S_AHR_61000687 Specify Class Rules 
492 OFTP_PR_001_03_05 S_ALN_01000820 Restrict Car Rental Providers for Availability Queries 
493 OFTP_PR_001_04_01 S_ALN_01000812 Define Class Rules 
494 OFTP_PR_001_04_02 S_ALN_01000813 Specify Class Rules 
495 OFTP_PR_002_01 S_ALN_01000781 Define Groupings for Permissibility of Trip Activity Types 
496 OFTP_PR_002_02 S_ALN_01000782 Specify Permissibility of Trip Activity Types 
497 OFTP_PR_002_03 S_ALN_01000783 Assign Groupings for Permissibility of Trip Activity Types 
498 OFTP_PR_003_01 S_AHR_61000691 Define Travel Profiles 
499 OFTP_PR_003_02 S_AHR_61006705 Evaluate Availability Query Results 
500 OFTP_PR_003_03 S_AHR_61000654 Define Priorities