SAP ABAP IMG Activity - Index O, page 33
IMG Activity - O
# | IMG Activity | Transaction Code | Short Description |
1 | OIUX6_SN_NR_WY | S_YEP_23000003 | Maintain Wyoming Number Ranges |
2 | OIUX6_WY_FRM2CFG | S_YEP_23000006 | Maintain Wyoming Conservation Report & FORM2 Comparison Config |
3 | OIUX6_WY_SOGXRF | S_YEP_55000010 | Maintain Tax Oil/Gas Indicator Cross Reference |
4 | OIUX6_WY_TXCLRC | S_YEP_55000009 | Maintain Tax Class Rate Code Cross Reference |
5 | OIUX7_CONFIG | S_YEP_98000004 | Maintain General Config |
6 | OIUX7_WY_MKTXRF | S_YEP_98000003 | Maintain Marketing Type XRef |
7 | OIUX7_WY_PDVLXRF | S_YEP_98000001 | Maintain Product Code/Volume Type/Product Type XRef |
8 | OIUX7_WY_VLXRF | S_YEP_98000002 | Maintain Volume Type XRef |
9 | OIUX8_NM_CTAFOVR | S_XEV_76000002 | Maintain Contract Type Affiliation Code Override |
10 | OIUX8_NM_JC_RATE | S_XEV_76000001 | Maintain New Mexico Jicarilla Credit Rate |
11 | OIUX8_NM_MKTXRF | S_YEP_27000006 | Maintain Marketing Code XRef |
12 | OIUX8_NM_PDCXRF | S_YEP_27000005 | Maintain New Mexico Product Code XRef |
13 | OIUX8_NM_STRXRF | S_YEP_27000002 | Maintain Special Tax Rate XRef |
14 | OIUX8_SN_NR_NM | S_YEP_27000008 | Maintain New Mexico Number Ranges |
15 | OIUXA | S_EB5_05000506 | Define Field Selection for Linear Data Fields in Multilevel Lists |
16 | OIUXB | S_EB5_05000507 | Define Field Selection for Linear Data Fields for Char. in Multilevel Lists |
17 | OIUXC | S_EB5_05000508 | Define Field Selection for Linear Data Fields in Structure Lists |
18 | OIUXC_RPT_PP | S_P7I_60000044 | Configure Parallel Processing Parameters |
19 | OIUXG | S_EBS_44000164 | Define Field Selection for Network Fields |
20 | OIUXH | S_EBS_44000165 | Define Field Selection for Network Attribute Value Fields |
21 | OIUXI | S_EBS_44000166 | Define Field Selection for Object Link Data Fields |
22 | OIUXI_OB_NRIV | S_P7I_60000004 | Maintain System Number Range Intervals for Outbound Connection ID - XI |
23 | OIUXJ | S_EBS_44000167 | Define Field Selection for Functional Location Fields |
24 | OIUXK | S_EBS_44000170 | Define Field Selection for Notification Data Fields |
25 | OIUXL | S_EBS_44000171 | Define Field Selection for Order Data Fields |
26 | OIUXM | S_EBS_44000172 | Define Field Selection for Measuring Point and Counter Fields |
27 | OIUXN | S_EBS_44000173 | Define Field Selection for Measurement Document and Counter Reading Fields |
28 | OIUXO | S_EBS_44000174 | Define Field Selection for Network Fields |
29 | OIUXP | S_EBS_44000175 | Define Field Selection for Network Attribute Value Fields |
30 | OIUXQ | S_EBS_44000176 | Define Field Selection for Object Link Data Fields |
31 | OIUXR | S_EBS_44000177 | Define Field Selection for Equipment Fields |
32 | OIUXS | S_EBS_44000178 | Define Field Selection for Notification Data Fields |
33 | OIUXT | S_EBS_44000179 | Define Field Selection for Order Data Fields |
34 | OIUXU | S_EBS_44000180 | Define Field Selection for Measuring Point and Counter Fields |
35 | OIUXV | S_EBS_44000181 | Define Field Selection for Measurement Document and Counter Reading Fields |
36 | OIUY3_SN_NR_TX | S_YEP_42000001 | Maintain Texas GLO / A&M Number Ranges |
37 | OIUY3_TX_GLO1_TH | S_XEV_33000001 | Maintain GLO1 Entire Royalty Obligation Threshold |
38 | OIUY3_TX_GLO2_TH | S_XEV_33000002 | Maintain GLO2 Entire Royalty Obligation Threshold |
39 | OIUY6_SN_NR_WY | S_XEV_47000001 | Maintain Wyoming Number Ranges |
40 | OIUY6_WY_MKTXRF | S_YEP_48000003 | Maintain Marketing Code XRef |
41 | OIUY6_WY_PDCXRF | S_YEP_48000002 | Maintain Wyoming Product Code XRef |
42 | OIU_CM_FUPRO | S_P7I_60000047 | Maintain flow logic: OIU_CM_FUPRO |
43 | OIW1 | S_ALR_87007785 | Maintain OIW Metadata |
44 | OIW2 | S_ALR_87007783 | Display Standard OIW Information Catalog |
45 | OIW3 | S_ALR_87007781 | Maintain Self-Defined OIW Information Catalog |
46 | OIW_SU02 | S_ALR_87007777 | Maintain profiles |
47 | OIW_SU03 | S_ALR_87007779 | Maintain authorizations |
48 | OKCM_ACTIVITYGROUP | S_ALR_87000081 | Create Role and Assign Users |
49 | OKCM_CS2EIS | S_ALR_87100200 | Data Transfer from SAP Consolidation |
50 | OKCM_DISATTR | S_ALR_87000533 | Maintenance of Display Attributes (EC-EIS) |
51 | OKCM_FILE | S_ALR_87000405 | Cross-Client Maintenance of File Names and Paths |
52 | OKCM_GCT6 | S_ALR_87000386 | Transport of Distribution Key (EC-BP) |
53 | OKCM_GRR2 | S_ALR_87000050 | CO Cost Center Accounting |
54 | OKCM_KCA2 | S_ALR_87000303 | Edit Field Group |
55 | OKCM_KCA5 | S_ALR_87000391 | Edit Characteristics |
56 | OKCM_KCA6 | S_ALR_87000308 | Edit Basic Key Figures |
57 | OKCM_KCAN | S_ALR_87000445 | Maintain Derivation with Data Entry and Transfer |
58 | OKCM_KCC2 | S_ALR_87000370 | Maintain Currency Translation Key |
59 | OKCM_KCCO | S_ALR_87000495 | Edit Comments Table |
60 | OKCM_KCDR | S_ALR_87000407 | Reorganize Documents |
61 | OKCM_KCDU | S_ALR_87000433 | Set up summarization levels |
62 | OKCM_KCDV | S_ALR_87000411 | Define summarization levels |
63 | OKCM_KCF3 | S_ALR_87000159 | Change Revaluation Factor |
64 | OKCM_KCKB | S_ALR_87000185 | Maintain calculation formulas for basic key figures |
65 | OKCM_KCP4 | S_ALR_87000449 | Edit Data Entry Layout (EC-EIS) |
66 | OKCM_KCP7 | S_ALR_87000179 | Create planning layout |
67 | OKCM_KCPV | S_ALR_87000222 | Maintain forecast profiles |
68 | OKCM_KCPX | S_ALR_87000218 | Maintain weighting group |
69 | OKCM_KCPZ | S_ALR_87000207 | Define planning help access |
70 | OKCM_KCRH | S_ALR_87000465 | Assign default currency translation types to key figures |
71 | OKCM_KCT1 | S_ALR_87000394 | Reorganize comments |
72 | OKCM_KCV1 | S_ALR_87000168 | Edit Distribution Key |
73 | OKCM_KCVA | S_ALR_87000440 | Maintain/activate validations |
74 | OKCM_KCVC | S_ALR_87000437 | Copy validations |
75 | OKCM_KED0PROG | S_ALR_87000212 | Derive forecast profile |
76 | OKCM_KED0SAIS | S_ALR_87000196 | Derive seasonal distribution |
77 | OKCM_KED0UMW | S_ALR_87000201 | Derive revaluation factor |
78 | OKCM_KP34 | S_ALR_87000173 | Maintain planner profiles |
79 | OKCM_NAVATTR | S_ALR_87000535 | Maintain navigation attributes |
80 | OKCM_NET | S_ALR_87000518 | Set up network |
81 | OKCM_OKCDBC | S_ALR_87000238 | Maintain sender structure package |
82 | OKCM_OKCDBD | S_ALR_87000243 | Define sender structure package |
83 | OKCM_OKCE | S_ALR_87000132 | Standard collection programs |
84 | OKCM_OKCSL | S_ALR_87000102 | Maintain requirements |
85 | OKCM_OKCSLA | S_ALR_87000108 | Assign table |
86 | OKCM_OKCSLD | S_ALR_87000120 | Create data slice |
87 | OKCM_OKCSLU | S_ALR_87000115 | Assign user group |
88 | OKCM_OKUE | S_ALR_87000417 | Generate database statistics |
89 | OKCM_OKX1_COMMENT | S_ALR_87000055 | Maintain transfer rules for comments |
90 | OKCM_OKX1_MASTER_HI | S_ALR_87000257 | Maintain transfer rules for master data hierarchies |
91 | OKCM_OKX9 | S_ALR_87000228 | Maintain Hierarchy Directory |
92 | OKCM_OKXG | S_ALR_87000373 | Import Delivered Settings |
93 | OKCM_OKXR | S_ALR_87000192 | Maintain report selection |
94 | OKCM_OKXU | S_ALR_87000355 | Prepare documentation connection |
95 | OKCM_R2_DATATRANSFER | S_ALR_87000502 | Data transfer from R/2 |
96 | OKCM_R2_TR_PARAM | S_ALR_87000522 | Maintain R/2 transfer parameters |
97 | OKCM_RKCFILE0_EVENT | S_ALR_87000278 | Control File Import Using Events |
98 | OKCM_SF01 | S_ALR_87000402 | Maintain Additional Client-Specific File Names |
99 | OKCM_SF07 | S_ALR_87000395 | Start evaluation |
100 | OKCM_TKCCC | S_ALR_87000453 | Fix Currency Translation Type for Data Entry/Planning |
101 | OKCM_TKCUM | S_ALR_87000250 | Conversion to Release 4.0 |
102 | OKCM_TR_EVENT | S_ALR_87000526 | Organization of data transfer with events |
103 | OKCM_TR_PROGRAM | S_ALR_87000524 | Programming hints for user-defined data transfer programs |
104 | OKCM_TR_USER_EXIT | S_ALR_87000025 | SAP enhancements for data transfer |
105 | OKCM_TR_WORK | S_ALR_87000496 | Steps when setting up a data transfer |
106 | OKCM_UNIT_CONC | S_ALR_87000505 | Units of measure |
107 | OKCM_UPLOAD | S_ALR_87000272 | Define flexible upload |
108 | OKCM_USER | S_ALR_87000519 | Create CPIC user |
109 | OKCM_WEATTR | S_ALR_87000530 | Maintenance of Currency/Unit Fld as Display Attrib. (EC-EIS) |
110 | OKUL | S_ALR_87007394 | Maintain Constants |
111 | OKYI | S_KA5_12000503 | Costing Variant - Claim |
112 | OKYJ | S_KA5_12000504 | Valuation Variant Costing - Claim |
113 | OLI0BG00 | S_ALR_87000444 | Define Number Ranges for Warranty Types |
114 | OLI0GM01 | S_ALR_87000451 | Check Warranty Categories |
115 | OLI0GM02 | S_ALR_87000447 | Define Warranty Types |
116 | OLI0GM03 | S_ALR_87000436 | Maintain Transaction Start Default Values for Sample Warranties |
117 | OLI0GM04 | S_ALR_87000432 | Define Warranty Counters |
118 | OLI0IK09 | S_ALR_87000389 | Create Number Ranges for Measuring Points |
119 | OLI0IK19 | S_ALR_87000455 | Create Number Ranges for Measurement Documents |
120 | OLI0IMRCCUST | S_AL0_96000746 | Make System Settings for Measuring Points and Measurement Documents |
121 | OLI0OIAD | S_ALR_87000135 | Define Field Selection for the Equipment Master Record |
122 | OLI0OIAE | S_ALR_87000554 | Define Field Selection for Functional Locations |
123 | OLI0OIMRC | S_AL0_96000766 | Define Field Selection for Measuring Points and Measurement Documents |
124 | OLI0OIRF | S_ALR_87000427 | Set List Editing for Measuring Point Lists |
125 | OLI0OIRL | S_ALR_87000441 | Set List Editing for Measurement Document Lists |
126 | OLI0OIRM | S_ALR_87000294 | Define Field Selection for Goods Movement Fields |
127 | OLI0OIRN | S_ALR_87000289 | Define Field Selection for Delivery Fields |
128 | OLI0OIRO | S_ALR_87000284 | Define Field Selection for Inspection Lot Fields |
129 | OLI0OIRP | S_ALR_87000363 | Define Field Selection for Sales Order Fields |
130 | OLI0OIRQ | S_ALR_87000359 | Define Field Selection for Maintenance Order Fields |
131 | OLI0OIRR | S_ALR_87000356 | Define Field Selection for Maintenance Notification Fields |
132 | OLI0PARTNERSCHEMA | S_ALR_87000483 | Define Partner Determination Procedure and Partner Function |
133 | OLI0REFPLATZOIWP | S_ALR_87000550 | Define Structural Display for Functional Locations |
134 | OLI0REFPLATZOIWR | S_ALR_87000404 | Define Structural Display for Reference Functional Locations |
135 | OLI0T370P | S_ALR_87000381 | Define Measuring Point Categories |
136 | OLI0V_T370N | S_ALR_87000043 | Define Object Types |
137 | OLI0V_T370T_A | S_ALR_87000542 | Define Additional Business Views for Equipment Categories |
138 | OLI0_AD20 | S_ALR_87000374 | Search Helps in Plant Maintenance and Customer Service |
139 | OLI0_BS52 | S_ALR_87000561 | Create Authorization Keys for User Status Authorizations |
140 | OLI0_CMOD | S_ALR_87000241 | Develop Enhancements |
141 | OLI0_CUS_FLEET_01 | S_ALR_87099674 | Set Field Selection for Specific Fields in Fleet Management |
142 | OLI0_IBIP | S_ALR_87000246 | Execute Data Transfer |
143 | OLI0_ISOA | S_ALR_87100765 | Archive Serial Number History |
144 | OLI0_ISOR | S_ALR_87100749 | Archive Serial Number History |
145 | OLI0_OIFL | S_ALN_01000926 | Set List Processing for Fleet Management Objects |
146 | OLI0_OIGN | S_ALR_87100070 | Set List Editing for Permits |
147 | OLI0_OIML | S_ALR_87000072 | Define Object Information Keys |
148 | OLI0_OIPU_ITOBCUST | S_ALR_87000415 | Activate Alternative Labeling |
149 | OLI0_OIPV_IFLOALT | S_ALR_87000413 | Define Labeling Systems for Functional Locations |
150 | OLI0_OIRA | S_ALR_87000353 | Define Field Selection for Refurbishment Order Fields |
151 | OLI0_OIRC | S_ALR_87000048 | Define Field Selection for Permit Fields |
152 | OLI0_OIRE | S_ALR_87000349 | Define Field Selection for Production Order Fields |
153 | OLI0_OIRE1 | S_P99_41000116 | Define Field Selection for Inventory Data Fields |
154 | OLI0_OIRI | S_ALR_87000487 | Define Field Selection for Permit Fields |
155 | OLI0_OIUO | S_ALR_87000492 | Define Field Selection for Measuring Point and Counter Fields |
156 | OLI0_OIUOR | S_ALN_01002122 | Define Field Selection for Reference Measuring Points and -Counters |
157 | OLI0_OIUP | S_ALR_87000490 | Define Field Selection for Measurement Document and Counter Reading Fields |
158 | OLI0_OIUQ | S_ALR_87000057 | Define Field Selection for Measuring Point and Counter Fields |
159 | OLI0_OIUR | S_ALR_87000052 | Define Field Selection for Measurement Document and Counter Reading Fields |
160 | OLI0_OIUX1 | S_E4A_94000016 | Specify Field Selection for Fields for Maintenance Items |
161 | OLI0_OIUX2 | S_E4A_94000017 | Specify Field Selection for Fields for Maintenance Dates |
162 | OLI0_OIUX3 | S_E4A_94000018 | Specify Field Selection for Fields for Maintenance Packages |
163 | OLI0_OIUX4 | S_E4A_94000019 | Specify Field Selection for Fields for Operations |
164 | OLI0_OIUX5 | S_E4A_94000020 | Specify Field Selection for Fields for Maintenance Items |
165 | OLI0_OIUX6 | S_E4A_94000021 | Specify Field Selection for Fields for Maintenance Dates |
166 | OLI0_OIUX7 | S_E4A_94000022 | Specify Field Selection for Fields for Maintenance Packages |
167 | OLI0_OIUX8 | S_E4A_94000023 | Specify Field Selection for Fields for Operations |
168 | OLI0_OIWQ | S_ALR_87000121 | Define List Stucture for Structural Display of Installed Bases |
169 | OLI0_OIX2R | S_ALN_01002138 | Define Field Selection for Fields of the Reference Functional Location |
170 | OLI0_OIX8R | S_ALN_01002139 | Define Field Selection for Class Data Fields |
171 | OLI0_OIX9R | S_ALN_01002140 | Define Field Selection for Characteristic Data Fields |
172 | OLI0_OIXAR | S_ALN_01002149 | Define Field Selection for Document Management Fields |
173 | OLI0_OIYH | S_ALR_87000299 | Set List Editing for Serial Numbers |
174 | OLI0_RISERNR9 | S_ALR_87000574 | Transfer of Stock Check Indicator to Serial Numbers |
175 | OLI0_V_CLFT1 | S_ALN_01000968 | Set Reference Object Screen for Vehicles |
176 | OLI0_V_T370CLC | S_ALR_87100197 | Define Calculation Method for Fleet Consumption Values |
177 | OLI0_V_T370CONV | S_ALR_87100194 | Make Settings for Units of Measurement for Monitoring of Consumption |
178 | OLI0_V_T370CON_TOL | S_ALN_01000969 | Define Tolerance Check for Usage Control |
179 | OLI0_V_T370ENG | S_ALR_87100193 | Define Engine Types for Fleet Objects |
180 | OLI0_V_T370FLD | S_ALR_87100172 | Define Consumable Types |
181 | OLI0_V_T370FLD_GMOVE | S_ALN_01000989 | Define Key and Cost Object for Updating Material Documents |
182 | OLI0_V_T370FLD_MAT | S_ALN_01000987 | Assign Auxiliary Materials and Consumables |
183 | OLI0_V_T370FLD_STN | S_ALN_01000988 | Create Gas Station |
184 | OLI0_V_T370FLT | S_ALR_87100169 | Assign View Profile and Equipment Categories to Fleet Object Types |
185 | OLI0_V_T370POS | S_ALR_87100196 | Define Special Measurement Positions for Fleet Objects |
186 | OLI0_V_T370USG | S_ALR_87100192 | Define Usage Types for Fleet Objects |
187 | OLI0_V_T377G | S_ALR_87000310 | Define Serialization Attributes for Movement Types |
188 | OLI0_V_T399U | S_ALR_87000067 | Define Selection Procedure for Structural Display and BOMs |
189 | OLI0_V_TITOBSUB_EQ | S_ALR_87009237 | Set View Profiles for Technical Objects |
190 | OLI0_V_TPAER_PM | S_ALR_87000478 | Copy Partner Functions to Master and Movement Data |
191 | OLI5N | S_EB5_05000671 | Regeneration of Order Costs: Tables PMCO and PMCO_OP |
192 | OLIAMELDSTATUSOIBS | S_ALR_87000684 | Define Status Profile |
193 | OLIAOIAN | S_ALR_87000240 | Define Field Selection for Order Header Data (PM) |
194 | OLIAOIAP | S_ALR_87000280 | Define Default Values for Value Categories |
195 | OLIAOIBS | S_ALR_87001006 | Define Status Profile |
196 | OLIAOIM7 | S_ALR_87000943 | Assign Response Profile and Service Profile to Notification Types |
197 | OLIAOIMD | S_ALR_87000913 | Define Object Information Keys |
198 | OLIAOIMD1 | S_ALR_87000695 | Define Object Information Keys |
199 | OLIAOIME | S_ALR_87000921 | Define Response Monitoring |
200 | OLIAOIMF | S_ALR_87000923 | Define Service Profile |
201 | OLIAOIML | S_ALR_87000916 | Assign Object Information Keys to Notification Types |
202 | OLIAOIOJ | S_ALR_87000725 | Assign Object Information Keys to Order Types |
203 | OLIAOIOL | S_ALR_87000065 | Credit Limit Checks, Sales Document Types for Service Orders |
204 | OLIAOIOM | S_ALR_87000307 | Assign Partner Determination Procedure to Order Types |
205 | OLIAOIOV | S_ALR_87000699 | Maintain Costing Sheet |
206 | OLIAOIRB | S_ALR_87000151 | Set List Editing for Service Contracts |
207 | OLIAOIRG | S_ALR_87000821 | Define Field Selection for Permit Data Fields |
208 | OLIAOIRH | S_ALR_87000808 | Define Field Selection for Issued Permit Fields |
209 | OLIAOIRS | S_ALR_87000946 | Define Field Selection for Sub-Order Data Fields |
210 | OLIAOIUI | S_ALR_87000180 | Set List Editing for Service Orders |
211 | OLIAOIWK | S_ALR_87000147 | Set List Editing for Service Notifications |
212 | OLIAOIYG | S_ALR_87000867 | Set List Editing for Confirmations Using Operation List |
213 | OLIAOIYP | S_ALR_87000926 | Define Field Selection for Partner Data Fields |
214 | OLIAOIYQ | S_ALR_87001154 | Define Field Selection for Operation Data Fields |
215 | OLIAOIYR | S_ALR_87001146 | Define Field Selection for Component Data Fields |
216 | OLIAOIYS | S_ALR_87001129 | Define Field Selection for Confirmation Data Fields |
217 | OLIAOIYT | S_ALR_87001127 | Define Field Selection for Production Resource/Tool Data Fields |
218 | OLIAOIYW | S_ALR_87000144 | Set List Editing for Notification Task Data |
219 | OLIAOIYZ | S_ALR_87000140 | Set List Editing for Notification Item Data |
220 | OLIAOIZN | S_ALR_87000847 | Set Field Selection for Completion Confirmation |
221 | OLIAOKI0 | S_ALR_87000835 | Define Activity Numbers for Resource-Related Billing |
222 | OLIAOKKK | S_ALR_87000703 | Maintain Costing Variants |
223 | OLIAOLPRBDE | S_ALR_87000859 | Planning of Background Jobs for PDC |
224 | OLIAOPJL | S_ALR_87000739 | Define Checking Rules |
225 | OLIAOQN0 | S_ALR_87001131 | Define Notification Types |
226 | OLIAOQN2 | S_ALR_87000989 | Assign User Status to Notification Types |
227 | OLIAOQN6 | S_ALR_87000935 | Define Catalog Profile |
228 | OLIAOQN7 | S_ALR_87001161 | Define Transaction Start Values |
229 | OLIAOQNA | S_ALR_87001156 | Define Long Text Control for Notification Types |
230 | OLIAUEFAKTURA | S_ALR_87001165 | Edit Customer Exits for Billing Types |
231 | OLIAVOP21 | S_ALR_87000333 | Define Partner Determination Procedure and Partner Function |
232 | OLIAV_441V | S_ALR_87000743 | Define Scope of Check |
233 | OLIAV_TCN41_PM | S_ALR_87000117 | Create Default Value Profiles for General Order Data |
234 | OLIAV_TPEXT_PM | S_ALR_87000110 | Create Default Value Profiles for External Procurement |
235 | OLIAV_TPMP_A | S_ALR_87000090 | Default Values for Task List Data and Profile Assignments |
236 | OLIA_BS52 | S_ALR_87000876 | Create Authorization Keys for User Status Authorizations |
237 | OLIA_CI31 | S_ALR_87000844 | Define Download Parameters for PDC |
238 | OLIA_CS_ORD_HEAD | S_ALR_87011754 | Define Field Selection for Order Header Data (CS) |
239 | OLIA_INDX_FAKTURA | S_ALR_87001166 | Generate Indices for Maintenance Orders for Sales Order |
240 | OLIA_IOCI_FCON2 | S_PLN_16000042 | Convert HTML Field Values |
241 | OLIA_IOCI_FCONV | S_PLN_16000040 | Convert HTML fields to SAP fields |
242 | OLIA_IOCI_FUNCM | S_PLN_16000043 | Define Conversion Modules |
243 | OLIA_IOCI_ORGU | S_PLN_16000036 | Assign Catalog to Order Type |
244 | OLIA_KEP9 | S_ALR_87000800 | Assign Value Fields |
245 | OLIA_ODP1 | S_ALR_87000786 | Profiles for Quotation Creation, Billing, Results Analysis |
246 | OLIA_ODP2 | S_ALR_87001595 | Check Profile Settings |
247 | OLIA_ODP3 | S_ALR_87001603 | Define Apportionment Reasons |
248 | OLIA_ODP4 | S_ALR_87001605 | Assign Conditions to Sales Document Types |
249 | OLIA_OIAJ | S_ALR_87000398 | Define Field Selection for Data Screen for Reference Functional Locations |
250 | OLIA_OIAL | S_ALR_87000152 | Set Field Selection for Notifications |
251 | OLIA_OIBY | S_ALR_87000770 | Set List Editing for Goods Movements for Orders |
252 | OLIA_OICV_IMGDUMMY | S_ALR_87000780 | Check Consistency of Value Category Assignment |
253 | OLIA_OID6 | S_ALR_87000882 | Activate Printing in Online Processing |
254 | OLIA_OIK1 | S_ALR_87000774 | Maintain Value Categories |
255 | OLIA_OIK2 | S_ALR_87000777 | Assign Cost Elements to Value Categories |
256 | OLIA_OIKS | S_ALR_87000274 | Define Version for Cost Estimates for Orders |
257 | OLIA_OIM1 | S_ALR_87099774 | Set Workflow for Maintenance Notifications |
258 | OLIA_OIM2 | S_ALR_87099775 | Set Workflow for Service Notifications |
259 | OLIA_OIMX | S_ALR_87000940 | Define Follow-Up Actions for Tasks |
260 | OLIA_OITA | S_ALR_87000019 | Define Investment Profiles |
261 | OLIA_OITB | S_ALR_87000022 | Define Assignment of AuC Classes per Source Assignment |
262 | OLIA_OIUB | S_ALR_87000148 | Field Selection for Usage List |
263 | OLIA_OIUK | S_ALR_87000822 | Define Field Selection for Goods Movement Fields |
264 | OLIA_OIUL | S_ALR_87000838 | Define Field Selection for Relationship Fields |
265 | OLIA_OIUN | S_ALR_87000832 | Define Field Selection for Revenue and Costing Data Fields |
266 | OLIA_OIUN_OP | S_EB5_05000503 | Define Field Selection for Revenue and Cost Data at Transaction Level Flds. |
267 | OLIA_OIW1 | S_ALR_87000136 | Set List Editing for Notification Activity Data |
268 | OLIA_OIW3 | S_ALR_87000863 | Set List Editing for Completion Confirmations |
269 | OLIA_OIYV | S_ALR_87000208 | Define Field Selection for Cause Fields |
270 | OLIA_OOCU_WORKFLOW | S_ALR_87000761 | Set Workflow for Orders |
271 | OLIA_OPKB | S_ALR_87000907 | Parallelized Confirmation Processes |
272 | OLIA_OPKC | S_ALR_87000885 | Define Execution Time for Confirmation Processes |
273 | OLIA_OPLI | S_ALR_87000879 | Schedule background jobs confirmation processes |
274 | OLIA_RIAUFM00 | S_ALR_87001164 | Reorganization of List for Goods Movements for Orders |
275 | OLIA_VC_IWOT_PROF | S_AEN_10000133 | Define View Profiles |
276 | OLIA_VC_TMW03 | S_PLN_62000211 | Define Catalogs |
277 | OLIA_V_160_M_PM | S_ALR_87000758 | Message Control |
278 | OLIA_V_CK05 | S_ALR_87000706 | Define Valuation Variants |
279 | OLIA_V_IOCI_ORGU_TL | S_PLN_62000210 | Assign Catalog to Task List Type |
280 | OLIA_V_IWOT_LNK | S_AEN_10000132 | Assign View Profiles to Order Types |
281 | OLIA_V_T003O_DS | S_EAC_24000046 | Define Digital Signature for Order Types |
282 | OLIA_V_T003O_SC | S_EAC_24000047 | Define Status Control for Shop Papers |
283 | OLIA_V_T350E | S_ALR_87000113 | Define Access Sequence for Determining Address Data |
284 | OLIA_V_T350W_K | S_ALR_87000772 | Assign Default Values for Settlement Areas to Order Types |
285 | OLIA_V_T350_BEZZT | S_ALR_87000127 | Define Proposed Reference Time for Technical Completion |
286 | OLIA_V_T350_HE | S_ALR_87000122 | Settlement Rule: Define Time and Creation of Distribution Rule |
287 | OLIA_V_T350_IMZS | S_ALR_87000085 | Assign IM Assignment Key to Order Types |
288 | OLIA_V_T350_IV | S_ALR_87000046 | Indicate Order Types for Investment Measures |
289 | OLIA_V_T350_NOTDAT | S_ALR_87000100 | Define Notification and Order Integration |
290 | OLIA_V_T350_PAGE | S_ALR_87000751 | Assign Standard Texts for Short Messages to Order Types |
291 | OLIA_V_T350_PZ | S_ALR_87000105 | Define Transfer of Project or Investment Program |
292 | OLIA_V_T350_RSORD | S_ALR_87000070 | Indicate Order Types for Refurbishment Processing |
293 | OLIA_V_T399X_MB | S_ALR_87000767 | Define Documentation for Goods Movements for the Order |
294 | OLIA_V_T399X_QP | S_ALR_87000042 | Assign Inspection Types to Maintenance/Service Order Types |
295 | OLIA_V_T418V | S_ALR_87000285 | Define Default Values for Component Item Categories |
296 | OLIA_V_TCMFUL | S_ALR_87099615 | Set Screen Templates for Completion Confirmation |
297 | OLIA_V_TCOKO | S_ALR_87000290 | Define Movement Types for Material Reservations |
298 | OLIA_V_TCOKT_PM | S_ALR_87000297 | Define Account Assignment Cat. and Document Type for Purchase Requisitions |
299 | OLIA_V_TPMIM | S_ALR_87000080 | Define Relevant Fields for Assignment of IM Program |
300 | OLIA_V_TQ07 | S_ALR_87001000 | Define Follow-Up Actions for Tasks |
301 | OLIA_V_TQ80_PAGE | S_ALR_87001163 | Assign Standard Texts for Short Messages to Notification Types |
302 | OLIA_V_TQ85 | S_ALR_87000995 | Define Action Box |
303 | OLIA_V_TQSCR | S_ALR_87001144 | Set Screen Templates for the Notification Type |
304 | OLIA_V_TRUG | S_ALR_87000841 | Define Causes for Variances |
305 | OLIIOIAK | S_ALR_87000029 | Assign Value Categories to Maintenance Cost Key Figures |
306 | OLIIOIAW | S_ALR_87000035 | Define Currency for Maintenance Statistics |
307 | OLII_TPMCKF | S_ALR_87000021 | Define Customer-Specific Key Figures |
308 | OLII_VPMMRCKF | S_PL0_09000430 | Configure Measurement Document Update |
309 | OLII_V_PMCOCKF | S_ALR_87000017 | Value Categories and/or Accounting Indicators for Internal Key Figures |
310 | OLIP_OIBC | S_ALR_87000060 | Make Field Selection for Equipment Data Fields |
311 | OLIP_OIBD | S_ALR_87000053 | Make Field Selection for Functional Location Fields |
312 | OLIP_OIR0 | S_ALR_87000178 | Make Field Selection for Task List Inspection Characteristic Fields |
313 | OLIP_OIRT | S_ALR_87000064 | Make Field Selection for Task List Header Data Fields |
314 | OLIP_OIRU | S_ALR_87000068 | Make Field Selection for Task List Operation Data Fields |
315 | OLIP_OIRV | S_ALR_87000156 | Make Field Selection for Task List Sub-Operation Data Fields |
316 | OLIP_OIRW | S_ALR_87000160 | Make Field Selection for Task List Relationship Fields |
317 | OLIP_OIRX | S_ALR_87000164 | Make Field Selection for Task List Component Fields |
318 | OLIP_OIRY | S_ALR_87000169 | Make Field Selection for Task List PRT Fields |
319 | OLIP_OIRZ | S_ALR_87000174 | Make Field Selection for Task List Maintenance Package Fields |
320 | OLIP_OIS3 | S_ALR_87000183 | Make Field Selection for Task List Service Package Fields |
321 | OLIP_OIS4 | S_ALR_87000188 | Make Field Selection for Task List Object Dependency Fields |
322 | OLIP_OIW5 | S_ALR_87000219 | Set List Editing for Maintenance Item Dates |
323 | OLIP_OP5 | S_AL0_96000774 | Define Field Selection |
324 | OLIP_OP5A | S_ALR_87000301 | Define Field Selection |
325 | OLIP_OP7B | S_ALR_87000306 | Set Parameters |
326 | OLIP_V_PVBE | S_ALR_87000271 | Define Production Supply Areas |
327 | OLIP_V_T399G | S_ALR_87100085 | Define Sort Fields for Maintenance Plan |
328 | OLIP_V_T399J_M | S_P6B_12000050 | Configure Special Functions for Maintenance Planning |
329 | OLIP_V_T399W_I | S_ALR_87000254 | Set Maintenance Plan Categories |
330 | OLIS008 | S_ALR_87000948 | Perform Setup - Retail |
331 | OLIS009 | S_ALR_87000959 | Perform Setup - Warehouse Management |
332 | OLIS010 | S_ALR_87000889 | Perform Setup - Warehousing & Shipping |
333 | OLIS_ACTI | S_ALR_87000823 | Define activities |
334 | OLIS_ALE | S_ALR_87000809 | Generate message type |
335 | OLIS_ALE33 | S_ALR_87000886 | Generate Message Type |
336 | OLIS_ALE34 | S_ALR_87001124 | Determine Version for Comparison |
337 | OLIS_ALE35 | S_ALR_87001012 | Define ALE Settings |
338 | OLIS_ALE36 | S_ALR_87000884 | Schedule Data Dispatch of Information Structures |
339 | OLIS_ALE_BCO | S_ALR_87001123 | Set Scenario for "Inventory Controlling" |
340 | OLIS_ALE_EKS | S_ALR_87001001 | Set Scenario for "Purchasing Information System" |
341 | OLIS_ALE_VIS | S_ALR_87001009 | Set Scenario for "Sales Information System" |
342 | OLIS_COPA1 | S_ALR_87000806 | Transfer LIS / CO-PA |
343 | OLIS_COPYP | S_ALR_87000825 | Maintain copy profiles |
344 | OLIS_CUSTEX1 | S_ALR_87000749 | Perform authorization check: standard analyses |
345 | OLIS_CUSTEX10 | S_ALR_87000789 | Add texts to fax symbols |
346 | OLIS_CUSTEX11 | S_ALR_87000757 | Process external hierarchies: standard analyses |
347 | OLIS_CUSTEX2 | S_ALR_87000760 | Read External Data: Copy Management |
348 | OLIS_CUSTEX3 | S_ALR_87000745 | Determine characteristic texts |
349 | OLIS_CUSTEX4 | S_ALR_87000741 | Perform statistical update: PP-IS - production orders |
350 | OLIS_CUSTEX5 | S_ALR_87000771 | Perform statistical update: INVCO |
351 | OLIS_CUSTEX6 | S_ALR_87000753 | Display key figures: standard analyses |
352 | OLIS_CUSTEX7 | S_ALR_87000763 | Perform statistical update: SIS - sales documents |
353 | OLIS_CUSTEX8 | S_ALR_87000769 | Perform statistical update: PURCHIS - purchasing documents |
354 | OLIS_CUSTEX9 | S_ALR_87000785 | Define exceptions for certain characteristic values |
355 | OLIS_EKS_OLIB | S_ALR_87000678 | Assign Update Group at Header Level |
356 | OLIS_EKS_OMGO | S_ALR_87000675 | Assign Update Group at Item Level |
357 | OLIS_GROBLAST_VLLV | S_ALR_87000733 | Control Rough Workload Estimate (RWE) |
358 | OLIS_KEYF | S_ALR_87000828 | Maintain key figure assignment profiles |
359 | OLIS_KOMM3 | S_ALR_87000933 | Maintain Self-Defined LIS Inbound Interface |
360 | OLIS_KOPP1A | S_ALR_87000864 | Obtain master data texts |
361 | OLIS_KOPP1B | S_ALR_87000866 | Obtain data from Inventory Management |
362 | OLIS_KOPP1C | S_ALR_87000837 | Obtain data from Purchasing |
363 | OLIS_KOPP1D | S_ALR_87000840 | Obtain data from Production |
364 | OLIS_KOPP2 | S_ALR_87000843 | Transfer data to the R/3 System |
365 | OLIS_KOPP3 | S_ALR_87000846 | Process data in the R/3 System |
366 | OLIS_KOPP4A | S_ALR_87001007 | Define settings in the R/2 System |
367 | OLIS_KOPP4B | S_ALR_87000857 | Define settings in the R/3 System |
368 | OLIS_MC38 | S_ALR_87000629 | Define number range for events |
369 | OLIS_MC60 | S_ALR_87000606 | Set planning plant for SOP |
370 | OLIS_MC70 | S_ALR_87000632 | Configure scheduling parameters |
371 | OLIS_MC79 | S_ALR_87000834 | Set user parameters |
372 | OLIS_MC7A | S_ALR_87000658 | Define proportional distribution across plants |
373 | OLIS_MC7F | S_ALR_87000601 | Set parameters for info structures and key figures |
374 | OLIS_MC7M | S_ALR_87000815 | Define user methods |
375 | OLIS_MC80 | S_ALR_87000818 | Reset generation time stamp |
376 | OLIS_MC8A | S_ALR_87000812 | Maintain planning types |
377 | OLIS_MC96 | S_ALR_87000641 | Maintain forecast profiles |
378 | OLIS_MC97 | S_ALR_87000638 | Define number range for SOP orders |
379 | OLIS_MCNR | S_ALR_87000610 | Define number range for combined characteristics |
380 | OLIS_MCU | S_ALR_87099861 | Maintain Units |
381 | OLIS_MP90 | S_ALR_87000644 | Define number range for forecast parameters |
382 | OLIS_MP91 | S_ALR_87000820 | Define number range for forecast values |
383 | OLIS_OLIQ | S_ALR_87000955 | Perform Setup - Quality Management |
384 | OLIS_OLPA_EXIT1 | S_ALR_87000775 | Import external data to the planning table |
385 | OLIS_OLPA_EXIT2 | S_ALR_87000791 | Develop functional enhancement to calculate a macro |
386 | OLIS_OLPA_EXIT3 | S_ALR_87000794 | Develop functional enhancement to define a function code |
387 | OLIS_OLPA_EXIT4 | S_ALR_87000797 | Develop functional enhancement to create own header info |
388 | OLIS_OLPA_EXIT5 | S_ALR_87000799 | Define additional authorization checks |
389 | OLIS_OLPA_EXIT6 | S_ALR_87000802 | Edit EXCEL header information |
390 | OLIS_OLPA_EXIT7 | S_ALR_87000778 | Create F4-Help for self-defined characteristics |
391 | OLIS_OLPA_EXIT8 | S_ALR_87000779 | Extrapolate sales for Open-to-Buy (OTB) |
392 | OLIS_OLPA_EXIT9 | S_ALR_87000782 | Set order warning for Open-to-Buy (OTB) |
393 | OLIS_OPEB | S_ALR_87000635 | Define routing selection |
394 | OLIS_OV7Z | S_ALR_87000647 | Create characteristics for remainder allocations |
395 | OLIS_PPIS_MCRG | S_ALR_87000661 | Define Performance Settings |
396 | OLIS_REORG_METHOD | S_ALR_87000997 | Methods Maintenance |
397 | OLIS_SE11 | S_ALR_87000936 | Maintain as Dictionary Structure |
398 | OLIS_STRDANA_DATA | S_ALR_87001120 | Data Enhancement |
399 | OLIS_STRDANA_LIST | S_ALR_87000998 | Maintain List Enhancement Methods |
400 | OLIS_TRAN | S_ALR_87000831 | Maintain transfer profiles |
401 | OLIS_WE30 | S_ALR_87000939 | Maintain as IDoc |
402 | OLMEML90 | S_ALR_87001978 | Define Screen Layout |
403 | OLMEML91 | S_ALR_87001962 | for Client |
404 | OLMEML94 | S_ALR_87001754 | Call up Service Overview and Limits Directly |
405 | OLMEOME6 | S_ALR_87002165 | Set Up Procedure Without Classification |
406 | OLMEOMGQ | S_ALR_87002179 | Set Up Procedure with Classification |
407 | OLMEOMGS_2 | S_ALR_87002190 | Define Release Procedure for Purchase Orders |
408 | OLMEOMGS_3 | S_ALR_87002144 | Define Release Procedure for Contracts |
409 | OLMEOMGS_4 | S_ALR_87002243 | Define Release Procedure for Scheduling Agreements |
410 | OLMEPFCG-1 | S_ALR_87008381 | Maintain Roles and Assign to Users |
411 | OLME_V_T16CA_B_DCM_A | S_AL0_96000313 | Set Up Version Management for Purchase Requisitions |
412 | OLME_V_T16CA_DCM_A | S_AL0_96000242 | Set Up Version Management for External Purchasing Documents |
413 | OLME_V_T16CC_DCM_A | S_AL0_96000243 | Define Reasons for Change |
414 | OLME_V_T16CE_DCM_A | S_AL0_96000244 | Set Up Change Displays |
415 | OLME_V_T16CR_DCM_A | S_AL0_96000245 | Version-Relevant Fields of Purchase Requisitions |
416 | OLMK008 | S_ALR_87001809 | Maintain Authorizations |
417 | OLMK009 | S_ALR_87001771 | Create Profiles |
418 | OLMKALE | S_ALR_87008382 | Distribution with ALE |
419 | OLMRBARC | S_ALR_87099701 | Maintain Bar Code Entry |
420 | OLMRIRREAS | S_PR0_40000356 | Maintain Reasons for Invoice Reduction |
421 | OLMRIRTAX | S_ALR_87100620 | Tax Treatment in Invoice Reduction |
422 | OLMRLIST | S_ALR_87100139 | Define Item List Variants |
423 | OLMRLOGO | S_ALR_87099730 | Define Start Logo |
424 | OLMROMR2 | S_ALR_87014489 | Maintain Default Values for Tax Codes |
425 | OLMROMR4 | S_ALR_87012647 | Maintain Number Assignments for Accounting Documents |
426 | OLMROMRA | S_ALR_87099694 | Define Subsequent Debit/Credit Key for PO History Category |
427 | OLMROMRD | S_ALR_87099744 | Maintain Authorizations |
428 | OLMROMRDC | S_ALR_87099726 | Set Check for Duplicate Invoices |
429 | OLMROMRJ | S_ALR_87013324 | Maintain Number Range Intervals for Invoice Documents |
430 | OLMROMRMC | S_ALR_87015063 | Configure How Unplanned Delivery Costs Are Posted |
431 | OLMROMRY | S_ALR_87099743 | Enter Program Parameters |
432 | OLMRSACHMAT | S_ALR_87100686 | Activate Direct Posting to G/L Accounts and Material Accounts |
433 | OLMRWORKFLOW | S_ALR_87100126 | Activate Workflow Template |
434 | OLMR_T169BP | S_XDE_56000010 | Define Partner Role as Allowed Payee |
435 | OLMR_V_169P_RET | S_XDE_56000009 | Define Control Parameters for Retention |
436 | OLMR_V_T169RETENTION | S_XDE_56000008 | Define Tax Handling for Retention |
437 | OLMR_V_T169RETTIME | S_XDE_56000007 | Define Default Due Date for Retention |
438 | OLMTLIST | S_ALR_87100170 | Maintain Item List Variants |
439 | OLPA_EXIT5 | S_ALR_87001792 | Define additional authorization checks |
440 | OLPA_EXIT6 | S_ALR_87001795 | Edit Excel header (exported for planning table) |
441 | OLPA_EXIT7 | S_ALR_87001801 | Create F4-Help for self-defined characteristics |
442 | OLPA_MC80 | S_ALR_87001728 | Reset Generation Time Stamp |
443 | OLPA_MC9V | S_ALR_87001948 | Assign MRP elements to a key figure |
444 | OLPA_VERFUG1 | S_ALR_87009214 | Maintain Checking Groups for Availability Check |
445 | OLPA_VERFUG2 | S_ALR_87009215 | Maintain Checking Rules for Availability Check |
446 | OLPR_CLAIMCOD | S_ALR_87100675 | Codes for Detailed Long Texts |
447 | OLPR_CLAIMPAR | S_ALR_87100676 | Partner Roles for Codes for Detailed Long Texts |
448 | OLPR_IM_BADI_PSP | BAdI: Field Transfer from WBS Element to Fixed Asset | |
449 | OLPR_IM_BILD | S_ALR_87003868 | Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Records |
450 | OLPR_IM_BILDPS | S_ALR_87003934 | Define Field Selection |
451 | OLPR_IM_BUDGPROF | S_ALR_87003739 | Maintain Budget Profile |
452 | OLPR_IM_GROSS | S_ALR_87003788 | Define Scale |
453 | OLPR_IM_GRUND | S_ALR_87003906 | Define Reasons for Investment |
454 | OLPR_IM_PLANPROF | S_ALR_87003747 | Maintain Planning Profiles |
455 | OLPR_IM_SELEKT | S_ALR_87003915 | Maintain Selection Variants for Collective Processing |
456 | OLPR_IM_STATI0 | S_ALR_87003824 | Flag FI-AA Transaction Types as Budget-Relevant |
457 | OLPR_IM_STATI1 | S_ALR_87003815 | Create Statistical Cost Elements |
458 | OLPR_IM_STATI2 | S_ALR_87003807 | Change the Field Status of the Asset G/L Accounts |
459 | OLPR_IM_TOLERANZ | S_ALR_87003841 | Define Tolerance Limits for Availability Control |
460 | OLPR_IM_UMWELT | S_ALR_87003901 | Define Environmental Protection Indicator |
461 | OLPR_IM_WORKFLOW | S_ALR_87003850 | Assign Workflow Task for Incomplete Assets |
462 | OLPR_TRMNG_COMPLNETW | S_PL0_86000012 | Define Levels for Networks |
463 | OLPSCFMENUPPE06_PD | S_ALN_01002197 | Create Model Assignments |
464 | OLQB-L | S_ALR_87004742 | Define List Variants |
465 | OLQG-E | S_ALR_87003784 | First Steps |
466 | OLQG-O | S_ALR_87003790 | Establish Organizational Units (Plants, ...) |
467 | OLQI-OQI4 | S_ALR_87004362 | Define Update in QM Information System |
468 | OLQL-MK | S_ALR_87004354 | Activate Reference to Related Notifications |
469 | OLQL-PL | S_ALR_87009629 | Define List Variants |
470 | OLQL-STI | S_ALR_87005336 | Define Evaluation Method for QM-STI Interface |
471 | OLQL_I | S_P00_07000071 | Quality Management Information System |
472 | OLQL_LIBE | S_P00_07000072 | Vendor Evaluation |
473 | OLQN | S_ALR_87100665 | Activate the Workflow Template for the General Notification |
474 | OLQN-AB | S_ALR_87004345 | Define Action Box |
475 | OLQN-BSM | S_ALN_01000472 | Define Screen Templates |
476 | OLQN-DS | S_ACR_23000427 | Digital Signature for Notifications |
477 | OLQN-IW20 | S_ALN_01000471 | Define Number Ranges |
478 | OLQN-MDD | S_ALR_87004292 | Define Download |
479 | OLQN-MF | S_ALR_87004337 | Define Follow-Up Actions for Tasks |
480 | OLQN-MLB | S_ALR_87004326 | Define Nonconformity Costs for Vendor Evaluation |
481 | OLQN-MLF | S_ALR_87004406 | Define Variants for Single-Level Lists |
482 | OLQN-MLFM | S_ALR_87004398 | Choose Fields for Multiple-Level Lists |
483 | OLQN-MLFM1 | S_E4E_66000209 | Choose Fields for Multilevel Lists |
484 | OLQN-MPL | S_ALR_87004432 | Define Fields for Partner Lists |
485 | OLQN-MPN | S_ALR_87004490 | Define Standard Messages to Partners |
486 | OLQN-MSS | S_ALR_87004414 | Define Selection Profiles |
487 | OLQN-MW | S_ALR_87004423 | Define Response Monitoring |
488 | OLQN-OCMP | S_ALR_87100525 | Define Partner Determination Procedure |
489 | OLQN-OQN6 | S_ALR_87004469 | Define Catalog Profile |
490 | OLQN-OQN8 | S_ALR_87004321 | Define Costing Parameters |
491 | OLQN-OQNFB | S_ALR_87004372 | Define Report Type |
492 | OLQN-OQNFM | S_ALR_87004389 | Define Notification Type |
493 | OLQN-OQNFR | S_ALR_87004378 | Define Confirmation Profile |
494 | OLQN-OQNN | S_ALR_87004448 | Define Number Ranges |
495 | OLQN-OQNP | S_ALR_87004441 | Define Partner Determination Procedures |
496 | OLQN-SAB | S_ALN_01000477 | Define Action Box |
497 | OLQN-SAF | S_ALN_01000480 | Define Shop Papers, Forms, Print Programs |
498 | OLQN-SCC | S_ALN_01000473 | Maintain Catalogs |
499 | OLQN-SCN | S_ALN_01000474 | Catalogs for Notification Type |
500 | OLQN-SCR | S_ALR_87004456 | Define Screen Templates |