SAP ABAP IMG Activity - Index O, page 25
IMG Activity - O
# IMG Activity Transaction Code Short Description
1 OHAVECM161 S_L7D_24001058 Translate wage elements 
2 OHAVECM171 S_L7D_24001059 Translate event prices 
3 OHAVECM172 S_L7D_24001060 Translate cost items 
4 OHAVECM191 S_L7D_24001051 Translate loan repayments 
5 OHAVECOM001 S_PH9_46000445 Assign shift change compensation 
6 OHAVEDTINTERNET S_AHR_61016820 Define Internet link for remuneration statement 
7 OHAVEEDTINTERNET S_AHR_61000760 Provide remuneration statement 
8 OHAVEF0002 S_PH9_46000181 Design form 
9 OHAVEFO002 S_PH9_46000276 Design form 
10 OHAVEFO003 S_PH9_46000182 Copy form 
11 OHAVEFO004 S_PH9_46000183 Maintain evaluation types and their values 
12 OHAVEFO005 S_PH9_46000184 Install alternative currency 
13 OHAVEFO006 S_PH9_46000185 Set address 
14 OHAVEFO008 S_PH9_46000186 Change Addresses infotype (0006) 
15 OHAVEFOPA002 S_PH9_46000269 Create payroll account 
16 OHAVEFOPJ100 S_PH9_46000271 Convert previous form 
17 OHAVEFOPJ201 S_PH9_46000272 Create page header 
18 OHAVEFOPJ202 S_PH9_46000273 Create payroll excerpt 
19 OHAVEFOPJ203 S_PH9_46000274 Create continuation excerpt 
20 OHAVEFOPJ204 S_PH9_46000275 Create display of totals 
21 OHAVEFORS001 S_PH9_46000188 Convert previous form 
22 OHAVEFORS002 S_PH9_46000189 Configure remuneration statement 
23 OHAVEFORS010 S_PH9_46000190 Example: Identifier of totals in individual fields 
24 OHAVEFORS030 S_PH9_46000191 Example with the new procedure 
25 OHAVEFORS031 S_PH9_46000192 Example with the previous procedure 
26 OHAVEFORS040 S_PH9_46000193 Example: Vacations in window 
27 OHAVEFORS050 S_PH9_46000194 Example: Time quota in individual window 
28 OHAVEFORS060 S_PH9_46000195 Example: Time quota in window 
29 OHAVEFORS070 S_PH9_46000196 Example: Notification in window 
30 OHAVEGD001 S_AHR_61001026 Enter additional company information 
31 OHAVEGD002 S_AHR_61001029 Maintain statutory minimum wage 
32 OHAVEGD003 S_AHR_61001033 Maintain ID document classes 
33 OHAVEGD004 S_AHR_61001035 Maintain marital status classification 
34 OHAVEGD005 S_AHR_61001038 Maintain translation ratio constants 
35 OHAVEGD006 S_AHR_61001043 Set advance payment information for monthly-paid employees 
36 OHAVEGD007 S_AHR_61001048 Set ID for employees working on commission basis 
37 OHAVEGD008 S_AHR_61001003 Set apprentice employee ID 
38 OHAVEGD009 S_AHR_61006746 Set temporary employee ID 
39 OHAVEGD010 S_AHR_61001011 Maintain number of days per year according to employee payroll frequency 
40 OHAVEGD011 S_AHR_61016691 Maintain unit for net amount rounding 
41 OHAVEGE901 S_AHR_61000578 Set employee classification according to occupation 
42 OHAVEGE902 S_AHR_61000554 Set classification of employees according to educational level 
43 OHAVEGE903 S_AHR_61000529 Set classification of work shifts 
44 OHAVEHP301 S_AHR_61000497 Maintain constants for RPVH processing 
45 OHAVEHP302 S_AHR_61000499 Maintain processing and evaluation classes for RPVH wage types 
46 OHAVEIN401 S_AHR_61000431 Maintain constants for INCE processing 
47 OHAVEIN402 S_AHR_61000374 Maintain processing and evaluation classes for INCES wage types 
48 OHAVEIN403 S_AHR_61019071 Set INCES contribution calculation condition 
49 OHAVENGL008 S_PCO_36000224 Define date for posting payments 
50 OHAVENGL009 S_PCO_36000225 Enter bank clearing account for HR payments 
51 OHAVENGL010 S_PCO_36000377 Adjust advance payment from master data for posting 
52 OHAVENNGL010 S_PCO_36000226 Adjust advance payment from master data for posting 
53 OHAVEPM100 S_AHR_61019129 Create process model 
54 OHAVEPS101 S_AHR_61000450 Maintain information for profit share payment 
55 OHAVEPS102 S_AHR_61000512 Maintain for profit share wage types 
56 OHAVEPS103 S_AHR_61000453 Set employee grouping features for profit share payment 
57 OHAVEPS104 S_AHR_61000507 Maintain profit share percentage table 
58 OHAVEPS105 S_AHR_61000509 Select profit share advance calculation method 
59 OHAVEPU1200 S_PH9_46000331 Connection to external systems: Export/Import of employee data 
60 OHAVERC10 S_L9C_94000297 Set NACE codes (Business area codes; Næringskoder) 
61 OHAVERC20 S_L9C_94000298 Connect assessment limit (Fribelop) to reporting org no. 
62 OHAVERC30 S_L9C_94000299 Set reporting organisational numbers 
63 OHAVERC35 S_L9C_94000469 Connect reporting numbers to ERC status 
64 OHAVERC40 S_L9C_94000300 Connect "bedriftsnummer" to organisational number for reporting 
65 OHAVERC50 S_L9C_94000301 Connect "organisasjonsnummer"("foretaksnummer")" to attributes 
66 OHAVERC55 S_L6D_84001019 Map Enterprise ID and Participant ID to Org. No. 
67 OHAVERC65 S_L6D_84001021 Create RFC Destination 
68 OHAVERC70 S_L6D_84001022 Maintain Constants for ERC Reporting to Altinn 
69 OHAVERI013 S_L9C_94000407 Posting company code clearing accounts 
70 OHAVESE601 S_AHR_61006674 Maintain constants for welfare payment processing 
71 OHAVESE603 S_AHR_61000442 Maintain interest rates 
72 OHAVESE604 S_AHR_61000445 Enter company information for interest calculation 
73 OHAVESE605 S_AHR_61000447 Maintain for welf. payment wage types 
74 OHAVESI501 S_AHR_61000523 Maintain constants for SSO and RPE processing 
75 OHAVESI502 S_AHR_61006676 Check information on occupational risk types 
76 OHAVESI503 S_AHR_61000487 Enter additional info. on Personnel area/subarea 
77 OHAVESI504 S_AHR_61000489 Assign risk code to Personnel area/subarea 
78 OHAVESI505 S_AHR_61000491 Check occupation classification 
79 OHAVESI506 S_AHR_61000493 Classify company function types 
80 OHAVESI507 S_AHR_61000495 Maintain of SSO/RPE wage types 
81 OHAVESTP S_AHR_61005766 Check Subtypes 
82 OHAVETM201 S_AHR_61006732 Copy schema for calculation of productive hours 
83 OHAVETM202 S_AHR_61006734 Copy payment schema for statutory and contractual days off 
84 OHAVETM203 S_AHR_61018991 Copy schema for substitution calculation 
85 OHAVETR801 S_AHR_61000376 Maintain Venezuelan events 
86 OHAVETR802 S_AHR_61000379 Maintain notice and seniority days 
87 OHAVETR803 S_AHR_61000382 Maintain for termination wage types 
88 OHAVETR804 S_AHR_61000375 Maintain constants for processing termination 
89 OHAVETR805 S_PH9_46000088 Maintain indicator for termination due to change of company 
90 OHAVETX701 S_AHR_61000515 Maintain constants for processing income tax 
91 OHAVETX702 S_AHR_61000517 Check values for taxable income ranges 
92 OHAVETX703 S_AHR_61000520 Maintain process. class/ and eval. class for income tax (ISLR) wage types 
93 OHAVEVL001 S_PH9_46000607 Copy schema for indicating statutory leave method of payment 
94 OHAVEXRI064 S_L9C_94000406 Assign substitute cost centers 
95 OHAVE_0902 S_AHR_61000386 Check cumulation calendar 
96 OHAVE_0903 S_AHR_61000367 Set cumulation categories for wage types 
97 OHAVE_0911 S_AHR_61000389 Define cumulation types 
98 OHAVE_0912 S_AHR_61000373 Assign cumulation categories to time units 
99 OHAVE_0913 S_AHR_61000366 Define cumulation periods 
100 OHAVE_483 S_AHR_61000372 Convert previous customer form 
101 OHAVE_AB001 S_AHR_61000931 Describe absence valuation rules 
102 OHAVE_AB002 S_AHR_61000969 Group absences for absence valuation 
103 OHAVE_AB003 S_AHR_61000974 Set grouping for absence valuation 
104 OHAVE_AB004 S_AHR_61000980 Define day-dependent rules 
105 OHAVE_AB005 S_AHR_61000983 Create wage type catalog 
106 OHAVE_AB009 S_AHR_61000990 Valuate absences according to "as if" principle 
107 OHAVE_AB010 S_AHR_61000936 Special treatment of absence valuation rules 
108 OHAVE_AB011 S_AHR_61000986 Form counting classes for absence valuation 
109 OHAVE_AB012 S_AHR_61000993 Valuate absences according to constants/averages 
110 OHAVE_AB301 S_PH9_46000542 Refine absences 
111 OHAVE_AB304 S_PH9_46000543 Extensions for refining absences 
112 OHAVE_AL01 S_AHR_61006822 Bases 
113 OHAVE_AV_1 S_AHR_61001277 Bases for average valuation 
114 OHAVE_AV_2W S_AHR_61001222 Create bases for calculating average value 
115 OHAVE_AV_ABCR S_AHR_61001172 Create calculation rules for averages 
116 OHAVE_AV_P S_AHR_61001147 Assign valuation of averages to a primary wage type 
117 OHAVE_BEN001 S_AHR_61001213 Create wage type catalog 
118 OHAVE_BEN002 S_AHR_61001209 Set benefit area 
119 OHAVE_BEN003 S_AHR_61000459 Assign wage types to plans 
120 OHAVE_BEN004 S_L9C_94000085 Assign deduction model 
121 OHAVE_BEN005 S_L9C_94000458 Assign reasons for off-cycle payrolls 
122 OHAVE_BW004 S_AHR_61000948 Set wage type-dependent constants 
123 OHAVE_BW005 S_AHR_61000954 Set pay scale dependent constants 
124 OHAVE_BW006 S_AHR_61000960 Form valuation bases by person 
125 OHAVE_BW019 S_AHR_61000965 Assign valuation bases 
126 OHAVE_BW21 S_AHR_61001129 Determine valuation basis for different payment 
127 OHAVE_BW22 S_AHR_61001132 Calculate valuation basis with highest value 
128 OHAVE_DE1040B S_AHR_61001232 Check payroll schema 
129 OHAVE_DE1041 S_AHR_61006791 Set priority for deductions 
130 OHAVE_DE1044 S_AHR_61001239 Maintain arrears deductions for retroactive accounting 
131 OHAVE_DE1046 S_AHR_61001227 Divide unconditional deductions into amount paid and advance payment 
132 OHAVE_DE1048 S_AHR_61001216 Check deduction wage type group for arrears 
133 OHAVE_DL021 S_AHR_61000479 Activate calculation 
134 OHAVE_DL022 S_AHR_61000483 Store additional values 
135 OHAVE_DL023 S_AHR_61000456 Check payroll parameters 
136 OHAVE_DL024 S_PH0_48000285 Determine value data 
137 OHAVE_DL024A S_PH0_48000477 Determine date value 
138 OHAVE_DL025 S_PH0_48000478 Define methods of interest calculation 
139 OHAVE_DL031 S_AHR_61000466 Create loan type 
140 OHAVE_DL032 S_AHR_61000471 Assign repayment type 
141 OHAVE_DL033 S_PH0_48000479 Adjust control screen 
142 OHAVE_DL034 S_AHR_61000475 Create loan conditions 
143 OHAVE_DL035 S_PH0_48000482 Loan assignment control 
144 OHAVE_DL036 S_PH0_48000480 Determine payment types and payment payroll 
145 OHAVE_DL037 S_PH0_48000481 Payment types program processing logic 
146 OHAVE_DT002 S_AHR_61000368 Define house banks 
147 OHAVE_DT003 S_AHR_61000369 Set issuing banks 
148 OHAVE_DT004 S_AHR_61000370 Check text keys for payments 
149 OHAVE_DT009 S_AHR_61006806 Consider several payment processes 
150 OHAVE_DV001 S_AHR_61000462 Set transfer of last payroll results 
151 OHAVE_JW000 S_AHR_61000432 Form annual values 
152 OHAVE_KF001 S_AHR_61001144 Form reduction factors 
153 OHAVE_KF002 S_AHR_61001197 Assign reduction factors 
154 OHAVE_KL000 S_AHR_61001203 Form cost accounting wage types 
155 OHAVE_MZ001 S_AHR_61000371 Set currency units 
156 OHAVE_NGL001 S_L7D_24002550 Specifying the moment for activating segment 
157 OHAVE_NGL002 S_L7D_24002551 Including the segment as another Controlling object 
158 OHAVE_NGL003 S_L7D_24002553 Deactivating delimitation to one FM area 
159 OHAVE_NGL004 S_L7D_24002554 Defining the distribution class 
160 OHAVE_NGL007 S_L7D_24002562 Adjusting account assignment types for symbolic accounts 
161 OHAVE_NGL008 S_L7D_24002559 Specifying the moment for posting payments 
162 OHAVE_NGL009 S_L7D_24002560 Enter bank clearing account for HR payments 
163 OHAVE_NGL011 S_L7D_24002563 Entering allowed values for FM/GM fixed account assignment 
164 OHAVE_NGL012 S_L7D_24002564 Setting the fixed account assignment grouping for FM/GM 
165 OHAVE_NGL014 S_L7D_24002555 Note for relevance 
166 OHAVE_NGL015 S_L7D_24002549 Possible solutions in the new general ledger accounting frame 
167 OHAVE_NGL016 S_L7D_24002552 Maintaining feature for object selection 
168 OHAVE_NGL017 S_L7D_24002561 Entering wage types for payment posting 
169 OHAVE_NGL105 S_L7D_24002556 Activating cost distribution through function XLIDI 
170 OHAVE_NGL106 S_L7D_24002557 Distribution of debt wage types and input stream principle 
171 OHAVE_NGL107 S_L7D_24002558 Distribution connected with debt wage type costs 
172 OHAVE_OCA001 S_AHR_61001177 Assign absences to an off-cycle payroll reason 
173 OHAVE_OCA002 S_AHR_61001206 Create absence valuation for off-cycle payroll run 
174 OHAVE_OCAE001 S_PH9_46000294 Specify values for payroll result account 
175 OHAVE_OCAP001 S_PH9_46000291 Set proposed values for payments 
176 OHAVE_OCMCP1 S_AHR_61001193 Define check printout with manual numbers 
177 OHAVE_OCPM001 S_AHR_61001319 Create process model 
178 OHAVE_OCPM01 S_AHR_61001200 Check payment keys 
179 OHAVE_OCR001 S_AHR_61001186 Create off-cycle payroll reasons 
180 OHAVE_OCRP01 S_AHR_61001136 Replace checks 
181 OHAVE_OCV001 S_AHR_61006784 Create variants for off-cycle payroll activities 
182 OHAVE_OCWT001 S_PH9_46000292 Set the proposed values for wage types 
183 OHAVE_OCZW001 S_PH9_46000293 Set proposed values for payment type 
184 OHAVE_PART S_AHR_61001140 Partial period parameters in different time units 
185 OHAVE_PAY002 S_AHR_61006690 Define schedule for payroll calendar 
186 OHAVE_PAY003 S_AHR_61000618 Specify version for payroll driver 
187 OHAVE_R1021 S_AHR_61001236 Rename wage types for the advance payment process 
188 OHAVE_R1024 S_AHR_61001167 Define rules on limits 
189 OHAVE_R1025 S_AHR_61001157 Activate wage type categories and apply limits 
190 OHAVE_R1026 S_AHR_61001162 Set limit modifier 
191 OHAVE_R1027 S_AHR_61001151 Maintain wage types for limits 
192 OHAVE_RI011 S_AHR_61001360 Prepare wage type overview 
193 OHAVE_RI012 S_AHR_61001366 Provide accounts overview 
194 OHAVE_RI013 S_AHR_61019340 Post to intercompany profit account 
195 OHAVE_RI015 S_AHR_61000532 Set employee grouping account determination 
196 OHAVE_RI031 S_AHR_61006678 Specify wage type posting properties 
197 OHAVE_RI042 S_AHR_61000535 Definition of symbolic accounts 
198 OHAVE_RI051 S_AHR_61000545 Assign balance sheet accounts 
199 OHAVE_RI052 S_AHR_61000548 Assign expense accounts 
200 OHAVE_RI053 S_AHR_61006695 Assign customer accounts 
201 OHAVE_RI054 S_AHR_61006696 Assign vendor accounts 
202 OHAVE_RI055 S_AHR_61000641 Assign customer accounts for loan-based posting 
203 OHAVE_RI056 S_AHR_61000551 Assign technical accounts 
204 OHAVE_RI061 S_AHR_61000646 Set up fixed cost posting 
205 OHAVE_RI062 S_AHR_61000651 Check customizing for account determination 
206 OHAVE_RI063 S_AHR_61006709 Maintain posting date for payroll periods 
207 OHAVE_RI064 S_AHR_61019339 Create alternative cost centers 
208 OHAVE_RI070 S_AHR_61000707 Set up line item text 
209 OHAVE_RI071 S_AHR_61000625 Create posting variants 
210 OHAVE_RI080 S_AHR_61000582 Create variants 
211 OHAVE_RI081 S_AHR_61000586 Authorizations 
212 OHAVE_RI090 S_AHR_61000590 Set export to R/2 system or R/3 system prior to 4.0 
213 OHAVE_RI81 S_AHR_61019341 Assign expenditure types to wage types 
214 OHAVE_RI82 S_AHR_61019342 Define posting groupers 
215 OHAVE_SL001 S_AHR_61001190 Form wage types cumulated from time-based payments 
216 OHAVE_SL002 S_AHR_61006782 Create cumulated wage types from master data 
217 OHAVE_SL003 S_AHR_61001188 Create cumulated wage types from external transfers 
218 OHAVE_TI110 S_AHR_61001063 Define time types 
219 OHAVE_TI120 S_AHR_61001069 Assign identification to time pairs 
220 OHAVE_TI130 S_AHR_61001075 Define processing types 
221 OHAVE_TI210 S_AHR_61001080 Check daily processing call 
222 OHAVE_TI310 S_AHR_61006766 Set groupings 
223 OHAVE_TI321 S_AHR_61000906 Arrange planned working time from work schedule 
224 OHAVE_TI322 S_AHR_61000910 Read substitutions 
225 OHAVE_TI323 S_AHR_61000915 Read absences 
226 OHAVE_TI324 S_AHR_61000917 Read overtime 
227 OHAVE_TI325 S_AHR_61000997 Set work breaks to be read 
228 OHAVE_TI330 S_AHR_61001306 Equalize daily work schedule with time data 
229 OHAVE_TI340 S_AHR_61000921 Determine break times 
230 OHAVE_TI361 S_AHR_61000925 Define valuation types of period-specific work schedule 
231 OHAVE_TI362 S_AHR_61006730 Set generation rules 
232 OHAVE_TI363 S_AHR_61000928 Define groupings 
233 OHAVE_TI364 S_AHR_61006731 Execute generation of time wage types 
234 OHAVE_TI370 S_AHR_61000879 Compensate overtime 
235 OHAVE_UM002 S_AHR_61000595 Maintain authorizations 
236 OHAVE_UM003 S_AHR_61006687 Maintain profiles 
237 OHAVE_UM006 S_AHR_61006752 Check payroll accounting area 
238 OHAVE_UM008 S_AHR_61001024 Generate payroll periods 
239 OHAVE_UM010 S_AHR_61001097 Maintain company addresses 
240 OHAVE_UM010B S_AHR_61001053 Generate cumulation calendar 
241 OHAVE_UM012 S_AHR_61001013 Define period parameters 
242 OHAVE_UM013 S_AHR_61001095 Protect personnel calculation rules 
243 OHAVE_UM014 S_AHR_61001015 Define date modifiers 
244 OHAVE_UM022 S_AHR_61001101 Maintain processing class and its special features 
245 OHAVE_UM023 S_AHR_61001106 Maintain evaluation class and characteristic values 
246 OHAVE_UM101 S_AHR_61001113 Create wage type catalog 
247 OHAVE_UM102 S_AHR_61006775 Change wage type texts 
248 OHAVE_UM103 S_AHR_61001124 Check wage type attributes 
249 OHAVE_UM104 S_AHR_61006759 Check assignment to a wage type group 
250 OHAVE_UM105 S_AHR_61001059 Check logical view 
251 OHAVFE002 S_AHR_61018767 Customize accrual from time management 
252 OHAVFE003 S_AHR_61018769 Enter information on quota types used 
253 OHAVFE004 S_AHR_61018770 Delimit dates for control parameters for leave (delimiting old solution) 
254 OHAVFE005 S_AHR_61018771 Maintain control parameters for leave (new) 
255 OHAVFE006 S_AHR_61018772 Check rates on deduction/settlement wage types 
256 OHAVFE007 S_AHR_61018773 Check system determined wage types 
257 OHAVFE008 S_AHR_61018802 Maintain extra percentage for holiday allowance 
258 OHAVFE009 S_AHR_61018819 Check wage type settings for cumulation/storage after holiday processing 
259 OHAVFE010 S_L7D_24000403 Maintain Extra Percentage for Holiday Allowance (Reporting) 
260 OHAVFKON1 S_AHR_61005063 Check constants for Company car 
261 OHAVFO002 S_AHR_61016801 Design form 
262 OHAVFO003 S_AHR_61016803 Copy form 
263 OHAVFO004 S_AHR_61016808 Define evaluation classes and their processing class specification 
264 OHAVFO005 S_AHR_61016809 Define alternative currency 
265 OHAVFO006 S_AHR_61016810 Set up address 
266 OHAVFO008 S_AHR_61016811 Change the Addresses infotype (0006) 
267 OHAVFOPA002 S_AHR_61016831 Set up of Payroll Account 
268 OHAVFOPJ100 S_AHR_61016821 Convert old form 
269 OHAVFOPJ201 S_AHR_61016822 Set up page header 
270 OHAVFOPJ202 S_AHR_61016827 Set up payroll excerpts 
271 OHAVFOPJ203 S_AHR_61016829 Set up continuation excerpts 
272 OHAVFOPJ204 S_AHR_61016830 Set up display of totals 
273 OHAVFORS S_AHR_61005044 Check maximum value for redution 
274 OHAVFORS001 S_AHR_61016812 Convert old customer form 
275 OHAVFORS002 S_AHR_61016805 Set up remuneration statement 
276 OHAVFORS010 S_AHR_61016813 Example: Cumulation identifiers in individual fields 
277 OHAVFORS030 S_AHR_61016818 Example using the new procedure 
278 OHAVFORS031 S_AHR_61016819 Example using the old procedure 
279 OHAVFORS040 S_AHR_61016814 Example: Vacation in a window 
280 OHAVFORS050 S_AHR_61016815 Example: Time quota in an individual field 
281 OHAVFORS060 S_AHR_61016816 Example: Time quota in a window 
282 OHAVFORS070 S_AHR_61016817 Example: Message in a window 
283 OHAVFRTP S_AHR_61005500 Check Absence types 
284 OHAVJW000 S_AHR_61005000 Form annual values 
285 OHAVKF001 S_AHR_61005024 Form reduction factors 
286 OHAVKF002 S_AHR_61005026 Assign reduction factors 
287 OHAVKGLD S_AHR_61005741 Transfer data 
288 OHAVKL000 S_AHR_61005029 Form wage types for cost accounting 
289 OHAVKONR S_AHR_61005721 Check Municipal numbers 
290 OHAVKONS S_AHR_61004929 Check constants 
291 OHAVLAAN S_AHR_61004909 Create a loan type 
292 OHAVLART12 S_AHR_61005074 Check wage types 
293 OHAVLART134 S_AHR_61005066 Check wage types 
294 OHAVLOTS S_AHR_61004914 Create loan terms 
295 OHAVLSAK S_AHR_61005076 Attach wage type to subtype and account 
296 OHAVLVIW S_AHR_61007518 Maintain Logical views 
297 OHAVMAFE S_AHR_61007514 Maintain Features 
298 OHAVMAKS S_AHR_61004973 Check maximum value for banktransfer 
299 OHAVMASC S_AHR_61005166 Maintain Schemas 
300 OHAVMOS10 S_L9C_94000294 Set "organisasjonsnummer / foretaksnummer" 
301 OHAVMOS20 S_L9C_94000295 Set "bedriftsnummer/undernummer" 
302 OHAVMOS30 S_L9C_94000296 Assign personell area / subarea to "organisasjons-nummer bedrift" 
303 OHAVMOS40 S_AL0_96000138 Assign personell area / subarea to Legal Person 
304 OHAVMOTT S_AHR_61005060 Create payee 
305 OHAVNKON S_AHR_61005803 Check Leave constants 
306 OHAVNKST S_AHR_61005048 Check constants for Employees zone 
307 OHAVOCAE001 S_PH0_48000014 Specify Default Values for Payroll Results 
308 OHAVOCPM001 S_PH0_48000017 Create Process Models 
309 OHAVOCPM002 S_PL0_09000392 Activate Event Type Linkage for Workflow Events 
310 OHAVOCPM003 S_PL0_09000393 Define Counter-Events for Background and Workflow Events 
311 OHAVOCPM01 S_PH0_48000015 Check Payment Key 
312 OHAVOCR001 S_PH0_48000010 Set Up Off-Cycle Reasons 
313 OHAVOCV001 S_PH0_48000011 Set Up Report Variants for Off-Cycle Activities 
314 OHAVOCWT001 S_PH0_48000012 Specify Default Values for Wage Types 
315 OHAVOCZW001 S_PH0_48000013 Specify Default Values for Payment Methods 
316 OHAVOFAG S_AHR_61005040 Create union information 
317 OHAVOKEY S_AHR_61007663 Set organisational key for organisation number 
318 OHAVOROP S_AHR_61007627 Information for organisation number 
319 OHAVPART S_AHR_61005022 Partial period parameter for different time units 
320 OHAVPAY002 S_AHR_61005187 Define schedule for payroll calendar 
321 OHAVPAY003 S_AHR_61007512 Specify version for payroll driver 
322 OHAVPAYM S_AHR_61005490 Absence valuation rule for payment 
323 OHAVPOST S_AHR_61007749 Check postnumbers 
324 OHAVRETY S_AHR_61004917 Assign repayment types 
325 OHAVRI011 S_AHR_61005852 Prepare wage type overview 
326 OHAVRI012 S_AHR_61005854 Obtain overview of accounts 
327 OHAVRI013 S_PH0_48000289 Posting to company code clearing accounts 
328 OHAVRI015 S_AHR_61007568 Define employee grouping account determination 
329 OHAVRI031 S_AHR_61005307 Define posting characteristics of wage types 
330 OHAVRI042 S_AHR_61007571 Store symbolic accounts 
331 OHAVRI051 S_AHR_61005312 Assign Balance Sheet Accounts 
332 OHAVRI052 S_AHR_61005316 Assign expense accounts 
333 OHAVRI053 S_AHR_61005100 Assign customer accounts 
334 OHAVRI054 S_AHR_61005104 Assign vendor accounts 
335 OHAVRI055 S_AHR_61005109 Assign loan postings for employees 
336 OHAVRI056 S_AHR_61005318 Assign technical accounts 
337 OHAVRI061 S_AHR_61007510 Set up fixed cost postings 
338 OHAVRI062 S_AHR_61005135 Check consistency in Customizing 
339 OHAVRI063 S_AHR_61005139 Maintain posting date for payroll periods 
340 OHAVRI064 S_PH0_48000288 Set up substitute Cost Centers 
341 OHAVRI070 S_AHR_61005097 Set up line item text 
342 OHAVRI071 S_AHR_61005080 Create posting variants 
343 OHAVRI080 S_AHR_61005082 Create report variants 
344 OHAVRI081 S_AHR_61005086 Authorizations 
345 OHAVRI090 S_AHR_61005089 Set up export to R/3 or R/2 systems < 4.0 
346 OHAVRIBADI001 S_PL0_09000174 BAdI: Controlling the Posting of Payroll Results 
347 OHAVSCON S_AHR_61005530 Check default for sickpay conditions 
348 OHAVSCRT S_AHR_61005003 Cumulation into SCRT 
349 OHAVSKKT S_AHR_61004932 Check indicator for tax table 
350 OHAVSKNR S_AHR_61004935 Check tax table 
351 OHAVSL001 S_AHR_61007491 Form cumulation wage types from time-based payments 
352 OHAVSL002 S_AHR_61005014 Form cumulation wage types based on master data 
353 OHAVSL003 S_AHR_61004996 Form cumulation wage type based on external bank transfers 
354 OHAVSLAR S_AHR_61007475 Check control of tax calculation 
355 OHAVSLOR S_AHR_61005057 Check wage types 
356 OHAVSOFF S_AHR_61007739 Social Security office numbers 
357 OHAVSONE S_AHR_61007498 Check Employer zone 
358 OHAVSPCL S_AHR_61005006 Check special processing classes 
359 OHAVSSBCODES S_AHR_61005092 Create a catalog of positional codes 
360 OHAVSSBEXIT S_AHR_61007525 Customer specific information 
361 OHAVSSBJOBS S_AHR_61005191 Check assignment of jobstatus 
362 OHAVSSBOPPGI S_AL0_96000350 Enter name/address of external oppgavegiver 
363 OHAVSSBORG S_AHR_61005094 Check organisational information 
364 OHAVSSBPOS S_AHR_61005144 Check assignment of positional codes 
365 OHAVSSBSHIFT S_AHR_61005195 Check shift codes 
366 OHAVSSBWT S_AHR_61005197 Check wage types 
367 OHAVSSYS S_AHR_61005800 Check system determined wage types 
368 OHAVSTBE S_AHR_61004971 Check standard payment method 
369 OHAVSTDV S_AHR_61005788 Set default for payroll accounting 
370 OHAVSTGR S_AHR_61007794 Check statistic groups 
371 OHAVSTST1 S_AHR_61005726 Check wage types 
372 OHAVSUBT1 S_AHR_61004966 Check subtypes for bank connection 
373 OHAVSYMB S_AHR_61007646 Check symbol for Absence type 
374 OHAVSYSN S_AHR_61005072 Check system determined subtypes 
375 OHAVTAXT S_AHR_61004926 Check constants for tax table 
376 OHAVTI110 S_AHR_61005599 Define time types 
377 OHAVTI120 S_AHR_61005594 Assign time identifiers to time pairs 
378 OHAVTI130 S_AHR_61005743 Define processing types 
379 OHAVTI210 S_AHR_61005584 Check access to day processing 
380 OHAVTI310 S_AHR_61005642 Define groupings 
381 OHAVTI321 S_AHR_61007684 Read planned working time from work schedule 
382 OHAVTI322 S_AHR_61005578 Import substitution data 
383 OHAVTI323 S_AHR_61007690 Import absence data 
384 OHAVTI324 S_AHR_61007686 Import overtime data 
385 OHAVTI325 S_AHR_61005558 Define breaks to be imported 
386 OHAVTI330 S_AHR_61005832 Compare daily work schedule with time data 
387 OHAVTI340 S_AHR_61007695 Determine break time 
388 OHAVTI361 S_AHR_61007698 Define valuation classes for period work schedule 
389 OHAVTI362 S_AHR_61007487 Define generation rules 
390 OHAVTI363 S_AHR_61005561 Define groupings 
391 OHAVTI364 S_AHR_61005551 Execute time wage type selection rule 
392 OHAVTI370 S_AHR_61005554 Compensate overtime 
393 OHAVTWTP S_AHR_61005036 Transfer wage types from previous period 
394 OHAVUM002 S_AHR_61007531 Maintain authorizations 
395 OHAVUM003 S_AHR_61005210 Maintain profiles 
396 OHAVUM006 S_AHR_61005774 Check payroll accounting area 
397 OHAVUM008 S_AHR_61005771 Generate payroll periods 
398 OHAVUM010 S_AHR_61005535 Maintain employer address 
399 OHAVUM010B S_AHR_61005789 Generate calendar for cumulation 
400 OHAVUM012 S_AHR_61005780 Define period modifiers 
401 OHAVUM013 S_AHR_61005495 Protect personnel calculation rules 
402 OHAVUM014 S_AHR_61005777 Define date modifiers 
403 OHAVUM022 S_AHR_61007617 Maintain processing classes and their specification 
404 OHAVUM023 S_AHR_61005409 Maintain evaluation classes and their specification 
405 OHAVUM101 S_AHR_61005441 Create wage type catalog 
406 OHAVUM102 S_AHR_61007634 Change wage type texts 
407 OHAVUM103 S_AHR_61005447 Check wage type characteristics 
408 OHAVUM104 S_AHR_61005541 Check assignment to wage type group 
409 OHAVUM105 S_AHR_61005602 Check logical view 
410 OHAVVAAC S_AHR_61005523 Valuation rule for Attendance and Absence 
411 OHAVVAC20 S_AHR_61005787 Check default Leave entitlement 
412 OHAVVALUE S_PH9_46001247 Value Determination 
413 OHAVVKST S_AHR_61005180 Maintain Wagetype constants 
414 OHAVVNHOB S_AHR_61005759 Check default Business area for NHO 
415 OHAVVNHOM S_AHR_61005762 Check default memebership no. NHO 
416 OHAVVORGS S_PH0_48000445 Connect business area to employers contribution calculation 
417 OHAVVSFF S_AHR_61005796 Maintain control parameter for leave 
418 OHAVVTBLM S_AHR_61005756 Check default membership no for TBL 
419 OHAVWTIF S_AHR_61005451 Check wage type assignment for infotype 
420 OHAV_AV_1 S_AHR_61018911 Bases for Valuation of Averages 
421 OHAV_AV_2W S_AHR_61018912 Create Bases for Calculating Average Values 
422 OHAV_AV_ABCR S_AHR_61018913 Create Calculation Rules for Averages 
423 OHAV_AV_P S_AHR_61018914 Assign the Valuation of Averages to a Primary Wage Type 
424 OHAW2001 S_AHR_61002269 Set-up the Basic Deductions Tax Table 
425 OHAW2002 S_AHR_61006973 Set up the Tax Rebate Table 
426 OHAW483 S_AHR_61002144 Convert old customer form 
427 OHAWAB002 S_AHR_61002611 Assign Absence Valuation Rules to Absences 
428 OHAWAB003 S_AHR_61002572 Determine Grouping for Absence Valuation 
429 OHAWAB009 S_AHR_61002501 Valuate Absences According to 'as if' Principle 
430 OHAWAB010 S_AHR_61002537 Special Processing for Absence Valuation Rules 
431 OHAWAB011 S_AHR_61006990 Create Counting Classes for Absence Valuation 
432 OHAWAB012 S_AHR_61006994 Valuate Absences by Constants/Averages 
433 OHAWAL01 S_AHR_61003039 Basics 
434 OHAWAV001 S_AHR_61002765 Bases for valuation of averages 
435 OHAWAV511A S_AHR_61002747 Create calculation rules for averages 
436 OHAWAV511B S_AHR_61002615 Create cumulation rules for bases for calculating averages 
437 OHAWAV511C S_AHR_61007020 Create adjustment rules for bases for calculating averages 
438 OHAWAVBAS S_AHR_61002770 Create bases for calculating average values 
439 OHAWAVP15 S_AHR_61007021 Assign the valuation of averages to a primary wage type 
440 OHAWAVX017 S_AHR_61007034 Create relevancy test 
441 OHAWAVX018 S_AHR_61002776 Create final processing rule 
442 OHAWAVXT00 S_AHR_61002727 Adjust calculation of averages within the payroll run 
443 OHAWBW004 S_AHR_61006999 Determine wage type-dependent constants 
444 OHAWBW005 S_AHR_61002565 Determine pay scale-dependent constants 
445 OHAWBW006 S_AHR_61002755 Create Person-Related Valuation Bases 
446 OHAWBW019 S_AHR_61002760 Assign Valuation Bases 
447 OHAWBW21 S_AHR_61002734 Calculate Valuation Basis for Different Payment 
448 OHAWBW22 S_AHR_61002741 Calculate Valuation Basis with Higher Value 
449 OHAWCW011 S_AHR_61002976 Additional Payments 
450 OHAWCW055 S_AHR_61002328 Maintain External Transfers 
451 OHAWCWS11 S_AHR_61002493 Assign Social Insurance Cumulation to Wage Types 
452 OHAWCWS33 S_AHR_61002266 Assign Social Insurance Result Specifications to Wage Types 
453 OHAWCWT08 S_AHR_61002277 Assign SARS Codes to Earnings Wage Types 
454 OHAWCWT21 S_AHR_61002313 Assign Annual Value 'Accommodation Allowance' to Wage Types 
455 OHAWCWT39 S_AHR_61002263 Define Annual Tax Cumulations 
456 OHAWCWT68 S_AHR_61002281 Assign the Specification 'Additional Tax' to Wage Types 
457 OHAWCWT69 S_AHR_61002285 'Package reduction' 
458 OHAWDE1041 S_AHR_61002918 Set Priorities for Arrears 
459 OHAWDE1044 S_AHR_61002984 Maintain Arrears for Retrocalculation 
460 OHAWDE1046 S_AHR_61002970 Split absolute deductions into collected and advanced amount 
461 OHAWDE1048 S_AHR_61002913 Check Wage Type Group 'Deduction and Arrears' 
462 OHAWDL021 S_AHR_61002300 Activate Calculation 
463 OHAWDL022 S_AHR_61002303 Adjust Calculation 
464 OHAWDL023 S_AHR_61002306 Check Constant Value 
465 OHAWDL024 S_PH0_48000080 Value Determination 
466 OHAWDL025 S_L9C_94000020 Specify Interest Calculation Method 
467 OHAWDL030 S_AHR_61018932 Maintain Loan Types 
468 OHAWDL031 S_AHR_61002289 Adjust wage types 
469 OHAWDL032 S_AHR_61002293 Assign repayment type 
470 OHAWDL033 S_L9C_94000021 Adjust Screen Control 
471 OHAWDL034 S_AHR_61006974 Create loan terms 
472 OHAWDL035 S_L9C_94000024 Control Allocation of Loans 
473 OHAWDL036 S_L9C_94000022 Set Up Customer Payment Types 
474 OHAWDL037 S_L9C_94000023 Program Processing Logic for Payment Types 
475 OHAWDT002 S_AHR_61002087 Set-up House Banks 
476 OHAWDT003 S_AHR_61002092 Determine Sender Banks 
477 OHAWDT004 S_AHR_61006952 Text Keys for Payment Transactions 
478 OHAWDV001 S_AHR_61002973 Make Settings for Transferring Last Payroll Result 
479 OHAWEDTINTERNET S_AHR_61006986 Internet link for remuneration statement 
480 OHAWEDTINTERNET1 S_AHR_61018866 Internet Connection for the Remuneration Statement 
481 OHAWFO002 S_AHR_61018832 Create Draft Form 
482 OHAWFO003 S_AHR_61018833 Copy Form 
483 OHAWFO004 S_AHR_61018852 Maintain Evaluation Classes and Their Specifications 
484 OHAWFO006 S_AHR_61018854 Set Up Address 
485 OHAWFO008 S_AHR_61018855 Change Addresses Infotype (0006) 
486 OHAWFOPA002 S_AHR_61018867 Set Up Payroll Account 
487 OHAWFOPA002_IRP5 S_AHR_61019012 Ammend Background of Form 
488 OHAWFOPJ100 S_AHR_61018868 Convert Old Form 
489 OHAWFORS001 S_AHR_61018856 Convert Old Form 
490 OHAWFORS002 S_AHR_61018857 Set Up Remuneration Statement 
491 OHAWFORS010 S_AHR_61018858 Example: Cumulation Wage Type in Single Field 
492 OHAWFORS030 S_AHR_61018859 Example with New Procedure 
493 OHAWFORS031 S_AHR_61018860 Example with Old Procedure 
494 OHAWFORS040 S_AHR_61018861 Example: Leave-Data in Window 
495 OHAWFORS050 S_AHR_61018862 Example: Time Quota in Single Field 
496 OHAWFORS060 S_AHR_61018864 Example: Time Quota in Window 
497 OHAWFORS070 S_AHR_61018865 Example: Notification in Window 
498 OHAWJW000 S_AHR_61002310 Create annual values for user wage types 
499 OHAWKF001 S_AHR_61002900 Create Reductions Factor 
500 OHAWKF002 S_AHR_61007059 Assign Reduction Factors