SAP ABAP IMG Activity - Index O, page 23
IMG Activity - O
# IMG Activity Transaction Code Short Description
1 OHATH_1048 S_AHR_61002639 Check wage type group 'Deductions for arrears' 
2 OHATH_483 S_AHR_61003056 Convert old customer form 
3 OHATH_601 S_AHR_61002877 Convert old customer form 
4 OHATH_AB001 S_AHR_61003231 Describe absence valuation rules 
5 OHATH_AB002 S_AHR_61003237 Group absences for absence valuation 
6 OHATH_AB003 S_AHR_61003241 Define grouping for absence valuation 
7 OHATH_AB004 S_AHR_61003216 Define day rules 
8 OHATH_AB005 S_AHR_61003186 Create wage type catalog 
9 OHATH_AB009 S_AHR_61003203 Valuate absences according to 'as if' principle 
10 OHATH_AB010 S_AHR_61003360 Set up special processing for absences 
11 OHATH_AB011 S_AHR_61003199 Set up counting classes for absence valuation 
12 OHATH_AB012 S_AHR_61003207 Valuate absences by constants/averages 
13 OHATH_AB013 S_AHR_61003211 Valuate leave 
14 OHATH_AB200 S_AHR_61003494 Valuate absences for quota deduction 
15 OHATH_AV001 S_AHR_61003487 Define bases for valuation of averages 
16 OHATH_AV511A S_AHR_61003536 Create calculation rules for averages 
17 OHATH_AV511B S_AHR_61003532 Create cumulation rules as bases for calculating averages 
18 OHATH_AV511C S_AHR_61003522 Create adjustment rules as bases for calculating averages 
19 OHATH_AVBAS S_AHR_61003490 Define bases for calculating average values 
20 OHATH_AVP15 S_AHR_61007142 Assign the valuation of averages to a primary wage type 
21 OHATH_AVX017 S_AHR_61003564 Create relevancy test 
22 OHATH_AVX018 S_AHR_61003567 Create final processing rule 
23 OHATH_AVXT00 S_AHR_61003526 Adjust calculation of averages within the payroll run 
24 OHATH_AV_1 S_PH9_46000279 Basics of Valuating Averages 
25 OHATH_AV_2W S_PH9_46000280 Create Bases for Calculating Average Values 
26 OHATH_AV_ABCR S_PH9_46000285 Create Calculation Rules for Averages 
27 OHATH_AV_P S_PH9_46000286 Assign Primary Wage Types to Average Calculation Rules 
28 OHATH_BW004 S_AHR_61003518 Define wage type-dependent constants 
29 OHATH_BW005 S_AHR_61003470 Define pay scale-dependent constants 
30 OHATH_BW006 S_AHR_61003475 Define person-related valuation bases 
31 OHATH_BW019 S_AHR_61003480 Assign valuation bases 
32 OHATH_BW21 S_AHR_61003408 Determine valuation basis for different payment 
33 OHATH_BW22 S_AHR_61003412 Calculate valuation basis with higher value 
34 OHATH_CU010 S_AHR_61002646 Check calendar for cumulation 
35 OHATH_CU030 S_AHR_61002723 Define Cumulation Types 
36 OHATH_CU040 S_AHR_61002732 Assign Cumulation periods to payroll time units 
37 OHATH_CU050 S_AHR_61002735 Define Cumulation periods 
38 OHATH_CU060 S_AHR_61003069 Assign cumulations to wage types 
39 OHATH_DT002 S_AHR_61003077 Set up house banks 
40 OHATH_DT003 S_AHR_61003082 Define sending banks 
41 OHATH_DT004 S_AHR_61003086 Check text keys for payment transactions 
42 OHATH_GU020 S_AHR_61002830 Create Wage Type Catalog 
43 OHATH_GU040 S_AHR_61007046 Change Wage Type Texts 
44 OHATH_GU050 S_AHR_61002781 Assign Grossup Wage Types to Wage Type Group 
45 OHATH_GU060 S_AHR_61002788 Set Wage Type Characteristics 
46 OHATH_GU070 S_AHR_61002793 Change Permissibility of Wage Types in Infotypes 
47 OHATH_GU080 S_AHR_61002799 Define Types of Grossup 
48 OHATH_GU090 S_AHR_61002803 Define Deductions to be Used 
49 OHATH_JW000 S_AHR_61002772 Create annual values 
50 OHATH_KF001 S_AHR_61003427 Define reduction factors 
51 OHATH_KF002 S_AHR_61003370 Assign reduction factors 
52 OHATH_KL000 S_AHR_61007127 Create wage types for cost accounting 
53 OHATH_MZ001 S_AHR_61003048 Define units of currency 
54 OHATH_OC010 S_AHR_61007060 Assign Off-Cycle Wage Types to Wage Type Group 
55 OHATH_OC020 S_AHR_61002841 Change Permissibility of Wage Types in Infotypes 
56 OHATH_PART S_AHR_61003425 Maintain partial period parameter for different time units 
57 OHATH_PAY002 S_AHR_61003277 Define Schedule for Payroll Calendar 
58 OHATH_PAY003 S_AHR_61003273 Specify Version for Payroll Driver 
59 OHATH_PF020 S_AHR_61003124 PA/PSA Provident Fund Rates Modifier 
60 OHATH_PF030 S_AHR_61002814 EG/ESG Provident Fund Rates Modifier 
61 OHATH_PF040 S_AHR_61002819 PA/PSA Provident Fund Rates Modifier Grouping 
62 OHATH_PF050 S_AHR_61007041 EG/ESG Provident Fund Rates Modifier Grouping 
63 OHATH_PF060 S_AHR_61002825 Provident Fund Rates 
64 OHATH_PM_CREATE S_AHR_61003354 Create Process Model 
65 OHATH_R1024 S_AHR_61002635 Define rules for limits 
66 OHATH_R1025 S_AHR_61002578 Set up wage type classes and attach limits 
67 OHATH_R1026 S_AHR_61002571 Set limit modifier 
68 OHATH_R1027 S_AHR_61002586 Maintain wage types for limits 
69 OHATH_RI011 S_AHR_61003708 Prepare Wage Type Overview 
70 OHATH_RI012 S_AHR_61007179 Obtain Overview of Accounts 
71 OHATH_RI013 S_PH0_48000030 Posting to Company Code Clearing Accounts 
72 OHATH_RI015 S_AHR_61003441 Define Employee Grouping Account Determination 
73 OHATH_RI021 S_AHR_61002595 Rename wage types for arrears processing 
74 OHATH_RI031 S_AHR_61003465 Define Posting Characteristics of Wage Types 
75 OHATH_RI042 S_AHR_61003436 Define Symbolic Accounts 
76 OHATH_RI051 S_AHR_61003419 Assign Balance Sheet Accounts 
77 OHATH_RI052 S_AHR_61007145 Assign Expense Accounts 
78 OHATH_RI053 S_AHR_61003505 Assign Customer Accounts 
79 OHATH_RI054 S_AHR_61003502 Assign Vendor Accounts 
80 OHATH_RI055 S_AHR_61003497 Assign Customer Accounts for Specific Loan Posting 
81 OHATH_RI056 S_AHR_61003484 Assign Technical Accounts 
82 OHATH_RI060 S_AHR_61007100 Maintain clearing cost centers 
83 OHATH_RI061 S_AHR_61003228 Set Up Fixed Cost Postings 
84 OHATH_RI062 S_AHR_61003135 Check Consistency of Customizing 
85 OHATH_RI063 S_AHR_61003128 Maintain Posting Date for Payroll Periods 
86 OHATH_RI064 S_PH0_48000029 Set Up Substitute Cost Centers 
87 OHATH_RI070 S_AHR_61003169 Set Up Line Item Text 
88 OHATH_RI071 S_AHR_61003317 Create Posting Variants 
89 OHATH_RI080 S_AHR_61003297 Create variants 
90 OHATH_RI081 S_AHR_61003325 Authorizations 
91 OHATH_RI090 S_AHR_61003263 Set Up Export to R/2 System or R/3 System <4.0 
92 OHATH_RI092 S_PL0_09000307 BAdI: Control Posting of Payroll Results 
93 OHATH_SL001 S_AHR_61003391 Set up cumulation wage types from time-based payments 
94 OHATH_SL002 S_AHR_61003461 Set up cumulation wage types based on master data 
95 OHATH_SL003 S_AHR_61003463 Set up cumulation wage type based on external bank transfers 
96 OHATH_SS020 S_AHR_61003446 Social Security Company Rates Modifier 
97 OHATH_SS030 S_AHR_61003397 Social Security Branches Modifier 
98 OHATH_SS040 S_AHR_61003429 PA/PSA for Social Security Company Rates Modifier Grouping 
99 OHATH_SS045 S_AHR_61003385 PA/PSA for Social Security Branches Modifier Grouping 
100 OHATH_SS060 S_AHR_61003456 Social Security Company Rates 
101 OHATH_SS070 S_AHR_61003403 Social Security Branches & Company Account Modifier 
102 OHATH_TI110 S_AHR_61007111 Define time types 
103 OHATH_TI120 S_AHR_61003304 Assign time identifiers to time pairs 
104 OHATH_TI130 S_AHR_61003307 Define processing types 
105 OHATH_TI210 S_AHR_61003311 Check access to day processing 
106 OHATH_TI310 S_AHR_61007094 Define groupings 
107 OHATH_TI321 S_AHR_61003175 Read planned working time from work schedule 
108 OHATH_TI322 S_AHR_61003178 Import substitution data 
109 OHATH_TI323 S_AHR_61003182 Import absence data 
110 OHATH_TI324 S_AHR_61007092 Import overtime data 
111 OHATH_TI325 S_AHR_61003171 Define breaks to be imported 
112 OHATH_TI330 S_AHR_61003594 Compare daily work schedule with time data 
113 OHATH_TI340 S_AHR_61003131 Calculate break times 
114 OHATH_TI361 S_AHR_61003138 Define valuation classes for period work schedule 
115 OHATH_TI362 S_AHR_61003152 Define Generation Rules 
116 OHATH_TI363 S_AHR_61003142 Define groupings 
117 OHATH_TI364 S_AHR_61003219 Generate wage types 
118 OHATH_TI370 S_AHR_61003224 Compensate overtime 
119 OHATH_TM020A S_AHR_61002838 Create Wage Type Catalog 
120 OHATH_TM040A S_AHR_61002881 Change Wage Type Texts 
121 OHATH_TM050A S_AHR_61002887 Assign Termination Wage Types to Wage Type Group 
122 OHATH_TM060A S_AHR_61002892 Set Wage Type Characteristics 
123 OHATH_TM070A S_AHR_61002896 Change Permissibility of Wage Types in Infotypes 
124 OHATH_TX020 S_AHR_61003468 Define PA/PSA Grouping for Tax Calculation Method and Tax ID 
125 OHATH_TX030 S_AHR_61003451 Group PA/PSA for Tax Calculation Method 
126 OHATH_TX040 S_AHR_61003431 Assign Tax Calculation Method and Tax ID to PA/PSA Grouping 
127 OHATH_TX050 S_AHR_61003513 Determine Seniority 
128 OHATH_UM002 S_AHR_61003250 Maintain Authorizations 
129 OHATH_UM006 S_AHR_61003287 Check payroll accounting area 
130 OHATH_UM008 S_AHR_61003292 Generate payroll periods 
131 OHATH_UM010 S_AHR_61003246 Maintain employer addresses 
132 OHATH_UM010B S_AHR_61003268 Generate calendar for cumulation 
133 OHATH_UM012 S_AHR_61003280 Define period modifiers 
134 OHATH_UM013 S_AHR_61003243 Protect personnel calculation rules 
135 OHATH_UM014 S_AHR_61003282 Define date modifiers 
136 OHATH_UM022 S_AHR_61003254 Maintain processing classes and their specifications 
137 OHATH_UM023 S_AHR_61003259 Maintain evaluation classes and their specifications 
138 OHATH_UM101 S_AHR_61003340 Create wage type catalog 
139 OHATH_UM102 S_AHR_61003345 Change wage type texts 
140 OHATH_UM103 S_AHR_61003347 Check wage type characteristics 
141 OHATH_UM104 S_AHR_61003329 Check assignment to wage type group 
142 OHATH_UM105 S_AHR_61003334 Check logical view 
143 OHATRM00023 S_AL0_96000651 Set up Infogroups for Termination Processing 
144 OHATRNDMNGT_OVERVIEW S_L7D_24000593 Training Need Manangement: Overview 
145 OHATW1013 S_AHR_61002380 Maintain recurring payments/deductions and add. payments 
146 OHATW1015 S_AHR_61002382 Assign processing classes to wage types 
147 OHATW1016 S_AHR_61002386 Assign Processing Classes to Wage Types 
148 OHATW1040A S_AHR_61002344 Check Payroll Schema 
149 OHATW1041 S_AHR_61002350 Define Priority for Arrears 
150 OHATW1043 S_AHR_61002356 Maintain Recovery of Arrears 
151 OHATW1044 S_AHR_61002353 Maintain Arrears Deductions for Retroactive Accounting 
152 OHATW1046 S_AHR_61002360 Split Unconditional Deductions into Paid Amount and Advance 
153 OHATW1048 S_AHR_61002347 Check Wage Type Group 'Deductions for Arrears' 
154 OHATWCOM001 S_PH9_46000613 Setup Shift Change Compensation 
155 OHATWCU010 S_AHR_61003244 Check Calendar for Cumulation 
156 OHATWCU030 S_AHR_61003242 Define Cumulation Types 
157 OHATWCU040 S_AHR_61003239 Assign Cumulation Periods to Payroll Time Units 
158 OHATWCU050 S_AHR_61003236 Define Cumulation Periods 
159 OHATWCU060 S_AHR_61003262 Assign Cumulations to Wage Type 
160 OHATWDV001 S_AHR_61002363 Make Settings for Transferring Last Payroll Result 
161 OHATWEDTINTERNET S_AHR_61002930 Internet Connection for the Remuneration Statement 
162 OHATWFO002 S_PH9_46000073 Create Draft Form 
163 OHATWFO003 S_PH9_46000074 Copy Form 
164 OHATWFO004 S_PH9_46000075 Maintain Evaluation Classes and their Processing Classes 
165 OHATWFO005 S_PH9_46000076 Define Alternative Currency 
166 OHATWFO006 S_PH9_46000077 Set Up Addresses 
167 OHATWFO008 S_PH9_46000078 Change Addresses Infotype (0006) 
168 OHATWFOPA002 S_PH9_46000098 Set Up Payroll Account 
169 OHATWFOPJ100 S_PH9_46000099 Convert Old Form 
170 OHATWFOPJ201 S_PH9_46000100 Set Up Page Header 
171 OHATWFOPJ202 S_PH9_46000101 Set Up Payroll Excerpt 
172 OHATWFOPJ203 S_PH9_46000102 Set Up Continuation Excerpt 
173 OHATWFOPJ204 S_PH9_46000103 Set Up Totals Display 
174 OHATWFORS001 S_PH9_46000089 Convert Old Form 
175 OHATWFORS002 S_PH9_46000090 Set Up Remuneration Statement 
176 OHATWFORS010 S_PH9_46000091 Example: Cumulation Wage Type in Single Field 
177 OHATWFORS030 S_PH9_46000092 Example: Using the New Procedure 
178 OHATWFORS031 S_PH9_46000093 Example: Using the Old Procedure 
179 OHATWFORS040 S_PH9_46000094 Example: Leave-Data in Window 
180 OHATWFORS050 S_PH9_46000095 Example: Time Quota in Single Field 
181 OHATWFORS060 S_PH9_46000096 Example: Time Quota in Window 
182 OHATWFORS070 S_PH9_46000097 Example: Notification in Window 
183 OHATWOCPM001 S_AHR_61003366 Create Process Models 
184 OHATWOCR001 S_AHR_61003253 Set Up Off-Cycle Reasons 
185 OHATWOCV001 S_AHR_61003358 Set Up Report Variants for Off-Cycle Activities 
186 OHATWPU1200 S_PH9_46000104 Connection to Third-Party Payroll Systems 
187 OHATWQUOTACOMP00 S_AHR_61012697 Create Wage Type Catalog 
188 OHATWQUOTACOMP01 S_AHR_61012698 Assign Wage Types to the Quotas to be Compensated 
189 OHATWR1021 S_AHR_61002372 Rename Wage Types for Arrears Processing 
190 OHATWR1024 S_AHR_61002388 Define Rules for Limits 
191 OHATWR1025 S_AHR_61002394 Set Up Wage Type Classes and Attach Limits 
192 OHATWR1026 S_AHR_61002391 Set Limit Modifier 
193 OHATWR1027 S_AHR_61002397 Maintain Wage Types for Limits 
194 OHATW_483 S_AHR_61002890 Convert old customer form 
195 OHATW_AB001 S_AHR_61002462 Define Absence Valuation Rules 
196 OHATW_AB002 S_AHR_61002463 Group Absences for Absence Valuation 
197 OHATW_AB003 S_AHR_61002464 Define Grouping for Absence Valuation 
198 OHATW_AB004 S_AHR_61002465 Define Day Rules 
199 OHATW_AB005 S_AHR_61002468 Create Wage Type Catalog 
200 OHATW_AB009 S_AHR_61002474 Valuate Absences According to 'as if' Principle 
201 OHATW_AB010 S_AHR_61002400 Special Processing for Absence Valuation Rules 
202 OHATW_AB011 S_AHR_61002471 Create Counting Classes for Absence Valuation 
203 OHATW_AB012 S_AHR_61002477 Valuate Absences by Constants/Averages 
204 OHATW_AB200 S_AHR_61002311 Valuate Absences for Quota Deduction 
205 OHATW_ADM_001 S_L4H_49003226 Specify Authorization Check for Employee Data Deletion 
206 OHATW_ADM_002 S_L4H_49003218 Define Employment Status Eligible for Employee Data Deletion 
207 OHATW_AL01 S_AHR_61003657 Bases 
208 OHATW_AP100 S_AHR_61003747 Using Report and Off-Cycle or Off-Cycle Reason 
209 OHATW_AP210 S_AHR_61003314 Define Advance Payment Wage Type 
210 OHATW_AP220 S_AHR_61003328 Determine Multiple Payment Grouping 
211 OHATW_AP230 S_AHR_61003110 Define Multiple Payment Rate 
212 OHATW_AP311 S_AHR_61003143 Define Basic Pay Wage Type 
213 OHATW_AP312 S_AHR_61003150 Define Recurring Payment/Deduction Wage Type 
214 OHATW_AP313 S_AHR_61003157 Define Additional Payment Wage Type 
215 OHATW_AP320 S_AHR_61003107 Define Advance Payment Rate 
216 OHATW_AP330 S_AHR_61003063 Calculate Advance Payment 
217 OHATW_AP340 S_AHR_61003068 Maintain Advance Payment Schema 
218 OHATW_AV001 S_AHR_61003075 Bases for Valuation of Averages 
219 OHATW_AV511A S_AHR_61003113 Create Calculation Rules for Averages 
220 OHATW_AV511B S_AHR_61003323 Create Cumulation Rules for Bases for Calculating Averages 
221 OHATW_AV511C S_AHR_61003318 Create Adjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating Averages 
222 OHATW_AVBAS S_AHR_61003072 Create Bases for Calculating Average Values 
223 OHATW_AVP15 S_AHR_61007114 Assign the Valuation of Averages to a Primary Wage Type 
224 OHATW_AVX017 S_AHR_61007090 Create Relevancy Test 
225 OHATW_AVX018 S_AHR_61007086 Create Final Processing Rule 
226 OHATW_AVXT00 S_AHR_61003308 Adjust Calculation of Averages within the Payroll Run 
227 OHATW_AV_1 S_PH9_46000614 Basics of Valuating Averages 
228 OHATW_AV_2W S_PH9_46000615 Create Bases for Calculating Average Values 
229 OHATW_AV_ABCR S_PH9_46000616 Create Calculation Rules for Averages 
230 OHATW_AV_P S_PH9_46000617 Assign Primary Wage Types to Average Calculation Rules 
231 OHATW_BN111 S_AHR_61003079 Define Basic Pay Wage Type 
232 OHATW_BN112 S_AHR_61003084 Define Recurring Payment/Deduction Wage Type 
233 OHATW_BN113 S_AHR_61003161 Define Additional Payment Wage Type 
234 OHATW_BN120 S_AHR_61003753 Bonus Report (HTWCAWS0) 
235 OHATW_BN130 S_AHR_61003217 Maintain Pro-Rate Types for Bonus 
236 OHATW_BN140 S_AHR_61003221 Function Exit for Bonus 
237 OHATW_BN210 S_AHR_61003230 Define Off-Cycle Bonus 
238 OHATW_BN220 S_AHR_61003233 Maintain Tax Rate for Off-Cycle Bonus 
239 OHATW_BW004 S_AHR_61003225 Define Wage Type-Dependent Constants 
240 OHATW_BW005 S_AHR_61003213 Define Pay Scale-Dependent Constants 
241 OHATW_BW006 S_AHR_61003209 Create Person-Related Valuation Bases 
242 OHATW_BW019 S_AHR_61007084 Assign Valuation Bases 
243 OHATW_BW21 S_AHR_61003299 Determine Valuation Basis for Different Payment 
244 OHATW_BW22 S_AHR_61003333 Calculate Valuation Basis with Higher Value 
245 OHATW_DT002 S_AHR_61002367 Set Up House Banks 
246 OHATW_DT003 S_AHR_61002369 Define Sender Banks 
247 OHATW_DT004 S_AHR_61002882 Check Text Keys for Payment Transactions 
248 OHATW_DT009 S_AHR_61003742 Note Several Payment Runs Per Period for Garnishments 
249 OHATW_DW100 S_AHR_61002460 Define Payroll Constant 
250 OHATW_EXTWT01 S_PL0_09000299 Specify External Application 
251 OHATW_EXTWT02 S_PL0_09000319 Specify Wage Type 
252 OHATW_EXTWT03 S_PL0_09000320 Activate Calculation 
253 OHATW_JW000 S_AHR_61003249 Create Annual Values 
254 OHATW_KF001 S_AHR_61003350 Create Reduction Factors 
255 OHATW_KF002 S_AHR_61007117 Assign Reduction Factors 
256 OHATW_KL000 S_AHR_61003342 Create Wage Types for Cost Accounting 
257 OHATW_LI105 S_AHR_61003421 Check Insurance Type 
258 OHATW_LI115 S_AHR_61003428 Define LI Amount Category 
259 OHATW_LI120 S_AHR_61007134 Define Disability Class 
260 OHATW_LI125 S_AHR_61007136 Define LI Subsidy Percentage 
261 OHATW_LI126 S_L4H_49001942 Define Reasons for LI Status Change 
262 OHATW_LI130 S_AHR_61003457 Define Branch Code in LI Occupational Risk 
263 OHATW_LI131 S_L7D_24001547 Define Branch Code in LI Occupational Risk (New) 
264 OHATW_LI135 S_AHR_61003460 Define Reason for Insurance Premium Change 
265 OHATW_LI140 S_AHR_61003377 Define Insurer Name and Address 
266 OHATW_LI145 S_AHR_61003384 Define Default ID Type for Foreigner 
267 OHATW_LI150 S_AHR_61003393 Define Payroll Constants 
268 OHATW_LI160 S_AHR_61012641 Maintain Default Insurance Class (Feature TWINS) 
269 OHATW_LI210 S_AHR_61003399 Define Personal Area/Subarea Grp. for LI Occupational Risk 
270 OHATW_LI220 S_AHR_61003411 Define LI Occupational Risk Percentage 
271 OHATW_LI221 S_L7D_24001548 Define LI Occupational Risk Percentage (New) 
272 OHATW_LI311 S_AHR_61003539 Define Basic Pay Wage Type 
273 OHATW_LI312 S_AHR_61003551 Define Recurring Payment/Deduction Wage Type 
274 OHATW_LI313 S_AHR_61003554 Define Additional Payment Wage Type 
275 OHATW_LI321 S_AHR_61003558 Define Basic Pay Wage Types 
276 OHATW_LI322 S_AHR_61007138 Define Recurring Payment/Deduction Wage Type 
277 OHATW_LI323 S_AHR_61003473 Define Additional Payment Wage Type 
278 OHATW_LI324 S_AHR_61003477 Define Generated Wage Types 
279 OHATW_LI325 S_L6B_69000192 Define LI Specific Country Code for DME File 
280 OHATW_LIBDI S_HRI_55000099 BAdI: Appendix and Format of LI/NHI Certificate 
281 OHATW_MZ001 S_AHR_61002886 Define Units of Currency 
282 OHATW_NH110 S_AHR_61007139 Define NHI Amount Category 
283 OHATW_NH115 S_AHR_61003510 Define Disability Class 
284 OHATW_NH120 S_AHR_61003515 Define NHI Subsidy Percentage 
285 OHATW_NH125 S_AHR_61003519 Define Insurer Name and Address 
286 OHATW_NH130 S_AHR_61003523 Define Reason for Insurance Premium Change 
287 OHATW_NH135 S_AHR_61003059 Define NHI Exempt Reason 
288 OHATW_NH140 S_AHR_61006987 Define NHI Status 
289 OHATW_NH145 S_AHR_61002445 Define NHI Status Reason 
290 OHATW_NH146 S_L4H_49001941 Define Reasons for NHI Status Change 
291 OHATW_NH150 S_AHR_61002447 Define Default for NHI Status Reason 
292 OHATW_NH155 S_AHR_61002449 Define NHI Dependent's Relationship 
293 OHATW_NH160 S_AHR_61002450 Define NHI Contribution Percentage 
294 OHATW_NH165 S_AHR_61002452 Define Default ID Type for Foreigner 
295 OHATW_NH170 S_AHR_61002454 Define Payroll Constants 
296 OHATW_NH180 S_AHR_61012642 Maintain Default Insurance Class (Feature TWINS) 
297 OHATW_NH211 S_AHR_61002457 Define Basic Pay Wage Type 
298 OHATW_NH212 S_AHR_61002459 Define Recurring Payment/Deduction Wage Type 
299 OHATW_NH213 S_AHR_61002434 Define Additional Payment Wage Type 
300 OHATW_NH221 S_AHR_61002403 Define Basic Pay Wage Type 
301 OHATW_NH222 S_AHR_61002406 Define Recurring Payment/Deduction Wage Type 
302 OHATW_NH223 S_AHR_61002409 Define Additional Payment Wage Type 
303 OHATW_NH224 S_AHR_61002412 Define Generated Wage Types 
304 OHATW_NH303 S_L4H_49002957 Define Constants for Supplementary Premium 
305 OHATW_NP110 S_PCO_36000107 Define New Pension Category 
306 OHATW_NP120 S_PCO_36000108 Define New Pension Insured Amount Class 
307 OHATW_NP121 S_L4H_49001943 Define Reasons for New Pension Status Change 
308 OHATW_NP130 S_PCO_36000119 Define Payroll Constants 
309 OHATW_NP140 S_PCO_36000120 Maintain Default Insurance Class (Feature TWINS) 
310 OHATW_NP150 S_PCO_36000337 Maintain NP Infotype Screen Control (Feature P0818) 
311 OHATW_NP311 S_PCO_36000468 Define Basic Pay Wage Types 
312 OHATW_NP312 S_PCO_36000469 Define Recurring Payment/Deduction Wage Type 
313 OHATW_NP313 S_PCO_36000470 Define Additional Payment Wage Type 
314 OHATW_NP321 S_PCO_36000471 Define Basic Pay Wage Types 
315 OHATW_NP322 S_PCO_36000472 Define Recurring Payment/Deduction Wage Types 
316 OHATW_NP323 S_PCO_36000473 Define Additional Payment Wage Type 
317 OHATW_NP324 S_PCO_36000474 Define Generated Wage Types 
318 OHATW_NP333 S_L7D_24000134 BAdI: Calculate Seniority by Service Years (HTWLNPP0) 
319 OHATW_NP334 S_L7D_24000135 Maintain Entry Date (Feature ENTRY) 
320 OHATW_NP335 S_L7D_24000136 BAdI: Set Filter for Simulation Run (HTWLNPP0) 
321 OHATW_NP337 S_L7D_24000332 BAdI: Final Amount Adjustment before Tax Deduction (HTWLNPP0) 
322 OHATW_NP356 S_L7D_24000137 BAdI: Calculate Average Monthly Salary (HTWLNPP0) 
323 OHATW_OT110 S_AHR_61003266 Define Non-Taxable OT Wage Type(<cutoff date) 
324 OHATW_OT120 S_AHR_61003271 Define Non-Taxable OT Wage Type(>=cutoff date) 
325 OHATW_OT130 S_AHR_61003276 Define Taxable OT Wage Type(<cutoff date) 
326 OHATW_OT140 S_AHR_61007107 Define Taxable OT Wage Type (>=cutoff date) 
327 OHATW_OT200 S_AHR_61003281 Define Cutoff Date for Overtime 
328 OHATW_OT300 S_AHR_61003285 Define Overtime Limit 
329 OHATW_OT400 S_AHR_61003290 Define Mapping Overtime Wage Type Table 
330 OHATW_OT500 S_AHR_61012640 Define Accumulation Priority 
331 OHATW_PART S_AHR_61003353 Maintain Partial Period Parameter for Different Time Units 
332 OHATW_PAY002 S_AHR_61002769 Define Schedule for Payroll Calendar 
333 OHATW_PAY003 S_AHR_61007035 Specify Version for Payroll Driver 
334 OHATW_PM_CREATE S_AHR_61003166 Create Process Model 
335 OHATW_RI011 S_AHR_61003764 Prepare Wage Type Overview 
336 OHATW_RI012 S_AHR_61003766 Obtain Overview of Accounts 
337 OHATW_RI013 S_PH0_48000028 Posting to Company Code Clearing Account 
338 OHATW_RI015 S_AHR_61002557 Define Employee Grouping Account Determination 
339 OHATW_RI031 S_AHR_61002786 Define Posting Characteristics of Wage Types 
340 OHATW_RI042 S_AHR_61002782 Define Symbolic Accounts 
341 OHATW_RI051 S_AHR_61007036 Assign Balance Sheet Accounts 
342 OHATW_RI052 S_AHR_61002796 Assign Expense Accounts 
343 OHATW_RI053 S_AHR_61002805 Assign Customer Accounts 
344 OHATW_RI054 S_AHR_61002810 Assign Vendor Accounts 
345 OHATW_RI055 S_AHR_61002815 Assign Loan Postings for Employees 
346 OHATW_RI056 S_AHR_61002801 Assign Technical Accounts 
347 OHATW_RI061 S_AHR_61002820 Set up Fixed Cost Postings 
348 OHATW_RI062 S_AHR_61002777 Check Consistency of Customizing 
349 OHATW_RI063 S_AHR_61002720 Maintain Posting Date for Payroll Periods 
350 OHATW_RI064 S_PH0_48000027 Set Up Substitute Cost Centers 
351 OHATW_RI070 S_AHR_61007025 Set Up Line Item Text 
352 OHATW_RI071 S_AHR_61002744 Create Posting Variants 
353 OHATW_RI080 S_AHR_61002748 Create Report Variants 
354 OHATW_RI081 S_AHR_61002751 Set Up Authorizations and Profiles 
355 OHATW_RI090 S_AHR_61002757 Set Up Export to R/2 System or R/3 System <4.0 
356 OHATW_RI091 S_AL0_96000053 Set up Customer Exits 
357 OHATW_RI092 S_PL0_09000096 BAdI: Controlling the Posting of Payroll Results 
358 OHATW_SF100 S_AHR_61002499 Define ESF Category 
359 OHATW_SL001 S_AHR_61003337 Form Cumulation Wage Types from Time-Based Payments 
360 OHATW_SL002 S_AHR_61003295 Form Cumulation Wage Types Based on Master Data 
361 OHATW_SL003 S_AHR_61003257 Create Cumulation Wage Type Based on External Bank Transfers 
362 OHATW_SNHBD S_HRI_55000100 BAdI: Appendix and Format of SNHI Certificate 
363 OHATW_SP110 S_AHR_61002416 Define Employee Contribution Amount 
364 OHATW_SP120 S_AHR_61002419 Define Employee Contribution Rate 
365 OHATW_SP130 S_AHR_61006985 Define Employer Contribution Amount 
366 OHATW_SP140 S_AHR_61002427 Define Employer Contribution Rate 
367 OHATW_SP211 S_AHR_61002431 Define Basic Pay Wage Type 
368 OHATW_SP212 S_AHR_61002483 Define Recurring Payment/Deduction Wage Type 
369 OHATW_SP213 S_AHR_61002486 Define Additional Payment Wage Type 
370 OHATW_SP220 S_AHR_61002489 Maintain Saving Plan Base 
371 OHATW_SP230 S_AHR_61002492 Maintain Partial Period Factor 
372 OHATW_SP240 S_AHR_61002495 Valuate Payroll Elements Using Partial Period Factor 
373 OHATW_SP250 S_AHR_61002497 Maintain Saving Plan and Calculation 
374 OHATW_TAX_CRY S_L4H_49000398 Define Wage Types for Cross-Year Payment 
375 OHATW_TI110 S_AHR_61002315 Define Time Types 
376 OHATW_TI120 S_AHR_61002319 Assign Time Identifiers to Time Pairs 
377 OHATW_TI130 S_AHR_61002324 Define Processing Types 
378 OHATW_TI210 S_AHR_61002327 Check Access to Day Processing 
379 OHATW_TI310 S_AHR_61002330 Define Groupings 
380 OHATW_TI321 S_AHR_61002338 Read Planned Working Time from Work Schedule 
381 OHATW_TI322 S_AHR_61002341 Import Substitution Data 
382 OHATW_TI323 S_AHR_61002307 Import Absence Data 
383 OHATW_TI324 S_AHR_61002276 Import Overtime Data 
384 OHATW_TI325 S_AHR_61002333 Define Breaks to be Imported 
385 OHATW_TI330 S_AHR_61003775 Compare Daily Work Schedule with Time Data 
386 OHATW_TI340 S_AHR_61002280 Calculate Break Times 
387 OHATW_TI361 S_AHR_61002284 Define Valuation Classes for Period Work Schedule 
388 OHATW_TI362 S_AHR_61002291 Define Generation Rules 
389 OHATW_TI363 S_AHR_61002288 Define Groupings 
390 OHATW_TI364 S_AHR_61002295 Execute Time Wage Type Selection Rule 
391 OHATW_TI370 S_AHR_61002298 Compensate Overtime 
392 OHATW_TX120 S_AHR_61003205 Define Tax Withholding Category 
393 OHATW_TX130 S_AHR_61003163 Define Tax Authority Code 
394 OHATW_TX211 S_AHR_61007097 Define Income Tax Wage Type 
395 OHATW_TX212 S_AHR_61003191 Check Base Tax Wage Type (0TX0) 
396 OHATW_TX213 S_AHR_61003195 Check Withhold Tax Wage Type (0TX2) 
397 OHATW_TX214 S_AHR_61003197 Check Inflow/Outflow Tax Wage Type (0TX3) 
398 OHATW_TX220 S_AHR_61003201 Define Tax Withholding Table 
399 OHATW_TX225 S_AHR_61007125 Define Tax Withholding Fast Formula 
400 OHATW_TX230 S_AHR_61003615 Define Wage Type Dependent Tax Rate 
401 OHATW_TX235 S_AHR_61007159 Define Payroll Constants 
402 OHATW_TX240 S_AHR_61003630 Maintain Tax Wage Type for Retro-Calculation (Rule TWT1) 
403 OHATW_TX245 S_AHR_61003578 Maintain Taxable Meal Allowance (Rule TW6B) 
404 OHATW_TX250 S_AHR_61007155 Maintain TW Citizens Various Income (Rule TWSR) 
405 OHATW_TX255 S_AHR_61003580 Maintain Foreigners Various Income (Rule TWSN) 
406 OHATW_TX260 S_AHR_61003576 Maintain Retroactive Income Difference (Rule TWT2) 
407 OHATW_TX310 S_AHR_61003571 Define Sequence No. of Year-End Tax Report 
408 OHATW_TX320 S_AHR_61012666 Maintain Evaluation Class for Income Category 
409 OHATW_TX330 S_AHR_61003566 Maintain Evaluation Class for Income Tax Category 
410 OHATW_TX340 S_AHR_61003563 Define EWF Income and Tax in Year-End Tax Report 
411 OHATW_TX350 S_AHR_61003560 Maintain EWF Company Address and Name 
412 OHATW_TX360 S_AHR_61003583 Maintain Default Foreigner Address 
413 OHATW_TXBDI S_HRI_55000098 BAdI: Appendix and Format of Tax Certificate 
414 OHATW_UM002 S_AHR_61007030 Maintain Authorizations 
415 OHATW_UM006 S_AHR_61003543 Check Payroll Accounting Area 
416 OHATW_UM008 S_AHR_61007140 Generate Payroll Periods 
417 OHATW_UM009 S_AHR_61003415 Generate Cumulation Calendar 
418 OHATW_UM010 S_AHR_61003404 Maintain Employer Addresses 
419 OHATW_UM012 S_AHR_61003556 Define Period Modifiers 
420 OHATW_UM013 S_AHR_61003407 Protect Personnel Calculation Rules 
421 OHATW_UM014 S_AHR_61003547 Define Date Modifiers 
422 OHATW_UM022 S_AHR_61007135 Maintain Processing Classes and their Specifications 
423 OHATW_UM023 S_AHR_61007131 Maintain Evaluation Classes and their Specifications 
424 OHATW_UM101 S_PH9_46000610 Create Wage Type Catalog 
425 OHATW_UM102 S_PH9_46000611 Change Wage Type Texts 
426 OHATW_UM103 S_PH9_46000612 Check Wage Type Characteristics 
427 OHATW_UM104 S_AHR_61003592 Check Assignment to Wage Type Group 
428 OHATW_UM105 S_AHR_61003586 Check Logical View 
429 OHATW_UM115 S_AHR_61003569 Define Company Parameters 
430 OHATW_UM116 S_AHR_61003573 Maintain Net Pay Calculation Schema 
431 OHATW_UM117 S_AHR_61003588 Maintain Accounting Schema for Payroll Driver(HTWCALC0) 
432 OHATW_UM118 S_AHR_61012667 Maintain Overtime Function(Schema TWT0) 
433 OHATW_WF110 S_AHR_61002502 Define EWF Contribution Grouping 
434 OHATW_WF120 S_AHR_61002504 Define EWF Contribution 
435 OHATW_WF210 S_AHR_61002480 Define EWF Wage Type 
436 OHATW_ZIP000 S_L9C_94000203 Zip Code Taiwan 
437 OHATW_ZIP001 S_L7D_24002529 Define ZIP Code (New) 
438 OHAU02AC S_AHR_61000053 Create document category 
439 OHAU02AE S_AHR_61000084 Create government rule 
440 OHAU02AF S_AHR_61000083 Define modifier for company rule 
441 OHAU02AG S_AHR_61000082 Create company rule 
442 OHAU02AI S_AHR_61000081 Create service charge texts 
443 OHAU02AJ S_AHR_61000080 Create government rule 
444 OHAU02AK S_AHR_61000089 Define modifier for company rule 
445 OHAU02AL S_AHR_61000088 Create company rule 
446 OHAU02AN S_AHR_61000087 Create number range for the garnishment transfer 
447 OHAU02AO S_AHR_61000086 Create number range for the vendor subgroup 
448 OHAU02AP S_AHR_61000052 Create originator 
449 OHAU02BC S_AHR_61000085 Create wage type catalog 
450 OHAU02BE S_AHR_61000079 Check wage type texts 
451 OHAU02BF S_AHR_61000073 Check wage type group 'Order Type' 
452 OHAU02BG S_AHR_61000072 Create order types 
453 OHAU02BJ S_AHR_61000071 Define adjustment model texts for the disposable net 
454 OHAU02BK S_AHR_61000070 Create adjustment model for the disposable net 
455 OHAU02BN S_AHR_61000069 Define levy form text 
456 OHAU02BO S_AHR_61000078 Define text for the filing status from the levy form 
457 OHAU02BP S_AHR_61000077 Create exempt amount from levy 
458 OHAU02BQ S_AHR_61000076 Create additional exempt amount 
459 OHAU02BS S_AHR_61000075 Define fields for the special rule 
460 OHAU02BT S_AHR_61000074 Create calculation scheme 
461 OHAU02BU S_AHR_61000019 Create model for the nonexempt amount 
462 OHAU02BV S_AHR_61000018 Create federal hourly wage 
463 OHAU02BW S_AHR_61000017 Create rule for the nonexempt amount 
464 OHAU02BX S_AHR_61000016 Assign order type service charge to the document category 
465 OHAU02CC S_AHR_61000015 Create wage type catalog 
466 OHAU02CE S_AHR_61000024 Check wage type texts 
467 OHAU02CF S_AHR_61000023 Check wage type group 'Adjustments' 
468 OHAU02CG S_AHR_61000022 Check wage type attributes 
469 OHAU02CH S_AHR_61000021 Check permissibility of wage types 
470 OHAU02CI S_AHR_61000020 Check permissibility for adjustment wage types 
471 OHAU02DA S_AHR_61000014 Define defaults 
472 OHAU02DB S_AHR_61000335 Data transfer from an old system 
473 OHAU02DC S_AHR_61000008 Take over garnishment table entries 
474 OHAU02DM S_AHR_61000068 Define remittance rule 
475 OHAU02EB S_AHR_61000007 Check garnishability of wage types 
476 OHAU02EC S_AHR_61000004 Check release into payroll (order type, adjustments) 
477 OHAU02ED S_AHR_61000013 Determine gross for calculation of garnishable amounts 
478 OHAU02EE S_AHR_61000012 Create days for reactivating refund 
479 OHAU02EF S_AHR_61000006 Check priority/third-party remittance for order types 
480 OHAU02EG S_AHR_61000005 Check priority for adjustments 
481 OHAU02FB S_AHR_61000011 Create forms for notice letters 
482 OHAU02FC S_AHR_61000010 Create forms for answer letters 
483 OHAU02FD S_AHR_61000009 Create forms for information on vendor check 
484 OHAU02FF S_AHR_61000025 Set up trigger for termination letter 
485 OHAU02FG S_AHR_61000041 Set up trigger for leave of absence letter 
486 OHAU02FH S_AHR_61000040 Create user exits 
487 OHAU02FI S_AHR_61000039 Assign forms to letter types 
488 OHAU02PA_FEAT_10PAR S_L4H_49002319 Define Grouping for Infotype Locking Beyond Period End 
489 OHAU02PA_LOCK_PAYDT2 S_L4H_49002320 Define HR Attribute Groups for Infotype Locking 
490 OHAU02PA_LOCK_PAYDT3 S_L4H_49002321 Create Fixed Values and Assign Infotypes for Infotype Locking 
491 OHAU0310 S_AHR_61000029 Set up prenotification 
492 OHAU0610 S_AHR_61000165 Define tax form groups containing tax wage types 
493 OHAU0615 S_AHR_61000159 Define tax form groups containing non-tax wage types 
494 OHAU061I S_AHR_61000174 Maintain number range for tax interface tables 
495 OHAU0621 S_AHR_61000156 Define original tax forms 
496 OHAU0624 S_AHR_61000164 Verify tax form configuration 
497 OHAU0626 S_AHR_61019433 Maintain SAPscript parameters for custom W-2 forms 
498 OHAU0628 S_AHR_61019434 Maintain printer for tax forms 
499 OHAU062A S_AHR_61000155 Define correction tax forms 
500 OHAU0630 S_L6B_69000228 Assign ranges for Puerto Rico W-2/W-2C control number