SAP ABAP IMG Activity - Index S, page 18
IMG Activity - S
# IMG Activity Transaction Code Short Description
1 SIMG_HUMGLPPPVHUMKC S_P99_41000291 Copy Predefined Characteristics for Material Identification 
2 SIMG_HUMGLPPPVHUP S_P99_41000255 Set HU Requirement in Staging Area 
3 SIMG_HUMGLPPPVTWAK S_P00_07000152 Set Partial GI Indicator 
4 SIMG_HUMGLPPPV_TCUBA S_AL0_96000310 Batch Split: Set Limit Indicator 
5 SIMG_HUMGLTECHIND S_P99_41000275 Maintain Database Indexes for Handling Units 
6 SIMG_HUMGLTHUBEW2 S_P99_41000269 Maintain movement types for stock category change 
7 SIMG_HUMGLTHUBEW3 S_P99_41000270 Maintain movement types for storage location transfer posting 
8 SIMG_HUMIDEANETPRO S_P99_41000261 Assign Bar Code Profile and Form to an Output Type 
9 SIMG_HUMIDEANETSCODE S_P99_41000248 Define Bar Code Profile for Label 
10 SIMG_HUMIDEANSCODE S_P99_41000247 Maintain Bar Code Specification 
11 SIMG_HUMIDEANSSCCNL S_P99_41000260 Maintain SSCC Generation for Each Warehouse Number 
12 SIMG_HUMIDEANSSCCNOB S_P99_41000251 Maintain Number Range Object for SSCC 
13 SIMG_HUMIDEANSSCCNWL S_P99_41000252 Maintain SSCC Generation for Each Plant / Storage Location 
14 SIMG_HUMIDEANT313L S_AL0_96000453 Specify Label Categories 
15 SIMG_HUMIDEANT313M S_AL0_96000452 Maintain Delimiter for Bar Code Print 
16 SIMG_HUMIDHUEX S_P99_41000250 Number Range Maintenance for HU Identification 
17 SIMG_HUMIDTVSHP S_P99_41000249 Set Unique Number Assignment for HU Identification 
18 SIMG_HUMIDTVTYNR S_P99_41000262 Define Number Assignment for Each Packaging Material Type 
19 SIMG_HUMINVBWART S_AL0_96000351 Define Movement Types for Inventory Adjustment Postings 
20 SIMG_HUMPACKTISCH S_ALR_87100736 Set Profile for Packing Station 
21 SIMG_HUMWMOL21 S_ALR_87100830 Consistency Check for Number Range HU LE 
22 SIMG_ICLCCSRCHGEN S_KK4_08000696 Search for Claim Bundle (BDT Search) 
23 SIMG_ICLEWM S_PNI_08000852 Claim Bundle Task Level Menu 
24 SIMG_ICLE_FMOD2 S_KK4_08000633 BAdI: Claim Bundle: FMOD2 for Field Groups in Standard 
25 SIMG_ICLE_TICLSRC S_KK4_08000733 Define Settings for Claim Bundle Search for Each User 
26 SIMG_ICLF_OPEN_ITEMS S_PNI_08000847 BAdI: Determination of Open Items of Current Contract 
27 SIMG_ICLN_CHECK_BP S_KK4_08000494 BADI for Business Partner Duplicate Check 
28 SIMG_ICLN_CHECK_RE S_KK4_08000500 BADI for Business Partner Duplicate Check in BDT 
29 SIMG_ICLN_DUP_CHE S_KK4_08000634 BAdI: FNOL Avoidance of Duplicate Entries of Business Partners 
30 SIMG_ICLN_DUP_CHECK S_KK4_08000499 BADI for checking duplicate business partner in claims 
31 SIMG_ICLN_DUP_CHE_RE S_KK4_08000635 BAdI: Error Message if Business Partner Exists Twice 
32 SIMG_ICLN_DUP_CHK_BP S_KK4_08000498 BADI for duplicate check of Business Partner in Claims 
33 SIMG_ICLN_FNOL_PREF S_KK4_08000408 BADI: Prefill Notice of Loss with Data 
34 SIMG_ICLN_FNOL_PREFI S_KK4_08000636 BADI: Prefill Notice of Loss with Data 
35 SIMG_ICLN_FNOL_VALI S_KK4_08000491 FNOL Checks 
36 SIMG_ICLN_FNOL_VALID S_KK4_08000637 BAdI: Validations for Notice of Loss 
37 SIMG_ICLN_PROPMA S_KK4_08000368 Define Makes and Models 
38 SIMG_ICLN_SUBCL_DET S_KK4_08000495 BADI: Definition of Subclaim Information 
39 SIMG_ICLN_TICL211 S_KK4_08000369 Define Type of Damaged Object 
40 SIMG_ICLN_TICL251 S_KK4_08000496 Define Claim Status 
41 SIMG_ICLN_TICL252 S_KK4_08000493 Define Required Fields 
42 SIMG_ICLN_TICL254 S_KK4_08000492 Permitted Type of Damaged Object per Damage Category 
43 SIMG_ICLN_TICL272 S_KK4_08000497 Permitted Participant Roles per Claim Line of Business 
44 SIMG_ICLPROPTY S_ANI_08000776 Import Catalog for Insured Objects 
45 SIMG_ICLWM S_PNI_08000851 Claim Task Level Menu 
46 SIMG_ICL_110 S_KK4_08000205 Define Limits for Payments for Each Authorization Group 
47 SIMG_ICL_111 S_KK4_08000206 Define Authorization Groups 
48 SIMG_ICL_113 S_KK4_08000207 Define VIP Groups 
49 SIMG_ICL_ACC_BAPI S_KK4_08000263 Additional Account Assignment Fields: User Exit with G/L Posting via BAPIs 
50 SIMG_ICL_ACC_FIELD S_KK4_08000261 Define Additional Account Assignment Fields (Claim Reserve in Lot) 
51 SIMG_ICL_ACTIVITYMGN S_KK4_08000572 BAdI: Control of Activity Management 
52 SIMG_ICL_ACTIVITY_MG S_KK4_08000613 BAdI: Enable Messages in Activity Management 
53 SIMG_ICL_ACT_PRIO_MA S_KK4_08000612 BAdI: Conversion of Old Priorities of Tasks to New Priorities 
54 SIMG_ICL_ADDACCOUNT S_KK4_08000260 BAdI: Assign Additional Account Assignment Features 
55 SIMG_ICL_ADDEXTRACT S_KK4_08000406 Extension of BW Extract Structures 
56 SIMG_ICL_ALV_EXCLFUN S_PNI_08000841 BAdI: Adjustment of Toolbar of SAP List Viewer 
57 SIMG_ICL_ARCHIVELINK S_ANI_08000774 Notes on Archive Link Integration in FS-CM 
58 SIMG_ICL_ASSIGNTYPE S_P7I_08000875 Define Link Types 
59 SIMG_ICL_ASSTCLTYPE S_P7I_08000879 Assign Link Types to an Internal Claim Type 
60 SIMG_ICL_AUTH_BUNDLE S_PNI_08000858 Note on Authorizations for Claim Bundle 
61 SIMG_ICL_AUTH_NOTES S_PNI_08000857 Note on Authorizations for Notes 
62 SIMG_ICL_AUTH_PAYSUB S_PNI_08000855 Note on Authorizations for Payments and Subrogation/Recovery 
63 SIMG_ICL_AUTH_RESERV S_PNI_08000856 Note on Authorizations for Reserves 
64 SIMG_ICL_AUTH_SERCAT S_PNI_08000859 Note on Authorizations for Benefit Catalogs 
65 SIMG_ICL_BACKASSIGN S_P7I_08000877 Define Return Direction of Link Type 
66 SIMG_ICL_BBP_PO_CREA S_KK4_08000405 BAdI: Transfer of Input/Output Data with Order 
67 SIMG_ICL_BDT_SH_BP S_KK4_08000473 Business Partner Search 
68 SIMG_ICL_BDT_SH_CL S_KK4_08000472 Claim Search (BDT Search) 
69 SIMG_ICL_BENEFITSPL S_PNI_08000845 BAdI: Additional Checks for Special Rights 
70 SIMG_ICL_BENTPFIND_M S_ANI_08000795 Define Benefit Type Determination 
71 SIMG_ICL_BENTYPEGRP S_ANI_08000796 Assign Benefit Types to a Benefit Type Group 
72 SIMG_ICL_BP_FULL_MAI S_KK4_08000543 BAdI: Call Business Partner Full Maintenance 
73 SIMG_ICL_BRF_ACTIONS S_KK4_08000490 Define Actions 
74 SIMG_ICL_BRF_EV S_KK4_08000488 Enhance Events 
75 SIMG_ICL_BRF_RL S_KK4_08000608 Define Rules 
76 SIMG_ICL_BRF_RS S_KK4_08000691 Define Rule Sets 
77 SIMG_ICL_BRF_TBRF141 S_KK4_08000489 Enhance Data Sources 
78 SIMG_ICL_BUNDLE_SRCH S_KK4_08000466 BAdI: Find Matching Claim Bundle for Claim 
79 SIMG_ICL_CAREREP S_KK4_08000702 BAdI: Pension Calculation for Caregivers in Care Insurance 
80 SIMG_ICL_CATALOGS S_KK4_08000462 Integration of External Catalog Systems 
81 SIMG_ICL_CCALCBENTYP S_KK4_08000445 BAdI: Application Type of Limits + Deductibles in Compensation Calculation 
82 SIMG_ICL_CCALC_LIMDE S_KK4_08000697 BAdI: Change Type of Deductible 
83 SIMG_ICL_CCODE_CURR S_KK4_08000451 BAdI: Determine Currency on Basis of Customer-Specific Company Code 
84 SIMG_ICL_CDRGSEV_M S_P7I_08000880 Define Severities of a DRG 
85 SIMG_ICL_CE_ZINCLUDE S_P7I_08000892 Enhancement Using Z Includes 
86 SIMG_ICL_CIOBDETAIL S_ANI_08000794 Define Detail Views for Insured Objects 
87 SIMG_ICL_CLAIMASSIGN S_XNI_08000870 BAdI: Service for Claim Subobject Specific ICLCLAIMASSIGN Data 
88 SIMG_ICL_CLAIMCLAIM S_P7I_08000878 Note on Following IMG Activities 
89 SIMG_ICL_CLAIMNOGET S_KK4_08000728 BAdI: Determination of Claim Number with Internal Number Assignment 
90 SIMG_ICL_CLAIM_EXERC S_KK4_08000614 Call Claim Check System 
91 SIMG_ICL_CLINIC_SEL S_KK4_08000615 BAdI: Hospital Selection for Request for Rehabilitation/Hospital 
92 SIMG_ICL_CLOTHERREAD S_KK4_08000446 BAdI: Claim Read Methods 
93 SIMG_ICL_CMC_AC S_KK4_08000084 (Obsolete) Define Actions 
94 SIMG_ICL_CMC_BRT_BRF S_KK4_08000476 Use Business Rule Tool or Business Rule Framework 
95 SIMG_ICL_CMC_EV S_KK4_08000087 (Obsolete) Assign Actions to Events -> Extend Claim Control Events 
96 SIMG_ICL_CMC_RQ S_KK4_08000086 Define Expressions 
97 SIMG_ICL_CMC_RU S_KK4_08000085 (Obsolete) Define Rules -> Expressions 
98 SIMG_ICL_CNEGFRM_M S_ANI_08000807 Define Form of Negotiation 
99 SIMG_ICL_CNEGPRT_M S_ANI_08000810 Define Negotiation Partner 
100 SIMG_ICL_CNEGSTLFRM_ S_ANI_08000808 Define Notes on Type of Settlement 
101 SIMG_ICL_CNEGTYP_M S_ANI_08000809 Define Types of Negotiation 
102 SIMG_ICL_CNOPRODUCT S_ANI_08000825 Activate "Claim Without Product Customizing" Scenario 
103 SIMG_ICL_CNOTE_TEMPL S_ANI_08000806 Configure Text Templates for Notes 
104 SIMG_ICL_CODINGENHAN S_P7I_08000891 Notes on Different Enhancement Options 
105 SIMG_ICL_COVERAGEEXT S_KK4_08000409 BAdI: Additional Information on Coverages in Subclaim Dialog Screen 
106 SIMG_ICL_CPOLSNTYP_M S_ANI_08000811 Enhance Node Categories for Overview Tree in Policy Snapshot 
107 SIMG_ICL_CPRIVLGTYPE S_ANI_08000802 Define Special Rights Types 
108 SIMG_ICL_CPRIVLGUCAT S_ANI_08000801 Enhance Special Rights Categories and Their Usage 
109 SIMG_ICL_CRBPCLTYPEM S_ANI_08000837 Assign Role Profiles to an Internal Claim Type 
110 SIMG_ICL_CRBPTASK S_ANI_08000836 Configure Role Profiles 
111 SIMG_ICL_CSERVCATCH S_P7I_08000876 Define Characteristics of a Benefits Catalog 
112 SIMG_ICL_CSUBCLASS S_P7I_08000886 Override ABAP Object Classes of Claims Management System 
113 SIMG_ICL_CSUBROGREAS S_PNI_08000861 Define Subrogation/Recovery Reasons 
114 SIMG_ICL_CSUBROGTYPE S_PNI_08000860 Define Subrogation/Recovery Types 
115 SIMG_ICL_CURR_SELECT S_KK4_08000616 BAdI: Determination of Currently Selected Claim Subobject 
116 SIMG_ICL_CUSTOMIZING S_PNI_08000865 Notes on Delivery Customizing 
117 SIMG_ICL_CUST_BENSTR S_KK4_08000617 BAdI: Customizing for Structure of Benefit Types in Claim 
118 SIMG_ICL_CUST_CF S_KK4_08000618 BAdI: Customizing for CM Financials 
119 SIMG_ICL_CUST_ITEMLI S_KK4_08000619 BAdI: Customizing for Claim Item List 
120 SIMG_ICL_CUST_LIMDED S_KK4_08000620 BAdI: Customizing for Limits and Deductibles 
121 SIMG_ICL_CVERM_TABLE S_KK4_08000621 BAdI: Table-Specific Code for Processing Version-Enabled Table Structures 
122 SIMG_ICL_CWCMP_CTLG S_ANI_08000791 Assign Benefit Catalog to a Disability Class 
123 SIMG_ICL_DIFF S_KK4_08000573 BAdI: Differences Log 
124 SIMG_ICL_DIPL S_KK4_08000700 BAdI: Define Checks for Distribution Plans 
125 SIMG_ICL_DSPTCHR_ASS S_KK4_08000463 Assignment of Claim Handler (Claim Handler Group) to Claim Subobject 
126 SIMG_ICL_DUPL_CHECK S_KK4_08000465 BAdI: Find Possible Duplicates During Claim Creation 
127 SIMG_ICL_ENHANCEMENT S_KK4_08000566 Enhanceability of Claims Management System 
128 SIMG_ICL_ESTIMATSYST S_KK4_08000411 BAdI: Interface to External Evaluation System 
129 SIMG_ICL_EXTENDED_CH S_KK4_08000623 BAdI: Enhanced Check via BRF Events 
130 SIMG_ICL_EXT_FIELD S_KK4_08000264 Define Additional Account Assignment Fields (BAPI) 
131 SIMG_ICL_EXT_POL_IMP S_KK4_08000622 BAdI: Interface to External Policy System 
132 SIMG_ICL_FMOD2 S_KK4_08000624 BAdI: FMOD2 for Field Groups in Standard 
133 SIMG_ICL_HI_CHECKKEY S_ANI_08000789 BAdI: Define Foreign Key Relationships for Display of Change History 
134 SIMG_ICL_IBNRCALC S_KK4_08000529 BAdI: Define Calculation Methods for IBNR Reserves 
135 SIMG_ICL_IBNRTOTAL S_KK4_08000278 Define Structure of All IBNR Indicatives 
136 SIMG_ICL_IBNR_NR S_KK4_08000307 Create Number Range for IBNR Results 
137 SIMG_ICL_IBNR_RESULT S_KK4_08000303 Define Additional Result Fields for IBNR Process 
138 SIMG_ICL_ICLINDX S_KK4_08000327 Upload and Save Picture Files 
139 SIMG_ICL_ICLSUPRES S_KK4_08000286 Define Account Assignment Fields for Supplemental Reserves 
140 SIMG_ICL_ICLVCT S_KK4_08000310 Configure Screens 
141 SIMG_ICL_IDOC S_KK4_08000557 BAdI: Process Enhancement Segments for IDOC Categories 
142 SIMG_ICL_INSURED_OBJ S_KK4_08000625 BAdI: Interface for Insured Objects 
143 SIMG_ICL_INVOICE S_KK4_08000626 BAdI: Changes with Invoices and Collective Invoices 
144 SIMG_ICL_INV_MSG_HIN S_ANI_08000815 Notes for Message Control 
145 SIMG_ICL_IUACC_FIELD S_KK4_08000449 Define Additional Joint Acct Assignment Fields (IBNR+ULAE Reserves in Lot) 
146 SIMG_ICL_LITIGATION S_ANI_08000823 BAdI: Additional Object Checks for Litigation and Litigation Levels 
147 SIMG_ICL_LOSSALLOCAT S_KK4_08000506 BAdI: Functions for Determining Subrogation/Recovery Items 
148 SIMG_ICL_MYCLAIMSEXT S_KK4_08000407 Enhancements to List of My Claims 
149 SIMG_ICL_M_IAM130S S_KK4_08000757 Define System Activities 
150 SIMG_ICL_M_TICL037 S_KK4_08000641 Define Task Types 
151 SIMG_ICL_M_TICL038 S_KK4_08000558 Define Activities 
152 SIMG_ICL_M_TICL052_2 S_KK4_08000556 Differences Log: Assign Sample Text Modules to Category 
153 SIMG_ICL_M_TICL054 S_KK4_08000103 Assign Claim Bundle Types to Claim Types 
154 SIMG_ICL_M_TICL062 S_KK4_08000089 Assign Internal Claim Type to Combination of Policy Product + Incident Type 
155 SIMG_ICL_M_TICL085M S_KK4_08000542 Appraisal: Define Resubmission Task 
156 SIMG_ICL_M_TICL093_I S_KK4_08000559 Differences Log: Assign Sample Text Modules to Tasks 
157 SIMG_ICL_M_TICL102 S_ANI_08000758 Specify Permitted Manual Tasks for Each Claim Bundle Type 
158 SIMG_ICL_M_TICL119 S_ANI_08000816 Enhance Category of Reference Location for External Services 
159 SIMG_ICL_M_TICL123 S_KK4_08000203 Define Business Transaction Types for Procurement Process 
160 SIMG_ICL_M_TICL184 S_KK4_08000605 Define Further Specification of Reasons for Creating Claim Itm Gpng Categ. 
161 SIMG_ICL_M_TICL193 S_ANI_08000800 Define Handler Modules for Function Codes 
162 SIMG_ICL_M_TICL216 S_ANI_08000798 Define Return Direction of Link 
163 SIMG_ICL_M_TICL217 S_ANI_08000799 Link GUID of Shadow Tables 
164 SIMG_ICL_M_TICL401 S_KK4_08000679 Define Benefit Catalogs 
165 SIMG_ICL_M_TICL402 S_KK4_08000680 Define Benefit Catalog Variants 
166 SIMG_ICL_M_TICL403 S_KK4_08000682 Define Benefit Catalog Item Types for Each Benefit Catalog 
167 SIMG_ICL_M_TICL404 S_KK4_08000681 Enhance Benefit Catalog Item Types 
168 SIMG_ICL_M_TICL405 S_KK4_08000683 Enhance Benefit Catalog Attributes 
169 SIMG_ICL_M_TICL406 S_KK4_08000684 Define Benefit Catalog Attributes for Each Benefit Catalog 
170 SIMG_ICL_NAVNODE_SUB S_PNI_08000863 BAdI: Determination of Current Claim Subobjects 
171 SIMG_ICL_NAVTREE_NOD S_KK4_08000548 BAdI: Change Node Text and Node Icon in Navigation Tree 
172 SIMG_ICL_NEGOTIATION S_PNI_08000843 BAdI: Additional Checks for Negotiation 
173 SIMG_ICL_NEG_COMTYPE S_ANI_08000824 Communication Types for Negotiation 
174 SIMG_ICL_NEW_SC_DATA S_PNI_08000864 BAdI: Data Procurement from a Policy System 
175 SIMG_ICL_OI S_XNI_08000866 BAdI: Adjustment of Template Selection in Office Integration 
176 SIMG_ICL_PARTCREATE S_PNI_08000850 Note on Creation of Participants for Each Internal Claim Type 
177 SIMG_ICL_PMI_PROXY S_KK4_08000738 BAdI: FS-PM Proxy 
178 SIMG_ICL_POLICY_DISP S_KK4_08000737 BAdI: Call of Contract Transaction in Policy Management System 
179 SIMG_ICL_POLICY__POV S_KK4_08000736 BAdI: Call of Input Help for Policy Number and Contract Number 
180 SIMG_ICL_POLS_IMPORT S_KK4_08000324 BAdI: Interface to Policy Management System 
181 SIMG_ICL_POSTDATE_FI S_KK4_08000628 BAdI: Determine Posting Date for Payment Items 
182 SIMG_ICL_PRO1 S_KK4_08000192 Set Authorizations 
183 SIMG_ICL_PROCCONTDOC S_KK4_08000685 General Notes on Process Control 
184 SIMG_ICL_PROCEDURES S_P7I_08000883 Procedures 
185 SIMG_ICL_PROCURE S_KK4_08000629 BAdI: Claim Item Groupings 
186 SIMG_ICL_PROPMA S_KK4_08000130 Define Makes and Models 
187 SIMG_ICL_QC_ALLOWED S_KK4_08000630 BAdI: Check Whether Processing in Quick Claim Mode Is Possible 
188 SIMG_ICL_RBP_SRCH S_PNI_08000848 BAdI: Automatic Performer Assignment for Role-Based Performer 
189 SIMG_ICL_RIDATA S_ANI_08000839 BAdI: Interface to Reinsurance System 
190 SIMG_ICL_SCWITHOUTP S_PNI_08000849 Note on "Claim Without Product Customizing" Scenario 
191 SIMG_ICL_SE75 S_KK4_08000509 Define Text Objects and Text IDs for Sample Text Modules 
192 SIMG_ICL_SE91 S_SK4_11000040 Messages 
193 SIMG_ICL_SET_USER_GR S_PNI_08000846 Assign User to a Claim Handler Group (Mass Processing) 
194 SIMG_ICL_SFC003 S_SK4_11000038 Enhance Facts Capture Application 
195 SIMG_ICL_SFC004 S_KK4_08000194 Enhance Facts Capture Categories 
196 SIMG_ICL_SFCMT S_KK4_08000046 Configure Structured Facts Capture 
197 SIMG_ICL_SNUM1 S_KK4_08000182 Create Number Range for Reserve Lot 
198 SIMG_ICL_SNUM2 S_KK4_08000183 Create Number Ranges for Claim Number 
199 SIMG_ICL_SNUM3 S_KK4_08000184 Create Number Ranges for Claim Bundles 
200 SIMG_ICL_SNUM4 S_KK4_08000212 Create Number Range for Notice of Loss Number 
201 SIMG_ICL_SNUM5 S_KK4_08000292 Create Number Ranges for ULAE Reserves 
202 SIMG_ICL_STACKHANDLE S_XNI_08000871 BAdI: Service for Claim-Subobject-Specific Stack Handling 
203 SIMG_ICL_STXH S_KK4_08000510 Create SAPscript Sample Text Modules 
204 SIMG_ICL_STXH_NOTES S_ANI_08000805 Create Sample Text Modules 
205 SIMG_ICL_SU01 S_KK4_08000604 Assign User to a Claim Handler Group (Individual Processing) 
206 SIMG_ICL_SUPPPLDET S_KK4_08000412 BAdI: Vendor Evaluation 
207 SIMG_ICL_T100C S_PNI_08000844 Change Settings for Certain Messages 
208 SIMG_ICL_TAX_ITEM S_KK4_08000461 BAdI: Evaluation of Tax-Relevant Data 
209 SIMG_ICL_TB105 S_KK4_08000195 Configure Field Attributes for Each Activity 
210 SIMG_ICL_TFKFBC S_KK4_08000265 Activate Additional Functionality in Document Clearing (Contract A/P + A/R) 
211 SIMG_ICL_TICL001 S_KK4_08000041 Define Claim Bundle Types 
212 SIMG_ICL_TICL002 S_KK4_08000065 Define Subtypes per Claim Bundle Subtype 
213 SIMG_ICL_TICL004 S_KK4_08000003 Define Subclaim Types 
214 SIMG_ICL_TICL004A S_KK4_08000191 Assign Claim Line of Business to Coverage Types 
215 SIMG_ICL_TICL006 S_KK4_08000072 Enhance Damage Categories 
216 SIMG_ICL_TICL007 S_KK4_08000017 Define Insurance Line of Business 
217 SIMG_ICL_TICL007_NOT S_KK4_08000384 Set Permitted Processing Type with Notes 
218 SIMG_ICL_TICL008 S_KK4_08000006 Define Cause of Loss or Claim 
219 SIMG_ICL_TICL010 S_KK4_08000023 Define Evaluation of Witness Report 
220 SIMG_ICL_TICL012 S_KK4_08000100 Define Bundle Causes 
221 SIMG_ICL_TICL014 S_KK4_08000031 Define Relationship Types to Policyholder 
222 SIMG_ICL_TICL015 S_KK4_08000035 Define Claim/Subclaim Complexities 
223 SIMG_ICL_TICL016 S_KK4_08000071 Define Damage Descriptors 
224 SIMG_ICL_TICL017_B S_KK4_08000234 Determ.System Oper.Mode w. Creation of Claim Participants per Int.ClaimType 
225 SIMG_ICL_TICL018 S_KK4_08000204 Define Reasons for Changing the Status 
226 SIMG_ICL_TICL019 S_KK4_08000340 Enhance Navigation Targets in Claim 
227 SIMG_ICL_TICL021 S_KK4_08000104 Enhance Evaluation Categories 
228 SIMG_ICL_TICL022 S_KK4_08000022 Define Reasons for Rejecting Claim Items 
229 SIMG_ICL_TICL023 S_KK4_08000074 Define Damage Severity 
230 SIMG_ICL_TICL026 S_KK4_08000044 Define Types of Evaluator 
231 SIMG_ICL_TICL028 S_KK4_08000444 Define Hidden Data Sets for Each Claim Bundle Type 
232 SIMG_ICL_TICL029 S_KK4_08000040 Define Reasons for Changing Loss Date 
233 SIMG_ICL_TICL030 S_KK4_08000039 Define Reserve Change Reason 
234 SIMG_ICL_TICL031 S_KK4_08000001 Define Claim Documents 
235 SIMG_ICL_TICL033 S_KK4_08000186 Define Claim Lines of Business 
236 SIMG_ICL_TICL033FNOL S_KK4_08000540 Assign Damage Category to a Damage Descriptor 
237 SIMG_ICL_TICL034 S_KK4_08000467 Define Claim Bundle Types to Be Searched for per Internal Claim Type 
238 SIMG_ICL_TICL036 S_KK4_08000533 Enhance Processes 
239 SIMG_ICL_TICL038 S_KK4_08000033 Define Liability Type 
240 SIMG_ICL_TICL039 S_KK4_08000565 Assign Activities to a Task 
241 SIMG_ICL_TICL041 S_KK4_08000458 Define Methods of Settlement 
242 SIMG_ICL_TICL044 S_KK4_08000034 Define Tasks and Log Entries 
243 SIMG_ICL_TICL055 S_KK4_08000015 Define Benefit Types 
244 SIMG_ICL_TICL056 S_KK4_08000005 Configure Internal Claim Types 
245 SIMG_ICL_TICL060 S_KK4_08000002 Define Incident Types 
246 SIMG_ICL_TICL065 S_KK4_08000004 Define Witness Participation Types 
247 SIMG_ICL_TICL067 S_KK4_08000129 Define Reasons for Payment 
248 SIMG_ICL_TICL068 S_KK4_08000047 Internal Claim Type:Specify Claim Handler Group+Scrn Sequences f.ExpertMode 
249 SIMG_ICL_TICL068_A S_KK4_08000185 Internal Claim Type: Specify CH Group+Screen Sequences for Other Proc.Modes 
250 SIMG_ICL_TICL068_B S_KK4_08000311 Define Field Modification for Claim Handler Groups and Expert Mode 
251 SIMG_ICL_TICL068_C S_KK4_08000312 Configure Field Attributes for Each Internal Clm Type for Other Proc.Modes 
252 SIMG_ICL_TICL068_FM S_KK4_08000532 Configure Field Attributes for Each Internal Claim Type for Expert Mode 
253 SIMG_ICL_TICL070 S_KK4_08000081 Define Claim Handler Groups 
254 SIMG_ICL_TICL079 S_KK4_08000030 Define Coverage Referrals 
255 SIMG_ICL_TICL080 S_KK4_08000029 Define Reasons for Overruling Coverage Referrals 
256 SIMG_ICL_TICL081 S_KK4_08000028 Define Fault 
257 SIMG_ICL_TICL082 S_KK4_08000176 Define Reserve Interface to General Ledger 
258 SIMG_ICL_TICL085 S_KK4_08000160 Define Grouping for New Business Partners 
259 SIMG_ICL_TICL085_2 S_PNI_08000853 Ignore Priorities for Tasks 
260 SIMG_ICL_TICL086 S_KK4_08000069 Vendor Assignment: Define Reasons for Manual Entry 
261 SIMG_ICL_TICL087 S_KK4_08000082 Define Display Profiles for Each Claim Handler Group 
262 SIMG_ICL_TICL087_B S_KK4_08000233 Determine Operation Mode of System for Creation of Claim Participants 
263 SIMG_ICL_TICL088 S_KK4_08000067 Define Position of Person in Vehicle 
264 SIMG_ICL_TICL089 S_KK4_08000068 Define Types of Participation of an Injured Person 
265 SIMG_ICL_TICL090 S_KK4_08000083 Define Topics for Claim Notes 
266 SIMG_ICL_TICL091 S_KK4_08000070 Define Communication Types 
267 SIMG_ICL_TICL092 S_KK4_08000102 Define Participation Types of Claimant 
268 SIMG_ICL_TICL095 S_SK4_11000003 Define Reinsurance Types 
269 SIMG_ICL_TICL097 S_SK4_11000019 Configure Basic Parameters for Workflow Integration 
270 SIMG_ICL_TICL101 S_KK4_08000567 Define Scope of Loss 
271 SIMG_ICL_TICL110RXPD S_KK4_08000726 Define Limits for Expenditure Reserves for Each Authorization Group 
272 SIMG_ICL_TICL110RXPT S_KK4_08000725 Define Limits for Expectation Reserves for Each Authorization Group 
273 SIMG_ICL_TICL112RSRJ S_KK4_08000746 Define Rejection Reasons for Setting Reserves 
274 SIMG_ICL_TICL114 S_SK4_11000053 Assign Organizational Units to Business Areas 
275 SIMG_ICL_TICL120 S_KK4_08000218 Define Evaluation Criteria 
276 SIMG_ICL_TICL122 S_KK4_08000396 Assign User to Tolerance Group 
277 SIMG_ICL_TICL124 S_SK4_11000051 Define Key for Partner Functions in Procurement System 
278 SIMG_ICL_TICL127 S_KK4_08000345 Assign User Name in Procurement System 
279 SIMG_ICL_TICL130 S_KK4_08000323 Enhance Tables of Claims Management System 
280 SIMG_ICL_TICL131 S_KK4_08000394 Define Tolerance Groups 
281 SIMG_ICL_TICL131_VC S_KK4_08000395 Specify Tolerance Key for Each Tolerance Group 
282 SIMG_ICL_TICL134 S_KK4_08000699 Define Change Types of Deductible 
283 SIMG_ICL_TICL135 S_KK4_08000447 Enhance Application Type of Limits+Deductibles in Compensation Calculation 
284 SIMG_ICL_TICL136 S_KK4_08000547 Enhance Data Origin of an Invoice 
285 SIMG_ICL_TICL137 S_KK4_08000448 Enhance Claim Read Method 
286 SIMG_ICL_TICL138 S_KK4_08000507 Enhance Claim Item Grouping Categories 
287 SIMG_ICL_TICL139 S_KK4_08000546 Enhance Claim Item Categories 
288 SIMG_ICL_TICL140 S_KK4_08000526 Enhance Status 
289 SIMG_ICL_TICL146 S_KK4_08000638 Define Benefit Type Areas 
290 SIMG_ICL_TICL150 S_KK4_08000370 Store External Catalogs 
291 SIMG_ICL_TICL152 S_KK4_08000534 Define Reasons for Creating a Claim Item Grouping 
292 SIMG_ICL_TICL153 S_KK4_08000541 Type of Appraisal 
293 SIMG_ICL_TICL153_CL S_KK4_08000554 Define Types of Claim Item Grouping Category 
294 SIMG_ICL_TICL157 S_KK4_08000607 Define Recovery Claim Indicator 
295 SIMG_ICL_TICL158 S_KK4_08000606 Define Accident Indicator 
296 SIMG_ICL_TICL160 S_KK4_08000516 Configure Benefit Type Trees 
297 SIMG_ICL_TICL173 S_KK4_08000610 Define Process Types and Their Attributes and Behavior 
298 SIMG_ICL_TICL175 S_KK4_08000611 Define Reasons for Changing the Status of Collective Subrogation/Recovery 
299 SIMG_ICL_TICL177 S_KK4_08000640 Define Recovery Claim Types in Collective Subrogation/Recovery 
300 SIMG_ICL_TICL180 S_KK4_08000564 Define Types of Scheduled Payment 
301 SIMG_ICL_TICL190 S_ANI_08000803 Process Document Types of Claims Management (FS-CM) 
302 SIMG_ICL_TICL200 S_KK4_08000535 Enhance Processing Mode of Notice of Loss 
303 SIMG_ICL_TICL201 S_KK4_08000214 Configure Properties of Notice of Loss Processing Mode 
304 SIMG_ICL_TICL203 S_KK4_08000213 Define Permitted Participant Roles for Each LOB 
305 SIMG_ICL_TICL204 S_KK4_08000189 Define Permitted Damage Severity for Each Damage Category 
306 SIMG_ICL_TICL205 S_KK4_08000363 Define Incident Types 
307 SIMG_ICL_TICL206 S_KK4_08000367 Enhance Damage Categories 
308 SIMG_ICL_TICL207 S_KK4_08000188 Define Permitted Loss Incident Types per Notification Category 
309 SIMG_ICL_TICL208 S_KK4_08000190 Define Permitted Fault for Each Notification Category 
310 SIMG_ICL_TICL209 S_KK4_08000187 Define Permitted Claim Lines of Business for Each Notification Category 
311 SIMG_ICL_TICL210 S_KK4_08000536 Enhance Category of Damaged or Insured Object 
312 SIMG_ICL_TICL212 S_KK4_08000365 Define Fault 
313 SIMG_ICL_TICL215 S_ANI_08000797 Define Link Categories 
314 SIMG_ICL_TICL223 S_KK4_08000364 Define Damage Severity 
315 SIMG_ICL_TICL231 S_KK4_08000366 Enhance Participant Roles 
316 SIMG_ICL_TICL240 S_ANI_08000763 Define Litigation Types 
317 SIMG_ICL_TICL241 S_ANI_08000764 Define Litigation Issues 
318 SIMG_ICL_TICL242 S_ANI_08000765 Define Liabilities 
319 SIMG_ICL_TICL243 S_ANI_08000766 Define Types of Litigation Settlement 
320 SIMG_ICL_TICL244 S_ANI_08000767 Define Litigation Settled 
321 SIMG_ICL_TICL245 S_ANI_08000770 Define Triggers for Appeal 
322 SIMG_ICL_TICL246 S_ANI_08000769 Define Jurisdiction 
323 SIMG_ICL_TICL247 S_ANI_08000768 Define Litigation Levels 
324 SIMG_ICL_TICL248 S_ANI_08000771 Define Defense Types 
325 SIMG_ICL_TICL251 S_KK4_08000537 Enhance Status of Notice of Loss 
326 SIMG_ICL_TICL252 S_KK4_08000538 Define Required Fields for Notice of Loss 
327 SIMG_ICL_TICL254 S_KK4_08000539 Assign Types of Damaged Object to a Damage Category 
328 SIMG_ICL_TICL260 S_KK4_08000603 Define Collective Invoice Payment Types 
329 SIMG_ICL_TICL271 S_KK4_08000485 Assign Damage Category to a Damage Descriptor 
330 SIMG_ICL_TICL284 S_KK4_08000639 Define Icons and Texts for Change Overview 
331 SIMG_ICL_TICL301 S_KK4_08000146 Enhance Participant Roles 
332 SIMG_ICL_TICL301T S_KK4_08000175 Define Names of Participant Roles 
333 SIMG_ICL_TICL302 S_KK4_08000073 Define Type of Damaged or Insured Object 
334 SIMG_ICL_TICL302_A S_KK4_08000177 Define Object Types of Claim Items 
335 SIMG_ICL_TICL303 S_KK4_08000075 Define Usage Reasons for the Insured Object 
336 SIMG_ICL_TICL304 S_KK4_08000077 Define Main Construction Materials of Building 
337 SIMG_ICL_TICL306 S_KK4_08000114 Define Characteristics of Participant Roles 
338 SIMG_ICL_TICL321_CD S_KK4_08000515 Collections/Disbursement Status and Specification 
339 SIMG_ICL_TICL322 S_KK4_08000584 Define Coverage Types 
340 SIMG_ICL_TICL326_POL S_KK4_08000695 Assign Contr.Acct Creation Variant+Ins.Object for Contract to Policy Prod. 
341 SIMG_ICL_TICL327 S_SK4_11000032 FS-CD: Define Contract Acct Creation Variant and Insurance Object for Claim 
342 SIMG_ICL_TICL327_CLT S_KK4_08000527 Assign Contract Acct Creation Variant + Ins.Obj. for Clm to Internl ClmType 
343 SIMG_ICL_TICL328 S_SK4_11000033 Define Standard Data for FS-CD Document 
344 SIMG_ICL_TICL328_CLT S_KK4_08000528 Assign Standard Data for FS-CD Document to an Internal Claim Type 
345 SIMG_ICL_TICL329 S_SK4_11000036 aa 
346 SIMG_ICL_TICL330 S_KK4_08000322 Define General Parameters for FS-CD 
347 SIMG_ICL_TICL331 S_KK4_08000469 Define Invoice Types 
348 SIMG_ICL_TICL332 S_KK4_08000518 Define Usage Type of a Claim Item 
349 SIMG_ICL_TICL333 S_KK4_08000517 Define Tax Calculation with Invoice Items 
350 SIMG_ICL_TICL335 S_KK4_08000544 Enhance Collective Invoice Types 
351 SIMG_ICL_TICL349 S_KK4_08000513 Assign Text Object and Text ID to a Form Level of a Claim Document 
352 SIMG_ICL_TICL351 S_KK4_08000415 Maintain Diagnosis Catalogs,Diagnosis Groups,Diagnoses,and Addl Attributes 
353 SIMG_ICL_TICL352 S_P7I_08000884 Define Side Localizations 
354 SIMG_ICL_TICL353 S_KK4_08000417 Define Permitted Side Localizations with Diagnoses 
355 SIMG_ICL_TICL354 S_KK4_08000418 Define Severities 
356 SIMG_ICL_TICL355 S_KK4_08000419 Define Permitted Severities with Diagnoses 
357 SIMG_ICL_TICL356 S_KK4_08000420 Define Morphologies 
358 SIMG_ICL_TICL357 S_KK4_08000421 Define Permitted Morphologies per Diagnosis 
359 SIMG_ICL_TICL358 S_KK4_08000422 Define Excoriation 
360 SIMG_ICL_TICL359 S_KK4_08000423 Define Permitted Excoriation with Diagnoses 
361 SIMG_ICL_TICL360 S_KK4_08000424 Define Diagnosis Types 
362 SIMG_ICL_TICL361 S_KK4_08000426 Define Diagnosis Types per Claim Item Grouping Category 
363 SIMG_ICL_TICL362 S_KK4_08000425 Import Diagnosis Groups and Diagnoses 
364 SIMG_ICL_TICL363 S_KK4_08000486 Define Diagnostic Certainty 
365 SIMG_ICL_TICL364 S_KK4_08000487 Define Specialist Departments 
366 SIMG_ICL_TICL365 S_KK4_08000667 Define Reasons for Interruption Periods 
367 SIMG_ICL_TICL366 S_KK4_08000502 Define Dental Diagnosis 
368 SIMG_ICL_TICL367 S_KK4_08000503 Define Planning (Dental Treatment) 
369 SIMG_ICL_TICL369 S_KK4_08000505 Define Diagnosis-Specific Additional Attributes 
370 SIMG_ICL_TICL380 S_KK4_08000585 Define Employer Payroll 
371 SIMG_ICL_TICL381 S_KK4_08000586 Define Industry Code 
372 SIMG_ICL_TICL382 S_KK4_08000587 Define Employment Status 
373 SIMG_ICL_TICL384 S_KK4_08000588 Define Employee Wage Basis 
374 SIMG_ICL_TICL385 S_KK4_08000589 Define Type of Bodily Injury (NCCI) 
375 SIMG_ICL_TICL386 S_KK4_08000590 Define Cause of Bodily Injury (NCCI) 
376 SIMG_ICL_TICL387 S_KK4_08000591 Define Nature of Business 
377 SIMG_ICL_TICL388 S_KK4_08000592 Define Initial Treatment Code 
378 SIMG_ICL_TICL389 S_KK4_08000593 Define Type of Transaction (NCCI) 
379 SIMG_ICL_TICL390 S_KK4_08000599 Define Type of Loss (NCCI) 
380 SIMG_ICL_TICL391 S_KK4_08000594 Define Type of Recovery (NCCI) 
381 SIMG_ICL_TICL392 S_KK4_08000595 Define Type of Coverage (NCCI) 
382 SIMG_ICL_TICL393 S_KK4_08000596 Define Type of Settlement (NCCI) 
383 SIMG_ICL_TICL394 S_KK4_08000597 Define Employee Occupation Code 
384 SIMG_ICL_TICL395 S_KK4_08000598 Define Manual Classification Code for Employment (NCCI) 
385 SIMG_ICL_TICL396 S_KK4_08000600 Define Object/Substance That Caused Injury 
386 SIMG_ICL_TICL401WCMP S_KK4_08000742 Define Benefits Catalog and Catalog Variant 
387 SIMG_ICL_TICL402WCMP S_KK4_08000743 Define Benefits Catalog Variant 
388 SIMG_ICL_TICL460 S_ANI_08000790 Define Disability Classes 
389 SIMG_ICL_TICL500 S_KK4_08000020 Define Distribution Channels 
390 SIMG_ICL_TICL550 S_KK4_08000241 Define Tax Roles 
391 SIMG_ICL_TICL551 S_KK4_08000240 Define Tax Categories 
392 SIMG_ICL_TICL552 S_KK4_08000239 Define Reportable Combinations 
393 SIMG_ICL_TICL553 S_KK4_08000243 Assign Main and Sub-Transaction to Payment Type incl.Reporting Obligations 
394 SIMG_ICL_TICL554 S_KK4_08000238 Assign Participant Roles to Tax Roles of Payee 
395 SIMG_ICL_TICL555 S_KK4_08000242 Define Withholding Tax Rates for Tax Category and Tax Role 
396 SIMG_ICL_TICL556 S_KK4_08000271 Define Tax Group Combinations 
397 SIMG_ICL_TICL560 S_KK4_08000344 Assign Payment Processing Categories for DI to Insurance Line of Business 
398 SIMG_ICL_TICL561 S_KK4_08000360 Define Payment Processing Categories for Direct Input 
399 SIMG_ICL_TICL570 S_KK4_08000745 Enhance Categories of Claim Bundle Type 
400 SIMG_ICL_TICL700 S_KK4_08000644 Enhance Search Events 
401 SIMG_ICL_TICL809 S_KK4_08000255 Create/Change Calculation Methods for Supplemental Reserves 
402 SIMG_ICL_TICL810 S_KK4_08000256 Define Methods for Applying Supplemental Reserves 
403 SIMG_ICL_TICL810VC S_KK4_08000257 Assign Reserve Groups to a Version 
404 SIMG_ICL_TICL815 S_KK4_08000244 Specify Origin of History Data 
405 SIMG_ICL_TICL816 S_KK4_08000258 Determine Work Limit for Ratio Method 
406 SIMG_ICL_TICL817 S_KK4_08000269 Specify Origin of Claim Data 
407 SIMG_ICL_TICL818 S_KK4_08000270 Specify Output of Claim Data 
408 SIMG_ICL_TICL819 S_KK4_08000272 Set Reserve Types for Supplemental Reserves 
409 SIMG_ICL_TICL820 S_KK4_08000248 Define Product Groups 
410 SIMG_ICL_TICL821 S_KK4_08000249 Define Lines of Insurance 
411 SIMG_ICL_TICL822 S_KK4_08000250 Define Coverages for Supplemental Reserves 
412 SIMG_ICL_TICL823 S_KK4_08000252 Define Statutory States 
413 SIMG_ICL_TICL824 S_KK4_08000251 Define Regional Offices 
414 SIMG_ICL_TICL825 S_KK4_08000247 Define Company Codes 
415 SIMG_ICL_TICL826 S_KK4_08000253 Define Permitted Combination of Line of Insurance and Coverage 
416 SIMG_ICL_TICL827 S_KK4_08000254 Define Permitted Combination of Line of Ins, CoCode, Reg.Office, State 
417 SIMG_ICL_TICL828 S_KK4_08000279 Define Business Units 
418 SIMG_ICL_TICL829 S_KK4_08000285 Define Class Codes 
419 SIMG_ICL_TICL831 S_KK4_08000403 Define Collective Accounts for Statutory Reporting 
420 SIMG_ICL_TICL832 S_KK4_08000404 Define General Ledger Accounts 
421 SIMG_ICL_TICL835 S_KK4_08000385 Define IBNR Loss/Claim Years 
422 SIMG_ICL_TICL860 S_KK4_08000275 Define Reserve Group Categories and Related Indicatives 
423 SIMG_ICL_TICL861_H S_KK4_08000523 Define Indicative Areas for Each Reserve Group Category for Reserve Groups 
424 SIMG_ICL_TICL862 S_KK4_08000274 Permit Already Defined Indicatives for IBNR 
425 SIMG_ICL_TICL863 S_KK4_08000276 Define IBNR Driver 
426 SIMG_ICL_TICL865 S_KK4_08000273 Define Expense Calculation Rules 
427 SIMG_ICL_TICL865_H S_KK4_08000521 Define Cost Calculation Rules (Health Insurance) 
428 SIMG_ICL_TICL866 S_KK4_08000294 Define Reserve Groups 
429 SIMG_ICL_TICL867_H S_KK4_08000525 Assign Version, Reserve Gp Cluster, Res Gp, and Procedure to Res Gp Cat. 
430 SIMG_ICL_TICL868 S_KK4_08000293 Define Reserve Group Clusters 
431 SIMG_ICL_TICL869 S_KK4_08000295 Define Version for Reserve Group Cluster 
432 SIMG_ICL_TICL872 S_KK4_08000308 Assign IBNR Reserve Types to a Reserve Type 
433 SIMG_ICL_TICL873 S_KK4_08000520 Define Procedure Sequence for Reserving 
434 SIMG_ICL_TICL900 S_KK4_08000193 (Obsolete) Extend Data Sources 
435 SIMG_ICL_TICL917 S_KK4_08000289 Define Workflow for Action Type "Start Workflow" 
436 SIMG_ICL_TICL921 S_KK4_08000172 (Obsolete) Extend Claim Control Events 
437 SIMG_ICL_TICL953 S_KK4_08000583 Enhance Navigation Targets in Claim Bundle 
438 SIMG_ICL_TICLSRC_2 S_KK4_08000740 Define Settings for Claim Search for Each User 
439 SIMG_ICL_TICLSRC_GP S_P7I_08000890 Define Settings for Business Partner Search for Each User 
440 SIMG_ICL_TTXOB_NOTES S_ANI_08000804 Define Text Objects and Text IDs for Text Templates for Notes 
441 SIMG_ICL_ULACC_FIELD S_KK4_08000450 Define Account Assignment Fields for ULAE Reserves 
442 SIMG_ICL_VCTICL044 S_KK4_08000713 Define Tasks, Log Entries, and Activities 
443 SIMG_ICL_VC_CPROFIL2 S_ANI_08000834 Create Benefit Processing Profiles at Elementary Product Level 
444 SIMG_ICL_VC_CPROFILE S_ANI_08000833 Create Benefit Processing Profiles at Product Level 
445 SIMG_ICL_VC_POLSTREE S_ANI_08000793 Configure Overview Tree in Policy Snapshot 
446 SIMG_ICL_VC_TICL011 S_ANI_08000828 Configure Header Data (Part 1) 
447 SIMG_ICL_VC_TICL044 S_KK4_08000712 Configure Tasks, Log Entries, and Activities 
448 SIMG_ICL_VC_TICL055 S_ANI_08000826 Configure Benefit Type Process Data 
449 SIMG_ICL_VC_TICL055P S_ANI_08000827 Configure Expenses Types 
450 SIMG_ICL_VC_TICL096 S_KK4_08000744 Configure Display of Function Codes 
451 SIMG_ICL_VC_TICL123 S_KK4_08000208 Define Business Transaction Types for Procurement Process 
452 SIMG_ICL_VC_TICL288 S_KK4_08000686 Define Function Profiles 
453 SIMG_ICL_VC_TICL290 S_KK4_08000687 Define Function Profile Determination 
454 SIMG_ICL_VC_TICL294 S_KK4_08000729 Enhance Field Assignments 
455 SIMG_ICL_VC_TICL298 S_KK4_08000730 Enhance Value Assignments 
456 SIMG_ICL_VM_TICL053 S_KK4_08000009 Define Reserve Types for Subclaim Types 
457 SIMG_ICL_V_TICL020 S_KK4_08000007 Define Reserve Types 
458 SIMG_ICL_V_TICL030 S_KK4_08000008 Enhance Reasons for Changing Reserves 
459 SIMG_ICL_V_TICL059 S_KK4_08000010 Define Reserve Categories 
460 SIMG_ICL_V_TICL075 S_KK4_08000013 Enhance Reserving Fields and Sources 
461 SIMG_ICL_V_TICL082 S_KK4_08000259 Assign G/L Accounts to Reserve Types 
462 SIMG_ICL_V_TICL285 S_KK4_08000655 Define Distribution Plan Types 
463 SIMG_ICL_V_TICL286 S_KK4_08000656 Define Participation Types 
464 SIMG_ICL_V_TICL287 S_KK4_08000657 Define Settlement Types 
465 SIMG_ICL_V_TICL291 S_KK4_08000709 Define Payment Item Types 
466 SIMG_ICL_V_TICL296 S_KK4_08000731 Enhance Parameters 
467 SIMG_ICL_V_TICL701 S_KK4_08000645 Configure Search Integration 
468 SIMG_ICL_V_TICLWF100 S_KK4_08000555 Assign BRF Expression to BOR Event Parameter 
469 SIMG_ICL_V_TIGN210 S_KK4_08000646 Define Search Categories 
470 SIMG_ICL_WCOMP S_KK4_08000631 BAdI: Functions for Workers Compensation 
471 SIMG_ICL_WC_BENCATAL S_ANI_08000788 Definition of Benefit Catalogs and Catalog Variants 
472 SIMG_ICL_WF_CONTAIN S_KK4_08000561 BAdI: Modify Event Container 
473 SIMG_ICL_WF_EVT_CONT S_KK4_08000632 BAdI for Workflow: Modify Event Container 
474 SIMG_ICL_WF_TRACNTR S_KK4_08000601 Assign Transaction to a Task 
475 SIMG_IGN_SEARCH_MAIN S_KK4_08000647 Configure Search 
476 SIMG_IGN_VC_TICL320 S_KK4_08000097 Configure Policy Products 
477 SIMG_IHC_CHECKCUSTOM S_P7F_76000005 Check Customizing Settings for General Ledger Transfer 
478 SIMG_ILM_C_APPL S_E4A_94000078 Define Applications 
479 SIMG_ILM_C_CON S_E4A_94000081 Define Extraction Flow 
480 SIMG_ILM_C_OBJECTS S_E4A_94000082 Define Archive Objects 
481 SIMG_ILM_C_SOEX S_E4A_94000080 Assign Tables to Segment 
482 SIMG_ILM_C_STRC S_E4A_94000079 Define Segments 
483 SIMG_IMENUORKAOKO7 S_ALR_87004953 Maintain Settlement Profiles 
484 SIMG_IMMENUOLPROKO6 S_ALR_87003800 Maintain Allocation Structures 
485 SIMG_IMMENUOLPROKO7 S_ALR_87003756 Maintain Settlement Profiles 
486 SIMG_IMMENUOLPROPSA S_ALR_87003925 Define Project Profile 
487 SIMG_IMMENUORFAAM01 S_ALR_87003858 Define Asset Classes 
488 SIMG_IMMENUORFAOAE3 S_ALR_87003895 Determine Accounts for Nonoperating Expense 
489 SIMG_IMMENUORKAAM01 S_ALR_87005001 Define Asset Classes 
490 SIMG_IMMENUORKAKO02 S_ALR_87005059 Define Model Orders 
491 SIMG_IMMENUORKAKOT2 S_ALR_87005053 Define Order Types 
492 SIMG_IMMENUORKAOKEU S_ALR_87004988 Maintain Source Structure 
493 SIMG_IMMENUORKAOKO6 S_ALR_87004971 Maintain Allocation Structures 
494 SIMG_IMOLPR_OKEU S_ALR_87003832 Maintain Source Structure 
495 SIMG_IND_NUMKR S_ALR_87009181 Develop Enhancement for User-Defined Number Assignment 
496 SIMG_INSPROVTYPE S_KK4_74000382 SG, CA: Define Insurance Provider Types 
497 SIMG_INSTBEZIRK S_ALR_87009579 Define Maintenance Districts 
498 SIMG_ISHCH_AUFTCODE S_KK4_74000052 CH, AT: Fee Breakdown with Fee Limits and Pools 
499 SIMG_ISHCH_AUFTKZ S_KK4_74000053 CH, AT: Fee Breakdown Indicator 
500 SIMG_ISHCH_BUCHVAR S_KK4_74000034 CH, AT: Posting Variants