SAP ABAP IMG Activity - Index S, page 13
IMG Activity - S
# | IMG Activity | Transaction Code | Short Description |
1 | SIMG_CFMENUORKABS52 | S_ALR_87005261 | Define Authorization Keys for Status Management |
2 | SIMG_CFMENUORKACJBN | S_ALR_87005399 | Set up Availability Control Again |
3 | SIMG_CFMENUORKACKNR | S_ALR_87005428 | Assign Number Ranges for Unit Costing |
4 | SIMG_CFMENUORKACL00 | S_ALR_87005172 | Maintain User-Defined Characteristics |
5 | SIMG_CFMENUORKACL001 | S_ALR_87005236 | Maintain User-Defined Characteristics (Classification) |
6 | SIMG_CFMENUORKACMOD | S_ALR_87005232 | Develop Enhancements for Order Master Data |
7 | SIMG_CFMENUORKACMODZ | S_ALR_87004977 | Develop Enhancements for Overhead Rates |
8 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAFGRW | S_ALR_87005145 | Define Report Writer Reports |
9 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAFMU3 | S_AL0_96000314 | Define field status variant |
10 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAFMU5 | S_AL0_96000318 | Define field status groups |
11 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAFMU7 | S_AL0_96000319 | Define field selection string |
12 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAFMUN | S_AL0_96000320 | Assign field selection string |
13 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAFMUV | S_AL0_96000317 | Assign field status variant to company code |
14 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAGCRS | S_ALR_87005214 | Specify Report Languages |
15 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAGCRS1 | S_ALR_87005205 | Specify Report Languages |
16 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAGR21 | S_ALR_87005203 | Maintain Libraries |
17 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAGR5G | S_ALR_87005141 | Generate Reports |
18 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKA06 | S_ALR_87005108 | Maintain Overhead Cost Elements |
19 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKAH2 | S_ALR_87005251 | Maintain Cost Element Groups |
20 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKAH21 | S_ALR_87005200 | Maintain Cost Element Groups |
21 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKAK2 | S_ALR_87005252 | Maintain Statistical Key Figures |
22 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKANK | S_ALR_87005225 | Assign Planning Transactions to Number Ranges |
23 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKANKI | S_ALR_87005069 | Assign Actual Business Transactions to Number Ranges |
24 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKBC1 | S_ALR_87005054 | Define Screen Variants for Reposting Costs |
25 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKBC2 | S_ALR_87005084 | Define Screen Variants for Internal Activity Allocation |
26 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKBC3 | S_ALR_87005116 | Define Screen Variants for Statistical Key Figures |
27 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKBC4 | S_ALR_87005048 | Define Screen Variants for Reposting Revenues |
28 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKBH21 | S_ALR_87005217 | Process Statistical Key Figure Groups |
29 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKBH22 | S_ALR_87005247 | Maintain Statistical Key Figure Groups |
30 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKEI1 | S_ALR_87005184 | Maintain PA Transfer Structure |
31 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKO02 | S_ALR_87005294 | Define Model Orders |
32 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKO021 | S_ALR_87004969 | Maintain Costing Sheet and Overhead Key in Sample Orders |
33 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKO8N | S_ALR_87005177 | Maintain Number Ranges for Settlement Documents |
34 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKOH9 | S_ALR_87005249 | Maintain Order Groups |
35 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKOH91 | S_ALR_87005219 | Maintain Order Groups |
36 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKONK | S_ALR_87005265 | Maintain Number Ranges for Orders |
37 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKOT2 | S_ALR_87005266 | Define Order Types |
38 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKOT21 | S_ALR_87005221 | Integrated Planning in Order Types as Default |
39 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKOT22 | S_ALR_87005169 | Activate Classification in the Order Type |
40 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKOV2 | S_ALR_87005259 | Define Transaction Groups for Order Status Management |
41 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKOW1 | S_ALR_87005113 | Define Periodic Repostings |
42 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKOW11 | S_ALR_87005305 | Define Periodic Repostings |
43 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKP34 | S_ALR_87005241 | Maintain User-Defined Planner Profiles |
44 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKPG5 | S_ALR_87005245 | Create Planning Layouts for Cost Element Planning |
45 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKPH2 | S_ALR_87005240 | Maintain User-Defined Distribution Keys |
46 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKPH5 | S_ALR_87005243 | Create Planning Layouts for Statistical Key Figure Planning |
47 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKZB2 | S_ALR_87005100 | Define Calculation Bases Referring to Cost Element and Origin |
48 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKZB4 | S_AL0_96000341 | Define Calculation Bases Referring to Cost Center and Activity Type |
49 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKZE2 | S_ALR_87005091 | Define Credits |
50 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKZM2 | S_ALR_87005094 | Define Quantity-Based Overhead Rates |
51 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKZS2 | S_ALR_87005104 | Maintain Calculation Procedures |
52 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAKZZ2 | S_ALR_87005098 | Define Percentage Overhead Rates |
53 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOITA | S_ALR_87004962 | Define Investment Profile |
54 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOITBX | S_ALR_87004957 | Define Assignment of AuC Classes per Source Assignment |
55 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOK02 | S_ALR_87005263 | Define Status Profiles |
56 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOK10 | S_ALR_87005223 | Maintain Versions |
57 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOK11 | S_ALR_87005419 | Maintain Number Ranges for Overall Planning |
58 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOK111 | S_ALR_87005408 | Maintain Number Ranges for Budgeting |
59 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOK14 | S_ALR_87005396 | Maintain Budget Manager |
60 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOK60 | S_ALR_87005072 | Define Number Ranges |
61 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKB9 | S_ALR_87005065 | Maintain Automatic Account Assignment |
62 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKC8 | S_ALR_87005227 | Maintain Exchange Rates |
63 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKD6 | S_ALR_87005216 | Import Reports |
64 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKEP | S_ALR_87005061 | Define Default Cost Elements for Down Payments |
65 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKEU | S_ALR_87005187 | Maintain Source Structure |
66 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKG1 | S_ALR_87005033 | Maintain Capitalization Keys |
67 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKGL | S_ALR_87005010 | Define Capitalization Versions |
68 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKK1 | S_ALR_87005238 | Specify Valuation Variants |
69 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKKD | S_ALR_87005168 | Configure Selection Screen (Classification) |
70 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKKP | S_ALR_87005267 | Activate Order Management in Controlling Area |
71 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKL1 | S_ALR_87005137 | Maintain Report Tree |
72 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKO1 | S_ALR_87005275 | Create Search Help for Orders |
73 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKO6 | S_ALR_87005190 | Maintain Allocation Structures |
74 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKO7 | S_ALR_87005181 | Maintain Settlement Profiles |
75 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKO8 | S_ALR_87005278 | Define Processing Groups |
76 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKO9 | S_ALR_87005229 | Define Exchange Rate Types |
77 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKOA1 | S_ALR_87005413 | Maintain Settlement |
78 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKOB | S_ALR_87005411 | Maintain Budget Profile |
79 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKOC | S_ALR_87005405 | Define Tolerance Limits for Availability Control |
80 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKOL | S_ALR_87005281 | Maintain List Variants for Collective Processing |
81 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKOR | S_ALR_87005285 | Define Selection Rules |
82 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKOU | S_ALR_87005280 | Maintain Substitution Rules for Collective Processing |
83 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKOV | S_ALR_87005286 | Define Selection Variants |
84 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKOV1 | S_ALR_87005178 | Define Selection Variants for Settlement |
85 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKOV2 | S_ALR_87005208 | Define Selection Variants for Order Reports |
86 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKOZ | S_ALR_87005302 | Define Plan Overhead Rates |
87 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKRA | S_ALR_87005165 | Maintain Summarization Hierarchy |
88 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKRX | S_ALR_87005174 | Choose and Generate Characteristics |
89 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOKSA | S_ALR_87005212 | Generate Reports |
90 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOPTK | S_ALR_87005402 | Specify Exempt Cost Elements from Availability Control |
91 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAORMI | S_ALR_87005148 | Import Templates |
92 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAOVA | S_ALR_87005080 | Activate Commitments Management |
93 | SIMG_CFMENUORKAPL | S_ALR_87005425 | Maintain Planning Profiles for Overall Planning |
94 | SIMG_CFMENUORKASE11 | S_ALR_87005290 | Change Individual Master Data Fields |
95 | SIMG_CFMENUORKASU03 | S_ALR_87005155 | Internal Orders |
96 | SIMG_CFMENUORKATKKBH | S_ALR_87005162 | Define Exception Rules |
97 | SIMG_CFMENUORKE3055 | S_ALR_87005786 | Define Process Cost Assessment |
98 | SIMG_CFMENUORKE3060 | S_ALR_87005778 | Define LIS Interface |
99 | SIMG_CFMENUORKE3065 | S_ALR_87005785 | Set up Indirect Allocation of Activities from Processes |
100 | SIMG_CFMENUORKE3075 | S_ALR_87005777 | Assign Characteristic Group to Plan Version |
101 | SIMG_CFMENUORKE5055 | S_ALR_87005696 | Define Process Cost Assessment |
102 | SIMG_CFMENUORKE5065 | S_ALR_87005689 | Set up Indirect Allocation of Activities from Processes |
103 | SIMG_CFMENUORKE5095 | S_ALR_87005705 | Maintain Template Environment and Function Trees |
104 | SIMG_CFMENUORKE5310 | S_ALR_87005566 | Define PA Transfer Structure for Variance Settlement |
105 | SIMG_CFMENUORKE5610 | S_ALR_87005704 | Assign Accounts for Internal Goods Movements |
106 | SIMG_CFMENUORKE6110 | S_ALR_87005660 | Assign Display Attributes |
107 | SIMG_CFMENUORKE7410 | S_ALR_87005779 | Define Number Ranges for New Record Types |
108 | SIMG_CFMENUORKE7600 | S_ALR_87005790 | Printing with Microsoft Word for Windows |
109 | SIMG_CFMENUORKE8KEV | S_ALR_87099841 | Create Condition Types and Costing Sheets |
110 | SIMG_CFMENUORKECPT2 | S_ALR_87005707 | Maintain Template |
111 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEFILE | S_ALR_87005746 | Cross-Client File Names and Paths |
112 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE0C | S_ALR_87005732 | Run Initial Supply for Distributed Profitability Analysis |
113 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE0E | S_ALR_87005731 | Generate/Update Message Type |
114 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE0F | S_ALR_87005730 | Activate Distributed Profitability Analysis |
115 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE0I | S_AC0_52000641 | Prepare Archiving |
116 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE14 | S_ALR_87005733 | Define Planning Layout |
117 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE17 | S_ALR_87005718 | Define Authorization Objects for Planning |
118 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE19 | S_ALR_87005630 | Reorganize Planning Layouts |
119 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE1I | S_ALR_87005578 | Define Ratios and Ratio Schemes |
120 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE1O | S_ALR_87005580 | Create Exit Number for Customer Enhancement |
121 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE1Q | S_ALR_87005632 | Reorganize Long Texts |
122 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE1R | S_ALR_87005576 | Define Weighting Groups |
123 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE1T | S_ALR_87005572 | Maintain Forecast Profiles |
124 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE21S | S_P99_41000309 | Valuation Simulation |
125 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE2K | S_ALR_87005652 | Calculated Values as Reference for Top-Down Distribution |
126 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE2S | S_ALR_87005624 | Summarize Data During Update |
127 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE2U | S_ALR_87005769 | Assign Fields |
128 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE31 | S_ALR_87005667 | Create Profitability Report |
129 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE34 | S_ALR_87005642 | Define Forms for Profitability Reports |
130 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE37 | S_ALR_87005723 | Define Authorization Objects for the Information System |
131 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE39 | S_ALR_87005703 | Reorganize Report Data |
132 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE3A | S_ALR_87005712 | Reorganize Reports |
133 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE3C | S_ALR_87005676 | Reorganize Forms |
134 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE3D | S_ALR_87005638 | Reorganize Line Item Layouts |
135 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE3E | S_ALR_87005640 | Define Variables for Reports |
136 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE3F | S_ALR_87005661 | Define Line Item Layout |
137 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE3I | S_ALR_87005618 | Transport |
138 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE3J | S_ALR_87005634 | Import |
139 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE3K | S_ALR_87005648 | Assign Cost Element Hierarchy for Account-Based CO-PA |
140 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE3P | S_ALR_87005672 | Maintain Variant Groups |
141 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE3Q | S_ALR_87005665 | Maintain Variants |
142 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE3R | S_ALR_87005670 | Schedule Variant Groups |
143 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE3S | S_ALR_87005662 | Define Variant Groups |
144 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE3T | S_ALR_87005546 | Reorganize Variant Groups |
145 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE3X | S_ALR_87005666 | Assign Reports/Report Selection to Role |
146 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE3Z | S_ALR_87005569 | Convert Reports |
147 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE40 | S_ALR_87005759 | Define Access to Standard Cost Estimates |
148 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE45 | S_ALR_87005714 | Assign Value Fields |
149 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE46 | S_ALR_87005727 | Maintain Calculation Procedures |
150 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE47 | S_ALR_87005726 | Create Condition Types |
151 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE48 | S_ALR_87005725 | Define Access Sequences |
152 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4A | S_ALR_87005724 | Define Condition Tables |
153 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4D | S_ALR_87005771 | Define Structure of External Data |
154 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4F | S_ALR_87005628 | Prepare Subsequent Posting of Sales Orders |
155 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4G | S_ALR_87005622 | Assign Characteristic Groups for Assignment Screen |
156 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4H | S_ALR_87005760 | Assign Costing Keys to Products |
157 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4I | S_ALR_87005535 | Assign Value Fields |
158 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4I2 | S_ALR_87005525 | Assign Value Fields |
159 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4J | S_ALR_87005761 | Assign Costing Keys to Material Types |
160 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4L | S_ALR_87005717 | Define Pricing Reports |
161 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4MI | S_ALR_87005512 | Assign Quantity Fields |
162 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4MP | S_ALR_87005728 | Assign Quantity Fields |
163 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4MS | S_ALR_87005626 | Store Quantities in CO-PA Standard Unit of Measure |
164 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4R | S_ALR_87005763 | Assign Value Fields |
165 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4S | S_ALR_87005584 | Post Billing Documents Subsequently |
166 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4SC | S_E4A_94000061 | Subsequent Posting of CRM Billing Documents |
167 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4SF | S_EB5_05000504 | Subsequent Posting of Documents from Financial Accounting |
168 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4SM | S_EB5_05000505 | Subsequent Posting of Documents from Materials Management |
169 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4ST | S_ALR_87099682 | Simulate Billing Document Transfer |
170 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4T | S_ALR_87005614 | Post Sales Orders Subsequently |
171 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4TS | S_ALR_87100746 | Simulation of Document Transfer from Incoming Sales Orders |
172 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4U | S_ALR_87005767 | Define and Assign Valuation Strategy |
173 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE4W | S_ALR_87005515 | Reset Value/Quantity Fields |
174 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE91 | S_ALR_87005664 | Create Reports Based on Line Items |
175 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE94 | S_ALR_87005663 | Define Forms for Reports Based on Line Items |
176 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE97 | S_ALR_87005768 | Define Authorization Objects for Reports Based on Line Items |
177 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKE9D | S_ALR_87005692 | Reorganize Forms for Reports Based on Line Items |
178 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEA0 | S_ALR_87005737 | Maintain Operating Concern |
179 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEA5 | S_ALR_87005754 | Maintain Characteristics |
180 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEA6 | S_ALR_87005756 | Maintain Value Fields |
181 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEAE | S_ALR_87005698 | Generate Template Environment for CO-PA |
182 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEAI | S_E4A_94000161 | Check Value Flow from FI |
183 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEAS | S_ALR_87005680 | Specify Characteristics for Selection and Update |
184 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEAT | S_ALR_87005532 | Check Value Flow in Billing Document Transfer |
185 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEAW | S_ALR_87099935 | Check Value Flow from Order/Project Settlement |
186 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEB0N | S_EB5_05000498 | Create Transaction Data DataSource |
187 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEB1 | S_EB5_05000499 | Create Hierarchy DataSource |
188 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEB6 | S_EB5_05000497 | Assign Key Figures |
189 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEBD | S_ALR_87005744 | Set Operating Concern |
190 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEC3 | S_ALR_87005656 | Define Currency Translation Keys |
191 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKECM | S_ALR_87005518 | Check Customizing Settings |
192 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKECO | S_AL0_96000599 | Activate Transfer of Cost Component Split During Activity Allocation |
193 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKECP | S_ALR_87005739 | Copy Operating Concern including Customizing |
194 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEDB | S_ALR_87099933 | Delete Transaction Data |
195 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEDP | S_ALR_87005772 | Maintain Account Determination |
196 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEDR | S_ALR_87005765 | Define Characteristic Derivation |
197 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEDV | S_ALR_87005563 | Define Summarization Levels |
198 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEDVP | S_ALR_87099920 | Have Proposal Created Automatically |
199 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEF1 | S_ALR_87005776 | Maintain Revaluation Keys |
200 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEF3 | S_ALR_87005586 | Maintain Events |
201 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEFA | S_ALR_87005787 | Define Data Interface |
202 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEFB | S_ALR_87005788 | Maintain Transfer Rules |
203 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEG1 | S_ALR_87005686 | Set Up Indirect Allocation of Activities from Cost Centers/Processes |
204 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEG7 | S_ALR_87005781 | Set Up Indirect Allocation of Activities from Cost Centers/Processes |
205 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEGD | S_ALR_87099729 | Display Cycle Overview of Actual Activity Allocation |
206 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEGE | S_ALR_87099737 | Display Cycle Overview of Plan Activity Allocation |
207 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEGF | S_AL0_96000522 | Activate Transfer of Cost Component Split |
208 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEHA | S_EB5_05000812 | Create SAP HANA Reporting Model |
209 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEHC | S_EB5_05000809 | Set Up SAP HANA Integration |
210 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEHC0 | S_EB5_05000811 | Acceleration with SAP HANA (CO-PA Accelerator) |
211 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEHW | S_EB5_05000810 | Execute Data Transfer |
212 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEI1 | S_ALR_87005520 | Define PA Transfer Structure for Settlement |
213 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEI1U | S_ALR_87100554 | Define PA Transfer Structure for Assessment |
214 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEI2 | S_ALR_87005539 | Maintain PA Transfer Structure for Direct Postings |
215 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEI3 | S_ALR_87005683 | Maintain PA Transfer Structure for Template and Activity Allocation |
216 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEICO | S_AL0_96000602 | Maintain Cost Component Split Assignments for Activity Allocation |
217 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEIP | S_EBS_44000556 | Generation: Virtual InfoProvider |
218 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEKE | S_ALR_87005654 | Activate Profitability Analysis |
219 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEKF | S_ALR_87005529 | Activate Transfer of Incoming Sales Orders |
220 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEKG | S_ALR_87005650 | Activate Profit Center Valuation |
221 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEKW | S_ALR_87005709 | Maintain Template Determination and Other Update Characteristics |
222 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEN1 | S_ALR_87005636 | Define Number Ranges for Actual Postings |
223 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEN2 | S_ALR_87005720 | Define Number Ranges for Planning Data |
224 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEP1 | S_ALR_87005773 | Define Record Types |
225 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEPA | S_ALR_87005620 | Maintain Characteristic Groups |
226 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEPC | S_ALR_87005762 | Assign Costing Keys to Any Characteristics |
227 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEPD | S_ALR_87005644 | Define Characteristic Groups for the Information System |
228 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEPE | S_ALR_87005582 | Maintain Segment-Specific Revaluation Keys |
229 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEPF | S_ALR_87005775 | Maintain Segment-Specific Distribution Keys |
230 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEPG | S_ALR_87005573 | Maintain Segment-Specific Forecast Profiles |
231 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEPH | S_ALR_87005611 | Maintain Segment-Specific Events |
232 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEPM | S_ALR_87099700 | Set Up Planning Framework |
233 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEPMU | S_P99_41000189 | Create Planning Level from Planning Layout |
234 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEPS | S_ALR_87005616 | Define Plan Structure |
235 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEPV | S_ALR_87005784 | Assign Receiver Plan Version |
236 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEQ3 | S_ALR_87005741 | Define Profitability Segment Characteristics (Segment-Lvl Characteristics) |
237 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEQ3A | S_ALR_87005735 | Define Segment-Level Characteristics for Distributed CO-PA |
238 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKER1 | S_ALR_87005658 | Define Key Figure Schemes |
239 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKES1 | S_ALR_87005764 | Maintain Characteristic Values |
240 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKES3 | S_ALR_87005646 | Define Characteristics Hierarchy |
241 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKES4 | S_ALR_87005702 | Transfer Customer Rebate Agreements |
242 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKESF | S_ALR_87005780 | Maintain +/- Sign Rules |
243 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKETE | S_ALR_87011759 | Use SAP Operating Concern Template |
244 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKETR | S_ALR_87005758 | Translate Texts |
245 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEU1 | S_ALR_87005550 | Define Structure of Cost Center Assessment/Process Cost Assessment |
246 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEU7 | S_ALR_87005782 | Define Structure of Cost Center Assessment/Process Cost Assessment |
247 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEUD | S_ALR_87099725 | Display Cycle Overview of Actual Assessment |
248 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEUE | S_ALR_87099727 | Display Cycle Overview of Plan Assessment |
249 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEUH | S_ALR_87005543 | Define Calculated Values for Use as Reference Values |
250 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEV1 | S_ALR_87005774 | Maintain Distribution Keys |
251 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEVF | S_ALR_87005736 | Define Value Field Assignments |
252 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEVFG | S_ALR_87099684 | Maintain Value Field Groups |
253 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEVG | S_ALR_87005678 | Define Record Types for Selecting Cost Drivers |
254 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEVG2 | S_ALR_87099685 | Assign Characteristic Groups for Line Item Screens |
255 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEVG3 | S_ALR_87099686 | Assign Value Field Groups for Line Item Screens |
256 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEVG4 | S_ALR_87099868 | Assign Characteristic Groups to Actual Cycles |
257 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEVG5 | S_ALR_87099869 | Assign Characteristic Groups to Plan Cycles |
258 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEVG6 | S_AL0_96000695 | Assign PA Transfer Structure to Business Transaction |
259 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEVG7 | S_AL0_96000696 | Assign PA Transfer Structure to Business Transaction |
260 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKEVP | S_ALR_87005729 | Define Distribution Profiles |
261 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKP34 | S_ALR_87005734 | Display Planner Profiles |
262 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEKSES | S_ALR_87005557 | Define Allocation Structure |
263 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEMODIF | S_ALR_87005747 | SAP Enhancements |
264 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEOKB9 | S_ALR_87005559 | Automatic Account Assignment |
265 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEOKEQ | S_ALR_87005722 | Maintain Versions |
266 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEOKO7 | S_ALR_87005523 | Assign PA Transfer Structure to Settlement Profile |
267 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEOKOA | S_ALR_87005700 | Assign PA Transfer Structure to Settlement Profile |
268 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEOKU7 | S_ALR_87005668 | Define Headers and Footers for Basic Reports |
269 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEPCACT | S_ALR_87100829 | Define Access to Actual Costing/Material Ledger |
270 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEPFCG | S_ALR_87005766 | Create Role/Authorization Profile and Assign Users |
271 | SIMG_CFMENUORKESF01 | S_ALR_87005752 | Create Logical File Names |
272 | SIMG_CFMENUORKESF07 | S_ALR_87005750 | List File Names |
273 | SIMG_CFMENUORKEWE60 | S_ALR_87005783 | Display IDoc Type |
274 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKCCF1 | S_ALR_87008218 | Define Message Control |
275 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKCKC1 | S_ALR_87008191 | Check Settings |
276 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKCKNR | S_ALR_87008189 | Assign Number Ranges for Costing Documents |
277 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKCL00 | S_ALR_87008101 | Define User-Defined Characteristics |
278 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKCMODZ | S_ALR_87008208 | Develop Enhancements for Overhead Calculation |
279 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKCO44 | S_ALR_87008070 | Define Status Selection Profiles |
280 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKFGRP | S_ALR_87008095 | Create User-Defined Reports |
281 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKA06 | S_ALR_87008204 | Maintain Overhead Cost Elements |
282 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKANK | S_ALR_87008053 | Define Number Ranges for Variance Documents |
283 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKEI1 | S_ALR_87008043 | Create PA Transfer Structure |
284 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKK02 | S_ALR_87008148 | Link Statistical Key Figures to LIS |
285 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKK03 | S_ALR_87008140 | Link Statistical Key Figures to LIS |
286 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKK65 | S_ALR_87008143 | Define Layouts for Cost Element and Activity Type Planning |
287 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKK95 | S_ALR_87008142 | Define Layouts for Planning Statistical Key Figures |
288 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKKE5 | S_ALR_87005067 | Delete Base Planning Objects |
289 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKKO1 | S_ALR_87008092 | Define Reports |
290 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKKO4 | S_ALR_87008093 | Define Forms |
291 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKKO7 | S_ALR_87008094 | Define Key Figures |
292 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKKO8 | S_ALR_87008072 | Background Processing |
293 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKKOH | S_ALR_87008066 | Transport Reports |
294 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKKOI | S_ALR_87008067 | Transport Forms |
295 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKKOJ | S_ALR_87008068 | Import Reports |
296 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKKOK | S_ALR_87008069 | Import Forms |
297 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKKON | S_ALR_87008065 | Delete Report Data |
298 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKKOO | S_ALR_87008074 | Delete Reports |
299 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKKOP | S_ALR_87008073 | Delete Forms |
300 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKKPV | S_ALR_87005064 | Delete Cost Objects |
301 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKKR0 | S_ALR_87008086 | Maintain Summarization Hierarchies |
302 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKO8N | S_ALR_87008052 | Maintain Number Ranges for Settlement Documents |
303 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKOT2 | S_ALR_87008023 | Check Order Types |
304 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKP34 | S_ALR_87008141 | Create User-Defined Planner Profiles |
305 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKVC0 | S_ALR_87008149 | Maintain Cost Object / Key Figure Assignment |
306 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKVC2 | S_ALR_87008147 | Maintain Cost Object / Key Figure Assignment |
307 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKZB2 | S_ALR_87008202 | Define Calculation Bases |
308 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKZE2 | S_ALR_87008209 | Define Credits |
309 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKZM2 | S_ALR_87008210 | Define Quantity-Based Overhead Rates |
310 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKZS2 | S_ALR_87008203 | Define Costing Sheets |
311 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKKZZ2 | S_ALR_87008201 | Define Percentage Overhead Rates |
312 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKA8 | S_ALR_87008059 | Define Primary Data for Input Price Variances |
313 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKEU | S_ALR_87008044 | Create Source Structure |
314 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKG1 | S_ALR_87008004 | Create Results Analysis Keys |
315 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKG2 | S_ALR_87008003 | Define Results Analysis Versions |
316 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKG3 | S_ALR_87008002 | Define Valuation Methods for Results Analysis |
317 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKG4 | S_ALR_87008008 | Define Update for Results Analysis |
318 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKG5 | S_ALR_87008000 | Define Assignment for Results Analysis |
319 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKG6 | S_ALR_87008006 | Maintain Number Ranges for Results Analysis Documents |
320 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKG8 | S_ALR_87008007 | Define Posting Rules for Settlement to Financial Accounting |
321 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKG9 | S_ALR_87008028 | Define Results Analysis Versions |
322 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKIP | S_KA5_12000962 | Define Costing Variants |
323 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKIQ | S_KA5_12000963 | Define Costing Types |
324 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKIR | S_KA5_12000964 | Define Valuation Variants |
325 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKK4 | S_ALR_87008198 | Define Valuation Variants |
326 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKK5 | S_ALR_87008224 | Define Quantity Structure Control |
327 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKK6 | S_ALR_87008196 | Define Date Control |
328 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKK7 | S_ALR_87008186 | Define Price Factors |
329 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKK9 | S_ALR_87008187 | Define Relevancy to Costing |
330 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKKC | S_ALR_87008100 | Define Selection Screens for Order List |
331 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKKI | S_ALR_87008199 | Define Costing Types |
332 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKKM | S_ALR_87008197 | Define Transfer Control |
333 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKKN | S_ALR_87008200 | Define Costing Variants |
334 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKKO | S_ALR_87008183 | Define Costing Variants |
335 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKO6 | S_ALR_87008045 | Create Allocation Structure |
336 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKO7 | S_ALR_87008047 | Create Settlement Profile |
337 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKOS | S_ALR_87008021 | Define Planning Profiles for CO Production Orders |
338 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKRA | S_ALR_87008099 | Maintain Order Hierarchies |
339 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKRX | S_ALR_87008102 | Choose and Generate Characteristics |
340 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKS2 | S_ALR_87008104 | Generate Reports for Product Cost by Order |
341 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKS3 | S_ALR_87008091 | Generate Reports for Product Cost by Sales Order |
342 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKS8 | S_ALR_87008082 | Generate Reports for Product Cost Planning |
343 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKS9 | S_ALR_87008107 | Generate Reports for Product Cost by Period |
344 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKSB | S_ALR_87008105 | Import Reports for Product Cost by Order |
345 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKSD | S_ALR_87008097 | Import Reports for Product Cost by Sales Order |
346 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKSL | S_ALR_87008083 | Import Reports for Product Cost Planning |
347 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKSP | S_ALR_87008098 | Import Reports for Product Cost by Period |
348 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKSV | S_ALR_87008081 | Maintain Cost Component Group for Report Writer |
349 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKT9 | S_ALR_87008088 | Generate Reports for Costs for Intangible Goods and Services |
350 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKTA | S_ALR_87008089 | Import Reports for Costs for Intangible Goods and Services |
351 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKTZ | S_ALR_87008192 | Define Cost Component Structure |
352 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKV1 | S_ALR_87008054 | Define Variance Keys |
353 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKV2 | S_ALR_87008255 | Define Variance Keys |
354 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKV6 | S_ALR_87008060 | Define Target Cost Versions |
355 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKV7 | S_ALR_87008256 | Define Target Cost Versions |
356 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKVG | S_ALR_87008062 | Check Variance Variants |
357 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKVH | S_ALR_87008260 | Define Variance Variants |
358 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKVW | S_ALR_87008063 | Define Default Variance Keys for Plants |
359 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKY0 | S_ALR_87008013 | Check Valuation Variants for Product Costing |
360 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKY1 | S_ALR_87008017 | Check Costing Variants for Unit Costing |
361 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKY2 | S_ALR_87008025 | Check Costing Variants for CO Production Orders |
362 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKY3 | S_ALR_87008129 | Check Costing Variants for Cost Object ID |
363 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKY5 | S_ALR_87008024 | Check Valuation Variants for CO Production Orders |
364 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKY6 | S_ALR_87008144 | Check Valuation Variants for Cost Object ID |
365 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKY7 | S_ALR_87008010 | Check Valuation Variants for Unit Costing |
366 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKY9 | S_ALR_87008015 | Check Costing Variants for Product Costing |
367 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKYA | S_ALR_87008014 | Check Costing Types |
368 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKYC | S_ALR_87008240 | Check Material Accounts for Settlement |
369 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKYV | S_ALR_87008168 | Activate Cross-Company Costing |
370 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKYW | S_ALR_87008167 | Activate Cost Component Split in Controlling Area Currency |
371 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKZ1 | S_ALR_87008205 | Define Origin Groups |
372 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKZ2 | S_ALR_87008206 | Define Overhead Groups |
373 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKZ3 | S_ALR_87008022 | Define Cost-Accounting-Relevant Default Values for Order Types and Plants |
374 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKZ4 | S_ALR_87008229 | Check Control Keys for Operations |
375 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKZ5 | S_ALR_87008239 | Define Cost Object Categories for Cost Object Hierarchies |
376 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKZ6 | S_ALR_87008279 | Define Cost Object Profiles for Cost Object Hierarchies |
377 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKZ7 | S_ALR_87008127 | Define Cost Object Categories |
378 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKZ8 | S_ALR_87008128 | Define Cost Object Profiles |
379 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKZZ | S_ALR_87008188 | Define Message Types for Standard Cost Estimate |
380 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOMD9 | S_ALR_87008214 | Check Special Procurement Types |
381 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOME9 | S_ALR_87007988 | Check Account Assignment Categories |
382 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOMS4 | S_ALR_87008223 | Check Material Status |
383 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOP51 | S_ALR_87008228 | Check Settings for Formulas |
384 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOP54 | S_ALR_87008227 | Check Formulas for Costing |
385 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOPJF | S_ALR_87008221 | Check Automatic Routing Selection |
386 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOPJG | S_ALR_87008220 | Check Settings for Generated Operations |
387 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOPJI | S_ALR_87008226 | Check BOM Selection |
388 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOPJM | S_ALR_87008225 | Check BOM Application |
389 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOPK9 | S_ALR_87008030 | Define Goods Received Valuation for Order Delivery |
390 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOPL1 | S_ALR_87008037 | Check Costing Variants for Manufacturing Orders (PP) |
391 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOPN2 | S_ALR_87008031 | Check Valuation Variants for Manufacturing Orders (PP) |
392 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOPPS | S_ALR_87007979 | Check Planning Strategies |
393 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOPPT | S_ALR_87007978 | Check Strategy Groups |
394 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOPPU | S_ALR_87007987 | Check Strategy Group for MRP Group |
395 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOPR1 | S_ALR_87008219 | Assign Messages |
396 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOPR3 | S_ALR_87008217 | Define Error Search |
397 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOPR4 | S_ALR_87008136 | Define User-Defined Message Types |
398 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOS32 | S_ALR_87008215 | Check Alternative Selection for Multiple BOM |
399 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOSM2 | S_ALR_87008222 | Check Attributes of Material Types |
400 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOSP3 | S_ALR_87008241 | Check Control Data for Repetitive Manufacturing Profiles |
401 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOSP5 | S_ALR_87008243 | Activate Generation of Cost Log in Repetitive Manufacturing |
402 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOVZ1 | S_ALR_87007980 | Check Control of Requirements Type Determination |
403 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOVZG | S_ALR_87007982 | Check Requirements Classes |
404 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKOVZH | S_ALR_87007981 | Check Requirements Types |
405 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKVOFA | S_ALR_87007994 | Check Document Types for Invoices |
406 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKVOV4 | S_ALR_87007984 | Check Assignment of Item Categories |
407 | SIMG_CFMENUORKKVOV7 | S_ALR_87007986 | Check Item Categories |
408 | SIMG_CFMENUORKOMGEN | S_P00_07000284 | Generate Enterprise Organization from Profit Center Standard Hierarchy |
409 | SIMG_CFMENUORKOMGENP | S_P00_07000283 | Generate Enterprise Organization from Profit Center Standard Hierarchy |
410 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSACTDA | S_AL0_96000819 | BAdI: Implement Transfer of External CO Actual Data |
411 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSAR13 | S_ALR_87005876 | Transfer Depreciation, Interest and Investments from FI-AA |
412 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSCTU1 | S_ALR_87005797 | Define Environments and Function Trees |
413 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSFGRP | S_ALR_87005715 | Create Reports |
414 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSGCRS | S_ALR_87005675 | Specify Report Languages |
415 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSGCRS2 | S_ALR_87005681 | Specify Report Languages |
416 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSGR21 | S_ALR_87005684 | Define Libraries |
417 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSGR5G | S_ALR_87005716 | Generate Reports |
418 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKA01 | S_ALR_87005880 | Create Accrual Cost Elements |
419 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKA011 | S_ALR_87005898 | Create Accrual Cost Elements |
420 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKA012 | S_ALR_87005448 | Create Accrual Cost Elements |
421 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKA013 | S_ALR_87005458 | Create Accrual Cost Elements |
422 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKA04 | S_ALR_87005878 | Define Cost Elements for Activity Allocation |
423 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKA05 | S_ALR_87001032 | Check Units of Measure in Cost Element Master Data |
424 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKAH1 | S_ALR_87006940 | Maintain Cost Element Groups |
425 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKAH2 | S_ALR_87005838 | Define Cost Element Groups |
426 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKAH21 | S_ALR_87001035 | Define Cost Element Groups |
427 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKAH22 | S_ALR_87005690 | Define Cost Element Groups |
428 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKBC1 | S_ALR_87005552 | Define Screen Variants for Reposting Costs |
429 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKBC2 | S_ALR_87001029 | Define Screen Variants for Internal Activity Allocation |
430 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKBC3 | S_ALR_87001028 | Define Screen Variants for Statistical Key Figures |
431 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKBC4 | S_ALR_87005554 | Define Screen Variants for Reposting Revenues |
432 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKBH2 | S_ALR_87005798 | Maintain Statistical Key Figure Groups |
433 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKBH21 | S_ALR_87005836 | Define Statistical Key Figure Groups |
434 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKBH22 | S_ALR_87005697 | Define Statistical Key Figure Groups |
435 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKCAL1 | S_ALR_87005507 | Determine Send/Recv Categories for Indirect Acty Allocation |
436 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKCAL2 | S_ALR_87005745 | Determine Send/Recv Categories for Indirect Acty Allocation |
437 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKCAP1 | S_ALR_87005809 | Determine Sender/Receiver Types for Periodic Reposting |
438 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKCAP2 | S_ALR_87005409 | Determine Sender/Receiver Types for Periodic Reposting |
439 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKCAU1 | S_ALR_87005509 | Specify Receiver Types for Assessment |
440 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKCAU2 | S_ALR_87005748 | Specify Receiver Types for Assessment |
441 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKCAV1 | S_ALR_87005902 | Specify Receiver Types for Distribution |
442 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKCAV2 | S_ALR_87005755 | Specify Receiver Types for Distribution |
443 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKK01 | S_ALR_87005795 | Maintain Statistical Key Figures |
444 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKK03 | S_ALR_87005859 | Define Link Between Statistical Key Figures and LIS |
445 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKK031 | S_ALR_87005418 | Define Link Between Statistical Key Figures and LIS |
446 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKL01 | S_ALR_87005890 | Create Activity Types |
447 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKL02 | S_ALR_87005544 | Maintain Activity Types for Direct Activity Allocation |
448 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKL03 | S_ALR_87005743 | Maintain Activity Types for Direct Activity Allocation |
449 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKLH2 | S_ALR_87005806 | Define Activity Type Groups |
450 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKLH21 | S_ALR_87005842 | Define Activity Type Groups |
451 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKLH22 | S_ALR_87005695 | Define Activity Type Groups |
452 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKO01 | S_ALR_87005886 | Create Accrual Orders |
453 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKO011 | S_ALR_87005404 | Create Accrual Orders |
454 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKOT2 | S_ALR_87005805 | Determine Order Types for Accrual Orders |
455 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKOT21 | S_ALR_87005398 | Determine Order Types for Accrual Orders |
456 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKP34 | S_ALR_87005852 | Define User-Defined Planner Profiles |
457 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKP65 | S_ALR_87005833 | Create Planning Layouts for Cost Element Planning |
458 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKP75 | S_ALR_87005827 | Create Planning Layouts for Activity Type Planning |
459 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKP81 | S_ALR_87005851 | Define User-Defined Distribution Keys |
460 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKP85 | S_ALR_87005824 | Create Planning Layouts for Statistical Key Figure Planning |
461 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKPHR | S_ALR_87005854 | Transfer Personnel Costs from HR (up to Release 4.5B) |
462 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKPR2 | S_ALR_87005801 | Define Resources |
463 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKPR6 | S_ALR_87005799 | Maintain Resource Prices |
464 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKPRI | S_ALR_87005847 | Define Price Tables |
465 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKPRK | S_ALR_87005846 | Define Access Sequences |
466 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKPT1 | S_ALR_87005796 | Define Templates |
467 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKPU1 | S_ALR_87005815 | Define Revaluation |
468 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKR01 | S_ALR_87001033 | Maintain Summarization |
469 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKS02 | S_ALR_87005871 | Create Cost Centers |
470 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKS03 | S_ALR_87005884 | Create Accrual Cost Centers |
471 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKS031 | S_ALR_87005406 | Create Accrual Cost Centers |
472 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKSAJ | S_ALR_87005455 | Maintain Target=Actual Credit |
473 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKSAZ | S_ALR_87005863 | Maintain Overhead Structure |
474 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKSAZI | S_ALR_87005460 | Maintain Overhead Structure |
475 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKSC1 | S_ALR_87005792 | Define Indirect Activity Allocation |
476 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKSC7 | S_ALR_87005471 | Define Indirect Activity Allocation |
477 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKSH2 | S_ALR_87005840 | Define Cost Center Groups |
478 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKSH21 | S_ALR_87005693 | Define Cost Center Groups |
479 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKSH3 | S_ALR_87005853 | Define Cost Center Groups |
480 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKSU1 | S_ALR_87005742 | Maintain Assessment |
481 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKSU7 | S_ALR_87005540 | Define Assessment |
482 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKSV1 | S_ALR_87005757 | Define Distribution |
483 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKSV7 | S_ALR_87005903 | Define Distribution |
484 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKSW1 | S_ALR_87005395 | Define Periodic Repostings |
485 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKSW7 | S_ALR_87005808 | Define Periodic Repostings |
486 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKVA0 | S_ALR_87005892 | Define Assignment of Cost Centers to Key Figures |
487 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKVA2 | S_ALR_87005421 | Define Assignment of Cost Centers to Key Figures |
488 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKVD0 | S_ALR_87005888 | Define Assignment of Cost Centers/Activity Types to Key Figures |
489 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSKVD2 | S_ALR_87005424 | Define Assignment of Cost Centers/Activity Types to Key Figures |
490 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSOB07 | S_ALR_87005849 | Define Exchange Rate Types |
491 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSOB08 | S_ALR_87005820 | Define Exchange Rates |
492 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSOK60 | S_ALR_87005612 | Define Number Ranges for Funds Commitment |
493 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSOKA2 | S_ALR_87005896 | Define Cost Center Categories |
494 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSOKA8 | S_ALR_87005770 | Determine Primary Data Input Price Variances |
495 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSOKB6 | S_ALR_87005677 | Generate Standard Reports |
496 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSOKB9 | S_ALR_87005548 | Edit Automatic Account Assignment |
497 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSOKD3 | S_ALR_87005687 | Import Standard Reports |
498 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSOKEA | S_ALR_87005855 | Define Search Helps for Cost Centers |
499 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSOKEE | S_ALR_87005807 | Define Search Helps for Activity Types |
500 | SIMG_CFMENUORKSOKEG | S_ALR_87005857 | Define Time-Based Fields for Cost Centers |