SAP ABAP IMG Activity - Index M
IMG Activity - M
# | IMG Activity | Transaction Code | Short Description |
1 | MAHNEN | S_PLN_16000272 | i |
2 | MAHNEN_PARTNER | S_ALR_87015169 | Correspondence Partner Reminder |
3 | MAHNVERF.F.BELEGPOS. | S_KK4_08000062 | Define Dunning Procedure (FS-CD) |
4 | MAHNWESEN_SUCHKENNZ | S_ALR_87004779 | Assign Search ID and Share Type to Role Category |
5 | MAHNW_FORMULARE_MSTF | S_ALR_87004213 | Assign Forms for Loans Dunning to Dunning Level |
6 | MAHNW_GERMAHNVERFAHR | S_ALR_87004222 | Define Forms for Legal Dunning Procedure |
7 | MAHNW_GRUNDEINSTELLU | S_ALR_87004511 | Determine Basic Settings |
8 | MAHNW_ROLLENTYPEN | S_ALR_87004388 | Assign Dunning Param. and Limit Amount to Application/Role |
9 | MAHNW_ZEWG_MAHNBAR | S_ALR_87004206 | Flag Payment Methods for Incoming Payments as Dunnable |
10 | MAINT_FUNDTYPE | S_P00_07000192 | Create FM Fund Types |
11 | MANBUCH_BEWART_ZUS | S_ALR_87004548 | Additional Manual Posting Data |
12 | MANDATENABH | S_P00_07000025 | Define File Names and File Paths Independent of Client |
13 | MAND_0002 | S_BCE_68001453 | Define clients |
14 | MANUELLE_MAHNSTUFE | S_ALR_87004516 | Define Manual Dunning Level |
15 | MAN_WIP_BATCH_VAL | S_EB5_05000125 | BAdI: Valuation WIP Batch |
16 | MAPMAINTENANCE_VBC | S_BTD_53000164 | Assign Map Products to Visual Business Applications |
17 | MAPPINGRULES | S_BCE_68002444 | Define Key-Mapping Rules |
18 | MAP_PARTNER | S_AEC_66000387 | Business Partner Key |
19 | MAP_PROBABILITY | S_GF1_13000158 | Map Probability and Severity Values from EH&S and RM |
20 | MAP_TX_TYPE | S_AEC_66000441 | Tax Type Mapping |
21 | MARGINVERWALTUNG_DEF | S_ALR_87007427 | Define Account Determination for Margin Management |
22 | MASCHINELL_MAHNSTUFE | S_ALN_01001327 | Define Dunning Level Determination |
23 | MASCH_UEBER_TOLERANZ | S_ALN_01002329 | Determine Tolerances |
24 | MASS_V_PARALLEL | S_EBJ_98000150 | Mass Processing - Set Up Parallel and Asynchronous Processing |
25 | MAT_INFL_CLS | S_AL0_96000433 | Maintain Material Inflation Classes |
26 | MAT_PO_READ_SWITCH | S_EBS_44000412 | BAdI: Options for Improving System Performance |
27 | MAT_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES | S_AL0_96000439 | Define Attributes of Material Types |
28 | MA_ST_TH | S_EB5_05000527 | Define Critical Stock Values for Mass Processsing |
29 | MB_CHECK_LINE_BADI | S_P6B_12000036 | BAdI: Check Line Before Adoption in Blocking Tables |
30 | MB_DELPAR_BADI | S_EBJ_98000230 | BAdI: Set Partners for Creating a Delivery |
31 | MB_INSMK_WIP_CHANGE | S_E4A_94000193 | BAdI: Stock Transfer of a WIP Batch |
32 | MB_MIGO_BADI | S_AL0_96000653 | BAdI: Maintenance of Extenral Detail Subscreens for Transaction MIGO |
33 | MB_MIGO_ITEM_BADI | S_AL0_96000652 | BAdI: Changing of Item Data in Transaction MIGO |
34 | MB_RESERVATION_BADI | S_AL0_96000655 | BAdI: Checking/Supplementation of Dialog Data for Transactions MB21/MB22 |
35 | MCA_DOCUMENT | S_VCG_86000046 | BAdI: Documents Handling |
36 | MCA_DOCUMENTN | S_VCG_86000064 | BAdI: Documents Handling |
37 | MCPE_FA_ACC_SEQ | S_PR0_40000385 | Define Access Sequences |
38 | MCPE_FA_COND_TYPE | S_PR0_40000386 | Define Condition Types |
39 | MCPE_FA_CT | S_PR0_40000384 | Define Condition Tables |
40 | MCPE_FA_DET_PROC | S_PR0_40000387 | Define Formula Assembly Procedure |
41 | MCPE_FA_FC | S_PR0_40000383 | Maintain Field Catalog |
42 | MCPE_FA_MNTGRP_1 | S_EBS_44000307 | Maintain Maintenance Group |
43 | MCPE_FA_PRIORITY | S_EBS_44000308 | Maintain Attribute Priority |
44 | MDC_SUBSCR_ACL | S_ALI_97000062 | Add-In: Log Measurement Document Customer Subscreen |
45 | MDGF_FBS_SE_CMP_BUL1 | S_E7B_27000005 | BAdI: Import of Company Master Data |
46 | MDGF_FBS_SE_CMP_BULK | S_EB5_05000661 | BAdI: Import of Company Master Data |
47 | MDGF_KBAS_SE_CCGRPH1 | S_E7B_27000010 | BAdI: Import of Cost Center Hierarchy |
48 | MDGF_KBAS_SE_CCGRPHR | S_EB5_05000666 | BAdI: Import of Cost Center Hierarchy |
49 | MDGF_KBAS_SE_CELGRP1 | S_E7B_27000012 | BAdI: Import of Cost Element Group |
50 | MDGF_KBAS_SE_CELGRPH | S_EB5_05000668 | BAdI: Import of Cost Element Group |
51 | MDGF_KBAS_SE_COSTCT2 | S_E7B_27000009 | BAdI: Import of Cost Centers |
52 | MDGF_KBAS_SE_COSTCTR | S_EB5_05000665 | BAdI: Import of Cost Centers |
53 | MDGF_KBAS_SE_COSTEL1 | S_E7B_27000011 | BAdI: Import of Cost Elements |
54 | MDGF_KBAS_SE_COSTELE | S_EB5_05000667 | BAdI: Import of Cost Elements |
55 | MDGF_KE1_SE_PRCTRGR1 | S_E7B_27000007 | BAdI: Import of Profit Center Hierarchy |
56 | MDGF_KE1_SE_PRCTRGRP | S_EB5_05000664 | BAdI: Import of Profit Center Hierarchy |
57 | MDGF_KE1_SE_PRCTR_B1 | S_E7B_27000006 | BAdI: Import of Profit Centers |
58 | MDGF_KE1_SE_PRCTR_BL | S_EB5_05000662 | BAdI: Import of Profit Centers |
59 | MDGF_USMD_SE_CEGH_R1 | S_E7B_95000024 | BAdI: Export of CostElementGroupHierarchy |
60 | MDGF_USMD_SE_CEGH_RP | S_SE5_45000023 | BAdI: Export of CostElementGroupHierarchy |
61 | MDGF_USMD_SE_CE_RPL1 | S_E7B_95000023 | BAdI: Export of CostElement |
62 | MDGF_USMD_SE_CE_RPLC | S_SE5_45000024 | BAdI: Export of CostElement |
63 | MDG_BADI_DYN_AGT_SEL | S_BTD_53000194 | BAdI: Dynamic Selection of Agent in Rule-Based Workflow |
64 | MDG_BADI_FLD_PROP | S_BT6_28000069 | BAdI: Access to Customer-Dependent Field Property Settings |
65 | MDG_BADI_PAR_RES_HDL | S_BTD_53000195 | BAdI: Handling of Parallel Results in Rule-Based Workflow |
66 | MDG_BADI_RULE_CTX_PR | S_BTD_53000192 | BAdI: Rule Context Preparation for Rule-Based Workflow |
67 | MDG_BADI_SYS_METH_CA | S_BTD_53000193 | BAdI: Calling of System Method for Rule-Based Workflow |
68 | MDG_BS_BP_ACCESS | S_BT6_63000014 | access class assignment |
69 | MDG_BS_BP_CRMC_BCSE2 | S_BT6_63000015 | Set up BP-IDoc Types for Distribution to Client Systems |
70 | MDG_BS_BP_CRMC_BCSET | S_BTD_53000218 | Import MDG Outbound Service |
71 | MDG_BS_BP_FMOD_BCSE2 | S_BT6_63000016 | Import Predef. Fld Modif. Criteria for Trans. BP Using MDG-S |
72 | MDG_BS_BP_FMOD_BCSET | S_BTD_53000219 | Import Predefined Field Modification Criteria for Transaction BP Using MDGS |
73 | MDG_BS_BP_SCOPE_BC | S_EBI_19000009 | Activate BC Set to Reset Governance Scope |
74 | MDG_BS_BP_WF_CHECK | S_EBS_44000006 | Import Predefined Workflow Dependent Checks |
75 | MDG_BS_CL_CR_BCSET1 | S_E7B_27000014 | Import Predefined Change Request Types for ERP Customer UI |
76 | MDG_BS_CUST_HARM | S_EBS_44000113 | Configure CVI for Debtor UI |
77 | MDG_BS_CUST_HARM_01 | S_E7B_27000013 | Configure CVI for ERP Customer UI |
78 | MDG_BS_CUS_CR_BCSET | S_EBS_44000111 | Import Predefined Change Request Types |
79 | MDG_BS_CUS_CR_BCSETX | S_EBI_02000003 | Import Predefined Change Request Types |
80 | MDG_BS_CU_FMOD_BCSET | S_EBI_19000002 | Import Predef. Fld Modif. Criteria for Trans. BP Using MDG-C |
81 | MDG_BS_ECC_BP_MLT_AS | S_EBI_02000015 | BAdI: Adapt Customer/Supplier Data |
82 | MDG_BS_MAT_API_ENRIC | S_EB5_05000536 | BAdI: Change Request Data Enrichment |
83 | MDG_BS_MAT_API_SEGMT | S_EBS_44000025 | BAdI: Extension of the API with Customer-Specific Segments |
84 | MDG_BS_MAT_CR_BCSET | S_EB5_05000545 | Import Predefined Change Request Types |
85 | MDG_BS_MAT_DELETE_TE | S_E7B_27000018 | Delete Text Mapping Information |
86 | MDG_BS_MAT_FIND_MOD | S_EBS_44000302 | Data Model Mapping |
87 | MDG_BS_MAT_GOV_SCOPE | S_EBI_02000009 | Import BC Set to Reset Governance Scope |
88 | MDG_BS_MAT_SHAREDMEM | S_E7B_27000017 | Clear Shared Memory Buffer |
89 | MDG_BS_MAT_TMP_ID | S_EB5_05000543 | Maintain Number Ranges for Temporary ID Handling |
90 | MDG_BS_RS_FMOD_BCSET | S_EBI_19000003 | Import Predef. Fld Modif. Criteria for Trans. BP Using Relationships |
91 | MDG_BS_SUPPL_HARM | S_EB5_05000677 | Configure CVI for ERP Vendor UI |
92 | MDG_BS_SUP_CR_BCSET | S_EB5_05000634 | Import Predefined Change Request Types |
93 | MDG_BS_SUP_CR_BCSET2 | S_EBS_03000006 | Import Predefined Change Request Types |
94 | MDG_BS_SUP_CR_BCSETX | S_EBI_02000002 | Import Predefined Change Request Types |
95 | MDG_BS_VEND_CR_BCSE2 | S_EBS_03000007 | Import Predefined Change Request Types for Vendor UI |
96 | MDG_BS_VEND_CR_BCSET | S_EB5_05000676 | Import Predefined Change Request Types for Vendor UI |
97 | MDG_BS_VEND_CR_BC_CU | S_EBS_44000112 | Import Predefined Change Request Types for Debtor UI |
98 | MDG_BS_VEN_CR_BCSETX | S_EBI_02000004 | Import Predefined Change Request Types for ERP Vendor UI |
99 | MDG_BUPA_01 | S_BTD_53000126 | Set up Business Partner |
100 | MDG_BUPA_01_N | S_EBS_03000008 | Set up Business Partner |
101 | MDG_BUPA_02 | S_BTD_53000174 | Activate/Deactivate Business Partner Function Modules for Replication |
102 | MDG_BUPA_GEN_SET_01 | S_BT6_28000017 | General Settings for Business Partner |
103 | MDG_CUSTOMER_01 | S_EBS_44000096 | General Settings for Customer |
104 | MDG_CUST_ERP_20 | S_EBS_44000109 | Set up Customer Master for Master Data Governance for Customer |
105 | MDG_CUST_ERP_30 | S_EBS_44000110 | Set up Customer Vendor Integration for MDG for Customer |
106 | MDG_DQR_EVENT_HANDLE | S_EBI_19000005 | BAdI: Event Handling for Data Quality Remediation |
107 | MDG_ERP_20 | S_EB5_05000433 | Set up Vendor Master for Master Data Governance for Supplier |
108 | MDG_ERP_30 | S_EB5_05000434 | Set up Customer Vendor Integration for MDG for Supplier |
109 | MDG_ES_TEMPL | S_BTD_53000167 | Create Search Object Connector Templates |
110 | MDG_FINANCIALS_01 | S_SE5_45000025 | General Settings for Financials |
111 | MDG_FIN_INT_SSC | S_BT6_63000003 | Set Up Integration with Financial Shared Service Center |
112 | MDG_FIN_INT_SSC1 | S_E7B_95000006 | Set Up Integration with Financial Shared Service Center |
113 | MDG_FIN_MDM_ORG_CUS1 | S_E7B_95000005 | Import Predefined Change Request Types and Edition Types |
114 | MDG_FIN_MDM_ORG_CUST | S_SE6_85000001 | Import Predefined Change Request Types and Edition Types |
115 | MDG_FOUNDATION_ACTIV | S_BTD_53000213 | Make your settings under "Master Data Governance" |
116 | MDG_IDM_001 | S_BTD_53000105 | Customize Business Objects for Key Mapping |
117 | MDG_IDM_002 | S_BTD_53000107 | Define Business Objects |
118 | MDG_IDM_003 | S_BTD_53000108 | Define Object Identifiers |
119 | MDG_IDM_004 | S_BTD_53000109 | Assign Business Objects to Main Contexts |
120 | MDG_IDM_005 | S_BTD_53000113 | Define Object Nodes |
121 | MDG_IDM_006 | S_BTD_53000114 | Define Technical Settings for Business Systems |
122 | MDG_IDM_007 | S_BTD_53000155 | Assign Key Structures to Object Identifiers |
123 | MDG_IDM_009 | S_BTD_53000215 | Key Mapping |
124 | MDG_IDM_010 | S_BTD_53000216 | Overall Information |
125 | MDG_IDM_BADI_01 | S_BTD_53000110 | BAdI: Determination of Local System Name |
126 | MDG_MATERIAL_01 | S_EB5_05000658 | General Settings for Material |
127 | MDG_MAT_IDMAP_V | S_EBI_02000010 | Maintain Fields for iDoc Key Mapping |
128 | MDG_MAT_VALMAP_V | S_EBI_02000011 | Maintain Fields for iDoc Value Mapping |
129 | MDG_MDF_FYV | S_SE3_50000126 | Specify Leading Fiscal Year Variant for Whole Client |
130 | MDG_MDF_FYV1 | S_SE3_50000127 | Specify Leading Fiscal Year Variant Specific to a Field |
131 | MDG_MDF_PROF | S_SE3_50000210 | Profile Parameter Setting |
132 | MDG_RULE_CROSS_ET | S_BT6_63000013 | BAdI: Derivations Across Entity Types |
133 | MDG_SE_BP_RELSHIP_IN | S_BTD_53000139 | BAdI: BP Relationships Replication Request Inbound |
134 | MDG_SE_BP_RELSHIP_OU | S_BTD_53000140 | BAdI: BP Relationships Replication Request Outbound |
135 | MDG_SE_BP_REL_CNF_IN | S_BTD_53000141 | BAdI: BP Relationships Replication Confirmation Inbound |
136 | MDG_SE_BP_REPLCNF_IN | S_BTD_53000138 | BAdI: Business Partner Replication Confirmation Inbound |
137 | MDG_SE_BP_REPLRQ_IN | S_BTD_53000136 | BAdI: Business Partner Replication Request Inbound |
138 | MDG_SE_BP_REPLRQ_OUT | S_BTD_53000137 | BAdI: Business Partner Replication Request Outbound |
139 | MDG_SE_BP_SEARCH | S_EBS_03000011 | BAdI for MDG Business Partner Search Service |
140 | MDG_SE_MAT_ERPBKRP_2 | S_EBI_02000013 | BAdI: Material Replication Inbound Confirmation |
141 | MDG_SE_MAT_ERPBKRP_3 | S_EBI_02000014 | BAdI: Material Replication Outbound Request |
142 | MDG_SE_MAT_ERPBULKRP | S_EBI_02000012 | BAdI: Material Replication Inbound Request |
143 | MDG_SSC_CONFIG | S_EBI_19000007 | Activate Integration with Service Request |
144 | MDG_SSC_CONFIG1 | S_E7B_95000008 | Activate Integration with Service Request |
145 | MDG_SUPPLIER_01 | S_EB5_05000651 | General Settings for Supplier |
146 | MDG_SUPPL_WF_BRFPLUS | S_EBS_03000012 | Assign Processor to Change Request Step Number in BRFplus for Supplier |
147 | MDG_SWETYPV_BUS2250 | S_BTD_53000217 | Activate Type Linkage |
148 | MDG_TRANSPORT_TRVAR | S_BTD_53000196 | Transport of Data Transfer Variants |
149 | MDG_TR_CCMV | S_SE3_50000214 | Complete Postprocessing |
150 | MDG_TR_DEST | S_SE3_50000004 | Assign RFC Destinations for Transport Methods |
151 | MDG_TR_EXEC_AI | S_SE3_50000031 | Postprocess Client Copy |
152 | MDG_TR_REORG | S_SE3_50000216 | Table Entries for Transport Container |
153 | MDG_TR_WZ | S_SE3_50000218 | Wizard for RFC Destinations |
154 | MDG_USMD_CREQUEST_UI | S_BTD_53000121 | BAdI: Customize User Interface for Change Requests |
155 | MDG_USMD_OOCU | S_BTD_53000208 | Configure Workflow Tasks |
156 | MDG_USMD_SSW_RULE | S_BTD_53000129 | Configure Rule-Based Workflow |
157 | MDG_VC_USMD004_0 | S_BT6_63000006 | Generate Data Model-Specific Structures |
158 | MDG_VC_USMD006 | S_BTD_53000205 | Define Field Properties for UI |
159 | MDG_VC_USMD007 | S_BT6_28000025 | Define Governance Scope |
160 | MDG_VC_USMD160 | S_BTD_53000125 | Create Business Activity |
161 | MDG_V_MDG_DQR_DQS | S_EBI_19000004 | Define Data Quality Service |
162 | MDG_V_USMD0051 | S_BTD_53000209 | Define Entity Type to Be Used by Business Object Type |
163 | MDG_V_USMD016 | S_BTD_53000152 | Define Prefixes for Internal Key Assignment |
164 | MDG_V_USMD151C | S_BT6_63000008 | Define Available UI Applications |
165 | MDG_V_USMD167C | S_BT6_63000011 | Link Logical Actions with Business Activity: Standard Definition |
166 | MDG_V_USMD170C | S_BT6_63000007 | Define Logical Actions |
167 | MDG_V_USMD180C | S_BT6_63000009 | Link Log. Actions with UI Application and Bus. Act.: Standard Definition |
168 | MDG_V_USMD180C_C | S_BT6_63000010 | Link Log. Actions with UI Application and Bus. Activity: Custom Definition |
169 | MDG_V_USMD201C_SSW | S_BTD_53000191 | Define Service Names for Rule-Based Workflow |
170 | MDG_V_USMD202C_SSW | S_BTD_53000190 | Define Change Request Steps for Rule-Based Workflow |
171 | MDG_V_USMD204C | S_BTD_53000128 | Define Search Applications |
172 | MDG_V_USMD210C | S_BTD_53000133 | Define Priorities for Change Requests |
173 | MDG_V_USMD211C | S_BTD_53000134 | Define Reasons for Change Requests |
174 | MDG_V_USMD212C | S_BTD_53000135 | Define Rejection Reasons for Change Requests |
175 | MDM | S_BPL_83000094 | Define Interfaces |
176 | MDMGXC0 | S_BYA_47000050 | Define Repositories and FTP servers |
177 | MDMGXC2 | S_BYA_47000051 | Define Function Module Parameters for Exceptional Cases |
178 | MDMGXOBJTYP | S_BYA_47000049 | Define Object Types |
179 | MDM_ECM | S_BPL_83000095 | Implement Additional Checks |
180 | MDM_GS_SRC_SEARCH | S_MDX_75000007 | Make System Settings for Search Engine Service |
181 | MDM_GS_SRC_SE_BUSOBJ | S_MDX_75000009 | Define Business Objects for Search Engine Service |
182 | MDM_GS_SRC_T002SUBST | S_MDX_75000010 | Preferred Language Sequence for the Presentation of Objects |
183 | MDSV_CTRL_EVENTA | S_PAB_09000017 | Activate Events in the Event Handler |
184 | MDSV_CTRL_OBJ | S_S7B_68000017 | Synchronization Objects |
185 | MDSV_CTRL_OBJPPO | S_PAB_09000016 | Activate PPO Requests for Platform Objects in the Dialog |
186 | MDSV_CTRL_OPT_A | S_PAB_09000018 | Activate Synchronization Options |
187 | MDSV_CTRL_OPT_B | S_AC0_52000860 | Activate/De-activate Synchronization (Material to Product and vice versa) |
188 | MDSV_PPO_WF_USER | S_P7D_67000031 | Establish Recipient of Postprocessing Messages |
189 | MDS_CTRL_PPO | S_S7B_68000019 | BAdI: Call Post-Processing Office from the Controller |
190 | MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT | S_XC0_18000022 | Execute Synchronization Cockpit |
191 | MDS_REQUIREMENTS_01 | S_PCO_36000328 | Preparatory Steps for Master Data Synchronization |
192 | MDS_REQUIREMENTS_02 | S_PCO_36000331 | Preparatory Steps for Synchronization Control |
193 | MDTOOLI_1 | S_KJ4_38000052 | Definition of Fieldgroup |
194 | MDTOOLI_2 | S_KJ4_38000053 | Definition of Fields for fieldgroup |
195 | MDTOOLI_3 | S_KJ4_38000054 | Assignment of Fieldgroup to Sub process scenario |
196 | MDTOOLI_4 | S_ELN_16000007 | BAdI master data screens in PWE |
197 | MDT_LPA_CONV | S_PCO_36000434 | Convert MDT Data to MSS Reporting Launch Pad |
198 | MD_EXPORT_TREE | S_AC0_52000885 | BAdI: Order Report (Export Order Tree) |
199 | MEASPOINT_CHECK | S_E4A_94000103 | BAdI: Perform Measuring Point Checks in PRT Environment |
200 | MEAS_CUST_FIELDS_FIL | S_EB5_05000037 | BAdI: Filling of Customer Fields for Meas. Points and Documents |
201 | MEAS_DEF_AGGR_MODE | S_EB5_05000551 | Define Aggregation Mode |
202 | MEAS_DEF_MEASMNT | S_EB5_05000552 | Define Measurement |
203 | MEAS_DEF_MEAS_GRP | S_EB5_05000553 | Define Measurement Group |
204 | MEAS_DOC_FCODE_CUST | S_EB5_05000038 | BAdI: Additional Function Code in Measurement Document Transactions |
205 | MEAS_POINT_AUTH_CHEC | S_EB5_05000039 | BAdI: Additional Authority Checks for Measuring Points |
206 | MEAS_POINT_FCODE_CUS | S_EB5_05000288 | BAdI: Additional Function Code in Measuring Point Transactions |
207 | MEDIENPRODUKT | S_KK4_82000013 | Media Product |
208 | MELDEW_PERTNERROLLEN | S_PLN_06000230 | Define Partner Roles Relevant for Regulatory Reporting (GBA 24c) |
209 | MEMPADELIM | S_BCE_68002233 | Delimiters for MPA Reply |
210 | MEOUT_BAPI_CUST | S_AC0_52000745 | BAdI for Customers in Function Groups 2014 & 2013 |
211 | MES_INT_BASIC | S_EBS_44000341 | Basic Settings for MES Integration |
212 | MES_INT_PROLO | S_EBS_44000347 | Specify Production Storage Locations for an MES |
213 | MEV_V_CCODE | S_EBJ_98000153 | Define Settings Dependent on Company Codes |
214 | MEV_V_CCODE_MM | S_EBJ_98000154 | Define MM-Specific Settings Dependent on Company Codes |
215 | MEV_V_CCODE_SD | S_EBJ_98000155 | Define SD-Specific Settings Dependent on Company Codes |
216 | MEV_V_DOCTYPE_MM | S_EBJ_98000245 | Assign Accounting Document Type |
217 | MEV_WL_SELCRIT_CHECK | S_EBJ_98000268 | BAdI: Selection Criteria Check During Worklist Creation |
218 | ME_BADI_SUBCON_CUST | S_E4A_94000257 | BAdI: Control Subcontracting Process |
219 | ME_BAPI_PO_CUST | S_PCO_36000342 | BAdI for BAPI_PO_CREATE1 and BAPI_PO_CHANGE - BUS2012 |
220 | ME_BAPI_PR_CUST | S_AC0_52000142 | BAdI: Customer BAdI for Purchase Requisition BAPIs (Single-Screen Trans.) |
221 | ME_CHANGE_OUTTAB_CUS | S_E4A_94000154 | BAdI: Enrich ALV Output Tables in Reporting |
222 | ME_CHDOC_ACTIVE | S_AL0_96000473 | BAdI: Activate Additional Updating in Change Documents |
223 | ME_CHECK_ALL_ITEMS | S_AL0_96000867 | BAdI: Run Through Items Again in the Event of Changes in EKKO |
224 | ME_CIP_ALLOW_CHANGE | S_AL0_96000337 | BAdI: Control Changeability of Configuration Data |
225 | ME_COMMITMENT_PLAN | S_PCO_36000500 | BAdI: Commitment Plan for Contracts |
226 | ME_COMMITMENT_RETURN | S_AC0_52000411 | BAdI: Commitment for Returns Items |
227 | ME_COMMTMNT_PO_REL_C | S_ACR_23000182 | BAdI: Check for Commitment Relevance of Purchase Orders |
228 | ME_COMMTMNT_REQ_RE_C | S_ACR_23000180 | BAdI: Check for Commitment Relevance of Purchase Requisitions |
229 | ME_DEFINE_CALCTYPE | S_AL0_96000868 | BAdI: Control of Pricing Type: Additional Fields |
230 | ME_GUI_PO_CUST | S_AL0_96000474 | BAdI: Customer Screens in Purchase Order (Single-Screen Transaction) |
231 | ME_HOLD_PO | S_AL0_96000403 | BAdI: Deactivate 'Hold' for Purchase Order (Single-Screen Trans.) |
232 | ME_POHIST_DISP_CUST | S_AC0_52000829 | BAdI: Adjust PO History Display |
233 | ME_PO_PRICING_CUST | S_AC0_52000138 | BAdI: Enhancements to Price Determination |
234 | ME_PREQ_ACCOUNT_TO_C | S_PR0_40000468 | BAdI: Copying of Account Assignment Information for Commitment Plan |
235 | ME_PROCESS_OUT_CUST | S_XC0_18000013 | BAdI: Processing Options for Contract and Scheduling Agreement BAPIs |
236 | ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST | S_AL0_96000404 | BAdI: Enhance Purchase Order Processing (Single-Screen Transaction) |
237 | ME_PURCHDOC_POSTED | S_AL0_96000407 | BAdI: Define Follow-On Processing for External Purchasing Documents |
238 | ME_RELEASE_CREATE | S_P6D_40000001 | BAdI: Release Creation for Scheduling Agreements with Release Documentation |
239 | ME_REPRICING_RELEVAN | S_VBS_01000029 | BAdI: Specify Relevance for Repricing |
240 | ME_REQ_HEADER_TEXT | S_AL0_96000751 | BAdI: Adopt Header Text When Copying Purchase Requisitions |
241 | ME_REQ_OI_EXT | S_AL0_96000752 | BAdI: Activate Requisition Commitment Update from Other Applications |
242 | ME_REQ_POSTED | S_AL0_96000408 | BAdI: Define Follow-On Processing for Purchase Requisitions |
243 | ME_REQ_SOURCING_CUST | S_E38_98000140 | BAdI: Activate Sending of Purchase Requisition to Ext. Procurement System |
244 | ME_SOURCE_LIST_CUST | S_EBS_44000374 | BADI: Update Source List from Central Contract |
245 | ME_TAX_FROM_ADDRESS | S_AL0_96000865 | BAdI: Adopt Tax Jurisdiction Code from Delivery Address |
246 | MGE | S_PLN_16000251 | Define Sequence for Offer Sheets |
247 | MGE00ASST | S_ALN_01000137 | Mapping of the Assignment Types to Statuses. |
248 | MGE_00_CURRDAT | S_PLN_16000395 | Define Date for Currency Conversions |
249 | MGE_00_GP_CURCONVDAT | S_PLN_16000396 | Define Date for Currency Conversion |
250 | MGE_00_PO_ACPI | S_ALN_01000308 | Define Derived Compensation Package Items |
251 | MGE_00_PO_ADM | S_ALN_01000815 | Assign Administrators to Groups |
252 | MGE_00_PO_ASCOL | S_ALN_01000314 | Assignment Types with Cost of Living providers |
253 | MGE_00_PO_ASFS | S_ALN_01000294 | Assignment Types with Family Status |
254 | MGE_00_PO_ASI | S_ALN_01000291 | Define Assignment Types |
255 | MGE_00_PO_BADI_ALLO | S_ALN_01000615 | To be deleted ! |
256 | MGE_00_PO_BADI_BASE | S_ALN_01000614 | Business Add-In for Calculation |
257 | MGE_00_PO_BADI_GEOG | S_ALN_01001393 | Business Add-In for Geographical Areas |
258 | MGE_00_PO_BADI_INTL | S_ALN_01000833 | Business Add-In for International Administrators |
259 | MGE_00_PO_BADI_OFFE | S_ALN_01001006 | Business Add-In for Allowance CPI Calculation |
260 | MGE_00_PO_BADI_OFFR | S_ALN_01001007 | Business Add-In for Offer Letter and Gecco |
261 | MGE_00_PO_BADI_SMAR | S_P1H_12000002 | Business Add-In for Form Setup |
262 | MGE_00_PO_BADI_WORD | S_ALN_01001398 | Badi: Export data to Word Template |
263 | MGE_00_PO_BCPI | S_ALN_01000307 | Define Base Compensation Package Items |
264 | MGE_00_PO_CAG | S_ALN_01000312 | Define Category Types |
265 | MGE_00_PO_CAIN | S_ALN_01000318 | Define Category Infotypes |
266 | MGE_00_PO_CEX | S_ALN_01000323 | Assignment Type with Exchange Rate |
267 | MGE_00_PO_CFA | S_ALN_01002273 | Define Calculation Factors |
268 | MGE_00_PO_CFL | S_ALN_01000324 | Define Currency Fluctuation Protection |
269 | MGE_00_PO_CGR | S_ALN_01000299 | Define Groups of Countries |
270 | MGE_00_PO_CGROUP | S_ALN_01000304 | Country Groupings within a region |
271 | MGE_00_PO_CKI | S_ALN_01000295 | Define Checklist Items and Documents |
272 | MGE_00_PO_CKL_A | S_ALN_01000328 | Home Country Checklist Criteria |
273 | MGE_00_PO_CKL_B | S_ALN_01000329 | Home Region Checklist Criteria |
274 | MGE_00_PO_CKL_C | S_ALN_01000330 | Sending Country Checklist Criteria |
275 | MGE_00_PO_CKL_D | S_ALN_01000331 | Sending Region Checklist Criteria |
276 | MGE_00_PO_COLIPR | S_ALN_01000313 | Define Cost of Living Providers |
277 | MGE_00_PO_COMTY | S_ALN_01000305 | Define Commuting Types |
278 | MGE_00_PO_CPI | S_ALN_01000306 | Define Compensation Package Items |
279 | MGE_00_PO_CPOL | S_ALN_01002274 | xx |
280 | MGE_00_PO_CURCONV | S_PLN_16000262 | Define Currency Conversion Rules |
281 | MGE_00_PO_CURCONVDAT | S_PLN_16000397 | Business Add-In for Currency Conversion Date |
282 | MGE_00_PO_CUST_TEMP | S_ALN_01001396 | Customize Office Templates |
283 | MGE_00_PO_DATERULECU | S_PLN_16000425 | Define Date Rules for Currency Conversions |
284 | MGE_00_PO_DIT | S_ALN_01000319 | Define Document Infotypes |
285 | MGE_00_PO_DOC | S_ALN_01000301 | Define Document Types |
286 | MGE_00_PO_DST | S_ALN_01000302 | Define Document Statuses |
287 | MGE_00_PO_ELI_1 | S_ALN_01000310 | Eligibilty Criteria for a CPI- Home Country |
288 | MGE_00_PO_ELI_A | S_ALN_01000309 | Home Country Eligibilty |
289 | MGE_00_PO_ELI_B | S_ALN_01000325 | Home Region Eligibilty |
290 | MGE_00_PO_ELI_C | S_ALN_01000326 | Sending Country Eligibilty |
291 | MGE_00_PO_ELI_D | S_ALN_01000327 | Sending Region Eligibilty |
292 | MGE_00_PO_FAC | S_ALN_01001958 | Calculation Factors |
293 | MGE_00_PO_FEA | S_ALN_01000958 | Set Groups for International Administrators |
294 | MGE_00_PO_FORMSETUP | S_ALN_01001397 | Assign Templates to Form Types |
295 | MGE_00_PO_FST | S_ALN_01000293 | Define Family Status |
296 | MGE_00_PO_INT | S_ALN_01000321 | Maintain Mapping Table for Interfacing |
297 | MGE_00_PO_MAP | S_ALN_01000320 | Maintain Mapping Table for Activation |
298 | MGE_00_PO_MAPP | S_ALN_01000467 | Mapping Table for CPI's |
299 | MGE_00_PO_MUL | S_PLN_16000109 | Define Factoring Rules |
300 | MGE_00_PO_MULT | S_ALN_01000316 | Factoring of CPI |
301 | MGE_00_PO_OFFER_NAME | S_ALN_01001141 | Define Customer-Specific SmartForms for Offer Letters |
302 | MGE_00_PO_OFFI_BDS | S_ALN_01001395 | Copy Templates in BDS |
303 | MGE_00_PO_OFFR_NAME | S_ALN_01001138 | Enter Customer-Specific SmartForm for Offer Sheet |
304 | MGE_00_PO_OLSEQ | S_PLN_16000252 | Define Sequence for Compensation Package Items |
305 | MGE_00_PO_OSEQU | S_PLN_16000253 | Define Sequence for Compensation Package Items |
306 | MGE_00_PO_PYP | S_ALN_01000311 | Global Payroll Types |
307 | MGE_00_PO_REG | S_ALN_01000300 | Regions within a Country |
308 | MGE_00_PO_REGION | S_ALN_01000303 | Define Geographical Areas |
309 | MGE_00_PO_SCL | S_ALN_01000354 | Define Evaluation Methods |
310 | MGE_00_PO_SCO | S_PLN_16000412 | Define School Types |
311 | MGE_00_PO_STA | S_ALN_01000292 | Define Assignment Status |
312 | MGE_00_PO_STASEQ | S_ALN_01000298 | Assignment Status Sequence |
313 | MGE_00_PO_SUM | S_ALN_01000630 | Define Summation Rules |
314 | MGE_00_PO_SW1 | S_PLN_16000410 | Activate Management of Global Employees |
315 | MGE_00_PO_SW2 | S_PLN_16000411 | Determine Organizational Units for Host Manager |
316 | MGE_00_PO_T538C | S_ALN_01000462 | Permissibilty of Time Units for Infotypes |
317 | MGE_00_PO_TRACK | S_ALN_01002074 | Policy Tracking |
318 | MGV_C_FGROUP | S_KA5_12000950 | Maintain Field Groups |
319 | MGV_C_VTYPECUST_WRK | S_KA5_12000785 | Maintain version type |
320 | MGV_V_DYNPRODB | S_KA5_12000951 | Assign Fields to a Screen |
321 | MGV_V_EXTOBJ_CU | S_KA5_12000787 | Maintain external objects |
322 | MGV_V_SPEC_TYPE | S_KA5_12000779 | Maintain specialization type |
323 | MHD_CFC | S_ALR_87008897 | Set Up Customer Exit to Calculate/Check the SLED |
324 | MIC_BSP_ACTIVATE | S_XS4_40000006 | Activate Web Applications |
325 | MIC_BWEXTRACT_SBIW | S_QE6_02000011 | Data Transfer into SAP BW |
326 | MIC_CASE_NO_RANGE | S_XS4_40000018 | Specify Number Range Intervals for Case |
327 | MIC_DATASOURCES | S_QE6_02000010 | Install DataSources for Extraction into SAP BW |
328 | MIC_EMAIL_SM36 | S_QE6_02000009 | Schedule Job for Sending E-Mail |
329 | MIC_FOPCAISREPORT | S_SE3_50000226 | Transfer Reports from AIS System |
330 | MIC_FOPCDOCDOWNLCFG | S_SE3_50000234 | Activate Alternative Download of Print Reports (Optional) |
331 | MIC_FOPCGAPRATING | S_XS4_40000010 | Specify Control Design Rating on Basis of Maturity Gap Value |
332 | MIC_FOPCR_MAINTAIN | S_QE6_02000013 | Make Settings for Improved Performance |
333 | MIC_FOPCS_SHM_CUST | S_SE3_50000227 | Activate Shared Objects Memory |
334 | MIC_FOPC_AISLANGUAGE | S_SE3_50000236 | Import Translations of Report Names |
335 | MIC_FOPC_AS_REORG | S_XS4_40000025 | Administration Programs for MIC Workflows |
336 | MIC_FOPC_CASECUST | S_QE6_02000006 | Check Customizing for Case Management |
337 | MIC_FOPC_DEFIC_ANA | S_SE3_50000276 | Copy Issues and Set Threshold |
338 | MIC_FOPC_GETFORMS | S_XS4_40000017 | Print Reports Using Own Smart Forms |
339 | MIC_FOPC_REPLACMENT | S_QE6_02000015 | Transfer Work Items to Replacement |
340 | MIC_FOPC_SOD_CHECK | S_SE3_50000237 | Check Segregation of Duties |
341 | MIC_FOPC_STR_CHANGE | S_XS4_40000002 | Structure Setup: Expert Mode |
342 | MIC_FOPC_WF_SLG1 | S_XS4_40000023 | Analyze Application Log for Scheduling |
343 | MIC_HR_DEL_REBUILD | S_QE6_02000012 | Delete HR Data Delivered by Mistake |
344 | MIC_INDEX_HRP1001 | S_QE6_02000003 | Create Index for Table for Infotype 1001 |
345 | MIC_LANG_OOLG | S_S27_10000005 | Enter Additional Supported Languages |
346 | MIC_MC_RATING_AGGREG | S_XS4_40000021 | Specify Aggregation Logic for Management Control Group Rating |
347 | MIC_NR_RANGE_T77IV | S_XS4_40000003 | Specify Number Ranges |
348 | MIC_PFCG | S_SE3_50000240 | Edit General Roles and Assign Users (PFCG) |
349 | MIC_REC_CLIENT | S_QE6_02000005 | Record Table Changes |
350 | MIC_SCMG_T_CASE_ATTR | S_QE6_02000001 | Create Index for Table with Case Attributes |
351 | MIC_SCOT | S_QE6_02000008 | Configure SAPconnect |
352 | MIC_SHMM | S_SE3_50000228 | Monitor Active Areas |
353 | MIC_SIGNOFF_NOTE | S_XS4_40000024 | Change Note Text |
354 | MIC_SMQS | S_QE6_02000004 | Register Workflow System in qRFC Monitor |
355 | MIC_STARTPAGE_ADDINF | S_XS4_40000009 | Display Documents with Additional Information on Start Page |
356 | MIC_STARTPAGE_URL | S_XS4_40000008 | Determine URL for Start Page |
357 | MIC_SWEQADM | S_QE6_02000002 | Event Queue Administration |
358 | MIC_SWETYPV | S_SE3_50000235 | Change Event Type Linkage for Object Type SCASE |
359 | MIC_TRANSPORT_OOCR | S_XS4_40000007 | Set Up Transport Connection |
360 | MIC_UPLOAD_EXAMPLE | S_SE3_50000222 | Upload Example Process Group |
361 | MIC_USERS_FPCBU | S_XS4_40000015 | Connect Person and User |
362 | MIC_VC_FOPCATTR | S_XS4_40000005 | Edit Attribute Values |
363 | MIC_VC_FOPCDEFIC | S_SE3_50000275 | Make Settings for Deficiency Analysis |
364 | MIC_VC_FOPCROLE | S_XS4_40000001 | Edit Roles |
365 | MIC_VC_FOPCSOD | S_SE3_50000230 | Create Conflict Groups for Segregation of Duties |
366 | MIC_VC_FOPCTIMEFRAME | S_XS4_40000016 | Edit Frequency Timeframes |
367 | MIC_V_FOPCAIS | S_SE3_50000223 | Select RFC Destinations of Available AIS Systems |
368 | MIC_V_FOPCAISOU | S_SE3_50000224 | Assign AIS Systems to Organizational Units |
369 | MIC_V_FOPCAISREPORT | S_SE3_50000225 | Edit List of AIS Reports |
370 | MIC_V_FOPCCORPORATE | S_XS4_40000028 | Mark Organizational Hierarchy as Relevant for MIC |
371 | MIC_V_FOPCDESIGNRAT | S_XS4_40000012 | Specify Names for Ratings |
372 | MIC_V_FOPCLASTRECIP | S_XS4_40000011 | Specify Fallback Receiver for Work Items |
373 | MIC_V_FOPCMAUNALRATI | S_XS4_40000014 | Make Setting for Manual or Automatic Rating |
374 | MIC_V_FOPCSIGNOFF_IS | S_XS4_40000022 | Deactivate Issue Types for Sign-Off |
375 | MIC_V_FOPCSKIPVALID | S_S27_10000004 | Skip Validation Depending on the Rating |
376 | MIC_V_FOPCVALCHDOC | S_S27_10000003 | Activate Approval of Process and Control Changes |
377 | MIC_V_FOPCVALIDATION | S_XS4_40000013 | Specify Whether Validation Is Necessary |
378 | MIC_V_FOPC_AUTRATING | S_S27_10000006 | Set Rating to Green for Automatically Closed Issues |
379 | MIC_WORKFLOW | S_XS4_40000004 | Perform Automatic Workflow Customizing |
380 | MIC_WORKFLOW_TASK | S_XS4_40000019 | Perform Task-Specific Customizing |
381 | MIC_XI | S_SE3_50000264 | XI Message Interfaces for MIC |
382 | MILL_BEFORE_BATCH_CL | S_KA5_12001422 | Business Add-In: Original Batch At Goods Receipt |
383 | MILL_CA_UNIT_CONV | S_KA5_12001424 | Business Add-In: Customer Enhancements for Quantity Conversion |
384 | MILL_CLMMBE_ADDIN1 | S_KA5_12001415 | Business Add-In: Enhance Stock Overview By Characteristics |
385 | MILL_CUT_ADDIN1 | S_KA5_12001197 | Business Add-In: Cutting Processing |
386 | MILL_CUT_ADDIN2 | S_KA5_12001170 | Business Add-In: Customer-Specific Checks for Cutting Processing |
387 | MILL_POPUP_CO11N | S_KA5_12001423 | Business Add-In: Customer Spec. Screen for Splitting GR Items |
388 | MILL_R3CDP_SD_SLS | S_KA5_12001419 | Change Configuration of Sub-Items from Rule-Based Availability Check |
389 | MILL_REF_CHAR_PURCH | S_KA5_12001414 | Object Characteristics in Purchasing |
390 | MILL_SPLIT_POPUP | S_KA5_12001418 | Business Add-In: Customer Spec. Screen for Splitting GR Items |
391 | MILL_VAR_CAB_GET | S_KA5_12001416 | Business Add-In: Define Characteristics-Based Goods Receipt Development |
392 | MIRROREX | S_KFM_86000160 | Maintain Relevant Product Types and Transaction Types |
393 | MIRRORINFKT | S_KFM_86000163 | Process Incoming Data |
394 | MIRRORMAP | S_KFM_86000162 | Map Product Types and Transaction Types |
395 | MIRRORMAPFLW | S_KFM_86000213 | Map Flow Types |
396 | MIRRORPART | S_KFM_86000209 | Assign Company Code to Partner |
397 | MITARBEITERGRUPPE_GP | S_ALR_87009542 | Define Employee Groups |
398 | MITARBEITERGRUP_GP_I | S_ALR_87007398 | Employee Group |
399 | MI_DEVICETEXT | S_MID_66000008 | Assign text to device ID of mobile devices |
400 | MI_DEVICETEXT1 | S_MID_66000007 | Assign texts to device ID of mobile devices |
401 | MI_DEVICETEXTS | S_MID_66000005 | Define mnemonic device names |
402 | MKFELDER | S_P00_07000020 | Display Required/Optional Fields |
403 | MM06EF0S_CUST_SD_UP | S_EBJ_98000272 | BAdI: Update of Shipment Scheduling from Individual Procurement |
404 | MMDA_IM_MAT_MVMTS | S_EBS_44000388 | BAdI: Material Movement Documents |
405 | MMDA_IM_REVALUATION | S_EBS_44000407 | BAdI: Price Change Documents |
406 | MMDA_IM_STOCK_INT | S_EBS_44000389 | BAdI: Stock Initialization in Inventory Analysis |
407 | MMDA_PUR_CGR | S_EBS_44000391 | BAdI: Produced Activity (Delivery of Confirmations) |
408 | MMDA_PUR_HDR | S_EBS_44000392 | BAdI: Purchasing Document (Header level) |
409 | MMDA_PUR_ITM | S_EBS_44000394 | BAdI: Purchasing Document (Item Level) |
410 | MMDA_PUR_PURCH_DATA | S_EBS_44000397 | BAdI: Purchasing Data |
411 | MMDA_PUR_PURCH_GROUP | S_EBS_44000400 | BAdI: Purchasing Groups |
412 | MMDA_PUR_SCL | S_EBS_44000401 | BAdI: Purchasing Document (Schedule Line level) |
413 | MMDA_PUR_SCN | S_EBS_44000404 | BAdI: Produced Activity (Confirmation of Schedule Lines) |
414 | MMDA_PUR_SGR | S_EBS_44000405 | BAdI: Produced Activity (Delivery of Schedule Lines) |
415 | MMDA_PUR_SRV_LEVEL | S_EBS_44000406 | BAdI: Service level |
416 | MMESOV_CONTROL | S_E4A_94000254 | Integrate Purchase Requisitions into Embedded Search |
417 | MMPUROCI_VC | S_AC0_52000747 | Web Services: ID and Description |
418 | MMPURUIV_SYSLAND | S_E4A_94000293 | Set Up Landscape |
419 | MMPUR_DBSYSOPT_POH | S_EX1_23000011 | BAdI: Purchase Order History for List Reports - Optimization |
420 | MMPUR_DBSYSOPT_SRA13 | S_E17_83000070 | BAdI: Database-Specific Optimizations for Order from Requisitions |
421 | MMPUR_DBSYSOPT_TRANF | S_E17_83000032 | BAdI: Database-Specific Optimizations for Data Services |
422 | MMPUR_DOC_ACCESS | S_E4A_94000291 | BAdI: Access to Documents |
423 | MMSRV_ACC_DIST_SAP | S_PR0_40000465 | BAdI: Change to Account Assignment Distribution |
424 | MMSRV_SM_ARCHIVE | S_AC0_52000630 | BAdI: Service Master Check Prior to Archiving |
425 | MM_EDI_DESADV_IN | S_AL0_96000514 | BAdI: Supplementation of Delivery Interface from Purchase Order |
426 | MM_PARTNERRANG | S_AEN_10000891 | Define Partner Rank |
427 | MM_PERF_OPTIMIZATION | S_EX1_23000074 | BAdI: Activate MM DB-Related Performance Optimizations |
428 | MM_PRIO_ORG | S_PCO_36000390 | BAdI: Determination of the Org. Priority During Requirement Prioritization |
429 | MM_UI_OPTIMIZATIONS | S_EX1_23000075 | BAdI: Activate MM UI-Related Performance Optimizations |
430 | MONITORRDB | S_ALN_01002516 | Monitor: Key Figures and Evaluation Procedures |
431 | MOVEMENT_TYPES | S_AL0_96000438 | Maintain Movement Types |
432 | MPAMSGTEMPL | S_BCE_68002234 | Maintain Reply Message Template |
433 | MPAREPLBADI | S_BCE_68002235 | BAdi: Reply Handling for MPA |
434 | MPKC_REQ_SELECTION | S_KA5_12001382 | BAdI: Consider Additional Requirements in Kanban Calculation |
435 | MPN_COMMON_FIELDS | S_KA5_12000051 | Determine Common Fields for Interchangeable Parts |
436 | MPN_CONV_EXIT | S_KA5_12000052 | Set Up Conversion Exit for Material Numbers |
437 | MPN_OPIC1 | S_KA5_12000683 | Change Characteristics of System Messages |
438 | MPN_V_TMEX_MPN06 | S_KA5_12000053 | Maintain Interchangeability Codes |
439 | MPSD_CA_CE_001 | S_P7H_77000128 | Activate Multiple Period Start Days |
440 | MPSD_CA_CE_002 | S_P7H_77000129 | Define Payroll Area Grouping Values |
441 | MPSD_CA_CE_003 | S_P7H_77000130 | Assign Payroll Areas to a Group |
442 | MPWALL_OMILL_T160M | S_KM5_93000009 | Define Attributes of System Messages |
443 | MPWPP_MILL_OC_2 | S_MHA_63000002 | Maintain confirmation parameters in the combination |
444 | MPWSD_MILL_GPOSTYP | S_KM5_93000007 | Adopt characteristic values from the customer material info record |
445 | MPW_MILL_MM_RCP | S_MHA_63000004 | Activate object characteristics in Purchasing |
446 | MP_EXIT_01 | S_ALN_01002098 | Develop Enhancement 1 for Measurement Project Header |
447 | MP_TRANSFER_RELATION | S_EAC_24000002 | BAdI: Measurement Reading Transfer Within an Object |
448 | MRM_BERECHTGRUPPE | S_ALR_87015283 | Maintain Authorization Group |
449 | MRM_BLOREAS_DEL_CUST | S_ACR_23000431 | BAdI: Validity Check for Blocking Reasons in Invoices |
450 | MRM_DISTRIBUTION_MAA | S_PR0_40000680 | BAdI: Distribution of Total Quantity and Amount to Multiple Account Assgmts |
451 | MRM_DOWNPAYMENT | S_XDE_56000006 | BAdI: Down Payments |
452 | MRM_ERS_HDAT_MODIFY | S_AC0_52000859 | BAdI to Change Document Header Data in ERS |
453 | MRM_ERS_IDAT_MODIFY | S_AC0_52000864 | BAdI to Change Document Lines in ERS |
454 | MRM_INVOICE_UPDATE | S_PR0_40000324 | BAdI: Checks When Saving and Deleting Invoices |
455 | MRM_ITEM_CUSTFIELDS | S_AC0_52000865 | BAdI to Change Customer's Own Fields |
456 | MRM_PARTNER_CHECK | S_XDE_56000011 | BAdI: Check Partner Data in Purchase Order |
457 | MRM_PROPOSAL_DETERMI | S_ACR_23000645 | BAdI: Get Default Values |
458 | MRM_RETENTIONS | S_XDE_56000005 | BAdI: Default Values and Input Parameters for Retention |
459 | MRN_0008 | S_SO5_65000557 | Assign object links to location type |
460 | MRO_CONTRACT | S_AL0_96000857 | BAdI: Inspection of Contract |
461 | MRP_GROUPINGS | S_ACR_23000672 | Display Material Groupings |
462 | MSCUST | S_KK4_13000330 | Define Due Date Scenarios |
463 | MSI_MATGRP_TO_PCH_MP | S_AC0_52000873 | BAdI: Change Mapping of Material Groups to Product Category Hierarchy |
464 | MSI_MATTYP_TO_PCH_MP | S_AC0_52000875 | BAdI: Change Mapping of Material Types to Product Category Hierarchy |
465 | MSI_MAT_PRD_MAPPING | S_AC0_52000862 | BAdI: Enhancements for Material Master to Product Mapping |
466 | MSI_PIR_PRD_MAPPING | S_AC0_52000861 | BAdI: Enhancements for PIR to Product Mapping |
467 | MSI_REQUIREMENTS_01 | S_PCO_36000329 | Preparatory Steps for Material-Service Integration |
468 | MSI_SRVTYP_TO_PCH_MP | S_AC0_52000876 | BAdI: Change Mapping of Service Types to Product Category Hierarchy |
469 | MSI_SRV_PRD_MAPPING | S_AC0_52000863 | BAdI: Enhancements for Service Master to Product Mapping |
470 | MSL_ACTIVITY_CHECK | S_PRN_53000176 | BAdI: Additional Activity Checks |
471 | MSMP_WORKFLOW | S_GF1_13000015 | Define GRC Process Type Workflows |
472 | MSR_ARCH_CUST_RET | S_YDH_92000044 | Configure Archiving of Customer Returns |
473 | MSR_ARCH_PUR_RET | S_YDH_92000045 | Configure Archiving of Supplier Returns |
474 | MSR_ATTRIB_DEF_LOCAT | S_YDH_92000029 | Specify Storage Locations for Follow-Up Activities |
475 | MSR_ATTRIB_DEF_MOVE | S_YDH_92000028 | Specify Movement Types for Immediate Goods Receipts |
476 | MSR_ATTRIB_DEF_STOCK | S_YDH_92000030 | Specify Stock Types for Stock Transfers |
477 | MSR_C_IRD_CNTRL | S_YDH_92000057 | Configure Refund Procedure for Intercompany Store Returns |
478 | MSR_C_RPO_REPL | S_EBS_44000305 | Specify Settings for Replacement Materials from Vendor |
479 | MSR_EXT_RO | S_EBS_44000011 | Specify Settings for External Repair as Follow-Up Activity |
480 | MSR_FU_ACTIVITY | S_YDH_92000050 | Activate and Rename Follow-Up Activities |
481 | MSR_GENERAL | S_EBS_44000364 | Specify Settings at Client Level |
482 | MSR_INSP_BADI | S_YDH_92000055 | BAdI: Enhancements for Processing Inspection Data |
483 | MSR_INSP_CAT_USAGE | S_YDH_92000038 | Specify Catalog and Code Group for Material Inspection |
484 | MSR_INSP_CAT_USAGECU | S_EBS_44000126 | Specify Catalog and Code Group for Inspection by Customer |
485 | MSR_INSP_FUP_BLOCK | S_YDH_92000054 | Define Blocks for Follow-Up Activities |
486 | MSR_INSP_INSPCODES | S_YDH_92000037 | Define and Configure Catalog for Inspection Codes |
487 | MSR_INSP_PRINTING | S_YDH_92000039 | Configure Print Settings |
488 | MSR_INSP_SFAC | S_EBS_44000369 | Define Screen Layout for Material Inspection |
489 | MSR_INSP_USERPROF | S_YDH_92000036 | Configure Authorization for Follow-Up Activities |
490 | MSR_INSP_WMS_FIFO | S_E4A_94000044 | Define FIFO Strategy with GUID Priority |
491 | MSR_INSP_WMS_MOVTYPE | S_E4A_94000045 | Define Movement Types |
492 | MSR_INSP_WM_TO_ITEM | S_EBS_44000426 | BAdI: Enhancement for Creation of a Transfer Order During Inspection |
493 | MSR_INT_RO | S_EBS_44000012 | Specify Settings for In-House Repair as Follow-Up Activity |
494 | MSR_LFE | S_YDH_92000053 | BAdI: Maintenance of Data for Automatically Created Follow-Up Documents |
495 | MSR_LFE_01 | S_YDH_92000002 | Define Return Reasons for Customer Returns Order |
496 | MSR_LFE_02 | S_YDH_92000003 | Define Return Reasons for Returns Purchase Orders |
497 | MSR_MAP_TYPE_RO_DOCS | S_YDH_92000026 | Specify Follow-Up Document Types for Customer Returns |
498 | MSR_MAP_TYPE_SR_DOCS | S_YDH_92000027 | Specify Follow-Up Document Types for Store Returns |
499 | MSR_ME_DEF_REASON_PO | S_E4A_94000043 | Define Return Reasons for Supplier Returns |
500 | MSR_MM_BASICS | S_YDH_92000060 | Basic Settings for Purchasing Returns |