SAP ABAP IMG Activity - Index G, page 2
IMG Activity - G
# | IMG Activity | Transaction Code | Short Description |
1 | GRPC_DISPLAY_APILOGS | S_GR1_31000121 | Analyze Application Log for APIs Access |
2 | GRPC_DISPLAY_AUTHLOG | S_GR1_31000122 | Analyze Application Log for Authorization |
3 | GRPC_DOCUMENTS_COPY | S_QE6_02000016 | Copy Documents After Carry Forward |
4 | GRPC_DOWNLOADREPORTS | S_GR1_31000101 | Activate Alternative Download of Print Reports |
5 | GRPC_EDITBUSPROATTR | S_GR4_71000040 | Edit Business Process Transactions |
6 | GRPC_EDITCNTRLRSKFAC | S_GR4_71000062 | Edit Control Factor |
7 | GRPC_EDIT_REG_ATTRIB | S_GR4_71000006 | Edit Regulatory Attributes |
8 | GRPC_EL_AGGR_CONTROL | S_GR1_31000051 | Specify Aggregation for Entity-Level Control Group Rating |
9 | GRPC_ENABLE_APPLOG | S_GR1_31000120 | Enable Application Log |
10 | GRPC_EVENTYPE | S_GR4_71000047 | Maintain Event Type |
11 | GRPC_EV_QUEUE_ADMIN | S_GR1_31000039 | Maintaining the Event Queue Settings |
12 | GRPC_EXTDUEDATEREVAL | S_GR4_71000092 | Extend Due Date for Repeat Assessment and Test |
13 | GRPC_FALLBACKRECEIVE | S_GR1_31000089 | Maintain Fallback Receiver |
14 | GRPC_FIELDGROUP | S_GR1_31000077 | Set Column Fields for Reporting Display |
15 | GRPC_GENERAT_INFOTYP | S_GR1_31000113 | Generate Infotypes |
16 | GRPC_GRFNIMPACTLEVEL | S_GR4_71000011 | Maintain Impact Levels |
17 | GRPC_IDX_TABLE | S_GR1_31000052 | Create Index for Table for Infotype 1001 |
18 | GRPC_IFC_SERVICE | S_GR1_31000109 | Set Up ICF for Service |
19 | GRPC_INBOUNDWEB | S_GR1_31000087 | Activate Inbound Web Services |
20 | GRPC_ISSUE_REPORT | S_GR1_31000050 | Determine Entity-Level Controls: Necessity of Issue Reporting |
21 | GRPC_MAINCONFIGREMIN | S_R1P_73000002 | Maintain Workflow Notifications |
22 | GRPC_MAINCUSTOM | S_GR4_71000051 | Maintain All Customizing |
23 | GRPC_MAINGENSETTING | S_GR4_71000036 | Maintain General Settings |
24 | GRPC_MAINOBJATTRIB | S_GR4_71000035 | Maintain Object Attributes |
25 | GRPC_MAINPARTNER | S_GR4_71000048 | Maintain Partner |
26 | GRPC_MAINTGLOBLINKS | S_GR4_98000003 | Maintain Global Links |
27 | GRPC_MAINTLINKENTIT | S_GR4_98000002 | Maintain Related Links for Entities |
28 | GRPC_MAINT_BUFFER | S_GR1_31000054 | Maintain Reporting Datamart |
29 | GRPC_MAINT_NWBC | S_GR1_31000074 | Maintain NWBC Metadata |
30 | GRPC_MAINT_REPORTS | S_GR1_31000053 | Maintain Requested Reports |
31 | GRPC_MAINVERSION | S_GR4_71000049 | Maintain Event Version |
32 | GRPC_MONITOR_AREAS | S_GR1_31000049 | Monitor Active Areas |
33 | GRPC_NAMESRATING | S_GR1_31000098 | Specify Names for Ratings |
34 | GRPC_NEWFIELD_WEBUI | S_GR1_31000115 | Maintain New Fields in the Web UI |
35 | GRPC_NUMBRANGE | S_GR1_31000047 | Define Number Ranges |
36 | GRPC_NUMRAN_AUTHORIZ | S_GR1_31000111 | Administrative Preparation Work: Number Ranges and Authorizations |
37 | GRPC_NUMRAN_MASTDATA | S_GR1_31000105 | Set Up Number Range for Event Tables |
38 | GRPC_NWBC_SETUP | S_GR1_31000075 | Set Up NWBC |
39 | GRPC_ORGCONNECT | S_GR1_31000072 | Org. Unit Group Level Connector Assignment |
40 | GRPC_ORGSYSPARAM | S_GR1_31000071 | Org. Level System Parameters |
41 | GRPC_OWPLOG | S_GM1_71000022 | View OWP Log |
42 | GRPC_OWP_EMAILBND | S_GM1_71000019 | Configure E-mail Inbound Process |
43 | GRPC_OWP_EMAILINBND | S_GM1_71000023 | Configure E-mail Inbound Process |
44 | GRPC_OWP_SENDER | S_GM1_71000020 | Set Up Job to Deliver PDF through E-mail |
45 | GRPC_PROCMAINT | S_GR1_31000046 | Maintain Selection Procedure |
46 | GRPC_QUERYROLE | S_GR1_31000080 | Assign Query Role |
47 | GRPC_RATEREQISSREP | S_GR4_71000061 | Set Rating Requiring Issue to be Reported |
48 | GRPC_REC_TAB_CH | S_GR1_31000033 | Record Table Changes |
49 | GRPC_REGWRKFLOW | S_GR1_31000040 | Register Workflow System in qRFC Monitor |
50 | GRPC_RELEASE_WS | S_GR1_31000107 | Release/Test Web Service |
51 | GRPC_REPLACEMENT | S_GR1_31000093 | Transfer Work Items to Replacement |
52 | GRPC_REPORTING_INFRA | S_GR1_31000116 | Update the Reporting Infrastructure |
53 | GRPC_REPORT_WEIGHT | S_QE6_02000007 | Activate BAdI for Weighting of a Report Line During Aggregation |
54 | GRPC_REST_PERS_CRT | S_GR1_31000035 | Restrict Authorization to Create Person |
55 | GRPC_REVIEW | S_GR1_31000099 | Specify Whether Review is Necessary |
56 | GRPC_RLCR | S_GR1_31000070 | Transport Rule Criteria |
57 | GRPC_ROLETYPE | S_GR1_31000078 | Assign Role Type |
58 | GRPC_RULECRIT | S_GR1_31000066 | Rule Criteria Value |
59 | GRPC_RULEDEF | S_GR1_31000061 | Rule Definition |
60 | GRPC_RULEDEFIC | S_GR1_31000065 | Maintain Rule Deficiency Description |
61 | GRPC_RULEGRP | S_GR1_31000062 | Create Rule Group |
62 | GRPC_RULEPARAM | S_GR1_31000063 | Rule Parameter |
63 | GRPC_RULEPARTEXT | S_GR1_31000064 | Rule Parameter Text |
64 | GRPC_RULESCRIPT | S_GR1_31000067 | Rule Script |
65 | GRPC_RULE_NOTIF | S_GR1_31000110 | Implement BAdl for Rule Violation Notification |
66 | GRPC_SAPCON | S_GR1_31000042 | Set Up SAPconnect |
67 | GRPC_SCHED_EMAIL | S_GR1_31000043 | Schedule Job for Workflow E-mail Notification |
68 | GRPC_SCOPFREQ | S_GR4_71000053 | Maintain Scoping Materiality Analysis Frequency |
69 | GRPC_SCRRULEASGN | S_GR1_31000069 | Script and Rule Criteria Assignment |
70 | GRPC_SETCASE | S_GR1_31000044 | Specify Number Ranges for Cases |
71 | GRPC_SETCRAFLAG | S_GR4_71000054 | Set CRA Rating Manually |
72 | GRPC_SETLEVELEVIDEN | S_GR4_71000055 | Set Level of Evidence |
73 | GRPC_SETLEVELEVIDVAL | S_GR4_71000056 | Set Level of Evidence Value |
74 | GRPC_SETREMIND | S_GR1_31000041 | Maintain Workflow for Reminders and Escalations |
75 | GRPC_SET_TRANS_CON | S_GR1_31000034 | Set Up Transport Connection |
76 | GRPC_SHAREDOBJECT | S_GR1_31000097 | Activate Shared Objects Memory |
77 | GRPC_SKIPREVIEW | S_GR1_31000100 | Skip Review Depending on Rating |
78 | GRPC_SPECREPEATEST | S_GR4_71000038 | Specify Repeat Testing Necessity |
79 | GRPC_SPECREPEATEVAL | S_GR4_71000091 | Specify Reevaluation Necessity and Time Lag |
80 | GRPC_SPEC_APPR_NEC | S_GR4_71000007 | Specify Approval Necessity |
81 | GRPC_SPEC_RETEST_NEC | S_GR4_71000008 | Specify Retest Necessity |
82 | GRPC_STRUCT_UPLOAD | S_GR1_31000117 | Allow Upload of Custom Fields |
83 | GRPC_STR_CHANGE | S_GR1_31000095 | Set Up Structure: Expert Mode |
84 | GRPC_STR_MDCWORKFLOW | S_GR4_98000001 | Activate Workflow for Master Data Changes |
85 | GRPC_SYSTYPE | S_GR1_31000059 | Maintain System Type |
86 | GRPC_TASK_SPEC_CUST | S_GR1_31000037 | Perform Task-Specific Customizing |
87 | GRPC_TESTMANCTRLAIF | S_GR4_71000044 | Enable SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe |
88 | GRPC_TEST_WS | S_GR1_31000108 | Test Web Service |
89 | GRPC_TRANSORGLEVEL | S_GR1_31000086 | Transport Organization Level System Parameters |
90 | GRPC_TRANSRULEDEF | S_GR1_31000085 | Transport Rule Definition |
91 | GRPC_TRANSRULESCRIPT | S_GR1_31000084 | Transport Rule Script |
92 | GRPC_USERDEFHR | S_GR4_71000106 | Coordinating Number Ranges and Authorizations |
93 | GRPC_USERDEFHRDE | S_GR4_71000107 | Create Data Elements in the ABAP Dictionary |
94 | GRPC_USERDEFHRINFO | S_GR4_71000108 | Generate Infotypes for Data Storage |
95 | GRPC_USERDEFHROV | S_GR4_71000113 | Adding HR User-Defined Fields |
96 | GRPC_USERDEFHRPOWER | S_GR4_71000109 | Add New Fields to SAPGUI Transaction for Data Maintenance |
97 | GRPC_USERDEFHRREP | S_GR4_71000114 | Include HR Fields in Online Reporting |
98 | GRPC_USERDEFNONHR | S_GR4_71000101 | Adding Non-HR User-Defined Fields |
99 | GRPC_USERDEFNONHRBAD | S_GR4_71000104 | Activate BAdI: Specify User Field Type |
100 | GRPC_USERDEFNONHRDE | S_GR4_71000103 | Use Data Elements to Enhance the Data Storage for Single Value Fields |
101 | GRPC_USERDEFNONHRDIC | S_GR4_71000102 | Modify the ABAP Dictionary |
102 | GRPC_USERDEFNONHROV | S_GR4_71000112 | Adding Non-HR User-Defined Fields |
103 | GRPC_USERDEFNONHRREP | S_GR4_71000105 | Include Non-HR Fields in Online Reporting |
104 | GRPC_USERFIELDTYPE | S_GR1_31000083 | Activate BAdl: Specify User Field Type on UI |
105 | GRPC_USERINFOTYPE | S_GR1_31000082 | Assign User Infotype to PC Object Type |
106 | GRPC_VC_EDITATTRVAL | S_GR1_31000091 | Edit Attribute Values |
107 | GRPC_VC_EDITTIMEFRAM | S_GR1_31000092 | Edit Frequency Timeframes |
108 | GRPC_VC_GRPCROLE | S_GR1_31000090 | Edit Roles |
109 | GRPC_VIEWING_TRANSAX | S_GR1_31000114 | Add the New Fields to the Power User Viewing Transactions |
110 | GRPC_V_EXCPSTAT | S_GE1_71000093 | Maintain Exception Status Description |
111 | GRPC_V_ORGHIERARCHY | S_GR1_31000096 | Select Organizational Hierarchy as Relevant for PC |
112 | GRRMLOSSMATRIXV | S_R1P_73000006 | Define Colors for Loss Matrix |
113 | GRRMOBEBADWNL | S_GFR_11000014 | BAdI: Loss Download to EBA Format |
114 | GRRMOBLOSEVTNR | S_GFR_11000010 | Maintain Number Ranges for Loss Events |
115 | GRRMOBORXDWNL | S_GFR_11000013 | BAdI: Loss Download to ORX Format |
116 | GRRMOBQRRFIELD | S_GE1_71000091 | Select Fields for QRR Export |
117 | GRRMOBRCSAKFIGV | S_GFR_11000009 | Define RCSA Key Figures |
118 | GRRMOBVACTTYP | S_GFR_11000012 | Define the Activity Type for Products and Processes |
119 | GRRMOBVAGGRSCORE | S_GFR_11000011 | Maintain Aggregation Score and Colors |
120 | GRRMOBVCORXCAT | S_GE1_71000078 | Maintain ORX Categories |
121 | GRRMOBVCORXLLE | S_GE1_71000079 | Maintain Large Loss Event Attributes |
122 | GRRMOBVCWF | S_GFR_11000006 | Define Loss Event Types and Workflow Configuration |
123 | GRRMOBVDETACT | S_GFR_11000002 | Define Detection Activities |
124 | GRRMOBVEFFTY | S_GFR_11000005 | Define Effect Types |
125 | GRRMOBVLOSCRIT | S_GFR_11000003 | Define Loss Criteria |
126 | GRRMOBVORXCONFIG | S_GE1_71000080 | Maintain Global Settings for ORX Export |
127 | GRRMOBVQRRCONFIG | S_GE1_71000092 | Maintain Global Settings for QRR Export |
128 | GRRMOBVRCSAFORW | S_GFR_11000008 | Allow RCSA Forward |
129 | GRRMOBVRCSAVAL | S_GFR_11000007 | Allow RCSA Review |
130 | GRRMORGUNITUOMT | S_GR4_35000008 | Maintain Units of Measure |
131 | GRRMPRISKACT | S_GM1_71000037 | Activate Risk Proposal and/or Ad-hoc Escalation |
132 | GRRMRESPAUTHCENTRAL | S_GM1_71000046 | Central authorization check for shared Responses |
133 | GRRMRESPAUTIMP | S_GF1_13000034 | Maintain Implementation Classes for Response Automation |
134 | GRRMRESPAUTOM | S_GF1_13000033 | Maintain Response Automation Types |
135 | GRRMRESPAUTOMPMNOTIF | S_GF1_13000042 | BAdI: Maintain Additional Parameters for PM Notification |
136 | GRRMRESPAUTOMPSPRO | S_GF1_13000061 | BAdI: Maintain Additional Parameters for Project Definition in PS |
137 | GRRMRESPAUTSTCMP | S_GF1_13000058 | Map Business Suite Object Status to Response Completeness |
138 | GRRMRESPAUTTY | S_GF1_13000045 | Map Response Automation to Response Types |
139 | GRRMRESPONSEISSUE | S_GF1_13000068 | Set Up Response Notification Recipient for Issue |
140 | GRRMRESPONSENOTIFISS | S_GF1_13000069 | Set Up Issue Response Notification Text |
141 | GRRMSCUSTAGGR | S_GM1_71000010 | Automatic Risk Aggregation Settings |
142 | GRRMSIMPERCENTV | S_GR4_71000020 | Maintain Simulation Percentile |
143 | GRRMTERMINOLOGY | S_GE1_71000069 | Maintain Risk Management Terminologies |
144 | GRRMVANALPROFILE | S_GR4_71000009 | Maintain Analysis Profile |
145 | GRRMVBENEFIT | S_GR4_71000010 | Maintain Benefit Categories |
146 | GRRMVCACTPROCLNK | S_GR4_71000022 | Maintain Activity Types for Central Process |
147 | GRRMVCACTTYP | S_GR4_35000009 | Maintain Activity Types |
148 | GRRMVCATCUST | S_R1P_73000001 | Allow Free Text Definition for Drivers, Impacts and Benefits |
149 | GRRMVCORRSTRN | S_GR4_35000007 | Maintain Influence Strength |
150 | GRRMVCRAG | S_GM1_71000057 | Maintain Risk Analysis Guidance |
151 | GRRMVCTRLRTNGCVR | S_GR4_71000026 | Convert Control Rating for RM Response Field |
152 | GRRMVDEFAULTHIER | S_GR4_71000025 | Maintain Default Organizational Hierarchy (Obsolete?) |
153 | GRRMVDIM | S_GF1_13000110 | Define Dimensions for Contexts |
154 | GRRMVDIMENTITY | S_GF1_13000111 | Assign Dimension to Entity |
155 | GRRMVDIMTYPEBO | S_GF1_13000112 | Map Dimension Type to Business Object Type |
156 | GRRMVIMPCATG | S_GR4_35000001 | Maintain Impact Categories |
157 | GRRMVKRIBUPR | S_GR4_35000005 | Maintain Business Process |
158 | GRRMVKRISYS | S_GR4_35000003 | Maintain Systems |
159 | GRRMVKRITHLD | S_GM1_71000048 | Maintain Thresholds |
160 | GRRMVOPPRESPTYPE | S_GR4_71000012 | Maintain Enhancement Plan Types |
161 | GRRMVPOLICYNOTIFICAT | S_GF1_13000055 | Set Up Response Notification Recipient for Policy |
162 | GRRMVPOLICYNOTIFTEXT | S_GF1_13000056 | Set Up Policy Response Notification Text |
163 | GRRMVPOLICYRESP | S_GF1_13000054 | Link Policy Status and Response Completeness |
164 | GRRMVRESPAUTWF | S_GF1_13000071 | Maintain Attributes for Workflow Automation |
165 | GRRMVRESPAUTWFCM | S_GF1_13000073 | Map Workflow Status to Response Completeness |
166 | GRRMVRESPCASUPDT | S_GR4_71000027 | Set Up Link from Control Results to RM |
167 | GRRMVRESPCOMPLET | S_GR4_71000064 | Maintain Response and Enhancement Plan Completeness |
168 | GRRMVRESPEFCTVNS | S_GR4_71000013 | Maintain Response and Enhancement Plan Effectiveness |
169 | GRRMVRESPPURPOSE | S_GR4_71000096 | Maintain Response and Enhancement Plan Purpose |
170 | GRRMVRISKCOLCUST | S_GM1_71000039 | Risk Summary Settings |
171 | GRRMVRISKTREND | S_GE1_71000087 | Maintain Risk Trend |
172 | GRRMVRISKTYPEACT | S_GM1_71000009 | Activate Risk and Opportunity Types |
173 | GRRMVROOTCAUSE | S_GR4_35000002 | Maintain Driver Categories |
174 | GRRM_CONTEXT_REL_COM | S_GF1_13000119 | Display Connectors in RM Context Model |
175 | GRRM_MAINDRIVERCAT | S_GR4_71000067 | Maintain Driver Categories |
176 | GRRM_MAINIMPACTCAT | S_GR4_71000066 | Maintain Impact Categories |
177 | GRRM_NOTIFY_CONTEXT | S_GF1_13000139 | BAdI: Notify remote system of adding context value |
178 | GRRM_NOTIF_ON_RESPON | S_GF1_13000075 | Schedule Notification on Response Due Date |
179 | GRRM_OPPORTUNITY | S_GM1_71000041 | Visibility of Opportunity |
180 | GRRM_REP_IM_DR | S_GE1_71000094 | Enable Response Impact/Driver Assignment |
181 | GRRM_RESP_AUTOM_WF | S_GF1_13000072 | BAdI: Maintain Additional Parameters for Workflow Triggering |
182 | GRRM_S050 | S_GR4_71000057 | Maintain Inbound E-mail Settings for Survey |
183 | GRUNDBUCH | S_ALR_87004599 | Land Register Number |
184 | GRUNDEINSTELLUNGEN | S_ALR_87007817 | Define Evaluation Type |
185 | GRUNDLAGEN | S_PH9_46000539 | OHAXAL01 |
186 | GRUNDSTVERH_DEF | S_ALR_87004806 | Define Property Conditions |
187 | GTCN_SELLER_ADDRESS | S_EBJ_98000014 | BAdI: Payee Address |
188 | GUTERSTAND_GP | S_ALR_87009539 | Define Property Regimes |
189 | GUTERSTAND_GP_I | S_ALR_87009572 | Define Property Regime |
190 | GVBUCHUNGPARAMETER | S_ALR_87099927 | Define Parameters for Business Operations |
191 | GWUL | S_ALN_01001761 | Währungsumrechnung durchführen |