SAP ABAP Data Element - Index P, page 50
- P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 P-10 P-11 P-12 P-13 P-14 P-15 P-16 P-17 P-18 P-19 P-20 P-21 P-22 P-23 P-24 P-25 P-26 P-27 P-28 P-29 P-30 P-31 P-32 P-33 P-34 P-35 P-36 P-37 P-38 P-39 P-40 P-41 P-42 P-43 P-44 P-45 P-46 P-47 P-48 P-49 P-50 P-51 P-52 P-53 P-54 P-55 P-56 P-57 P-58 P-59 P-60 P-61 P-62 P-63 P-64 P-65 P-66 P-67 P-68 P-69 P-70 P-71 P-72 P-73 P-74 P-75 P-76 P-77 P-78 P-79 P-80 P-81 P-82 P-83 P-84 P-85 P-86 P-87 P-88 P-89 P-90 P-91 P-92 P-93 P-94 P-95 P-96 P-97 P-98 P-99 P-100 P-101 P-102 P-103 P-104 P-105 P-106 P-107 P-108 P-109 P-110 P-111 P-112 P-113 P-114 P-115 P-116 P-117 P-118 P-119 P-120 P-121 P-122 P-123 P-124 P-125 P-126 P-127 P-128 P-129 P-130
Data Element - P
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | P16_BTRNR | Company number | BTRNR | CHAR |
2 | P16_BUNTX | Non-Taxable Bursary | BETRG | CURR |
3 | P16_BURPD | Bursary Paid | BETRG | CURR |
4 | P16_BURTX | Taxable Bursary | BETRG | CURR |
5 | P16_BUSKM | Business kilometers | NUM11 | NUMC |
6 | P16_CADAT | ITA88 Cancellation Date | DATUM | DATS |
7 | P16_CALCFM | Name of the calculation function module | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
8 | P16_CARAL | Travel allowance | P_AMT07V | CURR |
9 | P16_CAREA | ITA88 Cancellation Reason | CHAR90 | CHAR |
10 | P16_CARVL | Car value | WERTV5 | CURR |
11 | P16_CATEG | Labour Relations Category | P16_CATEG | CHAR |
12 | P16_CATID | Salary packaging: Category ID | CHAR | |
13 | P16_CATXT | Salary Packaging: Category | TEXT50 | CHAR |
14 | P16_CAVAL | ITA88 Cancel Value | P_AMT08V | CURR |
15 | P16_CCTXT | Contribution Class Text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
16 | P16_CDTXT | Long text of retro code | CHAR50 | CHAR |
17 | P16_CERNR | SARS Interface: Certificate Number | NUMC8 | NUMC |
18 | P16_CFCOMP | Carry forward Component | CHAR4 | CHAR |
19 | P16_CHALLENGE | Challenge | INT4 | |
20 | P16_CHAR11 | ZA Character String with only digits Length 11 | CHAR | |
21 | P16_CHAR12 | ZA Character String with only digits Length 12 | CHAR | |
22 | P16_CHAR13 | ZA Character String with only digits Length 13 | CHAR | |
23 | P16_CHAR15 | ZA Character String with only digits Length 15 | CHAR | |
24 | P16_CHAR16 | ZA Character String with only digits Length 16 | CHAR | |
25 | P16_CHAR17 | ZA Character String with only digits Length 17 | CHAR | |
26 | P16_CHAR23 | ZA Character Field of Length 23 | CHAR23 | CHAR |
27 | P16_CHAR34 | ZA Character String Length 34 | CHAR | |
28 | P16_CHAR8 | ZA Character String with only digits Length 8 | CHAR | |
29 | P16_CHAR9 | ZA Character String with only digits Length 9 | CHAR | |
30 | P16_CHCON | Contribution per child dependant | DEC6_2 | DEC |
31 | P16_CHDEP | Number of Child Dependants | NUMC2 | NUMC |
32 | P16_CHMAX | Maximal accounted children for child contribution | NUMC2 | NUMC |
33 | P16_CLEAR | Clearance Number for Pension Fund | NUM11 | NUMC |
34 | P16_CNAME | Contact Person Name | CHAR30 | CHAR |
35 | P16_CNTRY | Country of Foreign Income | LAND1 | CHAR |
36 | P16_CODSC | Description of SARS Code | TEXT50 | CHAR |
37 | P16_COLMN | Column Option | XFELD | CHAR |
38 | P16_COLOR | Color formatting in List | XFELD | CHAR |
39 | P16_COLOU | Desgnated ethnic group Coloured Employment Equity | DEC | |
40 | P16_COMNR | Kommunikationsnummer | CHAR20 | CHAR |
41 | P16_COMPLETION | Activity report (completed, not completed) | CHAR015 | CHAR |
42 | P16_CONVR | Conversion Routine | CHAR2 | CHAR |
43 | P16_CPIND | Course Pass/Fail Indicator | P16_CPIND | CHAR |
44 | P16_CREAF | Indicator: Registered as Creator at SARS | XFELD | CHAR |
45 | P16_CREDIT | NQF Credit value | NUMC | |
46 | P16_CRSPO | Spool Number for Certificates | SYSPONO | NUMC |
47 | P16_CSEQU | Calculation sequence | NUMC2 | NUMC |
48 | P16_CTYPE | Type of electronic certificate (IRP5, UIF) | P16_CTYPE | CHAR |
49 | P16_C_BEG | Bank Code Range Begin | BANKL | CHAR |
50 | P16_C_END | Bank Code Range End | BANKL | CHAR |
51 | P16_DATTY | SARS Data Type of Field | P16_DATTY | CHAR |
52 | P16_DCOMP | Latest Tax Year for which all Remuneration has been Paid | GJAHR | NUMC |
53 | P16_DDIRA | Directive Deemed Remuneration | P_AMT07V | CURR |
54 | P16_DEFFIG | Default figure | DEC13_2 | DEC |
55 | P16_DESCR | Description | TEXT100 | CHAR |
56 | P16_DESIG | Designated Group | P16_DESIG | CHAR |
57 | P16_DFAMT | ITA88 Default Amount (3345) | P_AMT08V | CURR |
58 | P16_DIRNO | Number of Tax Directive Issued on Regular Earnings | CHAR13 | CHAR |
59 | P16_DISAB | Disability | XFELD | CHAR |
60 | P16_DISCH | Display Choice | P16_DISCH | CHAR |
61 | P16_DLFLG | ZA- Delete Flag | P16_DLFLG | CHAR |
62 | P16_DSEQU | Display sequence | NUMC2 | NUMC |
63 | P16_D_IND | Deletion Indicator | P16_DEL | CHAR |
64 | P16_EEAVE | Income Differential : Average | CURR | |
65 | P16_EECNT | Number of Employees/Cases | DEC | |
66 | P16_EEDEC | Number of Employees (with decimals) | DEC | |
67 | P16_EEHGH | Income Differential : High Amount | CURR | |
68 | P16_EELOW | Income Differential : Low Amount | CURR | |
69 | P16_EENAM | Employee Surname or Trading Name | CHAR120 | CHAR |
70 | P16_EEPER | Percentage for Employment Equity Reporting | DEC | |
71 | P16_EFFDATE | Salary packaging: effective date | DATUM | DATS |
72 | P16_ELIGR | Salary Packaging: Eligibility rule for salary components | CMP_ELIGR | CHAR |
73 | P16_EMAIL | E-mail Address | TEXT70 | CHAR |
74 | P16_ENDAT | ITA88 End Date | DATUM | DATS |
75 | P16_ERAMT | Employer Amount Due | P_AMT08V | CURR |
76 | P16_ETHNIC | Ethnic Origin | INT4 | |
77 | P16_ETYID | Business event type: key | HROBJID | NUMC |
78 | P16_EVSTEXT | Name of the business event | TEXT40 | CHAR |
79 | P16_EVTID | Business event | HROBJID | NUMC |
80 | P16_EXFIN | Foreign income is exempt from tax | FLAG | CHAR |
81 | P16_EXRATE | Exchange rate | DEC | |
82 | P16_F4HLPFM | Salary packaging Category F4 help function module | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
83 | P16_FACTP | Salary packaging: factor of total package | DEC4_3 | DEC |
84 | P16_FCODE | Foreign SARS Code | P16_FCODE | CHAR |
85 | P16_FEMALE | Female | INT4 | |
86 | P16_FIELD | NQF Field defintions | P16_FIELD | NUMC |
87 | P16_FILENO | UIF interface: File number | NUMC3 | NUMC |
88 | P16_FILESTA | Send status of the electronic UIF file | P16_FILESTA | NUMC |
89 | P16_FILSZ | File size | NUMC15 | NUMC |
90 | P16_FLDID | SARS Field Identification Code | CHAR4 | CHAR |
91 | P16_FLDSC | SARS Decimal Places | NUMC2_1_99 | NUMC |
92 | P16_FLUMP | Foreign Income Lumpsum Flag | FLAG | CHAR |
93 | P16_FNAM2 | PAYE Reference Number | CHAR20 | CHAR |
94 | P16_FNAME | Field Name | CHAR5 | CHAR |
95 | P16_FOAMT | Foreign income amount per SARS code | P_AMT07V | CURR |
96 | P16_FOCUR | Currency of Foreign Income Amount | WAERS | CUKY |
97 | P16_FOINC | Foreign income period | FLAG | CHAR |
98 | P16_FORMN | Form Name | P16_FORMN | CHAR |
99 | P16_FORMT | Output form type | P16_FORMT | CHAR |
100 | P16_FORMU | SARS Interface: Form Name | FORMU | CHAR |
101 | P16_FRAGE | Lower Age Limit | NUMC | |
102 | P16_FTNAM | First two Names | CHAR90 | CHAR |
103 | P16_FUDGE | Fudge Factor | P16_FUDGE | NUMC |
104 | P16_FUELC | ZA receiver rates: fuel cost | DEC4_2 | DEC |
105 | P16_FXCST | ZA receiver rates: fixed cost | NUM11 | NUMC |
106 | P16_GAPAL | Income Differential Ratio : Allowed Gap | DEC | |
107 | P16_GESCH_T | Gender Description | TEXT20 | CHAR |
108 | P16_GRADE | Job Grade | TEXT20 | CHAR |
109 | P16_HRPARID | Attendee ID | CHAR45 | CHAR |
110 | P16_IMONT | ITA88 Issue Month | CHAR2 | CHAR |
111 | P16_INDIA | Counter . Employees designated ethnic group is Indian | DEC | |
112 | P16_INFWT | Inflow wagetypes | CHAR4 | CHAR |
113 | P16_INPST | Salary packaging: input setting | P16_INPST | CHAR |
114 | P16_INTGR | ZA Two digit Numeric field | CHAR | |
115 | P16_IRP30 | IRP30 (Labour Broker Exemption Certificate) | XFELD | CHAR |
116 | P16_ISDAT | ITA88 Issue Date | DATUM | DATS |
117 | P16_ISSDATE | SAQA Registration date | DATUM | DATS |
118 | P16_ITEND | Last Infotype 11 Update Date | DATS | DATS |
119 | P16_ITIDX | Salary packaging: Infotype record index | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
120 | P16_ITREG | SARS Interface : ITREG Relevance | XFELD | CHAR |
121 | P16_IYEAR | ITA88 Issue Year | CHAR4 | CHAR |
122 | P16_JOBDATES | Job dates instead of specified dates | FLAG | CHAR |
123 | P16_JOBTY | Job/Function Type | P16_JOBTY | NUMC |
124 | P16_KBGDA | Valid from: business event | DATUM | DATS |
125 | P16_KENDT | Validity end date: business event | DATUM | DATS |
126 | P16_KNRZS | Account number of health insurance fund | CHAR10 | CHAR |
127 | P16_KXSCH | Social Insurance Company | P16_KXSCH | CHAR |
128 | P16_KYGST | Social Insurance Scheme | P16_KYGST | CHAR |
129 | P16_LABRK | Labour Broker Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
130 | P16_LBSPO | Spool Number for SARS Labels | SYSPONO | NUMC |
131 | P16_LENGT | SARS Length of Field | NUMC4 | NUMC |
132 | P16_LRCASNR | Case Number (Labour Relations ZA) | P16_LRCASNR | NUMC |
133 | P16_LRCOMPL | LR Process : completion step | YESNO | CHAR |
134 | P16_LRDATEP | Actual date of act/omission/misconduct | DATS | |
135 | P16_LRDESC50 | Description | TEXT50 | CHAR |
136 | P16_LRDESCL | Description | TEXT100 | CHAR |
137 | P16_LRDESCM | Description | TEXT50 | CHAR |
138 | P16_LRDESCS | Description (Short) | TEXT25 | CHAR |
139 | P16_LREXTRF | External Case/Reference number | CHAR | |
140 | P16_LRICON | Pushbutton | CHAR | |
141 | P16_LROTY | Object Type | OTYPE | CHAR |
142 | P16_LROUCT | Outcome of Labour Relations Intervention | P16_LROUCT | NUMC |
143 | P16_LRPABEG | LR Participant : Begin date of participation | DATS | |
144 | P16_LRPAEND | LR Participant : End date of participation | DATS | |
145 | P16_LRPRBEG | LR Process : Begin Date of an intervention | DATS | |
146 | P16_LRPREND | LR Process : End Date of an intervention | DATS | |
147 | P16_LRPRIM | Roleplayer has primary responsiblity for status | YESNO | CHAR |
148 | P16_LRREAS | Reason for / Nature of Labour Relations intervention | P16_LRREAS | NUMC |
149 | P16_LRREATF | LR Process : Reaction Timeframe (days) | NUMC | |
150 | P16_LRRESPO | Current responsible party for a Lab.Rel case | P16_LRRESPO | CHAR |
151 | P16_LRROLE | Participating Role in Labour Relation Intervention | P16_LRROLE | NUMC |
152 | P16_LRSTAT | Status/Level of Labour Relations Intervention | P16_LRSTAT | NUMC |
153 | P16_LRTYP | Labour Relations Type | SUBTY_591A | CHAR |
154 | P16_LTYPE | Line Type for Smartform | CHAR | |
155 | P16_MAGAP | Gap Insurance | XFELD | CHAR |
156 | P16_MAIND | MA Capped Amount Option Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
157 | P16_MAINT | ZA receiver rates: maintenance cost | DEC4_2 | DEC |
158 | P16_MAJOR | Major (OFO Code: South Africa) | P16_OFOCD | NUMC |
159 | P16_MALE | Male | INT4 | |
160 | P16_MANDA | SARS Interface : Mandatory Code | XFELD | CHAR |
161 | P16_MAPAC | Medical Aid Personal Savings Account | DEC6_2 | DEC |
162 | P16_MASPC | Special Contribution Class ZA | P16_STATH | CHAR |
163 | P16_MAXAG | Upper Age Limit for SI Contribution ZA | NUM03 | NUMC |
164 | P16_MAXFIG | Maximum figure | DEC13_2 | DEC |
165 | P16_MECON | Member's Contribution | DEC6_2 | DEC |
166 | P16_MEDEP | Number of Member Dependants | NUMC2 | NUMC |
167 | P16_MEMTY | Insurance or membership type | SUBTY_591A | CHAR |
168 | P16_MINAG | Lower age limit for SI contribution ZA | NUM03 | NUMC |
169 | P16_MINFIG | Minimum figure | DEC13_2 | DEC |
170 | P16_MITNR | Membership Number Social Insurance ZA | CHAR15 | CHAR |
171 | P16_MNDRY | Mandatory salary component | XFELD | CHAR |
172 | P16_MODED | ITA88 Monthly Deduction | P_AMT08V | CURR |
173 | P16_MODUL | Modulus ZA CDV Routine | P16_MODUL | NUMC |
174 | P16_MONTH | Month | P16_MONTH | NUMC |
175 | P16_MULTIPLE | Count each training with skills prio | FLAG | CHAR |
176 | P16_NAPER | Nature of Person Code | P16_NAPER | CHAR |
177 | P16_NATSTD | Indicator of SAQA approved national standard | FLAG | CHAR |
178 | P16_NATUR | Nature of SARS code | P16_NATUR | CHAR |
179 | P16_NATURE | Nature of Person Code for Combo Box on Tax Infotype | CHAR1 | CHAR |
180 | P16_NEAMT | New amount | P_AMT07V | CURR |
181 | P16_NEPCT | New percentage | ANZHL | DEC |
182 | P16_NEWTC | Salary packaging: new total cost | P_AMT08V | CURR |
183 | P16_NORSC | Employee is Exempt from RSC Levy | XFELD | CHAR |
184 | P16_NQFBAND | NQF Band | P16_NQFBAND | CHAR |
185 | P16_NQFLEVEL | NQF Level | P16_NQFLEVEL | NUMC |
186 | P16_NQFMODELTEXT | NQF Model title | TEXT40 | CHAR |
187 | P16_NQFOTYPE | NQF Object types | P16_NQFOTYPE | CHAR |
188 | P16_NTEXT | Text for Combo Box in Tax Infotype | CHAR20 | CHAR |
189 | P16_NUMBER | ID Number | CHAR | |
190 | P16_NUMC1 | ZA Character String with only digits Length 1 | CHAR | |
191 | P16_NUMFA | Number of employees (Female African) | NUMC | |
192 | P16_NUMFC | Number of employees (Female Coloured) | NUMC | |
193 | P16_NUMFI | Number of employees (Female Indian) | NUMC | |
194 | P16_NUMFW | Number of employees (Female White) | NUMC | |
195 | P16_NUMMA | Number of employees (Male African) | NUMC | |
196 | P16_NUMMC | Number of employees (Male Coloured) | NUMC | |
197 | P16_NUMMI | Number of employees (Male Indian) | NUMC | |
198 | P16_NUMMW | Number of employees (Male White) | NUMC | |
199 | P16_NUMPA | Nr. of Employees used to Calculate Averages | INT1 | |
200 | P16_NUMTO | Number of Employees (Total) | NUMC | |
201 | P16_OCAGR | LR Outcome : Employee accepted Outcome | YESNO | CHAR |
202 | P16_OCBEG | LR Outcome : Begin date of an outcome/resolution | DATS | |
203 | P16_OCCAT | Occupational Category Employment Equity | P16_OCCAT | CHAR |
204 | P16_OCCPD | Occupation Code | P16_OFOCD | NUMC |
205 | P16_OCEND | LR Outcome : End date of an outcome/resolution | DATS | |
206 | P16_OCIDX | Alternative Title Index | P16_OCIDX | NUMC |
207 | P16_OCLEV | Occupation Level Employment equity | P16_OCLEV | CHAR |
208 | P16_OCTITLE | Outcome Long Title - Outcome statement | TEXT100 | CHAR |
209 | P16_OCTXT | Description of Occupational Category | DDTEXT | CHAR |
210 | P16_OCTYP | Labour Relations : Outcome Type | P16_LROUCT | NUMC |
211 | P16_OCTYPE | Outcome type | P16_OCTYPE | CHAR |
212 | P16_OFOCD | OFO Code | P16_OFOCD | NUMC |
213 | P16_OFOTXT | OFO Code Description | P16_OFOTXT | CHAR |
214 | P16_OLAMT | Old amount | P_AMT07V | CURR |
215 | P16_OLDTC | Salaryp packaging: old total cost | P_AMT08V | CURR |
216 | P16_OLPCT | Old percentage | ANZHL | DEC |
217 | P16_OLTXT | Description of Occupational Level | DDTEXT | CHAR |
218 | P16_OTCDE | ITA88 Outcome Code | P16_OTCDE | NUMC |
219 | P16_OTHER | Additional Query Fields | DEC | |
220 | P16_OTITLE | Alternative Title / Specialization | P16_OFOTXT | CHAR |
221 | P16_OUTWT | Outflow wagetype | CHAR4 | CHAR |
222 | P16_PAAMT | Employer ITA88 Paid Amount | P_AMT08V | CURR |
223 | P16_PATYPE | Type of participation (prebooking, booking, cancellation) | PATYPE | CHAR |
224 | P16_PAYDA | Pay Date of Foreign Income | DATUM | DATS |
225 | P16_PAYRF | PAYE Reference Number | NUMC10 | NUMC |
226 | P16_PCKIND | Package indicator | P16_PCKIND | CHAR |
227 | P16_PERID | ID Number | P16_PRDNI | CHAR |
228 | P16_PERM | Permanent - (Equity) | P16_PERM | CHAR |
229 | P16_PERTY | Salary packaging: permission type | P16_PERTY | CHAR |
230 | P16_PFREQ | Payroll frequency. Used for medical aid tables | PFREQ | NUMC |
231 | P16_PLYRS | Penalty Years - from | NUMC | |
232 | P16_PNYRS | Penalty Years | NUMC | |
233 | P16_PPERC | Penalty Percentage | DEC | |
234 | P16_PREDC | Allowed Predecessor | P16_RUNST | NUMC |
235 | P16_PREFN | Payment Reference Number | CHAR | |
236 | P16_PRNOTES | Lab.Relations Process : Notes | TEXT60 | CHAR |
237 | P16_PROMO | Promoted - (Equity) | XFELD | CHAR |
238 | P16_PROVI | Provident fund indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
239 | P16_PRREB | Primary Rebate | NUMC | |
240 | P16_PSOFT | Payroll Software | CHAR12 | CHAR |
241 | P16_QTYPE | Qualification type | P16_QTYPE | NUMC |
242 | P16_RAGAP | Income Differential Ratio Gap | DEC | |
243 | P16_RATIO | Actual Income Differential Ratio | DEC | |
244 | P16_RECDS | SARS Record Type Description | TEXT50 | CHAR |
245 | P16_RECRU | Recruited - (Equity) | XFELD | CHAR |
246 | P16_RECTY | SARS Record Type | P16_RECTY | NUMC |
247 | P16_REFNO | Tax Reference Number ZA | CHAR10 | CHAR |
248 | P16_REFNX | SARS Interface : Clearance Number Required | XFELD | CHAR |
249 | P16_REGNM | Registered Name of Trust, CC or Company for IRP5 | TEXT120 | CHAR |
250 | P16_REGNO | Old version - Use P16_REGNO_C instead | P16_REGNO | NUMC |
251 | P16_REGNO_C | Registered Number for Trust, CC and Company for IRP5 | P16_REGNO_C | CHAR |
252 | P16_RELID | Relation Id | OBJPS | CHAR |
253 | P16_REMHI | Average Highest Paid | PRBETRG | CURR |
254 | P16_REMLO | Average Lowest Paid | PRBETRG | CURR |
255 | P16_REMRK | Remarks (Bursaries) | P16_REMRK | CHAR |
256 | P16_REMUN | Remuneration Amount | PRBETRG | CURR |
257 | P16_REPNR | Number of repeats in P3202 (ZA, Labour Relations) | INT1 | |
258 | P16_REVDATE | Review date | DATUM | DATS |
259 | P16_RFISX | SARS Interface : RFI Split Required | XFELD | CHAR |
260 | P16_RMCON | Risk portion of member contribution | DEC6_2 | DEC |
261 | P16_RMPRT | Salary packaging Remainder parts | NUMC2 | NUMC |
262 | P16_RQUST | Indicator Requested package | CHAR | |
263 | P16_RSCCD | Regional Services Council Code | P16_RSSCD | CHAR |
264 | P16_RSCDE | RSC Description | TEXT30 | CHAR |
265 | P16_RSCON | Risk portion of adult contribution | DEC6_2 | DEC |
266 | P16_RSTXT | SARS Interface : Status Text | TEXT50 | CHAR |
267 | P16_RUNID | Run Number | NUMC8 | NUMC |
268 | P16_RUNNR | SARS Interface: Run Number | NUMC8 | NUMC |
269 | P16_RUNST | SARS Interface: Run Status | P16_RUNST | NUMC |
270 | P16_RUNTY | SARS Interface: Type of Run | P16_RUNTY | CHAR |
271 | P16_SBETR | Subsidy Amount | DEC | |
272 | P16_SCCAT | Salary packaging category | NUMC4 | NUMC |
273 | P16_SCCTG | Component category | CHAR | |
274 | P16_SCODE | Stream Code CDV ZA | P16_SCODE | NUMC |
275 | P16_SCOMP | Salary component | P16_SCOMP | CHAR |
276 | P16_SCOTXT | Salary Component | TEXT30 | CHAR |
277 | P16_SCTXT | Social Insurance Scheme Description SA | TEXT40 | CHAR |
278 | P16_SEASN | Seasonal Employee Flag | XFELD | CHAR |
279 | P16_SEQNO | Sequence Number | INT1 | |
280 | P16_SEQNR | Sequence Number of code within SARS Interface record | NUMC4 | NUMC |
281 | P16_SEQUE | Sequence Number for Different Number Ranges Within Banks | P16_SEQUE | NUMC |
282 | P16_SIEXR | Exempt Reason | P16_SIEXR | CHAR |
283 | P16_SITXT | Social Insurance Text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
284 | P16_SLEVEL | Skill Levels (OFO South Africa) | P16_SLEVEL | NUMC |
285 | P16_SOC | Standard Occupational Category Code (South Africa) | P16_SOC | CHAR |
286 | P16_SOC7 | Standard Occupational Category Code (South Africa) | P16_SOC7 | CHAR |
287 | P16_SOCTEXT | Standard Occupational Category Code Text | TEXT100 | CHAR |
288 | P16_SOFTWARE | Software Vendor | CHAR20 | CHAR |
289 | P16_SPAYER | SDL Reference Number | CHAR10 | CHAR |
290 | P16_SPCLAS | Skill priority classification | TEXT40 | CHAR |
291 | P16_SPERC | Subsidy Percentage | DEC | |
292 | P16_SPQUALI | Type of Skills Priority | P16_SPQUALI | CHAR |
293 | P16_SRATE | RSC Rate | DEC | |
294 | P16_SRFIND | Suppress retirement funding indicator on IRP5 | XFELD | CHAR |
295 | P16_SSPNR | Sequence Nr. of Strategic Skills Priority | NUMC | |
296 | P16_STATH | Contribution Class for Social Insurance ZA | P16_STATH | CHAR |
297 | P16_STATU | SARS Interface: Employee Status | P16_STATU | NUMC |
298 | P16_STDAT | Recovery Date | DATUM | DATS |
299 | P16_STSPO | Spool Number for SARS Interface Status Report | SYSPONO | NUMC |
300 | P16_STTXT | Tax status Text ZA | TEXT20 | CHAR |
301 | P16_SUBFIELD | NQF Subfield | NUMC | |
302 | P16_SUBOB | Sequential Number for Number Range Subobject | P16_SUBOB | NUMC |
303 | P16_SUPWT | Original Wagetype | CHAR4 | CHAR |
304 | P16_SVKZ1 | Social Insurance Contribution Type | P16_SVKZ1 | CHAR |
305 | P16_SVSPA | SI sector | P16_SVSPA | CHAR |
306 | P16_TARAT | Target Income Differential Ratio | DEC | |
307 | P16_TAXCR | Current taxable amount | WERTV5 | CURR |
308 | P16_TAXYE | Taxable amount at year end | WERTV5 | CURR |
309 | P16_TAXYR | Tax Year | GJAHR | NUMC |
310 | P16_TCODE | Trade Classification Code | NUM4 | NUMC |
311 | P16_TC_DISP | Display format: table control | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
312 | P16_TDNAME | SAPScript text used in email body | CHAR16 | CHAR |
313 | P16_TECAT | Termination Reason | P16_TECAT | CHAR |
314 | P16_TERMI | Terminated - (Equity) | XFELD | CHAR |
315 | P16_TEST | Test Without Database Update | FLAG | CHAR |
316 | P16_TESTF | Test Run | XFELD | CHAR |
317 | P16_TEUIF | UIF: Termination Categories | P16_TEUIF | CHAR |
318 | P16_THWTG | Technical Wagetype | CHAR4 | CHAR |
319 | P16_TILL_DAT | Reconciliation date | DATUM | DATS |
320 | P16_TITLE | Long title | TEXT100 | CHAR |
321 | P16_TLTXT | Attendee Name | TEXT40 | CHAR |
322 | P16_TMSPR | TemSe Name for SARS Electronic Certificates | CHAR20 | CHAR |
323 | P16_TNAM2 | Table Name | CHAR20 | CHAR |
324 | P16_TNAME | Table Name | CHAR5 | CHAR |
325 | P16_TOAGE | Upper Age Limit | NUMC | |
326 | P16_TONAM | Trading or Other Name | CHAR90 | CHAR |
327 | P16_TOTKM | total kilometers | NUM11 | NUMC |
328 | P16_TRAINED | Number of employees with training | DEC | |
329 | P16_TRALL | Travel Allowance indicator | CHAR | |
330 | P16_TRNUM | ITA88 Transaction Number | P16_TRNUM | CHAR |
331 | P16_TRVLC | Travel Allowance Check | FLAG | CHAR |
332 | P16_TTYPE | Type of Termination Category | P16_TTYPE | CHAR |
333 | P16_TXTKR | Fund description | TEXT25 | CHAR |
334 | P16_TYCLO | Tax Year Open/Closed | XFELD | CHAR |
335 | P16_UIFAB | Abscence Indicator for UIF Purpose | P16_UIFAB | CHAR |
336 | P16_UIFCREAF | Indicator: Registered as Creator at SARS | XFELD | CHAR |
337 | P16_UIFRF | UIF reference number | CHAR9 | CHAR |
338 | P16_UIFRN | UIF Reference Number (From WWUIF) | NUMC10 | NUMC |
339 | P16_UI_BKREF | Reference specifications for bank details | P16_BKREF | CHAR |
340 | P16_UI_DZWECK | Reference (ZWECK is used instead of BKREF) | TEXT40 | CHAR |
341 | P16_UI_PERID | ID Number | P16_UI_PRDNI | CHAR |
342 | P16_UI_ZAAMT | Amount in Rand | P_AMT07V | CURR |
343 | P16_UMAIL | Email Address for UIF Download per Legal Entity | TEXT50 | CHAR |
344 | P16_UPAYER | UIF Reference Number | CHAR10 | CHAR |
345 | P16_UPVAL | ZA receiver rates: Up to value | NUM11 | NUMC |
346 | P16_USDFFM | User default values function module | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
347 | P16_USICFM | User input checks function module | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
348 | P16_USTYP | Unit Standard Type | P16_USTYP | NUMC |
349 | P16_VARGA | Layout rule for address type | VARGA | CHAR |
350 | P16_VARID | Package variant ID | P16_VARID | CHAR |
351 | P16_VATIN | RSC Vat Indicator | YESNO | CHAR |
352 | P16_VTSHT | Business event type abbreviation | TEXT12 | CHAR |
353 | P16_WHITE | Counter . Employees designated ethnic group is White | DEC | |
354 | P16_WT1 | CDV Weighting Digit 1 | P16_WT | NUMC |
355 | P16_WT10 | CDV Weighting Digit 10 | P16_WT | NUMC |
356 | P16_WT11 | CDV Weighting Digit 11 | P16_WT | NUMC |
357 | P16_WT2 | CDV Weighting Digit 2 | P16_WT | NUMC |
358 | P16_WT3 | CDV Weighting Digit 3 | P16_WT | NUMC |
359 | P16_WT4 | CDV Weighting Digit 4 | P16_WT | NUMC |
360 | P16_WT5 | CDV Weighting Digit 5 | P16_WT | NUMC |
361 | P16_WT6 | CDV Weighting Digit 6 | P16_WT | NUMC |
362 | P16_WT7 | CDV Weighting Digit 7 | P16_WT | NUMC |
363 | P16_WT8 | CDV Weighting Digit 8 | P16_WT | NUMC |
364 | P16_WT9 | CDV Weighting Digit 9 | P16_WT | NUMC |
365 | P16_WWSCH_SBTY | Subtype of Switch | CHAR2 | CHAR |
366 | P16_WWSCH_TYPE | Type of Switch | CHAR3 | CHAR |
367 | P16_XCODE | Exception Code | P16_XCODE | CHAR |
368 | P16_XDATE | Date on which tax year is closed | DATUM | DATS |
369 | P19_SENDER | Issuing reference number | NUM6 | NUMC |
370 | P19_UI_0331_CONGL | Type of pension earnings conglobation for tax calculation | XFELD | CHAR |
371 | P19_UI_0332_BSTXT | Reference to National Minimum Wage | CHAR5 | CHAR |
372 | P19_UI_0332_PSION | Code for pensioner status | XFELD | CHAR |
373 | P19_UI_ADCV1 | Checkbox for Disease and Maternity | XFELD | CHAR |
374 | P19_UI_ADCV2 | Checkbox for Occupational illness | XFELD | CHAR |
375 | P19_UI_ADCV3 | Checkbox for Family provisions | XFELD | CHAR |
376 | P19_UI_CNAME | Full name | TEXT80 | CHAR |
377 | P19_UI_CVTBS_TXT | Reference to National Minimum Wage | P19_CHAR5 | CHAR |
378 | P19_UI_FISNA | Full name | PPT_FULNA | CHAR |
379 | P19_UI_HSPSE | Disabled marriage partner | XFELD | CHAR |
380 | P19_UI_SS | Social security deductions | TEXT60 | CHAR |
381 | P19_UI_TAX | Tax processing | TEXT60 | CHAR |
382 | P19_UI_TERMX | Special processing for termination | XFELD | CHAR |
383 | P19_UI_TEXT1 | Comment 1 | TEXT72 | CHAR |
384 | P19_UI_TEXT2 | Comment 2 | TEXT72 | CHAR |
385 | P19_UI_TEXT3 | Comment 3 | TEXT72 | CHAR |
386 | P19_UI_VAGR1 | Vacation allowance grouping | PPT_GRVAL | CHAR |
387 | P19_UI_VAGR2 | Vacation allowance grouping II | PPT_GRVAL | CHAR |
388 | P19_UI_WSPSE | Working marriage partner | XFELD | CHAR |
389 | P19_VERSION | Declaration version number | DEC3_2 | DEC |
390 | P1FXX | Fixed price per QU plan.act | CVAL5 | CURR |
391 | P1VXX | Total Price Per Unit of Plan Activity | CVAL5 | CURR |
392 | P20P_ADR | Address | TEXT40 | CHAR |
393 | P20P_AFTILL | Other recurring payments | P20P_FTILL | NUMC |
394 | P20P_AKSJON | Action date | DATE | DATS |
395 | P20P_ALONN | Agreed Salary | NUMC | |
396 | P20P_ANSSTI | Employment date - present position (format yymmdd) | P20P_ANSVIR | CHAR |
397 | P20P_ANSVIR | Employment Date (Format yymmdd) | P20P_ANSVIR | CHAR |
398 | P20P_ANTLJ | Number of lines (status /change messages ) | NUM6 | NUMC |
399 | P20P_ANTTJM | Number of months in service (in this year) | P20P_ANTTJM | NUMC |
400 | P20P_APLGA | Additional Position Wage type for Norway Public Sector | LGART | CHAR |
401 | P20P_APRSN | Additonal position reason for Norway Public Sector | P20P_APRSN | CHAR |
402 | P20P_APRSNT | Text for Reason Code for Norway Public Sector | CHAR40 | CHAR |
403 | P20P_APRST | Reason Type for Additional positions (Norway PS) | P20P_APRST | CHAR |
404 | P20P_BONPAY | Bonus payments so far in this year | NUMC | |
405 | P20P_BUDKAP | Budget chapter | P20P_BUDKAP | NUMC |
406 | P20P_BUDPOS | Budget subchapter | P20P_BUDPOS | NUMC |
407 | P20P_CATEGT | Text for Element Category for Norway Public Sector | CHAR40 | CHAR |
408 | P20P_COMMENT | Comments to describe SPK batch | CHAR40 | CHAR |
409 | P20P_CTSEQ | Sequence Number for Category (Norway PS) | P20P_CTSEQ | NUMC |
410 | P20P_DELPRO | Part time percentage | P20P_DELPRO | NUMC |
411 | P20P_DELT | Part time % | P20P_DELT | CHAR |
412 | P20P_DUMMY1 | Dummy field : 1 Character | CHAR1 | CHAR |
413 | P20P_DUMMY6 | Dummy field | CHAR6 | CHAR |
414 | P20P_ELEMENT | Element for Norway Public Sector | P20P_ELEMENT | CHAR |
415 | P20P_ELIG_CAT | Eligibility Category for Norway Public Sector | P20P_ELIG_CAT | CHAR |
416 | P20P_ELMNTT | Text for Element for Norway Public Sector | CHAR40 | CHAR |
417 | P20P_ETATK | Department Code | P20P_ETATK | CHAR |
418 | P20P_ETATT | Department Text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
419 | P20P_FTILL | Recurring payments so far in this year | NUMC | |
420 | P20P_FTILLB | Recurring Payment B-Table | P20P_FTILL | NUMC |
421 | P20P_FUNG | Acting | P20P_FUNG | CHAR |
422 | P20P_HIVAL | High Value for Element for Norway Public Sector | P20P_HIVAL | CHAR |
423 | P20P_HLON | Basic Pay | P20P_HLON | NUMC |
424 | P20P_HLON_CHAR | Basic Pay | CHAR8 | CHAR |
425 | P20P_IBUKY | IBU Key (Type of Company) | P20P_IBUKY | CHAR |
426 | P20P_JOBNR | Job Number | P20P_JOBNR | NUMC |
427 | P20P_KORTA | Card art | P20P_KORTA | CHAR |
428 | P20P_LONNPERC | Wage Percentage | BSGRD | DEC |
429 | P20P_LONNRA | Pay Scale Group ( SST ) | P20P_LONNRA | CHAR |
430 | P20P_LONSK | Code for wagesystem (Lønnssystemkode) | P20P_LONSK | CHAR |
431 | P20P_LOVAL | Low Value for Element for Norway Public Sector | P20P_LOVAL | CHAR |
432 | P20P_LTR | Wage Level (Lønnstrinn) | P20P_LTR | NUMC |
433 | P20P_LTR_CHAR | Wage Level (Lønnstrinn) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
434 | P20P_LYRBON | Bonus payments in 4th quarter of last year | NUMC | |
435 | P20P_MONTH | Calendar Month | AM_MONAT | NUMC |
436 | P20P_MPLGA | Main position wage type for Norway Public Sector | LGART | CHAR |
437 | P20P_MTYP | Message Type | P20P_MTYP | NUMC |
438 | P20P_MTYP_C | Message Type | CHAR2 | CHAR |
439 | P20P_OPRKO | Operation Code | P20P_OPRKO | CHAR |
440 | P20P_ORGJU_CHAR | Legal org. number (juridisk nummer) | CHAR11 | CHAR |
441 | P20P_ORGNJ | Organization number juridisk | P20P_ORGNJ | NUMC |
442 | P20P_OVTPAY | Overtime Compensation so far in this year | NUMC | |
443 | P20P_OVTTIM | Overtime hours (so far this year) | P20P_OVTTIM | NUMC |
444 | P20P_PEN_IND | Pension Eligible Indicator (Higher Duty) | CHECKBOX | CHAR |
445 | P20P_PERID_CHAR | Norwegian personal id (foedselsnummer) | CHAR11 | CHAR |
446 | P20P_PERMAAR | Number of Years for Leave of Absence | P20P_PERMAAR | NUMC |
447 | P20P_PERMAAR_CHAR | Number of Years for Leave of Absence | CHAR1 | CHAR |
448 | P20P_PERMAVT | Code for Leave Agreement | P20P_PERMAVT | CHAR |
449 | P20P_PERMI | Leave Indicator | P20P_PERMI | CHAR |
450 | P20P_PRCOD | Process Code for Norway PS | P20P_PRCOD | CHAR |
451 | P20P_PRCODT | Text for Process Code for Norway PS | P20P_PRCODT | CHAR |
452 | P20P_PRCOD_SST | Process Code for SST (Norway PS) | P20P_PRCOD | CHAR |
453 | P20P_PRCSS | Process ID for Norway Public Sector | P20P_PRCSS | CHAR |
454 | P20P_PRSEQ | Process Sequence number for Norway PS | P20P_PRSEQ | NUMC |
455 | P20P_RAPPD | SPK Reporting date | DATE | DATS |
456 | P20P_REG | Wage scale code | P20P_REG | NUMC |
457 | P20P_REG_CHAR | Wage scale code | CHAR3 | CHAR |
458 | P20P_RETIR | Retirement Age | P20P_RETIR | NUMC |
459 | P20P_RETIR_CHAR | Retirement Age | CHAR2 | CHAR |
460 | P20P_RID | Report ID | P20P_RID | CHAR |
461 | P20P_RUNDATE | Rundate for report | DATS | DATS |
462 | P20P_RUNID | Sequence number for SPK Cluster Batch | NUMC05 | NUMC |
463 | P20P_RUNTIME | Runtime for report | TIME | TIMS |
464 | P20P_SENIOR | Seniority Date | DATS | DATS |
465 | P20P_SEQNO | Sequence number for SPK Cluster Employee Directory | NUMC05 | NUMC |
466 | P20P_STATUS | Record Status | P20P_STATUS | CHAR |
467 | P20P_STELL | Job Code | P20P_STELL | NUMC |
468 | P20P_STILLK | Job Code | P20P_STILLK | NUMC |
469 | P20P_STILLK_CHAR | Job Code | CHAR4 | CHAR |
470 | P20P_STLBET | Position description | P20P_STLBET | CHAR |
471 | P20P_SUM | Check sum of lines in file | NUM10 | NUMC |
472 | P20P_TFORH1 | Emploment Status - 1 | P20P_TFORHX | CHAR |
473 | P20P_TFORH2 | Emploment Status - 2 | P20P_TFORHX | CHAR |
474 | P20P_TFORH3 | Emploment Status - 3 | P20P_TFORHX | CHAR |
475 | P20P_TILLF | Recurring Payment | P20P_TILL | CHAR |
476 | P20P_TILLJ | Additional payment - Adjusted | P20P_TILL | CHAR |
477 | P20P_TILLV | Variable payment | P20P_TILL | CHAR |
478 | P20P_TJANSM | Seniority : Months | P20P_TJANSX | CHAR |
479 | P20P_TJANSY | Seniority : Years | P20P_TJANSX | CHAR |
480 | P20P_TJENK | Place of work code | P20P_TJENK | CHAR |
481 | P20P_TJENT | Place of work | TEXT30 | CHAR |
482 | P20P_UTDSSB | Education code : SSB standard | P20P_UTDSSB | NUMC |
483 | P20P_UTDSST | Educational code SST standard | P20P_UTDSST | NUMC |
484 | P20P_VAROVT | Variable overtime compensation | P20P_VAROVT | NUMC |
485 | P20P_VARTIL | Additional Payments | P20P_VARTIL | NUMC |
486 | P20P_VERS | Version of Statistics | P20P_VERS | NUMC |
487 | P20P_VERS_CHAR | Version of Statistics | CHAR2 | CHAR |
488 | P20P_VRTILL | Variable payments so far this year | NUMC | |
489 | P20P_YEAR | Calendar Year | NUMC04 | NUMC |
490 | P20_AACCO | Date new <organisasjonsnummer bedrift> is valid from. | DATS | DATS |
491 | P20_AACCW | Date number of working hours per week code was changed | DATS | DATS |
492 | P20_AACFD | Resignation date after RTV definition | DATS | DATS |
493 | P20_AACHD | Entry into company acc. to RTV's definition | DATS | DATS |
494 | P20_AACHI | Corrrected hire date. | DATS | DATS |
495 | P20_AACOC | Change date for occupational code - Norway | DATS | DATS |
496 | P20_AACPD | AA Register file reporting date | DATS | DATS |
497 | P20_AAEND | Waiting period to show End Message | INT1 | INT1 |
498 | P20_AAF04 | Blank filler for AA-Register file. | CHAR4 | CHAR |
499 | P20_AAF30 | Blank filler for AA Register control file. | CHAR30 | CHAR |
500 | P20_AAFDA | AA-Register file creation date. | DATUM | DATS |