SAP ABAP Data Element - Index G
Data Element - G
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | GAART | Warranty type | GAART | CHAR |
2 | GABGA | Total quantity of future goods issues | MENGV15 | QUAN |
3 | GABJA | Valid-from year | GJAHR | NUMC |
4 | GABLV | Business process | GABLV | CHAR |
5 | GABLW | Business process, distribution profile, plant | GABLV | CHAR |
6 | GABPE | Valid-from period | POPER | NUMC |
7 | GABRJ | Balance to year | GJAHR | NUMC |
8 | GABRP | Balance to period | PABRP | NUMC |
9 | GABZG | Total Deductions (Unauthorized + Authorized) | WRTV8 | CURR |
10 | GACCOUNTFR | G/L account (lower limit) | SAKNR | CHAR |
11 | GACCOUNTTO | G/L account (upper limit) | SAKNR | CHAR |
12 | GACTIVE1 | Activation of other currencies | XFELD | CHAR |
13 | GACTIV_CO | All actual activities from controlling | XFELD | CHAR |
14 | GACTIV_COP | All plan activities from controlling | XFELD | CHAR |
15 | GACTIV_COS | Statistical key figures from CO (actual) | XFELD | CHAR |
16 | GACTIV_CPS | Statistical bases from CO (plan) | XFELD | CHAR |
17 | GACTIV_FI | All activities from FI | XFELD | CHAR |
18 | GACTIV_GLX | All actual activities from Special Purpose Ledger | XFELD | CHAR |
19 | GACTIV_GXP | All plan activities from Special Purpose Ledger | XFELD | CHAR |
20 | GACTIV_HR | All activities from the HR area | XFELD | CHAR |
21 | GACTIV_MM | All activities from materials management | XFELD | CHAR |
22 | GACTIV_SD | All activities from sales/distribution | XFELD | CHAR |
23 | GADE2 | Additional address information | TEXT30 | CHAR |
24 | GAERB | Indicator: Pass on Warranty | GAERB | CHAR |
25 | GAGRP | Warranty group | GAGRP | CHAR |
26 | GAKT_POS | Current item in an internal table on the screen | NUMC3 | NUMC |
27 | GAMMA | Seasonal index smoothing using gamma factor | GLATT | DEC |
28 | GAMMA_BI | Gamma factor (BTCI) | CHAR04 | CHAR |
29 | GAMMX | Seasonal index smoothing | GLATT | DEC |
30 | GAMNG | Total order quantity | MENG13 | QUAN |
31 | GANAM | IS-H: Last name and first name of authorizing physician | TEXT40 | CHAR |
32 | GANDA | Validity start date | DATUM | DATS |
33 | GANSHKZ | Default posting indicator for offsetting posting | SHKZV | CHAR |
34 | GANZZ | Indicator: Currency Conversion after Multiplication | XFELD | CHAR |
35 | GANZZAHL | LIFO valuation: pool splitting only for whole quantities | XFELD | CHAR |
36 | GAP | Find next free number from start of sequnece | X | CHAR |
37 | GAPMAXERR | Maximum number of errors in gap analysis | INT4 | INT4 |
38 | GAPPTYPE | Type of graphics program, which sends the event | CHAR8 | CHAR |
39 | GAPSOK_KK | Gaps Allowed in Print Creation | XFELD | CHAR |
40 | GARID | Seq. no. of garnishment | GARID | CHAR |
41 | GARNR | IS-H: Personnel Number of Physician Approving Absence | RI_KUNNR | CHAR |
42 | GARTX | Explanation of garnishment | TEXT55 | CHAR |
43 | GARTXL | Master Warranty Description | TXT40 | CHAR |
44 | GARTY | Garnishment type for Danish payroll | GARTY | CHAR |
45 | GARVZ | Freight code set | GARVZ | CHAR |
46 | GASABART | Type of gas billing | GASABART | CHAR |
47 | GASABARTBEZ | Description of gas billing type | TEXT30 | CHAR |
48 | GASFACTOR | Conversion factor for gas | GASFACTOR | DEC |
49 | GASMG | Total scrap quantity in the order | MENG13 | QUAN |
50 | GASOR | Warranty sort field | GASOR | CHAR |
51 | GASPRESS | Gas pressure | GASPRESS | DEC |
52 | GASTEXT | Type of gas billing | GASABART | CHAR |
53 | GAS_PRS_AR | Gas Pressure Area | GAS_PRS_AR | CHAR |
54 | GAS_PRS_KZ | Gas pressure determination via gas pressure area | GAS_PRS_KZ | CHAR |
55 | GATT_FD | Gattung Fonds BAV | CHAR | |
56 | GATYP | Warranty category | GATYP | CHAR |
57 | GAUFA | Current number of orders | DEC4 | DEC |
58 | GAUFBILA | Allocation for Balance Sheet | XFELD | CHAR |
59 | GAUFBJAH | Reporting Year | GJAHR | NUMC |
60 | GAUFBPER | Reporting Period | MONAT | NUMC |
61 | GAUFGUVA | Allocation for P+L Accounts | XFELD | CHAR |
62 | GAUFKOKO | Allocation for Customer/Vendor Open Items | XFELD | CHAR |
63 | GAUFQ | Updated order quantity | MENG13 | QUAN |
64 | GAUFW | Value consumed by orders | WERTV8 | CURR |
65 | GAUFZPRO | Log Requested at Line Item Level | XFELD | CHAR |
66 | GAUZT | Planned downtime in hours | FLTP | FLTP |
67 | GAWRD | Gross Amount in Words | CHAR255 | CHAR |
68 | GAZAL | Internal Number of Warranty Counter | GAZAL | NUMC |
69 | GAZBZ | Warranty counter description | TEXT30 | CHAR |
70 | GAZNA | Warranty counter | GAZNA | CHAR |
71 | GAZPS | Warranty counter item number | GAZPS | NUMC |
72 | GAZTO | No. of warranty counters | GAZTO | NUMC |
73 | GAZWE | Warranty counter in/out | FLTP_INOUT | CHAR |
74 | GAZWT | Warranty counter value | IMRC_FLTPS | FLTP |
75 | GB111 | Supplementary Pension Assessment Threshold | WERTV5 | CURR |
76 | GB112 | Supp. Pension Assessment Threshold in Payment Month | WERTV5 | CURR |
77 | GBABP | Basis for BB, ABP, VUT, BPF | DEC6_2 | DEC |
78 | GBADI_IMPL_ACTIVE | Should GBADI_IMPL function be active? | ACTIVEFLAG | CHAR |
79 | GBANPFAK | General amount adjustment factor | GBANPFAK | DEC |
80 | GBANZ | Number of reservation records (reserved resources) | DEC5 | DEC |
81 | GBARD | Form of Address: Reserved Resource | CHAR79 | CHAR |
82 | GBARD_T | Form of address: reserved resource (Tab) | CHAR79 | CHAR |
83 | GBART | Type of birth | GBART | CHAR |
84 | GBAT1 | Limit for Additional Contributions for Compulsory Insurance | WERTV5 | CURR |
85 | GBAT2 | Limit for Additional Contribution in Contribution Month | WERTV5 | CURR |
86 | GBAT3 | BAT I Threshold for Voluntary Insurance | WERTV5 | CURR |
87 | GBAT4 | BAT I Threshold for Voluntary Insurance in Contrib. Month | WERTV5 | CURR |
88 | GBATCH | Trading Contract: Automatic Generation of Batches | FLAG | CHAR |
89 | GBAUD_EB | Audit print identifier | CHAR7 | CHAR |
90 | GBAUTHOR | Author responsible for a valdtn/substn application area | AS4USER | CHAR |
91 | GBBANDNR | Band-Nr. Grundbuchbezirk | GBBANDNR | CHAR |
92 | GBBDY | Weekday: Start of Reservation Period | CHAR10 | CHAR |
93 | GBBDY_T | Weekday: start of reservation period (Tab) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
94 | GBBEG | Date: Start of Reservation Period | DATUM | DATS |
95 | GBBEG_T | Date: start of reservation period (tab) | DATUM | DATS |
96 | GBBLART_KK | Document type for installment plan charges | BLART_KK | CHAR |
97 | GBBLATTNR | Blatt-Nr. Grundbuchbezirk | GBBLATTNR | CHAR |
98 | GBBRU | Basis for Special Payments [BB] Gross | DEC6_2 | DEC |
99 | GBBUZ | Time: Start of Reservation Period | TIMES | TIMS |
100 | GBBUZ_T | Time: start of reservation period (tab) | TIMES | TIMS |
101 | GBCCD_EB | Currency code | NUMC02 | NUMC |
102 | GBCRC_EB | Number of credit items | NUM7 | NUMC |
103 | GBCRT_EB | Total of Credit Items | NUM13 | NUMC |
104 | GBCUS | GB: Number of Customers on Current Page (1 to 15) | NUMC02 | NUMC |
105 | GBDAT | Date of Birth | GBDAT | DATS |
106 | GBDAT_ABA | Date of Birth of the person subject to withholding tax | DATUM | DATS |
107 | GBDAT_AN | Start of effective period | DATUM | DATS |
108 | GBDAT_FEHL | IS-H: Indicator for Missing Date of Birth | XFELD | CHAR |
109 | GBDAT_Q | Date of birth of the person subject to withholding tax | DATUM | DATS |
110 | GBDEP | State | REGIO | CHAR |
111 | GBDRC_EB | No. of debit items | NUM7 | NUMC |
112 | GBDRT_EB | Total of debit items | NUM13 | NUMC |
113 | GBDTCHANGE | Last changed on | SYDATS | DATS |
114 | GBDTCREATE | Created on | SYDATS | DATS |
115 | GBEDY | Weekday: Reservation End Date | CHAR10 | CHAR |
116 | GBEDY_T | Weekday: end of reservation period (tab) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
117 | GBEGIN | Start of Validity Period | GBEGIN | CHAR |
118 | GBEGINTX | Short descriptive text:Valid period start date | DDTEXT | CHAR |
119 | GBEND | Day Date: End of Reservation Period | DATUM | DATS |
120 | GBEND_T | Date: end of reservation period (tab) | DATUM | DATS |
121 | GBETH_KK | Total amount in local currency | WRTV7 | CURR |
122 | GBETR | Hedged Amount in Foreign Currency | WERT7 | CURR |
123 | GBETRAG | IS-M: Total Amount for Complaint/Return | WERTV8 | CURR |
124 | GBETR_BI | Rate-Hedged Amount in Foreign Currency (Batch Input Field) | CHAR16 | CHAR |
125 | GBETR_VK | Total Amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
126 | GBETR_VKC | Total Amount in CHAR Format | CHAR27 | CHAR |
127 | GBETW_KK | Total amount in transaction currency | WRTV7 | CURR |
128 | GBEUZ | Time: Reservation End Time | TIMES | TIMS |
129 | GBEUZ_T | Time: end of reservation period (tab) | TIMES | TIMS |
130 | GBEWERT | Split material valuation not active | CHAR1 | CHAR |
131 | GBEWERTA | Split material valuation active | CHAR1 | CHAR |
132 | GBEWJAHR | From Year | GJAHR | NUMC |
133 | GBEWMONA | From Month | MONAT | NUMC |
134 | GBFIL_EB | File Number | NUMC03 | NUMC |
135 | GBFNTABGET | Function module that fetches a structure in a Boolean class | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
136 | GBFOR_EB | Bank data format for Great Britain | FORMGB_EB | CHAR |
137 | GBGEW | Birth Weight | ISH_GEWICH | QUAN |
138 | GBGRO | Birth Size | ISH_GROESS | QUAN |
139 | GBGRU | Fund Group | GRPNAME | CHAR |
140 | GBIND | GB: Indicator in the EC Sales List | CHAR1 | CHAR |
141 | GBINH | Basis for Special Payments [BB] SI Deduction [VB] Indicator | DEC6_2 | DEC |
142 | GBINT1 | 1 byte integer (signed) | INT1 | INT1 |
143 | GBISBEEND | Valid to Date After Closed Delivery Via. Sets are Released | DATUM | DATS |
144 | GBISD_KK | Validity Date of Payment Agreement | DATUM | DATS |
145 | GBISD_VK | Valid-to Date | DATUM | DATS |
146 | GBISJ | Valid-to year | GJAHR | NUMC |
147 | GBISP | Valid to | POPER | NUMC |
148 | GBIWDELTA | DataSource Supports Delta Update | BOOLE | CHAR |
149 | GBIWPIDELTA | Delta Process Supported for DataSource | BOOLE | CHAR |
150 | GBIWPIDELTA_VIA_ADD | Determination of Delta Using ADD Process | BOOLE | CHAR |
151 | GBIWPIDELTA_VIA_ADDD | Determination of Delta Using ADDD Process | BOOLE | CHAR |
152 | GBIWPIDELTA_VIA_AIED | Determination of Delta Using AIED Process | BOOLE | CHAR |
153 | GBIWPIDELTA_VIA_QUEUE | DataSource Supports Delta Update via Delta Queue | BOOLE | CHAR |
154 | GBIWPIDELTA_VIA_TIMESTAMP | DataSource Supports Delta Update Using Time Stamp | BOOLE | CHAR |
155 | GBJHR | Year of Birth | GJAHR | NUMC |
156 | GBKEY | Court/Authority Key | ANSSL | CHAR |
157 | GBLHF | Basis for Special Payments [BB] Tax | DEC6_2 | DEC |
158 | GBLND | Country of Birth | LAND1 | CHAR |
159 | GBLND_EB | Country key | CHAR6 | CHAR |
160 | GBLOCK | Combination not allowed | XFELD | CHAR |
161 | GBMON | Month of Birth | NUM2 | NUMC |
162 | GBNAM | IS-H: Birthname | TEXT30 | CHAR |
163 | GBNAMS_PAT | IS-H: Standardized Birthname | CHAR30 | CHAR |
164 | GBNULL | Number of times that total stock was zero | ANZAHL | DEC |
165 | GBNUM | GB: Consecutive Number per Page (1 to 15) | NUMC05 | NUMC |
166 | GBOBJ | Object ID: Reserved Resource | CHAR45 | CHAR |
167 | GBOBJ_T | Object ID: reserved resources (Tab.) | CHAR45 | CHAR |
168 | GBOPCHANGE | Last changed by | AS4USER | CHAR |
169 | GBOPCREATE | User who created Boolean object | AS4USER | CHAR |
170 | GBOR0 | Place of birth | CHAR35 | CHAR |
171 | GBORT | Birthplace | TEXT25 | CHAR |
172 | GBORT_Q | Place of birth of the person subject to withholding tax | TEXT25 | CHAR |
173 | GBOTP | Object Type: Reserved Resource | OTYPE | CHAR |
174 | GBOTP_T | Object type: reserved resources (Tab.) | OTYPE | CHAR |
175 | GBOVH | Basis for OT | DEC6_2 | DEC |
176 | GBPAG | GB: Number of Pages | NUMC10 | NUMC |
177 | GBPAS | Date of Birth According to Passport | DATUM | DATS |
178 | GBPLAHOR | IS-H: Blocked Beds in Planning Horizon | BETTANZ | NUMC |
179 | GBPOOLEXT | Suffix for generated Boolean form pools | NUM2 | NUMC |
180 | GBPRO_Q | Native Region of the Party Subject to Withholding Tax | TEXT3 | CHAR |
181 | GBRAB_KK | Amount Posted for Reset of Value Adjustment Due to Write-Off | WRTV7 | CURR |
182 | GBRAZ | Display validity | XFELD | CHAR |
183 | GBRIGHT | Processing a FI-SL function in foreground | XFELD | CHAR |
184 | GBRZB_KK | Amount Posted for Reset of Value Adjustment Due to Payment | WRTV7 | CURR |
185 | GBSHB | GB: Loc.Curr.Amt (Rounded Up/Down, Neg.Amts in Parentheses) | CHAR21 | CHAR |
186 | GBSHT | Object Abbreviation: Reserved Resource | TEXT12 | CHAR |
187 | GBSHT_T | Object abbreviation: reserved resources (Tab) | TEXT12 | CHAR |
188 | GBSNO | Activate: online zero balnce for business areas | X | CHAR |
189 | GBSTA | Overall Processing Status of the SD Document Item | STATV | CHAR |
190 | GBSTA_BEZ | Description of overall processing status | TEXT20 | CHAR |
191 | GBSTIZEIPU | IS-H: Blocked Beds at Key Date/Time | BETTANZ | NUMC |
192 | GBSTK | Overall processing status of document | STATV | CHAR |
193 | GBSTX | Object Name: Reserved Resource | TEXT40 | CHAR |
194 | GBSTX_T | Object Name: Reserved Resources (Tab) | TEXT40 | CHAR |
195 | GBST_CHKAP | Check: incorrectly allocated accounts (bal.sht act und.A/L) | FLAG | CHAR |
196 | GBST_CHKFB | Check: unassigned functional areas | FLAG | CHAR |
197 | GBST_CHKKT | Check: non-assigned accounts from a chart of accounts | FLAG | CHAR |
198 | GBST_CHKSD | Check: accounts with one-sided assignment | FLAG | CHAR |
199 | GBST_FLGA | Indicator: Display account and function area texts? | FLAG | CHAR |
200 | GBST_FLGC | Indicator: Reassign dependent or non-dependent | FLAG | CHAR |
201 | GBST_FLGK | Indicator: display item keys | FLAG | CHAR |
202 | GBST_FLGX | Indicator: automatic / manual key assignment | FLAG | CHAR |
203 | GBST_KEY | Key for a financial statement item | CHAR10 | CHAR |
204 | GBST_MODE1 | Program mode for RFGSBSTR ( structure, planning ) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
205 | GBST_MODE2 | Program mode for RFGSBSTR (display or change) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
206 | GBST_TEXT | Short text for a financial statement item | TEXT45 | CHAR |
207 | GBSUBSTUSE | Callup point is used for substitutions | XFLAG | CHAR |
208 | GBSV1 | Basis for SP [BB] SI, Compulsory HI Act [ZFW] | DEC6_2 | DEC |
209 | GBTAG | Birth Date (to Month/Year) | NUM2 | NUMC |
210 | GBTMCHANGE | Time of last change | SYTIME | TIMS |
211 | GBTMCREATE | Time when the Boolean object was created | SYTIME | TIMS |
212 | GBTRG | Accrued credit | WERT05 | CURR |
213 | GBTXT | Text for birth type | TEXT25 | CHAR |
214 | GBTYP | _ | ISH_GBTYP | CHAR |
215 | GBUFPREADS | Physical reads | CHAR20 | CHAR |
216 | GBUFPWRITE | Physical writes | CHAR20 | CHAR |
217 | GBUFREADS | Database buffer reads | CHAR20 | CHAR |
218 | GBUFSIZE | Data base buffer pool size | CHAR20 | CHAR |
219 | GBUFWAITS | Buffer busy waits | CHAR20 | CHAR |
220 | GBUFWTIME | Buffer busy wait time | CHAR20 | CHAR |
221 | GBUKR | Offsetting company code | BUKRS | CHAR |
222 | GBUTX_EB | User text field | CHAR26 | CHAR |
223 | GBVALUSE | Callup point is used for validations | XFLAG | CHAR |
224 | GBVBLART_KK | Document Type for Temporary Installment Plan Charges | BLART_KK | CHAR |
225 | GBWCD_EB | Work code | CHAR9 | CHAR |
226 | GB_ABTNR | R3A-BB: Department | CHAR4 | CHAR |
227 | GB_ACC_APP_EXP | R3A BP: Flag: Customer Confirms Delivery | CHAR | |
228 | GB_ACC_GRP | R3A-BP: R/3 Account Group | CHAR4 | CHAR |
229 | GB_ACGRPBP | R3A-BP: Business Partner Account Group | CHAR2 | CHAR |
230 | GB_ADEXT | R3A-BP: Address Number in External System | CHAR20 | CHAR |
231 | GB_ADRKIND | R3A-BP: Address Type | CHAR10 | CHAR |
232 | GB_ATTR01 | R3A-BP: Attribute 1 | CHAR2 | CHAR |
233 | GB_ATTR02 | R3A-BP: Attribute 2 | CHAR2 | CHAR |
234 | GB_ATTR03 | R3A-BP: Attribute 3 | CHAR2 | CHAR |
235 | GB_ATTR04 | R3A-BP: Attribute 4 | CHAR2 | CHAR |
236 | GB_ATTR05 | R3A-BP: Attribute 5 | CHAR2 | CHAR |
237 | GB_ATTR06 | R3A-BP: Attribute 6 | CHAR3 | CHAR |
238 | GB_ATTR07 | R3A-BP: Attribute 7 | CHAR3 | CHAR |
239 | GB_ATTR08 | R3A-BP: Attribute 8 | CHAR3 | CHAR |
240 | GB_ATTR09 | R3A-BP: Attribute 9 | CHAR3 | CHAR |
241 | GB_ATTR10 | R3A-BP: Attribute 10 | CHAR3 | CHAR |
242 | GB_AUGRP | R3A BP: Authorization Group | CHAR4 | CHAR |
243 | GB_BANKACC | Name of Bank Account | CHARACT_40 | CHAR |
244 | GB_BANKK | R3A BP: Bank Key | CHAR15 | CHAR |
245 | GB_BANKN | R3A BP: Bank Account Number | CHAR18 | CHAR |
246 | GB_BANKS | R3A BP: Country Key of Bank | CHAR3 | CHAR |
247 | GB_BAPIUPD | R3A BP: Change Information for Relevant User Data Field | CHAR1 | CHAR |
248 | GB_BBBNR | R3A BP: International Location Number (Part 1) | NUM07 | NUMC |
249 | GB_BBSNR | R3A BP: International Location Number (Part 2) | NUMC | NUMC |
250 | GB_BILLPLA | R3A BP: Billing Plan Schema | CHAR4 | CHAR |
251 | GB_BIL_B_R | R3A BP: Business Partner (CRM): Billing Blocking Reason | CHAR2 | CHAR |
252 | GB_BIRTHDT | R3A BP: Date of Birth of Business Partner | DATS | DATS |
253 | GB_BIRTHNM | R3A BP: Name at Birth of Business Partner | CHAR40 | CHAR |
254 | GB_BIRTHPL | R3A BP: Place of Birth of Business Partner | CHAR40 | CHAR |
255 | GB_BKEXT | R3A BP: Bank Details ID in External System | CHAR20 | CHAR |
256 | GB_BKONT | R3A BP: Bank Control Key | CHAR2 | CHAR |
257 | GB_BKREF | R3A BP: Reference Information for Bank Details | CHAR20 | CHAR |
258 | GB_BLDNG | R3A BP: Building (Number or ID) | CHAR20 | CHAR |
259 | GB_BLDNG_P | R3A BP: Building (Number or ID) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
260 | GB_BPEXT | R3A BP: Business Partner Number in External System | CHAR20 | CHAR |
261 | GB_BPKIND | R3A BP: Business Partner Type | CHAR4 | CHAR |
262 | GB_BUBKZ | R3A BP: Check Digit of International Location Number | NUM01 | NUMC |
263 | GB_CARRIER_NOTE | R3A BP: Flag: Information for Logistics Service Provider | CHAR | |
264 | GB_CCLOCK | R3A BP: Payment card blocking reason | CHAR2 | CHAR |
265 | GB_CCNAME | R3A BP: Payment Cards: Name of Cardholder | CHAR40 | CHAR |
266 | GB_CERR_GR | R3A-BA: Incompleteness Group: Business Partner | CHAR4 | CHAR |
267 | GB_CHAR1 | R3A BP: One-Character Identifier | CHAR1 | CHAR |
268 | GB_CHAR2 | R3A-BP: Component of Version Number | CHAR2 | CHAR |
269 | GB_CHAR20 | R3A-BP: Char 20 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
270 | GB_CIS_RTN_PSWRD | Password for the Return filing | CHAR25 | CHAR |
271 | GB_CIS_SC_FSNM | Subcontractor's First Name | CHAR64 | CHAR |
272 | GB_CIS_SC_INTL | Subcontractor's Last Name | CHAR64 | CHAR |
273 | GB_CIS_SC_SCNM | Subcontractor's Second Name | CHAR64 | CHAR |
274 | GB_CIS_SC_TRDNM | Subcontractor's Trading Name | CHAR64 | CHAR |
275 | GB_CIS_SC_UTR | Subcontractor's Unique Tax Reference (UTR) | CHAR20 | CHAR |
276 | GB_CIS_SC_VFNNUM | Verification Number | CHAR20 | CHAR |
277 | GB_CIS_SC_VFNSTS | Sub contractor verification status | CHAR1 | CHAR |
278 | GB_CITY1 | R3A BP: City | CHAR40 | CHAR |
279 | GB_CITY2 | R3A BP: District | CHAR40 | CHAR |
280 | GB_CITY3 | R3A BP: Place of Residence (Different to Postal City) | CHAR40 | CHAR |
281 | GB_CLASSIF | Classification of BP for Mapping at Upload | GB_CLASSIF | CHAR |
282 | GB_COMCTRY | R3A BP: Country for Telephone and Fax Number | CHAR3 | CHAR |
283 | GB_COMM | R3A BP: Communication Method (Key) (Business Addr. Services) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
284 | GB_COMPAMO | R3A BP: Amount of Capital Investment | GB_WERTV7 | CURR |
285 | GB_COMPCON | R3A BP: Indicator: Shareholder Controls Firm/Company | CHAR1 | CHAR |
286 | GB_COMPPER | R3A BP: Percentage of Capital Investment | DEC3_7 | DEC |
287 | GB_CONFLIC | R3A-BP: Exception Rule for Days Off Work | CHAR1 | CHAR |
288 | GB_CONF_RULE | R3A-GP: Bestätigungsregel | CHAR1 | CHAR |
289 | GB_CONSNUM | R3A BP: Sequence Number | NUMC3 | NUMC |
290 | GB_CONTACT | R3A GP: Business Partner: Contact Authorization | CHAR1 | CHAR |
291 | GB_CURR | R3A BP: Currency | GB_WAERS | CUKY |
292 | GB_CURRISO | R3A BP: ISO Code Currency | CHAR3 | CHAR |
293 | GB_CUSTGR1 | R3A BP: Customer Group 1 | CHAR3 | CHAR |
294 | GB_CUSTGR2 | R3A BP: Customer Group 2 | CHAR3 | CHAR |
295 | GB_CUSTGR3 | R3A BP: Customer Group 3 | CHAR3 | CHAR |
296 | GB_CUSTGR4 | R3A BP: Customer Group 4 | CHAR3 | CHAR |
297 | GB_CUSTGR5 | R3A BP: Customer Group 5 | CHAR3 | CHAR |
298 | GB_CUSTGRO | R3A BP: Customer Group | CHAR2 | CHAR |
299 | GB_CUSTPGP | R3A BP: Customer Payment Guarantee Procedure | CHAR4 | CHAR |
300 | GB_CUSTPRI | R3A BP: Customer Pricing Procedure | CHAR1 | CHAR |
301 | GB_CUST_CL | R3A-BP: Customer Classification | CHAR2 | CHAR |
302 | GB_CUST_SI | R3A BP: Customer-Side Date | DATS | DATS |
303 | GB_DATABST | R3A BP: Payment Cards: Valid From | CHAR10 | CHAR |
304 | GB_DATBIST | R3A BP: Payment Cards: Valid To | CHAR10 | CHAR |
305 | GB_DAY | R3A-BP: Day in Month | CHAR2 | CHAR |
306 | GB_DEATHDT | R3A BP: Date of Death of Business Partner | DATS | DATS |
307 | GB_DEBIT_CREDIT | R3A-GP: Kennzeichen: Rechnungsstellung für Pfand | CHAR1 | CHAR |
308 | GB_DEL_B_R | R3A BP: Business Partner (CRM): Reason for Delivery Block | CHAR2 | CHAR |
309 | GB_DFTRCNR | R3A BP: Indic.: Recipient is Standard Recipient for this No. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
310 | GB_DIRECT_INV | R3A-GP: Direkte Rechnungsstellung | CHAR1 | CHAR |
311 | GB_DIRECT_INVOICE | Indicator: Direct Billing | CHAR1 | CHAR |
312 | GB_DISTRIC | R3A-BA: District | CHAR6 | CHAR |
313 | GB_DLVPRIO | R3A BP: Delivery Priority | NUMC2 | NUMC |
314 | GB_DLV_ITM | R3A-BP: Delivery Control (Item) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
315 | GB_DPRTMNT | R3A BP: Department at Business Partner | CHAR40 | CHAR |
316 | GB_EMPLO | Employer of Business Partner | CHAR35 | CHAR |
317 | GB_EMPSTAT_VFD_DCLRTN | Employment Status Declaration | XFELD | CHAR |
318 | GB_ENCODE | R3A BP: Required Coding of Data (SMTP) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
319 | GB_ENDDATE | R3A-BP: End Date for Rule Period | PI_DATUM | DATS |
320 | GB_ERRBAPI | R3A BP: Indicator: Record not Processed | CHAR1 | CHAR |
321 | GB_EXCHTYP | R3A BP: Exchange Rate Type | CHAR4 | CHAR |
322 | GB_EXEMPT_FRM | R3A BP: Tax Group Exempted From | CHAR08 | CHAR |
323 | GB_EXEMPT_NO | R3A BP: Exemption Number | CHAR15 | CHAR |
324 | GB_EXEMPT_RATE | R3A BP: Exemption Rate | PRZ32 | DEC |
325 | GB_EXEMPT_TIL | R3A BP: Tax Group Exempted Till | CHAR08 | CHAR |
326 | GB_EXPANDED | R3A-GP: Erweiterte Suche (NWDS) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
327 | GB_EXTERNAL_REMAN | R3A BP:External Remanufacturing | CHAR | |
328 | GB_FACID | R3A BP: Factory Calendar | CHAR2 | CHAR |
329 | GB_FAXNRCL | R3A BP: Fax Number for Finding Sender | CHAR30 | CHAR |
330 | GB_FLGDFNR | R3A BP: Standard Sender Address in This Method of Communic. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
331 | GB_FLGHOME | R3A BP:Recipient Addr. in This Meth. of Comm (Mail Syst Grp) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
332 | GB_FLNOUSE | R3A BP: Indicator: Do Not Use this Communication Number | CHAR1 | CHAR |
333 | GB_FLOOR | R3A BP: Floor in Building | CHAR10 | CHAR |
334 | GB_FNCTN | R3A BP: Partner Function Description | CHAR40 | CHAR |
335 | GB_FORMAT | R3A BP: Name Format | CHAR2 | CHAR |
336 | GB_FOUND_D | R3A BP: Foundation Date of Organization | DATS | DATS |
337 | GB_FXGRP | R3A BP: Fax Group (G3, G4, ...) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
338 | GB_FXNMBR | R3A BP: Fax Number: Dialling Code+Number | CHAR30 | CHAR |
339 | GB_FXNMBR1 | R3A BP: First Fax No.:Dialling Code + Number | CHAR30 | CHAR |
340 | GB_FXNRLNG | R3A BP: Complete Number:Dialling Code+Number+Extension | CHAR30 | CHAR |
341 | GB_FXXTNS | R3A BP: Fax Number: Extension | CHAR10 | CHAR |
342 | GB_FXXTNS1 | R3A BP: First Fax No.: Extension | CHAR10 | CHAR |
343 | GB_GESTYPK | R3A-BP: Transaction Type (Korea) | CHAR30 | CHAR |
344 | GB_GFF_RCVR_ID | GB CIS GFF Transmission Receiver Id | CHAR35 | CHAR |
345 | GB_GFF_SNDR_ID | Sender Id for GFF EDI Transmission | CHAR35 | CHAR |
346 | GB_GROUP | Business Partner Grouping | GB_GROUP | CHAR |
347 | GB_GRPTYP | R3A BP: Group Type | CHAR4 | CHAR |
348 | GB_HIDENT | R3A-BP: Calendar of Public Holidays | CHAR2 | CHAR |
349 | GB_HSNM1 | R3A BP: House Number | CHAR10 | CHAR |
350 | GB_HSNM2 | R3A BP: House Number Supplement | CHAR10 | CHAR |
351 | GB_HSNM3 | R3A BP: House Number Range | CHAR10 | CHAR |
352 | GB_IBAN | IBAN (International Bank Account Number) | GB_IBAN | CHAR |
353 | GB_IBAN_FR | Validity Start of IBAN | DATUM | DATS |
354 | GB_IDENTDA | R3A BP: Date of Entry for Identification Number | DATS | DATS |
355 | GB_ID_CAT | R3A BP: BP Identification Category | CHAR6 | CHAR |
356 | GB_ID_CODE | R3A BP: Short Description for Correspondence | CHAR10 | CHAR |
357 | GB_ID_NUM | R3A BP: Identification Number | CHAR60 | CHAR |
358 | GB_IH_MAIL | R3A BP: Internal Mail Postal Code | CHAR10 | CHAR |
360 | GB_INCOT1 | R3A BP: Incoterms Part 1 | CHAR3 | CHAR |
361 | GB_INCOT2 | R3A BP: Incoterms Part 2 | CHAR28 | CHAR |
362 | GB_INDSECT | R3A BP: Industry | CHAR10 | CHAR |
363 | GB_INDTYPK | R3A-BP: Industry Type (Korea) | CHAR30 | CHAR |
364 | GB_INDUSTR | R3A BP: Industry | CHAR4 | CHAR |
365 | GB_INFO_CRCT_DCLRTN | Information Correct Declaration | XFELD | CHAR |
366 | GB_INITS | R3A BP: "Middle Initial" or Initials of Person | CHAR10 | CHAR |
367 | GB_INSTIT | R3A BP: Payment Card Type | CHAR4 | CHAR |
368 | GB_INSTITU | R3A BP: Responsible Institution for Identification Number | CHAR40 | CHAR |
369 | GB_INT2 | R3A-BP: 2 Byte Integer (Signed) | INT2 | INT2 |
370 | GB_INTCA | R3A BP: ISO Code of Country | CHAR2 | CHAR |
371 | GB_INV_BEFORE_GI | R3A-GP: Rechnungsstellung vor Warenausgang | CHAR1 | CHAR |
372 | GB_ISCODCU | R3A BP: Indicator: Business Partner is Cash on Deliv. Payer | CHAR1 | CHAR |
373 | GB_ISDEF | R3A BP: Industry is Standard for BP in Industry Key System | CHAR1 | CHAR |
374 | GB_ISSBANK | R3A BP: Payment Cards: Issuing Bank | CHAR40 | CHAR |
375 | GB_ISSDATE | R3A BP: Payment Cards: Date of Issue | CHAR10 | CHAR |
376 | GB_ISTYPE | R3A BP: Industry Key System | CHAR4 | CHAR |
377 | GB_IS_COMP | R3A BP: Indicator: Business Partner is Competitor | CHAR1 | CHAR |
378 | GB_IS_CONS | R3A BP: Indicator: Business Partner is Consumer | CHAR1 | CHAR |
379 | GB_IS_CUST | R3A BP: Indicator: Business Partner is Customer | CHAR1 | CHAR |
380 | GB_IS_PROS | R3A BP: Indicator: Business Partner is Prospective Customer | CHAR1 | CHAR |
381 | GB_JOBGR | Business Partner Profession | CHAR4 | CHAR |
382 | GB_KOINH | R3A BP: Name of Accountholder | CHAR60 | CHAR |
383 | GB_LAISO | R3A BP: Language per ISO 639 | CHAR2 | CHAR |
384 | GB_LAND1 | R3A BP: Country Key | CHAR3 | CHAR |
385 | GB_LANGU | R3A BP: Business Partner: Language | LANG | LANG |
386 | GB_LANGU_C | R3A BP: Business Partner: Correspondence Language | LANG | LANG |
387 | GB_LCTN | R3A BP: Street 5 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
388 | GB_LEGAL_O | R3A BP: Legal Entity of Organization | CHAR2 | CHAR |
389 | GB_LEGENTY | R3A BP: Legal Form of Organization | CHAR2 | CHAR |
390 | GB_LIQUID | R3A BP: Liquidation Date of Organization | DATS | DATS |
391 | GB_LOC_REQ | R3A-GP: LOC Required | CHAR1 | CHAR |
392 | GB_LOGDEST | R3A BP: RFC Logical Destination | CHAR32 | CHAR |
393 | GB_LZONE | R3A BP:Transportation Zone to/from Which Goods are Delivered | CHAR10 | CHAR |
394 | GB_MAINTID | R3A-BP: Maintenance Indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
395 | GB_MANUAL_INVEST | R3A BP: Manual Investigation of Returns | CHAR1 | CHAR |
396 | GB_MARST | R3A BP: Marital Status of Business Partner | CHAR1 | CHAR |
397 | GB_MAXNO_DLV | Maximum Number of Partial Deliveries Allowed per Item | DEC1 | DEC |
398 | GB_MONTH | R3A-BP: Month in Year | CHAR2 | CHAR |
399 | GB_MOVEDAT | Validity Date (Valid from) | DATUM | DATS |
400 | GB_MOVE_ADDR | Number of Move Target Address for Address Moves | AD_ADDRNUM | CHAR |
401 | GB_MOVE_BKVID | Target Bank Details ID for Change of Bank Details (BP) | CHAR4 | CHAR |
402 | GB_MSK_NUM | R3A BP: Masked Card Number | CHAR25 | CHAR |
403 | GB_NAMCONV | R3A BP: Status of NAME_TEXT Field | CHAR1 | CHAR |
404 | GB_NAMCTRY | R3A BP: Country for Name Format Rule | CHAR3 | CHAR |
405 | GB_NAME1TX | R3A-BP: Complete Name | CHAR80 | CHAR |
406 | GB_NAMEGR1 | R3A BP: Name 1 (Group) | CHAR40 | CHAR |
407 | GB_NAMEGR2 | R3A BP: Name 2 (Group) | CHAR40 | CHAR |
408 | GB_NAMEMID | R3A BP: Middle Name or Second Forename of a Business Partner | CHAR40 | CHAR |
409 | GB_NAMEOR1 | R3A GP: Name 1 of the Organization | CHAR40 | CHAR |
410 | GB_NAMEOR2 | R3A GP: Name 2 of the Organization | CHAR40 | CHAR |
411 | GB_NAMEOR3 | R3A GP: Name 3 of the Organization | CHAR40 | CHAR |
412 | GB_NAMEOR4 | R3A GP: Name 4 of the Organization | CHAR40 | CHAR |
413 | GB_NAMEPL2 | R3A GP: Other Last Name of Person | CHAR40 | CHAR |
414 | GB_NAMEP_F | R3A GP: Forename of Business Partner (Person) | CHAR40 | CHAR |
415 | GB_NAMEP_L | R3A GP: Last Name of Business Partner (Person) | CHAR40 | CHAR |
416 | GB_NAMETXT | R3A BP: Converted Name Field (with Form of Address) | CHAR50 | CHAR |
417 | GB_NAME_CO | R3A BP: c/o Name | CHAR40 | CHAR |
418 | GB_NATION | R3A GP: Version Indicator for International Address | CHAR1 | CHAR |
419 | GB_NICKNAM | R3A GP: Business Partner Known As (Person) | CHAR40 | CHAR |
420 | GB_NIELS | R3A-BP: Nielsen District | CHAR2 | CHAR |
421 | GB_NIL_RETURN_INDICATOR | Specifies if the current return is a Nil Return or n | XFELD | CHAR |
422 | GB_NOT_REL | R3A-BP: Central Indicator Not Released | CHAR1 | CHAR |
423 | GB_NO_USEP | R3A GP: Indicator for Undeliverability of P.O. Box Address | CHAR4 | CHAR |
424 | GB_NO_USES | R3A GP: Indicator for Undeliverability of Street Address | CHAR4 | CHAR |
425 | GB_NR | Foreign Trade:Customs declaration list no. for Foreign Trade | CHAR20 | CHAR |
426 | GB_ORDCOMB | R3A GP: Indicator: Order Combination | CHAR1 | CHAR |
427 | GB_ORD_B_R | R3A GP: Business Partner (CRM): Order Block Reason | CHAR2 | CHAR |
428 | GB_OVERDEL | R3A GP: Overdelivery Tolerance Limit | DEC2_1 | DEC |
429 | GB_PAAUTH | R3A GP: Partner's Power of Attorney | CHAR1 | CHAR |
430 | GB_PAFKT | R3A GP: Partner's Function | CHAR4 | CHAR |
431 | GB_PAGNMBR | R3A GP: Pager Number | CHAR30 | CHAR |
432 | GB_PAGNRCL | R3A GP: Pager Number for Finding Sender | CHAR30 | CHAR |
433 | GB_PAGSERV | R3A GP: Subtype for Pager Service | CHAR4 | CHAR |
434 | GB_PAREM | R3A GP: Comments on a Partner | CHAR40 | CHAR |
435 | GB_PARTDEL | R3A GP: Partial-Delivery Control | CHAR1 | CHAR |
436 | GB_PAR_ATP | R3A-GP: Parameterabhängiger ATP-Sicherheitsbestand | CHAR1 | CHAR |
437 | GB_PAVIP | R3A GP: VIP Partner | CHAR1 | CHAR |
438 | GB_PAYTERM | R3A GP: Terms of Payment | CHAR4 | CHAR |
439 | GB_PERIOD_END_DATE | New CIS Return - End date for a return Period | DATS | DATS |
440 | GB_PFUNCT | R3A GP: Partner Function | CHAR8 | CHAR |
441 | GB_PGNRLNG | R3A GP: Normalized Search Field for Pager | CHAR30 | CHAR |
442 | GB_POBX | R3A GP: P.O. Box | CHAR10 | CHAR |
443 | GB_POBXCTY | R3A GP: P.O. Box Country | CHAR3 | CHAR |
444 | GB_POBXLOC | R3A GP: P.O. Box City | CHAR40 | CHAR |
445 | GB_POBXNUM | R3A GP: Indicator: P.O. Box Without Number | CHAR1 | CHAR |
446 | GB_POBXREG | R3A GP: P.O. Box Region (State, County, Province) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
447 | GB_PODC_GR | R3A-GP: PODC-Gruppe | CHAR4 | CHAR |
448 | GB_PREFIX | R3A GP: Name Prefix (Key) | CHAR4 | CHAR |
449 | GB_PREFIX2 | R3A BP: Second Name Prefix (Key) | CHAR4 | CHAR |
450 | GB_PRICEGR | R3A BP: Customer Price Group | CHAR2 | CHAR |
451 | GB_PRICELI | R3A BP: Type of Price List | CHAR2 | CHAR |
452 | GB_PRN_MOD | R3A BP: Print format | CHAR1 | CHAR |
453 | GB_PROFESS | R3A BP: Occupation or Official Title of Person | CHAR40 | CHAR |
454 | GB_PST1XT | R3A BP: Extended Postal Code for City | CHAR10 | CHAR |
455 | GB_PST2XT | R3A BP: Extended Postal Code for P.O. Box | CHAR10 | CHAR |
456 | GB_PST3XT | R3A BP: Extended Major Customer Postal Code | CHAR10 | CHAR |
457 | GB_PSTCD1 | R3A BP: Postal Code of City | CHAR10 | CHAR |
458 | GB_PSTCD2 | R3A BP: Postal Code of P.O. Box | CHAR10 | CHAR |
459 | GB_PSTCD3 | R3A BP: Postal Code of Company (for Major Customers) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
460 | GB_PSTLAR | R3A BP: Postal Delivery District | CHAR15 | CHAR |
461 | GB_R3_USER | R3A BP: Indicator: Connected to R/3 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
462 | GB_RCVRTYP | R3A BP: Recipient Type (Field not Used at Present) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
463 | GB_REBATE | Indicator: Business Partner Is Relevant for Bonus in TPM | CHAR1 | CHAR |
464 | GB_REFCNT | R3A-BP: Reference Counter | INT4 | INT4 |
465 | GB_REGIO | R3A BP: Region (State, County, Province, etc.) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
466 | GB_REG_GRP | R3A BP: Regional Structure Grouping | CHAR8 | CHAR |
467 | GB_REMARK1 | R3A BP: Remarks on Address | CHAR50 | CHAR |
468 | GB_REMARK2 | R3A BP: Remarks on Communication Connection | CHAR50 | CHAR |
469 | GB_RENTED | R3A-BP: Indicator: Rented Address | CHAR1 | CHAR |
470 | GB_REPRESK | R3A-BA: Name of Representative (Korea) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
471 | GB_REQ_RULE | R3A-GP: Bedarfsregel | CHAR1 | CHAR |
472 | GB_RFCDEST | R3A BP: Logical Destination (Stated at Function Call) | CHAR32 | CHAR |
473 | GB_ROLECAT | BP Role Category | GB_ROLECAT | CHAR |
474 | GB_ROOMNUM | R3A BP: Room or Apartment Number | CHAR10 | CHAR |
475 | GB_ROUNDING | R3A-GP: Bedarfsmenge runden | CHAR1 | CHAR |
476 | GB_RSPOPNA | R3A BP: Spool: Output Device | CHAR4 | CHAR |
477 | GB_RULEID | R3A-BP: Internal Identific.of Rule for Periodic Scheduling | CHAR25 | CHAR |
478 | GB_RULEWD | R3A-BP: This weekday active? | CHAR1 | CHAR |
479 | GB_RULEWFR | R3A-BP: Start Time on This Weekday | PI_TIME | TIMS |
480 | GB_RULEWNO | R3A-BP: Number of Weeks in Week Rule | CHAR2 | CHAR |
481 | GB_RULEWOV | R3A-BP: Number of Days Skipped for This Weekday | INT1 | INT1 |
482 | GB_RULEWTO | R3A-BP: End Time for This Weekday | PI_TIME | TIMS |
483 | GB_RULEWTZ | R3A-BP: Time Zone for This Weekday | CHAR6 | CHAR |
484 | GB_SAL_GRP | R3A-BA: Sales Group | CHAR14 | CHAR |
485 | GB_SAL_OFF | R3A-BA: Sales Office | CHAR14 | CHAR |
486 | GB_SCDAYS | R3A-BP: Number of Days Between Dates | CHAR3 | CHAR |
487 | GB_SCHTYPE | R3A-BP: Time Category | CHAR1 | CHAR |
488 | GB_SCRAP_CUKY | R3A BP: Currency Key for Reuse Value Limit | CUKY | |
489 | GB_SCRAP_INSTR_HIGH | R3A BP: Scrapping Instructions | CHAR | |
490 | GB_SCRAP_INSTR_LOW | R3A BP: Scrapping Instructions | CHAR | |
491 | GB_SCRAP_VALUE | R3A BP: Limit Value for Reuse | CURR | |
492 | GB_SC_VFD_DCLRTN | Subcontractor Verification Declaration | XFELD | CHAR |
493 | GB_SEARCH | Regelkriterium 2 | CHAR10 | CHAR |
494 | GB_SEXID | R3A BP: Gender of Business Partner (Person) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
495 | GB_SHIPP_C | R3A BP: Shipping Condition | CHAR2 | CHAR |
496 | GB_SMTPAD2 | R3A BP: Search Field for Internet Mail (SMTP) Address | CHAR20 | CHAR |
497 | GB_SMTPADR | R3A BP: Internet Mail (STMP) Address | CHAR0241 | CHAR |
498 | GB_SORT1 | R3A: Search Term 1 for Business Partner | CHAR20 | CHAR |
499 | GB_SORT2 | R3A BP: Search Term 2 for Business Partner | CHAR20 | CHAR |
500 | GB_SOURCE | R3A BP: Data Origin Types | CHAR4 | CHAR |