SAP ABAP Data Element - Index T
Data Element - T
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | T000_DEL | Delete entry from T000 | X | CHAR |
2 | T001W_NAME1 | Name Delivering Plant | TEXT30 | CHAR |
3 | T016T_BRTXT | Industry Names | TEXT20 | CHAR |
4 | T0500 | Screen Text for Screen 0500 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
5 | T080A_LFD | Sequence number of container definition | NUMC3 | NUMC |
6 | T090Y_FAKT | Weighting proportion for depreciation period | QANZAHL2 | INT2 |
7 | T090Y_SUM | Total of period weighting proportions | QANZAHL2 | INT2 |
8 | T093B_AKPL | Indicator for managing group assets | XFELD | CHAR |
9 | T093SB_LFD | Sequence Number of Substitution | NUMC3 | NUMC |
10 | T1000GDATE | Delimitation date | DATUM | DATS |
11 | T134_FLAG | T134 Check | FLAG | CHAR |
12 | T141_FELD | Field from table T141 relevant for reading T141T | ROLLNAME | CHAR |
13 | T151T_KTEXT | Name Customer Group | TEXT20 | CHAR |
14 | T160MVL_APPLI | Application where controllable error messages are used | T160MVL_APPLI | CHAR |
15 | T160MVL_GLOMD | Call type of a program (online / collective processing) | T160MVL_GLOMD | CHAR |
16 | T160MVL_REFMD | Work phase | T160MVL_REFMD | CHAR |
17 | T171T_BZTXT | Name of the district | TEXT20 | CHAR |
18 | T188T_VTEXT | Name Price Group Customer | TEXT20 | CHAR |
19 | T189T_PTEXT | Name Price List | TEXT20 | CHAR |
20 | T2CNA | Address supplement: Attendee's temporary address | TEXT25 | CHAR |
21 | T2LND | Country key: Attendee's temporary address | LAND1 | CHAR |
22 | T2ORT | City: Attendee's temporary address | TEXT20 | CHAR |
23 | T2PLZ | Postal code: attendee's temporary address | PSTLZ | CHAR |
24 | T2REG | Region: attendee's second address | REGIO | CHAR |
25 | T2ST2 | Street and house number (extended): attendee's temp. address | TEXT35 | CHAR |
26 | T2STR | Street and house number: Attendee's temporary address | TEXT30 | CHAR |
27 | T308_DPMBN | Dynamic storage bin - material document number | XFELD | CHAR |
28 | T308_DYPMB | Dynamic bin to be created from material document number | XFELD | CHAR |
29 | T310_ISTMA | Actual quantity | MENG13 | QUAN |
30 | T310_LANUM | Sequence number | T310_LANUM | NUMC |
31 | T310_SOLMA | Target quantity in alternative unit | MENG13 | QUAN |
32 | T311ABSTA2 | Processing status for allocation 2-step picking | XFELD | CHAR |
33 | T311ABSTAD | Processing status for allocation 2-step picking | XFELD | CHAR |
34 | T311ABSTAT | Processing status of document in WM reference number | XFELD | CHAR |
35 | T311AVSTA2 | Status "TO creation successful" for allocation 2-step pckg | XFELD | CHAR |
36 | T311AVSTAD | Status "TO creation successful" for direct picking ( | XFELD | CHAR |
37 | T311AVSTAT | Status "TO Creation Successful for Complete Quantities" | XFELD | CHAR |
38 | T311DATUM | Creation date of reference number | DATUM | DATS |
39 | T311DRDAT | Date of printout using reference number | DATUM | DATS |
40 | T311KZAKT | Indicator: multiple processing activated for reference no. | XFELD | CHAR |
41 | T311KZDRU | Indicator: Printout for Reference Number Complete | XFELD | CHAR |
42 | T311KZSPE | Indicator: reference number blocked | XFELD | CHAR |
43 | T311LDATUM | Creation date of the run | DATUM | DATS |
44 | T311LKZDIFKZDI | Indicator: TOs confirmed with differences for the run | XFELD | CHAR |
45 | T311LKZDRU | Indicator: Release/Print for the ref. number started | XFELD | CHAR |
46 | T311LKZERL | Indicator: TO creation completed for the run | XFELD | CHAR |
47 | T311LKZKOM | Indicator: Communication to WCU for the run completed | XFELD | CHAR |
48 | T311LKZQUI | Indicator: Multiple processing (TOs) confirmed for the run | XFELD | CHAR |
49 | T311LL2SKA | Picking step in 2-step picking | LVS_2SKTAART | CHAR |
50 | T311LLANUM | Sequence number | T310_LANUM | NUMC |
51 | T311LUZEIT | Creation time of the run | UZEIT | TIMS |
52 | T311_KZERL | Ind: TO Creation Executed for All Documents | XFELD | CHAR |
53 | T311_KZKOM | Indicator that communication with WCU has taken place | XFELD | CHAR |
54 | T311_KZUPD | Indicator for update | T311_KZUPD | CHAR |
55 | T311_L2SKP | 2-step relevancy for reference number checked | XFELD | CHAR |
56 | T311_L2SKR | Relevance for Two-Step Picking | LVS_2SKREL | CHAR |
57 | T312B_ZEIEI | Time unit for target time | MEINS | UNIT |
58 | T312SGRUWE | Group change when printing combined list | XFELD | CHAR |
59 | T312SSORPO | Sorting pool | AS4TAB | CHAR |
60 | T312SSORRI | Sort direction for sorting in WM | XFELD | CHAR |
61 | T312_PRLEI | Profile for performance data | T312_PRLEI | CHAR |
62 | T312_PRSPL | Profile for transfer order split | T312_PRSPL | CHAR |
63 | T312_ZEIEI | Time unit for definition of target times | MEINS | UNIT |
64 | T3130EDSCRN | Dummy screen number for screen exits | RF_LSCRN | CHAR |
65 | T3130FSCRTP | Screen Categorization | CHAR10 | CHAR |
66 | T3130GLITEM | Last transfer order item on the screen | XFELD | CHAR |
67 | T3130GLVERI | Last verification or input field on the screen | XFELD | CHAR |
68 | T3130GPUSHX | Function code that should be executed on an RF screen | SYCHAR70 | CHAR |
69 | T313AAULDC | Automatic load control function | XFELD | CHAR |
70 | T313ADISPL | Skip source information during putaway in LE | XFELD | CHAR |
71 | T313ANLTYP | Destination Storage Type | LGTYP | CHAR |
72 | T313APROFI | Verification profile for mobile data entry | T313APROFI | CHAR |
73 | T313AVLTYP | Source Storage Type | LGTYP | CHAR |
74 | T313BVDBAT | Verify batch at destination bin | T313BVEBAT | NUMC |
75 | T313BVDBIN | Verify destination storage bin | XFELD | CHAR |
76 | T313BVDESU | Verification of storage unit at destination storage bin | XFELD | CHAR |
77 | T313BVDMAT | Verify material at destination storage bin | T313BVEMAT | NUMC |
78 | T313BVDQUA | Veriry quantity at destination storage bin | XFELD | CHAR |
79 | T313BVSBAT | Verify batch at source storage bin | T313BVEBAT | NUMC |
80 | T313BVSBIN | Verify source storage bin | XFELD | CHAR |
81 | T313BVSMAT | Verify material at source storage bin | T313BVEMAT | NUMC |
82 | T313BVSOSU | Verify storage unit at source storage bin | XFELD | CHAR |
83 | T313BVSQUA | Verify quantity at source storage bin | XFELD | CHAR |
84 | T313CBINAI | Storage bin application identifier | T313DAITYP | CHAR |
85 | T313CBTHAI | Batch application identifier | T313DAITYP | CHAR |
86 | T313CDELAI | Delivery application identifier | T313DAITYP | CHAR |
87 | T313CHUMAI | Handling unit application identifier | T313DAITYP | CHAR |
88 | T313CMATAI | Material application identifier | T313DAITYP | CHAR |
89 | T313CMSAAI | MS area application identifier | T313DAITYP | CHAR |
90 | T313CQTYAI | Quantity application identifier | T313DAITYP | CHAR |
91 | T313CSUMAI | Storage unit application identifier | T313DAITYP | CHAR |
92 | T313CTRKAI | Shipment (Shipment ID) application identifier | T313DAITYP | CHAR |
93 | T313CWAVAI | Group application identifier | T313DAITYP | CHAR |
94 | T313DAICHK | Additional Checks for AI | NUMC3 | NUMC |
95 | T313DAIDEF | Application identifier is defined | BOOLE | CHAR |
96 | T313DAIDEL | Delimiter for Variable Bar Code Lengths | BOOLE | CHAR |
97 | T313DAIEVL | Variable length must be even | BOOLE | CHAR |
98 | T313DAIFOR | Format of application identifier | T313DAIFOR | CHAR |
99 | T313DAILEN | Length of application identified (AI) | NUMC2 | NUMC |
100 | T313DAINKL | Number of places in AI for decimal figures | NUMC1 | NUMC |
101 | T313DAISUB | Partial field / subdivision of an application identifier | T313DAISUB | NUMC |
102 | T313DAITYP | Application identifier type | T313DAITYP | CHAR |
103 | T313DAIVAL | Application identifier (AI) | T313DAIVAL | CHAR |
104 | T313DAIVLA | Addition factor for AI length specification | NUMC1 | NUMC |
105 | T313DAIVLL | Number of places in AI for variable length specification | NUMC1 | NUMC |
106 | T313DAIVLM | Multiplier for AI length specification | NUMC1 | NUMC |
107 | T313DAIVSC | AI is provided for logistical units with variable quantity | BOOLE | CHAR |
108 | T313DAMASK | Mask | T313DAMASK | NUMC |
109 | T313DAPPLI | Application for bar code type | T313DAPPLI | NUMC |
110 | T313EAITEX | Description of Field Definition | T313EAITEX | CHAR |
111 | T313FSEQNO | Sequence number | NUMC3 | NUMC |
112 | T313FUPROF | User profile for mobile data entry in the warehouse | CHAR10 | CHAR |
113 | T313GAIDEL | Delimiter for Variable Bar Code Lengths | SCHAR10 | CHAR |
114 | T313GMAXLE | Maximum length for a bar code type | NUMC1 | NUMC |
115 | T313GMINLE | Minimum length for a bar code type | NUMC1 | NUMC |
116 | T313GPREFI | Bar code type prefix | CHAR10 | CHAR |
117 | T319AUTHU | Flag for automatic creation of a pick-HU | T319AUTHU | CHAR |
118 | T319UEXIT | Flag: Create user exit for creating pick HU during TO | XFELD | CHAR |
119 | T319_NLTYP | Control pick-HU creation: Destination storage type | LGTYP | CHAR |
120 | T319_VLTYP | Control pick HU creation: Source storage type | LGTYP | CHAR |
121 | T320AKUMUL | Indicator: Combination of quantities for posting change | XFELD | CHAR |
122 | T320AMAILK | Mail control for posting change in Inventory Management | LVS_MAILK | CHAR |
123 | T320_CENSY | Reference to central ERP system | XFELD | CHAR |
124 | T320_OBTYP | Picking area (storage type) for Lean WM | LGTYP | CHAR |
125 | T321BWMSNO | Stock is managed in external WMS | XFELD | CHAR |
126 | T321DDIFFV | Indicator: Include differences in source storage bin | XFELD | CHAR |
127 | T321DKZDIF | Indicator: transaction definition for difference posting | XFELD | CHAR |
128 | T321DKZDMD | Indicator: Pass on differences to R/2 (RM posting) | LVS_KZVNM | CHAR |
129 | T321DKZNMD | Indicator: Pass on destination TO items to R/2 (RM posting) | LVS_KZVNM | CHAR |
130 | T321DKZVMD | Indicator: Pass on source TO items to R/2 (RM posting) | LVS_KZVNM | CHAR |
131 | T321KBWNEG | Movement type for posting negative stocks | BWLVS | NUMC |
132 | T321KBWPLU | Movement type for posting positive stocks | BWLVS | NUMC |
133 | T321KKZDIF | Indicator: Pass on differences to HOST (R/2) | XFELD | CHAR |
134 | T321_BSTQA | Stock category for stock remov.posting | BESTQ | CHAR |
135 | T321_BSTQE | Stock category for stock placement posting | BESTQ | CHAR |
136 | T321_TAFKZ | Indicator: Create transfer order immediately | T321_TAFKZ | CHAR |
137 | T321_TBFKZ | Indicator: Creation/Cancellation of a Transfer Requirement | T321_TBFKZ | CHAR |
138 | T321_UBFKZ | Indicator: Creation of a Posting Change Notice | XFELD | CHAR |
139 | T321_WEDKZ | Indicator: generate goods receipt date | T321_WEDKZ | CHAR |
140 | T321_WENUM | Window for entry of additional data | T321_POPUP | CHAR |
141 | T322_BWMIN | Movement type: clear negative inventory differences | BWART | CHAR |
142 | T322_BWPLU | Movement type: post positive inventory differences | BWART | CHAR |
143 | T323MMAUSG | Log. error handling WMS - Write MAIL in outgoing file | XFELD | CHAR |
144 | T323PFMAIL | Send mail after CPI-C or logical error | XFELD | CHAR |
145 | T323PMMAIL | Send mail after creation of material | XFELD | CHAR |
146 | T323PPROFH | Logging Error During R/2 - ECC Link | XFELD | CHAR |
147 | T323PPROKS | Logging of communication records from R/2 | XFELD | CHAR |
148 | T325DUNKL | Foreground/Background control for inspection sample dialog | LVS_DUNKL | CHAR |
149 | T325QMSTE | Indicator: Control for WM-QM interface | LVS_QMSTE | CHAR |
150 | T3262KPRUE | Initiate 2-step relevancy check during ref. no. creation | LVS_2SKPRUE | CHAR |
151 | T326_BWLVS | WM movement type for removal TO in 2-step picking | BWLVS | NUMC |
152 | T327AKZINA | Indicator: deactivate activity for link | XFELD | CHAR |
153 | T327ALANUM | Sequence number | T327ALANUM | NUMC |
154 | T327ANLTYP | Destination Storage Type | LGTYP | CHAR |
155 | T327AQUSUB | Confirmation indicator: Separate confirmation f. ext. system | RL03TQUKNZ | CHAR |
156 | T327AVLTYP | Source Storage Type | LGTYP | CHAR |
157 | T327BFNAME | Function module for the IDOC structure | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
158 | T327BKZINA | Indicator: deactivate activity for link | XFELD | CHAR |
159 | T327_KNTYP | Indicator: link record to destination storage type | XFELD | CHAR |
160 | T327_KVTYP | Indicator: link record to source storage type | XFELD | CHAR |
161 | T327_NLTYP | Destination Storage Type | LGTYP | CHAR |
162 | T327_VLTYP | Source Storage Type | LGTYP | CHAR |
163 | T328_DATYP | Date reference in reference document | T328_DATYP | CHAR |
164 | T328_DYNPL | Indicator: Dynamic storage bin | XFELD | CHAR |
165 | T328_FBKAL | Warehouse activity monitor: Factory calendar | WFCID | CHAR |
166 | T328_KZEIT | Warehouse activity monitor: Critical duration of time | LVS_ZEITD | QUAN |
167 | T328_KZTTB | Whse act. monitor: Critical duration for immed. TO creation | LVS_ZEITD | QUAN |
168 | T328_LFSTG | Select partially processed deliveries also | XFELD | CHAR |
169 | T328_NLTYP | Warehouse activity monitor: Destination storage type | LGTYP | CHAR |
170 | T328_VLTYP | Warehouse activity monitor: Source storage type | LGTYP | CHAR |
171 | T328_ZEINH | Warehouse activity monitor: Time unit for critical duration | MEINS | UNIT |
172 | T328_ZEITB | Warehouse activity monitor: Time unit for immed. TO creation | MEINS | UNIT |
173 | T329DNIDR2 | Indicator: do not print storage unit slip | XFELD | CHAR |
174 | T329DNIDR3 | Indicator: do not print storage unit transfer order slip | XFELD | CHAR |
175 | T329DNIDR4 | Indicator: do not print storage unit contents | XFELD | CHAR |
176 | T329DNIDR5 | Indicator: Do not print labels | XFELD | CHAR |
177 | T329DNIDR7 | Indicator: Do not print HUM label | XFELD | CHAR |
178 | T329DNIDRU | Indicator: do not print transfer order item | XFELD | CHAR |
179 | T329DNLTYP | Destination Storage Type | LGTYP | CHAR |
180 | T329DT331D | Indicator: default printer from stor.ty. control table | XFELD | CHAR |
181 | T329DVLTYP | Source Storage Type | LGTYP | CHAR |
182 | T329FDRVBU | Time of printing | T329FDRVBU | CHAR |
183 | T329FISORT | Name of include for sort procedure for TO printout | T329FISORT | CHAR |
184 | T329FPRODD | Determine production data for transfer order printing | XFELD | CHAR |
185 | T329FSAMML | Indicator: print transfer orders in combined list | XFELD | CHAR |
186 | T329FVERSD | Find shipping data for printing transfer orders | T329FVERSD | CHAR |
187 | T329SREPID | Print report for printing picking list | PROGNAME | CHAR |
188 | T329TTTEXT | Description of forms for transfer order printing | TEXT25 | CHAR |
189 | T331BABRUN | Round off requested quantity to full storage units | T331BABRUN | CHAR |
190 | T331BANBRU | Indicator: Management of partial quantities | XFELD | CHAR |
191 | T331BSENAU | Indicator: Blocked for putaway after stock removal | XFELD | CHAR |
192 | T331BSUMME | Level of totals information | T331BSUMME | CHAR |
193 | T331BVERDE | Indicator: combined stock placement | XFELD | CHAR |
194 | T331BZEITS | Time limit | T331BZEITS | DEC |
195 | T331C_ANZPM | Number of storage bins of a material in reserve storage | T331C_ANZPM | INT4 |
196 | T331C_KZFME | Indicator whether mat. w/o fixed bin allowed in | XFELD | CHAR |
197 | T331C_KZRPB | Ind. whether number of reserve bins limited per material | XFELD | CHAR |
198 | T331C_RLTYP | Reference storage type (fixed bin storage) for reserve stor. | LGTYP | CHAR |
199 | T331C_STRLP | Structure of stor.bin number for shelf, stack, lebel | LGPLA | CHAR |
200 | T331LKZBSE | Indicator: confirm placement into stock | XFELD | CHAR |
201 | T331LLGKPR | Priority of storage class in a storage type | T331LLGKPR | CHAR |
202 | T331LSKZEI | Blocking indicator for placement into storage | XFELD | CHAR |
203 | T331_AKTKA | Active capacity check | XFELD | CHAR |
204 | T331_BWWMP | WM movement type for internal warehouse supply | BWLVS | NUMC |
205 | T331_GEFAL | Indicator: management of hazardous materials active | T331_GEFAL | CHAR |
206 | T331_IPTYP | Identification point for storage type | LGTYP | CHAR |
207 | T331_IPUNK | Indicator: Storage type is an identification point | XFELD | CHAR |
208 | T331_KAPAP | Capacity Check Method | T331_KAPAP | CHAR |
209 | T331_KPTYP | Pick point for storage type | LGTYP | CHAR |
210 | T331_KPUNK | Indicator: Storage type is a pick point | XFELD | CHAR |
211 | T331_KZINV | Inventory method | T331_KZINV | CHAR |
212 | T331_LENVW | Indicator: Storage type with storage unit management | XFELD | CHAR |
213 | T331_MAILK | Mail control for replenishment stor.type | LVS_MAILK | CHAR |
214 | T331_MEAUS | Un.of measure type search for planned proc.time, picking TO | T331_METYF | CHAR |
215 | T331_MEEIN | Un.of measure type search for planned proc.time, plcmnt TO | T331_METYF | CHAR |
216 | T331_MINWM | Storage type does not manage bin stock | XFELD | CHAR |
217 | T331_MISCH | Indicator: mixed storage | T331_MISCH | CHAR |
218 | T331_MRAUS | Switch off quantity reduction for TOs for PP mat. staging | XFELD | CHAR |
219 | T331_NEGAT | Indicator: negative stock quantity allowed | XFELD | CHAR |
220 | T331_NODIF | No difference posting allowed in this storage type | T331_NODIF | CHAR |
221 | T331_NOGIS | No goods issue posting allowed for this storage type | T331_NOGIS | CHAR |
222 | T331_NOGRE | Goods receipt posting not allowed for this storage type | T331_NOGRE | CHAR |
223 | T331_NOTRP | Posting changes to this storage type not allowed | T331_NOTRP | CHAR |
224 | T331_PIKTA | Control for HU pick | T331_PIKTA | CHAR |
225 | T331_PRBER | Indicator: storage section check active | T331_PRBER | CHAR |
226 | T331_PRLET | Ind: Activate storage unit type check for stock placement | XFELD | CHAR |
227 | T331_QUAUS | Indicator: confirmation of stock removal required | XFELD | CHAR |
228 | T331_QUEIN | Indicator: Confirmation of Putaway Required | XFELD | CHAR |
229 | T331_RDMNG | Round off requested quantity for stock removal | XFELD | CHAR |
230 | T331_REPLT | Replenishment method in the storage type | T331_REPLT | CHAR |
231 | T331_RLTYP | Return storage type | LGTYP | CHAR |
232 | T331_SFIFO | Indicator: no stock removal if strict FIFO removal strat.set | XFELD | CHAR |
233 | T331_SKZAU | Blocking indicator: block storage bin for stock removals | XFELD | CHAR |
234 | T331_SKZEI | Blocking indicator: block bin for placement into stock | XFELD | CHAR |
235 | T331_SPAUS | Set blocking indicator at time of stock removal | LVS_SPERR | CHAR |
236 | T331_SPEIN | Set blocking indicator at time of placement into storage | LVS_SPERR | CHAR |
237 | T331_STAUS | Stock Removal Strategy | T331_STAUS | CHAR |
238 | T331_STEIN | Putaway strategy | T331_STEIN | CHAR |
239 | T331_TBZUG | Database access to trans. requirements during qty reduction | TBZUG | CHAR |
240 | T331_UEBER | Indicator: retain overdeliveries | XFELD | CHAR |
241 | T331_USAUS | Stock removal strategy via user exit | XFELD | CHAR |
242 | T331_USEIN | Stock placement strategy via user exit | XFELD | CHAR |
243 | T331_VOLLE | Indicator: complete stock removal required | XFELD | CHAR |
244 | T331_VRUCK | Indicator: Upon transfer return quantity to same storage bin | XFELD | CHAR |
245 | T331_ZULAG | Indicator: addition to existing stock allowed | T331_ZULAG | CHAR |
246 | T333BTRATX | Text for shipment type | TEXT12 | CHAR |
247 | T333MMBUSR | Sent mail to user in document | XFELD | CHAR |
248 | T333NBEAR1 | Create transfer orders without additional criteria | XFELD | CHAR |
249 | T333NBEAR2 | Create transfer orders using criteria | T333NBEAR2 | CHAR |
250 | T333NBEAR3 | Create transfer orders using reference number | T333NBEAR3 | CHAR |
251 | T333OAUTAT | Text for automatic TO creation | T333OAUTAT | CHAR |
252 | T333UBSTQ1 | Stock category source | BESTQ | CHAR |
253 | T333UBSTQ2 | Stock category DESTINATION | BESTQ | CHAR |
254 | T333USOKZ1 | Special stock indicator SRC | SOBKZ | CHAR |
255 | T333USOKZ2 | Special stock indicator DESTINATION | SOBKZ | CHAR |
256 | T333_ABILD | Screen for creation of transfer orders | T333_ABILD | CHAR |
257 | T333_ABITX | Name of initial screen for creating transfer orders | TEXT12 | CHAR |
258 | T333_DBILD | Standard View for Display of TO Items | T333_DBILD | CHAR |
259 | T333_FEHLT | Indicator: pre-allocated stock to be considered | XFELD | CHAR |
260 | T333_LPMAN | Indicator: manual input of storage bins during TO creation | XFELD | CHAR |
261 | T333_NFIXP | Indicator: use fixed bin as destination bin | XFELD | CHAR |
262 | T333_NKDYN | Indicator: dynamic destination bin | XFELD | CHAR |
263 | T333_NLPLA | Destination Storage Bin | LGPLA | CHAR |
264 | T333_NLTYP | Destination Storage Type | LGTYP | CHAR |
265 | T333_NO2ST | No two-step confirmation | XFELD | CHAR |
266 | T333_NO2ST_HU | No two-step confirmation | XFELD | CHAR |
267 | T333_NSCHN | Ind.: interim storage posting for dest.stor.type and bin | XFELD | CHAR |
268 | T333_PIKTA | Control for HU pick | T333_PIKTA | CHAR |
269 | T333_QBILD | Screen for transfer order confirmation | T333_QBILD | CHAR |
270 | T333_RLPLA | Return storage bin | LGPLA | CHAR |
271 | T333_RLTYP | Return storage type | LGTYP | CHAR |
272 | T333_RULES | Stock determination rule | BF_RULES | CHAR |
273 | T333_SQUIT | Ind: The transfer order item may be confirmed immediately. | XFELD | CHAR |
274 | T333_TBMAN | Ind: manual creation of a transfer requirement is allowed | XFELD | CHAR |
275 | T333_TBOBL | Indicator: manual creation of transfer order not allowed | XFELD | CHAR |
276 | T333_UELIE | Overdeliveries required | XFELD | CHAR |
277 | T333_VEPST | Packaging control in WM | XFELD | CHAR |
278 | T333_VFIXP | 1nd: use fixed bin as source bin | XFELD | CHAR |
279 | T333_VKDYN | Indicator: dynamic source bin | XFELD | CHAR |
280 | T333_VLPLA | Source storage bin | LGPLA | CHAR |
281 | T333_VLTYP | Source Storage Type | LGTYP | CHAR |
282 | T333_VQUIT | Ind: Propose confirmation upon creation of TO item. | XFELD | CHAR |
283 | T333_VSCHN | Ind: interim storage posting for source stor.type and bin | XFELD | CHAR |
284 | T333_WEDAT | Indicator: set goods receipt data in quant | XFELD | CHAR |
285 | T333_WMMUE | Post WM quantity as delivery quantity and goods movement | LVS_WMMUE | CHAR |
286 | T334TKZEAR | Indicator: storage type search | T334TKZEAR | CHAR |
287 | T334UBESTQ | Consideration of the stock category | XFELD | CHAR |
288 | T334UBWREF | Consideration of reference to movement type | XFELD | CHAR |
289 | T334ULAGKL | Consideration of storage class | XFELD | CHAR |
290 | T334ULANUM | Sequence number | T334ULANUM | NUMC |
291 | T334ULGREF | Consideration of storage location reference | XFELD | CHAR |
292 | T334ULGTKZ | Consideration of storage type indicators | XFELD | CHAR |
293 | T334USOBKZ | Consideration of special stock indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
294 | T334UWGFKL | Consideration of water pollution class | XFELD | CHAR |
295 | T335_ABWEI | Deviation between book inventory and counted inventory | RL04IABWEI | DEC |
296 | T335_ALGPL | Ind: display storage bin during entry of counted results | XFELD | CHAR |
297 | T335_AMATN | Ind: display material during entry of counted results | XFELD | CHAR |
298 | T335_ERART | Input method for inventory counts | RL04IERART | CHAR |
299 | T335_FSEIT | Input of quants on next page allowed | XFELD | CHAR |
300 | T335_MATDR | Indicator: material data to appear on inventory list | XFELD | CHAR |
301 | T335_ZWEIZ | Indicator: double-line entry | XFELD | CHAR |
302 | T336_ABWEI | Variance in % starting from which dialog box is suppressed | T336_ABWEI | DEC |
303 | T336_ABWEI_HU | Variance in % starting from which diff. box is suppressed | T336_ABWEI_HU | DEC |
304 | T336_DTEXT | Description for type of difference indicator | TEXT25 | CHAR |
305 | T336_KZTAN | Ind: difference storage bin same as transfer order number | XFELD | CHAR |
306 | T336_KZVPL | Indicator: difference storage bin same as source bin | XFELD | CHAR |
307 | T336_LGPLA | Difference storage bin | LGPLA | CHAR |
308 | T336_LGTYP | Difference storage type | LGTYP | CHAR |
309 | T336_LGYTP | Difference storage type | LGTYP | CHAR |
310 | T336_TBFOR | Update transfer requirement | T336_TBFOR | CHAR |
311 | T337AMAXQU | Maximum number of quants per bin section | T337AMAXQU | DEC |
312 | T337BANZSA | Maximum number of stacks in a block | T337BANZSA | DEC |
313 | T337BMAXLE | Maximum number of storage units in the block | LAGP_MAXLE | DEC |
314 | T337BMAXST | Maximum stack height in the block | T337BMAXST | DEC |
315 | T337C_EBENE | Level as component of the storage bin coordinate | T337C_EBENE | CHAR |
316 | T337C_SUCHB | Search width for putaway strategy K per level | T337C_SUCHB | INT4 |
317 | T337D_GANG | Row (aisle) as component of storage bin coordinate | T337D_GANG | NUMC |
318 | T337D_REGAL | Shelf as component of storage bin number | T337D_REGAL | NUMC |
319 | T338_BTEXT | Description of bulk storage indicator | TEXT25 | CHAR |
320 | T340DBWFRM | WM Movement Type for Floor Ready Merchandise | BWLVS | NUMC |
321 | T340DBWMIN | Movement type: clearing negative inventory differences | BWLVS | NUMC |
322 | T340DBWPLU | Movement type: posting positive inventory differences | BWLVS | NUMC |
323 | T340DBWUMP | Movement type for repacking onto HUs | BWLVS | NUMC |
324 | T340DCHSBL | Consider batch-neutral bulk areas despite batch search | XFELD | CHAR |
325 | T340DDECSY | Reference to external warehouse management | /SPE/DECSY | CHAR |
326 | T340DFGVNQ | Separate confirmation of pick and transfer | XFELD | CHAR |
327 | T340DKAPPC | Indicator: activate link to subsystem | T340DKZSUB | CHAR |
328 | T340DKOSPL | Split transfer order based on the picking area | T340DKOSPL | CHAR |
329 | T340DKZSCH | Indicator: Posting to interim stor.bin movement type | XFELD | CHAR |
330 | T340DLENVW | Indicator: Storage unit management engaged | XFELD | CHAR |
331 | T340DLISPL | Delivery split according to warehouse number | XFELD | CHAR |
332 | T340DMFCHA | Indicator: error processing if batch number is missing | LVS_MESGE | CHAR |
333 | T340DMINWM | Storage bin stock is not managed in this warehouse number | XFELD | CHAR |
334 | T340DMNGPP | Ind. for compl.mat.staging for transf.requirements from PP | XFELD | CHAR |
335 | T340DMTBPS | Maximum number of items per transfer requirement | LTBK_ANZPS | DEC |
336 | T340DNAKAP | Ind: error processing if capacity check data is missing | LVS_MESGE | CHAR |
337 | T340DNALEI | Message handing for performance data | T340DNALEI | CHAR |
338 | T340DPIPAS | Pick and pack allowed during TO confirmation | XFELD | CHAR |
339 | T340DREPID | Name of print report | PROGNAME | CHAR |
340 | T340DTEILV | Ind: partial picking allowed for (sales) delivery notes | XFELD | CHAR |
341 | T340DVERLE | Type of number assignment for storage units | T340DVERLE | CHAR |
342 | T340DVOME1 | First default value for unit of measure | LVS_VOME | CHAR |
343 | T340DVOME2 | Second default value for unit of measure | LVS_VOME | CHAR |
344 | T340DWMPPI | Active WM-PP interface | XFELD | CHAR |
345 | T340D_CHARR | Batch confirmation to PP for fixed production storage bins | XFELD | CHAR |
346 | T340D_CMACT | Indicator: Change Management for Decentralized WMS Active | /SPE/T340D_CMACT | CHAR |
347 | T340D_CMOFF_BACKGROUND | Emergency Control of Change Management in Background | T340D_CMOFF_BACKGROUND | CHAR |
348 | T340D_CMOFF_FOREGROUND | Emergency Control of Change Management in Foreground | T340D_CMOFF_FOREGROUND | CHAR |
349 | T340D_DBTCH | Distribution Mode for the Delivery | T340D_DBTCH | CHAR |
350 | T340D_EAPLA | Storage bin to which packed or unpacked qty is posted | LGPLA | CHAR |
351 | T340D_EATYP | Storage type to which packed or unpacked qty is posted | LGTYP | CHAR |
352 | T340_BWLVS | Identification point for movement type for stock placement | BWLVS | NUMC |
353 | T340_FCODE | Default function code for request screen | FCODE | CHAR |
354 | T340_KWVZP | Time of comparison for forming picking waves | T340_KWVZP | CHAR |
355 | T342TPFSTA | GUI status | PFSTATUS_2 | CHAR |
356 | T342_FCCAL | Function code for calling up a call screen | FCODE | CHAR |
357 | T342_FCODE | Function code | FCODE | CHAR |
358 | T342_FDYNP | Number of Next Screen | DYNPRONR | NUMC |
359 | T342_LDYNP | Number of current screen | DYNPRONR | NUMC |
360 | T342_MODNR | Number of subroutine | T342_MODNR | CHAR |
361 | T342_MODPL | Name of module pool | T342_MODPL | CHAR |
362 | T342_NFCDU | Default function code for background processing | FCODE | CHAR |
363 | T342_NFCHE | Default function code for online processing | FCODE | CHAR |
364 | T342_VORDY | Dynamic activity type | T342_VORDY | CHAR |
365 | T342_VORGR | Indicator: reset activity | XFELD | CHAR |
366 | T343J_STELL | Certain position of storage bin in the index | T343_STELL | CHAR |
367 | T343XYZ_ANGLE | Angle for the orientation of a storage type in degrees | T343XYZ_ANGLE | DEC |
368 | T343XYZ_XINCR | Increment in X-Direction | T343XYZ_INCRE | QUAN |
369 | T343XYZ_XINCX | Increment in X-Direction calculated by angle and X-Increment | T343XYZ_INCRE | QUAN |
370 | T343XYZ_XINCY | Increment in X-Direction calculated by angle and Y-Increment | T343XYZ_INCRE | QUAN |
371 | T343XYZ_XSTRU | Pointer to Structure for X | T343XYZ_STRUC | CHAR |
372 | T343XYZ_XZERO | X Coordinate of the start bin | LTRM_COORD | QUAN |
373 | T343XYZ_YINCR | Increment in Y-Direction | T343XYZ_INCRE | QUAN |
374 | T343XYZ_YINCX | Increment in Y-Direction calculated by angle and X-Increment | T343XYZ_INCRE | QUAN |
375 | T343XYZ_YINCY | Increment in Y-Direction calculated by angle and Y-Increment | T343XYZ_INCRE | QUAN |
376 | T343XYZ_YSTRU | Pointer to Structure for Y | T343XYZ_STRUC | CHAR |
377 | T343XYZ_YZERO | Y Coordinate of the start bin | LTRM_COORD | QUAN |
378 | T343XYZ_ZINCR | Increment in Z-Direction | T343XYZ_INCRE | QUAN |
379 | T343XYZ_ZSTRU | Pointer to Structure for Z | T343XYZ_STRUC | CHAR |
380 | T343XYZ_ZZERO | Z Coordinate of the start bin | LTRM_COORD | QUAN |
381 | T343_ENDWE | End value of storage bins for automatic creation | LGPLA | CHAR |
382 | T343_INCRE | Increment for bins for automatic creation | LGPLA | CHAR |
383 | T343_SCHAB | Format of bin coordinate for automatic creation | LGPLA | CHAR |
384 | T343_STAWE | Start value of storage bins for automatic creation | LGPLA | CHAR |
385 | T343_STELL | Certain position of storage bin in the index | T343_STELL | CHAR |
386 | T343_STRUK | Structure of storage bins for automatic creation | LGPLA | CHAR |
387 | T344_LENKA | Storage unit number - conversion exit | T344_LENKA | CHAR |
388 | T344_LNGTH | Input/output length for storage unit numbers | T344_LNGTH | NUMC |
389 | T345_DELST | Indicator: WM/PP material staging through deliveries | XFELD | CHAR |
390 | T346QALM | Queue access limitation | T346QALM | CHAR |
391 | T347AKZINA | deactivate activity for link | XFELD | CHAR |
392 | T347ANLTYP | Destination storage type | LGTYP | CHAR |
393 | T347AVLTYP | Source storage type | LGTYP | CHAR |
394 | T4000 | Header for Screen 4000 | TEXT1 | CHAR |
395 | T5020 | Header for Screen 5020 | TEXT1 | CHAR |
396 | T512B_APPL | Application ID for Table T512B | T512B_APPL | CHAR |
397 | T51R5KEY | Table T51R5 key | CHAR | |
398 | T530D_D | NN | CHAR1 | CHAR |
399 | T530L_D | Reference to T530L | TABLG | CHAR |
400 | T558A_D | Table | CHAR1 | CHAR |
401 | T596N_SUM | Summary via T596N | XFELD | CHAR |
402 | T646BAGGRT | Name for state of aggregation | TEXT20 | CHAR |
403 | T646HGVTXT | Name of danger | TEXT30 | CHAR |
404 | T646MLAGKT | Name of storage class | TEXT60 | CHAR |
405 | T646SREGKT | Name of region code | TEXT20 | CHAR |
406 | T646WGVTXT | Description of warehouse danger | TEXT30 | CHAR |
407 | T68200003 | Documentation for key figure T682 00003 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
408 | T68200004 | Documentation for key figure T682 00004 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
409 | T68200005 | Documentation for key figure T682 00005 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
410 | T68200071 | Documentation for key figure T682 00071 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
411 | T77QPACTIV | Flag: Include field when generating | KREUZ | CHAR |
412 | T77QPFIELD | Field name of infotype: defines selection criterion | FDNAME | CHAR |
413 | T77QPPRIOX | Entry sequence on selection screen to be generated | CHAR2 | CHAR |
414 | T77QPTABNA | Name of infotype structure (Pnnnn; nnnn = infotype number) | AS4TAB | CHAR |
415 | T77T0_PROF | Profiles for RHDESC20 | CHAR8 | CHAR |
416 | TAADF | Transport flag: Imputed costs definitions (plan and actual) | FLAG | CHAR |
417 | TAB | Number of Tab | FTPD_TAB | NUMC |
418 | TAB07_KK | Structure | AS4TAB | CHAR |
419 | TABAB_110 | Number of the First Entry Displayed | NUM03 | NUMC |
420 | TABACT | Current device location from device location list | CHAR_LG_04 | CHAR |
421 | TABACTIVE | Tab in Notification Processing Active | XFELD | CHAR |
422 | TABAG | Table for ER share | CHAR3 | CHAR |
423 | TABAK | IS-H: Tatsächliche Betten - allgemeine Gebührenklasse (AT) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
424 | TABART | Data class in technical settings | TABART | CHAR |
425 | TABAU | MD: Indicator for setting up collective display | CHAR1 | CHAR |
426 | TABAV | Use in tables/explosion down to tables | XFLAG | CHAR |
427 | TABBJ_KK | Table Name | AS4TAB | CHAR |
428 | TABBUFQ | Table buffer quality | QUALITY | DEC |
429 | TABCA | Number of entries displayed | INT4_NOS | INT4 |
430 | TABCLASS | Table category | TABCLASS | CHAR |
431 | TABCLASS_DBTB | Table Kind for DB Tables (for Search Help) | TABCLASS_DBTB | CHAR |
432 | TABCLASS_STRUC | Table Kind for DB Tables (for Search Help) | TABCLASS_STRUC | CHAR |
433 | TABCLTEXT | Type of a table or structure | TEXT35 | CHAR |
434 | TABCNT | Processed Table Lines | NUMC | |
435 | TABCOUNT | Processed Table Lines | NUMC | |
436 | TABCT | Total number of processed entries | INT4_NOS | INT4 |
437 | TABDISPLAY | Presentation of the selection screens on tab pages | FLAG | CHAR |
438 | TABEL | Tax Table Type | P05_TABEL | CHAR |
439 | TABELEMENT | Dummy data element | TABDOMAENE | RAW |
440 | TABELLE | Name of database table for object | OBJEKTTAB | CHAR |
441 | TABELLE_1 | Table 1 | AS4TAB | CHAR |
442 | TABELLE_2 | Table 2 | AS4TAB | CHAR |
443 | TABELLE_3 | Table 3 | AS4TAB | CHAR |
444 | TABELLE_4 | Table 4 | AS4TAB | CHAR |
445 | TABENTRIES | SAP MaxDB: Number of Current Table Locks | CHAR26 | CHAR |
446 | TABFB | Table Exemption Amount | PRBETRG | CURR |
447 | TABFD | Table Field Name | TABFD | CHAR |
448 | TABFDPOS | Position of the field in the table | AS4POS | NUMC |
449 | TABFIELDS | Flag for table field where-used list | AUSWAHL | CHAR |
450 | TABFLAG_D | Flag of length 1 byte for table attributes | NTABSHORT | RAW |
451 | TABFLDNAME | Field name | FDNAME | CHAR |
452 | TABFORM | How the Dictionary object is implemented in the database | TABFORM | CHAR |
453 | TABFROM | Read path for structure reader: Start entity | EFKKTAB | CHAR |
454 | TABG1 | Table for total amount | CHAR2 | CHAR |
455 | TABGD | Transport flag: Imputed cost data | FLAG | CHAR |
456 | TABGDAT | Technically complete date | DATUM | DATS |
457 | TABGR | Table size | FLAG | CHAR |
458 | TABGS_110 | Number of Entries | NUM03 | NUMC |
459 | TABHA | Dependencies | TXNUM | CHAR |
460 | TABHEAD | Notification: Tab Header | TEXT40 | CHAR |
461 | TABHEADING | Tab Strip text for Dependent Objects | TABHEADING | CHAR |
462 | TABHITRAVG | Medium hit rate | TABHITRATO | DEC |
463 | TABHITRDIR | Hit rate of direct read accesses | TABHITRATO | DEC |
464 | TABHITRSEQ | Hit rate of sequential read accesses | TABHITRATO | DEC |
465 | TABHK | Origin table | CHAR10 | CHAR |
466 | TABID | Matrix ID | TABID | CHAR |
467 | TABID_MIGR_KK | Data Object for Migration of Credit Card Encryption (ALV) | CHAR30 | CHAR |
468 | TABINDEX | Index for the table record | TABIX | INT4 |
469 | TABINDEX_PS | Table Index | INT4 | |
470 | TABIXENTRY | TABIX of Entry in ENTRYTAB | INT4 | INT4 |
471 | TABIX_CHAR | Table index | CHAR5 | CHAR |
472 | TABIX_D | Field defined as in SY-TABIX | TABIX | INT4 |
473 | TABKAT | Size category | TABKAT | CHAR |
474 | TABKEY | Table Key | CHAR120 | CHAR |
475 | TABKEY120 | Data Element (Lower- and Uppercase) for TRE071KX | TEXT120 | CHAR |
476 | TABKEYL | Area for table key | TABKEYL | CHAR |
477 | TABKEY_B_KK | Key of Changed Object | CHAR35 | CHAR |
478 | TABKZ | Pricing: make sales price entries in export tables | TABKZ | CHAR |
479 | TABL1024 | Table analysis: For external table data up to length 1024 | TABL1024 | RAW |
480 | TABL32768 | Structure 32 K | TABL32768 | RAW |
481 | TABL4096 | Empty table 4096 | TABL4096 | RAW |
482 | TABL8000 | Container for 8000 bytes | TABL8000 | RAW |
483 | TABLANGFLD_UMG | Name of the Language Field in the MSA table | CHAR100 | CHAR |
484 | TABLECLASS | Table Type of Specified Table | TABCLASS | CHAR |
485 | TABLEFID | Id of table of lock waited on | CHAR | |
486 | TABLEN | Table name (4 digits) | CHAR4 | CHAR |
487 | TABLENA | Table Name | CHAR | |
488 | TABLENAM | Name of table to be processed | AS4TAB | CHAR |
489 | TABLENAMEO | Oracle: dba_tables.table_name? | CHAR30 | CHAR |
490 | TABLENAME_ | Table name for transferring to user | TABNAME | CHAR |
491 | TABLENAME_10 | Table name length 10 | CHAR | |
492 | TABLENAME_TEXT | Table Name | TEXT20 | CHAR |
493 | TABLENAME_UMG | Name of the MSA Language dependent table | CHAR100 | CHAR |
494 | TABLENG | Application analysis: Length of a table entry | INT4 | INT4 |
495 | TABLENGTH | Table length in bytes | DDRAW4 | RAW |
496 | TABLENO | BSI: Table number | NUM2 | NUMC |
497 | TABLEOWNER | Oracle: dba_tables.owner | CHAR30 | CHAR |
498 | TABLESCANS | SAP DB: Number of Table Scans | CHAR26 | CHAR |
499 | TABLESIZE | Table size used in tables history (transaction DB02) | DEC15 | DEC |
500 | TABLESLI_3 | Name of reference structure for TABLES parameter | TABLESLI_3 | CHAR |