SAP ABAP Data Element - Index T
Data Element - T
# Data Element Short Description Domain Data Type
1 T000_DEL Delete entry from T000 X CHAR 
2 T001W_NAME1 Name Delivering Plant TEXT30 CHAR 
3 T016T_BRTXT Industry Names TEXT20 CHAR 
4 T0500 Screen Text for Screen 0500 CHAR20 CHAR 
5 T080A_LFD Sequence number of container definition NUMC3 NUMC 
6 T090Y_FAKT Weighting proportion for depreciation period QANZAHL2 INT2 
7 T090Y_SUM Total of period weighting proportions QANZAHL2 INT2 
8 T093B_AKPL Indicator for managing group assets XFELD CHAR 
9 T093SB_LFD Sequence Number of Substitution NUMC3 NUMC 
10 T1000GDATE Delimitation date DATUM DATS 
11 T134_FLAG T134 Check FLAG CHAR 
12 T141_FELD Field from table T141 relevant for reading T141T ROLLNAME CHAR 
13 T151T_KTEXT Name Customer Group TEXT20 CHAR 
14 T160MVL_APPLI Application where controllable error messages are used T160MVL_APPLI CHAR 
15 T160MVL_GLOMD Call type of a program (online / collective processing) T160MVL_GLOMD CHAR 
16 T160MVL_REFMD Work phase T160MVL_REFMD CHAR 
17 T171T_BZTXT Name of the district TEXT20 CHAR 
18 T188T_VTEXT Name Price Group Customer TEXT20 CHAR 
19 T189T_PTEXT Name Price List TEXT20 CHAR 
20 T2CNA Address supplement: Attendee's temporary address TEXT25 CHAR 
21 T2LND Country key: Attendee's temporary address LAND1 CHAR 
22 T2ORT City: Attendee's temporary address TEXT20 CHAR 
23 T2PLZ Postal code: attendee's temporary address PSTLZ CHAR 
24 T2REG Region: attendee's second address REGIO CHAR 
25 T2ST2 Street and house number (extended): attendee's temp. address TEXT35 CHAR 
26 T2STR Street and house number: Attendee's temporary address TEXT30 CHAR 
27 T308_DPMBN Dynamic storage bin - material document number XFELD CHAR 
28 T308_DYPMB Dynamic bin to be created from material document number XFELD CHAR 
29 T310_ISTMA Actual quantity MENG13 QUAN 
30 T310_LANUM Sequence number T310_LANUM NUMC 
31 T310_SOLMA Target quantity in alternative unit MENG13 QUAN 
32 T311ABSTA2 Processing status for allocation 2-step picking XFELD CHAR 
33 T311ABSTAD Processing status for allocation 2-step picking XFELD CHAR 
34 T311ABSTAT Processing status of document in WM reference number XFELD CHAR 
35 T311AVSTA2 Status "TO creation successful" for allocation 2-step pckg XFELD CHAR 
36 T311AVSTAD Status "TO creation successful" for direct picking ( XFELD CHAR 
37 T311AVSTAT Status "TO Creation Successful for Complete Quantities" XFELD CHAR 
38 T311DATUM Creation date of reference number DATUM DATS 
39 T311DRDAT Date of printout using reference number DATUM DATS 
40 T311KZAKT Indicator: multiple processing activated for reference no. XFELD CHAR 
41 T311KZDRU Indicator: Printout for Reference Number Complete XFELD CHAR 
42 T311KZSPE Indicator: reference number blocked XFELD CHAR 
43 T311LDATUM Creation date of the run DATUM DATS 
44 T311LKZDIFKZDI Indicator: TOs confirmed with differences for the run XFELD CHAR 
45 T311LKZDRU Indicator: Release/Print for the ref. number started XFELD CHAR 
46 T311LKZERL Indicator: TO creation completed for the run XFELD CHAR 
47 T311LKZKOM Indicator: Communication to WCU for the run completed XFELD CHAR 
48 T311LKZQUI Indicator: Multiple processing (TOs) confirmed for the run XFELD CHAR 
49 T311LL2SKA Picking step in 2-step picking LVS_2SKTAART CHAR 
50 T311LLANUM Sequence number T310_LANUM NUMC 
51 T311LUZEIT Creation time of the run UZEIT TIMS 
52 T311_KZERL Ind: TO Creation Executed for All Documents XFELD CHAR 
53 T311_KZKOM Indicator that communication with WCU has taken place XFELD CHAR 
54 T311_KZUPD Indicator for update T311_KZUPD CHAR 
55 T311_L2SKP 2-step relevancy for reference number checked XFELD CHAR 
56 T311_L2SKR Relevance for Two-Step Picking LVS_2SKREL CHAR 
57 T312B_ZEIEI Time unit for target time MEINS UNIT 
58 T312SGRUWE Group change when printing combined list XFELD CHAR 
59 T312SSORPO Sorting pool AS4TAB CHAR 
60 T312SSORRI Sort direction for sorting in WM XFELD CHAR 
61 T312_PRLEI Profile for performance data T312_PRLEI CHAR 
62 T312_PRSPL Profile for transfer order split T312_PRSPL CHAR 
63 T312_ZEIEI Time unit for definition of target times MEINS UNIT 
64 T3130EDSCRN Dummy screen number for screen exits RF_LSCRN CHAR 
65 T3130FSCRTP Screen Categorization CHAR10 CHAR 
66 T3130GLITEM Last transfer order item on the screen XFELD CHAR 
67 T3130GLVERI Last verification or input field on the screen XFELD CHAR 
68 T3130GPUSHX Function code that should be executed on an RF screen SYCHAR70 CHAR 
69 T313AAULDC Automatic load control function XFELD CHAR 
70 T313ADISPL Skip source information during putaway in LE XFELD CHAR 
71 T313ANLTYP Destination Storage Type LGTYP CHAR 
72 T313APROFI Verification profile for mobile data entry T313APROFI CHAR 
73 T313AVLTYP Source Storage Type LGTYP CHAR 
74 T313BVDBAT Verify batch at destination bin T313BVEBAT NUMC 
75 T313BVDBIN Verify destination storage bin XFELD CHAR 
76 T313BVDESU Verification of storage unit at destination storage bin XFELD CHAR 
77 T313BVDMAT Verify material at destination storage bin T313BVEMAT NUMC 
78 T313BVDQUA Veriry quantity at destination storage bin XFELD CHAR 
79 T313BVSBAT Verify batch at source storage bin T313BVEBAT NUMC 
80 T313BVSBIN Verify source storage bin XFELD CHAR 
81 T313BVSMAT Verify material at source storage bin T313BVEMAT NUMC 
82 T313BVSOSU Verify storage unit at source storage bin XFELD CHAR 
83 T313BVSQUA Verify quantity at source storage bin XFELD CHAR 
84 T313CBINAI Storage bin application identifier T313DAITYP CHAR 
85 T313CBTHAI Batch application identifier T313DAITYP CHAR 
86 T313CDELAI Delivery application identifier T313DAITYP CHAR 
87 T313CHUMAI Handling unit application identifier T313DAITYP CHAR 
88 T313CMATAI Material application identifier T313DAITYP CHAR 
89 T313CMSAAI MS area application identifier T313DAITYP CHAR 
90 T313CQTYAI Quantity application identifier T313DAITYP CHAR 
91 T313CSUMAI Storage unit application identifier T313DAITYP CHAR 
92 T313CTRKAI Shipment (Shipment ID) application identifier T313DAITYP CHAR 
93 T313CWAVAI Group application identifier T313DAITYP CHAR 
94 T313DAICHK Additional Checks for AI NUMC3 NUMC 
95 T313DAIDEF Application identifier is defined BOOLE CHAR 
96 T313DAIDEL Delimiter for Variable Bar Code Lengths BOOLE CHAR 
97 T313DAIEVL Variable length must be even BOOLE CHAR 
98 T313DAIFOR Format of application identifier T313DAIFOR CHAR 
99 T313DAILEN Length of application identified (AI) NUMC2 NUMC 
100 T313DAINKL Number of places in AI for decimal figures NUMC1 NUMC 
101 T313DAISUB Partial field / subdivision of an application identifier T313DAISUB NUMC 
102 T313DAITYP Application identifier type T313DAITYP CHAR 
103 T313DAIVAL Application identifier (AI) T313DAIVAL CHAR 
104 T313DAIVLA Addition factor for AI length specification NUMC1 NUMC 
105 T313DAIVLL Number of places in AI for variable length specification NUMC1 NUMC 
106 T313DAIVLM Multiplier for AI length specification NUMC1 NUMC 
107 T313DAIVSC AI is provided for logistical units with variable quantity BOOLE CHAR 
109 T313DAPPLI Application for bar code type T313DAPPLI NUMC 
110 T313EAITEX Description of Field Definition T313EAITEX CHAR 
111 T313FSEQNO Sequence number NUMC3 NUMC 
112 T313FUPROF User profile for mobile data entry in the warehouse CHAR10 CHAR 
113 T313GAIDEL Delimiter for Variable Bar Code Lengths SCHAR10 CHAR 
114 T313GMAXLE Maximum length for a bar code type NUMC1 NUMC 
115 T313GMINLE Minimum length for a bar code type NUMC1 NUMC 
116 T313GPREFI Bar code type prefix CHAR10 CHAR 
117 T319AUTHU Flag for automatic creation of a pick-HU T319AUTHU CHAR 
118 T319UEXIT Flag: Create user exit for creating pick HU during TO XFELD CHAR 
119 T319_NLTYP Control pick-HU creation: Destination storage type LGTYP CHAR 
120 T319_VLTYP Control pick HU creation: Source storage type LGTYP CHAR 
121 T320AKUMUL Indicator: Combination of quantities for posting change XFELD CHAR 
122 T320AMAILK Mail control for posting change in Inventory Management LVS_MAILK CHAR 
123 T320_CENSY Reference to central ERP system XFELD CHAR 
124 T320_OBTYP Picking area (storage type) for Lean WM LGTYP CHAR 
125 T321BWMSNO Stock is managed in external WMS XFELD CHAR 
126 T321DDIFFV Indicator: Include differences in source storage bin XFELD CHAR 
127 T321DKZDIF Indicator: transaction definition for difference posting XFELD CHAR 
128 T321DKZDMD Indicator: Pass on differences to R/2 (RM posting) LVS_KZVNM CHAR 
129 T321DKZNMD Indicator: Pass on destination TO items to R/2 (RM posting) LVS_KZVNM CHAR 
130 T321DKZVMD Indicator: Pass on source TO items to R/2 (RM posting) LVS_KZVNM CHAR 
131 T321KBWNEG Movement type for posting negative stocks BWLVS NUMC 
132 T321KBWPLU Movement type for posting positive stocks BWLVS NUMC 
133 T321KKZDIF Indicator: Pass on differences to HOST (R/2) XFELD CHAR 
134 T321_BSTQA Stock category for stock remov.posting BESTQ CHAR 
135 T321_BSTQE Stock category for stock placement posting BESTQ CHAR 
136 T321_TAFKZ Indicator: Create transfer order immediately T321_TAFKZ CHAR 
137 T321_TBFKZ Indicator: Creation/Cancellation of a Transfer Requirement T321_TBFKZ CHAR 
138 T321_UBFKZ Indicator: Creation of a Posting Change Notice XFELD CHAR 
139 T321_WEDKZ Indicator: generate goods receipt date T321_WEDKZ CHAR 
140 T321_WENUM Window for entry of additional data T321_POPUP CHAR 
141 T322_BWMIN Movement type: clear negative inventory differences BWART CHAR 
142 T322_BWPLU Movement type: post positive inventory differences BWART CHAR 
143 T323MMAUSG Log. error handling WMS - Write MAIL in outgoing file XFELD CHAR 
144 T323PFMAIL Send mail after CPI-C or logical error XFELD CHAR 
145 T323PMMAIL Send mail after creation of material XFELD CHAR 
146 T323PPROFH Logging Error During R/2 - ECC Link XFELD CHAR 
147 T323PPROKS Logging of communication records from R/2 XFELD CHAR 
148 T325DUNKL Foreground/Background control for inspection sample dialog LVS_DUNKL CHAR 
149 T325QMSTE Indicator: Control for WM-QM interface LVS_QMSTE CHAR 
150 T3262KPRUE Initiate 2-step relevancy check during ref. no. creation LVS_2SKPRUE CHAR 
151 T326_BWLVS WM movement type for removal TO in 2-step picking BWLVS NUMC 
152 T327AKZINA Indicator: deactivate activity for link XFELD CHAR 
153 T327ALANUM Sequence number T327ALANUM NUMC 
154 T327ANLTYP Destination Storage Type LGTYP CHAR 
155 T327AQUSUB Confirmation indicator: Separate confirmation f. ext. system RL03TQUKNZ CHAR 
156 T327AVLTYP Source Storage Type LGTYP CHAR 
157 T327BFNAME Function module for the IDOC structure FUNCNAME CHAR 
158 T327BKZINA Indicator: deactivate activity for link XFELD CHAR 
159 T327_KNTYP Indicator: link record to destination storage type XFELD CHAR 
160 T327_KVTYP Indicator: link record to source storage type XFELD CHAR 
161 T327_NLTYP Destination Storage Type LGTYP CHAR 
162 T327_VLTYP Source Storage Type LGTYP CHAR 
163 T328_DATYP Date reference in reference document T328_DATYP CHAR 
164 T328_DYNPL Indicator: Dynamic storage bin XFELD CHAR 
165 T328_FBKAL Warehouse activity monitor: Factory calendar WFCID CHAR 
166 T328_KZEIT Warehouse activity monitor: Critical duration of time LVS_ZEITD QUAN 
167 T328_KZTTB Whse act. monitor: Critical duration for immed. TO creation LVS_ZEITD QUAN 
168 T328_LFSTG Select partially processed deliveries also XFELD CHAR 
169 T328_NLTYP Warehouse activity monitor: Destination storage type LGTYP CHAR 
170 T328_VLTYP Warehouse activity monitor: Source storage type LGTYP CHAR 
171 T328_ZEINH Warehouse activity monitor: Time unit for critical duration MEINS UNIT 
172 T328_ZEITB Warehouse activity monitor: Time unit for immed. TO creation MEINS UNIT 
173 T329DNIDR2 Indicator: do not print storage unit slip XFELD CHAR 
174 T329DNIDR3 Indicator: do not print storage unit transfer order slip XFELD CHAR 
175 T329DNIDR4 Indicator: do not print storage unit contents XFELD CHAR 
176 T329DNIDR5 Indicator: Do not print labels XFELD CHAR 
177 T329DNIDR7 Indicator: Do not print HUM label XFELD CHAR 
178 T329DNIDRU Indicator: do not print transfer order item XFELD CHAR 
179 T329DNLTYP Destination Storage Type LGTYP CHAR 
180 T329DT331D Indicator: default printer from stor.ty. control table XFELD CHAR 
181 T329DVLTYP Source Storage Type LGTYP CHAR 
182 T329FDRVBU Time of printing T329FDRVBU CHAR 
183 T329FISORT Name of include for sort procedure for TO printout T329FISORT CHAR 
184 T329FPRODD Determine production data for transfer order printing XFELD CHAR 
185 T329FSAMML Indicator: print transfer orders in combined list XFELD CHAR 
186 T329FVERSD Find shipping data for printing transfer orders T329FVERSD CHAR 
187 T329SREPID Print report for printing picking list PROGNAME CHAR 
188 T329TTTEXT Description of forms for transfer order printing TEXT25 CHAR 
189 T331BABRUN Round off requested quantity to full storage units T331BABRUN CHAR 
190 T331BANBRU Indicator: Management of partial quantities XFELD CHAR 
191 T331BSENAU Indicator: Blocked for putaway after stock removal XFELD CHAR 
192 T331BSUMME Level of totals information T331BSUMME CHAR 
193 T331BVERDE Indicator: combined stock placement XFELD CHAR 
194 T331BZEITS Time limit T331BZEITS DEC 
195 T331C_ANZPM Number of storage bins of a material in reserve storage T331C_ANZPM INT4 
196 T331C_KZFME Indicator whether mat. w/o fixed bin allowed in XFELD CHAR 
197 T331C_KZRPB Ind. whether number of reserve bins limited per material XFELD CHAR 
198 T331C_RLTYP Reference storage type (fixed bin storage) for reserve stor. LGTYP CHAR 
199 T331C_STRLP Structure of stor.bin number for shelf, stack, lebel LGPLA CHAR 
200 T331LKZBSE Indicator: confirm placement into stock XFELD CHAR 
201 T331LLGKPR Priority of storage class in a storage type T331LLGKPR CHAR 
202 T331LSKZEI Blocking indicator for placement into storage XFELD CHAR 
203 T331_AKTKA Active capacity check XFELD CHAR 
204 T331_BWWMP WM movement type for internal warehouse supply BWLVS NUMC 
205 T331_GEFAL Indicator: management of hazardous materials active T331_GEFAL CHAR 
206 T331_IPTYP Identification point for storage type LGTYP CHAR 
207 T331_IPUNK Indicator: Storage type is an identification point XFELD CHAR 
208 T331_KAPAP Capacity Check Method T331_KAPAP CHAR 
209 T331_KPTYP Pick point for storage type LGTYP CHAR 
210 T331_KPUNK Indicator: Storage type is a pick point XFELD CHAR 
211 T331_KZINV Inventory method T331_KZINV CHAR 
212 T331_LENVW Indicator: Storage type with storage unit management XFELD CHAR 
213 T331_MAILK Mail control for replenishment stor.type LVS_MAILK CHAR 
214 T331_MEAUS Un.of measure type search for planned proc.time, picking TO T331_METYF CHAR 
215 T331_MEEIN Un.of measure type search for planned proc.time, plcmnt TO T331_METYF CHAR 
216 T331_MINWM Storage type does not manage bin stock XFELD CHAR 
217 T331_MISCH Indicator: mixed storage T331_MISCH CHAR 
218 T331_MRAUS Switch off quantity reduction for TOs for PP mat. staging XFELD CHAR 
219 T331_NEGAT Indicator: negative stock quantity allowed XFELD CHAR 
220 T331_NODIF No difference posting allowed in this storage type T331_NODIF CHAR 
221 T331_NOGIS No goods issue posting allowed for this storage type T331_NOGIS CHAR 
222 T331_NOGRE Goods receipt posting not allowed for this storage type T331_NOGRE CHAR 
223 T331_NOTRP Posting changes to this storage type not allowed T331_NOTRP CHAR 
224 T331_PIKTA Control for HU pick T331_PIKTA CHAR 
225 T331_PRBER Indicator: storage section check active T331_PRBER CHAR 
226 T331_PRLET Ind: Activate storage unit type check for stock placement XFELD CHAR 
227 T331_QUAUS Indicator: confirmation of stock removal required XFELD CHAR 
228 T331_QUEIN Indicator: Confirmation of Putaway Required XFELD CHAR 
229 T331_RDMNG Round off requested quantity for stock removal XFELD CHAR 
230 T331_REPLT Replenishment method in the storage type T331_REPLT CHAR 
231 T331_RLTYP Return storage type LGTYP CHAR 
232 T331_SFIFO Indicator: no stock removal if strict FIFO removal strat.set XFELD CHAR 
233 T331_SKZAU Blocking indicator: block storage bin for stock removals XFELD CHAR 
234 T331_SKZEI Blocking indicator: block bin for placement into stock XFELD CHAR 
235 T331_SPAUS Set blocking indicator at time of stock removal LVS_SPERR CHAR 
236 T331_SPEIN Set blocking indicator at time of placement into storage LVS_SPERR CHAR 
237 T331_STAUS Stock Removal Strategy T331_STAUS CHAR 
238 T331_STEIN Putaway strategy T331_STEIN CHAR 
239 T331_TBZUG Database access to trans. requirements during qty reduction TBZUG CHAR 
240 T331_UEBER Indicator: retain overdeliveries XFELD CHAR 
241 T331_USAUS Stock removal strategy via user exit XFELD CHAR 
242 T331_USEIN Stock placement strategy via user exit XFELD CHAR 
243 T331_VOLLE Indicator: complete stock removal required XFELD CHAR 
244 T331_VRUCK Indicator: Upon transfer return quantity to same storage bin XFELD CHAR 
245 T331_ZULAG Indicator: addition to existing stock allowed T331_ZULAG CHAR 
246 T333BTRATX Text for shipment type TEXT12 CHAR 
247 T333MMBUSR Sent mail to user in document XFELD CHAR 
248 T333NBEAR1 Create transfer orders without additional criteria XFELD CHAR 
249 T333NBEAR2 Create transfer orders using criteria T333NBEAR2 CHAR 
250 T333NBEAR3 Create transfer orders using reference number T333NBEAR3 CHAR 
251 T333OAUTAT Text for automatic TO creation T333OAUTAT CHAR 
252 T333UBSTQ1 Stock category source BESTQ CHAR 
254 T333USOKZ1 Special stock indicator SRC SOBKZ CHAR 
255 T333USOKZ2 Special stock indicator DESTINATION SOBKZ CHAR 
256 T333_ABILD Screen for creation of transfer orders T333_ABILD CHAR 
257 T333_ABITX Name of initial screen for creating transfer orders TEXT12 CHAR 
258 T333_DBILD Standard View for Display of TO Items T333_DBILD CHAR 
259 T333_FEHLT Indicator: pre-allocated stock to be considered XFELD CHAR 
260 T333_LPMAN Indicator: manual input of storage bins during TO creation XFELD CHAR 
261 T333_NFIXP Indicator: use fixed bin as destination bin XFELD CHAR 
262 T333_NKDYN Indicator: dynamic destination bin XFELD CHAR 
263 T333_NLPLA Destination Storage Bin LGPLA CHAR 
264 T333_NLTYP Destination Storage Type LGTYP CHAR 
265 T333_NO2ST No two-step confirmation XFELD CHAR 
266 T333_NO2ST_HU No two-step confirmation XFELD CHAR 
267 T333_NSCHN Ind.: interim storage posting for dest.stor.type and bin XFELD CHAR 
268 T333_PIKTA Control for HU pick T333_PIKTA CHAR 
269 T333_QBILD Screen for transfer order confirmation T333_QBILD CHAR 
270 T333_RLPLA Return storage bin LGPLA CHAR 
271 T333_RLTYP Return storage type LGTYP CHAR 
272 T333_RULES Stock determination rule BF_RULES CHAR 
273 T333_SQUIT Ind: The transfer order item may be confirmed immediately. XFELD CHAR 
274 T333_TBMAN Ind: manual creation of a transfer requirement is allowed XFELD CHAR 
275 T333_TBOBL Indicator: manual creation of transfer order not allowed XFELD CHAR 
276 T333_UELIE Overdeliveries required XFELD CHAR 
277 T333_VEPST Packaging control in WM XFELD CHAR 
278 T333_VFIXP 1nd: use fixed bin as source bin XFELD CHAR 
279 T333_VKDYN Indicator: dynamic source bin XFELD CHAR 
280 T333_VLPLA Source storage bin LGPLA CHAR 
281 T333_VLTYP Source Storage Type LGTYP CHAR 
282 T333_VQUIT Ind: Propose confirmation upon creation of TO item. XFELD CHAR 
283 T333_VSCHN Ind: interim storage posting for source stor.type and bin XFELD CHAR 
284 T333_WEDAT Indicator: set goods receipt data in quant XFELD CHAR 
285 T333_WMMUE Post WM quantity as delivery quantity and goods movement LVS_WMMUE CHAR 
286 T334TKZEAR Indicator: storage type search T334TKZEAR CHAR 
287 T334UBESTQ Consideration of the stock category XFELD CHAR 
288 T334UBWREF Consideration of reference to movement type XFELD CHAR 
289 T334ULAGKL Consideration of storage class XFELD CHAR 
290 T334ULANUM Sequence number T334ULANUM NUMC 
291 T334ULGREF Consideration of storage location reference XFELD CHAR 
292 T334ULGTKZ Consideration of storage type indicators XFELD CHAR 
293 T334USOBKZ Consideration of special stock indicator XFELD CHAR 
294 T334UWGFKL Consideration of water pollution class XFELD CHAR 
295 T335_ABWEI Deviation between book inventory and counted inventory RL04IABWEI DEC 
296 T335_ALGPL Ind: display storage bin during entry of counted results XFELD CHAR 
297 T335_AMATN Ind: display material during entry of counted results XFELD CHAR 
298 T335_ERART Input method for inventory counts RL04IERART CHAR 
299 T335_FSEIT Input of quants on next page allowed XFELD CHAR 
300 T335_MATDR Indicator: material data to appear on inventory list XFELD CHAR 
301 T335_ZWEIZ Indicator: double-line entry XFELD CHAR 
302 T336_ABWEI Variance in % starting from which dialog box is suppressed T336_ABWEI DEC 
303 T336_ABWEI_HU Variance in % starting from which diff. box is suppressed T336_ABWEI_HU DEC 
304 T336_DTEXT Description for type of difference indicator TEXT25 CHAR 
305 T336_KZTAN Ind: difference storage bin same as transfer order number XFELD CHAR 
306 T336_KZVPL Indicator: difference storage bin same as source bin XFELD CHAR 
307 T336_LGPLA Difference storage bin LGPLA CHAR 
308 T336_LGTYP Difference storage type LGTYP CHAR 
309 T336_LGYTP Difference storage type LGTYP CHAR 
310 T336_TBFOR Update transfer requirement T336_TBFOR CHAR 
311 T337AMAXQU Maximum number of quants per bin section T337AMAXQU DEC 
312 T337BANZSA Maximum number of stacks in a block T337BANZSA DEC 
313 T337BMAXLE Maximum number of storage units in the block LAGP_MAXLE DEC 
314 T337BMAXST Maximum stack height in the block T337BMAXST DEC 
315 T337C_EBENE Level as component of the storage bin coordinate T337C_EBENE CHAR 
316 T337C_SUCHB Search width for putaway strategy K per level T337C_SUCHB INT4 
317 T337D_GANG Row (aisle) as component of storage bin coordinate T337D_GANG NUMC 
318 T337D_REGAL Shelf as component of storage bin number T337D_REGAL NUMC 
319 T338_BTEXT Description of bulk storage indicator TEXT25 CHAR 
320 T340DBWFRM WM Movement Type for Floor Ready Merchandise BWLVS NUMC 
321 T340DBWMIN Movement type: clearing negative inventory differences BWLVS NUMC 
322 T340DBWPLU Movement type: posting positive inventory differences BWLVS NUMC 
323 T340DBWUMP Movement type for repacking onto HUs BWLVS NUMC 
324 T340DCHSBL Consider batch-neutral bulk areas despite batch search XFELD CHAR 
325 T340DDECSY Reference to external warehouse management /SPE/DECSY CHAR 
326 T340DFGVNQ Separate confirmation of pick and transfer XFELD CHAR 
327 T340DKAPPC Indicator: activate link to subsystem T340DKZSUB CHAR 
328 T340DKOSPL Split transfer order based on the picking area T340DKOSPL CHAR 
329 T340DKZSCH Indicator: Posting to interim stor.bin movement type XFELD CHAR 
330 T340DLENVW Indicator: Storage unit management engaged XFELD CHAR 
331 T340DLISPL Delivery split according to warehouse number XFELD CHAR 
332 T340DMFCHA Indicator: error processing if batch number is missing LVS_MESGE CHAR 
333 T340DMINWM Storage bin stock is not managed in this warehouse number XFELD CHAR 
334 T340DMNGPP Ind. for compl.mat.staging for transf.requirements from PP XFELD CHAR 
335 T340DMTBPS Maximum number of items per transfer requirement LTBK_ANZPS DEC 
336 T340DNAKAP Ind: error processing if capacity check data is missing LVS_MESGE CHAR 
337 T340DNALEI Message handing for performance data T340DNALEI CHAR 
338 T340DPIPAS Pick and pack allowed during TO confirmation XFELD CHAR 
339 T340DREPID Name of print report PROGNAME CHAR 
340 T340DTEILV Ind: partial picking allowed for (sales) delivery notes XFELD CHAR 
341 T340DVERLE Type of number assignment for storage units T340DVERLE CHAR 
342 T340DVOME1 First default value for unit of measure LVS_VOME CHAR 
343 T340DVOME2 Second default value for unit of measure LVS_VOME CHAR 
344 T340DWMPPI Active WM-PP interface XFELD CHAR 
345 T340D_CHARR Batch confirmation to PP for fixed production storage bins XFELD CHAR 
346 T340D_CMACT Indicator: Change Management for Decentralized WMS Active /SPE/T340D_CMACT CHAR 
347 T340D_CMOFF_BACKGROUND Emergency Control of Change Management in Background T340D_CMOFF_BACKGROUND CHAR 
348 T340D_CMOFF_FOREGROUND Emergency Control of Change Management in Foreground T340D_CMOFF_FOREGROUND CHAR 
349 T340D_DBTCH Distribution Mode for the Delivery T340D_DBTCH CHAR 
350 T340D_EAPLA Storage bin to which packed or unpacked qty is posted LGPLA CHAR 
351 T340D_EATYP Storage type to which packed or unpacked qty is posted LGTYP CHAR 
352 T340_BWLVS Identification point for movement type for stock placement BWLVS NUMC 
353 T340_FCODE Default function code for request screen FCODE CHAR 
354 T340_KWVZP Time of comparison for forming picking waves T340_KWVZP CHAR 
356 T342_FCCAL Function code for calling up a call screen FCODE CHAR 
357 T342_FCODE Function code FCODE CHAR 
358 T342_FDYNP Number of Next Screen DYNPRONR NUMC 
359 T342_LDYNP Number of current screen DYNPRONR NUMC 
360 T342_MODNR Number of subroutine T342_MODNR CHAR 
361 T342_MODPL Name of module pool T342_MODPL CHAR 
362 T342_NFCDU Default function code for background processing FCODE CHAR 
363 T342_NFCHE Default function code for online processing FCODE CHAR 
364 T342_VORDY Dynamic activity type T342_VORDY CHAR 
365 T342_VORGR Indicator: reset activity XFELD CHAR 
366 T343J_STELL Certain position of storage bin in the index T343_STELL CHAR 
367 T343XYZ_ANGLE Angle for the orientation of a storage type in degrees T343XYZ_ANGLE DEC 
368 T343XYZ_XINCR Increment in X-Direction T343XYZ_INCRE QUAN 
369 T343XYZ_XINCX Increment in X-Direction calculated by angle and X-Increment T343XYZ_INCRE QUAN 
370 T343XYZ_XINCY Increment in X-Direction calculated by angle and Y-Increment T343XYZ_INCRE QUAN 
371 T343XYZ_XSTRU Pointer to Structure for X T343XYZ_STRUC CHAR 
372 T343XYZ_XZERO X Coordinate of the start bin LTRM_COORD QUAN 
373 T343XYZ_YINCR Increment in Y-Direction T343XYZ_INCRE QUAN 
374 T343XYZ_YINCX Increment in Y-Direction calculated by angle and X-Increment T343XYZ_INCRE QUAN 
375 T343XYZ_YINCY Increment in Y-Direction calculated by angle and Y-Increment T343XYZ_INCRE QUAN 
376 T343XYZ_YSTRU Pointer to Structure for Y T343XYZ_STRUC CHAR 
377 T343XYZ_YZERO Y Coordinate of the start bin LTRM_COORD QUAN 
378 T343XYZ_ZINCR Increment in Z-Direction T343XYZ_INCRE QUAN 
379 T343XYZ_ZSTRU Pointer to Structure for Z T343XYZ_STRUC CHAR 
380 T343XYZ_ZZERO Z Coordinate of the start bin LTRM_COORD QUAN 
381 T343_ENDWE End value of storage bins for automatic creation LGPLA CHAR 
382 T343_INCRE Increment for bins for automatic creation LGPLA CHAR 
383 T343_SCHAB Format of bin coordinate for automatic creation LGPLA CHAR 
384 T343_STAWE Start value of storage bins for automatic creation LGPLA CHAR 
385 T343_STELL Certain position of storage bin in the index T343_STELL CHAR 
386 T343_STRUK Structure of storage bins for automatic creation LGPLA CHAR 
387 T344_LENKA Storage unit number - conversion exit T344_LENKA CHAR 
388 T344_LNGTH Input/output length for storage unit numbers T344_LNGTH NUMC 
389 T345_DELST Indicator: WM/PP material staging through deliveries XFELD CHAR 
390 T346QALM Queue access limitation T346QALM CHAR 
391 T347AKZINA deactivate activity for link XFELD CHAR 
392 T347ANLTYP Destination storage type LGTYP CHAR 
393 T347AVLTYP Source storage type LGTYP CHAR 
394 T4000 Header for Screen 4000 TEXT1 CHAR 
395 T5020 Header for Screen 5020 TEXT1 CHAR 
396 T512B_APPL Application ID for Table T512B T512B_APPL CHAR 
397 T51R5KEY Table T51R5 key   CHAR 
398 T530D_D NN CHAR1 CHAR 
399 T530L_D Reference to T530L TABLG CHAR 
400 T558A_D Table CHAR1 CHAR 
401 T596N_SUM Summary via T596N XFELD CHAR 
402 T646BAGGRT Name for state of aggregation TEXT20 CHAR 
403 T646HGVTXT Name of danger TEXT30 CHAR 
404 T646MLAGKT Name of storage class TEXT60 CHAR 
405 T646SREGKT Name of region code TEXT20 CHAR 
406 T646WGVTXT Description of warehouse danger TEXT30 CHAR 
407 T68200003 Documentation for key figure T682 00003 CHAR1 CHAR 
408 T68200004 Documentation for key figure T682 00004 CHAR1 CHAR 
409 T68200005 Documentation for key figure T682 00005 CHAR1 CHAR 
410 T68200071 Documentation for key figure T682 00071 CHAR1 CHAR 
411 T77QPACTIV Flag: Include field when generating KREUZ CHAR 
412 T77QPFIELD Field name of infotype: defines selection criterion FDNAME CHAR 
413 T77QPPRIOX Entry sequence on selection screen to be generated CHAR2 CHAR 
414 T77QPTABNA Name of infotype structure (Pnnnn; nnnn = infotype number) AS4TAB CHAR 
415 T77T0_PROF Profiles for RHDESC20 CHAR8 CHAR 
416 TAADF Transport flag: Imputed costs definitions (plan and actual) FLAG CHAR 
417 TAB Number of Tab FTPD_TAB NUMC 
418 TAB07_KK Structure AS4TAB CHAR 
419 TABAB_110 Number of the First Entry Displayed NUM03 NUMC 
420 TABACT Current device location from device location list CHAR_LG_04 CHAR 
421 TABACTIVE Tab in Notification Processing Active XFELD CHAR 
422 TABAG Table for ER share CHAR3 CHAR 
423 TABAK IS-H: Tatsächliche Betten - allgemeine Gebührenklasse (AT) CHAR1 CHAR 
424 TABART Data class in technical settings TABART CHAR 
425 TABAU MD: Indicator for setting up collective display CHAR1 CHAR 
426 TABAV Use in tables/explosion down to tables XFLAG CHAR 
427 TABBJ_KK Table Name AS4TAB CHAR 
428 TABBUFQ Table buffer quality QUALITY DEC 
429 TABCA Number of entries displayed INT4_NOS INT4 
430 TABCLASS Table category TABCLASS CHAR 
431 TABCLASS_DBTB Table Kind for DB Tables (for Search Help) TABCLASS_DBTB CHAR 
432 TABCLASS_STRUC Table Kind for DB Tables (for Search Help) TABCLASS_STRUC CHAR 
433 TABCLTEXT Type of a table or structure TEXT35 CHAR 
434 TABCNT Processed Table Lines   NUMC 
435 TABCOUNT Processed Table Lines   NUMC 
436 TABCT Total number of processed entries INT4_NOS INT4 
437 TABDISPLAY Presentation of the selection screens on tab pages FLAG CHAR 
438 TABEL Tax Table Type P05_TABEL CHAR 
439 TABELEMENT Dummy data element TABDOMAENE RAW 
440 TABELLE Name of database table for object OBJEKTTAB CHAR 
441 TABELLE_1 Table 1 AS4TAB CHAR 
442 TABELLE_2 Table 2 AS4TAB CHAR 
443 TABELLE_3 Table 3 AS4TAB CHAR 
444 TABELLE_4 Table 4 AS4TAB CHAR 
445 TABENTRIES SAP MaxDB: Number of Current Table Locks CHAR26 CHAR 
446 TABFB Table Exemption Amount PRBETRG CURR 
447 TABFD Table Field Name TABFD CHAR 
448 TABFDPOS Position of the field in the table AS4POS NUMC 
449 TABFIELDS Flag for table field where-used list AUSWAHL CHAR 
450 TABFLAG_D Flag of length 1 byte for table attributes NTABSHORT RAW 
452 TABFORM How the Dictionary object is implemented in the database TABFORM CHAR 
453 TABFROM Read path for structure reader: Start entity EFKKTAB CHAR 
454 TABG1 Table for total amount CHAR2 CHAR 
455 TABGD Transport flag: Imputed cost data FLAG CHAR 
456 TABGDAT Technically complete date DATUM DATS 
457 TABGR Table size FLAG CHAR 
458 TABGS_110 Number of Entries NUM03 NUMC 
459 TABHA Dependencies TXNUM CHAR 
460 TABHEAD Notification: Tab Header TEXT40 CHAR 
461 TABHEADING Tab Strip text for Dependent Objects TABHEADING CHAR 
463 TABHITRDIR Hit rate of direct read accesses TABHITRATO DEC 
464 TABHITRSEQ Hit rate of sequential read accesses TABHITRATO DEC 
465 TABHK Origin table CHAR10 CHAR 
467 TABID_MIGR_KK Data Object for Migration of Credit Card Encryption (ALV) CHAR30 CHAR 
468 TABINDEX Index for the table record TABIX INT4 
469 TABINDEX_PS Table Index   INT4 
471 TABIX_CHAR Table index CHAR5 CHAR 
472 TABIX_D Field defined as in SY-TABIX TABIX INT4 
473 TABKAT Size category TABKAT CHAR 
474 TABKEY Table Key CHAR120 CHAR 
475 TABKEY120 Data Element (Lower- and Uppercase) for TRE071KX TEXT120 CHAR 
476 TABKEYL Area for table key TABKEYL CHAR 
477 TABKEY_B_KK Key of Changed Object CHAR35 CHAR 
478 TABKZ Pricing: make sales price entries in export tables TABKZ CHAR 
479 TABL1024 Table analysis: For external table data up to length 1024 TABL1024 RAW 
480 TABL32768 Structure 32 K TABL32768 RAW 
481 TABL4096 Empty table 4096 TABL4096 RAW 
482 TABL8000 Container for 8000 bytes TABL8000 RAW 
483 TABLANGFLD_UMG Name of the Language Field in the MSA table CHAR100 CHAR 
484 TABLECLASS Table Type of Specified Table TABCLASS CHAR 
485 TABLEFID Id of table of lock waited on   CHAR 
486 TABLEN Table name (4 digits) CHAR4 CHAR 
487 TABLENA Table Name   CHAR 
488 TABLENAM Name of table to be processed AS4TAB CHAR 
489 TABLENAMEO Oracle: dba_tables.table_name? CHAR30 CHAR 
490 TABLENAME_ Table name for transferring to user TABNAME CHAR 
491 TABLENAME_10 Table name length 10   CHAR 
493 TABLENAME_UMG Name of the MSA Language dependent table CHAR100 CHAR 
494 TABLENG Application analysis: Length of a table entry INT4 INT4 
495 TABLENGTH Table length in bytes DDRAW4 RAW 
496 TABLENO BSI: Table number NUM2 NUMC 
497 TABLEOWNER Oracle: dba_tables.owner CHAR30 CHAR 
498 TABLESCANS SAP DB: Number of Table Scans CHAR26 CHAR 
499 TABLESIZE Table size used in tables history (transaction DB02) DEC15 DEC 
500 TABLESLI_3 Name of reference structure for TABLES parameter TABLESLI_3 CHAR