SAP ABAP Data Element - Index T, page 30
Data Element - T
# Data Element Short Description Domain Data Type
1 TTINDIKZ Operand permitted in installation KENNZX CHAR 
2 TTINTDECIM Number of decimal places in the field   CHAR 
3 TTINTLEN Dictionary length for DEC, CURR, QUAN types   CHAR 
4 TTINTTYPE ABAP data type (C,D,N,...)   CHAR 
5 TTIVRHY Repayment clearing frequency in months CHAR2 CHAR 
6 TTKEY Activity CHAR4 CHAR 
7 TTKEYCAND Key candidates for table types SKEYFDNAME CHAR 
8 TTKEYCNT Key Definition of Table Type   CHAR 
10 TTKEYLENG Access modes for table type   CHAR 
11 TTKF_D Text Table Key CHAR30 CHAR 
12 TTKKN Miners' DUEVO Activity P014_TTKKN CHAR 
13 TTKUT Short text for day type TEXT5 CHAR 
14 TTLIN Name affix TITEL CHAR 
15 TTLQTY Assigned Quantity MENG13 QUAN 
16 TTL_LINE Line of title page TEXT79 CHAR 
17 TTMDI Tax type modification indicator XFELD CHAR 
18 TTMEMORYID Set/Get parameter ID   CHAR 
20 TTOUT Output text for name affix TEXT15 CHAR 
21 TTOUTLENG Field Output Length   CHAR 
22 TTPROCINFO Time Interval Handler (CO): "Collector" during interval join TTPROCINFO CHAR 
23 TTRANGE Table type is a ranges table type   CHAR 
24 TTRAS Time span INT2_NOS INT2 
25 TTREC Total Number of File Records NUMC8 NUMC 
26 TTRFE Transport flag: activity price calculation - settings FLAG CHAR 
27 TTRFK Transport flag: Activity price calculation - components FLAG CHAR 
28 TTRMAM Handover date/time TIMES TIMS 
29 TTRMAMBIS Inspection date end time TIMES TIMS 
30 TTROLLNAME Reference type   CHAR 
31 TTROWTYPE Name of row type for table types OBJECTNAME CHAR 
33 TTSOW Wage-Based Test CHAR1_X CHAR 
34 TTSTATE Time Interval Handler (CO): Condition (included/excluded) TTSTATE CHAR 
35 TTSUP Indicator: Suppress duplicated totals XFIELD CHAR 
36 TTTABFLAG Flag of length 1 byte   CHAR 
37 TTTABLENG Line Length of Table Type in Bytes   CHAR 
38 TTTF_D Text Field CHAR30 CHAR 
40 TTTXT Day type text TEXT15 CHAR 
41 TTXFORMSUP For text format CHAR1 CHAR 
42 TTXTFLD_LU Table Text Field CHAR50 CHAR 
43 TTYP1 Time type for pair type 1 ZTART CHAR 
44 TTYP2 Time type for pair type 2 ZTART CHAR 
45 TTYP3 Time type for pair type 3 ZTART CHAR 
46 TTYPBEZ Text for Rate Category TEXT40 CHAR 
47 TTYPE Table type TTYPE CHAR 
48 TTYPENAME Name of table type TTYPENAME CHAR 
51 TTYPKEYDEF Key Definition for Table Types TTYPKEYDEF CHAR 
52 TTYPKIND Category of table type (range or general table type) TTYPKIND CHAR 
53 TTYPKINTXT Text display of category of table type DDTEXT CHAR 
54 TTYPLENG Width of row of a table type DDLENG NUMC 
55 TTYP_D Table type (object transport) TTYP CHAR 
56 TTYP_DAY Heading type day TTYP_DAY NUMC 
57 TTYP_MONTH Heading type month TTYP_MONTH NUMC 
58 TTYP_OPERAND Operand from the Rate Facts E_OPERAND CHAR 
59 TTYP_WEEK Heading type week TTYP_WEEK NUMC 
60 TTYTX Tax form group text TEXT40 CHAR 
61 TT_CATAL Test catalog CHAR12 CHAR 
62 TT_CHANGES DD: Change in table type (-> action for dependents) TT_CHANGES CHAR 
63 TT_FURTHER_SECKEYS Additional Secondary Keys of a Table Type TT_FURTHER_SECKEYS CHAR 
64 TT_PACK Test package CHAR12 CHAR 
65 TT_PAKET Test package CHAR12 CHAR 
66 TT_PLAN Test plan CHAR12 CHAR 
67 TT_PRIMARY_KEY_ALIAS Alias for Primary Key of a Table Type (Optional) TT_PRIMKEY_ALIAS CHAR 
68 TT_VIEW Test plan/Test package CHAR12 CHAR 
69 TUCHA Receiving/issuing batch TEXT15 CHAR 
70 TUCODE LSO: Activity for Course Content LSO_TU CHAR 
71 TUEBE Text can be adopted XFELD CHAR 
72 TUEBER Indicator: Whether text is only group level XFELD CHAR 
73 TUEDY Selection field for start day: 'Tuesday' CHAR1 CHAR 
75 TUF Help field for list header "not available" TUF CHAR 
76 TUHRBAT Time of batch run for rent adjustment T TIMS 
77 TULGO Receiving/issuing storage location TEXT15 CHAR 
78 TULOC_CA Point of Sale for Prepaid Credit CHAR10 CHAR 
79 TUMAT Receiving/issuing material TEXT15 CHAR 
80 TUMBU Time of transfer TIMES TIMS 
81 TUMMASSN Action/action reason for pay scale reclassification CHAR4 CHAR 
82 TUMSAM Sales reports text available TEXT30 CHAR 
83 TUMTH_CA Refill Method CHAR2 CHAR 
84 TUMWT Transport flag: defined revaluations FLAG CHAR 
87 TUNIFY_VIEWID Dataelement View ID for the extractor view mapping TUNIFY_TEXT40 CHAR 
88 TUNIFY_VIEWNAME Dataelement View Name for the extractor view mapping TUNIFY_TEXT30 CHAR 
90 TUORD Assign remittance/garnishment PRSPL RAW 
91 TUPLE_LENGTH_VALUE Proxy Data Element (Generated)   INT4 
92 TURNOVER_SIDE Business Volume of Vendor or Customer TURNOVER_SIDE CHAR 
93 TURNUSJ Periodic replacement year JAHR NUMC 
94 TURNUSW Information on whether device is in periodic repl. list TEXT75 CHAR 
95 TURN_READ Read sales data FLAG CHAR 
96 TUROV_ST Indicator: Updating of business volumes XFELD CHAR 
97 TUSED Used   INT4 
98 TUSED1 Used DEC15 DEC 
99 TUSED_P Used DEC15 DEC 
100 TUSER Transport flag: Users FLAG CHAR 
101 TUTXT IS-H: Cause of Death Text TEXT20 CHAR 
102 TUWRK Receiving/issuing plant TEXT15 CHAR 
103 TVA92 Contribution rate on double holiday payment before 1992 CHAR5 CHAR 
104 TVAGEWICHT Weight of carrying issue (including inserts) ISPMNG9 QUAN 
105 TVALS Transport indicator: validation FLAG CHAR 
106 TVALUE_H Values for text domains, upper limit VAL_TEXT CHAR 
107 TVALUE_L Values for text domains: Single value/lower limit VAL_TEXT CHAR 
108 TVALXX9 Budget amount in transaction currency WERTV9 CURR 
109 TVARUV_NUM Number for building up key in TVARV TVARUV_NUM NUMC 
112 TVARV_NUMB ABAP: Current selection number SYNUM04 NUMC 
113 TVARV_OPTI ABAP: Selection option (EQ/BT/CP/...) SYCHAR02 CHAR 
114 TVARV_OPTI_TE179 Selection option (EQ/BT/CP/...) for TE179 TVARV_OPTI_TE179 CHAR 
115 TVARV_SIGN ABAP: ID: I/E (include/exclude values) SYCHAR01 CHAR 
116 TVARV_SIGN_TE179 Indicator: I/E (include/exclude values) for TE179 SYCHAR01_TE179 CHAR 
117 TVARV_VAL ABAP/4: Selection value (LOW or HIGH value, external format) RSSELVALUE CHAR 
118 TVD92 Contribution rate on double holiday payment since 1992 CHAR5 CHAR 
119 TVDIR_DEL Delete directory entry XFELD CHAR 
120 TVENR Number of transportation insurance in the shipment LIFNR CHAR 
121 TVERC254 Test data element for ABAP verification reports TVERC254 CHAR 
122 TVERD Transport cost centers/activity types FLAG CHAR 
123 TVERDATE Test data element for ABAP verification reports TVERDATE DATS 
125 TVERH_FLOS SVER: Flags for various operating systems SYCHAR20 CHAR 
126 TVERH_INVD ABAP/4 verification: changeable inverted date TVER_NUMC8 NUMC 
127 TVERI Transport flag: Templates for cost center environment FLAG CHAR 
128 TVERINT4 Test data element for ABAP verification reports INT4 INT4 
129 TVERKN Linking of requirements for an exception: "and" or "or" CHAR20 CHAR 
130 TVERN255 Test data element for ABAP verification reports TVERN255 NUMC 
131 TVERP16 Test data element for ABAP verification reports TVERP16 DEC 
132 TVERS Transport flag: Versions FLAG CHAR 
133 TVERSN Target: Version COVERSI CHAR 
134 TVERTIME Test data element for ABAP verification reports TVERTIME TIMS 
135 TVERT_D Transport Flag: Distribution Keys FLAG CHAR 
136 TVERW_F040 SAP Application: Text on Screen CHAR20 CHAR 
137 TVERX255 Test data element TVERX255 RAW 
138 TVER_PROJ Basis verification: Project TVER_PROJ CHAR 
139 TVGFT_VTEXT Legal status text (customer master) TEXT20 CHAR 
140 TVGKT_FIND Determine MCR Groupings TVGKT_FIND CHAR 
141 TVGRT_BEZEI Name Sales Group TEXT20 CHAR 
142 TVIMF_DEL Delete event time catalog entries XFELD CHAR 
144 TVKBT_BEZEI Description of Sales Office TEXT20 CHAR 
145 TVKDT_VTEXT Name Customer Pricing Procedure TEXT20 CHAR 
146 TVKZ IS-H: TV Indicator XFELD CHAR 
147 TVLGZ_LFDNR Sequential Number: Details Weight Group Determination LFDNR CHAR 
148 TVLK_DSFAD Delivery Split for Additional Partners XFELD CHAR 
150 TVORA_KK Alternative Sub-Transaction For Installment Plan TVORG_KK CHAR 
151 TVORG1072_KK Subtransaction for Overpayment from Biller Direct TVORG_KK CHAR 
152 TVORGH_BP_KK Subtransaction of Business Partner Item for Credit Posting TVORG_KK CHAR 
153 TVORGH_RD_KK Subtransaction of Rounding Item for Credit Posting TVORG_KK CHAR 
154 TVORGH_TOL_KK Subtransaction for Credit Amount To Be Written Off TVORG_KK CHAR 
155 TVORGS_BP_KK Subtransaction of Business Partner Item for Debit Posting TVORG_KK CHAR 
156 TVORGS_RD_KK Subtransaction of Rounding Item for Debit Posting TVORG_KK CHAR 
157 TVORGS_TOL_KK Subtransaction for Debit Amount To Be Written Off TVORG_KK CHAR 
158 TVORGTXT_CA Sub-Transaction for Document Item TEXT50 CHAR 
159 TVORGTXT_KK Text for Subtransaction TXT30 CHAR 
160 TVORG_BILL_KK Billing Subtransaction TVORG_KK CHAR 
161 TVORG_BRAC_ITAGCY Subtransaction Postings on Account Agencies TVORG_KK CHAR 
162 TVORG_BRAC_STAT_ITAGCY Statistical Posting on Account: Subtransaction TVORG_KK CHAR 
163 TVORG_BRO Subtrans. for New Created Open Items from Broker Report TVORG_KK CHAR 
164 TVORG_CA Sub-Transaction for Document Item TVORG_CA CHAR 
165 TVORG_CLAR_BRO Subtransaction for Clarification Posting (Subledger Account) TVORG_KK CHAR 
166 TVORG_CUAC_ITAGCY Subtransaction Postings on Account Agencies TVORG_KK CHAR 
167 TVORG_HABEN_KK Subtransation for Credit Posting for Line Item TVORG_KK CHAR 
168 TVORG_H_KK Sub-Transaction For Credit Posting TVORG_KK CHAR 
169 TVORG_INT_VK Subtransaction for Items for Interest Calculation TVORG_KK CHAR 
170 TVORG_KK Subtransaction for Document Item TVORG_KK CHAR 
171 TVORG_NOINT_VK Subtransaction for Items not for Interest Calculation TVORG_KK CHAR 
172 TVORG_OLD_KK Not Used (Subtransaction for Interest Keys) TVORG_KK CHAR 
173 TVORG_REV_KK Subtransaction for Offsetting Item for Reversal TVORG_KK CHAR 
174 TVORG_SOLL_KK Subtransaction for Debit Posting for Line Item TVORG_KK CHAR 
175 TVORG_S_KK Sub-Transaction For Debit Posting TVORG_KK CHAR 
176 TVORG_TC_ITAGCY Subtransaction Postings in Temporary Collections TVORG_KK CHAR 
177 TVORG_TEMPCOLL_PREM_ITAGCY Subtransaction Posting Premiums in Temporary Collections TVORG_KK CHAR 
178 TVORG_TXT Name of Subtransaction TEXT30 CHAR 
179 TVORL Indicator: Adopt text type from reference document XFELD CHAR 
180 TVORZ_KK Sub-transaction in next document TVORG_KK CHAR 
181 TVRTAGGREG Aggregation Rule in Hierarchy of Data Type of Fin. Trans. TVRTAGGREG CHAR 
182 TVRTAGGRKNZ Indicator for aggregated transactions TVRTAGGRKNZ CHAR 
183 TVRTAKTPAS Indicator: Asset/Liability Transaction TVRTAKTPAS CHAR 
184 TVRTATAGE Number of days NUMC06 NUMC 
185 TVRTB1OSBPR Barrier price1 per unit T_BETRAG CURR 
186 TVRTB1OSKUR Barrier1 as rate (forex) TB_KKURS DEC 
187 TVRTB1OSTRI Barrier amount 1 of option T_BETRAG CURR 
188 TVRTB2OSBPR Barrier price2 per unit T_BETRAG CURR 
189 TVRTB2OSKUR Barrier2 as rate (forex) TB_KKURS DEC 
190 TVRTB2OSTRI Barrier amount 2 of option T_BETRAG CURR 
191 TVRTBA1RBET Rebate amount of barrier 1 T_BETRAG CURR 
192 TVRTBA2RBET Rebate amount of barrier 2 T_BETRAG CURR 
194 TVRTBEZWHR Amount of external commit. capital in currency T_BETRAG CURR 
195 TVRTBNOTPT Value of quotation point T_BETRAG CURR 
196 TVRTBPIDX Value of an index point T_BETRAG CURR 
197 TVRTBPROZE Reference value of strike percentage quotation T_BETRAG CURR 
198 TVRTCFKNZ Cash flow indicator TVRTCFKNZ CHAR 
200 TVRTDDISPO Delivery of underlying DATUM DATS 
201 TVRTEXTKNZ GAP external processing indicator TVRTEXTKNZ CHAR 
202 TVRTEZKNZ GAP effective interest rate indicator XFELD CHAR 
203 TVRTGDETAIL Transaction form - Detail information TVRTGDETAIL NUMC 
206 TVRTKATEKZ Indicator for spot and forward transactions TVRTKATEKZ CHAR 
207 TVRTKURSFUT Current price of futures contract/option on futures contract VVPKTKUR DEC 
208 TVRTNOMWAE Currency of nominal amount WAERS CUKY 
209 TVRTOBEZVH Subscription ratio of option ASTUECK DEC 
210 TVRTOPPZ Opportunity interest TVRTZINS DEC 
211 TVRTOSBPRICE Strike price per unit T_BETRAG CURR 
212 TVRTOSKURS Strike as rate (forex) DEC6_7 DEC 
213 TVRTOSTRIKE Option strike amount T_BETRAG CURR 
214 TVRTOZKNZ Gap: Indicator for Opportunity Interest Rate XFELD CHAR 
215 TVRTPUTCALL Put/Call Indicator for Options TVRTPUTCALL NUMC 
216 TVRTREBETR Option rebate amount T_BETRAG CURR 
217 TVRTRFCDEST RM Gap: Destination for External Transaction Analysis RFCDEST CHAR 
218 TVRTRFCFNAME RM Gap: RFC - Function Name for External Trans. Analysis FUNCNAME CHAR 
219 TVRTSEZWHR Currency of external commitment capital WAERS CUKY 
220 TVRTSFGTYP RM: Buy/sell indicator TVRTSFGTYP NUMC 
221 TVRTSNOTTYP Quotation of underlying T_NOTTYPE CHAR 
222 TVRTSPIDX Currency of Value of an Index Point WAERS CUKY 
223 TVRTSSHLNG Short/long indicator TVRTSSHLNG CHAR 
224 TVRTSZINSART RM: Indicator for the Type of Interest Rate TVRTSZINSART CHAR 
225 TVRTTEXT External Identifier for External Risk Object CHAR20 CHAR 
226 TVRT_BBWHR Amount in transaction currency TVRT_AMOUNT CURR 
227 TVRT_BETAF Standard beta factor JBFBFAKTOR DEC 
228 TVRT_BVAMA Amount of variation margin TVRT_AMOUNT CURR 
229 TVRT_DFREG RM Differentiation Rule for NPV Function TVRT_DFREG NUMC 
230 TVRT_FIKTKZ Indicator for Fictitious Cash Flow TVRT_FIKTKZ CHAR 
231 TVRT_IXVOLB Volatility Type 'Ask' for Security Indexes T_VOLART CHAR 
232 TVRT_IXVOLG Volatility Type 'Bid' for Security Indexes T_VOLART CHAR 
233 TVRT_KKURS Exchange rate DEC6_7 DEC 
234 TVRT_KOMPR RM: Activate Presummarization TVRT_KOMPR CHAR 
235 TVRT_METHODE Calculation method - price calculator - internal use only T_METHOD NUMC 
236 TVRT_RFCDEST RM RFC: Destination for external price calculator RFCDEST CHAR 
237 TVRT_RFCFNAME RM RFC: Function name for external price calculator FUNCNAME CHAR 
238 TVRT_SBWHR Position Currency/Transaction Currency WAERS CUKY 
239 TVRT_SVAMA Currency of Variation Margin WAERS CUKY 
240 TVRT_VNAME Volatility name TVRT_VNAME CHAR 
241 TVRT_XDEFIDX Is index standard index? XFLAG CHAR 
242 TVRT_XEXTBW RM: Indicator for external valuation TVRT_XEXTBW CHAR 
243 TVRT_XKURS X - Fixed exchange rate agreed XFELD CHAR 
244 TVSBT_VTEXT Description of shipping condition TEXT20 CHAR 
245 TVTTA_FIND Eligibility of Activity Types TVTTA_FIND CHAR 
246 TVTTA_FIND_NAME Eligibility of Activity Types TEXT30 CHAR 
247 TVTXT_KK Meaning of Subtransaction TEXT30 CHAR 
248 TVZ +/- Sign TVZ CHAR 
249 TV_ABARWER Current net present value T_PRESVAL CURR 
250 TV_ABUKRS Selected company code (`*` = several) BUKRS CHAR 
251 TV_AGGRKZ Indicator for aggregated transactions T_AGGRKZ CHAR 
252 TV_AKTUDAT Evaluation Date DATUM DATS 
253 TV_ANSZWAE Display Currency WAERS CUKY 
254 TV_ANWTYP Risk Management Application Category T_ANWTYP NUMC 
255 TV_ANZVOLB Volatility ask side T_AZVOLA DEC 
256 TV_ANZVOLG Volatility bid side T_AZVOLA DEC 
257 TV_ANZWAER Currency for displaying results TV_ANZWAER CUKY 
258 TV_ANZZI1B Interest in First Currency: Offered Side T_AZZINS DEC 
259 TV_ANZZI1G Interest in First Currency: Bid Side T_AZZINS DEC 
260 TV_ANZZI2B Interest in Second Currency: Offered Side T_AZZINS DEC 
261 TV_ANZZI2G Interest in Second Currency: Bid Side T_AZZINS DEC 
262 TV_AOPTTYP Current option category T_OPTTYP NUMC 
263 TV_APKENNZ Asset/Liability Indicator T_APKENNZ CHAR 
264 TV_ARCSTAT RM: Status of an Object Archiving TV_ARCSTAT CHAR 
265 TV_ARCXKEY RM: Standard Archiving: Key of Index CHAR26 CHAR 
266 TV_AUSWT Evaluation type in Risk Management JBREVAL CHAR 
267 TV_AUSWTYP Risk Management Evaluation Category T_AUSWTYP NUMC 
268 TV_AUTGR Authorization Group TV_AUTGR CHAR 
269 TV_AWP Shift all security prices JBJALL CHAR 
270 TV_B1OSBPR Barrier price1 per unit T_BETRAG CURR 
271 TV_B1OSKUR Barrier1 as rate (forex) TB_KKURS DEC 
272 TV_B1OSTRI Barrier amount 1 of option T_BETRAG CURR 
273 TV_B2OSBPR Barrier price2 per unit T_BETRAG CURR 
274 TV_B2OSKUR Barrier2 as rate (forex) TB_KKURS DEC 
275 TV_B2OSTRI Barrier amount 2 of option T_BETRAG CURR 
276 TV_BA1RBET Rebate amount of barrier 1 T_BETRAG CURR 
277 TV_BA2RBET Rebate amount of barrier 2 T_BETRAG CURR 
278 TV_BACKDAT Earliest search date for reading table DATUM DATS 
279 TV_BARRIER Barrier rate (forex) in market risk (price quotation) TV_KURS DEC 
280 TV_BARWE Net present value in display currency T_PRESVAL CURR 
281 TV_BARWERT Net present value of OTC transaction WERTV8_TR CURR 
284 TV_BARW_GW NPV in transaction currency T_PRESVAL CURR 
285 TV_BBUCHHW Book value in local currency T_BETRAG CURR 
286 TV_BBUCHWR Book value in position currency T_BETRAG CURR 
287 TV_BDSBAR RM Report Data Memory: Net Present Value   FLTP 
288 TV_BDSDELTA RM Report Data Memory: Delta Position   FLTP 
289 TV_BDSGAMMA RM Report Data Memory: Gamma Position   FLTP 
290 TV_BDSGUV RM Report Data Memory: Profit/Loss of NPV Simulation   FLTP 
291 TV_BDSVAR RM Report Data Memory: Value at Risk   FLTP 
292 TV_BETAF Standard Beta Factor JBFBFAKTOR DEC 
294 TV_BIDOFF RM: Bid/Ask Indicator for Exchange Rates TV_BIDOFF NUMC 
295 TV_BKAUFHW Acquisition value in local currency T_BETRAG CURR 
296 TV_BKAUFWR Acquisition value in position currency T_BETRAG CURR 
297 TV_BNWHR Nominal amount base for cash flow determination T_BETRAG CURR 
298 TV_BOOKED Select posted amounts XFELD CHAR 
299 TV_BPID Treasury: Base portfolio ID T_BPID NUMC 
300 TV_BPIDX Value of an index point T_BETRAG CURR 
301 TV_BPROZE Reference value of strike percentage quotation T_BETRAG CURR 
302 TV_BSALDO Residual balance of a contract (account) T_BETRAG CURR 
303 TV_BWDREAL Net present value difference of real position T_PRESVAL CURR 
304 TV_BWDSIM1 Net present value difference of real + fictitious1 position T_PRESVAL CURR 
305 TV_BWDSIM2 Net present value difference of real + fictitious2 position T_PRESVAL CURR 
306 TV_BWREAL Net present value of real position T_PRESVAL CURR 
307 TV_BWSIM1 Net present value of real + fictitious1 position T_PRESVAL CURR 
308 TV_BWSIM2 Net present value of real + fictitious2 position T_PRESVAL CURR 
309 TV_BW_AW1 Market value at start of period in dispay currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
310 TV_BW_AW2 Market value at end of period in display currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
311 TV_CALCART Statistics type TV_CALCART NUMC 
312 TV_CALCV Calculation Routines T_CALCV CHAR 
313 TV_CALC_CCY Calculation Currency WAERS CUKY 
314 TV_CAPLTYP Interpretation of single/average volatility for cap/floor T_CAPLTYP NUMC 
315 TV_CASHF Cash Flow Amount in Currency T_BETRAG CURR 
316 TV_CASHFL Payment amount WERTV8 CURR 
317 TV_CASHWHR Currency of payment amount WAERS CUKY 
318 TV_CAVTEXT Name of calculation routine T_CHAR60 CHAR 
319 TV_CFKNZ Cash flow indicator JBNCFKNZ CHAR 
320 TV_CFSUM_A Total cash flows in display currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
321 TV_CFWAERS Currency for cash flow and FX exposure WAERS CUKY 
322 TV_CFWHR Currency of cash flow WAERS CUKY 
323 TV_CLEAN_PRICE Clean price in display currency TV_PRESVAL CURR 
324 TV_CLEAN_PRICE_DC Clean Price in Display Currency from Position Currency T_PRESVAL CURR 
325 TV_CLEAN_PRICE_PC Clean Price in Position Currency T_PRESVAL CURR 
326 TV_CLEAN_PRICE_PC_A Clean Price in Position Currency: Start T_PRESVAL CURR 
327 TV_CLEAN_PRICE_PC_E Clean Price in Position Currency: End T_PRESVAL CURR 
328 TV_CLEAN_X Clean Price Calculation XFELD CHAR 
329 TV_COEXPVALTYP Commodity Exposure - NPV Valuation Type TV_COEXPVALTYP NUMC 
330 TV_COEXPVATYP Commodity Exposure - NPV Valuation Type TV_COEXPVATYP NUMC 
331 TV_CONVEXITY Convexity with 3 Decimal Places DEC9_3 DEC 
332 TV_CONVEXITY_BNOMI Nominally weighted convexity T_RESULT FLTP 
333 TV_CONVEXITY_MORE_ACCURATE Convexity with 5 Decimal Places DEC6_5SIGN DEC 
334 TV_CORRTYPEB 'Ask' Correlation Type T_KORART CHAR 
335 TV_CORRTYPEG 'Bid' Correlation Type T_KORART CHAR 
336 TV_CORRTYPEM 'Middle' Correlation Type T_KORART CHAR 
337 TV_CSPRD_USE_VAR_RT Use Credit Spread when Calculating Forward Interest Rates XFELD CHAR 
338 TV_CUEX Take account of Cum/ex for warrant and converible bonds XFELD CHAR 
339 TV_DATCR Date of Currency   DATS 
340 TV_DATUM Storage date DATUM DATS 
341 TV_DATUM_F Start of Period DATUM DATS 
342 TV_DATUM_T Last day of the period DATUM DATS 
343 TV_DDELIVERY Delayed Delivery Option Usage Flag XFELD CHAR 
344 TV_DD_DAYS Number of Days to consider for Delayed Delivery TV_ALTER DEC 
345 TV_DECAY Decay factor for statistic calculator TV_DECAY DEC 
346 TV_DECAY_HISI Decay Factor for Historical Simulation TV_STDECAY_D DEC 
347 TV_DELFZ (Final) due date of instrument DATUM DATS 
348 TV_DELTA Delta, 1st derivation of premium based on underlying rate T_SENSI DEC 
349 TV_DFREG Differentiation Rule for NPV Function TV_DFREG NUMC 
350 TV_DISPW Exposure currency WAERS CUKY 
351 TV_DMAPA1 Delta factor for calc. of modified value of market param.1 T_MARKTPAR FLTP 
352 TV_DMAPA2 Delta factor for calc. of modified value of market param. 2 T_MARKTPAR FLTP 
353 TV_DSICH Date of hedge, logical summarization date DATUM DATS 
354 TV_D_MAC_DURATION Macaulay Duration DEC9_3 DEC 
355 TV_D_MOD_DURATION Modified duration DEC9_3 DEC 
356 TV_D_NPV_PC RM Net Present Value in Position Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
357 TV_D_VALBP_PC Basis Point Value in Position Currency T_PRESVAL CURR 
359 TV_EVSIM Posting run: Simulation indicator XFELD CHAR 
360 TV_EVSIMU Posting Run: Simulation Indicator XFELD CHAR 
361 TV_EVTYP Posting run type TV_EVTYP CHAR 
362 TV_EVTYPE Posting Run Type TV_EVTYPE CHAR 
363 TV_EXPOSU Currency exposure WERTV8 CURR 
364 TV_FACTA Factor for Calculating the Coupon using the Hull-White Model FLTP FLTP 
365 TV_FACTB Factor for Valuing the Coupon using the Hull-White Model FLTP FLTP 
366 TV_FCHANGE Fictitious transaction changed in detail screen XFELD CHAR 
367 TV_FCURR From Currency WAERS CUKY 
368 TV_FDATE Date from of period of underlying transaction DATUM DATS 
369 TV_FGCFCPY Number of Copies to be made from a Cash Flow NUMC3 NUMC 
370 TV_FGCFRH Definition of Frequency for Copying Cash Flows in RC NUMC3 NUMC 
371 TV_FGCFXRH Indicator for Description of Frequency XFELD CHAR 
372 TV_FIKTI Take simulated transactions into account yes/no XFELD CHAR 
373 TV_FIKTKZ Include Fictitious Cash Flows TV_FIKTKZ CHAR 
374 TV_FLAG_CI Transaction variants: Flag cross-client TV SYCHAR01 CHAR 
375 TV_FLDSTAT Field status (req. entry, opt. entry, display, hidden) BU_FLDSTAT CHAR 
376 TV_FOUNDDT Date on which actual data found DATUM DATS 
377 TV_FOUNDPT Date on which value in table was found DATUM DATS 
378 TV_FVALUE RM NPV in floating point representation FLTP FLTP 
379 TV_FVALUED RM Delta Position in Floating Point Representation FLTP FLTP 
380 TV_FVALUEG RM Gamma Position in Floating Point Representation FLTP FLTP 
381 TV_FVALUEM Distribution Factor FLTP FLTP 
382 TV_FVALUES RM NPV Difference in Floating Point Representation FLTP FLTP 
383 TV_FXNPVINOUT_X Calculation of NPV for Each Side XFELD CHAR 
384 TV_GAMMA Gamma, 2nd derivation of premium based on underlying rate T_GAMMA DEC 
385 TV_GDATE Time Period for Underlying Transaction DATUM DATS 
386 TV_GDETAIL Transaction Form - Detail Information T_GDETAIL NUMC 
387 TV_GEXBTR Planned amount of underlying transactions in planned curr. WERTV8_TR CURR 
388 TV_GFORM Transaction Form T_GFORM NUMC 
389 TV_GGABZ Control discounting underlyings T_GGABZ CHAR 
390 TV_GNUMMER Transaction Number in Risk Management CHAR35 CHAR 
391 TV_GTAGE Term in whole days T_GTAGE DEC 
392 TV_HDRNAME Header name in a tree control (FuGr CNT4) TM_CHAR72 CHAR 
393 TV_HEADING Tree Control: Text in Length 132 TM_CHAR132 CHAR 
394 TV_HORIZON Calculation horizon DATUM DATS 
395 TV_HWVOLAB Volatility Type for Yield Curve Model, Ask Rate T_VOLART CHAR 
396 TV_HWVOLAG Volatility Type for Yield Curve Model, Bid Rate T_VOLART CHAR 
397 TV_HWVOLAM Volatility Type for Yield Curve Model, Middle Rate T_VOLART CHAR 
398 TV_IDX Standard Security Index CHAR10 CHAR 
400 TV_IMAGE Tree Control: Icon / Image TV_IMAGE CHAR 
401 TV_INDEXM Factor Index for Factor Results Table TV_INDEXM INT1 
402 TV_INSTRUM Abstract instrument TV_INSTRUM CHAR 
403 TV_INSTYP Instrument category TV_INSTYP NUMC 
404 TV_INTRINSIC_VALUE Intrinsic Value of an Option in Display Currency TV_PRESVAL CURR 
405 TV_INTRINSIC_X Calculation of the Intrinsic Value XFELD CHAR 
406 TV_IOPPZ Opportunity interest T_ZINS DEC 
407 TV_IPRODZ Product interest (customer interest) T_ZINS DEC 
408 TV_IRDREAL Effective int.rate difference real position DECV4_5 DEC 
409 TV_IRDRES1 Effective int.rate difference simulated + real position1 DECV4_5 DEC 
410 TV_IRDRES2 Effective int.rate difference real + fictitious position 2 DECV4_5 DEC 
411 TV_IRREAL Effective int.rate of real position DECV4_5 DEC 
412 TV_IRRESI1 Effective int.rate real + fictitious position 2 DECV4_5 DEC 
414 TV_IRRSIM1 IRR Simulation1 DECV4_5 DEC 
415 TV_IRRSIM2 IRR Simulation 2 DECV4_5 DEC 
416 TV_IRSIM Effective int.rate fict. pos1 + real position DECV4_5 DEC 
417 TV_ITMNAME Tree Control: Column Name / Item Name TM_CHAR12 CHAR 
418 TV_IXVOLB Volatility Type for Security Indexes; Ask Rates T_VOLART CHAR 
419 TV_IXVOLG Volatility Type for Security Indexes; Bid Rates T_VOLART CHAR 
420 TV_IXVOLM Volatility Type for Security Indexes; Middle Rates T_VOLART CHAR 
421 TV_KATEKZ Indicator for spot and forward transactions T_KATEKZ CHAR 
422 TV_KAUFWERT_AW Position Value in Display Currency WERTV8 CURR 
423 TV_KAUFWERT_BW Position Value in Position Currency WERTV8 CURR 
424 TV_KKWP Purchase price of securities transaction TB_KKURS DEC 
425 TV_KOMPR Activate Presummarization T_KOMPR CHAR 
426 TV_KONFID Confidence level volatility JBRKONFI DEC 
427 TV_KORART Correlation Types T_KORART CHAR 
428 TV_KORR Correlation TV_KORR DEC 
429 TV_KORRARTB 'Ask' Correlation Type T_KORART CHAR 
430 TV_KORRARTG 'Bid' Correlation Type T_KORART CHAR 
431 TV_KORRARTM 'Middle' Correlation Type T_KORART CHAR 
432 TV_KSICH Hedge rate (budget rate) UKURS DEC 
433 TV_KURSB Ask rate in market risk (price quoted) TV_KURS DEC 
434 TV_KURSFUT Current price of futures contract/option on futures contract VVPKTKUR DEC 
435 TV_KURSG Bid rate in market risk (direct quotation) TV_KURS DEC 
436 TV_LFNTEXT RM RDM: Text for Run Numbers (not language-dependent)   CHAR 
437 TV_LFZEIT Term in days TV_LFZN NUMC 
438 TV_LONG_CCY Currency Investment/Purchase/Incoming Side/Long WAERS CUKY 
439 TV_MAC_DURATION Macaulay Duration DEC9_3SIGN DEC 
440 TV_MAC_DUR_BNOMI Nominally weighted Macaulay Duration T_RESULT FLTP 
442 TV_MARPAR1 Modif.val.of 1st market param.for sensitivities calc. TR-CRM T_MARKTPAR FLTP 
443 TV_MARPAR2 Modif.val.of 2nd market param.for sensitivities calc. TR-CRM T_MARKTPAR FLTP 
444 TV_MATOP Volatilities - Option Term TV_LFZ INT2 
445 TV_MATOP_F4 Volatilities - Option Term TV_LFZ_F4 CHAR 
446 TV_MATUL Volatilities - Underlying Transaction Term TV_LFZ INT2 
447 TV_MATUL_F4 Volatilities - Underlying Transaction Term TV_LFZ_F4 CHAR 
448 TV_MAXTSKS Maximum Number of Parallel Tasks Per Server Cluster INT2 INT2 
449 TV_MESSH Error handling T_MESSH CHAR 
450 TV_METHOD RM: Calculation Method for Key Figures T_METHOD NUMC 
451 TV_METHODE Calculation Method - Price Calculator - Internal Use Only T_METHOD NUMC 
452 TV_MITTEL Middle Rate Indicator FLAG CHAR 
453 TV_MNYNSS Volatilities - Moneyness Factor TV_MNYNSS DEC 
454 TV_MOD_DURATION Fisher-Weil Duration DEC9_3SIGN DEC 
455 TV_MOD_DUR_BNOMI Nominally-Weighted Fisher-Weil Duration T_RESULT FLTP 
457 TV_MRM_REL Flow is relevant for market risk XFELD CHAR 
458 TV_MTASK Multitasking is active FLAG CHAR 
459 TV_NODEKEY Tree Control: Node Key TM_CHAR12 CHAR 
460 TV_NOMI1 Nominal amount of outgoing side T_BETRAG CURR 
461 TV_NOMI2 Nominal amount of incoming side T_BETRAG CURR 
462 TV_NOMINAL Nominal amount T_BETRAG CURR 
463 TV_NOMW Currency of nominal amount T_WAER CUKY 
464 TV_NOMWAE Currency of Nominal Amount WAERS CUKY 
465 TV_NPV_CC RM NPV in Evaluation Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
466 TV_NPV_DC RM NPV in Display Currency from Position Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
467 TV_NPV_LONG_CC RM NPV of Incoming Side in Evaluation Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
468 TV_NPV_LONG_PC RM NPV of Incoming Side in Currency of Incoming Side WERTV8_TR CURR 
469 TV_NPV_PC RM Net Present Value in Position Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
470 TV_NPV_SHORT_CC RM NPV of Outgoing Side in Evaluation Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
471 TV_NPV_SHORT_PC RM NPV of Outgoing Side in Currency of Outgoing Side WERTV8_TR CURR 
472 TV_OFFBTR Open position in planned currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
473 TV_OFFBTR_AW Open item in display currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
474 TV_OKUART Price/NPV type for OTC transactions T_OKUART CHAR 
475 TV_OKUART_CORE Price/NPV Type for OTC Transactions T_OKUART_CORE CHAR 
476 TV_ONAME Name of option category T_XTEXT30 CHAR 
477 TV_OPTTYP Original option category (on closing) T_OPTTYP NUMC 
478 TV_OSBPRIC Strike price per unit T_BETRAG CURR 
479 TV_OSKURS Strike as price TV_KURS DEC 
480 TV_OSTRIKE Option strike amount T_BETRAG CURR 
481 TV_PCKSIZE RM: Packet Size for Parallel Processing INT2 INT2 
482 TV_PERIODS Number of Intervals TV_PERIODS NUMC 
483 TV_PINKL Including accumulated balance XFELD CHAR 
484 TV_PKOND Interest rate DECV3_7 DEC 
485 TV_POS23_PRIO Financial Objects for Positions in Futures Accounts TV_POS23_PRIO CHAR 
486 TV_POSTED Posted transactions not included XFELD CHAR 
487 TV_POS_CCY Position Currency WAERS CUKY 
488 TV_PRAEMIE Payment Amount of Option Premium WERTV8_TR CURR 
489 TV_PRIZUS Print detailed log in batch XFELD CHAR 
490 TV_PRLEVEL Log level in detailed log TV_PRLEVEL NUMC 
491 TV_PROFIL Volatility Pofile TV_PROFIL CHAR 
492 TV_PUTCALL Put/Call Indicator for Options TV_PUTCAL NUMC 
493 TV_PZINSSV Fixed interest rate (fixed side of SWAP, FRA, Strike for Cap DECV3_7 DEC 
494 TV_P_OR_L2 Profit or loss in display currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
495 TV_RAPARAMKEY Risk Analyzer: Additional Parameter Key   CHAR 
497 TV_RDBSIMNR RDB: Simulation Number   NUMC 
499 TV_REAL_CF Include Real Cash Flows XFELD CHAR 
500 TV_REAL_FIKT RM: Position type (real, fictional, basic transaction) TV_REAL CHAR