SAP ABAP Data Element - Index K
Data Element - K
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | K1BEG | Begin core time 1 | UZEIT | TIMS |
2 | K1END | End core time 1 | UZEIT | TIMS |
3 | K20D_STEXT | Screen text | K20D_STEXT | CHAR |
4 | K2BEG | Begin core time 2 | UZEIT | TIMS |
5 | K2END | End core time 2 | UZEIT | TIMS |
6 | KA4E_POSIT | Item within the cost element attribute mix | CHAR1 | CHAR |
7 | KA4E_ZEICH | Attribute indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
8 | KA4E_ZTEXT | Name of cost element attribute | TEXT40 | CHAR |
9 | KA4_EIG01 | Attribute 1 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
10 | KA4_EIG02 | Attribute 2 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
11 | KA4_EIG03 | Attribute 3 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
12 | KA4_EIG04 | Attribute 4 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
13 | KA4_EIG05 | Attribute 5 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
14 | KA4_EIG06 | Attribute 6 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
15 | KA4_EIG07 | Attribute 7 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
16 | KA4_EIG08 | Attribute 8 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
17 | KAAFA | Cumulative unplanned depreciation | ANLKWERT | CURR |
18 | KAAFA_ALTD | Cum.unplanned depreciation (Legacy Data Transfer FI-AA) | CHAR16 | CHAR |
19 | KAALL | Display available and reserved business events | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
20 | KAANB | Capacity reqmt was not created by repetitive mfg | FLTP | FLTP |
21 | KAANG | Available capacity | FLTP | FLTP |
22 | KAAUS | Capacity load | KAAUS | FLTP |
23 | KABA1 | SIGN of the Parameter/Select-Option Table | CHAR1 | CHAR |
24 | KABA2 | OPTION of the Parameter/Select-Option Table | CHAR2 | CHAR |
25 | KABA3 | TYPE of the Parameter/Select-Option Table | CHAR1 | CHAR |
26 | KABA35 | Field of the Parameter/Select-Option Table | CHAR35 | CHAR |
27 | KABA35A | STRUCTURE of the Parameter/Select-Option Table | CHAR35 | CHAR |
28 | KABA80 | Lowest/Highest Value of the Parameter/Select-Option Table | CHAR200 | CHAR |
29 | KABBR | Calendar: Termination flag | CHAR1 | CHAR |
30 | KABED | Capacity requirements | KAPBED | FLTP |
31 | KABETRG | Maximum franchise fee | KONBTR | DEC |
32 | KABFO_CM | Classification of Form of Payment Guarantee for Security | NUM04 | NUMC |
33 | KABGR_SCHL | Results Analysis Keys for Credit/Debit Results Analysis | KABGR_SCHL | CHAR |
34 | KABIS | To-block for consumption with franchise tax | E_ZONE | NUMC |
35 | KABLSORT | Change Document Sort Sequence | KABLSORT | CHAR |
36 | KABLXALG | Indicator: Display Changes to General Data ? | XFELD | CHAR |
37 | KABLXALL | Indicator: Changes to General Data for All Vendors | XFELD | CHAR |
38 | KABLXBUK | Indicator: Display Changes to Company Code Data? | XFELD | CHAR |
39 | KABLXDSC | Indicator: Display account name | XFELD | CHAR |
40 | KABLXEKO | Indicator: Display Changes to Purchasing Organization Data? | XFELD | CHAR |
41 | KABLXTEC | Indicator: Display Technical Field Names | XFELD | CHAR |
42 | KABRTXT | Texts of Length 30 for Settlement List | TEXT50 | CHAR |
43 | KABSLBETR | Lower limit for dynamic determination of bud. billing cycle | KABSLBETR | CURR |
44 | KABSPERA | No budget billing in period billing | KENNZX | CHAR |
45 | KABSSCB_CM | Description of customer payment guarantee procedure | TEXT60 | CHAR |
46 | KABSSCH_CM | Customer payment guarantee procedure | KABSSCH_CM | CHAR |
47 | KABSTD | Distance of public holiday from Easter | KABSTD | DEC |
48 | KAB_ICON_SGR | Separate GR for kanban has taken place/has not taken place | CHAR46 | CHAR |
49 | KAB_TABLE | Tabular Display | XFLAG | CHAR |
50 | KAB_TABLEVIEW | Choose Tabular Display of Kanban Board | CHAR1 | CHAR |
51 | KACTIV | 'Allocatable' Flag | FLAG | CHAR |
52 | KADAT | Electronic Account Statement Date | DATUM | DATS |
53 | KADD | 'Added During Financial Year' Flag | FLAG | CHAR |
54 | KADDFIELDS | Indicator: Copy Additional Fields from Reference Promotion | FLAG | CHAR |
55 | KADEL | Delete class type | XFELD | CHAR |
56 | KAEFE | Indicator: Field name changed by person responsible | XFELD | CHAR |
57 | KAEME | Indicator: Feature can be changed by person responsible only | XFELD | CHAR |
58 | KAEND | Set indicator if generated DDIC structure may be changed | KAEND | CHAR |
59 | KAEND_BTR | Condition rate of change for amount/percentage | XFELD | CHAR |
60 | KAEND_KNBTXT | Changeability of the Additional Text | XFELD | CHAR |
61 | KAEND_LOE | Delete the scope for changing rate | XFELD | CHAR |
62 | KAEND_MEH | Condition scope of change for unit of measure | XFELD | CHAR |
63 | KAEND_RCH | Condition Rate of Change for Calculation Type | XFELD | CHAR |
64 | KAEND_TYP | Condition categories that cannot be changed | CHAR5 | CHAR |
65 | KAEND_UFK | Scope for changing conversion factors | XFELD | CHAR |
66 | KAEND_WRT | Scope for changing the value | XFELD | CHAR |
67 | KAEPX_HIERVIEW | KAEPX: Display with Hierarchy | CHAR1 | CHAR |
68 | KAEPX_KSTAR_OPT | KAEPX: Number of Cost Elements Without Summarization | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
69 | KAEPX_OBJ_BLOC | KAEPX: Number of Objects per Select | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
70 | KAEPX_SEL_LINES | KAEPX: Maximum Number of Selection Criteria | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
71 | KAEP_CEKTX | Cost Element Name | TEXT20 | CHAR |
72 | KAEP_CELTX | Cost Element Description | TEXT40 | CHAR |
73 | KAEP_COLMN | Column Position Default | NUM03 | NUMC |
74 | KAEP_DDTAB | Field Structure Name | TABNAME | CHAR |
75 | KAEP_DE_TT | Indicator Whether Already Translated (Using Traffic Lights) | CHAR6 | CHAR |
76 | KAEP_DIVAR | Layout | CHAR10 | CHAR |
77 | KAEP_EBTXT | Purchase Order Text From the Purchasing Document | TEXT40 | CHAR |
78 | KAEP_FILTER_ACTIVE | Ind.: Is Filter Active for the Display Variant? | CHAR20 | CHAR |
79 | KAEP_FILTER_FIELDS | Characteristics Used as Filters | CHAR50 | CHAR |
80 | KAEP_FILTER_VALUES | Values for the Characteristics Used as Filters | CHAR50 | CHAR |
81 | KAEP_FIXVAR | Indicator: "Read Variant Fields Only" (Line Item Report) | FLAG | CHAR |
82 | KAEP_GROUP | Field Group Assignment | KAEP_GROUP | CHAR |
83 | KAEP_HDTAB | Header Table Name | TABNAME | CHAR |
84 | KAEP_ITEM | Line Item Type | KAEP_ITEM | CHAR |
85 | KAEP_ITTAB | Item Table Name | TABNAME | CHAR |
86 | KAEP_KEYFL | Key Flag | FLAG | CHAR |
87 | KAEP_OBATX | Text for Object Type | CHAR20 | CHAR |
88 | KAEP_OBJ | Line Item Report Object | KAEP_OBJ | CHAR |
89 | KAEP_OBJTX | CO Object Name | KAEP_OBJTX | CHAR |
90 | KAEP_POATX | Text for Partner Object Type | CHAR20 | CHAR |
91 | KAEP_POATX_UMB | Text on object type of reposting partner | CHAR20 | CHAR |
92 | KAEP_POBTX | CO Partner Object Name | KAEP_OBJTX | CHAR |
93 | KAEP_POBTX_UMB | Name of reposting partner object | KAEP_OBJTX | CHAR |
94 | KAEP_PRTAB | Primary Table Name | TABNAME | CHAR |
95 | KAEP_RECORD_COUNTER | Counter for the Number of Records Read | INT4 | INT4 |
96 | KAEP_RUNTIME | Runtime for Database Selection in hh:mm:ss | CHAR10 | CHAR |
97 | KAEP_SHOWNOZERO | Do Not Display Zero Records | FLAG | CHAR |
98 | KAEP_SKTAB | Secondary Table Name | TABNAME | CHAR |
99 | KAEP_TCTAB | Name of Table With General Text Fields | TABNAME | CHAR |
100 | KAEP_TECH | Technical Field | FLAG | CHAR |
101 | KAEP_TEXT_CLIENT | Text Constant "Client" | CHAR10 | CHAR |
102 | KAEP_TEXT_DATE | Text Constant "Date" (Local Date) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
103 | KAEP_TEXT_FILTER | Text Constant "Filter" | CHAR10 | CHAR |
104 | KAEP_TEXT_FROM | Text Constant "From" | RSSELTOTXT | CHAR |
105 | KAEP_TEXT_NAME | Text Constant "Name" | CHAR20 | CHAR |
106 | KAEP_TEXT_PAGE | Text Constant "Page" (Current Page) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
107 | KAEP_TEXT_TIME | Text Constant "Time" (Local Time) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
108 | KAEP_TEXT_TITLE | Text Constant "Title" (Report or Transaction Title) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
109 | KAEP_TEXT_TO | Text Constant "To" | RSSELTOTXT | CHAR |
110 | KAEP_TEXT_TRANSACTION | Text Constant "Transaction" | CHAR15 | CHAR |
111 | KAEP_TEXT_UNAME | Text Constant "From" | CHAR10 | CHAR |
112 | KAEP_TEXT_VARIANT | Text Constant "Display Variant" | CHAR20 | CHAR |
113 | KAEP_TFTAB | Name of Table With Special Text Fields | TABNAME | CHAR |
114 | KAEP_UOATX | Text for Source Object Type | CHAR20 | CHAR |
115 | KAEP_UOBTX | Source Object Name | KAEP_OBJTX | CHAR |
116 | KAEP_USEGRD | Use ALV Grid as Output for Line Item Reports | FLAG | CHAR |
117 | KAFINDTEXT | Text for franchise tax determination | TEXT30 | CHAR |
118 | KAFLG | Resources planning and leveling allowed | CHAR1 | CHAR |
119 | KAFREE | Only business events with available places | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
120 | KAFULL | Display reserved business events | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
121 | KAGEB | Total capacity requirement for a production line | FLTP | FLTP |
122 | KAGFR | Notice period for employer (IT Contract Elements) | CHAR20 | CHAR |
123 | KAGRER | Franchise fee document generated automatically or manually | KENNZX | CHAR |
124 | KAGRU | Cost Element Group | GRPNAME | CHAR |
125 | KAGRU_ERL | Revenue cost element group | GRPNAME | CHAR |
126 | KAGRU_LST | Cost element group, quantity to be taken | SETNR | CHAR |
127 | KAGRU_PRK | Cost element group for primary costs | GRPNAME | CHAR |
128 | KAGRU_SKZ | Statistical ratio cost element grtoup | SETNR | CHAR |
129 | KAGST | Status of sales order generation | ASTAB | CHAR |
130 | KAIOTHREAD | Number of kaio threads for kernel asynchronous disk I/O | SINT4_NOS | INT4 |
131 | KAKTIV | ID: Credit check active | XFELD | CHAR |
132 | KALAU | Procedure for material exclusion | KALSM | CHAR |
133 | KALAW | CO-PA: Costing key | KALAW | CHAR |
134 | KALAW1 | First costing key (CO-PA) | KALAW | CHAR |
135 | KALAW2 | Second costing key (CO-PA) | KALAW | CHAR |
136 | KALAW3 | Third costing key (CO-PA) | KALAW | CHAR |
137 | KALAW4 | Fourth costing key (CO-PA) | KALAW | CHAR |
138 | KALAW5 | Fifth costing key (CO-PA) | KALAW | CHAR |
139 | KALAW6 | Sixth costing key (CO-PA) | KALAW | CHAR |
140 | KALAWX | Text for cost estimate selection | TEXT30 | CHAR |
141 | KALAW_ACT | Costing Key for Actual Cost Estimate/Material Ledger | KALAW | CHAR |
142 | KALBB | Calculation schema for bonus buys | KALSM | CHAR |
143 | KALBO | Settlement schema (subsequent settlement) | KALSM | CHAR |
144 | KALCD | Procedure for Campaign Determination | KALSM | CHAR |
145 | KALC_ABSCH_TXT | Allocations: Text for cost component structure | CHAR15 | CHAR |
146 | KALC_AENNM | Last changed by | USNAM | CHAR |
147 | KALC_ALLFLAG | Use All Field Attributes | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
148 | KALC_BATCH | Allocation: Batch Run | CHAR1 | CHAR |
149 | KALC_CALL | Callup of batch report from transactions | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
150 | KALC_CONSISTENT | Allocation: Consistency Check for Cycle Run Groups | MKNFLAG | CHAR |
151 | KALC_DB_SELECT | Database Selection Type for Periodic Allocations | KALC_DB_SELECT | NUMC |
152 | KALC_DELTA_UPDATE | Allocation: Is Delta Update Active? | XFELD | CHAR |
153 | KALC_DEP_GROUP | Allocations: Object dependency group | KALC_DEP_GROUP | CHAR |
154 | KALC_DEP_HIER | Allocations: Object dependency hierarchy | KALC_DEP_HIER | NUMC |
155 | KALC_DFGRP | Field Group is Default Value | MKNFLAG | CHAR |
156 | KALC_EMPTY | Placeholder field for better display, allocation | CHAR1 | CHAR |
157 | KALC_EP_CYC | Allocations: Save Line Items Report per Cycle | CHAR1 | CHAR |
158 | KALC_ERRCS | Procedure for errors | CHAR1 | CHAR |
159 | KALC_ERRSP | End Program | XFELD | CHAR |
160 | KALC_ERRSW | Change to Simulation Mode | XFELD | CHAR |
161 | KALC_EXTRPOS | Allocations: Sequence number | KALC_EXTRPOS | NUMC |
162 | KALC_EXTR_DATA | Data part for generating an extract | KALC_EXTR_DATA | CHAR |
163 | KALC_EXTR_DATA2 | Allocations: Tables and structures for extracts | KALC_EXTR_DATA2 | LCHR |
164 | KALC_FACT | Sender/receiver specific weighting factor | TEXT16 | CHAR |
165 | KALC_FGBEZ | Fld Grp Description: Tracing Factors for Period. Allocations | KALC_FGBEZ | CHAR |
166 | KALC_HDFLD | Field is on the Execute Allocations: Initial Screen | KALC_HDFLD | CHAR |
167 | KALC_ID_EXTR | Allocations: General ID | KALC_ID_EXTR | CHAR |
168 | KALC_INHE1 | Flag: Transfer of Sender Information to Receiver | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
169 | KALC_INHE2 | Inheritance Sender Information to Receiver | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
170 | KALC_INHER | Flag: Transfer of Sender Information to Receiver | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
171 | KALC_ITER | Iterative processing | FLAG | CHAR |
172 | KALC_KL | Allocations: Select KL Objects | CHAR1 | CHAR |
173 | KALC_KL_BT | Allocations: Make KL Selection with Single Values | CHAR1 | CHAR |
174 | KALC_KL_SING | Allocations: Make KL Selection with Single Values | CHAR1 | CHAR |
175 | KALC_KSTPER | Start period for accumulation | RPMAX | NUMC |
176 | KALC_LFDNR | Sequence number | NUMC4 | NUMC |
177 | KALC_MAINT | Indicator: field in display can be maintained (allocation) | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
178 | KALC_MFLAG | Allocations: Stop master data validation for field | KALC_MFLAG | NUMC |
179 | KALC_MRULE | Allocation: Manipulation Rule for Cyclical Maintenance | CHAR_LG_04 | CHAR |
180 | KALC_NAME_EXTR | Name of extract | KALC_NAME_EXTR | CHAR |
181 | KALC_NO_EPOS | Segment reversal: Number of line items | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
182 | KALC_OBJ_COUNT | Allocation: Number of Objects for Parallel Processing | INT6 | NUMC |
183 | KALC_ORGUT | Allocation: Organizational Unit | CYCLE | CHAR |
184 | KALC_PPARAM | Screen Field Allocation: Processing Parameters | CHAR30 | CHAR |
185 | KALC_PROCG | Cycle Run Group | KALC_PROCG | CHAR |
186 | KALC_PROC_CHECK | Cycle Run Group Check is Active | XFELD | CHAR |
187 | KALC_PRODPER | Allocation: Derive Production Month | CHAR1 | CHAR |
188 | KALC_RC_ACT | Field is required entry on allocat.tracing factors screen | MKNFLAG | CHAR |
189 | KALC_RC_SET | Allocated Receiver Values for Periodic Allocations | CHAR30 | CHAR |
190 | KALC_REBOK | Rebook is Active | XFELD | CHAR |
191 | KALC_REC_SHARE | Receiver Tracing Factor for Periodic Allocations | CHAR30 | CHAR |
192 | KALC_REVERSE | Allocations: Cycle is Reversed | KALC_REVERSE | CHAR |
193 | KALC_REVGJ | Fiscal year to be adjusted | GJAHR | NUMC |
194 | KALC_REVGJAHR | Fiscal Year for Reversal | GJAHR | NUMC |
195 | KALC_REVPD | Posting period with variances | CHAR30 | CHAR |
196 | KALC_REVPERIO | Posting Period for Reversal | POPER | NUMC |
197 | KALC_REVPF | First period to be adjusted | RPMAX | NUMC |
198 | KALC_REVPT | Last period to be adjusted | RPMAX | NUMC |
199 | KALC_REVTP | Segment adjustment type | SEGREV_TYP | CHAR |
200 | KALC_REV_CHECK | Allocations: Master Data Check for Objects in Reversal | CHAR1 | CHAR |
201 | KALC_RMFLG | Allocation: Indicator to prevent receiver master validation | KALC_MFLAG | NUMC |
202 | KALC_RREPL | Receiver-Specific Account Assignments | MKNFLAG | CHAR |
203 | KALC_RRFLD | Account assignment field | FDNAME | CHAR |
204 | KALC_RRVAL | Account Assignment Value for Receivers: Periodic Allocations | SETVAL | CHAR |
205 | KALC_RTA | Allocations: Runtime Analysis | XFELD | CHAR |
206 | KALC_RTAOFF | Allocations: Deselect Constant Runtime Analysis | XFELD | CHAR |
207 | KALC_RTA_ID | Allocations: General ID | TZNTSTMPL | DEC |
208 | KALC_RVARTEXT | Application-Specific Text for "Type of Variable Portion" | CHAR18 | CHAR |
209 | KALC_RWEIGHTF | Decimal Places Factor of the Receiver Weighting Factors | KALC_WEIGHT_FACTOR | NUMC |
210 | KALC_SAVE_EXTR | Save extract | XFELD | CHAR |
211 | KALC_SCIST | Sender Value Origin: Actual Values | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
212 | KALC_SCPLN | Sender Value Origin: Plan Values | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
213 | KALC_SC_GET | Sender Values Determined for Periodic Allocations | CHAR30 | CHAR |
214 | KALC_SC_SET | Allocated Sender Values for Periodic Allocations | CHAR30 | CHAR |
215 | KALC_SEGRV | Segment Reverse Active | XFELD | CHAR |
216 | KALC_SEND_BASE | Sender Tracing Factor for Periodic Allocations | KALC_SEND_BASE | CHAR |
217 | KALC_SHOW_EXTR | Display extract | XFELD | CHAR |
218 | KALC_SI | Indicator: Cycle Maintenance, Transfer Sender Value | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
219 | KALC_SMFLG | Allocation: Indicator to Prevent Sender Master Validation | KALC_MFLAG | NUMC |
220 | KALC_SNOR | Exclude Sender as Receiver | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
221 | KALC_SORTF | Segment Sort Field | TEXT10 | CHAR |
222 | KALC_STAT | Cycle maintenance status | TEXT20 | CHAR |
223 | KALC_STDRT | Fixed Price for Combinations of Assessments/Distributions | TEXT16 | CHAR |
224 | KALC_STKND | Set type | KALC_STKND | CHAR |
225 | KALC_SWEIGHT | IAA Allocations: Sender Values Weighting Factor | KALC_WEIGHT2 | DEC |
226 | KALC_SWEIGHTF | Decimal Places Factor for Sender Weighting Factors | KALC_WEIGHT_FACTOR | NUMC |
227 | KALC_TCODE | Transaction Code for Batch Processing | CHAR8 | CHAR |
228 | KALC_TESTRUN | Allocations test run | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
229 | KALC_TIMENR | Runtime analysis number | CHAR2 | CHAR |
230 | KALC_USED | Allocations: Field used to create combinations | XFELD | CHAR |
231 | KALC_USRFD | Allocation: General user field (maximum length CHAR10) | TEXT10 | CHAR |
232 | KALC_VARI | Layout for allocations | SLIS_VARI | CHAR |
233 | KALC_VARITEXT | Display Variant Text for Allocations | TEXT40 | CHAR |
234 | KALC_WEIGHT | Weighting Factor for Periodic Allocations | KALC_WEIGHT | DEC |
235 | KALC_WP_COUNT | Allocation: Maximum Number of Work Processes | NUMC3 | NUMC |
236 | KALE | Maintain appointments in calendar | KALE | CHAR |
237 | KALEA | Pricing Level of Current Final Price | KALEB | CHAR |
238 | KALEB | Sales Pricing: Pricing level | KALEB | CHAR |
239 | KALEBT | Description of calculation level | DDTEXT | CHAR |
240 | KALGR | Pricing type | KALGR | CHAR |
241 | KALGT | Procedure for GTIN Mapping | KALSM | CHAR |
242 | KALJAHR | Calendar Year | GJAHR | NUMC |
243 | KALKA | EC-PCA: Costing Key | KALKA | CHAR |
244 | KALKKZ | Indicator: costing | XFELD | CHAR |
245 | KALKL | Indicator: standard cost estimate for current period | XFELD | CHAR |
246 | KALKS | Pricing procedure assigned to this customer | KALKS | CHAR |
247 | KALKU_D | Control of Costing | KALKU | CHAR |
248 | KALKV | Indicator: standard cost estimate for previous period | XFELD | CHAR |
249 | KALKVARIST | Costing variant for actual costs | KLVAR | CHAR |
250 | KALKVARPLN | Costing variant for planned costs | KLVAR | CHAR |
251 | KALKZ | Indicator: Standard cost estimate for the period | XFELD | CHAR |
252 | KALK_LOSGR | Indicator: adjust costing lot size | CHAR1 | CHAR |
253 | KALK_NEU | Ind.: cost estimate will be recreated | CHAR1 | CHAR |
254 | KALLE | Display inactive items | XFELD | CHAR |
255 | KALLI | Procedure for material listing | KALSM | CHAR |
256 | KALNB | Procedure for discount in kind determination | KALSM | CHAR |
257 | KALNR | Cost Estimate Number (Unit Costing) | KALNR | CHAR |
258 | KALNR_COM_KEY | Character 95 Characters | CHAR95 | CHAR |
259 | KALNR_VK | Account Statement: Sequence number | NUM10 | NUMC |
260 | KALPG | Product List eligibility: Procedure for product lists | KALSM | CHAR |
261 | KALPK | Plan period indicator for product costing | KALPK | CHAR |
262 | KALSB | Description of schema group | TEXT30 | CHAR |
263 | KALSC | Overhead key (deactivated) | KALSC | CHAR |
264 | KALSE | Group for Calculation Schema (Purchasing Organization) | KALSE | CHAR |
265 | KALSK | Group for Calculation Schema (Vendor) | KALSK | CHAR |
266 | KALSMACS | Sales and distribution: Cross-selling pricing procedure | KALSM | CHAR |
267 | KALSMAE | IS-M: Pricing Procedure for Agency Commission | KALSM | CHAR |
268 | KALSMASD | Sales and Distribution: Pricing Procedure in Pricing | KALSM | CHAR |
269 | KALSMATX | Pricing procedure for tax determination | KALSM | CHAR |
270 | KALSMA_CH | Search procedure for batch determination | KALSM | CHAR |
271 | KALSMB | Output determination procedure | KALSM | CHAR |
272 | KALSMBP | Procedure for item output | KALSM | CHAR |
273 | KALSMBPPAM | IS-M: Output Determination Procedure for Item Output | KALSM | CHAR |
274 | KALSMBP_MGT | Trad.Contr: Message Schema f. Empl., Messages at Item Level | KALSM | CHAR |
275 | KALSMBP_MM | Message Schema for Vendor Messages at Item Level | KALSM | CHAR |
276 | KALSMBP_SD | Message Schema for Customer Messages at Item Level | KALSM | CHAR |
277 | KALSMB_AAB | IS-M: Contract Settlement for Output Determination Procedure | KALSM | CHAR |
278 | KALSMB_ABRLF | Message determination schema settlement run | KALSM | CHAR |
279 | KALSMB_ABS | IS-M: Contract Output Determination Procedure | KALSM | CHAR |
280 | KALSMB_ADR | IS-M: Output determination procedure for address change | KALSM | CHAR |
281 | KALSMB_KONA | Message determination schema rebate arrangement | KALSM | CHAR |
282 | KALSMB_MGT | Trading Contract: Message Schema for Messages for Employee | KALSM | CHAR |
283 | KALSMB_MM | Trading Contract: Message Schema for Vendor Messages | KALSM | CHAR |
284 | KALSMB_SD | Trading Contract: Message Schema for Customer Messages | KALSM | CHAR |
285 | KALSMC | Account determination procedure | KALSM | CHAR |
286 | KALSMCA | Pricing procedure for account determination extra pay | KALSM | CHAR |
287 | KALSMCB | Pricing procedure for acc. determ. reconciliation account | KALSM | CHAR |
288 | KALSMCC | Pricing procedure for account determination cash settlement | KALSM | CHAR |
289 | KALSMCD | Pricing procedure for account determination payment cards | KALSM | CHAR |
290 | KALSM_ADCH | IS-M: Output Determination Procedure for Address Change | KALSM | CHAR |
291 | KALSM_ADRE | IS-M: Output det.procedure for resubmission - address change | KALSM | CHAR |
292 | KALSM_AMO | IS-M/SD: Pricing Procedure for Amortization | KALSM | CHAR |
293 | KALSM_CO | Overhead Structure (CO Accrual Calculation, Overhead) | KALSM | CHAR |
294 | KALSM_COPA | Costing sheet (CO-PA valuation) | KALSM | CHAR |
295 | KALSM_D | Procedure (Pricing, Output Control, Acct. Det., Costing,...) | KALSM | CHAR |
296 | KALSM_FREI | IS-M: Output determination proc.for resubmission - release | KALSM | CHAR |
297 | KALSM_KD | Payment document: Calculation schema customer | KALSM | CHAR |
298 | KALSM_KOPF | Pricing procedure in shipment header | KALSM | CHAR |
299 | KALSM_KRUST | Schema "Account key for provisions for accrued income" | KALSM | CHAR |
300 | KALSM_LF | Payment processing: Calculation schema vendor | KALSM | CHAR |
301 | KALSM_PROV | IS-M: Pricing procedure for commission settlement | KALSM | CHAR |
302 | KALSM_R | Procedure for recipient search | KALSM | CHAR |
303 | KALSM_S | Search procedure for sender search | KALSM | CHAR |
304 | KALSM_SO | Source costing sheet | KALSM | CHAR |
305 | KALSM_TA | Target costing sheet | KALSM | CHAR |
306 | KALSM_TAX | Procedure (Pricing, Output Control, Acct. Det., Costing,...) | KALSM | CHAR |
307 | KALSM_TRAB | Pricing procedure in stage of shipment | KALSM | CHAR |
308 | KALSM_ZUST | IS-M: Pricing procedure for home delivery settlement | KALSM | CHAR |
309 | KALSM_ZU_B | IS-M: Pricing proc.for carrier route flat rate in home del. | KALSM | CHAR |
310 | KALSM_ZU_P | IS-M: Pricing procedure for home delivery - period average | KALSM | CHAR |
311 | KALSM_ZU_S | IS-M: Pricing proc.for home delivery - unit-based payment | KALSM | CHAR |
312 | KALSN | Calendar Selection for Order | KALSN | NUMC |
313 | KALSNTX | Calendar Selection Description field | KALSNTX | CHAR |
314 | KALSP | Shipping: Pricing procedure | KALSM | CHAR |
315 | KALSS | Schema for price determination (Ext. Services Management) | KALSM | CHAR |
316 | KALST | Description of material status from costing view | CHAR50 | CHAR |
317 | KALSU | Procedure for material determination | KALSM | CHAR |
318 | KALTG | Calendar days | TAGE4_2 | DEC |
319 | KALTX | Description of the factory calendar | TEXT20 | CHAR |
320 | KALVG | Document schema for determining calculation schema | KALVG | CHAR |
321 | KALVG_DEF | Doc.Procedure Proposal (to Determine Pricing Procedure) | KALVG | CHAR |
322 | KALVL | Procedure for material listing | KALSM | CHAR |
323 | KALWO | Calendar week, external display (WW.YYYY) | KALWO | CHAR |
324 | KAL_BIS | Calendar: Date to | DATUM | DATS |
325 | KAL_VON | Calendar from | DATUM | DATS |
326 | KAMAN | NO indicator | YNFLG | CHAR |
327 | KAMAY | YES indicator | YNFLG | CHAR |
328 | KAMNG | Quantity Released Against Contract | MENG13 | QUAN |
329 | KAMNTPM | 'Quantity-Based Conversion' Flag | FLAG | CHAR |
330 | KAMOUNT | Amount in Controlling area currency | WERTV9 | CURR |
331 | KAMPAGNE | IS-M: Campaign (customer) | KAMPAGNE | CHAR |
332 | KAMPAGNE_LTEXT | IS-M: Short Text for Campaign (Customer) | TEXT50 | CHAR |
333 | KAMPAGNE_STEXT | IS-M: Short Text for Campaign (Customer) | TEXT15 | CHAR |
334 | KAMP_ETAT | IS-M: Campaign Budget | WERT | CURR |
335 | KANAL | Communication Channel | KANAL | CHAR |
336 | KANAM | Short Anamnesis | TEXT50 | CHAR |
337 | KANFR | Notice period for employee (IT Contract Elements) | CHAR20 | CHAR |
338 | KANNF | Indicator: Optional entry | XFELD | CHAR |
339 | KANNR | KANBAN/sequence number | CHAR35 | CHAR |
340 | KANSW | Cumulative acquisition and production costs | ANLKWERT | CURR |
341 | KANSW_ALTD | Cumulative APC (Legacy Data Transfer FI-AA) | CHAR16 | CHAR |
342 | KANSW_LARGE | Cumulative acquisition and production costs | ANLKWERT_LARGE | CURR |
343 | KANTE | Number of the link between two technical objects | KANTE | CHAR |
344 | KANTE_K | Path in exploded BOM tree | STKAN | NUMC |
345 | KANTE_V | Path of the superior item in the exploded tree | STKAN | NUMC |
346 | KANTO | Canton Indicator | CHAR2 | CHAR |
347 | KANTTXT | Text for link object | TEXT40 | CHAR |
348 | KANTYP | Link category | KANTYP | CHAR |
349 | KANWA | Business Event Attendance Type | CHAR1 | CHAR |
350 | KANWA_TEXT | Text for Business Event Attendance Type | CHAR25 | CHAR |
351 | KANXT | Short text for link | TEXT40 | CHAR |
352 | KANZA | Cumulative down payments | ANLKWERT | CURR |
353 | KANZH | Quota number | ANZHL | DEC |
354 | KAPAKZ | Indicator: available capacity of individual cap. maintained | XFELD | CHAR |
355 | KAPAN | Available capacity | KAPBED | FLTP |
356 | KAPANZAHL | Number of individual capacities | KAPANZAHL | INT2 |
357 | KAPANZAHL_DX | Number of individual capacities | CHAR005 | CHAR |
358 | KAPANZAHL_NUMC | Number of individual capacities | KAPANZAHL_NUMC | NUMC |
359 | KAPAO | Production Work Center Reserved by Plant Maintenance | KREUZ | CHAR |
360 | KAPAR | Capacity category | CHAR3 | CHAR |
361 | KAPART | Capacity category | KAPART | CHAR |
362 | KAPARTTEXT | Description of the capacity category | TEXT20 | CHAR |
363 | KAPART_IST | Actual values not updated when confirming ind. capacity | XFELD | CHAR |
364 | KAPART_PER | Indicator: People possible as individual capacities | XFELD | CHAR |
365 | KAPART_TYP | Type of capacity category | KAPART_TYP | CHAR |
366 | KAPAR_SET | Name of the capacity category set | SETNAME | CHAR |
367 | KAPAZ10 | Capacity | KAPAZ10 | DEC |
368 | KAPAZEINH | IS-M: Unit of Capacity for Loading/Unloading Point | MEINS | UNIT |
369 | KAPAZITAET | Capacity | INT4 | INT4 |
370 | KAPAZIT_E9 | Capacity expressed in a specific unit of measure | KAPAZIT_E9 | QUAN |
371 | KAPAZIT_EH | Capacity expressed in a specific unit of measure | KAPAZIT_EH | QUAN |
372 | KAPAZIT_EM | Capacity with volume or quantity unit | KAPAZIT_EM | QUAN |
373 | KAPAZIT_H | Capacity in hours | KAPAZIT_H | DEC |
374 | KAPAZIT_VM_MAX | Maximum capacity in volume unit or unit of measure | KAPAZIT_EM | QUAN |
375 | KAPAZIT_VM_MAX_T | Maximum available capacity (in all indiv. capacities) | KAPAZIT_EM | QUAN |
376 | KAPAZIT_VM_MIN | Minimum capacity in volume unit or unit of measure | KAPAZIT_EM | QUAN |
377 | KAPAZIT_VM_MIN_T | Minimum available capacity (in all indiv. capacities) | KAPAZIT_EM | QUAN |
378 | KAPAZIT_VM_UNIT | Unit for available capacity | MEINS | UNIT |
379 | KAPAZ_EH10 | Capacity expressed in a specific unit of measure | KAPAZ_EH10 | QUAN |
380 | KAPA_D | Indicator: Determine capacity requirements | FLAG | CHAR |
381 | KAPA_FEIN | Capacity planning using detailed planning | XFELD | CHAR |
382 | KAPA_GEW | Capacity Weight/ Allowed Total Weight for Shipment | MENG15 | QUAN |
383 | KAPA_GROB | Capacity planning using rough-cut planning profile | XFELD | CHAR |
384 | KAPA_RATE | Capacity planning based on production rates | XFELD | CHAR |
385 | KAPA_VOL | Capacity Volume/ Allowed Total Volume for Shipment | MENG15 | QUAN |
386 | KAPBASIS | Base Unit of Measurement for Capacity | MEINS | UNIT |
387 | KAPBASIS_DX | Base unit of measure for capacity | CHAR003 | CHAR |
388 | KAPBASNEN | Denominator of the base capacity | UMBSN | DEC |
389 | KAPBASZHL | Numerator for base capacity | UMBSZ | DEC |
390 | KAPBEGZEIT | Start time | T | TIMS |
391 | KAPBEGZT | Start time in seconds (internal) | INT4 | INT4 |
392 | KAPEH | Unit of the capacity requirements | MEINS | UNIT |
393 | KAPEINZT | Operating time in seconds (internal) | INT4 | INT4 |
394 | KAPEINZT_H | Operating time in hours | KAPEINZT_H | DEC |
395 | KAPENDZEIT | Finish time | T | TIMS |
396 | KAPENDZT | Finish time in seconds (internal) | INT4 | INT4 |
397 | KAPER | Planning period considered (capacity planning) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
398 | KAPFABTAG | Indicator: Workdays | KAPFABTAG | CHAR |
399 | KAPFX | Indicator: capacity for planned order dispatched | XFELD | CHAR |
400 | KAPID | Capacity ID | KAPID | NUMC |
401 | KAPKX | Indicator: Generate capacity reqmts (detailed planning) | XFELD | CHAR |
402 | KAPKX_2 | Create capacity requirements (detailed planning,medium term) | XFELD | CHAR |
403 | KAPKX_3 | Create capacity requirements (detailed planning, long term) | XFELD | CHAR |
404 | KAPKX_GROB | Create capacity requirements (rough-cut planning) | XFELD | CHAR |
405 | KAPKX_LTP | Create capacity requirements (long term planning) | XFELD | CHAR |
406 | KAPKX_RATE | Create capacity requirements (rate-based planning) | XFELD | CHAR |
407 | KAPKZ | SFIS indicator for cumulative updating of capacity data | X | CHAR |
408 | KAPLZ | Cut-Off Basis | PRBETRG | CURR |
409 | KAPMAX | Maximum capacity of a business event | NUMC5 | NUMC |
410 | KAPMIN | Minimum capacity of a business event | NUMC5 | NUMC |
411 | KAPNAME | Capacity name | KAPNAME | CHAR |
412 | KAPNAMEP | Name of the pooled capacity | KAPNAME | CHAR |
413 | KAPNAMEZ | Name of individual capacity | KAPNAME | CHAR |
414 | KAPNR | IS-M: Correction Order: Item Number | APNR | NUMC |
415 | KAPOPT | Optimum capacity of a business event | NUMC5 | NUMC |
416 | KAPPAUSE | Cumulative break time in seconds (internal) | INT4 | INT4 |
417 | KAPPAUZEIT | Cumulative length of breaks per shift | T | TIMS |
418 | KAPPL | Application | KAPPL | CHAR |
419 | KAPPLANER | Capacity planner group | KAPPLANER | CHAR |
420 | KAPPLKE | Application class for CO-PA | KAPPLKE | CHAR |
421 | KAPPLTEXT | Output type (delivery or group output) | CHAR40 | CHAR |
422 | KAPPL_CD | Application | KAPPL_CD | CHAR |
423 | KAPPL_FG | Application | KAPPL_FG | CHAR |
424 | KAPPL_SO | Source application | KAPPL | CHAR |
425 | KAPPL_TA | Target application | KAPPL | CHAR |
426 | KAPP_WEGSTRECKE | Amount of Capping Document of Trip Segment Comparison Calc. | GESBE | CURR |
427 | KAPR | Capacity | CQUA8 | QUAN |
428 | KAPREFANZN | Denominator relationship: No. of indiv. capacities reference | INT1 | INT1 |
429 | KAPREFANZZ | Numerator relationships: No. of indiv. capacities reference | INT1 | INT1 |
430 | KAPREFNAME | Name of the reference capacity | KAPNAME | CHAR |
431 | KAPST | Status of the Capacity | KAPSTATU | CHAR |
432 | KAPTEXT | Capacity short text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
433 | KAPTPROG | Shift definition | KAPTPROG | CHAR |
434 | KAPT_PUFFR | Operation floats after finite scheduling (in seconds) | INT4 | INT4 |
435 | KAPT_SICHZ | Remaining float after finite scheduling | NUM3 | NUMC |
436 | KAPT_VORGZ | Float (bef. production) remaining after finite scheduling | NUM3 | NUMC |
437 | KAPVARIA | Shift definition variants | KAPVARIA | CHAR |
438 | KAPVERSA | Version of Available Capacity | KAPVERSION | NUMC |
439 | KAPVERSAKT | Active version of available capacity | KAPVERSION | NUMC |
440 | KAPVERSION | Available capacity version | KAPVERSION | NUMC |
441 | KAPXX | Capacity | CQUA8 | QUAN |
442 | KAPZ1 | Minimum capacity | DEC5 | DEC |
443 | KAPZ2 | Optimum capacity | DEC5 | DEC |
444 | KAPZ3 | Maximum capacity | DEC5 | DEC |
445 | KAPZ_22 | Minimum/Optimum/Maximum Capacity (2.2 Version) | DEC3 | DEC |
446 | KAP_ANGEB | Available capacity | HOURS1 | DEC |
447 | KAP_ARBPL | Work center for capacity planning | ARBPL | CHAR |
448 | KAP_ART | Capacity category | KAPART | CHAR |
449 | KAP_BED | Capacity requirements for dispatched operations | HOURS1 | DEC |
450 | KAP_BELEG | Document detail - consolidation of investments | KAP_BELEG | NUMC |
451 | KAP_BESCHR | Indicator: capacity limitation of a picking wave | XFELD | CHAR |
452 | KAP_BLGPRO | Level of detail for document (consolidation of investments) | KAP_BLGPRO | CHAR |
453 | KAP_KOPF | Ind.: standard available capacity is valid for this interval | XFELD | CHAR |
454 | KAP_KUM | Ind.: Cumulative posting from year of first consolidation | X | CHAR |
455 | KAP_KZAVO | Indicator: Several operations can use capacity | XFELD | CHAR |
456 | KAP_KZLPL | Indicator: Capacity excluded from long-term planning | XFELD | CHAR |
457 | KAP_KZPOOL | Indicator for pooled capacity | XFELD | CHAR |
458 | KAP_KZTER | Indicator: Capacity relevant to finite scheduling | XFELD | CHAR |
459 | KAP_LTYPE | List type for consolidation of investments | KAP_LTYPE | NUMC |
460 | KAP_MEHR | Has individual capacities | XFELD | CHAR |
461 | KAP_PRF | Method is activated | CHAR1 | CHAR |
462 | KAP_PROT | Indicator: Audit trail after posting cons.of investments | X | CHAR |
463 | KAP_PSR_0PROJECT | Project (Copy for InfoObject 0PROJECT) | KAP_PSR_0PROJECT | CHAR |
464 | KAP_PSR_0PROJECT_EX | Project (Copy for InfoObject 0PROJECT_EX) | KAP_PSR_0PROJECT_EX | CHAR |
465 | KAP_PSR_0WBS_ELEMT | WBS Element (Copy for InfoObject 0WBS_ELEMT) | KAP_PSR_0WBS_ELEMT | CHAR |
466 | KAP_PSR_0WBS_ELM_EX | WBS Element (Copy for InfoObject 0WBS_ELM_EX) | KAP_PSR_0WBS_ELM_EX | CHAR |
467 | KAP_PSR_APPEARANCE | Query Display | CHAR1 | CHAR |
468 | KAP_PSR_COLUMN_APPEARANCE | Query Column Display | CHAR1 | CHAR |
469 | KAP_PSR_COLUMN_TYPE | Type of Query Column (Characteristic, Attribute, Key Figure) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
470 | KAP_PSR_CREATION_DATE | Created on | DATS | DATS |
472 | KAP_PSR_CREATOR | Created by | USERNAME | CHAR |
473 | KAP_PSR_DIAGRAM_TYPE | Diagram Type | NUMC5 | NUMC |
474 | KAP_PSR_DISTANCE | Distance after an element | NUMC5 | NUMC |
475 | KAP_PSR_EDITOR | Changed By | USERNAME | CHAR |
476 | KAP_PSR_EDIT_DATE | Changed On | DATS | DATS |
477 | KAP_PSR_EDIT_TIME | Last Changed At | UZEIT | TIMS |
478 | KAP_PSR_FIELDNAME | Field name | TEXT60 | CHAR |
479 | KAP_PSR_FIELDVALUE | Field value | TEXT60 | CHAR |
480 | KAP_PSR_FORMAT | Formatting | CHAR1 | CHAR |
481 | KAP_PSR_HEIGHT | Height | INT4 | |
482 | KAP_PSR_HORIZONTAL | Horizontal Position | NUMC5 | NUMC |
483 | KAP_PSR_NAVBLOCK | Navigation block (yes/no) | FLAG | CHAR |
484 | KAP_PSR_OBJTYPE | Object type for project status report | KAP_PSR_OBJTYPE | CHAR |
485 | KAP_PSR_SHEET | Page number | NUMC5 | NUMC |
486 | KAP_PSR_TEXT | Text/Description | TEXT60 | CHAR |
487 | KAP_PSR_TEXTELEMENTS | Text Element (yes/no) | FLAG | CHAR |
488 | KAP_PSR_TOOLBAR | Toolbar (yes/no) | FLAG | CHAR |
489 | KAP_PSR_TXT20 | Short text (language-dependent user guide) | TEXT20 | CHAR |
490 | KAP_PSR_TXT40 | Medium text (language-dependent user guide) | TEXT40 | CHAR |
491 | KAP_PSR_TXT60 | Long text (language-dependent user guide) | TEXT60 | CHAR |
492 | KAP_PSR_VERTICAL | Vertical position | NUMC5 | NUMC |
493 | KAP_PSR_WIDTH | Width | NUMC5 | NUMC |
494 | KAP_STA | Indicator: Consistent method | CHAR1 | CHAR |
495 | KAP_SUPPLY | Available capacity limits | KAP_SUPPLY | CHAR |
496 | KAP_UPD | Indicator: update hidden reserves | X | CHAR |
497 | KAP_WOTAG | Weekday | CHAR3 | CHAR |
498 | KAP_YESLPL | Indicator: Long-term planning takes capacity into account | XFELD | CHAR |
499 | KARCL_KK | Clearing: Grace Period for Due Date of Open Items | NUM04 | NUMC |
500 | KARENZ | Interval days | NUM03 | NUMC |