SAP ABAP Data Element - Index K, page 9
Data Element - K
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | KOPSEPA | EDI: Display Surcharges/Discounts at Item Level Separately | XFELD | CHAR |
2 | KOPTB | Header table name | AS4TAB | CHAR |
3 | KOPTI042E | Indicator: Do Not Perform Bank Optimization | XFELD | CHAR |
4 | KOPV_COPY_MODE | Mode for copying plan versions | KOPV_COPY_MODE | CHAR |
5 | KOPV_SCENARIO | Scenario for copying plan versions | KOPV_SCENARIO | CHAR |
6 | KOQUA | Confirmation status of picking/putaway | STATV | CHAR |
7 | KOQUI | Picking is subject to confirmation | XFELD | CHAR |
8 | KOQUI_TVST | Subject to pick confirmation | KOQUI_TVST | CHAR |
9 | KOQUK | Status of pick confirmation | STATV | CHAR |
10 | KORBDBEL | Include Recurring Entry Documents | XFELD | CHAR |
11 | KORBEBEL | Actual Documents Required | XFELD | CHAR |
12 | KORBL_KK | Number of Adjustment Document | OPBEL_KK | CHAR |
13 | KORBMBEL | Sample Documents Required | XFELD | CHAR |
14 | KORBMPOS | Noted Items Requested | XFELD | CHAR |
15 | KORBNBEL | Normal Documents Required | XFELD | CHAR |
16 | KORBSBEL | Reverse Documents Required | XFELD | CHAR |
17 | KORD00SK | Payment Notice Sorting | KORD00SZ | CHAR |
18 | KORD10AB | No Cleared Items Read | XFELD | CHAR |
19 | KORD10AO | Statement also without Items in the Acct Statmnt Period | XFELD | CHAR |
20 | KORD10BD | List Sorted by Document Age Based on Document Date | XFELD | CHAR |
21 | KORD10DV | Standard Key Date for Calculation of Days in Arrears | KORD10DV | CHAR |
22 | KORD10NS | No Zero Balances Required | XFELD | CHAR |
23 | KORD10OL | Account Statement in the Form of an Open Item List | XFELD | CHAR |
24 | KORD10OP | Breakdown Balance Carried Forward into Open Items | XFELD | CHAR |
25 | KORD10PS | Sorting of the Items of the Account Statement | KORD10PS | CHAR |
26 | KORD10R1 | Net Due Date Sorted List Required | XFELD | CHAR |
27 | KORD10R2 | Cash Discount 1 Due Date Sorted List Required | XFELD | CHAR |
28 | KORD10R3 | Cash Discount 2 Due Date Sorted List Required | XFELD | CHAR |
29 | KORD10R4 | Days Overdue Sorted List Required | XFELD | CHAR |
30 | KORD10R5 | List Sorted by Document Age Required | XFELD | CHAR |
31 | KORD10SA | Balance in Local Currency | F130DECV15 | DEC |
32 | KORD10VA | Calculate Days in Arrears for Clearing | XFELD | CHAR |
33 | KORD20SK | Sorting of Bill of Exchange Charges Statements | KORD20SK | CHAR |
34 | KORD20WP | Display Bill of Exchange Prolongation | XFELD | CHAR |
35 | KORD30AS | Print in Logon Language | XFELD | CHAR |
36 | KORD30SK | Sorting of Output | KORD30SK | CHAR |
37 | KORD60AP | Cleared Items Required | XFELD | CHAR |
38 | KORDAPOS | Cleared Items Requested | XFELD | CHAR |
39 | KORDB | Indicator: Source list requirement | XFELD | CHAR |
40 | KORDBKOR | Data is Read from Trigger Table | XFELD | CHAR |
41 | KORDCLIM | Cleared Items Requested | XFELD | CHAR |
42 | KORDEKEP | Line Items | KORDEKEP | CHAR |
43 | KORDEKSU | Issue Subtotal per Account | XFELD | CHAR |
44 | KORDEKVB | Statement for a Buying Group | XFELD | CHAR |
45 | KORDFBEL | Message for Follow-On Document of a Payment | XFELD | CHAR |
46 | KORDINATOR | Person Responsible for Processing Notification | TEXT40 | CHAR |
47 | KORDINDK | Individual Correspondence Required | XFELD | CHAR |
48 | KORDJAMT | Maximum Amount of an Invoice | BETR15 | DEC |
49 | KORDJDBL | Check for Double Creation | XFELD | CHAR |
50 | KORDJMWS | Tax Code from Original Document | XFELD | CHAR |
51 | KORDJRNG | Receipt Lot | CHAR4 | CHAR |
52 | KORDKAGZ | Do Not Issue Cleared Payments | XFELD | CHAR |
53 | KORDRANT | Reply Requested | XFELD | CHAR |
54 | KORDSDIM | SD Item for Japan | XFELD | CHAR |
55 | KORDSDNO | Reference Document Number | XFELD | CHAR |
56 | KORDSTID | Open Items at Key Date | DATUM | DATS |
57 | KORDT2_KK | Correction date | DATUM | DATS |
58 | KORDT_KK | Date of the adjustment record | DATUM | DATS |
59 | KORDZTEM | Payment Term Exceptions for Japan | ZTERM | CHAR |
60 | KOREF_ALT | Old acct assignment reference for balance sheet transfer | USTRU | CHAR |
61 | KOREF_NEU | New acct assignment reference for balance sheet transfer | USTRU | CHAR |
62 | KOREI | Sequence rule type | CHAR02 | CHAR |
63 | KOREN | Position in sequence | NUM3 | NUMC |
64 | KORFA | Correction factor | DEC2_2 | DEC |
65 | KORFK | Correction factor for period forecast values | DEC3_3 | DEC |
66 | KORGB_F42B | Total Receivables in the Group | WRTV8 | CURR |
67 | KORID_048 | Identification for Correspondence | CHAR02 | CHAR |
68 | KORIG | Original Budget Creation by Commitment Processor | FLAG | CHAR |
69 | KORKZ | Individual Object Configuration | X | CHAR |
70 | KORLEVKEY_KK | Balance of untransferred adj. summary records in FI-CA | WERTV8 | CURR |
71 | KORLI | Delivery type for correction deliveries | LFART | CHAR |
72 | KORLV_KK | Highest assigned correction level | NUM02 | NUMC |
73 | KORMNG | Correction qty for cumulative quantity | MENG13V | QUAN |
74 | KORMNGC | Correction quantity for cumulative figure with 3 decimals | NUMC13 | NUMC |
75 | KORNR | Correction of miscellaneous provisions | KORNR | CHAR |
76 | KOROB | Group Liability | WRTV8 | CURR |
77 | KORR | Indicator: Movement type is inventory correction | CHAR1 | CHAR |
78 | KORRDOC_KK | Document Number of Adjusted Report Documents | CHAR24 | CHAR |
79 | KORRE | Indicator: Correspondence data available | XFELD | CHAR |
80 | KORRFLAG | Record Object Changes in Transport Requests | AS4FLAG | CHAR |
81 | KORRGRD | IS-M: Reason for correction | KORRGRD | CHAR |
82 | KORRK | Adjustment Account | SAKNR | CHAR |
83 | KORRKLASSE | Correspondence Class | KORRKLASSE | CHAR |
84 | KORRKZAHL | Correction of gas law deviation factor | KORRKZAHL | CHAR |
85 | KORRK_NEW_KK | Adjustment Account for New G/L Account of G/L Accounting | SAKNR | CHAR |
86 | KORRK_OLD_KK | Adjustment Account for Old G/L Account of G/L Accounting | SAKNR | CHAR |
87 | KORRL_KK | Correction level for incorrect totals records | NUM02 | NUMC |
88 | KORRMESSD | Air pressure correction | KORRMESSD | CHAR |
89 | KORRN | Correction number | TRKORR | CHAR |
90 | KORRNUM | Name of the locked correction | TRKORR | CHAR |
91 | KORRVORF | Correspondence activity | KORRVORF | NUMC |
92 | KORR_KK | Carry Out Corrections | XFELD | CHAR |
93 | KORSAGO2 | Absolute Total Liabilities | F130DECV15 | DEC |
94 | KORSB_F42B | Other Receivables in the Group | WRTV8 | CURR |
95 | KORSKUMU | Annual Sales | F130DECV15 | DEC |
96 | KORST | Correspondence street and house number | TEXT30 | CHAR |
97 | KORT | City | TEXT40 | CHAR |
98 | KORTE | Indicator for correction date in billing plan | KORTE | CHAR |
99 | KORT_OLD | Location | TEXT20 | CHAR |
100 | KORWR | Corrected value | KORWR | FLTP |
101 | KORZT2_KK | Correction date | TIMES | TIMS |
102 | KORZT_KK | Time of the adjustment | TIMES | TIMS |
103 | KOR_NR | Sequence Number for Cost Assignment of Entire Trip | NRBEL | CHAR |
104 | KOSAR | Cost Center Category | KOSAR | CHAR |
105 | KOSASOPO | Display Account Balances | XFELD | CHAR |
106 | KOSAV | Condition record exists | XFELD | CHAR |
107 | KOSBN | Employee responsible for the condition record | CHAR12 | CHAR |
108 | KOSCH | Product allocation determination procedure | KOSCH | CHAR |
109 | KOSCH_GRP | Allocation: Product Allocation Procedure Group | KOSCH_GRP | CHAR |
110 | KOSEL | Selection for pricing reports | KOSEL | CHAR |
111 | KOSER | Pricing: Condition record determination type | KOSER | CHAR |
112 | KOSL1 | Group Key | KOSL1 | CHAR |
113 | KOSOR | Sort type for conditions | KOSOR | CHAR |
114 | KOSRE | Possible cost centers for business event type | CHAR1 | CHAR |
115 | KOSRT | Search term for conditions | CHAR10 | CHAR |
116 | KOSTA | Picking Status/Putaway Status | STATV | CHAR |
117 | KOSTAFF | Determines whether scale quantities appear in pricing report | XFELD | CHAR |
118 | KOSTA_BEZ | Picking status | TEXT20 | CHAR |
119 | KOSTEN | Display with costs | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
120 | KOSTENANT | Write Proportionate Costs Up/Down | VVSREVCST | CHAR |
121 | KOSTENART | Cost element | CHAR10 | CHAR |
122 | KOSTE_EB | Cost center to which an account is to be assigned | KOSTL | CHAR |
123 | KOSTK | Overall picking / putaway status | STATV | CHAR |
124 | KOSTKZ | Scales are maintained | XFELD | CHAR |
125 | KOSTKZ_INV | Individual Scales Have Been Maintained | XFELD | CHAR |
126 | KOSTKZ_STD | Standard Scales Are Maintained | XFELD | CHAR |
127 | KOSTL | Cost Center | KOSTL | CHAR |
128 | KOSTLALT | Cost Center of Old Device | KOSTL | CHAR |
129 | KOSTLNEU | Cost Center of New Device | KOSTL | CHAR |
130 | KOSTLSET | Name of a Cost Center Group for the Authorization Concept | GRPNAME | CHAR |
131 | KOSTLSH | Cost center short name | TEXT20 | CHAR |
132 | KOSTLSTAMM | Master Cost Center | KOSTL | CHAR |
133 | KOSTLTX | Long name for cost center | TEXT40 | CHAR |
134 | KOSTLV | Cost center responsible for asset | KOSTL | CHAR |
135 | KOSTL_DEFAULT | Default Cost Center per Company Code and Business Area | KOSTL | CHAR |
136 | KOSTL_EB | Cost center | CHAR10 | CHAR |
137 | KOSTL_L | Debit Cost Center | KOSTL | CHAR |
138 | KOSTL_MASK | Masked Cost Center | KKGCHR10 | CHAR |
139 | KOSTL_MITARB | Employee Cost Center | KOSTL | CHAR |
140 | KOSTL_N | Cost center of the new work center (mass replacement) | KOSTL | CHAR |
141 | KOSTL_NEW | Redetermine cost center | XFELD | CHAR |
142 | KOSTL_ONLY | ID: select only the planned cost centers? | XFELD | CHAR |
143 | KOSTL_R2 | Cost center in R/2 | KOSTL_R2 | CHAR |
144 | KOSTL_SHLP | Cost Center | KOSTL | CHAR |
145 | KOSTL_SIG | Cost Center in Significant Length | CHAR10 | CHAR |
146 | KOSTL_SORT | IS-H: Sort Sequence for Cost Center (Billing) | ISH_SORT04 | NUMC |
147 | KOSTL_TO | To Cost Center | KOSTL | CHAR |
148 | KOSTN | Costs | WERTV7 | CURR |
149 | KOSTNEW | New Price | WERT8 | CURR |
150 | KOSTOLD | Old Price | WERT8 | CURR |
151 | KOSTR | IS-H: Text Designating the INSURANCE PROVIDER Function | RI_ROLLE | CHAR |
152 | KOSTRFIL | IS-H: Insurance provider branch | CHAR2 | CHAR |
153 | KOSTR_ART | IS-H: Insurance Provider Type (e.g. Private, Statutory) | KOSTR_ART | CHAR |
154 | KOSTR_ARTF | IS-H: Insurance Provider Type (e.g. Private, Statutory) | KOSTR_ARTF | CHAR |
155 | KOSTR_KTXT | IS-H: Short Text for Insurance Provider Type | TEXT12 | CHAR |
156 | KOSTR_MARK | IS-H: Sort Sequence for Insurance Provider | ISH_SORT04 | NUMC |
157 | KOSTR_MRK | IS-H: Sort Sequence for Insurance Provider | ISH_SORT06 | NUMC |
158 | KOSTR_SORT | IS-H: Sort Sequence for Insurance Provider (Billing) | ISH_SORT04 | NUMC |
159 | KOSTR_STAMM_AUFTL | Distribution of Travel Expenses - Master Account Assignment | KOSTR_STAMM_AUFTL | DEC |
160 | KOSTR_TXT | IS-H: Text for Insurance Provider Type | TEXT30 | CHAR |
161 | KOSTR_ZUZ | IS-H: Insurance Provider Requires Copayment | ISH01 | CHAR |
162 | KOSTS | Cost Center Accounting Active | RKAC2 | CHAR |
163 | KOSTVJN | Indicator: Cost distribution | XFELD | CHAR |
164 | KOSTV_D | Indicator for cost distribution | XFELD | CHAR |
165 | KOSTX | Cost Center Text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
166 | KOSTY | Cost type (shipment cost item) | KOSTY | CHAR |
167 | KOSUB | Subtype of costs | CHAR4 | CHAR |
168 | KOSZA | Overhead Type | AUFZA | CHAR |
169 | KOSZSCHL | CO-CCA Overhead Key | CHAR6 | CHAR |
170 | KOTAB | Condition table | AS4TAB | CHAR |
171 | KOTABNR | Condition table | KOTABNR | CHAR |
172 | KOTABNR_CD | Condition table | KOTABNR_CD | NUMC |
173 | KOTABNR_FG | Condition table | KOTABNR_FG | NUMC |
174 | KOTABNR_SO | Source condition table | KOTABNR | NUMC |
175 | KOTABNR_TA | Target condition table | KOTABNR | NUMC |
176 | KOTAB_PI | Dictionary table for mouse select of fields | KOTAB | CHAR |
177 | KOTAB_SEL | Select condition table | SELKZ_EA | CHAR |
178 | KOTAB_TXT | Name of condition table | DDTEXT | CHAR |
179 | KOTEL | Correspondence telephone number | CHAR20 | CHAR |
180 | KOTEX | Text output in pricing reports | KOTEX | CHAR |
181 | KOTIT | Correspondence title | TITEL | CHAR |
182 | KOTPE | Object type: business event | OTYPE | CHAR |
183 | KOTSL_VM | Account key, clearing account, vendor billing document | KVSCHL | CHAR |
184 | KOTXKZ | Texts are maintained | XFELD | CHAR |
185 | KOTXT | Absence quota type text | TEXT25 | CHAR |
186 | KOTXT_SREP | Account Name | TEXT50 | CHAR |
187 | KOTYP | Cost accounting type | KOTYP | CHAR |
188 | KOUE_AT | IS-H: Ind. whether ins.verif.requests saved by funct.modules | XFELD | CHAR |
189 | KOUHR | Picking time (local time, with reference to a plant) | TIME_PLANT | TIMS |
190 | KOULP | Overlapping check for groups of conditions | KOULP | CHAR |
191 | KOULPERR | Error during overlapping check | XFELD | CHAR |
192 | KOUPD | Condition update | XFELD | CHAR |
193 | KOUVZ | Interest-free costs | WERT05 | CURR |
194 | KOVAR | Variant for output of list reports | KOVAR | CHAR |
195 | KOVAR_BLGHNW | IS-M/AM: Copying Variants for Insert Note | KOPIERVAR | CHAR |
196 | KOVAR_TRGANZ | IS-M: Copying Variant for Carrier Ad | KOPIERVAR | CHAR |
197 | KOVBW | Corrected consumption value | MENGV13 | QUAN |
198 | KOVER | Account number/contract number | KOVER | CHAR |
199 | KOVON | Bank Details Valid From | DATUM | DATS |
200 | KOVOR | Correspondence first name | VORNM | CHAR |
201 | KOWNR | Employee's Contribution to Childcare | WERTV5 | CURR |
202 | KOWRK | Plant to Which Current Conditions Apply | WERKS | CHAR |
203 | KOWRR | Statistical values | KOWRR | CHAR |
204 | KOWRT | Condition value | WERTV8 | CURR |
205 | KOXXX | Configure Without Template | CHAR1 | CHAR |
206 | KOZEI | Account assignment line | KOZEI | CHAR |
207 | KOZGF | Access sequence | KOZGF | CHAR |
208 | KOZGF_CO | Dependency (Accrual Calculation, Overheads) | KOZGF | CHAR |
209 | KOZGV | Relevant for rebate | KOZGV | CHAR |
210 | KOZIN | Interest-bearing costs | WERT05 | CURR |
211 | KOZNR | Coding line | NUM3 | NUMC |
212 | KOZUKZ | Condition supplements are maintained | XFELD | CHAR |
213 | KOZ_NR | Sequence Number for Cost Assignment of a Trip Destination | NRBEL | CHAR |
214 | KO_BELNR | Document number of an account maintenance document | BELNR | CHAR |
215 | KO_KNZ | Indicator: note for correction run | CHAR1 | CHAR |
216 | KO_PSPNR | WBS element for account assignment | PS_POSNR | NUMC |
217 | KO_SIZE | No. of recds per insp.Operation | WAIT | INT4 |
218 | KPABBM | Indicator - Copy planned sales volume from reference promo. | FLAG | CHAR |
219 | KPAFK | Partner function for follow-up sales activity | PARVW | CHAR |
220 | KPAGE | Current page for lists | DEC2 | DEC |
221 | KPANG | Available capacity | KAPBED | FLTP |
222 | KPANG_DT | Available Capacity | DTDEC5_2 | DEC |
223 | KPARA_VALU | Value of partial key | CHAR50 | CHAR |
224 | KPART | Combipack material flag | CHAR1 | CHAR |
225 | KPATG | Number of days (in a period) | INT2 | INT2 |
226 | KPBED | Key figure to be transferred to Demand Management | FDNAME | CHAR |
227 | KPC_ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT_TYPE_C | Proxy Data Element (generated) | CHAR | |
228 | KPC_COMPANY_IDENTIFIER_USAGE_C | Proxy Data Element (generated) | CHAR | |
229 | KPC_NOSC_COST_CONTROLLING_LIQU | Proxy Data Element (generated) | CHAR | |
230 | KPC_NOSC_WEAPON_SYSTEM_TYPE_CO | Proxy Data Element (generated) | CHAR | |
231 | KPC_OBJECT_TYPE | Object Type of a project object | KPC_OBJECT_TYPE | CHAR |
232 | KPC_PLANNING_VERSION_ID | Proxy Data Element (generated) | CHAR | |
233 | KPC_PROJECT_COMMITMENT_LEDGER4 | Proxy Data Element (generated) | CHAR | |
234 | KPC_PROJECT_COST_LEDGER_ACCO10 | Proxy Data Element (generated) | CHAR | |
235 | KPC_PROJECT_PAYMENT_LEDGER_AC4 | Proxy Data Element (generated) | CHAR | |
236 | KPC_SUBLEDGER_ACCOUNT_CHARGE_T | Proxy Data Element (generated) | CHAR | |
237 | KPDAT | Check calculation proposal for next change to date | DATUM | DATS |
238 | KPEIN | Condition pricing unit | KPEIN | DEC |
239 | KPEINC | Condition pricing unit | NUMC5 | NUMC |
240 | KPEIN_BI | Price unit for batch input conditions | CHAR5 | CHAR |
241 | KPEIN_KMEIN | Price Unit - Provision Amount | KPEIN | DEC |
242 | KPEIN_VF | Condition pricing unit | KPEIN | DEC |
243 | KPEP_WL_ATTRDESC | Attribute Description of Object (Using Data Element) | ROLLNAME | CHAR |
244 | KPEP_WL_CATEGORY | Type of Worklist | KPEP_WL_CATEGORY | CHAR |
245 | KPEP_WL_ERR_SEQNO | Sequence Number in Error Log for Worklist | NUMC | |
246 | KPEP_WL_HAS_HIEDATA | Hierarchy Data Exists | XFLAG | CHAR |
247 | KPEP_WL_INTID | Object ID | CHAR40 | CHAR |
248 | KPEP_WL_NAME | Hierarchy Node | KEYID | CHAR |
249 | KPEP_WL_OBART | General Object Type SCMA | KPEP_WL_OBART | CHAR |
250 | KPEP_WL_OBJATTRIB | Attributes of an Object in the Worklist | KPEP_WL_OBJATTRIB | CHAR |
251 | KPEP_WL_OBJCAT | Object Type in the Worklist of the Schedule Manager | KPEP_WL_OBJCAT | CHAR |
252 | KPEP_WL_OBJCHECKED | "Object Checked" Flag | XFLAG | CHAR |
253 | KPEP_WL_OBJCOUNT | Number of Objects in Worklist | KPEP_WL_OBJCOUNT | NUMC |
254 | KPEP_WL_OBJCOUNT_FAULTY | Number of Objects in Worklist with Errors | KPEP_WL_OBJCOUNT | NUMC |
255 | KPEP_WL_OBJCOUNT_FINISHED | Number of Worklist Objects Without Errors | KPEP_WL_OBJCOUNT | NUMC |
256 | KPEP_WL_OBJECTID | Object Identifier in the SCMA Worklist | KPEP_WL_OBJECTID | CHAR |
257 | KPEP_WL_OBJECTID_EXT | External Display of the Object Number | CHAR | |
258 | KPEP_WL_OBJID | Object Node Number in Worklist | NUMC | |
259 | KPEP_WL_OBJSEQID | Object Node Number in Worklist | NUMC | |
260 | KPEP_WL_OBJSTAT | Processing Status of Object in Worklist | KPEP_WL_OBJSTATUS | NUMC |
262 | KPEP_WL_OBJSTAT_ICON | Processing Status of Object in Worklist - Icon | KPEP_WL_OBJSTATUS_ICON | CHAR |
263 | KPEP_WL_OBJ_SHTXT | Short Text for the Object in the Schedule Manager Worklist | CHAR | |
264 | KPEP_WL_OBJ_USERCHECKED | User Has Checked the Object | XFLAG | CHAR |
265 | KPEP_WL_R_ALL | Use This Agent for All Subsequent Objects | XFLAG | CHAR |
266 | KPEP_WL_SELOBJS_ALL | Select All Objects in Worklist | XFLAG | CHAR |
267 | KPEP_WL_SELOBJS_BAD | Select Faulty Objects in the Worklist | XFLAG | CHAR |
268 | KPEP_WL_SELOBJS_OK | Select Processed Objects in the Worklist | XFLAG | CHAR |
269 | KPEP_WL_STEP | Number of the Flow Step in the Multilevel Worklist | NUMC | |
270 | KPEP_WL_STEPBL | Block Counter in the PEP Worklist | NUMC | |
271 | KPEP_WL_SUBNR | Subgrouping of a Worklist | NUMC | |
272 | KPEP_WL_SUBOBJECT | Subobject of Worklist | CHAR | |
273 | KPEP_WL_USAGE | Usage of a Role | KPEP_WL_USAGE | CHAR |
274 | KPEP_WL_WORKLISTID | Description of a Worklist in the Schedule Manager | KPEP_WL_WORKLISTID | CHAR |
275 | KPEP_WL_WORKLISTID_NUMC | ID of a Worklist of the Workflow in the Schedule Manager | NUMC | |
276 | KPERC | Indicator for Percentage Amount (Otherwise Fixed Amount) | KREUZ | CHAR |
277 | KPERI | Periods for the cumulation of the ATP quantity | CHAR10 | CHAR |
278 | KPERLST | Free parameter: Maximum age allowed in hours | NUM2 | NUMC |
279 | KPERLTA | Free parameter: Maximum age allowed in days | NUM2 | NUMC |
280 | KPERS | Contact Person | TEXT25 | CHAR |
281 | KPESZ | Operating time of the capacity | KAPBED | FLTP |
282 | KPESZ_DT | Operating Time of the Capacity | DTDEC5_2 | DEC |
283 | KPEXI | Header/Item data level for foreign trade | KPEXI | CHAR |
284 | KPFLG | Indicator: Capacity planning active | CHAR1 | CHAR |
285 | KPFLG_EURO | Adjustment of group currency values of equity | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
286 | KPFLM | ID: Compulsory characteristic value assignment | CHAR1 | CHAR |
287 | KPGZU | Flag: Conversion performed using table PGZU | X | CHAR |
288 | KPHORDA | Date of credit horizon | SYDATS | DATS |
289 | KPI_NAME | Territory Simulation: KPI Name | CHAR | |
290 | KPKLIMAG | Credit limit used (from free check parameter) | PRZ32 | DEC |
291 | KPKLIMK | Free parameter: Maximum credit limit used | PRZ32 | DEC |
292 | KPKNZ | Indicator for miners' insurance | XFELD | CHAR |
293 | KPLA_PERBL | Planning period | PERBL | NUMC |
294 | KPLEKP | Indicator - Copy purchase prices from reference promotion | FLAG | CHAR |
295 | KPLEVEL | Parent level for tree control (Conditions) | INT3 | NUMC |
296 | KPLVKP | Indicator - Copy sales prices from reference promotion | FLAG | CHAR |
297 | KPMAA | Minimum difference: maximum number from current number | BEHAZ | NUMC |
298 | KPMAHNS | Free parameter: Maximujm dunning parameter allowed | CHAR1 | CHAR |
299 | KPMAM | Difference between maximum quantity and current quantity | VERTPROZ | NUMC |
300 | KPMAXALL | Adopt Maximum for All | XFELD | CHAR |
301 | KPMCHECK | Check budget structure when budget status changes | CHAR1 | CHAR |
302 | KPMIA | Difference between minimum number and current number | BEHAZ | NUMC |
303 | KPMIM | Difference between minimum quantity and current quantity | VERTPROZ | NUMC |
304 | KPMINALL | Adopt Minimum for All | XFELD | CHAR |
305 | KPNEA | Difference between next number and current number | BEHAZ | NUMC |
306 | KPNEM | Difference between next change and current quantity | VERTPROZ | NUMC |
307 | KPNEXTALL | Adopt Next Change for All | XFELD | CHAR |
308 | KPNOBATCH | No Automatic Adoption of Results of Calculation | XFELD | CHAR |
309 | KPNODEID | Parent node ID for tree control in conditions | NUM03 | NUMC |
310 | KPNPRDAT | Free parameter: Next check date | ANZTA | NUMC |
311 | KPOBLIG | Total commitments (from free check parameters) | WRTV8 | CURR |
312 | KPOOI | Free parameter: No.days (due date of oldest open item) | ANZTA | NUMC |
313 | KPOSA | Display condition items | XFELD | CHAR |
314 | KPOSI | Condition is Item Condition | XFELD | CHAR |
315 | KPOSN | Condition Item Number | NUM6 | NUMC |
316 | KPOSNR | Item number | NUM03 | NUMC |
317 | KPOSN_ISP | Condition item number | NUM6 | NUMC |
318 | KPOSN_LAST | IS-M: Last condition item number assigned | NUM6 | NUMC |
319 | KPOSN_P | Shipment cost subitem | NUM6 | NUMC |
320 | KPOS_TXN | Text number | TEXT8 | CHAR |
321 | KPOS_TXT | Financial statement item text | TEXT45 | CHAR |
322 | KPOS_TXTYP | Text type for financial statement items | KPOS_TXTYP | CHAR |
323 | KPPDTOL | Free parameter: No. days for consideration of open items | ANZTA | NUMC |
324 | KPPRZOPK | Free parameter: Maximum percentage of overdue open items | PRZ32 | DEC |
325 | KPP_ACGTI | Indicator: Additional call of get_time_information | CHAR1 | CHAR |
326 | KPP_ATRCF | Form routine in gerated report that checks an attribute | FORMNAME | CHAR |
327 | KPP_BILDTY | CO planning: screen type | KPP_BILDTY | CHAR |
328 | KPP_BRGRU | Authorization Group | BRGRU | CHAR |
329 | KPP_CALCD | Factual Aggregation Behavior of Characteristic Value | KPP_CALCD | CHAR |
330 | KPP_CALCM | Time-Based Aggregation Behavior of Characteristic Value | KPP_CALCM | CHAR |
331 | KPP_CALCMF | Field name from which cell calculation methods result | FDNAME | CHAR |
332 | KPP_CALLM | Indicator: Callup planning processor in CALL mode? | XFELD | CHAR |
333 | KPP_COL | Column Item Within Screen Area | NUM4 | NUMC |
334 | KPP_COMPL | CO planning processor: dimension complement permitted | XFELD | CHAR |
335 | KPP_CONT | Field Contents of Cell in Logical Screen | KPP_CONT | CHAR |
336 | KPP_CPGFM | Form routine determining no. of periods for fiscal year tab. | FORMNAME | CHAR |
337 | KPP_CPGPR | Program determining number of periods for fiscal year table | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
338 | KPP_CRSFM | Form routine for validating and expanding a set | FORMNAME | CHAR |
339 | KPP_CRSPR | Program validating and expanding set | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
340 | KPP_CUAFM | Form routine that sets CUA interface | FORMNAME | CHAR |
341 | KPP_CUAPR | Program that sets CUA interface | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
342 | KPP_DCLASS | Class of affected data field (char., data 1, 2, 3) | KPP_DCLASS | CHAR |
343 | KPP_DDDRI | Indicator: dimension based on data? | XFELD | CHAR |
344 | KPP_DINIT | Ind.: Is a blank value allowed as a select option? | XFELD | CHAR |
345 | KPP_DOBLI | Indicator: planning dimension obligatory? | XFELD | CHAR |
346 | KPP_DSHOW | Ind.: planning dimension for display active? | KPP_DSHOW | CHAR |
347 | KPP_DSORT | Validation sequence on initial screen | NUMC4 | NUMC |
348 | KPP_DTBFM | Form routine to modify layout and dimensions | FORMNAME | CHAR |
349 | KPP_DTBPR | Program to modify layout and dimensions | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
350 | KPP_DTYPE | Planning dimension type | KPP_DTYPE | CHAR |
351 | KPP_D_LEV | Number of Stars Displayed in Hierarchy Levels | KPP_D_LEV | INT1 |
352 | KPP_EBPFM | Form routine to run applic. specific checks on init. screen | FORMNAME | CHAR |
353 | KPP_EBPPR | Program to run application-specific checks in initial screen | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
354 | KPP_EBSFM | Form routine to sort variables in initial screen | FORMNAME | CHAR |
355 | KPP_EBSPR | Program to sort variables in initial screen | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
356 | KPP_EIMFM | Form routing for export/import memory "Reset values" | FORMNAME | CHAR |
357 | KPP_EIMPR | Program for export/import memory | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
358 | KPP_EINSTI | Ind.: Send initial screen in all cases? | XFELD | CHAR |
359 | KPP_EXCEL | CO Planning: Planning with Microsoft Excel as Front End | KPP_EXCEL | CHAR |
360 | KPP_EXIT | Ind.: user function is exit code from planning environment? | XFELD | CHAR |
361 | KPP_F4FM | Form routine containing own F4 function for the dimension | FORMNAME | CHAR |
362 | KPP_F4PR | Program containing own F4 functions | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
363 | KPP_F4SFM | Form routine to set limitations for the F4 Help | FORMNAME | CHAR |
364 | KPP_F4SPR | Program to set limitations for the F4 Help | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
365 | KPP_FCLASS | CO Planning: Class of User Function | KPP_FCLASS | CHAR |
366 | KPP_FDATM | CO planning indicator: function manipulating data | XFELD | CHAR |
367 | KPP_FLGFD | Indicator: Initial display | XFELD | CHAR |
368 | KPP_FLGNOV | Parameters can be overwritten in planning | BOOLE | CHAR |
369 | KPP_FLGPOS | Indic.: Profile items exist for planning area | BOOLE | CHAR |
370 | KPP_FLGVPA | Default parameters for planning layout are defined | BOOLE | CHAR |
371 | KPP_FORM_U | Planning Layout | RKE_FORM | CHAR |
372 | KPP_FORPL | Form-Based Entry | XFELD | CHAR |
373 | KPP_FRAME | CO planning: framework in plan data entry screen | CHAR30 | CHAR |
374 | KPP_FTTFM | Form routine completing time table KPP0Z | FORMNAME | CHAR |
375 | KPP_FTTPR | Program completing the time table ITKPP0Z | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
376 | KPP_FTYPE | Field type of field (field itself or attribute of field) | KPP_FTYPE | CHAR |
377 | KPP_GNRFM | Form routine generating application-specific parts | FORMNAME | CHAR |
378 | KPP_GNRPR | Program generating application-specific parts | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
379 | KPP_HDDDRI | Ind.: Indicate header dimensions as data-based | XFELD | CHAR |
380 | KPP_HDPOS | Position of dimension in header area | NUMC2 | NUMC |
381 | KPP_INIT | Flag: Initial value chosen as select option | XFELD | CHAR |
382 | KPP_INOUT | CO planning: indicator for formula input/output | KPP_INOUT | CHAR |
383 | KPP_JOIN | Link number for bracketted dimensions/characteristics | NUMC4 | NUMC |
384 | KPP_KURST | CO-OM: Exch. Rate Type f. Conversion to Freely Def. Currency | KURST | CHAR |
385 | KPP_LEVEL | Level within validation hierarchy | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
386 | KPP_LINCNT | CO planning: Total no. of entries for entry info | LCNT | NUMC |
387 | KPP_LINE | Line in generated coding -> see long text | CHAR72 | CHAR |
388 | KPP_LOGDEP | CO Planning Processor: Logical Dependency | XFELD | CHAR |
389 | KPP_MARK | CO planning: selection indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
390 | KPP_MDCFM | Form routine validating one or more characteristics | FORMNAME | CHAR |
391 | KPP_MDCPR | Program validating a characteristic | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
392 | KPP_MDTFM | Form validating combination of characteristics | FORMNAME | CHAR |
393 | KPP_MDTPR | Program validating combination of characteristics | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
394 | KPP_MODIFY | Ind.: Entry/cell is modifiable? | F_MODUS | CHAR |
395 | KPP_MODUS | Processing Mode for Planning Transaction | CHAR1 | CHAR |
396 | KPP_MOMENT | Time of validation | KPP_MOMENT | CHAR |
397 | KPP_MORE | Ind.: Are there several characteristics to this field? | XFELD | CHAR |
398 | KPP_MWKZ | CO planning: quantity/value indicator of value field | CHAR1 | CHAR |
399 | KPP_NLOGS | Reconstruct logical screen, CO planning processor | CHAR1 | CHAR |
400 | KPP_NOBUFFORMS | CO Planning Indicator: No buffering for forms in kpp1 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
401 | KPP_NOCHF | KF: User function requires checks in initial screen? | XFELD | CHAR |
402 | KPP_NORMA | Characteristic for standardizing, using standard. method | CHAR30 | CHAR |
403 | KPP_NOT_SUM | Indicator Whether Row Can be Totalled | CHAR1 | CHAR |
404 | KPP_ONLY | Free Entry of Unplanned Records | XFELD | CHAR |
405 | KPP_PLAREA | Planning area | TEXT20 | CHAR |
406 | KPP_PLARL | Planning Area (Description) | TEXT40 | CHAR |
407 | KPP_PLDAT | CO-OM: Value Date for Conversion to Freely Defnble. Currency | DATUM | DATS |
408 | KPP_PLPROF | Planner profile | KPP_PLPROF | CHAR |
409 | KPP_POINTR | Pointer for further internal table | NUMC5 | NUMC |
410 | KPP_POSCNT | CO planning: current entry from entry info | LCNT | NUMC |
411 | KPP_POSIT | Item within planner profile | NUMC3 | NUMC |
412 | KPP_PVALUE | Value in Dialog Box for "Change Values" Function | CHAR40 | CHAR |
413 | KPP_PWSFM | Form routine to set parameters for non-use of sets | FORMNAME | CHAR |
414 | KPP_PWSPR | Program to set parameters for non-use of sets | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
415 | KPP_RADIO | CO Planning: Ind. Field as Pushbutton | RADIO | CHAR |
416 | KPP_RATIO | Screen area within row/column structure | KPP_RATIO | CHAR |
417 | KPP_REPEX | Include containing exits in generated report | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
418 | KPP_REPST | 5 character prefix in generated planning report | CHAR5 | CHAR |
419 | KPP_REQUST | Ind.: Cell changed since last correct run? | XFELD | CHAR |
420 | KPP_RFIELD | Superior field for master data validations | FDNAME | CHAR |
421 | KPP_ROW | Row in Screen Area | NUM4 | NUMC |
422 | KPP_RSMFM | Form routine for report string manipulation | FORMNAME | CHAR |
423 | KPP_RSMPR | Program for report string manipulation | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
424 | KPP_SCRDNM | CO planning: dynpro number of subscreen in initial screen | DYNNR | CHAR |
425 | KPP_SCRPRG | CO planning: program for subscreen of initial screen | PROGNAME | CHAR |
426 | KPP_SETCL | Set class if sets are used | SETCLASS | CHAR |
427 | KPP_SETCLD | Ind.: Display set class onsceen? | XFELD | CHAR |
428 | KPP_SETFLD | Field name for set containing dictionary infos | FDNAME | CHAR |
429 | KPP_SETTAB | Table name for set field | AS4TAB | CHAR |
430 | KPP_SETUSE | Ind.: Is a set used for the dimemsion? | XFELD | CHAR |
431 | KPP_SFELD | Field for Display of Hierarchy Level | KPP_SFELD | CHAR |
432 | KPP_SMIFM | Form routine setting 'New lines allowed' indicator | FORMNAME | CHAR |
433 | KPP_SMIPR | Program setting 'adding new line allowed' indicator | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
434 | KPP_SOLVED | Formula could be resolved | XFELD | CHAR |
435 | KPP_SUM | Total for column | CHAR30 | CHAR |
436 | KPP_S_TYPE | Key Column Presentation Type | KPP_S_TYPE | CHAR |
437 | KPP_TCHAN | Transaction code of planned value/data change transaction | TCODE | CHAR |
438 | KPP_TEXTR | Ind. Texts for characterstic read? | XFELD | CHAR |
439 | KPP_TEXT_M | CO Planning Processor: Name Field | SCRTEXT_M | CHAR |
440 | KPP_TOTAL | CO planning: entry field for planning values | WERTV9 | CURR |
441 | KPP_TSHOW | Transaction code for planned values/data display transaction | TCODE | CHAR |
442 | KPP_TXTFM | Form routine taht reads the text for a characteristic | FORMNAME | CHAR |
443 | KPP_TXTPR | Program that reads the text for a characteristic | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
444 | KPP_TXTUP | Ind.: long text has been changed | XFELD | CHAR |
445 | KPP_UATTR | User Attribute (Internal Number) | KPP_UATTR | CHAR |
446 | KPP_UNIT | CO planning: Quantity/currency unit of value field | CHAR6 | CHAR |
447 | KPP_UPDOTH | Ind.: Attribute changes other attributes/data? | XFELD | CHAR |
448 | KPP_USEFOB | Ind.: Use 'Form planning' pushbutton in initial screen? | XFELD | CHAR |
449 | KPP_USFFM | CO planning: form routine executing user function | FORMNAME | CHAR |
450 | KPP_USFPR | Program Executing User-Function, if Entered | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
451 | KPP_VALUE | Value in Characteristics Table | CHAR40 | CHAR |
452 | KPP_WAERS | CO-OM: Freely Definable Currency | WAERS | CUKY |
453 | KPP_XFELD | CO planning: key figure field as graphic check field | XFELD | CHAR |
454 | KPP_XSCDNM | CO Planning: Subscreen No. When Defining Excel-Interface | DYNNR | CHAR |
455 | KPP_XSCPRG | CO Planning: Subscreen Program When Defining Excel-Interface | PROGNAME | CHAR |
456 | KPP_ZSAPPL | Row/Column Structure Application Class | APPLCLASS | CHAR |
457 | KPP_ZSSUBC | Row/column structure sub-grouping | CFBSUBCLAS | CHAR |
458 | KPP_ZSTABN | Table name for planning area/planning layout | KPP_ZSTABN | CHAR |
459 | KPRDT | Pricing date | KPRDT | CHAR |
460 | KPRGBZ | Date type of the requested delivery date | PRGBZ | CHAR |
461 | KPRGRS | Default period | PRGRS | CHAR |
462 | KPRIOX | Booking Priority | CHAR2 | CHAR |
463 | KPRNN | Percentage rate for cost distribution | DEC3_2 | DEC |
464 | KPROAE | Percentage price change | PRZ33V | DEC |
465 | KPROF | Costing profile | KPROF | CHAR |
466 | KPROMHIERID | Copy Higher-Level Promotion Number | FLAG | CHAR |
467 | KPROT | HR_DSV: Checkbox for Short Log | XFELD | CHAR |
468 | KPROZ | Percentage Transfer of Costs | DEC2_2 | DEC |
469 | KPRZT | Percentage | DEC3_2 | DEC |
470 | KPSAUFT | Total of sales values (from free check parameter) | WRTV8 | CURR |
471 | KPSIZE | Memory requirement (Bytes) | NUM08 | NUMC |
472 | KPSOL | Scheduled capacity requirements | KAPBED | FLTP |
473 | KPSUMOPKUM | Free parameters: Cumulative total of open items (by arrears) | WRTV8 | CURR |
474 | KPTRIALL | Adopt Trigger Point for All | XFELD | CHAR |
475 | KPTYP | Type of log | CHAR1 | CHAR |
477 | KPU3_ASS_ACTS_PLN | Assignment of Plan Transactions<->Actual Transactions | J_VORGANG | CHAR |
478 | KPU3_KL_FLAG | Indicator: Cost Center / Activity Type Object | BOOLE | CHAR |
479 | KPU3_VALUTYP | KPU3: Valuation Views | VALUTYP | NUMC |
480 | KPU3_VRGNG10 | KPU3: Manually Plannable CO-Business Transactions | J_VORGANG | CHAR |
481 | KPU3_VRGNG20 | KPU3: Copyable CO Actual Buusiness Transactions | J_VORGANG | CHAR |
482 | KPU3_VRGNG_GR | Copy transaction groups for actual->plan | J_VORGANG | CHAR |
483 | KPU3_VRGNG_INT | Internal Business Transaction | J_VORGANG | CHAR |
484 | KPU3_VRGNG_MP | Manually Plannable CO Business Transactions | J_VORGANG | CHAR |
485 | KPUBA | Revaluat. base | DEC15 | DEC |
486 | KPUPR | Revaluation percentage | PRZ32 | DEC |
487 | KPUPR1 | Reval.percentage fixed costs | PRZ32V | DEC |
488 | KPUPR2 | Reval.percentage costs | PRZ32V | DEC |
489 | KPUPR3 | Reval.percentage fixed usage | PRZ32V | DEC |
490 | KPUPR4 | Revaluation percentage consumption | PRZ32V | DEC |
491 | KPUPZ | Revaluation percentage | PRZ32V | DEC |
492 | KPUZU | Overhead from revaluation | DEC15 | DEC |
493 | KPWRK | Plant from which current conditions copied | WERKS | CHAR |
494 | KPWRT | Corrected forecast value | FLDNN | CHAR |
495 | KP_EFFZTDA | Actual time needed for transporation (in hours:minutes) | TSTRDURAN | DEC |
496 | KP_EFFZTDP | Planned duration of transportation (in hours:minutes) | TSTRDURAN | DEC |
497 | KP_GESZTDA | Actual total time of shipment (in days) | TSTRDURAG | DEC |
498 | KP_GESZTDP | Planned total time of transportation (in days) | TSTRDURAG | DEC |
499 | KP_STBLG | Document Number of Reversal Docu. for Account Maintenance | BELNR | CHAR |
500 | KP_STJAH | Fiscal Year of Reversal Document for Account Maintenance | GJAHR | NUMC |