SAP ABAP Data Element - Index P, page 52
- P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 P-10 P-11 P-12 P-13 P-14 P-15 P-16 P-17 P-18 P-19 P-20 P-21 P-22 P-23 P-24 P-25 P-26 P-27 P-28 P-29 P-30 P-31 P-32 P-33 P-34 P-35 P-36 P-37 P-38 P-39 P-40 P-41 P-42 P-43 P-44 P-45 P-46 P-47 P-48 P-49 P-50 P-51 P-52 P-53 P-54 P-55 P-56 P-57 P-58 P-59 P-60 P-61 P-62 P-63 P-64 P-65 P-66 P-67 P-68 P-69 P-70 P-71 P-72 P-73 P-74 P-75 P-76 P-77 P-78 P-79 P-80 P-81 P-82 P-83 P-84 P-85 P-86 P-87 P-88 P-89 P-90 P-91 P-92 P-93 P-94 P-95 P-96 P-97 P-98 P-99 P-100 P-101 P-102 P-103 P-104 P-105 P-106 P-107 P-108 P-109 P-110 P-111 P-112 P-113 P-114 P-115 P-116 P-117 P-118 P-119 P-120 P-121 P-122 P-123 P-124 P-125 P-126 P-127 P-128 P-129 P-130
Data Element - P
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | P22J_ALDAT | SI Last Acquire/Lost Date | DATE | DATS |
2 | P22J_AMT01 | Amount for payroll calculation 1 | WERTV5 | CURR |
3 | P22J_AMT02 | Amount for payroll calculation 2 | WERTV5 | CURR |
4 | P22J_AMT0N | Tax Amount Depend on Number of Dependents: zero | WERTV5 | CURR |
5 | P22J_AMT1N | Tax Amount Depend on Number of Dependents: one | WERTV5 | CURR |
6 | P22J_AMT2N | Tax Amount Depend on Number of Dependents: two | WERTV5 | CURR |
7 | P22J_AMT3N | Tax Amount Depend on Number of Dependents: three | WERTV5 | CURR |
8 | P22J_AMT4N | Tax Amount Depend on Number of Dependents: four | WERTV5 | CURR |
9 | P22J_AMT5N | Tax Amount Depend on Number of Dependents: five | WERTV5 | CURR |
10 | P22J_AMT6N | Tax Amount Depend on Number of Dependents: six | WERTV5 | CURR |
11 | P22J_AMT7N | Tax Amount Depend on Number of Dependents: seven | WERTV5 | CURR |
12 | P22J_AMTCA | Total compensation amount | WERT7 | CURR |
13 | P22J_AMTXA | Total compensation amount | WERTV7 | CURR |
14 | P22J_APPDT | Appraisal Detail Feature | P22J_APPDT | CHAR |
15 | P22J_APPFT | Appraisals main feature | P22J_APPFT | CHAR |
16 | P22J_APPID | Indicator for Personal Appraisal JP | CHAR2 | CHAR |
17 | P22J_APPLW | Appraisal Points (lower limit) | DEC3_2 | DEC |
18 | P22J_APPPT | Point value for appraisal criterion | DEC3_2 | DEC |
19 | P22J_APPRK | Appraisal Rank Criteria | P22J_APPRK | CHAR |
20 | P22J_APPT1 | 1st Point value for appraisal criterion | DEC3_2 | DEC |
21 | P22J_APPT2 | 2nd Point value for appraisal criterion | DEC3_2 | DEC |
22 | P22J_APPTF | Final Point value for appraisal criterion | DEC3_2 | DEC |
23 | P22J_APPTY | Personal appraisal type JP | SUBTY_591A | CHAR |
24 | P22J_APPUP | Appraisal Points (upper limit) | DEC3_2 | DEC |
25 | P22J_APRT1 | 1st Appraisal Rank Criteria | P22J_APPRK | CHAR |
26 | P22J_APRT2 | 2nd Appraisal Rank Criteria | P22J_APPRK | CHAR |
27 | P22J_APRTF | Final Appraisal Rank Criteria | P22J_APPRK | CHAR |
28 | P22J_APTXT | Text for appraisal feature JP | TEXT30 | CHAR |
29 | P22J_AQUDT | Start Living Date | DATUM | DATS |
30 | P22J_AVGAA | Annual Average Compensation | WERT6 | CURR |
31 | P22J_AVGCA | Compensation Average Amount | WERT6 | CURR |
32 | P22J_AVGCB | Compensation Average Amount (before) | WERT6 | CURR |
33 | P22J_AVGCK | Monthly average compensation (benefit in kinds) | WERTV5 | CURR |
34 | P22J_AVGCM | Monthly average compensation | WERTV5 | CURR |
35 | P22J_AVGCT | Monthly average compensation total | WERTV6 | CURR |
36 | P22J_AVGXA | Monthly average compensation total | WERT6 | CURR |
37 | P22J_AVGXK | Monthly average compensation (benefit in kinds) | WERT05 | CURR |
38 | P22J_AVGXM | Monthly average compensation | WERT05 | CURR |
39 | P22J_BDPDA | Begin date of drawing pension | DATUM | DATS |
40 | P22J_BEGDY | Begin day | P22J_BEGDY | NUMC |
41 | P22J_BIRTH_DATE_WAREKI | Date of birth (wareki) | CHAR16 | CHAR |
42 | P22J_BIRTH_GENGOU | Date of birth (gengou) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
43 | P22J_BKTID | Santei/Geppen Form Remark Text ID | TEXT3 | CHAR |
44 | P22J_BKTXT | Santei/Geppen Form Remark Text | TEXT24 | CHAR |
45 | P22J_BLCCD | Branch Code | CHAR3 | CHAR |
46 | P22J_BNKNM | Bank name | CHAR70 | CHAR |
47 | P22J_BOFID | Branch office internal number | CHAR5 | CHAR |
48 | P22J_BSVAM | Bonus Bank Transfer Amount | WERTV5 | CURR |
49 | P22J_CA1ST | Compensation Amount 1st Month | WERT6 | CURR |
50 | P22J_CA2ND | Compensation Amount 2nd Month | WERT6 | CURR |
51 | P22J_CA3RD | Compensation Amount 3rd Month | WERT6 | CURR |
52 | P22J_CANFL | SI Geppen Candidate Fixed | P22J_CANFL | CHAR |
53 | P22J_CARTT | Car type text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
54 | P22J_CARTY | Car type | CHAR2 | CHAR |
55 | P22J_CAXXX | HR-J: Compensation Amount (General) | WERT6 | CURR |
56 | P22J_CBKID | Chief bank indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
57 | P22J_CDATE | SI Hokensya-Santei Last Change Date | DATS | DATS |
58 | P22J_CHECK | Checkbox | XFELD | CHAR |
59 | P22J_CINSN | Common insurance No. | CHAR13 | CHAR |
60 | P22J_CK1ST | Compensation amount (benefits in kind) 1st month | WERT05 | CURR |
61 | P22J_CK2ND | Compensation amount (benefits in kind) 2nd month | WERT05 | CURR |
62 | P22J_CK3RD | Compensation amount (Benefits in kind) 3rd month | WERT05 | CURR |
63 | P22J_CKANA | Kana Country Name | TEXT30 | CHAR |
64 | P22J_CKXXX | HR-J: Compensation Kinds (General) | WERT05 | CURR |
65 | P22J_CLCNR | Residence Tax Collector Number | CHAR15 | CHAR |
66 | P22J_CLDED | Exempted Premium Contribution to CLI (Old Contract) | P_AMT07 | CURR |
67 | P22J_CLPTN | Indicator for Control Pattern | CHAR1 | CHAR |
68 | P22J_CLSTKEY | Cluster key | CHAR4 | CHAR |
69 | P22J_CLTOT | Total Premium of Common Life Insurance (Old Contract) | P_AMT07 | CURR |
70 | P22J_CM1ST | Compensation Amount (Money) 1st Month | WERT05 | CURR |
71 | P22J_CM2ND | Compensation Amount (Money) 2nd Month | WERT05 | CURR |
72 | P22J_CM3RD | Compensation Amount (Money) 3rd Month | WERT05 | CURR |
73 | P22J_CMTTM | Commuting time | TIMES | TIMS |
74 | P22J_CMXXX | HR-J: Compensation Money (General) | WERT05 | CURR |
75 | P22J_COMTX | HR Commuting Allowance - Tax-free Amount | WERTV4 | CURR |
76 | P22J_COMTY | Commuting method | SUBTY_591A | CHAR |
77 | P22J_CONDA | Contract date | DATUM | DATS |
78 | P22J_CONKK | Contact Person (Katakana) (Japan) | P22J_NAME | CHAR |
79 | P22J_CONTP | Connection point | TEXT30 | CHAR |
80 | P22J_CTAMT | Basis Amount for Calculation | WERTV5 | CURR |
81 | P22J_CTFLG | Control flag for operation | NUM1 | NUMC |
82 | P22J_CTIME | SI Hokensya-Santei Last Change Time | TIME | TIMS |
83 | P22J_CTXKA | Municipal City Code Text (Kanji) | TEXT24 | CHAR |
84 | P22J_CTXKJ | Municipal City Code Text (Kanji) | TEXT24 | CHAR |
85 | P22J_CTXKK | NOT USED : Municipal City Code Text (Hankaku Katakana) | TEXT24 | CHAR |
86 | P22J_CTXKN | Municipal City Code Text (Katakana) | TEXT48 | CHAR |
87 | P22J_CUODE | Cumulation of deduction per year (Japan) | WERTV4 | CURR |
88 | P22J_CUSER | SI Hokensya-Santei Last Change User | CHAR12 | CHAR |
89 | P22J_DATE | Selection date | DATUM | DATS |
90 | P22J_DDTAM | Deduction Total Amount | WERTV9 | CURR |
91 | P22J_DEATH | Death flag | XFELD | CHAR |
92 | P22J_DEDID | Deductible indicator for union fee | XFELD | CHAR |
93 | P22J_DEPEN | Dependent (Tax) | P22J_DEPEN | CHAR |
94 | P22J_DEPT | Departure point | TEXT30 | CHAR |
95 | P22J_DERET | Amount of deduction | WERTV5 | CURR |
96 | P22J_DEST | Destination | TEXT30 | CHAR |
97 | P22J_DFGRP | difference of pay scale group | INT1 | INT1 |
98 | P22J_DFLVL | Difference of pay scale level | INT1 | INT1 |
99 | P22J_DFPID | Difference Amount after Pay Increase/Decrease | WERTV5 | CURR |
100 | P22J_DINSN | Damage insurance No. | CHAR13 | CHAR |
101 | P22J_DISA2 | Deduction for disabled family member | P22J_DISA2 | CHAR |
102 | P22J_DISAB | Deduction for disabled | P22J_DISAB | CHAR |
103 | P22J_DIST | Distance | DEC3_1 | DEC |
104 | P22J_DIVID | Dividend (Japan) | WERTV4 | CURR |
105 | P22J_DP1ID | (Dependent) Tax Deduction 1 Indicator | P22J_CHAR1 | CHAR |
106 | P22J_DP2ID | (Old Person) Indicator 4 dependant tax deduction 2 | P22J_CHAR1 | CHAR |
107 | P22J_DP3ID | (Handicap) Indicator 4 dependant tax deduction | P22J_CHAR1 | CHAR |
108 | P22J_DP4ID | (Live with) Indicator 4 tax deduction | P22J_CHAR1 | CHAR |
109 | P22J_DP5ID | Ind (Dependent for YEA) | P22J_YESNO | CHAR |
110 | P22J_DPFAL | Family allowance indicator (Yes/No) | P22J_YESNO | CHAR |
111 | P22J_DPHID | Dependent (Health insurance) | P22J_YESNO | CHAR |
112 | P22J_DPITV | Intervals of drawing Pensions | CHAR1 | CHAR |
113 | P22J_DRQID | Requisite indicator of union due deduction | CHAR2 | CHAR |
114 | P22J_DSN | File name | TEXT48 | CHAR |
115 | P22J_DSTFR | HR Distance Range in Kilometers - From | NUMC3 | NUMC |
116 | P22J_DSTTO | HR Distance Range in Kilometers - To | NUMC3 | NUMC |
117 | P22J_DTDID | Indicator for dependant tax deduction | P22J_CHAR1 | CHAR |
118 | P22J_DTDTX | Display text for several fields | TEXT14 | CHAR |
119 | P22J_DVAMT | Amount of divisor | WERTV5 | CURR |
120 | P22J_EALI1 | Acquired/Lost | P22J_EALI1 | CHAR |
121 | P22J_EALID | Indicator for acquire/lost | P22J_EALID | CHAR |
122 | P22J_EALTX | Text for SI entitlement acquire/lost | TEXT20 | CHAR |
123 | P22J_EBEDA | Begining date of effective period | DATE | DATS |
124 | P22J_ECOST | Nursing Ins. cost for employee | WERTV5 | CURR |
125 | P22J_EDPDA | End date of drawing pension | DATUM | DATS |
126 | P22J_EDUCA | Educational background information | TEXT100 | CHAR |
127 | P22J_EEIPR | Employee's Ins. Premium Rate for Employees | DEC3_2 | DEC |
128 | P22J_EFFECTIVE_MONTH | Effective month | CHAR6 | CHAR |
129 | P22J_EFFECTIVE_MONTH_WAREKI | Effective month (wareki) | TEXT16 | CHAR |
130 | P22J_EHIBR | Health Ins. Premium Rate for Employees on Bonus | DEC3_2 | DEC |
131 | P22J_EHIPR | Health Ins. Premium Rate for Employees on Monthly Payroll | DEC3_2 | DEC |
132 | P22J_EIAMT_A | Employment insurance premium amount (Category A) | CURR6 | CURR |
133 | P22J_EIAMT_B | Employment insurance premium amount (Category B) | CURR6 | CURR |
134 | P22J_EIGRD | Grade for employment insurance | NUM2 | NUMC |
135 | P22J_EILWLMT | Lower limit for employment insurance grade | P_AMT07 | CURR |
136 | P22J_EIRTE | Flag for premium rate usage | CHECKBOX | CHAR |
137 | P22J_EIRUL | Employment insurance premium calculation rule | P22J_EIRUL | CHAR |
138 | P22J_EIUPLMT | Upper limit for employment insurance grade | P_AMT07 | CURR |
139 | P22J_EMNAM | Name of employee | TEXT40 | CHAR |
140 | P22J_ENDDA_OF_PRNTL_LEAVE | End date of parental leave | DATE | DATS |
141 | P22J_ENDDA_PRNTL_LEAVE_WAREKI | End date of parental leave (wareki) | TEXT16 | CHAR |
142 | P22J_ENDDY | End day | P22J_ENDDY | NUMC |
143 | P22J_ENTID | Indicator for SI Entitlement | P22J_ENTID | CHAR |
144 | P22J_ENTTX | Text for SI Entitlement | TEXT40 | CHAR |
145 | P22J_EPEPR | Premium Rate for Employee | DEC3_3 | DEC |
146 | P22J_EPGRD | Grade no. of std. compensation 4 EE's ins. | P22J_GRINS | NUMC |
147 | P22J_EPRUL | Rule for Employee's Pension in Santei/Geppen | P22J_EPRUL | CHAR |
148 | P22J_EPSTC | Employee's Ins. Monthly Compensation | WERTV5 | CURR |
149 | P22J_EPVGR | Virtual Grade no. of std. compensation 4 EE's Pension | P22J_GRINS | NUMC |
150 | P22J_ESTFA | Estimated fare amount | P_AMT07V | CURR |
151 | P22J_EVDAT | Date of appraisal evaluation | DATUM | DATS |
152 | P22J_EVDT1 | Date of 1st appraisal evaluation | DATUM | DATS |
153 | P22J_EVDT2 | Date of 2nd appraisal evaluation | DATUM | DATS |
154 | P22J_EVDTF | Date of final appraisal evaluation | DATUM | DATS |
155 | P22J_EVNAM | Name of evaluator | NACHN | CHAR |
156 | P22J_EVNM1 | Name of 1st evaluator | NACHN | CHAR |
157 | P22J_EVNM2 | Name of 2nd evaluator | NACHN | CHAR |
158 | P22J_EVNMF | Name of final evaluator | NACHN | CHAR |
159 | P22J_EXCLD | SI Exclusion ind. from calculation | CHAR1 | CHAR |
160 | P22J_FACCD | Faculty code | NUMC3 | NUMC |
161 | P22J_FACTR | Factor | DEC4_3 | DEC |
162 | P22J_FACUL | Faculty | TEXT40 | CHAR |
163 | P22J_FC1ST | Fixed Compensation 1st Month | WERT6 | CURR |
164 | P22J_FC2ND | Fixed Compensation 2nd Month | WERT6 | CURR |
165 | P22J_FC3RD | Fixed Compensation 3rd Month | WERT6 | CURR |
166 | P22J_FCPRE | Previous Month of Calculation of premium Fixed Compensation | WERT6 | CURR |
167 | P22J_FCXXX | HR-J: Fixed Compensation (General) | WERT6 | CURR |
168 | P22J_FEPPR | Employee's Pension premium rate 4 employees (female) | DEC3_2 | DEC |
169 | P22J_FIXED_CMP_CHG_MNTH_WAREKI | Month of fixed compensation change (wareki) | TEXT16 | CHAR |
170 | P22J_FIXGR | SI Fixed Grade | NUMC2 | NUMC |
171 | P22J_FIXSC | SI Fixed Standard Compensation | WERT05 | CURR |
172 | P22J_FNAME | Name of the SAPscript form | CHAR16 | CHAR |
173 | P22J_FNAMK | First name (Katakana) | P22J_NAME | CHAR |
174 | P22J_FNAMR | First name (Romaji) | P22J_NAME | CHAR |
175 | P22J_FPAYP | First pay period | PABRP | NUMC |
176 | P22J_FPAYY | First pay year | NUM4 | NUMC |
177 | P22J_FPPPR | Health Insurance Premium Rate for Employees (female) | DEC3_2 | DEC |
178 | P22J_FPYPR | Start month of deduction | PABRP | NUMC |
179 | P22J_FRPPR | Employee's Pens. Premium Rate for Employers (female) | DEC3_2 | DEC |
180 | P22J_FSTLV | First level of pay scale group JPN | YESNO | CHAR |
181 | P22J_GEPFL | SI Geppen Fixed | CHAR1 | CHAR |
182 | P22J_HIGRD | Grade number of standard compensation for health insurance | P22J_GRINS | NUMC |
183 | P22J_HIRUL | Rule for Health Insurance in Santei/Geppen Process | P22J_HIRUL | CHAR |
184 | P22J_HISTC | Health ins. Monthly standard compensation | WERTV5 | CURR |
185 | P22J_HIVGR | Virtual Grade no. of std. compensation for health insurance. | P22J_GRINS | NUMC |
186 | P22J_HOUSTY | Deduction Type for Housing Loan | P22J_HOUSTY | CHAR |
187 | P22J_HSDED | Deductible Amount for Housing Loan | P_AMT07 | CURR |
188 | P22J_HSLOA | Loan Balance of Housing Loan | PJP_HSLOA | CURR |
189 | P22J_ICFIX | Current interest rate type(fixed and flexible) | P22J_IRFIX | CHAR |
190 | P22J_ICNAM | Insurance contractor name | TEXT18 | CHAR |
191 | P22J_IDPRT | Rate of increase of drawing pension | NUMC2 | NUMC |
192 | P22J_IFWOD | Insurance fee without dividend | WERTV4 | CURR |
193 | P22J_IKRUL | Basic specifications for IKKATSU TEKIYOU | P22J_IKRUL | CHAR |
194 | P22J_INDRL | Indicator for relationship (specification code) | AUSPR | CHAR |
195 | P22J_INSBP | Insurance Bonus deduction | WERTV4 | CURR |
196 | P22J_INSC1 | Insurance company master JPN | P22J_INSC1 | CHAR |
197 | P22J_INSCC | Insurance company code | P22J_INSCC | CHAR |
198 | P22J_INSCN | Insurance Company Name | TEXT60 | CHAR |
199 | P22J_INSCT | Insurance Contract Type | P22J_INSCT | CHAR |
200 | P22J_INSID | Insurance Type Indicator | SUBTY | CHAR |
201 | P22J_INSMP | Insurance deduction of monthly payroll | WERTV4 | CURR |
202 | P22J_INSNR | Insurance No. | CHAR13 | CHAR |
203 | P22J_INSPR | Period of deduction | NUMC2 | NUMC |
204 | P22J_INST1 | Insurance Type | P22J_INST1 | CHAR |
205 | P22J_INSTK | Institute/school (Katakana) | TEXT80 | CHAR |
206 | P22J_INSTP | Type of institution/school | CHAR1 | CHAR |
207 | P22J_INSTT | Insurance Product Type | TEXT40 | CHAR |
208 | P22J_INSTX | Insurance Type Text | TEXT8 | CHAR |
209 | P22J_INSTY | Insurance company type | P22J_INSTY | CHAR |
210 | P22J_INTTX | Text for interest condition | TEXT20 | CHAR |
211 | P22J_IREST | Restriction for interest rate type | P22J_IREST | CHAR |
212 | P22J_IRFIX | Initial interest rate type(fixed or flexble) | P22J_IRFIX | CHAR |
213 | P22J_ITXMF | Income Tax Modifier | P22J_ITXMF | CHAR |
214 | P22J_ITXTT | Income Tax Modifier Text JP | TEXT20 | CHAR |
215 | P22J_JGNJ1 | Name of Branch, line 1 (Kanji) | TEXT40 | CHAR |
216 | P22J_JGNJ2 | Name of Branch, line 2 (Kanji) | TEXT40 | CHAR |
217 | P22J_JGNK1 | Name of Branch, line 1 (Katakana) | TEXT80 | CHAR |
218 | P22J_JGNK2 | Name of Branch, line 2 (Katakana) | TEXT80 | CHAR |
219 | P22J_JGNNM | Name of Company (Legal Person) | TEXT50 | CHAR |
220 | P22J_JGNPR | Name of Representative person | TEXT40 | CHAR |
221 | P22J_JGNPS | Title of Representative person | TEXT20 | CHAR |
222 | P22J_JGSNM | Name of Branch office | TEXT50 | CHAR |
223 | P22J_JKING | payment period | P22J_JKING | CHAR |
224 | P22J_JNGER | Appraisal generations | NUMC1TO6 | NUMC |
225 | P22J_JUNIOR | Check Dependents under 16 Years Old | XFELD | CHAR |
226 | P22J_KNAME | Kana Name of Employee | TEXT50 | CHAR |
227 | P22J_KTRAT | Reduction rate from attendance | DEC2_3 | DEC |
228 | P22J_KYSYK | HR-J: Flag if EE had a Kyusyoku status | CHAR1 | CHAR |
229 | P22J_LADED | Deduction amount for long-term Accident insurance in YEA | P_AMT07 | CURR |
230 | P22J_LANOA | Loan amount approved for monthly repayment | P_AMT07 | CURR |
231 | P22J_LASYA | Loan amount shoyo approved | P_AMT07 | CURR |
232 | P22J_LATOT | Total of annual fee of long-term accident insurances in YEA | P_AMT07 | CURR |
233 | P22J_LBICC | Labour Insurance Code | TEXT14 | CHAR |
234 | P22J_LBIMF | Labour Insurance Modifier | P22J_LBIMF | CHAR |
235 | P22J_LBINO | Number of Branch office for LI | TEXT11 | CHAR |
236 | P22J_LEVDT | HR Date of Leaving JP | DATUM | DATS |
237 | P22J_LINEN | Line name | TEXT30 | CHAR |
238 | P22J_LIPI1 | Labour Insurance Premium Rate | P22J_LIPI1 | CHAR |
239 | P22J_LIPTX | Labour insurance premium rate tax indicator | TEXT20 | CHAR |
240 | P22J_LIWI | Categorize Dependents according to 'Live With' Status | CHOICE | CHAR |
241 | P22J_LIWTH | Deduction for Live with | P22J_LIWTH | CHAR |
242 | P22J_LNAMK | Last Name (Katakana) | P22J_NAME | CHAR |
243 | P22J_LNAMR | Last name (Romaji) | P22J_NAME | CHAR |
244 | P22J_LPDAT | Loan payment date | DATUM | DATS |
245 | P22J_LSTFL | SI lost indicator for Ikkatsu-Tekiyou | CHAR1 | CHAR |
246 | P22J_LTFAM | Limit of Tax Free Amount | WERTV5 | CURR |
247 | P22J_LWLMT | Lower limit of amount | WERTV5 | CURR |
248 | P22J_LWSVY | Lower level for number of service years | NUMC2 | NUMC |
249 | P22J_MCSLN | Monthly compensation (less than) | WERTV5 | CURR |
250 | P22J_MCSLT | Monthly compensation (less than) | P22J_MCSLT | NUMC |
251 | P22J_MDRTE | Union due rate in monthly payroll calculation | DEC3_2 | DEC |
252 | P22J_MEPPR | Employees's Pens.Premium Rate for Employees (male) | DEC3_2 | DEC |
253 | P22J_MFAMT | Fixed due amount in monthly payroll calculation | P_AMT07V | CURR |
254 | P22J_MFMID | Union due formula indicator in monthly payroll calculation | CHAR2 | CHAR |
255 | P22J_MNAMT | Minimum Amount in the same Divisor | WERTV5 | CURR |
256 | P22J_MOCSI | First month of calculation of SI premium (Japan) | CHAR6 | CHAR |
257 | P22J_MOFCC | Month when fixed compensation changes | CHAR6 | CHAR |
258 | P22J_MRAMT | Principal part for monthly repayment | P_AMT07 | CURR |
259 | P22J_MRBAL | Balance for monthly repayment | P_AMT07 | CURR |
260 | P22J_MRINT | Interest part for monthly repayment | P_AMT07 | CURR |
261 | P22J_MRISP | Interest support for monthly repayment | P_AMT07 | CURR |
262 | P22J_MRPPR | Employee's Pens. Premium Rate for Employers (male) | DEC3_2 | DEC |
263 | P22J_MSVAM | Monthly Bank Tansfer Amount | WERTV5 | CURR |
264 | P22J_NABIK | Name of Birth (Katakana) | P22J_NAME | CHAR |
265 | P22J_NABIR | Name of Birth (Romaji) | P22J_NAME | CHAR |
266 | P22J_NAME2 | Contact Person (Japan) | PAD_NACHN | CHAR |
267 | P22J_NECUD | Net cumulation of dividend per year | WERTV4 | CURR |
268 | P22J_NICKK | Nickname (Katakana) | P22J_NAME | CHAR |
269 | P22J_NICKR | Nickname (Romaji) | P22J_NAME | CHAR |
270 | P22J_NLDED | Exempted Premium Contribution to CLI (New Contract) | P_AMT07 | CURR |
271 | P22J_NLTOT | Total Premium of Common Life Insurance (New Contract) | P_AMT07 | CURR |
272 | P22J_NONRE | Non-residence flag | XFELD | CHAR |
273 | P22J_NOYES | Number of years of service | NUMC2 | NUMC |
274 | P22J_NO_OF_PRNTL_EP_ALL | Number of parental employee pension (ALL) | DEC8 | DEC |
275 | P22J_NO_OF_PRNTL_EP_CAND | Number of parental employee pension (CAND) | DEC8 | DEC |
276 | P22J_NO_OF_PRNTL_HI_ALL | Number of parental health insurance (ALL) | DEC8 | DEC |
277 | P22J_NO_OF_PRNTL_HI_CAND | Number of parental health insurance (CAND) | DEC8 | DEC |
278 | P22J_NPDED | Exempted Premium Contribution to PPI (New Contract) | P_AMT07 | CURR |
279 | P22J_NPTOT | Total Premium of Personal Pension Insurance (New Contract) | P_AMT07 | CURR |
280 | P22J_NREID | Residential status indicator | P22J_NREID | CHAR |
281 | P22J_NRPLC | Living place (for non-resident) | P22J_NRPLC | CHAR |
282 | P22J_NSDED | Exmpt. Prem. Contrib. to Nursing and Medical Care Insurance | P_AMT07 | CURR |
283 | P22J_NSTOT | Premium of Nursing and Medical Care Insurance | P_AMT07 | CURR |
284 | P22J_NWGTY | New wage type | LGART | CHAR |
285 | P22J_OBJNR | TemSe-Object Number | CHAR8 | CHAR |
286 | P22J_OLD | Check Dependents Elder than 70 Years Old | XFELD | CHAR |
287 | P22J_OLPE2 | Deduction for age group (Fam. Members) | P22J_OLPE2 | CHAR |
288 | P22J_OLPER | Deduction for Old Person | P22J_OLPER | CHAR |
289 | P22J_OR1KK | City Katakana (Japan) | CHAR30 | CHAR |
290 | P22J_OR1KT | Address in Katakana (Japan) | CHAR30 | CHAR |
291 | P22J_OR2KK | City/District (Katakana) | CHAR30 | CHAR |
292 | P22J_ORDIN | Check Dependents between 16 to 18 Years Old | XFELD | CHAR |
293 | P22J_ORKK1 | First address line (Katakana) | TEXT40 | CHAR |
294 | P22J_ORKK2 | Second address line (Katakana) | TEXT40 | CHAR |
295 | P22J_ORKK3 | Third address line (Katakana) | TEXT40 | CHAR |
296 | P22J_ORKK4 | Fourth address line (Katakana) | TEXT40 | CHAR |
297 | P22J_ORT1T | Address in Kanji (Japan) | CHAR25 | CHAR |
298 | P22J_OWGTY | Old wage type | LGART | CHAR |
299 | P22J_PASAM | Loan balance for Shoyo | WERTV5 | CURR |
300 | P22J_PASID | property accumulation saving Type | SUBTY | CHAR |
301 | P22J_PASNO | Personnel assignment no. | CHAR25 | CHAR |
302 | P22J_PAYMO | Return Value of Pay Scale Feature | P22J_PAYMO | CHAR |
303 | P22J_PB1ST | Payment Basis Days 1st Month | P22J_PBDYS | NUMC |
304 | P22J_PB2ND | Payment Basis Days 2nd Month | P22J_PBDYS | NUMC |
305 | P22J_PB3RD | Payment Basis Days 3rd Month | P22J_PBDYS | NUMC |
306 | P22J_PBXXX | HR-J: Payment Basis Days (General) | P22J_PBDYS | NUMC |
307 | P22J_PCNKK | Contact Person (Katakana) (Japan) | P22J_PNAME | CHAR |
308 | P22J_PFNMK | First name (Katakana) | P22J_PNAME | CHAR |
309 | P22J_PFNMR | First Name (Romaji) | P22J_PNAME | CHAR |
310 | P22J_PLNMK | Last name (Katakana) | P22J_PNAME | CHAR |
311 | P22J_PLNMR | Last Name (Romaji) | P22J_PNAME | CHAR |
312 | P22J_PNBIK | Name of Birth (Katakana) | P22J_PNAME | CHAR |
313 | P22J_PNBIR | Name of Birth (Romaji) | P22J_PNAME | CHAR |
314 | P22J_PNCKK | Koseki (Katakana) | P22J_PNAME | CHAR |
315 | P22J_PNCKR | Koseki (Romaji) | P22J_PNAME | CHAR |
316 | P22J_PPDED | Exempted Premium Contribution to PPI (Old Contract) | P_AMT07 | CURR |
317 | P22J_PPTOT | Total Premium of Personal Pension Insurance (Old Contract) | P_AMT07 | CURR |
318 | P22J_PRATE | Premium Rate for Branch Office | DEC3_3 | DEC |
319 | P22J_PRCN5 | Rate of additional tax on basis amount | P_DEC3_5 | DEC |
320 | P22J_PRCNT | Rate of additional tax on basis amount | DEC3_2STUN | DEC |
321 | P22J_PREGR | SI Last Grade | NUMC2 | NUMC |
322 | P22J_PRESC | SI Last Standard Compensation | WERT05 | CURR |
323 | P22J_PRESC_EP_3DIGITS | Previous compensation amount (EP) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
324 | P22J_PRESC_HI_3DIGITS | Previous compensation amount (HI) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
325 | P22J_PRESC_HI_4DIGITS | Previous compensation amount (HI) | CHAR4 | CHAR |
326 | P22J_PRTAB | Table Name of Premium Rate | CHAR5 | CHAR |
327 | P22J_PSCHG | Indicator for payscale group change | XFELD | CHAR |
328 | P22J_PSREG | Indicator for automatic payscale regrading | XFELD | CHAR |
329 | P22J_PTRUL | Santei evaluation rule for parttime workers(Japan) | P22J_PTRUL | CHAR |
330 | P22J_PYRTE | Payment rate | DEC3_2 | DEC |
331 | P22J_R1 | Update to Old Person | CHOICE | CHAR |
332 | P22J_R2 | Update to Old Person in Same Place | CHOICE | CHAR |
333 | P22J_R3 | Decide Old Person Category from Output Screen | CHOICE | CHAR |
334 | P22J_RADIO | Choose one of several possible entries | CHOICE | CHAR |
335 | P22J_RCALP | Recalculation Payment | WERTV5 | CURR |
336 | P22J_RCLID | Method of collection for unpayed residence tax | P22J_RCLID | CHAR |
337 | P22J_RCLTX | Collection method | TEXT20 | CHAR |
338 | P22J_RCTVC | Municipal city code | P22J_RCTVC | CHAR |
339 | P22J_REASY | (not used anymore) | P_AMT07 | CURR |
340 | P22J_REIPR | Employee's Ins. Premium Rate for Employer | DEC3_2 | DEC |
341 | P22J_REISY | Repayment installment for shoyo | P_AMT07 | CURR |
342 | P22J_RESTY | Flag of retirement condition | P22J_RESTY | CHAR |
343 | P22J_RETAU | HR Retirement Allowance Unit Amount JP | P_AMT07V | CURR |
344 | P22J_RETCP | Retirement Calculation Pattern | P22J_RETCP | CHAR |
345 | P22J_RETDE | Indication for Additional Retirement Tax | XFELD | CHAR |
346 | P22J_RETFI | Retirement reason category | P22J_RETFI | CHAR |
347 | P22J_RETFT | Retirement Reason Category Text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
348 | P22J_RETMF | Retirement Allowance Modifier | P22J_RETMF | CHAR |
349 | P22J_RETMT | Retirement Allowance Modifier Text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
350 | P22J_RETTX | Indication for Retirement Tax | XFELD | CHAR |
351 | P22J_RETXX | Internal ID for retirement calculation | CHAR1 | CHAR |
352 | P22J_RHIBR | Health Ins. Premium Rate for Employers on Bonus | DEC3_2 | DEC |
353 | P22J_RHIPR | Health Ins. Premium Rate for Employers on Monthly Payroll | DEC3_2 | DEC |
354 | P22J_RINRT | Interest rate in repayment | DEC2_3 | DEC |
355 | P22J_RMIND | Refund on maturity indicator | P22J_RMIND | CHAR |
356 | P22J_RPMON | Selection month for legal report | KMONAT | NUMC |
357 | P22J_RPYEA | Selection year for legal report | CJAHR | CHAR |
358 | P22J_RPYMD | Selection date for legal report | DATUM | DATS |
359 | P22J_RTCLS | Classification for reason of change | P22J_RTCLS | CHAR |
360 | P22J_RTSYY | Tax rate for Shoyo | DEC3_2STUN | DEC |
361 | P22J_RTXID | Reason of change in residence tax (indicator) | P22J_RTXID | CHAR |
362 | P22J_RTXMF | Residence Tax Modifier | P22J_RTXMF | CHAR |
363 | P22J_RTXTT | Residence Tax Modifier Text JP | TEXT20 | CHAR |
364 | P22J_RTXTX | Change reason text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
365 | P22J_RULNI | Payment rule for Nursing insurance | P22J_RULNI | CHAR |
366 | P22J_RUN_MONTH | Run month of the report | NUMC6 | NUMC |
367 | P22J_SADED | Deduction Amount for Short-Term Accident or Earthquake Ins. | P_AMT07 | CURR |
368 | P22J_SANTEI_TARGET_MONTH1 | Santei target month 1st | NUMC2 | NUMC |
369 | P22J_SANTEI_TARGET_MONTH2 | Santei target month 2nd | NUMC2 | NUMC |
370 | P22J_SANTEI_TARGET_MONTH3 | Santei target month 3rd | NUMC2 | NUMC |
371 | P22J_SASTA | SI Hokensya-Santei Status | P22J_SASTA | CHAR |
372 | P22J_SATOT | Annual Fee for Short-Term Accident or Earthquake Insurance | P_AMT07 | CURR |
373 | P22J_SBOX | Selectbox | CHAR1 | CHAR |
374 | P22J_SCHCD | Institute/school code | NUM10 | NUMC |
375 | P22J_SCICA | Social Insurance Code (Area) | TEXT8 | CHAR |
376 | P22J_SCICC | Social Insurance Code (Name) | TEXT8 | CHAR |
377 | P22J_SCICN | Social Insurance Code (Number) | TEXT6 | CHAR |
378 | P22J_SCICS | Social insurance sign (area) | TEXT8 | CHAR |
379 | P22J_SCIHI | Office ID for HI Union | TEXT8 | CHAR |
380 | P22J_SCIID | Social insurance indicator | NUM1 | NUMC |
381 | P22J_SCIMF | Social Insurance Modifier | P22J_SCIMF | CHAR |
382 | P22J_SCINR | Social Insurance given number | TEXT5 | CHAR |
383 | P22J_SCIPF | Office ID for Pension Fund | TEXT8 | CHAR |
384 | P22J_SCIPN | Office number for Pension Fund | TEXT8 | CHAR |
385 | P22J_SCITX | Indicator for Social Insurance Insured | TEXT24 | CHAR |
386 | P22J_SDPPP | Start date of payment of each personal pension | DATS | DATS |
387 | P22J_SDRTE | Union due rate in Shoyo calculation | DEC3_2 | DEC |
388 | P22J_SECID | Section ID | NUM2 | NUMC |
389 | P22J_SEQID | Sequence indicator JPN | P22J_SEQN3 | NUMC |
390 | P22J_SFAMT | Fixed due amount in Shoyo calculation | P_AMT07V | CURR |
391 | P22J_SFMID | Union due formula indicator in Shoyo calculation | CHAR2 | CHAR |
392 | P22J_SGERR | SANTEI/GEPPEN error code JPN | CHAR3 | CHAR |
393 | P22J_SGRUL | SI Santei/Geppen Rule | TEXT1 | CHAR |
394 | P22J_SG_STATUS_EP_TEXT | Santei geppen status (EP) | TEXT20 | CHAR |
395 | P22J_SG_STATUS_HI_TEXT | Santei geppen status (HI) | TEXT20 | CHAR |
396 | P22J_SIDID | Indicator for deduction | P22J_SIDID | CHAR |
397 | P22J_SIGEN | Social insurance gender ID | P22J_SIGEN | CHAR |
398 | P22J_SIID2 | EE's SI status for reporting | CHAR1 | CHAR |
399 | P22J_SIII1 | Social Insurance Deduction | P22J_SIII1 | CHAR |
400 | P22J_SIIID | Social Insurance Deduction | P22J_INDIC | CHAR |
401 | P22J_SIIID_NEW_TEXT | Correct Social Insurance Deduction | CHAR10 | CHAR |
402 | P22J_SIIID_TEXT | Social Insurance Deduction | CHAR10 | CHAR |
403 | P22J_SIINR | Insurance number | P22J_SIINR | CHAR |
404 | P22J_SIINR_PF | Pension Number | P22J_SIINR | CHAR |
405 | P22J_SIMER | SI payment exemption modifier for employer | XFELD | CHAR |
406 | P22J_SIMER_NEW_TEXT | Correct SI payment exemption modifier for employer | CHAR10 | CHAR |
407 | P22J_SIMER_TEXT | SI payment exemption modifier for employer | CHAR10 | CHAR |
408 | P22J_SIMPM | SI payment exemption modifier | XFELD | CHAR |
409 | P22J_SIMPM_NEW_TEXT | Correct SI payment exemption modifier | CHAR10 | CHAR |
410 | P22J_SIMPM_TEXT | SI payment exemption modifier | CHAR10 | CHAR |
411 | P22J_SIPI1 | Social Insurance Premium Rate | P22J_SIPI1 | CHAR |
412 | P22J_SIPID | Indicator for Premium Rate | CHAR2 | CHAR |
413 | P22J_SIPNR | Pension number | P22J_SIPNR | CHAR |
414 | P22J_SIPTX | Text of Indicator for Premium Rate | TEXT20 | CHAR |
415 | P22J_SIPTY | HR Social Insurance Premium Data Type Indicator JPN | SUBTY | CHAR |
416 | P22J_SITID | Social Insurance Type Indicator | SUBTY | CHAR |
417 | P22J_SITXT | Social Insurance Type Text | CHAR40 | CHAR |
418 | P22J_SI_OFFICE_ID | Social insurance office ID | TEXT37 | CHAR |
419 | P22J_SNTFL | SI Santei Fixed | CHAR1 | CHAR |
420 | P22J_SPDED | The special deduction amount for the spouse for YEA | P_AMT07 | CURR |
421 | P22J_SPEC | Check Dependents between 19 to 69 Years Old | XFELD | CHAR |
422 | P22J_SPIID | The indicator of application for the spouse's income in YEA | XFELD | CHAR |
423 | P22J_SPINC | The spouse's income for YEA | P_AMT07 | CURR |
424 | P22J_SRAMT | Principal part for Shoyo repayment | P_AMT07 | CURR |
425 | P22J_SRBAL | Balance for Shoyo repayment | P_AMT07 | CURR |
426 | P22J_SRBEG | Repayment beginning SHOYO | DATUM | DATS |
427 | P22J_SRINT | Interest part for Shoyo repayment | P_AMT07 | CURR |
428 | P22J_SRISP | Interest support for Shoyo repayment | P_AMT07 | CURR |
429 | P22J_STAQU | HR-J: Flag if Payroll Result was acquired for the month | CHAR1 | CHAR |
430 | P22J_STDCS | Monthly standard compensation | WERTV5 | CURR |
431 | P22J_STEXT | SI Santei Adjustment Status Text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
432 | P22J_STKEY | HR-J: Key for Santei Evaluation Target Months (Sequenced) | NUMC01 | NUMC |
433 | P22J_STUWO | Deduction for Student Worker | P22J_STUWO | CHAR |
434 | P22J_SUBMF | Income Tax Modifier of Tax Statement Submitting Branch | P22J_ITXMF | CHAR |
435 | P22J_SUBMIT_DATE | Submit date | DATE | DATS |
436 | P22J_SVYFP | Service Years - Factor - Pattern | P22J_SVYFP | CHAR |
437 | P22J_SVYFT | Description of Service Years - Factor - Pattern | TEXT40 | CHAR |
438 | P22J_SYBEG | Start of SHOYO time period | DATE | DATS |
439 | P22J_SYDTD | Shoyo Determination Date | DATE | DATS |
440 | P22J_SYEND | End of SHOYO time period | DATE | DATS |
441 | P22J_SYMON | Number of months associated to SHOYO payment | NUMC2 | NUMC |
442 | P22J_SYYID | Indicator for SYOYO taxation | CHAR1 | CHAR |
443 | P22J_TABTY | Taxation table type | CHAR2 | CHAR |
444 | P22J_TASNO | Tax office assignment no. | CHAR10 | CHAR |
445 | P22J_TAXED | Tax indicator | P22J_YESNO | CHAR |
446 | P22J_TAXI1 | Income tax reference number 1 | CHAR10 | CHAR |
447 | P22J_TAXI2 | Income tax reference number 2 | CHAR12 | CHAR |
448 | P22J_TAXYR | Tax Year | GJAHR | NUMC |
449 | P22J_TCOST | Total cost | WERTV5 | CURR |
450 | P22J_TD1ID | Deduction for Disablity | P22J_CHAR1 | CHAR |
451 | P22J_TD2ID | Deduction for Old Person | P22J_CHAR1 | CHAR |
452 | P22J_TD3ID | Deduction for Widow | P22J_CHAR1 | CHAR |
453 | P22J_TD4ID | Deduction for Student Worker | P22J_CHAR1 | CHAR |
454 | P22J_TD5ID | Indicator for disaster victim | XFELD | CHAR |
455 | P22J_TD6ID | Indicator for non-resident (living abroad) | XFELD | CHAR |
456 | P22J_TDAMT | Tax deduction amount | WERTV5 | CURR |
457 | P22J_TDRTE | Tax deduction rate | DEC3_2STUN | DEC |
458 | P22J_TDTNR | Dependant Tax deduction type No. | P22J_CHAR1 | CHAR |
459 | P22J_TLDED | Exempted Premium Contribution to Common Life Insurance | P_AMT07 | CURR |
460 | P22J_TNDED | Exmpt. Prem. Contrib. to Nursing and Medical Care Insurance | P_AMT07 | CURR |
461 | P22J_TODED | Total Exempted Premium Contribution to Life Insurance | P_AMT07 | CURR |
462 | P22J_TPDED | Exempted Premium Contribution to Personal Pension Insurance | P_AMT07 | CURR |
463 | P22J_TRGTM | Beginning month of the target period of first payment | NUM2 | NUMC |
464 | P22J_TRGTP | Beginning of the target period of first payment | PABRP | NUMC |
465 | P22J_TRGTY | Target year of first payment | NUM4 | NUMC |
466 | P22J_TRICN | HR Status of Termination Operation as Icon JP | ICON | CHAR |
467 | P22J_TRNCN | Transportation company name | TEXT30 | CHAR |
468 | P22J_TRSEL | HR Selected for Termination Operation JP | XFELD | CHAR |
469 | P22J_TXAMF | Tax amount for the first month | WERTV5 | CURR |
470 | P22J_TXAMR | Tax amount for the rest month | WERTV5 | CURR |
471 | P22J_TXAMT | Tax amount | WERTV5 | CURR |
472 | P22J_TXCLS | Payment class | CHAR1 | CHAR |
473 | P22J_TXCLT | Payment class text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
474 | P22J_TXI1D | Reference number 1(Disk) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
475 | P22J_TXI2D | Reference number 2(Disk) | CHAR13 | CHAR |
476 | P22J_TXID1 | Taxation class (indicator) | P22J_TXID1 | CHAR |
477 | P22J_TXTID | Indicator for taxation (tax category) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
478 | P22J_TXTTX | Tax indicator Text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
479 | P22J_TXTYP | Taxation type indicator | P22J_TXTYP | CHAR |
480 | P22J_TXTYT | Taxation type text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
481 | P22J_TYTEX | Type of institution/school | TEXT20 | CHAR |
482 | P22J_UBASE | Base amount for union due calcuation | P_AMT07V | CURR |
483 | P22J_UCOMM | Comments about union information | TEXT80 | CHAR |
484 | P22J_UMEID | Union member category | P22J_UMEID | CHAR |
485 | P22J_UMETX | Union member category text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
486 | P22J_UNION | Labour union | P22J_UNION | CHAR |
487 | P22J_UNITX | Union text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
488 | P22J_UNWKR | Full time union worker | XFELD | CHAR |
489 | P22J_UPDST | Update Status for Otsu EE | P22J_UPDST | CHAR |
490 | P22J_UPLMT | Upper limit of amount | WERTV5 | CURR |
491 | P22J_UPSVY | Upper level for number of service years | NUMC2 | NUMC |
492 | P22J_WC1ST | SI Wage Cut 1st Month | WERTV5 | CURR |
493 | P22J_WC2ND | SI Wage Cut 2nd Month | WERTV5 | CURR |
494 | P22J_WC3RD | SI Wage Cut 3rd Month | WERTV5 | CURR |
495 | P22J_WCXXX | HR-J: Wage Cut Amount | WERTV5 | CURR |
496 | P22J_WDATE | Management date | DATS | DATS |
497 | P22J_WIDOW | Deduction for Widow | P22J_WIDOW | CHAR |
498 | P22J_WTCUT | HR-J: Flag if EE had a wagecut | CHAR1 | CHAR |
499 | P22J_WTYEA | Flag: run Year End Adjustment with SHOYO payment in December | XFIELD | CHAR |
500 | P22J_XA1ST | Compensation Amount (after first Adjustment) 1st Month | WERT6 | CURR |