SAP ABAP Data Element - Index P, page 38
Data Element - P
# Data Element Short Description Domain Data Type
1 P09_FORMX Indicator: FORM X - Special Payout Days DK XFELD CHAR 
2 P09_FRAVAER Create Absence Statistics P09_FRAVAER CHAR 
3 P09_FRDAG Exemption per day BETRG CURR 
4 P09_FRIK0 EE taxation with exemption card, year 0 CHAR1 CHAR 
5 P09_FRIK1 EE taxation with exemption card, year-1 CHAR1 CHAR 
6 P09_FRIK2 EE taxation with exemption card (Frikort), year-2 CHAR1 CHAR 
7 P09_FRKOD Key for length of wage period for tax DK CHAR1 CHAR 
8 P09_FRNRM Exemption per period BETRG CURR 
9 P09_FTAGE Number of normal (§6) leave days Denmark DEC3_2 DEC 
10 P09_FTEXT Entry Text (of Form Record) P09_FTEXT CHAR 
11 P09_FTIME Time of Closing Year-End Activities for PBS TIME TIMS 
12 P09_FTP RFC destination for FTP-type data transfer with RPCFTPM1 RFCDEST CHAR 
13 P09_FTUBT Payment of Leave Bonus P09_FTUBT CHAR 
14 P09_FUNKT Indicator: Official (DK) XFELD CHAR 
15 P09_FWV0A Special Payment Amount for 1/2 % Leave Accumulation Y-0 XFELD CHAR 
16 P09_FWV0B Special Payment Amount for 1/2 % Leave Accumulation Year-0 P09_CURR8 CURR 
17 P09_FWV0C Payment for 1/2 % Leave Accumulation in Cash Y-0 XFELD CHAR 
18 P09_FWV0F Payment 1/2 % Leave Accumulation Year - 0 for Holiday Acct XFELD CHAR 
19 P09_FWV0K Payment 1/2 % Leave Accumulation for Leave Card Y-0 XFELD CHAR 
20 P09_FWV0N No Payment 1/2 % Leave Accumulation for Year - 0 XFELD CHAR 
21 P09_FWV0S Standard Amount for Payment 1/2 % Leave Accumulation Y-0 XFELD CHAR 
22 P09_FWV1A Special Payment Amount 1/2 % Leave Accumulation Y-1 XFELD CHAR 
23 P09_FWV1B Special Payment Amount 1/2 % Leave Accumulation Year-1 P09_CURR8 CURR 
24 P09_FWV1C Payment 1/2 % Leave Accumulation in Cash Year-1 XFELD CHAR 
25 P09_FWV1F Payment 1/2 % Leave Accumulation Year - 1 for Holiday Acct. XFELD CHAR 
26 P09_FWV1K Payment 1/2 % Leave Accumulation for Leave Card Y-1 XFELD CHAR 
27 P09_FWV1N No Payment 1/2 % Leave Accumulation for Year - 1 XFELD CHAR 
28 P09_FWV1S Standard Amount for Payment 1/2 % Leave Accumulation Y-1 XFELD CHAR 
29 P09_FWV2A Special Payment Amount 1/2 % Leave Accumulation Y-2 XFELD CHAR 
30 P09_FWV2B Special Payment Amount 1/2 % Leave Accumulation Year-2 P09_CURR8 CURR 
31 P09_FWV2C Payment 1/2 % Leave Accumulation in Cash Year-2 XFELD CHAR 
32 P09_FWV2F Payment 1/2 % Leave Accumulation Year - 2 for Holiday Acct. XFELD CHAR 
33 P09_FWV2K Payment 1/2 % Leave Accumulation for Leave Card Y-2 XFELD CHAR 
34 P09_FWV2N No Payment 1/2 % Leave Accumulation Year - 2 XFELD CHAR 
35 P09_FWV2S Standard Amount for Payment 1/2 % Leave Accum. Y-2 XFELD CHAR 
36 P09_FZTAG Number of additional leave days Denmark DEC3_2 DEC 
37 P09_GRAUS Basic Training in Financial Sector CHAR1 CHAR 
38 P09_GROUP Batch input session CHAR12 CHAR 
39 P09_HANDLE Handle for File Operations CHAR4 CHAR 
40 P09_HERKN Hiring Key for FA Statistics ("tilgangskode") CHAR2 CHAR 
41 P09_HIREX Indikator Maßnahme ist Einstellung im Sinne der FA-Statistik XFELD CHAR 
42 P09_HOLDD Earliest processing date DATS DATS 
44 P09_ICON_LIGHT_2 HR_DK: Icon Light CHAR4 CHAR 
45 P09_IDENT Indicator: Export/Import Accumulator (DK) CHAR1 CHAR 
46 P09_IGNJ0 No processing of leave, year 0 XFIELD CHAR 
47 P09_IGNJ1 No processing of leave, year 1 XFIELD CHAR 
48 P09_IGNJ2 No processing of leave, year 2 XFIELD CHAR 
49 P09_ILLCD Illness Code CHAR2 CHAR 
50 P09_IMPPST Indicator: Import only city and postal codes XFELD CHAR 
51 P09_INBEZ Name of pension institution TEXT60 CHAR 
52 P09_INDIK Specification of Model Type P09_INDIK CHAR 
53 P09_INST Pension institutions P09_INST CHAR 
54 P09_IN_FOURTY Time Interval Between Sending and Receiving < 40 Minutes NUMC1 NUMC 
55 P09_IN_SIXTY Time Interval Between Sending and Receiving < 60 Minutes NUMC1 NUMC 
56 P09_IN_THIRTY Time Interval Between Sending and Receiving < 30 Minutes NUMC1 NUMC 
57 P09_IN_TWENTY Time Interval Between Sending and Receiving < 20 Minutes NUMC1 NUMC 
58 P09_ISFLAG Indicator: Node is a Session (Contains Subnodes) XFELD CHAR 
59 P09_ISPLT Indicator: Import Relevant for Split XFELD CHAR 
60 P09_JAHR Year for Which Leave Accumulation is to Be Accumulated P09_JAHR CHAR 
61 P09_JANEIN Yes / No field P09_JANEIN CHAR 
62 P09_KAGE EE's length of service with group (in years) NUMC3 NUMC 
63 P09_KAPIT Capital (X) or Taxable Pension? CHAR1 CHAR 
64 P09_KAPKZ HR-DK Capital indicator XFIELD CHAR 
65 P09_KDTXT Customer Description of a Wage Type Interval TEXT60 CHAR 
66 P09_KEEP Keep batch input session after processing XFELD CHAR 
67 P09_KOMKD Municipality key KOMKD NUMC 
68 P09_KORRX Indicator: Correct Current Value of PBS Accumulator XFELD CHAR 
69 P09_KSOM1 Wage period relevant for DA/DS statistics (DK) CHAR1 CHAR 
70 P09_KSOM2 Free accommodation CHAR1 CHAR 
71 P09_LEAVX Indikator Maßnahme ist Einstellung im Sinne der FA-Statistik XFELD CHAR 
72 P09_LEVEL Hierarchy level for DA/DS statistics NUMC2 NUMC 
73 P09_LGEE Employee Wage Type LGART CHAR 
74 P09_LGER Employer Wage Type LGART CHAR 
75 P09_LGINT Names of Wage Type Intervals DK TEXT40 CHAR 
76 P09_LGREG Wage Type Applied in Original Payroll Period CHAR4 CHAR 
77 P09_LGSPC Wage Type Applied in Retroactive Periods CHAR4 CHAR 
78 P09_LINE Result Line CHAR100 CHAR 
79 P09_LINENO Line Number for Result of 'step' in the Payroll Run NUMC06 NUMC 
80 P09_LISTE_138 Return List 138 (Current Stat.Data) to the HR Department XFELD CHAR 
81 P09_LISTE_139 Return List 139 (List of Stat. Data Not Deleted) XFELD CHAR 
82 P09_LOCAT Locality in a district TEXT40 CHAR 
83 P09_LONNR PBS employee number NUM10 NUMC 
84 P09_LSTRUN Last Run of the Year CHAR1_X CHAR 
85 P09_MGTNV FA Statistics: Management Level CHAR1 CHAR 
86 P09_MLGRT PBS Accumulator LGART CHAR 
87 P09_MWAREP Action Report for Matchcode W Selection PROGRAMM CHAR 
88 P09_MWTEXT Matchcode W - dynpro header TEXT60 CHAR 
89 P09_NDEF1 Non-default handlung group 1 XFIELD CHAR 
90 P09_NEWBE Payroll: New rate PRBETPE CURR 
91 P09_NEWBT Payroll: New amount PRBETRG CURR 
92 P09_NEWLG New wage type LGART CHAR 
93 P09_NEWLT Long text for new wage type TEXT25 CHAR 
94 P09_NEWRT Payroll: New number PRANZHL DEC 
95 P09_NEWVX Indicator: Store Current Value in PBS Accumulator XFELD CHAR 
96 P09_NEW_SEKEY Current SE key - SE key from current period P09_SEKEY CHAR 
97 P09_NEW_SENUM Current SE number NUM8 NUMC 
98 P09_NEW_SETXT SE number description from current period TEXT60 CHAR 
99 P09_NFK1 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
100 P09_NFK2 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
101 P09_NODIF No Calculation of Leave Difference CHECKBOX CHAR 
102 P09_NOL138 Checkbox: No list 138 CHAR1_X CHAR 
103 P09_NOL139 Checkbox: No list 139 CHAR1_X CHAR 
104 P09_NONOT No notification CHAR1_X CHAR 
105 P09_NONOTI Checkbox: No forwarding CHAR1_X CHAR 
106 P09_NOTER PBS accumulator: Leave days without pay XFELD CHAR 
107 P09_NO_TIMING No Time Interval Between Sending and Receiving Determined NUMC1 NUMC 
108 P09_NRCOP Number of copied wage types NUMC6 NUMC 
109 P09_NSD Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
110 P09_NSVM1 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
111 P09_NSVM2 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
112 P09_NSVM3 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
113 P09_NTAX0 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
114 P09_NTAX1 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
115 P09_NTAX2 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
116 P09_NUMACC Number of persons accepted in payroll run NUM8 NUMC 
117 P09_NUMPER Total number of persons in a payroll run NUM8 NUMC 
118 P09_NUMREJ Number of persons rejected in a payroll run NUM8 NUMC 
119 P09_NVD0 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
120 P09_NVD1 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
121 P09_NVD2 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
122 P09_NVM1 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
123 P09_NVM2 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
124 P09_NVM3 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
125 P09_NVR1 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
126 P09_NVR2 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
127 P09_NVS Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
128 P09_NXVS0 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
129 P09_NXVS1 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
130 P09_NXVS2 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
131 P09_OFKOD Leave schema Denmark P09_OFKOD CHAR 
132 P09_OFTXT Leave schema description OF-KODE Denmark TEXT60 CHAR 
133 P09_OLDBE Payroll: Old rate PRBETPE CURR 
134 P09_OLDBT Payroll: Previous amount PRBETRG CURR 
135 P09_OLDLG Old wage type LGART CHAR 
136 P09_OLDLT Long text for old wage type TEXT25 CHAR 
137 P09_OLDRT Payroll: Old number PRANZHL DEC 
138 P09_OLD_SEKEY Original SE key - SE key from original period P09_SEKEY CHAR 
139 P09_OLD_SENUM Original SE number NUM8 NUMC 
140 P09_OLD_SETXT SE number description from original period TEXT60 CHAR 
141 P09_OLGRT Original Wage Type to Be Processed LGART CHAR 
142 P09_ONCE Indicator: Wage type is only sent once per payroll period XFELD CHAR 
143 P09_ONLINE indicator: Process screen pictures online XFELD CHAR 
144 P09_ONLMD Execution type for transactions in online mode P09_ONLMD CHAR 
145 P09_ONLYBT Indicator: Only create batch input session XFELD CHAR 
146 P09_OPTION Selection option for current interval CHAR2 CHAR 
147 P09_OVER_FOURTY Time Interval Between Sending and Receiving > 40 Minutes NUMC1 NUMC 
148 P09_OVER_SIXTY Time Interval Between Sending and Receiving > 60 Minutes NUMC1 NUMC 
149 P09_OVER_THIRTY Time Interval Between Sending and Receiving > 30 Minutes NUMC1 NUMC 
150 P09_OVER_TWENTY Time Interval Between Sending and Receiving > 20 Minutes NUMC1 NUMC 
151 P09_PADWT Additional Wage Type With Information Relevant to Pensions LGART CHAR 
152 P09_PAGRP Employee Grouping: Absence on PBS Remuneration Statement CHAR2 CHAR 
153 P09_PARED Code for training post at the top of the hierarchy P09_EDCOD CHAR 
154 P09_PARST Code for training post at the top of the hierarchy P09_STCOD CHAR 
155 P09_PARTNE Flag to show if rejected step was carried out via partner CHAR1_X CHAR 
156 P09_PAYDA Payment day (DK/N) DATUM DATS 
157 P09_PAYDAY Special payout date for wage type DATS DATS 
158 P09_PAYDT Manuelle Bestimmung des Überweisungsdatums für spez. Abrech. DATUM DATS 
159 P09_PAYGR Pay Grade ("lønramme/lønklasse") for FA Statistics P09_PAYGR CHAR 
160 P09_PAYGT Salary Group Description TEXT60 CHAR 
161 P09_PAYLT Pay Grade Level Description TEXT60 CHAR 
162 P09_PAYLV Pay Grade Level ("løntrin") for FA Statistics P09_PAYLV CHAR 
163 P09_PAYOUT Flag which defines whether payroll run includes payment CHAR1_X CHAR 
164 P09_PAYTX Payroll Type Description TEXT60 CHAR 
165 P09_PBBLGA Wage type for garnishment balance, amount LGART CHAR 
166 P09_PBPLGA Garnishment balance wage type, percentage LGART CHAR 
167 P09_PBSAP Indicator: Name conversion PBS->SAP (DK) XFELD CHAR 
168 P09_PBSBET PBS wage type definition: Transfer amount/rate/number values P09_PBSBET CHAR 
169 P09_PBSREG PBS wage type must be activated XFELD CHAR 
170 P09_PBSTR Track Payroll Result for PBS P09_PBSTR CHAR 
171 P09_PBSTV PBS accumulator P09_PBSTV CHAR 
172 P09_PBSWT PBS wage type (DK) CHAR4 CHAR 
173 P09_PBSWX SAP-PBS interface: Names of PBS accumulators TEXT40 CHAR 
174 P09_PENPR Processing Type for Danish Pension Processing P09_PENPR CHAR 
175 P09_PENSION_STATUS HR_DK: Pension status CHAR4 CHAR 
176 P09_PENSTX Pension category description (HR DK) TEXT60 CHAR 
177 P09_PERBG Start of accounting period DATUM DATS 
178 P09_PERED End of Payroll Period DATUM DATS 
179 P09_PFLGRT Garnishment wage type (DK) CHAR4 CHAR 
180 P09_PFTEXT Text for garnishment type TEXT60 CHAR 
181 P09_PFTYP Garnishment type (DK) P09_PFTYP CHAR 
182 P09_PHIGH Maximum limit for personnel number interval PERNR NUMC 
183 P09_PLOW Lower limit for personnel number interval PERNR NUMC 
184 P09_POIBD Indicator PS2001-BEGDA (DK/N) DATUM DATS 
185 P09_POIED Indicator PS2001-ENDDA (DK/N) DATUM DATS 
186 P09_POIOB Indicator PS2001-OBJPS (DK/N) OBJPS CHAR 
187 P09_POISP Indicator PS2001-SPRPS (DK/N) SPRPS CHAR 
188 P09_POISQ Indicator PS2001-SEQNR NUM03 NUMC 
189 P09_POIST Indicator PA2001-SUBTY SUBTY CHAR 
190 P09_PRIO Garnishment priority (DK) CHAR2 CHAR 
191 P09_PRODUCTIVE Run Sent to PBS as Live Run XFELD CHAR 
192 P09_PROPV Grouping for Default Values for Payment in Lieu of Leave P09_PROPV CHAR 
193 P09_PROT Activate log CHAR1_X CHAR 
194 P09_PROZV Indicator: Use specified percentage XFIELD CHAR 
195 P09_PRSAB Indicator: Document Absence on PBS Remuneration Statement P09_PRSAB CHAR 
196 P09_PRTDET Display details XFELD CHAR 
197 P09_PRZKZ HR-DK percentage indicator XFIELD CHAR 
198 P09_PSTLZ Postal code (layout: PLSTLZ/ORT) P09_PSTLZ CHAR 
199 P09_PSTSEQ Sequential no. of a postal code entry NUMC2 NUMC 
200 P09_PTXT1 Supplementary pension text 1 TEXT8 CHAR 
201 P09_PTYPE Pension Categories P09_PTYPE NUMC 
202 P09_PWTYP Wage Type Pension Denmark; contains EE+ER contribution LGART CHAR 
203 P09_RADIO HR-DK Radio button CHAR1 CHAR 
204 P09_RCLDT Date Key for Next Increase CHAR2 CHAR 
205 P09_RCVD Result Imported from PBS XFIELD CHAR 
206 P09_RECDT HR-DK: Special Default Key for Pay Scale Reassignment P09_RECDT CHAR 
207 P09_RECVD RFC receiving destination from RPCIMP0 RFCDEST CHAR 
208 P09_RECV_DATE Date Results from PBS Received DATUM DATS 
209 P09_RECV_TIME Time Results from PBS Received UZEIT TIMS 
210 P09_RELYE PBS accumulator: Relative year of origin NUMC1 NUMC 
211 P09_RETRO_LGART Wage Type for Calculating Retro. Difference in Retro. Period LGART CHAR 
212 P09_RLFRM Symbolic company that payroll results apply for P09_FIRMA CHAR 
213 P09_RLGRT Import wage type CHAR4 CHAR 
214 P09_RLLEV Actual level in hierarchy (for F4-Help) NUMC1 NUMC 
215 P09_RLSEN Tax employer number, which the wage types accrued under NUM8 NUMC 
216 P09_RUNNR Run number of end of year run NUMC3 NUMC 
217 P09_RUNSEL Selection options for executing a single step P09_RUNSEL NUMC 
218 P09_RUNTPE Payroll run type (0=payroll, 1=payout, 2=forced) CHAR1 CHAR 
219 P09_RUNTX Run name TEXT60 CHAR 
220 P09_RUNTXT Short text for 'single step' execution type in payroll TEXT60 CHAR 
221 P09_SAPPB Indicator: Name conversion SAP->PBS (DK) XFELD CHAR 
222 P09_SAPPN +/- sign of wage type in SAP System process.class 72 P09_DEF CHAR 
223 P09_SEKEY SE# key DK P09_SEKEY CHAR 
224 P09_SELNO Number of selection option NUMC06 NUMC 
225 P09_SENDD RFC send destination using RPCSNDM0 RFCDEST CHAR 
226 P09_SEND_DA_FA Send Statistical Data to DA or FA XFELD CHAR 
227 P09_SENT File Sent to PBS XFIELD CHAR 
228 P09_SEQNO Number of entry in the file CHAR6 CHAR 
229 P09_SEQNR Entry number NUMC6 NUMC 
230 P09_SETXT SE# designation DK TEXT60 CHAR 
231 P09_SFK1 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
232 P09_SFK2 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
233 P09_SGLST Create Individual Statistics for Employees XFELD CHAR 
234 P09_SHCLR Indicator: Closing SH balance (DK) CHAR1 CHAR 
235 P09_SHCSA Indicator: SH individual closing (DK) CHAR1 CHAR 
236 P09_SHDKK SH individual payment amount (DK) BETRG CURR 
237 P09_SHOR2 SH regulations (DK) CHAR1 CHAR 
238 P09_SHPER Indicator: lost SH contributions for current period (DK) CHAR1 CHAR 
239 P09_SHPOR SH individual payment percentage rate (DK) DEC6 DEC 
240 P09_SHPRV Lost SH amount for past periods (DK) BETRG CURR 
241 P09_SHTCO Leave account transaction key (DK) CHAR1 CHAR 
242 P09_SIGN Include/exclude current range from selection CHAR1 CHAR 
243 P09_SLGRT Balance wage type CHAR4 CHAR 
244 P09_SLOHN Indicator: Display Garnishment on Remuneration Statement XFELD CHAR 
245 P09_SMTDT Payroll Date DATS DATS 
246 P09_SPECIAL_PAYDAY Special Transfer Day for a Wage Type DATUM DATS 
247 P09_SPLIT Split indicator for PBS NUMC6 NUMC 
248 P09_SPLPP Payment distribution over several payroll periods (DK/N) P09_SPLIT CHAR 
249 P09_SPSTR SAP-PBS interface: Splits as a character string (DK) CHAR13 CHAR 
250 P09_SSD Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
251 P09_STAND Indicator: PBS standard accumulator XFELD CHAR 
252 P09_STARTD Job start date SYDATS DATS 
253 P09_STARTT Batch job start time SYTIME TIMS 
254 P09_STATS Tax card Denmark CHAR1 CHAR 
255 P09_STAT_TYP Type of Statistics (Length of Reporting Period) P09_STAT_TYP CHAR 
256 P09_STAX0 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
257 P09_STAX1 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
258 P09_STAX2 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
259 P09_STCOD Official DA job key (DK) P09_STCOD CHAR 
260 P09_STDAT Hiring Date "ansættelsesdato" for FA Statistics DATS DATS 
261 P09_STEP Single step in payroll P09_PRSTEP NUMC 
262 P09_STNDD Indicator: Use standard percentage CHAR1_X CHAR 
263 P09_STOPG Stop garnishment payment XFELD CHAR 
264 P09_STPDON Last step performed in Danish payroll P09_PRSTEP NUMC 
265 P09_STPREJ Step not performed in Danish payroll P09_PRSTEP NUMC 
266 P09_STRAS Street or district TEXT40 CHAR 
267 P09_STRING Parameter string for report TEXT100 CHAR 
268 P09_STRNG Parameter String for Modifiable PBS Forms TEXT62 CHAR 
269 P09_STTXT DA statistics - job description (DK) TEXT132 CHAR 
270 P09_STTYPE Statistics type (HR DK) CHAR1_X CHAR 
271 P09_STYES Indicator: Tax card present (DK) CHAR1 CHAR 
272 P09_STYNO Indicator: Inclusion in DA/DS statistics (DK) XFELD CHAR 
273 P09_STYPE Statistics type (DK) SUBTY CHAR 
274 P09_SVD0 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
275 P09_SVD1 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
276 P09_SVD2 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
277 P09_SVGRP Grouping: Addtnl Lve Days because of Vac. in Summer Period CHAR2 CHAR 
278 P09_SVM1 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
279 P09_SVM2 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
280 P09_SVM3 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
281 P09_SVR1 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
282 P09_SVR2 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
283 P09_SVS Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
284 P09_SXVS0 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
285 P09_SXVS1 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
286 P09_SXVS2 Default identifier for leave handling XFIELD CHAR 
288 P09_TARAR Collective Agreement Key P09_TARAR CHAR 
289 P09_TARAT Description of Pay Scale Key ('overenskomstkode') TEXT60 CHAR 
290 P09_TARGB FA Statistics: Main Pay Scale Area P09_TARGB CHAR 
291 P09_TAXFD Field for Tax Return P09_TAXFD CHAR 
292 P09_TEST Indicator: Execute in test mode XFELD CHAR 
293 P09_TIME Current time TIME TIMS 
294 P09_TIMER Indicator: Entry for 'Timer' field FORM 22A (DK) XFELD CHAR 
295 P09_TIME_ZONE Hour Data Received NUMC2 NUMC 
296 P09_TOPST Indicator: Top level of hierarchy XFELD CHAR 
297 P09_TPETXT Mode of payroll run (payroll / payout / forced) TEXT60 CHAR 
298 P09_TPROM Days per period of the leave basis (DK) DEC2_2 DEC 
299 P09_TRAP Output under correction no. XFELD CHAR 
300 P09_TRCHR Tax rate DK CHAR3 CHAR 
301 P09_TRDEF Indicator: Standard tax percentage rate XFLAG CHAR 
302 P09_TRDEFX Indicator: Standard tax percentage rate text (DK) CHAR10 CHAR 
303 P09_TRLVL Transfer Level P09_TRLVL NUMC 
304 P09_TRPCT Tax Rate NUMC2 NUMC 
305 P09_TVTXT Name of PBS accumulator TEXT60 CHAR 
306 P09_TXRT0 Percentage for Taxing Vacation Bonus, Year 0 DEC2 DEC 
307 P09_TXRT1 Percentage for Vacation Bonus Taxation, Year-1 DEC2 DEC 
308 P09_TXRT2 Percentage for Vacation Bonus Taxation, Year-2 DEC2 DEC 
309 P09_TXSH Code for SH balance taxation and payment CHAR1 CHAR 
310 P09_UABRJ Annual Assignment to Original Payroll Period GJAHR NUMC 
311 P09_UANSP Leave entitlement DEC10_2 DEC 
312 P09_UNRWT Vacation Bonus Unit Value Wage Type LGART CHAR 
313 P09_UPD200 Create batch input data for updating infotype 200 XFELD CHAR 
314 P09_UPD521 Create batch input data for updating table T521B XFELD CHAR 
315 P09_UPD6 Create batch input data for updating infotype 6 XFELD CHAR 
316 P09_UPD73 Create batch input data for updating infotype 73 XFELD CHAR 
317 P09_UPD9 Create batch input data for updating infotype 9 XFELD CHAR 
318 P09_UREST Remaining Leave Days URLTG DEC 
319 P09_URLHA Leave type, duplicate of SUPTYPE DK SUBTY CHAR 
320 P09_USED Indicator: Wage type already used XFELD CHAR 
321 P09_USER User name CHAR12 CHAR 
322 P09_USERCD Code for user name to define variant name of variant set CHAR4 CHAR 
323 P09_USVAS User variant set P09_USVAS CHAR 
324 P09_USVAX Indicator: Use user variant set XFIELD CHAR 
325 P09_UUSED Total Leave Taken URLTG DEC 
326 P09_VACSU Leave bonus to be calculated P09_CURR8 CURR 
327 P09_VADA0 No. of leave days, year 0 DEC2_2 DEC 
328 P09_VADA1 No. of leave days, year-1 DEC2_2 DEC 
329 P09_VADA2 No. of leave days, year-2 DEC2_2 DEC 
330 P09_VAGRP Employee Grouping: Leave Accumulation CHAR2 CHAR 
331 P09_VAIDX Absence Index CHAR2 CHAR 
332 P09_VALUE Value for Correcting or Overwriting DECV7_2 DEC 
333 P09_VAR01 Input value for individual statistics DK CHAR10 CHAR 
334 P09_VARE1 Leave remuneration, year-1 P09_CURR8 CURR 
335 P09_VARE2 Leave remuneration, year-2 P09_CURR8 CURR 
336 P09_VASTA Leave Accumulation Status P09_VASTA CHAR 
337 P09_VDSPL Number of Leave Days in Summer Period, Lower Limit DEC3 DEC 
338 P09_VDSPU Number of Leave Days in Summer Period, Upper Limit DEC3 DEC 
339 P09_VIEREP Report started by View pushbutton PROGNAME CHAR 
340 P09_VLGRT Interval wage type DK CHAR4 CHAR 
341 P09_VLTRA Value transfer type for SAP field amount P09_VALTR CHAR 
342 P09_VLTRN Value transfer type for SAP field number P09_VALTR CHAR 
343 P09_VLTRR Value transfer type for SAP rate field P09_VALTR CHAR 
344 P09_VM1 Vacation Bonus to be Calculated, Base Value 1 P09_CURR8 CURR 
345 P09_VM2 Vacation Bonus to be Calculated, Base Value 2 P09_CURR8 CURR 
346 P09_VM3 Vacation Bonus to be Calculated, Base Value 3 P09_CURR8 CURR 
347 P09_VMTXD Code for Vacation Bonus Payment that is already Taxed CHAR1 CHAR 
348 P09_WEEKDAY Weekday Data Received TEXT11 CHAR 
349 P09_XVDSP Additional Leave Days Due to Vacation in Summer Period DEC3 DEC 
350 P09_XVS0 Extra leave bonus to be calculated, year 0 P09_CURR8 CURR 
351 P09_XVS1 Extra leave bonus to be calculated, year-1 P09_CURR8 CURR 
352 P09_XVS2 Extra leave bonus to be calculated, year-2 P09_CURR8 CURR 
353 P0DAD_COD_IND_EMP_STAT DADS-U: indic. statutory employm. index for pension contrib. CHAR2 CHAR 
354 P1001SHORT Abbreviation CHAR12 CHAR 
355 P1001STEXT Name TEXT40 CHAR 
356 P106_ABKRS Payroll accounting area ABKRS CHAR 
357 P106_ACTDT Active garnishment date DATUM DATS 
358 P106_ADAMT Adjustment amount PB10_AMOU7 CURR 
359 P106_ADATE Date of adjustment DATUM DATS 
360 P106_ADDAM Additional exempt amount PB10_AMOU7 CURR 
361 P106_ADDAT Additional non-exempt amount P106_AMT09 CURR 
362 P106_ADDD1 Additional standard deduction P106_ADDDE NUMC 
363 P106_ADDDE Additional standard deduction P106_ADDDE NUMC 
364 P106_ADDIN Indicator for additional exemption PB10_NEIND CHAR 
365 P106_ADDIT Garnishment order indicator for additional amount PB10_OBALN CHAR 
366 P106_ADDUN Unit for additional exemption PB10_GUNIT CHAR 
367 P106_ADDVL Value for additional exemption PB10_AMOU7 CURR 
368 P106_ANSDA Date of answer letter DATUM DATS 
369 P106_AREAS Reason for Adjustment P106_AREAS CHAR 
370 P106_AWGTY Adjustment wage type LGART CHAR 
371 P106_BATCH Batch run XFELD CHAR 
372 P106_BINAM Name of the batch input session CHAR12 CHAR 
373 P106_BITYP Type of batch input session to be created XFELD CHAR 
374 P106_CCIND Service charge calculation indicator enterprise P106_MMIND CHAR 
375 P106_CMAXA Monthly maximum amount enterprise P106_AMOU5 CURR 
376 P106_CPRMD Enterprise remittance modifier CHAR2 CHAR 
377 P106_CPSMD Enterprise service charge modifier CHAR2 CHAR 
378 P106_CUNI1 Unit 1 for service charge enterprise P106_SUNIT CHAR 
379 P106_CUNI2 Unit 2 for service charge enterprise P106_SUNIT CHAR 
380 P106_CVAL1 Value 1 for service charge enterprise P106_AMOU5 CURR 
381 P106_CVAL2 Value 2 for service charge enterprise P106_AMOU5 CURR 
382 P106_DDATE Date for data selection DATUM DATS 
383 P106_DEFID Value identifier P106_DEFID CHAR 
384 P106_DEINF Deduction infotype PB10_AMOU7 CURR 
385 P106_DELDT Garnishment delimitation date DATUM DATS 
386 P106_DEVAL Default value CHAR10 CHAR 
387 P106_DEVEN Deduction to vendor PB10_AMOU7 CURR 
388 P106_DISKU Cumulated disposable net P106_AMT09 CURR 
389 P106_DISPN Disposable net P106_AMT09 CURR 
390 P106_DUEDT Due date for remittance DATUM DATS 
391 P106_EFORM Form routine CHAR30 CHAR 
392 P106_ENDDY Number of days NUMC03 NUMC 
393 P106_ETEXT Description of Exit Name TEXT40 CHAR 
394 P106_EXAMT Exempt amount PB10_AMOU7 CURR 
395 P106_EXEM1 Number of exemptions / dependents P106_EXEMP NUMC 
396 P106_EXEMP Number of exemptions / dependents P106_EXEMP NUMC 
397 P106_FDEDA Date of first deduction DATUM DATS 
398 P106_FEDMI Limit for federal minimum P106_AMT09 CURR 
399 P106_FIELD Field for special rule P106_AMOU9 CURR 
401 P106_FSTA1 Filing status P106_FSTAT CHAR 
402 P106_FSTAT Filing status P106_FSTAT CHAR 
403 P106_FTXT1 Field text 1 TEXT20 CHAR 
404 P106_FTXT2 Field text 2 TEXT20 CHAR 
405 P106_FTXT3 Field text 3 TEXT20 CHAR 
406 P106_FTXT4 Field text 4 TEXT20 CHAR 
407 P106_FUNI1 Field unit 1 P106_FUNIT CHAR 
408 P106_FUNI2 Field unit 2 P106_FUNIT CHAR 
409 P106_FUNI3 Field unit 3 P106_FUNIT CHAR 
410 P106_FUNI4 Field unit 4 P106_FUNIT CHAR 
411 P106_FUNIT Unit for special rule fields TEXT5 CHAR 
412 P106_GRNUM Number of garnishment SUBTY CHAR 
413 P106_GROKU Cumulated gross P106_AMT09 CURR 
414 P106_GROSS Gross P106_AMT09 CURR 
415 P106_IBALN Initial Balance P106_AMT11 CURR 
416 P106_INFDA Read infotype date DATUM DATS 
417 P106_KINDL Kind of letter P106_KINDL CHAR 
418 P106_KUMUL Cumulation switch XFELD CHAR 
419 P106_LAPDT Start date for reply DATUM DATS 
420 P106_LAPDY Days to elapse between answer letters NUM03 NUMC 
421 P106_LCKDT Batch input session lockdate DATUM DATS 
422 P106_LEMOD Model for levy statement P106_LEMOD CHAR 
423 P106_LEVDA Date for levy form DATUM DATS 
424 P106_LEVY Limit for levy P106_AMT09 CURR 
425 P106_LIM12 Minimum of limit 1 and limit 2 P106_AMT09 CURR 
426 P106_LIMEX Indicator exempt XFELD CHAR 
427 P106_LIMIT Limit P106_AMT09 CURR 
428 P106_LIMKU Cumulated limit P106_AMT09 CURR 
429 P106_LIMNO Indicator non-exempt XFELD CHAR 
430 P106_LIMOF Limit offset P106_AMT09 CURR 
431 P106_LIMST Starting limit P106_AMT09 CURR 
432 P106_LTEXT Description of levy form TEXT40 CHAR 
433 P106_LWAGE List of wage types XFELD CHAR 
434 P106_MMAXA Monthly maximum amount P106_AMOU5 CURR 
435 P106_MODEA Automatic mode XFELD CHAR 
436 P106_MODUL Subroutine pool PROGNAME CHAR 
437 P106_MTD Month to date P106_AMT09 CURR 
438 P106_NEIN1 Indicator 1 for exemption PB10_NEIND CHAR 
439 P106_NEIN2 Indicator 2 for exemption PB10_NEIND CHAR 
440 P106_NEWBA New balance indicator XFELD CHAR 
441 P106_NTEXT Description of rules calculating non-exempt amount TEXT40 CHAR 
442 P106_NUNI1 Unit 1 for exemption PB10_GUNIT CHAR 
443 P106_NUNI2 Unit 2 for exemption PB10_GUNIT CHAR 
444 P106_NVAL1 Value 1 for exemption PB10_AMOU7 CURR 
445 P106_NVAL2 Value 2 for exemption PB10_AMOU7 CURR 
446 P106_OFLD1 Field operand 1 P106_FIELD CHAR 
447 P106_OFLD2 Field operand 2 P106_FIELD CHAR 
448 P106_OPERT Operation P106_OPERT CHAR 
449 P106_ORCOD Garnishment originator P106_ORCOD CHAR 
450 P106_ORESL Intermediate result P106_RESUL CHAR 
451 P106_OROBJ Sequence number of garnishment orders OBJPS CHAR 
452 P106_ORTXT Originator text TEXT40 CHAR 
453 P106_ORULE Garnishment order rule indicator PB10_OBALN CHAR 
454 P106_OVALU Value operand 2 PB10_AMOU7 CURR 
455 P106_OWTYP Wage type operand 1 LGART CHAR 
456 P106_PAYPR Pay period PFREQ NUMC 
457 P106_PDATE Date for Printing DATUM DATS 
458 P106_PERMO Period modifier PERMO NUMC 
459 P106_PRODT Proposal when less than released date DATUM DATS 
460 P106_PSTAT Print status P106_PSTAT CHAR 
461 P106_PTD Period to date P106_AMT09 CURR 
462 P106_RBALN Remaining balance P106_AMT11 CURR 
463 P106_RCAMT Amount P106_AMT09 CURR 
464 P106_RECDA Date of action DATUM DATS 
465 P106_RELDT Garnishment ends as of DATUM DATS 
466 P106_RELST Status for end of garnishment XFELD CHAR 
467 P106_REMIT Change due date for remittance XFELD CHAR 
468 P106_REMST Garnishment remittance status P106_REMST CHAR 
469 P106_RTEXT Description of special rule TEXT40 CHAR 
470 P106_RTYPE Record type P106_RTYPE CHAR 
471 P106_RULN1 Remittance rule RULNR NUMC 
472 P106_RULNR Remittance rule RULNR NUMC 
473 P106_SCHID Separate check indicator XFELD CHAR 
474 P106_SCIND Service charge calculation indicator P106_MMIND CHAR 
475 P106_SEQNO Sequence number NUM02 NUMC 
476 P106_SEQNR Sequence number NUM02 NUMC 
477 P106_SETPS Set print status XFELD CHAR 
478 P106_SLBEG Start date of selection DATUM DATS 
479 P106_SLEND End of selection DATUM DATS 
480 P106_SORT1 Sort P106_SORT1 CHAR 
481 P106_SORTM Sort mode TEXT20 CHAR 
482 P106_SPINS Special insert indicator P106_SPINS CHAR 
483 P106_SPRL1 Limit for special rule P106_AMT09 CURR 
484 P106_SPRUL Special rule for calculation of non-exempt amount P106_SPRUL CHAR 
485 P106_SUNI1 Unit 1 for service charge P106_SUNIT CHAR 
486 P106_SUNI2 Unit 2 for service charge P106_SUNIT CHAR 
487 P106_SVAL1 Value 1 for service charge P106_AMOU5 CURR 
488 P106_SVAL2 Value 2 for service charge P106_AMOU5 CURR 
489 P106_SYMEX Symbolic Exit Name P106_SYMEX CHAR 
490 P106_TTD Total to date P106_AMT11 CURR 
491 P106_VALDY Valid days for calculating end date NUM03 NUMC 
492 P106_WGTYP Wage type LGART CHAR 
493 P106_YTD Year to date P106_AMT11 CURR 
494 P10F_FIELD HR-US: ADP Interface, Fields P10F_FIELD CHAR 
495 P10F_FLDNO HR-US: ADP Interface, Field number ? NUMC03 NUMC 
496 P10F_FUNCN HR-US: ADP Interface, name of the function P10F_FUNCN CHAR 
497 P10F_INKEY HR-US: ADP Interface, Interface Key P10F_INKEY CHAR 
498 P10F_INTXT HR-US: ADP Interface, Interface Text P10F_INTXT CHAR 
499 P10F_INTYP HR-US: ADP Interface, Interface Type P10F_INTYP CHAR 
500 P10F_RCTXT HR-US: ADP Interface, record type text P10F_INTXT CHAR