SAP ABAP Data Element - Index P, page 65
- P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 P-10 P-11 P-12 P-13 P-14 P-15 P-16 P-17 P-18 P-19 P-20 P-21 P-22 P-23 P-24 P-25 P-26 P-27 P-28 P-29 P-30 P-31 P-32 P-33 P-34 P-35 P-36 P-37 P-38 P-39 P-40 P-41 P-42 P-43 P-44 P-45 P-46 P-47 P-48 P-49 P-50 P-51 P-52 P-53 P-54 P-55 P-56 P-57 P-58 P-59 P-60 P-61 P-62 P-63 P-64 P-65 P-66 P-67 P-68 P-69 P-70 P-71 P-72 P-73 P-74 P-75 P-76 P-77 P-78 P-79 P-80 P-81 P-82 P-83 P-84 P-85 P-86 P-87 P-88 P-89 P-90 P-91 P-92 P-93 P-94 P-95 P-96 P-97 P-98 P-99 P-100 P-101 P-102 P-103 P-104 P-105 P-106 P-107 P-108 P-109 P-110 P-111 P-112 P-113 P-114 P-115 P-116 P-117 P-118 P-119 P-120 P-121 P-122 P-123 P-124 P-125 P-126 P-127 P-128 P-129 P-130
Data Element - P
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | PB10_PARM2 | BSI40: PARM2 | CHAR30 | CHAR |
2 | PB10_PARM3 | BSI40: PARM3 | CHAR30 | CHAR |
3 | PB10_PARM4 | BSI40: PARM4 | CHAR30 | CHAR |
4 | PB10_PARM5 | BSI40: PARM5 | CHAR30 | CHAR |
5 | PB10_PAYEE | BSI: Payee | CHAR2 | CHAR |
8 | PB10_PCTWK | BSI: Percentage work | BSI_WAGE | DEC |
10 | PB10_PEXMP | BSI: Prior tax exemptions | NUMC5 | NUMC |
11 | PB10_PFREQ | BSI: Pay frequency | NUMC3 | NUMC |
12 | PB10_PMONT | BSI: Purge period in months | NUMC3 | NUMC |
13 | PB10_PPGRS | BSI: Gross per period | BSI_WAGE | DEC |
14 | PB10_PPTAX | BSI Canada: Pay Period Wages | BSI_WAGE | DEC |
15 | PB10_PPWAG | BSI Canada: Pay Period Wages | BSI_WAGE | DEC |
17 | PB10_PROID | Processing identifier | PB10_PROID | CHAR |
18 | PB10_PRPSL | Garnishment order proposal indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
19 | PB10_PTYPE | BSI: Payment type | PB10_PTYPE | NUMC |
25 | PB10_REAMT | BSI: Remaining exempt amount | BSI_WAGE | DEC |
26 | PB10_RECAL | BSI: Rescission date | DATUM | DATS |
27 | PB10_RECIP | BSI: Reciprocity indicator | NUMC1 | NUMC |
28 | PB10_REGIO | State | REGIO | CHAR |
29 | PB10_REGUL | BSI: Regular payment | NUM1 | NUMC |
32 | PB10_RESCK | BSI: Resident code | PB10_RESCK | NUMC |
33 | PB10_RESID | BSI: Resident code | NUMC1 | NUMC |
34 | PB10_REXMP | BSI: Remaining tax exemptions | NUMC5 | NUMC |
35 | PB10_RFORM | BSI40: FORM | NUMC1 | NUMC |
37 | PB10_RPTCT | BSI: Century | CHAR2 | CHAR |
39 | PB10_RTAXT | BSI40: TAXT | CHAR2 | CHAR |
40 | PB10_RTYPE | BSI40: RTYPE | NUM1 | NUMC |
41 | PB10_RUNDT | BSI: Run date | DATUM | DATS |
43 | PB10_SCE11 | EEO-1 part E question 1 - Yes | XFELD | CHAR |
44 | PB10_SCE12 | EEO-1 part E question 1 - no | XFELD | CHAR |
45 | PB10_SCE13 | EEO-1 part E question 1 - no report last year | XFELD | CHAR |
46 | PB10_SCE21 | EEO-1 part E question 2 - Yes | XFELD | CHAR |
47 | PB10_SCE22 | EEO-1 part E question 2 - No | XFELD | CHAR |
48 | PB10_SCE23 | EEO-1 part E question 2 - no report last year | XFELD | CHAR |
49 | PB10_SCOCD | Service charge order code | PB10_ORDCD | CHAR |
50 | PB10_SCRUL | Service charge rule | PB10_SCRUL | CHAR |
51 | PB10_SECC1 | EEO-1 part C question 1 | XFELD | CHAR |
52 | PB10_SECC2 | EEO-1 part C question 2 | XFELD | CHAR |
53 | PB10_SECC3 | EEO-1 part C question 3 | XFELD | CHAR |
54 | PB10_SECC4 | EEO-1 part C question 4 | XFELD | CHAR |
55 | PB10_SELFA | BSI: Indicator for self-adjusting tax | NUMC1 | NUMC |
56 | PB10_SPIND | Indicator for special payment | XFELD | CHAR |
57 | PB10_SQNUM | Sequence Number of Garnishment Order | NUM3 | NUMC |
58 | PB10_START | BSI: Start date | DATUM | DATS |
59 | PB10_STATU | BSI: Status | NUMC1 | NUMC |
60 | PB10_STDHR | BSI: Standard hours | DEC3_2 | DEC |
61 | PB10_STEXT | Description of service charge | TEXT40 | CHAR |
62 | PB10_STPTY | Type of payment | PB10_STPTY | CHAR |
63 | PB10_STYPE | Type of withholding | PB10_STYPE | CHAR |
64 | PB10_SUPMT | BSI: Supplement | NUM1 | NUMC |
65 | PB10_SUPPC | BSI: Supplemental Code | NUMC1 | NUMC |
66 | PB10_SYSRL | BSI: System release | TEXT8 | CHAR |
67 | PB10_TAXCR | BSI: Tax credit | BSI_RATE | CHAR |
68 | PB10_TAXTT | BSI: Name of tax type | TEXT35 | CHAR |
69 | PB10_TAXWG | BSI: Taxable wages | BSI_WAGE | DEC |
70 | PB10_TCODE | BSI: Tax Code | PB10_TCODE | CHAR |
71 | PB10_TEPBT | Tax exemption prohibited | XFELD | CHAR |
72 | PB10_TITLE | BSI: Formula title | TEXT35 | CHAR |
73 | PB10_TOTAL | BSI: Total pay | BSI_WAGE | DEC |
74 | PB10_TPLAN | BSI: Plan type | PB10_TPLAN | CHAR |
75 | PB10_TXRAT | BSI: Tax rate | BSI_RATE | CHAR |
76 | PB10_TXSRT | Sort Modus | PB10_TXSRT | CHAR |
78 | PB10_UI_OBJPS | Object Identification | OBJPS | CHAR |
79 | PB10_UI_PSTLZ | Zip code | PSTLZ | CHAR |
80 | PB10_UI_REGIO | State | REGIO | CHAR |
81 | PB10_UNDEF | Not Assigned | XFELD | CHAR |
82 | PB10_VAC | BSI: Leave payment | DEC3_2 | DEC |
83 | PB10_VACAT | BSI: Leave payment | NUM1 | NUMC |
84 | PB10_VALI1 | Garnishment order indicator for limit 1 | PB10_OBALN | CHAR |
85 | PB10_VALI2 | Garnishment order indicator for limit 2 | PB10_OBALN | CHAR |
86 | PB10_VNDNM | Vendor Name (Garnishments) | NAME | CHAR |
87 | PB10_WAGE | BSI40: WAGE | NUMC1 | NUMC |
88 | PB10_WAGEI | Wage indicator | PB10_WAGEI | CHAR |
89 | PB10_WAGEP | Wage percentage | DEC2_2 | DEC |
90 | PB10_WEWPH | Hourly wage | PB10_AMOU4 | CURR |
91 | PB10_YTDPP | BSI: Year to date pay periods | NUMC3 | NUMC |
92 | PB10_YTDTX | BSI Canada: Year to date tax | BSI_WAGE | DEC |
93 | PB10_YTDWG | BSI Canada: Year to date Wages | BSI_WAGE | DEC |
94 | PB15_CFDDL | Employer's tax number (ER) | CHAR16 | CHAR |
95 | PB15_PREMP | Previous employer's name | TEXT20 | CHAR |
96 | PB15_WAERS | Currency Key for Italy | WAERS | CUKY |
97 | PB33_CREATE_TEMSE | Save Result in Temse File | FLAG | CHAR |
98 | PB33_XMLTR_NAME | XML Transformation Name | CHAR | |
99 | PBAG | Additional information for ABAP types | SYNUM10 | NUMC |
100 | PBAGID | Additional information ID | SYCHAR01 | CHAR |
101 | PBAGLENG | Additional information length | CHAR | |
102 | PBAGNEXT | Pointer for next additional information | NUMC | |
103 | PBAGTYPE | Additional Information Type | SYCHAR01 | CHAR |
104 | PBASATZ | Base rate | POPTSATZ | DEC |
105 | PBASCAT | Basic period categories | PBASCAT | CHAR |
106 | PBASKURS | Basic rate | DEC3_7 | DEC |
107 | PBAS_ANZHL | Number of payment periods per payment interval | PACK2 | DEC |
108 | PBAS_AUTOKEY | Determine character key automatically | XFELD | CHAR |
109 | PBAS_CANZL | Cumulation of number | XFELD | CHAR |
110 | PBAS_CBETR | Cumulation of amount | XFELD | CHAR |
111 | PBAS_CMLTY | Cumulation Relative to Payment Date | PBAS_CMLTY | CHAR |
112 | PBAS_CUMAN | Number of periods for cumulation | NUMC2 | NUMC |
113 | PBAS_CUMNO | Cumulation Interval Number | NUMC2 | NUMC |
114 | PBAS_CUMTY | Cumulation Type | PBAS_CUMTY | CHAR |
115 | PBAS_CUMYR | Cumulation Interval Year | GJAHR | NUMC |
116 | PBAS_FAMCO | Family size - Cost of living adjustment | NUM2 | NUMC |
117 | PBAS_FAMGE | Family size - General | NUM2 | NUMC |
118 | PBAS_FAMHS | Family size - Housing allowance | NUM2 | NUMC |
119 | PBAS_FUNMO | Functions Grouping | PBAS_FUNMO | NUMC |
120 | PBAS_ITERA | Iteration indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
121 | PBAS_ORGEH | Organizational Unit External | TEXT40 | CHAR |
122 | PBAS_POSIT | External position/work center key | TEXT40 | CHAR |
123 | PBAS_PPABR | Accounting period | PABRP | NUMC |
124 | PBAS_SENDI | Expatriate Send/Receive Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
125 | PBAS_TEXT5 | Text (5 char. long) | PBAS_TEXT5 | CHAR |
126 | PBBEZ | Pushbutton description | PBBEZ | CHAR |
127 | PBCKGRD | Access Form Background | CHAR1 | CHAR |
128 | PBCOB | Independent requirements | CHAR1 | CHAR |
129 | PBCOST | Indicator: Payback Without Costing | CHAR1 | CHAR |
130 | PBC_ACTION | Activity | PBC_ACTION | NUMC |
131 | PBC_AMNT_1001 | Assigned FTEs | PMAMNT | DEC |
132 | PBC_BETRG_1001 | Assigned Amount | PMCURR | CURR |
133 | PBC_COMPLETE | Complete | CHAR1 | CHAR |
134 | PBC_DATE | Date | DATUM | DATS |
135 | PBC_NO_OBJECT_LOCK | No Object Block | FLAG | CHAR |
136 | PBC_NUMBER | Number | NUMC3 | NUMC |
137 | PBC_ONLY_ERRORS_AND_WARNINGS | Issue Only Errors and Warnings | FLAG | CHAR |
138 | PBC_TEXT | Name | TEXT60 | CHAR |
139 | PBC_UNIT | Time Unit | PBC_UNIT | CHAR |
140 | PBDAT | Advertisement publication date | DATUM | DATS |
141 | PBDAW | Select requirements plan number | CHAR1 | CHAR |
142 | PBDEL | Pushbutton: cancel attendance | CHAR1 | CHAR |
143 | PBDID | Planned independent requirements identification | PBDID | NUMC |
144 | PBDLVUNIT | Delivery Component with Search Help | DLVUNIT | CHAR |
145 | PBDNR | Requirements Plan Number | CHAR10 | CHAR |
146 | PBEARZEIT | Processing time (forecast) | CX_ZEIT | FLTP |
147 | PBEAZE | Unit for processing time (forecast) | EINHEIT | UNIT |
148 | PBED_EXIT | Transfer to Demand Management with user exit | CHAR01 | CHAR |
149 | PBEFFZINS | Eff. interest rate for position currency | DEC3_7 | DEC |
150 | PBEGC | Start of break | CHAR6 | CHAR |
151 | PBELNR | Document number | CHAR10 | CHAR |
152 | PBELNR2 | Document number for allocating instructor costs | CHAR10 | CHAR |
153 | PBENCHIN | Package Builder: Initial Screen: Interface Checkbox | CHAR | |
154 | PBENCHPA | Package Builder: Initial Screen Package Checkbox | CHAR | |
155 | PBEN_TEMSE_DATA_ALV | Contents of TEMSE Object | CHAR80 | CHAR |
156 | PBEREITD | IS-M: Planned truck route availability date | DATUM | DATS |
157 | PBERZINS | Loan commitment interest | DEC3_7 | DEC |
158 | PBESANTL | Ownership share in percent (in company code) | PRZ32 | DEC |
159 | PBEST | Ordering address | LIFNR | CHAR |
160 | PBEST_DT | Project stock | MENG13V | QUAN |
161 | PBETH_CA | Open Payment Orders | WRTV7 | CURR |
162 | PBETH_KK | Open Payment Orders | WRTV7 | CURR |
163 | PBETMS_DI | TEMSE file generation mode for Dimona declaration | PBETMS_DI | CHAR |
164 | PBETN | Independent requirements - schedule line number | PBETN | NUMC |
165 | PBETR | Transport Costs | WERTV5 | CURR |
166 | PBEXXX | Resource Price Unit | PBEXXX | NUMC |
167 | PBEZ | Percentage rate of relationship | DEC3_7 | DEC |
168 | PBEZ_BI | Relationship percentage | CHAR11 | CHAR |
169 | PBFDYNNAME | Screen name | CHAR4 | CHAR |
170 | PBFORSYS | Indicator 'External Package Interface' | ICON | CHAR |
171 | PBF_ANF | Start date of an interval for fixing planning area | DATE_FIELD | DATS |
172 | PBF_END | Finish date of an interval for fixing planning area | DATE_FIELD | DATS |
173 | PBGXX | Pushbutton Text for Characteristics Groups | TEXT10 | CHAR |
174 | PBGXXX | Price per Resource Price Unit in Planned Currency | WERTV7 | CURR |
175 | PBHBFG | IS-H: Planned beds of an org. unit subsidized acc. to HBFG | BETTANZ | NUMC |
176 | PBILL_FIS | Send Bill to Customer | BOOLE | CHAR |
177 | PBIND | Indicator for price fixing | PBIND | CHAR |
178 | PBINF | Copying flexible planning | CHAR1 | CHAR |
179 | PBKHG | IS-H: Planned beds of an org. unit subsidized acc. to KHG | BETTANZ | NUMC |
180 | PBLYNAME | Portal Builder Layout Information: Name | PBLYNAME | CHAR |
181 | PBLYTEMPL | Template Name for the Portal Builder Layout Information | PBLYTEMPL | CHAR |
182 | PBLYTYPE | Portal Builder Layout Information: Type | PBLYTYPE | CHAR |
183 | PBLYVALUE | Portal Builder Layout Information: Value | PBLYVALUE | CHAR |
184 | PBMOV | Pushbutton: rebook attendance | CHAR1 | CHAR |
185 | PBMUL | Multi-field column for independent requirements | CHAR17 | CHAR |
186 | PBMZ | Construction dimension number | DEC1_2 | DEC |
187 | PBNUM | Independent Requirements History | BDZEI | NUMC |
188 | PBO | PBO module ID | AUSWAHL | CHAR |
189 | PBO3_PFLAG | Indicator for Test Procedures | PBO3_PFLAG | CHAR |
190 | PBOFM_KK | PBO module for Subscreen | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
191 | PBOMDIS | BOM Explosion | XCHAR | CHAR |
192 | PBOMODX | ABAP/4 Editor: PBO module ID | SYCHAR01 | CHAR |
193 | PBONUS | Bonus / dynamization factor | DEC3_7 | DEC |
194 | PBPFL | Infotype call from a BAPI | XFELD | CHAR |
195 | PBPRE | Pushbutton: prebook attendance | CHAR1 | CHAR |
196 | PBPRZ | Deviation from comparison (as a percentage) | CHAR6 | CHAR |
197 | PBP_PERIO | Period / Annual Value | DROP_PERIF | NUMC |
198 | PBR_13FLG | Competence 13 flag | FLAG | CHAR |
199 | PBR_479FL | Fine referring to article 479 of LLC | PBR_479FL | CHAR |
200 | PBR_479FV | Fine referring to article 479 of LLC for leave | PBR_479FL | CHAR |
201 | PBR_479FX | Fine referring to article 479 of LLC for Christmas allowance | PBR_479FL | CHAR |
202 | PBR_AAC | Child account code | SAKNR | CHAR |
203 | PBR_ABCODE | Indicator of wage type | CHAR1 | CHAR |
204 | PBR_ABRTG | No.of days | NUMC4 | NUMC |
205 | PBR_ABRWT | Payroll constant value | DEC7_2 | DEC |
206 | PBR_ACHEG | Sial: year of arrival at country | CHAR4 | CHAR |
207 | PBR_ACURR | Current tax payment | PRBETRG | CURR |
208 | PBR_ADAMT | Fixed value advanced for alimony | P_AMT07V | CURR |
209 | PBR_ADDIN | Additional information | CHAR | |
210 | PBR_ADEFINIR | (c5008809) temporary | NUMC1 | NUMC |
211 | PBR_ADPCT | Percentage advanced for alimony | DEC2_2 | DEC |
212 | PBR_ADSAL | Salary number advanced for alimony | DEC2_2 | DEC |
213 | PBR_ADUNI | Calculation unit advanced for alimony | PBR_CALTY | CHAR |
214 | PBR_ADVFLG | Consider advance | XFELD | CHAR |
215 | PBR_AGELI | Age limit | NUMC2 | NUMC |
216 | PBR_AGELL | Minimum age limit | NUMC2 | NUMC |
217 | PBR_AGNCX | Description of code of harmful agent exposure | TEXT40 | CHAR |
218 | PBR_AGNOC | Harmful agent exposure code | CHAR2 | CHAR |
219 | PBR_ALEMP | Select all employees | CHAR1 | CHAR |
220 | PBR_ALIAG | Meals agreement - % regarding total no.of employees | NUMC3 | NUMC |
221 | PBR_ALSAT | FCSWI: IAI factor | NUMC2 | NUMC |
222 | PBR_ALTCO | Dmel: code of registration change type | CHAR3 | CHAR |
223 | PBR_ALTER | Code of change for GREU | PBR_ALTER | CHAR |
224 | PBR_ALVRA | Permit indicator (Permission) | XFLAG | CHAR |
225 | PBR_ALV_TREE | Results hierarchy | CHAR1 | CHAR |
226 | PBR_AMNTH | Payment of cumulated tax | PRBETRG | CURR |
227 | PBR_AMTIN | Apecified amount for severance pay | P_AMT07V | CURR |
228 | PBR_AMTSE | Severance pay amount | P_AMT07V | CURR |
229 | PBR_ANO | Year | NUMC4 | NUMC |
230 | PBR_ANORF | WITD: reference year | CHAR1 | CHAR |
231 | PBR_ANORT | WITD: withholding year | CHAR2 | CHAR |
232 | PBR_ANORT2 | WITD: withholding year | CHAR4 | CHAR |
233 | PBR_ANOVG | Sial: reference year | CHAR4 | CHAR |
234 | PBR_ANT | Number of days in anticipated leave | PBR_SAL | DEC |
235 | PBR_APPRE | GREU: trainee | PBR_APPRE | CHAR |
236 | PBR_APSDT | FCSWI: paid notice per. - remun.on Christmans allowance | NUMC15 | NUMC |
237 | PBR_ARAIS | Absence code for SIAL | PBR_ARAIS | NUMC |
238 | PBR_AREA | Area | CHAR40 | CHAR |
239 | PBR_AREAPROV | Reserve area | PBR_AREAPROV | CHAR |
240 | PBR_AREAPROVTX | Reserve area description | CHAR | |
241 | PBR_AREAT | Type of area | CHAR10 | CHAR |
242 | PBR_ARRSS | Indicator for payables processing | PBR_ARRSS | CHAR |
243 | PBR_ATCAU | Sial: cause for tax code/SRS change | CHAR1 | CHAR |
244 | PBR_ATE15 | Special retirement aliquot -15 | DEC7_2 | DEC |
245 | PBR_ATE20 | Special retirement aliquot -20 | DEC7_2 | DEC |
246 | PBR_ATE25 | Special retirement aliquot - 25 | DEC7_2 | DEC |
247 | PBR_ATEND | Sial: indicator of establishments's address change | CHAR1 | CHAR |
248 | PBR_ATINS | SIAL: indicator of tax code/SRS change | CHAR1 | CHAR |
249 | PBR_AV13S | Leave denominators and Christmas allowance | PRANZHL | DEC |
250 | PBR_AVIPR | "Notice period" severance pay | NUM9 | NUMC |
251 | PBR_AVIPR_GE | Severance pay "Notice period" (generic SIAL -version 9.2005) | NUM12 | NUMC |
252 | PBR_AVOSF | Leave denominators | PRANZHL | DEC |
253 | PBR_AVOSM | Denominators acquired in month | PRANZHL | DEC |
254 | PBR_AVPAD | Do not add notice period days | XFLAG | CHAR |
255 | PBR_AVPRE | FCSWI: type of notice period | NUMC1 | NUMC |
256 | PBR_AVPWO | Indicator of working notice period | PBR_AVPWO | CHAR |
257 | PBR_AVSAD | Denominators acquired during concession period | PRANZHL | DEC |
258 | PBR_AVSAQ | Leave denominators in acquisition period | PRANZHL | DEC |
259 | PBR_AVSCO | Leave denominator in concession period | PRANZHL | DEC |
260 | PBR_AYEAR | Payment of cumulated tax in year | PRBETRG | CURR |
261 | PBR_BACCP | FCSWI: welfare contribution assessment basis (absent) | NUMC15 | NUMC |
262 | PBR_BAI | Zone | CHAR20 | CHAR |
263 | PBR_BAIRRO | WITD: zone name | CHAR20 | CHAR |
264 | PBR_BALAN | Balance | P_AMT07V | CURR |
265 | PBR_BALMN | Month of "Balance for: " | PBR_GSWMN | NUMC |
266 | PBR_BALYR | Year of "Balance for: " | NUMC4 | NUMC |
267 | PBR_BANCO | Dmel: consumption indicator of destination bank | CHAR3 | CHAR |
268 | PBR_BANNA | Dmel: name of destination bank | CHAR15 | CHAR |
269 | PBR_BASDT | FCSWI: Christmas allowance assessment basis | NUMC15 | NUMC |
270 | PBR_BASE | Bases | PRBETRG | CURR |
271 | PBR_BASEPROV_WT | Basis for reserve calcultion | LGART | CHAR |
272 | PBR_BASMO | Month of baseline date | NUMC2 | NUMC |
273 | PBR_BATCH | Status of batch input process | CHAR4 | CHAR |
274 | PBR_BCURR | Current basis for tax calculation | PRBETRG | CURR |
275 | PBR_BEGHR | Entry hour | PBR_BEGHR | CHAR |
276 | PBR_BETRG | Numeric value | PRBETRG | CURR |
277 | PBR_BIRDT | Dmel: employee's birth date | CHAR6 | CHAR |
278 | PBR_BIRTH | Greu: employee's birth date | CHAR8 | CHAR |
279 | PBR_BIRTH_DT | Birth date | DATUM | DATS |
280 | PBR_BMNTH | Cumulated basis for tax calculation | PRBETRG | CURR |
281 | PBR_BNAME | Branch name | TEXT30 | CHAR |
282 | PBR_BONUS | Total amount from gratuities | NUMC8 | NUMC |
283 | PBR_BR057 | FCSWI: field with blanks | CHAR57 | CHAR |
284 | PBR_BR076 | FCSWI: field with blanks | CHAR76 | CHAR |
285 | PBR_BR098 | FCSWI: field with blanks | CHAR98 | CHAR |
286 | PBR_BR103 | FCSWI: field with blanks | CHAR103 | CHAR |
287 | PBR_BR121 | FCSWI: field with blanks | CHAR100 | CHAR |
288 | PBR_BR142 | FCSWI: field with blanks | CHAR5 | CHAR |
289 | PBR_BR147 | FCSWI: field with blanks | PBR_BR147 | CHAR |
290 | PBR_BR204 | FCSWI: field with blanks | PBR_BR204 | CHAR |
291 | PBR_BR210 | FCSWI: field with blanks (record type 10 - part 2) | CHAR31 | CHAR |
292 | PBR_BR220 | FCSWI: field with blanks (record type 20 - part 2) | CHAR81 | CHAR |
293 | PBR_BR221 | FCSWI: field with blanks | CHAR99 | CHAR |
294 | PBR_BR225 | FCSWI: field with blanks | CHAR | |
295 | PBR_BR232 | FCSWI: field with blanks | CHAR95 | CHAR |
296 | PBR_BR290 | FCSWI: field with blanks | CHAR108 | CHAR |
297 | PBR_BR306 | FCSWI: field with blanks | PBR_BR306 | CHAR |
298 | PBR_BRANC | Branch tax code | NUMC4 | NUMC |
299 | PBR_BRANCHFORM | Branch office data | XFELD | CHAR |
300 | PBR_BRNAM | Greu: name of branch or construction site | CHAR40 | CHAR |
301 | PBR_BT3RD | Total basis cumulation for SIB | PRBETRG | CURR |
302 | PBR_BTRTL | Personnel subarea | CHAR4 | CHAR |
303 | PBR_BUKRS | Company code | CHAR4 | CHAR |
304 | PBR_BYEAR | Basis for calculation of cumulated tax in year | PRBETRG | CURR |
305 | PBR_C13MR | FCSWI: remuneration on CA - termination month | NUMC15 | NUMC |
306 | PBR_C13S | Christmas allowance | XFELD | CHAR |
307 | PBR_CADDR | Greu: company/branch/construction site address | CHAR40 | CHAR |
308 | PBR_CAGED | Number of Gen.Register of Employed and Unemployed agreement | NUM06 | NUMC |
309 | PBR_CAGEM | Movement code for General Register of Employed and Unempl. | CHAR2 | CHAR |
310 | PBR_CALC0 | Payroll run status | CHAR4 | CHAR |
311 | PBR_CALCA | FCSWI: code of registration change | NUMC3 | NUMC |
312 | PBR_CALTX | Calculation unit description | P_GATXT | CHAR |
313 | PBR_CALTY | Calculation unit for alimony | PBR_CALTY | CHAR |
314 | PBR_CAPRI | FCSWI: collect previous competence rural production-val.SIB | NUMC15 | NUMC |
315 | PBR_CAPRO | FCSWI: collect previous competence rural prod.-other entits. | NUMC15 | NUMC |
316 | PBR_CARTO | Name of public notary | TEXT40 | CHAR |
317 | PBR_CATER | Not used: identification code of company category | PBR_CATER | CHAR |
318 | PBR_CATRX | Description of worker category | TEXT40 | CHAR |
319 | PBR_CATTR | Code of worker category | CHAR2 | CHAR |
320 | PBR_CATY | FCSWI: company class | PBR_CATY | CHAR |
321 | PBR_CAUDE | Cause of death | PBR_CAUDE | CHAR |
322 | PBR_CBO | Brazilian Job Occupation Code | NUMC5 | NUMC |
323 | PBR_CBO6 | Brazilian Job Occupation Code | NUMC6 | NUMC |
324 | PBR_CBODE | Description of Brazilian Job Occupation Code | TEXT100 | CHAR |
325 | PBR_CDEAT | Death certificate | TEXT10 | CHAR |
326 | PBR_CDEMP | FCSWI: contrib.deducted from insured pers.regarding compt.13 | NUMC15 | NUMC |
327 | PBR_CDIAS | Number of days after settlement | NUMC2 | NUMC |
328 | PBR_CDIST | GREU: branch or construction site zone | CHAR20 | CHAR |
329 | PBR_CDMUN | Sial: municipality code | CHAR7 | CHAR |
330 | PBR_CDNAI | Code of establishment's legal nature | NUMC4 | NUMC |
331 | PBR_CDNAT | Reference code of establishment's legal nature | PBR_CDNAT | CHAR |
332 | PBR_CDNTT | Description of legal nature code | TEXT30 | CHAR |
333 | PBR_CDONE | Calculation without errors | CHAR4 | CHAR |
334 | PBR_CDPIS | Sial: SIP/PSHFP code | CHAR11 | CHAR |
335 | PBR_CDREI | Withholding Income Tax Declaration withholding code | NUMC4 | NUMC |
336 | PBR_CDRET | WITD withholding reference code | PBR_CDRET | CHAR |
337 | PBR_CDRTN | Return code for absence - FCSWI | PBR_CDRTN | CHAR |
338 | PBR_CDRTT | Withholding Income Tax Decl.withholding code description | TEXT30 | CHAR |
339 | PBR_CEALI | "Meals basket" - % regarding total no.of employees | NUMC3 | NUMC |
340 | PBR_CEI | SRS Specific Register of Social Insurance Body | PBR_CEI | CHAR |
341 | PBR_CENTCOMP | SIAL: union dues centralization indicator | NUMC1 | NUMC |
342 | PBR_CEP | Postal Code | CHAR8 | CHAR |
343 | PBR_CEPDECL | Witd: number of PC | NUMC8 | NUMC |
344 | PBR_CFLAG | Clearing flag | FLAG | CHAR |
346 | PBR_CGCCE | Dmel: registration code | NUMC14 | NUMC |
347 | PBR_CGCD | Witd: CNPJ/SPR number | CHAR14 | CHAR |
348 | PBR_CGCEI | Greu: CNPJ or SRS number | CHAR14 | CHAR |
349 | PBR_CGCER | Sial: CNPJ or SRS number | NUMC14 | NUMC |
350 | PBR_CGCR | Witd: CNPJ of responsible establishment | CHAR14 | CHAR |
351 | PBR_CHADAT | Change date | DATUM | DATS |
352 | PBR_CHECK | Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
353 | PBR_CHECK2 | Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
354 | PBR_CHECK3 | Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
355 | PBR_CHEQ | Number of check | CHAR8 | CHAR |
356 | PBR_CIATY | Not used: Company class for DMEL | PBR_CIATY | CHAR |
357 | PBR_CITY | City | CHAR0020 | CHAR |
358 | PBR_CIVIL | Marital status code | PBR_CIVIL | NUMC |
359 | PBR_CLAMT | Target value for alimony (cluster table) | P_AMT07V | CURR |
360 | PBR_CLCOD | Dmel: identifier code of company class | CHAR2 | CHAR |
361 | PBR_CLEMP | FCSWI company class | PBR_CLEMP | NUMC |
362 | PBR_CLPCT | Percentage for alimony (cluster table) | DEC2_2 | DEC |
363 | PBR_CLSAL | Salary number for alimony (cluster table) | DEC2_2 | DEC |
364 | PBR_CLUNI | Calculation unit for alimony (cluster table) | PBR_CALTY | CHAR |
365 | PBR_CMINT | Interest cumulation | PRBETRG | CURR |
366 | PBR_CMPMN | Competence month | PBR_GSWMN | NUMC |
367 | PBR_CMPYR | Competence year | NUMC4 | NUMC |
368 | PBR_CMUPD | Updates cumulation | PRBETRG | CURR |
369 | PBR_CNAEF | FCSWI: (CNAE) Economic Activities Nacional Classification | NUMC07 | NUMC |
370 | PBR_CNAME | Name of construction site | TEXT30 | CHAR |
371 | PBR_CNPJCENTCOMP | CNPJ centralizing company | NUMC14 | NUMC |
372 | PBR_CNPJPATASC | CNPJ of union which benefits from association contribution | NUMC14 | NUMC |
373 | PBR_CNPJPATAST | CNPJ of union which benefits from assistance contribution | NUMC14 | NUMC |
374 | PBR_CNPJPATCONF | CNPJ of union which benefits from confederate contribution | NUMC14 | NUMC |
375 | PBR_CNPJPATSIND | CNPJ of union which benefits from union contribution | NUMC14 | NUMC |
376 | PBR_CNPJ_CEI | CNPJ/SRS number | NUMC14 | NUMC |
377 | PBR_CODCA | FCSWI: FSB company code | NUMC14 | NUMC |
378 | PBR_CODCE | FCSWI: centralization code | PBR_CODCE | NUMC |
379 | PBR_CODCONTB | Contribution code | PBR_CODCONTB | CHAR |
380 | PBR_CODE | Greu: record code | CHAR1 | CHAR |
381 | PBR_CODED | Witd: record code | NUMC1 | NUMC |
382 | PBR_CODEE | Dmel: employee code in FSB/FGTS system | NUMC11 | NUMC |
383 | PBR_CODEMP | Commitment indicator | PBR_CODEMP | CHAR |
384 | PBR_CODMV | FCSWI: movement code | CHAR2 | CHAR |
385 | PBR_CODNAT | Nationality indicator | CHAR2 | CHAR |
386 | PBR_CODPROV | Reserve code | PBR_CODPROV | CHAR |
387 | PBR_CODPROVTX | Reserve code description | CHAR | |
388 | PBR_CODRE | Dmel: collect code | PBR_CODRE | CHAR |
389 | PBR_CODRT | Witd: withholding code | CHAR4 | CHAR |
390 | PBR_CODSE | FCSWI collect code | PBR_CODSE | NUMC |
391 | PBR_CODTE | FCSWI: third-party code | NUMC4 | NUMC |
392 | PBR_COD_FIN_MANAD | Archive purpose code | PBR_COD_FIN_MANAD | CHAR |
393 | PBR_COIND | Severance pay code | PBR_COIND | CHAR |
394 | PBR_COITX | Severance pay description | TEXT60 | CHAR |
395 | PBR_COL | Number of days in company vacation | PBR_SAL | DEC |
396 | PBR_COMDT | Communication date of salary increase | DATS | DATS |
397 | PBR_COMP | Affix | CHAR50 | CHAR |
398 | PBR_COMPF | FCSWI: compensation - end period | CHAR6 | CHAR |
399 | PBR_COMPI | FCSWI: compensation - start period | CHAR6 | CHAR |
400 | PBR_COMPLE | Witd: affix (street) | CHAR20 | CHAR |
401 | PBR_COMPMOV | Establishment/entity with activity during basis year | NUMC1 | NUMC |
402 | PBR_COMPN | GREU: company name | CHAR35 | CHAR |
403 | PBR_COMPO | Order for clearing | NUMC2 | NUMC |
404 | PBR_COMPP | Clearing percentage | PBR_GSWP | DEC |
405 | PBR_COMPV | FCSWI: compensation - value | NUMC17 | NUMC |
406 | PBR_COMVA | FCSWI: compensation - value | NUMC15 | NUMC |
407 | PBR_CONCONTBTX | Text for the contribution code | CHAR | |
408 | PBR_CONT1 | No.of days of contract's 1st.period | NUMC2 | NUMC |
409 | PBR_CONT2 | No.of days of contract's 2nd.period | NUMC2 | NUMC |
410 | PBR_CONTPATASC | Total amount of union association | NUMC8 | NUMC |
411 | PBR_CONTPATASC_2010 | Total amount of union association | NUM9 | NUMC |
412 | PBR_CONTPATAST | Total amount of union assistance | NUMC8 | NUMC |
413 | PBR_CONTPATAST_2010 | Total amount of union assistance | NUM9 | NUMC |
414 | PBR_CONTPATCONF | Total amount of union confederate | NUMC8 | NUMC |
415 | PBR_CONTPATCONF_2010 | Total amount of union confederate | NUM9 | NUMC |
416 | PBR_CONTPATSIND | Total amount of union | NUMC8 | NUMC |
417 | PBR_CONTPATSIND_2010 | Total amount of union | NUM9 | NUMC |
418 | PBR_CONTR | GREU: number of GREU contract | CHAR7 | CHAR |
419 | PBR_COUNT | Number of processed employees | INT4 | INT4 |
420 | PBR_CPF | CPF | NUMC11 | NUMC |
421 | PBR_CPF14 | SPR number | CHAR14 | CHAR |
422 | PBR_CPF2 | SPR number (not used) | NUMC11 | NUMC |
423 | PBR_CPFNR | Sole Proprietor's Registry number (CPF) | PBR_CPFNR | CHAR |
424 | PBR_CPGPS | FCSWI: (CNAE) GSW payment code | CHAR04 | CHAR |
425 | PBR_CPHEX | GREU: company's extension line | CHAR5 | CHAR |
426 | PBR_CPHNO | GREU: company telephone | NUMC8 | NUMC |
427 | PBR_CPHPR | GREU: company's telephone affix | CHAR4 | CHAR |
428 | PBR_CPMFL | Provisional Contribution on Financial Movements code | CHAR1 | CHAR |
429 | PBR_CPNME | Employer name | PBR_CPNME | CHAR |
430 | PBR_CPRPF | FCSWI: Rural production retail - sole proprietor | NUMC15 | NUMC |
431 | PBR_CPRPJ | FCSWI: Rural production retail - legal person | NUMC15 | NUMC |
432 | PBR_CPRRU | FCSWI: Rural production retail - sole proprietor | NUMC17 | NUMC |
433 | PBR_CRC | Regional council (code, number or region) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
434 | PBR_CRCST | Circumstance | PBR_CRCST | NUMC |
435 | PBR_CREA | SIAL: FRTC to be adjusted | NUM12 | NUMC |
436 | PBR_CRIN | Regional Council abbreviation | PBR_CRIN | CHAR |
437 | PBR_CRLF | CRLF | HEX002 | RAW |
438 | PBR_CRNAM | Regional Council name | PBR_CRNAM | CHAR |
439 | PBR_CRNR | Regional Council register number | PBR_CRNR | CHAR |
440 | PBR_CSCOD | Dmel: ID code of delivery type | CHAR1 | CHAR |
441 | PBR_CSTAT | Greu: Identification code of the address Federation Unit | CHAR2 | CHAR |
442 | PBR_CTEXT | Circumstance name | TEXT60 | CHAR |
443 | PBR_CTNMR | Greu: employee's worker's card number | NUMC08 | NUMC |
444 | PBR_CTNR | Worker's Card for Social Welfare number - WCSW | PBR_CTNR | CHAR |
445 | PBR_CTNUM | Greu: employee's worker's card number | NUMC07 | NUMC |
446 | PBR_CTPS | WCSW number | CHAR7 | CHAR |
447 | PBR_CTPSN | Dmel: employee's worker's card number | CHAR7 | CHAR |
448 | PBR_CTPSS | Dmel: work permit serial number | CHAR5 | CHAR |
449 | PBR_CTRCA | FCSWI: FSB employee code | NUMC11 | NUMC |
450 | PBR_CTRCD | Not used: collect centralization code (DMEL) | PBR_CTRCD | CHAR |
451 | PBR_CTRLAD | How absence will be dealed with in advance | PBR_CTRLAD | NUMC |
452 | PBR_CTSER | GREU: worker's card serial number | NUMC3 | NUMC |
453 | PBR_CTSR | Worker's Card series number - WCSW | PBR_CTSR | CHAR |
454 | PBR_CTSRE | GREU: worker's card serial number | NUMC4 | NUMC |
455 | PBR_CTSTT | GREU: Federation unit that issued the WPSW | CHAR2 | CHAR |
456 | PBR_CUPDT | GREU: record update indicator | PBR_CUPDT | CHAR |
457 | PBR_CXPOSTAL | WITD: P.O. box number | NUMC5 | NUMC |
458 | PBR_CZIP | GREU: company PC | CHAR8 | CHAR |
459 | PBR_D13LM | FCSWI: deduction of CA from maternity leave | NUMC15 | NUMC |
460 | PBR_DAT1 | Update date | CHAR8 | CHAR |
461 | PBR_DATA | Hiring date | CHAR8 | CHAR |
462 | PBR_DATC | Competence date | CHAR8 | CHAR |
463 | PBR_DATCOM | Competence period (MMYYYY) | NUM06 | NUMC |
464 | PBR_DATD | Dismissal date | CHAR8 | CHAR |
465 | PBR_DATNA | Birth date | CHAR8 | CHAR |
466 | PBR_DATPG | Date of payment | CHAR8 | CHAR |
467 | PBR_DATUM | Date | DATS | DATS |
468 | PBR_DAUTO | Option for self-employed percentage | XFELD | CHAR |
469 | PBR_DCLDEP | WITD: indicator of warehouse keeper declarant | PBR_DCLDEP | NUMC |
470 | PBR_DCOD | Description of code used | CHAR45 | CHAR |
471 | PBR_DDD | WITD: Establishment DDD | NUMC4 | NUMC |
472 | PBR_DDDR | WITD: Responsible person's telephone DDD | NUMC4 | NUMC |
473 | PBR_DDDRA | SIAL: responsible person's telephone DDD | NUMC2 | NUMC |
474 | PBR_DDDRE | Greu: person responsible telephone area code | CHAR4 | CHAR |
475 | PBR_DDNTK | Value not deducted due to insufficient funds | PRBETRG | CURR |
476 | PBR_DEATH | Date of death notification | DATE | DATS |
477 | PBR_DEB | GPS: automatic debt | CHAR00001 | CHAR |
478 | PBR_DEC12_02 | Decimal number with 12 digits, 2 after comma | PBR_DEC12_02 | DEC |
479 | PBR_DECLR | Declaration type for General Register of Employed Unemployed | PBR_DECLR | CHAR |
480 | PBR_DECTR | Counting indicator for Christmas allowance denominator | XFELD | CHAR |
481 | PBR_DECTY | WITD: Declarant type | CHAR1 | CHAR |
482 | PBR_DEDAB | Number of calendar days to be deducted from absence | NUMC5 | NUMC |
483 | PBR_DEDUC | WITD: deductions | NUMC15 | NUMC |
484 | PBR_DEFFI | Greu: challenge indicator | CHAR01 | CHAR |
485 | PBR_DEFIC | SIAL: challenge indicator | CHAR01 | CHAR |
486 | PBR_DEMIS | Document's Issue Date | DATE | DATS |
487 | PBR_DEPDE | Dependent's deduction | PRBETRG | CURR |
488 | PBR_DEPF | Number of dependents for child allowance | NUMC2 | NUMC |
489 | PBR_DEPI | Number of dependents for income tax | NUMC2 | NUMC |
490 | PBR_DEPND | WITD: dependents | NUMC15 | NUMC |
491 | PBR_DEPT | DMEL: employee's place of work | CHAR15 | CHAR |
492 | PBR_DEPTO | Department | CHAR15 | CHAR |
493 | PBR_DESC | Discounts | PRBETRG | CURR |
494 | PBR_DESDT | SIAL: date of dismissal | CHAR4 | CHAR |
495 | PBR_DESLG | SIAL: dismissal code | CHAR2 | CHAR |
496 | PBR_DFIND | Indicator for default values | PBR_DFIND | CHAR |
497 | PBR_DFIRE | GREU: employee's dismissal day | CHAR2 | CHAR |
498 | PBR_DFVAL | Default value | PBR_DFVAL | CHAR |
499 | PBR_DHIRE | GREU: employee's hiring date | CHAR8 | CHAR |
500 | PBR_DIALI | SIAL: total days on leave | NUM3 | NUMC |