SAP ABAP Data Element - Index P, page 18
- P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 P-10 P-11 P-12 P-13 P-14 P-15 P-16 P-17 P-18 P-19 P-20 P-21 P-22 P-23 P-24 P-25 P-26 P-27 P-28 P-29 P-30 P-31 P-32 P-33 P-34 P-35 P-36 P-37 P-38 P-39 P-40 P-41 P-42 P-43 P-44 P-45 P-46 P-47 P-48 P-49 P-50 P-51 P-52 P-53 P-54 P-55 P-56 P-57 P-58 P-59 P-60 P-61 P-62 P-63 P-64 P-65 P-66 P-67 P-68 P-69 P-70 P-71 P-72 P-73 P-74 P-75 P-76 P-77 P-78 P-79 P-80 P-81 P-82 P-83 P-84 P-85 P-86 P-87 P-88 P-89 P-90 P-91 P-92 P-93 P-94 P-95 P-96 P-97 P-98 P-99 P-100 P-101 P-102 P-103 P-104 P-105 P-106 P-107 P-108 P-109 P-110 P-111 P-112 P-113 P-114 P-115 P-116 P-117 P-118 P-119 P-120 P-121 P-122 P-123 P-124 P-125 P-126 P-127 P-128 P-129 P-130
Data Element - P
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | P02_GETIS_ERROR | Error Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
2 | P02_GETIS_ETCVL | WHT Geneva: Marital Status Code for Data Carrier (GeTIS) | P02_GETIS_ETCVL | NUMC |
3 | P02_GETIS_FAK | Family and Birth of Child Bonus Rounded down to CHF | PRBETRG | CURR |
4 | P02_GETIS_FAMST | Marital Status Key for File (GeTIS) | P02_GETIS_FAMST | NUMC |
5 | P02_GETIS_FANAM | Partner Surname | PAD_NACHN | CHAR |
6 | P02_GETIS_FAVOR | First Name of Partner | TEXT25 | CHAR |
7 | P02_GETIS_FNAME | Name or Company (GeTIS) | TEXT40 | CHAR |
8 | P02_GETIS_F_ELPATH | Field Name in File According to Specific. GeTIS ("Element") | CHAR | |
9 | P02_GETIS_F_FCOUNT | Help Field for Counting Fields | DEC | |
10 | P02_GETIS_F_FIELNR | Field number | NUMC | |
11 | P02_GETIS_F_FNAME | File Name for WHT Accounting/Statement GE (GeTIS) | TEXT60 | CHAR |
12 | P02_GETIS_F_LCOUNT | Help Field for Counting Lines | DEC | |
13 | P02_GETIS_F_LINNO | Line Number | NUMC | |
14 | P02_GETIS_F_LINTY | Type of Line | P02_GETIS_F_LINTY | NUMC |
15 | P02_GETIS_F_OCONV | Output Conversion for File | P02_GETIS_F_OCONV | NUMC |
16 | P02_GETIS_F_SFIELD | Technical Field Name of Data Source | FDNAME | CHAR |
17 | P02_GETIS_F_SWOBLIG | Value Is Mandatory | XFELD | CHAR |
18 | P02_GETIS_F_VALUE | Field Contents | CHAR | |
19 | P02_GETIS_GBKND | Child's Date of Birth | GBDAT | DATS |
20 | P02_GETIS_HNR | House number | P02_GETIS_HNR | CHAR |
21 | P02_GETIS_HSNMR | House Number (GeTIS) | TEXT8 | CHAR |
22 | P02_GETIS_KIST | Church Tax Rounded Down to 5 Rp. | PRBETRG | CURR |
23 | P02_GETIS_KONFE | Religion Key from Infotype 0002 (Personal Data) | KONFE | CHAR |
24 | P02_GETIS_KONKU | Indicator for Cohabitation (GeTIS) | P02_GETIS_O_N | CHAR |
25 | P02_GETIS_LOCCD | WHT Geneva: Municipality Code | P02_GETIS_LOCCD | NUMC |
26 | P02_GETIS_LOCCG | Municipality Key for Residence in Canton of Geneva (GeTIS) | P02_GETIS_LOCCD | NUMC |
27 | P02_GETIS_LOCCG_ER | Municipality Key for Places in Canton of Geneva (GeTIS) | P02_GETIS_LOCCD | NUMC |
28 | P02_GETIS_LOCHG | Ind. Municipality for Residences Outside of Geneva (GeTIS) | CHAR | |
29 | P02_GETIS_LOCHG_ER | Name of Municipality for Places Outside Geneva (GeTIS) | TEXT40 | CHAR |
30 | P02_GETIS_LOCTX | WHT Geneva: Text Municipality Code | P02_GETIS_LOCTX | CHAR |
31 | P02_GETIS_LOG | Level of Detail Log (GeTIS) | P02_GETIS_LOG | NUMC |
32 | P02_GETIS_NDAY | Number of Absence Days (GeTIS) | P02_GETIS_NDAY | NUMC |
33 | P02_GETIS_NPZU | Tax Exempt Bonuses and Incid. Benefits Rounded down to CHF | PRBETRG | CURR |
34 | P02_GETIS_PACA | Country or Canton of Residence for File (GeTIS) | CHAR | |
35 | P02_GETIS_PACA_ER | Canton Employer Address (GeTIS) | CHAR | |
36 | P02_GETIS_PDAY | Number of Workdays (GeTIS) | P02_GETIS_PDAY | NUMC |
37 | P02_GETIS_PLZ | Postal Code (GeTIS) | TEXT10 | CHAR |
38 | P02_GETIS_QSBET | Retained Withholding Tax, Rounded down to 5 Rp. | PRBETRG | CURR |
39 | P02_GETIS_QSPRO | Last Used Tax Rate (GeTIS) | DEC3_2 | DEC |
40 | P02_GETIS_STBRUT | Gross Tax ("Prestations soumises"), Rounded down to CHF | P02_GETIS_STBRUT | CURR |
41 | P02_GETIS_STRAS | Street Name (GeTIS) | P02_GETIS_STRAS | CHAR |
42 | P02_GETIS_STRASHNR | Street and House Number from Infotype 0006 (Addresses) | TEXT60 | CHAR |
43 | P02_GETIS_TOTAL | Total Retained Taxes (Total of WHT and Church Tax) | PRBETRG | CURR |
44 | P02_GETIS_TTYP | Key for Type of Tax Liability in File (GeTIS) | NUMC | |
45 | P02_GETIS_VERSI | Version | P02_GETIS_VERSI | NUMC |
46 | P02_GETIS_WGMGE | Municip. Code in WHT Statement for Residences in Canton GE | P02_GETIS_LOCCD | NUMC |
47 | P02_GETIS_WORT | City from Infotype 0006 (Addresses) | ORT01 | CHAR |
48 | P02_GETIS_WPLZ | Postal Code of City According to Addresses Infotype (0006) | PSTLZ | CHAR |
49 | P02_GEWIP | Resource cost deduction in percent | DEC3_2 | DEC |
50 | P02_GLMTD | HR-CH: PC method type for global processing | P02_METHD | CHAR |
51 | P02_GLOBL | HR-CH: Indicator: Is PC value type global? | XFELD | CHAR |
52 | P02_GLVTY | HR-CH: PC value type for global processing | P02_VALTY | CHAR |
53 | P02_GMDTD | District key (employment location) | P02_GMDTL | CHAR |
54 | P02_GMDTL | District key | P02_GMDTL | CHAR |
55 | P02_GMDTW | District key (city of residence) | P02_GMDTL | CHAR |
56 | P02_GMDTX | District text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
57 | P02_GMTXD | District text (employment location) | TEXT30 | CHAR |
58 | P02_GMTXT | Municipality long text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
59 | P02_GMTXW | District text (city of residence) | TEXT30 | CHAR |
60 | P02_GROSS_ELM | Gross Wage (ELM) | PRBETRG | CURR |
61 | P02_GRP13LO | Grouping for year-end bonus | P02_GRP13LO | CHAR |
62 | P02_GRPF1 | HR-CH: Field group level 1 | SNAME | CHAR |
63 | P02_GRPF2 | HR-CH: Field group level 2 | SNAME | CHAR |
64 | P02_GRPF3 | HR-CH: Field group level 3 | SNAME | CHAR |
65 | P02_GRPF4 | HR-CH: Field group level 4 | SNAME | CHAR |
66 | P02_GRPTY | HR-CH: Group formation type | P02_GRPTY | CHAR |
67 | P02_GTFLAG | HR-CH: Ind: Continue with jump line | XFELD | CHAR |
68 | P02_GTYTX | HR-CH: Name of a group formation type | TEXT30 | CHAR |
69 | P02_GVALA | Wage Type Concurrent Employment | LGART | CHAR |
70 | P02_GVALA_TXT | Wage Type Text Wage Type Concurrent Employment | TEXT25 | CHAR |
71 | P02_HEADO | HR-CH: Headers | TDOBNAME | CHAR |
72 | P02_HELPWORKER | Temporary Position | XFELD | CHAR |
73 | P02_HIRE_DATE | Entry Date | DATUM | DATS |
74 | P02_HOMEOFFICE | Home Work Station Agreement | XFELD | CHAR |
75 | P02_HOURLY_SAL_BASIS | Hourly Wage | PRBETRG | CURR |
76 | P02_HOURLY_SAL_BASIS_STR | Hourly Wage | P02_PRBETRG_STR | CHAR |
77 | P02_HOURLY_SAL_TOTAL | Hourly Wage (Total) | PRBETRG | CURR |
78 | P02_HOURLY_SAL_TOTAL_STR | Hourly Wage (Total) | P02_PRBETRG_STR | CHAR |
79 | P02_HPN_FAK_CE | Main Contract for Family-Related Bonuses (CE) | PERNR | NUMC |
80 | P02_IDEHRA | Enterpise ID Acc. to Fed. Commercial Registry Office (EHRA) | P02_IDEHRA | CHAR |
81 | P02_IFUNC | HR-CH: Information / function module for data origin | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
82 | P02_IIFUN | HR-CH: Information / function module for IT output procedure | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
83 | P02_IKABR | IA Accounting Number | NUM05 | NUMC |
84 | P02_IMMPRN | Indicator: Direct SAPscript output | XFELD | CHAR |
85 | P02_INMTD | HR-CH: PC method type for individual processing | P02_METHD | CHAR |
86 | P02_INNAM | ELM: Name of Internal Institution ID | TEXT20 | CHAR |
87 | P02_INT | HRPF: Integer Data Type for Value Types | P02_INT | NUMC |
88 | P02_INTBT | Internal plant selection code UVG/SUVA | P02_INTBT | CHAR |
89 | P02_INTBTT | HR-CH: Plant section name internal UVG/SUVA | TEXT25 | CHAR |
90 | P02_INTBTT2 | Internal Personnel Subarea Description UVG/SUVA | TEXT25 | CHAR |
91 | P02_INTBT_NUM | Numeric Representation of Personnel Subarea in PY Account | NUMC1 | NUMC |
92 | P02_INVESTMENT | Award | XFELD | CHAR |
93 | P02_INVJL | HR-CH: Invalidity - annual salary | WERTV6 | CURR |
94 | P02_INVPR | Invalidity Level | DEC3 | DEC |
95 | P02_INVTY | HR-CH: PC value type for individual processing | P02_VALTY | CHAR |
96 | P02_ITFLG | HR-CH: Flag: Is the value type given in infotype? | XFELD | CHAR |
97 | P02_JAPFL | HR-CH: Obligatory annual wage for SI | LGART | CHAR |
98 | P02_JAPFL2 | Liable Annual Wage (with Gross up) for SI (C2) | LGART | CHAR |
99 | P02_JBAS | HR-CH: Annual basis SI | LGART | CHAR |
100 | P02_JBAS2 | Annual Basis SI with Gross up (C2) | LGART | CHAR |
101 | P02_JBASOA | HR_CH: Annual basis SI without gross up | LGART | CHAR |
102 | P02_JBASOA2 | Annual Basis SI Without Gross up (C2) | LGART | CHAR |
103 | P02_JMAXO | HR-CH: Annual wage ceiling SI (upper limit) | LGART | CHAR |
104 | P02_JMAXO2 | Annual Maximum Wage SI (Upper Limit) (C2) | LGART | CHAR |
105 | P02_JMAXU | HR-CH: Annual minimum wage for SI | LGART | CHAR |
106 | P02_JOB_TITLE | Activity Description | TEXT60 | CHAR |
107 | P02_KANTOTXT | Long text for canton | TEXT20 | CHAR |
108 | P02_KART | Grace period | P02_KART | CHAR |
109 | P02_KENNZ | HR-CH: Indicator for restart cumulations SI | XFELD | CHAR |
110 | P02_KISTP | Church tax percentage | DEC03_2 | DEC |
111 | P02_KOMBI | HR-CH: Combination string for attributes | CHAR20 | CHAR |
112 | P02_KONTAKTP | HR-CH: Contact person | TEXT30 | CHAR |
113 | P02_KTG_UTG_NO | Checkbox: No AI or HI Allowance in Previous 9 Months | XFELD | CHAR |
114 | P02_KTG_UTG_YES | Checkbox: AI or HI Allowance in Previous 9 Months | XFELD | CHAR |
115 | P02_KTG_VERSID_ELM | ELM: KTG Insurance Identification | TEXT15 | CHAR |
116 | P02_KTG_VERTRNR_ELM | KTG Contract Identification (ELM) | CHAR15 | CHAR |
117 | P02_KUA_GRZUL | Admissibility of reduced working hours | XFELD | CHAR |
118 | P02_KUFTG | HR-CH: Reduced working hours number of actual public holiday | NUM5 | NUMC |
119 | P02_KUPRZ | Vacation/public holiday compensation percentage | DEC3_2 | DEC |
120 | P02_KZALLG | HR-CH: General tax indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
121 | P02_KZASM | HR_CH: Indicator for ASM-company | XFELD | CHAR |
122 | P02_KZBIGA | HR_CH: Code for BIGA | XFELD | CHAR |
123 | P02_KZDIFF | Indicator for contribution levying differential | XFELD | CHAR |
124 | P02_KZFIX | Fixed insurance total for premium calculation | XFELD | CHAR |
125 | P02_KZIT37 | Indicator for infotype 0037 reporting | XFELD | CHAR |
126 | P02_KZKAR | HR-CH: Grace days for reduced working hours | DEC2_1 | DEC |
127 | P02_KZKUMU | HR-CH: Indicator for cumulative wage type (annual value) | XFELD | CHAR |
128 | P02_KZLOHN | Base Creation for Year End Bonus | P02_KZLOHN | CHAR |
129 | P02_KZPER | HR-CH: Reduced working hours period | NUMC2 | NUMC |
130 | P02_KZRUECK | Indicator for Writing Off Reserve | XFELD | CHAR |
131 | P02_KZ_101PF | Liability of Wage Type for Gross ( /101) | XFELD | CHAR |
132 | P02_KZ_108PF | Withholding Tax Liability: Partial Period-Dependent ( /108) | XFELD | CHAR |
133 | P02_KZ_109PF | Fixed Withholding Tax Basis Liability ( /109) | XFELD | CHAR |
134 | P02_KZ_118PF | Liability for Withholding Tax Basis Geneva Part.Per. ( /118) | XFELD | CHAR |
135 | P02_KZ_119PF | Liability for Withholding Tax Basis Geneva: Fixed ( /119) | XFELD | CHAR |
136 | P02_KZ_128PF | Liability of Wage Type for Reduction WhdTx Part.Per. ( /128) | XFELD | CHAR |
137 | P02_KZ_129PF | Liability of Wage Type for Reduction WhldTx Fixed (/129) | XFELD | CHAR |
138 | P02_KZ_AHVPF | Liability of Wage Type for AHV (/102) | XFELD | CHAR |
139 | P02_KZ_ALVPF | Liability of Wage Type for UI ( /106) | XFELD | CHAR |
140 | P02_KZ_ANZHL | Data Entry in the Number Field (Values: K,M,Z,-) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
141 | P02_KZ_BETRG | Entering Data in Amount Field (Values: K,M,Z,-) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
142 | P02_KZ_BRUPF | Wage Type Included in Gross ( /101) | XFELD | CHAR |
143 | P02_KZ_BUAPF | Wage Type Included in Payments and Deductions (/110) | XFELD | CHAR |
144 | P02_KZ_BVGPF | Liability of Wage Type for BVG (/107) | XFELD | CHAR |
145 | P02_KZ_GRAPF | Liability of Wage Type for Customer Cumulation ( /196) | XFELD | CHAR |
146 | P02_KZ_KB80 | Liability of Wage Type for Customer Cumulation /180 | XFELD | CHAR |
147 | P02_KZ_KB81 | Liability of Wage Type for Customer Cumulation /181 | XFELD | CHAR |
148 | P02_KZ_KB82 | Liability of Wage Type for Customer Cumulation /182 | XFELD | CHAR |
149 | P02_KZ_KB83 | Liability of Wage Type for Customer Cumulation /183 | XFELD | CHAR |
150 | P02_KZ_KB84 | Liability of Wage Type for Customer Cumulation /184 | XFELD | CHAR |
151 | P02_KZ_KB85 | Liability of Wage Type for Customer Cumulation /185 | XFELD | CHAR |
152 | P02_KZ_KB86 | Liability of Wage Type for Customer Cumulation /186 | XFELD | CHAR |
153 | P02_KZ_KB87 | Liability of Wage Type for Customer Cumulation /187 | XFELD | CHAR |
154 | P02_KZ_KB88 | Liability of Wage Type for Customer Cumulation /188 | XFELD | CHAR |
155 | P02_KZ_KB89 | Liability of Wage Type for Customer Cumulation /189 | XFELD | CHAR |
156 | P02_KZ_KB90 | Liability of Wage Type for Customer Cumulation /190 | XFELD | CHAR |
157 | P02_KZ_KB91 | Liability of Wage Type for Customer Cumulation /191 | XFELD | CHAR |
158 | P02_KZ_KB92 | Liability of Wage Type for Customer Cumulation /192 | XFELD | CHAR |
159 | P02_KZ_KB93 | Liability of Wage Type for Customer Cumulation /193 | XFELD | CHAR |
160 | P02_KZ_KB94 | Liability of Wage Type for Customer Cumulation /194 | XFELD | CHAR |
161 | P02_KZ_KB95 | Liability of Wage Type for Customer Cumulation /195 | XFELD | CHAR |
162 | P02_KZ_KB96 | Liability of Wage Type for Customer Cumulation /196 | XFELD | CHAR |
163 | P02_KZ_KBLG | Liability of Wage Type for Customer Cumulation | XFELD | CHAR |
164 | P02_KZ_KTBPF | Wage Type Liability for Basis PerDiem Sick. Pay Insur.(/116) | XFELD | CHAR |
165 | P02_KZ_NBUPF | Liability of Wage Type for Obselete NIA Cummulation ( /105) | XFELD | CHAR |
166 | P02_KZ_OKABW | Ready for Input Status for Infotype 2010 | XFELD | CHAR |
167 | P02_KZ_OKBAS | Ready for Input Status for Infotype 0008 | XFELD | CHAR |
168 | P02_KZ_OKEBA | Ready for Input Status for Infotype 0015 | XFELD | CHAR |
169 | P02_KZ_OKWBA | Ready for Input Status for Infotype 0014 | XFELD | CHAR |
170 | P02_KZ_OKXUE | Ready for Input Status for Infotype 0011 | XFELD | CHAR |
171 | P02_KZ_OKZ04 | Ready for Input Status for Infotype 2004 | XFELD | CHAR |
172 | P02_KZ_PK_PF | Liability for Cumm. of Old PF Solution / /103) | XFELD | CHAR |
173 | P02_KZ_QSBPF | Liability of Wage Type Withholding Tax Basis Fix (/109) | XFELD | CHAR |
174 | P02_KZ_QSEPF | Wage Type Liability for WH-Tax Basis One-time Payment (/117) | XFELD | CHAR |
175 | P02_KZ_QSTPF | Liability of Wage Type for Withholding Tax (/108) | XFELD | CHAR |
176 | P02_KZ_SUVPF | Liability of Wage Type for SUVA (/104) | XFELD | CHAR |
177 | P02_KZ_UEBPF | Liability of Wage Type for Basis Voluntary Insurance (/115) | XFELD | CHAR |
178 | P02_LABOR_ELM | Labor Costs (ELM) | PRBETRG | CURR |
179 | P02_LAENGE | Column width | NUMC1 | NUMC |
180 | P02_LANDX | Nationality | TEXT15 | CHAR |
181 | P02_LAST_13SAL | Amount of the Last 13th Monthly Wage | PRBETRG | CURR |
182 | P02_LAST_13SAL_STR | Amount of the Last 13th Monthly Wage | P02_PRBETRG_STR | CHAR |
183 | P02_LAST_BONUS | Last Gratuity | PRBETRG | CURR |
184 | P02_LAST_BONUS_STR | Last Gratuity | P02_PRBETRG_STR | CHAR |
185 | P02_LAST_WORKED_DAY | Last Working Day | DATUM | DATS |
186 | P02_LAUWG | Flat-rate cost reimbursement | P02_LAUWG | CHAR |
187 | P02_LAWAMT01 | Wage Statement: Wage/Pension (Line 1) | PRBETRG | CURR |
188 | P02_LAWAMT02_1 | Wage Statement: Meals, Accommodation (Line 2.1) | PRBETRG | CURR |
189 | P02_LAWAMT02_2 | Wage Statement: Company Car (Line 2.2) | PRBETRG | CURR |
190 | P02_LAWAMT02_3 | Wage Statement: Others (Line 2.3) | PRBETRG | CURR |
191 | P02_LAWAMT03 | Wage Statement: Irregular Benefits (Line 3) | PRBETRG | CURR |
192 | P02_LAWAMT04 | Wage Statement: Capital Payments (Line 4) | PRBETRG | CURR |
193 | P02_LAWAMT05 | Wage Statement: Employee Stock Options (Line 5) | PRBETRG | CURR |
194 | P02_LAWAMT06 | Wage Statement: Payments for Supervisory Board Members (L.6) | PRBETRG | CURR |
195 | P02_LAWAMT07_1 | Wage Statement: Other Benefits (Line 7) | PRBETRG | CURR |
196 | P02_LAWAMT07_2 | Obsolete, Wage Statement: Other Benefits (Line 7.2) | PRBETRG | CURR |
197 | P02_LAWAMT08 | Wage Statement: Total Gross Wage (Line 8) | PRBETRG | CURR |
198 | P02_LAWAMT09 | Wage Statement: Contributions AHV/II/MCF/UI/NIAI (Line 9) | PRBETRG | CURR |
199 | P02_LAWAMT10_1 | Wage Statement: Regular Contributions BVG (Line 10.1) | PRBETRG | CURR |
200 | P02_LAWAMT10_2 | Wage Statement: Contributions Purchasing BVG (Line 10.2) | PRBETRG | CURR |
201 | P02_LAWAMT11 | Wage Statement: Net Wage (Line 11) | PRBETRG | CURR |
202 | P02_LAWAMT12 | Wage Statement: Withholding Tax Deduction (Line 12) | PRBETRG | CURR |
203 | P02_LAWAMT13_1_1 | Wage Statement: Travel Expenses (Line 13.1.1) | PRBETRG | CURR |
204 | P02_LAWAMT13_1_2 | Wage Statement: Other Actual Expenses (Line 13.1.2) | PRBETRG | CURR |
205 | P02_LAWAMT13_2_1 | Wage Statement: Representation Expenses (Line 13.2.1) | PRBETRG | CURR |
206 | P02_LAWAMT13_2_2 | Wage Statement: Car Expenses (Line 13.2.2) | PRBETRG | CURR |
207 | P02_LAWAMT13_2_3 | Wage Statement: Other Flat-Rate Expenses (Line 13.2.3) | PRBETRG | CURR |
208 | P02_LAWAMT13_3 | Wage Statement: Further Training (Line 13.3) | PRBETRG | CURR |
209 | P02_LAWTXT02_3 | Wage Statement: Other (Line 2.3) | TEXT40 | CHAR |
210 | P02_LAWTXT03 | Wage Statement: Irregular Benefits (Line 3) | TEXT80 | CHAR |
211 | P02_LAWTXT04 | Wage Statement: Capital Payments (Line 4) | TEXT30 | CHAR |
212 | P02_LAWTXT07_1 | Wage Statement: Other Benefits (Line 7) | TEXT60 | CHAR |
213 | P02_LAWTXT07_2 | Obsolete, Wage Statement: Other Benefits (Line 7.2) | TEXT60 | CHAR |
214 | P02_LAWTXT13_1_1 | Wage Statement: Travel Expenses Checkbox (Line 13.1.1) | XFELD | CHAR |
215 | P02_LAWTXT13_1_2 | Wage Statement: Other Actual Expenses (Line 13.1.2) | TEXT35 | CHAR |
216 | P02_LAWTXT13_2_3 | Wage Statement: Other Flat-Rate Expenses (Line 13.2.3) | TEXT35 | CHAR |
217 | P02_LAWTXT14_1 | Wage Statement: Payments in Kind (Line 14.1) | TEXT70 | CHAR |
218 | P02_LAWTXT14_2 | Wage Statement: Payments in Kind (Line 14.2) | TEXT70 | CHAR |
219 | P02_LAWTXT15_1 | Wage Statement: Comments (Line 15.1) | TEXT80 | CHAR |
220 | P02_LAWTXT15_2 | Wage Statement: Comments (Line 15.2) | TEXT80 | CHAR |
221 | P02_LAWTXTH1 | Wage Statement: Formatted Address EE (Letter H, Row 1) | P02_LAWTXTH | CHAR |
222 | P02_LAWTXTH2 | Wage Statement: Formatted Address EE (Letter H, Row 2) | P02_LAWTXTH | CHAR |
223 | P02_LAWTXTH3 | Wage Statement: Formatted Address EE (Letter H, Row 3) | P02_LAWTXTH | CHAR |
224 | P02_LAWTXTH4 | Wage Statement: Formatted Address EE (Letter H, Row 4) | P02_LAWTXTH | CHAR |
225 | P02_LAWTXTH5 | Wage Statement: Formatted Address EE (Letter H, Row 5) | P02_LAWTXTH | CHAR |
226 | P02_LAW_AUSHI | Wage statement: temporary help | P02_LAW_AUSHI | CHAR |
227 | P02_LAW_GRSPE | Wage statement: Executive employee / field sales employee | XFELD | CHAR |
228 | P02_LAW_ORIGIN | Wage Statement 2005: Origin of the Cumulation Wage Type | P02_LAW_ORIGIN | CHAR |
229 | P02_LAW_Z14_1 | Other Additional Benefits LAW Figure 14 | TEXT70 | CHAR |
230 | P02_LAW_Z14_2 | Other Additional Benefits LAW Figure 14 | TEXT70 | CHAR |
231 | P02_LAW_Z14_ABREH | Other Additional Benefits of Payroll Unit (for Figure 14) | TEXT70 | CHAR |
232 | P02_LEERZ | Withholding tax calculation: Print lines without wage | XFELD | CHAR |
233 | P02_LGABASBILD | Base wage type SI | LGART | CHAR |
234 | P02_LGABASIS | Cumulation wage type for SI | LGART | CHAR |
235 | P02_LGAIT | HR-CH: Wage type for iteration | LGART | CHAR |
236 | P02_LGALOE | Cumulation wage type for reset | LGART | CHAR |
237 | P02_LGARTSPLIT | Wage Type Splits | CHAR | |
238 | P02_LGARTUSPLIT | Wage Type with Wage Type Splits | CHAR | |
239 | P02_LGA_BAS | HR-CH: Periods basis for net wage | LGART | CHAR |
240 | P02_LGA_BAS_CRT | HR-CH: cumulated base net | LGART | CHAR |
241 | P02_LIMIT | Insurance limits | WERT5 | CURR |
242 | P02_LINTY | Processing schedule: Line type | P02_LINTY | CHAR |
243 | P02_LISFL | HR-CH: Form for list output | XFELD | CHAR |
245 | P02_LLOHN | Length gross wages | NUMC1 | NUMC |
246 | P02_LMARK | HR-CH: PC editor: Line marker | CHAR2 | CHAR |
247 | P02_LOCAT | HR-CH: Log: Place where message occurred | TEXT20 | CHAR |
248 | P02_LOGHINT | Additional data for line function | TEXT20 | CHAR |
249 | P02_LOGLINE | Log line | TEXT100 | CHAR |
250 | P02_LOGLOCAT | Log message appears | CHAR20 | CHAR |
251 | P02_LOGSEQNR | Log line sequence number | NUMC10 | NUMC |
252 | P02_LQSBE | Length WhT amount | NUMC1 | NUMC |
253 | P02_LQSPR | Length WhT percent | NUMC1 | NUMC |
254 | P02_LSE_ACTIVE_B | Employment Period: From (Day/Month) | P02_LSE_ACTIVE_B | CHAR |
255 | P02_LSE_ACTIVE_E | Employment Period: To (Day/Month) | P02_LSE_ACTIVE_E | CHAR |
256 | P02_LSE_ADDR_ADDON | HRCH: Wage Structure Survey (LSE) Additional Text f. Address | P02_LSE_ADDR_ADDON | CHAR |
257 | P02_LSE_ADDR_ORT | HRCH: Wage Structure Survey (LSE) Postcode and City | P02_LSE_ADDR_ORT | CHAR |
258 | P02_LSE_BRUTTO13 | 13th Monthly Wage | P02_LSE_BRUTTO13 | NUMC |
259 | P02_LSE_BRUTTOOKT | Gross Wage October | P02_LSE_BRUTTOOKT | NUMC |
260 | P02_LSE_CONTRACTTYPE | Job Feature: Contract Type | P02_LSE_CONTRACTTYPE | CHAR |
261 | P02_LSE_CONTRACTWORKT | Job Feature: Contractually Agreed Working Time | P02_LSE_CONTRACTWORKT | CHAR |
262 | P02_LSE_DEGREE | Employee Degree | P02_LSE_DEGREE | CHAR |
263 | P02_LSE_EDUCATION | Training | P02_LSE_EDUCATION | NUMC |
264 | P02_LSE_ENTRYDATE | Work Entry Date (Month/Year) | P02_LSE_ENTRYDATE | CHAR |
265 | P02_LSE_EXERCISEDJOB | Position in the Company (Free Text) | P02_LSE_EXERCISEDJOB | CHAR |
266 | P02_LSE_FAMZ | Family-Related Bonuses in October | P02_LSE_FAMZ | NUMC |
268 | P02_LSE_POSITION | Professional Position | P02_LSE_POSITION | NUMC |
269 | P02_LSE_SONDERBR_Q | Special Payments: Irregular Benefits | P02_LSE_SONDERBR_Q | NUMC |
270 | P02_LSE_SONDERBR_R | Special Payments: Payments in Kind | P02_LSE_SONDERBR_R | NUMC |
271 | P02_LSE_SONDERBR_S | Special Payments: Capital Payments | P02_LSE_SONDERBR_S | NUMC |
272 | P02_LSE_SONDERBR_T | Special Payments: Additional Benefits Paid by Employer | P02_LSE_SONDERBR_T | NUMC |
273 | P02_LSE_SOZIALOKT_L | Social Security Contributions in October; w/o Second Pillar | P02_LSE_SOZIALOKT_L | NUMC |
274 | P02_LSE_SOZIALOKT_M | Social Security Contributions, 2nd Pillar, w/o Purchases | P02_LSE_SOZIALOKT_M | NUMC |
275 | P02_LSE_UEBERSTDLOHN | Remuneration from Overtime Hours | P02_LSE_UEBERSTDLOHN | NUMC |
276 | P02_LSE_UGROESSE | HRCH: Wage Structure Survey (LSE) Company Size | P02_LSE_UGROESSE | NUMC |
277 | P02_LSE_UTILIZATIONGRADE | Job Feature: Contractual Utilization Level in October | P02_LSE_UTILIZATIONGRADE | CHAR |
278 | P02_LSE_VACATIONDAYS | Job Feature: Vacation Days (Vacation Entitlement) | P02_LSE_VACATIONDAYS | CHAR |
279 | P02_LSE_WAGECALCTYPE | Job Feature: Wage Calculation Basis | P02_LSE_WAGECALCTYPE | NUMC |
280 | P02_LSE_WAGE_EARNER | HRCH: Survey of Struct./Lvl of Wages, Hrly/Mnthly Wge Earner | P02_LSE_WAGE_EARNER | NUMC |
281 | P02_LSE_ZULAGEOKT | Bonuses October | P02_LSE_ZULAGEOKT | NUMC |
282 | P02_LSVAR | Processing variants | CHAR2 | CHAR |
283 | P02_LTXPAT | HR-CH: PC: Text template for line types | TEXT45 | CHAR |
284 | P02_LUFT | HR-CH: Wage ceiling space for social insurance | LGART | CHAR |
285 | P02_LUFT2 | Maximum Wage Deficit for Social Insurance (C2) | LGART | CHAR |
286 | P02_MARVAL_CANTON_ELM | Verkehrswert: Genehmigender Kanton | P02_CQKAN | CHAR |
287 | P02_MARVAL_DATE_ELM | Verkehrswert: Datum der Genehmigung | DATUM | DATS |
288 | P02_MARVAL_RULE_ELM | Genehmigte Mitarbeiterbeteiligung Verkehrswert | XFELD | CHAR |
289 | P02_MDSVL | Derived infotype value for master data sheet | P02_MDSVL | CHAR |
290 | P02_MDVTX | HR-CH: Name of derived infotype value | TEXT40 | CHAR |
291 | P02_MERKM | HR-CH: Feature for determination of EE grp. for meth.assig. | CHAR5 | CHAR |
292 | P02_MERKMABREH | HR-CH: Feature for creating payroll units | CHAR5 | CHAR |
293 | P02_MESSAGE_NUM | Message Number | NUMC12 | NUMC |
294 | P02_METHD | PC method type | P02_METHD | CHAR |
295 | P02_MODIF | Insurance grouping | P02_MODIF | NUMC |
296 | P02_MODIFTXT | Insurance Grouping - Switzerland | TEXT30 | CHAR |
297 | P02_MODNA | HR-CH: Module for SI calculation | CHAR8 | CHAR |
298 | P02_MONSAL | HR-CH: Monthly wage | DECV7_2 | DEC |
299 | P02_MONTHLY_SALARY | Monthly wage | PRBETRG | CURR |
300 | P02_MONTHLY_SALARY_STR | Monthly wage | P02_PRBETRG_STR | CHAR |
301 | P02_MOPFL | HR-CH: Obligatory monthly wage for SI | LGART | CHAR |
302 | P02_MOPFL2 | Liable Monthly Wage for SI (C2) | LGART | CHAR |
303 | P02_MOREN | Monthly AHV Pensioner Exemption | XFELD | CHAR |
304 | P02_MOST | Statistic modifier CH | P02_MOST | NUMC |
305 | P02_MOSV | Payroll unit grouping for SI | P02_MOSV | NUMC |
306 | P02_MOSVTXT | Grouping for social insurance Switzerland | TEXT30 | CHAR |
307 | P02_MOUVG | HR-CH: Grouping of payroll units for UVG | P02_MOUVG | NUMC |
308 | P02_MSGLIN | HR-CH: Log message | TEXT80 | CHAR |
309 | P02_MSGP1 | HR-CH: Operation parameter for message parameter 1 | P02_PARAM | NUMC |
310 | P02_MSGP2 | HR-CH: Operation paramter for message paramter 2 | P02_PARAM | NUMC |
311 | P02_MSGP3 | HR-CH: Operation parameter for message paramter 3 | P02_PARAM | NUMC |
312 | P02_MSGP4 | HR-CH: Operation parameter for message parameter 4 | P02_PARAM | NUMC |
313 | P02_MSGTY | HR-CH: Message type | P02_MSGTY | CHAR |
314 | P02_MSPR | HR-CH: Flag: Employee's language | XFELD | CHAR |
315 | P02_MTTVAR | HR-CH: PC Methods validity interval | P02_MTTVAR | CHAR |
316 | P02_MTTXT | HR-CH: PC method type name | TEXT15 | CHAR |
317 | P02_MTVAR | PC method variant | CHAR2 | CHAR |
318 | P02_MVCTL | HR-CH: Processing control : Determination of meth.variant | P02_MVCTL | CHAR |
319 | P02_NACHN | HR-CH: Surname of a person | TEXT25 | CHAR |
320 | P02_NAHVNR | Social Insurance Number (CH) | P02_NAHVNR | CHAR |
321 | P02_NAHVNR_LOG | Level of Detail Log (New AHV No.) | P02_NAHVNR_LOG | NUMC |
322 | P02_NAME | Print name in checkbox | XFELD | CHAR |
323 | P02_NBUPF | NIA supplementary insurance | P02_NBUPF | NUMC |
324 | P02_NETTO_RESET | Cancellation annual net wage types | LGART | CHAR |
325 | P02_NLINE | Line number | NUMC3 | NUMC |
326 | P02_NMSRC | Employee's WHT Number | P02_NMSRC | CHAR |
327 | P02_NOLII | HR-CH: Ind.: No line if initial | XFELD | CHAR |
328 | P02_NOTICE_PERIOD | Dismissals notice period for employee | KDGFR | CHAR |
329 | P02_NOTICE_PERIOD_EE | Dismissals notice period for employee | KDGFR | CHAR |
330 | P02_NOTICE_PERIOD_ER | Dismissals notice period for employer | KDGFR | CHAR |
331 | P02_NOTIF_EXIST | Notifications Exist | ICON_L2 | CHAR |
332 | P02_NOTST | Ind.: No "Test mode" option on selection screen | XFELD | CHAR |
333 | P02_NO_PENSION_FUND | Not insured with a pension fund | XFELD | CHAR |
334 | P02_NPFL | Indicator for Exempt Wage | XFELD | CHAR |
335 | P02_NPFL_VERS | Indicator for Technical Contribution Level/Exempt Wage | XFELD | CHAR |
336 | P02_NUMC1 | Num1 | NUMC1 | NUMC |
337 | P02_NUMCOP | Number of Copies | NUMC2 | NUMC |
338 | P02_NUMOP | HR-CH: Number pages per personnel number | NUMC2 | NUMC |
339 | P02_NXFLAG | HR-CH: Ind.: Continue with next processing line | XFELD | CHAR |
340 | P02_OBLIG | HR-CH: compulsory application key for SI | XFELD | CHAR |
341 | P02_OFUNC | HR-CH: Function module for output | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
342 | P02_OGREN | Upper limit: Gross wages | NUMC5 | NUMC |
343 | P02_OMTTX | HR-CH: Name of output procedure | TEXT40 | CHAR |
344 | P02_OPERA | PC operation | P02_OPERA | CHAR |
345 | P02_OPFRM | HR-CH: Subprogram name for PC operation | CHAR20 | CHAR |
346 | P02_OPLTXT | HR-CH: PC operation name (long) | TEXT25 | CHAR |
347 | P02_OPSTXT | HR-CH: PC operation name (short) | TEXT12 | CHAR |
348 | P02_ORNUM | HR-CH: Sequence number of SAPscript text element | NUMC2 | NUMC |
349 | P02_ORT01 | City | PAD_ORT01 | CHAR |
350 | P02_OSQTX | HR-CH: Description of an output sequence | TEXT30 | CHAR |
351 | P02_OTXPAT | HR-CH: Processing control : Text templates for operations | TEXT50 | CHAR |
352 | P02_OTYTX | HR-CH: Text for output assignment type | TEXT30 | CHAR |
353 | P02_OUTMT | HR-CH: Output procedure for master data sheet | P02_OUTMT | CHAR |
354 | P02_OUTSC | HR-CH: PC output schema | CHAR2 | CHAR |
355 | P02_OUTSQ | HR-CH: Output sequence | P02_OUTSQ | CHAR |
356 | P02_OUTTAB | HR-CH: Payroll table SI | P02_OUTTAB | CHAR |
357 | P02_OUTTY | HR-CH: Output assignment type | P02_OUTTY | CHAR |
358 | P02_OUT_PERNR | Personnel Number for Output in Wage Statement (CH) | TEXT26 | CHAR |
359 | P02_OVERT_ELM | Overtime (ELM) | PRBETRG | CURR |
360 | P02_OZBTG | Cost-of-living allowance amount | P_AMT07V | CURR |
361 | P02_OZRGL | Cost-of-living allowance: Rules | P02_OZRGL | CHAR |
362 | P02_OZRGT | Cost-of-living allowance: Rule text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
363 | P02_OZSTD | Cost-of-living allowance level (employment location) | P02_OZSTF | NUMC |
364 | P02_OZSTF | Cost of living allowance level | P02_OZSTF | NUMC |
365 | P02_OZSTW | Cost-of-living allowance level (city of residence) | P02_OZSTF | NUMC |
366 | P02_PAFGR | HR-CH: Parameter area determination grouping | P02_PAFGR | CHAR |
367 | P02_PAID_UNTIL | Paid Until | DATUM | DATS |
368 | P02_PANZL | Number of columns | NUMC3 | NUMC |
369 | P02_PARAM | HR-CH: Operation parameter | P02_PARAM | NUMC |
370 | P02_PARAR | HR-CH: PC parameter area | P02_PARAR | CHAR |
371 | P02_PARNR | HR-CH: Number of additional selection parameter | NUMC1 | NUMC |
372 | P02_PARTTIME | Part-Time Employment | XFELD | CHAR |
373 | P02_PARTX | HR-CH: PC: Description of an operation parameter | TEXT30 | CHAR |
374 | P02_PARVR | Parallel processing variant | P02_PARVR | CHAR |
375 | P02_PATXT | HR-CH: PC parameter area name | TEXT15 | CHAR |
376 | P02_PAYM3_ELM | Third-Party Payments (ELM) | PRBETRG | CURR |
377 | P02_PBEA | HR-CH: Calculate provis. contribs exclud leave month | XFELD | CHAR |
378 | P02_PBIA | HR-CH: Calculate prov. contrib. upto and incl. leave month | XFELD | CHAR |
379 | P02_PBNO | HR-CH: PF: Do not calculate provisional contributions | XFELD | CHAR |
380 | P02_PENSION | Pension | PRBETRG | CURR |
381 | P02_PENSION_FUND_NAME | Name of a Pension Fund | TEXT60 | CHAR |
382 | P02_PENSION_STATEMENT | Use as Pension Statement | XFELD | CHAR |
383 | P02_PENSION_STR | Pension | P02_PRBETRG_STR | CHAR |
384 | P02_PER | Payment instalments to payroll period | XFELD | CHAR |
385 | P02_PERDAT | HR-CH: Refernece date (for insur. statement etc) | DATUM | DATS |
386 | P02_PERIOD_FROM | Employment Period (From) | DATS | DATS |
387 | P02_PERIOD_TO | Employment Period (Until) | DATS | DATS |
388 | P02_PERSONID_EXT | Placeholder for External Person ID | CHAR | |
389 | P02_PER_OF_EMPL | Employment Period from To | CHAR | |
390 | P02_PFGTX | HR-CH: Name of a parameter area grouping | TEXT30 | CHAR |
391 | P02_PFLC3_101 | Wage Type Is Included in Gross (/101) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
392 | P02_PFLC3_102 | Liability for AHV/IV/EO (Cumulation /102) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
393 | P02_PFLC3_104 | Liability for UVG (Cumulation /104) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
394 | P02_PFLC3_106 | Liability for UI (Cumulation /106) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
395 | P02_PFLC3_110 | Wage Type Included in Payments/Deductions (/110) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
396 | P02_PFLC3_150 | Cumulation in Obsolete Remaining Offset Basis NIA (/150) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
397 | P02_PFLC3_151 | Cumulation in Net Basic AHV/UI (/151) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
398 | P02_PFLC3_152 | Cumulation in Net Basis NIA (/152) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
399 | P02_PFLC3_155 | Cumulation in Wage Type /155 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
400 | P02_PFLC3_156 | Cumulation in Offset Basis AHV/UI/NIA (/156) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
401 | P02_PFLC3_157 | Cumulation in Offset Basis NIA (/157) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
402 | P02_PFLC3_BUCH | Posting | CHAR3 | CHAR |
403 | P02_PGMDD | Municipality key (employment location) | P02_GEMND | NUMC |
404 | P02_PGMDW | Municipality key (city of residence) | P02_GEMND | NUMC |
405 | P02_PKTE1 | Pension fund text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
406 | P02_PLANID | HR-CH: Processing schedule | P02_PLANID | CHAR |
407 | P02_PLCHK | HR-CH: PC schedule - check function module | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
408 | P02_PLDSC | HR-CH: Short description - processing schedule | TEXT60 | CHAR |
409 | P02_PLOHN | Item: Gross wages on diskette | NUMC3 | NUMC |
410 | P02_PLTXT | HR-CH: Name of a processing schedule | TEXT20 | CHAR |
411 | P02_PLZC1_AGGNUM | Agglomeration Number | CHAR4 | CHAR |
412 | P02_PMAXO | HR-CH: Period wage ceiling SI (Upper limit) | LGART | CHAR |
413 | P02_PMAXU | HR-CH: Minimal period wage for SI | LGART | CHAR |
414 | P02_PNEXT | Item: next column | NUMC3 | NUMC |
415 | P02_PPLAN | Processing schedule | P02_PPLAN | CHAR |
416 | P02_PQSBE | Item: WhT amount column 1 | NUMC3 | NUMC |
417 | P02_PQSBR | Item: WhT percent column 1 | NUMC3 | NUMC |
418 | P02_PR | HR-CH: Insurance rate premium | DEC5_3 | DEC |
419 | P02_PR4 | HR-CH: Insurance rate premiums 4 decimal points | DEC5_4 | DEC |
420 | P02_PRAG | HR-CH: Employer contribution to SI | LGART | CHAR |
421 | P02_PRAG2 | HR-CH: Employer's Contribution to SI (C2) | LGART | CHAR |
422 | P02_PRAGF | HR-CH: Insurance premium ER women | DEC5_3 | DEC |
423 | P02_PRAGKUM | HR-CH: Employer contribution to SI | LGART | CHAR |
424 | P02_PRAGM | Insurance premium ER men | DEC5_3 | DEC |
425 | P02_PRAN | HR-CH: Employee contribution to SI | LGART | CHAR |
426 | P02_PRAN2 | HR-CH: Employee's Contribution to SI (C2) | LGART | CHAR |
427 | P02_PRANF | HR-CH: Insurance premium EE women | DEC5_3 | DEC |
428 | P02_PRANKUM | HR-CH: Employee contribution to SI | LGART | CHAR |
429 | P02_PRANM | HR-CH: Insurance premium EE men | DEC5_3 | DEC |
430 | P02_PRDIS | ELM: Distribution Through Distributor | XFELD | CHAR |
431 | P02_PREFL | HR-CH: Flag for Displaying Previous Infotype Record | XFELD | CHAR |
432 | P02_PREVENTED_FROM | Prevented From | DATUM | DATS |
433 | P02_PREVENTED_TO | Prevented Until | DATUM | DATS |
434 | P02_PREVENTION | Prevention | P02_PREVENTION | CHAR |
435 | P02_PRFLG | HR-CH: Flag: Is the value type determined as a parameter? | XFELD | CHAR |
436 | P02_PROZSV | Indicator for percentage-based SI obligation | XFELD | CHAR |
437 | P02_PRVTX | Parallel processing variant text | TEXT35 | CHAR |
438 | P02_PUBLIC_HOLIDAY | Public Holiday Compensation | P02_PERCENT | DEC |
439 | P02_PUBLIC_HOLIDAY_STR | Public Holiday Compensation | P02_PERCENT_STR | CHAR |
440 | P02_PVNUM | Sequence number | NUMC2 | NUMC |
441 | P02_PVTY1 | HR-CH: First reference value type of a PC parameter | P02_VALTY | CHAR |
442 | P02_PVTY2 | HR-CH: Second reference value type for PC parameter | P02_VALTY | CHAR |
443 | P02_PYF_LOG_LEVEL | Level of Detail - Payroll Log and Application Log | P02_PYF_LOG_LEVEL | NUMC |
444 | P02_PZALA | First Derived Wage Type | LGART | CHAR |
445 | P02_QSAFO | WhT statement form | CHAR16 | CHAR |
446 | P02_QSGE_ACTIVE_ISEL | Activate ISEL | XFELD | CHAR |
447 | P02_QSGE_DEC10_2 | Decimal Number | P02_QSGE_DEC10_2 | DEC |
448 | P02_QSGE_DEC2_2 | Decimal Number | P02_QSGE_DEC2_2 | DEC |
449 | P02_QSGE_DEC3_2 | Decimal Number | P02_QSGE_DEC3_2 | DEC |
450 | P02_QSGE_ERROR | Error Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
451 | P02_QSGE_ISEL_LOG | Level of Detail of Log (ISEL) | P02_QSGE_ISEL_LOG | NUMC |
452 | P02_QSGE_ISEL_TSTMOD | Test Mode | XFELD | CHAR |
454 | P02_QSGE_SORT | Total Field for ALV | NUMC | |
455 | P02_QSGE_STREET_CODE | Code for Street Conversion | NUMC | |
456 | P02_QSGE_STREET_NAME | Street Type Name | P02_QSGE_STREET_NAME | CHAR |
459 | P02_QSTBE | HR-CH: Check box for withholding tax statement | XFELD | CHAR |
460 | P02_QSTBG | WhT sex BWA | TEXT1 | CHAR |
461 | P02_QSTBT | WhT pay scale indicator BWA | TEXT10 | CHAR |
462 | P02_QSTMX | Withholding tax - maximum | DEC6_2 | DEC |
463 | P02_QSTPF | Withholding Tax liability | P02_QSTPF | CHAR |
464 | P02_QSTRA | Tax rebate in percent | DEC3_2 | DEC |
465 | P02_QSTZU | Tax surcharge in percent | DEC3_2 | DEC |
466 | P02_QST_ABR_AUSVAR | WHT Payroll Output Variant | P02_QST_ABR_AUSVAR | NUMC |
467 | P02_QST_ABR_FORM | Withholding Tax Accounting: Form Name | CHAR16 | CHAR |
468 | P02_QST_AUSVAR_ANADDR | Output Variant of Employee Address in WHT Accounting | P02_QST_AUSVAR_ANADDR | NUMC |
469 | P02_QST_AUSVAR_QSPRO | Output Variant Tax Rate in WHT Accounting | P02_QST_AUSVAR_QSPRO | NUMC |
470 | P02_QST_BASIC_WAGE | Basic Pay | WERTV8 | CURR |
471 | P02_QST_BES_AUSVAR | WHT Certificate Output Variant | P02_QST_BES_AUSVAR | NUMC |
472 | P02_QST_EEADDR_LINE | Employee Address: Current Line for Inclusion in Forms | P02_QST_EEADDR_LINE | CHAR |
473 | P02_QST_EEADDR_LINE01 | Employee Address: Line 1 | P02_QST_EEADDR_LINE | CHAR |
474 | P02_QST_EEADDR_LINE02 | Employee Address: Line 2 | P02_QST_EEADDR_LINE | CHAR |
475 | P02_QST_EEADDR_LINE03 | Employee Address: Line 3 | P02_QST_EEADDR_LINE | CHAR |
476 | P02_QST_EEADDR_LINE04 | Employee Address: Line 4 | P02_QST_EEADDR_LINE | CHAR |
477 | P02_QST_EEADDR_LINE05 | Employee Address: Line 5 | P02_QST_EEADDR_LINE | CHAR |
478 | P02_QST_EEADDR_LINE06 | Employee Address: Line 6 | P02_QST_EEADDR_LINE | CHAR |
479 | P02_QST_EEADDR_LINE07 | Employee Address: Line 7 | P02_QST_EEADDR_LINE | CHAR |
480 | P02_QST_ID_CONT | WHT Identification Fld for Old/New AHV No. and Date of Birth | P02_QST_ID_CONT | CHAR |
481 | P02_QST_ID_SEC_CONT | WHT ID Field for Old/New AHV No. and Date of Birth (Row 2) | P02_QST_ID_CONT | CHAR |
482 | P02_QST_NON_PER_WAGE | Non-Periodic Bonuses | WERTV8 | CURR |
483 | P02_QST_NUM | Number of Entries in Witholding Tax Table | P02_QST_NUM | DEC |
484 | P02_QST_PAY_IN_KIND | Payments in Kind | WERTV8 | CURR |
485 | P02_QST_PER_WAGE | Period Bonuses | WERTV8 | CURR |
486 | P02_QST_PRINT_QSTAB_CANT | Print Cantonal Rate Code | XFELD | CHAR |
487 | P02_QST_PRINT_WPCANT | Print Workplace Canton | XFELD | CHAR |
488 | P02_QST_QSPRO_MON_DEC | WHT Percentage for Monthly Calculation Variant (%) | DEC | |
489 | P02_QST_SORTKEY | WHT: Sort Key from Old/New AHV | P02_QST_SORTKEY | CHAR |
490 | P02_QST_TEXT | Withholding Tax Scale Description | TEXT40 | CHAR |
491 | P02_QST_WPCANT | Workplace Canton | P02_AKANT | CHAR |
492 | P02_RALTER | Statutory Pension Age | NUMC3 | NUMC |
493 | P02_RAUSW | HR-CH: Flag: Statement for pension insurance? | XFELD | CHAR |
494 | P02_RDALL | Indicator: Read all data records (independent of key date) | XFELD | CHAR |
495 | P02_RDATUM | Key Date for Start of Pension | DATUM | DATS |
496 | P02_REFDA | Reference date in processing control | DATS | DATS |
497 | P02_REFDA_BIM | Also Use Reference Date for Generating BIS | XFELD | CHAR |
498 | P02_REFTODATA | HR-CH: Data Reference | DATA | REF |
499 | P02_REGEL | Special Processing Rule for Determining the Pension Age | P02_REGEL | CHAR |
500 | P02_REMARK_TXT | Comment Text ELM | STRG |