SAP ABAP Data Element - Index P, page 72
Data Element - P
# Data Element Short Description Domain Data Type
1 PCN_APPUT Appointment unit TEXT40 CHAR 
2 PCN_APUNT Approval unit TEXT40 CHAR 
3 PCN_ARTXT Contribution area text PCN_ARTXT CHAR 
4 PCN_ASTAT Application status PCN_ASTAT CHAR 
5 PCN_ASVTO To accumulated service year NUM03 NUMC 
6 PCN_ATTRL Role in project PCN_ATTRL CHAR 
7 PCN_BACUR Contribution base currency WAERS CUKY 
8 PCN_BASSA Basic Rate of Severance Payment LGART CHAR 
9 PCN_BEGDT Project begin date DATUM DATS 
10 PCN_BIADR Maternity insurance authority institution address AD_ADDRNUM CHAR 
12 PCN_BOTHP Contribution paid by employer and employee CHAR1 CHAR 
13 PCN_BPNUM B.P. number NUM8 NUMC 
14 PCN_CALTX Category Long Text TEXT30 CHAR 
15 PCN_CASTX Category Short Text TEXT10 CHAR 
16 PCN_CCURR Currency for commission charge WAERS CUKY 
17 PCN_CFRQC Contribution Frequency PCN_CFRQC CHAR 
18 PCN_CHKAV Employee average monthly salary in the previous year XFELD CHAR 
19 PCN_CHKER Insufficient Amount Covered by Employer XFELD CHAR 
20 PCN_CHKID Screen field (check box) -CN CHAR1 CHAR 
21 PCN_CHOBS Chinese working abroad CHAR1 CHAR 
22 PCN_CHRDS China residents CHAR1 CHAR 
23 PCN_CHRS1 Contribution status PCN_CHRSN CHAR 
24 PCN_CHRSN Contribution change reason code PCN_CHRSN CHAR 
25 PCN_CHTXT Contribution change reason text PCN_CHTXT CHAR 
26 PCN_CNNAM Chinese Name TEXT40 CHAR 
27 PCN_CNPKN Bank account number: char 20 CHAR020 CHAR 
28 PCN_COMCH Commission charge to personal file holding location P_AMT07V CURR 
29 PCN_CONAR Contribution area PCN_CONAR CHAR 
31 PCN_CONYN Contribution indicator XFELD CHAR 
32 PCN_COUNCO Country codes based on tax group CHAR10 CHAR 
33 PCN_CREDT Competition Restriction Clause End Date DATUM DATS 
34 PCN_CTNUM Contract number TEXT20 CHAR 
35 PCN_CYEAR Calendar year for all kinds of salary BU_YEAR NUMC 
36 PCN_DATEN Valid length of multiple visa DEC3 DEC 
37 PCN_DEDRT Sick Leave Deduction Rate DEC3_2 DEC 
38 PCN_DEGRP Employee Group of Disability Tax PCN_DEGRP CHAR 
39 PCN_DEGRPT Text for Empolyee Group of Disability Tax TEXT40 CHAR 
40 PCN_DISCL Disability Cassification PCN_DISCL CHAR 
41 PCN_DISCLT Text for Disability Classification TEXT60 CHAR 
42 PCN_DISGR Disability Grade PCN_DISGR CHAR 
43 PCN_DISGRT Text for Empolyee Group of Disability Tax TEXT60 CHAR 
44 PCN_DISUN Dispatch unit TEXT40 CHAR 
45 PCN_DOCAT Personal file category PCN_DOCAT CHAR 
46 PCN_DOCNM Personal file number TEXT30 CHAR 
47 PCN_DOCTX Text for Personal File Category TEXT30 CHAR 
48 PCN_EEAHI Employee contribution base annual high limit P_AMT08V CURR 
49 PCN_EEALO Employee contribution base annual low limit P_AMT07V CURR 
50 PCN_EEAMT Employee contribution constant P_AMT07V CURR 
51 PCN_EEAMT_SUI Employee Contribution Constant P_AMT07V CURR 
52 PCN_EEAMT_SUIV Employee Contribution Constant P_AMT07V CURR 
53 PCN_EEBID Employee contribution base indicator PCN_INDIC CHAR 
54 PCN_EEBSE Employee Contribution Base Amount P_AMT07V CURR 
55 PCN_EEBSR Employee contribution base rounding indicator PCN_ROUND CHAR 
56 PCN_EEBSR_SUI Employee contribution base rounding indicator PCN_ROUND CHAR 
57 PCN_EECOR Employee contribution amount rounding indicator PCN_ROUND CHAR 
58 PCN_EECOR_SUI Employee contribution amount rounding indicator PCN_ROUND CHAR 
59 PCN_EEEMP Tax Exempted Amount (Employee) P_AMT07V CURR 
60 PCN_EEHIG Employee contribution base high limit P_AMT07V CURR 
61 PCN_EEIND Indicator for EE base PCN_INDIC CHAR 
62 PCN_EEIST Wage Type for Actual Employee Contribution LGART CHAR 
63 PCN_EELOW Employee contribution base low limit P_AMT07V CURR 
64 PCN_EENPD Employee Notice Payment Date CHAR1 CHAR 
65 PCN_EENPN Employee Prior Notice Period (Number) DEC3 DEC 
66 PCN_EENPU Employee Notice Period (Unit) RPMSH CHAR 
67 PCN_EEPAY Contribution Paid by Employee Only CHAR1 CHAR 
68 PCN_EERAT Employee contribution rate DEC5_2 DEC 
69 PCN_EERAT3 Employee Contribution Rate DEC5_3 DEC 
70 PCN_EERAT_SUI Employee Contribution Rate DEC5_3 DEC 
71 PCN_EESLD Wage Type for Calculated Employee Contribution LGART CHAR 
72 PCN_EETYP Employee tax type PCN_EETYP CHAR 
73 PCN_EEWGE Wage type of employee base for indicator U or N LGART CHAR 
74 PCN_EEWGE_SUI Wage Type of Employee Base LGART CHAR 
75 PCN_EMMTP multiplier of exempted maximum salary DEC5_2 DEC 
76 PCN_EMRAT Exempted contribution rate DEC5_2 DEC 
77 PCN_ENADR Employer's address AD_ADDRNUM CHAR 
78 PCN_ENDDT Project end date DATUM DATS 
79 PCN_ENSUI Supplementary Insurance Enterprise ID TEXT20 CHAR 
80 PCN_ENTBI Enterprise maternity insurance ID TEXT20 CHAR 
81 PCN_ENTHI Enterprise public housing fund ID TEXT20 CHAR 
82 PCN_ENTID Enterprise unified ID TEXT20 CHAR 
83 PCN_ENTII Enterprise on-job injure insurance ID TEXT20 CHAR 
84 PCN_ENTMI Enterprise medical care insurance ID TEXT20 CHAR 
85 PCN_ENTPI Enterprise pension insurance ID TEXT20 CHAR 
86 PCN_ENTUI Enterprise unemployment insurance ID TEXT20 CHAR 
87 PCN_ENTXI Enterprise tax ID TEXT20 CHAR 
88 PCN_ERADR Family member's employer address AD_ADDRNUM CHAR 
89 PCN_ERAHI Employer contribution base annual high limit P_AMT08V CURR 
90 PCN_ERALO Employee contribution base annual low limit P_AMT07V CURR 
91 PCN_ERBAS Employer Contribution Base P_AMT07V CURR 
92 PCN_ERBID Employer contribution base indicator PCN_INDIC CHAR 
93 PCN_ERBSE Employer Contribution Base Amount P_AMT07V CURR 
94 PCN_ERBSR Employer contribution base rounding indicator PCN_ROUND CHAR 
95 PCN_ERBSR_SUI Employer contribution base rounding indicator PCN_ROUND CHAR 
96 PCN_ERCON Employer contribution additional amount P_AMT07V CURR 
97 PCN_ERCON_SUI Employer Contribution Constant P_AMT07V CURR 
98 PCN_ERCON_SUIV Employer Contribution Constant P_AMT07V CURR 
99 PCN_ERCOP Employer Contributions to Corporate Pension CHAR1 CHAR 
100 PCN_ERCOR Employer contribution amount rounding indicator PCN_ROUND CHAR 
101 PCN_ERCOR_SUI Employer contribution amount rounding indicator PCN_ROUND CHAR 
102 PCN_EREEB Employer/employee base indicator PCN_INDIC CHAR 
103 PCN_EREMP Tax Exempted Amount (Employer) P_AMT07V CURR 
104 PCN_ERHIG Employer contribution base high limit P_AMT07V CURR 
105 PCN_ERIST Wage Type for Actual Employer Contribution LGART CHAR 
106 PCN_ERLOW Employer contribution base low limit P_AMT07V CURR 
107 PCN_ERNPD Employer Notice Payment Date CHAR1 CHAR 
108 PCN_ERNPN Employer Prior Notice Period (Number) DEC3 DEC 
109 PCN_ERNPU Employer Notice Period (Unit) RPMSH CHAR 
110 PCN_ERPAY Contribution paid by employer only CHAR1 CHAR 
111 PCN_ERRAT Employer contribution rate DEC5_2 DEC 
112 PCN_ERRAT3 Employer Contribution Rate DEC5_3 DEC 
113 PCN_ERRAT_SUI Employer Contribution Rate DEC5_3 DEC 
114 PCN_ERSLD Wage Type for Calculated Employer Contribution LGART CHAR 
115 PCN_ERWGE Wage type of employer base for indicator U or N LGART CHAR 
116 PCN_ERWGE_SUI Wage Type of Employer Base LGART CHAR 
117 PCN_EXBSR Rounding Method for PHF Exemption Calculation Base Amount PCN_ROUND CHAR 
118 PCN_EXCAT Expense provider CHAR1 CHAR 
119 PCN_EXCOR Rounding Method for PHF Exemption Amount PCN_ROUND CHAR 
120 PCN_EXEMP No contribution CHAR1 CHAR 
121 PCN_EXEMT Indicator: tax exempted XFELD CHAR 
122 PCN_EXMTH PHF exemption calculation method EXMTH CHAR 
123 PCN_EXPAM Exempted amount P_AMT07V CURR 
124 PCN_EXPRS Exception reason TEXT20 CHAR 
125 PCN_EXPSP Severance Payment Exempted Amount P_AMT07V CURR 
126 PCN_EXREA Exception reason TEXT20 CHAR 
128 PCN_FCMTH First Contribution Month MONTH NUMC 
129 PCN_FCURR Currency for service fee amount WAERS CUKY 
130 PCN_FEAMT Service fee amount to holding location P_AMT07V CURR 
131 PCN_FEEID Pay service fee to holding location XFELD CHAR 
132 PCN_FGHPS Foreigners with high position CHAR1 CHAR 
133 PCN_FIXAM Fixed Amount for Severance Pay P_AMT07V CURR 
134 PCN_FMBKG Family background PCN_PRCLS CHAR 
135 PCN_FRGNS Foreigners CHAR1 CHAR 
136 PCN_FRMTO From/To category PCN_FRMTO CHAR 
137 PCN_FSTID Payment indicator for the first month and end month PCN_FSTID CHAR 
138 PCN_FTTXT From/To category text TEXT30 CHAR 
139 PCN_FULLA Full address TEXT60 CHAR 
140 PCN_FUNTY Public housing fund type SUBTY_591A CHAR 
141 PCN_GOCAT Purpose of going abroad CHAR2 CHAR 
142 PCN_GODAT Going abroad date DATUM DATS 
143 PCN_GOUNI Visiting unit TEXT40 CHAR 
144 PCN_GRPNM Group name TEXT40 CHAR 
145 PCN_HIADR Public housing fund authority institution address AD_ADDRNUM CHAR 
146 PCN_HOSTC Country/region LAND1 CHAR 
147 PCN_ICNGR Contribution group PCN_ICNGR CHAR 
148 PCN_ICNGRT Contribution Group Description TEXT40 CHAR 
149 PCN_ICNLV Contribution level PCN_ICNLV CHAR 
150 PCN_ICNLVT Contribution Level Description TEXT40 CHAR 
151 PCN_ICNN0 ID number NUM18 NUMC 
152 PCN_ICNN1 Region and city code of ID number NUM06 NUMC 
153 PCN_ICNN2 Birthday of ID number NUM08 NUMC 
154 PCN_ICNN3 Serial Number of ID number NUM03 NUMC 
155 PCN_ICNN4 Serial Number of ID number NUM01 NUMC 
156 PCN_IDNUM Identification number TEXT20 CHAR 
157 PCN_IEEID Indicator for EE base PCN_IEEID CHAR 
158 PCN_IERID Indicator for EE base PCN_IERID CHAR 
159 PCN_IIADR On-job injure insurance authority institution address AD_ADDRNUM CHAR 
160 PCN_INCAC Income Category Code CHAR10 CHAR 
161 PCN_INCAT Income category PCN_INCAT CHAR 
162 PCN_INCCT Income Category Text TEXT50 CHAR 
163 PCN_INCHL Annual Income High Limit P_AMT07V CURR 
164 PCN_INCM1 Taxable indicator: income group1 XFELD CHAR 
165 PCN_INCM2 Taxable indicator: income group2 XFELD CHAR 
166 PCN_INCM3 Taxable indicator: income group3 XFELD CHAR 
167 PCN_INCM4 Taxable indicator: income group4 XFELD CHAR 
168 PCN_INCOR Incorporate with New Law CHAR1 CHAR 
169 PCN_INCTP Income type CHAR4 CHAR 
170 PCN_INCTY Tax Income Type CHAR1 CHAR 
171 PCN_INDIS Indicator for dismissed CHAR1 CHAR 
172 PCN_INERS Early Retirement Subsidy CHAR1 CHAR 
173 PCN_INFUL Indicator of full member CHAR1 CHAR 
174 PCN_INGRP Income Category Grouping PCN_INGRP NUMC 
175 PCN_INLTX Occupation text TEXT40 CHAR 
176 PCN_INMBS Monthly Basic Salary CHAR1 CHAR 
177 PCN_INNUM Insurance number CHAR20 CHAR 
178 PCN_INPRE Indicator of temporary member CHAR1 CHAR 
179 PCN_INRCP Employer Contribution to Corporate Pension CHAR1 CHAR 
180 PCN_INSPM Severance Payment CHAR1 CHAR 
181 PCN_INSTO Stock Options CHAR1 CHAR 
182 PCN_INTRD Introducer TEXT8 CHAR 
183 PCN_INTYP Insurance type SUBTY_591A CHAR 
184 PCN_INYEB Year-End Bonus CHAR1 CHAR 
185 PCN_JIWKD Day type of join working day. DATAR CHAR 
186 PCN_JOBDS Job description TEXT40 CHAR 
187 PCN_JOBTX Position type text TEXT40 CHAR 
188 PCN_JOBTY Position type PCN_JOBTY CHAR 
189 PCN_JOINU Unit when joined TEXT40 CHAR 
190 PCN_LEVMT Availabe sick leave in month DEC02 DEC 
191 PCN_LFILE Local PC file CHAR256 CHAR 
192 PCN_LIMIT Limitation for Severance Pay CHAR1 CHAR 
193 PCN_LIMTO Limitation for Severance Pay CHAR1 CHAR 
194 PCN_LPROT Labor Protection XFELD CHAR 
195 PCN_LSGRP Group for Long Sick Leave CHAR02 CHAR 
196 PCN_LSLID Indicator for Long Sick Leave Deduction Calculation XFELD CHAR 
197 PCN_LSLMT Long Sick Leave in Month NUM02 NUMC 
198 PCN_LSRTE Long Sick Leave Salary Payment Rate DEC3_2 DEC 
199 PCN_MCKID Indicator for Medical Treatment Period Check XFELD CHAR 
200 PCN_MIADR Medical care insurance authority address AD_ADDRNUM CHAR 
201 PCN_MINAR Minimum Salary Area PCN_MINAR CHAR 
202 PCN_MINAT Minimum Salary Area Description CHAR40K CHAR 
203 PCN_MIND0 Default Minimum Salary Area XFELD CHAR 
204 PCN_MIND1 Exception in Minimum Salary XFELD CHAR 
205 PCN_MINDE Decide Minimum Salary Area by Feature MINAR PCN_MINDE CHAR 
206 PCN_MINSA Minimum Salary Amount P_AMT07V CURR 
207 PCN_MINSH Hourly Minimum Salary Amount P_AMT07V CURR 
208 PCN_MINSM Monthly Minimum Salary Amount P_AMT07V CURR 
209 PCN_MINTX Mnimum Tax Amount P_AMT07V CURR 
210 PCN_MOCON Switch period MONTH NUMC 
211 PCN_MODIF1 Group ID for Seniority Rules MOABR CHAR 
212 PCN_MONHL Monthly High Limitation for Tax Reduction Amount P_AMT07V CURR 
213 PCN_MOSEL Month Selection TEXT12 CHAR 
214 PCN_MTCID Group ID of Medical Treatment Check CHAR2 CHAR 
215 PCN_MTEMT Medical Treatment Entitlement NUM02 NUMC 
216 PCN_MTINC Minimum Tax Amount Included AS4FLAG CHAR 
217 PCN_NPDAT Date for Payment in Lieu of Notice DATE DATS 
218 PCN_NPNOP No Payment in Lieu of Notice CHAR1 CHAR 
220 PCN_OCCUP Occupation category CHAR15 CHAR 
221 PCN_OCCUT Occupation category Text TEXT40 CHAR 
222 PCN_OLDLA Include Old Regulation CHAR1 CHAR 
223 PCN_ORGAS Assignment unit TEXT40 CHAR 
224 PCN_ORGGR Assignment unit level TEXT10 CHAR 
225 PCN_PABTX Brief text for political affliation code TEXT20 CHAR 
226 PCN_PAETX Political affiliation exception type text TEXT20 CHAR 
227 PCN_PAETY Exception type PCN_PAETY CHAR 
228 PCN_PASSR Pass rule ER to EE CHAR02 CHAR 
229 PCN_PATXT Political affiliation text TEXT30 CHAR 
230 PCN_PAYID Payment id for social insurance XFIELD CHAR 
232 PCN_PCODE Political status PCN_PCODE CHAR 
234 PCN_PERU1 Calculation rule for accumulated service year PSEN_PROCE CHAR 
235 PCN_PERUL Calculation rule for service year PSEN_PROCE CHAR 
236 PCN_PHFAA Public Housing Fund authority institution address AD_ADDRNUM CHAR 
237 PCN_PHFAC Public Housing Fund authority institution code PCN_PHFAC CHAR 
238 PCN_PHFAN Public Housing Fund authority institution name TEXT40 CHAR 
239 PCN_PHFNM Company's account of PHF CHAR7 CHAR 
240 PCN_PHFNO PHF account number PCN_PHFNO CHAR 
241 PCN_PIADR Pension insurance authority institution address AD_ADDRNUM CHAR 
242 PCN_PITAX Pre/post tax indicator PCN_TAXYN CHAR 
243 PCN_PLACE Personal file holding location TEXT60 CHAR 
244 PCN_PLCOD Personal file holding location code PCN_PLCOD CHAR 
245 PCN_POSLT Position level text TEXT30 CHAR 
246 PCN_POSLV Position level PCN_POSLV CHAR 
247 PCN_POSNA Position name TEXT20 CHAR 
248 PCN_POSNC Position name PCN_POSNC CHAR 
249 PCN_POSNO Position number CHAR1 CHAR 
250 PCN_POSS1 On the position: indicator CHAR1 CHAR 
251 PCN_POSS2 Off the position: indicator CHAR1 CHAR 
252 PCN_POSSC Position status PCN_POSSC CHAR 
253 PCN_POSSQ Position sequence number CHAR2 CHAR 
254 PCN_POSTE Position category code text TEXT20 CHAR 
255 PCN_POSTT Position transferring type PCN_POSTT CHAR 
256 PCN_POSTY Position category PCN_POSTY CHAR 
257 PCN_POTAX Post-tax indicator CHAR1 CHAR 
258 PCN_PRCAR Holder of Permanent Residence Card CHAR1 CHAR 
259 PCN_PRCLS Personal class status PCN_PRCLS CHAR 
260 PCN_PRCLT Social class text PCN_PRCLT CHAR 
261 PCN_PRIDN Personal identity PCN_PRIDN CHAR 
262 PCN_PRIDT Personal identity text PCN_PRIDT CHAR 
263 PCN_PRJFD Project field TEXT20 CHAR 
264 PCN_PRJNA Project or achievement name TEXT40 CHAR 
265 PCN_PRJTP Project type PCN_PRJTP CHAR 
266 PCN_PROFI Project profit TEXT20 CHAR 
267 PCN_PRORU Proration Rule PCN_PRORU CHAR 
268 PCN_PRTAX Pre-tax indicator CHAR1 CHAR 
269 PCN_PRTBG Output in Background Run PCN_PRTBG CHAR 
270 PCN_PRTCL Indicator: tax agreement XFELD CHAR 
271 PCN_PSTAT Party status PCN_PSTAT CHAR 
272 PCN_PTEXT Political status text TEXT40 CHAR 
273 PCN_PTTXT Project type text TEXT40 CHAR 
275 PCN_RACKY Ethnic group RACKY CHAR 
276 PCN_RATER Tax Percentage Paid by Employer DEC5_2 DEC 
277 PCN_REAMT Tax Reduction Amount P_AMT07V CURR 
278 PCN_REDAT Return date DATUM DATS 
279 PCN_REGIO Province for China PCN_REGIO CHAR 
280 PCN_REJEC Reject reason TEXT20 CHAR 
281 PCN_REPER Tax Reduction Percentage DEC5_3 DEC 
282 PCN_REPORTDATE tax report date DATUM DATS 
283 PCN_RLTXT Text for role in project TEXT20 CHAR 
284 PCN_RMVAP Approval unit of removal TEXT40 CHAR 
285 PCN_RMVMD Removal mode PCN_RMVMD CHAR 
286 PCN_RMVNO Removal document number NUMC10 NUMC 
287 PCN_RMVRS Removal reason PCN_RMVRS CHAR 
288 PCN_RTID1 Group indicator of sick leave deduction rate MOABR CHAR 
291 PCN_SAMER Indicator: Work in same company XFELD CHAR 
292 PCN_SEPAR Calculate Severance Pay Separately CHAR1 CHAR 
293 PCN_SIAUA Social insurance authority institution address AD_ADDRNUM CHAR 
294 PCN_SIAUC Social insurance authority institution code PCN_SIAUC CHAR 
295 PCN_SIAUN Social insurance authority institution name TEXT40 CHAR 
296 PCN_SLGRP Sick Leave Group CHAR02 CHAR 
297 PCN_SLMIN Percentage of Minimum Salary for Long Sick Leave DEC5_3 DEC 
298 PCN_SNAME Selection Field Name   CHAR 
299 PCN_SOCLS Social class status PCN_PRCLS CHAR 
300 PCN_SPCRL Special rule for tax calculation PCN_SPCRL CHAR 
301 PCN_SPCRT Special rule text TEXT40 CHAR 
302 PCN_SPRAT Special Payment Rate DEC3_2 DEC 
303 PCN_SRVTO To service year NUM03 NUMC 
305 PCN_STEXT Job status text TEXT20 CHAR 
306 PCN_STNUM B.P. station number NUM08 NUMC 
307 PCN_SUIAA Address of Supplementary Insurance Authority AD_ADDRNUM CHAR 
308 PCN_SUIAC Code of Supplementary Insurance Authority PCN_SUIAC CHAR 
309 PCN_SUIAN Name of Supplementary Insurance Authority TEXT40 CHAR 
310 PCN_SUITY Supplementary Insurance Type SUBTY_591A CHAR 
311 PCN_SUMUP Sum up result XFELD CHAR 
312 PCN_SVALE Selection Field Result CHAR100 CHAR 
313 PCN_TACUR Tax Amount Currency WAERS CUKY 
314 PCN_TAXAD Tax authority institution name TEXT60 CHAR 
315 PCN_TAXBALANCE tax report banlance to next month PRBETRG CURR 
316 PCN_TAXGP Tax grouping for company PCN_TAXGP CHAR 
317 PCN_TAXGPT Tax Group Name TEXT60 CHAR 
319 PCN_TAXYN Pre/post tax indicator PCN_TAXYN CHAR 
320 PCN_TCRAC Active Indicator for Tax Calculation Rule AS4FLAG CHAR 
321 PCN_TCRID Tax Calculation Rule PCN_TCRID CHAR 
322 PCN_TCRIDT Text for Tax Calculation Rule TEXT80 CHAR 
323 PCN_TELNR Telephone number CHAR20 CHAR 
324 PCN_TERPA Termination Payment Type SUBTY_591A CHAR 
325 PCN_TIMES Application date DATUM DATS 
326 PCN_TRRUL Tax Reduction Rules PCN_TRRUL CHAR 
327 PCN_TXADR Tax authority institution address AD_ADDRNUM CHAR 
329 PCN_TXART Tax area text TEXT20 CHAR 
330 PCN_TXCPG Indicator: Tax Paid by Employer for Corporate Pension(ER) CHAR1 CHAR 
332 PCN_TXERS Tax on Early Retirement Subsidy Paid by Employer CHAR1 CHAR 
333 PCN_TXFLG Indicator: tax paid by employer XFELD CHAR 
334 PCN_TXGRP Tax rate grouping PCN_TXGRP CHAR 
335 PCN_TXSAG Indicator: tax paid by employer for Base Salary CHAR1 CHAR 
336 PCN_TXSPG Indicator: tax paid by employer for Severance Payments CHAR1 CHAR 
337 PCN_TXUSE Indicator: used tax split XFELD CHAR 
338 PCN_TXYEG Indicator: tax paid by employer for Year End Bonus CHAR1 CHAR 
339 PCN_TYTXT Contribution type text PCN_TYTXT CHAR 
340 PCN_UIADR Unemployment insurance authority institution address AD_ADDRNUM CHAR 
341 PCN_USEFR Used from -date DATUM DATS 
342 PCN_USETO Used to -date DATUM DATS 
343 PCN_VSNUM Visa number CHAR30 CHAR 
344 PCN_YERHL Yearly High Limitation for Tax Reduction Amount P_AMT07V CURR 
345 PCOAL Copy price from last purchase order XFELD CHAR 
346 PCODC Process code PCODC CHAR 
347 PCODE Payment Method ZLSCH CHAR 
348 PCODE_1 PRICAT: Qualifier for units of measure (profile) PCODE_1 CHAR 
349 PCODE_FLB Priority Code Lockbox NUM02 NUMC 
350 PCODU Process code for user-defined functions PCODU CHAR 
351 PCOFCREPR_IT Post code of the coty of residence of the representative NUMC5 NUMC 
352 PCOMP Sender global company RCOMP CHAR 
353 PCOMSLIN SLIN - Pseudo-Comment   CHAR 
354 PCONDAQ FIMA: Percentage Rate of Condition Item   CHAR 
355 PCONDDAQ FIMA: Date for Percentage Rate of Condition Item   CHAR 
356 PCONF_QTY Confirmed Quantity MENGV15_3 QUAN 
357 PCONF_VAL Confirmed Value WERTV9 CURR 
359 PCON_PNODE Name of Concept Group PVS_PNODE CHAR 
360 PCON_PNODETX Concept Group TEXT60 CHAR 
362 PCOP1 Admissibility indicator PC PCOPT CHAR 
363 PCOPC Copy pers.calc.rule XFELD CHAR 
364 PCOPO Copy Object CHAR1 CHAR 
365 PCOPOR Copy Object/Relationship CHAR1 CHAR 
366 PCOPT Indicator: store attendance/absence in personal calendar XFELD CHAR 
367 PCOPY Copying schema XFELD CHAR 
368 PCOSL Postal Giro end Record/Record Code CHAR001 CHAR 
369 PCOST Publication costs for advertisement CURR12 CURR 
370 PCOUNT Number of dunning notices for sample printout INT1 INT1 
371 PCO_KAABS Account assignment type: Sender reconciliation object CO_KONTKZ NUMC 
372 PCO_KAAUF Account Assignment Type: Sender Order CO_KONTKZ NUMC 
373 PCO_KAERG Account Assignment Type: Sender Profitability Segment CO_KONTKZ NUMC 
374 PCO_KAIMO Account Assignment Type: Sender Real Estate Object CO_KONTKZ NUMC 
375 PCO_KAKDA Account Assignment Type: Sender Sales Order CO_KONTKZ NUMC 
376 PCO_KAKST Account Assignment Type: Sender Cost Center CO_KONTKZ NUMC 
377 PCO_KAKTR Account Assignment Type: Sender Cost Object CO_KONTKZ NUMC 
378 PCO_KANPL Account Assignment Type: Sender Network CO_KONTKZ NUMC 
379 PCO_KAPRO Account Assignment Type: Sender Project CO_KONTKZ NUMC 
380 PCO_KAPRZ Account Assignment Type: Sender Business Process CO_KONTKZ NUMC 
381 PCPAY Deductible percentage PRZNT DEC 
382 PCPP_HRKFT Values of Field HRKFT in Profit Center Planning PCPP_HRKFT CHAR 
383 PCP_CHECKBOX General checkbox CHAR1_X CHAR 
384 PCP_PERTP Period Distribution in Personnel Cost Planning PCP_PERTP CHAR 
385 PCP_TEXT_LB Cost Item Key/Name CHAR25 CHAR 
386 PCRCH Profit Center Accounting is active PCRCH CHAR 
387 PCRD_NUMB Extended Pass Number for Check-in at Plant Grounds PCRD_NUMB CHAR 
388 PCRQYBP Increment applied to special buy quantity for reconciliation MENGV15_3 QUAN 
389 PCRQYNL Increment applied on normal lot quantity for reconciliation MENGV15_3 QUAN 
390 PCSEP Indicator: Separator (Character Template) CHAR20 CHAR 
391 PCSGN Indicator: +/- sign character (character template) CHAR10 CHAR 
392 PCSMP Maternity pay percentage payable PRZNT DEC 
393 PCST1 Status from pair formation PCST1 CHAR 
394 PCST2 Status from time evaluation CHAR1 CHAR 
395 PCSTDAY Start of validity period of production campaign DATUM DATS 
396 PCSTORELOC_0 Table as Temp. Storage/Storage Location XFELD CHAR 
397 PCSTORELOC_1 External File System as Storage Location XFELD CHAR 
398 PCSTORELOC_2 Storage Using KPro XFELD CHAR 
399 PCSTORELOC_3 Storage Characteristic 3: Using Archive Link XFELD CHAR 
400 PCSTTIME Start of production campaign (time) ATIME TIMS 
401 PCTEE Employee percentage of lower band PRZNT DEC 
402 PCTER Employer percentage of lower band PRZNT DEC 
403 PCTFREE Oracle: dba_tables.pct_free DEC17 DEC 
404 PCTIN Percent indicator XFELD CHAR 
405 PCTINC PCTincrease - parameters PCTINC NUMC 
406 PCTINCR Oracle: dba_tables.pct_increase DEC17 DEC 
407 PCTK1 Employee contribution XFELD CHAR 
408 PCTKD Percent indicator XFELD CHAR 
409 PCTMX Maximum annual salary increase expressed as a percentage DEC3_2 DEC 
410 PCTO Profit center to PRCTR CHAR 
411 PCTRF Profit Center for Billing PRCTR CHAR 
412 PCTRY_CA Country in Which the Package Is Offered LAND1 CHAR 
413 PCTR_NAME General Name TEXT20 CHAR 
414 PCTSS Employee percentage of salary sacrifice PRZNT DEC 
415 PCTUSED Percent of Space Used INT4 INT4 
416 PCTUSEDORA Oracle: dba_tables.pct_used DEC17 DEC 
417 PCTXT Description of Production Campaign TEXT40 CHAR 
418 PCT_FLAG Flag for percentage threshold value (X = allowed) XFLAG CHAR 
419 PCT_FREE Pct free DEC17 DEC 
421 PCT_INC Percent increase (dba_segments) DEC14 DEC 
422 PCT_INCR percentage increase   INT4 
423 PCT_USED % used DEC17 DEC 
425 PCURR Currency Entered ('T' 'H' 'K') PCURR CHAR 
426 PCWAS Indicator for special handling of goods movements in EC-PCA PCWAS CHAR 
427 PCWFOBJID1 First workflow agent ID for procurement card CHAR12 CHAR 
428 PCWFOBJID2 Second workflow agent ID for procurement card CHAR12 CHAR 
429 PCWFOTYPE1 Workflow agent type 1 for procurement card PCOTYPE CHAR 
430 PCWFOTYPE2 Workflow agent type 2 for procurement card PCOTYPE CHAR 
431 PCYCLE Indicator: Cyclical Scrolling NUM1_01 NUMC 
432 PC_ABDATUM Date for Billing Data Change DATUM DATS 
433 PC_ADRTX HR-B2A: Receiver text TEXT70 CHAR 
434 PC_APOKZ Indicator of whether the prod. camp. is relevant for APO APOKZ CHAR 
435 PC_AUFT Checkbox for order selection XFELD CHAR 
436 PC_B2AID B2A Identification CHAR32 CHAR 
437 PC_B2A_ACTIO HR-B2A: Authorization Check - Action PC_B2A_ACTIO CHAR 
439 PC_B2A_ADRS_TXT HR-B2A: Recipient Text CHAR50 CHAR 
440 PC_B2A_ADRTX HR-B2A: Recipient Text TEXT70 CHAR 
441 PC_B2A_ATYPE Name of Application Type   CHAR 
442 PC_B2A_B2AID B2A Identifier CHAR32 CHAR 
443 PC_B2A_BACOM HR-B2A: Communication Method PC_B2A_BACOM NUMC 
444 PC_B2A_BADCF HR-B2A: Document Format PC_B2A_BADCF NUMC 
447 PC_B2A_BASIG HR-B2A: Signature XFELD CHAR 
448 PC_B2A_BASSF HR-B2A: Encryption PC_B2A_BASSF NUMC 
449 PC_B2A_BEGDA Start Date DATS DATS 
450 PC_B2A_BGC B2A: Background Log BOOLEAN CHAR 
451 PC_B2A_BICON HR-B2A: Layout ALV, Message Icon CHAR04 CHAR 
452 PC_B2A_BMSID HR-B2A: Message Identifier CHAR32 CHAR 
453 PC_B2A_BNDAT HR-B2A: Contribution Statement CHAR Field for Temse File   CHAR 
454 PC_B2A_BNR B2A: Company Number BTRNR CHAR 
455 PC_B2A_BNRAG B2A: Company Number of Employer BTRNR CHAR 
456 PC_B2A_BNRKK B2A: Company Number BTRNR CHAR 
457 PC_B2A_BTRTL HR-B2A: Authorization Check - Personnel Subarea BTRTL CHAR 
458 PC_B2A_CHAR255 HR-B2A: Text Length 255 PC_B2A_CHAR255 CHAR 
459 PC_B2A_CNT B2A: Number of Entry in Protocol NUMC06 NUMC 
460 PC_B2A_COLOR HR-B2A: Layout ALV, Line Color CHAR4 CHAR 
461 PC_B2A_CONTENT HR-B2A: Content of Transfer Data PC_B2A_CONTENT CHAR 
462 PC_B2A_DATUM B2A: Date   DATS 
464 PC_B2A_DOCTX HR-B2A: Text for Document Classes TEXT70 CHAR 
465 PC_B2A_DOCTY HR-B2A: Document Class CHAR4 CHAR 
466 PC_B2A_DOKU Flag Documentation Status/Substatus Change XFELD CHAR 
468 PC_B2A_DTYPE Data Type   CHAR 
469 PC_B2A_EMAIL HRB2A: E-mail Address TEXT80 CHAR 
472 PC_B2A_FILESIZE HR-B2A: Length of File/String   INT2 
473 PC_B2A_FLD B2A: Entry in Tree Text/File BOOLEAN CHAR 
474 PC_B2A_FMTTX HR-B2A: Text to B2A Format CHAR70 CHAR 
475 PC_B2A_FNAME B2A: Company Name PC_B2A_KWERT CHAR 
476 PC_B2A_GDATE Creation/Change Date of Data Record DATS DATS 
477 PC_B2A_GLBID HR B2A: Global Object ID CHAR32 CHAR 
478 PC_B2A_GLBID_UI_GB HR-B2A: globale ObjektID CHAR32 CHAR 
479 PC_B2A_GLHFL HR-B2A: Global History Flag XFELD CHAR 
480 PC_B2A_GTIME Creation/Change Time of Data Record UZEIT TIMS 
481 PC_B2A_HICON HR-B2A: Layout ALV, Icon for History CHAR04 CHAR 
482 PC_B2A_HISFL HR-B2A: History Flag XFELD CHAR 
483 PC_B2A_ICO B2A: Icon for Log NUMC03 NUMC 
484 PC_B2A_INPUT Entry Category for Diverse Classe   RSTR 
485 PC_B2A_JOBABORT Job Termination for B2A Manager Errors in Batch XFELD CHAR 
486 PC_B2A_JOBABORT_06 Interruption B2A-manager-errors in Batch mode XFELD CHAR 
487 PC_B2A_JOBABORT_12 B2A Manager termination - errors in Batch mode XFELD CHAR 
488 PC_B2A_KK_EMAIL B2A: E-Mail Address of CA PC_B2A_KWERT CHAR 
489 PC_B2A_KON HR-B2A: Constant CHAR5 CHAR 
490 PC_B2A_KONTX HR-B2A: Text for Document Classes TEXT70 CHAR 
491 PC_B2A_KONW HR-B2A: Constant Value PC_B2A_KWERT CHAR 
492 PC_B2A_LCOUNT HR-B2A: Line Number NUM4 NUMC 
493 PC_B2A_LENGTH HR-B2A: Length of Entry NUMC3 NUMC 
494 PC_B2A_LEV B2A: Level in Protocol NUMC04 NUMC 
495 PC_B2A_LTYPE HR-B2A: Line Type of Transfer Data PC_B2A_LTYPE NUMC 
496 PC_B2A_LTYPENO HR-B2A: Number per Line Type of Transfer Data NUM2 NUMC 
497 PC_B2A_MANU HR-B2A: Manual Status Switch CHAR1 CHAR 
498 PC_B2A_METHOD HR-B2A: Method Within B2A CHAR30 CHAR 
499 PC_B2A_MTYPE HR-B2A: Message Type PC_B2A_MTYPE CHAR 
500 PC_B2A_NICON HR-B2A: ALV Layout, Icon for Notes CHAR4 CHAR