SAP ABAP Data Element - Index P, page 72
- P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 P-10 P-11 P-12 P-13 P-14 P-15 P-16 P-17 P-18 P-19 P-20 P-21 P-22 P-23 P-24 P-25 P-26 P-27 P-28 P-29 P-30 P-31 P-32 P-33 P-34 P-35 P-36 P-37 P-38 P-39 P-40 P-41 P-42 P-43 P-44 P-45 P-46 P-47 P-48 P-49 P-50 P-51 P-52 P-53 P-54 P-55 P-56 P-57 P-58 P-59 P-60 P-61 P-62 P-63 P-64 P-65 P-66 P-67 P-68 P-69 P-70 P-71 P-72 P-73 P-74 P-75 P-76 P-77 P-78 P-79 P-80 P-81 P-82 P-83 P-84 P-85 P-86 P-87 P-88 P-89 P-90 P-91 P-92 P-93 P-94 P-95 P-96 P-97 P-98 P-99 P-100 P-101 P-102 P-103 P-104 P-105 P-106 P-107 P-108 P-109 P-110 P-111 P-112 P-113 P-114 P-115 P-116 P-117 P-118 P-119 P-120 P-121 P-122 P-123 P-124 P-125 P-126 P-127 P-128 P-129 P-130
Data Element - P
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | PCN_APPUT | Appointment unit | TEXT40 | CHAR |
2 | PCN_APUNT | Approval unit | TEXT40 | CHAR |
3 | PCN_ARTXT | Contribution area text | PCN_ARTXT | CHAR |
4 | PCN_ASTAT | Application status | PCN_ASTAT | CHAR |
5 | PCN_ASVTO | To accumulated service year | NUM03 | NUMC |
6 | PCN_ATTRL | Role in project | PCN_ATTRL | CHAR |
7 | PCN_BACUR | Contribution base currency | WAERS | CUKY |
8 | PCN_BASSA | Basic Rate of Severance Payment | LGART | CHAR |
9 | PCN_BEGDT | Project begin date | DATUM | DATS |
10 | PCN_BIADR | Maternity insurance authority institution address | AD_ADDRNUM | CHAR |
11 | PCN_BONUS | Bonus | CHAR1 | CHAR |
12 | PCN_BOTHP | Contribution paid by employer and employee | CHAR1 | CHAR |
13 | PCN_BPNUM | B.P. number | NUM8 | NUMC |
14 | PCN_CALTX | Category Long Text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
15 | PCN_CASTX | Category Short Text | TEXT10 | CHAR |
16 | PCN_CCURR | Currency for commission charge | WAERS | CUKY |
17 | PCN_CFRQC | Contribution Frequency | PCN_CFRQC | CHAR |
18 | PCN_CHKAV | Employee average monthly salary in the previous year | XFELD | CHAR |
19 | PCN_CHKER | Insufficient Amount Covered by Employer | XFELD | CHAR |
20 | PCN_CHKID | Screen field (check box) -CN | CHAR1 | CHAR |
21 | PCN_CHOBS | Chinese working abroad | CHAR1 | CHAR |
22 | PCN_CHRDS | China residents | CHAR1 | CHAR |
23 | PCN_CHRS1 | Contribution status | PCN_CHRSN | CHAR |
24 | PCN_CHRSN | Contribution change reason code | PCN_CHRSN | CHAR |
25 | PCN_CHTXT | Contribution change reason text | PCN_CHTXT | CHAR |
26 | PCN_CNNAM | Chinese Name | TEXT40 | CHAR |
27 | PCN_CNPKN | Bank account number: char 20 | CHAR020 | CHAR |
28 | PCN_COMCH | Commission charge to personal file holding location | P_AMT07V | CURR |
29 | PCN_CONAR | Contribution area | PCN_CONAR | CHAR |
30 | PCN_CONTY | Industry | PCN_CONTY | CHAR |
31 | PCN_CONYN | Contribution indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
32 | PCN_COUNCO | Country codes based on tax group | CHAR10 | CHAR |
33 | PCN_CREDT | Competition Restriction Clause End Date | DATUM | DATS |
34 | PCN_CTNUM | Contract number | TEXT20 | CHAR |
35 | PCN_CYEAR | Calendar year for all kinds of salary | BU_YEAR | NUMC |
36 | PCN_DATEN | Valid length of multiple visa | DEC3 | DEC |
37 | PCN_DEDRT | Sick Leave Deduction Rate | DEC3_2 | DEC |
38 | PCN_DEGRP | Employee Group of Disability Tax | PCN_DEGRP | CHAR |
39 | PCN_DEGRPT | Text for Empolyee Group of Disability Tax | TEXT40 | CHAR |
40 | PCN_DISCL | Disability Cassification | PCN_DISCL | CHAR |
41 | PCN_DISCLT | Text for Disability Classification | TEXT60 | CHAR |
42 | PCN_DISGR | Disability Grade | PCN_DISGR | CHAR |
43 | PCN_DISGRT | Text for Empolyee Group of Disability Tax | TEXT60 | CHAR |
44 | PCN_DISUN | Dispatch unit | TEXT40 | CHAR |
45 | PCN_DOCAT | Personal file category | PCN_DOCAT | CHAR |
46 | PCN_DOCNM | Personal file number | TEXT30 | CHAR |
47 | PCN_DOCTX | Text for Personal File Category | TEXT30 | CHAR |
48 | PCN_EEAHI | Employee contribution base annual high limit | P_AMT08V | CURR |
49 | PCN_EEALO | Employee contribution base annual low limit | P_AMT07V | CURR |
50 | PCN_EEAMT | Employee contribution constant | P_AMT07V | CURR |
51 | PCN_EEAMT_SUI | Employee Contribution Constant | P_AMT07V | CURR |
52 | PCN_EEAMT_SUIV | Employee Contribution Constant | P_AMT07V | CURR |
53 | PCN_EEBID | Employee contribution base indicator | PCN_INDIC | CHAR |
54 | PCN_EEBSE | Employee Contribution Base Amount | P_AMT07V | CURR |
55 | PCN_EEBSR | Employee contribution base rounding indicator | PCN_ROUND | CHAR |
56 | PCN_EEBSR_SUI | Employee contribution base rounding indicator | PCN_ROUND | CHAR |
57 | PCN_EECOR | Employee contribution amount rounding indicator | PCN_ROUND | CHAR |
58 | PCN_EECOR_SUI | Employee contribution amount rounding indicator | PCN_ROUND | CHAR |
59 | PCN_EEEMP | Tax Exempted Amount (Employee) | P_AMT07V | CURR |
60 | PCN_EEHIG | Employee contribution base high limit | P_AMT07V | CURR |
61 | PCN_EEIND | Indicator for EE base | PCN_INDIC | CHAR |
62 | PCN_EEIST | Wage Type for Actual Employee Contribution | LGART | CHAR |
63 | PCN_EELOW | Employee contribution base low limit | P_AMT07V | CURR |
64 | PCN_EENPD | Employee Notice Payment Date | CHAR1 | CHAR |
65 | PCN_EENPN | Employee Prior Notice Period (Number) | DEC3 | DEC |
66 | PCN_EENPU | Employee Notice Period (Unit) | RPMSH | CHAR |
67 | PCN_EEPAY | Contribution Paid by Employee Only | CHAR1 | CHAR |
68 | PCN_EERAT | Employee contribution rate | DEC5_2 | DEC |
69 | PCN_EERAT3 | Employee Contribution Rate | DEC5_3 | DEC |
70 | PCN_EERAT_SUI | Employee Contribution Rate | DEC5_3 | DEC |
71 | PCN_EESLD | Wage Type for Calculated Employee Contribution | LGART | CHAR |
72 | PCN_EETYP | Employee tax type | PCN_EETYP | CHAR |
73 | PCN_EEWGE | Wage type of employee base for indicator U or N | LGART | CHAR |
74 | PCN_EEWGE_SUI | Wage Type of Employee Base | LGART | CHAR |
75 | PCN_EMMTP | multiplier of exempted maximum salary | DEC5_2 | DEC |
76 | PCN_EMRAT | Exempted contribution rate | DEC5_2 | DEC |
77 | PCN_ENADR | Employer's address | AD_ADDRNUM | CHAR |
78 | PCN_ENDDT | Project end date | DATUM | DATS |
79 | PCN_ENSUI | Supplementary Insurance Enterprise ID | TEXT20 | CHAR |
80 | PCN_ENTBI | Enterprise maternity insurance ID | TEXT20 | CHAR |
81 | PCN_ENTHI | Enterprise public housing fund ID | TEXT20 | CHAR |
82 | PCN_ENTID | Enterprise unified ID | TEXT20 | CHAR |
83 | PCN_ENTII | Enterprise on-job injure insurance ID | TEXT20 | CHAR |
84 | PCN_ENTMI | Enterprise medical care insurance ID | TEXT20 | CHAR |
85 | PCN_ENTPI | Enterprise pension insurance ID | TEXT20 | CHAR |
86 | PCN_ENTUI | Enterprise unemployment insurance ID | TEXT20 | CHAR |
87 | PCN_ENTXI | Enterprise tax ID | TEXT20 | CHAR |
88 | PCN_ERADR | Family member's employer address | AD_ADDRNUM | CHAR |
89 | PCN_ERAHI | Employer contribution base annual high limit | P_AMT08V | CURR |
90 | PCN_ERALO | Employee contribution base annual low limit | P_AMT07V | CURR |
91 | PCN_ERBAS | Employer Contribution Base | P_AMT07V | CURR |
92 | PCN_ERBID | Employer contribution base indicator | PCN_INDIC | CHAR |
93 | PCN_ERBSE | Employer Contribution Base Amount | P_AMT07V | CURR |
94 | PCN_ERBSR | Employer contribution base rounding indicator | PCN_ROUND | CHAR |
95 | PCN_ERBSR_SUI | Employer contribution base rounding indicator | PCN_ROUND | CHAR |
96 | PCN_ERCON | Employer contribution additional amount | P_AMT07V | CURR |
97 | PCN_ERCON_SUI | Employer Contribution Constant | P_AMT07V | CURR |
98 | PCN_ERCON_SUIV | Employer Contribution Constant | P_AMT07V | CURR |
99 | PCN_ERCOP | Employer Contributions to Corporate Pension | CHAR1 | CHAR |
100 | PCN_ERCOR | Employer contribution amount rounding indicator | PCN_ROUND | CHAR |
101 | PCN_ERCOR_SUI | Employer contribution amount rounding indicator | PCN_ROUND | CHAR |
102 | PCN_EREEB | Employer/employee base indicator | PCN_INDIC | CHAR |
103 | PCN_EREMP | Tax Exempted Amount (Employer) | P_AMT07V | CURR |
104 | PCN_ERHIG | Employer contribution base high limit | P_AMT07V | CURR |
105 | PCN_ERIST | Wage Type for Actual Employer Contribution | LGART | CHAR |
106 | PCN_ERLOW | Employer contribution base low limit | P_AMT07V | CURR |
107 | PCN_ERNPD | Employer Notice Payment Date | CHAR1 | CHAR |
108 | PCN_ERNPN | Employer Prior Notice Period (Number) | DEC3 | DEC |
109 | PCN_ERNPU | Employer Notice Period (Unit) | RPMSH | CHAR |
110 | PCN_ERPAY | Contribution paid by employer only | CHAR1 | CHAR |
111 | PCN_ERRAT | Employer contribution rate | DEC5_2 | DEC |
112 | PCN_ERRAT3 | Employer Contribution Rate | DEC5_3 | DEC |
113 | PCN_ERRAT_SUI | Employer Contribution Rate | DEC5_3 | DEC |
114 | PCN_ERSLD | Wage Type for Calculated Employer Contribution | LGART | CHAR |
115 | PCN_ERWGE | Wage type of employer base for indicator U or N | LGART | CHAR |
116 | PCN_ERWGE_SUI | Wage Type of Employer Base | LGART | CHAR |
117 | PCN_EXBSR | Rounding Method for PHF Exemption Calculation Base Amount | PCN_ROUND | CHAR |
118 | PCN_EXCAT | Expense provider | CHAR1 | CHAR |
119 | PCN_EXCOR | Rounding Method for PHF Exemption Amount | PCN_ROUND | CHAR |
120 | PCN_EXEMP | No contribution | CHAR1 | CHAR |
121 | PCN_EXEMT | Indicator: tax exempted | XFELD | CHAR |
122 | PCN_EXMTH | PHF exemption calculation method | EXMTH | CHAR |
123 | PCN_EXPAM | Exempted amount | P_AMT07V | CURR |
124 | PCN_EXPRS | Exception reason | TEXT20 | CHAR |
125 | PCN_EXPSP | Severance Payment Exempted Amount | P_AMT07V | CURR |
126 | PCN_EXREA | Exception reason | TEXT20 | CHAR |
127 | PCN_FAAGE | Age | CHAR3 | CHAR |
128 | PCN_FCMTH | First Contribution Month | MONTH | NUMC |
129 | PCN_FCURR | Currency for service fee amount | WAERS | CUKY |
130 | PCN_FEAMT | Service fee amount to holding location | P_AMT07V | CURR |
131 | PCN_FEEID | Pay service fee to holding location | XFELD | CHAR |
132 | PCN_FGHPS | Foreigners with high position | CHAR1 | CHAR |
133 | PCN_FIXAM | Fixed Amount for Severance Pay | P_AMT07V | CURR |
134 | PCN_FMBKG | Family background | PCN_PRCLS | CHAR |
135 | PCN_FRGNS | Foreigners | CHAR1 | CHAR |
136 | PCN_FRMTO | From/To category | PCN_FRMTO | CHAR |
137 | PCN_FSTID | Payment indicator for the first month and end month | PCN_FSTID | CHAR |
138 | PCN_FTTXT | From/To category text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
139 | PCN_FULLA | Full address | TEXT60 | CHAR |
140 | PCN_FUNTY | Public housing fund type | SUBTY_591A | CHAR |
141 | PCN_GOCAT | Purpose of going abroad | CHAR2 | CHAR |
142 | PCN_GODAT | Going abroad date | DATUM | DATS |
143 | PCN_GOUNI | Visiting unit | TEXT40 | CHAR |
144 | PCN_GRPNM | Group name | TEXT40 | CHAR |
145 | PCN_HIADR | Public housing fund authority institution address | AD_ADDRNUM | CHAR |
146 | PCN_HOSTC | Country/region | LAND1 | CHAR |
147 | PCN_ICNGR | Contribution group | PCN_ICNGR | CHAR |
148 | PCN_ICNGRT | Contribution Group Description | TEXT40 | CHAR |
149 | PCN_ICNLV | Contribution level | PCN_ICNLV | CHAR |
150 | PCN_ICNLVT | Contribution Level Description | TEXT40 | CHAR |
151 | PCN_ICNN0 | ID number | NUM18 | NUMC |
152 | PCN_ICNN1 | Region and city code of ID number | NUM06 | NUMC |
153 | PCN_ICNN2 | Birthday of ID number | NUM08 | NUMC |
154 | PCN_ICNN3 | Serial Number of ID number | NUM03 | NUMC |
155 | PCN_ICNN4 | Serial Number of ID number | NUM01 | NUMC |
156 | PCN_IDNUM | Identification number | TEXT20 | CHAR |
157 | PCN_IEEID | Indicator for EE base | PCN_IEEID | CHAR |
158 | PCN_IERID | Indicator for EE base | PCN_IERID | CHAR |
159 | PCN_IIADR | On-job injure insurance authority institution address | AD_ADDRNUM | CHAR |
160 | PCN_INCAC | Income Category Code | CHAR10 | CHAR |
161 | PCN_INCAT | Income category | PCN_INCAT | CHAR |
162 | PCN_INCCT | Income Category Text | TEXT50 | CHAR |
163 | PCN_INCHL | Annual Income High Limit | P_AMT07V | CURR |
164 | PCN_INCM1 | Taxable indicator: income group1 | XFELD | CHAR |
165 | PCN_INCM2 | Taxable indicator: income group2 | XFELD | CHAR |
166 | PCN_INCM3 | Taxable indicator: income group3 | XFELD | CHAR |
167 | PCN_INCM4 | Taxable indicator: income group4 | XFELD | CHAR |
168 | PCN_INCOR | Incorporate with New Law | CHAR1 | CHAR |
169 | PCN_INCTP | Income type | CHAR4 | CHAR |
170 | PCN_INCTY | Tax Income Type | CHAR1 | CHAR |
171 | PCN_INDIS | Indicator for dismissed | CHAR1 | CHAR |
172 | PCN_INERS | Early Retirement Subsidy | CHAR1 | CHAR |
173 | PCN_INFUL | Indicator of full member | CHAR1 | CHAR |
174 | PCN_INGRP | Income Category Grouping | PCN_INGRP | NUMC |
175 | PCN_INLTX | Occupation text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
176 | PCN_INMBS | Monthly Basic Salary | CHAR1 | CHAR |
177 | PCN_INNUM | Insurance number | CHAR20 | CHAR |
178 | PCN_INPRE | Indicator of temporary member | CHAR1 | CHAR |
179 | PCN_INRCP | Employer Contribution to Corporate Pension | CHAR1 | CHAR |
180 | PCN_INSPM | Severance Payment | CHAR1 | CHAR |
181 | PCN_INSTO | Stock Options | CHAR1 | CHAR |
182 | PCN_INTRD | Introducer | TEXT8 | CHAR |
183 | PCN_INTYP | Insurance type | SUBTY_591A | CHAR |
184 | PCN_INYEB | Year-End Bonus | CHAR1 | CHAR |
185 | PCN_JIWKD | Day type of join working day. | DATAR | CHAR |
186 | PCN_JOBDS | Job description | TEXT40 | CHAR |
187 | PCN_JOBTX | Position type text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
188 | PCN_JOBTY | Position type | PCN_JOBTY | CHAR |
189 | PCN_JOINU | Unit when joined | TEXT40 | CHAR |
190 | PCN_LEVMT | Availabe sick leave in month | DEC02 | DEC |
191 | PCN_LFILE | Local PC file | CHAR256 | CHAR |
192 | PCN_LIMIT | Limitation for Severance Pay | CHAR1 | CHAR |
193 | PCN_LIMTO | Limitation for Severance Pay | CHAR1 | CHAR |
194 | PCN_LPROT | Labor Protection | XFELD | CHAR |
195 | PCN_LSGRP | Group for Long Sick Leave | CHAR02 | CHAR |
196 | PCN_LSLID | Indicator for Long Sick Leave Deduction Calculation | XFELD | CHAR |
197 | PCN_LSLMT | Long Sick Leave in Month | NUM02 | NUMC |
198 | PCN_LSRTE | Long Sick Leave Salary Payment Rate | DEC3_2 | DEC |
199 | PCN_MCKID | Indicator for Medical Treatment Period Check | XFELD | CHAR |
200 | PCN_MIADR | Medical care insurance authority address | AD_ADDRNUM | CHAR |
201 | PCN_MINAR | Minimum Salary Area | PCN_MINAR | CHAR |
202 | PCN_MINAT | Minimum Salary Area Description | CHAR40K | CHAR |
203 | PCN_MIND0 | Default Minimum Salary Area | XFELD | CHAR |
204 | PCN_MIND1 | Exception in Minimum Salary | XFELD | CHAR |
205 | PCN_MINDE | Decide Minimum Salary Area by Feature MINAR | PCN_MINDE | CHAR |
206 | PCN_MINSA | Minimum Salary Amount | P_AMT07V | CURR |
207 | PCN_MINSH | Hourly Minimum Salary Amount | P_AMT07V | CURR |
208 | PCN_MINSM | Monthly Minimum Salary Amount | P_AMT07V | CURR |
209 | PCN_MINTX | Mnimum Tax Amount | P_AMT07V | CURR |
210 | PCN_MOCON | Switch period | MONTH | NUMC |
211 | PCN_MODIF1 | Group ID for Seniority Rules | MOABR | CHAR |
212 | PCN_MONHL | Monthly High Limitation for Tax Reduction Amount | P_AMT07V | CURR |
213 | PCN_MOSEL | Month Selection | TEXT12 | CHAR |
214 | PCN_MTCID | Group ID of Medical Treatment Check | CHAR2 | CHAR |
215 | PCN_MTEMT | Medical Treatment Entitlement | NUM02 | NUMC |
216 | PCN_MTINC | Minimum Tax Amount Included | AS4FLAG | CHAR |
217 | PCN_NPDAT | Date for Payment in Lieu of Notice | DATE | DATS |
218 | PCN_NPNOP | No Payment in Lieu of Notice | CHAR1 | CHAR |
219 | PCN_OCCTY | Occupation | PCN_OCCTY | CHAR |
220 | PCN_OCCUP | Occupation category | CHAR15 | CHAR |
221 | PCN_OCCUT | Occupation category Text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
222 | PCN_OLDLA | Include Old Regulation | CHAR1 | CHAR |
223 | PCN_ORGAS | Assignment unit | TEXT40 | CHAR |
224 | PCN_ORGGR | Assignment unit level | TEXT10 | CHAR |
225 | PCN_PABTX | Brief text for political affliation code | TEXT20 | CHAR |
226 | PCN_PAETX | Political affiliation exception type text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
227 | PCN_PAETY | Exception type | PCN_PAETY | CHAR |
228 | PCN_PASSR | Pass rule ER to EE | CHAR02 | CHAR |
229 | PCN_PATXT | Political affiliation text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
230 | PCN_PAYID | Payment id for social insurance | XFIELD | CHAR |
231 | PCN_PBYER | Who pays | PCN_PBYER | CHAR |
232 | PCN_PCODE | Political status | PCN_PCODE | CHAR |
233 | PCN_PDAT | Pay date | DDATE | DATS |
234 | PCN_PERU1 | Calculation rule for accumulated service year | PSEN_PROCE | CHAR |
235 | PCN_PERUL | Calculation rule for service year | PSEN_PROCE | CHAR |
236 | PCN_PHFAA | Public Housing Fund authority institution address | AD_ADDRNUM | CHAR |
237 | PCN_PHFAC | Public Housing Fund authority institution code | PCN_PHFAC | CHAR |
238 | PCN_PHFAN | Public Housing Fund authority institution name | TEXT40 | CHAR |
239 | PCN_PHFNM | Company's account of PHF | CHAR7 | CHAR |
240 | PCN_PHFNO | PHF account number | PCN_PHFNO | CHAR |
241 | PCN_PIADR | Pension insurance authority institution address | AD_ADDRNUM | CHAR |
242 | PCN_PITAX | Pre/post tax indicator | PCN_TAXYN | CHAR |
243 | PCN_PLACE | Personal file holding location | TEXT60 | CHAR |
244 | PCN_PLCOD | Personal file holding location code | PCN_PLCOD | CHAR |
245 | PCN_POSLT | Position level text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
246 | PCN_POSLV | Position level | PCN_POSLV | CHAR |
247 | PCN_POSNA | Position name | TEXT20 | CHAR |
248 | PCN_POSNC | Position name | PCN_POSNC | CHAR |
249 | PCN_POSNO | Position number | CHAR1 | CHAR |
250 | PCN_POSS1 | On the position: indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
251 | PCN_POSS2 | Off the position: indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
252 | PCN_POSSC | Position status | PCN_POSSC | CHAR |
253 | PCN_POSSQ | Position sequence number | CHAR2 | CHAR |
254 | PCN_POSTE | Position category code text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
255 | PCN_POSTT | Position transferring type | PCN_POSTT | CHAR |
256 | PCN_POSTY | Position category | PCN_POSTY | CHAR |
257 | PCN_POTAX | Post-tax indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
258 | PCN_PRCAR | Holder of Permanent Residence Card | CHAR1 | CHAR |
259 | PCN_PRCLS | Personal class status | PCN_PRCLS | CHAR |
260 | PCN_PRCLT | Social class text | PCN_PRCLT | CHAR |
261 | PCN_PRIDN | Personal identity | PCN_PRIDN | CHAR |
262 | PCN_PRIDT | Personal identity text | PCN_PRIDT | CHAR |
263 | PCN_PRJFD | Project field | TEXT20 | CHAR |
264 | PCN_PRJNA | Project or achievement name | TEXT40 | CHAR |
265 | PCN_PRJTP | Project type | PCN_PRJTP | CHAR |
266 | PCN_PROFI | Project profit | TEXT20 | CHAR |
267 | PCN_PRORU | Proration Rule | PCN_PRORU | CHAR |
268 | PCN_PRTAX | Pre-tax indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
269 | PCN_PRTBG | Output in Background Run | PCN_PRTBG | CHAR |
270 | PCN_PRTCL | Indicator: tax agreement | XFELD | CHAR |
271 | PCN_PSTAT | Party status | PCN_PSTAT | CHAR |
272 | PCN_PTEXT | Political status text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
273 | PCN_PTTXT | Project type text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
274 | PCN_PVISA | Visa type | ICTYP | CHAR |
275 | PCN_RACKY | Ethnic group | RACKY | CHAR |
276 | PCN_RATER | Tax Percentage Paid by Employer | DEC5_2 | DEC |
277 | PCN_REAMT | Tax Reduction Amount | P_AMT07V | CURR |
278 | PCN_REDAT | Return date | DATUM | DATS |
279 | PCN_REGIO | Province for China | PCN_REGIO | CHAR |
280 | PCN_REJEC | Reject reason | TEXT20 | CHAR |
281 | PCN_REPER | Tax Reduction Percentage | DEC5_3 | DEC |
282 | PCN_REPORTDATE | tax report date | DATUM | DATS |
283 | PCN_RLTXT | Text for role in project | TEXT20 | CHAR |
284 | PCN_RMVAP | Approval unit of removal | TEXT40 | CHAR |
285 | PCN_RMVMD | Removal mode | PCN_RMVMD | CHAR |
286 | PCN_RMVNO | Removal document number | NUMC10 | NUMC |
287 | PCN_RMVRS | Removal reason | PCN_RMVRS | CHAR |
288 | PCN_RTID1 | Group indicator of sick leave deduction rate | MOABR | CHAR |
289 | PCN_SALAR | Salary | P_AMT07V | CURR |
290 | PCN_SALRP | Salary | CHAR1 | CHAR |
291 | PCN_SAMER | Indicator: Work in same company | XFELD | CHAR |
292 | PCN_SEPAR | Calculate Severance Pay Separately | CHAR1 | CHAR |
293 | PCN_SIAUA | Social insurance authority institution address | AD_ADDRNUM | CHAR |
294 | PCN_SIAUC | Social insurance authority institution code | PCN_SIAUC | CHAR |
295 | PCN_SIAUN | Social insurance authority institution name | TEXT40 | CHAR |
296 | PCN_SLGRP | Sick Leave Group | CHAR02 | CHAR |
297 | PCN_SLMIN | Percentage of Minimum Salary for Long Sick Leave | DEC5_3 | DEC |
298 | PCN_SNAME | Selection Field Name | CHAR | |
299 | PCN_SOCLS | Social class status | PCN_PRCLS | CHAR |
300 | PCN_SPCRL | Special rule for tax calculation | PCN_SPCRL | CHAR |
301 | PCN_SPCRT | Special rule text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
302 | PCN_SPRAT | Special Payment Rate | DEC3_2 | DEC |
303 | PCN_SRVTO | To service year | NUM03 | NUMC |
304 | PCN_STATU | Job status | PCN_STATU | CHAR |
305 | PCN_STEXT | Job status text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
306 | PCN_STNUM | B.P. station number | NUM08 | NUMC |
307 | PCN_SUIAA | Address of Supplementary Insurance Authority | AD_ADDRNUM | CHAR |
308 | PCN_SUIAC | Code of Supplementary Insurance Authority | PCN_SUIAC | CHAR |
309 | PCN_SUIAN | Name of Supplementary Insurance Authority | TEXT40 | CHAR |
310 | PCN_SUITY | Supplementary Insurance Type | SUBTY_591A | CHAR |
311 | PCN_SUMUP | Sum up result | XFELD | CHAR |
312 | PCN_SVALE | Selection Field Result | CHAR100 | CHAR |
313 | PCN_TACUR | Tax Amount Currency | WAERS | CUKY |
314 | PCN_TAXAD | Tax authority institution name | TEXT60 | CHAR |
315 | PCN_TAXBALANCE | tax report banlance to next month | PRBETRG | CURR |
316 | PCN_TAXGP | Tax grouping for company | PCN_TAXGP | CHAR |
317 | PCN_TAXGPT | Tax Group Name | TEXT60 | CHAR |
318 | PCN_TAXID | Tax ID | CHAR18 | CHAR |
319 | PCN_TAXYN | Pre/post tax indicator | PCN_TAXYN | CHAR |
320 | PCN_TCRAC | Active Indicator for Tax Calculation Rule | AS4FLAG | CHAR |
321 | PCN_TCRID | Tax Calculation Rule | PCN_TCRID | CHAR |
322 | PCN_TCRIDT | Text for Tax Calculation Rule | TEXT80 | CHAR |
323 | PCN_TELNR | Telephone number | CHAR20 | CHAR |
324 | PCN_TERPA | Termination Payment Type | SUBTY_591A | CHAR |
325 | PCN_TIMES | Application date | DATUM | DATS |
326 | PCN_TRRUL | Tax Reduction Rules | PCN_TRRUL | CHAR |
327 | PCN_TXADR | Tax authority institution address | AD_ADDRNUM | CHAR |
328 | PCN_TXARE | Tax area | PCN_TXARE | CHAR |
329 | PCN_TXART | Tax area text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
330 | PCN_TXCPG | Indicator: Tax Paid by Employer for Corporate Pension(ER) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
331 | PCN_TXCTG | Tax Category | PCN_TXCTG | CHAR |
332 | PCN_TXERS | Tax on Early Retirement Subsidy Paid by Employer | CHAR1 | CHAR |
333 | PCN_TXFLG | Indicator: tax paid by employer | XFELD | CHAR |
334 | PCN_TXGRP | Tax rate grouping | PCN_TXGRP | CHAR |
335 | PCN_TXSAG | Indicator: tax paid by employer for Base Salary | CHAR1 | CHAR |
336 | PCN_TXSPG | Indicator: tax paid by employer for Severance Payments | CHAR1 | CHAR |
337 | PCN_TXUSE | Indicator: used tax split | XFELD | CHAR |
338 | PCN_TXYEG | Indicator: tax paid by employer for Year End Bonus | CHAR1 | CHAR |
339 | PCN_TYTXT | Contribution type text | PCN_TYTXT | CHAR |
340 | PCN_UIADR | Unemployment insurance authority institution address | AD_ADDRNUM | CHAR |
341 | PCN_USEFR | Used from -date | DATUM | DATS |
342 | PCN_USETO | Used to -date | DATUM | DATS |
343 | PCN_VSNUM | Visa number | CHAR30 | CHAR |
344 | PCN_YERHL | Yearly High Limitation for Tax Reduction Amount | P_AMT07V | CURR |
345 | PCOAL | Copy price from last purchase order | XFELD | CHAR |
346 | PCODC | Process code | PCODC | CHAR |
347 | PCODE | Payment Method | ZLSCH | CHAR |
348 | PCODE_1 | PRICAT: Qualifier for units of measure (profile) | PCODE_1 | CHAR |
349 | PCODE_FLB | Priority Code Lockbox | NUM02 | NUMC |
350 | PCODU | Process code for user-defined functions | PCODU | CHAR |
351 | PCOFCREPR_IT | Post code of the coty of residence of the representative | NUMC5 | NUMC |
352 | PCOMP | Sender global company | RCOMP | CHAR |
353 | PCOMSLIN | SLIN - Pseudo-Comment | CHAR | |
354 | PCONDAQ | FIMA: Percentage Rate of Condition Item | CHAR | |
355 | PCONDDAQ | FIMA: Date for Percentage Rate of Condition Item | CHAR | |
356 | PCONF_QTY | Confirmed Quantity | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
357 | PCONF_VAL | Confirmed Value | WERTV9 | CURR |
358 | PCON_ACTIVE_CONCEPT | Active Concept | PVS_POSVAR | CHAR |
359 | PCON_PNODE | Name of Concept Group | PVS_PNODE | CHAR |
360 | PCON_PNODETX | Concept Group | TEXT60 | CHAR |
361 | PCON_POSVAR | Concept | PVS_POSVAR | CHAR |
362 | PCOP1 | Admissibility indicator PC | PCOPT | CHAR |
363 | PCOPC | Copy pers.calc.rule | XFELD | CHAR |
364 | PCOPO | Copy Object | CHAR1 | CHAR |
365 | PCOPOR | Copy Object/Relationship | CHAR1 | CHAR |
366 | PCOPT | Indicator: store attendance/absence in personal calendar | XFELD | CHAR |
367 | PCOPY | Copying schema | XFELD | CHAR |
368 | PCOSL | Postal Giro end Record/Record Code | CHAR001 | CHAR |
369 | PCOST | Publication costs for advertisement | CURR12 | CURR |
370 | PCOUNT | Number of dunning notices for sample printout | INT1 | INT1 |
371 | PCO_KAABS | Account assignment type: Sender reconciliation object | CO_KONTKZ | NUMC |
372 | PCO_KAAUF | Account Assignment Type: Sender Order | CO_KONTKZ | NUMC |
373 | PCO_KAERG | Account Assignment Type: Sender Profitability Segment | CO_KONTKZ | NUMC |
374 | PCO_KAIMO | Account Assignment Type: Sender Real Estate Object | CO_KONTKZ | NUMC |
375 | PCO_KAKDA | Account Assignment Type: Sender Sales Order | CO_KONTKZ | NUMC |
376 | PCO_KAKST | Account Assignment Type: Sender Cost Center | CO_KONTKZ | NUMC |
377 | PCO_KAKTR | Account Assignment Type: Sender Cost Object | CO_KONTKZ | NUMC |
378 | PCO_KANPL | Account Assignment Type: Sender Network | CO_KONTKZ | NUMC |
379 | PCO_KAPRO | Account Assignment Type: Sender Project | CO_KONTKZ | NUMC |
380 | PCO_KAPRZ | Account Assignment Type: Sender Business Process | CO_KONTKZ | NUMC |
381 | PCPAY | Deductible percentage | PRZNT | DEC |
382 | PCPP_HRKFT | Values of Field HRKFT in Profit Center Planning | PCPP_HRKFT | CHAR |
383 | PCP_CHECKBOX | General checkbox | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
384 | PCP_PERTP | Period Distribution in Personnel Cost Planning | PCP_PERTP | CHAR |
385 | PCP_TEXT_LB | Cost Item Key/Name | CHAR25 | CHAR |
386 | PCRCH | Profit Center Accounting is active | PCRCH | CHAR |
387 | PCRD_NUMB | Extended Pass Number for Check-in at Plant Grounds | PCRD_NUMB | CHAR |
388 | PCRQYBP | Increment applied to special buy quantity for reconciliation | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
389 | PCRQYNL | Increment applied on normal lot quantity for reconciliation | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
390 | PCSEP | Indicator: Separator (Character Template) | CHAR20 | CHAR |
391 | PCSGN | Indicator: +/- sign character (character template) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
392 | PCSMP | Maternity pay percentage payable | PRZNT | DEC |
393 | PCST1 | Status from pair formation | PCST1 | CHAR |
394 | PCST2 | Status from time evaluation | CHAR1 | CHAR |
395 | PCSTDAY | Start of validity period of production campaign | DATUM | DATS |
396 | PCSTORELOC_0 | Table as Temp. Storage/Storage Location | XFELD | CHAR |
397 | PCSTORELOC_1 | External File System as Storage Location | XFELD | CHAR |
398 | PCSTORELOC_2 | Storage Using KPro | XFELD | CHAR |
399 | PCSTORELOC_3 | Storage Characteristic 3: Using Archive Link | XFELD | CHAR |
400 | PCSTTIME | Start of production campaign (time) | ATIME | TIMS |
401 | PCTEE | Employee percentage of lower band | PRZNT | DEC |
402 | PCTER | Employer percentage of lower band | PRZNT | DEC |
403 | PCTFREE | Oracle: dba_tables.pct_free | DEC17 | DEC |
404 | PCTIN | Percent indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
405 | PCTINC | PCTincrease - parameters | PCTINC | NUMC |
406 | PCTINCR | Oracle: dba_tables.pct_increase | DEC17 | DEC |
407 | PCTK1 | Employee contribution | XFELD | CHAR |
408 | PCTKD | Percent indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
409 | PCTMX | Maximum annual salary increase expressed as a percentage | DEC3_2 | DEC |
410 | PCTO | Profit center to | PRCTR | CHAR |
411 | PCTRF | Profit Center for Billing | PRCTR | CHAR |
412 | PCTRY_CA | Country in Which the Package Is Offered | LAND1 | CHAR |
413 | PCTR_NAME | General Name | TEXT20 | CHAR |
414 | PCTSS | Employee percentage of salary sacrifice | PRZNT | DEC |
415 | PCTUSED | Percent of Space Used | INT4 | INT4 |
416 | PCTUSEDORA | Oracle: dba_tables.pct_used | DEC17 | DEC |
417 | PCTXT | Description of Production Campaign | TEXT40 | CHAR |
418 | PCT_FLAG | Flag for percentage threshold value (X = allowed) | XFLAG | CHAR |
419 | PCT_FREE | Pct free | DEC17 | DEC |
420 | PCT_FREE_ | PCT_FREE | DEC14 | DEC |
421 | PCT_INC | Percent increase (dba_segments) | DEC14 | DEC |
422 | PCT_INCR | percentage increase | INT4 | |
423 | PCT_USED | % used | DEC17 | DEC |
424 | PCT_USED_ | PCT_USED | DEC14 | DEC |
425 | PCURR | Currency Entered ('T' 'H' 'K') | PCURR | CHAR |
426 | PCWAS | Indicator for special handling of goods movements in EC-PCA | PCWAS | CHAR |
427 | PCWFOBJID1 | First workflow agent ID for procurement card | CHAR12 | CHAR |
428 | PCWFOBJID2 | Second workflow agent ID for procurement card | CHAR12 | CHAR |
429 | PCWFOTYPE1 | Workflow agent type 1 for procurement card | PCOTYPE | CHAR |
430 | PCWFOTYPE2 | Workflow agent type 2 for procurement card | PCOTYPE | CHAR |
431 | PCYCLE | Indicator: Cyclical Scrolling | NUM1_01 | NUMC |
432 | PC_ABDATUM | Date for Billing Data Change | DATUM | DATS |
433 | PC_ADRTX | HR-B2A: Receiver text | TEXT70 | CHAR |
434 | PC_APOKZ | Indicator of whether the prod. camp. is relevant for APO | APOKZ | CHAR |
435 | PC_AUFT | Checkbox for order selection | XFELD | CHAR |
436 | PC_B2AID | B2A Identification | CHAR32 | CHAR |
437 | PC_B2A_ACTIO | HR-B2A: Authorization Check - Action | PC_B2A_ACTIO | CHAR |
438 | PC_B2A_ADRES | HR-B2A: Recipient | AD_ADDRNUM | CHAR |
439 | PC_B2A_ADRS_TXT | HR-B2A: Recipient Text | CHAR50 | CHAR |
440 | PC_B2A_ADRTX | HR-B2A: Recipient Text | TEXT70 | CHAR |
441 | PC_B2A_ATYPE | Name of Application Type | CHAR | |
442 | PC_B2A_B2AID | B2A Identifier | CHAR32 | CHAR |
443 | PC_B2A_BACOM | HR-B2A: Communication Method | PC_B2A_BACOM | NUMC |
444 | PC_B2A_BADCF | HR-B2A: Document Format | PC_B2A_BADCF | NUMC |
445 | PC_B2A_BADOC | HR-B2A: B2A Document | SEOCLSNAME | CHAR |
446 | PC_B2A_BAFMT | HR-B2A: B2A Format | PC_B2A_BAFMT | CHAR |
447 | PC_B2A_BASIG | HR-B2A: Signature | XFELD | CHAR |
448 | PC_B2A_BASSF | HR-B2A: Encryption | PC_B2A_BASSF | NUMC |
449 | PC_B2A_BEGDA | Start Date | DATS | DATS |
450 | PC_B2A_BGC | B2A: Background Log | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
451 | PC_B2A_BICON | HR-B2A: Layout ALV, Message Icon | CHAR04 | CHAR |
452 | PC_B2A_BMSID | HR-B2A: Message Identifier | CHAR32 | CHAR |
453 | PC_B2A_BNDAT | HR-B2A: Contribution Statement CHAR Field for Temse File | CHAR | |
454 | PC_B2A_BNR | B2A: Company Number | BTRNR | CHAR |
455 | PC_B2A_BNRAG | B2A: Company Number of Employer | BTRNR | CHAR |
456 | PC_B2A_BNRKK | B2A: Company Number | BTRNR | CHAR |
457 | PC_B2A_BTRTL | HR-B2A: Authorization Check - Personnel Subarea | BTRTL | CHAR |
458 | PC_B2A_CHAR255 | HR-B2A: Text Length 255 | PC_B2A_CHAR255 | CHAR |
459 | PC_B2A_CNT | B2A: Number of Entry in Protocol | NUMC06 | NUMC |
460 | PC_B2A_COLOR | HR-B2A: Layout ALV, Line Color | CHAR4 | CHAR |
461 | PC_B2A_CONTENT | HR-B2A: Content of Transfer Data | PC_B2A_CONTENT | CHAR |
462 | PC_B2A_DATUM | B2A: Date | DATS | |
463 | PC_B2A_DN | DN | PC_B2A_KWERT | CHAR |
464 | PC_B2A_DOCTX | HR-B2A: Text for Document Classes | TEXT70 | CHAR |
465 | PC_B2A_DOCTY | HR-B2A: Document Class | CHAR4 | CHAR |
466 | PC_B2A_DOKU | Flag Documentation Status/Substatus Change | XFELD | CHAR |
467 | PC_B2A_DSSFL | HR-B2A: Send Flag | XFELD | CHAR |
468 | PC_B2A_DTYPE | Data Type | CHAR | |
469 | PC_B2A_EMAIL | HRB2A: E-mail Address | TEXT80 | CHAR |
470 | PC_B2A_ENDDA | End Date | DATS | DATS |
471 | PC_B2A_FILENAME | B2A: File Name | PC_B2A_CONTENT | CHAR |
472 | PC_B2A_FILESIZE | HR-B2A: Length of File/String | INT2 | |
473 | PC_B2A_FLD | B2A: Entry in Tree Text/File | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
474 | PC_B2A_FMTTX | HR-B2A: Text to B2A Format | CHAR70 | CHAR |
475 | PC_B2A_FNAME | B2A: Company Name | PC_B2A_KWERT | CHAR |
476 | PC_B2A_GDATE | Creation/Change Date of Data Record | DATS | DATS |
477 | PC_B2A_GLBID | HR B2A: Global Object ID | CHAR32 | CHAR |
478 | PC_B2A_GLBID_UI_GB | HR-B2A: globale ObjektID | CHAR32 | CHAR |
479 | PC_B2A_GLHFL | HR-B2A: Global History Flag | XFELD | CHAR |
480 | PC_B2A_GTIME | Creation/Change Time of Data Record | UZEIT | TIMS |
481 | PC_B2A_HICON | HR-B2A: Layout ALV, Icon for History | CHAR04 | CHAR |
482 | PC_B2A_HISFL | HR-B2A: History Flag | XFELD | CHAR |
483 | PC_B2A_ICO | B2A: Icon for Log | NUMC03 | NUMC |
484 | PC_B2A_INPUT | Entry Category for Diverse Classe | RSTR | |
485 | PC_B2A_JOBABORT | Job Termination for B2A Manager Errors in Batch | XFELD | CHAR |
486 | PC_B2A_JOBABORT_06 | Interruption B2A-manager-errors in Batch mode | XFELD | CHAR |
487 | PC_B2A_JOBABORT_12 | B2A Manager termination - errors in Batch mode | XFELD | CHAR |
488 | PC_B2A_KK_EMAIL | B2A: E-Mail Address of CA | PC_B2A_KWERT | CHAR |
489 | PC_B2A_KON | HR-B2A: Constant | CHAR5 | CHAR |
490 | PC_B2A_KONTX | HR-B2A: Text for Document Classes | TEXT70 | CHAR |
491 | PC_B2A_KONW | HR-B2A: Constant Value | PC_B2A_KWERT | CHAR |
492 | PC_B2A_LCOUNT | HR-B2A: Line Number | NUM4 | NUMC |
493 | PC_B2A_LENGTH | HR-B2A: Length of Entry | NUMC3 | NUMC |
494 | PC_B2A_LEV | B2A: Level in Protocol | NUMC04 | NUMC |
495 | PC_B2A_LTYPE | HR-B2A: Line Type of Transfer Data | PC_B2A_LTYPE | NUMC |
496 | PC_B2A_LTYPENO | HR-B2A: Number per Line Type of Transfer Data | NUM2 | NUMC |
497 | PC_B2A_MANU | HR-B2A: Manual Status Switch | CHAR1 | CHAR |
498 | PC_B2A_METHOD | HR-B2A: Method Within B2A | CHAR30 | CHAR |
499 | PC_B2A_MTYPE | HR-B2A: Message Type | PC_B2A_MTYPE | CHAR |
500 | PC_B2A_NICON | HR-B2A: ALV Layout, Icon for Notes | CHAR4 | CHAR |