SAP ABAP Data Element - Index P, page 84
- P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 P-10 P-11 P-12 P-13 P-14 P-15 P-16 P-17 P-18 P-19 P-20 P-21 P-22 P-23 P-24 P-25 P-26 P-27 P-28 P-29 P-30 P-31 P-32 P-33 P-34 P-35 P-36 P-37 P-38 P-39 P-40 P-41 P-42 P-43 P-44 P-45 P-46 P-47 P-48 P-49 P-50 P-51 P-52 P-53 P-54 P-55 P-56 P-57 P-58 P-59 P-60 P-61 P-62 P-63 P-64 P-65 P-66 P-67 P-68 P-69 P-70 P-71 P-72 P-73 P-74 P-75 P-76 P-77 P-78 P-79 P-80 P-81 P-82 P-83 P-84 P-85 P-86 P-87 P-88 P-89 P-90 P-91 P-92 P-93 P-94 P-95 P-96 P-97 P-98 P-99 P-100 P-101 P-102 P-103 P-104 P-105 P-106 P-107 P-108 P-109 P-110 P-111 P-112 P-113 P-114 P-115 P-116 P-117 P-118 P-119 P-120 P-121 P-122 P-123 P-124 P-125 P-126 P-127 P-128 P-129 P-130
Data Element - P
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | PIN_ILMIT | Section 24 Deduction Interest Limit | CHAR12 | CHAR |
2 | PIN_ILRPP | Incremental Rs. per point increase in CPI | CURR6 | CURR |
3 | PIN_ILVAL | Incremental value for DA | CURR12 | CURR |
6 | PIN_INDCD | Index code for various consumer price indices | CHAR4 | CHAR |
7 | PIN_INDTX | Text descrption for index code | TEXT40 | CHAR |
8 | PIN_INT24 | Deduction towards Interest Under Section 24 | CURR9 | CURR |
9 | PIN_INT3 | 3-Character Integer Field | PIN_NUM3 | NUMC |
10 | PIN_INTBD | Begin date of Suspension | DATS | DATS |
11 | PIN_INTED | End date of Suspension | DATS | DATS |
12 | PIN_INTRE | Effective date of restoration | DATS | DATS |
13 | PIN_INTRM | Bonus payment as per Interim / Final Bonus method | XFELD | CHAR |
14 | PIN_INTRS | Income from interest ( from fixed deposits etc ) | CURR9 | CURR |
15 | PIN_INTYP | Income Type From Other Sources | CHAR4 | CHAR |
16 | PIN_INVDT | Begin date of investigation | DATS | DATS |
17 | PIN_INVMT | Investment Amount | CURR9 | CURR |
18 | PIN_INVPR | Investigating officer's per no. | PERSNO | NUMC |
19 | PIN_IPAMT | In-Process Value | PRANZHL | DEC |
20 | PIN_ISACT | Flag that sets Active Status of a File Type | XFELD | CHAR |
21 | PIN_ISAMT | Is Amount | FLAG | CHAR |
22 | PIN_ISATV | Is Active | XFELD | CHAR |
23 | PIN_ISCBV | Is Calculate Button Visible | XFELD | CHAR |
24 | PIN_ISCLD | Claim Complete | XFELD | CHAR |
25 | PIN_ISCLO | Advance Closed | XFELD | CHAR |
26 | PIN_ISCMP | Data Compressed | XFELD | CHAR |
27 | PIN_ISDT | HR IN PS: Notification Issue date | DATUM | DATS |
28 | PIN_ISMST | Mail Sent | FLAG | CHAR |
29 | PIN_ISRDO | Read Only | XFELD | CHAR |
30 | PIN_ISSEL | Dependent Selected | XFELD | CHAR |
31 | PIN_IS_COMPLETED | Trip Completed | FLAG | CHAR |
32 | PIN_IS_ENABLE_APP | Field Is Enabled For Approver | FLAG | CHAR |
33 | PIN_IS_ENABLE_EMP | Field Enabled For Employee | FLAG | CHAR |
34 | PIN_IS_LAST | Last Claim for LTC or Not | FLAG | CHAR |
35 | PIN_IS_LTC | Flag to Specify LTC Rimbursement Type | FLAG | CHAR |
36 | PIN_IS_MANDATORY | Customer Field Mandatory or Not | FLAG | CHAR |
37 | PIN_IS_READONLY_APP | Field Read Only For Approver | FLAG | CHAR |
38 | PIN_IS_READONLY_EMP | Field Read Only For Employee | FLAG | CHAR |
39 | PIN_IS_VISIBLE_APP | Field Visible To Approver or Not | FLAG | CHAR |
40 | PIN_IS_VISIBLE_EMP | Field Visible To Employee or Not | FLAG | CHAR |
41 | PIN_ITBDT | Infotype Begin Date | DATUM | DATS |
42 | PIN_ITDES | Technical description of investment | TEXT20 | CHAR |
43 | PIN_ITEXT | Investment Text | TEXT80 | CHAR |
44 | PIN_ITLMT | Investment Limit | CURR9 | CURR |
45 | PIN_ITUDT | Infotype Update Date | DATUM | DATS |
46 | PIN_IUSNAM | HR IN PS: Issuer name | USNAM | CHAR |
47 | PIN_JBGDT | Journey begin date | DATE | DATS |
48 | PIN_JENDT | Journey end date | DATE | DATS |
49 | PIN_JOIND | Date reported to Authorities | DATS | DATS |
50 | PIN_KEYFLD | Key Field | PIN_KEYFLD | CHAR |
51 | PIN_KOKRS_TXT | Controlling Area Text | TEXT80 | CHAR |
52 | PIN_KOSTL_TXT | Cost Center Text | TEXT80 | CHAR |
53 | PIN_LCHDT | Last Change Date | DATUM | DATS |
54 | PIN_LCHTM | Last Change Time | TIME | TIMS |
55 | PIN_LCUID | Last Change By User ID | USRID | CHAR |
56 | PIN_LCUID_TXT | Name of Last Changed By User | TEXT80 | CHAR |
57 | PIN_LCUPR | Max. months allowed between current & previous loan S or E | PIN_LCUPR | NUMC |
58 | PIN_LDAD1 | Landlord's Address Line 1 | TEXT35 | CHAR |
59 | PIN_LDADD | Landlord's address | TEXT35 | CHAR |
60 | PIN_LDATE | Loan Start Date | DATUM | DATS |
61 | PIN_LDISC | Tranche Disbursement schedule | PIN_LDISC | DEC |
62 | PIN_LDITY | Type of Tranche | PIN_LDITY | CHAR |
63 | PIN_LEAEX | Leave Encashment Exemption Amount | CURR9 | CURR |
64 | PIN_LEAGE | Age of the employee | PIN_LEAGE | NUMC |
65 | PIN_LECOD | Event Codes of Tranche - Disbursement Plan | PIN_LECOD | NUMC |
66 | PIN_LEPER | Dedn. Int. End Accounting Month | NUMC2 | NUMC |
67 | PIN_LETVL | Final lettable value | CURR12 | CURR |
68 | PIN_LETXT | Text for events of disbursement Plan | PIN_LETXT | CHAR |
69 | PIN_LEXPR | Experience in the Company | PIN_LEXPR | NUMC |
70 | PIN_LFIXA | Fixed Amount (for determining loan amount upper limit) | PIN_LFIXA | CURR |
71 | PIN_LINDX | Line Index | NUMC6 | NUMC |
72 | PIN_LINUM | Line Number | NUMC4 | NUMC |
73 | PIN_LINUM_NU | Line Number - Not Used | NUMC3 | NUMC |
74 | PIN_LIREQ_STAT | Status (Approved / Rejected) | LIRST | CHAR |
75 | PIN_LLMIT | Section 24 Deduction Interest Limit | CHAR5 | CHAR |
76 | PIN_LMNL1 | Max. no. of loans that can be taken by employee at a time | PIN_LMNL1 | NUMC |
77 | PIN_LMNL2 | Max. no. of loans that can be taken by an employee | PIN_LMNL2 | NUMC |
78 | PIN_LMTIM | Max. no of months a loan can be taken to | PIN_LMTIM | NUMC |
79 | PIN_LMVAL | Maximum value of loans outstanding for an employee | PIN_LMVAL | CURR |
80 | PIN_LNKTX | Text for Link on ESS screen | TEXT50 | CHAR |
81 | PIN_LNLIM | Loan limit | CURR12 | CURR |
82 | PIN_LOAN_SUBTYPE | Loan Subtype | SUBTY_591A | CHAR |
83 | PIN_LOGRP | Loan Grouping (India) determined in feature 40LGR | PIN_LOGRP | CHAR |
84 | PIN_LOLIM | Low limit of amount | PRBETRG | CURR |
85 | PIN_LOSS_OF_PAY | Loss of payment period | PIN_LOSS_OF_PAY | NUMC |
86 | PIN_LOSS_OF_PAYMENT | Loss of payment period | PIN_LOSS_OF_PAYMENT | NUMC |
87 | PIN_LPERA | % Assset Value(for determining loan amount upper limit) | PIN_LPERA | DEC |
88 | PIN_LRFLG | Form 24q Live Run Indicator | CHAR | |
89 | PIN_LSALF | Salary Factor (for determining loan amount upper limit) | PIN_LSALF | DEC |
90 | PIN_LSEQN | Sequence number for Tranche for a Loan grouping | PIN_LSEQN | NUMC |
91 | PIN_LSPER | Dedn. Int. Start Accounting Month | NUMC2 | NUMC |
92 | PIN_LTACF | Whether carried forward from the previous block of 4 years. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
93 | PIN_LTAEX | Number of LTA exemptions availed in the current block . | NUMC02 | NUMC |
94 | PIN_LTC_BEGDA | LTC Block Begin Date | DATUM | DATS |
96 | PIN_LTC_ELG_BEGDA | LTC Eligibility Begin Date | DATE | DATS |
97 | PIN_LTC_ELG_ENDDA | LTC Eligibility End Date | DATE | DATS |
98 | PIN_LTC_ENDDA | LTC Block End Date | DATUM | DATS |
99 | PIN_LTC_ISELG | Is Eligible for LTC | XFELD | CHAR |
100 | PIN_LTC_QUOTA | LTC Quota Sequence Number | NUMC4 | NUMC |
101 | PIN_LTC_SCHEME_CODE | LTC Scheme Code | CHAR4 | CHAR |
102 | PIN_LTC_SCHEME_TXT | Scheme Text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
104 | PIN_LTEXC | Event Codes of Disbursement Plan | PIN_LTEXC | NUMC |
105 | PIN_LTIME | Time Duration for each sequence number of tranche | PIN_LTIME | NUMC |
106 | PIN_LTORR | Select Previous loan start or end for LCUPR | PIN_LTORR | CHAR |
107 | PIN_LTTXT | Detail description of Offence | TEXT72 | CHAR |
108 | PIN_LUNIT | Time duration unit for a tranche sequence | PIN_LUNIT | CHAR |
109 | PIN_LVEED | Leave end date | DATS | DATS |
110 | PIN_LVESD | Leave start date | DATS | DATS |
111 | PIN_LWFCK | Contributing to Labour Welfare Fund | CHAR1 | CHAR |
112 | PIN_LWFEE | Employee LWF contribution | CURR6 | CURR |
113 | PIN_LWFEG | EG/ESG Grouping for LWF | CHAR2 | CHAR |
114 | PIN_LWFER | Employer LWF contribution | CURR6 | CURR |
115 | PIN_LWFID | LWF Identifier | CHAR2 | CHAR |
116 | PIN_LWGRP | Personnel subarea grouping for Labour Welfare Fund | NUM02 | NUMC |
117 | PIN_LWTXT | Text to identify LWF States | CHAR32 | CHAR |
118 | PIN_MAXBS | Maximum basic amount | CURR9 | CURR |
119 | PIN_MAX_TIME_GAP | Maximun Time Gap allowed | RPMSH | CHAR |
120 | PIN_MCUS_FLD | Multiple Line Customer Field | CHAR30 | CHAR |
121 | PIN_MDL_ROSTER_DET_ID | Model Roster Detail IDs (Time independent) | PIN_MDL_ROSTER_ID | CHAR |
122 | PIN_MDL_RSTR_BEGDA | Model Roster Start Date | DATUM | DATS |
123 | PIN_MDL_RSTR_ENDDA | Model Roster End Date | DATUM | DATS |
124 | PIN_MEDEX | Medical exemption availed so far | CURR9 | CURR |
125 | PIN_MERIT_IND | Merit Indicator of the employee | FLAG | CHAR |
126 | PIN_METHD | Method to be called | CHAR8 | CHAR |
127 | PIN_METRO | Whether metro | CHAR1 | CHAR |
128 | PIN_MGR_STATS | IPS: Request status wrt Manager's approval | PIN_MGR_STATUS | CHAR |
129 | PIN_MINBS | Minimum Basic Amount | CURR9 | CURR |
130 | PIN_MINCK | Medical insurance check | CHAR1 | CHAR |
131 | PIN_MINCK_FLAG | Medical Insurance | PIN_MINCK_FLAG | CHAR |
132 | PIN_MINDY | Minimum number of days in the period for tax deduction | NUM3 | NUMC |
133 | PIN_MINST | Name of the Ministry | PIN_MNSTR | CHAR |
134 | PIN_MISCD | Date of miscarriage | DATS | DATS |
135 | PIN_MLCCH | Multiple Line Content Changed | XFELD | CHAR |
136 | PIN_MLCNT | Document ID to hold the Dialog Text for E-mail Content | DOKU_OBJ | CHAR |
137 | PIN_MNVDA | Minimum vda amount for incremental basic slab based calc. | CURR12 | CURR |
138 | PIN_MODE | Payment Mode of the Request | PIN_MODE | CHAR |
139 | PIN_MODEL_ROSTER_ID | Model Roster ID (Time dependent) | PIN_MDL_ROSTER_ID | CHAR |
140 | PIN_MONTH | Calculation base | MONTH | NUMC |
141 | PIN_MONWT | Monthly Wagetype | LGART | CHAR |
142 | PIN_MTRVL | Mode of travel | TEXT50 | CHAR |
143 | PIN_MTRVL_PS | Mode of Travel | PIN_MTRVL_PS | CHAR |
144 | PIN_MTYPE | Method type for calculation method of Dearness allowance | PIN_MTYPE | NUMC |
145 | PIN_MUF16 | Multiple Form 16 used in orgnisation | CHAR8 | CHAR |
146 | PIN_MULSEL | Multiple dependant selection flag | PIN_DEL_IND | CHAR |
147 | PIN_MUL_AMT | Use Amount At Multiple Line | XFELD | CHAR |
148 | PIN_MUL_LINE | Flag to set the Multiple line | XFELD | CHAR |
149 | PIN_MUTEX | Mutually Exclusive | XFELD | CHAR |
150 | PIN_MXLMT | Max limit (amount) | CURR9 | CURR |
151 | PIN_NEGRP | Personnel area/subarea grouping for north east tax exemption | XFELD | CHAR |
152 | PIN_NEW_RESCAT | New Reservation Category | PIN_RSV_CTGRY | CHAR |
153 | PIN_NFLOW | Normal Flow Indicator | FLAG | CHAR |
154 | PIN_NHEBD | HR IN PS: Next Hearing Begin Date | DATUM | DATS |
155 | PIN_NMADD | Nominee's address | TEXT60 | CHAR |
156 | PIN_NMCRL | Name of Professional tax office circle | CHAR20 | CHAR |
157 | PIN_NNAME | Nomimee's name | CHAR30 | CHAR |
158 | PIN_NOCRL | Professional tax office circle number | CHAR12 | CHAR |
159 | PIN_NODAY | Number of days employee was out of country | NUM03 | NUMC |
160 | PIN_NODYS | Minimum no. of days of leave to be taken | INT1 | INT1 |
161 | PIN_NOEMP | Number of Employees | INT4 | |
162 | PIN_NONDED_RES | Reason for non-deduction | PIN_NONDED_RES | CHAR |
163 | PIN_NOPLV | No pay leave | XFELD | CHAR |
164 | PIN_NOTED | Pregnancy Notification date | DATS | DATS |
165 | PIN_NOTPC | Period of notice code | NUMC2 | NUMC |
166 | PIN_NOVEH | Does not avail vehicle | CHAR001 | CHAR |
167 | PIN_NOVRW | Number of Visible Rows | NUMC3 | NUMC |
168 | PIN_NPATR | Number Of Separate Travel Allowed | NUMC2 | NUMC |
169 | PIN_NPCMT | Comment Field for Normal Pregnancy | CHAR50 | CHAR |
170 | PIN_NPDUR | Duration of notice period | INT1 | INT1 |
171 | PIN_NPTXT | Period of notice text | CHAR20 | CHAR |
172 | PIN_NRINC | Number of incremnts | INT1 | INT1 |
173 | PIN_NUM02 | Sequence number | NUM02 | NUMC |
174 | PIN_NUM06 | Numeric field: Length 6 | NUM06 | NUMC |
175 | PIN_NUMBR | Number field - Store HP or CC of car | NUMC5 | NUMC |
176 | PIN_NUM_IN_4Y_BLOCK | Number In Four Year Block | NUMC2 | NUMC |
177 | PIN_NWFRM5 | New Form 5 of the Employee State Insurance | XFELD | CHAR |
178 | PIN_NWFRM6 | New Form 6 of the Employee State Insurance | XFELD | CHAR |
179 | PIN_OBJTY | HR IN PS: Internal / External | PIN_OBJTY | CHAR |
180 | PIN_OBSELETE_F | Obsolete Indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
181 | PIN_OCPVD | Offcycle Provided | FLAG | CHAR |
182 | PIN_OCREQ | Offcycle Requested | FLAG | CHAR |
183 | PIN_ODATE | Offcylce run Date | DATUM | DATS |
184 | PIN_OEFILE | e-File Output Location | CHAR | |
185 | PIN_OFCYCLE_DT | Off-Cycle Payroll Date for a Reimbursement Type | DATUM | DATS |
186 | PIN_OFFCD | Offence code | PIN_OFFCD | CHAR |
187 | PIN_OFFCYCLE_F | Off cycle Indicator | PIN_DEL_IND | CHAR |
188 | PIN_OFFCYDT | Off-cycle payroll payment date | DATUM | DATS |
189 | PIN_OFFDT | Date of offence | DATS | DATS |
190 | PIN_OFFGR | Offence grouping | PIN_OFFGR | CHAR |
191 | PIN_OFFGX | Description of offence grouping | TEXT50 | CHAR |
192 | PIN_OFFPY | AWS payment by off-cycle run | XFELD | CHAR |
193 | PIN_OFFSR | HR IN PS: Offence Details Source | PIN_OFFSR | CHAR |
194 | PIN_OFFSRT | Text source of offence | TEXT40 | CHAR |
195 | PIN_OFLTX | Long description of Offence | TEXT72 | CHAR |
196 | PIN_OFSTX | Short description of Offence | TEXT15 | CHAR |
197 | PIN_OLD_RESCAT | Old Reservation Category | PIN_RSV_CTGRY | CHAR |
198 | PIN_ON_ACTUALS | On Actuals | FLAG | CHAR |
199 | PIN_OPERATION_MODE | The Mode of Operation from Front End to Back End | FLAG | CHAR |
200 | PIN_OPFRQ | Off-Cycle Payment Frequency | PIN_OPFRQ | CHAR |
201 | PIN_OPTIN | Increment option | PIN_OPTIN | CHAR |
202 | PIN_OPTION | Request Type | PIN_OPTION | CHAR |
203 | PIN_ORGDC | Checkbox to indicate original document | CHAR1 | CHAR |
204 | PIN_ORGEH_TXT | Organizational Unit Text | TEXT80 | CHAR |
205 | PIN_OTH24 | Deductions - 'others' under section 24 | CURR9 | CURR |
206 | PIN_OTHMN | Name of Other Ministry | CHAR | |
207 | PIN_OUTAT | Amount of Penalty | P_AMT07V | CURR |
208 | PIN_OUTCD | Outcome code | PIN_OUTCD | CHAR |
209 | PIN_OUTDE | Begin date of Outcome | DATS | DATS |
210 | PIN_OUTDF | End date of Outcome | DATS | DATS |
211 | PIN_OUTDR | Duration of outcome | NUM03 | NUMC |
212 | PIN_OUTMT | Unit of Time/Measurement | PIN_OUTMT | CHAR |
213 | PIN_OUTTX | Description of outcome | TEXT72 | CHAR |
214 | PIN_OVERI | Manual change Indicator | CHAR01 | CHAR |
215 | PIN_OWNFW | Own a four wheeler | CHAR001 | CHAR |
216 | PIN_OWNTW | Own a two wheeler | CHAR001 | CHAR |
217 | PIN_PAAWG | Pick Approvers Associated with Group | XFELD | CHAR |
218 | PIN_PANNO | Permanent account number of the employer | CHAR15 | CHAR |
219 | PIN_PARTIALLY_CLAIM | Partial Claim | FLAG | CHAR |
220 | PIN_PART_NUMBER | Part Number | NUMC2 | NUMC |
221 | PIN_PAYDT | Payment date for Bonus | DATUM | DATS |
222 | PIN_PAYDTE | Tax Deduction Date | DATUM | DATS |
223 | PIN_PAYED | EDLI Payee or not | PIN_PAYED | CHAR |
224 | PIN_PAYMD | Description for mode of Payment for LWF-Maharastra | CHAR15 | CHAR |
225 | PIN_PAYMENT_MODE | Payment Mode Of The Request | PIN_PAYMENT_MODE | CHAR |
226 | PIN_PAY_SCALE_INFO | Pay scale Information | CHAR12 | CHAR |
227 | PIN_PA_CL | Personnel Action Types for Correspondance Letter | PIN_PA_CL | CHAR |
228 | PIN_PA_ROSTER | Personnel Action Types for Rosters | PIN_PA_ROSTER | CHAR |
229 | PIN_PBTRTL | HR IN PS: Proposed Personel Sub Area | BTRTL | CHAR |
230 | PIN_PCNTR | Proposed contribution | CURR9 | CURR |
231 | PIN_PDAMT | Paid amount | CURR12 | CURR |
232 | PIN_PDATE | date of payment for LWF-maharastra | SYDATS | DATS |
233 | PIN_PDATUM | HR IN PS: Proposed Effective Date | DATUM | DATS |
234 | PIN_PDVAL | Paid Value | PRANZHL | DEC |
235 | PIN_PEFRQ | Period Frequency | PIN_PEFRQ | NUMC |
236 | PIN_PENID | Pension trust ID | CHAR4 | CHAR |
237 | PIN_PERCD | Period Code | CHAR6 | CHAR |
238 | PIN_PERCT_BASE | Cadre Strength | NUM06 | NUMC |
239 | PIN_PERCT_HH | Percent HH | CHAR6 | CHAR |
240 | PIN_PERCT_OBC | Percentage OBC | CHAR6 | CHAR |
241 | PIN_PERCT_OH | Percent OH | CHAR6 | CHAR |
242 | PIN_PERCT_SC | Percentage SC | CHAR6 | CHAR |
243 | PIN_PERCT_ST | Percentage ST | CHAR6 | CHAR |
244 | PIN_PERCT_VH | Percent VH | CHAR6 | CHAR |
245 | PIN_PERNR | HR IN PS: Personal Number | PERSNO | NUMC |
246 | PIN_PERNR_TXT | Employee Name | TEXT80 | CHAR |
247 | PIN_PERSG_TXT | Employee Group Text | TEXT80 | CHAR |
248 | PIN_PERSK_TXT | Employee Subgroup Text | TEXT80 | CHAR |
249 | PIN_PETYP | Period Type | PIN_PETYP | CHAR |
250 | PIN_PFADM | Provident fund administrative charges | PIN_DEC02 | DEC |
251 | PIN_PFAMT | Transferred PF amount | PRBETRG | CURR |
252 | PIN_PFBAS | Basis for Employer's PF Contribution | PIN_PFBAS | CHAR |
253 | PIN_PFCON | PF Eligible Pay | CURR | |
254 | PIN_PFERR | Employer's Reference Number | CHAR12 | CHAR |
255 | PIN_PFGRP | Personnel subarea grouping for Provident fund | NUM02 | NUMC |
256 | PIN_PFINT | Provident Fund percentage of interest | PIN_DEC02 | DEC |
257 | PIN_PFIRE | Last day as qualifying date | XFELD | CHAR |
258 | PIN_PFREF | Employer's pf reference number | CHAR12 | CHAR |
259 | PIN_PFRFN | Employer's pf reference number (of 30 char) | CHAR30 | CHAR |
260 | PIN_PHASE | Phase Of the Request | PIN_CPHAS | CHAR |
261 | PIN_PHASE_TXT | Phase of Request Text | TEXT80 | CHAR |
262 | PIN_PINVT | Proposed investment | CURR9 | CURR |
263 | PIN_PKVAL | Perk Value of the car | CURR6 | CURR |
264 | PIN_PKVEE | Perk value when car maintianed by the employee | CURR6 | CURR |
265 | PIN_PKVOY | Amount by which the perk is reduced for OYCS | CURR6 | CURR |
266 | PIN_PLANS_TXT | Position Text | TEXT80 | CHAR |
267 | PIN_PLREP | Place of reporting | CHAR20 | CHAR |
268 | PIN_PMASSG | HR IN PS: Reason For Proposed Action Type | MASSG | CHAR |
269 | PIN_PMASSN | HR IN PS: Proposed Action Type | MASSN | CHAR |
270 | PIN_PMDTE | Disbursement Date | DATS | DATS |
271 | PIN_PMPE | Personal Numbers Partially Mapped | INT4 | |
272 | PIN_PMTDT | Payment Date | DATUM | DATS |
273 | PIN_PMT_REQUIRED | Payment Required | FLAG | CHAR |
274 | PIN_PNAME | Person to whom paid - After the Death of the Employee | CHAR20 | CHAR |
275 | PIN_PNBAS | Basis for employer's Pension contribution | PIN_PFBAS | CHAR |
276 | PIN_PNFLG | Contributing towards Pension scheme or not | CHECKBOX | CHAR |
277 | PIN_PNHOL | Payment Not On a Holiday | XFELD | CHAR |
278 | PIN_PNREF | Employer's pension reference number | CHAR20 | CHAR |
279 | PIN_PORGEH | HR IN PS: Proposed Org Unit | ORGEH | NUMC |
280 | PIN_PPERSA | HR IN PS: Proposed Personal Area | PERSA | CHAR |
281 | PIN_PPLANS | HR IN PS: Proposed Position | PLANS | NUMC |
282 | PIN_PPYWT | Personal pay wage type | LGART | CHAR |
283 | PIN_PRADR | Checkbox to Print addr based on Company code/Personnel Area | CHECKBOX | CHAR |
284 | PIN_PRATE | Percentage of amount to be paid | DEC3_2 | DEC |
285 | PIN_PRBLP | AWS calculated now, but paid after confirmation | XFELD | CHAR |
286 | PIN_PRBMP | AWS paid even if probation period is not finished | XFELD | CHAR |
287 | PIN_PRBNP | No AWS payment if probation period is not finished | XFELD | CHAR |
288 | PIN_PRCNT | Percentage of perk value for SFS | PIN_DEC02 | DEC |
289 | PIN_PRCSF | Process Flag: Determines the Action | PIN_PRCSF | CHAR |
290 | PIN_PRCVH | Original price of the vehicle | CURR12 | CURR |
291 | PIN_PRDTY | Peridoicity | NUMC2 | NUMC |
292 | PIN_PRD_CYCLE | Cycle period for reimbursement | PIN_PRD_CYCLE | CHAR |
293 | PIN_PRFND | Employee's provident fund contribution | CURR9 | CURR |
294 | PIN_PRINC | Increment in percentage | DEC3_2V | DEC |
295 | PIN_PRINM | Percentage increment method | PIN_PRINM | CHAR |
296 | PIN_PRIOR | Mail with High Priority | XFELD | CHAR |
297 | PIN_PRIVL_GRP | Privileges Group | CHAR15 | CHAR |
298 | PIN_PRKFL | Perk Calculation Flag | CHAR0001 | CHAR |
299 | PIN_PRKVL | Perk value for car & conveyance caluculations | CURR6 | CURR |
300 | PIN_PRKVL_N | Perk value for car & conveyance calculations | CURR12 | CURR |
301 | PIN_PROBF | AWS beginning on confirmation date (new employee) | XFELD | CHAR |
302 | PIN_PROBH | AWS beginning on hire date (new employee) | XFELD | CHAR |
303 | PIN_PROCESS | To Name the DA processes | XFIELD | CHAR |
304 | PIN_PROCESS_F | Process Flag | PIN_PROCESS_F | CHAR |
305 | PIN_PROPP | Proposed percentage bonus | DEC03_2 | DEC |
306 | PIN_PRORC | Proration based on calendar days | XFELD | CHAR |
307 | PIN_PRORP | Proration based on number of months | XFELD | CHAR |
308 | PIN_PRORW | Proration based on working days | XFELD | CHAR |
309 | PIN_PROWT | Provisional WT | LGART | CHAR |
310 | PIN_PRPON | Flag for Prenatal / Postnatal care | CHECKBOX | CHAR |
311 | PIN_PRSAL | Profits in lieu of salary u/s 17(3) | CURR9 | CURR |
312 | PIN_PRTAX | Professional tax paid | CURR6 | CURR |
313 | PIN_PTAMT | Paid and Taxed amount | CURR12 | CURR |
314 | PIN_PTAXT | Professional tax grouping text | CHAR25 | CHAR |
315 | PIN_PTBAS | Basis type | PIN_PTBAS | CHAR |
316 | PIN_PTCMP | Ptax deduction company period | PIN_PTCMP | CHAR |
317 | PIN_PTGRP | Personnel subarea grouping for Professional tax | NUM02 | NUMC |
318 | PIN_PTSTP | Professional tax deduction statutory period | PIN_PTSTP | CHAR |
319 | PIN_PTTXT | Professional tax grouping text | TEXT25 | CHAR |
320 | PIN_PTXEL | Eligibility for PTax | CHAR1 | CHAR |
321 | PIN_PTXMT | Professional tax amount | CURR6 | CURR |
322 | PIN_P_STATUS | Request's previous status prior to Mgr action | PIN_STATUS | CHAR |
323 | PIN_QDATE | Extra day as qualifying date | XFELD | CHAR |
324 | PIN_QLAMT | Qualifying Amount | CURR9 | CURR |
325 | PIN_QUART | Quarter of filing Form 24Q | PIN_QTPER | CHAR |
326 | PIN_QUARTR | Quarter of displaying TemSe data | CHAR001 | CHAR |
327 | PIN_QURTR | Quarter of filing Form 24Q | PIN_PERIO | CHAR |
328 | PIN_RAPIN | Reimbursement/ allowance/perk indicator | PIN_RAPIN | CHAR |
329 | PIN_RAPNO | RAP number | PRANZHL | DEC |
330 | PIN_RATE | Factor to calculate Bonus | DEC3_2 | DEC |
331 | PIN_RATES | Tax rates | CHAR2 | CHAR |
332 | PIN_RAW_DATA | Attachment Data | PIN_RAW_DATA | RAW |
333 | PIN_RCOPT | Recovery option for round off amount | PIN_RCOPT | CHAR |
334 | PIN_RCRT_PROM_ID | Recruitment / promotion Type IDs | PIN_RCRT_PROM_ID | CHAR |
335 | PIN_RDONY | Read Only | XFELD | CHAR |
336 | PIN_REASON_CODE | Reason Code | CHAR10 | CHAR |
337 | PIN_REASON_ID | Dereservation reasons for rosters | PIN_REASON_ID | CHAR |
338 | PIN_REASON_TXT | Reason Text | TEXT100 | CHAR |
339 | PIN_REASON_TYP | Reason Type | PIN_REASON_TYP | CHAR |
340 | PIN_RECTY | Record Type | PIN_RECTY | NUMC |
341 | PIN_REF | HR IN PS: Reference Number | PIN_REF | CHAR |
342 | PIN_REFCD | Reference code for various consumer price indices | CHAR4 | CHAR |
343 | PIN_REFDT | Refrence Date | DATUM | DATS |
344 | PIN_REFERENCE | System generated Reference Number | PIN_REFERENCE | NUMC |
345 | PIN_REFERENCE_NO | System generated Reference Number | PIN_REFERENCE_NO | NUMC |
346 | PIN_REFNR | Request Reference Number | CHAR13 | CHAR |
347 | PIN_REGIO | India Region Codes | PIN_REGIO | CHAR |
348 | PIN_REGPY | AWS payment by regular payroll | XFELD | CHAR |
349 | PIN_REG_STATE | Region/State dependency of the Roster | PIN_REG_STATE | CHAR |
350 | PIN_REIMBTYP_GRP | Reimbursement Type Group Name | CHAR15 | CHAR |
351 | PIN_REIMB_TEXT | Reimbursement Type text | CHAR20 | CHAR |
352 | PIN_REIMB_TYP | Reimbursement Type | CHAR4 | CHAR |
353 | PIN_REINF | Reimbursement Type Information | TEXT200 | CHAR |
354 | PIN_RELEVANT | Employee Relevance for Increment | PIN_RELEVANT | CHAR |
355 | PIN_RELTN | Relationship with the employee | CHAR10 | CHAR |
356 | PIN_REMARKS | HR IN PS: Remarks Row | TEXT20 | CHAR |
357 | PIN_REMARK_ID | Remarks for the Roster Point | PIN_REMARK_ID | CHAR |
358 | PIN_REMRK | Challan Remarks | CHAR | |
359 | PIN_RENTO | Whether house rented out | CHAR1 | CHAR |
360 | PIN_REP24 | Deductions for house repairs under section 24 | CURR9 | CURR |
361 | PIN_REPAY_TYP | Repayment Types | CHAR4 | CHAR |
362 | PIN_REPDT | Date of printing the report | DATUM | DATS |
363 | PIN_REPNM | Name of the report | CHAR10 | CHAR |
364 | PIN_REPORTTO | HR IN PS: Report to Person (transfer) | PERSNO | NUMC |
365 | PIN_REQSTATUS | Status Of the Request | PIN_REQSTATUS | CHAR |
366 | PIN_REQ_NUM | Requests Number | NUMC2 | NUMC |
367 | PIN_REQ_STATUS | Advance/Claim Request's Status | CHAR60 | CHAR |
368 | PIN_REQ_TYP | Request Type | PIN_REQ_TYP | CHAR |
369 | PIN_RESPR | Person responsible for paying salary or printing the form | CHAR25 | CHAR |
370 | PIN_RETXT | Reimbursement Type Text | TEXT80 | CHAR |
371 | PIN_RETYP_TXT | Reimbursement / Application Text | TEXT80 | CHAR |
372 | PIN_REVAL | Return Value | PIN_REVAL | CHAR |
373 | PIN_RFDTG | Reference Date for Basic General Increments | DATUM | DATS |
374 | PIN_RFDTP | Reference Date for Basic Promotions | DATUM | DATS |
375 | PIN_RFVAL | Reference value of index | DEC5_2 | DEC |
376 | PIN_RGCRT | Professional tax registration certificate number | CHAR40 | CHAR |
377 | PIN_RIMB_VISIBILITY | Reimbursement Visibility Indicator | FLAG | CHAR |
378 | PIN_RNDOF | Round off options | PIN_RNDOF | CHAR |
379 | PIN_RNDTO | Round to amount (Rupees) | CURR6 | CURR |
380 | PIN_RNDTY | Round off type | CHAR01 | CHAR |
381 | PIN_RNGEN | Range end (higher) | CURR9 | CURR |
382 | PIN_RNGPR | Salary range period | PIN_RNGPR | CHAR |
383 | PIN_RNTMT | Rent or FRV Amount, as the case may be. | CURR12 | CURR |
384 | PIN_RNTRQ | Rent Amount | PIN_FLDRQ | CHAR |
386 | PIN_ROSTER_ITEM_NR | Sequence numbers for Roster Points | NUM08 | NUMC |
387 | PIN_RPPER | Personnel Number of Person Responsible | PERNR | NUMC |
388 | PIN_RPPER1 | Personnel Number of Person Responsible | PERNR | NUMC |
389 | PIN_RPPIN | Rupees per point increase in consumer price index | CURR6 | CURR |
390 | PIN_RQAMT | Requested Amount | PRBETRG | CURR |
391 | PIN_RQCAN | Request Creation Solution Type | NUMC5 | NUMC |
392 | PIN_RQCAN_TXT | Name of Application | TEXT80 | CHAR |
393 | PIN_RQCDT | Request Creation Date | DATUM | DATS |
394 | PIN_RQCID | Request Created By | UNAME | CHAR |
395 | PIN_RQCID_TXT | Name of Request Creator | TEXT80 | CHAR |
396 | PIN_RQCMT | Send Request Comments | XFELD | CHAR |
397 | PIN_RQCTM | Request Creation Time | TIME | TIMS |
398 | PIN_RQNUM | Requested Number | PRANZHL | DEC |
399 | PIN_RQOPR | ESS Request Operation | PIN_RQOPR | CHAR |
400 | PIN_RQTEX | Requested Tax Exemption Amount | PRBETRG | CURR |
401 | PIN_RQTXT | Request Type Text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
402 | PIN_RQTYP2 | Request Type | PIN_REQ_TYP2 | CHAR |
403 | PIN_RQTYP_TXT | Request Type Text | TEXT80 | CHAR |
404 | PIN_RQ_BEGDA | Validity Begin Date of Request | DATUM | DATS |
405 | PIN_RQ_ENDDA | Request's Validity end date | DATUM | DATS |
406 | PIN_RQ_P_STAT | IPS: Request's previous status prior to Mgr action | PIN_RQ_STATUS | CHAR |
407 | PIN_RQ_STATUS | Status of the Request | PIN_RQ_STATUS | CHAR |
408 | PIN_RQ_TYP | Request Type | PIN_RQ_TYP | CHAR |
409 | PIN_RSDT | HR IN PS: Response Date | DATUM | DATS |
410 | PIN_RSNCD | Reason Code for Reject / Delete | CHAR3 | CHAR |
411 | PIN_RSNCD_TXT | Reason Text | TEXT80 | CHAR |
412 | PIN_RSNTP | Type of Reason (Delete / Reject) | RSNTP | CHAR |
413 | PIN_RSV_CTGRY | Reservation category | PIN_RSV_CTGRY | CHAR |
414 | PIN_RSV_TYPE | Reservation Types | PIN_RSV_TYPE | CHAR |
415 | PIN_RTAMT | Rent amount (rented/ company leased accommodation) | CURR12 | CURR |
416 | PIN_RTPAY | To retain personal pay or not | PIN_RTPAY | CHAR |
417 | PIN_S89EL | Eligibility for Sec 89 at Employee Level | CHAR1 | CHAR |
418 | PIN_SACTR | Superannuation contribution | PIN_DEC02 | DEC |
419 | PIN_SANID | Superannuation ID | CHAR4 | CHAR |
420 | PIN_SBDES | Sub section description | TEXT40 | CHAR |
421 | PIN_SBDIV | Sub section division number | NUMC2 | NUMC |
422 | PIN_SBSEC | Sub section code | NUMC2 | NUMC |
423 | PIN_SBTDS | Sub section technical description | TEXT20 | CHAR |
424 | PIN_SCDED | Surcharge deducted | CURR9 | CURR |
425 | PIN_SCHTY | Scheme types for employee welfare | CHAR4 | CHAR |
426 | PIN_SCMCD_TXT | LTC Scheme Code Text | TEXT80 | CHAR |
427 | PIN_SCR_LBL | Label of the Field | PIN_SCR_LBL | CHAR |
428 | PIN_SDATE | Qualifying date for ex-employee | DATUM | DATS |
429 | PIN_SDVLT | Subsection division limit | CURR9 | CURR |
430 | PIN_SEC23 | Deductions- section 23(municipal taxes+re-constr alowance) | CURR9 | CURR |
431 | PIN_SEC24 | HR-IN: Eligible for Section 24 deduction | XFELD | CHAR |
432 | PIN_SELECT_OPTION_TXT | Selected Text from the F4 / Drop down List | CHAR50LC | CHAR |
433 | PIN_SELECT_OPTION_VALUE | Select Option Value By Employee | CHAR40 | CHAR |
434 | PIN_SEOCC | Whether house is self occupied | CHAR1 | CHAR |
435 | PIN_SEQN3 | Laufende Nummer (3-stellig) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
436 | PIN_SEQNM | Sequence Number of the File Type | NUMC3 | NUMC |
437 | PIN_SEQNO | Sequence number | NUMC2 | NUMC |
438 | PIN_SEQNR | Sequence Number | NUMC02 | NUMC |
439 | PIN_SFIELDS | Advanced Claims: Standard Fields | PIN_SFIELDS | CHAR |
440 | PIN_SHCNT | Format to Show in Container | PIN_SHCNT | CHAR |
441 | PIN_SHFLD | Standard Header Fields | CHAR10 | CHAR |
442 | PIN_SHPRC | Share percentage for the beneficiaries | DEC3_2 | DEC |
443 | PIN_SICKL | Sick leave | XFELD | CHAR |
444 | PIN_SIGNM | ADS Server Connection Name | CHAR | |
445 | PIN_SLBCD | Slab code | CHAR4 | CHAR |
446 | PIN_SLBID | Slab identifier | CHAR2 | CHAR |
447 | PIN_SLCDE | Slab code | CHAR006 | CHAR |
448 | PIN_SLCOD | Slab code for overall taxation | CHAR4 | CHAR |
449 | PIN_SLFTR | Whether self travelled | CHAR1 | CHAR |
450 | PIN_SLFTR_FLAG | Self Travelled | PIN_SLFTR_FLAG | CHAR |
451 | PIN_SLPAR | Download selection parameters | CHECKBOX | CHAR |
452 | PIN_SLTYP | Type of slab code | PIN_SLTYP | CHAR |
453 | PIN_SMAIL | Send Mail at this Phase / Status | XFELD | CHAR |
454 | PIN_SNDIM | Send Mail Immediately | XFELD | CHAR |
455 | PIN_SNDML | Send Mail | XFELD | CHAR |
456 | PIN_SPECIAL_STRGTH | Strength of Mini Roster | NUM06 | NUMC |
457 | PIN_SPL_RSTR | Flag for special roster | FLAG | CHAR |
458 | PIN_SRLNO | Slab serial number | NUMC2 | NUMC |
459 | PIN_SSCLT | Sub-Section Limit | CURR9 | CURR |
460 | PIN_SSTYP | Advance Claims: Setting Subtype | NUMC3 | NUMC |
461 | PIN_STAGWT_IND | Stagnant wage type indicator | PIN_STAGWT_IND | CHAR |
462 | PIN_STAG_INCR | Number of stagnant increment | PIN_STAG_INCR | NUMC |
463 | PIN_STAT | Status of the Disciplinary Action | PIN_STAT | NUMC |
464 | PIN_STATS | Resident Status of employee | PIN_RISTA | CHAR |
465 | PIN_STATT | HR IN PS: Status Text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
466 | PIN_STATUS | Request Status | PIN_STATUS | CHAR |
467 | PIN_STELL_TXT | Job Text | TEXT80 | CHAR |
468 | PIN_STPNT | Journey start point | TEXT30 | CHAR |
469 | PIN_STYPE | Search Type | PIN_STYPE | CHAR |
470 | PIN_SUBJT | Subject Of the Mail | PIN_SUBJT | CHAR |
471 | PIN_SUBSA | HR IN PS: Subsistence Allowance. | PIN_SUBSA | CHAR |
472 | PIN_SUB_USRID | User ID of Substitute Approver | UNAME | CHAR |
473 | PIN_SWGRP | Switch Group | PIN_SWGRP | CHAR |
474 | PIN_SWNAM | Switch Name | PIN_SWNAM | CHAR |
475 | PIN_SW_INPS | Switch for India PS functionalities | FLAG | CHAR |
476 | PIN_TALCK | TAN Lock Indicator | PIN_TALCK | CHAR |
477 | PIN_TANNO | Tax account number of the employer | CHAR15 | CHAR |
478 | PIN_TAXCD | Tax code for evaluating tax exemptions | CHAR4 | CHAR |
479 | PIN_TAXDT | Date on which the tax is remitted to the authorities | DATUM | DATS |
480 | PIN_TAXEMP | Tax Exemption Flag | PIN_DEL_IND | CHAR |
481 | PIN_TAXLT | Tax exemption limit amount | CURR9 | CURR |
482 | PIN_TAXTX | Description for tax code | TEXT40 | CHAR |
483 | PIN_TAXYR | Taxation Year | GJAHR | NUMC |
484 | PIN_TAX_EXMPT | Change Tax Exempted Amount | FLAG | CHAR |
485 | PIN_TDATE | Tax Paid Date | DATUM | DATS |
486 | PIN_TDSCR | Tax deduction at source circle for the employer | CHAR20 | CHAR |
487 | PIN_TDSOT | Tax deducted at source for income other than salary | CURR9 | CURR |
488 | PIN_TDUWV | Type of Data Updated w/o Back-Up | PIN_TDUWV | CHAR |
489 | PIN_TELIG | Eligible Value | PRANZHL | DEC |
490 | PIN_TEXRQ | Tax Exemption Requested | FLAG | CHAR |
491 | PIN_TE_ALLOWED | Tax Exemption Allowed or Not | PIN_TE_ALLOWED | CHAR |
492 | PIN_TFILE | Worksheet File Path | CHAR | |
493 | PIN_TFLAG | TemSe File - Test Run Indicators | CHAR | |
494 | PIN_TFURV | Total furniture value | CURR9 | CURR |
495 | PIN_TICNM | Temporary identification certificate number(New) | TEXT25 | CHAR |
496 | PIN_TICNO | Temporary identification certificate number | TEXT12 | CHAR |
497 | PIN_TIME_FRM | Time Frame for Grouping Requests for Reimb Type (Unit - Day) | NUMC3 | NUMC |
498 | PIN_TIMS | IPS: Change Time | PIN_TIMS | TIMS |
499 | PIN_TKTNO | Submiteed ticket numbers | TEXT50 | CHAR |
500 | PIN_TLAMT | Total Amount | PRBETRG | CURR |