SAP ABAP Data Element - Index P, page 47
- P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 P-10 P-11 P-12 P-13 P-14 P-15 P-16 P-17 P-18 P-19 P-20 P-21 P-22 P-23 P-24 P-25 P-26 P-27 P-28 P-29 P-30 P-31 P-32 P-33 P-34 P-35 P-36 P-37 P-38 P-39 P-40 P-41 P-42 P-43 P-44 P-45 P-46 P-47 P-48 P-49 P-50 P-51 P-52 P-53 P-54 P-55 P-56 P-57 P-58 P-59 P-60 P-61 P-62 P-63 P-64 P-65 P-66 P-67 P-68 P-69 P-70 P-71 P-72 P-73 P-74 P-75 P-76 P-77 P-78 P-79 P-80 P-81 P-82 P-83 P-84 P-85 P-86 P-87 P-88 P-89 P-90 P-91 P-92 P-93 P-94 P-95 P-96 P-97 P-98 P-99 P-100 P-101 P-102 P-103 P-104 P-105 P-106 P-107 P-108 P-109 P-110 P-111 P-112 P-113 P-114 P-115 P-116 P-117 P-118 P-119 P-120 P-121 P-122 P-123 P-124 P-125 P-126 P-127 P-128 P-129 P-130
Data Element - P
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | P15_ESECUZTEST | Flag for CUD test run | XFELD | CHAR |
2 | P15_ESENZ_FILE | Exemption file | CHAR | |
3 | P15_EUSER | Last changed by | UNAME | CHAR |
4 | P15_EVOUT | Output ind. for events | TEXT30 | CHAR |
5 | P15_EVRAG | Key for events and reasons | CHAR4 | CHAR |
6 | P15_EXECTEXT | Text to identify the related TemSEs to a program run | P15_EXECTEXT | CHAR |
7 | P15_EXTLOG | Long log | P15_BOOL | CHAR |
8 | P15_F24STAT | Uniemens cluster: posting send status | P15_F24STAT | CHAR |
9 | P15_F24_ANNO | Year | CHAR | |
10 | P15_F24_APERIOD | To period | CHAR | |
11 | P15_F24_CDCRED | F24 section of credit tax code | P15_CDCUA | CHAR |
12 | P15_F24_CDCUA | F24: Compensated tax payer's reference number section | P15_CDCUA | CHAR |
13 | P15_F24_CDDEBT | F24 section of debit tax code | P15_CDCUA | CHAR |
14 | P15_F24_CODCRED | F24 credit code | P15_CHR4 | CHAR |
15 | P15_F24_CODDEB | F24 debit code | P15_CHR4 | CHAR |
16 | P15_F24_CODENTE | Body | CHAR | |
17 | P15_F24_CODFIS | Reference municipality code | CHAR | |
18 | P15_F24_CODFISC | TaxPayer RefNo. | CHAR | |
19 | P15_F24_CODREGIONE | Region | CHAR | |
20 | P15_F24_CODRESULT | F24: Compensated tax payer's reference number | P15_CHR4 | CHAR |
21 | P15_F24_CODSEDE | POW code | CHAR | |
22 | P15_F24_CODTRIB | Tax code | CHAR | |
23 | P15_F24_COGNOMEC | Surname | CHAR | |
24 | P15_F24_COMP_AMT | F24: Compensated amount | P15_IMPORTO | CURR |
25 | P15_F24_COMP_GROUP | F24 Comp Group | CHAR5 | CHAR |
26 | P15_F24_COMP_SEQNO | F24: Data element for sequence number of compensation | NUMC8 | NUMC |
27 | P15_F24_COMUNEC | TP municip. | CHAR | |
28 | P15_F24_COMUNECDF | Municipality TRN | CHAR | |
29 | P15_F24_CREDITO | Credit | CHAR | |
30 | P15_F24_CRED_COMP_GROUP | F24 Comp Group | CHAR5 | CHAR |
31 | P15_F24_DAPERIOD | From period | CHAR | |
32 | P15_F24_DATA_PAGAMENTO | F24: F24 payment date | DATUM | DATS |
33 | P15_F24_DATEC | TP dates | DATS | DATS |
34 | P15_F24_DEBITO | Debit | CHAR | |
35 | P15_F24_DEB_COMP_GROUP | F24 Comp Group | CHAR5 | CHAR |
36 | P15_F24_DENOMC | TP denom. | CHAR | |
37 | P15_F24_DIF_MUNREG | F24: Allow comp. between different municipalities/regions | XFELD | CHAR |
38 | P15_F24_IDENTIF | Identifier | NUMC | |
39 | P15_F24_IMPORCRED | Credit | CURR | |
40 | P15_F24_IMPORDEB | Debit | CURR | |
41 | P15_F24_MATRICINPS | INPS registration number | CHAR | |
42 | P15_F24_NOMEC | Name of TP | CHAR | |
43 | P15_F24_NUMERORATE | N. of installments | NUMC | |
44 | P15_F24_PAID_AMT | F24: Amount paid by F24 | P15_IMPORTO | CURR |
45 | P15_F24_PERIOD | Period | CHAR | |
46 | P15_F24_PROVC | TP province | CHAR | |
47 | P15_F24_PROVFISCC | Pr. | CHAR | |
48 | P15_F24_RATA | Installment | NUMC | |
49 | P15_F24_RATEAZIONE | Division into installments | CHAR | |
50 | P15_F24_RATREGPROV | Accrual/Reg./Prov. | CHAR | |
51 | P15_F24_REGION | Region | CHAR | |
52 | P15_F24_REMAIN_AMT | F24: Remaining amount | P15_IMPORTO | CURR |
53 | P15_F24_REMAIN_TYPE | Remaining amount category | P15_F24_REMAIN_TYPE | CHAR |
54 | P15_F24_SALDOFINALE | Closing balance | CURR | |
55 | P15_F24_SAME_YEAR | F24: Same year | XFELD | CHAR |
56 | P15_F24_SEQNO | Sequence number | P15_SEQNO | NUMC |
57 | P15_F24_TOTALCRED | Total credit | CURR | |
58 | P15_F24_TOTALDEB | Total debit | CURR | |
59 | P15_F24_TOTALSALDO | Total bal. | CURR | |
60 | P15_F24_VIAFISCC | Tax | CHAR | |
61 | P15_FACTO | P15_FACTO | DEC | |
62 | P15_FACTOR | Floating factor to multiply | P15_FACTOR | CURR |
63 | P15_FASRE | Income bracket for family allowance | NUM02 | NUMC |
64 | P15_FASRE07 | Income bracket for family allowance | NUM03 | NUMC |
65 | P15_FDMIN | XFELD | CHAR | |
66 | P15_FFIELD | Report: field | P15_FFIELD | CHAR |
67 | P15_FIELD | Infotype field | FDNAME | CHAR |
68 | P15_FIL | Filler | CHAR | |
69 | P15_FIL1A | Filler | CHAR | |
70 | P15_FIL1B | Filler2 | CHAR | |
71 | P15_FIL2 | Filler | CHAR | |
72 | P15_FIL2A | Filler A | CHAR4 | CHAR |
73 | P15_FIL2B | Filler B | CHAR5 | CHAR |
74 | P15_FIL6A | Filler A | CHAR11 | CHAR |
75 | P15_FIL6B | Filler B | CHAR23 | CHAR |
76 | P15_FILE | Data for integrated 770 form | XFELD | CHAR |
77 | P15_FILEF | Value origin of UNiEmens element | P15_FILEF | CHAR |
78 | P15_FILL3 | Filler | CHAR12 | CHAR |
79 | P15_FILLE | filler | P15_FILLE | NUMC |
80 | P15_FILLR | Filler | CHAR10 | CHAR |
81 | P15_FIRMA | Owner's or legal representative's signature | P15_FIRMA | CHAR |
82 | P15_FIRMC | Signature on form | TEXT35 | CHAR |
83 | P15_FIXLN | Box length | INT2 | |
84 | P15_FLAGS | Print flag | P15_FLAGS | CHAR |
85 | P15_FLINP | Flag: special remuneration for sickness - section C | P15_FLINP | CHAR |
86 | P15_FLPOS | Position field | P15_FLPOS | CHAR |
87 | P15_FLRIV | Recurrence for pay scale jump revaluation | P15_FLRIV | CHAR |
88 | P15_FLTFR | Severance Indemnity Print Flag | P15_FLTFR | CHAR |
89 | P15_FONTX | Description of the Fund Indicator | TXT25 | CHAR |
90 | P15_FORFU | Report: force function call | BOOLE | CHAR |
91 | P15_FORM | Report indicator/legal form | P15_FORM | CHAR |
92 | P15_FORMGIU | Legal form for UniEmens - DMA | CHAR10 | CHAR |
93 | P15_FRCPC | Force CAF overwriting in table T5ITPC | XFELD | CHAR |
94 | P15_FREQU | Calculation type / form recurrence | P15_FREQU | CHAR |
95 | P15_FRIGA | Number of end print lines of form section | P15_RIGAS | NUMC |
96 | P15_FRPAG | Terms of payment (1=dir.paym., 2=comp.deb., 3=consul.deb.) | NUM1 | NUMC |
97 | P15_FTEXT | Section | P15_FTEXT | CHAR |
98 | P15_FTYPE | Report fild type | P15_FTYPE | CHAR |
99 | P15_FULLT | Full time / Part time flag | P15_FULLT | CHAR |
100 | P15_FUNAM | Function for grace special characteristics | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
101 | P15_GBDAT | Date of birth | P15_GBDAT | DATS |
102 | P15_GCAIN | Grace days for accident from/to | P15_GGCAR | NUMC |
103 | P15_GCOM | Family Member Group | P15_GCOM | NUMC |
104 | P15_GCONT | Content for output generation | TEXT80 | CHAR |
105 | P15_GEN_DENAZ | Flag for Generate Company Declaration | XFELD | CHAR |
106 | P15_GGARE | No. of days of paid absence | P15_GGLAV | DEC |
107 | P15_GGCAA | Company grace days | P15_GGCAR | NUMC |
108 | P15_GGCAI | Grace days National Accident Insurance | P15_GGCAI | NUMC |
109 | P15_GGCAP | Standard days for trainees | P15_GGCON | DEC |
110 | P15_GGCAR | INPS grace days | P15_GGCAR | NUMC |
111 | P15_GGCDI | Management standard days | P15_GGCON | DEC |
112 | P15_GGCFU | Standard days for officers | P15_GGCON | DEC |
113 | P15_GGCIM | Standard days for employees | P15_GGCON | DEC |
114 | P15_GGCIN | Standard days for intermediate cadres | P15_GGCON | DEC |
115 | P15_GGCMB | Max no. of days for bonus | P15_GGCOB | NUMC |
116 | P15_GGCOB | Bonus days | P15_GGCOB | NUMC |
117 | P15_GGCOM | Grace days | P15_GGCOM | NUMC |
118 | P15_GGCON | Standard days | P15_GGCON | DEC |
119 | P15_GGCOP | Standard days for workers | P15_GGCON | DEC |
120 | P15_GGCOR | Standard days accruals/month | P15_GGCOR | NUMC |
121 | P15_GGCPR | Extended grace days | P15_GGCPR | NUMC |
122 | P15_GGCQU | Standard days for executive employees | P15_GGCON | DEC |
123 | P15_GGDON | Blood donation day | P15_GGDON | NUMC |
124 | P15_GGFER | Leave days | P15_GGLAV | DEC |
125 | P15_GGFES | Non-working days | P15_GGLAV | DEC |
126 | P15_GGFLI | Days out of range | P15_GGFLI | DEC |
127 | P15_GGIND | Max.number of payable days | P15_GGIND | NUMC |
128 | P15_GGINF | Range days for accident | P15_GGINF | NUMC |
129 | P15_GGINR | Days of interval for subsequent sickness | P15_GGINR | NUMC |
130 | P15_GGLAV | Worked days | P15_GGLAV | DEC |
131 | P15_GGLBM | Maximum number of days for sickness bonus | P15_GGLPC | NUMC |
132 | P15_GGLBO | Max. no. of days for hospital bonus | P15_GGLPC | NUMC |
133 | P15_GGLEB | Max. no of days for short action | P15_GGLPC | NUMC |
134 | P15_GGLIA | Max no. of days for company integration | P15_GGLIA | NUMC |
135 | P15_GGLIC | Days of admitted certificate delivery delay | P15_GGLIC | NUMC |
136 | P15_GGLII | INPS limit bracket: max no. of days | P15_GGLIG | NUMC |
137 | P15_GGLIM | Max no. of paid sick days per year | P15_GGLIM | NUMC |
138 | P15_GGLMA | INPS sickness category: max no. of days | P15_GGLMA | NUMC |
139 | P15_GGLMI | INAIL accident categolry: max no. of days | P15_GGLMI | NUMC |
140 | P15_GGLPC | Max no. of days for grace period | P15_GGLPC | NUMC |
141 | P15_GGMAX | Max no. of consecutive days for marriage leave | P15_GGMAX | NUMC |
142 | P15_GGMII | Max no. of paid days INPS | P15_GGMII | NUMC |
143 | P15_GGNOC | Weekday to be excluded from leave | P15_GGNOC | CHAR |
144 | P15_GGNR | Special pays CUD: unpaid days | P15_GGNR | NUMC |
145 | P15_GGNRE | Unpaid days | P15_GGLAV | DEC |
146 | P15_GGPRE | Paid leave days | P15_GGLAV | DEC |
147 | P15_GGPRO | Sequential days | P15_GGPRO | NUMC |
148 | P15_GGREB | Paid days - section B | P15_GGREB | NUMC |
149 | P15_GGSET | Start/end day of the week | P15_GGSET | NUMC |
150 | P15_GGSIN | Weekday not reimbursed by INPS | P15_GGSNI | CHAR |
151 | P15_GGSNA | Sickness: weekday not reimbursed by INPS | P15_GGSNI | CHAR |
152 | P15_GGSNI | Weekday not reimbursed by INPS | P15_GGSNI | CHAR |
153 | P15_GGTOT | Total days of personnel action | P15_GGTOT | NUMC |
154 | P15_GGUT | Special pays CUD: days | P15_GGUT | NUMC |
155 | P15_GGUTA | Clear working days - Company | P15_GGUTA | NUMC |
156 | P15_GINDE | Paid days | P15_GINDE | NUMC |
157 | P15_GINUS | INPS scale entry/issue day | P15_GINUS | NUMC |
158 | P15_GIOAL | to date | P15_GIOAL | NUMC |
159 | P15_GIODA | From date | P15_GIODA | NUMC |
160 | P15_GMESE | Month days for family allowance | P15_GMESE | NUMC |
161 | P15_GNIND | Unpaid days | P15_GNIND | NUMC |
162 | P15_GRAER | Integration range | P15_GRAER | NUMC |
163 | P15_GRASI | Reimbursement range | P15_GRASI | NUMC |
164 | P15_GRCAI | IRPEF calculation group | P15_GRCAI | CHAR |
165 | P15_GRCAL | Calculation group | P15_GRCAL | CHAR |
166 | P15_GRCTM | Calculation groups for municipal taxes | P15_GRCTM | CHAR |
167 | P15_GRCTP | Regional taxes calculation group | P15_GRCTP | CHAR |
168 | P15_GRCTR | Calculation group for regional taxes | P15_GRCTR | CHAR |
169 | P15_GRFUN | Function group for box | P15_GRFUN | CHAR |
170 | P15_HALLR | Paid nursing hours | P15_HALLR | DEC |
171 | P15_HBREF | Number of nursing hours | ANZHL | DEC |
172 | P15_HCAPP | Trainees: standard hours | P15_HCONV | DEC |
173 | P15_HCDIR | Standard hours: managers | P15_HCONV | DEC |
174 | P15_HCFUN | Standard hours: officers | P15_HCONV | DEC |
175 | P15_HCIMP | Standard hours: employees | P15_HCONV | DEC |
176 | P15_HCINT | Standard hours for intermediate cadres | P15_HCONV | DEC |
177 | P15_HCMAX | continuous hours for marriage leave | P15_HCMAX | DEC |
178 | P15_HCONV | Standard hours | P15_HCONV | DEC |
179 | P15_HCOPE | Standard hours for workers | P15_HCONV | DEC |
180 | P15_HCQUA | Standard hours for executive employees | P15_HCONV | DEC |
181 | P15_HEAD | CHAR | ||
182 | P15_HEIRF | CUD: heirs flag | P15_HEIRF | CHAR |
183 | P15_HHCIG | Earnings Equalization Fund hours Period | P15_HHCIG | DEC |
184 | P15_HHFLI | Hours beyond limit | P15_HHFLI | DEC |
185 | P15_HHTEO | Planned hours Period | P15_HHTEO | DEC |
186 | P15_HIGHC | Child's maximum age | P15_AGECHLD | NUMC |
187 | P15_HMINA | Minimun no. of worked hours for nursing | P15_HMINA | DEC |
188 | P15_HOLIH | Number of hours of holiday in the week | ANZHL | DEC |
189 | P15_HRTAB | Payroll driver table | P15_HRTAB | CHAR |
190 | P15_HSETA | Week hours - company | P15_HHTEO | DEC |
191 | P15_HSETT | Week hours - CIG | P15_HHTEO | DEC |
192 | P15_IABRJ | NUMC | ||
193 | P15_IABRP | NUMC | ||
194 | P15_IDCAF | CAAF ID number | NUM5 | NUMC |
195 | P15_IDENTIF | Identifier | NUMC | |
196 | P15_IDENTIF_LINK | Identifier | NUMC | |
197 | P15_IDENTIF_TYPE | Auxiliaries' identifier type | P15_IDENTIF_TYPE | CHAR |
198 | P15_IDFAZ | Company ID number | CHAR10 | CHAR |
199 | P15_IDMEF | MEFID Tag for UniEmens - DMA | CHAR7 | CHAR |
200 | P15_IDTRA | Layout ID | NUMC | |
201 | P15_IDVTAB | Vartab identifier (Emens) | NUMC10 | NUMC |
202 | P15_IMACC | Provision yearly amount | P15_IMACC | CURR |
203 | P15_IMANF | Base amount | CURR12 | CURR |
204 | P15_IMANF01 | Base amount | CURR12 | CURR |
205 | P15_IMANF02 | Base amount | CURR12 | CURR |
206 | P15_IMANF03 | Base amount | CURR12 | CURR |
207 | P15_IMANF04 | Base amount | CURR12 | CURR |
208 | P15_IMANF05 | Base amount | CURR12 | CURR |
209 | P15_IMANF06 | Base amount | CURR12 | CURR |
210 | P15_IMANF07 | Base amount | CURR12 | CURR |
211 | P15_IMANF08 | Base amount | CURR12 | CURR |
212 | P15_IMANF09 | Base amount | CURR12 | CURR |
213 | P15_IMANF10 | Base amount | CURR12 | CURR |
214 | P15_IMANF11 | Base amount | CURR12 | CURR |
215 | P15_IMANF12 | Base amount | CURR12 | CURR |
216 | P15_IMANF13 | Base amount | CURR12 | CURR |
217 | P15_IMANF14 | Base amount | CURR12 | CURR |
218 | P15_IMANF15 | Base amount | CURR12 | CURR |
219 | P15_IMANF16 | Base amount | CURR12 | CURR |
220 | P15_IMANF17 | Base amount | CURR12 | CURR |
221 | P15_IMANF18 | Base amount | CURR12 | CURR |
222 | P15_IMANF19 | Base amount | CURR12 | CURR |
223 | P15_IMANF20 | Base amount | CURR12 | CURR |
224 | P15_IMCON | Amount to be 100% frozen | CURR12 | CURR |
225 | P15_IMDM2 | DM/2 amount - company | NUM12 | NUMC |
226 | P15_IMESE | Minimum amount | P15_IMFAN | CURR |
227 | P15_IMFAN | Annual fixed amount | P15_IMFAN | CURR |
228 | P15_IMFIS | Fixed amount | P15_IMFAN | CURR |
229 | P15_IMFME | Month's fix amount | P15_IMFME | CURR |
230 | P15_IMIMN | Net IRPEF min. amount | P15_IMFAN | CURR |
231 | P15_IMINC | Pay scale jump calculation base increase | CURR12 | CURR |
232 | P15_IMLAV | Contribution amount on employee's behalf | NUM11 | NUMC |
233 | P15_IMMAX | Pay scale jump max.amount | CURR12 | CURR |
234 | P15_IMPAR | Reduction annual amount | P15_IMPAR | CURR |
235 | P15_IMPDE | Yearly amount of tax deduction | P15_IMPDE | CURR |
236 | P15_IMPES | Exemption amount | P15_IMFAN | CURR |
237 | P15_IMPO1 | Amount 1 | P15_IMPO1 | CURR |
238 | P15_IMPO2 | Amount 2 | P15_IMPO2 | CURR |
239 | P15_IMPOD | Declared amount | NUM12 | NUMC |
240 | P15_IMPOP | Amount to be paid | NUM12 | NUMC |
241 | P15_IMPOR | Amount | CURR12 | CURR |
242 | P15_IMPORTO | INAIL: amount for INAIL balance | P15_IMPINAI | CURR |
243 | P15_IMPORTO_ADV | INAIL: amount for INAIL advance | P15_IMPINAI | CURR |
244 | P15_IMPOT | Amount | P15_IMPORTO | CURR |
245 | P15_IMPOV | Amount paid | NUM12 | NUMC |
246 | P15_IMPRE | Other income amount | NUM12 | NUMC |
247 | P15_IMPRT | Amount value | P15_IMFAN | CURR |
248 | P15_IMPTA | Enable import | XFELD | CHAR |
249 | P15_IMPTF | Severance indemnity withdrawal fixed amount | P15_IMFAN | CURR |
250 | P15_IMRCC | Municipal Surcharge to refund - Spouse | P15_IMTIR | CURR |
251 | P15_IMRCD | Municipal Surcharge to refund - Declarant | P15_IMTIR | CURR |
252 | P15_IMRCT | Total District Additional Amount to refund | P15_IMTIR | CURR |
253 | P15_IMRIR | Amount to be refunded IRPEF | P15_IMRIR | CURR |
254 | P15_IMRIRC | IRPEF amount to be refunded to declarant's spouse | P15_IMRIR | CURR |
255 | P15_IMRIRD | IRPEF amount to be refunded to declarant | P15_IMRIR | CURR |
256 | P15_IMRRC | Regional Surcharge to Refund - Spouse | P15_IMTIR | CURR |
257 | P15_IMRRD | Regional Surcharge to Refund - Declarant | P15_IMTIR | CURR |
258 | P15_IMRRT | Total local additional charge to refund | P15_IMTIR | CURR |
259 | P15_IMRSS | Amount to be refunded CSSN | P15_IMRSS | CURR |
260 | P15_IMSAN | Health contribution amount | NUM12 | NUMC |
261 | P15_IMSIN | Single pay scale jump amount | CURR12 | CURR |
262 | P15_IMTCC | Municipal Surcharge to Deduct - Spouse | P15_IMTIR | CURR |
263 | P15_IMTCD | Municipal Surcharge to Deduct - Declarant | P15_IMTIR | CURR |
264 | P15_IMTCT | Total District Additional Charge to be withheld | P15_IMTIR | CURR |
265 | P15_IMTID | Installment WT in IRPEF coupon for declarant | LGART | CHAR |
266 | P15_IMTIR | Amount to withhold IRPEF | P15_IMTIR | CURR |
267 | P15_IMTIRC | IRPEF amount to be withheld for declarant's spouse | P15_IMTIR | CURR |
268 | P15_IMTIRD | IRPEF amount to be withheld for declarant | P15_IMTIR | CURR |
269 | P15_IMTRC | Regional Surcharge to Deduct - Spouse | P15_IMTIR | CURR |
270 | P15_IMTRD | Regional Surcharge to Deduct - Declarant | P15_IMTIR | CURR |
271 | P15_IMTRT | Amount to withhold - total local additional charge | P15_IMTIR | CURR |
272 | P15_IMTSS | Amount to withhold CSSN | P15_IMTSS | CURR |
273 | P15_INAIL_FREZ_T5ITIN1 | Freeze T5itin1 | XFELD | CHAR |
274 | P15_INAIL_REDUCTION | Employees with deductions | XFELD | CHAR |
275 | P15_INAIL_UPDT_T5ITIN1 | Update T5itin1 | XFELD | CHAR |
276 | P15_INAZS | Bracket related company integration | P15_INAZS | CURR |
277 | P15_INAZZ | Resetting indicator | P15_INAZZ | CHAR |
278 | P15_INCOI | P15_INCOI | CURR | |
279 | P15_INCOM | Value calculation | XFELD | CHAR |
280 | P15_INCOS | P15_INCOS | CURR | |
281 | P15_INCR | Mini-scale value | CURR | |
282 | P15_INDCC | Company change | P15_INDCC | CHAR |
283 | P15_INDIN | INPS reimbursement month | P15_INDIN | CURR |
284 | P15_INDMN | Reimbursements | BETRG | CURR |
285 | P15_INFTY | Taxation infotype | P15_INFTY | CHAR |
286 | P15_ININS | INPS scale reimbursement | P15_ININS | CURR |
287 | P15_INIP | Calculation from period start | XFELD | CHAR |
288 | P15_INPSC | INPS indicator | P15_INPSC | CHAR |
289 | P15_INPSM | INPS registration number | TEXT10 | CHAR |
290 | P15_INSHW | Checkbox that indicates to show values in ALV list | XFELD | CHAR |
291 | P15_INSTATUS | INAIL Status | P15_INSTATUS | CHAR |
292 | P15_INTAZ | Monthly company integration | P15_INTAZ | CURR |
293 | P15_INTEG | Type of Integration 730 | P15_INTEG | CHAR |
294 | P15_INTEH | Number of hours integrated by the employer | ANZHL | DEC |
295 | P15_INTER | Interest rate | P15_INTER | DEC |
296 | P15_INTEREST_RULE | Constant for interest in ITRET | ABRKN | CHAR |
297 | P15_INTEREST_WAGETYPE | Wage type for interest generation in ITRET | LGART | CHAR |
298 | P15_INTGR | Integrations | BETRG | CURR |
299 | P15_INTRE | Percentage rate for deferred payment | P15_INTRE | DEC |
300 | P15_IPERIOD | Reference period INPS F24 | CHAR | |
301 | P15_ISCDA | Registration date | DATUM | DATS |
302 | P15_ISLSC | Substitute Tax for Extra Work - Spouse | CURR | |
303 | P15_ISLSD | Substitution Tax for Extra Work - Declarant | CURR | |
304 | P15_ISLST | Substit. tax for extra work (total) | CURR | |
305 | P15_KENN1 | Code for first event case | NUM02 | NUMC |
306 | P15_KENN2 | Code for subsequent sickness | NUM02 | NUMC |
307 | P15_KTYPE | P15_KTYPE | CHAR | |
308 | P15_KYVAL | TEXT40 | CHAR | |
309 | P15_LARGH | Form width (max no. of characters) | P15_LARGH | CHAR |
310 | P15_LASTV | Sum of items or the last item of the period | P15_LASTV | CHAR |
311 | P15_LC005 | Accrual from delayed adjust./stlmnt mnth (Legal Change 2005) | P15_BOOL | CHAR |
312 | P15_LGCID | Display log | XFELD | CHAR |
313 | P15_LIMII | Interval limit | NUMC04 | NUMC |
314 | P15_LIMIP | Limit value of grace parameter | P15_LIMIP | NUMC |
315 | P15_LIMIT | Range | P15_LIMIT | NUMC |
316 | P15_LIMMA | Sickness range days | P15_LIMMA | NUMC |
317 | P15_LIMPR | Maximum number of days in the reduced income bracket | P15_LIMPR | NUMC |
318 | P15_LIMRI | Subsequent sickness limit | P15_LIMRI | NUMC |
319 | P15_LIVRE | Reference pay scale level indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
320 | P15_LNGTH | Event length | P15_LNGTH | CHAR |
321 | P15_LOGDI | Display log | XFELD | CHAR |
322 | P15_LOGSEZ3 | Flag used to activate trace of section 3 of CUD 2003 | XFELD | CHAR |
323 | P15_LOG_LEVEL | log level | P15_LOG_LEVEL | NUMC |
324 | P15_LOWC | Child's minimum age | P15_AGECHLD | NUMC |
325 | P15_LTEXT | Description of INAIL office | TEXT30 | CHAR |
326 | P15_LUCOMPNUM | XFELD | CHAR | |
327 | P15_LUFREEZE | XFELD | CHAR | |
329 | P15_LUL_OVERRFL | XFELD | CHAR | |
330 | P15_LUNAM | P15_LUNAM | CHAR | |
331 | P15_LUNAS | Field length on tape | P15_LUNGH | NUMC |
332 | P15_LUNGH | No. of characters in the field | P15_LUNGH | NUMC |
333 | P15_LUTESTM | XFELD | CHAR | |
334 | P15_MACSM | Monthly highest rate for Earnings Equalization Fund | P15_MACSM | CURR |
335 | P15_MACSO | Hourly highest rate for Earnings Equalization Fund | P15_MACSO | DEC |
336 | P15_MALPA | Special sicknesses | P15_MALPA | CHAR |
337 | P15_MAMLI | Maximum number of months | P15_MAMLI | NUMC |
338 | P15_MASCA | Indicator for pay scale jump accrual | P15_MASCA | CHAR |
339 | P15_MATAI | INPDAI registration no. | NUM10 | NUMC |
340 | P15_MATAZ | Company registration number | CHAR10 | CHAR |
341 | P15_MATCE | INPS registration no. for tax centralization | P15_MATCE | CHAR |
342 | P15_MATPROV | Registration No of source NHS Contribution Item | CHAR10 | CHAR |
343 | P15_MATRICINPS | INPS registration number | CHAR | |
344 | P15_MATRL | INAIL registration number | CHAR10 | CHAR |
345 | P15_MAXGG | Maximum number of integration days | P15_MAXGG | NUMC |
346 | P15_MAXIN | Maximum number of days of absence interruption | NUMC4 | NUMC |
347 | P15_MDACC | Difference cumulation mode | P15_MDACC | CHAR |
348 | P15_MEKEN | Priority flag for the criterion to split the absence | XFELD | CHAR |
349 | P15_MEMST | Calculate, store and print | XFELD | CHAR |
350 | P15_MEPAG | Month of payment | P15_MEPAG | NUMC |
351 | P15_MERIC | Alternative occurrence months | NUM3 | NUMC |
352 | P15_MESAC | Payment Month First Inst Mun Surcharge Adv Payment(FinL2007) | P15_MEPAG | NUMC |
353 | P15_MESAL | Reference month To | P15_MESAL | NUMC |
354 | P15_MESDA | Reference month From | P15_MESDA | NUMC |
355 | P15_MESE | Processing month | NUM02 | NUMC |
356 | P15_MESEC | Month | P15_MESEC | NUMC |
357 | P15_MESEPREC | Previous month generation flag | XFELD | CHAR |
358 | P15_MESE_RIF | Creation type of reference month | P15_MESE_RIF | CHAR |
359 | P15_MEVER | Payment month | P15_MEPAG | NUMC |
360 | P15_MFINT | Integration month | P15_MEPAG | NUMC |
361 | P15_MFRAT | Final payment month for I/II advance payment instalment | P15_MEPAG | NUMC |
362 | P15_MIGLI | Thousand separator | XFELD | CHAR |
363 | P15_MINGI | Min.worked days for 100% scale recovery | P15_MINGI | NUMC |
364 | P15_MINRE | Daily/hourly pay lowest rate | P15_MINRE | CURR |
365 | P15_MINRM | Monthly pay lowest rate | P15_MINRM | CURR |
366 | P15_MMENS | Monthly pay | P15_MMENS | NUMC |
367 | P15_MML3M | Month range long personnel action | P15_MMLPC | NUMC |
368 | P15_MMLPC | Sickness calculation months | P15_MMLPC | NUMC |
369 | P15_MMPRI | Priority | P15_MMPRI | NUMC |
370 | P15_MNCID | Pers.number min.detail | XFELD | CHAR |
371 | P15_MO730 | Grouping for Form 730 | P15_MO730 | CHAR |
372 | P15_MOANF | Modifier for Earnings Equalization Fund | P15_MOANF | CHAR |
373 | P15_MOARR | Grouping for net wage rounding | P15_MOARR | CHAR |
374 | P15_MOCIG | Modifier for Earnings Equalization Fund | P15_MOCIG | CHAR |
375 | P15_MODIF | INAIL: modificator | P15_MODIF | CHAR |
376 | P15_MODMN | Calculation grouping DM10 | P15_MODMN | CHAR |
377 | P15_MOFON | Feature for Pension Fund determination | P15_MOFON | CHAR |
378 | P15_MOINA | INAIL modifier | CHAR4 | CHAR |
379 | P15_MONTH | Processing period start month | MONTH | NUMC |
380 | P15_MONTH1 | Processing period start (month) | MONTH | NUMC |
381 | P15_MONTH2 | Processing period end (month) | MONTH | NUMC |
382 | P15_MONTHS | Months | NUMC | |
383 | P15_MOPTF | Withdrawl opt.from Sev. Indemnity (100%, min.100%, fix amnt) | P15_MOPTF | CHAR |
384 | P15_MOSOC | Company grouping | P15_MOSOC | CHAR |
385 | P15_MPARE | Month range from actual delivery date | P15_MPARE | NUMC |
386 | P15_MPARF | Opt.maternity leave: months from date | P15_MPARE | NUMC |
387 | P15_MPART | Month range from delivery date | P15_MPART | NUMC |
388 | P15_MSDTR | Deduction measure | P15_PER | DEC |
389 | P15_MSETT | Sickness: week | P15_SETTI | NUMC |
390 | P15_MTAN | Less Than Three Years - 770 | XFELD | CHAR |
391 | P15_MTRIC | Registration No. | CHAR10 | CHAR |
392 | P15_MUNIC | Municipality key | P15_MUNIC | CHAR |
393 | P15_MUNICF24 | Municipality key for F24 | P15_MUNICF24 | NUMC |
394 | P15_MXDTR | Highest rate for deduct.expenses | P15_CURR12 | CURR |
395 | P15_N0STATUS | INAIL: status of table T5ITIN0 | P15_N0STATUS | CHAR |
396 | P15_NAME | Name for total field | P15_NAME | CHAR |
397 | P15_NAUT | Authorization number | CHAR | |
398 | P15_NAZ | Number of companies | NUMC | |
399 | P15_NCHILD | Childen no. | NUMC | |
400 | P15_NETLO | Integration less reimbursement (not used) | BETRG | CURR |
401 | P15_NIC | TaxPayer RefNo. | CHAR | |
402 | P15_NMAXD | Max. number of pay scale jumps | DEC2_2 | DEC |
403 | P15_NMAXPERNRS | Maximum number of PNs to process in a TemSe file | P15_NMAXPERNRS | NUMC |
404 | P15_NMEAN | Number of monthly pay foreseen | NUMC2 | NUMC |
405 | P15_NMEER | Number of monthly pay already disbursed | NUMC2 | NUMC |
406 | P15_NMPOS | No.of notice months after expiration (0=no subseq.notice) | P15_NMTSC | NUMC |
407 | P15_NMPRS | Number of notice months before expiration (0=no notice) | P15_NMTSC | NUMC |
408 | P15_NMTSC | No. of tolerance months for expiration | P15_NMTSC | NUMC |
409 | P15_NOCON | CAF: settlement was not carried out | P15_NOCON | CHAR |
410 | P15_NOME | Employee's name or other amount receiver | TEXT50 | CHAR |
411 | P15_NOMEC | Field name for the table to read | P15_NOMEC | CHAR |
412 | P15_NOMED | Employee's name or other amount receiver | TEXT50 | CHAR |
413 | P15_NOMEP | Name of the program to execute | P15_NOMEP | CHAR |
414 | P15_NOMET | Table name containing the value / text value | P15_NOMET | CHAR |
415 | P15_NOMSE | Condition name | TEXT30 | CHAR |
416 | P15_NOTE1 | Comment field 1 | CHAR80 | CHAR |
417 | P15_NOTE2 | Comment field 2 | CHAR80 | CHAR |
418 | P15_NOTE3 | Comment field 3 | CHAR80 | CHAR |
419 | P15_NOTE4 | Comment field 4 | CHAR80 | CHAR |
420 | P15_NOTE5 | Comment field 5 | CHAR80 | CHAR |
421 | P15_NOTEC | Field for note management | P15_NOTEC | CHAR |
422 | P15_NOTEN | Comment field | CHAR255 | CHAR |
423 | P15_NOZL | First activation | XFELD | CHAR |
424 | P15_NRARR | Number of figures | P15_NRART | CURR |
425 | P15_NRASS | Number of family members for family allowance | NUM2 | NUMC |
426 | P15_NRATE | No.of instalments for settl.payments and poss.down payments | P15_NRATE | NUMC |
427 | P15_NRCNG | Number of married partners | NUM2 | NUMC |
428 | P15_NRCOM | Number of family members for count type | NUM2 | NUMC |
429 | P15_NROBJ | Number range object name | NROBJ | CHAR |
430 | P15_NSETT | Number of weeks for special pay | P15_NSETT | NUMC |
431 | P15_NSPEZ | CUD: fraction number | P15_NSPEZ | NUMC |
432 | P15_NUALT | Number of alternative occurrence pay scale jumps | NUM2 | NUMC |
433 | P15_NUCAR | Number of family dependent | NUM02 | NUMC |
434 | P15_NUCFU | Number of months in the future class | NUM3 | NUMC |
435 | P15_NUCON | Number of pay scale jump for settlement | NUM2 | NUMC |
436 | P15_NUDIP | Number of employees | NUM6 | NUMC |
437 | P15_NUDIR | INPDAI manager account | CHAR10 | CHAR |
438 | P15_NUM06 | Numeric field (6 digits) | P15_NUM06 | NUMC |
439 | P15_NUM4 | Return Field of Feature T5ITC | NUMC | |
440 | P15_NUM9 | Numeric Value (9 positions) | NUM9 | NUMC |
441 | P15_NUMAX | Max. number of pay scale jumps | NUM2 | NUMC |
442 | P15_NUMCC | Company's bank account number - bank details | CHAR23 | CHAR |
443 | P15_NUMDECIMALI | Number of decimals for rounding/truncation | P15_NUMDECIMALI | NUMC |
444 | P15_NUME1 | Field number 1 | P15_NUME1 | NUMC |
445 | P15_NUME2 | Field number 2 | P15_NUME2 | NUMC |
446 | P15_NUME3 | Field number 3 | P15_NUME3 | NUMC |
447 | P15_NUME4 | Field number 4 | P15_NUME4 | NUMC |
448 | P15_NUMEE | Average employee number relevant to 2006 < 50 | XFELD | CHAR |
449 | P15_NUMGG | Number of days - section C | P15_NUMGG | NUMC |
450 | P15_NUMOD | Form number | P15_NUMOD | NUMC |
451 | P15_NUMSE | Condition sequence number | P15_NUMSE | NUMC |
452 | P15_NUNEW | Number of pay scale jumps for new pay scale jump indicator | NUM2 | NUMC |
453 | P15_NURIC | Number of pay scale jumps for alternative occurrence | NUM2 | NUMC |
454 | P15_NUSCA | Number of current pay scale jumps | DEC2_3 | DEC |
455 | P15_NUSCB | Number of blocked pay scale jumps | DEC2_3 | DEC |
456 | P15_NUSCC | Number of standard pay scale jumps | DEC2_3 | DEC |
457 | P15_NUSSL | Personal number 2 | CHAR10 | CHAR |
458 | P15_OAZFL | Company hours out of INPS range | P15_OAZFL | DEC |
459 | P15_OBEGD | Previous start date | DATUM | DATS |
460 | P15_OENDD | Previous end date | DATUM | DATS |
461 | P15_OFSE1 | Print position of contribution/exposure indicator | P15_OFSET | NUMC |
462 | P15_OFSET | Print position of selected field type | P15_OFSET | NUMC |
463 | P15_OPER | Operator | P15_OPER | CHAR |
464 | P15_OPERA | Base calculation operator | P15_OPERA | CHAR |
465 | P15_OPERN | Base calculation operand | LGART | CHAR |
466 | P15_OPLOG | Logical relational operator | P15_OPLOG | CHAR |
467 | P15_ORDES | Execution order of special procedures for grace | P15_ORDES | NUMC |
468 | P15_OREAS | Absence hours | P15_OREAS | DEC |
469 | P15_OREFF | Actual hourly wage | P15_OREFF | CURR |
470 | P15_ORIAZ | Company - Integrated hours | P15_ORIAZ | DEC |
471 | P15_ORIGPYRES | Flag. original wage results reading for monthly INPS | BOOLE | CHAR |
472 | P15_ORIGT | Source table | DDOBJNAME | CHAR |
473 | P15_ORSET | Estimated weekly hours - full time | P15_ORSET | NUMC |
474 | P15_ORTEO | Target hourly wage | P15_ORTEO | CURR |
475 | P15_ORTYPE | P15_ORTYPE | CHAR | |
476 | P15_OTHER | Free space for COVER marking | CHAR | |
477 | P15_OVERH | Number of overtime hours in the week | ANZHL | DEC |
478 | P15_PABRJ | NUMC | ||
479 | P15_PABRP | NUMC | ||
480 | P15_PAGIN | New page for wage type | XFELD | CHAR |
481 | P15_PAGOR | Hourly wage | P15_RELPR | CURR |
482 | P15_PANPA | Paid/Not paid | XFELD | CHAR |
483 | P15_PARAM | Parametric form flag | P15_PARAM | CHAR |
484 | P15_PARCA | Calculation start | P15_PARCA | CHAR |
485 | P15_PARTIME8 | Part-time percentage reading from infotype 8 | BOOLE | CHAR |
486 | P15_PARTN | CUD 2002 part name | P15_PARTN | CHAR |
487 | P15_PARTT | Flag Part-time | P15_FULLT | CHAR |
488 | P15_PATIN | Territorial Insurance Position (PAT) indicator | NUM10 | NUMC |
489 | P15_PATTX | Territorial Insurance Position description | TEXT30 | CHAR |
490 | P15_PAYER | Reimbursement or integration payer | P15_PAYER | CHAR |
491 | P15_PDFBATCH | XFELD | CHAR | |
493 | P15_PER00 | Selection period | NUMC | |
494 | P15_PERAA | Indemnity percentage c/company | P15_PERII | DEC |
495 | P15_PERAI | Company integration percentage | P15_PERIA | DEC |
496 | P15_PERC | Percentage 770 (more than 0, less or equal to 100). | P15_PERC | DEC |
497 | P15_PERCA | Optional maternity: company integration % | P15_PERIA | DEC |
498 | P15_PERCE | Percentage | P15_PERCE | DEC |
499 | P15_PERCI | Reimbursement percentage c/INPS | P15_PERII | DEC |
500 | P15_PERCO | Frozen percentage | P15_PER | DEC |