SAP ABAP Data Element - Index P, page 117
- P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 P-10 P-11 P-12 P-13 P-14 P-15 P-16 P-17 P-18 P-19 P-20 P-21 P-22 P-23 P-24 P-25 P-26 P-27 P-28 P-29 P-30 P-31 P-32 P-33 P-34 P-35 P-36 P-37 P-38 P-39 P-40 P-41 P-42 P-43 P-44 P-45 P-46 P-47 P-48 P-49 P-50 P-51 P-52 P-53 P-54 P-55 P-56 P-57 P-58 P-59 P-60 P-61 P-62 P-63 P-64 P-65 P-66 P-67 P-68 P-69 P-70 P-71 P-72 P-73 P-74 P-75 P-76 P-77 P-78 P-79 P-80 P-81 P-82 P-83 P-84 P-85 P-86 P-87 P-88 P-89 P-90 P-91 P-92 P-93 P-94 P-95 P-96 P-97 P-98 P-99 P-100 P-101 P-102 P-103 P-104 P-105 P-106 P-107 P-108 P-109 P-110 P-111 P-112 P-113 P-114 P-115 P-116 P-117 P-118 P-119 P-120 P-121 P-122 P-123 P-124 P-125 P-126 P-127 P-128 P-129 P-130
Data Element - P
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | PSORUI | Round Up with Dunning Interest Calculation | XFELD | CHAR |
2 | PSORZ | Rounding unit for base amount | NUM06 | NUMC |
3 | PSOR_SIGN | Roll order value up/down to WBS element | XFELD | CHAR |
4 | PSOSD | Use name enhancement | XFELD | CHAR |
5 | PSOSE | Own selection | XFELD | CHAR |
6 | PSOSF | Tax commitment item | FM_FIPEX | CHAR |
7 | PSOSG | Reason for reversal - IS-PS requests | PSOSG | CHAR |
8 | PSOST | Street: No longer used from Release 4.6B | PSOST | CHAR |
9 | PSOSTO | Retroactive due date for net payment | DATUM | DATS |
10 | PSOSUM | Deferral amount | WRTV8 | CURR |
11 | PSOT1 | Revnue Type | TEXT80 | CHAR |
12 | PSOT2 | Short text | TEXT10 | CHAR |
13 | PSOTA | Art des Tagesabschlusses | CHAR1 | CHAR |
14 | PSOTL | Title | FMPSOTL | CHAR |
15 | PSOTM | Last changed at | UZEIT | TIMS |
16 | PSOTMP | Total of all temporarty waivers for an open item | WRTV8 | CURR |
17 | PSOTX | Payment Request Document Category -Local Authority (Texts) | TEXT50 | CHAR |
18 | PSOTY_D | Document category payment requests | PSOTY | CHAR |
19 | PSOTZ | Daily Interest Rate | XFELD | CHAR |
20 | PSOUB | User | XUBNAME | CHAR |
21 | PSOUS | Processor | XUBNAME | CHAR |
22 | PSOV1 | Account key (abbreviation) for FI G/L account summarization | PSOV1 | CHAR |
23 | PSOVART | Art des Verdichtungsschlüssels | FMVART | CHAR |
24 | PSOVL | Only enter complete requests | XFELD | CHAR |
25 | PSOVM | Complete months | XFELD | CHAR |
26 | PSOVN | First Name | NAME | CHAR |
27 | PSOVR | Dunning procedure leads to debt enforcement | XFELD | CHAR |
28 | PSOVS | Use execution | XFELD | CHAR |
29 | PSOVW | Application of funds | PSOVW | CHAR |
30 | PSOWFVAR | Request Workflow Variant | PSOWFVAR | CHAR |
31 | PSOWO | Development record was already processed | PSOWO | CHAR |
32 | PSOXACT | Indicator: Field is offered for selection in Customizing | XFELD | CHAR |
33 | PSOXB | Indicator: Automatic posting of approved requests | XFELD | CHAR |
34 | PSOXD | Indicator: Recurring request complete (can be deleted)? | XFELD | CHAR |
35 | PSOXG | Indicator: Save completed requests as approved | XFELD | CHAR |
36 | PSOXL | Indicator: Public-Law Dunning Procedure | XFELD | CHAR |
37 | PSOXWF | Release via request Workflow required | XFELD | CHAR |
38 | PSOZG | Revenue Type for Dunning Interest | PSOEA | CHAR |
39 | PSOZL | Actual posting | XFELD | CHAR |
40 | PSOZS | Interest rate | PRZ43 | DEC |
41 | PSOZW | List: Exception Pymnt Mthds Lding to Days in Arrears/Int = 0 | ZWELS | CHAR |
42 | PSO_ANL | Asset description | CHAR50 | CHAR |
43 | PSO_BNK | Bank key and bank account of the payer | TEXT100 | CHAR |
44 | PSO_EXCH | Indicator: Reverse post for clearing request | XFELD | CHAR |
45 | PSO_ICON | Field Status Check | ICON | CHAR |
46 | PSO_ICON_DISP | Document status | ICON | CHAR |
47 | PSO_ICON_TOOLTIP | Field Status Check | CHAR50 | CHAR |
48 | PSO_LOTKZ | Lot Number for Requests | LOTKZ | CHAR |
49 | PSO_NAME | Name of a Subledger Account | TEXT100 | CHAR |
50 | PSO_SGTXT | Item Text - G/L Account Item | TEXT50 | CHAR |
51 | PSO_XMWST | Indicator: Calculate tax? | XFELD | CHAR |
52 | PSO_XUMVZ | Indicator: Posting with inverted +/- sign | XFELD | CHAR |
53 | PSP001 | Indicator: period lock active for period 1 | RKACT | CHAR |
54 | PSP002 | Indicator: Period lock active for period 2 | RKACT | CHAR |
55 | PSP003 | Indicator: Period lock active for period 3 | RKACT | CHAR |
56 | PSP004 | Indicator: Period lock active for period 4 | RKACT | CHAR |
57 | PSP005 | Indicator: Period lock active for period 5 | RKACT | CHAR |
58 | PSP006 | Indicator: Period Lock Active for Period 6 | RKACT | CHAR |
59 | PSP007 | Indicator: Period Lock Active for Period 7 | RKACT | CHAR |
60 | PSP008 | Indicator: Period Lock Active for Period 8 | RKACT | CHAR |
61 | PSP009 | Indicator: Period Lock Active for Period 9 | RKACT | CHAR |
62 | PSP010 | Indicator: Period lock active for period 10 | RKACT | CHAR |
63 | PSP011 | Indicator: Period lock active for period 11 | RKACT | CHAR |
64 | PSP012 | Indicator: Period lock active for period 12 | RKACT | CHAR |
65 | PSP013 | Indicator: Period lock active for period 13 | RKACT | CHAR |
66 | PSP014 | Indicator: Period lock active for period 14 | RKACT | CHAR |
67 | PSP015 | Indicator: Period lock active for period 15 | RKACT | CHAR |
68 | PSP016 | Indicator: Period lock active for period 16 | RKACT | CHAR |
69 | PSPANN | Indicates whether a retail reval. affects margins (Yes/No) | PSPANN | CHAR |
70 | PSPATTBG | Background pattern color | W_COLOR | CHAR |
71 | PSPATTERN | Fill pattern for graphic objects in combo box | PSPATTERN | CHAR |
72 | PSPBISDAT | Payment Scheme End Date | DATS | DATS |
73 | PSPEN | Penalty Charge for Item | WRTV7 | CURR |
74 | PSPER | Lock Tax Procedure | CHAR1 | CHAR |
75 | PSPKZ | Indicator: Project | XFELD | CHAR |
76 | PSPLART | Planning type for project date definition | PSPLART | NUMC |
77 | PSPLFRM | Planning method for project scheduling | PSPLFRM | NUMC |
78 | PSPM_INDICATOR | Indicates PMCS date influence activity scheduling | PSPM_INDICATOR | CHAR |
79 | PSPNR2 | Project Title | PS_POSNR | NUMC |
80 | PSPNR_FROM | Oiginal project definition counter | PS_PSPNR | NUMC |
81 | PSPOP_DAYS_KK | Payment lock for incoming payments: Duration in days | INT4 | INT4 |
82 | PSPOP_KK | Payment lock reason for item | SPZAH_KK | CHAR |
83 | PSPPTFAKT | Zoom factor | PSPPTFAKT | NUMC |
84 | PSPROJLIST | Project list | XFELD | CHAR |
85 | PSPROT | Error log | XFELD | CHAR |
86 | PSPRT | Partially Paid Amount of Invoice | WRTV7 | CURR |
87 | PSPRZ | Indicator: Percentage basis | PSPRZ | CHAR |
88 | PSPSL | Selection by WBS element | RBUTTON | CHAR |
89 | PSPTAGTY | Day Type According to Personal Work Schedule (PWS) | TAGTY | CHAR |
90 | PSPTAZP | Daily Work Schedule Abbreviation Acc. to Pers. Work Schedule | TDKENN | CHAR |
91 | PSPZINS | Interest on savings for credit balance | DEC3_7 | DEC |
92 | PSP_DARST | Display options for WBS element in the graphic | PSP_DARST | CHAR |
93 | PSP_PNR | Work breakdown structure element (WBS element) | CHAR24 | CHAR |
94 | PSQFOLGENR | IS-M: Suffix for production sequence | INT2 | INT2 |
95 | PSQNR | Format Definition Sequence Number | NUM03 | NUMC |
96 | PSQSCHEMA | IS-M: Production Procedure | PSQSCHEMA | CHAR |
97 | PSQUAL_LEVEL_PS | Degree Type of Highest Degree | PIQQUAL_LEVEL | CHAR |
98 | PSQUAL_YEAR_PS | Year of Graduation | NUMC | |
99 | PSQUAL_YEAR_PS_DI | Year of Graduation (DI) | CHAR | |
100 | PSQUPLAN | Transfer Plan Values from Quotation | XFELD | CHAR |
101 | PSRECPT_PS | Beneficiary | BU_PARTNER | CHAR |
102 | PSREL_SPREL_ONLY | Create Holder Relationships Only | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
103 | PSREMIND | IS-M/SD: Product procedure for monitoring | PSREMIND | CHAR |
104 | PSRES | Item number of the stock transfer reservation | RSPOS | NUMC |
105 | PSRLV | Report variant | PSRLV | CHAR |
106 | PSRLV_ERL | Report version for revenue overview | PSRLV | CHAR |
107 | PSRLV_FIN | Information system: Line version of the financial overview | PSRLV | CHAR |
108 | PSRLV_MIT | Information system: line variant, funds overview | PSRLV | CHAR |
109 | PSRM_SEQNR | Number of Table Entries With Same Key | NUM05 | NUMC |
110 | PSRTY | Pay scale reclassification type | PSRTY | CHAR |
111 | PSRV_ON_OFF | Boolean Data Type for ON (= "X") and OFF (= " ") | PSRV_ON_OFF | CHAR |
112 | PSSC_CONF_ID | Confirmation ID | PSSC_OBJECT_ID | CHAR |
113 | PSSC_CREA_DATE_FR | Creation Date From | DATS | DATS |
114 | PSSC_CREA_DATE_TO | Creation Date To | DATS | DATS |
115 | PSSC_REQUESTOR | User that Created the Transaction | UNAME | CHAR |
116 | PSSC_SC_ID | Shopping Cart ID | PSSC_OBJECT_ID | CHAR |
117 | PSSC_SUPPLIER | Supplier | BU_PARTNER | CHAR |
118 | PSSDPLAN | Transfer Plan Values from Sales Order | XFELD | CHAR |
119 | PSSKA_FKB4 | Proportional Cash Discount/Surcharge for Item | WRTV7 | CURR |
120 | PSSKO | Indicator: Include cash discount | XFELD | CHAR |
121 | PSSKT | Cash Discount Deduction for the Item | WRTV7 | CURR |
122 | PSSKT_FPM | Cash Discount Deduction for the Item | WERTV12 | CURR |
123 | PSSO_AUTH | Indicator: Send with own authorizations | XFELD | CHAR |
124 | PSSO_DATEN | Indicator: Send with selected data | XFELD | CHAR |
125 | PSSO_EINST | Indicator: Send with current settings | XFELD | CHAR |
126 | PSSRM_MANDT_RM | Client of RM System | NUM3 | NUMC |
127 | PSSRM_PATH | User PC Path | CHAR255 | CHAR |
128 | PSSRM_RM_SYS_DESCR | SAP Logon Entry | CHAR64 | CHAR |
129 | PSSTA | Age (in days) up to which static price will be accepted | DEC3 | DEC |
130 | PSSTAT | Static price adopted | XFELD | CHAR |
131 | PSSTXH_TDNAME | Long text key for Project System objects | PSSTXH_TDNAME | CHAR |
132 | PSSVA_011 | Item Key Representing the Liabilities | ERGSL | CHAR |
133 | PSS_ID | PSS Global Configuration ID | PSS_ID | NUMC |
134 | PSTAB | Maint. status of plant | PSTAK | CHAR |
135 | PSTABACTIVE | Indicator: Active tab page | XFELD | CHAR |
136 | PSTABHEAD | Tab page title | TEXT40 | CHAR |
137 | PSTAE | Functional location status | PSTAE | CHAR |
138 | PSTAG | Lump-sum tax to be paid by ER | XFELD | CHAR |
139 | PSTAK | Maintenance status of allocation table | PSTAK | CHAR |
140 | PSTAP | Maintenance status of alloc. table item | PSTAK | CHAR |
141 | PSTAR | Start | CHAR1 | CHAR |
142 | PSTARTAQ | From Period | CHAR | |
143 | PSTARTD | IS-M: Planned start date for truck route | DATUM | DATS |
144 | PSTATART | Maintenance status determination type for data transfer | PSTATART | NUMC |
145 | PSTATUS1 | Ind.: Display records? | XFELD | CHAR |
146 | PSTATUS2 | Ind.: Highlight records? | XFELD | CHAR |
147 | PSTATUS3 | Status description | TEXT30 | CHAR |
148 | PSTAT_D | Maintenance status | PSTAT | CHAR |
149 | PSTAX | Include taxes | XFELD | CHAR |
150 | PSTBD | Conditional Pension Key Date - Not Used | DATS | |
151 | PSTBEG | FI-AA: Posting depreciation as of period xy | PERAF | NUMC |
152 | PSTBL_KK | Symbol: Amount Limit Check | CHAR4 | CHAR |
153 | PSTBZ | Post delivery district | PSTBZ | CHAR |
154 | PSTCALC | FI-AA: New calculation of depreciation during posting | PSTCALC | CHAR |
155 | PSTDM | Use standard feature | XFELD | CHAR |
156 | PSTDS | Use standard schema | XFELD | CHAR |
157 | PSTEIN | IS-M: Postal unit number | PSTEIN | CHAR |
158 | PSTEINBEZ | IS-M/SD: Text for postal unit (street) | PSTEINBEZ | CHAR |
159 | PSTEND | FI-AA: Posting depreciation up to period xy | PERAF | NUMC |
160 | PSTEPTYP | IS-M: Type of production sequence | PSTEPTYP | CHAR |
161 | PSTER | Planned start date | DATUM | DATS |
162 | PSTERMA | Start Date | DATUM | DATS |
163 | PSTERMINKREIS | Fill values for selecting set of dates in combo box | PSTERMINKREIS | CHAR |
164 | PSTERM_AUTO | Schedule during saving | FLAG | CHAR |
165 | PSTEU | Percentage value of corresponding tax type | DEC3_7 | DEC |
166 | PSTEXT | Planning Status Name | TEXT25 | CHAR |
167 | PSTIN_KK | Postal Order | CHAR | |
168 | PSTL0 | Employer's postal code | CHAR7 | CHAR |
169 | PSTL2 | P.O. Box Postal Code | PSTLZ | CHAR |
170 | PSTL2_ADDON | IS-M: Extension to 5-Character ZIP Code (PO Box) | CHAR4 | CHAR |
171 | PSTL2_BAS | PO Box postal code | PSTLZ | CHAR |
172 | PSTL2_VP | Postal code of the P.O. box | PSTLZ | CHAR |
173 | PSTL3 | IS-M: Company Postal Code | PSTLZ | CHAR |
174 | PSTL3_ADDON | IS-M: Extension to 5-Character ZIP Code (Company) | CHAR4 | CHAR |
175 | PSTLB | Upper limit of the postal code area | PSTLZ | CHAR |
176 | PSTLV | Lower limit of the postal code area | PSTLZ | CHAR |
177 | PSTLZ | Postal Code | PSTLZ | CHAR |
178 | PSTLZA | Departure postal code | PSTLZ | CHAR |
179 | PSTLZZ | Target postal code | PSTLZ | CHAR |
180 | PSTLZ_A | Departure point: Postal code | PSTLZ | CHAR |
181 | PSTLZ_ADDON | IS-M: Extension to 5-Character ZIP Code | CHAR4 | CHAR |
182 | PSTLZ_ANG | IS-H: Postal Code | PSTLZ | CHAR |
183 | PSTLZ_BAS | Postal code | PSTLZ | CHAR |
184 | PSTLZ_FEHL | IS-H: Indicator for Missing Postal Code | XFELD | CHAR |
185 | PSTLZ_GP | IS-H: Postal Code of Business Partner | PSTLZ | CHAR |
186 | PSTLZ_HR | Postal Code | PSTLZ | CHAR |
187 | PSTLZ_KLASSE | IS-M/SD: Classification of postal codes (post) | PSTLZ_KLASSE | CHAR |
188 | PSTLZ_PAT | IS-H: Patient Postal Code | PSTLZ | CHAR |
189 | PSTLZ_REG | IS-M: Payer's postal code | PSTLZ | CHAR |
190 | PSTLZ_SORT | IS-H: Sort sequence by postal code (billing) | ISH_SORT04 | NUMC |
191 | PSTLZ_SORTKZ | IS-H CH: Sortierreihenfolge für Postleitzahl | ISH_SORT06 | NUMC |
192 | PSTLZ_TBG | Postal code: shipment start | PSTLZ | CHAR |
193 | PSTLZ_TEN | Postal code: shipment end | PSTLZ | CHAR |
194 | PSTLZ_VP | Postal code | PSTLZ | CHAR |
195 | PSTLZ_WAN | IS-H: Postal Code of Bad Debt Party | PSTLZ | CHAR |
196 | PSTLZ_Z | Destination: Postal code | PSTLZ | CHAR |
197 | PSTL_LIS | Postal code of city or PO box | PSTLZ | CHAR |
198 | PSTMP | Last Change to Planned Order: Time Stamp | TZNTSTMPS | DEC |
199 | PSTNG_DATE | Posting date | DATE | DATS |
200 | PSTNO | Item number of events in infotype operations | NUM03 | NUMC |
201 | PSTNO_CA | Number of Postal Order | CHAR | |
202 | PSTNO_KK | Number of Postal Order | CHAR | |
203 | PSTODATE | Date | DATUM | DATS |
204 | PSTPER | FI-AA: Depreciation calculation from period X | PERAF | NUMC |
205 | PSTRA | Sales Pricing: Pricing Strategy | PSTRA | CHAR |
206 | PSTRART | Scheduling type for date definition | CHAR3 | CHAR |
207 | PSTRG | Control key for item detail screens | PSTRG | CHAR |
208 | PSTRG_VK | Parameter Control | CHAR80 | CHAR |
209 | PSTRING | Parameter string | STRG | |
210 | PSTRU | Pointer to Root of Structure | PDTABIX | INT4 |
211 | PSTSV | Tax/SI share not liable to garnishment | CHAR1 | CHAR |
212 | PSTTI | Start Time of Planned Order | UZEIT | TIMS |
213 | PSTTR | Order start date in planned order | DATUM | DATS |
214 | PSTUB | Key Date for Pension | DATS | |
215 | PSTUR | Planned Start Time for Task | UZEIT | TIMS |
216 | PSTURMA | Start Time of Activity | UZEIT | TIMS |
217 | PSTVF | Permissibility for Flat-Rate Tax Procedure | ZKENN | CHAR |
218 | PSTXCHG | Changed PS text indiator | XFELD | CHAR |
219 | PSTXT08 | Description for PS text type (8 characters) | TEXT8 | CHAR |
220 | PSTXT40 | Description for PS text type (40 characters) | TEXT40 | CHAR |
221 | PSTXTAR | PS text type | TXTAR | CHAR |
222 | PSTXTLN | PS text: First line of long text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
223 | PSTXT_D | Description of price control indicator | CHAR15 | CHAR |
224 | PSTXT_GC | Item short text | TEXT15 | CHAR |
225 | PSTYD | Default item category for the document | PSTYV | CHAR |
226 | PSTYD_VL | Default item category for delivery | PSTYV | CHAR |
227 | PSTYM | Manual entries allowed for item category in the document | PSTYV | CHAR |
228 | PSTYM_VL | Manual entries allowed for item category in the delivery | PSTYV | CHAR |
229 | PSTYO | Object for which you define the item category | PSTYO | CHAR |
230 | PSTYP | Item category in purchasing document | PSTYP | CHAR |
231 | PSTYP4_KK | Item type in account balance (for event 1211) | PSTYP4_KK | CHAR |
232 | PSTYPTXT | Link Type Description | PSTYPTXT | CHAR |
233 | PSTYP_EDI | Item Category | PSTYP_EDI | CHAR |
234 | PSTYP_KK | Item Category in Account Balance | PSTYP_KK | CHAR |
235 | PSTYV | Sales document item category | PSTYV | CHAR |
236 | PSTYV_BEZ | Description of item category | TEXT20 | CHAR |
237 | PSTYV_DEFSBI | Default item category | PSTYV | CHAR |
238 | PSTYV_GS | Item Category for Debit Credit memo request | PSTYV | CHAR |
239 | PSTYV_LS | Item Category for Debit memo request | PSTYV | CHAR |
240 | PSTYV_NAC2 | 2nd default item category | PSTYV | CHAR |
241 | PSTYV_NACH | Default item category | PSTYV | CHAR |
242 | PSTYV_NEU | Std Item Category for New Orders Transfer + Emergency System | PSTYV_PAM | CHAR |
243 | PSTYV_PAM | IS-M: Item Category for Sales Document | PSTYV_PAM | CHAR |
244 | PSTYV_PAM_TEXT | IS-M: Text for Sales Document Item Category | TEXT15 | CHAR |
245 | PSTYV_VL | Delivery item category | PSTYV | CHAR |
246 | PSTYV_VON | Reference item category | PSTYV | CHAR |
247 | PSTYV_WA_BAR | Item Category for Sales Document Cash Payment | PSTYV | CHAR |
248 | PSTYV_WA_EXPRESS | Item Category for Bulk Waste Express Order | PSTYV | CHAR |
249 | PSTYV_WA_KOSTENLOS | Sales Document Item Category for Free Items | PSTYV | CHAR |
250 | PSTYV_WA_NORMAL | Sales Document Item Category | PSTYV | CHAR |
251 | PSTYV_WA_VOR | Item Category for Sales Document Advance Payment | PSTYV | CHAR |
252 | PST_EXPLTYP | Sorting for the Object Comparison | PST_EXPLTYP | CHAR |
253 | PST_OBJTYP | Object Type for Explosion | PST_OBJTYP | CHAR |
254 | PSUMB | Log totals | XFELD | CHAR |
255 | PSUPDATE | V2 update | XFLAG | CHAR |
256 | PSURSP | Read original documents | XFELD | CHAR |
257 | PSU_MD_WUI_CRT_HIDE_DE | Hide the create underneath button | BOOLE | CHAR |
258 | PSVC1 | RP-DSV: Individual Statement Types | ENARN | CHAR |
259 | PSVERSN_PS | Version of Plan Document in Contract A/R and A/P | PSVERSN_PS | CHAR |
260 | PSVK1 | List of People with Voluntary Health Insurance | XFELD | CHAR |
261 | PSVK2 | Collective Statement after Individual Statement | XFELD | CHAR |
262 | PSVK3 | Create Dataset for Transfer | XFELD | CHAR |
263 | PSVK4 | Live run | XFELD | CHAR |
264 | PSVK5 | Line Width | XFELD | CHAR |
265 | PSVK6 | Transfer to Data Medium for Health Insurance Funds | XFELD | CHAR |
266 | PSVK7 | Dataset for Statement of Contributions Paid | CHAR20 | CHAR |
267 | PSVK8 | Conversion Rule for Sender | CHAR5 | CHAR |
268 | PSVZ1 | List of Contribution Statements | XFELD | CHAR |
269 | PSVZ2 | Log Control | CHAR1 | CHAR |
270 | PSVZ3 | Archive number | CHAR6 | CHAR |
271 | PSVZ4 | Multiple payroll | NUM2 | NUMC |
272 | PSVZ5 | Create TemSe File for Data Medium Download | XFELD | CHAR |
273 | PSVZ_BELNR | Interest calculation document number in PS | PSVZ_STBEL | CHAR |
274 | PSVZ_STBEL | Document number for the canceled PS interest calculation | PSVZ_STBEL | CHAR |
275 | PSWALL | Display All Personnel Numbers in Period | XFELD | CHAR |
276 | PSWBT | Amount for Updating in General Ledger | WERT7 | CURR |
277 | PSWBT8_KK | Amount for Updating in General Ledger | WRTV8 | CURR |
278 | PSWBTV | G/L Amount with +/- Sign | WRTV7 | CURR |
279 | PSWBTV_EPIC | G/L Amount with +/- Sign | WRTV7 | CURR |
280 | PSWBT_FPM | Amount for Updating in General Ledger | WERTV12 | CURR |
281 | PSWBT_KK | Amount for Updating in General Ledger | WRTV7 | CURR |
282 | PSWBT_X8 | Amount for General Ledger Update (Absolute) | WERT8 | CURR |
283 | PSWD_40 | PSWD_40 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
285 | PSWER | Threshold value or exemption limit | PRBETRG | CURR |
286 | PSWGTY | Cumulation Identifiers | CHAR1 | CHAR |
287 | PSWRK | Issuing Plant | WERKS | CHAR |
288 | PSWSL | Update Currency for General Ledger Transaction Figures | WAERS | CUKY |
289 | PSWSL_FPM | Update Currency for General Ledger Transaction Figures | WAERS | CUKY |
290 | PSWSL_KK | Update Currency for General Ledger Transaction Figures | WAERS | CUKY |
291 | PSWTX_KK | Tax Amount for Update in General Ledger | WRTV7 | CURR |
292 | PSZAH | Amount Paid | WRTV7 | CURR |
293 | PSZOOMVAL | Variable zoom factor | PSZOOMVAL | NUMC |
294 | PSZRM | Indicator: Selection of records for one period only | CHAR1 | CHAR |
295 | PS_1ROOT | Indicator: WBS can only have one WBS element with level 1 | XFELD | CHAR |
296 | PS_ABARBA | Percent of completion for work | CO_ABARB | NUMC |
297 | PS_ABARBD | Processing % of duration | CO_ABARB | NUMC |
298 | PS_ACC | Accounz assignment control | CTRL_SRG_ACC | CHAR |
299 | PS_ACCOUNT | WBS element is an account assignment element | FLAG | CHAR |
300 | PS_ACLH_DELE | ACL tab activated for project and network profile | XFELD | CHAR |
301 | PS_ACLN_DELE | ACL tab activated for project and network profile | XFELD | CHAR |
302 | PS_ACL_DELE | ACL tab activated for project and network profile | XFELD | CHAR |
303 | PS_ACT | Activity only | XFELD | CHAR |
304 | PS_ACTALL | All subordinate activities too | FELD | CHAR |
305 | PS_ACTIND | Doc. table index for activities | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
306 | PS_ACTTYPE_DE | PS ACL Authorization Type | PS_ACTTYP_DOM | INT1 |
307 | PS_ACTTYPE_DELE | PS ACL Authorization Type | PS_ACTTYPE_DOM | INT1 |
308 | PS_ACTYP | Key for activity type | SUB_OBJECT_ACT | CHAR |
309 | PS_ACT_ALLOC | Adjust network assignment when moving activities | XFELD | CHAR |
310 | PS_ACT_DESC_DE | Description of PS ACL Authorization Type | PS_DES_DOM | CHAR |
311 | PS_ACT_DESC_DELE | Description of PS ACL Authorization Type | PS_DESC_DOM | CHAR |
312 | PS_ACT_SKF_NAE | Activate tab for network activity element | FLAG | CHAR |
313 | PS_ACT_SKF_NAT | Activate SKF tab for network activity | FLAG | CHAR |
314 | PS_ACT_SKF_NET | Activate SKF tab for network | FLAG | CHAR |
315 | PS_ACT_SKF_WBS | Activate SKF for WBS | FLAG | CHAR |
316 | PS_ADRESS | PARTNER Address | CHAR150 | CHAR |
317 | PS_AEBLG | Change document creation allowed | XFELD | CHAR |
318 | PS_AEDTE | Date of last scheduling of the overall network (basic dates) | DATUM | DATS |
319 | PS_AEDTI | Date of the last scheduling of the overall network (actual) | DATUM | DATS |
320 | PS_AEDTP | Date of last scheduling of the overall network (forecast) | DATUM | DATS |
321 | PS_AENAM | Last changed by | USNAM | CHAR |
322 | PS_AENDZ | Change counter for customer order | NUM4 | NUMC |
323 | PS_AKOKR | Controlling area of requesting cost center | CACCD | CHAR |
324 | PS_AKSTL | Requesting cost center | KOSTL | CHAR |
325 | PS_AKTDAT | Indicator: Current data should be selected | XFELD | CHAR |
326 | PS_AKTDB | Activity in Database | BU_AKTYP | CHAR |
327 | PS_AKTREP | Indicator: Selection versions for started report | XFELD | CHAR |
328 | PS_AKT_MASS | Key figure: carry out mass change | XFELD | CHAR |
329 | PS_AKT_MLS | Indicator: Send mail | XFELD | CHAR |
330 | PS_AKT_MSA | Indicator: export data to MS ACCESS for confirmation | XFELD | CHAR |
331 | PS_AKT_PRN | Indicator: Print overview | XFELD | CHAR |
332 | PS_AKT_PVL | Indicator: Delete project version | XFELD | CHAR |
333 | PS_AKT_PVS | Indicator: Save project version | XFELD | CHAR |
334 | PS_AKT_RDZ | Indicator: export data to MS ACCESS for confirmation | XFELD | CHAR |
335 | PS_AKT_RKV | Indicator: Create confirmation pool | XFELD | CHAR |
336 | PS_AKT_RVL | Indicator: Delete confirmation pool | XFELD | CHAR |
337 | PS_AKT_RWF | Indicator: Create confirmation workflow | XFELD | CHAR |
338 | PS_AKT_SET | Settings active in the current transaction | XFELD | CHAR |
339 | PS_AKT_SVS | Indicator: Save selection version | XFELD | CHAR |
340 | PS_ALLACC | Indicator: All WBS elements are account assignment elements | CHAR1 | CHAR |
341 | PS_ALLDATES | All subordinate dates | XFELD | CHAR |
342 | PS_ALL_ACT | Indicator: Read project with activities | X | CHAR |
343 | PS_ALL_MLST | Ouput project with milestones | X | CHAR |
344 | PS_ALT_CHECK_FUNCNAME | Alternative Check Function Module Name | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
345 | PS_AMYO_NODE | Nodes in MyObjects (key) | PS_AMYO_NODD | CHAR |
346 | PS_ANZHGR | Display horizontal lines | XFELD | CHAR |
347 | PS_ANZKAL | Display non-working time | PS_ANZKAL | CHAR |
348 | PS_ANZTRM | Display scheduled WBS dates | XFELD | CHAR |
349 | PS_ANZVGR | Display vertical lines | XFELD | CHAR |
350 | PS_AOBIND | Document table index for relationship (Gantt chart) | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
351 | PS_APPL | User component | PS_APPL | CHAR |
352 | PS_APPLI | Application calling up the project planning board | PS_APPLI | CHAR |
353 | PS_APRFE | Revenue settlement profile | APROF | CHAR |
354 | PS_APROF | Settlement profile | APROF | CHAR |
355 | PS_ARBEH | Unit for work | MEINS | UNIT |
356 | PS_ARBTEXT | Short text for the CIM operating resource | TEXT40 | CHAR |
357 | PS_ARCDAT | Indicator: Archive data is to be selected | XFELD | CHAR |
358 | PS_ARGEB | Department for authorization checking in project system | PS_ARGEB | CHAR |
359 | PS_ARPKT | Indicator: work package | FLAG | CHAR |
360 | PS_ASTNA | Applicant | PS_ASTNA | CHAR |
361 | PS_ASTNR | Applicant number | PS_ASTNR | NUMC |
362 | PS_AUC | WBS element assigned to asset under construction | FLAG | CHAR |
363 | PS_AUFART | Order category for networks | AUFART | CHAR |
364 | PS_AUFL_AN | Breakdown orders and networks for navigation in graphic | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
365 | PS_AUFL_HI | Break down hierarchy for navigation in graphic | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
366 | PS_AUSS | Planned/target scrap deviation | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
367 | PS_AUSW1 | Checkbox | RADIOBUTT | CHAR |
368 | PS_AUTHACT | Activity for authorization checks in Project System | PS_AUTHACT | CHAR |
369 | PS_AUTHTYPE_DELE | PS ACL Authorization Group | PS_AUTHTYPE_DOM | INT1 |
370 | PS_AUTOD | Automatic value transfer from WBS element to project def. | XFELD | CHAR |
371 | PS_BAPI_FACT_AKTYP | BAPI: Facts activity type | PS_BAPI_FACT_AKTYP | CHAR |
372 | PS_BELASTG | Capacity load caused by WBS element | DEC8_2 | DEC |
373 | PS_BELKZ | Indicator: Account assignment element | XFELD | CHAR |
374 | PS_BELPROZ | Load (%) in one period caused by WBS elements | DEC8_2 | DEC |
375 | PS_BERBU | Authorization key for project budget | CHAR16 | CHAR |
376 | PS_BERKO | Authorization key for costs and revenues | CHAR16 | CHAR |
377 | PS_BERST | Authorization key for project master data | CHAR16 | CHAR |
378 | PS_BERTR | Authorization key for project dates (WBS) | CHAR16 | CHAR |
379 | PS_BER_ACT | (Change) action allowed | XFELD | CHAR |
380 | PS_BER_ALT | Alternative action (display) allowed | XFELD | CHAR |
381 | PS_BESTAND | Project stock | XFELD | CHAR |
382 | PS_BEZEICH | Description project objects | TEXT40 | CHAR |
383 | PS_BILLING | WBS element is a billing element | FLAG | CHAR |
384 | PS_BR_OBJ_TYPE | Object Type for PS Structure Browser | CHAR | |
385 | PS_CACHE_STATUS | Status of Project Cache | PS_CACHE_STATUS | CHAR |
386 | PS_CALCULATE | Indicator: Object is being or was costed | XFELD | CHAR |
387 | PS_CALL | PS CM: cash planning: applic. spec. functions, SEE DOCU. | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
388 | PS_CAPITALSP | WBS element is assigned to an investment program | FLAG | CHAR |
389 | PS_CAT | Payment Schema Category | RPCAT_KK | CHAR |
390 | PS_CHANCE | Chance of Completing a Claim | PS_CHANCE | NUMC |
391 | PS_CHANGE_TYPE | Change Type for Project Cache | PS_CHANGE_TYPE | CHAR |
392 | PS_CHECK_FUNCNAME | Fact Checks Function Module Name | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
394 | PS_CLASF | Indicator: WBS element used in project summarization | XFELD | CHAR |
395 | PS_CLPRALL | Classify all WBS elements | XFELD | CHAR |
396 | PS_CLPRFAK | Classify billing elements | XFELD | CHAR |
397 | PS_CLPRKNT | Classify account assignment elements | XFELD | CHAR |
398 | PS_CNPB_CNT_LAST_PRJ_DELE | Number of projects worked on | PS_CNPB_CNT_LAST_PRJ_DOM | NUMC |
399 | PS_COMMAND | Parameters for program | PS_STRG55 | CHAR |
400 | PS_COMMART | Description on the time bar | PS_COMMART | NUMC |
401 | PS_COMMPOS | Text position on time bar | PS_COMMPOS | NUMC |
402 | PS_COMP | Component in the Projekt Information System | CHAR14 | CHAR |
403 | PS_CONSTRAINT | Set constraint | PS_CONSTRAINT | CHAR |
404 | PS_COSTACT | Activity/ element is general costs activity | FLAG | CHAR |
405 | PS_COSTS | Estimated Costs for a Claim | WERTV7 | CURR |
406 | PS_CREATAB | Indicator: Create table | XFELD | CHAR |
407 | PS_CRM_ELEMENT | Marketing Element (CRM Element) | PS_POSID | CHAR |
408 | PS_CUR | WBS currency (project definition) | WAERS | CUKY |
409 | PS_CUSTOFF | Ind.: Switch off Customizing-Layout in current transaction | XFELD | CHAR |
410 | PS_CUSTOM | Indicator: Maintenance only allowed from initial menu | XFELD | CHAR |
411 | PS_CUST_OFF | Ind.: Customzing layout can be switched off | XFELD | CHAR |
412 | PS_DATASET | Data Set for Project Cache | PS_DATASET | CHAR |
413 | PS_DATA_FIELD_DESCR | Field Name for Fact Value | FDNAME | CHAR |
414 | PS_DATE | Only move the date itself | XFELD | CHAR |
415 | PS_DATFS | Earliest start date | DATUM | DATS |
416 | PS_DATFSR | Earliest start date (relative to today's date) | VNZTV | QUAN |
417 | PS_DATSE | Latest finish date | DATUM | DATS |
418 | PS_DATSER | Latest finish date (relative to today's date) | VNZTV | QUAN |
419 | PS_DATUM | Print Date | SYDATS | DATS |
420 | PS_DAUEH | Actual duration unit | MEINS | UNIT |
421 | PS_DBDAT | Indicator: Data from database should be selected | XFELD | CHAR |
422 | PS_DB_VIEW | Structure view of Project Info System database | PS_DB_VIEW | CHAR |
423 | PS_DEFAULTS_FUNCNAME | Fact Defaults Function Module Name | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
424 | PS_DELETE | Indicator: Deletion flag has been set | XFELD | CHAR |
425 | PS_DELETION_FLAG | Deletion Indicator | XFLAG | CHAR |
426 | PS_DEL_BY | User who Deleted the Record | UNAME | CHAR |
427 | PS_DEL_DAT | Deletion date | DATS | DATS |
428 | PS_DEL_DATE | Date on Which the Record Was Deleted | DATUM | DATS |
429 | PS_DEL_TIM | Time when selection versions are deleted (in days) | NUMC3 | NUMC |
430 | PS_DERIVE | Derive Fund and Functional Area as Receiver | CHAR1 | CHAR |
431 | PS_DERIVE_BUDGET_PERIOD | Derive Budget Period from Receiver | CHAR1 | CHAR |
432 | PS_DERIVE_FKBER | Derive Functional Area from Recipient | CHAR1 | CHAR |
433 | PS_DERIVE_FONDS | Derive Funds from Recipient | CHAR1 | CHAR |
434 | PS_DERIVE_GRANT | Derive Grant from Recipient | CHAR1 | CHAR |
435 | PS_DESCRIPTION | PS: Short description (1st text line) | TEXT40 | CHAR |
436 | PS_DESCRIPTION_FUNCNAME | Fact Category Description Function Module Name | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
437 | PS_DESC_DELE | Description of PS ACL Authorization Group | PS_DESC_DOM | CHAR |
438 | PS_DIFFE | Difference between two finish dates | DAUER_4_1 | QUAN |
439 | PS_DIFFS | Difference between scheduled start and entered start | DAUER_4_1 | QUAN |
440 | PS_DISPLAY_FUNCNAME | Fact Display Function Module Name | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
441 | PS_DSHIFT | Indicator: Move date | PS_DSHIFT | CHAR |
442 | PS_DUE_DATE | Due date of a billing line item | DATUM | DATS |
443 | PS_EARBEI | Work | PS_ARBEIT | QUAN |
444 | PS_EARBEI_2 | Work | PS_ARBEIT_2 | QUAN |
445 | PS_ECKEN | Finish date (from basic dates) | DATUM | DATS |
446 | PS_ECKENR | Basic finish date (relative to today's date) | VNZTV | QUAN |
447 | PS_ECKST | Basic start date | DATUM | DATS |
448 | PS_ECKSTR | Basic start date (relative to today's date) | VNZTV | QUAN |
449 | PS_ECTRM | Set of dates: X = basic date " " = forecast date | XFELD | CHAR |
450 | PS_EDARG | Argument in special character table for project coding | X | CHAR |
451 | PS_EDAUER | Duration | DAUER_4_1 | QUAN |
452 | PS_EDAUER_2 | Duration | DAUER_9_1 | QUAN |
453 | PS_EDAUR | Forecasted length (duration) of the WBS element | DAUER_4_1 | QUAN |
454 | PS_EDIMFKI | Editing mask as an aid to entering the short ID | PS_PRFLD | CHAR |
455 | PS_EDIT | Indicator: only edited project numbers allowed | X | CHAR |
456 | PS_EEINH | Unit for duration of WBS element planned dates | EINHEIT | UNIT |
457 | PS_EENDE | Forecasted finish date of the WBS element | DATUM | DATS |
458 | PS_EHAKT | Unit for current periods | MEINS | UNIT |
459 | PS_EIGEN | Indicator: Assignments/Attributes WBS elements + activities | XFELD | CHAR |
460 | PS_EINGE | Individual capacities: Overall profile for planning table | CY_PROFIL | CHAR |
461 | PS_EINGR | Capacity load profile in graphical planning table | CY_PROFIL | CHAR |
462 | PS_EINHT | Unit for the length (duration) of the WBS element | EINHEIT | UNIT |
463 | PS_EINTB | Capacity load profile for tabular planning table | CY_PROFIL | CHAR |
464 | PS_EINTE | Indiv. capacities: Overall profile for tab. planning table | CY_PROFIL | CHAR |
465 | PS_ELTYP | Key for activity element type | SUB_OBJECT | CHAR |
466 | PS_EMNAM | Formatted Name of Employee or Applicant | TEXT40 | CHAR |
467 | PS_ENTRY | Entry (line number on a list) | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
468 | PS_EPROG | Forecast finish date for project definition | DATE | DATS |
469 | PS_ERSETZ | Character string to be inserted | PS_PRFLD | CHAR |
470 | PS_ERWKZ | Indicator: Activity is relevant for forecast dates | XFELD | CHAR |
471 | PS_ESTRT | Forecasted start date of the WBS element | DATUM | DATS |
472 | PS_ETERM | Finish date for an object (WBS element, activity ...) | DATUM | DATS |
473 | PS_EVENT | Selected function in Gantt chart | PS_EVENT | CHAR |
474 | PS_EWANF | Fixed/desired date for the forecasted start (projects) | VORGABESTR | DATS |
475 | PS_EWEND | Fixed/desired date for forecasted finish (projects) | VORGABEEND | DATS |
476 | PS_EWPLF | Planning method for project forecast dates | PSPLFRM | NUMC |
477 | PS_EXCLRT | Without root | X | CHAR |
478 | PS_EXPIRY_DATE | Date from Which Cached Data Is Invalid | DATS | |
479 | PS_EXP_FLT | Indicator: Filter criteria must be met | XFELD | CHAR |
480 | PS_EXP_HV1 | Indicator: Highlighting 1 must be met | XFELD | CHAR |
481 | PS_EXP_HV2 | Indicator: Highlighting 2 must be met | XFELD | CHAR |
482 | PS_EXTERNAL | Activity/element is an external activity | FLAG | CHAR |
483 | PS_EXTPERF | Program called from Gantt chart | PS_EXTPERF | CHAR |
484 | PS_EXT_ID_CONV | PS External Id with Masks | PS_EXT_ID_CONV | CHAR |
485 | PS_FABKL | Calendar for the dates in the WBS element | WFCID | CHAR |
486 | PS_FACDT | CO object: date of first posting | DATUM | DATS |
487 | PS_FACTCAT | Fact Category | PS_FACTCAT | CHAR |
488 | PS_FACTCAT_DESC | Fact Category Description | CHARX40 | CHAR |
489 | PS_FACTS_SET | Fact Set | CHAR06 | CHAR |
490 | PS_FACT_CAT_REP | Fact Category Repetition | NUM4 | NUMC |
491 | PS_FACT_CAT_REP_C | Fact Category Repetition | CHAR4 | CHAR |
492 | PS_FACT_CAT_SEQ | Fact Category Sequence | NUM2 | NUMC |
493 | PS_FACT_CAT_SEQ_C | Fact Category Sequence | CHAR2 | CHAR |
494 | PS_FACT_CUST_DESCRIPTION | Fact Category Description | CHARX40 | CHAR |
495 | PS_FACT_DESCRIPTION | Fact Type Description | CHARX40 | CHAR |
496 | PS_FACT_GENERIC | Fact Value | CHARX40 | CHAR |
497 | PS_FACT_QUAL_DEFAULT | Fact Qualifier Defaults Value | CHARX40 | CHAR |
498 | PS_FACT_QUAL_GENERIC | Fact Qualifier | CHARX40 | CHAR |
499 | PS_FACT_QUA_CHCKBX | Data Entry Type for Fact Qualifier is a Checkbox | PS_FACT_CKBOX | CHAR |
500 | PS_FACT_SELF_REFERENCE | Facts: Self reference to owner business object | XFELD | CHAR |