SAP ABAP Data Element - Index P, page 57
- P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 P-10 P-11 P-12 P-13 P-14 P-15 P-16 P-17 P-18 P-19 P-20 P-21 P-22 P-23 P-24 P-25 P-26 P-27 P-28 P-29 P-30 P-31 P-32 P-33 P-34 P-35 P-36 P-37 P-38 P-39 P-40 P-41 P-42 P-43 P-44 P-45 P-46 P-47 P-48 P-49 P-50 P-51 P-52 P-53 P-54 P-55 P-56 P-57 P-58 P-59 P-60 P-61 P-62 P-63 P-64 P-65 P-66 P-67 P-68 P-69 P-70 P-71 P-72 P-73 P-74 P-75 P-76 P-77 P-78 P-79 P-80 P-81 P-82 P-83 P-84 P-85 P-86 P-87 P-88 P-89 P-90 P-91 P-92 P-93 P-94 P-95 P-96 P-97 P-98 P-99 P-100 P-101 P-102 P-103 P-104 P-105 P-106 P-107 P-108 P-109 P-110 P-111 P-112 P-113 P-114 P-115 P-116 P-117 P-118 P-119 P-120 P-121 P-122 P-123 P-124 P-125 P-126 P-127 P-128 P-129 P-130
Data Element - P
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | P43_QUONM | Balance Number of Employee Time Quota | PTM_QUONUM | DEC |
2 | P43_RANNV | Reduce Anniversary Date | TDBOOL | CHAR |
3 | P43_RDPGR | Gross for RDP | P43_GROSS | CURR |
4 | P43_VTYPE | View Type | NUMC1 | NUMC |
5 | P43_WKDYO | Ordinary Working Days NZ | P43_WKPER | DEC |
6 | P43_WKDYS | Working days NZ | P43_WKPER | DEC |
7 | P43_WKHRA | Actual Working Hours NZ | P43_WKPER | DEC |
8 | P43_WKHRD | Actual Working Days NZ | P43_WKPER | DEC |
9 | P43_WKHRS | Working hours NZ | P43_WKPER | DEC |
10 | P44_ABBDT | Begin date of TEL absence | DATS | DATS |
11 | P44_ABCODE | Absence Code | P44_ABCODE | CHAR |
12 | P44_ABEDT | End date of TEL absence | DATS | DATS |
13 | P44_ABSBDT | Begin date of TYEL absence | DATS | DATS |
14 | P44_ABSCD | TEL absence code | P44_ABSCD | CHAR |
15 | P44_ABSDT | Date Pair for Absence | CHAR | |
16 | P44_ABSEDT | End date of TYEL absence | DATS | DATS |
17 | P44_ABSGR | Nordic absence grouping | P44_ABSGR | CHAR |
18 | P44_ABWTG | Number of absence days to be evaluated | NUMC | |
19 | P44_ACIPR | Employer accident insurance percentage | DEC2_3 | DEC |
20 | P44_ACONR | Accident insurance contract number | CHAR | |
21 | P44_ACRSGR | Risk group number | P44_ACRSGR | NUMC |
22 | P44_ACRSNAME | Risc group name for Finnish accident insurance | P44_ACRSNAME | CHAR |
23 | P44_ACRSRECL | Risc gr responsibility class for Finnish accident insurance | P44_ACRSRECL | NUMC |
24 | P44_ACTION | Service action for ePost | P44_ACTION | CHAR |
25 | P44_ADDINF0 | Additonal information in Kela form | CHAR200 | CHAR |
26 | P44_AGEFR | Start of age group | NUMC | |
27 | P44_AGEGR | Age group for company car | P44_AGEGR | CHAR |
28 | P44_AGETO | End of age group | NUMC | |
29 | P44_AGE_FLAG | Age Relevance for Tax Code 136 | P44_AGE_FLAG | CHAR |
30 | P44_AINFO | Reset tax cumulation | XFELD | CHAR |
31 | P44_ARCHID | Archive ID at ePost | TEXT2 | CHAR |
32 | P44_ARCHIVE | Electronic archiving of eLetter documents | P44_ARCHIVE | CHAR |
33 | P44_ATCST | Contraint of tax code columns | P44_ATCST | CHAR |
34 | P44_ATH_NAME | Authorised Person | TEXT30 | CHAR |
35 | P44_ATRNO | Reference number to object for wagetype cumulation | PRSPL | RAW |
36 | P44_ATS0_CON | ATS Data Collector data container | CHAR | |
37 | P44_ATS0_CONTFLAG | Specify Contact Person Information on Selection Screen | XFELD | CHAR |
38 | P44_ATS0_FIELD | Field name for ATS0 file to TemSe | CHAR | |
39 | P44_ATS0_TYPE | Record type for ATS Data Collector | P44_ATS0_TYPE | CHAR |
40 | P44_ATSDC | Dataset constant for ATS Data Collector file identification | P44_ATSDC | CHAR |
41 | P44_AWTMEN | Annual working time men | P44_AWTMEN | DEC |
42 | P44_AWTMGRP | Main groups for annual working time report | P44_AWTMGRP | CHAR |
43 | P44_AWTMTEXT | Main group texts for annual working time report | TEXT80 | CHAR |
44 | P44_AWTPROZ | Annual working time percent of total time | P44_AWTPROZ | DEC |
45 | P44_AWTSGRP | Subgroups for annual working time report | P44_AWTSGRP | CHAR |
46 | P44_AWTTEXT | Subgroup texts for Annual working time reporting | TEXT80 | CHAR |
47 | P44_AWTTOT | Annual working time total | P44_AWTTOT | DEC |
48 | P44_AWTWMEN | Annual working time women | P44_AWTWMEN | DEC |
49 | P44_BEGDT | Begin date | CHAR | |
50 | P44_BENPR | Car benefit percentage | DEC | |
51 | P44_BETRG1 | Earnings in first month | CURR | |
52 | P44_BETRG2 | Earnings in second month | CURR | |
53 | P44_BETRG3 | Earnings in third month | CURR | |
54 | P44_BETRG4 | Earnings in fourth month | CURR | |
55 | P44_BETRG5 | Earnings in fifth month | CURR | |
56 | P44_BETRG6 | Earnings in sixth month | CURR | |
57 | P44_BGABJ | Begin of validity payroll year for quarterly averages | GJAHR | NUMC |
58 | P44_BGABJ_ANNUAL | Begin of validity payroll year for annual averages | GJAHR | NUMC |
59 | P44_BGABP | Begin of validity payroll period for quarterly averages | PABRP | NUMC |
60 | P44_BGABP_ANNUAL | Begin of validity payroll period for annual averages | PABRP | NUMC |
61 | P44_BONUS_PERCT | Bonus Percenatge | ANZHL | DEC |
62 | P44_BRABJ | Begin of relevant payroll year for quarterly averages | GJAHR | NUMC |
63 | P44_BRABJ_ANNUAL | Begin of relevant payroll year for annual averages | GJAHR | NUMC |
64 | P44_BRABP | Begin of relevant payroll period for quarterly averages | PABRP | NUMC |
65 | P44_BRABP_ANNUAL | Begin of relevant payroll period for annual averages | PABRP | NUMC |
66 | P44_BSAL_CURR | Basic salary | CURR | |
67 | P44_CALPERIOD | Calendar period YYYYMM | NUMC | |
68 | P44_CATEG_TXT | Category text (ATS) | TEXT40 | CHAR |
69 | P44_CDEPDT | Change date to new ins. dep | CHAR | |
70 | P44_CDONE | CHAR4 | CHAR | |
71 | P44_CFONT | Standard font used in Channel | P44_FONT | CHAR |
72 | P44_CGRPDT | Change date to new ins. group | CHAR | |
73 | P44_CHANO | Number of Channel in eLetter Template | P44_CHANO | CHAR |
74 | P44_CHGDAT | Change date to new insurance | CHAR | |
75 | P44_CHGDT | Change date to new insurance | DATS | DATS |
76 | P44_CHNUM | Number of channels used in template | NUMC | |
77 | P44_CLINEB | Standard line break to be used in channel | P44_LINEB | CHAR |
78 | P44_CNDPDT | Change date to new insurance department | DATS | DATS |
79 | P44_CNGRDT | Change date to new insurance group | DATS | DATS |
80 | P44_COLNO | Column number on channel of eLetter template | NUMC | |
81 | P44_COLZONE | Cost of living | P44_COLZONE | CHAR |
82 | P44_CONCERNS | Kela Report concerned | P44_CONCERNS | CHAR |
83 | P44_CONNR | Pension insurance contract number | P44_CONNR | CHAR |
84 | P44_COPY | Copy of printed letters sent back | XFELD | CHAR |
85 | P44_COUNT | Counter used in TaEL/LEL reporting | NUMC | |
86 | P44_COUNTER | Counter | P44_COUNTER | DEC |
87 | P44_COUNTRY | Country code for eLetter | CHAR | |
88 | P44_CTTYP | Contract Type | CHAR | |
89 | P44_CUMTP | Cumulation type for Finnish tax storage SCRT | NUM02 | NUMC |
90 | P44_CURID | Currency pension insurance ID | P44_CURID | CHAR |
91 | P44_CUSID | Customer ID at ePost | P44_CUSID | CHAR |
92 | P44_CUSIT | Name of customer ID at ePost | TEXT60 | CHAR |
93 | P44_DEC11_4 | Exact calculation field for vacation handling | DEC | |
94 | P44_DEF_DATE | Default Posting Date with today's date | XFELD | CHAR |
95 | P44_DEPID | Department ID | CHAR | |
96 | P44_DISLF | Distance of left edge of image to left border of the page | NUMC | |
97 | P44_DISLF_FI | Distance of left edge of image to left border of the page | NUMC | |
98 | P44_DISP_EDT | Display remuneration statement output | XFELD | CHAR |
99 | P44_DISP_ELT | Display eLetter file | XFELD | CHAR |
100 | P44_DISUP | Distance of upper edge of image to upper border of the page | NUMC | |
101 | P44_DISUP_FI | Finnish distance to upper border | NUMC | |
102 | P44_DPINDI | Indicator for department request in screen | XFELD | CHAR |
103 | P44_DTPAIR | TEL reporting: Date pair for absence reporting | CHAR | |
104 | P44_DUPLEX | Duplex printing | XFELD | CHAR |
105 | P44_DYS | No. of Vacation Days | P44_DYS | INT2 |
106 | P44_EARFE | Former earnings | P44_TXAMT | CURR |
107 | P44_EDTVAR | Remuneration statement variant | RALDB_VARI | CHAR |
108 | P44_EFNME | Name of eLetter format | TEXT60 | CHAR |
109 | P44_EFORM | eLetter format | P44_EFORM | CHAR |
110 | P44_EGABJ | End of validity payroll year for quarterly averages | GJAHR | NUMC |
111 | P44_EGABJ_ANNUAL | End of validity payroll year for annual averages | GJAHR | NUMC |
112 | P44_EGABP | End of validity payroll period for quarterly averages | PABRP | NUMC |
113 | P44_EGABP_ANNUAL | End of validity payroll period for annual averages | PABRP | NUMC |
114 | P44_EKNBR | EK Number(Finland) | NUMC | |
115 | P44_EKTXT | EK Field Descrption | CHAR | |
116 | P44_ELDPT | Department number for eLetters (electronic letters) | CHAR | |
117 | P44_ELDPU | Departmental accounting used | XFELD | CHAR |
118 | P44_ELETT | Display eLetter | ICON | CHAR |
119 | P44_ELTPS | Display remuneration statements and eLetter | ICON | CHAR |
120 | P44_EMNAT | TEL employment type | P44_EMNAT | CHAR |
121 | P44_EMP_TYP | Employee type | CHAR | |
122 | P44_ENVEL | Envelope for eLetter | P44_ENVEL | CHAR |
123 | P44_EPLVLETSUB | EPLV Bundle Letter Subject | CHAR100 | CHAR |
124 | P44_EPLVNO | E-letter without EPLV Meta Data | CHAR1 | CHAR |
125 | P44_EPLVSNAME | EPLV Bundle Sender party name | CHAR100 | CHAR |
126 | P44_EPLVSOVTID | EPLV Bundle batch sender party identification number | CHAR100 | CHAR |
127 | P44_EPLVYES | E-letter with EPLV Meta Data | CHAR1 | CHAR |
128 | P44_ERABJ | End of relevant payroll year for quarterly averages | GJAHR | NUMC |
129 | P44_ERABJ_ANNUAL | End of relevant payroll year for annual averages | GJAHR | NUMC |
130 | P44_ERABP | End of relevant payroll period for quarterly averages | PABRP | NUMC |
131 | P44_ERABP_ANNUAL | End of relevant payroll period for annual averages | PABRP | NUMC |
132 | P44_ERIDT | Employer identification | P44_ERIDT | CHAR |
133 | P44_ERPER | Employer pension contribution percentage | P44_ERPER | DEC |
134 | P44_ERROR | CHAR4 | CHAR | |
135 | P44_ERR_AVG_BASE1 | Average Base Salary including Fringe benefits | DEC | |
136 | P44_ERR_AVG_BASE2 | Average base salary with benefits and bonuses | DEC | |
137 | P44_ERR_BEGPER | Date of beginning for period | CHAR | |
138 | P44_ERR_BSAL | Basic salary | DEC | |
139 | P44_ERR_COMP | Competence classifications | CHAR | |
140 | P44_ERR_COUNT | Number of Employees | DEC | |
141 | P44_ERR_EMPLBEG | Start date of employment | DATS | |
142 | P44_ERR_EMPLCON | Employment type of contract | CHAR | |
143 | P44_ERR_ENDPER | Date for end of period | CHAR | |
144 | P44_ERR_FCSAL | Monthly salary total / worked hours | DEC | |
145 | P44_ERR_FGBEN | Fringe benefits | DEC | |
146 | P44_ERR_FIXPBS | Fixed part of performance-based salary | DEC | |
147 | P44_ERR_GENDER | Gender in employee representative report | CHAR | |
148 | P44_ERR_GROSS | Total gross | CURR | |
149 | P44_ERR_IDPHRS | Incentive direct piece work hours | DEC | |
150 | P44_ERR_IDPSAL | Incentive direct piece work salary | DEC | |
151 | P44_ERR_IPPHRS | Incent. part. piece work and reward work hours | DEC | |
152 | P44_ERR_IPPSAL | Incent. part. piece work and reward work salaries | DEC | |
153 | P44_ERR_JOBGR_TXT | Job Group text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
154 | P44_ERR_MAINGR_TXT | TT Main Group Text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
155 | P44_ERR_MEMBNR | Membership number | P44_ERR_MEMBNR | CHAR |
156 | P44_ERR_NRSTEP | Number of steps | NUMC | |
157 | P44_ERR_OCCODE | Occupational code | P44_ERR_OCCODE | NUMC |
158 | P44_ERR_OCCU | Occupational group | P44_ERR_OCCU | NUMC |
159 | P44_ERR_OTHRS | Overtime hours | DEC | |
160 | P44_ERR_OTINC | Overtime increments | DEC | |
161 | P44_ERR_PIDENT | Period identifier | P44_ERR_PIDENT | CHAR |
162 | P44_ERR_POS_TXT | TT Position Text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
163 | P44_ERR_PSWHRS | Pecuniary salary for worked hours | DEC | |
164 | P44_ERR_PYGRP | Payroll group | CHAR | |
165 | P44_ERR_RBSAL | Result based salary | DEC | |
166 | P44_ERR_REQCL | Requirement classification | NUMC | |
167 | P44_ERR_REQJG | Requirement of job group | NUMC | |
168 | P44_ERR_RESP | Name of respondent unit | CHAR | |
169 | P44_ERR_RUNDAT | Date of statistic run | CHAR | |
170 | P44_ERR_SUBGR_TXT | TT Sub Group Text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
171 | P44_ERR_SUNHRS | Sunday work hours | DEC | |
172 | P44_ERR_SUNINC | Sunday work increments | DEC | |
173 | P44_ERR_TBHRS | Time based hours | DEC | |
174 | P44_ERR_TBSAL | Time-based salaries | DEC | |
175 | P44_ERR_TUN | Trade union | CHAR | |
176 | P44_ERR_WCINC | Working condition increments | DEC | |
177 | P44_ERR_WHRS | Worked hours | DEC | |
178 | P44_ERR_WTBON | Working time related bonuses | DEC | |
179 | P44_ERR_YINSRV | Year Service Bonus | DEC | |
180 | P44_ESTBM | Type of establishment | CHAR1 | CHAR |
181 | P44_ESTXT | Type of establishment text | TEXT50 | CHAR |
182 | P44_EXGAR | External garnishable net per tax day | P44_MAXBETRG | CURR |
183 | P44_EXOFF | Execution office | EMFSL | CHAR |
184 | P44_FACTY | HR-FI: Evaluation factor for vacation days | CHAR1 | CHAR |
185 | P44_FDMAP | Field mapping only | P44_FDMAP | CHAR |
186 | P44_FGBEN_CURR | Fringe benefits | CURR | |
187 | P44_FIFMT | File Format | CHAR | |
188 | P44_FILEF | File format for eLetter | P44_FILEF | CHAR |
189 | P44_FILTER_COUNT | Filter Count in BAdI | P44_COUNT | NUMC |
190 | P44_FIXAM | Fixed amount per tax day | PRBETRG | CURR |
191 | P44_FIXAM2 | period of payment | P44_FIXAM | DEC |
192 | P44_FLDNM | Data Field Name | CHAR | |
193 | P44_FLDNO | Serial number in statistical file | NUMC | |
194 | P44_FNAME | Font name | TEXT60 | CHAR |
195 | P44_FONT | Font for eLetter | P44_FONT | CHAR |
196 | P44_FRBEN | TEL fringe benefit amount | CURR | |
197 | P44_FRBLY | TEL fringe benefits in year prior to termination | CURR | |
198 | P44_FRBLYR | TEL fringe benefits in year prior to termination | CHAR | |
199 | P44_FRIBEN | TEL fringe benefit amount | CHAR | |
200 | P44_FSHIFT | Free Shifts | DEC | |
201 | P44_FSIEX | EE eligible for SI exemption | XFELD | CHAR |
202 | P44_FUTURE_DATE | Start Date for Future Absence | DATUM | DATS |
203 | P44_GARNO | Garnishment reference number | NUMC | |
204 | P44_GARNO_DISP | Garnishment reference number | CHAR | |
205 | P44_GLIPR | Employer group life insurance percentage | DEC2_3 | DEC |
206 | P44_GRINDI | Indicator for group request in screen | XFELD | CHAR |
207 | P44_GRINS | Insurance gross in pennies | CHAR | |
208 | P44_HDATE | Hire date | DATUM | DATS |
209 | P44_HPA_DL | Productive Document | XFELD | CHAR |
210 | P44_HPA_ETYPE | Employee Type for HPA | P44_HPA_ETYPE | CHAR |
211 | P44_HPA_FIPOST | Select FI Posting | XFELD | CHAR |
212 | P44_HPA_FP | HPA Calculation for F&P | XFELD | CHAR |
213 | P44_HPA_FPADJPAY | Adjustment Pay wage type | LGART | CHAR |
214 | P44_HPA_FPAPRATE | Hourly rate for AP calculation | LGART | CHAR |
215 | P44_HPA_FPBCFEAT | Identify blue-collar for HPA | CHAR5 | CHAR |
216 | P44_HPA_FPBCPCT | Vacation bonus factor | BSGRD | DEC |
217 | P44_HPA_FTYPE | Identify the type of functionality for HPA | P44_HPA_FTYPE | CHAR |
218 | P44_HPA_LKKWTNEW | This yr's accrued vac. months | LGART | CHAR |
219 | P44_HPA_LKKWTOLD | Last yr's accrued vac. months | LGART | CHAR |
220 | P44_HPA_MONTH | Month of Posting | MONTH | NUMC |
221 | P44_HPA_NRA | Identify the type of field of the Wage type to be used | P44_HPA_NRA | CHAR |
222 | P44_HPA_PERCONST | Average calculated acc. to constant in T511k | ABRKN | CHAR |
223 | P44_HPA_POSNOREV | Only Fresh Posting-No Reversal | XFELD | CHAR |
224 | P44_HPA_PRIORITY | Priority of the wage type in HPA report | P44_HPA_PRIORITY | CHAR |
225 | P44_HPA_PROT | Employee-specific output log | XFELD | CHAR |
226 | P44_HPA_RVRSAL | Reversal | XFELD | CHAR |
227 | P44_HPA_SEQNR | Sequence number | P44_HPA_SEQNR | NUMC |
228 | P44_HPA_SIM | Simulation document | XFELD | CHAR |
229 | P44_HPA_SPLITCOS | Split Cost Centre From Infotype 0027 | XFELD | CHAR |
230 | P44_HPA_STD | Standard HPA Calculation | XFELD | CHAR |
231 | P44_HPA_TEST | Test the amount in ALV amount | XFELD | CHAR |
232 | P44_HPA_VACAVEFP | Hourly vac. average | LGART | CHAR |
233 | P44_HPA_YEAR | Posting year | JAHR | NUMC |
234 | P44_HSHIFT | Daily shift counter (HIGH) | NUMC | |
235 | P44_ICODE | Information to code system | P44_ICODE | NUMC |
236 | P44_IDA | Accident insurance identification number | NUMC | |
237 | P44_IDA2 | Accident insurance identification number, NEW | CHAR | |
238 | P44_IDP | Pension insurance identification number | NUMC | |
239 | P44_IDP2 | Pension insurance identification number, NEW | CHAR | |
240 | P44_IMAGE | Image for eLetters | P44_IMAGE | CHAR |
241 | P44_IMAGE_FI | Finnish Image ID | CHAR | |
242 | P44_IMGNM | Name for Image for eLetter | TEXT60 | CHAR |
243 | P44_IMGTP | Standard image | XFELD | CHAR |
244 | P44_INCODE | Pension insurance code | P44_INCODE | NUMC |
245 | P44_INDP | Pension insurance department | CHAR | |
246 | P44_INDPNAME | Depart name in pension insurance contract | P44_INDPNAME | CHAR |
247 | P44_INDTC | Tax card available | XFELD | CHAR |
248 | P44_INDUL | Indicator for tax card by upload | XFELD | CHAR |
249 | P44_INFO | Contact information for ePost | TEXT40 | CHAR |
250 | P44_INGR | Pension insurance group | CHAR | |
251 | P44_INGRNAME | Pension insurance group name | P44_INGRNAME | CHAR |
252 | P44_INNAME | Name of insurance code in Finland | P44_INNAME | CHAR |
253 | P44_INSTOTAL | Total sum of insurance / interest paid to TaEL/LEL | NUMC | |
254 | P44_ITNFG | Individual Tax Number Request Flag | CHAR1 | CHAR |
255 | P44_ITXNO | Individual Tax Number | P44_ITXNO | NUMC |
256 | P44_KELA_ABSE | Only Ended Absences | CHAR | |
257 | P44_KELA_MIN_ABS | Minimun number of absence days | CHAR | |
258 | P44_KELA_PMT | Payments in KELA reporting | CHAR | |
259 | P44_KMRTE | Km rate for driving a company car for private purposes | CURR | |
260 | P44_LEFTB | Left border of channel on page in number of characters | NUMC | |
261 | P44_LELDAT | Begin date of LEL employment | CHAR | |
262 | P44_LELDT | Begin date of active LEL employment | DATS | DATS |
263 | P44_LETNO | Number of letters in eLetter file | NUMC6 | NUMC |
264 | P44_LFONT | Special font used in line of channel | P44_FONT | CHAR |
265 | P44_LIMIT | Limited car benefit | XFELD | CHAR |
266 | P44_LINECOUNT | Line counter | NUMC3 | NUMC |
267 | P44_LINNO | Line number for line of channel in eLetter Template | P44_LINNO | NUMC |
268 | P44_LOBI | Line of Business | CHAR | |
269 | P44_LOCAL | Trade union local number - Finland | P44_LOCAL_NO | NUMC |
270 | P44_LONG_TERM_ABS | Daily rate long term absence | LGART | CHAR |
271 | P44_LOWERB | Lower border of channel on page in number of lines | NUMC | |
272 | P44_LSHIFT | Daily shift counter (LOW) | NUMC | |
273 | P44_LUMPS | Lump sum for car benefit | CURR | |
274 | P44_MAN_DATE | Manually Enter Posting Date | XFELD | CHAR |
275 | P44_MAXAT | Maximum garnishment amount | P44_MAXBETRG | CURR |
276 | P44_MBRNO | Membership number used in Stat. reporting | CHAR | |
277 | P44_MEMNO | Empolyer membership number used in stat. reporting | CHAR | |
278 | P44_MINAT | Minimum garnishment amount | P44_MAXBETRG | CURR |
279 | P44_MODIV | HR-FI: Vacation factor grouping Finland | P44_MODIV | NUMC |
280 | P44_MTHLY_ACTID | Action Identifier (Monthly) | P44_MTHLY_ACTID | CHAR |
281 | P44_MTHLY_RECID | Data record identifier (monthly) | P44_MTHLY_RECID | CHAR |
282 | P44_MTPAY | Monthly Earnings | CHAR | |
283 | P44_MTYPE | Message type for TEL reporting | P44_MTYPE | CHAR |
284 | P44_MUNIC | Municipality Number | CHAR | |
285 | P44_NAME | Employee's name | CHAR | |
286 | P44_NEXTYEAR_PERCT | Part-time percentage >1 year | BSGRD | DEC |
287 | P44_NSIEX | Indicator for No SI Exemption | XFELD | CHAR |
288 | P44_NUMCL | Number of requirement classes/steps | NUMC | |
289 | P44_NUMEMPL | Number of employees on TaEL/LEL report | NUMC | |
290 | P44_NUM_COPY | Number of copies for eLEtter files | CHAR1 | CHAR |
291 | P44_NUSED | Currently not used - reservartion (in ALV show pernr) | CHAR | |
292 | P44_NUSED2 | Not used field - future reservation | CHAR | |
293 | P44_OFF_CYCLE | Off cycle result (Y/N) | XFELD | CHAR |
294 | P44_OPTCT | Optical control | P44_OPTCT | CHAR |
295 | P44_ORDER | Order number for channel | NUMC2 | NUMC |
296 | P44_ORDERID | Order identification number | CHAR8 | CHAR |
297 | P44_ORGNO1 | Organization number (part 1) | NUM10 | NUMC |
298 | P44_ORGNO2 | Organization number (part 2) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
299 | P44_OTINC_CURR | Overtime increments | CURR | |
300 | P44_OVT_MONTH | Number of months in evaluation period | P44_OVT_MONTH | NUMC |
301 | P44_OVT_WEEK | Number of weeks in evaluation period | P44_OVT_WEEK | NUMC |
302 | P44_PAGNO | Number of pages in eLetter file | NUMC6 | NUMC |
303 | P44_PAPER | Paper type for usage by eLetters | P44_PAPER | CHAR |
304 | P44_PARTT_ENDDATE | Vacation Period End Date | DATUM | DATS |
305 | P44_PARTT_STARTDATE | Vacation Period Begin Date | DATUM | DATS |
306 | P44_PAYAN | TEL reporting year | CHAR | |
307 | P44_PAYID | Payer identification for bank transfer file | NUM9 | NUMC |
308 | P44_PAYLY | TEL earnings in year prior to termination | CURR | |
309 | P44_PAYLYR | TEL earnings in year prior to termination | CHAR | |
310 | P44_PAYMT | Month and year of payment | NUMC | |
311 | P44_PAYSL | Display remuneration statement | ICON | CHAR |
312 | P44_PAYTP_CUM | Payment type cumulation target (ATS) | P44_TAX_PAYID | CHAR |
313 | P44_PAYTP_TXT | Payment type text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
314 | P44_PCC_CODE | PCC code for eLetter | P44_PCC_CODE | CHAR |
315 | P44_PCT01 | First tax percentage | CHAR | |
316 | P44_PCT02 | Second tax percentage | CHAR | |
317 | P44_PCT03 | Third tax percentage | CHAR | |
318 | P44_PENALTY | Penalty interest rate in pennies paid to TaEL/LEL | NUMC | |
319 | P44_PERID | Social insurance number | CHAR | |
320 | P44_PERIOD | Garnishment period fix amount. | P44_PERIOD | CHAR |
321 | P44_PHNO | Phone number of contact person | CHAR | |
322 | P44_PICPR | Employer pension insurance percentage | DEC2_3 | DEC |
323 | P44_PMONTH | Monthly Earning's Payment month | AM_MONAT | NUMC |
324 | P44_POBID | Place of Business ID | NUMC | |
325 | P44_PRCAT | Protected amount per tax day | P44_MAXBETRG | CURR |
326 | P44_PROCTYP | TYEL Yearly Reporting - Processing Type | CHAR | |
327 | P44_PRS_DAYOFF | Paid absence hrs | DEC | |
328 | P44_PRS_DAYOFF_SAL | Absence time incomes | CURR | |
329 | P44_PRS_OCCGRP | Occupation code | CHAR | |
330 | P44_PRS_ONETIME | One time payments | CURR | |
331 | P44_PRS_PAYSCALE | Pay Scale | CHAR | |
332 | P44_PRS_SBON | Shift bonus | CURR | |
333 | P44_PRS_TAXINC | Other taxable incomes | CURR | |
334 | P44_PRS_VTULOSP | Bonus/ Profit sharing | CURR | |
335 | P44_PST_DATE | Posting date For HPA | DATUM | DATS |
336 | P44_PYEAR | Monthly Payments Year | NUMC | |
337 | P44_PYLYR | Earnings prior to termination year | CURR | |
338 | P44_QTR | Statistical Quarter | NUMC | |
339 | P44_QTR_DATE | Dates for the Quarter period | DATS | |
340 | P44_QUOTA_DEDUCT | Quota deduct Immediatelty | XFELD | CHAR |
341 | P44_RAT01 | Tax percentage for base tax card | NUMC | |
342 | P44_RAT02 | Additonal percentage | NUMC | |
343 | P44_RAT13 | Percentages for staircase tax card | NUMC | |
344 | P44_RATA1 | Side job tax percentage | NUMC | |
345 | P44_RATA2 | Additonal tax percentage (side job) | NUMC | |
346 | P44_RATE1 | Base tax rate | DEC | |
347 | P44_RATE2 | Second tax rate | DEC | |
348 | P44_RATE3 | Third tax rate | DEC | |
349 | P44_RATP1 | Pensioner/frelancer tax percent | NUMC | |
350 | P44_RBSAL_CURR | Result based salary | CURR | |
351 | P44_RDATE | Run date | DATS | DATS |
352 | P44_REACO | TUMF reason code | NUM2 | NUMC |
353 | P44_RECCO | TUMF Record code for HFIFTUM0 list | CHAR1 | CHAR |
354 | P44_RECID | TEL: Record ID | P44_RECID | CHAR |
355 | P44_RECID_TXT | Record identifier text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
356 | P44_RECORD_ID | Record identifier for eLetter records | P44_RECORD_ID | CHAR |
357 | P44_REFNO | Reference number for payments | P44_REFNO | CHAR |
358 | P44_REF_MET1 | Old method for Reference Number creation | XFIELD | CHAR |
359 | P44_REF_MET2 | Second Model for Reference Number Calculation | XFIELD | CHAR |
360 | P44_REF_MET3 | Third Model for Reference Number Calculation | XFIELD | CHAR |
361 | P44_RELAA | Relevance for annual average calculation | XFELD | CHAR |
362 | P44_RELAP | Relevance for preliminary quarterly average calculation | XFELD | CHAR |
363 | P44_RELAQ | Relevance for quarterly average | XFELD | CHAR |
364 | P44_REMIT5 | TUMF Remitter ID Reserved (Part 2) | NUM5 | NUMC |
365 | P44_REMIT7 | TUMF remitter ID | NUM7 | NUMC |
366 | P44_REMITID | Remitter number | NUMC | |
367 | P44_REPAY | TEL earnings amount | CURR | |
368 | P44_REPORTING_DATE | Reporting date | DATUM | DATS |
369 | P44_REPPAY | TEL reporting amount | CHAR | |
370 | P44_REPTEC | Reporting technique | P44_REPTEC | CHAR |
371 | P44_REQCL | Requirement classification | P44_REQCL | NUMC |
372 | P44_RESCL | Reserves class for posting to Financials (Finland) | P44_RESCL | CHAR |
373 | P44_RESNO | Respondent Unit Number | CHAR | |
374 | P44_RESTY | Reserves type for posting to Financials (Finland) | P44_RESTY | CHAR |
375 | P44_RESUT | Respondent unit used in statistical reporting | CHAR | |
376 | P44_RIGHTB | Right border of channel on page in number of characters | NUMC | |
377 | P44_RPPAY | Earnings from Reporting Year | CURR | |
378 | P44_RPTYR | Earnings Reporting Year (yyyy) | CHAR | |
379 | P44_RQTYP | Tax card request type | P44_RQTYP | NUMC |
380 | P44_RSCOL | Starting column of field on remuneration statement | NUMC | |
381 | P44_RSLEN | Starting column of field on remuneration statement | NUMC | |
382 | P44_RSLIN | Line of field on remuneration statement | NUMC | |
383 | P44_RTIME | Run time | TIME | TIMS |
384 | P44_SAMEYEAR_PERCT | Part-time percentage 1st year | BSGRD | DEC |
385 | P44_SAVE_AS | Save data on a file at the application server | XFELD | CHAR |
386 | P44_SAVE_LF | Save data on a local file | XFELD | CHAR |
387 | P44_SAVE_NO | Do not save data on file | XFELD | CHAR |
388 | P44_SAVE_TS | Save data on TemSe | XFELD | CHAR |
389 | P44_SEA_COL | Column of statement of earnings | NUMC | |
390 | P44_SECTOR | Type of Sector | CHAR | |
391 | P44_SEQNO | Sequence number | NUMC | |
392 | P44_SEQNO_ABS | Sequence number for TEL absence record | NUMC | |
393 | P44_SHTNO | Number of papersheets in eLetter file | NUMC6 | NUMC |
394 | P44_SICEX | ER Soc Ins Contr for EE from TEL/TaEL | XFELD | CHAR |
395 | P44_SICPR | Social insurance rate_2003 | DEC2_3 | DEC |
396 | P44_SIEXM | Indicator for tax county SI exemptions | XFELD | CHAR |
397 | P44_SIGN | Sign of net component | P44_SIGN | CHAR |
398 | P44_SLINEB | Special line break used in line | P44_LINEB | CHAR |
399 | P44_SNDCLASS | Letter class for eLetters | P44_SNDCLASS | CHAR |
400 | P44_SOC_AMT | Social Cost in HPA | CURR | |
401 | P44_SOHNR | Indicator for employee pension contribution | XFELD | CHAR |
402 | P44_SOSEC | Indicator for SI contributions | XFELD | CHAR |
403 | P44_SOURCE_TYPE | Source type (ATS) | P44_SOURCE_TYPE | CHAR |
404 | P44_SPOOL | Spool output | XFELD | CHAR |
405 | P44_SSCPR | Social insurance rate | DEC2_2 | DEC |
406 | P44_STATEXC | Statistical exception (Finland) | P44_STATEXC | NUMC |
407 | P44_STATID | Statistical ID | NUMC | |
408 | P44_STATTXT | Statistics Branch | CHAR | |
409 | P44_STDTP | Standard Template provided by ePost | XFELD | CHAR |
410 | P44_STMTH | Statistical run - Month | NUMC | |
411 | P44_STYR | Statistical Year | NUMC | |
412 | P44_SUMGRINS | Sum of ins. gross for one TaEL/LEL report | NUMC | |
413 | P44_SUMPAYINS | Sum of payed insurance to TaEL/LEL | NUMC | |
414 | P44_SUM_TAMT | Total Amount in HPA | CURR | |
415 | P44_SUM_TOTAL | Tot. Cost in HPA | CURR | |
416 | P44_SYEAR | Year | GJAHR | NUMC |
417 | P44_TALEL_RD | Run date for TaEL/LEL format ddmmyy | NUMC | |
418 | P44_TALEL_RECID | TaEL/LEL record ID | P44_TALEL_RECID | CHAR |
419 | P44_TAUTH | Finnish tax county | P44_TAUTH | CHAR |
420 | P44_TAXCODE_TXT | Tax code text (ATS) | TEXT40 | CHAR |
421 | P44_TAX_ACCOUNT | ATS Recipient account number for payment types S1 / S3 | CHAR34 | CHAR |
422 | P44_TAX_ADDRESS | Payee's street address in home country | TEXT70 | CHAR |
423 | P44_TAX_AGE_CC | Age group of company car | P44_AGEGR | CHAR |
424 | P44_TAX_AL_NDY | Wages without daily allowance payment | NUMC10 | NUMC |
425 | P44_TAX_ARCOD | Area code of contact person's telephone/fax (ATS) until 2012 | NUMC | |
426 | P44_TAX_BASAL | Wages as the basis for deduction | NUMC | |
427 | P44_TAX_BEN_AP | Taxable benefit from apartment Y/N | P44_TAX_FLAG | CHAR |
428 | P44_TAX_BEN_CC | Taxable benefit from company car | NUMC | |
429 | P44_TAX_BEN_FR | Fringe benefits LL | NUMC | |
430 | P44_TAX_BEN_HL | Taxable benefit from house loan | NUMC | |
431 | P44_TAX_BEN_LT | Lunch benefit deduction equal to taxable benefit Y/N | P44_TAX_FLAG | CHAR |
432 | P44_TAX_BEN_LU | Taxable benefit from lunch Y/N | P44_TAX_FLAG | CHAR |
433 | P44_TAX_BEN_OC | Other taxable benefits cumulated | NUMC | |
434 | P44_TAX_BEN_OD | Other taxable benefits deductions | NUMC | |
435 | P44_TAX_BEN_OP | Taxable benefit from stock options | NUMC | |
436 | P44_TAX_BEN_OT | Taxable benefit from other Y/N | P44_TAX_FLAG | CHAR |
437 | P44_TAX_BEN_TL | Taxable benefit from telephone Y/N | P44_TAX_FLAG | CHAR |
438 | P44_TAX_BEN_TOT | Total fringe benefits amount < principal / ancillary income | NUMC | |
439 | P44_TAX_BICCD | BIC code in SEPA for types of payment S1/S3 | CHAR11 | CHAR |
440 | P44_TAX_CATEG | Category (ATS) | CHAR | |
441 | P44_TAX_CCD_CE | Country code for country of employment | INTCA | CHAR |
442 | P44_TAX_CCD_HC | Country code for home country | INTCA | CHAR |
443 | P44_TAX_CCD_PID | Country Code when 5/5Y/7Q Payment identifiers | INTCA | CHAR |
444 | P44_TAX_CITYREG | City/region in home country | TEXT35 | CHAR |
445 | P44_TAX_CLERK | Name of contact person (ATS) | TEXT30 | CHAR |
446 | P44_TAX_CODE | Tax code (ATS) | NUMC | |
447 | P44_TAX_CP_NAME | Name of contact person | TEXT30 | CHAR |
448 | P44_TAX_CP_TAC | Area code of ATS contact person's telephone/fax | NUMC | |
449 | P44_TAX_CP_TEL | Complete telephone number of ATS contact person | CHAR13 | CHAR |
450 | P44_TAX_CURR | ATS Currency indicator | P44_TAX_CURR | CHAR |
451 | P44_TAX_DEDUCT | ATS deductions before withholding tax | NUMC | |
452 | P44_TAX_DEDUCTED | Deduction before withholding of tax | NUMC | |
453 | P44_TAX_DED_CC | Deduction for use of company car | NUMC | |
454 | P44_TAX_DED_SI | Deduction from ER SI contribution base | NUMC12 | NUMC |
455 | P44_TAX_DED_TOT | Total deductions before withholding tax | NUMC | |
456 | P44_TAX_EE_COST | Taxable employee cost compensation | NUMC | |
457 | P44_TAX_EE_IPR | Insurance Premium paid by Employees | NUMC | |
458 | P44_TAX_ER_HOU | Household Employer | P44_TAX_FLAG | CHAR |
459 | P44_TAX_ER_IPR | Insurance Premium paid by Employer | NUMC | |
460 | P44_TAX_ER_VIP | Vol. Insurance Premium paid by Employer | NUMC | |
461 | P44_TAX_ES_TYP | Type of Establishment | P44_TAX_FLAG | CHAR |
462 | P44_TAX_EVENT | Type of event for Annual Tax Statement Finland | P44_TAX_EVENT | CHAR |
463 | P44_TAX_EXEMPT | Tax-exempt salary LL | NUMC | |
464 | P44_TAX_EXP_DA | Tax-exempt expenses: Daily allowance abroad Y/N | P44_TAX_FLAG | CHAR |
465 | P44_TAX_EXP_DY | Tax-exempt expenses: Daily allowance Y/N | P44_TAX_FLAG | CHAR |
466 | P44_TAX_EXP_HD | Tax-exempt expenses: Half-day allowance Y/N | P44_TAX_FLAG | CHAR |
467 | P44_TAX_EXP_KM | Tax-exempt KM private car | NUMC | |
468 | P44_TAX_EXP_KP | Tax-exempt KM private car - amount paid | NUMC | |
469 | P44_TAX_EXP_LU | Tax-exempt lunch allowance Y/N | P44_TAX_FLAG | CHAR |
470 | P44_TAX_EXP_TL | Total tax-exempt expenses | NUMC | |
471 | P44_TAX_FIELD | Field in table / structure | CHAR | |
472 | P44_TAX_FNAME | Payee's first names | TEXT70 | CHAR |
473 | P44_TAX_GROSS | Gross tax w/o decimals for Annual Tax Statement Finland | NUMC | |
474 | P44_TAX_IDENAMC | Identifier Y-code for Account maintenance Community | CHAR | |
475 | P44_TAX_INS_CON | Obligatory PI/UI EE contributions | NUMC | |
476 | P44_TAX_KM_LOG | Kilometers according to driver's log | NUMC | |
477 | P44_TAX_LENGTH | Length of tax code field for fixed format | NUMC | |
478 | P44_TAX_LIM_CC | Limited use of company car Y/N | P44_TAX_FLAG | CHAR |
479 | P44_TAX_LISAMT | Low Income Support amount | NUMC | |
480 | P44_TAX_LNAME | Payee's last name | TEXT70 | CHAR |
481 | P44_TAX_ML_REC | Number of machine language records | NUMC | |
482 | P44_TAX_MONTH | Month of payment for Annual Tax Statement Finland | P44_TAX_MONTH | NUMC |
483 | P44_TAX_NAME_CE | Name of country of employment | TEXT35 | CHAR |
484 | P44_TAX_NAME_HC | Name of home country | TEXT35 | CHAR |
485 | P44_TAX_NO_PAY | Wages / salaries not paid during calendar year | P44_TAX_FLAG | CHAR |
486 | P44_TAX_NO_REC | Number of records per payment type | NUMC | |
487 | P44_TAX_OBLIG | Tax code obligatory (ATS) | CHECKBOX | CHAR |
488 | P44_TAX_OFFSET | Offset of field in ATS file | NUMC | |
489 | P44_TAX_OTHER | Daily allowances / cost compensation LL | NUMC | |
490 | P44_TAX_PAYID | Payment type for Annual Tax Statement Finland | P44_TAX_PAYID | CHAR |
491 | P44_TAX_PAYID_NR | Payment type for record identifier VSRAERIE | P44_TAX_PAYID | CHAR |
492 | P44_TAX_PAY_TOT | Total amount of payments per payment type | NUMC | |
493 | P44_TAX_PENCOLL | Pension Collected Back from Employee | NUMC | |
494 | P44_TAX_PENSION | Pension/unemployment contributions for Annual Tax Statement | NUMC | |
495 | P44_TAX_PERID_HC | Personal ID code in home country | CHAR20 | CHAR |
496 | P44_TAX_POSTCD | Postal code in home country | CHAR | |
497 | P44_TAX_PT_REC | Number of payment type specific records | NUMC | |
498 | P44_TAX_PY_PST | Position of trust payment | NUMC10 | NUMC |
499 | P44_TAX_RECID | Record identifier for Annual Tax Statement | CHAR | |
500 | P44_TAX_REC_LENGTH | Length of dataset record (ATS) | NUMC |