SAP ABAP Data Element - Index P, page 80
- P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 P-10 P-11 P-12 P-13 P-14 P-15 P-16 P-17 P-18 P-19 P-20 P-21 P-22 P-23 P-24 P-25 P-26 P-27 P-28 P-29 P-30 P-31 P-32 P-33 P-34 P-35 P-36 P-37 P-38 P-39 P-40 P-41 P-42 P-43 P-44 P-45 P-46 P-47 P-48 P-49 P-50 P-51 P-52 P-53 P-54 P-55 P-56 P-57 P-58 P-59 P-60 P-61 P-62 P-63 P-64 P-65 P-66 P-67 P-68 P-69 P-70 P-71 P-72 P-73 P-74 P-75 P-76 P-77 P-78 P-79 P-80 P-81 P-82 P-83 P-84 P-85 P-86 P-87 P-88 P-89 P-90 P-91 P-92 P-93 P-94 P-95 P-96 P-97 P-98 P-99 P-100 P-101 P-102 P-103 P-104 P-105 P-106 P-107 P-108 P-109 P-110 P-111 P-112 P-113 P-114 P-115 P-116 P-117 P-118 P-119 P-120 P-121 P-122 P-123 P-124 P-125 P-126 P-127 P-128 P-129 P-130
Data Element - P
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | PFO_OBJTYPE | Object Type (Portfolio Assignment) | PFO_TYPE | CHAR |
2 | PFO_ORIGIN | Name of External System | PFO_ORIGIN | CHAR |
3 | PFO_ORIG_ID | ID of a Connected System | PFO_ORIG_ID | CHAR |
4 | PFO_PM_CONTR_ID | Contract ID | NUMC5 | NUMC |
5 | PFO_PM_CONTR_PART_ID | Coverage ID | NUMC5 | NUMC |
6 | PFO_PM_OVERWRITTEN | OM Integration: Value Was Overwritten | PFO_PM_OVERWRITTEN | CHAR |
7 | PFO_POL_CONID | Technical ID of an Insurance Policy in PM | NUMC5 | NUMC |
8 | PFO_POL_CONNR | Policy Number in PM | CHAR17 | CHAR |
9 | PFO_POL_GUID | Policy ID (PM) | PFO_GUID | CHAR |
10 | PFO_POL_MANDT | Client of Policy System | MANDT | CLNT |
11 | PFO_POL_NR | Policy Number in PM (Effective) | CHAR17 | CHAR |
12 | PFO_POL_PARTID | Contract Section (Coverage) of PM Contract | CHAR5 | CHAR |
13 | PFO_PROCESS_ID | ID of a Process in Portfolio Assignment | PFO_COUNT | NUMC |
14 | PFO_PR_STEP | Process Step of a Process in Portfolio Assignment | PFO_COUNT | NUMC |
15 | PFO_RFC_DATA | Data Section of RFC Interface | PFO_RFC_DATA | CHAR |
16 | PFO_ROLE | ID of a Role in Portfolio Assignment (PFO) | PFO_ROLE | CHAR |
17 | PFO_ROLEKIND | Role Type for Business Assignment or Segment Assignment | PFO_ROLEKIND | CHAR |
18 | PFO_ROLE_DIV | Indicator: Role May Be Divided Up | PFO_FLAG | CHAR |
19 | PFO_ROLE_ERR | Error in Role | FLAG | CHAR |
20 | PFO_ROLE_TA_REL | Indicator: Role is Relevant for Target Agreements (TA) | PFO_TA_REG | CHAR |
21 | PFO_ROLE_UNIQ | Indicator: Role is Unique | PFO_FLAG | CHAR |
22 | PFO_SEGNR | Segment Number in Portfolio Assignment (Effective Key) | PFO_SEGNR | CHAR |
23 | PFO_SEGTYPE | Segment Type | PFO_SEGTYPE | CHAR |
24 | PFO_SEGTYPETEXT | Segment Type Text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
25 | PFO_SEG_ERR | Error in Segment | FLAG | CHAR |
26 | PFO_SEG_FAT | Parent Segment in a Hierarchy | PFO_GUID | CHAR |
27 | PFO_SEG_ID | ID of a Segment | PFO_GUID | CHAR |
28 | PFO_SEG_LVL | Hierarchy Level of a Segment in a Hierarchy | NUMC4 | NUMC |
29 | PFO_SEPARATOR | Separator of CSV Data Record in RCF Interface | CHAR1 | CHAR |
30 | PFO_SGT_ERR | Error in Segment Type | FLAG | CHAR |
31 | PFO_SHLP_OBJTYPE | Object Type for Search Help | PFO_TYPE | CHAR |
32 | PFO_SOURCE_SEG | Source Segment in Framework for Object Assignment (FOA) | TEXT40 | CHAR |
33 | PFO_SZO_ID | GUID of a Segment Assignment Object | PFO_GUID | CHAR |
34 | PFO_SZO_QUOTA | Quota of a Segment Assignment | DEC15_5DB4 | DEC |
35 | PFO_TA_COUNT | Transaction Counter for PFO Buffer | NUMC6 | NUMC |
36 | PFO_TECHDATE_OBJ | Effective Analysis Time-Spot | CACSTIMESTAMP | NUMC |
37 | PFO_TERMDATE | Date on Which an Object is Due to End | PFO_TIMESTAMP | NUMC |
38 | PFO_TEXTTAB | Name of Text Table of a Portfolio Assignment Object | AS4TAB | CHAR |
39 | PFO_TEXTVIEW | Name of View from Object and Text Table | AS4TAB | CHAR |
40 | PFO_TOL | Tolerance of Divisible Roles | DEC15_5DB4 | DEC |
41 | PFO_TYPENUMBER | 4-Digit NUMC Value to Identify Assignment Table (XO Table) | NUMC4 | NUMC |
42 | PFO_TYPE_ERR | Error in Object Type | FLAG | CHAR |
43 | PFO_US_SEG_ID | Segment ID (Universal Successor) | PFO_GUID | CHAR |
44 | PFO_VAL_ERR | Error: Role Value Not Permitted | FLAG | CHAR |
45 | PFO_VERS | Version Number in Portfolio Assignment | NUMC6 | NUMC |
46 | PFO_VERS_FLG | Indicator: Object Type is Versioned (Portfolio Assignment) | PFO_FLAG | CHAR |
47 | PFO_XCATTFIELDS | PFO: Customer Attribute Fields Defined | BOOLEAN_FLG | CHAR |
48 | PFO_XCKEYFIELDS | PFO: Customer Key Fields Defined | BOOLEAN_FLG | CHAR |
49 | PFO_XOBJTYPE | Object Type, Key Field of Table TPFO_OBT | PFO_TYPE | CHAR |
50 | PFO_XO_ERR | Error in Assigned Object | FLAG | CHAR |
51 | PFO_ZOTYPE | Type of Assignment Object | PFO_TYPE | CHAR |
52 | PFO_ZO_ID | GUID of an Assignment Object in Portfolio Assignment | PFO_GUID | CHAR |
53 | PFPHYSDELETECOUNT | Number of Records Physically Deleted in the Database | INT4 | |
54 | PFPHYSINSCOUNT | Records Physically Inserted | INT4 | |
55 | PFPHYSREADCOUNT | Number of Physically Read Records | INT4 | |
56 | PFPHYSUPDATERECS | Number of Changed Records | INT4 | |
57 | PFPOS_KK | External Payment Collector: Item Number in Payment Document | PFPOS_KK | NUMC |
58 | PFPRO | Percentage garnishment of wages - not used anymore/replaced | DEC2_2 | DEC |
59 | PFREADDIRBUF | Number of records that were read directly from the buffer | INT4 | |
60 | PFREADDIRCOUNT | Number of Direct Read Operations | INT4 | |
61 | PFREADDIRREC | Number of Direct Read Records | INT4 | |
62 | PFREADDIRTIME | Time Taken for Direct Reading in the Database | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
63 | PFREADSEQBUFRECS | Number of Records Read by Sequential Reading | INT4 | |
64 | PFREADSEQCOUNT | Number of Read Operations with Sequential Reading in DB | INT4 | |
65 | PFREADSEQRECS | Number of Records Read by Sequential Reading | INT4 | |
66 | PFREADSEQTIME | Time Taken for Sequential Reading | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
67 | PFREF | Type of Usage for Fixed Seizable Amount | PFREF | CHAR |
68 | PFREI | Indicator: automatic fixing of planned orders | XFELD | CHAR |
69 | PFREPORT | Report Name | CHAR | |
70 | PFREQ | Payroll time units | PFREQ | NUMC |
71 | PFREQQU | Payroll Time Units | PFREQ | NUMC |
72 | PFRFC_AUTHORISATION_TIME | RFC Authorization Time for Statistics | FLTP | FLTP |
73 | PFRFC_CALL_NUMBER | Call Number for Statistics | FLTP | FLTP |
74 | PFRFC_CALL_TIME | Call Time for RFC Statistics | FLTP | FLTP |
75 | PFRFC_CHAR64_CS | RFC Character String of Length 64 (Lowercase/Uppercase) | PFRFC_CHAR64_CS | CHAR |
76 | PFRFC_CLIENT_ID | Client Number for RFC Statistics | PFRFC_CHAR_3 | CHAR |
77 | PFRFC_COMMUNICATION_STEP | Step of Statistics Record (S=Send, R=Receive, T=S&R) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
78 | PFRFC_COMPLETE | Internal Kernel Flag | CHAR | |
79 | PFRFC_CONNECTION_ID | Connection ID for RFC Statistics | PFRFC_CHAR_32_CS | CHAR |
80 | PFRFC_DATA_RECEIVE | Data Received for RFC Statistics | FLTP | FLTP |
81 | PFRFC_DATA_SEND | Data Sent for RFC Statistics | FLTP | FLTP |
83 | PFRFC_ENGINE_TYPE | Engine Type for RFC Statistics (a, j, e, f) | PFRFC_CHAR_1_CS | CHAR |
84 | PFRFC_EXECUTION_TIME | Execution Time for RFC Statistics | FLTP | FLTP |
85 | PFRFC_FUNCTION_NAME | Function Name for RFC Statistics | PFRFC_CHAR64_CS | CHAR |
86 | PFRFC_IDLE_TIME | Wait Time for RFC Statistics | FLTP | FLTP |
87 | PFRFC_INSTANCE_NAME | Instance Name for RFC Statistics (Appl. Server or Host) | PFRFC_CHAR_40_CS | CHAR |
88 | PFRFC_IP_ADDRESS | IP Address for RFC Statistics | PFRFC_CHAR_64 | CHAR |
89 | PFRFC_LOGON_METHOD | RFC Logon Procedure for RFC Statistics | PFRFC_CHAR_1_CS | CHAR |
90 | PFRFC_LOGON_TIME | RFC Logon Time for Statisticss | FLTP | FLTP |
91 | PFRFC_PROGRAM_LINE | Program Line for RFC Statistics | INT4 | |
92 | PFRFC_PROGRAM_NAME | Program Name for RFC Statistics | PFRFC_CHAR64_CS | CHAR |
93 | PFRFC_QUEUE_NAME | Queue Name of qRFC Calls for RFC Statistics | PFRFC_CHAR_32_CS | CHAR |
94 | PFRFC_RELEASE | Release Information for RFC Statistics | PFRFC_CHAR_12 | CHAR |
95 | PFRFC_STATUS_CODE | status code for RFC kernel statistics | STATUS_CODE_DOMAIN | INT1 |
96 | PFRFC_TID | Transaction ID of tRFC/qRFC Calls for RFC Statistics | PFRFC_CHAR_32_CS | CHAR |
97 | PFRFC_TIME_STAMP_CS | Date and Time for RFC Statistics | PFRFC_CHAR_48_CS | CHAR |
98 | PFRFC_TRANSACTION_CODE | ABAP Transaction Code for RFC Statistics | PFRFC_CHAR_20 | CHAR |
99 | PFRFC_TRANSFER_TIME | Transfer Time for RFC Statistics | FLTP | FLTP |
100 | PFRFC_TYPE | RFC Communication Type for RFC Statistics (Syn., Asy., etc) | PFRFC_CHAR_1_CS | CHAR |
101 | PFRFC_USER_NAME | User Name for RFC Statistics | PFRFC_CHAR_12 | CHAR |
102 | PFRFC_VERSION | Version of Statistics Record | CHAR1 | CHAR |
103 | PFRNG | Ranking Order of Garnishment | PFNUM | NUMC |
104 | PFROOTCONTEXTID | Root Context ID | RAW | |
105 | PFR_TEST | Test | XFELD | CHAR |
106 | PFSCHL | Pricing key | CHAR6 | CHAR |
107 | PFSERVICE | SAP Statistics Service | PFSERVICE | INT2 |
108 | PFSMTP_FROM | Sender for ICF Statistics | IMCCHAR128 | CHAR |
109 | PFSMTP_RESPONSE_CODE | Response Return Code for ICF Statistics | ICFCHAR12 | CHAR |
110 | PFSMTP_TO | Sender for ICF Statistics | IMCCHAR128 | CHAR |
111 | PFSPE | _ | ISH_PFSPE | CHAR |
112 | PFST1 | Status of garnishment/cession of wages in in-period | CHAR1 | CHAR |
113 | PFST2 | Status of garnishment/cession of wages | PFSTB | CHAR |
114 | PFSTA | GUI Status Allocated to Operation | CHAR4 | CHAR |
115 | PFSTAT | GUI Status | GUI_STATUS | CHAR |
117 | PFSTB | Status of garnishment/cession of wages | PFSTB | CHAR |
118 | PFSTEP | Batch Step Number | INT4 | |
119 | PFSTR | P.O. Box or Street for Postal Code/City | TEXT35 | CHAR |
120 | PFSTRINGITEMVALUE | Value of a Passport String Item | CHAR | |
121 | PFSTR_FPM | P.O. Box or Street for Postal Code/City | TEXT35 | CHAR |
122 | PFSTS | GUI status assigned to operation | GUI_STATUS | CHAR |
123 | PFSTT | Status of garnishment/cession of wages | PFSTT | CHAR |
124 | PFSYSID | SAP Statistics: System ID | CHAR32 | CHAR |
125 | PFS_64 | Start parameters for external planning tool | PFS_64 | CHAR |
126 | PFS_COB | Description of a PFS configuration | PFS_56 | CHAR |
127 | PFS_COB1 | Description of a new configuration | PFS_56 | CHAR |
128 | PFS_SOB1 | Description of a PFS simulation | PFS_56 | CHAR |
129 | PFT13 | Generating features | CHAR1 | CHAR |
130 | PFTABTIME | Time for Accesses to Specified Table | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
131 | PFTIME | Runtime for One Processing | CHAR17 | CHAR |
132 | PFTNR | Pension Fund Reference Number | CHAR15 | CHAR |
133 | PFTRANSID | SAP Statistics: Transaction ID | CHAR32 | CHAR |
134 | PFTREX_ABAP_TIME | ABAP Processing Time | FLTP | |
135 | PFTREX_BIQUERYGUID | BI Accel Link. Calls with BI Query | CHAR | |
136 | PFTREX_CALL_NUMBER | Used for E2E correlation with RFC records | FLTP | |
137 | PFTREX_CALL_TYPE | Contains the type of TREX calls;I=Indication,Q=Query,A=Admin | CHAR | |
138 | PFTREX_CONN_ID | Used for E2E correlation with RFC records | CHAR | |
139 | PFTREX_CPU_UTIL_SERVER | CPU Utilization on the Server | FLTP | |
140 | PFTREX_DESTINATION | Contains the RFC or HTTP Destination used in this call | CHAR | |
141 | PFTREX_FUNCNAME | Function Name | CHAR | |
143 | PFTREX_KERNEL_TIME_SERVER | Kernel Processing Time on the Server | FLTP | |
144 | PFTREX_MEM_UTIL_SERVER | Memory Utilisation on the Server | FLTP | |
145 | PFTREX_NUMBER_OF_CALLS | Total Number of Calls | FLTP | |
146 | PFTREX_NUMBER_OF_HTTP_CALLS | Total Number of HTTP Calls | FLTP | |
147 | PFTREX_NUMBER_OF_RFC_CALLS | Total Number of RFC Calls | FLTP | |
148 | PFTREX_PROC_TIME_SERVER | Complete Processing Time on the Server | FLTP | |
149 | PFTREX_PROTOCOL | Contains the Indicator R for RFC and H for HTTP | CHAR | |
150 | PFTREX_RFC_TIME_SERVER | Processing Time on the RFC Server | FLTP | |
151 | PFTREX_TOTAL_ABAP_TIME | Total ABAP Processing Time | FLTP | |
152 | PFTREX_TOTAL_CPU_UTIL_SERVER | Total CPU Consumption Server | FLTP | |
153 | PFTREX_TOTAL_KERNEL_TIME_SERVE | Total Kernel Processing Time on the Server | FLTP | |
154 | PFTREX_TOTAL_MEM_UTIL_SERVER | Total Memory Consumption Server | FLTP | |
155 | PFTREX_TOTAL_PROC_TIME_SERVER | Total Processing Time on Server | FLTP | |
156 | PFTREX_TOTAL_RFC_TIME_SERVER | Total RFC Processing Time on Server | FLTP | |
159 | PFTREX_TREX_SID | SID of the TREX | CHAR | |
160 | PFTXT | IS-H: Text for Parish | TEXT20 | CHAR |
161 | PFTYP | Profile type | SUBTY | CHAR |
162 | PFTYT | Employment Indicator Text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
163 | PFUHR | Time of Garnishment Notification/Contract Start Date | UZEIT | TIMS |
164 | PFUKA | Subcategory for preferred garnishments | CHAR1 | CHAR |
165 | PFUNC | Current function in program in use | CHAR5 | CHAR |
166 | PFUNC_REG | Update data processing function module | XFELD | CHAR |
167 | PFUNC_RES | Renew data processing function module | XFLAG | CHAR |
168 | PFUNG | Function group for check FMs foreign key check | AREA | CHAR |
169 | PFUPDATECOUNT | Number of Updates in the Database | INT4 | |
170 | PFUPDATERECS | Number of Changed Records | INT4 | |
171 | PFUPDATETIME | Time Spent on Updates | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
172 | PFUSERID | SAP Statistics: User ID | PFUSERID | CHAR |
173 | PFUUIDITEMVALUE | Value of a Passport Item with Type UUID | RAW | |
174 | PFVALUE | Value for Statistics - Lock Entries | CHAR20S | CHAR |
175 | PFVOM | Issue Date of Garnishment Ruling | DATUM | DATS |
176 | PFVSERVER | Virtual Server for HTTP Server Information | INT4 | |
177 | PFWS_CALLSLOCATIONC | Number of Web Service Calls with Location = C | FLTP | |
178 | PFWS_CALLSLOCATIONP | Number of Web Service Calls with Location = P | FLTP | |
179 | PFWS_CALLSPROTOCOLP | Number of Web Service Calls with Protocol = P | FLTP | |
180 | PFWS_CALLSPROTOCOLW | Number of Web Service Calls with Protocol = W | FLTP | |
181 | PFWS_ESRMODELED | ESR Modeled Service Flag: X = ESR modeled; Empty = No | CHAR | |
182 | PFWS_LOCATION | Consumer/Provider Flag: C = Consumer; P = Provider | CHAR | |
183 | PFWS_LOGICALPORT | Logical Port of Web Service | CHAR | |
184 | PFWS_MESSAGEID | Message ID of Web Service | CHAR | |
185 | PFWS_MESSAGESIZE | Message Size | FLTP | |
186 | PFWS_NUMBEROFCALLS | Total Number of All Web Service Calls in Dialog Step | FLTP | |
187 | PFWS_OPERATION | Operation Used by Web Service | CHAR | |
188 | PFWS_PROTOCOL | Protocol Used: W = WS Protocol; P = PI Protocol | CHAR | |
189 | PFWS_PROXYCLASS | Proxy Class Used | CHAR | |
190 | PFWS_PROXYOBJECTTYPE | Object Type of Proxy Object | CHAR | |
191 | PFWS_RESPONSETIME | Response Time of WS Calls in Microseconds | FLTP | |
192 | PFWS_SHORTCUT | Shortcut Flag: X = Shortcut Case; Empty = No Shortcut Case | CHAR | |
193 | PFWS_SHORTCUTCALLS | Total Number of All Shortcut WS Calls | FLTP | |
194 | PFWS_SYNCHRONOUS | Synchronous/Asynchronous Flag: X = Sync. Empty = Async. | CHAR | |
195 | PFWS_SYNCHRONOUSCALLS | Total Number of Synchronous WS Calls | FLTP | |
196 | PFWS_TOTALMESSAGESIZE | Total Message Size of All Web Service Calls in Dialog Step | FLTP | |
197 | PFWS_TOTALRESPONSETIME | Measurement of Response Time of All WS Calls in Dialog Step | FLTP | |
198 | PFX_TXJCD | prefix of tax jurisdiction code | TXJCD | CHAR |
199 | PFYAPCANO | No. of data blocks for CPIC communication | NUMC6 | NUMC |
200 | PFYBTCNAME | Name of server on which events are handled | TEXT20 | CHAR |
201 | PFYBUFFALL | Total memory requirements for buffer in MB (approx.) | NUMC6 | NUMC |
202 | PFYCPAGE | Codepage | CPCODEPAGE | NUMC |
203 | PFYCUA | Size of CUA buffer in KB | CHAR8 | CHAR |
204 | PFYDATADIR | Directory for temporary storage of operation data | PFEUNIXPRO | CHAR |
205 | PFYDBHOST | Database host name | TEXT20 | CHAR |
206 | PFYDFLMAN | Default client for logon to SAP system | MANDT | CLNT |
207 | PFYEMASPNT | Ext. memory (NT only): Address area to be reserved | CHAR12 | CHAR |
208 | PFYEMBLKSZ | Extended memory: Block size (KB) | CHAR5 | CHAR |
209 | PFYEMISZMB | Extended memory. Init. extended memory size / server | CHAR12 | CHAR |
210 | PFYEMSLSMB | Ext. mem.: Context size / users who activate statistics | CHAR5 | CHAR |
211 | PFYEMSLTMO | Extended memory: Interval for statistics backup | CHAR5 | CHAR |
212 | PFYENQNAME | Name of server, on which enqueue server is running | TEXT20 | CHAR |
213 | PFYENTRYCT | Nametab entry count | NUMC6 | NUMC |
214 | PFYFTABSIZ | Nametab Ftab size | NUMC6 | NUMC |
216 | PFYHEAPDIA | ABAP: Max. local memory in dialog operation / user | CHAR12 | CHAR |
217 | PFYHEAPMAX | Extended memory: Max. local memory / server | CHAR12 | CHAR |
218 | PFYHPNDIA | ABAP: Max. local memory for non-dialog operation / user | CHAR12 | CHAR |
219 | PFYINSTNAM | Instance name of an SAP System | CHAR20 | CHAR |
220 | PFYIRBDSIZ | Nametab Irdbsize | NUMC6 | NUMC |
221 | PFYLANGU | Language | TEXT128 | CHAR |
222 | PFYLNGINST | Shows whether a language can be installed | CHAR1 | CHAR |
223 | PFYMAXNO | Maximum Number of WPs (Including Reserved WPs) | CHAR7 | CHAR |
224 | PFYMSHOST | Name of host, on which message server is running | TEXT20 | CHAR |
225 | PFYMSSRVNM | TCP service name, under which message server can be reached | TEXT10 | CHAR |
226 | PFYND | Employment Indicator | PFYND | CHAR |
227 | PFYNOBTC | No. of background work processes | CHAR3 | CHAR |
228 | PFYNODIA | No. of dialog work procsesses | CHAR3 | CHAR |
229 | PFYNOENQ | No. of enqueue work processes | CHAR3 | CHAR |
230 | PFYNORES | Number of Reserved Dialog WPs | CHAR3 | CHAR |
231 | PFYNOSPO | No. of spool work processes | CHAR3 | CHAR |
232 | PFYNOV2B | No. of update work processes (V2) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
233 | PFYNOVB | No. of update work processes | CHAR3 | CHAR |
234 | PFYNTAB | Size of database nametab buffer in KB | CHAR8 | CHAR |
235 | PFYPAGE | Size of paging buffer in KB | CHAR5 | CHAR |
236 | PFYPAGEDIR | Directory in which ABAP paging file is located | PFEUNIXPRO | CHAR |
237 | PFYPGMAXFX | Max. size of paging file | CHAR5 | CHAR |
238 | PFYPRES | Size of screen buffer in KB | CHAR8 | CHAR |
239 | PFYPXA | Size of ABAP program buffer in KB | CHAR8 | CHAR |
240 | PFYROLFIRS | Extended memory: Initial roll area / user | NUMC06 | NUMC |
241 | PFYROLHPLM | Extended memory: Restart WP from this local memory size | CHAR12 | CHAR |
242 | PFYROLL | Size of roll buffer in KB | CHAR5 | CHAR |
243 | PFYROLLAR | Size of roll area (KB) | CHAR6 | CHAR |
244 | PFYROLLDIR | Directory in which roll file is stored | PFEUNIXPRO | CHAR |
245 | PFYROLLEXT | Max. exended memory / user | CHAR12 | CHAR |
246 | PFYROLLFST | Size of roll first area in KB | CHAR6 | CHAR |
247 | PFYROLLPSZ | Size of page of roll (Bytes) | NUMC06 | NUMC |
248 | PFYROLLTYP | Flag: Use 'old' roll or extended memory | CHAR1 | CHAR |
249 | PFYROLMXFS | Max. size of roll file | CHAR5 | CHAR |
250 | PFYRORGDIR | Directory for reorganization tasks | PFEUNIXPRO | CHAR |
251 | PFYSEL | For selection fields or radio buttons in profile screens | CHAR1 | CHAR |
252 | PFYSHRTAR | Size of short area | NUMC10 | NUMC |
253 | PFYSNAHOST | Name of host on which SNA Gateway is running | TEXT20 | CHAR |
254 | PFYSNASRVN | TCP service name, under which SNA Gateway can be reached | TEXT10 | CHAR |
255 | PFYSNTABSZ | Nametab Sntabsize | NUMC6 | NUMC |
256 | PFYSTMPDIR | Directory for ABAP sort tasks | PFEUNIXPRO | CHAR |
257 | PFYSTOALL | Total memory requirements of application server (approx.) | NUMC12 | NUMC |
258 | PFYSWAPRSV | Extended memory: Swap reserve for op. system | CHAR5 | CHAR |
259 | PFYSYSNAME | SAP system name | CHAR3 | CHAR |
260 | PFYSYSNR | SAP System number | CHAR2 | CHAR |
261 | PFYTB100 | Size of 100% table buffer in KB | CHAR8 | CHAR |
262 | PFYTBLRU | Size of LRU table buffer in KB | CHAR8 | CHAR |
263 | PFYTMPDIR | Directory for storage of temporary data | PFEUNIXPRO | CHAR |
264 | PFYTRNSDIR | Directory for tasks of transport system | PFEUNIXPRO | CHAR |
265 | PFYVBNAME | Name of server, on which update takes place | TEXT20 | CHAR |
266 | PFYWPALL | Total memory required for work processes in MB (approx.) | NUMC6 | NUMC |
267 | PFYWPCANO | No. of data blocks for work process communication | NUMC6 | NUMC |
268 | PFYWPDYNCH | PFL: Dynamic WP check active? | SPFLDYNWP | CHAR |
269 | PFYWPNOALL | Total no. of work processes | NUMC4 | NUMC |
270 | PFZUW | Indicator: Is benefit required for assessment | XFELD | CHAR |
271 | PF_ABGC_ALLOC_OBJS | Number of Objects Created Between Two Garbage Collector Runs | INT4 | |
272 | PF_ABGC_CALLED_EXPL | Number of GC Runs Started Directly by the Application | INT4 | |
273 | PF_ABGC_FREED_OBJS | Number of Objects Released During this ABAP GC Run | INT4 | |
274 | PF_ABGC_RUN_COUNT | Number of ABAP Garbage Collector Runs | INT4 | |
275 | PF_ABGC_TIME | Time Required by the ABAP Garbage Collector | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
276 | PF_CPUTIME | CPU Time Consumed During Dialog Step | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
277 | PF_ENDDAT | End Date for Processing | DATUM | DATS |
278 | PF_ENDTIM | End Time of Processing | UZEIT | TIMS |
279 | PF_GUINETTIME | Time Taken by the Request Data for the Network Transfer | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
280 | PF_GUITIME | The time that the request waited for RFCs to the GUI | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
281 | PF_LGTXT | Premium formula text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
282 | PF_LOGDAT | Date of Status Information | DATUM | DATS |
283 | PF_LOGTIM | Time of Status Information | UZEIT | TIMS |
284 | PF_MAX_BYTES | Maximum Amount of Occupied Memory for Internal Session | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
285 | PF_MAX_BYTES_DIA | Maximum Memory of Internal Session in current Diaog Step | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
286 | PF_MEMSUM | Memory Consumption of External Session | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
287 | PF_PRIVSUM | Occupied Heap Memory (if process is in PRIV mode) | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
288 | PF_QUEUETIME | Time the request had to wait in the dispatcher queue | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
289 | PF_RESPTIME | Response Time of Dialog Step | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
290 | PF_STARTDAT | Start Date of Processing | DATUM | DATS |
291 | PF_STARTTIM | Start Time of Processing | UZEIT | TIMS |
292 | PF_USED_BYTES | Memory Occupied by Current Internal Session | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
293 | PF_VMC_ALLOC_LOCAL | Locally Allocated Memory | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
294 | PF_VMC_ALLOC_SHARED | Allocated Shared Memory | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
295 | PF_VMC_APPLICATION | Application Processing the Virtual Machine | CHAR | |
296 | PF_VMC_CALL_COUNT | Number of Calls to the VM Container in Dialog Step | INT4 | |
297 | PF_VMC_COUNT_ATTACH | Number of Process Attachments of the VM | INT4 | |
298 | PF_VMC_COUNT_CLONE | Number of Cloning Operations in Virtual Machine | INT4 | |
299 | PF_VMC_COUNT_DETACH | Number of Process Detachments of the VM | INT4 | |
300 | PF_VMC_COUNT_GC_EXPL_LOCAL | Number of Explicit Garbage Collection Calls (Local)) | INT4 | |
301 | PF_VMC_COUNT_GC_EXPL_SHARED | Number of Explicit Shared Garbage Collections | INT4 | |
302 | PF_VMC_COUNT_GC_OLD | Number of Garbage Collection Calls for Old Generation | INT4 | |
303 | PF_VMC_COUNT_GC_SHARED | Number of Shared Garbage Collection Calls | INT4 | |
304 | PF_VMC_COUNT_GC_YOUNG | Number of Garbage Collection Calls for Young Generation | INT4 | |
305 | PF_VMC_COUNT_JIT_DECOMPILE | Number of JIT Decompilations | INT4 | |
306 | PF_VMC_COUNT_JIT_RETRY | Number of Retries of JIT Compilation | INT4 | |
307 | PF_VMC_COUNT_JIT_SUCCEED | Number of Successful JIT Compilations | INT4 | |
308 | PF_VMC_COUNT_JIT_TRIALS | Number of Attempts of JIT Compilation | INT4 | |
309 | PF_VMC_COUNT_LOAD_CLASS_CONFL | Number of Conflicts While Loading Shared Classes | INT4 | |
310 | PF_VMC_COUNT_LOAD_CLASS_LOCAL | Number of Classes Loaded Locally | INT4 | |
311 | PF_VMC_COUNT_LOAD_CLASS_SHARED | Number of Shared Classes Loaded | INT4 | |
312 | PF_VMC_COUNT_NATIVE_BYTE_SW | Number of Switches Between Byte and Native Code | FLTP | |
313 | PF_VMC_COUNT_THREAD_SWITCH | Number of Thread Switches | FLTP | |
314 | PF_VMC_MAX_THREAD_RUN_TIME | Maximum Runtime of Thread | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
315 | PF_VMC_MEM_CLASS_OBJ_ALLOC_LOC | Memory Allocated Locally for Class Objects | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
316 | PF_VMC_MEM_CLASS_OBJ_ALLOC_SHA | Allocated Memory for Shared Classes | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
317 | PF_VMC_MEM_CLASS_OBJ_FREED_LOC | Freed Local Memory for Java Classes | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
318 | PF_VMC_MEM_CLASS_OBJ_FREED_SHA | Freed Memory in Shared Class Pool | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
319 | PF_VMC_MEM_CODECACHE_ALLOC_LOC | Allocated Memory for Local Code Cache | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
320 | PF_VMC_MEM_CODECACHE_ALLOC_SHA | Memory Allocated to Shared Code Cache | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
321 | PF_VMC_MEM_CODECACHE_FREED_LOC | Released Memory from Local Code Cache | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
322 | PF_VMC_MEM_CODECACHE_FREED_SHA | Freed Memory from Shared Code Cache | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
323 | PF_VMC_MEM_CODECACHE_MAX_WRK_M | Maximum Working Memory of Code Cache | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
324 | PF_VMC_MEM_CODECACHE_USED_LOC | Maximum Local Memory for the Code Cache | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
325 | PF_VMC_MEM_CODECACHE_USED_SHA | Shared Memory of Shared Code Cache | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
326 | PF_VMC_MEM_CODECACHE_WORK_MEM | Memory in Working Memory of Code Cache | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
327 | PF_VMC_MEM_CODECACHE_WRONG_PRE | Memory in Code Cache Wrongly Predicted | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
329 | PF_VMC_MEM_IO_FILE_WRITE | File I/O: Written Bytes | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
330 | PF_VMC_MEM_IO_NET_RECEIVE | Network I/O: Received Bytes | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
331 | PF_VMC_MEM_IO_NET_SEND | Network I/O: Sent Bytes | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
332 | PF_VMC_MEM_MISC_ALLOC_LOCAL | Miscellaneous Local Memory Allocated | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
333 | PF_VMC_MEM_MISC_ALLOC_SHARED | Miscellaneous Shared Memory Allocated | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
334 | PF_VMC_MEM_MISC_FREED_LOCAL | Freed Miscellaneous Local Memory | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
335 | PF_VMC_MEM_MISC_FREED_SHARED | Miscellaneous Released Shared Memory | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
336 | PF_VMC_MEM_MISC_PROFILING | Local Memory Needed for Profiling | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
337 | PF_VMC_MEM_OBJC_ALLOC_OLD | Memory for Old Objects in the Old Generation | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
338 | PF_VMC_MEM_OBJC_ALLOC_SHARED | Maximum Allocated Memory for Objects in Shared Memory | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
339 | PF_VMC_MEM_OBJC_ALLOC_YOUNG | Memory Allocated for Objects in the Young Generation | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
340 | PF_VMC_MEM_OBJS_FREED_OLD | Freed Memory from Objects in the Old Generation | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
341 | PF_VMC_MEM_OBJS_FREED_SHARED | Memory Freed from Objects in Shared Memory | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
342 | PF_VMC_MEM_OBJS_FREED_YOUNG | Memory Released from Objects in the Young Generation | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
343 | PF_VMC_MEM_OBJS_PROMOTED | Memory Moved into the Old Generation | PF_MEMORY_AMOUNT | FLTP |
344 | PF_VMC_REQUEST_TYPE | Request Type of Dialog Step | INT4 | |
345 | PF_VMC_TIME_ATTACH | Time Needed for VM Process Attachments | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
346 | PF_VMC_TIME_BYTE_GENERATION | Time for Generating Byte Code | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
347 | PF_VMC_TIME_CLONE | Time Needed to Clone VMs | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
348 | PF_VMC_TIME_CPU_GC_OLD | CPU Time for Old Generation Garbage Collector | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
349 | PF_VMC_TIME_CPU_GC_SHARED | CPU Time for Shared Garbage Collection | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
350 | PF_VMC_TIME_CPU_GC_YOUNG | CPU Time for Young Generation Garbage Collection | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
351 | PF_VMC_TIME_DETACH | Time Needed for VM Process Detachments | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
352 | PF_VMC_TIME_GC_OLD | Garbage Collection Time for the Old Generation | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
353 | PF_VMC_TIME_GC_SHARED | Time for Shared Garbage Collection | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
354 | PF_VMC_TIME_GC_YOUNG | Time for Young Generation Garbage Collection | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
355 | PF_VMC_TIME_JAVA_GENERATION | Time Needed for Generating Java Code | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
356 | PF_VMC_TIME_JIT_GENERATION | Time for JIT Compilation | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
357 | PF_VMC_TIME_JSP_GENERATION | Time Needed to Generate JSP Pages | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
358 | PF_VMC_TIME_LOAD_CLASSES_LOCAL | Load Time for Local Class | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
359 | PF_VMC_TIME_LOAD_CLASSES_SHARE | Load Time for Shared Classes | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
360 | PF_VMC_TIME_NATIVE_GENERATION | Time Needed to Generate Native Code | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
361 | PF_VMC_TIME_WEBDYN_GENERATION | Time for Web Dynpro Generations | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
362 | PF_VMC_VM_CPU_TIME | Used CPU Time of VM | FLTP | |
363 | PF_VMC_VM_ELAPSED_TIME | Total Time Needed by VM | PF_MICROSEC | FLTP |
364 | PF_VMC_VM_HANDLE | VM Handle | INT4 | |
365 | PF_VMC_VM_TYPE | Type of VM | INT4 | |
366 | PF_WAERS | Currency (Constant in Transaction) is a Price Factor | WAERS | CUKY |
367 | PF_ZINS | Interest Rate (Constant in Transaction) is a Price Factor | DECV3_7 | DEC |
368 | PF_ZIREFKU | Ref. Int Rate (Constant in Trans.) as Price-Forming Factor | ZIREFKU | CHAR |
369 | PGANZ | Golden Gate Design Item 17: number of product group items | NUM05 | NUMC |
370 | PGART | Program type | CHAR1 | CHAR |
371 | PGAR_IONUM | Internal order number | PGAR_IONUM | NUMC |
372 | PGAR_JURIS | Code for jurisdiction | PGAR_JURIS | CHAR |
373 | PGASSCAT | Pegging category of the assigned quantity | PGASSCAT | NUMC |
374 | PGASSEXT | Assignment of external procurement elements (purch. orders) | XFLAG | CHAR |
375 | PGASSINT | Assignment of internal procurement elements (prod. orders) | XFLAG | CHAR |
376 | PGASSQTY | Proportion assigned to pegging object | PGASSQTY | DEC |
377 | PGBVW | Partner Business Area Default Value | GSBER | CHAR |
378 | PGCLOSED | Indicator: Pegging completed | XFELD | CHAR |
379 | PGCMPPNR | Component WBS element | PS_POSNR | NUMC |
380 | PGCOPY | Material forecast | CHAR1 | CHAR |
381 | PGDECASH | Distributepayments for external procurement | XFLAG | CHAR |
382 | PGDECOMM | Distribute commitments from external procurement | XFLAG | CHAR |
383 | PGDECOST | Distribute costs of external procurement | XFLAG | CHAR |
384 | PGDEL | Deletion indicator for peg | XFELD | CHAR |
385 | PGDICASH | Distribute payments for internal procurement | XFLAG | CHAR |
386 | PGDICOMM | Distribute commitments from internal procurement | XFLAG | CHAR |
387 | PGDICOST | Distribute costs of internal procurement | XFLAG | CHAR |
388 | PGDIEVA | Distribute earned value data | XFLAG | CHAR |
389 | PGDIRA | Distribute results analysis data | XFLAG | CHAR |
390 | PGDQUAN | Quantity difference (+/-) for work item list in base unit | MENGV13 | QUAN |
391 | PGDSTOCK | Distribute stock values | XFLAG | CHAR |
392 | PGEAN | Prefix of EAN category for fresh produce EANs | CHAR2 | CHAR |
393 | PGEBIET | Planning area | PGEBIET | NUMC |
394 | PGEBUEHR | Charge amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
395 | PGEES | Payment in kind for IRPF | WERTV5 | CURR |
396 | PGENER | Generation flag | XFELD | CHAR |
397 | PGESA | Total number of items | ZEILE | NUMC |
398 | PGFIX | Indicator: LIS branch information is fixed | XFELD | CHAR |
399 | PGFIXED | Indicator: Allocated quantity fixed | XFELD | CHAR |
400 | PGFZ | floor-area ratio | DEC1_2 | DEC |
401 | PGGRDAT | Planned goods receipt date of replenishment element | SYDATS | DATS |
402 | PGHST | Hierarchical level in the product group | PGHST | INT1 |
403 | PGIND | Price point group index | PGIND | NUMC |
404 | PGINIT | Indicator: Initialize placement groups | XFELD | CHAR |
405 | PGKTX | Product group description | TEXT40 | CHAR |
406 | PGKTXT | iSeries: Content of one SQL Package | CHAR | |
407 | PGLLO | Layout of product group lists | PGLLO | CHAR |
408 | PGLLV | Layout of product group lists | PGLLV | CHAR |
409 | PGL_LANGU | Output Language for Document Output | SYLANGU | LANG |
410 | PGMD5 | Product group members | CHAR1 | CHAR |
411 | PGMID | Program ID in Requests and Tasks | PGMID | CHAR |
412 | PGMNA | Report Name | CHAR8 | CHAR |
413 | PGM_CNTR | Number of copies | CHAR2 | CHAR |
414 | PGM_PRIO | Priority | TEXT6 | CHAR |
415 | PGNAM | Program name | PGNAM | CHAR |
416 | PGNUM | Page number in assortment list (not used) | NUMC5 | NUMC |
417 | PGOBJ | Indicator for the environment to be blocked | CHAR2 | CHAR |
418 | PGORGREQ | Object number of original requirement (RESB-OBJNR) | J_OBJNR | CHAR |
419 | PGORIGREQ | Original requirement | SYCHAR50 | CHAR |
420 | PGPROFID | Distribution profile | PGPROFID | CHAR |
421 | PGP_CC_RULE_TEXT | Text for Currency Conversion Rule | TEXT30 | CHAR |
422 | PGP_CURR_CONV_RULE | Currency Conversion Rule | PGP_CURR_CONV_RULE | CHAR |
423 | PGP_DATA_EXCNG_TYPE | Type of Data Exchange | PGP_DATA_EXCNG_TYPE | CHAR |
424 | PGP_MAP_MODIF | Employee Grouping for Wage Type Assignment | CHAR2 | CHAR |
425 | PGP_MASTER_SERVANT | Switch: Master - Servant Payroll | PGP_MASTER_SERVANT | CHAR |
426 | PGP_PERIOD_SEQNR | Sequence Number for Several Sending Periods | NUMC2 | NUMC |
427 | PGP_PER_COMB_RULE | Employee Grouping for assigning period parameters | CHAR2 | CHAR |
428 | PGP_RETRO_FROM_DATE | Earliest Change to Payroll Results | DATUM | DATS |
429 | PGP_RE_TO_SE_EXCNG | Data Exchange: Receiver to Sender | PGP_EXCHANGE | CHAR |
430 | PGP_SEND_OR_RECV | Sending or Receiving Payroll | SUBTY | CHAR |
431 | PGP_SE_NO_PERIOD | No Sender for This Receiving Period | PGP_SE_NO_PERIOD | CHAR |
432 | PGP_SE_TO_RE_EXCNG | Data Exchange: Sender to Receiver | PGP_EXCHANGE | CHAR |
433 | PGQTYNEEDED | Quantity necessary to satisfy the original requirement | PGASSQTY | DEC |
434 | PGRA | IS-H: Classification with Regard to "General Nursing Care" | PGRA | CHAR |
435 | PGRA_PREV | IS-H: Previous Valid Classification for General Nursing Care | PGRA | CHAR |
436 | PGREPOBJ | Object number of replenishment elem. used for static pegging | J_OBJNR | CHAR |
437 | PGREQQTY | Total required quantity of the reservation | MENG13 | QUAN |
438 | PGREQUNIT | Base unit of the original requirement | MEINS | UNIT |
439 | PGRKB | IS-H: Short Text for Patient Group | TEXT12 | CHAR |
440 | PGRKB_PREV | IS-H: Short text for last valid patient group | TEXT12 | CHAR |
441 | PGRKZ | Task List Group | XFELD | CHAR |
442 | PGRMIN | IS-H: Nursing Care Minutes per Day for Patient Group | NUMC03 | NUMC |
443 | PGRS | IS-H: Classification with Regard to "Special Nursing Care" | PGRS | CHAR |
444 | PGRS_PREV | IS-H: Last Valid Classification for Special Nursing Care | PGRS | CHAR |
445 | PGRTXT | IS-H: Description of Patient Group | RI_BEMERK | CHAR |
446 | PGRZ | Floor area ratio | DEC1_2 | DEC |
447 | PGR_LINE | Version line - product group view | CHAR1 | CHAR |
448 | PGR_MAT | Material total - product group view | CHAR1 | CHAR |
449 | PGR_OBJKEY | Object Key | CHAR30 | CHAR |
450 | PGR_OBJPOS | Object Item | POSNR | NUMC |
451 | PGR_OBJTYP | Object Type | PGR_OBJTYP | CHAR |
452 | PGR_SUM | Product group total - product group view | CHAR1 | CHAR |
453 | PGR_VER | Version line - product group view | CHAR1 | CHAR |
454 | PGSBER | Partner Business Area | GSBER | CHAR |
455 | PGSCRAP | Material scrap indicator | XFLAG | CHAR |
456 | PGSKZ | Blocking indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
457 | PGSTART | IS-H Specification of the index of the first line displayed | NUMC03 | NUMC |
458 | PGSTA_D | LIS branch status | CHAR01 | CHAR |
459 | PGTOPMAT | Network reservation | MATNR | CHAR |
460 | PGTOT | Total Employment Periods before Date of Entry into Civ.Serv. | CHAR | |
461 | PGTOTQTY | Total quantity of replenishm. elem. used for static pegging | MENG13 | QUAN |
462 | PGTOTREQQ | Total required quantity of the procured material | MENG13 | QUAN |
463 | PGTXT | Name of Employee Group | TEXT20 | CHAR |
464 | PGTYP | Product group type | AGTYP | CHAR |
465 | PGUAB | Valid from period | NUM3 | NUMC |
466 | PGUEB | SOP results for product group | CHAR1 | CHAR |
467 | PGUID | Primary Key of Table | SMO_GUID | CHAR |
468 | PGUNIQUE | Indicator: Unique peg | XFELD | CHAR |
469 | PGVARIANT | Variance indicator | XFLAG | CHAR |
470 | PGWLCNT | Counter for entries in worklist (static pegging) | NUMC04 | NUMC |
471 | PGZKZ | Group Counter | XFELD | CHAR |
472 | PG_ACTPRFG | Generate task profile | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
473 | PG_AUTPRFG | Generate authorization profile | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
474 | PHANR | Phase | VORNR | CHAR |
475 | PHANTOM_PART | Unknown Part | PHANTOM_PART | CHAR |
477 | PHASE | Defines the import time for the entry -> ddxtt/ddxtf | CHAR1 | CHAR |
478 | PHASE_INFO | Phase information (for process logging) | PHASE_INFO | CHAR |
479 | PHASE_KZ | Indicator: Phase | PHASE_KZ | CHAR |
480 | PHASE_NAME | Phase name (for process logging) | PHASE_NAME | CHAR |
482 | PHA_LINK | Phantom assembly exists | CWB_LINK | CHAR |
483 | PHBKID | Target bank | HBKID | CHAR |
484 | PHCHV_D | Phrase Value | CHAR30 | CHAR |
485 | PHCONVID | Key to access in table TPRODHCNV | PHCONVID | CHAR |
486 | PHDAT | Created on | DATUM | DATS |
487 | PHDAU | Duration of phase | VGWRT | QUAN |
488 | PHDCL | Eligibility string for public holiday class on previous day | CHAR10 | CHAR |
489 | PHEBK | One-Tenth Increase | PHEBK | CHAR |
490 | PHEFFZINS | Eff. interest rate for local currency | DEC3_7 | DEC |
491 | PHELPDOKU | Documentation key transfer field | CHAR79 | CHAR |
492 | PHFIL | Price autonomy of store | CHAR1 | CHAR |
493 | PHFLG | Indicator: Phase | XFELD | CHAR |
494 | PHIER | Item hierarchy | CHAR1 | CHAR |
495 | PHIJO | Decimal places in deduct. pct. rate for one or more children | NUM2 | NUMC |
496 | PHINR | Profit center area | SETNR | CHAR |
497 | PHIN_D_ACTIV | Maintenance Plans Active | FLAG | CHAR |
498 | PHIN_D_APPL | Takeover-/Handover Application | PHIN_DOM_APPL | CHAR |
499 | PHIN_D_ATINN | Internal Character. No. for ToHo Standard Characteristics | PHIN_DOM_ATINN | NUMC |
500 | PHIN_D_ATNAM | Characteristic Name for ToHo Standard Characteristics | PHIN_DOM_ATNAM | CHAR |