SAP ABAP IMG Activity - Index P, page 6
IMG Activity - P
# IMG Activity Transaction Code Short Description
1 PAY_MX_TRM_080 S_L7D_24000245 Update application start date 
2 PAY_MX_UM040 S_L9C_94000128 Determine economic zone for calculations 
3 PAY_MX_UM050 S_L9C_94000129 Determine number of days per year 
4 PAY_MX_XPM_001 S_PL0_09000371 Activate event type linkages for workflow events 
5 PAY_MX_XPM_002 S_PL0_09000373 Set counterevents for background and workflow events 
6 PAY_MX_XPU1200 S_PH9_46000397 Connection to external systems: Export/Import of employee data 
7 PAY_MX_XQUOTACOMP00 S_L9C_94000254 Create wage type catalog 
8 PAY_MX_XQUOTACOMP01 S_L9C_94000255 Assign wage types to quotas pending compensation 
9 PAY_MX_XRI091 S_AL0_96000051 Customer exits 
10 PAY_MX_XXDT_000 S_PH9_46000370 Data transfer from external systems 
11 PAY_MY_DT_000 S_PH9_46000637 Transfer legacy data 
12 PAY_MY_DT_001 S_PH9_46000638 Check payroll periods 
13 PAY_MY_DT_002 S_PH9_46000639 Check wage types 
14 PAY_MY_DT_100 S_PH9_46000636 Transfer legacy data 
15 PAY_MY_EAEC1 S_L7D_24001511 BAdI: Set Addtional Lines in Sec F of EA Form 
16 PAY_MY_PM_001 S_PL0_09000408 Activate Event Type Linkeage for Workflow Events 
17 PAY_MY_PM_002 S_PL0_09000409 Define Counterevents for Background- and Workflow Events 
18 PAY_N4DS_B2ASH_OVERV S_L4H_49003050 Presentation of the flow for a type 59 declaration (V01X07) 
19 PAY_N4DS_BTP_FEATURE S_L4H_49002254 Set suppl. or special plans or BTP paid leave fund 
20 PAY_N4DS_FDAD6 S_L4H_49002264 Set compulsory plan illness risk indicator 
21 PAY_N4DS_FDAD7 S_L4H_49002265 Set compulsory work accident plan indicator 
22 PAY_N4DS_FDAD8 S_L4H_49002266 Set parameters of compulsory pension plan indicator 
23 PAY_N4DS_FDAD9 S_L4H_49002267 Set parameters for compulsory pension plan indicator (EE's contrib.)???? 
24 PAY_N4DS_FDADC S_L4H_49002263 AGIRC-ARRCO category status indicator 
25 PAY_N4DS_T5F1C3 S_L4H_49002251 Maintain modifier for floating rate contributions 
26 PAY_N4DS_T5F1S S_L4H_49002250 Define tax liability on salaries 
27 PAY_N4DS_T5FDA2 S_L4H_49002256 Define period start reason codes???? 
28 PAY_N4DS_T5FPBS4CO/G S_L4H_49002518 Maintain NNE Corps and Grade indicators 
29 PAY_N4DS_T5FPBS4CO_G S_L4H_49002519 Maintain NNE Corps and Grades indicators 
30 PAY_N4DS_V_T5961 S_L4H_49002381 Create area 
31 PAY_N4DS_V_T5F1C1 S_L4H_49002252 Assign percentages and/or floating rate contributions attributes 
32 PAY_N4DS_V_T5FITCORR S_L4H_49002989 Subtype mapping of infotype 3340 to DAQ zones of the N4DS 
33 PAY_N4DS__T5F1AF S_L4H_49002253 Maintain the official organization indicators 
34 PAY_NL_AB_301 S_AHR_61019169 Refine absences 
35 PAY_NL_AB_304 S_AHR_61019170 Refine enhancements for absences 
36 PAY_NL_ADD_20 S_L7D_24001651 Create Additional Terms of Employment 
37 PAY_NL_ADD_30 S_L7D_24001652 Create and Link Calculation Components 
38 PAY_NL_ADD_35 S_L7D_24001657 Create and Link Calculation Codes for Regulations 
39 PAY_NL_ADD_40 S_L7D_24001653 Create and Maintain Calculation Parameters 
40 PAY_NL_ADD_45 S_L7D_24001677 Determine Hire and Fire Situations 
41 PAY_NL_ADD_50 S_L7D_24001654 Check Calculation Rules 
42 PAY_NL_ADD_60 S_L7D_24001656 Change personnel Calculation Schema's 
43 PAY_NL_ADD_62 S_L7D_24001855 Check Fictive Calculations 
44 PAY_NL_ADD_65 S_L7D_24001705 Activate Additional Terms of Employment 
45 PAY_NL_ADD_70 S_L7D_24001658 Change Screen Control 
46 PAY_NL_ADD_80 S_L7D_24001659 Set up default Regulations 
47 PAY_NL_AOW_001 S_L4H_49003043 Check Retirement Age (AOW) 
48 PAY_NL_B2A_000 S_PCO_36000191 Communication with External Agencies - Overview 
49 PAY_NL_B2A_400 S_PCO_36000192 Set up authorizations for B2A Manager 
50 PAY_NL_B2A_500 S_PCO_36000220 Check settings 
51 PAY_NL_B2A_600 S_PCO_36000193 Set up number range 
52 PAY_NL_B2A_CVZ_100 S_L7D_24000333 Check Parameters 
53 PAY_NL_B2A_EDM_100 S_L7D_24000196 Check Parameters 
54 PAY_NL_B2A_EDM_130 S_L7D_24000197 Define file names/location 
55 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_100 S_PCO_36000199 Check parameters 
56 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_110 S_PCO_36000133 Wage Return Start Date 
57 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_120 S_PCO_36000175 Set up authorizations for wage return 
58 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_125 S_L7D_24000128 Determine end date of income relationship 
59 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_130 S_PCO_36000243 Define file names/location 
60 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_135 S_L7D_24001569 Activate checks for weekly payroll 
61 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_210 S_PCO_36000176 Screen Control 
62 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_220 S_PCO_36000177 Set up default values 
63 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_230 S_PCO_36000178 Check value tables 
64 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_240 S_PCO_36000362 Define codes for Municipal Personal Records Database [GBA] 
65 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_310 S_PCO_36000179 Additional Legal Person Data for Wage Return 
66 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_315 S_L7D_24000119 Determine income relationships for wage return 
67 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_320 S_PCO_36000180 Set up sequence for determining number of remunerated hours 
68 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_325 S_L7D_24000129 Activate code reason end income relationships flexiworker 
69 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_330 S_PCO_36000181 Include wage return in payroll schema 
70 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_410 S_PCO_36000183 Earliest Possible Return Period 
71 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_415 S_L7D_24001065 Determine Last Tax Return Period 
72 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_420 S_PCO_36000186 Check sections 
73 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_430 S_PCO_36000188 Assign wage types to sections 
74 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_435 S_L7D_24000118 Exclude indicator 
75 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_440 S_PCO_36000189 Use employee's proper name 
76 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_510 S_PCO_36000190 Set up default values 
77 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_540 S_L7D_24000477 Process documentation system transfer 
78 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_550 S_L7D_24000478 System transfer 
79 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_610 S_PCO_36000221 Check customizing 
80 PAY_NL_B2A_LA_620 S_PCO_36000222 Check master data 
81 PAY_NL_CN_50 S_L7D_24000479 Linking difference wage types to wage types 
82 PAY_NL_CN_60 S_L7D_24000480 Linking back-payment wage types to difference wage types 
83 PAY_NL_CN_70 S_L7D_24000481 Include functions in subschemas 
84 PAY_NL_COSTREGULOVER S_L4H_49001657 Test 
85 PAY_NL_CVZ_100 S_L7D_24000334 Start date of HCIB return 
86 PAY_NL_CVZ_110 S_L7D_24000335 Set up authorizations for Health Care Insurance Board return 
87 PAY_NL_CVZ_120 S_L7D_24000336 Determine name format for HCIB 
88 PAY_NL_CVZ_130 S_L7D_24000337 Check format of HCIB files 
89 PAY_NL_CVZ_135 S_L7D_24000463 Occurrence of death for HCIB 
90 PAY_NL_CVZ_140 S_L7D_24000338 Record calculation of AWBZ contribution in payroll schema 
91 PAY_NL_CVZ_150 S_L7D_24000339 Check parameters for AWBZ calculation 
92 PAY_NL_CVZ_160 S_L7D_24000340 Determine subtype order of infotype 0006 
93 PAY_NL_DAQ_EDM_100 S_L7D_24000200 DAQ: Overview 
94 PAY_NL_DAQ_EDM_110 S_L7D_24000201 Define forms 
95 PAY_NL_DAQ_EDM_120 S_L7D_24000310 Specify wage type groups 
96 PAY_NL_DAQ_EDM_130 S_L7D_24000311 Check assignment of wage types to existing wage type groups 
97 PAY_NL_DAQ_EDM_140 S_L7D_24000312 Add customer-specific assignment to existing wage type groups 
98 PAY_NL_DAQ_EDM_150 S_L7D_24000275 Specify fields and assign source 
99 PAY_NL_DAQ_EDM_160 S_L7D_24000273 Specify field groups 
100 PAY_NL_DAQ_EDM_170 S_L7D_24000274 Construct field groups 
101 PAY_NL_DAQ_EDM_180 S_L7D_24000205 Define form sections 
102 PAY_NL_DAQ_EDM_190 S_L7D_24000228 Assign fields to a section 
103 PAY_NL_DAQ_EDM_200 S_L7D_24000203 Specify conditions 
104 PAY_NL_DAQ_EDM_210 S_L7D_24000204 Construct conditions 
105 PAY_NL_DAQ_EDM_220 S_L7D_24000202 Display field source 
106 PAY_NL_EDM_100 S_L7D_24000198 Maintain Validity of Day-one-announcement (EDM) 
107 PAY_NL_EDM_110 S_L7D_24000199 Set up authorizations for Day-one-announcement (EDM) 
108 PAY_NL_EDM_120 S_L7D_24000321 Determine name format for Day-one-announcement (EDM) 
109 PAY_NL_EDM_125 S_L7D_24001307 Link Legal Person to Corporate Group 
110 PAY_NL_EDM_130 S_L7D_24000322 Set up dynamic procedure 
111 PAY_NL_FEATURE_NLWCR S_L4H_49001662 Activate Work Cost Regulation 
112 PAY_NL_FEATURE_NLWEX S_L4H_49001663 Exclusion of Employee Groups 
113 PAY_NL_JLO_010 S_L7D_24000985 Perform field check for the annual wage return 
114 PAY_NL_JLO_020 S_L7D_24000986 Define file names/location 
115 PAY_NL_JLO_030 S_L7D_24000987 Set up authorizations for the annual wage return 
116 PAY_NL_LA_010 S_L7D_24000111 Include payroll split in actions 
117 PAY_NL_MLG_100 S_L7D_24001422 Determine relevance of supplement up to minimum wage 
118 PAY_NL_MLG_110 S_L7D_24001423 Include minimum wage guarantee in payroll schema 
119 PAY_NL_MOM_000 S_L4H_49002786 Overview 
120 PAY_NL_MOM_010 S_L4H_49002787 Define MoMi Tasks 
121 PAY_NL_MOM_020 S_L4H_49002788 Define MoMi Task Groups 
122 PAY_NL_MOM_030 S_L4H_49002789 Assign MoMi Tasks to Task Groups 
123 PAY_NL_MOM_040 S_L4H_49002790 Define Eligibility of MoMi Task Groups 
124 PAY_NL_MOM_050 S_L4H_49002800 Define MoMi Wage Types 
125 PAY_NL_NGL_015 S_L7D_24001753 Possible Solutions in New General Ledger 
126 PAY_NL_NGL_140 S_L7D_24001760 Activate Cost Distribution via Function XLIDI 
127 PAY_NL_NGL_15 S_L7D_24001769 Possible Solutions in New General Ledger 
128 PAY_NL_NGL_150 S_L7D_24001761 Distribution of Liability Wage Types and Inflow Principle 
129 PAY_NL_NGL_160 S_L7D_24001762 Expense-Related Distribution of Liability Wage Types 
130 PAY_NL_NGL_170 S_L7D_24001763 Determine Time for Posting Payments 
131 PAY_NL_NGL_180 S_L7D_24001764 Specify Bank Clearing Account for HR Payments 
132 PAY_NL_NGL_190 S_L7D_24001765 Enter Wage Types for Posting Payments 
133 PAY_NL_NGL_200 S_L7D_24001766 Adjust Account Assignment Types for Symbolic Accounts 
134 PAY_NL_NGL_210 S_L7D_24001767 Create Permissible Values for Standard Accounting FM/GM 
135 PAY_NL_NGL_220 S_L7D_24001768 Set Grouping Standard Accounting for FM/GM 
136 PAY_NL_NGL_30 S_L7D_24001754 Determine Time for Activating Segments 
137 PAY_NL_NGL_40 S_L7D_24001755 Use Segment as Additional Controlling Object 
138 PAY_NL_NGL_50 S_L7D_24001756 Maintain Feature for Object Selection 
139 PAY_NL_NGL_60 S_L7D_24001757 Deactivate Restriction on a Financial Management Area 
140 PAY_NL_NGL_70 S_L7D_24001758 Define Type of Distribution 
141 PAY_NL_NGL_80 S_L7D_24001759 Note on Relevancy 
142 PAY_NL_RI_81 S_AHR_61019166 Assign expenditure types to wage types 
143 PAY_NL_RI_82 S_AHR_61019167 Define posting collector 
144 PAY_NL_SALD_100 S_L7D_24000365 Record fiscal offsetting in schema 
145 PAY_NL_SALD_50 S_L7D_24000363 Transfer commuter traffic data for fiscal offsetting 
146 PAY_NL_SALD_75 S_L7D_24000364 Record business trip reimbursements in fiscal offsetting 
147 PAY_NL_SIM_100 S_L7D_24000344 Create payroll slip for applicants 
148 PAY_NL_SIM_110 S_L7D_24000345 Create variants 
149 PAY_NL_SIM_120 S_L7D_24000346 Link variants to simulation tool 
150 PAY_NL_SR_LL_100 S_L7D_24000059 Check parameters for life-course savings scheme 
151 PAY_NL_SR_LL_110 S_L7D_24000060 Define parameters for life-course savings scheme 
152 PAY_NL_SR_LL_120 S_L7D_24000099 Change personnel calculation schema 
153 PAY_NL_SR_LL_130 S_L7D_24000098 Check calculation rule 
154 PAY_NL_SR_LL_200 S_L7D_24000100 Define external bank details 
155 PAY_NL_SR_LL_210 S_L7D_24000101 Define employer contribution for life-course savings scheme 
156 PAY_NL_SR_LL_220 S_L7D_24000102 Change screen control 
157 PAY_NL_SR_LL_230 S_L7D_24000103 Set up default values 
158 PAY_NL_SR_SL_100 S_L7D_24000104 Check parameters for employee savings scheme 
159 PAY_NL_SR_SL_110 S_L7D_24001308 Link Legal Person to Corporate Group 
160 PAY_NL_SR_SL_120 S_L7D_24000106 Change personnel calculation schema 
161 PAY_NL_SR_SL_130 S_L7D_24000105 Check calculation rule 
162 PAY_NL_SR_SL_200 S_L7D_24000107 Define external bank details 
163 PAY_NL_SR_SL_220 S_L7D_24000108 Change screen control 
164 PAY_NL_SR_SL_230 S_L7D_24000109 Set up default values 
165 PAY_NL_T5N14_WCR S_L4H_49001655 Maintain Additional Legal Person Data 
166 PAY_NL_V_T596G S_L4H_49001679 Define Cumulation Wage Types 
167 PAY_NL_V_T596J S_L4H_49001680 Assign Wage Types to Cumulation Wage Types 
168 PAY_NL_V_T5N1U S_L4H_49001654 Define Employer 
169 PAY_NL_V_WCROVW S_L4H_49001661 Process Documentation: Work Cost Regulation 
170 PAY_NL_V_WCR_CWT S_L4H_49002335 Assign Wage Types to WCR Codes 
171 PAY_NL_WCR1110 S_L4H_49001653 Work Cost Regulation 
172 PAY_NL_WCR_AUTH S_L4H_49001681 Set up Authorizations 
173 PAY_NL_WCR_CODE S_L4H_49001656 Define WCR Codes 
174 PAY_NO_ABSENCES1 S_EG4_04000118 Determine the Updating of Absence Max Dates in Infotype 0041 
175 PAY_NO_ATS_PDF_001 S_L7D_24002522 BAdI:HR NO: ATS Balance sheet PDF display 
176 PAY_NO_ERC_001 S_L7D_24001376 Maintain the Solution Changeover Date 
177 PAY_NO_MULPH_016 S_EG4_04000221 Maintain Constant to Activate Multiple Position Functionality 
178 PAY_NO_MULPH_017 S_EG4_04000222 Maintain Weekly Working Hours 
179 PAY_NO_MULPH_018 S_EG4_04000223 BAdI: Maintain BAdI to Update VAP Cluster Table 
180 PAY_NO_MULPH_019 S_EG4_04000224 Maintain Orgledd Number for AA Register Reporting 
181 PAY_NO_MULPH_020 S_EG4_04000227 Connect "bedriftsnummer" to Organisation Group for Reporting 
182 PAY_NO_MULPH_021 S_EG4_04000228 Connect "bedriftsnummer" to organisation group for AA reporting 
183 PAY_NO_OR_001 S_L6B_69001888 Define Overtime Limits for Agreement Levels 
184 PAY_NO_OR_002 S_L6B_69001889 Define Normal Working Hours 
185 PAY_NO_OR_003 S_L6B_69001890 Define Reference Day of Week and Reference Time of Day 
186 PAY_NO_OR_004 S_L6B_69001891 Determine Overtime Agreement Type 
187 PAY_NO_OR_005 S_L7D_24000953 BAdI: Modify the Output Data 
188 PAY_NO_PH_010 S_EG4_04000214 Maintain Feature for Pension Handling 
189 PAY_NO_PH_011 S_EG4_04000215 Maintain Minimum Working Hours Percentage for SPK 
190 PAY_NO_PH_012 S_EG4_04000216 Maintain Standard Yearly Working Hours for SPK 
191 PAY_NO_PH_013 S_EG4_04000217 Maintain Pension Type 
192 PAY_NO_PH_014 S_EG4_04000218 Maintain Pension Variant 
193 PAY_NO_PH_015 S_EG4_04000219 Maintain Parameters for Pension Variant 
194 PAY_NO_PH_016 S_EG4_04000220 BAdI: Change Pension Variant Parameters 
195 PAY_NO_RMB_009 S_L7D_24001594 BAdI: Maintain Fields for Norwegian NAV Forms 
196 PAY_NPO_DEP_5 S_L7D_24002826 Maintain the Basis for Dependency Allowance Calculation 
197 PAY_NPO_PF1 S_L7D_24001616 Maintain Wage Types to Store EE/ER Validation, Restoration & Acturial Amts 
198 PAY_NZ_AB_001 S_AHR_61019436 Valuate absences for parental leave 
199 PAY_NZ_CCR01 S_AL0_19000059 Configure feature 10ccm 
200 PAY_NZ_CCR02 S_AL0_19000060 BAdI: Cost Center Report Authorizations 
201 PAY_NZ_CCR03 S_AL0_19000062 Maintain wage type applications 
202 PAY_NZ_DT_000 S_PH9_46000332 Transfer Legacy Data 
203 PAY_NZ_DT_001 S_PH9_46000558 Check Payroll Periods 
204 PAY_NZ_DT_002 S_PH9_46000559 Check Wage Types 
205 PAY_NZ_DT_0025 S_AC0_52000382 Upload LVAWE Cluster Table with Entitlements Legacy Data 
206 PAY_NZ_DT_0027 S_AC0_52000383 Upload LVPAY Cluster Table with Legacy Data 
207 PAY_NZ_DT_003 S_AC0_52000044 Upload NZHPI Cluster Table with Legacy Data 
208 PAY_NZ_DT_004 S_L7D_24000753 Upload KIWCO Cluster Table with Legacy Data 
209 PAY_NZ_GROSSUP S_L7D_24002467 Specify Wage types to Store Gross up Portion for Net Pay 
210 PAY_NZ_LVPONERATE S_L7D_24000649 Determine Leave Pay Rate for Absences Spanning Periods 
211 PAY_NZ_NETPAY S_L7D_24002466 Assign wage types for Net Pay Bonuses calculation 
212 PAY_NZ_PM_001 S_PL0_09000404 Activate Event Type Linkeage for Workflow Events 
213 PAY_NZ_PM_002 S_PL0_09000405 Define Counterevents for Background- and Workflow Events 
214 PAY_NZ_RDP1 S_L7D_24001275 Set Gross Earnings Calculation for RDP 
215 PAY_NZ_RDP2 S_L7D_24001276 Set Wage Types for Calculating Gross Earnings for RDP 
216 PAY_NZ_RI_81 S_PH9_46000134 Assign Wage Type Output Types 
217 PAY_NZ_RI_82 S_PH9_46000135 Define Posting Collector 
218 PAY_NZ_RI_83 S_PL0_09000100 BAdI: Controlling the Posting of Payroll Results 
219 PAY_NZ_SUP1 S_L7D_24001554 Maintain Wage Type Relevant for Salary Sacrifice 
220 PAY_NZ_SUP2 S_L7D_24001555 Maintain Wage Types Relevant to Override Employer Tax Credit 
221 PAY_NZ_SUP_001 S_L7D_24001556 Maintain Employer Tax Credit 
222 PAY_ON_REQUEST S_PEN_05000389 Payment on Request 
223 PAY_PH_13M_004 S_AHR_61018993 Select Recurring Payment Wage Types 
224 PAY_PH_13M_005 S_AHR_61018994 Select Additional Payment Wage Types 
225 PAY_PH_13M_007 S_AHR_61018995 Select Basic Pay Wage Types 
226 PAY_PH_13M_008 S_AHR_61018996 Select Recurring Payment Wage Types 
227 PAY_PH_13M_009 S_AHR_61018997 Select Additional Payment Wage Types 
228 PAY_PH_13M_011 S_AHR_61018998 Define 13th and Nth Month Wage Types 
229 PAY_PH_13M_012 S_AHR_61018999 Check Wage Type Assignments to Wage Type Groups 
230 PAY_PH_13M_013 S_AHR_61019000 Check Validity of Wage Types per Infotype 
231 PAY_PH_13M_014 S_AHR_61019001 Cumulate Wage Types into Total Gross and Bonus Amounts 
232 PAY_PH_13M_015 S_AHR_61019002 Cumulate Wage Types into Total 13th Month Paid Year-to-Date 
233 PAY_PH_13M_016 S_AHR_61019003 Maintain Rounding Types for Part-Month Calculations 
234 PAY_PH_13M_017 S_AHR_61019004 Maintain Function Exit for 13th Month Calculation 
235 PAY_PH_BEN_001 S_AHR_61019343 Define Benefits Wage Types 
236 PAY_PH_BEN_002 S_AHR_61019344 Set Up Current Benefits Area 
237 PAY_PH_BEN_003 S_AHR_61019345 Assign Wage Types to Benefits Plans 
238 PAY_PH_BEN_004 S_AHR_61019346 Assign Wage Types to Claim Plans 
239 PAY_PH_BEN_005 S_AHR_61019347 Assign Off-Cycle Reasons for Bonus Runs 
240 PAY_PH_BEN_006 S_AHR_61019348 Define Claims Wage Types 
241 PAY_PH_BEN_007 S_AHR_61019365 Define Compensation Model 
242 PAY_PH_BEN_008 S_AHR_61019366 Assign Wage Types to Compensation Models 
243 PAY_PH_BEN_009 S_AHR_61019367 Define Compensation Wage Types 
244 PAY_PH_BR_003 S_PH9_46000110 Check Bonus Payment Processing 
245 PAY_PH_DEMNMS_000 S_PL0_86000141 Define Tax Free Annual Limits for De Minimis Benefits 
246 PAY_PH_DE_105 S_PH9_46000353 Define Minimum Net Pay Requirement 
247 PAY_PH_DT_000 S_AHR_61018610 Transfer Legacy Data 
248 PAY_PH_DT_001 S_PH9_46000568 Check Payroll Periods 
249 PAY_PH_DT_002 S_PH9_46000569 Check Wage Types 
250 PAY_PH_HDMF_004 S_L7D_24002977 Determine Value for Remark Field 
251 PAY_PH_HD_002 S_AHR_61016896 Cumulate Wage Types Subject to HDMF 
252 PAY_PH_HI_002 S_AHR_61019263 Define NHIP Contributions Salary Brackets 
253 PAY_PH_MWE_100 S_L7D_24002888 Maintain Minimum Wages Per Region 
254 PAY_PH_NHIP1 S_L7D_24001281 Maintain Separate Base for NHIP Calculation 
255 PAY_PH_PM_001 S_PL0_09000418 Activate Event Type Linkeage for Workflow Events 
256 PAY_PH_PM_002 S_PL0_09000419 Define Counterevents for Background- and Workflow Events 
257 PAY_PH_RI_81 S_AHR_61018697 Assign Wage Type Output Types 
258 PAY_PH_RI_82 S_AHR_61018698 Define Posting Collector 
259 PAY_PH_RI_83 S_PL0_09000117 BAdI: Controlling the Posting of Payroll Results 
260 PAY_PH_RSHIP_000 S_L6B_69000348 Configuring Relationships for Other Dependants 
261 PAY_PH_SS_002 S_AHR_61016882 Cumulate Wage Types Subject to SSS 
262 PAY_PH_SS_006 S_AHR_61016883 Define SSS Benefits Wage Types 
263 PAY_PSMX_ISSSTE_01 S_L7D_24002096 Maintain contribution pay scales 
264 PAY_PSMX_ISSSTE_02 S_L7D_24002097 Maintain retirement category per pay scale 
265 PAY_PSMX_ISSSTE_03 S_L7D_24002905 Update action types 
266 PAY_PSMX_ISSSTE_04 S_L7D_24002907 Define tolerance for rounding differences 
267 PAY_PSMX_ISSSTE_05 S_L7D_24002906 Assign wage types to cumulation wage type 
268 PAY_PSMX_ISSSTE_06 S_L7D_24002908 BAdI: Import external system data to Service Sheet 
269 PAY_PTPS_ASR01 S_L4H_49001598 Define Output Form Type 
270 PAY_PTPS_ASR02 S_L4H_49001599 Define Form Type Group 
271 PAY_PTPS_ASR03 S_L4H_49001600 Assign Default Output Type to Form Group 
272 PAY_PTPS_ASR04 S_L4H_49001601 Maintain Fields for Infotype 1676 
273 PAY_PTPS_ASR05 S_L4H_49001603 Define Logical Form Name for Form Group 
274 PAY_PTPS_ASR06 S_L4H_49001604 Define System Name for Output Type 
275 PAY_PTPS_ASR07 S_L4H_49001602 BAdI: Annual Staff Report 
276 PAY_PTPS_ASR08 S_L4H_49001609 Customize Map Post 
277 PAY_PTPS_ASR09 S_L4H_49001710 Indicate Logotype for Reports 
278 PAY_PTPS_FAMAL06 S_L4H_49001628 Define Death Allowance Rate 
279 PAY_PTPS_HLTHEX06 S_L4H_49001686 Define Date Type for ADSE Subscription Date 
280 PAY_PTPS_HLTHEX07 S_L4H_49001720 Enable Automatic Reimbursement 
281 PAY_PTPS_HLTHEX08 S_L4H_49002338 Define Start Date for ADSE Contribution over CA/VA 
282 PAY_PTPS_IRS01 S_L4H_49002935 Activate IRS Tables for Permanent Employees and Pensioners 
283 PAY_PTPS_IVA01 S_L4H_49001612 Check VAT rate 
284 PAY_PTPS_IVA02 S_L4H_49001617 Change VAT calculation 
285 PAY_PTPS_MAGFIL01 S_L4H_49002349 Concatenate Consecutive Absences 
286 PAY_PTPS_RED01 S_L4H_49002326 Activate Reduction of Gross Remuneration 
287 PAY_PTPS_RED02 S_L4H_49002330 Change Wage Type for Base Reduction 
288 PAY_PTPS_RED03 S_L4H_49002374 Change Multiplication Factor for Rounding of Reduction 
289 PAY_PTPS_RED04 S_L4H_49002610 Evaluate Employee Group 
290 PAY_PTPS_RED05 S_L4H_49002611 Evaluate Reference Wage Types 
291 PAY_PTPS_RET01 S_L4H_49001803 Activate Retroactive Accounting for Negative Income 
292 PAY_PTPS_SIA01 S_L4H_49001554 Create Participant Roles for SIADAP Appraisals 
293 PAY_PTPS_SIOE01 S_L4H_49002239 Define Job for Permanent Employees 
294 PAY_PTPS_SIOE02 S_L4H_49002240 Define Legal Relationship for Permanent Employees 
295 PAY_PTPS_SIOE03 S_L4H_49002241 Define Level of Education for Permanent Employees 
296 PAY_PTPS_SIOE04 S_L4H_49002242 Define SIOE Code 
297 PAY_PTPS_SIOE05 S_L7D_24002833 BAdI: Information System for State Organisation (SIOE) 
298 PAY_PTPS_SIOE06 S_L4H_49002270 Define Service for Independent Workers 
299 PAY_PTPS_SIOE07 S_L4H_49002846 Define Wage Type Cumulation for SIOE 
300 PAY_PTPS_SIOE08 S_L4H_49003032 Define Absences that Make Employees Inactive 
301 PAY_PTPS_SOCBAL01 S_L4H_49002471 Define Multiple Legal Relationships for an Employee Subgroup 
302 PAY_PTPS_SRTY01 S_L7D_24002871  
303 PAY_PT_BHRS01 S_L4H_49003172 Set upper limit of overtime hours (individual agreement) 
304 PAY_PT_BHRS02 S_L4H_49003173 Set employee data 
305 PAY_PT_CA01 S_L4H_49002407 Activate personal income tax surcharge of Christmas allowance 
306 PAY_PT_CA02 S_L4H_49002409 Change percentage for Christmas allowance surcharge 
307 PAY_PT_CA03 S_L4H_49002410 Define wage types for Christmas allowance surcharge 
308 PAY_PT_CA04 S_L4H_49002510 Define minimum wage value for Azores and Madeira 
309 PAY_PT_CPP01 S_L4H_49002235 Define classification of occupations 
310 PAY_PT_DMR01 S_L4H_49003245 Set wage types for monthly income declaration 
311 PAY_PT_ESS_PAYSLIP S_L6B_69000055 BAdI: remuneration statement only available via ESS 
312 PAY_PT_ESS_PDF S_L6B_69000054 Make remuneration statement form available (ESS) as PDF 
313 PAY_PT_FFER01 S_L4H_49002708 BAdI: insurance for work accidents 
314 PAY_PT_FFER02 S_L4H_49002728 Keep evaluation class 
315 PAY_PT_FFER03 S_L4H_49002890 Activate contribution base reduction 
316 PAY_PT_INDWK01 S_L4H_49002444 Activate retention reduction for handicapped 
317 PAY_PT_INDWK02 S_L4H_49002538 Define retention reduction percentage 
318 PAY_PT_INDWK03 S_L4H_49002537 Determine reduction retention origin 
319 PAY_PT_MOD3001 S_L4H_49002794 BAdI: Income declaration for non-resident employees 
320 PAY_PT_NGL001 S_L4H_49002080 Determine time for segment activation 
321 PAY_PT_NGL002 S_L4H_49002081 Include segment as other controlling object 
322 PAY_PT_NGL003 S_L4H_49002083 Deactivate restriction in the FM area 
323 PAY_PT_NGL004 S_L4H_49002084 Define distribution type 
324 PAY_PT_NGL007 S_L4H_49002092 Adjust account assignment types for symbolic accounts 
325 PAY_PT_NGL008 S_L4H_49002089 Determine moment for posting of payments 
326 PAY_PT_NGL009 S_L4H_49002090 Specify bank clearing account for HR payments 
327 PAY_PT_NGL011 S_L4H_49002093 Insert allowed values for fixed account assignment FM/GM 
328 PAY_PT_NGL012 S_L4H_49002094 Define fixed account assignment grouping for FM/GM 
329 PAY_PT_NGL014 S_L4H_49002085 Note for relevance 
330 PAY_PT_NGL015 S_L4H_49002079 Possible solutions in the scope of the new general ledger accounting 
331 PAY_PT_NGL016 S_L4H_49002082 Maintain characteristic for object selection 
332 PAY_PT_NGL017 S_L4H_49002091 Insert wage types for payment posting 
333 PAY_PT_NGL105 S_L4H_49002086 Activate cost distribution with function XLIDI 
334 PAY_PT_NGL106 S_L4H_49002087 Distribution of obligation wage types and inflow principle 
335 PAY_PT_NGL107 S_L4H_49002088 Distribution based on the expenses of the liability wage types 
336 PAY_PT_PADM01 S_L4H_49003187 Activate training qualification level use 
337 PAY_PT_RI096 S_PL0_09000123 Control posting of payroll results 
338 PAY_PT_RI_81 S_AHR_61019289 Assign type of expenditure to wage types 
339 PAY_PT_RI_82 S_AHR_61019290 Define posting collector 
340 PAY_PT_SEGS01 S_L4H_49001753 Activate Social Security calculation for new contribution code 
341 PAY_PT_SEGS02 S_L4H_49001752 Activate Social Security calculation 
342 PAY_PT_SEGS03 S_L4H_49001754 Check reduction percentage of SS contribution basis 
343 PAY_PT_SEGS04 S_L4H_49001756 Check reduction percentage of SS contribution basis 
344 PAY_PT_SEGS05 S_L4H_49002334 Define rounding of tax amounts 
345 PAY_PT_SEGS06 S_L4H_49003033 Activate absence processing with working days 
346 PAY_PT_SEGS07 S_L4H_49003034 Set absence types that report working days 
347 PAY_PT_SEGS_CES01 S_L4H_49003488 Set wage types relevant for CES 
348 PAY_PT_SGL01 S_L7D_24002477 Keep evaluation classes 
349 PAY_PT_SGL02 S_L4H_49001490 BAdI: Unique report - Attachment 0 
350 PAY_PT_SGL03 S_L4H_49001491 BAdI: Unique report - Attachment E 
351 PAY_PT_SGL04 S_L4H_49001492 BAdI: Unique report - Incomings and outgoings classification 
352 PAY_PT_SGL05 S_L4H_49001493 Determine charge origin 
353 PAY_PT_SGL06 S_L4H_49001494 Determine remuneration difference 
354 PAY_PT_SGL07 S_L4H_49001495 Identify applied regime 
355 PAY_PT_SGL08 S_L4H_49001496 Define employee secondments 
356 PAY_PT_SGL09 S_L4H_49001497 Define working time 
357 PAY_PT_SGL10 S_L4H_49001498 Define properties for companies 
358 PAY_PT_SGL11 S_L4H_49001745 BAdI: Unique Report - Attachment D 
359 PAY_PT_SGL12 S_L4H_49001859 BAdI: Unique Report - attachment C 
360 PAY_PT_SGL13 S_L4H_49002164 Define IRCT applicability 
361 PAY_PT_SGL14 S_L4H_49002165 BAdI: Unique Report - Attachment A 
362 PAY_PY_RI_83 S_PL0_09000116 BAdI: Controlling the Posting of Payroll Results 
363 PAY_Q_DT_000 S_AHR_61018612 Transfer Legacy Data 
364 PAY_Q_RI_81 S_AHR_61018695 Assign Wage Type Output Types 
365 PAY_Q_RI_82 S_AHR_61018696 Define Posting Collector 
366 PAY_RU_00_PM_001 S_XC0_18000154 Activate Type Linkages for Workflow Events 
367 PAY_RU_AB_300 S_XC0_18000168 Define Absences for Refinement 
368 PAY_RU_AB_301 S_XC0_18000166 Create Rule Group for Absence Refinement 
369 PAY_RU_AB_304 S_XC0_18000167 Define Rules for Refining Absences 
370 PAY_RU_AB_305 S_XC0_18000169 Prepare Production Startup for the Refinement of Absences 
371 PAY_RU_AB_306 S_XC0_18000170 BAdI: Enhancements for Payroll Function XNAB 
372 PAY_RU_DT_000 S_XC0_18000099 Legacy Data Transfer 
373 PAY_RU_DT_001 S_XC0_18000100 Payroll Periods 
374 PAY_RU_DT_002 S_XC0_18000101 Wage Types 
375 PAY_RU_DT_003 S_L4H_49002542 Taxes 
376 PAY_RU_DT_004 S_L4H_49002543 Define Rules for Tax Wage Type Splitting 
377 PAY_RU_DT_005 S_L4H_49002573 Additional Legacy Data Transfer 
378 PAY_RU_DT_006 S_L4H_49002575 Define Number of Entries for Additional Transfer 
379 PAY_RU_LO_001 S_XC0_18000151 BAdI: Reporting for Company Loans 
380 PAY_RU_RI_81 S_XC0_18000258 Assign Expenditure Types to Wage Types 
381 PAY_RU_RI_82 S_XC0_18000259 Define Posting Collector 
382 PAY_R_RI_81 S_PH9_46000694 Assign wage type output types 
383 PAY_R_RI_82 S_PH9_46000695 Define posting collector 
384 PAY_SE_AB_301 S_PH9_46000448 Refine Absences 
385 PAY_SE_AB_304 S_PH9_46000449 Refine Enhancements for Absences 
386 PAY_SE_AB_305 S_L7D_24000566 Define Absence Codes 
387 PAY_SE_AB_306 S_L7D_24000567 Map Old Abs. Type to New Abs. Type and Assign Absence Code 
388 PAY_SE_ALECTA_001 S_L7D_24000123 Wage Type Catalog for Alecta 
389 PAY_SE_ALECTA_002 S_L7D_24001475 Maintain Data Types for Alecta 
390 PAY_SE_ALECTA_003 S_L7D_24001476 Maintain Feature for Alecta 
391 PAY_SE_DT_000 S_PH9_46000549 Legacy Data Transfer 
392 PAY_SE_JOBSTATUS_000 S_AC0_52000002 Maintain Job Status Codes 
393 PAY_SE_NYK2004_000 S_AC0_52000001 Maintain NYK2004 Codes 
394 PAY_SE_NYK_JOB_000 S_AC0_52000004 Assign NYK2004 and JOB Status Codes to Positions 
395 PAY_SE_OC_001 S_L7D_24000587 Set Up Off-Cycle Reasons 
396 PAY_SE_OC_002 S_L7D_24000588 Set Up Report Variants for Off-Cycle Activities 
397 PAY_SE_OC_003 S_L7D_24000589 Create Process Models 
398 PAY_SE_QUOTA001 S_L7D_24000516 Determine Validity of Start Date for Quota Transfer 
399 PAY_SE_RI_81 S_PH9_46000546 Assign Wage Type Output Types 
400 PAY_SE_RI_82 S_PH9_46000547 Define Posting Collector 
401 PAY_SE_SSYK_000 S_AC0_52000003 Assign SSYK, NYK2004 and JOB status codes to position 
402 PAY_SE_VAC_QUOTA_MOD S_L7D_24000190 BAdI: Change Last Vacation Day Quota 
403 PAY_SG_3CML_000 S_PL0_09000008 Create Absence Type for 3CML 
404 PAY_SG_3CML_001 S_PL0_09000009 Create Action Type for 3CML 
405 PAY_SG_3CML_002 S_PL0_09000010 Create Reason for Action 
406 PAY_SG_3CML_003 S_PL0_09000011 Create Dynamic Action for 3CML subtype 
407 PAY_SG_3CML_004 S_PL0_09000017 Specify Maximum Limit for 3CML Benefit Salary 
408 PAY_SG_3CML_005 S_PL0_09000021 Configure 3CML subtype 
409 PAY_SG_3CML_006 S_PL0_09000022 Check Wage Types for 3CML 
410 PAY_SG_3CML_007 S_PL0_09000039 Configuring 3CML 
411 PAY_SG_CCL_010 S_AC0_52000791 Maintain Minimum Seniority of Employee for Leave Eligibility 
412 PAY_SG_CCL_020 S_AC0_52000792 Maintain Maximum Age of Child for Leave Eligibility 
413 PAY_SG_CCL_030 S_AC0_52000793 Maintain Quota Type and Whether to Consider for Quota Type Generation 
414 PAY_SG_CCL_040 S_PCO_36000091 Maintain Child Subtype for Infotype 0021 
415 PAY_SG_CPF_GRC S_PL0_86000189 Maintain CPF wage types for Group C 
416 PAY_SG_DT_000 S_PH9_46000640 Transfer legacy data 
417 PAY_SG_DT_001 S_PH9_46000634 Check payroll periods 
418 PAY_SG_DT_002 S_PH9_46000635 Check wage types 
419 PAY_SG_DT_100 S_PH9_46000633 Transfer legacy data 
420 PAY_SG_EMPADD_000 S_PCO_36000420 Configure Employee Address 
421 PAY_SG_EMPTXT_000 S_L6B_69000174 Configure Employee Text Option 
422 PAY_SG_ESOP_001 S_L6B_69000168 Define Stock Option Scheme 
423 PAY_SG_ESOP_002 S_L6B_69000170 Define Stock Option ESOP Plan 
424 PAY_SG_ESOP_003 S_L6B_69000172 Assign Stock Option Plan to Stock Option Scheme 
425 PAY_SG_ESOW_001 S_L7D_24000374 Define Plans for Employee Share Ownership Schemes 
426 PAY_SG_ESS_001 S_L6B_69000460 Configure Form IR8A/Form 8E for ESS 
427 PAY_SG_ESS_002 S_L6B_69000461 Configure Form IR8A/Form 8E Results for ESS 
428 PAY_SG_FUNDS_001 S_PL0_09000070 Maintain Default Fund Type Values for the Additional Funds 
429 PAY_SG_GPML_000 S_L9C_94001818 Create Absence Type for GPML/GPAL 
430 PAY_SG_GPML_001 S_L9C_94001819 Configure GPML/GPAL subtype 
431 PAY_SG_GPML_002 S_L9C_94001820 Specify Constants for GPML Benefit Salary 
432 PAY_SG_GPML_003 S_L9C_94001821 Create GPML/GPAL Wage Types 
433 PAY_SG_GPML_004 S_PCO_36000090 Maintain Child Subtype for Infotype 0021 
434 PAY_SG_GPPL_000 S_L4H_49003437 Create Absence Type for GPPL 
435 PAY_SG_GPPL_001 S_L4H_49003438 Configure GPPL Subtype 
436 PAY_SG_GPPL_002 S_L4H_49003439 Specify Constants for GPPL Flexible Leaves 
437 PAY_SG_GPPL_003 S_L4H_49003440 Create GPPL Wage Types 
438 PAY_SG_GPPL_004 S_L4H_49003441 Maintain Child Subtype for Infotype 0021 
439 PAY_SG_GPPL_005 S_L4H_49003484 Configure Flexible Leave Type 
440 PAY_SG_IR8A_001 S_L7D_24000583 BAdI: Configure Calculation Method and Display Format for LOS 
441 PAY_SG_IR8A_002 S_L7D_24001572 BAdI: Maintain Commencement Date for IR8A Report 
442 PAY_SG_JOVAC_000 S_L7D_24000347 BAdI: Configure Job Vacancy Calculation Method 
443 PAY_SG_NRS01_001 S_L6B_69000085 Configure the Grouping of Reason for NRS 
444 PAY_SG_NRS01_002 S_L6B_69000086 Maintain Grouping of the Reasons for NRS 
445 PAY_SG_NRS01_003 S_L6B_69000087 Maintain Proration Rules 
446 PAY_SG_NRS01_004 S_L6B_69000088 Maintain POSB Bank Account Key 
447 PAY_SG_NRS01_005 S_L6B_69000089 Maintain constant for NRS Report 
448 PAY_SG_PM_001 S_PL0_09000397 Activate Event Type Linkeage for Workflow Events 
449 PAY_SG_PM_002 S_PL0_09000398 Define Counterevents for Background- and Workflow Events 
450 PAY_SG_PP_000 S_PCO_36000206 Determine Time for Posting the Payments 
451 PAY_SG_PP_001 S_PCO_36000207 Specify Bank Clearing Account for HR Payments 
452 PAY_SG_PP_002 S_PCO_36000209 Adjust Advance Payment from Master Data for Posting 
453 PAY_SG_RI_83 S_PL0_09000119 BAdI: Controlling the Posting of Payroll Results 
454 PAY_SG_SPF_MD1 S_L7D_24001474 Set Whether Employee is Exempt From SDF 
455 PAY_SG_SPL_000 S_L4H_49003442 Create Absence Type for SPL 
456 PAY_SG_SPL_001 S_L4H_49003443 Configure SPL Subtype 
457 PAY_SG_SPL_003 S_L4H_49003444 Maintain Child Subtype for Infotype 0021 
458 PAY_SG_TAX1 S_L7D_24001510 Maintain Capping Amount for Benefits In Kind 
459 PAY_TH_AB_301 S_AHR_61019107 Refine Absences 
460 PAY_TH_AB_304 S_AHR_61019108 Refine Enhancements for Absences 
461 PAY_TH_AWS_020 S_PH0_48000157 Create AWS Wage Types 
462 PAY_TH_AWS_030 S_PH0_48000158 Assign AWS Wage Types to Wage Type Group 
463 PAY_TH_AWS_040 S_PH0_48000159 Change Permissibility of Wage Types in Infotypes 
464 PAY_TH_AWS_050 S_PH0_48000160 Assign Evaluation Class to AWS Wage Types 
465 PAY_TH_AWS_060 S_PH0_48000161 Maintain Proration Types for AWS 
466 PAY_TH_AWS_070 S_PH0_48000162 Function Exit for AWS 
467 PAY_TH_BA_001 S_PL0_09000222 Maintain Branch Addresses 
468 PAY_TH_BN_001 S_AHR_61019073 Create Benefits Wage Types 
469 PAY_TH_BN_002 S_AHR_61019074 Set Up Current Benefit Area 
470 PAY_TH_BN_003 S_AHR_61019075 Assign Wage Types to Benefit Plans 
471 PAY_TH_BN_004 S_AHR_61019076 Assign Wage Types to Claim Plans 
472 PAY_TH_BN_005 S_PH0_48000229 Create Claims Wage Types 
473 PAY_TH_CL_200 S_AHR_61019044 Create Wage Types for Claim Plans 
474 PAY_TH_CL_300 S_AHR_61019045 Set Up Current Benefit Area 
475 PAY_TH_CL_400 S_AHR_61019046 Assign Wage Types to Claim Plans 
476 PAY_TH_DT_000 S_PH9_46000525 Transfer Legacy Data 
477 PAY_TH_DT_001 S_PH9_46000571 Check Payroll Periods 
478 PAY_TH_DT_002 S_PH9_46000572 Check Wage Types 
479 PAY_TH_FOA_001 S_L6B_69000846 Maintain Form of Address for Download Format of SS Report 
480 PAY_TH_GU_075 S_AHR_61019067 Change Permiss. of Wage Types for ESG and PSA Groupings 
481 PAY_TH_LR_010 S_AHR_61019097 Determine Source Infotype of Personnel Address 
482 PAY_TH_LR_020 S_AHR_61019098 Determine Source Infotype of Personnel Name 
483 PAY_TH_OC_002 S_AHR_61019072 Create Wage Type Catalog 
484 PAY_TH_OC_004 S_AHR_61019080 Change Wage Type Texts 
485 PAY_TH_OC_005 S_AHR_61019085 Set Wage Type Characteristics 
486 PAY_TH_OC_006 S_AHR_61019086 Change Permiss. of Wage Types for ESG and PSA Groupings 
487 PAY_TH_PM_001 S_PL0_09000406 Activate Event Type Linkeage for Workflow Events 
488 PAY_TH_PM_002 S_PL0_09000407 Define Counterevents for Background- and Workflow Events 
489 PAY_TH_RI_81 S_AHR_61019110 Assign Wage Type Output Types 
490 PAY_TH_RI_82 S_AHR_61019111 Define Posting Collector 
491 PAY_TH_TM_080 S_AHR_61019070 Change Permiss. of Wage Types for ESG and PSA Groupings 
492 PAY_TH_TX_050 S_AHR_61019061 Enable Year-End Forced Tax 
493 PAY_TH_TX_060 S_AHR_61019063 Set Up Final Tax Rounding Method 
494 PAY_TH_TX_070 S_AHR_61019103 Determine Minimum Withholding Tax Amount 
495 PAY_TNM_QUOTAMANAGEM S_L7D_24002005 Quota Management: Overview 
496 PAY_TNM_V_T77TNM_RS S_L7D_24002010 Define Absence Reason 
497 PAY_TW_BN_001 S_AHR_61019321 Create Benefits Wage Types 
498 PAY_TW_BN_002 S_AHR_61019322 Set Up Current Benefit Area 
499 PAY_TW_BN_003 S_AHR_61019323 Assign Wage Types to Benefit Plans 
500 PAY_TW_BN_004 S_AHR_61019324 Assign Wage Types to Claim Plans