SAP ABAP IMG Activity - Index I, page 3
IMG Activity - I
# | IMG Activity | Transaction Code | Short Description |
1 | ISH_NL_ARZT_KTRAGER | S_KK4_74000288 | NL: Assign Physician to Insurance Provider (WDS) |
2 | ISH_NL_DBC_TAB_ID | S_KK4_96000576 | NL: Maintain DBC Tables |
3 | ISH_NL_EPB_ID | S_KK4_98000013 | NL: Maintain EPB Tables |
4 | ISH_NL_KU_KND | S_KK4_74000068 | NL: Conditions for Insurance Verification |
5 | ISH_NL_LAZR_ID | S_KK4_96000579 | NL: Maintain LAZR Tables |
6 | ISH_NL_LEI_REGELN01 | S_KK4_74000359 | NL: Value-Dependent Rules for Service Groups |
7 | ISH_NL_LEI_REGELN02 | S_KK4_74000358 | NL: Time-Dependent Rules for Services |
8 | ISH_NL_LMR_ID | S_KK4_96000578 | NL: Maintain LMR Tables |
9 | ISH_NL_PA_ALLG_EINRI | S_KK4_74000038 | NL: Set Up Billing Parameters |
10 | ISH_NL_PA_INCLEXLC | S_KK4_74000356 | NL: Maintain Exclusions and Inclusions (e.g. all in) |
11 | ISH_NL_PA_SCHEINE01 | S_KK4_74000087 | NL: Define Validity of Certificates |
12 | ISH_NL_PA_SCHEINE02 | S_KK4_74000108 | NL: Sequence for Certificates |
13 | ISH_NL_PA_SCHEINE03 | S_KK4_74000107 | NL: Times for Service Generation |
14 | ISH_NL_PA_SCHEINE04 | S_KK4_74000106 | NL: Certificates and Services |
15 | ISH_NL_PA_SCHEINE05 | S_KK4_74000105 | NL: Business Partners |
16 | ISH_NL_PA_VVNL01 | S_KK4_74000380 | NL: Combinations of Classes and Ins. Provider Types |
17 | ISH_NL_REGEL_AUFN | S_KK4_74000357 | NL: Generate Services at Admission |
18 | ISH_NL_SAMMEL_ID | S_KK4_96000577 | NL: Maintain Collective Invoice Tables |
19 | ISH_NL_WARTELISTE_ID | S_KK4_96000580 | NL: Maintain Waiting List Tables |
20 | ISH_NPROC_RULES | S_P7C_98000294 | Define Rule Types and Maintain Check Procedure |
21 | ISH_NPROC_SERVICE | S_P7C_98000400 | Maintain Procedure Generation Using Services |
22 | ISH_NRSF_SG | S_KK4_74000262 | SG, CA: Risk Information |
23 | ISH_NR_TERMINRESERV | S_KK4_74000257 | Define Number Range for Provisional Appointments (Outpatient) |
24 | ISH_NTPZ1 | S_KK4_74000327 | Assign Services to Surgical Procedure Codes |
25 | ISH_NTPZ2 | S_KK4_74000326 | Assign Surgical Procedure Codes to Services |
26 | ISH_NUM_KREIS_DOKART | S_KK4_74000407 | Define Number Ranges for Medical Record/Document Types |
27 | ISH_NV2000_CASTYPCHG | S_KK4_96000670 | BAdI: Clinical Process Builder - Check Data at Case Type Change |
28 | ISH_NV2000_PAI | S_KK4_96000657 | BAdI: Clinical Process Builder - Check Data of Individual Subscreens |
29 | ISH_NV2000_PAI_COMPL | S_KK4_96000656 | BAdI: Clinical Process Builder - Check Complete Data |
30 | ISH_NV2000_PBO | S_KK4_96000655 | BAdI: Clinical Process Builder - Preset All Subscreens |
31 | ISH_NV2000_TOOLBAR | S_PNI_98000257 | BAdI: Clinical Process Builder - Toolbar |
32 | ISH_NV200_REN_TABPG | S_P7C_98000279 | BAdI: Clinical Process Builder - Dynamic Assignment of Tab Page Texts |
33 | ISH_NWPLACE_DTM | S_KK4_96000609 | Determine Variant for Clinical Process Builder |
34 | ISH_OMSH | S_KK4_96000597 | Maintain Search Helps |
35 | ISH_OMT3B | S_KK4_96000592 | Define Structure of Data Screens for Each Screen Sequence |
36 | ISH_OMT3E | S_KK4_96000595 | Assign Screen Sequences to User/Material Type/Transaction/Industry Sector |
37 | ISH_OMT3R | S_KK4_96000594 | Maintain Order of Main and Additional Screens |
38 | ISH_OMT3U | S_KK4_96000596 | Maintain User Settings |
39 | ISH_OMT3Z | S_KK4_96000593 | Assign Secondary Screens |
40 | ISH_OM_BASICS | S_KK4_74000444 | Explain Basics of Work Organizer Management |
41 | ISH_ONAV | S_KK4_96000315 | Define Variants for Invoice Restriction |
42 | ISH_OPDC_DIALOG | S_PNI_98000260 | BAdI: Define Entry Dialog for Outpatient Clinic Folder Entries |
43 | ISH_OPDC_PARAM_CASE | S_PNI_98000265 | Preset Outpatient Clinic Folder Entry |
44 | ISH_OPDC_PRINT | S_PNI_98000264 | BAdI: Define Print Output for Selected Outpatient Clinic Folder Entries |
45 | ISH_OPDC_VIEW | S_PNI_98000261 | BAdI: Define View for Outpatient Clinic Folder Entries |
46 | ISH_OPDC_VIEWALL | S_PNI_98000263 | BAdI: Define View for Progress Entries |
47 | ISH_OUPT_COPAY_DIVER | S_ANI_90000009 | Configure Different Types of Outpatient Copayment |
48 | ISH_OUPT_GET_USAGE | S_P7C_98000403 | Verwendungen der ambulanten Zuzahlung ermitteln |
49 | ISH_OUTP_COPAYMENT | S_ANI_90000004 | Configure Copayment |
50 | ISH_OUTP_COPAY_EXAMP | S_ANI_90000007 | Store Reasons for Outpatient Copayment Waiver |
51 | ISH_OUTP_COPAY_PARA | S_ANI_90000005 | Maintain Parameters for Copayment Requests |
52 | ISH_OUTP_COPAY_SERV | S_ANI_90000008 | Assign Services to Exemption Reasons |
53 | ISH_OWPCB | S_KK4_96000375 | Personalize MiniApps for Inpatient Billing Workplace |
54 | ISH_P301_OE_BSNR | S_P7C_98000438 | DE: Ambulante §301-Abrechnung OE-BSNR-Zuordnung |
55 | ISH_PATJOIN_CHANGE | S_P7C_98000435 | BAdI: Change Patient Merging |
56 | ISH_PATJOIN_CHECK | S_P7C_98000388 | BAdI: Check Patient Merging |
57 | ISH_PATJOIN_RANKING | S_P7C_98000436 | BAdI: Patient Merging - Determine Reference Patient |
58 | ISH_PAYDIST_INSREL | S_KK4_98000154 | BAdI: CA/CH/SG: Payment Distribution Control |
59 | ISH_PAYMENT_TYPES | S_KK4_96000563 | Set Up Payment Types |
60 | ISH_PA_BEISPIEL | S_KK4_74000427 | Display Examples |
61 | ISH_PA_COMPMAX | S_KK4_96000438 | SG, CH: Settings for Contract Scheme Maximum |
62 | ISH_PA_FPSE_PARAM | S_KK4_74000377 | Configure Proposal of Flat Rates per Case/Proc. Surcharges |
63 | ISH_PA_FPSE_REGELN | S_KK4_74000341 | Assignment Rules for Flat Rates per Case/Proc. Surcharges and Addit.Charges |
64 | ISH_PA_GPART_KTR01 | S_KK4_74000289 | NL: Maintain Additional Values for Master Data |
65 | ISH_PA_GPART_LEI01 | S_KK4_74000421 | NL: Define Functions for Services |
66 | ISH_PA_GPART_LEI02 | S_KK4_74000423 | NL: Maintain Requesting Business Partners |
67 | ISH_PA_GPART_LEI03 | S_KK4_74000410 | NL: Define Requesting Business Partner Categories |
68 | ISH_PA_GPART_VV | S_KK4_74000381 | NL: Assign Ranking Orders of Ins.Relatshps to Nursing Classes |
69 | ISH_PA_KU_NL01 | S_KK4_74000066 | NL: Determine Procedure |
70 | ISH_PA_KU_NL02 | S_KK4_74000067 | NL: Define Internal Insurance Provider Type |
71 | ISH_PA_PFLEGE01 | S_KK4_74000415 | NL: Define Nursing Classes |
72 | ISH_PA_PFLEGE02 | S_KK4_74000412 | NL: Assign Services to Patient Days |
73 | ISH_PA_PUNKT01 | S_KK4_74000098 | NL: Assign Currency Amounts to Charge Factors |
74 | ISH_PA_RECH01 | S_KK4_74000422 | NL: Enter Billing Party in Relation to Service |
75 | ISH_PA_RECH02 | S_KK4_74000409 | NL: Assign Dummy Services to Billing Parties |
76 | ISH_PA_RECH03 | S_KK4_74000411 | NL: Define Working Hours per Clinic |
77 | ISH_PA_SAMMEL01 | S_KK4_74000194 | NL: Define Number Ranges for Collective Invoice Documents |
78 | ISH_PA_SAMMEL02 | S_KK4_74000193 | NL: Define Document Type of FI Document |
79 | ISH_PA_SAMMEL03 | S_KK4_74000192 | NL: Define Mapping Type for VEKTIS Services |
80 | ISH_PA_SAMMEL04 | S_KK4_74000191 | NL: Maintain Service Catalog for VEKTIS Services |
81 | ISH_PA_STORNO | S_KK4_96000352 | Define Cancellation Reasons |
82 | ISH_PA_TARIF01 | S_KK4_74000037 | NL: Determine Billing Catalog |
83 | ISH_PLANNING_CHECK | S_P7C_98000348 | BAdI: Check Appointment |
84 | ISH_PLANNING_CHECK_C | S_P7C_98000349 | BAdI: Check for Changes to the Appointment |
85 | ISH_PLANNING_PREALLO | S_P7C_98000347 | BAdI: Preset Appointment |
86 | ISH_PLANNING_SAVE | S_P7C_98000350 | BAdI: Save Appointment |
87 | ISH_PM_EINZUGSGEB | S_KK4_74000329 | Maintain Geographical Areas |
88 | ISH_POSTALCODES_ES | S_KK4_74000331 | ES: Maintain Postal Codes |
89 | ISH_POSTALCODES_SG | S_KK4_74000330 | SG: Maintain Postal Codes |
90 | ISH_PREREG_CONTEXT | S_KK4_96000610 | Set Up Treatment Contexts for Preregistration |
91 | ISH_PRG_BADI_STAT | S_KK4_96000607 | BAdI for Setting Preregistration Status |
92 | ISH_PRG_SRV_STAT | S_KK4_96000637 | Set Up Statuses for Preregistered Service |
93 | ISH_PRIO_WARTELISTE | S_KK4_74000282 | Define Priorities for Waiting List |
94 | ISH_PROBCAT | S_ANI_98000276 | IS-H: Maintain Problem Catalog |
95 | ISH_PSYDRGCASE_CHECK | S_P7C_98000442 | BAdI: Check Relevance of Case for Psy. SPC and Psy. DRG |
96 | ISH_PSYDRG_OPT | S_P7C_98000437 | Teilnahme an der PEPP-Abrechnung nach §17d KHG hinterlegen |
97 | ISH_PTINP | S_KK4_96000432 | Set Up Inpatient Scheduling Types |
98 | ISH_REDOMA | S_ANI_98000211 | Maintain Document Type Assignments |
99 | ISH_REDOMA_BADI | S_PNI_98000255 | BAdI: Renewable Document Management - Process Customer-Specific Data |
100 | ISH_RESPIRATION_PROC | S_KK4_98000059 | BAdI: SP Codes for Duration of Mechanical Ventilation |
101 | ISH_RNAACP00 | S_KK4_74000044 | Set Up Accrual |
102 | ISH_SD_FUNKTIONEN | S_KK4_74000426 | Other Functions in SD |
103 | ISH_SERVICECATEGORY | S_ANI_98000209 | Assign Services to Classes |
104 | ISH_SERVICE_DPD | S_KK4_96000570 | BAdI: Determine Departmental Per Diem |
105 | ISH_SERVICE_ENTRY | S_KK4_96000572 | BAdI: Develop Automatic Entry Support |
106 | ISH_SERVICE_FORM01 | S_KK4_96000369 | Form-Based Service Entry |
107 | ISH_SERVICE_MOVEMENT | S_KK4_96000571 | BAdI: Determine Corresponding Movement for a Service |
108 | ISH_SET_COP_WAIVER | S_P7C_98000423 | BAdI: Define Copayment Waivers |
109 | ISH_SET_GET | S_KK4_74000438 | Display Supported IS-H User Parameters |
110 | ISH_SG_CHARGE_SCHEME | S_KK4_74000190 | SG: Maintain Estimation Procedure |
111 | ISH_SG_CONTRACT_CAT | S_KK4_74000363 | SG,CH, CA: Maintain Contract Schemes |
112 | ISH_SG_EST_TABLES | S_KK4_74000189 | SG: Maintain SAP Estimation Tables |
113 | ISH_SG_EXTCONTRACT | S_KK4_74000360 | SG: Maintain Default Values for External Contract Schemes |
114 | ISH_SG_MEDISAVE_EST | S_KK4_74000371 | SG: Medisave Claim Estimation |
115 | ISH_SURCHARGESERVICE | S_KK4_74000342 | Configure Service Action for Surcharges |
116 | ISH_SYSPARM_VV | S_KK4_74000379 | Maintain Insurance Relationship System Parameters |
117 | ISH_TARAS_RULES | S_KK4_74000393 | Define Rules for Multiplication Factors |
118 | ISH_TC_CLEARBUFFER | S_P7C_98000434 | Clear Treatment Authorization Buffer |
119 | ISH_TC_OVERVIEW | S_P7C_98000427 | Global Data for Treatment Authorization |
120 | ISH_TERMINAL_DETERMI | S_P7C_98000414 | BAdI: Find Terminal for Form Printing |
121 | ISH_TIMESLOT_TXT | S_KK4_96000676 | BAdI: Change Appointment (or Time Slot) Text in Appointment Overview |
122 | ISH_TN12R | S_KK4_74000287 | Maintain Ranks for Persons |
123 | ISH_TN14H | S_KK4_74000273 | Maintain Referral Types/Postdischarge Treatment Types |
124 | ISH_TN14I | S_KK4_74000275 | Maintain Emergency Services |
125 | ISH_TN14K | S_KK4_74000274 | Maintain Modes of Arrival |
126 | ISH_TN14M | S_KK4_96000285 | SG, CA: Maintain Treatment Programs |
127 | ISH_TN14O | S_KK4_74000268 | Maintain Surgery Types |
128 | ISH_TN15D | S_KK4_74000235 | Define Case End Types |
129 | ISH_TN15H | S_KK4_96000284 | SG: Define Choice of Ward Class |
130 | ISH_TN16V | S_KK4_96000378 | Define Subgroups for Insurance |
131 | ISH_TN17D | S_KK4_74000311 | Maintain Identification Document Types |
132 | ISH_TN17J_IMG | Display Protectable Fields (SAP) | |
133 | ISH_TN17K_IMG | Maintain Change Reasons for Protected Fields | |
134 | ISH_TN17R | S_KK4_74000317 | Maintain Race |
135 | ISH_TN1TC_GLOB_SET | S_P7C_98000428 | Global Settings |
136 | ISH_TN1TC_OU_RESP | S_P7C_98000429 | Texts for OU Jurisdictions |
137 | ISH_TN1TC_OU_RESP_OU | S_P7C_98000430 | OU Constellations Within OU Jurisdictions |
138 | ISH_TN1TC_RESP_ROLE | S_P7C_98000431 | Assignments of OU Jurisdictions to User Roles |
139 | ISH_TN1TC_TIMES_INST | S_P7C_98000432 | Follow-Up/Request Periods for OU Jurisdictions |
140 | ISH_TN1TC_TIMES_OU | S_P7C_98000433 | Follow-Up/Request Periods for OU Constellations |
141 | ISH_TN21L | S_KK4_96000548 | Display Customizable Messages (SAP) |
142 | ISH_TN40C | S_KK4_74000238 | Define Alternative Scheduling Types (Outpatient) |
143 | ISH_TNACC | S_KK4_74000304 | Define Accommodation Categories |
144 | ISH_TNC301VER | S_KK4_98000202 | P301 Determine Version Validity |
145 | ISH_TNCATD | S_P7C_98000407 | Specify Discharge Date as Reference for Catalog Determination |
146 | ISH_TNDCV_IMG | S_KK4_74000251 | Display Country-Specific Screen Modification |
147 | ISH_TNDIA | S_KK4_74000267 | Set Parameters for Diagnosis Documentation |
148 | ISH_TNDRG | S_KK4_96000671 | DE: Maintain DRG Billing Parameters |
149 | ISH_TNEI0 | S_KK4_74000221 | Parameters for Characteristic and Key Figure Determination |
150 | ISH_TNEIS | S_KK4_74000223 | Display Characteristic and Key Figure Determination for IS-H |
151 | ISH_TNFAS | S_KK4_98000042 | Assign Department Status to a Department |
152 | ISH_TNFAS_FS | S_KK4_98000043 | Define Dependencies Between Case Status and Department Status |
153 | ISH_TNFCL | S_KK4_74000222 | Case Categorization |
154 | ISH_TNGRP0 | S_KK4_96000427 | Set Parameters for DRG Documentation |
155 | ISH_TNGRP1 | S_KK4_96000435 | Define DRG Grouper Assignment |
156 | ISH_TNGRP2 | S_KK4_96000436 | Define DRG Grouper |
157 | ISH_TNGRP3 | S_KK4_96000437 | Define DRG Grouper File Conventions |
158 | ISH_TNHCO | S_KK4_74000188 | Maintain Basic Settings |
159 | ISH_TNIEBILL | S_KK4_96000334 | Internet Configuration |
160 | ISH_TNIRS | S_KK4_98000147 | Maintain Settings for Insurance Relationships |
161 | ISH_TNKRS | S_KK4_74000343 | Maintain Technical Number Ranges |
162 | ISH_TNPEPP | S_P7C_98000441 | Maintain PEPP Billing Parameters |
163 | ISH_TNPEPP0 | S_P7C_98000440 | Define Parameters for PEPP Documentation |
164 | ISH_TNPROC_MAT_REL | S_P7C_98000290 | Maintain Asgmt of Single-Qty Proc.Cd. to Matl and Summary Proc.Cd. |
165 | ISH_TNSTA0 | S_KK4_96000560 | Maintain Status Profiles Used for Medical Documentation |
166 | ISH_TNVRGC | S_ANI_98000206 | Maintain Fields for Detailed Definition of Business Transactions |
167 | ISH_TNVRGR | S_ANI_98000205 | Display Possible Fields for Detailed Definition of Bus. Transactions (SAP) |
168 | ISH_TNWATSCD | S_KK4_82000314 | AT: System Information for EDI Scoring |
169 | ISH_UE_KUNDE | S_KK4_74000397 | Configure Customer User Exits |
170 | ISH_UE_SAP | S_KK4_74000405 | Display SAP User Exits |
171 | ISH_V2_V3_PUNKTWERTE | S_KK4_74000209 | Define Charge Factor Values for V2 and V3 Statistics |
172 | ISH_VD_00 | S_PNI_98000262 | Define Number Range for Progress Entries |
173 | ISH_VKGTYP | S_KK4_96000430 | Set Up Preregistration Types Based On Clinical Order Types |
174 | ISH_VKGZPI | S_KK4_96000431 | Set Up Time Interpretations for Preregistration |
175 | ISH_VORKALKULATION | S_KK4_74000197 | Assign IS-H Services to CO Base Planning Objects |
176 | ISH_V_N1STGR | S_KK4_74000271 | Maintain Cancellation Reasons |
177 | ISH_WAITINGLIST_RSN | S_KK4_74000280 | Maintain Reasons for Removal |
178 | ISH_WAITINGLIST_STAT | S_KK4_74000279 | Set Up Preregistration Status |
179 | ISH_WAITINGLIST_TYPE | S_KK4_74000281 | Maintain Waiting List Types |
180 | ISH_WL_ABSENCE | S_KK4_96000552 | Maintain Reasons for Temporary Absence from Waiting List |
181 | ISH_WP_PREREG_VIEW | S_KK4_96000615 | BAdI: Customer-Specific Enhancement for View Type Preregistration |
182 | ISH_WP_TC_CHECK | S_P7C_98000426 | BAdI: Check Treatment Authorization in Clinical Work Station |
183 | ISH_WP_VIEW_FUNC | S_ANI_98000253 | BAdI: Execute Functions in Clinical Work Station Views |
184 | ISH_WP_VIEW_TITLE | S_KK4_96000586 | BAdI: Change View Title in Clinical Work Station |
185 | ISH_WP_VW123_COLUMN | S_KK4_96000703 | BAdI: Add Columns to Arrivals/Departures/Occupancy View |
186 | ISH_WP_VW123_FUNC | S_KK4_98000112 | BAdI: Execute Cust.-Spec. Functions in Arrivals/Departures/Occupancy View |
187 | ISH_ZUZ_BETRAG_OUTP | S_ANI_90000006 | Maintain Copayment Amount for Insurance Provider |
188 | ISH_ZUZ_BETRAG_PRO_T | S_KK4_74000082 | Maintain Copayment Amount per Day by Insurance Provider |
189 | ISIFICA_INFOCON_GEN | General Information for Information Container | |
190 | ISISFICABFAD_VY6S | S_KK4_08000131 | Assign Transactions for Account Balance Display (FS-CD) |
191 | ISISFICABFVO_FMP | S_KK4_08000116 | Field Groupings and Authorizations |
192 | ISISFICABFVO_INSOSN | S_KK4_08000118 | Define Field Groups for Authorization Check |
193 | ISISFICABF_VSC05 | S_KK4_08000149 | Assign Subtransactions to Payt Plan-Specific Main Transactions (S/L item) |
194 | ISISFICABF_VSC07 | S_KK4_08000171 | Assign Subtransactions to Payt Plan-Specific Main Transactions (G/L Item) |
195 | ISISFICABF_VVSCCACT | S_KK4_08000152 | Define Activities when Changing Payment Plan Items |
196 | ISISFICABF_VVSCEACT | S_KK4_08000150 | Define Activities for Payment Plan Posting |
197 | ISISFICABF_VY6M | S_KK4_08000154 | Define Clearing Specifications |
198 | ISISFICABROK_IBR33 | S_KK4_08000143 | Assign General Ledger Accounts to Clarification Codes |
199 | ISISFICABT_V070 | S_SK4_11000001 | Assign Main and Sub-Transactions to Interest Keys |
200 | ISISFICABT_VY7V | S_KK4_08000197 | Assign Withholding Tax Code to Main and Sub-Transactions |
201 | ISISFICAB_VVSCCACT | S_KK4_08000153 | Define Activities When Changing Payment Plan Items |
202 | ISISFICASCHED_VSC06 | S_KK4_08000161 | Define Account Determination for Debt Recognition |
203 | ISISFICA_ADDFIEIO | S_KK4_08000180 | Include Fields in the Insurance Object |
204 | ISISFICA_ADDFIEREG | S_KK4_08000181 | Include Fields in the Insurance Object-Partner Relationship |
205 | ISISFICA_ARCHSCHEDUL | S_SK4_11000002 | Define Runtime for Payment Plans |
206 | ISISFICA_ARCH_VYAC3 | Define Duration for Entries for Business Case Reversal | |
207 | ISISFICA_ARCH_VYAV2 | Activate Archive Info Structure for Info Container Archive | |
208 | ISISFICA_BADI_ITEMSE | BAdI: Filtering Items for an Insurance Object | |
209 | ISISFICA_BFIO_SE75 | S_KK4_08000096 | Define Note Types |
210 | ISISFICA_CLEARLIMIT | Define Value Limits for Clearing Interpretation | |
211 | ISISFICA_CLEAROLDDOC | Define Document Types for Clearing Oldest Debt | |
212 | ISISFICA_CREATECI | Include for Extended AAAI Storage | |
213 | ISISFICA_IC_COMMTYPE | Activate Communication Types | |
214 | ISISFICA_IC_INFOTYPE | Define Information Types | |
215 | ISISFICA_IC_SOURCE | Define Information Origin | |
216 | ISISFICA_INSO0018 | S_KK4_08000120 | Configure Field Attributes per Activity |
217 | ISISFICA_INV_NOTUSED | Important Information for FS-CD | |
218 | ISISFICA_ITAG_ARCHIV | Define Duration for Container | |
219 | ISISFICA_KC7R | S_KK4_08000091 | Define Carryforward Rules |
220 | ISISFICA_KCLL | S_KK4_08000090 | Define Sender Structure |
221 | ISISFICA_KCSE | S_KK4_08000092 | Define Output Fields |
222 | ISISFICA_TIBRSELTYP | S_KK4_08000209 | Define Selection Categories for Broker Reports |
223 | ISISFICA_TIMA_CRT_AC | S_KK4_08000117 | Define Account Creation Variants |
224 | ISISFICA_TIMA_CRT_RU | S_KK4_08000723 | Define Account Creation Rules |
225 | ISISFICA_TKKVBASIC | S_KK4_08000105 | Activation of Basic Functions |
226 | ISISFICA_TKKVEVOR_BR | S_KK4_08000137 | Assign Categories for Broker Collections to Main and Subtransactions |
227 | ISISFICA_TKKVPNTYP | S_KK4_08000168 | Define Item Categories |
228 | ISISFICA_T_INSONR | S_KK4_08000734 | Define Number Ranges |
229 | ISISFICA_VCTKKV_EV_C | S_KK4_08000138 | Assign Item Categories to Main and Sub-Transactions |
230 | ISISFICA_VC_IBR35 | S_KK4_08000210 | Define Grouping for Broker Report Items |
231 | ISISFICA_VC_TFK047E | S_SK4_11000017 | Define Charge Schedules for Payment Plans |
232 | ISISFICA_VC_TIMAOTYP | S_KK4_08000119 | Define Grouping of Insurance Object Categories |
233 | ISISFICA_VC_TKKV007A | S_KK4_08000148 | Assign Insurance Tax Schedule to Tax Code |
234 | ISISFICA_VC_TKKVEVOR | S_KK4_08000136 | Assign Invoicing Parameters to Main and Sub-Transactions |
235 | ISISFICA_VC_TKKVE_IT | S_KK4_08000140 | Define and Parameterize External Transactions |
236 | ISISFICA_VO_ENHANCE | Extensibility | |
237 | ISISFICA_VSC10_11 | Define Specifications for Early Ending | |
238 | ISISFICA_VVSCNUM | S_KK4_08000093 | Maintain Payment Plan Number Ranges |
239 | ISISFICA_VVTB037INSO | S_KK4_08000735 | Maintain Authorization Groups |
240 | ISISFICA_V_TFK047H | S_SK4_11000018 | Define Charge Categories for Payment Plans |
241 | ISISFICA_V_TIMAOTYP | S_KK4_08000094 | Configure IO Categories and Assign Number Ranges |
242 | ISISFICA_V_VKK0365 | S_KK4_08000747 | Define Incoming Payment Methods Suitable for Dunning |
243 | ISISIICA_ARCH_VYAC4 | Activate Archive Info Structure for Payment Plan Archive | |
244 | ISISIICA_ARCH_VYAC5 | Activate Archive Info Structure for Business Case Reversal Archive | |
245 | ISJP | S_P7D_67000066 | Notes on Implementation |
246 | ISJP_CUST | S_E4A_94000071 | BAdI: Invoice Summary Customer Master Data |
247 | ISJP_HEAD | S_E4A_94000035 | BAdI: Invoice Summary Payer and Monthly Invoices |
248 | ISJP_INVOICE_CREATIO | S_E4A_94000181 | BAdI: Invoice Summary Invoice Processing |
249 | ISJP_ITEM | S_P7D_67000065 | Notes on Implementation |
250 | ISJP_POST | S_E38_98000134 | BAdI: Invoice Summary-Relevant Postings |
251 | ISM-SI_ORDERLIST | S_KK4_82000056 | AI Order List |
252 | ISMAM_AGNTCONTRGROUP | S_KK4_74001837 | Maintain Sales Agent Contract Groupings |
253 | ISMAM_BEZCOND_KOAR_Z | S_KK4_74002004 | Assign Condition Types to Condition References |
254 | ISMAM_BEZKOND_BEMGR | S_KK4_74001577 | Define Assessment Bases |
255 | ISMAM_BEZKOND_MF | S_KK4_82000980 | Maintain Quantity-Relevant Condition References |
256 | ISMAM_CCARD_ACCASSGN | S_KK4_74001657 | Assign Payment Card Accounts for Account Determination |
257 | ISMAM_CCARD_ACCSCHEM | S_KK4_74001670 | Maintain Account Determination Procedures |
258 | ISMAM_CCARD_ACCSEQ | S_KK4_74001668 | Maintain Access Sequences |
259 | ISMAM_CCARD_AUTCONTR | S_KK4_74001658 | Authorization/Settlement Control for Each Account |
260 | ISMAM_CCARD_AUTHTEXT | S_KK4_74001660 | Maintain Texts Describing Card Check Results |
261 | ISMAM_CCARD_AUTH_VAL | S_KK4_74001665 | Specify Authorization Validity Periods |
262 | ISMAM_CCARD_CHECKGRP | S_KK4_74001664 | Maintain Checking Groups |
263 | ISMAM_CCARD_CONDTAB | S_KK4_74001667 | Maintain Condition Tables |
264 | ISMAM_CCARD_CONDTYPE | S_KK4_74001669 | Maintain Condition Types |
265 | ISMAM_CCARD_EXCLCOND | S_KK4_74001597 | Maintain Blocking Reasons |
266 | ISMAM_CCARD_FIELDCAT | S_KK4_74001666 | Add To Field Catalog |
267 | ISMAM_CCARD_INSTITUT | S_KK4_74001595 | Maintain Card Type |
268 | ISMAM_CCARD_MERCHANT | S_KK4_74001659 | Maintain Merchant IDs Per Account |
269 | ISMAM_CCARD_TYPE | S_KK4_74001596 | Maintain Card Category |
270 | ISMAM_CM_BASIC_SET | S_KK4_74001353 | Make Default Settings |
271 | ISMAM_CM_LIS_ACTIVE | S_KK4_74001352 | Activate Update |
272 | ISMAM_COAS_KSTEU | S_KK4_74001678 | Determine Condition Control for each Condition Type |
273 | ISMAM_COA_ASS_PART | S_KK4_74001582 | Define and Assign Partner Accesses for Contract Determination |
274 | ISMAM_COA_UNITS | S_KK4_74001626 | Define Dimension Key for Contract Target Quantity |
275 | ISMAM_COND_FORSALVOL | S_KK4_74002000 | Define Alias Cond.Types for External Sales Volume Creation |
276 | ISMAM_CORRCAUSE | S_KK4_74001315 | Define Correction Reasons for Sales Agent Assignment |
277 | ISMAM_CRED_MGMT_ASSI | S_KK4_74001339 | Assign Sales Documents |
278 | ISMAM_CRED_MGMT_KG | S_KK4_74001346 | Define Credit Groups |
279 | ISMAM_CRED_MGMT_MAIN | S_KK4_74001340 | Define Automatic Credit Control |
280 | ISMAM_FAKT_INDEX | S_KK4_82000968 | Create Database Index for Billing Due List |
281 | ISMAM_FK_COPA_RES_WE | S_KK4_74001593 | Reset Value Fields |
282 | ISMAM_FK_COPA_ZUO_ME | S_KK4_74001594 | Assign Quantity Fields |
283 | ISMAM_FK_COPA_ZUO_WE | S_KK4_74001592 | Assign Value Fields |
284 | ISMAM_JHEOBA | S_KK4_82000400 | Update Revenue Recognition Category and Revenue Objects in Orders |
285 | ISMAM_JHVINSSER | S_KK4_82001107 | Define Series Creation Rule |
286 | ISMAM_JHVTVTA_BPSAGR | S_SK4_53000008 | Assign Sales Area Group for BP Selection |
287 | ISMAM_JHVWWW_JHB4 | S_KK4_82000065 | General Settings |
288 | ISMAM_KONTAKT_COPY | S_KK4_82001180 | Maintain Copying Control For Sales Activities |
289 | ISMAM_OD_DYNMENU_JA | S_KK4_82000050 | Define Dynamic Menu for Condition Maintenance |
290 | ISMAM_OD_DYNMENU_JF | S_KK4_82000052 | Define Dynamic Menu for Condition Maintenance |
291 | ISMAM_OD_DYNMENU_JG | S_KK4_82000053 | Define Dynamic Menu for Condition Maintenance |
292 | ISMAM_OD_DYNMENU_JH | S_KK4_82000054 | Define Dynamic Menu for Condition Maintenance |
293 | ISMAM_OD_DYNMENU_JK | S_KK4_82000051 | Define Dynamic Menu for Condition Maintenance |
294 | ISMAM_OUTBK_COND_EX | S_KK4_74002016 | Define Exceptions for Charging Off Condition Types |
295 | ISMAM_OUTBK_FKART_AS | S_KK4_74001673 | Receivables Charge-Off Billing Type: Assign Billing Types |
296 | ISMAM_OUTBK_FKART_DF | S_KK4_74001672 | Define Billing Document Types |
297 | ISMAM_PRDH_AGROL | S_KK4_82001073 | Define Agency Roles |
298 | ISMAM_PRDH_GFELD | S_KK4_82001074 | Define Business Areas |
299 | ISMAM_PRDH_GLOBAL | S_KK4_82001070 | Define Global Settings |
300 | ISMAM_PRDH_ISMGPART | S_KK4_82001091 | Define IS-M Business Partner Types |
301 | ISMAM_PRDH_NKRS | S_KK4_82001094 | Define Number Range for Provisional Products |
302 | ISMAM_PRDH_PRSUCH | S_KK4_82001093 | Define Settings for the Product Search |
303 | ISMAM_PRDH_SPGPART | S_KK4_82001090 | Define External Business Partner Types |
304 | ISMAM_PRDH_UAGROL | S_KK4_82001076 | Define Recoding of External Agency Roles |
305 | ISMAM_PRDH_UGFELD | S_KK4_82001075 | Define Recoding of External Business Areas |
306 | ISMAM_PRDH_VTB | S_KK4_82001095 | Assign Sales Areas for the Product Hierarchy (S&P) |
307 | ISMAM_PUB_CHANGE | S_P7I_68000234 | Activate Publication Change |
308 | ISMAM_PUB_CHNG_RSN | S_P7I_68000235 | Define Reasons for Publication Change |
309 | ISMAM_REVREC_URACC | S_KK4_82000372 | Assign Account for Unbilled Receivables |
310 | ISMAM_SGP_CP_MIG_DPT | S_KK4_82000487 | Assign Departments |
311 | ISMAM_SGP_MIG_CP_ACT | S_KK4_82000495 | Activate Contact Person |
312 | ISMAM_SGP_MIG_CP_AUT | S_KK4_82000490 | Assign Authority |
313 | ISMAM_SGP_MIG_CP_CAS | S_KK4_82000750 | Convert Sales Support Documents |
314 | ISMAM_SGP_MIG_CP_CLA | S_KK4_82000742 | Convert Contact Person Classification |
315 | ISMAM_SGP_MIG_CP_CNV | S_KK4_82000491 | Convert Media Contact Person |
316 | ISMAM_SGP_MIG_CP_DPT | S_KK4_82000488 | Assign Departments |
317 | ISMAM_SGP_MIG_CP_FNC | S_KK4_82000486 | Assign Functions |
318 | ISMAM_SGP_MIG_CP_FS | S_KK4_82000813 | Convert Free Subscription |
319 | ISMAM_SGP_MIG_CP_IND | S_KK4_82000767 | Convert Address Lists for CAS Activities |
320 | ISMAM_SGP_MIG_CP_ORD | S_KK4_82000493 | Convert Orders and Contracts |
321 | ISMAM_SGP_MIG_CP_RB | S_KK4_82000814 | Convert Responsibility |
322 | ISMAM_SGP_MIG_CP_STT | S_KK4_82000492 | Define Conversion Status |
323 | ISMAM_SGP_MIG_CP_VIP | S_KK4_82000489 | Assign VIP Key |
324 | ISMAM_SNRO_ISM_FESTP | S_KK4_82000388 | Define Number Range Intervals for Online Fixed Spaces |
325 | ISMAM_TJH61 | S_KK4_82000474 | Define Units of Measure for Ad Heights |
326 | ISMAM_TJHARTWORK_TYP | S_KK4_82001274 | Define Types of Artwork |
327 | ISMAM_TJHAW_JHWWW | S_KK4_82000063 | General Settings |
328 | ISMAM_TJHBOOKL | S_KK4_74001609 | Define Booking Types |
329 | ISMAM_TJHCENTACCESS | S_KK4_74001231 | Make Settings for Central/Standard Access/Classified Order Entry |
330 | ISMAM_TJHCHTYPE_AVM | S_KK4_82000002 | Define Order Change Type |
331 | ISMAM_TJHCIC_EDITOR | S_KK4_82000470 | Make Settings for Ad Spec Editor Component |
332 | ISMAM_TJHCIC_ORDER_W | S_KK4_82000448 | Make Settings for Ad Item Entry Component |
333 | ISMAM_TJHGENBIGET | S_KK4_82000494 | Date Rule for Generating Billing Datasets |
334 | ISMAM_TJHGRALESAREA | S_SK4_53000009 | Define Sales Area Group for BP Selection |
335 | ISMAM_TJHGRAPHIC_TYP | S_KK4_82001275 | Define Graphic Types |
336 | ISMAM_TJHGRSALESAREA | S_SK4_53000004 | Define Sales Area Group for BP Selection |
337 | ISMAM_TJHGR_REL_STAT | S_KK4_82001358 | Define Release Status of Graphics |
338 | ISMAM_TJHMC4 | S_SK4_83000006 | Control Update of Hierarchy Levels (M/AM) |
339 | ISMAM_TJHOLBME | S_KK4_74001621 | Define Units of Measure for Banner Sizes |
340 | ISMAM_TJHOLFMT | S_KK4_74001612 | Define Format Proposals |
341 | ISMAM_TJHOLHME | S_KK4_74001630 | Define Units of Measure for Banner Height |
342 | ISMAM_TJHTARGET | S_KK4_74001611 | Define Target Groups |
343 | ISMAM_TJHTMMZ_OL | S_KK4_82000606 | Assign Technical Characteristics to IS-M/AM Characteristics (Online) |
344 | ISMAM_TJHUNITOL | S_KK4_74001608 | Define Units of Measure for Gross Impressions |
345 | ISMAM_TJHWWW_JHAW | S_KK4_82000064 | General Settings |
346 | ISMAM_TJJPLZONL | S_KK4_74001610 | Define Positioning Instructions |
347 | ISMAM_TJJPLZONLHIE | S_KK4_82000316 | Define Positioning Instructions Hierarchy |
348 | ISMAM_TWIN_BILLNGGRP | S_KK4_74001679 | Define Twinned Billing Dataset Types |
349 | ISMAM_USEREXABRECH | S_KK4_74002064 | Settlement (M/AM) |
350 | ISMAM_USEREXFAKT | S_KK4_74002066 | Billing (M/AM) |
351 | ISMAM_USEREXTECH | S_KK4_74002063 | Connection of Media Technical Systems (M/AM) |
352 | ISMAM_USEREXVERK | S_KK4_74002069 | Sales (M/AM) |
353 | ISMAM_USEREX_M_VERM | S_KK4_82000412 | Media Sales Agent (M/AM): Contract, Sales Agent Determination |
354 | ISMAM_USTAX_TAXIW | S_KK4_74001350 | Set Tax Indicator for Plant |
355 | ISMAM_USTAX_TAXIW_PL | S_KK4_74001351 | Assign Tax Indicators for Plants |
356 | ISMAM_USTAX_TXJCD_PL | S_KK4_74001349 | Assign Delivering Plants For Tax Determination |
357 | ISMAM_WERKZDUE_ALT | S_KK4_74001541 | Copy Legacy Orders from Previous System |
358 | ISMAM_WERKZDUE_AZSI | S_KK4_74001531 | Item Type: Ad, Ad Insert and Online |
359 | ISMAM_WERKZDUE_CHECK | S_KK4_74001522 | Interface File Check |
360 | ISMAM_WERKZDUE_DATEI | S_KK4_74001521 | Display Interface File |
361 | ISMAM_WERKZDUE_GEN_N | S_KK4_74001519 | New Orders: Generate Test Data |
362 | ISMAM_WERKZDUE_GEN_O | S_KK4_74001520 | Legacy Orders: Generate Test Data |
363 | ISMAM_WERKZDUE_NOT | S_KK4_74001542 | Copy New Orders from the Emergency System (Ad Orders) |
364 | ISMAM_WERKZDUE_WSVT | S_KK4_74001540 | Item Type: Commercial, Distribution |
365 | ISMBPVALIDRLTYP | S_KK4_82000062 | Define Admissible Role Categories |
366 | ISMMSD_SC_ORDERPROT1 | S_ANI_68000187 | Define Status of Order Generation |
367 | ISMMSD_SC_ORDERPROT2 | S_ANI_68000188 | Assign Statuses to Messages |
368 | ISMMSD_SC_ORDERPROT3 | S_ANI_68000189 | Log Overview |
369 | ISMMSD_SC_ORDERPROT4 | S_ANI_68000190 | Calculation Rule for Evaluation of Log Status |
370 | ISMMSD_SC_ORDERPROT5 | S_ANI_68000191 | Log Overview of Order Generation for Shipping Schedule |
371 | ISMP/SAPMP/MM_T161P1 | S_KA5_12001204 | Copy Charcteristic Values from the Purchasing Info Record |
372 | ISMP/SAPMP/MM_T161_1 | S_KA5_12001202 | Set Up Fast Entry for Characteristic Values |
373 | ISMP/SAPMP/MM_T161_2 | S_KA5_12001203 | Remove Global/Local Group |
374 | ISMP/SAPMP/R3CDPXADM | S_KA5_12001345 | Copying of Characteristic Values for Sub-Items |
375 | ISMP/SAPMP/SD_MUEBS | S_KA5_12001200 | Define Characteristic Display for Overview Screen (mySAP Mill Products) |
376 | ISMP/SAPMP/SD_TVAK1 | S_KA5_12001198 | Set Up Fast Entry for Characteristic Values |
377 | ISMP/SAPMP/SD_TVAK_2 | S_KA5_12001199 | Remove Global/Local Group |
378 | ISMP/SAPMP/V_VBMUEH | S_KA5_12001201 | Define Application Group for Characteristic Display |
379 | ISMSD_ABRECHNDELIV | S_KK4_74001222 | Maintain Depend.for Carrier Route FlatRates, Settl.Summar.,Ext.Interface |
380 | ISMSD_ABREINLNRPOST | S_KK4_74001218 | Align Goods Arrival List No.for PPost w/Legacy System |
381 | ISMSD_ABRPROVSPERR | S_KK4_74001217 | Define Commission Settlement Blocks |
382 | ISMSD_ACCESSIBILITY | S_KK4_82000789 | Define Accessibilities and Restrictions |
383 | ISMSD_AUFTRREKLAMGR | S_KK4_74001457 | Determine Reasons for Complaint |
384 | ISMSD_AUTGUELTDAUER | S_KK4_74001256 | Specify Authorization Validity Periods |
385 | ISMSD_BADI_ADD_PAYM | S_ANI_68000195 | Business Add-In for Determining Recipient of Additional Payment in Renewals |
386 | ISMSD_BADI_RFESR000 | S_ANI_68000196 | Business Add-In for Processing an ISR Payment for a Renewal |
387 | ISMSD_BUILD_AMODATA | S_PNI_68000212 | Generate Amortization Log and Rev. Potential for Cycles in Tolerance Period |
388 | ISMSD_CCARD_FELDKAT | S_KK4_74001257 | Add To Field Catalog |
389 | ISMSD_CCARD_KONAUT | S_KK4_74001247 | Define Auth./Settlement Control for Each Account |
390 | ISMSD_CCARD_KONDART | S_KK4_74001252 | Maintain Condition Types |
391 | ISMSD_CCARD_KONDTAB | S_KK4_74001258 | Maintain Condition Tables |
392 | ISMSD_CCARD_KONSCHEM | S_KK4_74001245 | Maintain Account Determination Procedures |
393 | ISMSD_CCARD_KONTOZUO | S_KK4_74001246 | Assign Accounts |
394 | ISMSD_CCARD_MERCHID | S_KK4_74001248 | Maintain Merchant IDs Per Account |
395 | ISMSD_CCARD_TEXTERG | S_KK4_74001249 | Maintain Texts Describing Card Check Results |
396 | ISMSD_CCARD_ZUGRIFF | S_KK4_74001259 | Maintain Access Sequences |
397 | ISMSD_CIRCBOOK_NKRS | S_KK4_74001554 | Define Number Range for Circulation Book |
398 | ISMSD_DELIVGRPSPLIT | S_KK4_82000465 | Define Address Alternation Groups |
399 | ISMSD_DELIVSPLIT | S_KK4_82000464 | Define Alternating Address Elements |
400 | ISMSD_DSD | S_KK4_82001434 | Maintain Visit Control |
401 | ISMSD_EDIART | S_KK4_82000411 | Define EDI Participant Types |
402 | ISMSD_ERLBELEGMITBEZ | S_KK4_74001428 | Service-Related Revenue Accrual With Liability Account |
403 | ISMSD_ERLBELEGOHNBEZ | S_KK4_74001429 | Service-Related Revenue Accrual Without Liability Account |
404 | ISMSD_ERLBELEGPERIOD | S_KK4_74001430 | Period-Related Revenue Accrual |
405 | ISMSD_ERLOSABGRRWINT | S_KK4_74001341 | Activate FI Interface for Transfer (IS-M/SD) |
406 | ISMSD_FAKTBELTRENNKR | S_KK4_74001422 | Define Exclusion and Split Criteria for Billing Docs. |
407 | ISMSD_FAKTCOPA | S_KK4_82001282 | CO-PA |
408 | ISMSD_FAKTLOHNART | S_KK4_82001265 | Assign Wage Types for Billing |
409 | ISMSD_FKRENERLOSABGR | S_KK4_74001416 | Define Accounting Method for Each Company Code |
410 | ISMSD_FKREVUR | S_KK4_74001427 | Define G/L Account for Unbilled Receivables |
411 | ISMSD_FK_COPA_RES_WE | S_KK4_82001285 | Reset Value/Quantity Fields |
412 | ISMSD_FK_COPA_ZUO_ME | S_KK4_82001284 | Assign Quantity Fields |
413 | ISMSD_FK_COPA_ZUO_WE | S_KK4_82001283 | Assign Value Fields |
414 | ISMSD_GPKUNDSCHEM | S_KK4_74001854 | Define Customer Pricing Procedures for Renewals |
415 | ISMSD_HOME_DEL_ELE | S_KK4_82000752 | Define Home Delivery Alternation Elements |
416 | ISMSD_HOME_DEL_GROUP | S_KK4_82000753 | Define Home Delivery Alternation Groups |
417 | ISMSD_IAC_ADR_GEN | S_KK4_82000094 | Define Variants of IAC 'Change Address' |
418 | ISMSD_IAC_BPID | S_KK4_82000087 | Identify and Check Business Partners |
419 | ISMSD_IAC_COMPL | S_KK4_82000751 | Define Variants of the IAC Create Complaint |
420 | ISMSD_IAC_IUCONTROL | S_KK4_82000526 | Settings for Internet User |
421 | ISMSD_IAC_ORDER_DEF | S_KK4_82000093 | Define Variants of IAC Subscription Sales |
422 | ISMSD_IAC_ORDER_HEAD | S_KK4_82000089 | Maintain Combinations of Fixed Order Values |
423 | ISMSD_IAC_ORDER_ITEM | S_KK4_82000092 | Maintain Combinations of Variable Order Values (Presettings) |
424 | ISMSD_IAC_PAY_GEN | S_KK4_82000096 | Define Variants of IAC Change Payment Data |
425 | ISMSD_IAC_VAC_GEN | S_KK4_82000095 | Define Variants of IAC Vacation Service |
426 | ISMSD_INTERNET_AK | S_KK4_82000086 | Internet Application Components (IACs) |
427 | ISMSD_JVSODANNSCH | S_ANI_68000192 | Define Level of Detail for Order Deadline |
428 | ISMSD_JVSODTPRIO | S_KK4_82000764 | Define Priorities for Address Variants for Each Delivery Type |
429 | ISMSD_KARTENART | S_KK4_74001253 | Maintain Card Type |
430 | ISMSD_KARTENTYP | S_KK4_74001254 | Maintain Card Category |
431 | ISMSD_LES_INTERFACE | S_KK4_82000779 | LES Interface |
432 | ISMSD_LES_PRINTING | S_KK4_82000781 | Assign Output Types to Shipping Document Types |
433 | ISMSD_MS_COLLAUART | S_PNI_68000205 | Define Collection Types |
434 | ISMSD_MS_COLLECTROLE | S_PNI_68000202 | Define Partner Role |
435 | ISMSD_MS_COLLREASON | S_PNI_68000203 | Define Collection Reasons |
436 | ISMSD_MS_COLLRULE | S_PNI_68000204 | Define Rules for Calculating Collection Date |
437 | ISMSD_MS_CONTRACT_AA | S_PNI_68000210 | Allowed Promotion Types for Contract Interface |
438 | ISMSD_MS_CONTRACT_AS | S_KK4_82001360 | Define Allowed Contract Type for Assortments |
439 | ISMSD_MS_EVENTFIELD | S_PNI_68000207 | Define Quantity Fields for Event Planning |
440 | ISMSD_MS_INSERTGRP | S_KK4_82000823 | Define Customer Groups for Insert Planning |
441 | ISMSD_MS_INSGRPHIER | S_KK4_82000824 | Define Customer Group Hierarchies for Insert Planning |
442 | ISMSD_MS_KONTRAKT | S_KK4_82001111 | Edit Contracts |
443 | ISMSD_MS_MIXGEN | S_XNI_68000223 | Bill of Material for Mix - Plant-Independent Bill of Material |
444 | ISMSD_MS_TOOLBAREVEN | S_PNI_68000211 | Define Functions |
445 | ISMSD_MS_TOOLBARFUNC | S_ANI_68000186 | Define Functions |
446 | ISMSD_MV_COLLNM | S_KK4_82000891 | Define Number Range for Collective Processing of Credit Memo Creation |
447 | ISMSD_MV_REM_NRKRS | S_KK4_82000597 | Maintain Number Ranges for Request Documents |
448 | ISMSD_MV_UMB_NRKRS | S_KK4_82000598 | Maintain Number Ranges for Transfer Posting Documents |
449 | ISMSD_NACHRFIND_BED | S_KK4_82000215 | Define Requirements |
450 | ISMSD_POST_CH_01 | S_KK4_82000979 | Test |
451 | ISMSD_PREISSCHLABO | S_KK4_74001356 | Maintain Rate Code |
452 | ISMSD_PRODSCHEM | S_KK4_74001813 | Define Product Procedures for Renewal Subscription |
453 | ISMSD_PRUEFGRUPPE | S_KK4_74001255 | Maintain Checking Groups |
454 | ISMSD_REFUNDTYPE | S_KK4_82001232 | Maintain Refund Type |
455 | ISMSD_REKLVERURSACH | S_KK4_74001458 | Define Origin of Complaints |
456 | ISMSD_REMSCHEMATA | S_KK4_74001441 | Maintain Monitoring Procedures |
457 | ISMSD_REMSCHEMFIND | S_KK4_74001442 | Define Monitoring Procedure Determination |
458 | ISMSD_RENKALKSCHEM | S_KK4_74001360 | Mark Pricing Procedure as Net Procedure |
459 | ISMSD_REN_ZE_ERF | S_KK4_82000325 | Control Parameters for Incoming Payments for Renewals |
460 | ISMSD_RFCFI | S_KK4_74001558 | Maintain Parameters for FI Connection |
461 | ISMSD_SCS_BPROLESET | S_KK4_82001250 | Define Business Partner Role for Display |
462 | ISMSD_SCS_CONP_1 | S_ANI_68000199 | Fixed Quantities - Types |
463 | ISMSD_SCS_CREATEORD | S_XNI_68000215 | Technical Settings for Order Generation |
464 | ISMSD_SCS_ORDER1 | S_KK4_82000682 | Settings for Order Generation with Quantity Zero |
465 | ISMSD_SCS_ORDER2 | S_KK4_82000741 | Take Account of SD Copying Control |
466 | ISMSD_SCS_POS_SUS1 | S_ANI_68000197 | POS Planning Calendar Suspension Reasons |
467 | ISMSD_SCS_POS_SUS2 | S_ANI_68000198 | POS Planning Calendar Suspension Reasons - Affected Contract Types |
468 | ISMSD_SCS_QUANTFIELD | S_KK4_82000755 | Maintain Attributes of Quantity Fields |
469 | ISMSD_SCS_QUANTFUBA | S_KK4_82000756 | Maintain Function Modules for General Quantity Change |
470 | ISMSD_SCS_QUANTPLAN | S_KK4_82000370 | Maintain Control Parameters for Quantity Plan |
471 | ISMSD_SCS_QUANTVERS | S_KK4_82000754 | Define Quantity Plan Versions |
472 | ISMSD_SCS_REASONCODE | S_KK4_82000925 | Define Reasons for Change |
473 | ISMSD_SCS_RELEASE | S_XNI_68000214 | Technical Settings for Releasing Returns |
474 | ISMSD_SCS_REMERF | S_KK4_82000771 | Maintain General Settings for Returns Processing |
475 | ISMSD_SCS_REMGROUP | S_KK4_82000368 | Maintain Operation Group |
476 | ISMSD_SCS_REMQUAN | S_KK4_82000466 | Define Order Type for Determining Return Quantity (Exclusion) |
477 | ISMSD_SCS_REMTYPE | S_KK4_82000369 | Define Service Operations |
478 | ISMSD_SCS_REMUSER | S_KK4_82000794 | Define Initial Settings for Service Cockpit |
479 | ISMSD_SCS_REM_ADMIN | S_KK4_82000795 | Edit Service Profiles |
480 | ISMSD_SCS_REM_GROUP | S_KK4_82001034 | Define Operation Groups for Service Cockpit |
481 | ISMSD_SCS_REM_INTNET | S_KK4_82000366 | Maintain Settings for Recording Returns via Internet |
482 | ISMSD_SCS_SET_ROLE | S_KK4_82001261 | Define Business Partner Role for Display in Transaction JKSD03 |
483 | ISMSD_SCS_SQP_AREA | S_PNI_68000209 | Maintain Planning Area |
484 | ISMSD_SCS_TRANSFER | S_KK4_82000367 | Maintain Transfer Type for Goods Transfer |
485 | ISMSD_SCS_WARENERF | S_KK4_82000775 | Maintain General Settings for Goods Transfer |
486 | ISMSD_SGP_DCM_PROT | S_KK4_82001421 | Display Conversion Log |
487 | ISMSD_SGP_DCM_TOOL | S_KK4_82001374 | Convert Customers and Vendors to SAP Business Partner |
488 | ISMSD_SGP_MIG_ALG_BE | S_KK4_82000378 | Assign Occupations |
489 | ISMSD_SGP_MIG_ALG_BR | S_KK4_82000377 | Assign Industries |
490 | ISMSD_SGP_MIG_ALG_HE | S_KK4_82000376 | Assign Origin |
491 | ISMSD_SGP_MIG_EXECUS | S_KK4_82000390 | Setup SAP BP Customizing |
492 | ISMSD_SGP_MIG_INITCU | S_KK4_82000389 | Initialize SAP BP Customizing |
493 | ISMSD_SGP_MIG_NP_AKA | S_KK4_82000382 | Assign Academic Titles |
494 | ISMSD_SGP_MIG_NP_ANR | S_KK4_82000381 | Assign Forms of Address |
495 | ISMSD_SGP_MIG_NP_FAM | S_KK4_82000380 | Assign Marital Statuses |
496 | ISMSD_SGP_MIG_NP_NZU | S_KK4_82000384 | Assign Name Affixes |
497 | ISMSD_SGP_MIG_NP_VOR | S_KK4_82000383 | Assign Prefixes |
498 | ISMSD_SGP_MIG_ORG_RT | S_KK4_82000379 | Assign Legal Forms |
499 | ISMSD_SGP_MIG_OVERV | S_SK4_83000012 | Display Migration Overview |
500 | ISMSD_SGP_MIG_PARTAB | S_KK4_82000386 | Migrate Business Partners |