SAP ABAP IMG Activity - Index _, page 2
IMG Activity - _
# IMG Activity Transaction Code Short Description
1 _CACS_RET_CONV_CURR S_PRN_53000011 BAdI: Currency Conversion 
2 _CACS_RET_ENRICH_DOC S_PRN_53000012 BAdI: Enrich Retention Document (Only Header Fields) 
3 _CACS_RET_REDUCE_OFF S_PRN_53000013 BAdI: Retention: Reduce Offset 
4 _CACS_RET_REDUCE_REM S_PRN_53000014 BAdI: Reduce Retained Remuneration 
5 _CACS_SE75 S_KK4_74001093 Edit Text Objects 
6 _CACS_SEGAG S_KK4_08000453 Define Number Range for Segment Assignment 
7 _CACS_SEL_CRITERIA S_EE5_50000167 Set Context for Business Rule Editor 
8 _CACS_SEL_CRITERIA_1 S_EE5_50000168 Set Context for Business Rule Editor 
9 _CACS_SE_CD_DET_REM S_PRN_53000296 BAdI: Transfer to CD - Determination of Remuneration Type 
10 _CACS_SE_CD_DET_STL S_PRN_53000297 BAdI: Transfer to CD - Determination for Settlement Type 
11 _CACS_SE_CD_DOC S_PRN_53000298 BAdI: Transfer to CD - Enrich Line Item 
12 _CACS_SE_CD_SORT S_PRN_53000299 BAdI: Transfer to CD - Sorting for Compression 
13 _CACS_SE_CD_XFER_HDR S_PRN_53000300 BAdI: Transfer to CD - Header Structure 
14 _CACS_SE_CD_XFER_PAY S_PRN_53000301 BAdI: Transfer to CD - Payment Structure 
15 _CACS_SE_CD_XFER_PTX S_PRN_53000523 BAdI: Transfer to CD - Payment Structure of Tax Results 
16 _CACS_SE_CD_XFER_TAX S_PRN_53000516 BAdI: Transfer to FA - Tax Structure 
17 _CACS_SE_COMPRESSION S_PRN_53000274 BAdI: Transfer Publish and Subscribe 
18 _CACS_SE_ENR_DOC S_PRN_53000222 BAdI: Enrich Settlement Document 
19 _CACS_SE_EXC_REM S_PRN_53000223 BAdI: Exclude Remuneration Types 
20 _CACS_SE_EXC_REM_IND S_PRN_53000224 BAdI: Exclude Remuneration Indicator 
21 _CACS_SE_EXC_STMTYPE S_PRN_53000225 BAdI: Exclude Settlement Types 
22 _CACS_SE_FA_DET_REM S_E4E_66000173 BAdI: Transfer to FI-CA - Determination for Remuneration Type 
23 _CACS_SE_FA_DET_STL S_E4E_66000174 BAdI: Transfer to FI-CA - Determination for Settlement Type 
24 _CACS_SE_FA_DOC S_E4E_66000177 BAdI: Transfer to FI-CA - Enrich Line Item 
25 _CACS_SE_FA_XFER_HDR S_E4E_66000175 BAdI: Transfer to FI-CA - Header Structure 
26 _CACS_SE_FA_XFER_PAY S_E4E_66000176 BAdI: Transfer to FA - Payment Structure 
27 _CACS_SE_FI_AP_COSTS S_PRN_53000284 BAdI: Transfer to FI-AP: Enrich Cost Line 
28 _CACS_SE_FI_AP_CPD S_PRN_53000287 BAdI: Transfer to FI-AP: Enrich One-Time Customer 
29 _CACS_SE_FI_AP_GL S_PRN_53000285 BAdI: Transfer to FI-AP: Enrich G/L Account Line 
30 _CACS_SE_FI_AP_TAX S_PRN_53000288 BAdI: Transfer to FI-AP: Enrich Tax Line 
31 _CACS_SE_FI_AP_VENDR S_PRN_53000289 BAdI: Transfer to FI-AP: Enrich Vendor Line 
32 _CACS_SE_FI_AR_COSTS S_PRN_53000290 BAdI: Transfer to FI-AR: Enrich Cost Line 
33 _CACS_SE_FI_AR_CPD S_PRN_53000294 BAdI: Transfer to FI-AR: Enrich One-Time Customer 
34 _CACS_SE_FI_AR_CUSTO S_PRN_53000291 BAdI: Transfer to FI-AR: Enrich Vendor Line 
35 _CACS_SE_FI_AR_GL S_PRN_53000292 BAdI: Transfer to FI-AR: Enrich G/L Account Line 
36 _CACS_SE_FI_AR_HEAD S_PRN_53000293 BAdI: Transfer to FI-AR: Enrich Header Line 
37 _CACS_SE_FI_AR_TAX S_PRN_53000295 BAdI: Transfer to FI-AR: Enrich Tax Line 
38 _CACS_SE_FI_DET_COST S_PRN_53000275 BAdI: Transfer to FI - Determination of Cost Structure 
39 _CACS_SE_FI_DET_HDR S_PRN_53000276 BAdI: Transfer to FI - Determination of Header Structure 
40 _CACS_SE_FI_DET_PAY S_PRN_53000277 BAdI: Transfer to FI - Determination of Payment Structure 
41 _CACS_SE_FI_GL_POST S_PRN_53000278 BAdI: Transfer to FI - General Ledger Transfer 
42 _CACS_SE_FI_SORT S_PRN_53000279 BAdI: Transfer to FI - Sorting for Compression 
43 _CACS_SE_FI_XFER_CST S_PRN_53000280 BAdI: Transfer to FI - Cost Structure 
44 _CACS_SE_FI_XFER_HDR S_PRN_53000281 BAdI: Transfer to FI - Header Structure 
45 _CACS_SE_FI_XFER_PAY S_PRN_53000282 BAdI: Transfer to FI - Payment Structure 
46 _CACS_SE_FI_XFER_PTX S_PRN_53000522 BAdI: Transfer to FI - Payment Structure of Tax Results 
47 _CACS_SE_FI_XFER_TAX S_PRN_53000283 BAdI: Transfer to FI - Tax Structure 
48 _CACS_SE_HR_DET_REM S_PRN_53000302 BAdI: Transfer to PY - Determination of Remuneration Type 
49 _CACS_SE_HR_DET_STL S_PRN_53000303 BAdI: Transfer to PY - Determination for Settlement Type 
50 _CACS_SE_HR_DOC S_PRN_53000304 BAdI: Transfer to PY - Enrich Line Item 
51 _CACS_SE_HR_SORT S_PRN_53000305 BAdI: Transfer to PY - Sorting for Compression 
52 _CACS_SE_HR_XFER_HDR S_PRN_53000306 BAdI: Transfer to PY - Header Structure 
53 _CACS_SE_HR_XFER_PAY S_PRN_53000307 BAdI: Transfer to PY - Payment Structure 
54 _CACS_SE_META_ENRICH S_PRN_53000241 BAdI: Enrich and Sort Due Settlement Items 
55 _CACS_SE_THR S_PRN_53000226 BAdI: Settle Minimum Amounts 
56 _CACS_SE_TRANSMISSN S_PRN_53000242 BAdI: Transfer Settlement 
57 _CACS_SE__FI_AP_HDR S_PRN_53000286 BAdI: Transfer to FI-AP: Enrich Header Line 
58 _CACS_STD_03 S_KK4_08000050 Edit Standard Liability Agreement 
59 _CACS_TA_CACSPACK S_KK4_08000400 Select Packages for Application 
60 _CACS_TCACS_CASE_BUF S_E4E_66000227 Activate Commission Case Buffer 
61 _CACS_TCACS_GLOB S_KK4_08000196 Maintain Global Settings in Application for Each Client 
62 _CACS_TCACS_SENDTYPE S_KK4_08000169 Define Send Types 
63 _CACS_TCACS_SES_COMP S_E36_82000237 Define Summarization Criterion 
64 _CACS_TCACS_STCCLASS S_AER_95000366 Maintain Implementation Classes for Each Context 
65 _CACS_TCACS_TROBJTAB S_AER_95000363 Maintain Table List for Transportable Object 
66 _CACS_TESTDATEN_LOSC S_KK4_74001129 Delete Test Data 
67 _CACS_TGT_CALC_RULE S_AEN_10000373 BAdI: Rules for Calculating Target Achievement Levels 
68 _CACS_TGT_EVALUATION S_AEN_10000787 BAdI: Evaluate Target Agreements 
69 _CACS_TGT_NAV_CSC_DD S_AEN_10000814 BAdI: Default Date Range for Navigation From Commission Contract 
70 _CACS_TGT_TEMS_FILL S_AEN_10000372 BAdI: Fill Target Evaluation Metastructure - Non-Classifying Fields 
71 _CACS_TO_TRAPPL S_KK4_08000427 Copy Versioned Data to Transport Application 
72 _CACS_TO_TRAPPL_C S_KK4_08000429 Export Versioned Data 
73 _CACS_TRANSFER_HRLOG S_KK4_08000361 Schedule Job for Transferring Change Information to Target System 
74 _CACS_TRANSLATE S_KK4_08000413 Translation for Multilingual Use 
75 _CACS_TRANSP_KOND S_KK4_08000266 Conditions: Create Sequential File 
76 _CACS_TRANSP_KOND01 S_KK4_08000267 Conditions: Create Batch Input Session 
77 _CACS_TRG1EXEC S_AEN_10000515 Schedule Process Start for Effective Termination of Commission Contracts 
78 _CACS_VCACS_APPLPACK S_KK4_08000313 Select Enhancement Packages (x) 
79 _CACS_VC_BLKCONFCNCC S_E4E_66000119 SAP Standard Mapping (Confirmation: Commission Documents Deleted) 
80 _CACS_VC_BLKINFMNTIN S_E4E_66000118 SAP Standard Mapping (Read Commission Documents) 
81 _CACS_VC_BLKRQSCRTRQ S_E4E_66000109 SAP Standard Mapping (Create Commission Cases) 
82 _CACS_VC_CACS_MAP0 S_KK4_08000200 Define Assignment Events 
83 _CACS_VC_CACS_MAP1 S_KK4_08000201 Define Assignment Event Management Data 
84 _CACS_VC_CACS_STCAGR S_KK4_08000216 Edit Standard Agreement for Additional Commission Cases 
85 _CACS_VC_CACS_STSESR S_ALN_01002562 Process Standard Agreement for Settlement Scheduling 
86 _CACS_VC_CCBLKCOFCRE S_E4E_66000213 SAP Standard Mapping (Confirmation: Commission Cases Created) 
87 _CACS_VC_CCBLKCONFCH S_E4E_66000214 SAP Standard Mapping (Confirmation: Commission Cases Changed) 
88 _CACS_VC_CCBLKCONFCR S_E4E_66000212 SAP Standard Mapping (Confirm Commission Case Creation - Mass Processing) 
89 _CACS_VC_CCBLKRQCNCO S_E4E_66000215 SAP Standard Mapping (Confirmation: Commission Case Deleted) 
90 _CACS_VC_CCBLKRQCNCR S_E4E_66000122 SAP Standard Mapping (Delete Commission Case) 
91 _CACS_VC_CDBLKCONCRT S_E4E_66000216 SAP Standard Mapping (Confirmation: Commission Documents Created) 
92 _CACS_VC_CDBLKRQSCRT S_E4E_66000115 SAP Standard Mapping (Create Commission Document - Mass Processing) 
93 _CACS_VC_CD_BLKRQSCH S_E4E_66000121 SAP Standard Mapping (Change Commission Case) 
94 _CACS_VC_CD_BLKRQSCN S_E4E_66000120 SAP Standard Mapping (Delete Commission Documents) 
95 _CACS_VC_CLC_METH S_KK4_08000145 Maintain Calculation Rules 
96 _CACS_VC_DOCPOST S_KK4_08000397 Settings for Document Posting 
97 _CACS_VC_FPP_XCUST S_AER_95000335 Processes 
98 _CACS_VC_LOGSERV S_SK4_11000035 Define Logical Services for Data Collection of Object Types 
99 _CACS_VC_OFFGRPRULE S_KK4_08000142 Edit Grouping Rules 
100 _CACS_VC_OFFSELRULE S_KK4_08000141 Maintain Selection Rules 
101 _CACS_VC_SERVICE S_KK4_08000158 Assign Tools to Logical Services 
102 _CACS_VC_STCAGR_25 S_ALN_01002573 Process Standard Scheduling Agreement 
103 _CACS_VC_TCACSREMNAL S_KK4_08000277 Exclude Remuneration Indicator 
104 _CACS_VC_TCACS_ACTFI S_KK4_08000441 Edit Activity Filter 
105 _CACS_VC_TCACS_ARCHC S_KK4_08000328 Define Minimum Retention Periods for Commission Cases 
106 _CACS_VC_TCACS_ARCHD S_KK4_08000329 Define Minimum Retention Periods for Commission Documents 
107 _CACS_VC_TCACS_ASSG2 S_KK4_08000443 Assign Commission Contract Type to Activity Filters 
108 _CACS_VC_TCACS_CLC_L S_KK4_08000380 Edit Calculation Rules 
109 _CACS_VC_TCACS_CONV S_KK4_08000325 Maintain Interface Layout for Bus. Object IDs, Using Group Conversion Exits 
110 _CACS_VC_TCACS_ELTRM S_AEN_10000199 Set Remuneration Types 
111 _CACS_VC_TCACS_ELTRU S_AEN_10000198 Define ELT Rule 
112 _CACS_VC_TCACS_FILTY S_KK4_08000442 Edit Exception Handling 
113 _CACS_VC_TCACS_GLOB S_KK4_08000202 Define Commission Model Currency 
114 _CACS_VC_TCACS_INP_L S_KK4_08000374 Edit Rules on Legal Right to Future Commission 
115 _CACS_VC_TCACS_LOS_T S_KK4_08000372 Logical Service: Edit Tools 
116 _CACS_VC_TCACS_LSSEG S_KK4_08000474 Define Data Collection of Object Types for Segment Assignment 
117 _CACS_VC_TCACS_MAP03 S_E36_82000234 Maintain Field Transports for Condition Technique (New) 
118 _CACS_VC_TCACS_MAP32 S_AEN_10000103 Configure Copy Services 
119 _CACS_VC_TCACS_MAP_L S_KK4_08000438 Edit Field Transports for Condition Technique 
120 _CACS_VC_TCACS_MAP_R S_KK4_08000439 Edit Field Transports for Condition Technique 
121 _CACS_VC_TCACS_MAP_V S_KK4_08000437 Edit Field Transports for Condition Technique 
122 _CACS_VC_TCACS_NOTAS S_PRN_53000259 Notification Rule Assignment 
123 _CACS_VC_TCACS_NOTRU S_PRN_53000247 Define and Assign Notification Rules 
124 _CACS_VC_TCACS_OAPD S_AEN_10000129 Create Definition for Assignment Process 
125 _CACS_VC_TCACS_OARUA S_AEN_10000197 Edit Attributes of Assignment Rule 
126 _CACS_VC_TCACS_OASPU S_AEN_10000125 Interface Definition 
127 _CACS_VC_TCACS_OATY S_AEN_10000123 Define Assignment Type 
128 _CACS_VC_TCACS_OAWLD S_AEN_10000128 Create Definition for Worklist 
129 _CACS_VC_TCACS_OBJME S_KK4_08000356 Edit Triggering Object Methods and Characteristics 
130 _CACS_VC_TCACS_OBJ_L S_KK4_08000381 Define Logical Services for Data Collection of Object Types 
131 _CACS_VC_TCACS_OBT_L S_KK4_08000382 Define Data Collection of Object Types 
132 _CACS_VC_TCACS_OUIP S_AEN_10000136 Define Interface for Context Information 
133 _CACS_VC_TCACS_PARCO S_AEN_10000101 Global Settings 
134 _CACS_VC_TCACS_PCMET S_AEN_10000102 Define Construction Method 
135 _CACS_VC_TCACS_PROA S_AEN_10000257 Define Process Rule for Object Assignment 
136 _CACS_VC_TCACS_PS_CU S_AEN_10000192 Configure Partnership Types 
137 _CACS_VC_TCACS_PS_SP S_AEN_10000206 Define Characteristics Combinations for Distribution Ratios 
138 _CACS_VC_TCACS_RELTY S_ALN_01002500 Process Release Types 
139 _CACS_VC_TCACS_REMFI S_KK4_08000440 Edit Remuneration Filter 
140 _CACS_VC_TCACS_REM_L S_KK4_08000373 Edit Remuneration Type Activity 
141 _CACS_VC_TCACS_RES_L S_KK4_08000375 Define Liability Types 
142 _CACS_VC_TCACS_RETR2 S_E36_82000238 Define Retention Rules 
143 _CACS_VC_TCACS_RETRU S_AER_95000439 Define Retention Rules 
144 _CACS_VC_TCACS_RGOA S_AEN_10000256 Define Rule Group for Object Assignment 
145 _CACS_VC_TCACS_SEL_L S_KK4_08000378 Edit Selection Rules 
146 _CACS_VC_TCACS_SESRU S_ALN_01002564 Create Scheduling Rule 
147 _CACS_VC_TCACS_SES_L S_ALN_01002563 Define Scheduling Rules 
148 _CACS_VC_TCACS_STM_L S_KK4_08000393 Define Settings for Target Settlement System 
149 _CACS_VC_TCACS_STRET S_AER_95000438 Edit Standard Agreement for Retention 
150 _CACS_VC_TCACS_TRCAS S_KK4_08000215 Define Trigger Types for Additional Commission Cases 
151 _CACS_VC_TCACS_TRIGI S_AER_95000493 Define Target Systems 
152 _CACS_VC_TCACS_UPD S_KK4_08000132 Define Update Categories 
153 _CACS_VC_TCACS_VAL S_KK4_08000333 Edit Valuation Types 
154 _CACS_VC_TOOLS S_KK4_08000159 Create or Change Tools for Logical Services 
155 _CACS_VC_TVSC_PP_CS S_KK4_74001205 Maintain Plan for Future Commission 
156 _CACS_VOFM S_KK4_74001103 Edit Formulas 
157 _CACS_VOFM03 S_E36_82000232 Edit Formulas 
158 _CACS_VV_CACSM2_VAMM S_AEN_10000304 Edit Conditions 
159 _CACS_VV_TCACS_070F S_ALN_01001388 Define Form for Correspondence 
160 _CACS_VV_TCACS_VAMMA S_AEN_10000296 Configure Valuation Types 
161 _CACS_V_ACTGRP_ACT S_KK4_74001213 Define Commission Activity Groups and Types 
162 _CACS_V_APRP3_VAL S_KK4_74001200 Maintain Valuation Types 
163 _CACS_V_CACS_ARCHCT1 S_KK4_08000334 Define Minimum Retention Period for Commission Contracts 
164 _CACS_V_CACS_ARCHCT2 S_KK4_08000335 Assign Exit to Date Check 
165 _CACS_V_CACS_ARCHCT3 S_KK4_08000336 Define Parameters for Exit 
166 _CACS_V_CACS_T77MWBS S_KK4_74001167 Maintain Scenario 
167 _CACS_V_COMB_CASSCRD S_E36_82000225 Configure Determination Combinations/Combination Assignments 
168 _CACS_V_COMB_CASSGN S_KK4_74001106 Configure Determination Combinations/Combination Assignments 
169 _CACS_V_COMB_CASSGN3 S_E36_82000221 Configure Determination Combinations/Combination Assignments 
170 _CACS_V_COMB_CASSGNF S_AEN_10000259 Configure Determination Combinations/Combination Assignments 
171 _CACS_V_COMB_CASSGNG S_AEN_10000680 Configure Determination Combinations/Combination Assignments 
172 _CACS_V_COMB_CASSGSE S_E36_82000222 Configure Determination Combinations/Combination Assignments 
173 _CACS_V_COMB_CASS_A5 S_E36_82000223 Configure Determination Combinations/Combination Assignments 
174 _CACS_V_COND_PRIO S_KK4_74001094 Change Sort Order of Remuneration Criteria 
175 _CACS_V_CTRTST_STI S_KK4_74001098 Create Standard Contracts and Assign Standard Agreements 
176 _CACS_V_CTRT_PROL S_KK4_74001089 Assign Commission Contract Types to Participation Roles 
177 _CACS_V_REM_FORM3 S_KK4_08000059 Maintain Remuneration Type 
178 _CACS_V_RULEKIT_SERV S_KK4_74001199 Create/Change Logical Services Call 
179 _CACS_V_TB105 S_KK4_74001135 Maintain Activity Type Field Grouping 
180 _CACS_V_TBE37 S_KK4_74001128 Publish & Subscribe 
181 _CACS_V_TCACSF S_KK4_74001139 Edit Field Catalog 
182 _CACS_V_TCACSFA S_KK4_74001138 Manage Report Types 
183 _CACS_V_TCACSFD S_KK4_74001140 Edit Characteristic Dependencies 
184 _CACS_V_TCACS_AC S_KK4_08000156 Define Activities for Determining Correspondence Recipients 
185 _CACS_V_TCACS_ACCAS S_KK4_74001084 Define Account Assignment Types 
186 _CACS_V_TCACS_ACCASF S_E36_82000215 Define Account Assignment Types 
187 _CACS_V_TCACS_ACCASG S_E36_82000214 Define Account Assignment Types 
188 _CACS_V_TCACS_ADD S_KK4_08000157 Define Additional Customer-Specific Indicators 
189 _CACS_V_TCACS_APPL S_KK4_74001183 Name Application 
190 _CACS_V_TCACS_APPLC1 S_KK4_08000341 Release Application for Clients 
191 _CACS_V_TCACS_APRP3 S_KK4_74001181 Define Object Types 
192 _CACS_V_TCACS_ASGRL S_KK4_08000455 Edit Assignment Role For Segment Assignment 
193 _CACS_V_TCACS_ASSGN1 S_KK4_08000433 Assign Commission Application to BDT Subobjects 
194 _CACS_V_TCACS_AUT01 S_KK4_74001172 Assign Profiles to Authorization Groups 
195 _CACS_V_TCACS_AUT04 S_KK4_74001160 Create Quantifying Authorization Groups 
196 _CACS_V_TCACS_AUT05 S_KK4_74001159 Assign Employees to Authorization Groups 
197 _CACS_V_TCACS_AUT08 S_KK4_08000113 Configure Quantifying Authorizations 
198 _CACS_V_TCACS_AVAD1 S_KK4_08000112 Define Message Type (AVAD) for Commission Contract Partner 
199 _CACS_V_TCACS_BDLSET S_KK4_08000326 Edit Settings for Contract Bundle 
200 _CACS_V_TCACS_BDLTP S_KK4_08000296 Edit Contract Bundle Types 
201 _CACS_V_TCACS_BDRCH S_KK4_08000297 Edit Reason for Change to Contract Bundle 
202 _CACS_V_TCACS_BPCTRT S_KK4_08000135 Assign Commission Contract Types to Partner Types 
203 _CACS_V_TCACS_BUSCAS S_KK4_74001142 Edit Business Transaction Categories 
204 _CACS_V_TCACS_BUSIN S_KK4_74001143 Assign Business Transaction Categories to Business Object Categories 
205 _CACS_V_TCACS_BUSOBJ S_KK4_74001115 Edit Business Object Categories 
206 _CACS_V_TCACS_BUSOCA S_E36_82000218 Edit Business Object Categories 
207 _CACS_V_TCACS_CASRAN S_KK4_74001177 Commission Cases: Assign Number Ranges to Process Categories 
208 _CACS_V_TCACS_CDINTF S_KK4_74001111 Edit Field Transport of Condition Technique (Obsolete) 
209 _CACS_V_TCACS_CONVEX S_KK4_08000376 Edit Interface Display of Business Object IDs 
210 _CACS_V_TCACS_CONVG S_KK4_08000342 Edit Checked Screen Layouts (Group Conversion Exit) 
211 _CACS_V_TCACS_CSD001 S_KK4_08000435 Edit Control Table for Commission Interface Dispatcher 
212 _CACS_V_TCACS_CTRCH S_KK4_74001092 Create Reason for Contract Change 
213 _CACS_V_TCACS_CTRTP S_KK4_74001126 Maintain Contract Type Field Grouping 
214 _CACS_V_TCACS_CTRTP1 S_KK4_74001211 Define Commission Contract Types 
215 _CACS_V_TCACS_CVGRB S_KK4_08000298 Edit Definition of Groups for Version Comparison 
216 _CACS_V_TCACS_CVGRP S_KK4_08000109 Define Definition of Groups for Version Comparison 
217 _CACS_V_TCACS_CVHDB S_KK4_08000299 Edit Registration of Objects for Version Comparison 
218 _CACS_V_TCACS_CVHDL S_KK4_08000110 Register Objects for Version Comparison 
219 _CACS_V_TCACS_CVOGRB S_KK4_08000300 Edit Groupings for Version Comparison 
220 _CACS_V_TCACS_CVOGRP S_KK4_08000111 Maintain Groupings for Version Comparison 
221 _CACS_V_TCACS_DELPB S_KK4_08000358 Define Function Modules for Deleting Parked Versions 
222 _CACS_V_TCACS_DELPV S_KK4_08000357 Define Function Modules for Deleting Parked Versions 
223 _CACS_V_TCACS_DISWAY S_KK4_08000170 Define Dispatch Channels 
224 _CACS_V_TCACS_DOCRAN S_KK4_74001175 Commission Documents: Assign Number Ranges to Process Categories 
225 _CACS_V_TCACS_EDT S_KK4_74001145 Set Up Options for External Data Transfer 
226 _CACS_V_TCACS_EXITFM S_SK4_11000039 Configure Events for Determining Organizational Structure 
227 _CACS_V_TCACS_FITYP S_KK4_08000434 Define Filter Information Categories 
228 _CACS_V_TCACS_FLDCHB S_KK4_08000331 Edit Fields with Special Processing for "Field Changes" 
229 _CACS_V_TCACS_FLDCHG S_KK4_08000301 Define Fields with Special Processing for "Field Changes" 
230 _CACS_V_TCACS_GLOB S_KK4_08000198 Maintain Global Settings in Application for Each Client 
231 _CACS_V_TCACS_ICMCRD S_PRN_53000494 Assign Credentialing Applications to Commission Applications 
232 _CACS_V_TCACS_INDDIC S_KK4_08000371 Determine File Names of Dictionary Info Files for EDT 
233 _CACS_V_TCACS_INDUST S_E36_82000037 Definition of Industry Sectors 
234 _CACS_V_TCACS_INPACK S_E36_82000039 Assignment of Packages to Industry Sectors 
235 _CACS_V_TCACS_INPLAN S_KK4_74001206 Maintain Rules on Legal Right to Future Commission 
236 _CACS_V_TCACS_ITITLE S_KK4_74001099 Create Internal Titles 
237 _CACS_V_TCACS_KOART S_KK4_08000155 Define Correspondence Types (Independent of Correspondence Variants) 
238 _CACS_V_TCACS_LVRS S_AEN_10000235 Define Reasons for Termination 
239 _CACS_V_TCACS_MSG S_KK4_08000414 Edit Message Control 
240 _CACS_V_TCACS_NRRBD S_KK4_08000377 Contract Bundle: Control Number Assignment Category 
241 _CACS_V_TCACS_NRRCT S_KK4_08000108 Commission Contract: Control Number Assignment Category 
242 _CACS_V_TCACS_OAPL S_AEN_10000122 Define Application Plug 
243 _CACS_V_TCACS_OASC S_AEN_10000124 Design Assignment Scenario 
244 _CACS_V_TCACS_OBJMET S_KK4_08000346 Edit Methods for Subobject Types of a Commissions Application 
245 _CACS_V_TCACS_OBJRAN S_KK4_08000027 Triggering Objects: Assign Number Ranges to Process Categories 
246 _CACS_V_TCACS_OCCAGR S_KK4_08000383 Make Settings for Staff Assignment Agreement in Commission Contract 
247 _CACS_V_TCACS_OFFS S_KK4_74001212 Define Offsetting Types 
248 _CACS_V_TCACS_ORG S_KK4_74001194 Edit Other Evaluation Paths and Function Modules 
249 _CACS_V_TCACS_OTHPOB S_KK4_08000330 Edit Function Modules for Importing External Items 
250 _CACS_V_TCACS_OTHPOS S_KK4_08000302 Define Function Modules to Determine External Items 
251 _CACS_V_TCACS_PACKDE S_E36_82000201 Package Definition 
252 _CACS_V_TCACS_PADEP S_E36_82000202 Package Dependencies 
253 _CACS_V_TCACS_PAYSER S_KK4_74001082 Define Settings for Payment System Service Module 
254 _CACS_V_TCACS_PREM S_AER_95000267 Hide Remuneration Types 
255 _CACS_V_TCACS_PREMF S_AER_95000268 Hide Remuneration Forms 
256 _CACS_V_TCACS_PROCCO S_ALN_01002568 Define Commit Counter for Processes 
257 _CACS_V_TCACS_PROCES S_E36_82000038 Definition of Processes and Scenarios 
258 _CACS_V_TCACS_PROCSU S_KK4_08000134 Determine Update Categories for Each Results Type and Offsetting Type 
259 _CACS_V_TCACS_PRPACK S_E36_82000040 Assignment of Packages to Processes and Scenarios 
260 _CACS_V_TCACS_PSSPLM S_AEN_10000286 Define Methods for Determining Distribution Ratios 
261 _CACS_V_TCACS_PS_DED S_AEN_10000179 Set Switch for 'Dedicated Commission Contracts' 
262 _CACS_V_TCACS_PS_DS S_AEN_10000177 Define Separation Rules for Partnerships 
263 _CACS_V_TCACS_PTYP S_PRN_53000768 Select Process Type 
264 _CACS_V_TCACS_RCPRAN S_AEN_10000626 Assign Number Ranges to Process Categories 
265 _CACS_V_TCACS_RCP_ST S_AEN_10000614 Status of Commission Case at Worklist Creation 
266 _CACS_V_TCACS_REG1 S_E36_82000207 Template Tables and Structures 
267 _CACS_V_TCACS_REG2 S_E36_82000210 Programs and Function Groups 
268 _CACS_V_TCACS_REG3 S_E36_82000211 Template Views 
269 _CACS_V_TCACS_REG4 S_E36_82000212 DataSources 
270 _CACS_V_TCACS_REM S_KK4_74001086 Maintain Remuneration Types (Activity) 
271 _CACS_V_TCACS_REMCLA S_KK4_74001085 Define Remuneration Groups 
272 _CACS_V_TCACS_REMCLF S_E36_82000217 Define Remuneration Groups 
273 _CACS_V_TCACS_REMCLG S_E36_82000216 Define Remuneration Groups 
274 _CACS_V_TCACS_REM_1 S_KK4_08000099 Configure Remuneration Types (Guarantee) 
275 _CACS_V_TCACS_REM_2 S_KK4_08000098 Edit Flat-Rate Remuneration Types 
276 _CACS_V_TCACS_REPACK S_E36_82000041 Assignment of Packages to Industry Sectors 
277 _CACS_V_TCACS_RESP S_KK4_74001204 Maintain Liability Types 
278 _CACS_V_TCACS_RIQ_ST S_AEN_10000180 Define Structures for Remuneration Inquiry 
279 _CACS_V_TCACS_ROLCON S_KK4_74001080 Edit Participant Constellations 
280 _CACS_V_TCACS_ROLE S_KK4_74001088 Edit Participant Roles 
281 _CACS_V_TCACS_SEGTYP S_KK4_08000454 Define Segment Types 
282 _CACS_V_TCACS_SESRAN S_ALN_01002493 Assign Number Ranges to Process Categories 
283 _CACS_V_TCACS_SE_TYP S_PRN_53000325 Define Settlement Type 
284 _CACS_V_TCACS_STDREP S_KK4_74001149 Assign Reports to Menu Item 
285 _CACS_V_TCACS_STMCOM S_KK4_08000107 Define Settlement and Closing Parameters 
286 _CACS_V_TCACS_STMTY S_KK4_74001096 Edit Settlement Types 
287 _CACS_V_TCACS_STMTYN S_PRN_53000308 Edit Settlement Type (New) 
288 _CACS_V_TCACS_TERMD S_KK4_74001090 Create Cancellation Rules 
289 _CACS_V_TCACS_TGTPOR S_AER_95000345 Hide Complex Target Types 
290 _CACS_V_TCACS_TMPLEB S_KK4_08000457 Edit Exclusion of Field Groups for Contract Bundle Template 
291 _CACS_V_TCACS_TMPLEX S_KK4_08000456 Exclude Field Groups for Contract Template 
292 _CACS_V_TCACS_TOFN S_KK4_74001091 Create Notice Period Types 
293 _CACS_V_TCACS_TRIGID S_AER_95000492 Target of Settlement 
294 _CACS_V_TCACS_TRISYS S_KK4_74001083 Define Settings for Target Settlement System 
295 _CACS_V_TCACS_UPD_MO S_KK4_08000452 Edit Update Mode For Totals Tables 
296 _CACS_V_TISIS_APPL S_KK4_74001170 Maintain Application for Contract 
297 _CACS_V_TISIS_CNTTYP S_KK4_74001169 Define Contract Types 
298 _CA_FS_ECH_HDS S_ABA_72000311 Define Resolution Strategy 
299 _CA_FS_ECH_PP_PROC S_ABA_72000310 Define Postprocessing 
300 _CA_FS_ECH_PROCESS S_ABA_72000309 Define Process Data 
301 _CFMENUOFTC_OFDM1 S_ALN_01000858 sdfg 
302 _CFMENUOFTC_OFDM2 S_ALR_87008683 Delete some earmarked funds and funds transfers 
303 _CML_PPO_DEF_CRIT S_PEN_05000031 Define Selection Criteria for Postprocessing Orders 
304 _CML_PPO_SYS_VALUES S_PEN_05000070 Display System Settings for Postprocessing Office 
305 _CML_PPO_VA_BPROC S_PEN_05000034 Activate Creation of Postprocessing Orders 
306 _CML_PPO_VCMP_ASG S_PEN_05000071 Define Selection Criteria for Postprocessing Orders 
307 _CML_PPO_VC_BPROC S_PEN_05000033 Define Business Processes 
308 _CML_PPO_VC_OBJ S_PEN_05000042 Define Object Types 
309 _CML_PPO_VFA_FLDS S_PEN_05000067 Define Own Filter Attributes 
310 _CML_PPO_VF_ASG S_PEN_05000065 Assign Functions to Processing Methods 
311 _CML_PPO_VOBJ_ASG S_PEN_05000062 Assign Properties to Object Types 
312 _CML_PPO_VOBJ_BOR S_PEN_05000064 Define Processing Methods and Assign Object Types 
313 _CML_PPO_VP_BPROC S_PEN_05000038 Assign Priority to Business Processes 
314 _CML_PPO_VREACT_DL S_PEN_05000039 Define System Response for Missing Authorization 
315 _CML_PPO_VSCRN_ASG S_PEN_05000066 Define Tab Page Display in Object Area 
316 _CML_PPO_VSCRN_HDR S_PEN_05000032 Define Tab Page Display in Order Area 
317 _CML_PPO_VSRV_GRP S_PEN_05000069 Define Server Groups 
318 _CML_PPO_VVALID_OT S_PEN_05000068 Define Allowed Object Types 
319 _CML_PPO_VWL S_PEN_05000035 Define Worklists 
320 _CML_PPO_VWLRANGE S_PEN_05000040 Assign Worklists to Business Processes 
321 _CML_PPO_VWLUNIT S_PEN_05000041 Define Root Organizational Unit 
322 _CNS_BASIC_CUS S_ABA_72000304 Make Export Object Type Settings 
323 _CNS_CHECK_CUST S_ABA_72000363 Check Customizing for Change Notification Service 
324 _CNS_RECV_CUS S_ABA_72000305 Activate Receiver(s) for Change Notification Service 
325 _CNS_SET_EXPOBJ S_PBK_26000101 Define Participants in Change Notification Service 
326 _CORR_AR_INFSYS S_S7B_68000018 Activate Archive Info Structure for Correspondence Archive 
327 _CORR_CHDOC_PRO_SEL S_S7B_68000004 Process Change Document Display 
328 _CORR_VC_TIFP_ADFORM S_SI3_21000048 Make Specifications for Processing of Interactive Forms 
329 _CORR_V_TFK070_ARCHI S_ABA_72000146 Define Residence Time for Correspondence Types (CORRSPND Object) 
330 _CPT1 S_KK4_13000029 Maintain Templates 
331 _CRD_APPL_05 S_PRN_53000153 Define Search Fields for UI 
332 _CRD_APPL_06 S_PRN_53000151 Assign Number Ranges for Credential Types 
333 _CRD_APPL_07 S_PRN_53000160 Assign Correspondence Variants for Credential Types 
334 _CRD_COMBALG_CMBREQ S_PRN_53000414 BAdI: Factory for Combination Algorithms for General Combinations 
335 _CRD_COMBALG_PLIST S_PRN_53000413 BAdI: Factory for Combination Algorithms for Partner Lists 
336 _CRD_CRD_CHANGE_NOTI S_PRN_53000687 BAdI: Settings for Notifications of Credential Changes 
337 _CRD_CRD_CHECK_MDA S_PRN_53000455 BAdI: Implement Checks in Creation/Change Process 
338 _CRD_CRD_CRDAPMNTNO S_E36_82000192 BAdI: Appointment 
339 _CRD_CRD_CRDAPPMNTIN S_E36_82000188 BAdI: Distribute Appointment 
340 _CRD_CRD_CRDCHKQR_PR S_E36_82000186 BAdI: Credentials Check 
341 _CRD_CRD_CRDGETAPPL S_E36_82000248 BAdI: Determine Credentialing Application in Inbound Interfaces 
342 _CRD_CRD_CRDMNTCO S_E36_82000198 BAdI: Confirm Notification of Credential 
343 _CRD_CRD_CRDMNTIN S_E36_82000190 BAdI: Distribute Credentials 
344 _CRD_CRD_CRDMNTNO S_E36_82000194 BAdI: Forward Notification of Credential 
345 _CRD_CRD_CRDMNTRQ S_E36_82000197 BAdI: Notification of Credential 
346 _CRD_CRD_DET_AF S_PRN_53000352 Define Referencing Credential Descriptions 
347 _CRD_CRD_DET_CRD S_PRN_53000351 Define Credential Descriptions 
348 _CRD_CRD_EXIST_CHECK S_PRN_53000688 BAdI: Settings for Credentials Check (Message-Based) 
349 _CRD_CRD_GET_APPL S_PRN_53000689 BAdI: Determine Credentialing Application (Message-Based) 
350 _CRD_CRD_REQFINDER_F S_PRN_53000411 BAdI: Generate Class for Requirements Determination 
351 _CRD_CRD_REQ_FACTORY S_PRN_53000412 BAdI: Factory Method for Requirements 
352 _CRD_CRD_SECRDAMNTNO S_E36_82000193 BAdI: Enhancements 
353 _CRD_CRD_SE_CRAMNTIN S_E36_82000189 BAdI: Enhancements 
354 _CRD_CRD_SE_CRDCHKQR S_E36_82000187 BAdI: Enhancements 
355 _CRD_CRD_SE_CRDMNTCO S_E36_82000199 BAdI: Enhancements 
356 _CRD_CRD_SE_CRDMNTIN S_E36_82000191 BAdI: Enhancements 
357 _CRD_CRD_SE_CRDMNTRQ S_E36_82000196 BAdI: Enhancements 
358 _CRD_CRD_SE_CRDMTNNO S_E36_82000195 BAdI: Enhancements 
359 _CRD_CRD_SIMPLERQMNT S_PRN_53000399 BAdI: Enhance Simple Requirements 
360 _CRD_NRIV S_PRN_53000152 Define Number Ranges 
361 _CRD_VCRD_CASSGT S_PRN_53000039 Determine How Credential Assignments Are Defined 
362 _CRD_VCRD_CDEFT S_PRN_53000038 Determine How Credential Descriptions Are Defined 
363 _CRD_VCRD_CMBTYP S_PRN_53000406 Define Combination Types 
364 _CRD_VCRD_CONTEXT S_PRN_53000409 Manage Context 
365 _CRD_VCRD_CREP_ID S_PRN_53000569 Define Content Repository 
366 _CRD_VCRD_PARTYPE S_E36_82000113 Assign Partner Type to Application 
367 _CRD_VCRD_REQATT S_PRN_53000405 Configure Requirement Assignment Types 
368 _CRD_VCRD_SDEF S_PRN_53000040 Determine Structures for Definition of Credentials 
369 _CRD_VCRD_TYPE S_PRN_53000037 Define Credential Types 
370 _CRD_VC_CRD_CMBREQ S_PRN_53000404 Configure Combined Requirements 
371 _CRD_VC_CRD_P2D S_PRN_53000410 Define Criteria for Requirements Determination 
372 _CRD_VC_CRD_RQMNT S_PRN_53000398 Define Requirements 
373 _CRD_VC_CRD_RQTYP S_PRN_53000395 Configure Requirement Types 
374 _CRD_VC_CRD_SRD S_PRN_53000397 Edit Simple Requirements 
375 _CRD_V_TCRD_UIADM_WD S_E4E_66000137 Assign Credential Types to Subroadmaps (WD ABAP) 
376 _CRD_V_TCRD_UI_ADMIN S_PRN_53000428 Assign Credential Types to Subroadmaps 
377 _CRTL_BADI_BP_ISOLAT S_S7B_68000005 Customer Enhancement for Decoupling of Business Partner 
378 _CRTL_EVENTS_CREATE S_ABA_72000421 Events of Generating Correspondence 
379 _CRTL_EVENTS_OUTPUT S_ABA_72000422 Events for Output of Correspondence 
380 _CRTL_EVENTS_SERVICE S_ABA_72000428 Events of Services 
381 _CRTL_EVENTS_SH_APPL S_ABA_72000424 Search Help for Allowed Application Areas 
382 _CRTL_EVENTS_SH_CHSD S_ABA_72000426 Search Help for Allowed Charge Schedules of Correspondence 
383 _CRTL_EVENTS_SH_COCD S_ABA_72000425 Search Help for Allowed Company Codes of Correspondence 
384 _CRTL_EVENTS_SH_COTP S_ABA_72000423 Search Help for Allowed Correspondence Types 
385 _CRTL_FKKCORRFILLSOR S_ABA_72000325 Cust. Enhancement for Filling Sort Fields in Correspondence Header 
386 _CRTL_FKKCORRPREFOUT S_ABA_72000445 Customer Enhancement for Heuristic Loading of Memory Areas for Output 
387 _CRTL_FKKCORRSETSORO S_ABA_72000326 Cust. Enhancement of Sort Sequence for Correspondence Output 
388 _CRTL_RCV_DYNRECDETE S_ABA_72000320 Customer Enhancement for Dynamic Recipient Determination 
389 _CRTL_RCV_DYNRECDETH S_ABA_72000319 Define Derivation Rules for Dynamic Recipient Determination 
390 _CRTL_RCV_DYN_REC_DE S_ABA_72000318 Customer Enhancement for Filling Additional Source Fields 
391 _CRTL_V_TRCVFILTERID S_ABA_72000322 Assign BAdI Filter Values for Dynamic Recipient Determination 
392 _CRTL_V_TRCV_FILTERI S_ABA_72000321 Define BAdI Filter Values for Dynamic Recipient Determination 
393 _CRTL_V_TRCV_FINDING S_ABA_72000206 Define Control Parameters for Recipient Determination 
394 _CRTL_V_TRCV_RELCHIP S_ABA_72000443 Assign Relationship Categories to Relat. Types for Recipient Determation 
395 _CTU1 S_KK4_13000039 Maintain Environments and Function Trees 
396 _CUSPOR_FIS_INVDETL S_KK4_74002734 BAdI: Determination of Invoice Details 
397 _ECHVC_PP_PROCESS S_BTD_53000116 Define Business Processes for Postprocessing Office 
398 _ECHVC_PROCESSES S_BTD_53000115 Define Business Processes 
399 _EURO_ADMINREC_SHOW S_KI4_38000107 Display Control Records for Euro FM Area 
400 _EURO_AREA_DELETE S_P00_07000041 Delete management record euro FM area 
401 _EURO_BUDVERS_EXPORT S_KI4_38000118 Export from Budget Version 
402 _EURO_BUDVERS_IMPORT S_KI4_38000117 Import from Budget Version 
403 _EURO_FMAREA_ACTIVE S_KI4_38000104 Activate/Deactivate Euro FM Area 
404 _EURO_FMAREA_CREATE S_KI4_38000109 Create Euro FM Area 
405 _EURO_KO_BUDVER_EXP0 S_KI4_38000106 Export from Budget Version 
406 _EURO_KO_BUDVER_IMPO S_KI4_38000105 Import from Budget Version 
407 _EURO_KO_RECHERG_EXP S_KI4_38000166 Exporting Financial Results 
408 _EURO_KO_RECHERG_IMP S_KI4_38000167 Importing Financial Results 
409 _EURO_MASTERDAT_COPY S_KI4_38000108 Update Master Data in Euro FM Area 
410 _FICAABFAC_TFK000 S_KK4_74002391 Application Area 
411 _FICAABFDP_VC_TFKCOK S_KK4_74002459 Define CO Short Account Assignments 
412 _FICAABTPY_VC_TFK006 S_KK4_74002171 Define Interpretation Rules for Note to Payee 
413 _FICAAO_FKKORDNR S_KK4_74002659 Define Number Ranges 
414 _FICAAO_FPAR02A S_KK4_74002713 Define Runtime for Archiving Requests 
415 _FICAAO_FPAR02B S_KK4_74002714 Activate Archive Info. Structure for Request Archive 
416 _FICAAO_TFKORDER S_KK4_74002662 Define Basic Settings for Document Creation 
417 _FICAAO_V_FKKORDERRA S_KK4_74002660 Assign Request Categories to Number Ranges 
418 _FICAAO_V_FKKORDERTY S_KK4_74002793 Define Request Categories 
419 _FICAAO_V_TFKKORDERA S_KK4_74002758 Make Settings for Approval of Requests 
420 _FICABFAM_PFCG S_KK4_74002389 Generate and Assign Authorizations 
421 _FICABFCA_BU0P S_KK4_74002289 Display Logs 
422 _FICABFCA_BULJ S_KK4_74002287 Start Transfer 
423 _FICABFCA_BULK S_KK4_74002317 Define Carryforward Rules 
424 _FICABFCA_BULL S_KK4_74002315 Define Sender Structure 
425 _FICABFCA_CACH S_KK4_74002405 Configure Field Attributes per Activity 
426 _FICABFCA_CACT S_KK4_74002406 Configure Field Attributes for Contract Account Category 
427 _FICABFCA_CASN S_KK4_74002466 Define Field Groups for Authorization Check 
428 _FICABFCA_FPAC05 S_KK4_74002472 Activate Archive Information Structure for Contract Account Archive 
429 _FICABFCA_FPN2 S_KK4_74002381 Define Number Ranges 
430 _FICABFCA_SE75 S_KK4_74002320 Define Note Types 
431 _FICABFCA_TFK002A S_KK4_74002420 Configure Contract Acct Categories and Assign Number Ranges 
432 _FICABFCA_V_TFK002F S_KK4_74002305 Define Contract Account/Business Partner Relationships 
433 _FICABFCR_FPAC06 S_SK4_84000016 Activate Archive Information Structure for Correspondence Archive 
434 _FICABFCR_FPN4 S_KK4_74002386 Check Number Ranges for Payment Forms 
435 _FICABFCR_VCTFK070QF S_KK4_74002603 Define Fields for Selecting Master Data Changes 
436 _FICABFCR_VC_TFK0471 S_KK4_74001186 Configure Charge Schedules for Correspondence 
437 _FICABFCR_VC_TFK070B S_KK4_74001185 Configure Correspondence Variants 
438 _FICABFCR_VC_TFK070D S_KK4_74001188 Define Correspondence Types 
439 _FICABFCR_V_ARCHIVE S_KK4_74001161 Define Correspondence Type Runtimes 
440 _FICABFCR_V_ARC_DOC S_KK4_74001162 Define Archives for Paper Records 
441 _FICABFCR_V_FRMCLS S_KK4_74001164 Define Standard Form Classes for Correspondence 
442 _FICABFCR_V_TFK047H1 S_KK4_74001187 Define Charge Types for Correspondence 
443 _FICABFCR_V_TFK0700 S_KK4_74002555 Define Correspondence Creation Modules for Master Data Changes 
444 _FICABFCR_V_TFK070F S_KK4_74001163 Define Application Forms for Correspondence 
445 _FICABFCR_V_TFK070L S_KK4_74001165 Configure Correspondence Activities 
446 _FICABFCR_V_TFK070M S_KK4_74002541 Define Correspondence Roles 
447 _FICABFCR_V_TFK070P S_KK4_74002562 Define Status for Correspondence 
448 _FICABFCR_V_TFK070S S_ABA_72000287 Configure Local Settings 
449 _FICABFCR_V_TFK070ZD S_ABA_72000427 Maintain Application Area 
450 _FICABFCR_V_TFK070_A S_KK4_74001174 Configure Address Determination 
451 _FICABFDPSEG_FQ0300 S_KK4_74002786 Define Segments for General Ledger Items 
452 _FICABFDPSEG_FQ0301 S_KK4_74002787 Define Segments for Business Partner Items 
453 _FICABFDP_FPAC02 S_KK4_74002304 Activate Archive Info Structure for Document Archive 
454 _FICABFDP_FPARMDOC2   Activate Archive Information Structure for Sample Document Archive 
455 _FICABFDP_FPARMDOCSD   Define Runtime for Sample Documents 
456 _FICABFDP_FPB10 S_SK4_84000014 Generate Structures for Transferring Payment Lots 
457 _FICABFDP_FPB11 S_SK4_84000015 Generate Structures for Transferring Returns Lots 
458 _FICABFDP_FPB14 S_KK4_74002572 Generate Structures for Transferring Check Management 
459 _FICABFDP_FPB22 S_KK4_74002592 Generate Structures for Transferring Payment Advice Notes 
460 _FICABFDP_FPB55 S_KK4_74002590 Generate Structures for the Transfer of Manually Issued Checks 
461 _FICABFDP_FPB9 S_SK4_84000013 Generate Structures for Transferring Documents 
462 _FICABFDP_FPN1 S_KK4_74002357 Maintain Document Number Ranges 
463 _FICABFDP_FPN6 S_SK4_84000002 Define Document Number Ranges for Official Document Numbers 
464 _FICABFDP_FQ0015   Define Accounts for Other Tax Postings 
465 _FICABFDP_FQ0061 S_KK4_74002729 Define Accounts for Surcharges for Late Payment 
466 _FICABFDP_FQC1351   Specification of Document Types for Reclassifications 
467 _FICABFDP_FQC40 S_KK4_74002295 Define Accounts for Rounding Differences 
468 _FICABFDP_FQCALLID S_KK4_74002784 Maintain Caller ID for External Interfaces 
469 _FICABFDP_FQH0 S_KK4_74002294 Cash Journal: Define Accts for Exp./Rev. Diffs from Cash Payments 
470 _FICABFDP_FQK6 S_KK4_74002308 Select Fields for Search Function 
471 _FICABFDP_FQK8 S_KK4_74002307 Select Fields for Sort Function 
472 _FICABFDP_FQKPA S_KK4_74002783 Define Line Layout for Mass Change in Account Maintenance 
473 _FICABFDP_FQKPD S_KK4_74002544 Define Line Layout for Mass Change 
474 _FICABFDP_FQZ01 S_KK4_74002633 Define Alternative Accounts for Aperiodic Postings 
475 _FICABFDP_FQZ3 S_KK4_74002314 Define Line Layout Variants for Posting Totals 
476 _FICABFDP_FQZ4 S_KK4_74002319 Define Screen Variant for List Entry of Business Partner Items 
477 _FICABFDP_FQZ5 S_KK4_74002318 Define Screen Variant for List Entry of General Ledger Items 
478 _FICABFDP_FQZ8 S_KK4_74002355 Define Accounts for Sales/Purchase Tax 
479 _FICABFDP_FQZ9 S_KK4_74002354 Define Accounts for Down Payment Tax Clearing 
480 _FICABFDP_FQZA S_KK4_74002353 Define Accounts for Company Code Clearing 
481 _FICABFDP_FQZB S_KK4_74002325 Define Accounts for Charges Receivable Revenue 
482 _FICABFDP_FQZC S_KK4_74002296 Define Accounts for Cash Discounts and Payment Differences 
483 _FICABFDP_FQZD S_KK4_74002297 Define Accounts for Exchange Rate Differences 
484 _FICABFDP_FQZG S_KK4_74002348 Define Account Assignments for Down Payments and Charges 
485 _FICABFDP_FQZK S_KK4_74002276 Define Default Values for Reversal 
486 _FICABFDP_FQZM S_KK4_74002316 Define Default Values for Document Entry 
487 _FICABFDP_SE75 S_KK4_74002358 Define Note Types 
488 _FICABFDP_TE011 S_KK4_74002656 Define Sales/Purchase Tax Determination 
489 _FICABFDP_TFK000C S_KK4_74002293 Maintain Central Settings for Posting 
490 _FICABFDP_TFK000S S_KK4_74002349 Define Lock Reasons for Posting Locks 
491 _FICABFDP_TFK001P S_KK4_74002364 Define Period Keys 
492 _FICABFDP_TFK001R S_KK4_74002365 Define Rounding Rules for Currencies 
493 _FICABFDP_TFK001U S_KK4_74002323 Maintain Reconciliation Groups for Default Values 
494 _FICABFDP_TFK003 S_KK4_74002306 Define Life of Document Types 
495 _FICABFDP_TFK003A S_KK4_74002333 Maintain Document Types and Assign Number Ranges 
496 _FICABFDP_TFK021PC S_KK4_74002303 Define Selectable Fields for Screen Variants 
497 _FICABFDP_TFK022A S_KK4_74002291 Define Screen Variants for Document Posting 
498 _FICABFDP_TFK022C S_KK4_74002282 Select Fields to be Hidden (at Client Level) 
499 _FICABFDP_TFK022D S_KK4_74002290 Select Fields to be Hidden for Screen Variants 
500 _FICABFDP_TFKEXTDOC1 S_KK4_74002522 Define Official Document Classes