SAP ABAP IMG Activity - Index _, page 3
IMG Activity - _
# | IMG Activity | Transaction Code | Short Description |
1 | _FICABFDP_TFKEXTDOC2 | S_KK4_74002523 | Define Report Classification |
2 | _FICABFDP_TFKEXTDOC3 | S_KK4_74002524 | Define Classification Determination for Tax Reporting |
3 | _FICABFDP_TFKEXTDOC4 | S_KK4_74002525 | Define Issuing Branches |
4 | _FICABFDP_TFK_EXTDOC | S_KK4_74002521 | Define Document Types for Official Document Number Assignment |
5 | _FICABFDP_TG_TFK043U | S_KK4_74002321 | Assign Tolerance Groups to Users |
6 | _FICABFDP_TG_TFK043V | S_KK4_74002322 | Define Tolerance Groups |
7 | _FICABFDP_VC_TFK055G | S_SK4_84000004 | Define Authorizations for Field Changes |
8 | _FICABFDP_VC_TFKCOK | S_KK4_74002460 | Define CO Account Assignment Keys |
9 | _FICABFDP_VTFK021KC | S_KK4_74002288 | Include Own Fields in Detail Screens |
10 | _FICABFDP_V_TFK000U | S_KK4_74002356 | Maintain User-Specific Posting Settings |
11 | _FICABFDP_V_TFK001C_ | S_KK4_74002324 | Origin Keys with User-Dependent Default Values |
12 | _FICABFDP_V_TFKHVO | S_KK4_74002342 | Maintain Main Transactions |
13 | _FICABFDP_V_TFKTVO | S_KK4_74002336 | Maintain Sub-Transactions |
14 | _FICABFGFTD_VCTFKAWM | S_KK4_74002583 | Define Defaults for Foreign Trade Declarations |
15 | _FICABFOI_C_TFK113_1 | S_KK4_74002508 | Define Defaults for Incoming Payments |
16 | _FICABFOI_C_TFK113_2 | S_KK4_74002509 | Define Defaults for Account Maintenance |
17 | _FICABFOI_C_TFK113_3 | S_KK4_74002510 | Define Defaults for Collective Invoice/Installment Plan/Summarization Group |
18 | _FICABFOI_FQ0090 | S_KK4_74002629 | Define Specifications for Bundling Items |
19 | _FICABFOI_FQZ05 | S_KK4_74002309 | Define Default Values for Automatic Clearing |
20 | _FICABFOI_FQZ2 | S_KK4_74002312 | Define Line Layout Variants for Open Item Processing |
21 | _FICABFOI_FQZH | S_KK4_74002310 | Define Default Values for Account Maintenance |
22 | _FICABFOI_FQZO | S_KK4_74002417 | Define Default Values for Resetting Clearing |
23 | _FICABFOI_FQZP | S_KK4_74002401 | Define Default for Resetting Clearing |
24 | _FICABFOI_TFK001B2 | S_KK4_74002677 | Prohibit Retro-Active Clearing |
25 | _FICABFOI_TFK004A | S_KK4_74002408 | Define Modifiable Clearing Restrictions |
26 | _FICABFOI_TFK043 | S_KK4_74002409 | Maintain Tolerance Groups |
27 | _FICABFOI_TFK111 | S_KK4_74002501 | Define Clearing Categories |
28 | _FICABFOI_VC-TFK113 | S_KK4_74002503 | Define Clearing Variant Determination |
29 | _FICABFOI_VC_TFK113 | S_KK4_74002504 | Define Clearing Variant Determination |
30 | _FICABFOI_VC_TFK115 | S_KK4_74002507 | Define Clearing Variants |
31 | _FICABFOI_VC_TFK119 | S_KK4_74002506 | Define Amount Check Group |
32 | _FICABFOI_V_TFK110 | S_KK4_74002502 | Define Clearing Types |
33 | _FICABFOI_V_TFK116 | S_KK4_74002505 | Define Grouping and Sorting Features |
34 | _FICABFPW_ESENDC | S_KK4_74001189 | Define Shipping Control |
35 | _FICABFPY_FPARIP0 | Define Runtime for Payment Specifications | |
36 | _FICABFPY_FPARPNBK0 | Define Runtime for Debit Memo Notifications | |
37 | _FICABFTAXR_FPN8 | S_KK4_74002573 | Maintain Number Ranges for Tax Invoices |
38 | _FICABFTAXR_TFK009 | S_KK4_74002513 | Define Reporting Times |
39 | _FICABFTAXR_TFK020R1 | S_KK4_74002625 | Define Programs for Creating Tax on Sales and Purchases Returns |
40 | _FICABFTAXR_TFK020R2 | S_P7I_14000005 | Define Programs for Other Country-Specific Tax Returns |
41 | _FICABFTAXR_VC_TFKFB | S_KK4_74002515 | Activate Recording of Tax Data |
42 | _FICABFTAXR_V_TFK009 | S_KK4_74002514 | Define Report Times for Sales/Purchase Tax |
43 | _FICABFTAXR_V_TFK010 | S_KK4_74002512 | Define Specifications on Data to be Recorded |
44 | _FICABFTAXR_V_TFK011 | S_SK4_84000001 | Define Report Times for Other Tax Code |
45 | _FICABFTAXR_V_TFKFB | S_KK4_74002511 | Activate Recording of Tax Data |
46 | _FICABFTX_FPARBGA0 | Define Life for Tax Information fo Commercial Operations | |
47 | _FICABFTX_FPARBGA2 | Activate Archive Info. Struct. for Archive for Tax Info. for Commercial Ops | |
48 | _FICABFTX_FPARSTPY0 | Define Life for Payments Subject to Stamp Tax | |
49 | _FICABFTX_FPARSTPY2 | Activate Archive Info. Struct. for Archive for Payments Subj. to Stamp Tax | |
50 | _FICABFTX_FQ0025 | S_KK4_74002500 | Assign Main and Subtransactions to Tax Codes |
51 | _FICABFTX_FQ2101 | S_KK4_74002635 | Maintain Document Type Specifications for VAT/GI Perception |
52 | _FICABFTX_FQ2102 | S_KK4_74002636 | Determination of Tax Determination Code |
53 | _FICABFTX_FQB9 | S_KK4_74002520 | Define Account Assignments for Stamp Tax Postings (Bollo) |
54 | _FICABFTX_FQZ04T | S_KK4_74002638 | Tax Adjustment for Write-Off |
55 | _FICABFTX_TFK007B | S_KK4_74002369 | Define Tax Code for Stamp Charges |
56 | _FICABFTX_TFK007E | S_KK4_74002371 | Tax Code with Possible Tax Exemption |
57 | _FICABFTX_TFK007M | S_KK4_74002370 | Maintain Maximum Tax Amounts |
58 | _FICABFTX_TFK007U | S_KK4_74002372 | Define Change in Tax Code with Write-Offs |
59 | _FICABFTX_TFK048B | S_KK4_74002373 | Define Tax Calc. Types in Write-Offs and Ind. Val. Adj. |
60 | _FICABFTX_V_TAXNUMTY | S_KK4_74002380 | Define Required Tax Number Categories |
61 | _FICABFTX_V_TFK007F | S_KK4_74002470 | Define Other Tax Codes |
62 | _FICABFWT_FQ0200 | S_KK4_74002492 | Account Assignments for Withholding Tax Postings with Outgoing Payments |
63 | _FICABFWT_FQ0201 | S_KK4_74002494 | Account Assignments for Withholding Tax Supplements with Incoming Payments |
64 | _FICABFWT_FQ0210 | S_KK4_74002495 | Account Assignments for Withholding Tax Postings with Incoming Payments |
65 | _FICABFWT_FQ0211 | S_KK4_74002496 | Account Assignments for Withholding Tax Supplements with Incoming Payments |
66 | _FICABFWT_FQ201 | S_KK4_74002493 | Account Assignments for Withholding Tax Surcharges with Outgoing Payments |
67 | _FICABFWT_T059Q | S_KK4_74002487 | Define Withholding Tax Code |
68 | _FICABFWT_TQ59Q | S_KK4_74002485 | Define Withholding Tax Code |
69 | _FICABFWT_V_T059F | S_KK4_74002489 | Define Formulas for Withholding Tax Calculation |
70 | _FICABFWT_V_TFK059E | S_KK4_74002490 | Define Withholding Tax Supplement |
71 | _FICABFWT_V_TFK059QE | S_KK4_74002491 | Define Allowed Entries for Withholding Tax Supplements |
72 | _FICABFWT_V_TFKTVO | S_KK4_74002591 | Check Subtransactions for Withholding Tax Relevance |
73 | _FICABFWT_V_TQ59Q | S_KK4_74002486 | Define Withholding Tax Code |
74 | _FICABF_TFKKBPCL_ACT | S_P7I_74002798 | Define Activity for Duplicate Processing |
75 | _FICABF_TFKKBPCL_BEL | S_P7I_74002800 | Define Specifications for Transfer of Open Items |
76 | _FICABF_TFKKBPCL_STE | S_P7I_74002799 | Define Order of Activities |
77 | _FICABOL_FBOLBANK | S_KK4_74002764 | Define Percentage for Payment Agreement |
78 | _FICABOL_FBOLCODE | S_KK4_74002765 | Define Instruction Keys and Instruction Codes |
79 | _FICABOL_FBOLINST | S_KK4_74002766 | Define Specifications for Instruction Keys and Codes |
80 | _FICABOL_FBOLNR | S_KK4_74002759 | Define Number Ranges for Internal Boleto Numbers |
81 | _FICABOL_FBOLXT | S_KK4_74002763 | Define Number Ranges for External Boleto Numbers |
82 | _FICABOL_TFK028G_B | S_KK4_74002781 | Assign External Transactions to Internal Boleto Codes |
83 | _FICABPTY_TFK020K | S_KK4_74002164 | Define Short Account Assignments for Transfer Postings |
84 | _FICABTAR_VC_TFK058 | S_KK4_74002483 | Define Rules for Additional Receivables |
85 | _FICABTAR_V_TFKTVO | S_KK4_74002484 | Postprocess Sub-Transactions |
86 | _FICABTCP_FQ1320 | S_KK4_74002556 | Define Document Types for Credit Clarification |
87 | _FICABTCP_FQ1321 | S_KK4_74002605 | Define Clearing Account for Transferring Credits |
88 | _FICABTCP_FQ1322 | S_P7I_74002804 | Activate Authorization Check for Credit Clarification |
89 | _FICABTCP_TFK_CRPO | S_KK4_74002274 | Define Selection Criteria for Credit Clarification |
90 | _FICABTDCSV_FQZ07 | S_KK4_74002184 | Maintain Default Values for Transfer Posting Run |
91 | _FICABTDCSV_FQZ08 | S_KK4_74002259 | Maintain Account Determination for Doubtful Item Entries |
92 | _FICABTDCSV_FQZ11 | S_KK4_74002258 | Maintain Account Determination for Ind. Value Adjustment |
93 | _FICABTDCSV_FQZ13 | S_KK4_74002261 | Maintain Correction Reasons |
94 | _FICABTDCSV_FQZ14 | S_KK4_74002260 | Maintain Correction Reset Reasons |
95 | _FICABTDCSV_FQZ17 | S_KK4_74002538 | Maintain Value Adjustment Variants for Automatic Adjustments |
96 | _FICABTDCSV_FQZ17_2 | S_KK4_74002733 | Define Age Grid for Value Adjustment Variants |
97 | _FICABTDCSV_FQZ18 | S_KK4_74002539 | Maintain Processing Methods for User Exits for Automatic Adjustments |
98 | _FICABTDCSV_FQZ19 | S_KK4_74002540 | Maintain Variant Determination for Automatic Adjustments |
99 | _FICABTDCSV_FQZ20 | S_KK4_74002542 | Acct Determination Individual Value Adjustment for Acct-Based Adjustments |
100 | _FICABTDCSV_FQZ2A | S_KK4_74002634 | Maintain Execptions for Adjustments |
101 | _FICABTDI_FQ05 | S_KK4_74002241 | Deactivation Reasons for Installment Plan |
102 | _FICABTDI_FQ06 | S_KK4_74002235 | Categories for Installment Plan |
103 | _FICABTDI_FQZQ | S_KK4_74002236 | Define Default Values for Installment Plan |
104 | _FICABTDI_FQZU | S_KK4_74002233 | Define Default Values for Installment Plan Charge |
105 | _FICABTDI_FQZZ | S_KK4_74002244 | Define Default Values for Interest on Installment Plans |
106 | _FICABTDI_TFK060A | S_KK4_74002234 | Define Installment Plan Type |
107 | _FICABTDRP_FQZ09 | S_KK4_74002262 | Maintain Account Determination for Time-Based Deferred Revenue Postings |
108 | _FICABTDRP_FQZ10 | S_KK4_74002185 | Maintain Default Values for Transfer Posting Run |
109 | _FICABTDU_FPARM0 | S_KK4_74002461 | Define Runtimes for Dunning Archiving |
110 | _FICABTDU_FQI8 | S_KK4_74002129 | Define Specifications for Interest on Arrears |
111 | _FICABTDU_FQZ06 | S_KK4_74002118 | Specifications for Automatically Deactivating Installment Plans |
112 | _FICABTDU_FQZY | S_KK4_74002131 | Define Document Types for Dunning Charge Categories |
113 | _FICABTDU_TFK046A | S_KK4_74002119 | Define Time-Dependent Creditworthiness Weightings |
114 | _FICABTDU_TFK047A_C | S_KK4_74002469 | Configure Correspondence Dunning Procedure |
115 | _FICABTDU_TFK047P | S_KK4_74002785 | Define Execution Variants for Dunning Proposal Run |
116 | _FICABTDU_VC_TFK047A | S_KK4_74002112 | Configure Dunning Procedure |
117 | _FICABTDU_VC_TFK047E | S_KK4_74002130 | Configure Charge Schedules for Dunning Procedure |
118 | _FICABTDU_V_TFK047F | S_KK4_74002121 | Define Dunning Grouping |
119 | _FICABTDU_V_TFK047G | S_KK4_74002133 | Define Dunning Level Categories |
120 | _FICABTDU_V_TFK047H | S_KK4_74002132 | Define Charge Categories for Dunning |
121 | _FICABTDU_V_TFK047J | S_KK4_74002134 | Define Dunning Procedure Categories |
122 | _FICABTDU_V_TFK047L | S_KK4_74002113 | Configure Dunning Activities |
123 | _FICABTDU_V_TFK047LE | S_KK4_74002589 | Define Dunning Activities for Correspondence Dunning |
124 | _FICABTDU_V_TFK047S | S_KK4_74002120 | Define Dunning Lock Reasons |
125 | _FICABTDU_V_TFK080R3 | S_KK4_74002528 | Define Correspondence Dunning Lock Reasons |
126 | _FICABTIC_FQI4 | S_KK4_74002126 | Define Specifications for Interest Calculation |
127 | _FICABTIC_FQI4Z | S_KK4_74002637 | Activate Additional Functions for Interest Calculation |
128 | _FICABTIC_FQI6 | S_KK4_74002124 | Define Specifications for the Mass Run |
129 | _FICABTIC_TFK056C | S_KK4_74002125 | Define Clearing Reasons for Which Interest is not Calculated |
130 | _FICABTIC_TFK056S | S_KK4_74002127 | Define Interest Lock Reasons |
131 | _FICABTIC_TFK057 | S_KK4_74002128 | Maintain Amount Limits for Debit/Credit Interest |
132 | _FICABTIC_VC_T056GJI | S_KK4_74002094 | Define Interest Calculation Rules |
133 | _FICABTIC_VC_TFK056 | S_KK4_74002093 | Define Interest Key |
134 | _FICABTIC_V_T056P | S_KK4_74002095 | Define Percentage Rates for Reference Interest Rates |
135 | _FICABTIC_V_T056R | S_KK4_74002096 | Define Reference Interest Rates |
136 | _FICABTIN_1054 | S_KK4_74002278 | Define Specs for Submission to External Collection Agencies |
137 | _FICABTIN_FPARCOLL0 | Define Runtime for Collection Items | |
138 | _FICABTIN_FPARCOLL2 | Activate Archive Information Structure for Archive for Submitted Coll.Items | |
139 | _FICABTIN_FPCOLLAG | S_KK4_74002736 | Define Derivation Rules for Collection Agencies Responsible |
140 | _FICABTIN_FQZ21 | S_KK4_74002593 | Define Specifications for Collection Agency Charges |
141 | _FICABTIN_FQZ22 | S_KK4_74002620 | Define Default Value for Callback Reasons |
142 | _FICABTIN_FQZ23 | S_KK4_74002648 | Specifications for Forwarding Information to Collection Agencies |
143 | _FICABTIN_TFK050B | S_KK4_74002280 | Define Collection Agencies |
144 | _FICABTIN_TFK050D | S_KK4_74002619 | Define Reasons for Receivables Callbacks |
145 | _FICABTIN_V_TFK050A | S_KK4_74002279 | Define Submission Status |
146 | _FICABTPY | S_KK4_74002675 | Define Specifications for Debit Memo Notifications in GB |
147 | _FICABTPYPC_FQZV | S_KK4_74002089 | Define Accounts for Payment Card Institute |
148 | _FICABTPYPC_FQZX | S_KK4_74002088 | Define Specifications for Posting Settlement Document |
149 | _FICABTPYPP_FPN3 | S_KK4_74002162 | Check Number Ranges for Repayment Requests |
150 | _FICABTPYPP_V_TFK028 | S_KK4_74002160 | Define Transactions for Electronic Bank Statement Transfer |
151 | _FICABTPYPR | S_KK4_74002087 | Release for Payment Workflow - Old |
152 | _FICABTPY_FPAC03 | S_KK4_74002097 | Activate Archive Info Structure for Payment Lot Archive |
153 | _FICABTPY_FPARCJ0 | Define Runtimes for Transaction Data in Cash Journal | |
154 | _FICABTPY_FPARCJ2 | Activate Archive Information Structure for Transaction Data in Cash Journal | |
155 | _FICABTPY_FPARINDPAY | Activate Archive Information Structure for Payment Specification Archive | |
156 | _FICABTPY_FPARPNBK2 | Activate Archive Information Structure for Debit Memo Notification Archive | |
157 | _FICABTPY_FPARPRNH0 | S_P7I_74002813 | Specify Residence Time for SEPA Direct Debit Pre-Notifications |
158 | _FICABTPY_FPARPRNH2 | S_P7I_74002814 | Activate Archive Information Structure for SEPA Pre-Notifications |
159 | _FICABTPY_FPARZ1 | S_KK4_74002098 | Define Payment Lot Period |
160 | _FICABTPY_FPCJM | S_SK4_84000011 | Define Master Data for Cash Journal |
161 | _FICABTPY_FPN10 | Define Number Ranges for Payment Specifications | |
162 | _FICABTPY_FPN7 | S_KK4_74002549 | Check Number Ranges for Payment Orders |
163 | _FICABTPY_FPNOTETEST | S_KK4_74002681 | Test Interpretation Rules for Note to Payee |
164 | _FICABTPY_FPNRPT | S_KK4_74002667 | Maintain Number Ranges for Receipt Printing |
165 | _FICABTPY_FPSEPA_AR2 | S_P7I_74002812 | Activate Archive Information Structure for SEPA Mandates |
166 | _FICABTPY_FQ1031 | S_KK4_74002458 | Define Default Values for Check Lot |
167 | _FICABTPY_FQ1032 | S_KK4_74002548 | Define Default Values for Payment Order Lots |
168 | _FICABTPY_FQ1033 | S_KK4_74002550 | Define Default Values for Credit Card Lots |
169 | _FICABTPY_FQC1005 | S_KK4_74002585 | Define Prefix for Created Lot IDs during Account Statement Transfer |
170 | _FICABTPY_FQC1500 | S_KK4_74002666 | Define Specifications for the Management of Receipts |
171 | _FICABTPY_FQC700 | S_KK4_74002657 | Maintain the Document Type Specifications for Collective Bills |
172 | _FICABTPY_FQCC | S_KK4_74002567 | Maintain Bank Selection |
173 | _FICABTPY_FQCVS | S_KK4_74002674 | Account Determination for Payment Confirmation |
174 | _FICABTPY_FQH1 | S_SK4_84000010 | Cash Journal: Specifications for Posting Cash Desk Deposits and Withdrawals |
175 | _FICABTPY_FQH2 | Define Document Type for Payment Category | |
176 | _FICABTPY_FQKPI | S_KK4_74002795 | Define Screen Variants for Payment Specifications |
177 | _FICABTPY_FQKPN | S_KK4_74002722 | Define Screen Variants |
178 | _FICABTPY_FQP5 | S_KK4_74002102 | Maintain Note to Payee Type for Payment Medium |
179 | _FICABTPY_FQP6 | S_KK4_74002535 | Settings for Check Creation |
180 | _FICABTPY_FQP8 | S_KK4_74002547 | Define User IDs for Bank Transactions |
181 | _FICABTPY_FQP9 | S_SK4_84000012 | Define Parameters for Foreign Payment Transactions |
182 | _FICABTPY_FQZ6 | S_KK4_74002179 | Define Screen Variants for Payment Lot |
183 | _FICABTPY_FQZI | S_KK4_74002178 | Define Default Values for Payment Lot |
184 | _FICABTPY_FQZJ | S_KK4_74002165 | Define Clarification Account |
185 | _FICABTPY_FQZL | S_KK4_74002110 | Define Accounts for Payment Program |
186 | _FICABTPY_FQZN | S_KK4_74002163 | Define Specifications for Repayment of Incoming Payments |
187 | _FICABTPY_FQZT | S_KK4_74002169 | Define Clearing Account for Check Deposit |
188 | _FICABTPY_FQ_PCJ_ACT | S_KK4_74002655 | Maintain Role-Specific Activities for Cash Journal |
189 | _FICABTPY_MLCOD | S_P7I_74002802 | Maintain Levy Codes |
190 | _FICABTPY_PAYREL | S_KK4_74002543 | Payment Release Workflow for Main and Sub-Transactions |
191 | _FICABTPY_PRECOND | S_KK4_74002429 | Further Prerequisites for the Payment Program |
192 | _FICABTPY_SWLD | S_KK4_74002166 | Define Workflow for Clarification Worklist for Payment Lots |
193 | _FICABTPY_SWLD1 | S_KK4_74002135 | Define Workflow for Clarification Worklist for Payment Run |
194 | _FICABTPY_TFK001S | S_KK4_74002109 | Define Processing Lock Reasons |
195 | _FICABTPY_TFK004B | S_KK4_74002311 | Specify Selection Categories |
196 | _FICABTPY_TFK006DC | S_KK4_74002594 | Check Procedure for Interpretation of Note to Payee |
197 | _FICABTPY_TFK012 | S_KK4_74002161 | Define Bank Clearing Accounts for Payment Lots |
198 | _FICABTPY_TFK012DCV | S_KK4_74002624 | Define Payment Agreement for Payment Media Formats (Brazil) |
199 | _FICABTPY_TFK012_1 | S_KK4_74002516 | Assign Bank Accounts for Online Check Printing |
200 | _FICABTPY_TFK013 | Parameterize Search Engine | |
201 | _FICABTPY_TFK020B | S_KK4_74002682 | Define Short Account Assignments for Transfer Postings to Cash Desk |
202 | _FICABTPY_TFK020K2 | S_KK4_74002727 | Short Account Assignments for Transfer Postings in Account Maintenance |
203 | _FICABTPY_TFK020R | S_KK4_74002621 | Define Programs for Converting Country-Specific Formats into MultiCash |
204 | _FICABTPY_TFK042H | S_KK4_74002604 | Define Own Bank Details and User Numbers |
205 | _FICABTPY_TFKCVS_COD | S_KK4_74002673 | Define Payment Collector Codes for Payment Lots |
206 | _FICABTPY_TFKDDA | S_KK4_74002676 | Define Specifications for Debit Memo Notifications in GB |
207 | _FICABTPY_TFKPKC | S_KK4_74002107 | Select Item Indicator for the Clarification Worklist |
208 | _FICABTPY_TFKPKS | S_KK4_74002473 | Define Item Indicators to be Skipped |
209 | _FICABTPY_TFKVOID | S_KK4_74002559 | Define Void Reasons for Checks |
210 | _FICABTPY_TFK_RZAREL | S_KK4_74002553 | Workflow for Repayments |
211 | _FICABTPY_VC_TFK006X | S_KK4_74002600 | Define Bank Accounts with Individual Clarification Proposal |
212 | _FICABTPY_VC_TFK042E | S_KK4_74002099 | Define Specifications for Paying Company Code |
213 | _FICABTPY_VC_TFK042F | S_KK4_74002231 | Define Payment Medium Formats |
214 | _FICABTPY_VC_TFK042Z | S_KK4_74002100 | Define Payment Methods |
215 | _FICABTPY_VC_TFK054A | S_KK4_74002698 | Configure Error Reasons |
216 | _FICABTPY_V_CJ100A | S_KK4_74002606 | Maintain Specifications for Cash Desk/Cash Journal |
217 | _FICABTPY_V_DFKKBRSE | S_P7I_74002803 | Specify Initial File Sequence Number for Outgoing Payments (Brazil) |
218 | _FICABTPY_V_T001FFK | S_KK4_74002168 | Define Forms for Check Deposit List |
219 | _FICABTPY_V_TFK008 | S_KK4_74002108 | Define Payment Lock Reasons |
220 | _FICABTPY_V_TFK054B | S_KK4_74002699 | Assign Error Reasons to Institutions |
221 | _FICABTPY_V_TFK100B | S_KK4_74002602 | Cash Journal: Define Currency Units of Currency Sheet |
222 | _FICABTPY_V_TFK100D | Define Cash Desk Clearing Accounts | |
223 | _FICABTPY_V_TFK122 | S_KK4_74002577 | Assign Item Indicator to Payment Lock Reasons |
224 | _FICABTPY_V_TFK122MA | S_KK4_74002615 | Assign Item Indicator to Payment Lock Reasons |
225 | _FICABTPY_V_TFK123 | S_KK4_74002578 | Define Defaults for the Payment Run |
226 | _FICABTPY_V_TFK123MA | S_KK4_74002616 | Define Specifications for Automatic Clearing |
227 | _FICABTPY_V_TFK125 | S_KK4_74002576 | Define Grouping Variants |
228 | _FICABTPY_V_TFK125MA | S_KK4_74002614 | Define Grouping Variants |
229 | _FICABTPY_V_TFK126 | S_KK4_74002575 | Define Grouping Characteristics |
230 | _FICABTPY_V_TFK126MA | S_KK4_74002613 | Define Grouping Characteristics |
231 | _FICABTPY_V_TFKCVS_E | S_KK4_74002672 | Define External Payment Collectors |
232 | _FICABTPY_V_TFKPKS | S_KK4_74002474 | Define Scope of Exception List |
233 | _FICABTPY_V_TFK_REPT | S_KK4_74002668 | Define Reasons for Repeat Print |
234 | _FICABTREVD_FQ1380 | S_KK4_74002597 | Define Specifications for Deriving Final Recipient |
235 | _FICABTREVD_FQ1381 | S_KK4_74002596 | Define Specifications for Revenue Distribution |
236 | _FICABTREVD_FQ1382 | S_KK4_74002679 | Define Main and Subtransactions for the Distribution Posting |
237 | _FICABTRE_FP09FS | S_KK4_74002255 | Define Field Selection |
238 | _FICABTRE_FP09FSL | S_KK4_74002552 | Define Field Selection for Returns |
239 | _FICABTRE_FPAC04 | S_KK4_74002237 | Activate Info Structure for Returns Lot Archive |
240 | _FICABTRE_FPARR0 | S_KK4_74002238 | Define Returns Lot Runtime |
241 | _FICABTRE_FPARR2 | S_KK4_74002251 | Define Returns History Runtime |
242 | _FICABTRE_FQ0111 | S_KK4_74002482 | Define Account Assignments for New Items with Returns |
243 | _FICABTRE_FQ1041 | S_KK4_74002599 | Define Clarification Accounts for Returns |
244 | _FICABTRE_FQZF | S_KK4_74002246 | Define Charges Accounts for Returns |
245 | _FICABTRE_FQZS | S_KK4_74002245 | Determine Document Type and Clearing Reason for Returns |
246 | _FICABTRE_TFK012 | S_KK4_74002247 | Define Bank Clearing Account for Returns |
247 | _FICABTRE_TFK045D | S_KK4_74002248 | Assign Return Reasons to House Banks |
248 | _FICABTRE_TFK046A | S_KK4_74002253 | Define Time-Dependent Creditworthiness Weightings |
249 | _FICABTRE_VC_TFK045A | S_KK4_74002249 | Configure Returns Reasons |
250 | _FICABTRE_V_TFK028G | S_KK4_74002254 | Define Transactions for Electronic Account Statement Transfer |
251 | _FICABTRV_FQC1091 | S_KK4_74002275 | Define Specifications for Clearing Item |
252 | _FICABTRV_FQZ01 | S_KK4_74002277 | Define Alternative Accounts for Reversal in Following Year |
253 | _FICABTSE_ENSE | S_KK4_74002140 | Define Number Ranges for Security Deposits |
254 | _FICABTSE_ESECU | S_KK4_74002139 | Define General Parameters for Security Deposits |
255 | _FICABTSE_FQI5 | S_KK4_74002146 | Define Default Values for Cash Security Deposit Interest Calc. (Online) |
256 | _FICABTSE_FQI7 | S_KK4_74002177 | Define Specifications for Cash Security Deposit Int. Calc. (Mass Proc.) |
257 | _FICABTSE_FQI9 | S_KK4_74002554 | Assign Withholding Tax Code to Main and Sub-Transactions |
258 | _FICABTSE_FQSEC | S_KK4_74002138 | Create Special Definitions for Security Deposits |
259 | _FICABTSE_SE75 | S_KK4_74002144 | Define Types of Notes for Security Deposits |
260 | _FICABTSE_TFK_SEC_RE | S_KK4_74002145 | Define Reversal Reasons for Security Deposits |
261 | _FICABTSE_V_ESECR | S_KK4_74002137 | Define Request Reasons for Securities |
262 | _FICABTSE_V_ESECS | S_KK4_74002136 | Define Status of Noncash Security Deposits |
263 | _FICABTSE_V_ESECT | S_KK4_74002147 | Define Noncash Security Deposit Categories |
264 | _FICABTTP_FQU1 | S_KK4_74002731 | Define Default Value for Transfer Reason |
265 | _FICABTTP_FQU2 | S_KK4_74002658 | Define Transactions for Transferring Items |
266 | _FICABTTP_FQZ16 | S_KK4_74002465 | Define Specifications and Default Values for Transfer |
267 | _FICABTTP_TFK051A | S_KK4_74002464 | Define Transfer Reasons |
268 | _FICABTTP_V_TFK051A | S_KK4_74002463 | Define Transfer Posting Reasons |
269 | _FICABTWO_FPN_AUBID | Define Document Number Ranges for Write-Off ID | |
270 | _FICABTWO_FQZ02 | S_KK4_74002272 | Define Specifications and Default Values for Write-Off |
271 | _FICABTWO_FQZ03 | S_KK4_74002271 | Define Specs and Default Values for Mass Write-Offs |
272 | _FICABTWO_FQZ04 | S_KK4_74002270 | Automatic G/L Account Determination for Write-Offs |
273 | _FICABTWO_FQZ04A | S_KK4_74002545 | Automatic G/L Account Determination for Writing Off Value Adjustments |
274 | _FICABTWO_FQZ04B | S_KK4_74002546 | Define Percentage Rates for Writing-Off Value Adjusted Items |
275 | _FICABTWO_FQZ04U | S_KK4_74002771 | Maintain Alternative Expense and Revenue Account |
276 | _FICABTWO_FQZ04W | Activate Write-Off to External System | |
277 | _FICABTWO_TFK048C | S_KK4_74002269 | Define Execution Variants for Mass Write-Offs |
278 | _FICABTWO_V_TFK048A | S_KK4_74002273 | Define Write-Off Reasons |
279 | _FICABT_V_TFK042C | S_KK4_74002728 | Define Alternative Currencies |
280 | _FICABT_V_TFK080E | S_KK4_74002257 | Maintain Conditional Locks |
281 | _FICABW_VC_TFKBWT_01 | S_KK4_74002609 | Define Grid for Grouping of Items |
282 | _FICABW_VTFKBWC | S_KK4_74002607 | Determine Fields for the Extraction of Cleared Items |
283 | _FICABW_V_TFKBWC | S_KK4_74002608 | Define Fields for the Extraction of Items |
284 | _FICACHKREP_FPARCR0 | S_KK4_74002570 | Define Runtime for Archiving Check Management |
285 | _FICACHKREP_FQ1035 | S_KK4_74002565 | Define Details for Lots for Manual Outgoing Checks |
286 | _FICACHKREP_FQ1036 | S_KK4_74002569 | Define Document Type for Check Encashment |
287 | _FICACHKREP_FQ1037 | S_KK4_74002584 | Define Bank Clearing Account for Encashment of Outgoing Checks |
288 | _FICACHKREP_FQ1038 | S_KK4_74002598 | Define Specifications for the Clarification of Cashed Checks |
289 | _FICACHKREP_FQ1039 | S_KK4_74002601 | Expense and Revenue Accounts for Posting Cashed Outgoing Checks |
290 | _FICACHKREP_FQKPH | S_KK4_74002566 | Define Line Layout Variants for Lots for Manual Outgoing Checks |
291 | _FICACHKREP_FQP6A | Define Number Range Intervals for Outgoing Checks | |
292 | _FICACHKREP_FQZL | S_KK4_74002561 | Define Check Clearing Account for Outgoing Checks |
293 | _FICACHKREP_TFK001B | S_KK4_74002560 | Specify Component for Reconciling Check Deposits |
294 | _FICACHKREP_VTFK005A | S_KK4_74002571 | Runtime for Archiving Check Management |
295 | _FICACLFC_FQC8 | S_KK4_74002744 | Define Valuation Area-Specific Accounts for Exchange Rate Differences |
296 | _FICACLFC_VC_TFK044C | S_KK4_74002743 | Define Valuation Variants |
297 | _FICACLFC_VC_TFK044F | Define Valuation Plan Variants | |
298 | _FICACLFC_V_TFK030H | S_KK4_74002195 | Define Accounts for Open Item Exchange Rate Differences |
299 | _FICACLFC_V_TFK044 | S_KK4_74002742 | Define Valuation Areas |
300 | _FICACLFC_V_TFK044A | S_KK4_74002194 | Define Methods for Foreign Currency Valuation |
301 | _FICACLFC_V_TFK044E | Basic Settings | |
302 | _FICACLRE_FPU1 | S_KK4_74002193 | Define Receivables and Payables Accounts |
303 | _FICACLRE_FQC1350 | S_KK4_74002579 | Define Adjustment Accounts |
304 | _FICACLRE_V_TFK020VB | S_KK4_74002746 | Define Company Codes for Summarization |
305 | _FICACLRE_V_TFK020VK | S_KK4_74002745 | Define Summarization Accounts |
306 | _FICACREDMGT_FQK50 | S_KK4_74002740 | Assign Open Items to Credit Segments |
307 | _FICACREDMGT_FQK51 | S_KK4_74002739 | Maintain Credit Segments |
308 | _FICACREDMGT_FQK52 | S_KK4_74002738 | Activate Credit Management |
309 | _FICACREDMGT_FQK53 | S_KK4_74002741 | Define Specifications for Credit Management |
310 | _FICACRMGT_VTFKMDCOR | S_P7I_14000001 | Define Origin of Requests for Master Data Change |
311 | _FICACRMGT_VTFKMDCTY | S_P7I_14000002 | Define Change Types |
312 | _FICACRM_TFKBUAGREF | S_KK4_74002586 | Determine Template for Contract Account for Replication |
313 | _FICACRM_TFK_BUAG_PF | Define Determination of Clerk Responsible for Replication from CRM | |
314 | _FICACUSPOR_FISPLOGC | S_KK4_74002617 | Logging of User Activities |
315 | _FICACUSPOR_FQZ1072 | S_KK4_74002653 | Define Specifications for Overpayments |
316 | _FICACUSPOR_FQZ1073 | S_KK4_74002654 | Define Specifications for Reversing Overpayments |
317 | _FICACUSPOR_FQZ1074 | S_KK4_74002730 | Define Clearing Account for Overpayments |
318 | _FICACUSPOR_FQZH2 | S_KK4_74002580 | Define Proposal Values for Clearing Credit Memos |
319 | _FICACUSPOR_TFISPROF | Define User Profiles | |
320 | _FICACUSPOR_TFKDMCEX | S_KK4_74002770 | Specifications for the Integration of SAP Dispute Management |
321 | _FICACUSPOR_TFKEBPP | S_KK4_74002564 | Settings for Customer Portal in the Internet |
322 | _FICACUSPOR_V_TFIS01 | S_KK4_74002618 | Define Main and Subtransactions for Notifying Customers |
323 | _FICADISMAN_TFKDMC | S_KK4_74002767 | Make Basic Settings for Dispute Management |
324 | _FICADM_FPARCASE0 | Define Runtime for Item List in Cases | |
325 | _FICADM_FPARCASE2 | Activate Archive Information Structure for Archive for Item List in Cases | |
326 | _FICAECSL_V_TFK001ZM | S_P7I_14000006 | Make Specifications for EC Sales List |
327 | _FICAEMMA_EMMACCANCD | S_KK4_74002755 | Define Reasons for Reversing Clarification Cases |
328 | _FICAEMMA_EMMACCAT1 | S_KK4_74002751 | Create Clarification Case Category |
329 | _FICAEMMA_EMMACCAT2 | S_KK4_74002752 | Change Clarification Case Category |
330 | _FICAEMMA_EMMACCAT3 | S_KK4_74002753 | Display Clarification Case Category |
331 | _FICAEMMA_EMMACCAT4 | S_KK4_74002754 | Delete Clarification Case Category |
332 | _FICAEMMA_EMMACCREAC | S_KK4_74002693 | Define Reasons for Forwarding Clarification Cases |
333 | _FICAEMMA_EMMACLGEN | S_KK4_74002737 | Generate Selection Screen for Clarification List |
334 | _FICAEMMA_EMMAC_FWM | S_KK4_74002692 | Define Method for Forwarding Clarification Cases |
335 | _FICAEMMA_EMMANRCASE | Maintain Internal Number Range Intervals for Clarification Cases | |
336 | _FICAEMMA_EMMANRJOB | Maintain Internal Number Range Intervals for Jobs | |
337 | _FICAEMMA_VCEMMACCWL | S_KK4_74002694 | Maintain Shortcut Keys for Clarification Processing |
338 | _FICAEMMA_VEMMACBPCP | S_KK4_74002772 | Define Customer Business Processes for Processes from CIC |
339 | _FICAEMMA_VEMMACCTYP | S_KK4_74002688 | Define Clarification Case Types |
340 | _FICAEMMA_VEMMACMSGO | S_KK4_74002686 | Define Business Objects for Customer-Defined Messages |
341 | _FICAEMMA_VEMMACMSGS | S_KK4_74002687 | Suppression of Messages for Log Preparation |
342 | _FICAEMMA_VEMMATCODE | S_KK4_74002773 | Define Customer Transactions for Message Management |
343 | _FICAEMMA_V_EMMABPA | S_KK4_74002756 | Define Customer Business Process Areas for Message Management |
344 | _FICAEMMA_V_EMMABPC | S_KK4_74002757 | Define Customer Business Processes for Message Management |
345 | _FICAEMMA_V_EMMACBPA | S_KK4_74002750 | Activate Business Process Areas for Message Management |
346 | _FICAEURO_ARCHIV | S_KK4_74002428 | Note on Archiving |
347 | _FICAEURO_BEWGEWINNE | S_KK4_74002426 | Report Valuation Earnings in the Dual Currency Phase |
348 | _FICAEURO_FPE3 | S_KK4_74002432 | Test Eligibility for Auditing |
349 | _FICAEURO_FPEW1 | S_KK4_74002209 | Reconcile with General Ledger |
350 | _FICAEURO_FPEW2 | S_KK4_74002210 | Complete Mass Runs |
351 | _FICAEURO_FPEW3 | S_KK4_74002529 | Conversion of FI-CA Documents |
352 | _FICAEURO_FPEW3A | S_KK4_74002530 | Conversion of Contract A/R & A/P Documents |
353 | _FICAEURO_FPEW5 | S_KK4_74002215 | Display Critical Documents |
354 | _FICAEURO_FPEW6 | S_KK4_74002218 | Carry Out Adjustment Posting to Adjust Reconciliation Accts |
355 | _FICAEURO_FPEW7 | S_KK4_74002217 | Check Adjustment Posting in General Ledger |
356 | _FICAEURO_FPEW8 | S_KK4_74002216 | Display Determination of Adjustment Posting |
357 | _FICAEURO_FPEWG | S_KK4_74002534 | Determination of Program for GLT0 Conversion |
358 | _FICAEURO_FPG1 | S_KK4_74002229 | Transfer Summary Records to General Ledger |
359 | _FICAEURO_FPMS | S_KK4_74002212 | Complete Mass Runs |
360 | _FICAEURO_FPO1 | S_KK4_74002226 | Determine Reconciliation Accounts to be Reclassified |
361 | _FICAEURO_FPO1(1) | S_KK4_74002208 | Make Spot Checks Possible |
362 | _FICAEURO_FPO1(2) | S_KK4_74002219 | Examine Spot Checks |
363 | _FICAEURO_FPO2 | S_KK4_74002228 | Reconcile with General Ledger |
364 | _FICAEURO_FPO2(1) | S_KK4_74002211 | Reconcile with General Ledger |
365 | _FICAEURO_FPO2(2) | S_KK4_74002214 | Reconcile with General Ledger |
366 | _FICAEURO_FPW1 | S_KK4_74002227 | Valuate Foreign Currency |
367 | _FICAEURO_FQC900 | S_KK4_74002213 | Define Account for Rounding Differences |
368 | _FICAEURO_HB | S_KK4_74002430 | Carry Out Year-End Closing in the General Ledger |
369 | _FICAEURO_NACHBERCUS | S_KK4_74002422 | Maintain Customizing Entries |
370 | _FICAEURO_PERIOD_ASW | S_KK4_74002423 | Transfer Adjustment Postings on an Accrual Basis |
371 | _FICAEURO_UMSETZUNG | S_KK4_74002431 | Prepare and Carry Out Conversion |
372 | _FICAFM_FQ2001 | S_KK4_74002749 | Define Accounts for Funds Clearing |
373 | _FICAFM_REP_FUNDACT | S_KK4_74002748 | Display Activation Status of Fund Accounting |
374 | _FICAFM_V_T100C | Change Message Control | |
375 | _FICAGPDT_FQC1510 | S_KK4_74002768 | Define Specifications for Credit Memos for Follow-Up Actions |
376 | _FICAGPDT_VC_TFK053R | S_KK4_74002769 | Define Rules for Follow-Up Actions |
377 | _FICAGPDT_V_TFK053A | S_KK4_74002760 | General Settings |
378 | _FICAGPDT_V_TFK053B | S_KK4_74002761 | Define Default Values for Payment Methods |
379 | _FICAGPDT_V_TFK053C | S_KK4_74002762 | Define Processing Variants |
380 | _FICAIDOC_FKKEBSAROB | S_KK4_74002644 | Define Document Type in ArchiveLink |
381 | _FICAIDOC_FKKEBSARSY | S_KK4_74002643 | Define Original System of Invoice |
382 | _FICAIDOC_FKKEBSPOIS | S_KK4_74002646 | Selection of Open Items for Invoice Printing |
383 | _FICAIDOC_FKKEBSTOIC | S_KK4_74002640 | Define Characteristic Derivations for CO-PA Update |
384 | _FICAIDOC_FKKEBSTOIS | S_KK4_74002639 | Basic Settings for Document Transfer |
385 | _FICAIDOC_FQ1404 | Define Specifications for Conversion of External Payment Method | |
386 | _FICAIDOC_FQC1400 | S_KK4_74002641 | Define Conversion of External Item ID of Business Partner Item |
387 | _FICAIDOC_FQC1401 | Define Specifications for Conversion of External G/L Account Determination | |
388 | _FICAIDOC_FQC1402 | Define Specifications for Conversion of External Document Type | |
389 | _FICAIDOC_FQC1403 | Define Conversion of External Item ID of Business Partner Item | |
390 | _FICAIDOC_FQC1405 | Define Conversion of External Tax Identification | |
391 | _FICAIDOC_FQC1410 | S_KK4_74002645 | Settings for Reversing Documents |
392 | _FICAIDOC_VCEBSEXTTA | Conversion of External Tax ID with External Processing | |
393 | _FICAIDOC_VCEBSINTAX | Conversion of External Tax ID with Internal Processing | |
394 | _FICAINCM_V_TFK036S | S_KK4_74002202 | Define Alternative Planning Levels for Locks |
395 | _FICAINCM_V_TFK036V | S_KK4_74002189 | Define Alternative Planning Levels for Transactions |
396 | _FICAINGL_FQZE | S_KK4_74002204 | Define Posting Specifications for General Ledger Transfer |
397 | _FICAINK_ALE | S_KK4_74002777 | Settings for ALE Business Process |
398 | _FICAINK_FQ3000 | S_KK4_74002775 | Define Specifications for Collection Agency Charges |
399 | _FICAINK_FQ3001 | S_KK4_74002776 | Define Document Type for Enforced Collection by Clerk |
400 | _FICAINK_FQ3002 | S_KK4_74002774 | Define Case Type for Collection Case |
401 | _FICAINSD_FQC1200 | S_KK4_74002206 | Derive Main/Sub-Transaction from SD Information |
402 | _FICAINSD_FQC1210 | S_KK4_74002205 | Derive Document Type from SD Billing Doc Data |
403 | _FICAINSD_TFK077DV | S_KK4_74002207 | Define Posting to FI-CA for Customer Account Groups |
404 | _FICAINV_FKKINVBILLN | Maintain Number Ranges for Settlement Documents | |
405 | _FICAINV_FKKINVDOCNU | Maintain Number Ranges for Invoicing | |
406 | _FICAINV_FQ2600 | Maintain Document Types for Invoicing Documents | |
407 | _FICAINV_FQ2605 | Define Document Types for Posting Documents for Invoicing | |
408 | _FICAINV_FQ2610 | Define Account Assignment of General Ledger Items | |
409 | _FICAINV_FQ2611 | Define Account Assignment for Business Partner Items | |
410 | _FICAINV_FQ2612 | Define Summarization Transactions for Business Partner Items | |
411 | _FICAINV_FQ2617 | Assign Charge and Discount Keys | |
412 | _FICAINV_FQ2618 | Define Item Selection for Determination of Base Amount for Charge/Discount | |
413 | _FICAINV_FQ2620 | Define Item Selection for Calculation of Interest on Open Items | |
414 | _FICAINV_FQ2622 | Define Item Selection for Calculation of Interest on Cash Security Deposits | |
415 | _FICAINV_FQ2625 | Define Item Selection for Debit Entry of Statistical Documents | |
416 | _FICAINV_FQ2628 | Define Item Selection for Activation | |
417 | _FICAINV_FQ2630 | Define Item Selection for Account Maintenance | |
418 | _FICAINV_FQ2635 | Define Item Selection (Subitems) for Invoice Display | |
419 | _FICAINV_FQ2640 | Define Determination of Transactions for Billing Document Items | |
420 | _FICAINV_FQ2641 | Define Tax Codes for Billiing Document Items | |
421 | _FICAINV_FQ2642 | Define Tax Condition Type for Billing Documents | |
422 | _FICAINV_FQ2645 | Define Document Types for Billing Documents | |
423 | _FICAINV_FQ2680 | Define Specifications for Determination of Application Form | |
424 | _FICAINV_FQ2685 | Define Specifications for Payment Method/Payment Form Control | |
425 | _FICAINV_FQ2686 | Assign Key for Invoice Rounding | |
426 | _FICAINV_TFK2601 | Enhance Invoicing Functions | |
427 | _FICAINV_TFK2604 | Define Invoicing Categories | |
428 | _FICAINV_TFK2605 | Define Reference Document Type for Posting Documents | |
429 | _FICAINV_TFK2608 | Define Invocing Item Types | |
430 | _FICAINV_TFK2611 | Define Category of Invoicing Period | |
431 | _FICAINV_TFK2618 | Define Key for Invoice Rounding | |
432 | _FICAINV_TFK2661 | Define Reasons for Reversal of Invoicing Documents | |
433 | _FICAINV_VCTFK2600BI | Maintain Document Types and Assign Number Ranges | |
434 | _FICAINV_VC_TFK2600 | Maintain Document Types and Assign Number Ranges | |
435 | _FICAINV_VC_TFK2602 | Define Invoicing Processes | |
436 | _FICAINV_VC_TFK2603 | Define Invoicing Types | |
437 | _FICAINV_VC_TFK2613 | Maintain Key for Tax Display | |
438 | _FICAINV_VC_TFK2615 | Maintain Grouping Variants | |
439 | _FICAINV_VC_TFK2617 | Define Key for Charges and Discounts | |
440 | _FICAINV_V_TFK2610 | Define CO-PA Characteristic Derivation | |
441 | _FICAINV_V_TFK2660 | Basic Settings for Invoicing Reversal | |
442 | _FICAINV_V_TFK2680 | Define Application Form | |
443 | _FICAISAD_FQK1 | S_KK4_74002377 | Select Fields for Search Function |
444 | _FICAISAD_FQK2 | S_KK4_74002376 | Choose Fields for Selection Function |
445 | _FICAISAD_FQK3 | S_KK4_74002375 | Select Fields for Sort Function |
446 | _FICAISAD_FQK5 | S_KK4_74002384 | Select Additional Fields to be Displayed |
447 | _FICAISAD_FQZ1 | S_KK4_74002396 | Define Line Layout Variants for Account Balance |
448 | _FICAISAD_TFK021SNAP | S_KK4_74002792 | Define Business Partner for Creation of Snapshots |
449 | _FICAISAD_TFK021U | S_KK4_74002378 | Define Proposal for Line Layout |
450 | _FICAISAD_V_TFK021L | S_KK4_74002419 | Define List Category |
451 | _FICAISAD_V_TFK021SV | S_KK4_74002379 | Maintain Sorting Variants |
452 | _FICAISAD_V_TFK021_R | S_KK4_74002551 | Define Account Balance Roles |
453 | _FICAIS_DEVPAY | S_KK4_74002425 | Configure Reporting for Payment Development |
454 | _FICAIS_V_TFK001REP | S_KK4_74002192 | Settings for Company Code |
455 | _FICAOI_TFKACTIVATEO | Maintain Settings for Company Code | |
456 | _FICAOI_TFKEXTSYST | Define Identification for External System | |
457 | _FICAOI_TFKRECEIVERO | Maintain Settings for Recipient System | |
458 | _FICAPE_FQP2 | S_KK4_74002230 | Maintain Item Indicator for Payment Program |
459 | _FICAPE_FQ_ENH_BROKR | S_KK4_74002782 | Include Broker Field in Business Partner Item |
460 | _FICAPE_FQ_ENH_OPORD | S_KK4_74002726 | Classification Key |
461 | _FICAPST_FQD1 | S_KK4_74002313 | Delete Transaction Data per Company Code |
462 | _FICAPWB_EFGTRADM | S_KK4_74002557 | Translation of Application Forms |
463 | _FICAPWB_EFTRADM | S_KK4_74002558 | Translation of Application Forms |
464 | _FICASD_V_T077DF | S_EBJ_98000092 | Specify Posting to Contract A/R and A/P for Customer Groups |
465 | _FICASEPA_VFSEPAINSC | S_P7I_74002810 | Determine Local Instrument Code and Lead Times |
466 | _FICASEPA_VFSEPAINSL | S_P7I_74002811 | Change Priority Rules for Local Instrument Code and Lead Times |
467 | _FICASEPA_VSEPA_CUST | S_P7I_14000004 | General Settings |
468 | _FICASEPA_VSEPA_FLDS | S_P7I_14000003 | Define Modifiable Fields |
469 | _FICASEPA_VTFK000SEP | S_P7I_74002808 | Enter General Specifications |
470 | _FICASEPA_V_TFKSEPAV | S_P7I_74002809 | Hide Mandate Fields |
471 | _FICATDCSV_FQZ1A | Maintain Alternative Accounts for Resetting Individual Value Adjustments | |
472 | _FICAVB_FQVBUND | Define Document Type for Adjustment Postings | |
473 | _FICAWRKFL_V_TFK4EYE | S_KK4_74002568 | Define Check Reasons |
474 | _FICAXABIC_FSCQAR01A | S_KK4_95000014 | Define Runtime for Archiving Balance Interest Calculation Histories |
475 | _FICAXBFCA_TFSC01 | S_KK4_95000006 | Define Account Determination Characteristics |
476 | _FICAXBFCA_TFSCKTOKL | S_KK4_95000005 | Define Account Categories |
477 | _FICAXBFCR_FSCQS100 | S_KK4_95000003 | Define Payment Media ID for Forms (FI-CAX) |
478 | _FICAXBFDP_FSCQS000 | S_KK4_95000002 | Define Account Assignment Data Relevant to Main Transaction for FI-CAX |
479 | _FICAXBFDP_FSCQS001 | S_KK4_95000001 | Define Transaction-Relevant Account Assignment Data for FI-CAX |
480 | _FICAXBFDP_TFSC052 | S_KK4_74002700 | Maintain Payment Terms |
481 | _FICAXBIC_FSCQAR01B | S_KK4_95000015 | Activate Archive Information Structure for Balance Interest Calc. Histories |
482 | _FICAXVORG_VTFSCHVTV | S_KK4_95000007 | Define and Parameterize External Transactions |
483 | _FICAXVORG_V_TFKIVV | S_KK4_95000008 | Assign External Transactions |
484 | _FICAX_FCSQS082 | S_KK4_95000011 | Define Specifications for Balance Interest Calculation |
485 | _FICAX_FSCQS082 | S_KK4_95000012 | Define Specifications for Balance Interest Calculation |
486 | _FICAX_FSCQS400 | S_KK4_95000013 | Define Specifications for Resetting the Balance Interest Calculation |
487 | _FICA_BTDU_V_TFK047L | S_KK4_74002471 | Configure Dunning Activities |
488 | _FICA_BTPY_TFK042M | S_KK4_74002101 | Define Bank User Numbers for Payment Medium |
489 | _FICA_BTREVD_FPAR03B | S_KK4_74002715 | Activate Archive Information Structure for Revenue Distribution Archive |
490 | _FICA_DATTRANS_STRUC | S_KK4_74002649 | Generation of Structures for Data Transfer |
491 | _FICA_FICAAOLA | S_KK4_74002221 | Define Layouts for Mass Activities |
492 | _FICA_FQD2 | S_KK4_74002224 | Generate Interval Variants for Parallel Processes |
493 | _FICA_FQMASS | S_KK4_74002222 | Define Group Frames for Mass Activities |
494 | _FICA_OU_TFK001G | S_KK4_74002724 | Define Company Code Groups |
495 | _FICA_OU_TFK001GB | S_KK4_74002725 | Assign Company Codes to Company Code Groups |
496 | _FICA_SAFTPT_DER | S_EMI_14000099 | Define Extraction Rules of Source Documents for SAF-T Files |
497 | _FICA_SAFTPT_OA | S_EMI_14000098 | Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes # Portugal (SAF-T PT) |
498 | _FICA_TFK001B | S_KK4_74002390 | Set Up Company Codes for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable |
499 | _FICA_TFKFBC | S_KK4_74002220 | Define Customer-Specific Function Modules |
500 | _FICA_TS_1 | S_KK4_74002191 | Prepare Processing of Clarification Worklist |