SAP ABAP IMG Activity - Index _
IMG Activity - _
# IMG Activity Transaction Code Short Description
1 _AAA_1_IMG S_KK4_08000354 Generate Customer-Specific Additional Account Assignments 
2 _AAA_2_IMG S_KK4_08000355 Distribution of Customer-Specific Additional Account Assignments 
3 _ALM_01 S_KK4_13000255 Assign Cash Flow Type to Cash Flow Indicator 
4 _AM_ARC_AOBJ_01 S_PLN_06000060 Edit Basic Settings for Archiving Objects 
5 _AM_ARC_CUSTENGINE01 S_KBI_91000116 Maintain Global Control with Archiving Engine 
6 _AM_ARC_CUST_CHECK_0 S_PLN_06000062 Check Archiving Customizing Settings 
7 _AM_ARC_FACTORY S_KBI_91000143 Create Customer-Specific Enhancements 
8 _AM_ARC_FILE_01 S_PLN_06000059 Maintain File Names and File Paths Across all Clients 
9 _AM_ARC_GLOBAL_01 S_PLN_06000061 Edit Global Archiving Control 
10 _AM_EP_RFLTEMPL S_KBI_67000132 Define Job Nets 
11 _AM_PPJ_APPCUST S_KBI_67000144 Maintain Customer Settings for Application Types 
12 _AM_PPJ_APPCUST_01 S_PLN_06000074 Edit Customer Settings for Application Types 
13 _AM_PPJ_APPREL S_KBI_67000145 Maintain Locks of Other Application Types Relevant for Application Type 
14 _AM_PPJ_DISTR S_KBI_67000146 Maintain Job Distribution 
15 _AM_PP_LCKM S_PAB_09000007 Assign Customer Settings for Lock Owner Mode to an Application Type 
16 _AM_PR_CD_FICOBV_CDD S_KBI_67000142 Assign Condition Categories to Differentiation Categories 
17 _AM_PR_CD_FICOV_DETP S_KBI_67000061 Edit Determination Periods 
18 _AM_PR_CD_FICOV_DIFF S_KBI_67000059 Edit Differentiation Categories 
19 _AM_PR_CD_FICOV_LIST S_KBI_67000058 Define Condition Group Types 
20 _AM_PR_CD_FICOV_TIME S_KBI_67000062 Define Assignment Reasons 
21 _AM_PR_CD_FICOV_USEP S_KBI_67000060 Edit Usage Periods 
22 _AM_PR_CD_IND_REL01 S_KBI_67000279 Assign Release Procedure to Release Object 
23 _AM_PR_CD_IND_REL_WF S_KBI_67000280 Assign Rule to Release Steps 
24 _AM_PR_CD_IND_RTW_LK S_KBI_67000282 Assign Release Procedure to Release Procedure WF 
25 _AM_PR_CD_STD_REL01 S_KBI_67000277 Assign Release Procedure to Release Object 
26 _AM_PR_CD_STD_REL_WF S_KBI_67000278 Assign Rule to Release Steps 
27 _AM_PR_CD_STD_RTW_LK S_KBI_67000281 Assign Release Procedure to Release Procedure WF 
28 _AM_TBANK_MR_CNTRC S_KBI_80000263 Define Return for Mass Runs 
29 _AR_CUST S_ABA_72000364 Configure Archiving Engine 
30 _AR_FACTORY S_ABA_72000365 Define Residence Time Determination 
31 _AR_FACTORY_CHECKREP S_ABA_72000368 Check Customizing for Archiving and Deletion Scenarios 
32 _ATVO61 S_KK4_13000260 Assign Reference Interest Rate 
33 _ATVO62 S_KK4_13000261 Assign Currency Pair 
34 _ATVO63 S_KK4_13000263 Assign Security ID Number 
35 _ATVO64 S_KK4_13000265 Assign Security Index 
36 _B-BCA-MDAC-V_TBKKM9 S_KK4_13000098 Maintain Formats for Bank Statements (Old) 
37 _BA-CA-BKK_DC_NTC_AU S_PLN_06000086 Maintain Amount Limit for Notice 
38 _BA-CA-CO-TBKKCORR S_AEN_10000284 Activate Correspondence Tool 
39 _BA-CA-GL-F9HC4 S_KK4_13000122 GL Account Assignment: Individual Value Adjustment 
40 _BA-CA-GL-F9HC5 S_KK4_13000123 GL Account Assignment: Locked Payment Items/Currency Changeover 
41 _BA-CA-MD-F9MBP S_KK4_13000095 Assign Products to Bank Areas 
42 _BA-CA-MD-FIPRC10 S_KK4_13000166 Maintain Field Attributes 
43 _BA-CA-MD-FIPRC11 S_KK4_13000164 Maintain Feature Attributes 
44 _BA-CA-MD-FIPRC3 S_KK4_13000170 Maintain Attributes 
45 _BA-CA-MD-FIPRC4 S_KK4_13000172 Set Up Prefix 
46 _BA-CA-MD-FIPRD2 S_KK4_13000137 Change Product 
47 _BA-CA-MD-FIPRD3 S_KK4_13000097 Display Product 
48 _BA-CA-MD-FIPRD4 S_KK4_13000096 Copy Product 
49 _BA-CA-PT-F9POWFCU S_KK4_13000086 Customize Tasks 
50 _BA-CA-PT-WF-OOOE S_KK4_13000087 Process Organizational Plan 
51 _BA-CA-V_TBKKAUTGRP S_KFM_86000295 Maintain Authorization Groups 
52 _BA-CA-V_TBKKHLDAUTH S_ALN_01001964 Maintain Hold Amount Limit/Principle of Dual Control 
53 _BA-CA-V_TBKKIAUTH S_KK4_13000120 Maintain Amount Limit/Principle of Dual Control for Payment Item 
54 _BA-CA-V_TBKKOAUTH S_KK4_13000113 Maintain Amount Limit/Principle of Dual Control for Payment Order 
55 _BA-CA-V_TBKKSOAUTH S_KK4_13000119 Maintain Amount Limit/Principle of Dual Control for Standing Order 
56 _BA-V_TBKKE_FOUR_EYS S_KK4_13000168 Maintain Principle of Dual Control for Limits 
57 _BADIIDMFIACCCLERK S_E4A_94000275 BAdI: Define Accounting Clerk 
58 _BCA_AM_NTCAMT S_ALN_01002257 Calculation of Available Amount 
59 _BCA_AM_NTC_REASON S_ALN_01002260 Maintain Reasons for Notice 
60 _BCA_MD_AC_4EYES_CLS S_ALN_01001011 Switch On/Off Dual Control for Account Closure 
61 _BCA_MD_AC_4EYES_NTC S_ALN_01001667 Set up Release for Bank Area/Product/Notice Category and Amount 
62 _BCA_MD_AC_DCRE S_ALN_01001010 Maintain Rejection Reasons 
63 _BCA_MD_AC_DC_NTC_GR S_PLN_06000047 Set up Release for Bank Area/Authorization Group and Amount 
64 _BCA_MD_AC_IBAN_FKT S_PLN_16000056 Define Function Module for IBAN 
65 _BERECHTIGUNG S_KK4_13000207 Maintain Authorizations 
66 _BUPA_TAXNUMTYPE S_AEC_66000284 Maintain Tax Numbers 
67 _BZO_CUS_INC_GO_00IP S_AEN_10000447 Includes of Table PFO_GO_00IP 
68 _BZO_CUS_INC_GZO S_AEN_10000450 Includes of Table PFO_GZO 
69 _BZO_CUS_INC_SEG S_AEN_10000449 Includes of Table PFO_SEG 
70 _BZO_CUS_INC_SZO S_AEN_10000451 Includes of Table PFO_SZO 
71 _BZO_CUS_INC_ZO_0000 S_AEN_10000448 Includes of Table PFO_ZO_0000 
72 _CA-BA-MD-FIPRD1 S_KK4_13000180 Create Product 
73 _CABP_APPLTA S_PAB_37000014 Application Transactions 
74 _CABP_BUCF S_ABA_72000039 Define Number Ranges 
75 _CABP_BUCG S_ABA_72000042 Configure Field Attributes per BP Role 
76 _CABP_BUCH S_ABA_72000043 Configure Field Attributes per Activity 
77 _CABP_BUCN S_ABA_72000032 Define Field Groups Relevant to Authorizations 
78 _CABP_BUCO S_ABA_72000050 Configure Screens 
79 _CABP_BUCV S_A2C_40000180 Configure Field Attributes per Client 
80 _CABP_BUPA_TB038 S_A2C_40000109 Maintain Industry Systems and Industries 
81 _CABP_BUPA_TB038A S_A2C_40000151 Maintain Industry Key 
82 _CABP_CLEAR_ACT S_ABA_72000110 Activate Duplicate Cleansing 
83 _CABP_CLEAR_PRIO S_ABA_72000109 Define Priorities 
84 _CABP_CLEAR_SNRO S_ABA_72000108 Maintain Number Ranges 
85 _CABP_DATENFORMATE S_ABA_72000095 Data Formats 
86 _CABP_DATENSATZ S_ABA_72000094 Processing the Transfer Types at Data Record Level 
87 _CABP_ERWEIT S_AEC_66000260 Extensibility 
88 _CABP_GPB_BUB9 S_ABA_72000025 Define Number Ranges 
89 _CABP_GPB_BUBP S_ABA_72000028 Configure Field Attributes for Each BP Relationship Category 
90 _CABP_GPB_BUBQ S_ABA_72000029 Configure Field Attributes for Each BP Role Definition Category 
91 _CABP_GPB_KC7R S_ABA_72000021 Define Transfer Rules 
92 _CABP_GPB_KCLJ S_ABA_72000022 Start Transfer 
93 _CABP_GPB_KCLL S_ABA_72000020 Define Sender Structure 
94 _CABP_GPB_KCLP S_ABA_72000023 Evaluate Logs 
95 _CABP_GPB_TB910 S_ABA_72000031 Define Departments 
96 _CABP_GPB_TB912 S_ABA_72000024 Define Functions 
97 _CABP_GPB_TB914 S_ABA_72000017 Define Authority 
98 _CABP_GPB_TB916 S_ABA_72000018 Define VIP Entries 
99 _CABP_GPB_TB930 S_ABA_72000019 Define Property Regimes 
100 _CABP_GPB_V_TB031 S_ABA_72000124 Define Field Groups Relevant to Authorizations 
101 _CABP_GPB_V_TB102_2 S_ABA_72000123 Configure Field Attributes for Each Client 
102 _CABP_GPB_V_TB105 S_ABA_72000030 Configure Field Attributes for Each Activity 
103 _CABP_GPB_V_TB905 S_ABA_72000026 Define Relationship Types 
104 _CABP_GPB_V_TB905_RF S_ABA_72000027 Define Role Definition Types 
105 _CABP_KC7R S_ABA_72000006 Define Transfer Rules 
106 _CABP_KCLA S_ABA_72000090 Split File 
107 _CABP_KCLJ S_ABA_72000007 Start Transfer 
108 _CABP_KCLL S_ABA_72000005 Define Sender Structure 
109 _CABP_KCLP S_ABA_72000008 Evaluate Logs 
110 _CABP_KCLT S_ABA_72000089 Use Test Data Editor 
111 _CABP_NAMEFORMAT S_ABA_72000014 Maintain Name Formatting Rules 
112 _CABP_NOTE_VIEW S_ABA_72000099 Define Note Views 
113 _CABP_PFCG S_ABA_72000088 Generate and Assign Authorizations 
114 _CABP_RS_ERWEIT S_ABA_72000107 Extensibility 
115 _CABP_SENDERSTRUKTUR S_ABA_72000096 Define Sender Structure 
116 _CABP_STATUS_BS02 S_ABA_72000106 Define Status Profile for User Status 
117 _CABP_SU03 S_ABA_72000033 Maintain Authorizations 
118 _CABP_TB009 S_ABA_72000035 Define Address Types 
119 _CABP_TB019 S_ABA_72000002 Maintain Legal Forms 
120 _CABP_TB023 S_ABA_72000009 Maintain Industries 
121 _CABP_TB025 S_ABA_72000004 Define Group Types 
122 _CABP_TB027 S_ABA_72000015 Maintain Marital Status 
123 _CABP_TB028 S_ABA_72000016 Maintain Occupations 
124 _CABP_TB029 S_ABA_72000045 Maintain Legitimation Types 
125 _CABP_TB032 S_ABA_72000003 Maintain Legal Entity 
126 _CABP_TB033 S_ABA_72000049 Maintain Payment Card Type 
127 _CABP_TB033CAT S_ABA_72000105 Assign Payment Card Category to Payment Card Type 
128 _CABP_TB034 S_ABA_72000046 Maintain Payment Card Category 
129 _CABP_TB035 S_ABA_72000010 Maintain Payment Card Blocks 
130 _CABP_TB039 S_A2C_40000105 Identification Categories 
131 _CABP_TCC1 S_ABA_72000048 Assign Checking Rule 
132 _CABP_TCCSEC S_L1B_76000005 Make Security Settings for Payment Cards 
133 _CABP_TSAD2 S_ABA_72000011 Maintain Academic Titles 
134 _CABP_TSAD4 S_ABA_72000013 Maintain Name Prefixes 
135 _CABP_TSAD5 S_ABA_72000012 Maintain Name Affixes 
136 _CABP_UEBERTRAGUNG S_ABA_72000097 Define Transfer Rules 
137 _CABP_VIEWEXAM S_AEC_66000105 Assign Other Checks for Existing Views 
138 _CABP_VV_TB037_BUPA S_AEC_66000257 Maintain Authorization Groups 
139 _CABP_V_TB001 S_ABA_72000040 Define Groupings and Assign Number Ranges 
140 _CABP_V_TB004 S_ABA_72000041 Define Business Partner Types 
141 _CABP_V_TB004_01 S_ABA_72000044 Configure Field Attributes per Business Partner Type 
142 _CABP_V_TB008S S_A2C_40000103 Define Transactions 
143 _CABP_V_TB008U S_A2C_40000104 Assign Transaction to Address Type 
144 _CABP_V_TB030 S_ABA_72000038 Maintain Authorization Types 
145 _CABP_V_TB033_SEC S_ABA_72000104 Maintain Payment Card Type 
146 _CABP_V_TB037 S_AEC_66000256 Maintain Authorization Groups 
147 _CABP_V_TB039 S_A2C_40000106 Define Identification Categories 
148 _CABP_V_TB039A S_A2C_40000110 Define Identification Types 
149 _CABP_V_TB060R S_ABA_72000098 Assignment of Note Views to Roles 
150 _CABP_V_TBH01 S_ABA_72000150 Establish Hierarchy Category 
151 _CABP_V_TSAD3 S_ABA_72000037 Maintain Forms of Address 
152 _CACSREMINQ_ADD_ROWS S_AEN_10000181 BAdI: Read Additional Lines for Display of Remuneration Inquiry 
153 _CACSTGT_CLASSIFICTN S_AEN_10000371 BAdI: Fill Target Evaluation Metastructure for a Classification Type 
154 _CACSTGT_EVAL_SWTON S_E4E_66000232 BAdI: Dynamic Reading of Actual and Target Values 
155 _CACSTGT_GENFLD_EVAL S_AEN_10000370 BAdI: Dynamic Reading of Actual and Target Values 
156 _CACS_ S_SK4_11000041 Copy Customer Applications 
157 _CACS_1 S_SK4_11000042 Regenerate Totals Tables in Euro 
158 _CACS_2 S_SK4_11000043 Initialization of Totals Tables 
159 _CACS_ACC_FI S_AER_95000348 Configure Account Assignments for Settlement System FI 
160 _CACS_ACC_REM_01 S_AER_95000355 Configure Account Assignments for Own Settlement System 
161 _CACS_ACC_REM_CD S_AER_95000354 Configure Account Assignments for Settlement System FS-CD 
162 _CACS_ACC_REM_FA S_E4E_66000178 Configure Account Assignments for Settlement System FI-CA 
163 _CACS_ACC_REM_FI S_AER_95000352 Configure Account Assignments for Settlement System FI 
164 _CACS_ACC_REM_HR S_AER_95000353 Configure Account Assignments for Settlement System HCM 
165 _CACS_ACC_STL_01 S_AER_95000351 Configure Account Assignments for Own Settlement System 
166 _CACS_ACC_STL_CD S_AER_95000350 Configure Account Assignments for Settlement System FS-CD 
167 _CACS_ACC_STL_FA S_E4E_66000179 Configure Account Assignments for Settlement System FI-CA 
168 _CACS_ACC_STL_HR S_AER_95000349 Configure Account Assignments for Settlement System HCM 
169 _CACS_ANW_PRO_SETZEN S_KK4_74001130 Set Application to Productive 
170 _CACS_APPL_CT S_AER_95000172 Edit Period Rules 
171 _CACS_APPL_D9 S_EE5_50000015 Logical Service : Edit Object Type class 
172 _CACS_APPL_ERASE S_E36_82000259 Delete Application 
173 _CACS_APPL_INSTALL S_AER_95000153 Execute Application Wizard 
174 _CACS_APPL_WIZARD S_E36_82000258 Application Wizard 
175 _CACS_BDL_BDT S_KK4_08000387 BDT Settings 
176 _CACS_BDT S_KK4_08000391 Edit Area Menu (BDT Settings) 
177 _CACS_BDT_EINSTELL. S_KK4_74001127 Maintain BDT Settings 
178 _CACS_BERE S_KK4_08000163 List All Interfaces for the Commission System 
179 _CACS_BERP S_KK4_08000166 List All Interfaces for the Commission System 
180 _CACS_BF24 S_KK4_08000164 Define Customer-Specific Production Objects 
181 _CACS_BF34 S_KK4_08000165 Activate Customer Function Module 
182 _CACS_BF44 S_KK4_08000167 Assign Customer Function Modules to Process Interfaces 
183 _CACS_BLKCONFCRTCO S_E4E_66000096 BAdI: Enhancement Mapping (Confirmation: Commission Cases Created) 
184 _CACS_BP_BDT S_KK4_08000390 BDT Settings 
185 _CACS_BUCAGNR S_KK4_08000306 Commission Contract: Define Number Ranges for Ind. Agreement 
186 _CACS_BUSOBJ1 S_ALN_01002478 Define Permitted Business Object Categories 
187 _CACS_CACS41_ELTDOC S_AEN_10000799 BAdI: Posting of Transfer Document 
188 _CACS_CACSCOND0001 S_KK4_74001107 Edit Field List Condition Tables 
189 _CACS_CACSCOND0002 S_KK4_74001108 Create Condition Tables 
190 _CACS_CACSCOND0003 S_KK4_74001109 Change Condition Tables 
191 _CACS_CACSCOND0004 S_KK4_74001100 Display Condition Tables 
192 _CACS_CACSCOND0005 S_KK4_74001102 Edit Condition Types 
193 _CACS_CACSCOND0006 S_KK4_74001101 Define Access Sequences 
194 _CACS_CACSCOND0007 S_KK4_74001104 Edit Calculation Procedures 
195 _CACS_CACSCOND0011 S_KK4_74001201 Edit Field List Condition Tables 
196 _CACS_CACSCOND0012 S_KK4_74001202 Create Condition Tables 
197 _CACS_CACSCOND0013 S_KK4_74001203 Change Condition Tables 
198 _CACS_CACSCOND0014 S_KK4_74001195 Display Condition Tables 
199 _CACS_CACSCOND0015 S_KK4_74001197 Edit Condition Types 
200 _CACS_CACSCOND0016 S_KK4_74001196 Define Access Sequences 
201 _CACS_CACSCOND0017 S_KK4_74001198 Define Calculation Procedures 
202 _CACS_CACSCOND0021 S_KK4_08000051 Edit Field List Condition Tables 
203 _CACS_CACSCOND002103 S_E36_82000226 Edit Field List Condition Tables 
204 _CACS_CACSCOND0022 S_KK4_08000053 Create Condition Tables 
205 _CACS_CACSCOND002203 S_E36_82000227 Create Condition Tables 
206 _CACS_CACSCOND0023 S_KK4_08000052 Change Condition Tables 
207 _CACS_CACSCOND002303 S_E36_82000228 Change Condition Tables 
208 _CACS_CACSCOND0024 S_KK4_08000054 Display Condition Tables 
209 _CACS_CACSCOND002403 S_E36_82000229 Display Condition Tables 
210 _CACS_CACSCOND0025 S_KK4_08000056 Edit Condition Types 
211 _CACS_CACSCOND002503 S_E36_82000231 Edit Condition Types 
212 _CACS_CACSCOND0026 S_KK4_08000055 Edit Access Sequences 
213 _CACS_CACSCOND002603 S_E36_82000230 Edit Access Sequences 
214 _CACS_CACSCOND0027 S_KK4_08000057 Define Calculation Procedures 
215 _CACS_CACSCOND002703 S_E36_82000233 Maintain Calculation Procedures 
216 _CACS_CACSCONDAUTH S_SK4_11000014 Define Quantifying Authorizations for Performance-Related Remuneration 
217 _CACS_CACSCONDMAINT S_KK4_74001112 Edit Contents of Condition Tables 
218 _CACS_CACSCONDMAINT3 S_E36_82000235 Maintain Contents of Condition Tables 
219 _CACS_CACSCONDMAINTB S_KK4_74001207 Edit Contents of Condition Table 
220 _CACS_CACSCONDMAINTC S_KK4_08000058 Edit Contents of Condition Tables 
221 _CACS_CACSGEN2 S_KK4_74001180 Generation of Data Areas and Interfaces 
222 _CACS_CACSLOCCOPY S_PLN_62000174 Compare Local Copies of Structures with Originals in Operational Systems 
223 _CACS_CACSOBJTYPES S_KK4_08000347 Change Subobject Types 
224 _CACS_CACSRECHAPPLCP S_KK4_08000024 Copy Reports on Applications 
225 _CACS_CACSTGRUNNR S_AEN_10000283 Define Number Range for Target Agreement Run 
226 _CACS_CACSTREEAPPL S_KK4_08000049 Assign Report Tree to User or Application 
227 _CACS_CACS_31_SL S_E4E_66000143 Edit Standard Agreement for Settlement and Settlement Lock 
228 _CACS_CACS_APPL_86 S_AEN_10000886 Define Formulas 
229 _CACS_CACS_APPL_CO S_AEN_10000657 Define Message Groups 
230 _CACS_CACS_APPL_CP S_AEN_10000658 Define Type of Processor Determination 
231 _CACS_CACS_APPL_CQ S_AEN_10000660 Sort Messages into Message Groups 
232 _CACS_CACS_APPL_CR S_AEN_10000671 Configure Message Groups for Commission Case 
233 _CACS_CACS_APPL_CU S_AER_95000270 Edit Process Types 
234 _CACS_CACS_APPL_CV S_AER_95000324 Define Determination Criteria for Release Types 
235 _CACS_CACS_APPL_CW S_AER_95000327 Define Determination Criteria for Global Scheduling Rule 
236 _CACS_CACS_APPL_D1 S_AER_95000359 Edit Agreement Types for Each Application 
237 _CACS_CACS_APPL_D2 S_AER_95000360 Assign Agreement Types for Each Contract Type 
238 _CACS_CACS_APPL_D3 S_AER_95000365 Control of Standard Contract for Each Application 
239 _CACS_CACS_APPL_D4 S_AER_95000361 Maintain Structure of Transportable Object 
240 _CACS_CACS_APPL_D8 S_PRN_53000344 Assign Event for Each Agreement Type (Portal) 
241 _CACS_CACS_APPL_D9 S_E4E_66000210 Assign Event for Each Agreement Type in WDABAP (Portal) 
242 _CACS_CACS_APPL_NT S_E4E_66000170 Configure Notification Rule 
243 _CACS_CACS_APPL_NT1 S_E4E_66000171 Assign Account Assignment to Notification Rules 
244 _CACS_CACS_APPL_NT2 S_E4E_66000230 BAdI: Transfer 
245 _CACS_CACS_APPL_NT3 S_E4E_66000231 BAdI: Compression 
246 _CACS_CACS_APPL_RL S_E4E_66000073 Define Determination Criteria for Global Release Rule 
247 _CACS_CACS_APPL_T1 S_AEN_10000275 Edit Standard Agreements for Target Agreements 
248 _CACS_CACS_APPL_T10 S_AEN_10000369 Determine Units of Elementary Target Types 
249 _CACS_CACS_APPL_T12 S_AEN_10000375 Configure Complex Valuation Types 
250 _CACS_CACS_APPL_T12A S_E36_82000219 Configure Complex Valuation Types 
251 _CACS_CACS_APPL_T2 S_AEN_10000271 Define Complex Target Types 
252 _CACS_CACS_APPL_T3 S_AEN_10000270 Define Target Categories 
253 _CACS_CACS_APPL_T4 S_AEN_10000267 Define Classification Categories 
254 _CACS_CACS_APPL_T5 S_AEN_10000268 Define Classification Types 
255 _CACS_CACS_APPL_T6 S_AEN_10000272 Assign Classification Types to Complex Target Types 
256 _CACS_CACS_APPL_T7 S_AEN_10000269 Define Elementary Target Types 
257 _CACS_CACS_APPL_T8 S_AEN_10000273 Define Calculation Rules 
258 _CACS_CACS_APPL_T9 S_AEN_10000277 Make Settings for Valuation Assignment for Target Agreements 
259 _CACS_CACS_APPL_T9B S_AEN_10000376 Set Up Complex Valuation 
260 _CACS_CACS_BUCF S_KK4_08000025 Define Number Ranges 
261 _CACS_CACS_CN01 S_KK4_74001178 Commission Cases: Define Number Ranges 
262 _CACS_CACS_CRD S_AER_95000323 BAdI: Credentials Check 
263 _CACS_CACS_CRD_NO S_PRN_53000690 BAdI: Receive Notifications on Credential Changes (Message-Based) 
264 _CACS_CACS_CRD_XI S_E36_82000182 BAdI: Credentials Check 
265 _CACS_CACS_CSCCNR S_KK4_74001179 Commission Contracts and Contract Bundles: Store Number Ranges 
266 _CACS_CACS_CUSTCOPY S_SK4_11000016 Copy Customizing Entries (x) 
267 _CACS_CACS_DET S_KK4_74001105 Define Determination Criteria 
268 _CACS_CACS_DET2 S_KK4_08000280 Define Determination Criteria 
269 _CACS_CACS_DET2_41 S_E36_82000220 Define Determination Criteria 
270 _CACS_CACS_DET2_CRD S_E36_82000224 Define Determination Criteria 
271 _CACS_CACS_DET3 S_KK4_08000281 Define Determination Criteria 
272 _CACS_CACS_DET4 S_KK4_08000282 Define Determination Criteria 
273 _CACS_CACS_DET45 S_AEN_10000678 Define Determination Criteria 
274 _CACS_CACS_DET46 S_AEN_10000679 Define Determination Criteria 
275 _CACS_CACS_DET5 S_KK4_08000283 Define Determination Criteria 
276 _CACS_CACS_DET6 S_KK4_08000284 Define Determination Criteria 
277 _CACS_CACS_DET7 S_ALN_01002574 Define Determination Criteria 
278 _CACS_CACS_DET8 S_ALN_01002575 Define Determination Criteria 
279 _CACS_CACS_DET9 S_AEN_10000178 Define Determination Criteria 
280 _CACS_CACS_DET_ACCAS S_KK4_74001095 Configure Account Assignments 
281 _CACS_CACS_DET_ACCST S_KK4_08000106 Configure Account Assignments 
282 _CACS_CACS_DET_VAMMA S_AEN_10000306 Configure Valuation Types 
283 _CACS_CACS_DN01 S_KK4_74001176 Commission Documents: Define Number Ranges 
284 _CACS_CACS_FFLTHD S_ALN_01002520 Define Number Ranges for Fulfillment Level Headers 
285 _CACS_CACS_FFLTI S_ALN_01002521 Define Number Ranges for Fulfillment Level Items 
286 _CACS_CACS_FHDRAN S_ALN_01002522 Assign Number Ranges to Process Categories 
287 _CACS_CACS_FITRAN S_ALN_01002525 Assign Number Ranges to Process Categories 
288 _CACS_CACS_GENTEXT S_KK4_74001137 Generate Text Reading Routines 
289 _CACS_CACS_IMG S_E36_82000027 Optimized View of Implementation Guide for My Application 
290 _CACS_CACS_OAC01 S_AEN_10000127 Create User Interface 
291 _CACS_CACS_OAC02 S_AEN_10000137 Create User Interface 
292 _CACS_CACS_OAC11 S_AEN_10000130 Create Workflow Template for Process Definition 
293 _CACS_CACS_OAC31 S_AEN_10000171 Set Up Number Range 
294 _CACS_CACS_OAC32 S_AEN_10000172 Set Up Number Range 
295 _CACS_CACS_OAOBJSEL S_AEN_10000403 BAdI: Object and Target Object Selection in Worklist 
296 _CACS_CACS_OASE16 S_AEN_10000217 Implement BAdI's 
297 _CACS_CACS_OASE19 S_AEN_10000218 Implement BAdI for Object and Target Object Selection in Worklist 
298 _CACS_CACS_OAWLCRE S_AEN_10000401 BAdI: Create Rule-Based Worklists 
299 _CACS_CACS_OAWLCTXT S_AEN_10000402 BAdI: Context Information for Worklist 
300 _CACS_CACS_OBJ S_KK4_08000026 Triggering Objects: Define Number Ranges 
301 _CACS_CACS_PAY S_KK4_74001193 References in the Payment System: Define Number Ranges 
302 _CACS_CACS_PSSPLNO S_AEN_10000307 Define Number Ranges for Distribution Ratios 
303 _CACS_CACS_RCP S_AEN_10000798 BAdI: Add Own Commission Cases to Worklist 
304 _CACS_CACS_RCPNO S_AEN_10000625 Define Number Ranges 
305 _CACS_CACS_REPTYPE S_KK4_74001146 Create Report Type 
306 _CACS_CACS_SESINT S_ALN_01002492 Define Number Ranges for Settlement Schedules 
307 _CACS_CACS_STD_01 S_KK4_74001113 Edit Standard Agreement for Performance-Related Remuneration 
308 _CACS_CACS_STD_02 S_KK4_74001208 Maintain Standard Valuation Agreement 
309 _CACS_CACS_STD_06 S_KK4_74001087 Edit Standard Guarantee Agreement 
310 _CACS_CACS_STD_07 S_KK4_74001081 Edit Standard Participation Agreements 
311 _CACS_CACS_STD_08 S_KK4_74001110 Edit Std Agreement for Flat-Rate Remuneration 
312 _CACS_CACS_STD_09 S_KK4_74001097 Edit Standard Agreement for Settlement 
313 _CACS_CACS_STD_09_SL S_E4E_66000145 Edit Standard Agreement for Settlement and Settlement Lock 
314 _CACS_CACS_STD_10 S_KK4_74001209 Maintain Standard Commission Activity Agreement (later) 
315 _CACS_CACS_STD_12 S_KK4_74001114 Maintain Standard Ceiling Amount Agreement 
316 _CACS_CACS_STD_17 S_KK4_08000139 Edit Global Remuneration Clearing Agreement 
317 _CACS_CACS_STD_27 S_ALN_01002502 Process Standard Agreement for Settlement Release 
318 _CACS_CACS_STMT S_KK4_74001184 Run Number: Define Number Ranges 
319 _CACS_CACS_TFW S_PRN_53000199 Test Framework 
320 _CACS_CACS_TGA S_AEN_10000274 Assign Elementary Target Types to Complex Target Types 
321 _CACS_CACS_WFMGCAS S_PEN_05000118 BAdI: Determination of Message Group 
322 _CACS_CALC_RULE S_EE5_50000007 Logical Service: Calculation Tool Settings 
323 _CACS_CASESIMUQRYRES S_E4E_66000237 BAdI: Enhancement Mapping (Simulate Commission Case) 
324 _CACS_CASE_BDT S_KK4_08000388 BDT Settings 
325 _CACS_CA_CHECK_ESS S_PRN_53000309 BAdI: Check Grouping of Additional Commission Case 
326 _CACS_CA_RUN S_PRN_53000311 BAdI: Additional Commission Case Run 
327 _CACS_CA_SUBSCRIBE S_PRN_53000310 BAdI: Subscription of Additional Commission Case 
328 _CACS_CCBLKRQSCONCTR S_E4E_66000095 BAdI: Enhancement Mapping (Create Commission Cases) 
329 _CACS_CC_APPL_BKRQCA S_E4E_66000194 BAdI: Determine ICM Application (Delete and Confirm Commission Cases) 
330 _CACS_CC_APPL_BKRQCH S_E4E_66000192 BAdI: Determine ICM Application (Change and Confirm Commission Cases) 
331 _CACS_CC_APPL_BLKRQS S_E4E_66000190 BAdI: Determine ICM Application (Create and Confirm Commission Cases) 
332 _CACS_CC_APPL_IDQRYC S_E4E_66000186 BAdI: Determine ICM Application (Read Commission Case) 
333 _CACS_CC_APPL_QRYRES S_E4E_66000182 BAdI: Determine ICM Application (Find Commission Case By Elements) 
334 _CACS_CC_APPL_RECOCA S_E4E_66000184 BAdI: Determine ICM Application (Delete Commission Case) 
335 _CACS_CC_APPL_RECOCH S_E4E_66000183 BAdI: Determine ICM Application (Change Commission Case) 
336 _CACS_CC_APPL_REQCON S_E4E_66000181 BAdI: Determine ICM Application (Create Commission Case) 
337 _CACS_CC_BLKCONFCHGC S_E4E_66000098 BAdI: Enhancement Mapping (Confirmation: Commission Cases Changed) 
338 _CACS_CC_BLKCONFCNCC S_E4E_66000100 BAdI: Enhancement Mapping (Confirmation: Commission Cases Deleted) 
339 _CACS_CC_BLKRQSCHGRQ S_E4E_66000097 BAdI: Enhancement Mapping (Commission Cases Changed) 
340 _CACS_CC_BLKRQSCNCRQ S_E4E_66000099 BAdI: Enhancement Mapping (Commission Cases Deleted) 
341 _CACS_CC_DETERMAPPL S_E4E_66000123 BAdI: Determine Application for Commission Case 
342 _CACS_CDDOCREQCONFCN S_E4E_66000103 BAdI: Enhancement Mapping (Commission Document Deleted) 
343 _CACS_CDOCIDQRYCHKRP S_E4E_66000104 BAdI: Enhancement Mapping (Read Commission Document) 
344 _CACS_CDQRYRESPCHKQR S_E4E_66000102 BAdI: Enhancement Mapping (Find Commission Document By Elements) 
345 _CACS_CD_APPL_BLKRQS S_E4E_66000199 BAdI: Determine ICM Application (Create and Confirm Commission Documents) 
346 _CACS_CD_APPL_BR_CNC S_E4E_66000200 BADI: Determine ICM Application (Delete Commission Documents) 
347 _CACS_CD_APPL_IDQRYC S_E4E_66000198 BAdI: Determine ICM Application (Read Commission Document) 
348 _CACS_CD_APPL_QR_CHK S_E4E_66000196 BADI: Determine ICM Application (Determine Comm.Document with Elements) 
349 _CACS_CD_APPL_RCCNCC S_E4E_66000197 BADI: Determine ICM Application (Delete Commission Document) 
350 _CACS_CD_APPL_REQCON S_E4E_66000195 BAdI: Determine ICM Application (Create Commission Document) 
351 _CACS_CD_BLKCONFCNCC S_E4E_66000114 BAdI: Enhancement Mapping (Confirmation: Commission Documents Deleted) 
352 _CACS_CD_BLKCONFCRTC S_E4E_66000113 BAdI: Enhancement Mapping (Confirmation: Commission Documents Created) 
353 _CACS_CD_BLKINFMNTIN S_E4E_66000112 BAdI: Enhancement Mapping (Read Commission Documents) 
354 _CACS_CD_BLKRQSCNCRQ S_E4E_66000111 BAdI: Enhancement Mapping (Delete Commission Documents) 
355 _CACS_CD_BLKRQSCRTRQ S_E4E_66000110 BAdI: Enhancement Mapping (Create Commission Documents) 
356 _CACS_CD_DETERMINAPP S_E4E_66000124 BAdI: Determine ICM Application (Read Commission Documents) 
357 _CACS_CD_VC_IDQRCHK2 S_E4E_66000225 SAP Master Data Mapping (Confirmation: Read Commission Document) 
358 _CACS_CD_VC_IDQRYCHK S_E4E_66000108 SAP Master Data Mapping (Read Commission Document) 
359 _CACS_CD_VC_QRYRESP2 S_E4E_66000223 SAP Standard Mapping (Confirmation: Commission Doc.Found with Elements) 
360 _CACS_CD_VC_QRYRESPC S_E4E_66000106 SAP Standard Mapping (Find Commission Document by Elements) 
361 _CACS_CD_VC_RECCRTC2 S_E4E_66000222 SAP Standard Mapping (Confirmation: Commission Document Created) 
362 _CACS_CD_VC_RECCRTCO S_E4E_66000105 SAP Standard Mapping (Create Commission Document) 
363 _CACS_CD_VC_REQCOCN2 S_E4E_66000224 SAP Master Data Mapping (Confirmation: Commission Document Deleted) 
364 _CACS_CD_VC_REQCONCN S_E4E_66000107 SAP Master Data Mapping (Delete Commission Document) 
365 _CACS_CENTRAL_PERSON S_KK4_08000221 Basic Settings 
366 _CACS_CLASSIFY_BR S_EE5_50000161 Classification of LOS Tools 
367 _CACS_CLASSIFY_BR2 S_EE5_50000162 Classification of LOS Tools 
368 _CACS_CLONE S_E36_82000260 Clone Application 
369 _CACS_CMSNCASEQRYRES S_E4E_66000084 BAdI: Enhancement Mapping (Find Commission Case By Elements) 
370 _CACS_CMSNCASEREQCON S_E4E_66000086 BAdI: Enhancement Mapping (Create Commission Case) 
371 _CACS_CMSNDOCREQCONF S_E4E_66000101 BAdI: Enhancement Mapping (Create Commission Document) 
372 _CACS_COCAIDQRYCHKQR S_E4E_66000089 BAdI: Enhancement Mapping (Read Commission Case) 
373 _CACS_COCAREQCONFCHG S_E4E_66000087 BAdI: Enhancement Mapping (Change Commission Case) 
374 _CACS_COCAREQCONFCNC S_E4E_66000088 BAdI: Enhancement Mapping (Delete Commission Case) 
375 _CACS_COPY_TO_TRAPPL S_SK4_11000012 Copy Versioned Data to Transport Application 
376 _CACS_CO_FROM_TRAPPL S_SK4_11000013 Copy Versioned Data to Live Application 
377 _CACS_CRD_VC_CACS_MA S_PRN_53000692 Define Assignment Event Management Data 
378 _CACS_CREATE_BINDING S_EE5_50000003 Bind Business Rule Data Objects for Remuneration 
379 _CACS_CREAT_BINDIN10 S_EE5_50000149 Bind Business Rule Data Objects for Remuneration 
380 _CACS_CREAT_BINDIN11 S_EE5_50000150 Bind Business Rule Data Objects for Valuation 
381 _CACS_CREAT_BINDING2 S_EE5_50000004 Bind Business Rule Data Objects for Valuation 
382 _CACS_CREAT_BINDING3 S_EE5_50000005 Bind Business Rules Data Objects for Valuation 
383 _CACS_CREAT_BINDING4 S_EE5_50000006 Bind Business Rules Data Objects for Remuneration 
384 _CACS_CREAT_BINDING8 S_EE5_50000147 Bind Business Rule Data Objects for Remuneration 
385 _CACS_CREAT_BINDING9 S_EE5_50000148 Bind Business Rules Data Objects for Valuation 
386 _CACS_CS_APPL_REQCON S_E4E_66000234 BAdI: Determine ICM Application (Simulate Commission Case) 
387 _CACS_CTRT_BDT S_KK4_08000386 BDT Settings 
388 _CACS_CUSTCOPY_APPL S_KK4_08000401 Copy Cross-Client Customizing from Template 
389 _CACS_CUSTCOPY_CLNT S_KK4_08000402 Copy Customizing from Template (Application Client-Specific) 
390 _CACS_C_0 S_KK4_74001148 Execute Reports 
391 _CACS_C_1 S_KK4_74001155 Create Reports 
392 _CACS_C_2 S_KK4_74001156 Change Reports 
393 _CACS_C_3 S_KK4_74001147 Display Reports 
394 _CACS_C_4 S_KK4_74001152 Create Forms 
395 _CACS_C_5 S_KK4_74001153 Change Forms 
396 _CACS_C_6 S_KK4_74001154 Display forms 
397 _CACS_C_B S_KK4_74001116 Define Variants for Background Processing 
398 _CACS_C_C S_KK4_74001121 Manage Comments 
399 _CACS_C_G S_KK4_74001122 Edit Characteristic Groups 
400 _CACS_C_K S_KK4_74001117 Edit Key Figures 
401 _CACS_C_M S_KK4_74001123 Define Test Monitor 
402 _CACS_C_O S_KK4_74001131 Transport Reports 
403 _CACS_C_P S_KK4_74001120 Transport Forms 
404 _CACS_C_Q S_KK4_74001119 Import Reports from Client 000 
405 _CACS_C_R S_KK4_74001118 Import Forms from Client 000 
406 _CACS_C_S S_KK4_74001124 Display Structure 
407 _CACS_C_T S_KK4_74001125 Translate Reports 
408 _CACS_C_V S_KK4_74001141 Define Global Variables 
409 _CACS_C_W S_KK4_74001136 Determine Currency Translation Types 
410 _CACS_C_X S_KK4_74001133 Reorganize Drilldown Reports 
411 _CACS_C_Y S_KK4_74001134 Reorganize Report Data 
412 _CACS_C_Z S_KK4_74001132 Reorganize Forms 
413 _CACS_DBS S_AER_95000527 Make Settings for Statistics Tool 
414 _CACS_DESC_COND S_PEN_05000418 BAdI: Description of Conditions in Commission Contract 
415 _CACS_DESC_COND_03 S_E36_82000236 BAdI: Description of Conditions in Contract 
416 _CACS_DESIGN S_KK4_08000337 Application Construction 
417 _CACS_DET_ACC S_AER_95000101 Define Access Type 
418 _CACS_DET_AFL S_AER_95000104 Define Filter Settings for Determination Analysis 
419 _CACS_DET_ANALYSIS S_AER_95000096 Execute Determination Analysis 
420 _CACS_DET_ANALYS_ACC S_AER_95000106 BAdI: Access Type 
421 _CACS_DET_ANALYS_CMP S_AER_95000108 BAdI: Output of Determination Analysis for Enhanced Determination 
422 _CACS_DET_ANALYS_ETP S_AER_95000105 BAdI: Entry Point 
423 _CACS_DET_ANALYS_ORG S_AER_95000107 BAdI: Output Determination Analysis for Classic Determination 
424 _CACS_DET_COMPOSITE S_PRN_53000543 Enhanced Determination 
425 _CACS_DET_ETC S_AER_95000154 Define Check Settings of Entry Point 
426 _CACS_DET_ETP S_AER_95000100 Define Entry Point 
427 _CACS_DET_ETP_ACC S_AER_95000159 Define Access Type Assignment of Entry Point 
428 _CACS_DET_ETP_AGR S_AER_95000158 Define Agreement Assignment of Entry Point 
429 _CACS_DET_ETU S_AER_95000161 Assign Access Type and Wild Card to Entry Point 
430 _CACS_DET_PROC S_AER_95000102 Define Process Settings of Calculating Object Type 
431 _CACS_DET_PROC_CHK S_AER_95000155 BAdI: Final Checks of Entry Point 
432 _CACS_DET_PROC_RESLT S_AER_95000103 BAdI: Result Handling of Calculating Object Type 
433 _CACS_DET_WUL_COMB S_AER_95000097 Execute Where-Used List of Combination 
434 _CACS_DET_WUL_RESULT S_AER_95000098 Execute Where-Used List for Result 
435 _CACS_DOC_BDT S_KK4_08000389 BDT Settings (xx) 
436 _CACS_DUMMY1 S_KK4_74001171 Assign Clerk to an Organizational Unit 
437 _CACS_ELTC01 S_AEN_10000453 Reserve Standard Delivery for Commission Application 
438 _CACS_EURO_NLAUF01 S_SK4_11000048 Initialization of SAP Totals Tables 
439 _CACS_EURO_NLAUF02 S_SK4_11000049 Regeneration of SAP Totals Tables 
440 _CACS_EURO_VORLAUF S_SK4_11000044 Copy Customer Applications 
441 _CACS_EURO_VORLAUF01 S_SK4_11000045 Transfer of Conversion Information to the Generated Application 
442 _CACS_EURO_VORLAUF02 S_SK4_11000046 Initializing SAP Totals Tables 
443 _CACS_EURO_ZENTRAL01 S_SK4_11000047 Text 
444 _CACS_EWIC S_E36_82000133 Fill Generated Objects of ICM with Values 
445 _CACS_FIBF S_SK4_11000015 Maintain Business Transaction Events 
446 _CACS_FROM_TRAPPL S_KK4_08000428 Copy Versioned Data to Productive Application 
447 _CACS_FROM_TRAPPL_C S_KK4_08000430 Import Versioned Data 
448 _CACS_GENERATOR S_KK4_08000338 Application Generation 
449 _CACS_HRMD_ADJ_BJ S_KK4_08000228 Schedule Batch Job for Periodic Adjustment 
450 _CACS_HRMD_ADJ_CONV S_KK4_08000224 Define Conversion of Keys for Form of Address, Marital Status and Title 
451 _CACS_HRMD_ADJ_CREC S_KK4_08000227 Activate Recording of Relevant Master Data Changes in HR 
452 _CACS_HRMD_ADJ_GP_DM S_KK4_08000225 Define Dynamic Measures 
453 _CACS_HRMD_ADJ_GP_ED S_KK4_08000226 Control Explicit Assignment of Business Partners to HR Employees 
454 _CACS_HRMD_ADJ_PROT S_SK4_11000037 Check Adjustment Log 
455 _CACS_HRMD_ADJ_UE S_KK4_08000223 Define Roles for Newly Created Business Partners 
456 _CACS_HRMD_BP S_KK4_08000222 Check Business Partner Settings 
457 _CACS_HRMD_MIG_ADJ S_KK4_08000231 Make First Adjustment 
458 _CACS_HRMD_MIG_CRCP S_KK4_08000230 Create Link between Business Partners and HR Employees 
459 _CACS_HRMD_MIG_UE S_KK4_08000229 Define Assignment of Existing HR Employees and Business Partners 
460 _CACS_HRMD_TRF_PROT S_KK4_08000362 Check Transfer Log 
461 _CACS_ICM_CRDMNTNO S_E36_82000184 BAdI: Forward Credential Notification 
462 _CACS_ICM_ELTDOCREV S_EE6_85000150 Configure Automatic Deactivation of ELT Documents 
463 _CACS_ICM_ELTNEGENT S_EE6_85000157 Configure Posting of Negative Entitlements for ELT 
464 _CACS_ICM_ELTPOSTNEG S_EE6_85000156 Configure Posting of Reversal Documents for ELT 
465 _CACS_ICM_SECRDMNTNO S_E36_82000185 BAdI: Enhancements 
466 _CACS_ICM_SPOT_CRDL2 S_E36_82000183 BAdI: Enhancements 
467 _CACS_IDQRYCHKQRSMT S_E4E_66000094 SAP Standard Mapping (Read Commission Case) 
468 _CACS_IDQRYCHKQSMT2 S_E4E_66000221 SAP Standard Mapping (Confirmation: Commission Case Read) 
469 _CACS_KCLL S_KK4_74001144 Determine EDT Sender Structure and Transfer Rule 
470 _CACS_KOND03 S_KK4_08000268 Conditions: Run The Batch Input Session 
471 _CACS_LPD_CUST_SCA S_PRN_53000343 Reports for Standard Contract Maintenance (Portal) 
472 _CACS_NRR_FDU S_KK4_08000379 Commission Cases: Specify Number Ranges for Imported Variants 
473 _CACS_OAC03 S_AEN_10000174 Define Selection Variants 
474 _CACS_OAC04 S_AEN_10000175 Define Selection Variants 
475 _CACS_OOAW S_KK4_74001168 Define Evaluation Paths 
476 _CACS_PACKRANK S_E36_82000261 Package Weighting 
477 _CACS_PRC_TYPE S_AER_95000269 Process Type 
478 _CACS_PRC_TYPE_DEF S_AER_95000358 Define Process Types 
479 _CACS_QRYRESPCHKQSMT S_E4E_66000091 SAP Standard Mapping (Find Commission Case By Elements) 
480 _CACS_QRYRESPCHKSMT2 S_E4E_66000218 SAP Standard Mapping (Confirmation: Commission Case Found By Elements) 
481 _CACS_QRYRESSIMUSMT S_E4E_66000235 SAP Standard Mapping (Simulate Commission Case) 
482 _CACS_QRYRESSIMUSMT2 S_E4E_66000236 SAP Standard Mapping (Response: Simulate Commission Case) 
483 _CACS_RANK_ANON S_E36_82000052 Edit Minimum Numbers for Anonymous Entries 
484 _CACS_RCP S_AEN_10000613 BAdI: Customer Enhancement 
485 _CACS_REMINQ_DOCDT S_AEN_10000188 BAdI: Read Additional Data for Display of Remuneration Detail Lines 
486 _CACS_REMINQ_DOCRE S_AEN_10000184 BAdI: Read Additional Data for Display of Remuneration Data 
487 _CACS_REMINQ_DOCSE S_AEN_10000186 BAdI: Read Additional Data for Display of Settlement Data 
488 _CACS_REM_FORM1 S_KK4_08000060 Maintain Remuneration Type 
489 _CACS_REM_FORM2 S_KK4_08000061 Maintain Remuneration Type 
490 _CACS_REQCONFCHGRSMT S_E4E_66000092 SAP Standard Mapping (Change Commission Case) 
491 _CACS_REQCONFCHGSMT2 S_E4E_66000219 SAP Standard Mapping (Confirmation: Commission Case Changed) 
492 _CACS_REQCONFCNCRSMT S_E4E_66000093 SAP Standard Mapping (Delete Commission Case) 
493 _CACS_REQCONFCNCSMT2 S_E4E_66000220 SAP Standard Mapping (Confirmation: Commission Case Deleted) 
494 _CACS_REQCONFCRTRSMT S_E4E_66000090 SAP Standard Mapping (Create Commission Case) 
495 _CACS_REQCONFCRTSMT2 S_E4E_66000217 SAP Standard Mapping (Confirmation: Commission Case Created) 
496 _CACS_RESET_MAP S_KK4_08000321 Reset Copy Services 
497 _CACS_RET_CHECK_DOC S_PRN_53000009 BAdI: Check Retention Document Before Posting 
498 _CACS_RET_CHECK_DOCU S_PRN_53000007 BAdI: Check Retention Document Before Posting 
499 _CACS_RET_CHECK_STAT S_PRN_53000010 BAdI: Check Status of Retention 
500 _CACS_RET_COMPRESS S_PRN_53000230 BAdI: Compress Settlement Item for Offsetting