SAP ABAP IMG Activity - Index V, page 2
IMG Activity - V
# | IMG Activity | Transaction Code | Short Description |
1 | V_IDMX_VAT | S_AC0_52000811 | Define Directly Attributable Tax Condition Types |
2 | V_IDMX_VAT_ACC | S_AC0_52000810 | Assign VAT Accounts to VAT Return Lines |
3 | V_IDPL_II_TAX_1 | S_EAC_24000349 | Define Tax Exemption Codes |
4 | V_IDT007RA | S_P7D_67000040 | Assign positive/negative values to other fields |
5 | V_IDVKBUR_BUPLA | S_SL0_21000018 | Assign Business Places to Sales Offices |
6 | V_IDVKBUR_BUPLA_VE | S_E4A_94000002 | Assign Business Places to Sales Offices |
7 | V_INM_DFM_BTRANS | S_PTD_51000063 | Maintain DFM Business Transactions |
8 | V_INM_DFM_CFG | S_PTD_51000041 | Maintain Asynchronous Options |
9 | V_INM_DFM_EX_MOD | S_PTD_51000042 | Define Execution Mode for Synchronization of Objects |
10 | V_INM_DFM_STATUS | S_X1D_36000045 | Maintain DFM Statuses |
11 | V_INM_DFM_ST_ACT | S_PTD_51000057 | Map Business Transactions for Synchronization |
12 | V_INM_DFM_SYN_AT | S_PTD_51000040 | Maintain Attributes for Synchronization Scenarios |
13 | V_INM_DFM_SYN_ID | S_PTD_51000048 | Define Scenario ID |
14 | V_INM_DFM_XMOD_C | S_PTD_51000043 | Define Customer-Specific Execution Mode for Synchronization |
15 | V_INM_DPR_ST_I | S_PTD_51000058 | Map DFM Business Transaction to Project / Initiative Business Transaction |
16 | V_INM_DPR_ST_O | S_PTD_51000059 | Map Project / Initiative Business Transaction to DFM Business Transaction |
17 | V_INM_GEN_SET | S_EE5_50000302 | Maintain Gen. Settings for Portf. and Proj. Mgmt Intgrn |
18 | V_INM_MAP_RULES | S_X1D_36000068 | Maintain Mapping Functions |
19 | V_INM_NAV_CTX | S_X1D_36000012 | Define Object Context for Navigation |
20 | V_INM_NAV_CTX_W | S_X1D_36000013 | Define Related Object Context for Navigation |
21 | V_INM_NAV_INFO_F | S_X1D_36000014 | Define Navigation Settings OIF |
22 | V_INM_NAV_INF_F | S_X1D_36000016 | Define Authorizations for Detail Screen Views/Subviews |
23 | V_INM_NAV_INF_W | S_X1D_36000015 | Define Navigation Settings |
24 | V_INM_OBJGRP_SYN | S_PTD_51000039 | Maintain Objects for Synchronization |
25 | V_INM_OBJTYP_STR | S_PTD_51000046 | Maintain Object Synchronization Structure for Object Link Type |
26 | V_INM_OBJ_HEADER | S_PTD_51000052 | Define Object Header and Portfolio Structure Graphic Attributes |
27 | V_INM_OBJ_STRUC | S_PTD_51000067 | Maintain Object Synchronization Structures for Object Grouping |
28 | V_INM_RPM_AC_I | S_PTD_51000055 | Map DFM Activity to Portfolio and Project Management Activity |
29 | V_INM_RPM_AC_O | S_PTD_51000056 | Map Portfolio and Project Management Activity to DFM Activity |
30 | V_INM_RPM_ST_I | S_PTD_51000060 | Map DFM Business Transaction to Portfolio Management Status |
31 | V_INM_RPM_ST_O | S_PTD_51000061 | Map Portfolio Management Status to DFM Business Transaction |
32 | V_INM_ST_MAP_DPR | S_X1D_36000042 | Map Project / Initiative Status to DFM Status |
33 | V_INM_ST_MAP_RPM | S_X1D_36000041 | Map Portfolio Management Status to DFM Status |
34 | V_INM_ST_PATH | S_X1D_36000043 | Maintain DFM Status Change Sequence |
35 | V_ISMTVVD | S_KK4_82001481 | Define Rule for Start of Billing Period in Contract Data |
36 | V_ISSR_MIGTP_EWR | S_ALN_01001629 | Umsetzung Kennz.10 R5/97: spezielle Fonds |
37 | V_ISSR_RSTOCKBAV | S_ALN_01002487 | Zeilen und Spalten für NW102 zuordnen |
38 | V_ISSR_UMSR59710 | S_ALN_01001628 | Umsetzungstabelle |
39 | V_ISSR_UMS_R5973 | S_ALN_01001625 | Umsetzungstabelle |
40 | V_ITAGCYACT | S_KK4_08000668 | Edit activities |
41 | V_ITAGCYCDMODE | S_KK4_08000675 | Define modes |
42 | V_ITAGCYCUSTSCR | S_KK4_08000669 | Define customer-specific screens for collection transaction |
43 | V_ITAGCYDIFFREAS | S_KK4_08000748 | Define Reasons for Payments on Account |
44 | V_ITAGCYSELMODE | S_P7I_08000900 | Assign User-Defined Selection Variants to Modes |
45 | V_ITAGCYSFACT | S_KK4_08000670 | Define customer-specific Smart Forms |
46 | V_ITAGCYTCREAS | S_KK4_08000704 | Define Reasons for Temporary Collection/Disbursement |
47 | V_J1AVATCODE | S_EBJ_98000257 | Define VAT Rate Codes and VAT Percentages for Web Service |
48 | V_JBD_CLLRCH_UPD | S_PLN_06000087 | Define Residence Time for Collateral |
49 | V_JBD_FCTY_ARCHC | S_PLN_06000066 | Define Residence Time for Facilities |
50 | V_JBD_FNTR_ARCHCV | S_PLN_06000071 | Define Residence Time for Financial Transaction |
51 | V_JBD_GETR_ARCHC | S_PLN_06000067 | Define Residence Time for Generic Transactions |
52 | V_JBD_GETR_ARC_C | S_PLN_06000143 | Define Residence Time for Generic Transactions |
53 | V_JBD_GPAN_ARCHC | S_PLN_06000069 | Define Residence Time for Gap Analysis |
54 | V_JBD_GPTP_ARCHC | S_PLN_06000070 | Define Residence Time for Opportunity Interest Rates in Gap Analysis |
55 | V_JBD_GTVS_ARCHC | S_PLN_06000068 | Define Residence Time for Versions of Generic Transactions |
56 | V_JBD_GTVS_ARC_C | S_PLN_06000144 | Define Residence Time for Versions of Generic Transactions |
57 | V_JBD_LOAN_ARCHC | S_PLN_06000063 | Define Residence Time for Loans |
58 | V_JBD_PLVR_ARCHC | S_PLN_06000073 | Define Residence Time for ALM Planning Variant |
59 | V_JBD_SETR_ARCHC | S_PLN_06000072 | Define Residence Time for Security Orders |
60 | V_JBD_VTBA_ARCHC | S_PLN_06000095 | Define Residence Time for Balances of Variable Transactions |
61 | V_JBD_VTBA_ARC_C | S_PLN_06000101 | Define Residence Time for Balances of Variable Transactions |
62 | V_JBD_VTMDRCHCST | S_PLN_06000100 | Define Residence Time for Master Data of Variable Transactions |
63 | V_JBD_VTMD_ARCHC | S_PLN_06000064 | Define Residence Time for Master Data of Variable Transactions |
64 | V_JBD_VTTO_ARCHC | S_PLN_06000065 | Define Residence Time for Turnovers of Variable Transactions |
65 | V_JBD_VTTO_ARC_C | S_PLN_06000102 | Define Residence Time for Turnovers of Variable Transactions |
66 | V_JBR_GPTP_ARCHC | S_PLN_06000242 | Define Residence Time for Opportunity Interest Rates in Gap Analysis |
67 | V_JTVAK01 | S_KK4_82001411 | Use of Contract Type |
68 | V_J_1ATAXP_EARN | S_EBJ_98000110 | Maintain Cross Table for Mapping Tax Payer File |
69 | V_J_1ATAXP_ES | S_EBJ_98000108 | Maintain Earning Status |
70 | V_J_1ATAXP_TT | S_EBJ_98000109 | Maintain Tax Types |
71 | V_J_3RFOPERCOD | S_EBJ_98000174 | Define Operation Type Codes |
72 | V_J_3RFREGCUSEDI | S_E17_18000001 | Maintain Editing and Deletion Rules |
73 | V_J_3RFREGCUSMAT | S_EBJ_98000184 | Maintain Incoming Invoice Matching Rules |
74 | V_J_3RFREGCUSOFI | S_EBJ_98000168 | Automatic Registration of Outgoing Invoices from FI |
75 | V_J_3RFREGCUSREV | S_EBJ_98000176 | Automatic Processing of Reversals |
76 | V_J_3RFREG_HNDL | S_EBJ_45000041 | Set Up Automatic Handling of Clarification Requests |
77 | V_J_3RF_OPERTYP | S_EBJ_98000254 | Assign Operation Type Codes to Tax Codes |
78 | V_J_3RF_VENDOR | S_EBS_44000510 | Specify Code of Vendor Tax Office |
79 | V_J_3RTSE_VATMM | S_EBS_44000511 | Specify Tax Codes |
80 | V_KLDATESHIFT | S_ALN_01002036 | Shift Validity Date for Settlement Risk of Currency Options |
81 | V_KLFAZ07 | S_KFM_86000077 | Assign Facility |
82 | V_KLGEWFAK | S_ALN_01001365 | Define Weighting Factor |
83 | V_KLINTORG | S_KFM_86000023 | Define Internal Organizational Unit |
84 | V_KLLRB | S_KFM_86000024 | Define Country Risk Area |
85 | V_KLRECEIVER | S_AEN_10000212 | Assign Senders of Workflows to Recipients |
86 | V_KLRISKBEGIN | S_PLN_62000381 | Define Start Date for Risk Calculation |
87 | V_KLSBV | S_KFM_86000027 | Define Collateral Valuation Procedure(s) |
88 | V_KLSIBESART | S_KFM_86000026 | Define Collateral Valuation Rule |
89 | V_KLTAGENDSF | S_KFM_86000028 | Define Selection Filter |
90 | V_KSELPAR | S_KFM_86000025 | Selection Filter for End-of-Day Processing |
91 | V_MDGD_FILE_CONV | S_BTD_53000150 | Define File Converter Type for Data Import |
92 | V_MDG_BS_BP_HDL | S_EBI_19000001 | Specify Handler Processed by Access Class |
93 | V_MDG_BS_ECC_CUP | S_EBI_02000005 | Define Number Ranges for Customer Contact Persons per Target System |
94 | V_MDG_BS_ECC_CUS | S_EBS_03000009 | Define Number Ranges for Customer Account Groups per Target System |
95 | V_MDG_BS_ECC_VEN | S_EBS_03000010 | Define Number Ranges for Supplier Account Groups per Target System |
96 | V_MDG_DQ_CONF_DC | S_BT6_28000005 | Configure Attributes for Duplicate Check |
97 | V_MDG_DQ_MAT_DC | S_BT6_28000004 | Match Profile ID for Duplicate Check |
98 | V_MDG_ES_TEMPLAT | S_BTD_53000171 | Assign Search Object Connector Templates to Object Types |
99 | V_MDG_MLT_AS_CAT | S_EBS_03000005 | Specify Multiple Assignment Categories |
100 | V_MDG_MLT_AS_CAT_001 | S_EBS_03000003 | V_MDG_MLT_AS_CAT_001 |
101 | V_MDG_MLT_AS_RSN | S_EBS_03000004 | Specify Multiple Assignment Reasons |
102 | V_MDG_SRCH_SRV_C | S_E7B_95000003 | Configure Search Applications for Search Services |
103 | V_MDUCMDCS | S_EBJ_98000142 | Convert Price Types for DCS |
104 | V_MSG_COND | S_P7F_76000102 | Define Message Type for the Condition Type |
105 | V_OFFNUM_CN | S_EB5_05000496 | Assign Number Group to Company Code |
106 | V_OFF_NUM_ID | S_P7D_67000073 | Assign Number Ranges to Business Places/Company Codes |
107 | V_OFF_NUM_LV | S_EB5_05000035 | Assign Number Ranges to Document Class/Number Group/Date |
108 | V_OFNUM_PH | S_SL0_21000025 | Assign Number Ranges to Business Places |
109 | V_OFNUM_TW_2_VE | S_E4A_94000007 | Assign Number Ranges to Business Places |
110 | V_OIH01A | S_P7I_60000014 | Define Region-Based External Rates |
111 | V_OIH07A | S_P7I_60000008 | Define Combinations of Excise Duty Group and Handling Type |
112 | V_OIH08A | S_P7I_60000011 | Define Excise Duty Defaults for Purchasing |
113 | V_OIH10A_1 | S_P7I_60000009 | Assign Excise Duty Status to Handling Type |
114 | V_OIH11A | S_P7I_60000010 | Define Excise Duty Defaults for Sales |
115 | V_OIH24A | S_P7I_60000012 | Define Excise Duty Grouping Codes |
116 | V_OIH26A | S_P7I_60000013 | Define Whether License Data Required |
117 | V_OIUBL01_SFORMS | S_SO7_65001205 | Maintain Valid Smart Forms for Balancing Statement |
118 | V_OIUX3_RPTCFGD | S_SOG_81000179 | Maintain Report-Specific Dated Configuration |
119 | V_OIUX3_RPT_CFG | S_SOG_81000178 | Maintain Report-Specific Configuration |
120 | V_OIUX3_TX_REJ | S_SOG_81000176 | Overwrite Descriptions of Standard Rejection Codes |
121 | V_OIUX3_TX_REJC | S_SOG_81000177 | Maintain Custom Rejection Codes |
122 | V_OIUX5_OK_REJ | S_YEP_55000004 | Overwrite Descriptions of Standard Rejection Codes |
123 | V_OIUX5_OK_REJC | S_YEP_55000005 | Maintain Custom Rejection Codes |
124 | V_OIUX5_RPT_CFG | S_YEP_55000006 | Maintain Report-Specific Configuration |
125 | V_OIUX6_RPT_CFG | S_YEP_23000005 | Maintain Report-Specific Configuration |
126 | V_OIUX6_WY_REJ | S_YEP_23000002 | Overwrite Descriptions of Standard Rejection Codes |
127 | V_OIUX6_WY_REJC | S_YEP_23000004 | Maintain Custom Rejection Codes |
128 | V_OIUX8_GRPPX | S_YEP_27000001 | Maintain Report Group/Product Code XRef |
129 | V_OIUX8_NM_REJ | S_YEP_27000003 | Maintain Standard Reject Code Descriptions |
130 | V_OIUX8_NM_REJC | S_YEP_27000004 | Maintain Custom Reject Codes |
131 | V_OIUX8_RPT_CFG | S_YEP_27000007 | Maintain Report Specific Configuration |
132 | V_OIUY3_GRPPX | S_YEP_42000002 | Maintain Report Group/Product Code XRef |
133 | V_OIUY3_RPT_CFG | S_YEP_42000005 | Maintain Report Specific Configuration |
134 | V_OIUY3_TX_REJ | S_YEP_42000003 | Maintain Standard Reject Code Descriptions |
135 | V_OIUY3_TX_REJC | S_YEP_42000004 | Maintain Custom Reject Codes |
136 | V_OIUY6_GRPPX | S_YEP_48000001 | Maintain Report Group/Product Code XRef |
137 | V_OIUY6_RPT_CFG | S_YEP_48000006 | Maintain Report Specific Configuration |
138 | V_OIUY6_WY_REJ | S_YEP_48000004 | Maintain Standard Reject Code Descriptions |
139 | V_OIUY6_WY_REJC | S_YEP_48000005 | Maintain Custom Reject Codes |
140 | V_PFAIM_FTYPES | S_KFM_86000098 | Assign CFM-TM Flow Types to PA Flow Type |
141 | V_PFAIM_UTYPES | S_PLN_62000809 | Flag Flows as Relevant for Performance Measurement |
142 | V_PFA_DINTERVALS | S_PLN_62000515 | Define Yield Ranges |
143 | V_PFA_FLOWTYPES | S_KFM_86000097 | Maintain PA Flow Types |
144 | V_PLANT_ABROAD | S_EBJ_98000224 | Define Settings for Plants Abroad |
145 | V_PLM_DMS_TDWA_A | S_AXA_22000006 | Set Up WebDocuments (BSP) |
146 | V_PRP_STAFFING | S_X1D_36000032 | Define Staffing Processes |
147 | V_QG_EVAL_DATATY | S_AEN_10000600 | Define Data Definition for Evaluations of Original Documents |
148 | V_QG_EVAL_V_BADI | S_AEN_10000599 | Define View Implementations for Evaluations of Original Documents |
149 | V_REF_INT | S_P7F_76000103 | Define Reference Interest Rates for Condition Types |
150 | V_RPLM_QI_GR_TYP | S_PRN_53000520 | Change Layout for Graphic Types |
151 | V_RPM_COA_VV | S_EE5_50000303 | Maintain Controlling Area and Valuation View Mapping |
152 | V_RPM_DP_STATGRP | S_PCC_47000062 | Define Item Dependency Status |
153 | V_RPM_DX_FIELD_T | S_X1D_36000052 | Configure Fields for Mass Import |
154 | V_RPM_PROJ_APPL | S_X1D_36000003 | Enable Project Management Systems Integration |
155 | V_RPM_RESP2ORG | S_PTD_51000018 | Map Resource Pool to Organization Unit |
156 | V_RPM_SET_IND | S_EE5_50000304 | Maintain Settlement Behaviour |
157 | V_RPM_VALTYPC | S_EE5_50000305 | Customize Portf. and Proj. Mgmt Value Type |
158 | V_SAWE_BOOK_CUST | S_EE6_85000106 | Maintain Staff Assignment Booking Indicator |
159 | V_SECCO_ADDL | S_EBS_44000106 | Maintain Additional Section Codes |
160 | V_SEPA_FIELDS | S_P7F_76000072 | Define Modifiable Fields |
161 | V_SMI_CNSNTCNFG | S_B17_86000043 | Configuring Social Consent Management |
162 | V_SMI_CNTRYCNFG | S_B17_86000039 | Mapping Country Code |
163 | V_SMI_RTREVALMDE | S_B17_86000038 | Define Data Retrieval Mode |
164 | V_SMI_SRCHTERM | S_B17_86000020 | Define Search Terms |
165 | V_SMI_VOCLANG | S_B17_86000021 | Permitted Languages |
166 | V_SOP_FFVERSNS | S_ALN_01000099 | Define Versions for Hypothetical Forfeiture Rates |
167 | V_SOP_VERSNS | S_ALN_01000098 | Define Versions for Performance of Stock Prices |
168 | V_SPCIPPROFILES | S_ALI_97000015 | Assign Users to User Profile |
169 | V_SPM_GLB_PRM | S_BH6_02000001 | Determine Global Parameters for Supplier Performance Management |
170 | V_SPM_METRICS | S_BH6_02000002 | Define Rating Criteria for Supplier Performance Management |
171 | V_SPM_METRIC_CAT | S_BH6_02000003 | Define Category for Rating Criteria |
172 | V_SPM_MTCDTY | S_BH6_02000007 | List Rating Criteria |
173 | V_SPM_OTDWF | S_BH6_02000008 | Weighting Factors for On-Time Delivery |
174 | V_SPM_SCALC | S_BH6_02000004 | Define Calculation Rules for Score |
175 | V_SPM_SCORE_LU | S_BH6_02000005 | Score Lookup |
176 | V_SPM_SIGDOC | S_BH6_02000006 | Determine Significant Document Type |
177 | V_SRMSPSBO | S_YI3_39000134 | Relationship between Business Object, SPS ID and RMS ID |
178 | V_SSCDOCMNT_DC | S_BTD_53000008 | Define External SSC Documents |
179 | V_SSCINFTYPE_DC | S_BTD_53000183 | Assign Data Collector Class to Info Type |
180 | V_T001Q_FI_0006 | S_AL0_19000015 | Define and Activate Substitution for Cost-of-Sales Accounting |
181 | V_T001S_KORRSP | S_EB5_05000220 | Define Accounting Clerks |
182 | V_T001W_EXT_XLO | S_ALI_97000003 | Assign Customer Number to an External Plant |
183 | V_T001_DEF | S_AC0_52000754 | Assign Deferred Tax Rules to Company Codes |
184 | V_T003_B_I | S_AL0_19000041 | Assign Document Classes to Document Types |
185 | V_T003_B_I_CCP | S_AL0_19000065 | Assign Document Classes to Document Types |
186 | V_T003_B_I_CN | S_EB5_05000493 | Assign Document Classes to Document Types |
187 | V_T003_B_I_ID | S_P7D_67000070 | Assign Document Types to Document Classes |
188 | V_T003_B_I_LV | S_EB5_05000032 | Assign Document Classes to Document Types |
189 | V_T003_B_I_PF_VE | S_E4A_94000012 | Assign Document Classes to Document Types |
190 | V_T003_B_I_PH | S_SL0_21000021 | Assign Document Types to Document Classes |
191 | V_T003_B_I_VE | S_E4A_94000004 | Assign Document Classes to Document Types |
192 | V_T003_FXR | S_EBS_44000268 | Activate Currency Translation with Market Data Exchange Rates |
193 | V_T003_MCA | S_EBS_44000301 | Allow Posting to Position and Equivalent Accounts |
194 | V_T003_XUACPA | S_EBJ_98000202 | Activate Accounting Principle Check in Document |
195 | V_T007BE | S_PCO_36000445 | Specify When Bills of Exchange Are Recognized |
196 | V_T007DT | S_AC0_52000753 | Define Deferred Tax Rules |
197 | V_T007K_LU | S_EBS_44000570 | Group Tax Base Balances |
198 | V_T007K_RU | S_AC0_52000177 | Assign Tax Items to Lines in VAT Returns |
199 | V_T007K_RU_CI | S_EBS_44000532 | Define Correction Invoices |
200 | V_T007K_RU_CI_ALL | S_EBS_44000533 | Correction Invoices |
201 | V_T007K_RU_PBU3 | S_EB5_05000090 | Activate Down Payments in Foreign Currency Function |
202 | V_T007K_RU_SPL | S_AC0_52000401 | Assign Tax Items to VAT Base Columns |
203 | V_T007L_LU | S_EBS_44000569 | Group Tax Balances |
204 | V_T007L_RU_SPL | S_AC0_52000402 | Assign Tax Items to VAT Columns |
205 | V_T007Z_LU | S_EBS_44000571 | Define Grouping Version for Annual VAT |
206 | V_T007_EU | S_AC0_52000395 | Specify Tax Codes for Acquisition Tax Accruals |
207 | V_T056C | S_EBJ_98000271 | Define Fixed Amounts for Interest Calculation |
208 | V_T058B_PH | S_SL0_21000026 | Create Receipt Lots and Assign to Business Places |
209 | V_T059Z_AR | S_EB5_05000350 | Assign Withholding Tax Keys |
210 | V_T059Z_CO | S_SL0_21000002 | Assign Withholding Tax Keys to Withholding Tax Codes |
211 | V_T059Z_MX | S_EBJ_98000122 | Assign Withholding Tax Keys to Withholding Tax Codes |
212 | V_T059Z_WITHCD2 | S_SL0_21000001 | Define Withholding Tax Keys |
213 | V_T059Z_WITHCD2_BR | S_P6D_40000029 | Define Official Collection Codes |
214 | V_T074U_FDM_REL | S_EBS_44000312 | Activate Process Integration of Documents with Special G/L Indicator |
215 | V_T110_ACT | S_EBS_44000506 | Activate Country-Spec. Paymt Algorithm for Vendor Inv. in For. Currency |
216 | V_T134_DOCUBATCH | S_PL0_86000009 | Define Entry per Material Type |
217 | V_T160M_CS | S_AL0_96000757 | Change Message Type |
218 | V_T160M_J1JP | S_EB5_05000663 | Maintain Message Attributes |
219 | V_T161PH | S_EB5_05000240 | Activate 'Park and Hold' in Purchasing Documents |
220 | V_T169DC_ERS | S_AC0_52000867 | Specify Automatic Settlement of Planned Delivery Costs |
221 | V_T182B_EXT | S_EAC_24000031 | Define Views for Evaluation |
222 | V_T182C_EXT | S_EAC_24000032 | Define User-Specific Report Views |
223 | V_T182D_EXT | S_EAC_24000033 | Define Report Views |
224 | V_T243A | S_ALR_87007468 | Define TR-CM Subsystems |
225 | V_T243B | S_ALR_87007452 | Convert Sender Group |
226 | V_T243C | S_ALR_87007481 | Convert Sender Level |
227 | V_T243D | S_ALR_87007372 | Convert Sender Business Areas |
228 | V_T243E | S_EBJ_98000085 | Assign Time Zones to Subsystems |
229 | V_T390J | S_EE5_50000153 | Configure Print Control for Job Card |
230 | V_T399X_OLC | S_EB5_05000393 | Define Cost Settings |
231 | V_T530E_B | S_PAD_19000073 | Maintain Reason for Rental Subsidy Eligibility Change |
232 | V_T539J | S_PAD_19000041 | Maintain Post Adjustment Wage Type Assignment for Ind. Eval. |
233 | V_T549S | S_PAD_19000080 | Check Date of Conversion |
234 | V_T577 | S_PAD_19000042 | Maintain Family Characteristics |
235 | V_T5G30 | S_L7D_24002929 | Maintain Pension Schemes |
236 | V_T5GTUPE | S_L7D_24002931 | Maintain TUBED Organizations List |
237 | V_T5G_AEFORMS | S_L7D_24002930 | Maintain Customer Specific Smart Forms Names |
238 | V_T604F | S_P6B_12000021 | Maintain PKWiUs |
239 | V_T604G | S_EBS_44000517 | Define Countries in Customs Union |
240 | V_T6I1_P | S_EB5_05000250 | Document Index |
241 | V_T6I2 | S_EB5_05000251 | Document Category WIND Direct Entry |
242 | V_T6I2A | S_EB5_05000252 | Assignment Table Fields to Document Category |
243 | V_T799BCFG | S_L7D_24002944 | Define Customer Form Type for Form Group |
244 | V_T799BCFT | S_L7D_24002947 | Define Customer System Form Names and Variants for Logical Forms |
245 | V_T799BEFG | S_L7D_24002942 | Check Form Group |
246 | V_T799BFOR | S_L7D_24002941 | Check Print Form Types |
247 | V_T799BMFG | S_L7D_24002945 | Define Logical Form Name for Form Group |
248 | V_T799BSFG | S_L7D_24002943 | Check Standard Form Type for Form Group |
249 | V_T799BSFT | S_L7D_24002946 | Check Standard System Form Names for Logical Forms |
250 | V_T7PIQ_GB_OFFER | S_P7I_82001699 | Maintain Offer Levels for Students |
251 | V_T7UNAAP_ATTR_A | S_PAD_19000085 | Enable Personnel Action Approval Process |
252 | V_T7UNAAP_ATTR_B | S_PAD_19000088 | Maintain Common Attributes for PAAP |
253 | V_T7UNAAP_ATTR_C | S_PAD_19000093 | Set Switch For Checking PAAP Numbers in Payroll Run |
254 | V_T7UNAAP_ATTR_D | S_PAD_19000094 | Set Switch For Checking PAAP Numbers in Time Evaluation Program |
255 | V_T7UNAAP_CPERNR | S_PAD_19000096 | Verify Whether Temporary Personnel Numbers Exist |
256 | V_T7UNAAP_INFO | S_PAD_19000089 | Maintain Infotypes Not Relevant for PAAP |
257 | V_T7UNAAP_T529A | S_PAD_19000091 | Determine Action Type Relevant for PAAP |
258 | V_T7UNAAP_TSTC | S_PAD_19000090 | Determine Transaction Codes Relevant for PAAP |
259 | V_T7UNATTRIBS_A | S_PAD_19000130 | Maintain Dependency Allowance From Other Sources |
260 | V_T7UNBEN_T5UBA | S_PAD_19000031 | Maintain Benefit Plan Cost Rule Variant |
261 | V_T7UNBEN_T5UBH | S_PAD_19000029 | Maintain Benefit Cost Rule |
262 | V_T7UNBEN_T5UBI | S_PAD_19000030 | Maintain Benefit Cost Rule Settings |
263 | V_T7UNOM_CCOCCG | S_PAD_19000023 | Map OCCG to CCOG Codes |
264 | V_T7UNOM_CCOG | S_PAD_19000022 | Maintain ICSC CCOG Functional Codes |
265 | V_T7UNOM_FD_PS | S_PAD_19000019 | Map Position Type to Fund ID |
266 | V_T7UNOM_FUNDT | S_PAD_19000018 | Define Funding Types |
267 | V_T7UNOM_OCCG | S_PAD_19000021 | Define OCCG Functional Codes |
268 | V_T7UNOM_OUTYPE | S_PAD_19000020 | Define Organizational Unit Type |
269 | V_T7UNOM_POSIT | S_PAD_19000016 | Define Position Types |
270 | V_T7UNPAD503_B | S_PAD_19000125 | Group Employees for Special Post Allowance |
271 | V_T7UNPAD503_E | S_PAD_19000128 | Maintain Rental Subsidy Eligibility Check |
272 | V_T7UNPAD_DS | S_PAD_19000012 | Create Duty Station |
273 | V_T7UNPAD_DS0P | S_PAD_19000013 | Assign Duty Station for Personnel Area and Subarea |
274 | V_T7UNPAD_DS1P | S_PAD_19000057 | Maintain Duty Station Hardship Classification / Home Leave Cycle |
275 | V_T7UNPAD_DS1P_E | S_PAD_19000100 | Define Designated Duty Station |
276 | V_T7UNPAD_DS1P_EG | S_PAD_19000099 | Define Designated Duty Station |
277 | V_T7UNPAD_DS1P_R | S_PAD_19000062 | Maintain Duty Station Rental Subsidy Settings |
278 | V_T7UNPAD_DSCA | S_PAD_19000052 | Maintain Duty Station Hardship Classification |
279 | V_T7UNPAD_DSDA | S_PAD_19000049 | Maintain Entitlements Dependency Allowance |
280 | V_T7UNPAD_DSHE | S_PAD_19000059 | Define Hardship Comp. Based on DS Hardship Classification |
281 | V_T7UNPAD_DSLC | S_PAD_19000053 | Maintain Duty Station Home Leave Cycle |
282 | V_T7UNPAD_DSME | S_PAD_19000058 | Define Mobility Comp. Based on DS Hardship Classification |
283 | V_T7UNPAD_DSPA | S_PAD_19000040 | Maintain Post Adjustment Modifier |
284 | V_T7UNPAD_DSRE | S_PAD_19000060 | Maintain Duty Station Removal/ Non-Removal Element |
285 | V_T7UNPAD_EG03 | S_PAD_19000102 | Set Education Grant Eligibility Status |
286 | V_T7UNPAD_EG05 | S_PAD_19000132 | Maintain Education Grant Currencies |
287 | V_T7UNPAD_EG30 | S_PAD_19000103 | Maintain Education Grant Exception |
288 | V_T7UNPAD_EGAMT | S_PAD_19000112 | Maintain Max. EG Expense Limit for Single Currency |
289 | V_T7UNPAD_EGAMT_A | S_PAD_19000111 | Maintain Max. EG Expense Limit for all Currencies |
290 | V_T7UNPAD_EGAPL | S_PAD_19000115 | Define Expense Management Application |
291 | V_T7UNPAD_EGCAQ | S_PR0_40000399 | Maintain EG CCAQ Category |
292 | V_T7UNPAD_EGCOS | S_PAD_19000116 | Maintain Expense Types |
293 | V_T7UNPAD_EGCOSC | S_PR0_40000398 | Assign EG CCAQ Category to Expense Type |
294 | V_T7UNPAD_EGPSH | S_PAD_19000114 | Lump Sum for Books |
295 | V_T7UNPAD_EGRS | S_PAD_19000109 | Maintain Reason for Child Staying in a Boarding School |
296 | V_T7UNPAD_EGSN | S_PAD_19000107 | Maintain Whether the School is Eligible for Education Grant |
297 | V_T7UNPAD_EGST | S_PAD_19000108 | Maintain Exceptions in School Grade |
298 | V_T7UNPAD_GA | S_PAD_19000054 | Adjust Duty Station Grade for Mobility & Hardship |
299 | V_T7UNPAD_GA_AS | S_PAD_19000129 | Determine Pay Scale Groups to be Increased |
300 | V_T7UNPAD_PFST | S_PAD_19000074 | Define Contribution Status for Pension Fund |
301 | V_T7UNPAD_PFSV | S_PAD_19000076 | Maintain Pension Fund Scheme Values |
302 | V_T7UNPAD_PFUN | S_PAD_19000075 | Define Pension Fund Schemes |
303 | V_T7UNPAD_RS502 | S_PAD_19000063 | Create Rental Subsidy Marital Status |
304 | V_T7UNPAD_RSCH | S_PAD_19000061 | Maintain Rental Subsidy Scheme |
305 | V_T7UNPAD_RSDA | S_PAD_19000071 | Maintain Rental Subsidy Entitlements Amount |
306 | V_T7UNPAD_RSDE | S_PAD_19000070 | Maintain Rental Subsidy Entitlements Percentage |
307 | V_T7UNPAD_RSDR | S_PAD_19000068 | Maintain Rental Subsidy Dwelling Rent Type Settings |
308 | V_T7UNPAD_RSMA | S_PAD_19000072 | Maintain Rental Subsidy Maximum Amount |
309 | V_T7UNPAD_RSRR | S_PAD_19000065 | Maintain Rental Subsidy Reimbursement Percentage |
310 | V_T7UNPAD_SLGR | S_PAD_19000082 | Define Employee Groups Based on Contract Duration |
311 | V_T7UNPAD_SLQU | S_PAD_19000083 | Maintain Sick Leave Quota Values |
312 | V_T7UNPAD_T502_T | S_PAD_19000064 | Set Relation Bet. General Marital Status and Rental Subsidy Marital Status |
313 | V_T7UN_T577_1 | S_PAD_19000043 | Maintain Dependent type Characteristics |
314 | V_T7UN_T577_2 | S_PAD_19000044 | Check Disability Characteristic |
315 | V_T7UN_T577_3 | S_PAD_19000045 | Check Living with Employee Characteristic |
316 | V_T7UN_T577_4 | S_PAD_19000046 | Check Dependency Characteristic |
317 | V_T7UN_T577_5 | S_PAD_19000047 | Check Allowance Characteristic |
318 | V_T80D_GL | S_AL0_19000070 | Define Enhancements for Rollup |
319 | V_T80D_SL | S_AL0_19000069 | User Exits for Rollups |
320 | V_TACAC_OBJTYP | S_ALN_01000242 | Define Accrual Object Categories |
321 | V_TACAC_PO_ASSIG | S_ALN_01001137 | Assign Parameters to Accrual Object Categories |
322 | V_TACE001_ACAC | S_ALN_01000344 | Open Fiscal Year for Accrual Postings |
323 | V_TACE001_BUKRS | S_ALN_01001131 | Assign Company Codes |
324 | V_TACE001_BUKRS_ACAC | S_ALN_01001132 | Assign Company Codes |
325 | V_TACE001_BUKRS_IPM | S_ALN_01001372 | Assign Company Codes |
326 | V_TACE001_BUKRS_IPMO | S_ALN_01002461 | Assign Company Codes |
327 | V_TACE001_BUKRS_SOA | S_ALN_01001111 | Assign Company Codes |
328 | V_TACE001_IPM | S_ALN_01001375 | Open Fiscal Year for Accrual Postings |
329 | V_TACE001_IPMO | S_ALN_01002464 | Open Fiscal Year for Accrual Postings |
330 | V_TACE001_SOA | S_ALN_01000244 | Open Fiscal Year for Provision Postings |
331 | V_TACECOMPC | S_XB7_96000061 | Define Customer Settings for Components |
332 | V_TACECOMPCSOA | S_ALN_01000230 | Define Customer Settings for Components |
333 | V_TACECOMPC_ACAC | S_ALN_01000343 | Define Customer Settings for Components |
334 | V_TACECOMPC_IPM | S_ALN_01001378 | Define Customer Settings for Components |
335 | V_TACECOMPC_IPMO | S_ALN_01002467 | Define Customer Settings for Components |
336 | V_TACEDS_LEGACYM | S_XB7_96000070 | Define Legacy Data Transfer |
337 | V_TACEDS_OPASGMT | S_XB7_96000071 | Assign Operators to Function Modules |
338 | V_TACEDS_OPERATR | S_XB7_96000069 | Define Operators for Derived Accrual Types |
339 | V_TACEDS_OP_PERC | S_XB7_96000115 | Set Percentage Rates for Operator P |
340 | V_TACEPSRULE | S_XB7_96000095 | Define Combination of Characteristics |
341 | V_TACEPSRULE_SOA | S_ALN_01000240 | Define Combination of Characteristics |
342 | V_TACEPSRUL_ACAC | S_ALN_01000351 | Define Combination of Characteristics |
343 | V_TACEPSSYM | S_PLN_16000067 | Define Account Symbol |
344 | V_TACEPSSYM_ACAC | S_ALN_01000352 | Define Account Symbols |
345 | V_TACEPSSYM_SOA | S_ALN_01000241 | Define Account Symbols |
346 | V_TACESYSTEVENTS | S_XB7_96000116 | Develop Component-Specific System Exits |
347 | V_TACE_ACCME_SOA | S_ALN_01000233 | Define Accrual Methods |
348 | V_TACE_ACCM_ACAC | S_ALN_01000342 | Define Accrual Methods |
349 | V_TACE_ACCM_IPM | S_ALN_01001379 | Define Accrual Methods |
350 | V_TACE_ACCM_IPMO | S_ALN_01002470 | Define Accrual Methods |
351 | V_TACE_ACCRULE | S_XB7_96000010 | Define Accounting Principles |
352 | V_TACE_ACCRU_SOA | S_ALN_01000236 | Define Accounting Principles |
353 | V_TACE_ACCR_ACAC | S_ALN_01000338 | Define Accounting Principles |
354 | V_TACE_ACCR_IPM | S_ALN_01001373 | Define Accounting Principles |
355 | V_TACE_ACCR_IPMO | S_ALN_01002462 | Define Accounting Principles |
356 | V_TACE_ACRTYPE | S_XB7_96000060 | Define Accrual Types |
357 | V_TACE_ACRTYPE_OPN | S_XB7_96000059 | Define Calculation Guidelines for Derived Accrual Types |
358 | V_TACE_ACRTY_IPM | S_ALN_01001376 | Define Accrual Types |
359 | V_TACE_ACRTY_IPMO | S_ALN_01002465 | Define Accrual Types |
360 | V_TACE_ACRTY_SOA | S_ALN_01000232 | Define Accrual Types |
361 | V_TACE_ACRT_ACAC | S_ALN_01000340 | Define Accrual Types |
362 | V_TACE_COMBINATN | S_XB7_96000096 | Assign Accounting Principle to Company Code |
363 | V_TACE_COMBI_SOA | S_ALN_01000243 | Assign Accounting Principle to Company Code |
364 | V_TACE_COMB_ACAC | S_ALN_01000339 | Assign Accounting Principle to Company Code |
365 | V_TACE_COMB_IPM | S_ALN_01001374 | Assign Accounting Principle to Company Code |
366 | V_TACE_COMB_IPMO | S_ALN_01002463 | Assign Accounting Principle to Company Code |
367 | V_TACE_COMP_SPEC | S_XB7_96000073 | Develop Component-Specific Program Components |
368 | V_TACE_DS_CALC | S_XB7_96000062 | Define Standard Settings for Accrual Calculation |
369 | V_TACE_DS_CA_SOA | S_ALN_01000245 | Define Standard Settings for Calculating Provisions |
370 | V_TACE_DS_C_ACAC | S_ALN_01000345 | Define Standard Settings for Accrual Calculation |
371 | V_TACE_DS_C_IPM | S_ALN_01001380 | Define Standard Settings for Accrual Calculation |
372 | V_TACE_DS_C_IPMO | S_ALN_01002471 | Define Standard Settings for Accrual Calculation |
373 | V_TACE_FUNC_ACAC | S_ALN_01000341 | Develop Function Modules for Accrual Methods |
374 | V_TACE_FUNC_SOA | S_ALN_01000238 | Develop Function Modules for Accrual Methods |
375 | V_TACE_PS_POST | S_XB7_96000063 | Define Posting Control |
376 | V_TACE_PS_PO_SOA | S_ALN_01000246 | Define Posting Control |
377 | V_TACE_PS_P_ACAC | S_ALN_01000346 | Define Posting Control |
378 | V_TACE_PS_P_IPM | S_ALN_01001381 | Define Posting Control |
379 | V_TACE_PS_P_IPMO | S_ALN_01002472 | Define Posting Control |
380 | V_TACE_TRNSFTYP_ACAC | S_P1E_80000010 | Define Automatic Data Transfer |
381 | V_TACE_VSR_001 | S_XB7_96000048 | Activate Validation |
382 | V_TACTIC | S_EBJ_98000212 | Define Tactic Types and Tactics |
383 | V_TAC_MAP | S_EBJ_98000213 | Assign Tactic Types and Tactics to Promotions |
384 | V_TAKOF_RE | S_AL0_96000290 | Performance Dunning and Payment |
385 | V_TAX_RFD_CHARS | S_EB5_05000414 | Define VAT Refund Code for Each Tax Refund Country |
386 | V_TAX_RFD_CODES | S_EB5_05000415 | Assign VAT Refund Code to a Schema |
387 | V_TAX_RFD_C_MAP | S_EB5_05000413 | Assign VAT Refund Code to G/L Account |
388 | V_TB060R | S_PL7_36000003 | Assign Note Views to Role Categories |
389 | V_TB072_CM | S_AXA_22000059 | Assign SAP CRM BP Tax Groups to Tax Classifications |
390 | V_TB105_ALLGVERTRAG | S_ALR_87008606 | Specify Field Modifications for each Activity |
391 | V_TBANK_PP_DISTR | S_GF1_13000059 | Distribute Jobs for Parallel Processing |
392 | V_TBC001 | S_ALN_01002326 | Define Number Assignment for Direction BP to Vendor |
393 | V_TBC002 | S_ALN_01002328 | Set BP Role Category for Direction BP to Vendor |
394 | V_TBCA_BESTKONT | S_KFM_86000212 | Assign Balance Sheet Accounts for Currency Conversion |
395 | V_TBCA_IHCCC | S_KFM_86000211 | Store Different Exchange Rate Type for Currency Conversion |
396 | V_TBD001 | S_PL7_36000001 | Define Number Assignment for Direction BP to Customer |
397 | V_TBD002 | S_PLN_06000002 | Set BP Role Category for Direction BP to Customer |
398 | V_TBDA2X | S_BCE_68001611 | Switch Change Pointer Storage |
399 | V_TBPID | S_ABA_72000126 | Define Identification Number Categories |
400 | V_TC91 | S_P00_07000317 | Specify Signature Method for Approval Using Simple Signature |
401 | V_TCHOBJ | S_KA5_12000676 | Maintain link between primary and secondary specification object |
402 | V_TCJ_NUMB_GROUP | S_EB5_05000336 | Define Numbering Groups |
403 | V_TCMFUL | S_ALR_87009619 | Set Screen Templates for Completion Confirmation |
404 | V_TCMS_CAG_TXTID | S_XEN_65000087 | Define General Text IDs |
405 | V_TCMS_INS_PORT | S_AEN_10000776 | Define Insurance Portfolios |
406 | V_TCMS_INS_REB | S_AEN_10000777 | Define Insurance Rebate Methods |
407 | V_TCMS_INS_SRSN | S_AEN_10000778 | Define Insurance Inactivation Reasons |
408 | V_TCM_CUS_CBAS | S_ALR_87100772 | Define General Settings for Baselines |
409 | V_TCM_CUS_CFOL | S_ALR_87100770 | Define General Settings for Configuration Folder |
410 | V_TCVARID | S_ALR_87100762 | Define Identification Types |
411 | V_TD05_AT_FS | S_KFM_86000255 | Define OeNB Target Groups |
412 | V_TDWO | S_P99_41000323 | Screens for additional object links |
413 | V_TDWOD | S_P99_41000325 | Maintain Screen for Object Link |
414 | V_TEAMS | S_EE5_50000152 | Specify When Status "Job in Process" Is Set |
415 | V_TEBPPEXTSTATUS | S_EB5_05000155 | Define External Description for Invoice |
416 | V_TEBPPINQRES | S_EB5_05000196 | Define Reasons for Vendor Inquiries |
417 | V_TEBPPINQUIRYSW | S_EB5_05000195 | Activate Vendor Inquiry |
418 | V_TEBPPPMNTDESCR | S_EB5_05000156 | Define Payment Description for Company |
419 | V_TFDM_RSTGR | S_PR0_40000394 | Define Reason Codes |
420 | V_TFDM_UMSKZ | S_PR0_40000390 | Define Special G/L Indicator(s) |
421 | V_TFIBLOPDOCTYPE | S_PL0_09000065 | Define document types |
422 | V_TFIEH_GF_001 | S_XB7_96000045 | Define Handling Methods |
423 | V_TFIEH_GF_002 | S_XB7_96000046 | Specify Methods for Retrieval of Object Data |
424 | V_TFILA_GF_000R | S_XB7_96000168 | Define Reasons for Change |
425 | V_TFILA_GF_001MC | S_PLN_06000383 | Integrate Customer Processing Methods in Subprocesses |
426 | V_TFILA_GF_003RB | S_XB7_96000232 | Define References for Value Determination Methods |
427 | V_TFILA_LC_001 | S_XB7_96000023 | Create Financing Classification Groups (Old) |
428 | V_TFILA_LC_002 | S_XB7_96000021 | Define Financing Classes (Old) |
429 | V_TFILA_RE_TNR | S_AEN_10000963 | Assign Number Ranges to Refinancing Categories |
430 | V_TFIOTP001 | S_XB7_96000056 | Group and Summarize Line Items |
431 | V_TFIOTP002 | S_XB7_96000057 | Specify Account Determination Rules for One-Time Postings |
432 | V_TFK_REPDS_HU | S_EMI_14000097 | Define Reporting Date Type |
433 | V_TFK_TAXTYPE_HU | S_EMI_14000096 | Assign Tax Number Category |
434 | V_TFK_VATCODE_HU | S_EMI_14000095 | Define VAT Tax Codes |
435 | V_TFPTTWBS | S_ALR_87009603 | Assign Default Date Type to Billing Plan |
436 | V_TIPZBSR | S_AL0_96000631 | Sales-Based Rent Settlement Control |
437 | V_TIPZZ1 | S_ALR_87011755 | Document Type for Correction Items Transfer Postings |
438 | V_TIPZZ2 | S_ALR_87011756 | Posting Key for Bank Debit Posting (Incoming Payments) |
439 | V_TIPZZ3 | S_ALR_87011757 | Folder for Temporary Data |
440 | V_TISSR_DV_CHECK | S_ALN_01001621 | Definition |
441 | V_TISSR_KENNUNG | S_ALN_01002475 | NW102 - Ausprägungen der Davon-Vermerke definieren |
442 | V_TISSR_STOCK_C | S_ALN_01001622 | Definition |
443 | V_TIV05_V | S_ALR_87100847 | Extraction Program: District Conversion |
444 | V_TIV13 | S_ALR_87100851 | Research Participant Categories (Internet Partners) |
445 | V_TIV14 | S_ALR_87100846 | Rental Request: District Group |
446 | V_TIV71_V | S_ALR_87100857 | Extraction Program: Determination of Fixtures and Fittings |
447 | V_TIVAJINDXCON | S_P6B_12000041 | Replacement of Index Series, Change of Base Year |
448 | V_TIVAR08 | S_P00_07000006 | Rental Request and Offer Object: Presettings |
449 | V_TIVAR12 | S_ALR_87100849 | Rental Request: Description of Parking Space (Parking Space Group) |
450 | V_TIVBOLLO | S_P6B_12000004 | Parameters for Stamp Tax |
451 | V_TIVCAARRES | S_ALN_01001774 | Data Archiving |
452 | V_TIVCACCACE | S_EEI_69000074 | Company Code Settings for Accrual/Deferral |
453 | V_TIVCACLSETSC | S_EEI_69000001 | Define Accrual/Deferral Reporting |
454 | V_TIVCDDUEDATEX | S_EEI_69000177 | Handling of Partner Changes |
455 | V_TIVEXFIDUNNBP | S_PLN_16000260 | Dunning |
456 | V_TIVLIRTR | S_P6B_12000005 | Tax Code |
457 | V_TIVLIRUF | S_P6B_12000006 | Office Master Data |
458 | V_TIVRATAXBOLLO | S_E4E_66000033 | Define Tax Groups Relevant to Stamp Tax (IB) |
459 | V_TIVTAXSCS_CZ | S_P6B_12000030 | Output Tax on the Receivable from Service Charge Settlement |
460 | V_TIVXCCHACTIVE | S_EEI_69000047 | Activate Swiss Land Register |
461 | V_TIVXCCHACTIVE_EN | S_EEI_69000092 | Activate Swiss Land Register |
462 | V_TIVXCCHCOND | S_EEI_69000062 | Define Building Condition |
463 | V_TIVXCCHCOND_EN | S_EEI_69000087 | Define Building Statuses |
464 | V_TIVXCCHDIST | S_EEI_69000048 | Define Official Municipality Numbers |
465 | V_TIVXCCHDIST_EN | S_EEI_69000096 | Enter Data for Communes |
466 | V_TIVXCCHFLOOR | S_EEI_69000061 | Define Floors |
467 | V_TIVXCCHFLOOR_EN | S_EEI_69000088 | Define Floors |
468 | V_TIVXCCHGENSRC | S_EEI_69000057 | Define Heating / Hot Water Energy Source |
469 | V_TIVXCCHGENSRC_EN | S_EEI_69000084 | Define Energy Sources for Heating/Hot Water |
470 | V_TIVXCCHHEAT | S_EEI_69000064 | Define Building Heating Type |
471 | V_TIVXCCHHEAT_EN | S_EEI_69000085 | Define Heating Types |
472 | V_TIVXCCHKAT | S_EEI_69000063 | Define Building Category |
473 | V_TIVXCCHKAT_EN | S_EEI_69000086 | Define Building Categories |
474 | V_TIVXCCHKIT | S_EEI_69000060 | Define Appartment Kitchen Infrastructure |
475 | V_TIVXCCHKIT_EN | S_EEI_69000089 | Define Cooking Facilities |
476 | V_TIVXCCHSTAT | S_EEI_69000059 | Define Appartment Condition |
477 | V_TIVXCCHSTAT_EN | S_EEI_69000090 | Define Dwelling Statuses |
478 | V_TIVXCCHUSAGE | S_EEI_69000058 | Define Appartment Usage |
479 | V_TIVXCCHUSAGE_EN | S_EEI_69000091 | Define Usage Types for Dwelling |
480 | V_TIVXCCORCNTRY | S_EE5_50000023 | Specify Countries for Correction/Reversal Invoices |
481 | V_TIVXCESCADREFS | S_EEI_69000067 | Define Path to Parcel of Land |
482 | V_TIVXCESCDMSR | S_EEI_69000033 | Specify Measurement Types That Modify Security Deposit |
483 | V_TIVXCESCO | S_EEI_69000027 | Specify Condition Types for Posting |
484 | V_TIVXCESEVALID | S_EEI_11000016 | Activate Validation of Cadastral References |
485 | V_TIVXCESPARAM | S_EEI_69000070 | Define General Parameters |
486 | V_TIVXCESPTDISCH | S_EEI_69000028 | Define Parameters for Tax Discount |
487 | V_TIVXCESPTPSTNG | S_EEI_69000071 | Define Posting Parameters |
488 | V_TIVXCESPTSURCH | S_EEI_69000031 | Define Parameters for Surcharges |
489 | V_TIVXCESSETINV | S_EEI_69000072 | Assign Number Range Intervals to Invoice Types |
490 | V_TIVXCESTAXRATN | S_EEI_69000036 | Enter Property Tax Rates |
491 | V_TIVXCFRBDGPRD | S_EE6_85000015 | Define Budgetary Periods |
492 | V_TIVXCFRCONDTYP | S_EE6_85000040 | Enter Condition Types for Advance Payment Calculation |
493 | V_TIVXCFREOACC | S_EE6_85000007 | Define Account Symbols |
494 | V_TIVXCFRPOSTING | S_EE6_85000014 | Define Document Types for Posting |
495 | V_TIVXCHUFF | S_EE5_50000016 | Assign Service Continuity to Flow Types |
496 | V_TIVXCHUTP | S_EE6_85000153 | Enter G/L Accounts for Transfer Posting |
497 | V_TIVXCIIRETRF | S_E4E_66000030 | Select Reason for Notice Relevant to Transfer of Ownership |
498 | V_TIVXCITCADCITY2 | S_EE6_85000197 | Define City Codes |
499 | V_TIVXCITCADCPY | S_EEI_69000017 | Specify Data Groups to Copy |
500 | V_TIVXCITCADFLD | S_EEI_69000018 | Define Fields for Editing |