SAP ABAP Software Component SAP_APPL (Logistics and Accounting)
Basic Data
Software Component SAP_APPL   
Short Description Logistics and Accounting   
Component type R   Application Component
Contained Application Component
Application Component Application Component ID Short Description
SD-MD-CM HLA0006002 Conditions 
LO HLA0006433 Logistics - General 
SD-SLS HLA0009601 Sales 
BW ARS0000025 SAP Business Information Warehouse 
LE ALR0000091 Logistics Execution 
SD HLA0009600 Sales and Distribution 
CA HLB0009110 Cross-Application Components 
MM HLA0009510 Materials Management 
PP HLA0009520 Production Planning and Control 
PSM-GPR /SAPPSPRO/PEN0000071 Government Procurement 
LO-AB ALR0000097 Agency Business (Global Trade) 
MM-SRV HLA0006033 External Services 
MM-IM HLA0009516 Inventory Management 
MM-PUR HLA0009512 Purchasing 
QM-QN HLA0006218 Quality Notifications 
SCM-EM-AS /SAPTRX/AI62000002 Application System 
SCM-EM /SAPTRX/AI62000001 Event Management 
LO-SPM-X AC00000096 Cross-Application Topics 
LO-SPM-OUT AC00000092 Goods Issue Process 
LO-SPM-STO AC00000095 Stock Transfers 
LE-IEW-OUT PR00000022 Outbound Process 
LO-SPM AC00000091 Service Parts Management 
LO-SPM-INB AC00000093 Goods Receipt Process 
LE-IEW-INB PR00000023 Inbound Process 
LE-IEW-X PR00000027 Cross-Application Topics 
LE-IEW PR00000021 Extended Warehouse Management Integration 
LE-IEW-INB-VAL PR00000024 Validation Framework 
LO-SPM-RET AC00000094 Complaints and Returns 
LO-MDS ALR0000095 Merchandise Distribution 
LO-LIS HLA0006423 Logistics Information System (LIS) 
MM-PUR-SSP /SRMERP/EBS0000022 Self-Service Procurement 
CS ALR0000081 Customer Service 
CO-PC-OBJ HLA0009423 Cost Object Controlling 
CA-GTF HLB0006310 General Application Functions 
EHS HLA0003435 Environment, Health and Safety 
CA-TS HLB0100231 Time Sheet 
SD-MD-AM-RAG HLA0001824 Rebate Agreements 
LO-SCI HLA0009815 Supply Chain Planning Interfaces (SCPI) 
BC-SEC-AIS B5A0000012 System Audit Information System 
EP-PCT WX60000002 Portal Content 
EP-PCT-MGR AXA0000001 Manager Functions 
PM-WOC HLA0009533 Maintenance Processing 
PM-WOC-MN HLA0006647 Maintenance Notifications 
MM-IV HLA0009517 Invoice Verification 
PM HLA0009530 Plant Maintenance 
SCM-BAS /SCMB/AP91000002 SCM Basis 
CA-OIW HLB0009789 Open Information Warehouse 
PS-IS HLA0009553 Information System 
PP-PN EB50000111 Production Network 
PP-PN-ALN EB50000113 Production Allocation 
PP-PN-MES EB50000116 Measurement System 
PP-PN-NO EB50000112 Network Objects 
PP-PN-NM EB50000115 Network Modeler 
PP-PN-OWN EBS0000041 Ownership 
PP-PN-NOP EB50000114 Network Operations 
PS HLA0009550 Project System 
QM HLA0009540 Quality Management 
CA-ARC HLB0100391 Archiving 
LO-MD HLA0006434 Logistics Basic Data 
PA HLA0009700 Personnel Management 
PE HLA0009703 Training and Event Management 
PT HLA0009704 Personnel Time Management 
PY HLA0009706 Payroll 
PP-SOP HLA0009522 Sales and Operations Planning 
EP-PCT-SRM-SE AXA0000113 BP for Supplier Enablement 
SD-BF-AC HLA0006562 Availability Check 
TR HLA0009209 Treasury 
LE-WM HLA0009518 Warehouse Management 
CA-GTF-TS HLB0006311 Technical Application Support 
CA-BFA-AAP B200000067 BAPI Concept 
MM-PUR-GF HLA0006037 Basic Functions 
SD-BIL-GF HLA0006580 Basic Functions 
LO-MD-BOM HLA0006856 Bills of Material 
LO-MD-BP HLA0006890 Business Partners 
AP-MD-BP I290007530 SAP Business Partner 
LO-GTF AC00000071 General Application Functions 
BC-SEC-AUT HLB0100103 Authorization Management 
CA-CAD HLB0006408 CAD Integration 
CA-GTF-CBN EBJ0000051 Contextual Business Navigation 
CA-GTF-CBN-ODT EBJ0000053 Contextual Business Navigation OData Backend Adaptation lay. 
CA-GTF-CBN-UI EBJ0000052 Contextual Business Navigation UI layer 
FIN ABA0000152 Financials 
LO-MD-MM HLA0006031 Material Master 
PLM ABA0000231 Product Lifecycle Management 
LO-SCI-POI HLA0009816 Production Optimization Interface (POI) 
LO-ECH HLA0006409 Engineering Change Management 
LO-ECH-MRC HLA0006417 Change Master Management 
SD-BIL-IV-PC HLA0100732 Payment Cards 
LO-MD-BP-CM HLA0001520 Customer Master 
CS-CI-CIC ALR0000137 Customer Interaction Center 
CA-CL HLB0006402 Classification 
LO-PDM HLA0100782 Product Data Management 
PP-BD-CAP HLA0006230 Computer Aided Process Planning 
PP-BD-PRT HLA0006833 Production Resources/Tools 
PP-PI-CFB EBS0000004 Consumer Products for Food & Beverage 
LO-VC HLA0006411 Variant Configuration 
LO-MD-BP-VM HLA0001521 Vendor Master 
PP-PDC HLA0006260 Plant Data Collection 
PP-MRP HLA0009524 Material Requirements Planning 
PP-CRP-LVL HLA0006233 Capacity Leveling 
FI HLA0009200 Financial Accounting 
LO-AB-IFW EBS0000091 Invoice Forecasting 
CA-DSG ABA0000041 Digital Signature 
PS-ST-OPR HLA0009555 Operative Structures 
CO-PC-ACT-PER HLA0100801 Periodic Material Valuation 
CA-CL-CL HLB0006416 Classification 
PS-CLM ALR0077563 Claim Management 
LO-VC-CPR HLA0006412 Configuration Profile 
LO-VC-DEP-SIN HLA0100811 Single Dependency 
LO-VC-VTA HLA0100813 Variant Tables 
CA-CL-ENV HLB0006810 Environment 
CA-CL-SEL HLB0006855 Object Selection 
CA-CL-CLS HLB0006415 Classes 
CO-PC-PCP HLA0009420 Product Cost Planning 
SD-BF HLA0006560 Basic Functions 
SD-BF-PR HLA0006561 Pricing and Conditions 
LO-CM ALR0008404 Configuration management 
PP-PI-PMA HLA0006253 Process Management 
LO-MAP ALR0006032 Merchandise and Assortment Planning 
PS-REV-PLN-CAL HLA0100704 Costing 
PS-ST-INT HLA0100689 Interface to External Project Software 
PS-ST-OPR-PB ALR0008412 Project Builder 
PS-MAT-DLV HLA0100715 Delivery 
PS-ST-TMP-DEF HLA0006670 Standard Project Definition 
PS-IS-REP-LOG HLA0006693 Logistics 
PS-SIM HLA0100717 Simulation 
PS-CON HLA0006830 Confirmation 
PS-IS-REP HLA0001586 Project Reports 
PS-ST HLA0100687 Structures 
PS-MAT HLA0006684 Material 
PS-ST-OPR-NET HLA0006678 Network and Activity 
PS-ST-TMP-NET HLA0006672 Standard Network 
PS-ST-OPR-PPB HLA0006821 Project Planning Board 
PS-ST-TMP HLA0009551 Templates 
PS-DAT HLA0006681 Dates 
PS-WFL HLA0009106 SAP Business Workflow Connection 
PP-SFC-PLN HLA0006241 Order Planning 
PP-SFC HLA0009525 Production Orders 
PP-PI-PMA-MGT HLA0006280 ABAP List-Based PI Sheet 
PP-PI-POR-OPC HLA0006274 Order Processing 
PP-PI-POR HLA0006252 Process Order 
PP-PI-PCM P450002011 Production Campaign 
PP-SFC-CPL HLA0006243 Order Closing 
PP-SFC-EXE-CON HLA0100777 Confirmations 
PM-WOC-JC HLA0006649 Completion Confirmations 
PP-MES EBS0000003 Integration with Manufacturing Execution Systems 
PP-BD-RTG HLA0006406 Routing 
PP-PI-MD-MRC HLA0006271 Master Recipe 
SD-BF-CPE PR00000062 CPE in SD 
CA-GTF-CPE BYA3000001 Commodity Pricing Engine 
MM-PUR-GF-CPE PR00000061 CPE in MM 
PP-PI-PFS HLA0100724 Process Flow Scheduler 
PP-MP HLA0009523 Production Planning 
PP-PI-MD HLA0006251 Basic Data 
PP-PI-MD-RSC HLA0006270 Resources 
PP-BD-WKC HLA0006404 Work Center 
PP-PI HLA0006250 Production Planning for Process Industries 
SD-CAS HLA0009604 Sales Support 
PM-EQM-EQ HLA0006642 Equipment 
CRM AEC0000003 Customer Relationship Management 
SD-BIL HLA0009603 Billing 
CO-PA HLA0009405 Profitability Analysis 
CA-GTF-CSC ABA0000141 Country-Specific Objects 
WEC-IS A0G0000241 Web Channel Industry-Specific Components 
PP-SOP-DRP HLA0006235 Distribution Requirements Planning 
CS-CM-KB ALR0000139 Knowledge Base 
CA-CL-CHR HLB0006414 Characteristics 
SCM /SAPTRX/BYA0000001 Supply Chain Management 
LO-VC-VFU HLA0100814 Variant Functions 
LO-VC-DEP-NET HLA0100812 Dependency Net 
LO-VC-LOI ALR0009206 LO Integration 
LO-VC-ECO ALR0009201 Engineering Configuration (Order BOM) 
LO-VC-SIM HLA0100815 Simulation 
CA-CUS B200000122 Global Organization Customizing 
CA-DMS HLB0006401 Document Management System 
CA-DMS-EDT HLB0006850 Document Processing 
FS-BP KFM0000891 Business Partner 
CA-FS-BP PAB0000001 Business Partner Enhancements for Financial Services 
AP-MD-BF-SYN PAB0000028 Master Data Synchronization 
CA-DMS-CNV EBS0000101 DMS Integration for Viewer/CAD intergration 
PP-CRP-SCH HLA0006470 Scheduling 
PS-CRP-WFP HLA0100709 Workforce Planning 
LO-PDM-GF-OBR HLA0100784 Product Structure Browser 
CA-BFA-ABL B200000068 ALE Business Process Library 
LE-WM-DWM HLA0001543 R/2-R/3 Link 
PS-DOC-DMS HLA0001557 Document Processing 
CA-GTF-UPS PAB0000021 Distribution Unit / Distribution Packet 
BC-CCM-ADK HLB0006315 Archive Development Kit 
LE-DSD ALN0000421 Direct Store Delivery 
PM-EQM HLA0009531 Technical Objects 
EP-PCT-MAN PCO0000031 Manufacturing Content 
PM-WOC-MO HLA0006648 Maintenance Orders 
PM-PRM-MP HLA0006645 Maintenance Plans 
PM-WOC-LE E4A0000011 List Editing 
PM-EQM-LE E4A0000012 List Editing 
PM-EQM-SF-MPC HLA0001591 Measuring Points and Counters 
FIN-FSCM-BD ABA0000221 Biller Direct 
FI-BL-PT HLA0100025 Payment Transactions 
CA-EUR-CNV HLB0100273 Local Currency Changeover 
LO-ELR AL00000071 Electronic Data Records 
CO HLA0009400 Controlling 
LO-MD-PC HLA0009790 Product Catalog 
SD-IS-DC HLA0009766 Data Collection 
SD-SLS-API E4A0000033 SD API Interface, LORD 
LE-SHP HLA0009602 Shipping 
SD-SLS-GF HLA0006007 Basic Functions 
SD-SLS-QUT HLA0006008 Customer Inquiries / Quotations 
LO-CMM EBJ0000022 Commodity Management in Logistics 
LO-LIS-DC HLA0006426 Data Collection 
LO-CMM-BF EBJ0000023 Basic Functions 
FI-AP-AP HLA0006511 Basic Functions 
WEC A0G0000039 Web Channel 
WEC-APP-UM A0G0000068 Web Channel: User Management and Customer Profile 
WEC-APP A0G0000044 Web Channel: Applications 
WEC-APP-SLS-ERP EB50000095 WebChannel Sales using ERP-SD 
WEC-APP-UM-ERP EB50000096 Web Channel UM ERP aspects 
WEC-APP-SLS A0G0000071 Web Channel Sales Application 
WEC-APP-GS-ERP EB50000092 Web Channel Application Generic Search-ERP 
WEC-APP-PER A0G0000236 Web Channel Personalisation 
CO-OM HLA0009408 Overhead Cost Controlling 
CO-PC HLA0009404 Product Cost Controlling 
FI-AA HLA0009300 Asset Accounting 
FI-AP HLA0009204 Accounts Payable 
FI-AR HLA0009203 Accounts Receivable 
FI-GL HLA0009201 General Ledger Accounting 
LO-MDS-AL I020004210 Allocation 
LO-MD-MG I020004200 Material Groups 
LO-MD-PL I020004211 Plant Master 
LO-MD-PR I020004205 Promotion 
QM-IM HLA0009542 Quality Inspection 
CA-EPT BSD0000011 Processes and Tools for Enterprise Applications 
SD-MD HLA0009606 Master Data 
SD-MD-AM HLA0006003 Agreements 
SD-MD-AM-CMI HLA0001823 Customer Material Information 
QM-QN-NM HLA0006832 Processing Quality Notifications 
CA-EUR-CUR B200000012 Currency Customizing and Handling for Euro 
CA-GTF-DRT HLB0100372 Data Retention Tool 
FI-GL-GL HLA0006520 Basic Functions 
FI-AP-AP-PT HLA0001269 Payment Transactions 
SCM-FC /SCFC/AP92000001 Fulfillment Coordination 
BC-ABA-TO HLB0100068 Logical DB, Selection Screens, Selection Variants 
FIN-FSCM ABA0000161 Financial Supply Chain Management 
AC-INT ALR0000023 Accounting Interface 
MM-PUR-FIP E4A0000032 Perishables Procurement 
CA-ESS BIO0000081 Employee Self-Service 
EP-PCT-MGR-CO AXA0000003 Business Package for Manager Self-Service (FI) 
BC-ABA HLB0009083 ABAP Runtime Environment 
FI-TV HLA0009705 Travel Management 
SD-BF-TX HLA0006567 Taxes 
SD-FT HLA0006576 Foreign Trade 
LO-HU-BF HUM0000002 Basic functions 
LO-HU-PR HUM0000011 Editing 
LO-HU HUM0000001 Handling Unit Management 
CS-IB-CF ALR0000121 Configuration 
CS-IB HLA0006659 Installed Base Management 
CS-IB-IN ALR0000120 Installed Bases 
PM-EQM-BM HLA0006643 Bills of Material (Plant Maintenance) 
PM-PRM HLA0009532 Preventive Maintenance 
PM-WOC-CP HLA0006651 Capacity and Resource Planning 
CS-CM-SN HLA0009594 Service Notifications 
FI-LOC P6D0000001 Localization 
MM-IM-PI HLA0006050 Physical Inventory 
CA-EDI HLB0006024 IDoc Interfaces for EDI 
CS-SE HLA0009595 Service Processing 
PM-EQM-ON HLA0006644 Object Networking 
LO-INT-TM EBS0000074 Transportation Management Integration 
LO-INT-TM-DL EBS0000075 Lieferabwicklung 
LO-INT-TM-PUR EBS0000077 Einkauf 
LO-INT-TM-SLS EBS0000078 Verkauf 
PM-PRM-TL HLA0006646 Maintenance Task Lists 
LO-MD-SN HLA0001522 Serial Numbers 
LO-HU-MD HUM0000012 Master data 
PM-PRO HLA0006654 Maintenance Projects 
PM-EQM-SF-PMT HLA0001593 Permits 
LO-MD-UID E380000021 Unique Identification 
PM-WOC-MH HLA0006650 Maintenance History 
CS-SE-FS ALR0002153 Field Service 
CS-SE-CON ALR0002155 Confirmations 
PS-CAF HLA0100705 Payments 
PS-CAF-PLN-PLN HLA0100706 Planning 
PS-IS-REP-ACC HLA0006691 Accounting 
PS-IS-CON-SUM HLA0100722 Project Summarization 
PS-REV-ACT HLA0006829 Actual Revenues and Forecast 
PS-PRG-EVA HLA0006697 Progress Analysis 
PS-COS-PER-SE HLA0001585 Settlement 
PS-COS-PER-IC HLA0001582 Interest 
PS-COS HLA0009554 Costs 
PS-COS-PER-ABC HLA0100701 Process Costs 
EC-EIS-DD HLA0009493 Interactive Drilldown Reporting 
EC-PCA HLA0009406 Profit Center Accounting 
PS-REV-TRF HLA0001559 Transfer Prices and Decentralized Responsibility 
PS-ST-OPR-ORD HLA0001567 Orders for Projects 
PS-MAT-PRC HLA0006827 Procurement 
PP-FLW-SEQ HLA0003901 Sequencing 
LE-SHP-DL HLA0006571 Delivery Processing 
LE-SHP-GF HLA0006570 Basic Functions 
LE-TRA-IN HLA0001830 Interfaces 
LE-TRA HLA0006575 Transportation 
LE-TRM AL00000041 Task & Resource Management 
SCM-ECT-LIM /LIMEB/BYC1000002 Logistics Inventory Management Engine 
SCM-ECT-LIM-R3 AXA0000031 Connection R/3 to LIME 
LE-MOB ALR0008406 Mobile data entry 
LO-INT-TRM EBS0000079 Treasury and Risk Management Integration 
MM-IV-LIV HLA0001544 Logistics Invoice Verification 
MM-PUR-GF-REL HLA0001527 Release (Approval) 
LO-AB-TC ALR0002253 Trading Contract 
LO-GEN-SE EB50000052 Service Enablement 
LO-MD-QO ALR0008401 Quantity optimizing 
LE-WM-GF HLA0006600 Other Functions 
LE-IEW-STO PR00000026 Stock Transfers 
PP-MRP-BD HLA0006450 Master Data 
CA-GTF-MS HLB0100412 Cross-Application Mass Maintenance 
MM-IM-GF HLA0006049 Basic Functions 
MM-IS-IC HLA0006051 Inventory Controlling 
PP-IS HLA0009528 Information System 
PM-IS-REP HLA0006663 Reporting 
LO-LIS-LIB HLA0006427 Logistics Information Library 
PP-SOP-BD HLA0006234 Basic Data 
PP-SOP-SP HLA0006420 Sales Plan 
BC-BW HLB0100455 BW Service API 
LO-PR-MTD HLA0009753 Forecast Procedures 
LO-LIS-REP HLA0006424 Reporting 
SD-IS HLA0009605 Information System 
LO-RIS I020004208 Retail Information System (RIS) 
PP-MRP-PE HLA0006457 Planning Evaluation 
PP-REM HLA0006240 Repetitive Manufacturing 
MM-CBP HLA0006803 Consumption-Based Planning (See Also PP-MRP) 
LO-MD-SE I020004206 Season 
CA-MDG-APP BTD0000213 Applications 
CA-MDG-APP-BP BTD0000171 MDG Business Partner (Central Part) 
CA-MDG-APP-CUS EBS0000061 MDG Customer (Central Parts) 
CA-MDG-APP-MM EB50000102 MDG Material 
CA-MDG-APP-SUP BTD0000221 MDG Supplier (Central Parts) 
MDM-CLT BYC0000001 Client-System Adapter 
PP-MP-DEM HLA0006430 Demand Management 
MM-IS-VE HLA0006613 Vendor Evaluation 
MM-PUR-REQ HLA0006039 Purchase Requisitions 
MM-PUR-PO HLA0006041 Purchase Orders 
IS-MP KM50000001 Mill Products Industry Solution 
MM-PUR-GF-OC P450002031 Message Determination 
MM-SRV-IP AL00000030 Invoicing Plan 
MM-PUR-OA HLA0006035 Vendor Outline Agreements 
MM-PUR-ADB-PRN AC00000047 Document Output with Adobe Document Services 
MM-IM-GR HLA0006045 Goods Receipt 
MM-IM-ST HLA0006048 Stock Transfer/Transfer Posting 
PA-PD HLA0009702 Personnel Development 
PP-MP-MFC HLA0001815 Material Forecast 
MM-IV-GF HLA0006604 General Functions 
LO-ARM E4A0000031 Advanced Returns Management 
LO-ARM-INS EBS0000031 Inspection 
LO-MD-BP-CM-ES E380000041 Enterprise Services in Customer Master 
LO-MD-BP-VM-ES E380000042 Enterprise Services in Vendor Master 
MM-IM-GF-ES E380000043 Enterprise Services in Inventory Management 
MM-IV-GF-ES E380000044 Enterprise Services in Invoice Verification 
MM-PUR-GF-ES E380000051 Enterprise Services in Purchasing 
LE-SHP-GF-ES E380000031 Enterprise Services in Shipping 
SD-SLS-ES E380000052 Enterprise Services in Sales 
SD-BF-AC-SOA EB50000001 Enterprise SOA 
PP-SFC-EXE HLA0006242 Order Processing 
MM-PUR-VM-CON HLA0001534 Conditions 
MM-SRV-ES E380000053 Enterprise Services in External Services 
FI-GL-IS HLA0006523 Information System 
BC-MOB ABA0000121 SAP NetWeaver Mobile - Use subcomponents 
PS-PRG HLA0100719 Progress 
AC ALR0000021 Accounting - General 
EP-PCT-PLM AXA0000012 PLM Content 
SD-BIL-IV-SM HLA0100736 Expense-Related Billing 
PS-REV HLA0100702 Revenues and Earnings 
QM-PT-BD HLA0006200 Basic Data 
QM-PT-RP-PRC HLA0001806 QM Control in Procurement 
QM-CA HLA0006215 Quality Certificates 
QM-CA-MD HLA0006216 Basic Data for Certificates 
QM-PT-BD-SPL HLA0006202 Samples and SPC 
QM-QC-AQC HLA0006208 Active Quality Control 
QM-IM-RR HLA0006212 Results Recording 
QM-QC-IS HLA0006207 Information System 
QM-ADB-PRN AC00000062 Print Form 
QM-PT-IP HLA0006201 Inspection Planning 
QM-PT-BD-ICH HLA0001802 Inspection Characteristic 
QM-IM-SM HLA0100686 Sample Management 
QM-PT-RP-SD HLA0001807 QM Control in Sales and Distribution 
QM-PT-BD-CAT HLA0001801 Catalog 
QM-IM-UD HLA0006213 Inspection Lot Completion 
LO-CEP ALR0078007 Collaborative Engineering and Project Management 
PA-OS HLA0100342 Organizational Structure 
PP-BD HLA0009521 Basic Data 
PP-CRP HLA0009526 Capacity Requirements Planning 
PP-ATO HLA0006834 Assembly Processing 
SD-BF-CM HLA0006563 Credit Management 
CA-GTF-PCF ABC0000051 People Centric UI Framework 
LE-IEW-RET PR00000025 Returns Process 
LO-BM HLA0009761 Batches 
LO-BM-AI HLA0100729 Active Ingredient Management 
LO-BM-BIC AL00000026 Batch Information Cockpit 
LO-BM-INT AL00000028 Integration 
LO-VC-WUI EB50000011 Variant Configuration Web User Interface 
SD-CAS-SP HLA0006586 Sales Promotions 
SD-BF-ACT HLA0006568 Account Determination 
SD-BF-OC HLA0006565 Output Determination 
SD-EDI HLA0009607 Electronic Data Interchange 
SD-FT-PRO HLA0001831 Basic Functions 
LE-TRA-FC HLA0100740 Freight Processing 
CA-GTF-PR-CPF BRK0000002 Configurable Parameters and Formulas 
PP-PI-MIR ALR0078973 Material Identification and Reconciliation 
SD-MD-MM HLA0006859 Material Maintenance 
SD-CAS-BD HLA0006585 Basic Data 
IS-A-JIT KA50000002 Just-In-Time Processing 
CA-VE-VEP-INT EBJ0000034 Visual Enterprise Planner integration with ERP 
SD-BF-PD P450002041 Partner determination 
SD-SLS-OA HLA0006010 Outline Agreements (Customer) 
LE-IDW ALR0000092 Decentralized WMS integration 
LE-SHP-GI HLA0006574 Goods Issue 
SD-BF-TP HLA0006566 Word Processing 
LE-TRA-TP HLA0001829 Transportation Planning and Processing 
LE-SHP-PA HLA0006573 Packing 
LE-DSD-VC ALN0000423 Visit Control 
SD-POS I020004209 POS Interface 
BC-SRV-BSF B200001268 Business Service Functions 
LO-SRS ALR0002251 SAP Retail Store 
CA-GTF-SCM B200000222 Schedule Manager 
SD-BF-FG HLA0100730 Free Goods 
LO-ADM I020004207 Additionals Management 
LO-AB-CA EB50000041 Distribution 
SD-BIL-RB HLA0006583 Rebate Processing 
LO-MD-RA-ASL ALR0000101 Assortment List 
MM-PUR-VM HLA0006038 Vendor-Material Relationships and Conditions 
SD-SLS-SO HLA0006009 Sales Orders 
MM-PUR-OA-CON HLA0001537 Contract 
LO-LIS-PLN HLA0006700 Planning 
LO-MD-RA-MT ALR0000100 Assortment Maintenance 
LO-MD-RPC I020004202 Retail Pricing 
LE-SHP-PI HLA0006572 Picking 
MM-CBP-CBP HLA0006804 Consumption-Based Planning (See Also PP-MRP) 
MM-IV-LIV-IVB HLA0100770 Invoice Verification in Background 
SD-MD-MM-CS PR00000051 Additional Material Functions 
LO-MDS-CPO ALR0002161 Collective Purchase Order