SAP ABAP Application Component MM-PUR (Purchasing)
Basic Data
Application Component | HLA0009512 | |
Application Component ID | MM-PUR | |
Short Description | Purchasing | |
First Release Date | 19950221 | |
First Release | 30A |
Application Component ID | Short Description | Application Component |
MM-PUR-ADB | Adobe Document Services in Purchasing | AC00000046 |
MM-PUR-ADB-PRN | Document Output with Adobe Document Services | AC00000047 |
MM-PUR-EM | Empties Management (When Extension EA-CP Is Active) | AEN0000071 |
MM-PUR-EM-DIC | Item Calculator | AEN0000072 |
MM-PUR-EM-PO | Empties Management in Purchase Orders | AEN0000073 |
MM-PUR-FIP | Perishables Procurement | E4A0000032 |
MM-PUR-GF | Basic Functions | HLA0006037 |
MM-PUR-GF-CE | Customer Enhancements | PL00000012 |
MM-PUR-GF-CON | Confirmation Control/Shipping Notification | HLA0001526 |
MM-PUR-GF-CPE | CPE in MM | PR00000061 |
MM-PUR-GF-EDI | Electronic Data Interchange | PL00000013 |
MM-PUR-GF-EIE | Intra-European Import and Export | HLA0001524 |
MM-PUR-GF-ES | Enterprise Services in Purchasing | E380000051 |
MM-PUR-GF-OC | Message Determination | P450002031 |
MM-PUR-GF-REL | Release (Approval) | HLA0001527 |
MM-PUR-GF-REL-OAG | Release of Outline Agreements | HLA0001530 |
MM-PUR-GF-REL-POR | Release of Purchase Orders | HLA0001531 |
MM-PUR-GF-REL-REQ | Release of Requisitions | HLA0001529 |
MM-PUR-GF-REL-RFQ | Release of RFQ/Quotation | HLA0001528 |
MM-PUR-GF-SN | Serial Numbers in Purchasing | E4A0000041 |
MM-PUR-GF-TAX | Taxes | HLA0001525 |
MM-PUR-OA | Vendor Outline Agreements | HLA0006035 |
MM-PUR-OA-CON | Contract | HLA0001537 |
MM-PUR-OA-SCH | Scheduling Agreement | HLA0001538 |
MM-PUR-OPT | Optimization in Purchasing | E4A0000001 |
MM-PUR-OPT-GRC | Goods Receipt Capacity Check | E4A0000005 |
MM-PUR-OPT-IB | Investment Buy | E4A0000002 |
MM-PUR-OPT-LB | Load Building | E4A0000003 |
MM-PUR-OPT-PLW | Planning Workbench | E4A0000004 |
MM-PUR-PO | Purchase Orders | HLA0006041 |
MM-PUR-REQ | Purchase Requisitions | HLA0006039 |
MM-PUR-RFQ | RFQ/Quotation | HLA0006040 |
MM-PUR-SQ | Sources of Supply | HLA0006036 |
MM-PUR-SQ-QTA | Quota Arrangement | HLA0001535 |
MM-PUR-SQ-SLI | Source List | HLA0001536 |
MM-PUR-SSP | Self-Service Procurement | /SRMERP/EBS0000022 |
MM-PUR-VM | Vendor-Material Relationships and Conditions | HLA0006038 |
MM-PUR-VM-CON | Conditions | HLA0001534 |
MM-PUR-VM-REC | Info Record | HLA0001532 |
MM-PUR-VM-SET | Subsequent Settlement | HLA0001533 |
Package | Short Description |
/SAPQUERY/ME | Development Class SAPQUERY ME Global Area |
AD_UPOS | Sub-Items in Purchasing (MPN) |
AM1P | Process Model Objects and ASAP MM-PUR (Purchasing) |
ASAPTERM_MM_PUR | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in MM-PUR |
CRM_LEASING_PI | Leasing: PlugIn Enhancement in Sales for CRM |
CRM_MKTPL_PURCHASE_INTEGRATION | Purchase process integration for marketing objects |
DI_VVA_MEEE | Separation of Purchasing and FI |
ESH_MM_PUR_HANA_CONTENT | HANA search development package for MM Purchasing |
FIP_STRUCTURE | Fresh Item Procurement |
IS_AUTO_IDT | Inbound Delivery Tracking |
LOG_MM_FI_DPC | MM Enhancements for Down-Payment Chain |
LOG_MM_P2PSE_1_TEST_CASES | External Test Cases SE Procure-to-Pay/Service Procurement |
ME01_SFWS_SC | Application Dev. R3 Purchasing, Goods Receipt Capa Check SC |
ME01_SFWS_UI | Application Dev. R3 Purchasing, Goods Receipt Capa Check UI |
MEALE | ALE Objects: MM-PUR Purchasing |
MEAO | Purchasing - APO: Quantity Optimization |
MECCP | Cross-Company-Code Procurement |
MECORE | Basis Component: Purchasing |
MECR | Plug-In Enhancements in Purchasing for CRM |
MEDCM | Purchasing: Change Management |
MEREQ | Purchasing: Purchase Requisition |
MEVE | Purchasing/BW: Vendor Evaluation |
ME_CAT_INT_SFWS_SC | Catalog Integration into Purchasing Documents (6.05) |
ME_CI_3_SFWS_SC | Enhancements in Procurement (6.05) |
ME_CI_SFWS_SC | Continuous Improvement - Purchasing (6.04) |
ME_MAA_SFWS_SC | Multiple Account Assignment - Purchasing (6.04) |
ME_P2PSE_2_SFWS_SC | ERP-SRM Integration Part 2 (6.05) |
ME_P2PSE_SFWS_SC | Suite Excellence Procure-to-Pay/Service Procurement (6.04) |
ME_P2PSE_SFWS_UI | Suite Excellence Procure-to-Pay/Service Procurement (6.04) |
ME_PH_SFWS_SC | Park&Hold-functionality - Purchasing (6.04) |
ME_PROC_INT_SFWS_SC | Enhancements in Procurement Integration (6.06) |
ME_PROC_REN_SFWS_SC | Enhancements in Procurement (6.06) |
ME_PROC_SUST_SFWS_SC | Enhancements in Procurement Sustainability (6.06) |
ME_RETDP_SFWS_SC | Retention & Down Payment - Purchasing (6.04) |
ME_REV_SFWS_SC | Revaluation Commitment - Purchasing (6.04) |
ME_SERNO_SFWS_SC | Serial Number - Purchasing (6.04) |
ME_SFWS_PH_CORE | Switch Package: Enable Park & Hold for Purchasing Documents |
ME_SFWS_SC | Purchasing SFWS Coding |
ME_SFWS_SC_WMD | Purchasing: SFWS Coding Switched |
ME_SFWS_TEMPLATE | Switch Package for Switch MM_SFWS_TEMPLATE |
ME_SP_SR_SFWS_SC | Enhancements in Procurement (6.05) |
ME_SSTN | Purchasing Sustainability |
MMPUR_BASE | Purchasing: Basis Components |
MMPUR_HDB_SFWS_OPT_POH | Switched Package for Purchase Order History Optimization |
MMPUR_OUTSOURCED_MANUF | Outsourced Manufacturing in Procurement |
MMPUR_PORTAL | Linkage of Portal to Purchasing |
MMPUR_SERVICES | Purchasing Functionalities as Services |
MMPUR_UI | Package for Web Dynpro Applications Purchasing |
MMPUR_UI_MODEL | Model Components for Web Dynpro Applications, Purchasing |
MMPUR_UI_VIEW | View for Web Dynpro Applications, Purchasing |
MMPUR_UNIT_TEST | Objects Unit Tests in Purchasing |
MM_BUYER_SFWS_SC2 | Coding Switch Package - Materials Management Buyer Role |
MM_MAT_SEARCH_SFWS_SC | Material Search Enhancements Procurement EhP 5 |
MM_PUR_ESO | Package for Enterprise Search Connection in MM-PUR |
MM_PUR_SFWS_EHP4 | MM development for EhP4 - Purchasing |
MM_PUR_SFWS_EHP5 | MM Developments for EhP 5 - Purchasing |
MM_PUR_SFWS_EHP6 | MM Developments for EhP 6 - Purchasing |
MM_STOCK_TRANSFER | Customizing Activities for Stock Transfer Betw. Storage Locs |
U403 | Purchasing |
WCE2 | IS-R: Customizing purchasing |
WGRC | Goods Receipt Capacity Check in Purchasing |
WO+G | Retail Development for Perishables |
WORG | IS-R: Organizational units |
WPOB | IS-R: Closing Purchase Orders |
WPOC | IS-R: Changing Purchase Orders |
WRB | Retail Buying |
WRBA | Business Package Retail Buying: Additional Functions |
WRF_BUDGET | Framework: Budget Processes |
WRF_PRC_BASIC_APPL | Seasonal Procurement: Basis Area |
WRF_PRC_BASIC_DDIC | Seasonal Procurement: DDIC Objects in Basis Area |
WRF_PRC_CON_APPL | Seasonal Procurement: Contracts Area |
WRF_PRC_CON_DDIC | Seasonal Procurement: DDIC Objects Contract |
WRF_PRC_CTR_APPL | Seasonal Procurement: Procurement Controlling Area |
WRF_PRC_CTR_DDIC | Seasonal Procurement: DDIC Objects Procurement Controlling |
WRF_PRC_MAIN | Seasonal Procurement: Main Package |
WRF_PRC_OTB_APPL | Seasonal Procurement: Open-To-Buy Area |
WRF_PRC_OTB_DDIC | Seasonal Procurement: DDIC Objects in Open-To-Buy Area |
WRF_PRC_POHF_APPL | Seasonal Procurement: Purchase Order Handling Area |
WRF_PRC_POHF_APPL2 | Fashion Procurement: Subject Area Ordering Part 2 |
WRF_PRC_POHF_DDIC | Seasonal Procurement: DDIC Objects PO Processing |
WRF_PRC_SCD_APPL | Seasonal Procurement: Scheduling Area |
WRF_PRC_SCD_APPL2 | Seasonal Procurement: Subject Area Scheduling (Part 2) |
WRF_PRC_SCD_DDIC | Seasonal Procurement: DDIC Objects Area of Scheduling |
WWP_SFWS_UI1 | Planning Workbench SFWS UI1 |
Software Component | SAP_APPL | Logistics and Accounting | |
SAP Release Created in |