SAP ABAP Application Component MM (Materials Management)
Basic Data
Application Component HLA0009510  
Application Component ID MM  
Short Description   Materials Management  
First Release Date 19950221 
First Release   30A 
Contained Application Component
Application Component ID Short Description Application Component
MM-CBP Consumption-Based Planning (See Also PP-MRP)  HLA0006803 
MM-CBP-CBP Consumption-Based Planning (See Also PP-MRP)  HLA0006804 
MM-CBP-POP Procurement Proposal (See PP-MRP)  HLA0006805 
MM-EDI Electronic Data Interchange  HLA0006042 
MM-EDI-IV Invoice Verification  HLA0006615 
MM-EDI-PUR Purchasing  HLA0006614 
MM-FT Foreign trade  AL00000022 
MM-FT-GOV Messages to Authorities: Import  AL00000023 
MM-IM Inventory Management  HLA0009516 
MM-IM-ED Excise Duty  ALN0000437 
MM-IM-GF Basic Functions  HLA0006049 
MM-IM-GF-DTF Data Transfer  HLA0001539 
MM-IM-GF-DTF-RES Data Transfer: Reservations  HLA0001541 
MM-IM-GF-DTF-STK Data Transfer: Stocks  HLA0001540 
MM-IM-GF-ES Enterprise Services in Inventory Management  E380000043 
MM-IM-GF-PHI Data Transfer: Physical Inventory  HLA0001542 
MM-IM-GI Goods Issue and Return Delivery  HLA0006047 
MM-IM-GR Goods Receipt  HLA0006045 
MM-IM-ML Material Ledger  HLA0006070 
MM-IM-PI Physical Inventory  HLA0006050 
MM-IM-RS Reservations  HLA0006046 
MM-IM-ST Stock Transfer/Transfer Posting  HLA0006048 
MM-IM-VP Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures  HLA0009514 
MM-IS Information System  HLA0006612 
MM-IS-IC Inventory Controlling  HLA0006051 
MM-IS-IC-DTC Data retrieval  HLA0001552 
MM-IS-IC-EWS Early Warning System  HLA0001554 
MM-IS-IC-LIB Logistics Information Library  HLA0001553 
MM-IS-IC-PLN Planning  HLA0001551 
MM-IS-IC-RPT Reporting  HLA0001550 
MM-IS-PU Purchasing Information System  HLA0009513 
MM-IS-PU-DTC Data retrieval  HLA0001547 
MM-IS-PU-EWS Early Warning System  HLA0001549 
MM-IS-PU-LIB Logistics Information Library  HLA0001548 
MM-IS-PU-PLN Planning  HLA0001546 
MM-IS-PU-RPT Reporting  HLA0001545 
MM-IS-VE Vendor Evaluation  HLA0006613 
MM-IV Invoice Verification  HLA0009517 
MM-IV-ADB Adobe Document Services in Invoice Verification  AC00000050 
MM-IV-ADB-PRN Document Output with Adobe Document Services  AC00000051 
MM-IV-CA G/L Clearing Account Maintenance  HLA0006611 
MM-IV-EM Empties Management (When Extension EA-CP Is Active)  AEN0000074 
MM-IV-FIV Vendor Invoice (Until 4.6B)  HLA0100764 
MM-IV-FIV-CAN Reversal  HLA0100767 
MM-IV-FIV-CRE Entry  HLA0100765 
MM-IV-FIV-PP Preliminary Posting  HLA0006608 
MM-IV-FIV-REL Release  HLA0100766 
MM-IV-GF General Functions  HLA0006604 
MM-IV-GF-ES Enterprise Services in Invoice Verification  E380000044 
MM-IV-GR Goods-Receipt-Based Invoice Verification  HLA0006606 
MM-IV-II Invoice Blocking  HLA0001589 
MM-IV-INT Interfaces  AL00000032 
MM-IV-INT-SRM Supplier Relationship Management  EBS0000032 
MM-IV-INT-TM Transportation Management  EBS0000033 
MM-IV-LIV Logistics Invoice Verification  HLA0001544 
MM-IV-LIV-CAN Reversal  HLA0100772 
MM-IV-LIV-CRE Entry  HLA0100769 
MM-IV-LIV-IVB Invoice Verification in Background  HLA0100770 
MM-IV-LIV-PP Park Document  ALR0008405 
MM-IV-LIV-REL Release  HLA0100771 
MM-IV-MP Material Price Changes  HLA0006073 
MM-IV-PO Purchase-Order-Based Invoice Verification  HLA0006605 
MM-IV-WR Invoice Verification Without Reference  HLA0006607 
MM-PUR Purchasing  HLA0009512 
MM-PUR-ADB Adobe Document Services in Purchasing  AC00000046 
MM-PUR-ADB-PRN Document Output with Adobe Document Services  AC00000047 
MM-PUR-EM Empties Management (When Extension EA-CP Is Active)  AEN0000071 
MM-PUR-EM-DIC Item Calculator  AEN0000072 
MM-PUR-EM-PO Empties Management in Purchase Orders  AEN0000073 
MM-PUR-FIP Perishables Procurement  E4A0000032 
MM-PUR-GF Basic Functions  HLA0006037 
MM-PUR-GF-CE Customer Enhancements  PL00000012 
MM-PUR-GF-CON Confirmation Control/Shipping Notification  HLA0001526 
MM-PUR-GF-CPE CPE in MM  PR00000061 
MM-PUR-GF-EDI Electronic Data Interchange  PL00000013 
MM-PUR-GF-EIE Intra-European Import and Export  HLA0001524 
MM-PUR-GF-ES Enterprise Services in Purchasing  E380000051 
MM-PUR-GF-OC Message Determination  P450002031 
MM-PUR-GF-REL Release (Approval)  HLA0001527 
MM-PUR-GF-REL-OAG Release of Outline Agreements  HLA0001530 
MM-PUR-GF-REL-POR Release of Purchase Orders  HLA0001531 
MM-PUR-GF-REL-REQ Release of Requisitions  HLA0001529 
MM-PUR-GF-REL-RFQ Release of RFQ/Quotation  HLA0001528 
MM-PUR-GF-SN Serial Numbers in Purchasing  E4A0000041 
MM-PUR-GF-TAX Taxes  HLA0001525 
MM-PUR-OA Vendor Outline Agreements  HLA0006035 
MM-PUR-OA-CON Contract  HLA0001537 
MM-PUR-OA-SCH Scheduling Agreement  HLA0001538 
MM-PUR-OPT Optimization in Purchasing  E4A0000001 
MM-PUR-OPT-GRC Goods Receipt Capacity Check  E4A0000005 
MM-PUR-OPT-IB Investment Buy  E4A0000002 
MM-PUR-OPT-LB Load Building  E4A0000003 
MM-PUR-OPT-PLW Planning Workbench  E4A0000004 
MM-PUR-PO Purchase Orders  HLA0006041 
MM-PUR-REQ Purchase Requisitions  HLA0006039 
MM-PUR-RFQ RFQ/Quotation  HLA0006040 
MM-PUR-SQ Sources of Supply  HLA0006036 
MM-PUR-SQ-QTA Quota Arrangement  HLA0001535 
MM-PUR-SQ-SLI Source List  HLA0001536 
MM-PUR-SSP Self-Service Procurement  /SRMERP/EBS0000022 
MM-PUR-VM Vendor-Material Relationships and Conditions  HLA0006038 
MM-PUR-VM-CON Conditions  HLA0001534 
MM-PUR-VM-REC Info Record  HLA0001532 
MM-PUR-VM-SET Subsequent Settlement  HLA0001533 
MM-SRV External Services  HLA0006033 
MM-SRV-ACC Account Assignment  AL00000031 
MM-SRV-ADB Adobe Document Services for External Services  AC00000048 
MM-SRV-ADB-PRN Document Output with Adobe Document Services  AC00000049 
MM-SRV-BPI BAPIs  AL00000056 
MM-SRV-BW LIS and BW  AL00000055 
MM-SRV-ES Enterprise Services in External Services  E380000053 
MM-SRV-GF Basic Functions  HLA0100761 
MM-SRV-IP Invoicing Plan  AL00000030 
MM-SRV-MD Master Data  HLA0100762 
MM-SRV-PR Price Determination/Conditions  AL00000029 
MM-SRV-SR Service Entry  HLA0100763 
MM-WM-ST Stock Placement and Stock Removal Strategies  HLA0006610 

Contained Package
Package Short Description
/KYK/OPS_MM Materials Management 
/PSPRO/BASIS tables, structures, general infrastructure 
/PSPRO/CONTENTMODEL Contentmodels for Records mangement 
/SAPNEA/AG AG development for subcon 
/SAPNEA/J_SC1 Subcontracting Management 
/SAPNEA/J_SC_BC Subcontracting Management - BC set objects 
/SAPPSPRO/ADDON_IN_MM AddOn development MM Government Procurement 
/SAPPSPRO/BASIS/ tables, structures, general infrastructure 
/SAPPSPRO/ENH4_FMRE_SFWS_SC Government Procurement Enh4 FM Earmarked Funds 
/SAPPSPRO/ENH4_ME_SFWS_SC Government Procurement Enh4 Purchasing 
/SAPPSPRO/ENH4_MRM_SFWS_SC Government Procurement Enh4 Invoice Verification 
/SAPPSPRO/ENH_PI_SWFC_SC Government Procurement Shopping Cart Commitment 
/SAPPSPRO/IM/ Inventory management 
/SAPPSPRO/IM_BASIS tables, structures, general infrastructure 
/SAPPSPRO/IM_UILAYER Screens, Dynpros 
/SAPPSPRO/IV/ Invoive verification 
/SAPPSPRO/IV_BASIS tables, structures 
/SAPPSPRO/IV_UILAYER Screens, Dynpros 
/SAPPSPRO/PI_DOWNP_SFWS_SC Government Procurement Down Payment 
/SAPPSPRO/PI_EMF_SFWS_SC Government Procurement Enh4 Earmarked Fund 
/SAPPSPRO/PI_JFMIP_SFWS_SC Government Procurement JFMIP 
/SAPPSPRO/PI_MM_SFWS_SC Government Procurement Flexible Item Types 
/SAPPSPRO/PI_PSMGPR Government Procurement 
/SAPPSPRO/PI_RETEN_SFWS_SC Government Procurement Retention 
/SAPPSPRO/PI_SC_SFWS_SC Government Procurement Shopping Cart Commitment 
/SAPPSPRO/PS_BASIC_SFWS_SC Government Procurement basic functionality ERP 2005, Enh4 
/SAPPSPRO/PS_ITMTYP_TEST_CASES Flexible Item Types: Package for Test Case Templates 
/SAPPSPRO/PUR/ Purchasing 
/SAPPSPRO/PUR_BASIS tables, structures, general infrastructure 
/SAPPSPRO/RM/ Records Management 
/SAPPSPRO/RM/UILAYER Screens, Dynpros 
/SAPPSPRO/UILAYER Screens, Dynpros 
AMMM Application components MM 
AMMP Process Model Objects MM 
APPL_CONTENT_OPS_MM Analytics Content for MM 
ASAPTERM_MM Terminology and Glossary: Translation in MM 
ASAP_KC ASAP Knowledge Corner 
BBPA_PROXY Add-On Development for ECC - Proxy Package 
BBPD Development Class for Release Dependent Add-Ons for BBP 
BBPE EBP Addon Dev. for Direct Material and ext. Classic Scenario 
BBPO Add-Ons for Online Store 
BBPS Sales Order Tracking 
BBP_ADDON_40 Development Class for Add-Ons for BBP in Release 4.0B 
BBP_ADDON_45 Development Class for Add-Ons for BBP in Release 4.5B 
BBP_ADDON_46 Development Class for Add-Ons for BBP in 4.6 
BBP_ADDON_46C Development Class for Add-Ons for BBP in Release 4.6C 
BBP_ADDON_47 Development Class for Add-Ons for EBP Below 4.7 
CBESH_UI_ODATA_MM CestBON application OData services Material Management 
ERP_OPS_A2A Message Control for A2A Messages 
ERP_P2P_CUSTOM_SWFS_UI1 UI Switch Package - MM Basic Customizing 
ERP_P2P_SWFS_UI1 UI Switch Package - Materials Management 
ESH_MM HANA search main content package for MM 
ID-SCM-NEA Subcontracting Management - Release Information 
J3RM Localization Russia: MM 
LOG_MM_ANALYTICS_01_TEST_CASES External Test Cases for Procurement Analytics 
LOG_MM_CL_1 Coding Switch Package depending on Business Fct. LOG_MM_CL_1 
LOG_MM_OM_1_TEST_CASES Test case templates for LOG_MM_OM_1 
LOG_MM_OM_2_TEST_CASES Test Cases for Distributed Manufacturing 
LOG_MM_SERNO_TEST_CASES Test case templates for LOG_MM_SERNO 
MEBW Purchasing/BW 
MMDA Data Provisioning for Real Time Reporting in MM 
MM_ANA_DA_1_SFWS_SC MM Analytics Developments for EhP6 - Direct Access 
MM_ANA_EMB_1_SFWS_SC MM Analytics Developments for EhP6 - Embedded Analytics 
MM_ANA_SFWS_EHP6 MM Analytics Developments for EhP6 
MM_ESO Main Package for Enterprise Search Connection in MM 
MM_ESO_COMMON_FUNCT General functionalities in MM for Enterprise Search 
MM_HDB Application Development MM for secondary database connection 
MM_IMG Customizing: Materials Management 
MM_JFMIP_TEST_CASES JFMIP: Package for Test Case Templates 
MM_OPT Structure package for Optimizations in MM 
MM_P2P_BSI Business Suite Integration fpr Procure2Pay in the MM 
MM_PRIO DFPS: Retrofit Requirement Prioritization 
MM_SFWS_DINV_01 Enhancement package for switch MM_SFWS_DINV_01 
MM_SFWS_EHP4 MM development for EhP4 (6.04) 
MM_SFWS_EHP5 MM Developments for EhP 5 
MM_SFWS_EHP6 MM Developments for EhP 6 
MM_SFWS_MEV_01 Enhancement package for switch MM_SFWS_MEV_01 
MM_UI Main Package for Web Dynpro Applications for Materials Mgmt 
MO Subcontracting Index Table 
MWCH Change IAC 
OPS_SE ERP Operations Service Enabling in EHP 
OPS_SE_COMMON_FUNCTIONALITIES Functions for Cross-Component Use 
OPS_SE_SFWS Contains Enhancement SPOTs for switch BAdIs 
OPS_SE_SFWS_SC_604 Switched package for EHP4: enhancement implementations only 
U400 Materials Management 
U401 Base data Materials Management 
WWP Planning Workbench 
Software Component SAP_APPL  Logistics and Accounting 
SAP Release Created in