SAP ABAP Application Component PP (Production Planning and Control)
Basic Data
Application Component HLA0009520  
Application Component ID PP  
Short Description   Production Planning and Control  
First Release Date 19950221 
First Release   30A 
Contained Application Component
Application Component ID Short Description Application Component
PP-ATO Assembly Processing  HLA0006834 
PP-ATO-LOT In Production by Lots  HLA0009759 
PP-ATO-REM In Repetitive Manufacturing  HLA0009758 
PP-BD Basic Data  HLA0009521 
PP-BD-BOM Bills of Material (See LO-MD-BOM)  HLA0006403 
PP-BD-CAP Computer Aided Process Planning  HLA0006230 
PP-BD-PRT Production Resources/Tools  HLA0006833 
PP-BD-RTG Routing  HLA0006406 
PP-BD-WKC Work Center  HLA0006404 
PP-CBP Constraint-Based Planning  HLA0003898 
PP-CRP Capacity Requirements Planning  HLA0009526 
PP-CRP-ALY Capacity Evaluations  HLA0006472 
PP-CRP-LD Capacity Loads  HLA0006471 
PP-CRP-LVL Capacity Leveling  HLA0006233 
PP-CRP-SCH Scheduling  HLA0006470 
PP-ES Enterprise Services  EB50000071 
PP-FLW Flow Manufacturing  HLA0003899 
PP-FLW-JIT Sequenced JIT call  KAM0000010 
PP-FLW-JIT JIT call  P450002044 
PP-FLW-LDS Line design  HLA0003900 
PP-FLW-SEQ Sequencing  HLA0003901 
PP-IS Information System  HLA0009528 
PP-IS-DC Data Collection  HLA0009760 
PP-IS-EWS Early Warning System  HLA0001843 
PP-IS-LIS Interface to Logistics Information Library (LIL)  HLA0006492 
PP-IS-PLN Planning  HLA0006491 
PP-IS-REP Reporting  HLA0006490 
PP-KAB-BF Creation of Actual Data  HLA0009757 
PP-KAB-CC Control Cycle - KANBAN  HLA0006761 
PP-KAB-CRL KANBAN Control  HLA0006762 
PP-KAB-KE Evaluations  HLA0006763 
PP-KAB-KPB KANBAN Board  HLA0009756 
PP-MES Integration with Manufacturing Execution Systems  EBS0000003 
PP-MP Production Planning  HLA0009523 
PP-MP-DEM Demand Management  HLA0006430 
PP-MP-LTP Long-Term Planning (Simulation)  HLA0006232 
PP-MP-MFC Material Forecast  HLA0001815 
PP-MP-MPS Master Production Scheduling  HLA0006431 
PP-MRP Material Requirements Planning  HLA0009524 
PP-MRP-BD Master Data  HLA0006450 
PP-MRP-PE Planning Evaluation  HLA0006457 
PP-MRP-PP Procurement Proposal  HLA0006456 
PP-MRP-PR Planning Execution  HLA0006451 
PP-PDC Plant Data Collection  HLA0006260 
PP-PDC-LTR Personnel Time Recording  HLA0006262 
PP-PDC-MOT Work Order Time Recording (PM Order)  HLA0006263 
PP-PDC-PTR Project Time Recording  HLA0006264 
PP-PDC-WOT Work Order Time Recording  HLA0006261 
PP-PI Production Planning for Process Industries  HLA0006250 
PP-PI-CFB Consumer Products for Food & Beverage  EBS0000004 
PP-PI-CRP Capacity Requirements Planning  HLA0006256 
PP-PI-DTR Enter Downtimes  AC00000058 
PP-PI-LHL Integration with Higher-Level Systems  HLA0006255 
PP-PI-LHL Link to R/2  HLA0006283 
PP-PI-LHL Link to External Host Systems  HLA0006284 
PP-PI-MD Basic Data  HLA0006251 
PP-PI-MD-MRC Master Recipe  HLA0006271 
PP-PI-MD-RSC Resources  HLA0006270 
PP-PI-MIR Material Identification and Reconciliation  ALR0078973 
PP-PI-PCM Production Campaign  P450002011 
PP-PI-PDO Process Data Documentation  HLA0006254 
PP-PI-PDO-ADB Adobe Document Services in Process Data Documentation  AC00000056 
PP-PI-PDO-ADB-PRN Document Output with Adobe Document Services  AC00000057 
PP-PI-PEV Process Data Evaluation  HLA0006257 
PP-PI-PFS Process Flow Scheduler  HLA0100724 
PP-PI-PMA Process Management  HLA0006253 
PP-PI-PMA-CWD Campaign Weighing and Dispensing  AER0000091 
PP-PI-PMA-MGT ABAP List-Based PI Sheet  HLA0006280 
PP-PI-PMA-MSG Process Message  HLA0006278 
PP-PI-PMA-OPC OPC Interface  AL00000073 
PP-PI-PMA-PMC Browser-Based PI Sheet / Cockpit  AL00000072 
PP-PI-PMA-RCP Control Recipe  HLA0006279 
PP-PI-POR Process Order  HLA0006252 
PP-PI-POR-ADB Adobe Document Services in the Process Order  AC00000054 
PP-PI-POR-ADB-PRN Document Output with Adobe Document Services  AC00000055 
PP-PI-POR-OCL Order Closing  HLA0006275 
PP-PI-POR-OPC Order Processing  HLA0006274 
PP-PN Production Network  EB50000111 
PP-PN-ALN Production Allocation  EB50000113 
PP-PN-ANL Analytics  EE60000012 
PP-PN-GIS Geographical Information System  EE60000011 
PP-PN-MES Measurement System  EB50000116 
PP-PN-NM Network Modeler  EB50000115 
PP-PN-NO Network Objects  EB50000112 
PP-PN-NOP Network Operations  EB50000114 
PP-PN-OWN Ownership  EBS0000041 
PP-REM Repetitive Manufacturing  HLA0006240 
PP-REM-ADE Creation of Actual Data  HLA0006248 
PP-REM-ALY Evaluations  HLA0006249 
PP-REM-ORD Run Schedule Header  HLA0006246 
PP-REM-PLL Material staging  P450002043 
PP-REM-PLN Planning for Repetitive Manufacturing  HLA0006247 
PP-REM-PLN-PPO Planning Planned Orders  HLA0001838 
PP-REM-PLN-SQ Planning Run Schedule Quantities  HLA0001837 
PP-SFC Production Orders  HLA0009525 
PP-SFC-ADB Adobe Document Services in the Production Order  AC00000052 
PP-SFC-ADB-PRN Document Output with Adobe Document Services  AC00000053 
PP-SFC-CPL Order Closing  HLA0006243 
PP-SFC-EXE Order Processing  HLA0006242 
PP-SFC-EXE-CON Confirmations  HLA0100777 
PP-SFC-EXE-GM Goods Movements  HLA0100776 
PP-SFC-EXE-PRINT Order Printing  HLA0100775 
PP-SFC-IS Information System  HLA0100774 
PP-SFC-PLN Order Planning  HLA0006241 
PP-SFC-PLN-CPT Components  HLA0001817 
PP-SFC-PLN-HEA Header / Operation  HLA0001816 
PP-SFC-PLN-PRT Production Resources/Tools  HLA0001818 
PP-SFC-PLN-TPT Trigger Points  HLA0001819 
PP-SOP Sales and Operations Planning  HLA0009522 
PP-SOP-BD Basic Data  HLA0006234 
PP-SOP-DRP Distribution Requirements Planning  HLA0006235 
PP-SOP-PP Production Plan  HLA0006421 
PP-SOP-SP Sales Plan  HLA0006420 
PPM Portfolio and Project Management  L1B0000002 
PPM-CF Common Functions  PTD0000001 
PPM-CF-BP Business Package  PTD0000011 
PPM-CF-DFM Decision Flow Management  PTD0000002 
PPM-CF-PMI Project Management Integration  PTD0000003 
PPM-PFM Portfolio Management  /RPM/XSD0000011 
PPM-PRO Project Management  APL0000008 
PPM-PRO-BW BW Interface  APL0000026 
PPM-PRO-CPL Control Plan  CP40000006 
PPM-PRO-DOC Documents  APL0000023 
PPM-PRO-EVA Evaluations  APL0000025 
PPM-PRO-EXT Connection to External Systems  CP40000003 
PPM-PRO-EXT-API BAPI Interface for cProjects  CP40000005 
PPM-PRO-EXT-COL Collaborations  PPD0000001 
PPM-PRO-EXT-FIN cProjects Accounting Integration  APL0000071 
PPM-PRO-EXT-OBL Object Links  APL0000027 
PPM-PRO-EXT-PMT External Project Management Tools  CP40000004 
PPM-PRO-EXT-SRM SRM Integration  PCC0000002 
PPM-PRO-RES Resources  APL0000031 
PPM-PRO-STR Structure  APL0000022 
PPM-PRO-VER Versions  CP40000002 

Contained Package
Package Short Description
/KYK/OPS_PP Production Planning and Control 
ADFP Process Model Objects PP, Discrete Manufacturing 
AKAP Process Model Objects PP, KANBAN 
AMPP Process model objects MP, MPS, MRP 
APFP Process Model Objects PP, Process Manufacturing 
APPM Application components PP 
APPP Process model objects PP 
ASAPTERM_PP Terminology and Glossary: Translation in PP 
ASFP PP Process Model Objects, Repetitive Manufacturing 
CBESH_UI_ODATA_PP CestBON application OData services Manufacturing 
CSCT Semiconductor Planning - Dynamical objects 
EA-SCM Structure Package for R/3 Enterprise Addon SCM 
ESH_EA_PP HANA Search Main Content Package for PP 
ESH_PP HANA Search Main Content Package for PP 
LALD Logistics Automotive Line Design 
LASP_SFWS_SC Sequencing Enhancement Implementation 
MANUFACTURING_EXT_TEST_CASES PP Test cases in EA_APPL for customers 
MANUFACTURING_TEST_CASES PP Test cases in SAP_APPL for customers 
MAN_EHP_SWITCHES Enhancement Package Code Switches for ERP Manufacturing 
MAN_ETCT_EA_APPL_605 External Testcases for Manufacturing 605 
MAN_ETCT_SAP_APPL_605 External Testcases for Manufacturing 605 
ODATA_PP OData Services for PP 
ODATA_PP_MRP OData Services for MRP/MRP Cockpit 
ODATA_PP_MRP_TEST Test OData Services for MRP/MRP Cockpit 
ODATA_PP_PRODOPS_CNF Production Order-Operation Confirmation 
ODATA_PP_PRODOPS_CNF_TEST Test for Production Order-Operation Confirmation 
ODATA_PP_PRODORD_CNF Confirm Production Order 
ODATA_PP_PRODORD_CNF_TEST Test Package for Production Order Confirmations 
ODATA_PP_SFC OData Services for Manufacturing Orders 
ODATA_PP_SFC_PRODORDER_RELEASE Backend Settings for Service prodorder.release 
OPS_SFWS_DM_SC OPS Core Enhancements for Distributed Manufacturing 
PP_OM_SFWS_SC PP Core Enhancements for Outsourced Manufacturing 
PP_OM_SFWS_SW_SC Switch for PP Core Enhancements OM 
PP_OM_SFWS_SW_UI Switch for PP UI Enhancements OM 
PP_OM_SFWS_UI PP UI Enhancements for Outsourced Manufacturing 
R3E_BCS_SCM BC-Set Activating Switch for EA-SCM 
RMAN_PRSP_SFWS_SC_01 Enhancement Implementation Backend Coding Prodn Supervisor 
RMAN_PRSP_SFWS_UI_POWL Enhancement Implementation for POWLs of Production Superv. 
U700 Production Planning and Control 
XLPO Manufacturing: xLPO Integration 
XLPO_SFWS_UI_INT Manufacturing: xLPO Integration - UI Enhancements 
Software Component SAP_APPL  Logistics and Accounting 
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