SAP ABAP Application Component PM (Plant Maintenance)
Basic Data
Application Component | HLA0009530 | |
Application Component ID | PM | |
Short Description | Plant Maintenance | |
First Release Date | 19950221 | |
First Release | 30A |
Application Component ID | Short Description | Application Component |
PM-AV | Asset Viewer | EE50000051 |
PM-EQM | Technical Objects | HLA0009531 |
PM-EQM-BM | Bills of Material (Plant Maintenance) | HLA0006643 |
PM-EQM-CC | Configuration Control | PLN0000023 |
PM-EQM-EQ | Equipment | HLA0006642 |
PM-EQM-FL | Functional Locations | HLA0006641 |
PM-EQM-LE | List Editing | E4A0000012 |
PM-EQM-ON | Object Networking | HLA0006644 |
PM-EQM-SF | Additional Functions | HLA0001594 |
PM-EQM-SF-EM | Emmisions Management Integration | AER0000111 |
PM-EQM-SF-MPC | Measuring Points and Counters | HLA0001591 |
PM-EQM-SF-PMT | Permits | HLA0001593 |
PM-EQM-SF-WA | Warranties | HLA0001592 |
PM-EQM-THO | Takeover/Handover of Technical Objects | PRN0000041 |
PM-ES | Enterprise Services in Plant Maintenance | E4A0000021 |
PM-IS | Information System | HLA0006662 |
PM-IS-DC | Data Collection | HLA0006666 |
PM-IS-EWS | Early Warning System | HLA0001555 |
PM-IS-LIS | Interface to Logistics Information Library (LIL) | HLA0006665 |
PM-IS-PLN | Planning | HLA0006664 |
PM-IS-REP | Reporting | HLA0006663 |
PM-IS-REP | Standard Analyses | HLA0009596 |
PM-PRM | Preventive Maintenance | HLA0009532 |
PM-PRM-MP | Maintenance Plans | HLA0006645 |
PM-PRM-TL | Maintenance Task Lists | HLA0006646 |
PM-PRO | Maintenance Projects | HLA0006654 |
PM-PRO-NW | Networks (Plant Maintenance) | HLA0006656 |
PM-PRO-OM | Project Management (Plant Maintenance) | HLA0006657 |
PM-PRO-ST | Project Structure (Plant Maintenance) | HLA0006655 |
PM-PRO-WS | Revision Planning | PLN0000022 |
PM-SMA | Service Management | HLA0006658 |
PM-SMA-SC | Call Management | HLA0006661 |
PM-WCM | Work Clearance Management | PK40000001 |
PM-WCM-ADB | Adobe Forms | AEN0000031 |
PM-WCM-ADB-PRN | Print Form | AEN0000032 |
PM-WCM-MD | Master Data | PK40000012 |
PM-WCM-MD | Master Data | PK40000011 |
PM-WCM-OC | Operational Cycle | PK40000014 |
PM-WCM-PE | Approval Enhancements | PK40000013 |
PM-WOC | Maintenance Processing | HLA0009533 |
PM-WOC-CP | Capacity and Resource Planning | HLA0006651 |
PM-WOC-JC | Completion Confirmations | HLA0006649 |
PM-WOC-LE | List Editing | E4A0000011 |
PM-WOC-MH | Maintenance History | HLA0006650 |
PM-WOC-MN | Maintenance Notifications | HLA0006647 |
PM-WOC-MN-PAM | Pool Asset Management | E360000031 |
PM-WOC-MO | Maintenance Orders | HLA0006648 |
PM-WOC-MO-ACC | Controlling (Budgeting,Order Costs) | EB50000122 |
PM-WOC-MO-ARC | Archiving | EB50000125 |
PM-WOC-MO-CUM | Compatible Units Management | EB50000130 |
PM-WOC-MO-CUM | Compatible Units | /CUM/AER0000031 |
PM-WOC-MO-MAT | Stock Material, Bills of Material, Availability Check | EB50000128 |
PM-WOC-MO-OCI | Catalog Integration | EB50000129 |
PM-WOC-MO-OLC | Operation Level Costing | EB50000121 |
PM-WOC-MO-PRI | Print, Fax, Paging | EB50000124 |
PM-WOC-MO-PUR | Purchasing (External Processing, Preq, Services) | EB50000123 |
PM-WOC-MO-SCH | Scheduling, Relationships | EB50000126 |
PM-WOC-MO-TSK | Task Lists, General Task Lists | EB50000127 |
PM-WOC-RO | Refurbishment Order | ALR0008411 |
Package | Short Description |
AD_MPN_PM_PP | Developments in the PM/PP Area for the A&D 3.0 Project |
APMM | Application Components PM |
APMP | Process model objects PM |
ASAPTERM_PM | Terminology and Glossary: Translation in PM |
CSEX | CS: Extraction of Release-Independent Objects |
DFPS_PM_ARC_ILM | Decoupling ALM - DFPS |
DFPS_PM_EA_APPL | Decoupling ALM - DFPS |
DFPS_PM_SAP_APPL | Decoupling ALM - DFPS |
EA-APPL_CONTENT_EAM | Analytics Content (Search & BI) for EAM |
EA-APPL_CONTENT_PLM | Analytics Content (Search and BI) for Plant Maintenance |
EAM | Enterprise Asset Management |
EAMS_BCV | Content for Business Context Viewer |
EAMS_BO | Business Object |
EAMS_BO_ACC | Access Control Context (PLMWUI) |
EAMS_BO_MISC | Miscellaneous for Business Object |
EAMS_GENERAL | Common objects used by all EAM_SIMPL packages |
EAMS_GIS | GIS: Outer Package for UI Layer |
EAMS_GIS_CUST | GIS: Package for Customizing |
EAMS_GIS_SERV | GIS: Package for Services |
EAMS_GIS_UI | GIS: Package for UI |
EAMS_KPI | KPI Framework Layer |
EAMS_KPI_CUST | KPI Customization Layer |
EAMS_KPI_SERV | KPI Service Layer |
EAMS_KPI_UI | KPI Framework UI Layer |
EAMS_MDP | Master Data Provider |
EAMS_MDP_MISC | Miscellaneous for Master Data Provider |
EAMS_NAV | Object Navigator |
EAMS_SP | Service Provider |
EAMS_SP_CUST | Customizing |
EAMS_SP_MISC | Miscellaneous for Service Provider |
EAMS_SP_SHLP | Searchhelps |
EAMS_SWBCSET | Switch BC Sets for EAM Simplicity |
EAMS_SWBCSET2 | Switch BC Sets for EAM Simplicity EhP6 |
EAMS_SWBCSET_WCM_AV | Switch BC Sets for WCM and Asset Viewer |
EAMS_UI | User Interface |
EAMS_UI_BCV | User Interface Layer for BCV integration |
EAMS_UI_EHP5_SFWS | Switched Package for EAM Simplicity |
EAMS_UI_EHP6_SFWS | Switched Package for EAM Simplicity |
EAMS_UI_FRW | EAMS UI Framework Objects |
EAMS_UI_INFOCENTER | User Interface for Infocenter |
EAMS_UI_JOB | User Interface for Job (Display, Change, Confirm Job) |
EAMS_UI_JOBLIST | User Interface for Joblist (POWL) |
EAMS_UI_MISC | Miscellaneous for User Interface |
EAMS_UI_MPLAN | User Interface for Maintenance Plan and Maint. Plan Item |
EAMS_UI_MP_MD | User Interface for Measuring Point and Measuring Document |
EAMS_UI_NTF | User Interface for Notification |
EAMS_UI_ORD | User Interface for Maintenance Order |
EAMS_UI_ORDNTF | User Interface for combined Order/Notification Applications |
EAMS_UI_SEARCH | User Interface for Search |
EAMS_UI_STRUCVIEW | User Interface for Structure View |
EAMS_UI_TECHOBJ | UI for Technical Object (Equipment, Functional Location) |
EAMS_UI_TL | User Interface for Task List |
EAMS_UI_VB | User Interface for VisualBusiness |
EAMS_UI_VB_EHP5_SFWS | Switched package EAMS VisualBusiness (VB) |
EAMS_VB | VisualBusiness |
EAMS_VB_SWBCSET | Switch BC Sets for VisualBusiness in EAM Simplicity |
EAMVE_SAPAPPL | EAM Visual Enterprise (developed in SAP_APPL) |
EAMVE_SWBCSET | Switch BC sets for EAM VE integration |
EAMWS_BO | Business Object |
EAMWS_MDP | Meta Data Provider |
EAMWS_RISK | Integration with Risk Management |
EAMWS_SP | Service Provider |
EAMWS_SWBCSET | Switch BC Sets for EAM Worker Safety (EhP6) |
EAMWS_UI | User Interface |
EAM_01_TEST_CASES | External Test Cases EAM_01 |
EAM_EHP4_FLT_SFWS_SC | Fleet & Vehicle Management EhP4 |
EAM_EHP4_SR_SBCS_SFWS_SC | Simplified Reporting in Operations : Switch BC Set |
EAM_EHP4_SR_SFWS_SC | Simplified Reporting in Operations |
EAM_EHP5_MCB_EA_SFWS_SC | EhP5 MCB: Switched Package (EA-APPL) |
EAM_EHP5_SFWS_EAMS | EAM Simplicity; Switched package |
EAM_EHP5_SFWS_ESH_CLF | Package for Switch BC Sets Enterprise Search/Classification |
EAM_EHP_EA_SWITCHES | EAM Switches and Business Functions for EA-APPL |
EAM_EHP_SWITCHES | Package for EAM Switches and Switch Check Class |
EAM_EHP_SWITCHES_EA | Package for EAM Switches and Switch Check Class |
EAM_MISC | Release Notes for PM Roles etc. |
EAM_MOC | Integration between EAM and Management of Change (MoC) |
EAM_MP_SFWS_SC | Coding Switch Package 1 - EAM Industries Measurement Point |
EAM_SFWS_EAMS_EHP6 | Switched Package for EAM-Simplcity (EhP6) |
EAM_SFWS_EAM_EHP6_WS | Switched Package for EAM Worker Safety |
EAM_SIMPL | Simplification Project in Enterprise Asset Management |
EAM_WS | Worker Safety |
EC_ESERVICE | eService portal components |
EMINT_SFWS_UI | Switch package for Environmental Compliance Integ. into EAM |
ERP_ENTERPRISESRCH_TEST_CASES | External Test Cases: Enterprise Search ERP |
ESH_PM | HANA search main content package for PM |
IAPO | PM : Routing and BOM Mapping to PPM (Plant Maintenance) |
IBIP | Application Development R/3 Batch Input for PM |
IHREP | Maintenance Reporting |
IHSA | Maintenance List Processing |
ILDB | Plant Maintenance Logical Databases |
INSC_EA | Plant Maintenance Customizing/Menu |
IWMI | Work Management SM/PM Interface |
IWWP | Workplace for Plant Maintenance |
IWWW | Application development R/3 MSM WWW functions |
I_MSM_GRAFIK | SM/PM Graphics Module |
LOG_EAM_CI_1_TEST_CASES | External Test Cases EAM_01 |
LOG_EAM_CI_2_TEST_CASES | External Testcase Templates for customers |
LOG_EAM_CI_3_TEST_CASES | External Test Cases for EAM CI 3 |
LOG_EAM_CI_4_TEST_CASES | External Test Cases for EAM CI 4 |
LOG_EAM_CI_5_TEST_CASES | Package for ETCT and Testcatalog |
LOG_EAM_CI_6_TEST_CASES | External testcases for BF LOG_EAM_CI_6 |
LOG_EAM_SIMPLICITY2_TEST_CASES | Package for ETCT and Testcatalog |
LOG_EAM_SIMPLICITY_TEST_CASES | Package for ETCT and Testcatalog |
LOG_EAM_SIMP_TEST_CASES | External Test Cases EAM_EA_01 |
LOG_EAM_TZS_1_TEST_CASES | External Test Cases Time Zone Support EAM |
LOG_EAM_TZS_2_TEST_CASES_EN | External Test Cases Time Zone Support EAM 2 |
LOG_EAM_VE_INT_TEST_CASES | External testcases for BF LOG_EAM_VE_INT |
LOG_EAM_WS_TEST_CASES | Package for ETCT and Testcatalog |
MSAM_MOREP_EA | MSAM for Handheld - Data Replication (EA-APPL) |
OBJNAV_MAT_DIR | Content for Object Navigator (Material, DIR) |
PLMN | PLM Networks Top package |
PLMN_BO | Business Objects |
PLMN_BO_MISC | MIsc for all the BO objects |
PLMN_GENERAL | Common objects used by all packages in PLM_NET |
PLMN_MDP | Meta Data Provider |
PLMN_MDP_MISC | Misc for Meta Data Provider |
PLMN_NAV | object Navigator |
PLMN_SP | Service Provider |
PLMN_SP_MISC | Misc for Service Provider |
PLMN_SWBCSET | Switch BC Sets |
PLMN_SWBCSET_GIS | PLMN: Switch BC Set Package for GIS |
PLMN_SWBCSET_NET | PLMN: Switch BC set Package for Network |
PLMN_SWBCSET_TOIF | PLMN: Switch BC set package for Create / Change OIFs |
PLMN_TEST_CASES | Package for test case templates |
PLMN_UI | User Interface |
PLMN_UI_EHP5_SFWS | Switched package for Network and GIS |
PLMN_UI_GIS | User interface class for GIS |
PLMN_UI_GIS_EHP5_SFWS | Switched package for GIS |
PLMN_UI_MISC | User Interface MIscellenous |
PLMN_UI_NET | Ui Package for Network Modeling |
PLMN_UI_NET_EHP5_SFWS | Switched package for Network Modeler |
PLMN_UI_TOIF_EHP5_SFWS | Switched package for Technical Object OIFs Create/Change |
PLM_NET | PLM Network Objects |
PLM_NET_TOOL | PLM: Tools for Network Modelling |
PLM_NET_TOOL_UI | UI Package for network modeller |
PLM_NET_TOOL_UI_NETWORK | Package for UI of Network |
PLM_SE_EAM_XI_PROXY | Proxy implementations for Enterprise Asset Maintenance |
PMEX | PM: Extraction of Release-independent Objects |
PM_TZ_CORE | Time Zone Support SAP_APPL Layer |
PM_TZ_CORE_IMPL | Time Zone Support Implementation |
PM_TZ_CORE_IMPL2 | Time Zone Support Implementation 2 |
PM_TZ_EA | Time Zone Support |
PM_TZ_EA_IMPL | Time Zone Support - BAdI Implementations |
PM_TZ_EA_IMPL2 | Time Zone Support - BAdI Implementations |
U650 | Plant Maintenance |
Software Component | SAP_APPL | Logistics and Accounting | |
SAP Release Created in |