SAP ABAP Application Component PM (Plant Maintenance)
Basic Data
Application Component HLA0009530  
Application Component ID PM  
Short Description   Plant Maintenance  
First Release Date 19950221 
First Release   30A 
Contained Application Component
Application Component ID Short Description Application Component
PM-AV Asset Viewer  EE50000051 
PM-EQM Technical Objects  HLA0009531 
PM-EQM-BM Bills of Material (Plant Maintenance)  HLA0006643 
PM-EQM-CC Configuration Control  PLN0000023 
PM-EQM-EQ Equipment  HLA0006642 
PM-EQM-FL Functional Locations  HLA0006641 
PM-EQM-LE List Editing  E4A0000012 
PM-EQM-ON Object Networking  HLA0006644 
PM-EQM-SF Additional Functions  HLA0001594 
PM-EQM-SF-EM Emmisions Management Integration  AER0000111 
PM-EQM-SF-MPC Measuring Points and Counters  HLA0001591 
PM-EQM-SF-PMT Permits  HLA0001593 
PM-EQM-SF-WA Warranties  HLA0001592 
PM-EQM-THO Takeover/Handover of Technical Objects  PRN0000041 
PM-ES Enterprise Services in Plant Maintenance  E4A0000021 
PM-IS Information System  HLA0006662 
PM-IS-DC Data Collection  HLA0006666 
PM-IS-EWS Early Warning System  HLA0001555 
PM-IS-LIS Interface to Logistics Information Library (LIL)  HLA0006665 
PM-IS-PLN Planning  HLA0006664 
PM-IS-REP Reporting  HLA0006663 
PM-IS-REP Standard Analyses  HLA0009596 
PM-PRM Preventive Maintenance  HLA0009532 
PM-PRM-MP Maintenance Plans  HLA0006645 
PM-PRM-TL Maintenance Task Lists  HLA0006646 
PM-PRO Maintenance Projects  HLA0006654 
PM-PRO-NW Networks (Plant Maintenance)  HLA0006656 
PM-PRO-OM Project Management (Plant Maintenance)  HLA0006657 
PM-PRO-ST Project Structure (Plant Maintenance)  HLA0006655 
PM-PRO-WS Revision Planning  PLN0000022 
PM-SMA Service Management  HLA0006658 
PM-SMA-SC Call Management  HLA0006661 
PM-WCM Work Clearance Management  PK40000001 
PM-WCM-ADB Adobe Forms  AEN0000031 
PM-WCM-ADB-PRN Print Form  AEN0000032 
PM-WCM-MD Master Data  PK40000012 
PM-WCM-MD Master Data  PK40000011 
PM-WCM-OC Operational Cycle  PK40000014 
PM-WCM-PE Approval Enhancements  PK40000013 
PM-WOC Maintenance Processing  HLA0009533 
PM-WOC-CP Capacity and Resource Planning  HLA0006651 
PM-WOC-JC Completion Confirmations  HLA0006649 
PM-WOC-LE List Editing  E4A0000011 
PM-WOC-MH Maintenance History  HLA0006650 
PM-WOC-MN Maintenance Notifications  HLA0006647 
PM-WOC-MN-PAM Pool Asset Management  E360000031 
PM-WOC-MO Maintenance Orders  HLA0006648 
PM-WOC-MO-ACC Controlling (Budgeting,Order Costs)  EB50000122 
PM-WOC-MO-ARC Archiving  EB50000125 
PM-WOC-MO-CUM Compatible Units Management  EB50000130 
PM-WOC-MO-CUM Compatible Units  /CUM/AER0000031 
PM-WOC-MO-MAT Stock Material, Bills of Material, Availability Check  EB50000128 
PM-WOC-MO-OCI Catalog Integration  EB50000129 
PM-WOC-MO-OLC Operation Level Costing  EB50000121 
PM-WOC-MO-PRI Print, Fax, Paging  EB50000124 
PM-WOC-MO-PUR Purchasing (External Processing, Preq, Services)  EB50000123 
PM-WOC-MO-SCH Scheduling, Relationships  EB50000126 
PM-WOC-MO-TSK Task Lists, General Task Lists  EB50000127 
PM-WOC-RO Refurbishment Order  ALR0008411 

Contained Package
Package Short Description
AD_MPN_PM_PP Developments in the PM/PP Area for the A&D 3.0 Project 
APMM Application Components PM 
APMP Process model objects PM 
ASAPTERM_PM Terminology and Glossary: Translation in PM 
CSEX CS: Extraction of Release-Independent Objects 
EA-APPL_CONTENT_EAM Analytics Content (Search & BI) for EAM 
EA-APPL_CONTENT_PLM Analytics Content (Search and BI) for Plant Maintenance 
EAM Enterprise Asset Management 
EAMS_BCV Content for Business Context Viewer 
EAMS_BO Business Object 
EAMS_BO_ACC Access Control Context (PLMWUI) 
EAMS_BO_MISC Miscellaneous for Business Object 
EAMS_GENERAL Common objects used by all EAM_SIMPL packages 
EAMS_GIS GIS: Outer Package for UI Layer 
EAMS_GIS_CUST GIS: Package for Customizing 
EAMS_GIS_SERV GIS: Package for Services 
EAMS_GIS_UI GIS: Package for UI 
EAMS_KPI KPI Framework Layer 
EAMS_KPI_CUST KPI Customization Layer 
EAMS_KPI_SERV KPI Service Layer 
EAMS_KPI_UI KPI Framework UI Layer 
EAMS_MDP Master Data Provider 
EAMS_MDP_MISC Miscellaneous for Master Data Provider 
EAMS_NAV Object Navigator 
EAMS_SP Service Provider 
EAMS_SP_CUST Customizing 
EAMS_SP_MISC Miscellaneous for Service Provider 
EAMS_SP_SHLP Searchhelps 
EAMS_SWBCSET Switch BC Sets for EAM Simplicity 
EAMS_SWBCSET2 Switch BC Sets for EAM Simplicity EhP6 
EAMS_SWBCSET_WCM_AV Switch BC Sets for WCM and Asset Viewer 
EAMS_UI User Interface 
EAMS_UI_BCV User Interface Layer for BCV integration 
EAMS_UI_EHP5_SFWS Switched Package for EAM Simplicity 
EAMS_UI_EHP6_SFWS Switched Package for EAM Simplicity 
EAMS_UI_FRW EAMS UI Framework Objects 
EAMS_UI_INFOCENTER User Interface for Infocenter 
EAMS_UI_JOB User Interface for Job (Display, Change, Confirm Job) 
EAMS_UI_JOBLIST User Interface for Joblist (POWL) 
EAMS_UI_MISC Miscellaneous for User Interface 
EAMS_UI_MPLAN User Interface for Maintenance Plan and Maint. Plan Item 
EAMS_UI_MP_MD User Interface for Measuring Point and Measuring Document 
EAMS_UI_NTF User Interface for Notification 
EAMS_UI_ORD User Interface for Maintenance Order 
EAMS_UI_ORDNTF User Interface for combined Order/Notification Applications 
EAMS_UI_SEARCH User Interface for Search 
EAMS_UI_STRUCVIEW User Interface for Structure View 
EAMS_UI_TECHOBJ UI for Technical Object (Equipment, Functional Location) 
EAMS_UI_TL User Interface for Task List 
EAMS_UI_VB User Interface for VisualBusiness 
EAMS_UI_VB_EHP5_SFWS Switched package EAMS VisualBusiness (VB) 
EAMS_VB VisualBusiness 
EAMS_VB_SWBCSET Switch BC Sets for VisualBusiness in EAM Simplicity 
EAMVE_SAPAPPL EAM Visual Enterprise (developed in SAP_APPL) 
EAMVE_SWBCSET Switch BC sets for EAM VE integration 
EAMWS_BO Business Object 
EAMWS_MDP Meta Data Provider 
EAMWS_RISK Integration with Risk Management 
EAMWS_SP Service Provider 
EAMWS_SWBCSET Switch BC Sets for EAM Worker Safety (EhP6) 
EAMWS_UI User Interface 
EAM_01_TEST_CASES External Test Cases EAM_01 
EAM_EHP4_FLT_SFWS_SC Fleet & Vehicle Management EhP4 
EAM_EHP4_SR_SBCS_SFWS_SC Simplified Reporting in Operations : Switch BC Set 
EAM_EHP4_SR_SFWS_SC Simplified Reporting in Operations 
EAM_EHP5_MCB_EA_SFWS_SC EhP5 MCB: Switched Package (EA-APPL) 
EAM_EHP5_SFWS_EAMS EAM Simplicity; Switched package 
EAM_EHP5_SFWS_ESH_CLF Package for Switch BC Sets Enterprise Search/Classification 
EAM_EHP_EA_SWITCHES EAM Switches and Business Functions for EA-APPL 
EAM_EHP_SWITCHES Package for EAM Switches and Switch Check Class 
EAM_EHP_SWITCHES_EA Package for EAM Switches and Switch Check Class 
EAM_MISC Release Notes for PM Roles etc. 
EAM_MOC Integration between EAM and Management of Change (MoC) 
EAM_MP_SFWS_SC Coding Switch Package 1 - EAM Industries Measurement Point 
EAM_SFWS_EAMS_EHP6 Switched Package for EAM-Simplcity (EhP6) 
EAM_SFWS_EAM_EHP6_WS Switched Package for EAM Worker Safety 
EAM_SIMPL Simplification Project in Enterprise Asset Management 
EAM_WS Worker Safety 
EC_ESERVICE eService portal components 
EMINT_SFWS_UI Switch package for Environmental Compliance Integ. into EAM 
ERP_ENTERPRISESRCH_TEST_CASES External Test Cases: Enterprise Search ERP 
ESH_PM HANA search main content package for PM 
IAPO PM : Routing and BOM Mapping to PPM (Plant Maintenance) 
IBIP Application Development R/3 Batch Input for PM 
IHREP Maintenance Reporting 
IHSA Maintenance List Processing 
ILDB Plant Maintenance Logical Databases 
INSC_EA Plant Maintenance Customizing/Menu 
IWMI Work Management SM/PM Interface 
IWWP Workplace for Plant Maintenance 
IWWW Application development R/3 MSM WWW functions 
I_MSM_GRAFIK SM/PM Graphics Module 
LOG_EAM_CI_1_TEST_CASES External Test Cases EAM_01 
LOG_EAM_CI_2_TEST_CASES External Testcase Templates for customers 
LOG_EAM_CI_3_TEST_CASES External Test Cases for EAM CI 3 
LOG_EAM_CI_4_TEST_CASES External Test Cases for EAM CI 4 
LOG_EAM_CI_5_TEST_CASES Package for ETCT and Testcatalog 
LOG_EAM_CI_6_TEST_CASES External testcases for BF LOG_EAM_CI_6 
LOG_EAM_SIMPLICITY2_TEST_CASES Package for ETCT and Testcatalog 
LOG_EAM_SIMPLICITY_TEST_CASES Package for ETCT and Testcatalog 
LOG_EAM_SIMP_TEST_CASES External Test Cases EAM_EA_01 
LOG_EAM_TZS_1_TEST_CASES External Test Cases Time Zone Support EAM 
LOG_EAM_TZS_2_TEST_CASES_EN External Test Cases Time Zone Support EAM 2 
LOG_EAM_WS_TEST_CASES Package for ETCT and Testcatalog 
MSAM_MOREP_EA MSAM for Handheld - Data Replication (EA-APPL) 
OBJNAV_MAT_DIR Content for Object Navigator (Material, DIR) 
PLMN PLM Networks Top package 
PLMN_BO Business Objects 
PLMN_BO_MISC MIsc for all the BO objects 
PLMN_GENERAL Common objects used by all packages in PLM_NET 
PLMN_MDP Meta Data Provider 
PLMN_MDP_MISC Misc for Meta Data Provider 
PLMN_NAV object Navigator 
PLMN_SP Service Provider 
PLMN_SP_MISC Misc for Service Provider 
PLMN_SWBCSET_GIS PLMN: Switch BC Set Package for GIS 
PLMN_SWBCSET_NET PLMN: Switch BC set Package for Network 
PLMN_SWBCSET_TOIF PLMN: Switch BC set package for Create / Change OIFs 
PLMN_TEST_CASES Package for test case templates 
PLMN_UI User Interface 
PLMN_UI_EHP5_SFWS Switched package for Network and GIS 
PLMN_UI_GIS User interface class for GIS 
PLMN_UI_GIS_EHP5_SFWS Switched package for GIS 
PLMN_UI_MISC User Interface MIscellenous 
PLMN_UI_NET Ui Package for Network Modeling 
PLMN_UI_NET_EHP5_SFWS Switched package for Network Modeler 
PLMN_UI_TOIF_EHP5_SFWS Switched package for Technical Object OIFs Create/Change 
PLM_NET PLM Network Objects 
PLM_NET_TOOL PLM: Tools for Network Modelling 
PLM_NET_TOOL_UI UI Package for network modeller 
PLM_NET_TOOL_UI_NETWORK Package for UI of Network 
PLM_SE_EAM_XI_PROXY Proxy implementations for Enterprise Asset Maintenance 
PMEX PM: Extraction of Release-independent Objects 
PM_TZ_CORE Time Zone Support SAP_APPL Layer 
PM_TZ_CORE_IMPL Time Zone Support Implementation 
PM_TZ_CORE_IMPL2 Time Zone Support Implementation 2 
PM_TZ_EA Time Zone Support 
PM_TZ_EA_IMPL Time Zone Support - BAdI Implementations 
PM_TZ_EA_IMPL2 Time Zone Support - BAdI Implementations 
U650 Plant Maintenance 
Software Component SAP_APPL  Logistics and Accounting 
SAP Release Created in