SAP ABAP Function Module - Index C, page 127
- C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 C-9 C-10 C-11 C-12 C-13 C-14 C-15 C-16 C-17 C-18 C-19 C-20 C-21 C-22 C-23 C-24 C-25 C-26 C-27 C-28 C-29 C-30 C-31 C-32 C-33 C-34 C-35 C-36 C-37 C-38 C-39 C-40 C-41 C-42 C-43 C-44 C-45 C-46 C-47 C-48 C-49 C-50 C-51 C-52 C-53 C-54 C-55 C-56 C-57 C-58 C-59 C-60 C-61 C-62 C-63 C-64 C-65 C-66 C-67 C-68 C-69 C-70 C-71 C-72 C-73 C-74 C-75 C-76 C-77 C-78 C-79 C-80 C-81 C-82 C-83 C-84 C-85 C-86 C-87 C-88 C-89 C-90 C-91 C-92 C-93 C-94 C-95 C-96 C-97 C-98 C-99 C-100 C-101 C-102 C-103 C-104 C-105 C-106 C-107 C-108 C-109 C-110 C-111 C-112 C-113 C-114 C-115 C-116 C-117 C-118 C-119 C-120 C-121 C-122 C-123 C-124 C-125 C-126 C-127 C-128 C-129 C-130 C-131 C-132 C-133 C-134 C-135 C-136 C-137 C-138 C-139 C-140 C-141 C-142 C-143 C-144 C-145 C-146 C-147 C-148 C-149 C-150 C-151 C-152 C-153 C-154 C-155 C-156 C-157 C-158 C-159 C-160 C-161 C-162 C-163 C-164 C-165 C-166 C-167 C-168 C-169 C-170 C-171 C-172 C-173 C-174 C-175
Function Module - C
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | CRM_ICSS_SYMPTOMS_GET_LIST | R | Returns a list of symptoms |
2 | CRM_ICSS_SYMPTOM_DETAIL_GET | R | Returns symptom detail |
3 | CRM_ICSS_SYMSOL_GET_LIST | R | Returns a list of released solutions related to a symptom |
4 | CRM_ICSS_SYM_CAT_GRP_COD_GET | Returns the catalog, code group and codes | |
5 | CRM_ICSS_TEXT_TO_BIN | Converts text to binary | |
6 | CRM_ICSS_UPDATE_COMPLAINT_ITEM | R | Update a complaint item from ICSS |
7 | CRM_ICSS_UPLOAD_ATTACHMENT_RFC | R | Upload attachment to the CM Server, RFC FM for ICSS |
8 | CRM_ICSS_UPLOAD_SR_ATTACHMENT | R | Uploads the attachment to service request |
9 | CRM_ICSS_USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD | R | Changes user password |
10 | CRM_ICSS_USER_FROM_ALIAS | R | Returns user ID from a specific alias |
11 | CRM_ICSS_USER_GET_CTRY_REGIONS | R | Returns a list of countries and regions |
12 | CRM_ICSS_USER_GET_TYPE | R | Returns a user type (S for service user and A for named user) |
13 | CRM_ICSS_USER_LOGIN | R | Log in an internet user |
14 | CRM_ICSS_USER_LOGIN_MIGRATION | R | Log in with user migration SU05 -> SU01 |
15 | CRM_ICSS_USER_PASSWORD_RESET | R | Generates a new password and sends it to the business partner by e-mail |
16 | CRM_ICSS_USER_PASS_RESET_JAVA | R | Generates a new password and sends it to the business partner by e-mail |
17 | CRM_ICSS_USER_SETTING_GET_RFC | R | Get User Settings, RFC FM for ICSS |
18 | CRM_ICSS_USER_SETTING_SET_RFC | R | Set User Setting, RFC FM for ICSS |
19 | CRM_ICWC_BW_SCR_EXTRACTOR | Template: Übertragung von Bewegungsdaten | |
20 | CRM_ICWC_BW_SCR_SEND_DELTA | R | Sends scripting data into the BW qRFC delta queue |
21 | CRM_ICWC_PROFILE_F4HELP | F4 Help for Profiles in IC WebClient | |
22 | CRM_ICWC_PROFILE_INPUTCHECK | Check input for profile name | |
24 | CRM_IC_5XN_EXT_ALERT | R | Function group to trigger external alerts |
25 | CRM_IC_5XN_LAUNCH_SCRIPT | R | Function group to launch IC scripts |
26 | CRM_IC_5XN_NAVIGATE | R | Function group to trigger navigation in IC |
27 | CRM_IC_5X_EXT_ALERT | R | Function group to trigger external alerts |
28 | CRM_IC_5X_GET_BDC_DATA | R | Function module to get BDC data from IC WebClient |
29 | CRM_IC_5X_LAUNCH_SCRIPT | R | Function group to launch IC scripts |
30 | CRM_IC_5X_NAVIGATE | R | Function group to trigger navigation in IC |
31 | CRM_IC_5X_RAISE_EVENT | R | Function module to raise IC event from external applications |
32 | CRM_IC_5X_WS_GET_BP | R | Function group to get confirmed BP |
33 | CRM_IC_ABOX_WIZ_CLS_SHELP_EXIT | Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe | |
34 | CRM_IC_ALERT_F4_EXIT | Serach help exit for Alert in crmc_ic_profile table | |
35 | CRM_IC_ALTCOLOR_SHLP | search help exit for colors for alerts | |
36 | CRM_IC_ANALYTICS_CHART | R | Returns data for AUI dashboard's chart |
37 | CRM_IC_ANALYTICS_DATA | R | Query HANA for Analytics Data (Dashboard) |
38 | CRM_IC_ANALYTICS_MD | R | Returns texts for the dashboard |
39 | CRM_IC_ANALYTICS_TEAMS | R | Returns teams and employees for the dashboard |
40 | CRM_IC_ATTCH_CALLBACK | R | transfer attachment content |
41 | CRM_IC_AUDIT | License Measurement Audit for SAP CRM Interaction Center | |
42 | CRM_IC_AUI_F4_BUTTON_ID | F4HELP for AUI Button Id based on AUI Profile | |
43 | CRM_IC_AUI_F4_MAIN_CATEGORY | F4HELP for Activity Priority from Customizing | |
44 | CRM_IC_AUI_F4_PARTNER_PROC | F4HELP for Activity Priority from Customizing | |
45 | CRM_IC_AUI_F4_PRIO | F4HELP for Activity Priority from Customizing | |
46 | CRM_IC_AUI_F4_STAT | F4HELP for Activity Priority from Customizing | |
47 | CRM_IC_AUI_F4_STAT_PROF | Search for Status_Profile for OneOrder | |
49 | CRM_IC_AUI_F4_USER_STAT | F4HELP for OneOrder UserStatus | |
50 | CRM_IC_AUI_MAIL_RECEIVE_DOC | Receive document (via ICAUISUPP object) | |
51 | CRM_IC_BOL_TYPE_EXIT | Read NavLink from Profile | |
52 | CRM_IC_BPS_BADI_BP_ADDR_UPD | BPS: Create BAdI implementation for BUPA_ADDR_EXPORT | |
53 | CRM_IC_BPS_BADI_BP_BANK_UPD | BPS: Create BAdI implementation for BUPA_GENERAL_UPDATE | |
54 | CRM_IC_BPS_BADI_BP_CARDS_UPD | BPS: Create BAdI implementation for BUPA_GENERAL_UPDATE | |
55 | CRM_IC_BPS_BADI_BP_GENERAL_UPD | BPS: Create BAdI implementation for BUPA_GENERAL_UPDATE | |
56 | CRM_IC_BPS_BADI_BP_IDENT_UPD | BPS: Create BAdI implementation for BUPA_GENERAL_UPDATE | |
57 | CRM_IC_BPS_BADI_BP_TAX_UPD | BPS: Create BAdI implementation for BUPA_GENERAL_UPDATE | |
58 | CRM_IC_BPS_BADI_CREATE | BPS: Create the BAdI implementation | |
59 | CRM_IC_BPS_BADI_DELETE | BPS: Delete the BAdI implementation | |
60 | CRM_IC_BPS_INDEX_CHECK | BPS: Check the Index table, the Report and the BAdI | |
61 | CRM_IC_BPS_INDEX_CREATE | BPS: Create the Index table, the Report and the BAdI | |
62 | CRM_IC_BPS_INDEX_DELETE | BPS: Delete the Index table, the Report and the BAdI | |
63 | CRM_IC_BPS_REPORT_CREATE | BPS: Generate Initial Load Program | |
64 | CRM_IC_BPS_REPORT_DELETE | BPS: Delete Initial Load Program | |
65 | CRM_IC_BPS_TABLE_CREATE | BPS: Generate Index Table | |
66 | CRM_IC_BPS_TABLE_DELETE | BPS: Delete Index Table | |
67 | CRM_IC_BSP_UI_EVENT_EXIT | search help exit for custom events for alerts | |
68 | CRM_IC_BSP_VIEW_EXIT | search help exit for custom events for alerts | |
69 | CRM_IC_CD_CLASS_F4HELP | F4 help for classes in Account Identification profiles | |
70 | CRM_IC_CMG_F4_ATTR_STRUCTURE | Suchhilfe-Exit für die zugeordneten Objekte statischer Relationen | |
71 | CRM_IC_COUNT_IR | Count Interaction Records | |
72 | CRM_IC_CREATE_EIC_EMP | Create Employee | |
73 | CRM_IC_CUST_ALERT_CLASSES_EXIT | search help exit for alert classes | |
74 | CRM_IC_CUST_EVENT_CLASSES_EXIT | search help exit for custom events for alerts | |
75 | CRM_IC_DETERMINE_ICM_PROFILE | Determine configuration profile for user | |
76 | CRM_IC_DETERMINE_PROFILE | Determine configuration profile for user | |
77 | CRM_IC_EMAIL_DELETE_INDEX | R | Send a BCS send request |
78 | CRM_IC_EMAIL_LINK | R | Create/Delete Link to SAP Office E-Mail |
79 | CRM_IC_EMAIL_PERSIST_SEND_REQ | X | Create/Change a BCS send request |
80 | CRM_IC_EMAIL_SEND_REQUEST | R | Send a BCS send request |
81 | CRM_IC_ERMS_XMLSTR2XSTRING | Convert a String to Xstring | |
82 | CRM_IC_ERMS_XMLSTRIP_TAG | Convert a String to Xstring | |
83 | CRM_IC_ERP_F4_AUART | F4HELP for Activity Priority from Customizing | |
84 | CRM_IC_ERP_F4_PARVW | F4HELP for Activity Priority from Customizing | |
85 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_BDC_DLTA | Send Event to delta queue | |
86 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_BUAG_FULL | IC Analytics: Event Log BDC BuAg | |
87 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_CASE_FULL | IC Analytics: Event Log BDC Case | |
88 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_CONTACT_FULL | IC Analytics: Event Log BDC Contact | |
89 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_CUSTMR_FULL | IC Analytics: Event Log BDC Customer | |
90 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_DEP_TRAN_FULL | IC Analytics: Event Log BDC Dependant Transaction | |
91 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_EVENT_DLTA | Send Event to delta queue | |
92 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_EVENT_FULL | IC Analytics: Event Log Event | |
93 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_EVGRP_DLTA | Send Event to delta queue | |
94 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_EVGRP_FULL | IC Analytics: Event Log Event Group | |
95 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_EVPARAM_DLTA | Send Event to delta queue | |
96 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_EVPARAM_FULL | IC Analytics: Event Log Event Parameter | |
97 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_FOLLOWUP_FULL | IC Analytics: Event Log Follow Up | |
98 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_IBASE_FULL | IC Analytics: Event Log BDC IBase | |
99 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_INTERACT_DLTA | Send IC Interaction to delta queue | |
100 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_INTERACT_FULL | IC Analytics: Event Log IC Interaction | |
101 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_INT_REC_FULL | C Analytics: Event Log BDC Interaction Record | |
102 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_MKT_INT_FULL | IC Analytics: Event Log BDC Marketing Interaction | |
103 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_ONEORDER_FULL | IC Analytics: Event Log BDC Oneorder | |
104 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_PRODUCT_FULL | IC Analytics: Event Log BDC Product | |
105 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_SEND | R | IC Analytics: Valdidation Service |
106 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_UPDATE_SRV | IC Analytics: Persist BDoc to Database | |
107 | CRM_IC_EVENT_LOG_WLI_FULL | IC Analytics: Event Log BDC BuAg | |
108 | CRM_IC_F4IF_SHLP_EXIT_BT | Search Help for Transaction Type in IC | |
109 | CRM_IC_F4_OBJECT_TYPE | Present F4 help and set screen field if provided | |
110 | CRM_IC_GETTARGET_FORBUSROLE | Get possible Navigation targets for a business role | |
111 | CRM_IC_GET_CALLLIST | Get Assigned Calllists | |
112 | CRM_IC_GET_GFS | Get Global Framework Settings | |
113 | CRM_IC_GET_ICM_SYSPROPS | Returns system properties for IC Manager applications | |
114 | CRM_IC_GET_INBOX_ITEMS | R | Get Inbox Itesm |
115 | CRM_IC_GET_NAVBAR_ENTRIES | get all the navbar entries | |
116 | CRM_IC_GET_NAVBAR_STDS | Get standard Navbar Entries | |
117 | CRM_IC_GET_PROD_SEARCH_CUST | Get customizing regarding product search | |
118 | CRM_IC_GET_TODOLIST | Get ToDo list | |
119 | CRM_IC_GET_WFM_DESTINATION | Returns the RFC destination to the WFM system | |
120 | CRM_IC_HBT_WATCHDOG | R | Watch dog session for IC heartbeat checking |
121 | CRM_IC_INBOX_ASYN_SEARCH | R | Asynchronous search function module |
122 | CRM_IC_INR_SURVEY_CREATE | R | Create Survey and Link to Interaction Record |
123 | CRM_IC_INTERACTION_RECORDS | BW Extraction of Interaction Record data | |
124 | CRM_IC_JS_CHRIS_CALLSCREEN | call screen | |
125 | CRM_IC_JS_CREATE_SESSION | R | create session |
126 | CRM_IC_JS_RFC_CALL_METHOD | R | rfc call method |
127 | CRM_IC_JS_RFC_CALL_METHODX | R | rfc call method |
128 | CRM_IC_JS_RFC_GET_INSTANCE | R | dummy RFC |
129 | CRM_IC_JS_RFC_RELEASE_INSTANCE | R | get handle to java object |
130 | CRM_IC_JS_RFC_RELEASE_SESSION | R | create session |
131 | CRM_IC_JS_SET_STRINGS | R | Test for Asian language for JCO Server |
132 | CRM_IC_JS_XCHG_STATE | exchange state | |
133 | CRM_IC_JS_ZSTATE_CALLSCREEN | call screen | |
134 | CRM_IC_KNOWS_TEXTSRCH_F4_EXIT | Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe | |
135 | CRM_IC_LTX_WIZ_LTX_ID_SH_EXIT | Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe | |
136 | CRM_IC_MAIL_SC_SEND | R | Send SAP Office E-Mail (with RFC) |
137 | CRM_IC_MANUAL_CREATE_701 | To launch the service request manually | |
138 | CRM_IC_MCM_GET_CCSYSDESC | IC MCM Get Contact Center System Description | |
139 | CRM_IC_MCM_GET_CCSYSID | IC MCM Get Contact Center System Id | |
140 | CRM_IC_MCM_GET_CCSYSQUEUES | Get Contact Center System Queues | |
141 | CRM_IC_MD_DEF_XML_GET | R | Get XML for default profile for a user |
142 | CRM_IC_MD_PROF_DEL | R | Delete a profile for a particular user |
143 | CRM_IC_MD_XML_GET | R | Get XML for a particular profile for a user |
144 | CRM_IC_MD_XML_GET_LIST | R | Get list of all profiles for a user |
145 | CRM_IC_MD_XML_SAVE | R | Save XML document in central storage for IC components. |
146 | CRM_IC_NAVIGATION_LINK_EXIT | Read NavLink from Profile | |
147 | CRM_IC_OBJECTBUPA_GETHROBJECT | R | RFC to get the HR object for a business partner |
148 | CRM_IC_OVW_VIEWDOCU_F4 | Search Help Exit for Overview View Documentation | |
149 | CRM_IC_OVW_VIEWSET_F4 | Suchhilfe Exit for Overview Viewset Controller | |
150 | CRM_IC_PHONE_CALLBACK_API | X | API for IC Phone Callback via Action Channel (Push) |
151 | CRM_IC_PPF_STATEMENT_FM | IC Email Sending | |
152 | CRM_IC_REMOVE_DRAFT_AND_COMMIT | R | Removes links to deleted draft emails, faxes and executes commit |
153 | CRM_IC_RE_IC_STATUS | R | Returns the CRM system status |
154 | CRM_IC_RE_OFFER_RECEIVE | R | Module for receiving offers |
155 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_ADD_FAVORITE | R | Add Favorite |
156 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_CALL_BY_XML | Call a function module wrapped in XML form | |
157 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_CALL_BY_XMLXS | Call a function module wrapped in XML form | |
158 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_CLOSE_ACTION | R | Get list of XML documents. |
159 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_CLOSE_LABEL | R | Open a label |
160 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_CLOSE_OBJECT | R | Open a scripting object (Survey/Script/Objection Script) |
161 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_CLOSE_UBFIELD | R | Get list of XML documents. |
162 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_COMMON_RFC | R | CRM IC Interactive Scripting common RFC for actions |
163 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_COPY_ACTION | R | Copy an xml document |
164 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_COPY_LABEL | R | Copy a label |
165 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_COPY_OBJECT | R | Copy an xml document |
166 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_COPY_TEMPLATE | R | Copy an xml document |
167 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_COPY_UBFLD | R | Copy an unbound field |
168 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_CREATE_FOLDER | R | Create a folder for Interactive Scripting object |
169 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_CR_FAVFOLD | R | Create a folder for Interactive Scripting object |
170 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_DELETE_ACTION | R | Get list of XML documents. |
171 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_DELETE_FOLDER | R | Create a folder for Interactive Scripting object |
172 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_DELETE_LABEL | R | Get list of XML documents. |
173 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_DELETE_OBJECT | R | Get list of XML documents. |
174 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_DELETE_UBFITM | R | Get list of XML documents. |
175 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_DELETE_UBFLD | R | Get list of XML documents. |
176 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_DELE_TEMPLATE | R | Get list of XML documents. |
177 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_DEL_FAV | R | Function Module for deleting favortes |
178 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_DEL_FAVFOLDER | R | delete favorite folder |
179 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_GETSURVEYLANG | R | Get languages available for a given survey ID. |
180 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_GET_ACTIONS | R | Get Scripting Objects repository |
181 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_GET_DEPOT | R | Get Scripting Objects repository |
182 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_GET_DYNCONREP | R | Get Dynamic Content Repository |
183 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_GET_GROUP | Get Authorization Data for a user | |
184 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_GET_SCRBUNDLE | R | Get translation table for a give script |
185 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_GET_SCRIPT | R | Open a scripting object (Survey/Script/Objection Script) |
186 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_GET_SRVY_BTNS | R | Open a scripting object (Survey/Script/Objection Script) |
187 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_GET_SURVEY | R | Open a scripting object (Survey/Script/Objection Script) |
188 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_GET_TEMPLATES | R | Get Scripting templates from repository |
189 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_GET_TRANS_TAB | R | Get translation table for a give script |
190 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_IS_GROUP_USED | Check if group is used by scripts | |
191 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_LIST_LABELS | R | Get list of XML documents. |
192 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_LIST_OBJECTS | R | Get list of XML documents. |
193 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_LIST_UBFIELDS | R | Get list of XML documents. |
194 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_LIST_UBFITEMS | R | Get list of XML documents. |
198 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_MOVE_OBJECT | R | Moves an object in the IS repository from one folder to another |
199 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_OPEN_ACTION | R | Get list of XML documents. |
200 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_OPEN_LABEL | R | Open a label |
201 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_OPEN_OBJECT | R | Open a scripting object (Survey/Script/Objection Script) |
202 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_OPEN_UBFIELD | R | Get list of XML documents. |
203 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_PRF1 | R | Change Scripting Assignment |
204 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_READ_CUST | R | CRM IC Read Interactive Scripting Customizing Profile |
205 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_READ_MKTBP | R | CRM IC Read Marketing Attributes from Interactive Scripting |
206 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_READ_ORG_LANG | R | CRM IC Web Client - Reads organization prefered language |
207 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_READ_SET_ATR | R | CRM IC Scripting : Read MA set properties |
208 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_RENAME_FOLDER | R | Create a folder for Interactive Scripting object |
209 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_RENAME_LABEL | R | Rename a label |
210 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_RENAME_OBJECT | R | Get list of XML documents. |
211 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_RENAME_UBFLD | R | Rename the unbound field |
212 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_RM_FAVFOLDER | R | rename favorite folder |
213 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_SAVE_ACTION | R | Get list of XML documents. |
214 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_SAVE_CTR_TAB | R | Save translation table for a give script |
215 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_SAVE_LABEL | R | Get list of XML documents. |
216 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_SAVE_OBJECT | R | Get list of XML documents. |
217 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_SAVE_TRNS_TAB | R | Save translation table for a give script |
218 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_SAVE_UBFIELD | R | Get list of XML documents. |
219 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_TEST_CONNECT | R | Test connection for JCo |
220 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_TR | R | transport function of ISE |
221 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_UNLOCK_OBJECT | Unlock objects | |
222 | CRM_IC_SCRIPTING_UPLOADSCR | R | Upload script bundle |
223 | CRM_IC_SCRIPT_API_GET_ABOX | R | get actionbox |
224 | CRM_IC_SCRIPT_API_GET_LEADIMPO | R | Get possible Marketing Attributes sets |
225 | CRM_IC_SCRIPT_API_GET_LEADSRC | R | Get possible Marketing Attributes sets |
226 | CRM_IC_SCRIPT_API_GET_LEADTYPE | R | Get possible Marketing Attributes sets |
227 | CRM_IC_SCRIPT_API_GET_MASETS | R | Get possible Marketing Attributes sets |
228 | CRM_IC_SCRIPT_API_GET_MKTATR | R | Get possible Marketing Attributes |
229 | CRM_IC_SCRIPT_API_GET_NAV | R | get Possible value of Navigation |
230 | CRM_IC_SCRIPT_API_GET_NAVLINKS | R | get all available navlinks |
231 | CRM_IC_SCRIPT_API_GET_NW | R | get F4 new window (Y/N) |
232 | CRM_IC_SCRIPT_API_GET_OBJ_ACT | R | Get possible Marketing Attributes sets |
233 | CRM_IC_SCRIPT_API_GET_SRVYAPL | R | Get possible Marketing Attributes sets |
234 | CRM_IC_SCRIPT_API_GET_SRVYIDS | R | Get possible Marketing Attributes sets |
235 | CRM_IC_SCRIPT_API_GET_SVYTRNS | R | Get possible Marketing Attributes sets |
236 | CRM_IC_SCRIPT_API_GET_SVYVERS | R | Get possible Marketing Attributes sets |
237 | CRM_IC_SCRIPT_EVENT_CLASS_EXIT | search help exit for custom events for alerts | |
238 | CRM_IC_SCR_TRANS_SAVE | FM for Saving Script Transcripts | |
239 | CRM_IC_SETUSERPARAM | Set user parameter | |
240 | CRM_IC_SH_EXIT_IF_ATTRIBUTES | To get attributes of interface and its sub interfaces | |
241 | CRM_IC_SH_EXIT_INTERFACE_IMPLS | Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe | |
242 | CRM_IC_SOS_BADI_CREATE | Create new BAdI implementation | |
243 | CRM_IC_SOS_BADI_DELETE | Delete the BAdI implementation | |
244 | CRM_IC_SOS_INDEX_CHECK | Check the Index table, the Report and the BAdI | |
245 | CRM_IC_SOS_INDEX_CREATE | Create the Index table, the Report and the BAdI | |
246 | CRM_IC_SOS_INDEX_DELETE | Delete the Index table, the Report and the BAdI | |
247 | CRM_IC_SOS_REPORT_CREATE | Create new Load Report for Index table | |
248 | CRM_IC_SOS_REPORT_DELETE | Delete the Load Report for Index table | |
249 | CRM_IC_SOS_STRUCT_SHLP_EXIT | Search Help Exit for Search Help DD_SHLP_FD | |
250 | CRM_IC_SOS_TABLE_CREATE | Create New Index Table | |
251 | CRM_IC_SOS_TABLE_DELETE | Delete Index Table | |
252 | CRM_IC_SOS_TT_FIELDS_SHLP_EXIT | Search Help Exit for Search Help DD_SHLP_FD | |
253 | CRM_IC_SPH_CLEAR_BGFLAG | Set background-function-active flag | |
254 | CRM_IC_SPH_GET_BGFLAG | Get background-function-active flag | |
255 | CRM_IC_SPH_SAM_WAITFORCALL | R | Background SP_WAITFORCALL (Return via SAM Message) |
256 | CRM_IC_SPH_SHUTDOWN | Indicate telephony shutdown | |
257 | CRM_IC_SPH_START_CONTACT | Start of contact submit of background function | |
259 | CRM_IC_SSCOOKIE_UPDATE | Client Switch server side cookie update | |
260 | CRM_IC_SSCOOKIE_UPDATE_RFC | R | Update server side cookie table |
261 | CRM_IC_SSC_AUDIT | Get Shared Services Center Measurements | |
262 | CRM_IC_SSC_CHKLIST_STEP_COMPLT | R | Update Checklist Step Status |
263 | CRM_IC_SSC_EC_SWITCH_STATUS | R | Returns status of SSF-HR extended checklist switch |
264 | CRM_IC_SSC_FILL_PA_INFO | R | Set PA Tracking Information |
265 | CRM_IC_SSC_FILL_USR_ALIAS | Fill user alias for external candidate | |
266 | CRM_IC_SSC_LOGSYS_EXIT | Shared Services Center Search Help Exit for Logical Systems | |
267 | CRM_IC_SSC_LPD_F4IF | F4 for selecting launchpad configuration | |
268 | CRM_IC_SSC_SET_ALERT_WRAP | R | Function group to trigger external alerts |
269 | CRM_IC_SSC_SET_BP | R | Function module to set/confirm business partner from external applications |
270 | CRM_IC_SSC_SET_BP_WRAP | R | Wrapper for CRM_IC_SSC_SET_BP |
272 | CRM_IC_SSC_SET_ICEVENT_WRAP | R | Function module to raise IC event from external applications |
273 | CRM_IC_SSC_SET_NAVIGATION_WRAP | R | Function group to trigger navigation in WebClient UI |
274 | CRM_IC_SSC_SET_OBJECTS | R | Add objects to acitivity clipboard from external application |
276 | CRM_IC_SSC_SET_PHONE | R | Set the phone number to dial pad from external application |
279 | CRM_IC_SSC_SRVR_COUNT | Read the number of Service Requests | |
280 | CRM_IC_SSC_SRVR_FIN_AUDIT | Read the number of Service Requests in Financial Shared Services Center | |
281 | CRM_IC_SSC_SRVR_HCM_AUDIT | Read the number of Service Requests in HCM Shared Services Center | |
282 | CRM_IC_SSC_SRVR_INR_AUDIT | Read the number of Interaction Reccords in Shared Services Center | |
283 | CRM_IC_SSC_SRVR_LTX_AUDIT | Read the number of Transaction Launcher in Shared Services Center | |
284 | CRM_IC_SSC_SR_UPDATE | SSF and MDG Integration: Update service request | |
285 | CRM_IC_SSC_SR_UPDATE_BATCH | R | SSF and MDG Integration: Update service request |
286 | CRM_IC_SSC_TRIG_ACTION_EC | Wrapper for Triggering relevant HR actions | |
287 | CRM_IC_SSC_TRIG_WAIT_COM_EVENT | Trigger an event to restart the P&F workflow | |
288 | CRM_IC_TRIGGER_INBOX_ASYN_RFC | Trigger the inbox asynchronouse RFC search | |
289 | CRM_IC_TRIGGER_INBOX_RFC | Trigger Asynch. RFC calls to get Inbox items | |
290 | CRM_IC_WFM_CTI_DATA_LOAD | CTI data load interface RFC | |
291 | CRM_IC_WFM_CTI_INTEGRAT_CHECK | Interface function module to determine whether integration is enabled. | |
292 | CRM_IC_WFM_ORG_SCHEDULE_EXPORT | R | Export Schedules by Organization Id |
293 | CRM_IC_WZ_BOL_ATTR_F4SH_EXIT | F4-Suchhilfe Exit für das Anzeigen von BOL Attributen | |
294 | CRM_IC_WZ_DOWNLOAD_STRING | Speichert einen String in eine lokale Datei | |
295 | CRM_IC_WZ_GET_BINDING_DATA | Dialog zur Eingabe von Kontextknoten Bindungsdaten | |
296 | CRM_IC_WZ_SPLIT_FILE_EXTENSION | Liefert zu einem Dateinamen den Rumpf und Extension | |
297 | CRM_IC_XML_CONVERT | perform conversion from String based to Xstring based. | |
298 | CRM_IC_XML_COPY | Make a copy of an XML | |
299 | CRM_IC_XML_DELETE | R | Save XML document in central storage for IC components. |
300 | CRM_IC_XML_EDITOR_START | Start transaction | |
301 | CRM_IC_XML_GET | R | Get XML document |
302 | CRM_IC_XML_GETX | R | Get XML document |
303 | CRM_IC_XML_LIST | R | Get list of XML documents. |
304 | CRM_IC_XML_SAVE | R | Save XML document in central storage for IC components. |
305 | CRM_IC_XML_SAVEX | R | Save XML document in central storage for IC components. |
306 | CRM_IC_XML_STRING2XSTRING | Convert a String to Xstring | |
307 | CRM_IC_XML_SYS2UTF8 | Re encode an XString from the system encoding to utf8 | |
308 | CRM_IC_XML_UTF82SYS | Re encode an XString from Utf-8 to current system encoding. | |
309 | CRM_IC_XML_XSTRING2STRING | Convert an Xstring to a String | |
310 | CRM_IF_BSP_TREX_ENABLE | Returns true if TREX is active | |
311 | CRM_IF_BUPA_EOP_CHECK | End Of Purpose Check Function Module for Local System | |
312 | CRM_IF_BUPA_UNBLK_CHECK | Check for unblocking business partner | |
313 | CRM_IF_BUP_GET_GUID | Create GUID for synchronization b/w CRM & ERP | |
314 | CRM_IF_BUP_PURPOSE_RESETTING | R | Unblocking business partners in connected systems |
315 | CRM_IF_BUP_PURPOSE_SETTING | R | Blocking business partners in connected systems |
316 | CRM_IF_BUP_SET_GUID | Set GUID in global varible for synchronization b/w CRM & ERP | |
317 | CRM_IF_CAI_CALC_VALUES | Berechne Konditionen mit dem CAI-Tool | |
318 | CRM_IF_CAI_CONTRACT_DATE | Bestimmen einer Dauer oder eines Termins | |
319 | CRM_IF_CAI_CONTRACT_DO_CALC_EC | Event-Handler zum Startten des CAI-Tools | |
320 | CRM_IF_CAI_CONTRACT_EC | Event Handler for Starting CAI Tool | |
321 | CRM_IF_CAI_CONTRACT_FINCOND | Holen einer Kondition von der Finanzierungsposition | |
322 | CRM_IF_CAI_CONTRACT_FINPROD | Holen eines Wertes aus FINPROD_I | |
323 | CRM_IF_CAI_CONTRACT_INT_NOM_I2 | Holen des internen Nominalzinssatzes aus dem Zahlungsplan | |
324 | CRM_IF_CAI_CONTRACT_INT_NOM_IR | Holen des internen Nominalzinssatzes aus dem Zahlungsplan | |
325 | CRM_IF_CAI_CONTRACT_PRODCOND | Holen einer Kondition von der Objektposition | |
326 | CRM_IF_CAI_CONTRACT_PUROP_COND | Holen einer Kondition von der Kaufoption | |
327 | CRM_IF_CAI_CONTRACT_QUAN | Bestimmen einer Dauer oder eines Termins | |
328 | CRM_IF_CAI_CONTRACT_REG_EC | Event Handler for Setting Relevant Useful Life in Date Set | |
329 | CRM_IF_CAI_CONTRACT_START | Start des CAI-Tools | |
330 | CRM_IF_CAI_CONVERT_COND | Konvertieren der Konditionswerte | |
331 | CRM_IF_CAI_CONVERT_CURR | Konvertieren eines Währungsbetrages | |
332 | CRM_IF_CAI_GET_SIMRES | Holen einer Kondition aus dem Puffer der Simulation | |
333 | CRM_IF_CAI_IMPORT_COND | Importieren einer Kondition | |
334 | CRM_IF_CAI_IMPORT_COND_VALUES | Füllen der Konditionswerte in Values | |
335 | CRM_IF_CAI_SET_ERROR_FLAG | Setzen eines Fehlerstatus | |
336 | CRM_IHPA_CHANGE_OS | Geschäftpartnersbeziehung ändern | |
337 | CRM_IIA_FAQ_SYM_STASTICAL_NO | Returns the statistical access number of the assigned symptom | |
338 | CRM_IIA_MY_SOLUTIONS_GET_RFC | R | Get MySolution, IIA |
339 | CRM_IIA_MY_SOLUTIONS_SET_RFC | Set My Solutions, IIA | |
340 | CRM_IIA_MY_SYMPTOMS_GET_RFC | Get My Symptoms, IIA | |
341 | CRM_IIA_MY_SYMPTOMS_SET_RFC | Set My Symptoms, IIA | |
342 | CRM_IIA_RELEVANT_SOLS_GET_RFC | Get Relevant Solutions, IIA | |
343 | CRM_IIA_SEARCH | call from Search Analysis for display the hitlist tree | |
344 | CRM_IIA_SEARCH_ANALYSIS_HIT | Update the Hitlist from Search Analysis | |
345 | CRM_IIA_SEARCH_RFC | R | Search in IIA, RFC for ICSS |
346 | CRM_IIA_SEARCH_UI | R | Search in IIA, RFC for ICSS |
347 | CRM_IIA_SOL_ATTA_LIST_GET_RFC | Get Attachments list and meta descriptions, IIA | |
348 | CRM_IIN_IMPL_CLASS_SHLP | Search Help Exist for Impl. Classes | |
349 | CRM_IIN_OO_EDITOR_EXIT | ABAP Sample - Create Event Handler Class | |
350 | CRM_IL_BSP_CREATE_SINGLE_PSOB | Anlegen eines einzelnen Puffereintrags PSOB | |
351 | CRM_IL_BSP_DELETE_SINGLE_PSOB | Löschen eines einzelnen Puffereintrags PSOB | |
352 | CRM_IL_BSP_READ_BY_SOURCE_PSOB | Anlegen eines einzelnen Puffereintrags für PSOB | |
353 | CRM_IL_BSP_REFRESH_PSOB | Initialisieren PSOB-Puffer | |
354 | CRM_IL_COUNTER_CHECK | IL Prüfung | |
355 | CRM_IL_COUNTER_PROD_CHECK | IL Prüfung | |
356 | CRM_IL_PRBNDL_CHECK | Prüf-Funktionsbaustein für Produktbündel Beziehung | |
357 | CRM_IL_PRDIB_CHECK | Object Structure Relationship Check | |
358 | CRM_IL_WTY_IBCWTY_CHECK | Prüf-Funktionsbaustein für Inst.komp - Garantie Beziehung | |
359 | CRM_IL_WTY_PRDWTY_CHECK | Prüf-Funktionsbaustein für Produkt - Garantie Beziehung | |
360 | CRM_IM_ADJUST_CODEPAGE | Anpassen der Charset-Information im HTML-Header | |
361 | CRM_IM_ATTACHMENTS_CONTENT_GET | Anlagen an ein Mail holen und anhängen | |
362 | CRM_IM_ATTACHMENTS_OF_FOLDER | Holen der Anlagen-ID aus einem Folder | |
363 | CRM_IM_ATTACHMENT_DATA_GET | Anlagen eines Mailformulars holen | |
364 | CRM_IM_ATTACHMENT_REMOVE | Anlage-Umsetzung | |
365 | CRM_IM_ATTACH_DOC_TO_MAIL | Anlage mit einem Mailformular verknüpfen | |
366 | CRM_IM_BP_DATA_GET_TO_MAIL | R | Geschäftspartnerdaten per RFC mit Email-GUID lesen |
367 | CRM_IM_CALL_LANGU_NATION_BADI | Internat Marketing: Sprache und Adressversion ermitteln | |
368 | CRM_IM_CELL_TEXT_CREATE | Texte für die Zelle der CRMtabelle generieren | |
369 | CRM_IM_CHARACTERISTICS_F4_ALV | ALV F4-Hilfe für Merkmal/Feldname bei Mailerstellung | |
370 | CRM_IM_CHARAC_VALUE_CHECK | Eingegebener Wert als Merkmalsausprägung zulässig ? | |
371 | CRM_IM_CHECK_BSP_UI | Prüft ob Locator exisitiert | |
372 | CRM_IM_CHECK_EXTRACTION_ACTIVE | Ermittlung des Aktivierungsstatus der BW-Extraktion für Kampagnentyp | |
373 | CRM_IM_CHECK_LOCATOR | Prüft ob Locator exisitiert | |
374 | CRM_IM_CHECK_MAIL_NAME | Prüfung ob Mail in internen Tabellen vorhanden ist | |
375 | CRM_IM_CLASS_PREREAD | Einlesen der Merkmalsdaten für GPs | |
376 | CRM_IM_CONVERT_ASCII_TO_ITF | Konvertierung von ASCII nach ITF | |
377 | CRM_IM_CONVERT_BTF_TO_ITF | Konvertierung von BTF nach ITF (HTML) | |
378 | CRM_IM_CONVERT_BTF_TO_ITF_PL | Konvertierung von BTF nach ITF (Plain) | |
379 | CRM_IM_CONVERT_CRMTABLE_TO_OTF | Umwandlung einer CRMTabelle in OTF | |
380 | CRM_IM_CONVERT_ITF_PL_TO_BTF | Konvertierung von ITF (Plain) nach BTF | |
381 | CRM_IM_CONVERT_ITF_TO_BTF | Konvertierung von ITF (HTML) nach BTF | |
382 | CRM_IM_CONVERT_ITF_TO_PMF | Umwandlung eines ITF-Textes in PMF (personalized mail format) | |
383 | CRM_IM_CONVERT_PLAINTEXT_HTML | Converting plain text to HTML | |
384 | CRM_IM_CONVERT_TABLE_HTML | Erzeugen einer Tabelle in HTML aus ABAP Informationen | |
385 | CRM_IM_CONVERT_TABLE_TO_OTF | Umwandlung einer Tabelle in OTF für die Brief Erstellung | |
386 | CRM_IM_CONVERT_TEXT | Conversion of ITF Text in ASCII | |
387 | CRM_IM_CONVERT_TO_ASCII_TABLE | Erzeugen einer ASCII-Code Tabelle aus ABAP Informationen | |
388 | CRM_IM_CONVERT_VALUE | Convert field value according field type | |
389 | CRM_IM_CREATE_LOG_DIALOGBOX | Anzeigen eines Popups mit Application Log | |
390 | CRM_IM_CREATE_PERS_MAIL | Aufbau eines E-Mail-Textes aus einer Smart-Form | |
391 | CRM_IM_DATA_DESCRIPTION_SCAN | Lesen DDIC-Infos für Struktur | |
392 | CRM_IM_DEFINE_FIELDS_VALUE | Werte für die Felder des Mailformular definieren | |
393 | CRM_IM_DELETE_ATTACH_FOLDER | Dokument als Anlage eines Mails entfernen | |
394 | CRM_IM_DESTROY_LOG_DIALOGBOX | Zerstören eines Popups mit Application Log | |
395 | CRM_IM_DETACH_DOC_FROM_MAIL | Dokument als Anlage eines Mails entfernen | |
396 | CRM_IM_DETERMINE_FIELD_VALUE | Werte für die Felder des Mailformular definieren | |
397 | CRM_IM_DETERMINE_LANGU_NATION | Internat Marketing: Sprache und Adressversion ermitteln | |
398 | CRM_IM_DETERMINE_LANGU_NATION2 | Internat Marketing: Sprache und Adressversion ermitteln | |
399 | CRM_IM_EMAIL_COMPOSE_CHAR_KEY | compose key from target group and characteristic | |
400 | CRM_IM_EMAIL_CREATE_AND_SEND | Email erstellen und an Geschäftspartner senden | |
401 | CRM_IM_EMAIL_CREATE_SEND_40 | Email erstellen und an Geschäftspartner senden | |
402 | CRM_IM_EMAIL_CREATE_SEND_51 | Email erstellen und an Geschäftspartner senden | |
403 | CRM_IM_EMAIL_DT_POST | Verbuchung der Dialogtabellen der Emailerstellung | |
404 | CRM_IM_EMAIL_GET_SMARTF_DATA | CRM Marketing: Mappen der BP-Daten für Smartforms | |
405 | CRM_IM_EMAIL_ITEM_UPDATE | Update Eintrag Belegtabelle des Emailkopfes | |
406 | CRM_IM_EMAIL_MAP_READ_BP_DATA | CRM Marketing: Lesen der Adress-/Komm.-daten von GPs | |
407 | CRM_IM_EMAIL_MESSAGE | Schreiben einer Message in ein Application Log | |
408 | CRM_IM_EMAIL_MESSAGE_BSP | Write message to BAPIRET2 structure | |
409 | CRM_IM_EMAIL_SPLIT_CHAR_KEY | Extrahiert Profilvorlage und Merkmal aus Schlüssel | |
410 | CRM_IM_FIELDLIST | Email Erstellung: mögl. Merkmale und Werte lesen | |
411 | CRM_IM_FILL_NOTE_IN_EMAILFORM | Provides new Cpg Note Field For Use in Smartform of Cpg Wizard | |
412 | CRM_IM_FORM_BUILDER_FCODE | ok-code verarbeitung | |
413 | CRM_IM_FORM_DETAIL | Mail Formular Details | |
414 | CRM_IM_FORM_HELP_WITH_USAGE | Example for a Search Help Exit | |
415 | CRM_IM_FORM_PREVIEW | Vorschau von Mailformularen aus der Kampagne | |
416 | CRM_IM_FULLSCREEN_TEXT | Aufruf Fullscreen-Editor in Mail-Pflege | |
417 | CRM_IM_GET_ADDRESS | Adresse eines Businesspartners oder internen Benutzers | |
418 | CRM_IM_GET_ATTRIBUTES_OF_BP | Attribute von Geschäftspartnern lesen | |
419 | CRM_IM_GET_BSP_UI | BSP UI | |
420 | CRM_IM_GET_CURRENT_MAIL | Holt Name der aktuell bearbeiteten Mail | |
421 | CRM_IM_GET_FCODE | Holt ok-code aus Locatorobjekt | |
422 | CRM_IM_GET_GUID_FOR_URL | Personalized Mails: GUID für eine URL ermitteln | |
423 | CRM_IM_GET_HISTORY_DATA | Holt History-Liste | |
424 | CRM_IM_GET_MAIL_DATA | Strukturdaten des Mails ohne Objektmodell | |
425 | CRM_IM_GET_MASTER_LANGU | Personalized Mails: Ermitteln der Anlegesprache eines Mail Formular | |
426 | CRM_IM_GET_MODE | Bearbeitungsmodus (Anzeigen/Ändern) holen | |
427 | CRM_IM_GET_OBJNUMBER | Objektnummer des Mailformulars holen | |
428 | CRM_IM_GET_PICTURE_URL | URLs zu Web Grafiken ermitteln | |
429 | CRM_IM_GET_PICTURE_URLS | URLs zu Web Grafiken ermitteln | |
430 | CRM_IM_GET_PRODUCT_LIST | Email Erstellung: Produktliste für Kampagne lesen | |
431 | CRM_IM_GET_TABLE_NODE | Lesen der CRMtabelle | |
432 | CRM_IM_GET_TEMPL_FLAG | set the flag to show that the template transaction is used | |
433 | CRM_IM_GET_TEXT | Text von Datenbank lesen | |
434 | CRM_IM_GET_TEXT_ELEMENT | Vorschau von Mailformularen aus der Kampagne | |
435 | CRM_IM_GET_URL_DATA_FROM_DB | Personalized Mails: Lesen von URL Attributen (von DB) | |
436 | CRM_IM_GET_URL_DATA_FROM_TXT | Personalized Mails: Lesen von URL Attributen (aus HTML Quelltext) | |
437 | CRM_IM_HISTORY_HANDLE | Aufruf eines Formulars aus der History-Liste | |
438 | CRM_IM_HTML_EDITOR_SET | Setzt den HTML-Editor: BTF oder SapScript | |
439 | CRM_IM_IMPORT_ATTACHMENTS | Veraltet: Stattdessen CRM_KW_DOC_IMPORT benutzen! | |
440 | CRM_IM_ITF_TEXT_CREATE | CRM Mail Form: ITF für eine Zelle der CRMTabelle einlegen | |
441 | CRM_IM_MAIL_APPLICATION_CALL | Mail maintenance transaction for IBU application | |
442 | CRM_IM_MAIL_BUILDER | Aufbau eines E-Mail-Textes aus einer Smart-Form | |
443 | CRM_IM_MAIL_NAME_CHECK | Prüfung: Exisitenz und Typ des einegegebenen Mails | |
444 | CRM_IM_MAIL_PREVIEW | Vorschau des Mailformulares | |
445 | CRM_IM_MAIL_READ_BSP | Read Mail Form data for Mail Form Guid | |
446 | CRM_IM_MAIL_SEARCH | Suche nach Mail-Formularen für Locator | |
447 | CRM_IM_MAIL_SEARCH_ATTR_F4_BSP | search for mail form | |
448 | CRM_IM_MAIL_SEARCH_BSP | search for mail form | |
449 | CRM_IM_MAIL_SEND | Mail verschicken über BCI | |
450 | CRM_IM_MAIL_SEND_BCS | Mail verschicken über BCS | |
451 | CRM_IM_MAIL_SEND_MIME | Mail verschicken über BCS | |
452 | CRM_IM_MAIL_SETTINGS_DIALOG | Dialog: persönliche Einstellungen in Mailpflege | |
453 | CRM_IM_MAIL_SUBJECT_CREATE | Eine Subject-Line eines Mails erzeugen | |
454 | CRM_IM_MERGE_URL_DATA | Personalized Mails: Update / Insert / Delete Tabellen aufbauen | |
455 | CRM_IM_ML_GUID_GET | Get Guid for the Mail Form | |
456 | CRM_IM_ML_HEAD_DELETE | Löschen Eintrag Belegtabelle des Emailkopfs | |
457 | CRM_IM_ML_HEAD_INSERT | Erzeugen Eintrag Belegtabelle des Emailkopfes | |
458 | CRM_IM_ML_HEAD_READ | Lesen Eintrag Belegtabelle des Emailkopfes | |
459 | CRM_IM_ML_HEAD_UPDATE | Update Eintrag Belegtabelle des Emailkopfes | |
460 | CRM_IM_ML_ITEM_DELETE | Löschen Eintrag Belegtabelle der Emailposition | |
461 | CRM_IM_ML_ITEM_INSERT | Erzeugen Eintrag Belegtabelle der Emailposition | |
462 | CRM_IM_ML_ITEM_READ | Lesen Eintrag Belegtabelle der Emailposition | |
463 | CRM_IM_ML_ITEM_UPDATE | Update Eintrag Belegtabelle der Emailposition | |
464 | CRM_IM_ML_REFRESH_DOC_TABLES | Löschen der Belegtabelleinträge | |
465 | CRM_IM_ML_SMART_DB_READ | Einlesen Mail-Formular-Zusatztabelle von DB in Belegtab | |
466 | CRM_IM_ML_SMART_DELETE | Löschen Eintrag Belegtabelle des Mailformulars | |
467 | CRM_IM_ML_SMART_INSERT | Erzeugen Eintrag Belegtabelle des Mailformulars | |
468 | CRM_IM_ML_SMART_READ | Lesen Eintrag Mailformular aus Belegtabelle | |
469 | CRM_IM_ML_SMART_UPDATE | Update auf Eintrag Belegtabelle des Mailformulars | |
470 | CRM_IM_ML_START_UI | start der oberfläche | |
471 | CRM_IM_ML_START_WSHOP_URL_UI | WEb Shop URL for the Newsletter | |
472 | CRM_IM_ML_TABLES_POST | Registriert E-Mail-Tabellen für Verbuchung | |
473 | CRM_IM_NL_GET_WEBSHOP_URL | Get Web Shop URL for the Newsletter subscribe | |
474 | CRM_IM_OUTPUT_OPTIONS_DIALOG | Ausgabeoptionen für das Merkmal setzen | |
475 | CRM_IM_PREVIEW_TEXT_FOR_LANGU | read Mail Form for defined laguage | |
476 | CRM_IM_PRINT_OTF | Drucken eines Mail-Formulars in OTF | |
477 | CRM_IM_PRINT_PREVIEW | Druckvorschau einer Mail | |
478 | CRM_IM_PRINT_PREVIEW_DIALOG | Druckvorschau aus der Mail-Formularpflege | |
479 | CRM_IM_PRODUCTLIST | Email Erstellung: mögl. Merkmale und Werte lesen | |
480 | CRM_IM_PUT_MIG_ATTR_TO_BWQ | Übertragung der Mail Item Guid - Attribute an die BW-Queue | |
481 | CRM_IM_READ_CELLS | lesen cell descriptions für Kopfzeile der CRM Tabelle | |
482 | CRM_IM_READ_MKT_CHARACTERISTIC | Personalized Mails: Lesen von Marketingmerkmalen für BP Paket | |
483 | CRM_IM_RECIPIENT_CREATE | Anlegen des BCI-Objekts 'RECIPIENT' | |
484 | CRM_IM_RECIPIENT_CREATE_BCS | Anlegen einse Empfängers/Senders mit BCS | |
485 | CRM_IM_RFC_CONNECTION_SET | Setzt den HTML-Editor: BTF oder SapScript | |
486 | CRM_IM_SAVE_CELLS | Texte der CRMtabelle sichern | |
487 | CRM_IM_SAVE_MAILS | Mails sichern | |
488 | CRM_IM_SAVE_TEXT | Text in Datenbank sichern | |
489 | CRM_IM_SAVE_TRANSLATION | Übersetzung Mailformular sichern | |
490 | CRM_IM_SEND_PERSONALIZED_MAIL | Mail verschicken über BCS | |
491 | CRM_IM_SET_BSP_UI | BSP UI | |
492 | CRM_IM_SET_CHANGED_FLAG | set the sf_changed flag | |
493 | CRM_IM_SET_FIELDLIST_TAB | Setzt den Feldlistenreiter aktiv auf dem Locator | |
494 | CRM_IM_SET_FUNCTIONS_IN_MENU | Menufunktionen aktivieren/deaktivieren | |
495 | CRM_IM_SET_MENU_FUNCTIONS | Freigabe im Menü auf inaktiv setzen | |
496 | CRM_IM_SET_MODE | Setzen Modus im Mail: Anzeigen/Ändern | |
497 | CRM_IM_SET_SYSTEM_FIELDS | Aktualisierung von internen Feldern | |
498 | CRM_IM_SET_TEMPL_FLAG | set the flag to show that the template transaction is used | |
499 | CRM_IM_SET_TEXT_TAB | Setzt den Feldlistenreiter aktiv auf dem Locator | |
500 | CRM_IM_SHOP_GET_URL | Ermitteln der URL für einen Shop |