SAP ABAP Function Module - Index C, page 161
- C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 C-9 C-10 C-11 C-12 C-13 C-14 C-15 C-16 C-17 C-18 C-19 C-20 C-21 C-22 C-23 C-24 C-25 C-26 C-27 C-28 C-29 C-30 C-31 C-32 C-33 C-34 C-35 C-36 C-37 C-38 C-39 C-40 C-41 C-42 C-43 C-44 C-45 C-46 C-47 C-48 C-49 C-50 C-51 C-52 C-53 C-54 C-55 C-56 C-57 C-58 C-59 C-60 C-61 C-62 C-63 C-64 C-65 C-66 C-67 C-68 C-69 C-70 C-71 C-72 C-73 C-74 C-75 C-76 C-77 C-78 C-79 C-80 C-81 C-82 C-83 C-84 C-85 C-86 C-87 C-88 C-89 C-90 C-91 C-92 C-93 C-94 C-95 C-96 C-97 C-98 C-99 C-100 C-101 C-102 C-103 C-104 C-105 C-106 C-107 C-108 C-109 C-110 C-111 C-112 C-113 C-114 C-115 C-116 C-117 C-118 C-119 C-120 C-121 C-122 C-123 C-124 C-125 C-126 C-127 C-128 C-129 C-130 C-131 C-132 C-133 C-134 C-135 C-136 C-137 C-138 C-139 C-140 C-141 C-142 C-143 C-144 C-145 C-146 C-147 C-148 C-149 C-150 C-151 C-152 C-153 C-154 C-155 C-156 C-157 C-158 C-159 C-160 C-161 C-162 C-163 C-164 C-165 C-166 C-167 C-168 C-169 C-170 C-171 C-172 C-173 C-174 C-175
Function Module - C
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | CRM_UBB_PREBILL_P_REQ_GET | Lese Bedingung zur Poolvorgangsart | |
2 | CRM_UBB_PREBILL_SAVE_CHECK_EC | Prüfen, ob eine Belegnummer bereits existiert | |
3 | CRM_UBB_PREBILL_SINGL_CONTRACT | Durchführung neuer Preisfindung für Einzelverträge | |
4 | CRM_UBB_PREBILL_VOL_EST_EXAMPL | Beispiel für Volumensschätzung | |
5 | CRM_UBB_PRICE_AGMTS_PRINT | Get ubb price agreements for printing | |
6 | CRM_UBB_PRICING_CRED_MAP_GET | Konditionsmapping für Volume Repository lesen | |
7 | CRM_UBB_PRICING_DATA_BRI_FILL | Füllen der Preisfindungsschnittstelle für FAPs | |
8 | CRM_UBB_PRICING_DATA_FILL | Füllen der Preisfindungsschnittstelle für UBB | |
9 | CRM_UBB_PRICING_GET_COND_ID | Ermittle Konditions-ID zur Konditionsart | |
10 | CRM_UBB_PRICING_GET_MANUAL_CAT | Ermittle Verbrauchsfunktionstyp(en) für manuelle Pflege | |
11 | CRM_UBB_PRICING_GET_USGCAT_TXT | Ermittle Bezeichnung zum Verbrauchsfunktionstypen | |
12 | CRM_UBB_PRICING_GET_USGCAT_VOL | Ermittle Verbr.funktionstyp für Brutto- bzw. Abgrenzungsvolumen | |
13 | CRM_UBB_PRICING_GET_USGFCT_TXT | Ermittle Bezeichnung zur Verbrauchsfunktion | |
14 | CRM_UBB_PRICING_USGFCT_ASS_GET | Lese Zuordnung von Verbrauchsfunktionen für Zusammenfassung | |
15 | CRM_UBB_PRICING_USGFCT_MAP_GET | Verbrauchsfunktion und VF-Kategorie aus Zuordnungstabelle holen | |
16 | CRM_UBB_PT_LIST_FROM_TYPE | Erstellt eine Liste von Partnerfunktionen für den Typ | |
17 | CRM_UBB_QUOTE_AFTER_REVERSE | Angebotsbearbeitung nach Storno Folgedokument | |
18 | CRM_UBB_RD_CREDIT_SAVE | Sichern der Credit-Zwischenablage | |
19 | CRM_UBB_READING_SETTINGS_UI | Personal user settings | |
20 | CRM_UBB_READ_ALL_POOLLINKS | Prepare collective termination of pool linkages in pool contract | |
21 | CRM_UBB_REF_PROD_GET | Determines Reference Product For UBB Item | |
22 | CRM_UBB_RELEASE_STOP_BILLING | Erzeugung eines Änderungsprozesse auf einen Vertrag ohne Angebot | |
23 | CRM_UBB_REMINDER_MSG_DISPLAY | Ableseerinnerung: Anzeige Verarbeitungsprotokoll | |
24 | CRM_UBB_REMINDER_MSG_PREP_DISP | Ableseerinnerung: Anzeige Protokoll Vorbereitung | |
25 | CRM_UBB_REMINDER_SEND | UBB: Eine Benachrichtigung für Ableseauftrag versenden | |
26 | CRM_UBB_RETURN_DATA_CREATION | Erzeugen Rückholungsauftragsdaten | |
27 | CRM_UBB_REVERSAL | UBB: Execute Cancellation | |
28 | CRM_UBB_REVERSAL_PREPARE | Vorbereitungen für Reversal | |
29 | CRM_UBB_REVERSAL_PROCESS | UBB: Stornierung durchführen | |
30 | CRM_UBB_REVERSAL_PROCESS_PREP | Vorbereitungen für Storno eines Prozesses | |
31 | CRM_UBB_REVERSAL_UI | Benutzeroberfläche Storno | |
32 | CRM_UBB_REVIVE_ITEM | Wiederherstellen Vorgängerposition bei Storno Prozess | |
33 | CRM_UBB_REV_MESSAGE | Befüllen des Storno Applikationslogs | |
34 | CRM_UBB_REV_MESSAGE_GET_LOG | Holt die Logs für die Stornierung | |
35 | CRM_UBB_REV_MESSAGE_SET_LOG | Setzt die Logs für die Stornierung | |
36 | CRM_UBB_SAVE | Sichern der zusätzlichen Informationen für UBB Anwendung | |
37 | CRM_UBB_SELECT_ITEM_UI | GUI: Welcher Prozess soll storniert werden? | |
38 | CRM_UBB_SERVICEPROD_CHECK_GRI2 | UBB Service Product Determination | |
39 | CRM_UBB_SERVICEPROD_CHECK_GRID | UBB Service Product Determination | |
40 | CRM_UBB_SERVICEPROD_POP_UP_UI | Pop up für FinProd Eingabehilfe | |
41 | CRM_UBB_SPLIT_BILLPLAN_D | Split und Aufbereitung der Faktr.pläne | |
42 | CRM_UBB_STATUS_AFTER_ERROR_EC | Status Freigegeben zurücksetzen bei Fehler | |
43 | CRM_UBB_STATUS_CHANGE | Carry Out Status Changes for an Activity | |
44 | CRM_UBB_STATUS_INITIAL_SET_EC | Set initail status I3010 for non-UBB item | |
45 | CRM_UBB_STG_I_BILLP_CREATE_EC | UBB: Callbackfunction Pricing | |
46 | CRM_UBB_STG_I_GET_MULTI_DB | UBB Ausfallzeiten | |
47 | CRM_UBB_STG_I_INIT_DB | UBB Ausfallzeiten | |
48 | CRM_UBB_STG_I_PUT_DB | Einstellen der Daten in den Datenbankpuffer | |
49 | CRM_UBB_STG_I_READ_DB | UBB Vertrags Extension vom Datenbankbuffer auslesen | |
50 | CRM_UBB_STG_I_SAVE_OB | UBB Vertrag Extension | |
51 | CRM_UBB_STG_I_SELECT_M_DB | UBB Vertrags Extension | |
52 | CRM_UBB_STG_I_SELECT_S_DB | UBB Vertrags Extension | |
53 | CRM_UBB_STG_I_UPDATE_DU | UBB Vertrags Extension DB-Ubdate | |
54 | CRM_UBB_STOP_BILLING | Erzeugung eines Änderungsprozesse auf einen Vertrag ohne Angebot | |
55 | CRM_UBB_SUBITEMS_GET | Von einer beliebigen Position die oberste Objekt- und Planposition | |
56 | CRM_UBB_SUCC_DATA_CRE_INBOUND | Erzeugt Nachfolgeposition im gleichen Beleg | |
57 | CRM_UBB_SUCC_DATA_CRE_OUTBOUND | Erzeugt Nachfolgeposition im gleichen Beleg | |
58 | CRM_UBB_SYN_CHN_FIN_SELECT_CB | Selektion Customizing CRMC_UBB_CHNG | |
59 | CRM_UBB_SYN_CHN_UBB_SELECT_CB | Selektion Customizing CRMC_UBB_CHNG | |
60 | CRM_UBB_TERM_ALL_LINKS | Collective termination of pool linkages in pool contract | |
61 | CRM_UBB_TERM_ALL_LINKS_PREPARE | Prepare collective termination of pool linkages in pool contract | |
62 | CRM_UBB_TOOLS_CHECK_PROGRAM | Pruefen ob Programm existiert | |
63 | CRM_UBB_TR_ECD001 | UBB Verbrauchsbeleg: aktuelles Periodenende ECD + 10 Tage | |
64 | CRM_UBB_TR_RR0001 | UBB Verbrauchsbeleg: aktuelles Periodenende RR + 2 Tage | |
65 | CRM_UBB_TR_START001 | UBB Verbrauchsbeleg: aktuelles Periodenende ECD - 8 Tage | |
66 | CRM_UBB_TR_UBB0002 | UBB: 1.Tag Monat nach Vertr.beg. | |
67 | CRM_UBB_TR_UBB0003 | UBB: 1.Tag Quartal nach Vertragsbeginn | |
68 | CRM_UBB_TR_UBB0014 | Completion+ Reorg.Retention Period | |
69 | CRM_UBB_TR_UBB0015 | Unlimited | |
70 | CRM_UBB_TR_UBB0020 | 1st Day of Quarter after Start of Billing | |
71 | CRM_UBB_UI_ALV_COMBC | Separate physische und Servicepositionen kombinieren (ALV) | |
72 | CRM_UBB_UI_ALV_SPLIT | Kombinierte Positionen splitten | |
73 | CRM_UBB_UI_ALV_SPLITS | Kombinierte UBB Position aufteilen | |
74 | CRM_UBB_UI_DATA_CATEG | Positionen aufteilen nach physischen und Servicepositionen | |
75 | CRM_UBB_UI_GET_GUIDS_IGNORED | Lese die auf einem Tab zu ignorierenden GUIDs | |
76 | CRM_UBB_UI_GET_GUIDS_IGN_CURR | Lesen der auf dem aktuellen Tab zu ignorierenden GUIDs | |
77 | CRM_UBB_UI_GET_MAIN_GUID | Lese die gespeicherte GUID der Hauptposition | |
78 | CRM_UBB_UI_IS_MAIN_GUID_SET | Prüfe, ob GUID der Hauptposition gespeichert ist | |
79 | CRM_UBB_UI_RESET_GUIDS_IGNORE | Zurücksetzen der auf einem Tab zu ignorierenden GUIDs | |
80 | CRM_UBB_UI_RESET_MAIN_GUID | Lösche die gespeicherte GUID der Hauptposition | |
81 | CRM_UBB_UI_SET_MAIN_GUID | Speichere die GUID der Hauptposition | |
82 | CRM_UBB_USAGEFCT_GET_FROM_CONT | Ermittle Verbrauchsfunktionen zum Vertrag | |
83 | CRM_UBB_USGVOL_CT_SEL_CB | Lesen Customizing Verbrauchsvolumenskonditionen | |
84 | CRM_UBB_USGVOL_PROC_DET_SEL_CB | Ermitteln Findungsschema Verbrauchsvolumen | |
85 | CRM_UBB_USG_ASS_CB | Read Usage Mapping | |
86 | CRM_UBB_USG_MAP_CB | Read Usage Mapping | |
87 | CRM_UBB_USG_VOL_ATTR_DET | Ermittlung relevanter Attribute f. Verbrauchsvolumen | |
88 | CRM_UBB_USG_VOL_CALC | Berechnung von Verbrauchsvolumen | |
89 | CRM_UBB_USG_VOL_CALC_VALUE | Wert für Verbrauchsvolumen ermitteln | |
90 | CRM_UBB_USG_VOL_COND_DET | Ermittlung der Verbrauchvolumenskonditionen | |
91 | CRM_UBB_USG_VOL_DET | Ermittlung von Verbrauchsvolumen | |
92 | CRM_UBB_USG_VOL_PROC_DET | Verbrauchsvolumensschema ermitteln | |
93 | CRM_UBB_UVCUST_GET_ALLOWED_VAL | Liefert erlaubte Werte für Felder im Customizing | |
94 | CRM_UBB_VOLUME_COMPARE_PRIO | Neuer Messbeleg: Vergleich der Priorität der alten und neuen Werte | |
95 | CRM_UBB_VOLUME_COMPARE_READ | Volume Document Update aus Daten von Messbeleg | |
96 | CRM_UBB_VOLUME_DET_BEST_READ | Bestimmt beste Ablesung für eine Periode | |
97 | CRM_UBB_VOLUME_FIND_SRV_OBJCT | Sucht die Objektposition auf dem Servicevertrag | |
98 | CRM_UBB_VOLUME_ITEM_SELECT_CB | Access to item type customizing for volume | |
99 | CRM_UBB_VOLUME_PERIOD_TYPE_CK | Überprüft, ob erste und/oder letzte Periode | |
100 | CRM_UBB_VOLUME_READING_PERIOD | Bestimmen der erlaubten Messperiode | |
101 | CRM_UBB_VOLUME_READ_BY_PERIOD | Liest die Volume Document zu Periode und item_guid | |
102 | CRM_UBB_VOLUME_READ_RELEASED | Liest Volumen zu Periode und item_guid | |
103 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_ADJUST_TO_BP_EC | Callback für Anpassung der VolumenExtensionen an den Fakturaplan | |
104 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_ANALYZE_DATA | Ungeänderte Felder löschen | |
105 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_CANCEL_MERGE_EC | Callback für Stornierung Zusammenfassung von Perioden (Merge) im Volumen | |
106 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_CHANGE_BRI_EC | Callback für Anstossen Prebilling nach Volumenupdate | |
107 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_CHANGE_OW | Aendern Eintrage fuer UBB_VOL_I | |
108 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_CHANGE_PREDEC_EC | Callback für Änderung Vorgängerposition nach Änderungsablesung | |
109 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_CHANGE_STATUS_EC | Callback für Statusänderung Volumen Extension | |
110 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_CHANGE_SUCC_EC | Callback für Änderung Nachfolgeposition nach Änderungsablesung | |
111 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_CHECK_OW | CRM Einteilung: Prüfen eines Eintrags auf Konsistenz | |
112 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_CHECK_READING_FC | Check if Reading exists | |
113 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_CHECK_STATUS | Überprüft, welche Änderungen der Status erlaubt | |
114 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_CREATE_EC | Callback für Anlegen Volumen Extension | |
115 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_CREATE_OW | Anlegen von Produktdaten | |
116 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_DELETE_AC | Löschen der archivierten Einträge | |
117 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_DELETE_EC | Callback für Löschen Volumen Extension | |
118 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_DELETE_OB | Löschen eines Eintrags aus dem Objektpuffer | |
119 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_EXIST_OB | Prüfen, ob ein Eintrag existiert | |
120 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_FIELDCHECK_FC | Check for credits | |
121 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_FILL_OW | Füllen einer Produktdaten | |
122 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_FIND_LOGICAL_KEY | UBB-Verbrauchsmengeset: Bestimmen logischer Schlüssel | |
123 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_FIND_NEIGHBOR | Volume Document Update aus Daten von Messbeleg | |
124 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_GET_DATA_IL | UBB Volume Set: Get data from IL | |
125 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_GET_MULTI_DB | Datenexport aus Datenbankpuffer | |
126 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_GET_MULTI_OB | Lesen mehrer Productdaten aus dem globalen Puffer | |
127 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_GET_REF | UBB Volume Set: Get Ref | |
128 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_INIT_DB | Initialisierung des Datenbankpuffers | |
129 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_INIT_EC | Initialisierung Volumen Extension | |
130 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_INIT_OB | Initialisierung des Objektpuffers der Produktdaten | |
131 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_MAINTAIN_M_OW | Pflegen (Anlegen oder Ändern) von Verbrauchsmengenbeleg-Einträgen | |
132 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_MAINTAIN_OW | Pflegen (Anlegen oder Ändern) von Produktdaten | |
133 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_MANAGE_STATUS | Status Management innerhalb change_ow | |
134 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_MAP_INPUT2INTERN | Prufen Eintraegefelden dass auf die Aktuelleitem gehoeren | |
135 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_MERGE_EC | Callback für Zusammenfassung von Perioden (Merge) im Volumen | |
136 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_MERGE_OW | Merge Daten Verbrauchsmengenbeleg | |
137 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_MSG_DELETE | Löschen von Volume Document aus Msg-Log | |
138 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_MSG_ITM_DELETE | Löschen von Volume Document aus Msg-Log | |
139 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_PREP_DELETE | Vor dem Löschen: Daten auf Nachfolger löschen | |
140 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_PRESELECT_AC | Preselect für Archivierung | |
141 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_PROVIDE_DATA_IL | UBB Volume Set: Provide Data | |
142 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_PUBLISH_OW | Event für andere Objekte auslösen | |
143 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_PUT_DATA | UBB Volume Set: Put Data | |
144 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_PUT_DB | Einstellen der Daten in den Datenbankpuffer | |
145 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_PUT_IL | UBB Volume Set: Put data into IL | |
146 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_PUT_INPUT_FIELDS | UBB Volume Set: Put Input Fields | |
147 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_PUT_OB | Schreiben der Produktdaten in den Objektpuffer | |
148 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_PUT_UI_DATA | put data from UI to IL | |
149 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_READ_AC | Lesen der Daten aus dem Archiv | |
150 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_READ_BY_ITEM_DB | Lesen einer Position von der Datenbank | |
151 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_READ_DB | Lesen der Produktdaten aus dem Datenbankpuffer bzw. von der Datenbank | |
152 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_READ_OB | Produktdaten aus dem Objektpuffer lesen | |
153 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_READ_OW | Informationen zu Positionsdaten | |
154 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_SAVE_AC | Schreiben der Daten ins Archiv | |
155 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_SAVE_EC | Sichern Produktdaten | |
156 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_SAVE_OB | Schreiben der Produktdaten auf die Datenbank | |
157 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_SELECT_M_DB | Lesen mehrerer Produktdaten von der Datenbank | |
158 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_SELECT_S_DB | Lesen einer Position von der Datenbank | |
159 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_UI_SERVICE01 | Service Funktionsbaustein 01 | |
160 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_UI_SET_ICONS | Bestimmen der Icons für Ausgabe | |
161 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_UPDATE_DU | UBB Volume Set: Write to DB | |
162 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_UPDATE_STATUS | Aktualisieren Status, wenn keine anderen Änderungen erlaubt sind | |
163 | CRM_UBB_VOL_I_UPD_BY_READING | Update Volumen extension durch Ablesung | |
164 | CRM_UBB_VOL_STATUS_CHECK_BILLD | Prüft, ob der Volume Document Eintrag den Status 'billed' hat | |
165 | CRM_UBB_VOL_STATUS_CHECK_CUMU | Prüft, ob alle Vol Doc Einträge zu einer FAP freigegeben sind | |
166 | CRM_UBB_VOL_STATUS_CHECK_ERROR | Prüft, ob ein Volume Document Eintrag den Status 'error' hat | |
167 | CRM_UBB_VOL_STATUS_CHECK_INPUT | Prüft, ob eine Messung das Volume Document ändern kann | |
168 | CRM_UBB_VOL_STATUS_CHECK_PREBI | Prüft, ob ein Volume Document Eintrag den Status 'pool pre-billed' hat | |
169 | CRM_UBB_VOL_STATUS_CHECK_RELEA | Prüft, ob ein Volume Dokument mindestens den Status released hat | |
170 | CRM_UBB_VOL_STATUS_CNC_ERROR | Setzt das Feld 'error_flag' gemäß Übergabe | |
171 | CRM_UBB_VOL_STATUS_RELEASE | Freigeben des Volume Document Eintrags | |
172 | CRM_UBB_VOL_STATUS_SET_INPROC | Setzt den Status 'in process' | |
173 | CRM_UBB_VOL_STATUS_SET_RELEASE | Setzt den Status 'released' | |
174 | CRM_UC_SYSTEM_CHECK | Prüfung, ob ein Unicode-System vorliegt | |
175 | CRM_UC_XML_CLOSE_DOC | XML Dokument abschließen: Konvertierung zu XML | |
176 | CRM_UC_XML_DOC_PARSE_CLOSE | Abschluss interner data für XML Parser | |
177 | CRM_UC_XML_DOC_PARSE_INIT | Initialisierung interner Variablen für XML Parsing | |
178 | CRM_UC_XML_INIT_DOC | Vorbereitung zur Konvertierung zu XML | |
179 | CRM_UC_XML_MAP_FROM_BAPIMTCS | Konvertierung zu XML aus der BAPIMTCS (CRM konform) | |
180 | CRM_UC_XML_PARSE | Parse XML Strom aus BAPIMTCS_XML | |
181 | CRM_UC_XML_R3A_PARSE_BAPIMTCS | Parser: R/3 Adapter XML über Struktur BAPIMTCS | |
182 | CRM_UIF_CALCULATE_PRICE | Calculate the price based on booking info | |
183 | CRM_UIF_COUNTRY_GET_LIST | Get the list of countries | |
184 | CRM_UIF_GET_DOMAIN_TEXTS_DD07T | Retrieve Texts for a given Domain | |
185 | CRM_UIF_GET_UNITS | Get units of measure | |
186 | CRM_UIF_PRICE_LIST_DETERM | Price List Determination for UIF Test Application | |
187 | CRM_UIU_BP_PRINT_BACKGROUND | R | RFC Interface Print CRM Object Oveview |
188 | CRM_UIU_CREATE_MKTTG_SEL_TABLE | Zielgruppe / Kampagne an Folgeverarbeitung | |
189 | CRM_UIU_ELM_GET_BW_INFO | Determine whether list origin is BW | |
191 | CRM_UIU_ELM_GET_TYPE_F_FORMAT | CRM_UIU_elm_get_type_f_format | |
192 | CRM_UIU_ERP_GET_PROC_TYPE_DESC | R | Get the process type description of an one order object |
193 | CRM_UIU_ERP_READ_CRM_DOC_FLOW | R | Reads the CRM docflow of ERP sales documents |
194 | CRM_UIU_MESSAGE_DYN_LONGTEXT | Determine Dynamical Longtext | |
195 | CRM_UIU_MKTLIST_CUT_STRING_IL | Cut string to show file | |
196 | CRM_UIU_MKTLIST_GET_DELETED | Read deleted flag for list | |
197 | CRM_UIU_MKTLIST_GET_E102 | Get e102 to be processed | |
198 | CRM_UIU_MKTLIST_GET_EDIT | Set mode (new or edit) | |
199 | CRM_UIU_MKTLIST_SET_E102 | set e102 to be processed | |
200 | CRM_UIU_MKTLIST_SET_EDIT | Set mode (new or edit) | |
201 | CRM_UIU_PCAT_GET_COLLAPS_FLAG | returns expand flag | |
202 | CRM_UIU_PCAT_GET_COPY_PROTOCOL | Determine async. copy process application log | |
203 | CRM_UIU_PCAT_GET_DATA | Get Data For General Access in Session | |
204 | CRM_UIU_PCAT_GET_DATA_MEMORY | retrieves source view | |
205 | CRM_UIU_PCAT_GET_EXPAND_FLAG | returns expand flag | |
206 | CRM_UIU_PCAT_GET_PROTOCOL | Get application log | |
207 | CRM_UIU_PCAT_GET_SELECT_FLAG | returns expand flag | |
208 | CRM_UIU_PCAT_GET_SOURCE | retrieves source view | |
209 | CRM_UIU_PCAT_SET_COLLAPS_FLAG | returns expand flag | |
210 | CRM_UIU_PCAT_SET_DATA | Set Data For General Access in Session | |
211 | CRM_UIU_PCAT_SET_DATA_MEMORY | buffer source view name or whatever | |
212 | CRM_UIU_PCAT_SET_EXPAND_FLAG | returns expand flag | |
213 | CRM_UIU_PCAT_SET_SELECT_FLAG | returns expand flag | |
214 | CRM_UIU_PCAT_SET_SOURCE | buffer source view name or whatever | |
215 | CRM_UIU_PCAT_SHLP_RESPSALESORG | Suchhilfe-Exit für Verkaufsorganisation | |
216 | CRM_UIU_PCAT_SHLP_R_SERVICEORG | Search Help for responsible service organisations | |
217 | CRM_UIU_PROD_CONFIG | create configuration | |
218 | CRM_UIU_PROD_REPOSITORY | Create / Delete the integration in / out of the OV- & PRDGENSET components | |
219 | CRM_UI_DLCOBJ_SEARCH_HELP_EXIT | Read NavLink from Profile | |
220 | CRM_UI_GET_BOL_APPL | Get BOL application | |
221 | CRM_UI_IP_GEN_SEARCH_HELP_EXIT | Read NavLink from Profile | |
222 | CRM_UI_IP_SEARCH_HELP_EXIT | Read NavLink from Profile | |
223 | CRM_UI_LAUNCH_ATTRIBUTE_F4 | F4 Help | |
224 | CRM_UI_LINK_PARAM_SH_EXIT | Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe | |
225 | CRM_UI_LTX_WIZ_CLS_SHELP_EXIT | Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe | |
226 | CRM_UI_LTX_WIZ_LTX_ID_SH_EXIT | Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe | |
227 | CRM_UI_TLINK_SEARCH_HELP_EXIT | Read NavLink from Profile | |
228 | CRM_UNASSIGN_POOLCONTRACT | CRM UBB Assign Poolcontract | |
229 | CRM_UNASSIGN_SINGLECONTRACTS | CRM UBB unassign single contracts from Poolcontract | |
230 | CRM_UNICODE_MOVE_P_TO_C | Kopieren von packed auf char Variable ohne Konvertierung | |
231 | CRM_UNVN_RNT_TS_CB | Customizing-Puffer für CRMC_UNVN_RNT_TS | |
232 | CRM_UNVN_RNT_TS_PA_CB | Customizing-Puffer: Parameter für Uneven Rent Test | |
233 | CRM_UPDATE_ADPTEST_TABLES | Verbuchungs-Funktionsbaustein für die Adapter Testtabellen | |
234 | CRM_UPDATE_COMPONENT_FROM_EQUI | Delta-Update IBASE vom Equipment | |
235 | CRM_UPDATE_CONFIG_CANC_OPT | Update Configuration for cancelled options | |
237 | CRM_UPDATE_HEAD_STATUS_INVOICE | Kopfstatus der Faktura anlegen bzw. ändern | |
238 | CRM_UPDATE_IBASE_FROM_EQUI | Delta-Update IBASE vom Equipment | |
239 | CRM_UPDATE_ITEM_STATUS_EC | Reparatur: Status der Befundung aktualisieren | |
240 | CRM_UPDATE_OLD_OUTLINE_AGR | Setzen Enddatum in Vorgänger-Rahmenvereinbarung | |
241 | CRM_UPDATE_ORPHAN_TABLE | Update function module for IBFUNCLOC_ORPHAN | |
242 | CRM_UPDATE_PARTNER_FROM_TG | Partner im CRM Vorgangskopf anlegen/ändern (ohne SAVE) | |
243 | CRM_UPDATE_PRG_POLICY_BUFFER | FM to get Program Guid from Policy ID | |
244 | CRM_UPDATE_PROGRESS | Update Progress Bar | |
245 | CRM_UPD_OBJ_STRUC_FROM_EQUI_OS | Update CRM Objektstruktur von R/3 Equipmenthierarchie | |
246 | CRM_UPFRONT_DELTA | Deltaermittlung bei Upfront Steuerzahlung | |
247 | CRM_UPFRONT_PUT_DATA_CP | Verarbeiten Vertragsdaten | |
248 | CRM_UPFRONT_VALUE_GET | Ermitteln Steuerwerte | |
249 | CRM_UPGRADE_FIN_NONCFG_START | Umsetzung Finanzierungsprodukte zu Version 4.0 | |
250 | CRM_UPG_ATTACHMNT_EXT_ID | Extract ID customer defaults for MSA, initial download | |
251 | CRM_UPG_ATTACH_UPLOAD_MAP | Initial download for customer defaults to MSA | |
252 | CRM_UPLOAD_ACTCDT | XML Outbound Adapter for Activities | |
253 | CRM_UPLOAD_ACTCDT_FILTER | XML Outbound Filter für die Aktivitäten | |
254 | CRM_UPLOAD_ACTCDT_PACK | Packen der Aktivitäten in die komplexe Struktur | |
255 | CRM_UPLOAD_ACTCDT_SOAP_CALL | Ausführen des SOAP Calls je Empfänger | |
256 | CRM_UPLOAD_ACTCDT_SRV | XML Outbound Flow Service für die Aktivitäten | |
257 | CRM_UPLOAD_AFTER_MAP_HANDLER | General data handling after the mapping step | |
258 | CRM_UPLOAD_BAJMBDOC_FILL | Füllen des Messagingbdocs Aktivitätentemplate | |
259 | CRM_UPLOAD_BAJMBDOC_GET_GUIDS | To extract all documents from CRM | |
260 | CRM_UPLOAD_BAJMBDOC_INITLOAD | Mapping in das mBDoc im Initialload | |
261 | CRM_UPLOAD_BAJMBDOC_SEND | Senden des Messagingbdocs Aktivitätentemplate | |
262 | CRM_UPLOAD_BAJMBDOC_START_FLOW | Starten Middleware Flow für das Messagingbdoc Aktivitätentemplate | |
263 | CRM_UPLOAD_BEA_FILL | Füllen Übergabestruktur und Aufruf der Billing Engine | |
264 | CRM_UPLOAD_BEA_FILL_OLD | OBSOLET - Füllen Übergabestruktur und Aufruf der Billing Engine (bis 4.0) | |
265 | CRM_UPLOAD_BEA_FILL_R1 | Füllen Übergabestruktur und Aufruf der Rebate Engine | |
266 | CRM_UPLOAD_BEA_SRV | Middlewareanbindung: Adapter für Billing Engine | |
267 | CRM_UPLOAD_BEA_SRV_R1 | Middlewareanbindung: Adapter für Rebate Engine | |
268 | CRM_UPLOAD_BTMBDOC_FILL | Fill Messagingbdoc | |
269 | CRM_UPLOAD_BTMBDOC_START_FLOW | Starten Middleware Flow für das Messagingbdoc | |
271 | CRM_UPLOAD_BW | Middlwareanbindung: R/3 Adapter der im Messagingflow angestossen wird | |
272 | CRM_UPLOAD_BW_FILTER | Outbound Adapter zum Anschluß von BW | |
273 | CRM_UPLOAD_BW_IBASE | Middlewareanbindung: Outbound Flow Service IBASE für BW | |
274 | CRM_UPLOAD_BW_IBASE_MAPPER | Outbound Adapter zum Anschluß von BW | |
275 | CRM_UPLOAD_BW_IBASE_SRV | Middlewareanbindung: Outbound Flow Service IBASE für BW | |
276 | CRM_UPLOAD_BW_MAPPER | Outbound Adapter zum Anschluß von BW | |
277 | CRM_UPLOAD_BW_MPK_SEND | Outbound Adapter BW für CRM Zähler | |
278 | CRM_UPLOAD_BW_MPK_SEND_1OMP | Outbound Adapter BW für CRM Zähler: Links One Order | |
279 | CRM_UPLOAD_BW_MPK_SEND_1OREAD | Outbound Adapter BW für CRM Zähler: Links One Order Ablesungen | |
280 | CRM_UPLOAD_BW_MPK_SEND_IL | Outbound Adapter BW für CRM Zähler: Links Installationen | |
281 | CRM_UPLOAD_BW_MPK_SEND_MD | Outbound Adapter BW für CRM Zähler: Stammdaten | |
282 | CRM_UPLOAD_BW_MPK_SEND_READ | Outbound Adapter BW für CRM Zähler: Ablesungen | |
283 | CRM_UPLOAD_BW_MPK_SEND_READUBB | Outbound Adapter BW für CRM Zähler: Ablesungen | |
284 | CRM_UPLOAD_BW_SRV | Middlwareanbindung: R/3 Adapter der im Messagingflow angestossen wird | |
285 | CRM_UPLOAD_BW_TSS_DTRACK | Middleware Connection: Outbound Flow Service TSS for BW | |
286 | CRM_UPLOAD_BW_TSS_DTRACK_MAP | Mapping Module to Map BDoc Data to DB Compatible Data (for BW) | |
287 | CRM_UPLOAD_BW_TSS_DTRACK_SRV | Middleware Connection: Outbound Flow Service TSS for BW | |
288 | CRM_UPLOAD_CDT_MAPPER | Outbound Mapping Complexer Datatype | |
289 | CRM_UPLOAD_CPROJECTS_MSG | Füllen des cProjects MBDOCs und Starten des Outbound Flows | |
290 | CRM_UPLOAD_CREATE_REL_BAD_BUS | Schreiben der Objektverknüpfung für Lieferpläne | |
291 | CRM_UPLOAD_EXTRACT_FILL_BDOCS | To fill the BDOCs from the guids for upload | |
292 | CRM_UPLOAD_EXTRACT_GUIDS | To extract all documents from CRM | |
293 | CRM_UPLOAD_EXT_FILL_IBASE_BDOC | Füllen die BDOCs vom guids für Upload | |
294 | CRM_UPLOAD_EXT_GET_IBASE_GUIDS | To extract all IBASE guids | |
295 | CRM_UPLOAD_FM_FPO | Fill FPO messaging BDOC | |
296 | CRM_UPLOAD_FSCM_CR_SRV | Obligodaten ins FSCM-CR | |
297 | CRM_UPLOAD_GET_DELETED_PARTNER | Links ermitteln (aus DB-Puffer) | |
298 | CRM_UPLOAD_GET_LINK_PARTNER | Links ermitteln (aus DB-Puffer) | |
299 | CRM_UPLOAD_IBAMBDOC_FILL | IB: Mapping für BDOC | |
300 | CRM_UPLOAD_IBAMBDOC_START_FLOW | Start the Middleware Flow for Ibase-Messagingbdoc | |
301 | CRM_UPLOAD_IBASE_SINGLE | CRM Order: Überleiten an Middleware | |
302 | CRM_UPLOAD_IBA_MESSAGE | Upload der IBASE vom Messaging BDOC | |
303 | CRM_UPLOAD_JOURNAL | Mobile Bridge for download of Activity Journal | |
304 | CRM_UPLOAD_JOURNAL_MAP | Download mapper from CRM to CDB | |
305 | CRM_UPLOAD_LOY_MAP_HANDLER | General data handling after the mapping step | |
306 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA | Outbound Adapter Mobile Clients | |
307 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_ACTIVITY | Outbound Adapter: Mobile Activities | |
308 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_ACTIVITY_FILTER | Outbound Adapter: Mobile Activities | |
309 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_ACTIVITY_MERGE | Mischen der Synchronisations BDoc ActivityObject | |
310 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_ACTIVITY_PACK | Packen des BAD-BDocs in das Synchronisations BDoc ActivityObject | |
311 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_DEQUI_PACK | Map CS Equipment from Distribution MBDOC to SBDOC | |
312 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_DEQUI_SRV | Mobile Bridge Service for CS Equipment Distribution MBDOC | |
313 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_DGP_PACK | Map CS Goodsmovement form MBDOC to SBDOC | |
314 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_DGP_SRV | Mobile Bridge Service for Goodsposted DMBDOC | |
315 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_DNOTIFN_PACK | Map CS Notification from Distribution MBDOC to SBDOC | |
316 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_DNOTIFN_SRV | Mobile Bridge Service for CS Notification Distribution MBDOC | |
317 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_DSORDER_PACK | Map CS service order from Distribution MBDOC to SBDOC | |
318 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_DSORDER_SRV | Mobile Bridge Service for CS Service Order Distribution MBDOC | |
319 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_DTIMECONF_PACK | Map CS Timeconfirmation from Distribution MBDOC to SBDOC | |
320 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_DTIMECONF_SRV | Mobile Bridge Service for CS Timeconfirmation Distribution MBDOC | |
321 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_EQUI_PACK | Obsolete: DO NOT USE !!! | |
322 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_EQUI_SRV | Obsolete: DO NOT USE !!! | |
323 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_GOSATTACH | Outbound Adapter Mobile Clients - Get Content of GOS Attachments | |
324 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_IBASE | Outbound Adapter Mobile Clients Service Installation Basis IBASE | |
325 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_IBASE_SRV | Outbound Flow Service installation Basis IBASE für Mobile Clients | |
326 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_OPPORT | Outbound Adapter Mobile Opportunity | |
327 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_OPPORT_FILTER | Outbound Adapter Mobile Opportunity | |
328 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_OPPORT_PACK | Packen des BAD-BDocs in das Synchronisations BDoc ActivityObject | |
329 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_ORGMAN | Orgman Mobile Bridge | |
330 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_ORGMAN_EH_PACK | packing data into SBDocs | |
331 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_ORGMAN_EMP_DFLT | Store deafult territories for employees in the buffer | |
332 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_ORGMAN_EMP_PACK | packing data into SBDocs | |
333 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_ORGMAN_ES_PACK | Function module for filling SMOKNVVSHT table | |
334 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_ORGMAN_ETR_PACK | Function fur territory data | |
335 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_ORGMAN_MKT_PACK | packing data into SBDocs | |
336 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_ORGMAN_SA_PACK | packing data into SBDocs | |
337 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_ORGMAN_SB_PACK | Function module to fill sales bundling data | |
338 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_ORGMAN_SV_PACK | packing data into SBDocs | |
339 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_ORGMAN_TXT_PACK | Texts of responsible Sales ans service organization units | |
340 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_PRJ | Outbound Flow Service für Mobile Clients | |
341 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_PROJECT | Outbound Adapter: Mobile project. | |
342 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_PROJECT_FILTER | Outbound Adapter: Mobile Project Filter | |
343 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_PROJECT_PACK | Outbound Adapter: Mobile Project convertor | |
344 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SALESDOC | Outbound Adapter: Mobile Activities | |
345 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SALESDOC_FILTER | Outbound Adapter: Mobile Activities | |
346 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SALESDOC_PACK | Packen des BAD-BDocs in das Synchronisations BDoc ActivityObject | |
347 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRV | Outbound Flow Service für Mobile Clients | |
348 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVCMP | CRM to CDB adapter for service complaints and returns | |
349 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVCMP_FILTER | CRM to CDB adapter for service compaints and returns | |
350 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVCMP_PACK | msg2sync mapping module for service complaints and returns | |
351 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVCNF | to download from CRM into MSE SET BDOC (CONFORM) | |
352 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVCNF_FILTER | Outbound Adapter Mobile Aktivitäten (CONFORM) | |
353 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVCNF_PACK | Packen des BAD-BDocs in das Synchronisations BDoc ActivityObject (CONFORM) | |
354 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVIBA | to download from CRM into MSE SET BDOC (Ibase) | |
355 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVIBA_FILTER | Outbound Adapter Mobile Aktivitäten (Ibase) | |
356 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVIBA_PACK | Pack the Msg.BDoc into Syn.BDoc (Ibase) | |
357 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVPSL | Outbound Adapter: Mobile Service | |
358 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVPSL_FILTER | Outbound Adapter: Mobile Service | |
359 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVPSL_PACK | Outbound Adapter: Mobile Service | |
360 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVSET | to download from CRM into MSE SET BDOC | |
361 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVSET_DIRECT | CRM Upload Serviceeinsätze direkt zum Mobile Bridge | |
362 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVSET_DU | CRM Upload Serviceeinsätze direkt zum Mobile Bridge | |
363 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVSET_FILTER | Outbound Adapter: Mobile Activities | |
364 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVSET_PACK | Packen des BAD-BDocs in das Synchronisations BDoc ActivityObject | |
365 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVTIME | to download from CRM into MSE SET BDOC for timespecification | |
366 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVTIMESPECN | Function Module to call Time Specn Mapper | |
367 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVTIME_DU | CRM Upload Serviceeinsätze direkt zum Mobile Bridge | |
368 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVTIME_FILTER | timespezification ( filter) | |
369 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVTIME_PACK | timespecification | |
370 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRVTIME_SRV | Mobile Bridge for Time Specification | |
371 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRV_QUOT_FILTER | Filter for stopping pure service quotations from going to CDB and Mobile | |
372 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_SRV_TEMP_FILTER | Filter to download only templates relevent for Mobile client | |
373 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_TERRMAN | Function module for starting the flow | |
374 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_TERRMAN_BP_PACK | Pack territory-buisness partner | |
375 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_TERRM_ATTR_PACK | downloads attributes | |
376 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_TERRM_PROD_PACK | Pack territories-products | |
377 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_TERRM_TERR_PACK | Pack territories and territory hierachy | |
378 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_TERR_BRKLN_PACK | pack relation brick-territory | |
379 | CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_UBB_EXT_PACK | Function to map the additional segments used for UBB service contract | |
380 | CRM_UPLOAD_ORDER_SPLIT | DOM Order Split | |
381 | CRM_UPLOAD_ORGMAN_DELETE_ALL | Function module to delete all from Mobile | |
382 | CRM_UPLOAD_ORGMAN_START_FLOW | Start message BDOC flow | |
383 | CRM_UPLOAD_ORGMBDOC_FILL | To fill the MBdoc with the org. management data | |
384 | CRM_UPLOAD_ORG_EMP_HIER_FILL | Function module to fill emloyee hierarchy entries in BDOC | |
385 | CRM_UPLOAD_PARTIAL_BDOC_DECIDE | Partielles BDOC möglich ? | |
386 | CRM_UPLOAD_PLANOGRAM | Mobile Bridge for Planogram CRM->CDB | |
387 | CRM_UPLOAD_PLANOGRAM_MAP | Planogram Mapping function | |
388 | CRM_UPLOAD_PRODUCT_IMG | Mobile bridge for product images | |
389 | CRM_UPLOAD_PRODUCT_IMG_MAP | Mapping module | |
390 | CRM_UPLOAD_R3_DNL_EXIT | Gets the filter settings of parent object 'CUSTOMER' | |
391 | CRM_UPLOAD_REALOGRAM | Mobile bridge for Realogram | |
392 | CRM_UPLOAD_REALOGRAM_MAP | Mapping function for Realogram CRM->CDB | |
393 | CRM_UPLOAD_SALESDOC_INIT | Zurücksetzen Globalstrukturen und Parameter | |
394 | CRM_UPLOAD_STATUS_CONTROL_SRV | Validierungsservice für Vorgänge | |
395 | CRM_UPLOAD_TERRMAN_START_FLOW | Start the MBDOC flow | |
396 | CRM_UPLOAD_TERRMBDOC_FILL | Function module for filling the MBDOC | |
397 | CRM_UPLOAD_TOURPLANNING | Data transfer from CRM to CDB | |
398 | CRM_UPLOAD_TOURPLANNING_MAP | Mapping from CRM to CDB | |
399 | CRM_UPLOAD_TO_LOY | Send data from CRM to LOY | |
400 | CRM_UPLOAD_TO_OLTP | Centralized Upload from CRM to an OLTP site | |
401 | CRM_UPLOAD_TRIGGER | R | Basisbaustein für den Upload von Objekten |
403 | CRM_UPL_EXTR_FILL_DS_FROM_RFW | fill the DS and BDOCs from RFW for upload | |
404 | CRM_UPL_EXTR_RFW_SEL_FILL_DS | fill the DS and BDOCs from RFW for upload | |
406 | CRM_URL_CONSISTENCY_CHECK | R | Consistency Check of Data Elements from Field Group |
407 | CRM_USAGE_TEXT_IL | Text für Verwendungskennzeichen | |
408 | CRM_USED_PARTS_F4_EXIT | Suchhilfe-Exit: gefundenen Wert nur einmal ausgeben | |
409 | CRM_USER_CHECK | R | Consistency Check for User in Portal and Backend |
410 | CRM_USER_ORG_AUTH | Extract Function for User Authorization from CRM Orgmanagement | |
411 | CRM_USRSTAT_PCAT_MAINTAIN_OW | R | Maintain User Product-Dependent Status |
412 | CRM_USRSTAT_PCAT_SELECT_CB | Produktabhängige Anwenderstatus zu einem Vorgang selektieren | |
413 | CRM_US_CP_S_TO_US_S_SYNC | R | Synchronisieren der US-CP-S / US-S Verknüpfung |
414 | CRM_UTILITIES_AUDIT | License Measurement Audit for SAP CRM Utilities | |
415 | CRM_UTIL_BW_QUOTATION_I_MAP | Mapping Angebote für die DataSource CRMT_BW_QUOTATION_I | |
416 | CRM_UTIL_BW_SRV_CONTR_I_MAP | Mapping Kontrakte für die DataSource CRMT_BW_SALES_CONTRA | |
417 | CRM_VALUATION_TYPE_CHECK_CB | Prüfen einer Bewertungsart auf Existenz | |
418 | CRM_VARCOND_UPDATE_DU | Write to Database | |
419 | CRM_VENDOR_FC | Test Änderbarkeit Lieferant | |
420 | CRM_VENDOR_NUMBER_SHLP_EXIT | Suchhilfeexit: Unvollständigkeit - Feldname | |
421 | CRM_VEND_FILTER_DIALOGUE | Filterbedingungen generieren | |
423 | CRM_VEND_MAIN_MWX_BDOC_R3A | Mapping des VEND_MAIN-Messaging BDocs in die BAPIMTCS | |
424 | CRM_VEND_MAIN_VAL | CRM-Eingang BP-Lieferant - Allgemeine Daten | |
428 | CRM_VOUCHER_CHANGE_EC | Pufferung der geänderten Daten des Belegs | |
429 | CRM_VOUCHER_INIT_EC | Clear voucher buffers | |
430 | CRM_VOUCHER_USAGE_EC | Pufferung der geänderten Daten des Belegs | |
431 | CRM_VOUCHER_USAGE_SAVE_EC | Save postings made | |
432 | CRM_WAP_ACT_CHANGE_DATE | R | Obsolete |
433 | CRM_WAP_ACT_GET_DETAILS | R | Get activitie details |
434 | CRM_WAP_ACT_GET_LIST | R | Act list Rep. Frame |
435 | CRM_WAP_ACT_LIST_GET | R | Obsolete MiniApp 'Activities' - Liste von Aktivitäten lesen |
436 | CRM_WAP_ACT_LIST_GET_TASK | Obsolete | |
437 | CRM_WAP_BP_CHANGE | R | Change business partner |
438 | CRM_WAP_BP_CHANGE_CNTP | Change business partner | |
439 | CRM_WAP_BP_CREATE | R | Create business partner |
440 | CRM_WAP_BP_CREATE_BC | R | Create BP's from business card |
442 | CRM_WAP_CATALOG_GET | R | Wrapper for catalog code sets |
443 | CRM_WAP_CHECK_DEC_POINT | check dec point | |
444 | CRM_WAP_CONFIRMATION_CREATE | R | Wrapper to create hand-held service confirmation |
445 | CRM_WAP_CONFIRMATION_READ | R | Wrapper to create hand-held service confirmation |
446 | CRM_WAP_CONF_GET_DAYS | R | Wrapper to return previous consecutive dates |
447 | CRM_WAP_CONVERT_GUID_TO_16 | R | convert guid 16 to guid 32 |
448 | CRM_WAP_CONVERT_GUID_TO_32 | R | convert guid 16 to guid 32 |
449 | CRM_WAP_COUNTRY_GET_LIST | R | Get country list |
450 | CRM_WAP_CURRENCY_GET_LIST | R | Getb list of currencies from table TCURT |
452 | CRM_WAP_GETTOTALS | R | Get numbers of act,opp,ord and tasks for user |
453 | CRM_WAP_GETTOTALS1 | R | Obsolete |
454 | CRM_WAP_GET_BP_TITLE | R | Anredetexte aus TSAD3 holen |
455 | CRM_WAP_GET_DATE | R | get today's date and last date of the week. |
456 | CRM_WAP_GET_FACTSHEET_VIEW1 | Obsolete | |
459 | CRM_WAP_GET_PARTNER_DETAILS | R | Get partner details by Partner GUID |
460 | CRM_WAP_GET_PDA_PROFILE | R | Get profile parameters for a PDA user |
462 | CRM_WAP_GET_PRODUCT_PRICE | Obsolete | |
463 | CRM_WAP_GET_TIME_UNITS | R | Get units of time |
465 | CRM_WAP_ITEM_CANCEL | R | Call crm_isa_basket_cancel_item |
466 | CRM_WAP_MATERIALS_GET | R | Wrapper to get materials |
467 | CRM_WAP_MY_LIST | list of act,tasks,opp | |
468 | CRM_WAP_OPP_CREATE | R | save changes in opp |
469 | CRM_WAP_OPP_GET_DETAILS | get opportunity list | |
470 | CRM_WAP_OPP_GET_LIST | R | get opportunity list - Rep frame |
471 | CRM_WAP_OPP_SAVE | R | save changes in opp |
472 | CRM_WAP_ORDER_CANCEL | R | Cancel order |
473 | CRM_WAP_ORDER_CREATE | R | Create a new order |
474 | CRM_WAP_ORDER_GET_ITEMS | R | Item list for a sales order |
475 | CRM_WAP_ORDER_GET_LIST | R | get opportunity list - rep. frame |
476 | CRM_WAP_ORDER_GET_LIST1 | R | Obsolete get opportunity list |
477 | CRM_WAP_ORDER_ITEM_CHANGE | R | Crm change items |
478 | CRM_WAP_ORDER_READ | Read Order | |
479 | CRM_WAP_PARTNER_GET_LIST | R | get a list of business partners to an activity |
480 | CRM_WAP_PROCESS_TYPE_GET_LIST | R | Get a list of process types for an object(act,opp...) |
481 | CRM_WAP_PRODUCT_GET_CATEGORY | Get Hierarchy and Category of a product | |
482 | CRM_WAP_PRODUCT_GET_DETAILS | R | Get ID,descrion,UOM, Price of a product |
483 | CRM_WAP_PRODUCT_GET_LIST | R | Get product list from favorit |
484 | CRM_WAP_PRODUCT_GET_PPR | R | Get the prp product list for a partner |
485 | CRM_WAP_QUOTATION_ACCEPT | R | Accept quotation |
487 | CRM_WAP_RELATIONS_GET | R | Get list of possible relations & relations for specific BP |
488 | CRM_WAP_RELATION_MAINTAIN | R | Maintain relationship |
489 | CRM_WAP_ROLE_GET_LIST | R | Get role list |
490 | CRM_WAP_SET_DATE_LIKE_DEFAULT | Set format of input date to the user default format | |
491 | CRM_WARRANTY_FCODE | F-Code Bearbeitung Garantieprüfung im Vorgang | |
492 | CRM_WEBNEWS_BUILD | Web-News: Zentrale Funktion für die Suche | |
493 | CRM_WEBNEWS_EXCLUDE_SELECT_CB | Lesen der Customizingtabelle CRMC_WNS_EXCLUDE | |
494 | CRM_WEBNEWS_SEARCHSTRING_BUILD | Web-News: Finalen Suchstring bilden | |
495 | CRM_WEBNEWS_SEARCHTERM_EXCLUDE | Web-News: Suchstrings bereinigen um Ausnahmestrings | |
496 | CRM_WEBNEWS_SEARCHTERM_MOVE | Web-News: Suchstrings verschieben | |
497 | CRM_WEBNEWS_SEARCHTERM_SPLIT | Web-News: Suchstrings bilden | |
498 | CRM_WEBNEWS_SERVICES_SELECT_CB | Lesen der Customizingtabelle CRMC_WEBNEWS | |
499 | CRM_WEBREQ_BUILD_XML_DOM | Web Requests: Generate XML-DOM for Request | |
500 | CRM_WEBREQ_CALL_HTML | Calling a Web Page in HTML Control with Freely Definable Title |