SAP ABAP Function Module - Index C, page 51
- C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 C-9 C-10 C-11 C-12 C-13 C-14 C-15 C-16 C-17 C-18 C-19 C-20 C-21 C-22 C-23 C-24 C-25 C-26 C-27 C-28 C-29 C-30 C-31 C-32 C-33 C-34 C-35 C-36 C-37 C-38 C-39 C-40 C-41 C-42 C-43 C-44 C-45 C-46 C-47 C-48 C-49 C-50 C-51 C-52 C-53 C-54 C-55 C-56 C-57 C-58 C-59 C-60 C-61 C-62 C-63 C-64 C-65 C-66 C-67 C-68 C-69 C-70 C-71 C-72 C-73 C-74 C-75 C-76 C-77 C-78 C-79 C-80 C-81 C-82 C-83 C-84 C-85 C-86 C-87 C-88 C-89 C-90 C-91 C-92 C-93 C-94 C-95 C-96 C-97 C-98 C-99 C-100 C-101 C-102 C-103 C-104 C-105 C-106 C-107 C-108 C-109 C-110 C-111 C-112 C-113 C-114 C-115 C-116 C-117 C-118 C-119 C-120 C-121 C-122 C-123 C-124 C-125 C-126 C-127 C-128 C-129 C-130 C-131 C-132 C-133 C-134 C-135 C-136 C-137 C-138 C-139 C-140 C-141 C-142 C-143 C-144 C-145 C-146 C-147 C-148 C-149 C-150 C-151 C-152 C-153 C-154 C-155 C-156 C-157 C-158 C-159 C-160 C-161 C-162 C-163 C-164 C-165 C-166 C-167 C-168 C-169 C-170 C-171 C-172 C-173 C-174 C-175
Function Module - C
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | CMS_OBJ_INV_SAVE_MLT | Save Inventory Data - Multiple | |
2 | CMS_OBJ_INV_SET_MLT | Set Inventory Data - Multiple | |
3 | CMS_OBJ_INV_SYS_CHECK | System checks for Inventory (OBJ layer) | |
4 | CMS_OBJ_LIF_INS_CHECK | Aircraft checks (API Layer) | |
5 | CMS_OBJ_LIF_INS_CREATE | Create Life Insurance Object - Single | |
6 | CMS_OBJ_LIF_INS_GET_LIST | Life Insurance Get List | |
7 | CMS_OBJ_LIF_INS_GET_MLT | Get Life Insurance Data - Multiple | |
8 | CMS_OBJ_LIF_INS_REFRESH_ALL | Refresh Life Insurance Data - All | |
9 | CMS_OBJ_LIF_INS_REFRESH_MLT | Refresh Life Insurance Data - Multiple | |
10 | CMS_OBJ_LIF_INS_SAVE_MLT | Save Life Insurance Data - Multiple | |
11 | CMS_OBJ_LIF_INS_SET_MLT | Set Life Insurance Data - Multiple | |
12 | CMS_OBJ_LIF_INS_SYS_CHECK | System checks for Insurance (APIlayer) | |
13 | CMS_OBJ_LIQ_CHECK | Checks on Liquidation Measure | |
14 | CMS_OBJ_LIQ_CREATE | Create Liquidation measure | |
15 | CMS_OBJ_LIQ_CREATE_TECH_KEY | Create GUID for line items (cflow, Proc) | |
16 | CMS_OBJ_LIQ_GET_CONST | Get collateral constellation for a measure | |
17 | CMS_OBJ_LIQ_GET_MLT | Fetch data for the given liquidation measures | |
18 | CMS_OBJ_LIQ_LOCK_MLT | Lock Liquidation measures | |
19 | CMS_OBJ_LIQ_REFRESH | Refresh buffers for liquidation measure | |
20 | CMS_OBJ_LIQ_REFRESH_ALL | Refresh all buffers | |
21 | CMS_OBJ_LIQ_SAVE_MLT | Save Liquidation measure | |
22 | CMS_OBJ_LIQ_SET_MLT | Update the object layer buffer | |
23 | CMS_OBJ_LIQ_SYS_CHECK | System checks for Liquidation | |
24 | CMS_OBJ_LIQ_UNLOCK_ALL | Unlock all measures | |
25 | CMS_OBJ_LIQ_UNLOCK_MLT | Unlock liquidation measures | |
26 | CMS_OBJ_LOCK_BY_PKY_MLT | Lock by Primary key (For Change Document) | |
27 | CMS_OBJ_LOCK_BY_SKY_MLT | Lock by Semantic key (For Creating Document) | |
28 | CMS_OBJ_LOCK_FINISH | Set global data back to buffer | |
29 | CMS_OBJ_LOCK_INITIALIZE | initialize global tables | |
30 | CMS_OBJ_LR_DE_GET_REG_TYP | Get the customizing details - object layer | |
31 | CMS_OBJ_LR_DE_GET_SEC2_CHG_TYP | Get the customizing details - object layer | |
32 | CMS_OBJ_LR_DE_GET_SEC3_CHG_TYP | Get the customizing details - object layer | |
33 | CMS_OBJ_MOV_CHECK | Business checks for movables (Obj layer) | |
34 | CMS_OBJ_MOV_CREATE_SNG | Movables Create (Object layer) | |
35 | CMS_OBJ_MOV_DELETE_SNG | Movables delete single | |
36 | CMS_OBJ_MOV_GET_MLT | Movables GET Multi (Object Layer) | |
37 | CMS_OBJ_MOV_REFRESH_ALL | Movable Refresh All (Object Layer) | |
38 | CMS_OBJ_MOV_REFRESH_MLT | Movables refresh (Obj layer multi) | |
39 | CMS_OBJ_MOV_SAVE_MLT | Object Layer Movables Save | |
40 | CMS_OBJ_MOV_SET_MLT | Set Movable Data - Multiple | |
41 | CMS_OBJ_MOV_STATUS_CREATE | Movables status create | |
42 | CMS_OBJ_MOV_SYS_CHECK | System checks for movables (Obj layer) | |
43 | CMS_OBJ_MSG_COL_GET | Retrieve the Messages from the Message Collector | |
44 | CMS_OBJ_MSG_COL_REFRESH | Refreshes the Message Collector's Buffers | |
45 | CMS_OBJ_MSG_COL_SET | Update the Message Collector with input message | |
46 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_BP_LNK_CHECK | Object layer for Business Partner Service Link Checks | |
47 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_BP_LNK_CREATE | OBJ for Business Partner Service Link Create | |
48 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_BP_LNK_GET_MLT | Business Partner Get service (Obj layer multiple) | |
49 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_BP_LNK_REFRESH | Business Partner Service Link (Object Layer Refresh) | |
50 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_BP_LNK_REFRESH_ALL | BP Refresh All | |
51 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_BP_LNK_SAVE | Business Partner Service Link (Object Layer Save) | |
52 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_BP_LNK_SET_SNG | Business Partner Link Service (Object Layer SET Single) | |
53 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_BP_LNK_SYS_CHECK | System Checks on Business Partner Service Link | |
54 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_DOC_LNK_CHECK | Object layer for Documents Service Link Checks | |
55 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_DOC_LNK_CREATE | Document service link (Obj Create) | |
56 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_DOC_LNK_GET_MLT | Document service (Object layer Get Multi) | |
57 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_DOC_LNK_REFRESH | Document Service link (Object layer refresh) | |
58 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_DOC_LNK_REFRESH_AL | Documents Refresh All | |
59 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_DOC_LNK_SAVE | Document service link (Obj layer save) | |
60 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_DOC_LNK_SET_SNG | Document Service (Obj layer set single) | |
61 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_DOC_LNK_SYS_CHECK | System Checks on Document Service Link | |
62 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_INS_LNK_CHECK | Object layer for Insurance Service Link Checks | |
63 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_INS_LNK_CREATE | Initiializes Part Data | |
64 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_INS_LNK_GET | Get Insurance Data by Object Refence | |
65 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_INS_LNK_REFRESH | Refresh Part Data by Object Reference | |
66 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_INS_LNK_REFRESH_AL | Insurance Link Refresh All | |
67 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_INS_LNK_SAVE | Save Part Data by Object Reference | |
68 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_INS_LNK_SET | Set Part Data by Object Reference | |
69 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_INS_LNK_SYS_CHECK | Obj layer for Insurance Service Link Checks ( System checks) | |
70 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_PRT_LNK_CHECK | OBJ layer for Part Service Link Checks | |
71 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_PRT_LNK_CREATE | Initiializes Part Data | |
72 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_PRT_LNK_GET | Get Part Data - OBJ Layer | |
73 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_PRT_LNK_REFRESH | Refresh Part Data - OBJ Layer | |
74 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_PRT_LNK_REFRESH_AL | Refresh Part Data - All (OBJ Layer) | |
75 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_PRT_LNK_SAVE | Save Part Data - OBJ Layer | |
76 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_PRT_LNK_SET | Set Part Data - OBJ Layer | |
77 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_PRT_LNK_SYS_CHECK | OBJ layer for Part Service Link Checks - System | |
78 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_VAL_LNK_CHECK | Object layer for Value Service Link Checks | |
79 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_VAL_LNK_CREATE | Value service link (Obj Create) | |
80 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_VAL_LNK_GET_MLT | Value service (Object layer Get Multi) | |
81 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_VAL_LNK_REFRESH | Value Service link (Object layer refresh) | |
82 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_VAL_LNK_REFRESH_AL | Values Refresh All | |
83 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_VAL_LNK_SAVE | Value service link (Obj layer save) | |
84 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_VAL_LNK_SET_SNG | Value Service (Obj layer set single) | |
85 | CMS_OBJ_OMS_VAL_LNK_SYS_CHECK | System Checks on Value Service Link | |
86 | CMS_OBJ_OTH_VAL_CHECK | Other Valuables checks (OBJ Layer) | |
87 | CMS_OBJ_OTH_VAL_CREATE_SNG | Other Valuable Create - Single | |
88 | CMS_OBJ_OTH_VAL_GET_MLT | Get Other Valuable Data - Multiple | |
89 | CMS_OBJ_OTH_VAL_REFRESH_ALL | Refresh Other Val Data - All | |
90 | CMS_OBJ_OTH_VAL_REFRESH_MLT | Refresh Other Val Data - Multiple | |
91 | CMS_OBJ_OTH_VAL_SAVE_MLT | Save Other Val Data - Multiple | |
92 | CMS_OBJ_OTH_VAL_SET_MLT | Set Other Val Data - Multiple | |
93 | CMS_OBJ_OTH_VAL_SYS_CHECK | System checks for Other Valuables (OBJ layer) | |
94 | CMS_OBJ_PAT_CHECK | Patent checks (OBJ Layer) | |
95 | CMS_OBJ_PAT_CREATE_SNG | Patents Create (OBJ) | |
96 | CMS_OBJ_PAT_GET_BY_PARENT_REF | Gets the additional patents by main patent | |
97 | CMS_OBJ_PAT_GET_MLT | Patents GET single (OBJ layer) | |
98 | CMS_OBJ_PAT_REFRESH_ALL | Patent Refresh All | |
99 | CMS_OBJ_PAT_REFRESH_MLT | Patents Refresh (Multi) | |
100 | CMS_OBJ_PAT_SAVE_MLT | Save Patents - Multiple | |
101 | CMS_OBJ_PAT_SET_MLT | Set Patent Data - Multiple | |
102 | CMS_OBJ_PAT_SYS_CHECK | System checks for Patents(OBJ layer) | |
103 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_AUTH_CHECK | Authorization check logic | |
104 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_CR_CHECK | Check Change Request | |
105 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_CR_CHECK_EXISTENCE | Check Change Request Existence | |
106 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_CR_CREATE | Create Change Request | |
107 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_CR_END | Release Change Request | |
108 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_CR_GET | Get Change Request | |
109 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_CR_GET_ACTIVE | Get Active Change Request | |
110 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_CR_GET_BY_OBJECTID | Get Change Request by Object ID | |
111 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_CR_GET_BY_SKY | Get Change Request by Semantic Key | |
112 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_CR_LOCK | Lock Change Request | |
113 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_CR_REFRESH | Refresh Change Request | |
114 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_CR_REFRESH_ALL | Change Request Refresh Buffer | |
115 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_CR_SAVE | Save Change Request | |
116 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_CR_SET | Set Change Request | |
117 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_CR_UNLOCK | Unlock a Change Request' | |
118 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_CR_UNLOCK_ALL | Unlock All Change Requests | |
119 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_GET_PROC_MODE | Get processing mode using CR type | |
120 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_PL_GET_DEF_MSG_SVR | Get filtered plausi checks and default message severity | |
121 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_REFRESH | Refresh all buffers | |
122 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_REL_CHECK | Check release attibutes to find if release relevant | |
123 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_REL_CHECK_EXIST | Check if object is in release | |
124 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_REL_END | Decides whether release process is trigggered | |
125 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_REL_START | Call to make logs in the release log | |
126 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_START | Process control start logic | |
127 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_STAT_REFRESH | Refresh all status buffers | |
128 | CMS_OBJ_PCN_STAT_SET | Status transition logic | |
129 | CMS_OBJ_PRD_CHECK | OBJ: Product Customizing Checks | |
130 | CMS_OBJ_RBL_CREATE_BY_SKY_MLT | Creat Receivable with default values | |
131 | CMS_OBJ_RBL_CREATE_SNG | Creat Receivable with default values | |
132 | CMS_OBJ_RBL_CREATE_TECH_KEY | Create GUID's for line items(Position ,RBL-BP) | |
133 | CMS_OBJ_RBL_GET_BY_SKEY_MLT | Fetch Receivable Technical Key based on the Semantic key | |
134 | CMS_OBJ_RBL_GET_BY_SKY | Fetch Receivable Technical Key based on the Semantic key | |
135 | CMS_OBJ_RBL_GET_MLT | Fetch the receivables | |
136 | CMS_OBJ_RBL_GET_MLT_BY_SKY | Fetch Receivable Technical Key based on the Semantic key | |
137 | CMS_OBJ_RBL_GET_SNG | Fetch details of a Receivable | |
139 | CMS_OBJ_RBL_LOCK_BY_SKY | Lock the Asset by the semantic key | |
140 | CMS_OBJ_RBL_LOCK_BY_SKY_MLT | Lock by Primary key (For Change Document) | |
142 | CMS_OBJ_RBL_OPEN_BY_SKY_MLT | Get receivable by semantic key | |
143 | CMS_OBJ_RBL_REFRESH_ALL | Refresh the buffers | |
144 | CMS_OBJ_RBL_REFRESH_SNG | Refresh Object Layer buffer | |
145 | CMS_OBJ_RBL_SAVE_MLT | Save Receivable | |
146 | CMS_OBJ_RBL_SAVE_SNG | Save Receivable | |
147 | CMS_OBJ_RBL_SET_SNG | Update Object Layer with data from API Layer | |
148 | CMS_OBJ_RBL_SYS_CHECK | System checks for receivable | |
150 | CMS_OBJ_RBL_UNLOCK_ALL | Unlock a Receivable | |
151 | CMS_OBJ_RBL_UNLOCK_BY_SKY_MLT | UNLock by Primary key (For Change Document) | |
152 | CMS_OBJ_REL_CAG_CAG_CHECK | Checks on the relationship for collateral agreement | |
153 | CMS_OBJ_REL_CHECK | Checks on the charge | |
154 | CMS_OBJ_REL_CREATE | Object Layer for Relationships | |
155 | CMS_OBJ_REL_DELETE | Delete Relationship (Object Layer) | |
156 | CMS_OBJ_REL_GET_BY_DST_MLT | Get Relationship guids by Source guids | |
157 | CMS_OBJ_REL_GET_BY_SRC_MLT | Get Relationship guids by Source guids | |
158 | CMS_OBJ_REL_GET_MLT | Get Relationship Details | |
159 | CMS_OBJ_REL_LOCK | Lock Relationship by the Primary Key | |
160 | CMS_OBJ_REL_LOCK_BY_DST_SRC | Lock Relationship by Destination - Source | |
161 | CMS_OBJ_REL_LOCK_BY_SRC_DST | Lock Relationship by Source - Destination | |
162 | CMS_OBJ_REL_REFRESH_ALL | Refresh buffers | |
163 | CMS_OBJ_REL_SAVE_MLT | Save Relationships | |
164 | CMS_OBJ_REL_SET | Set the Relationship data | |
165 | CMS_OBJ_REL_SYS_CHECK | System checks on the current Relationship | |
166 | CMS_OBJ_REL_UNLOCK_ALL | Unlock Relationships | |
167 | CMS_OBJ_RIG_CHECK | Business checks for RIghts Obj layer) | |
168 | CMS_OBJ_RIG_CREATE_SNG | Rights Create (Object layer) | |
169 | CMS_OBJ_RIG_GET_MLT | Rights GET Multi (Object Layer) | |
170 | CMS_OBJ_RIG_REFRESH_ALL | Rights Refresh All (Object Layer) | |
171 | CMS_OBJ_RIG_REFRESH_MLT | Rights refresh (Obj layer multi) | |
172 | CMS_OBJ_RIG_SAVE_MLT | Object Layer Movables Save | |
173 | CMS_OBJ_RIG_SET_MLT | Set Rights Data - Multiple | |
174 | CMS_OBJ_RIG_STATUS_CREATE | Rights status create | |
175 | CMS_OBJ_RIG_SYS_CHECK | System checks for rights (Obj layer) | |
176 | CMS_OBJ_SEC_ACC_BP_CHECK | Checks the securities account BUPA details | |
177 | CMS_OBJ_SEC_ACC_BP_SET | Sets the securities account BUPA details | |
178 | CMS_OBJ_SEC_ACC_CHECK | Checks the securities account details | |
179 | CMS_OBJ_SEC_ACC_DOC_CHECK | Checks the securities account document details | |
180 | CMS_OBJ_SEC_ACC_DOC_SET | Sets the securities account document details | |
181 | CMS_OBJ_SEC_ACC_POS_CHECK | Checks the securities account position details | |
182 | CMS_OBJ_SEC_ACC_POS_SET | Sets the securities account position details | |
183 | CMS_OBJ_SEC_ACC_SET | Sets the account details | |
184 | CMS_OBJ_SEC_ACC_VALUATE | Valuation of securities positions | |
185 | CMS_OBJ_SEC_CREATE | FM to create a new securities account | |
186 | CMS_OBJ_SEC_CREATE_TECH_KEY | Create GUIDs for account, positions,bps ,docs | |
187 | CMS_OBJ_SEC_FULL_CHECK | Full checks of securities account details | |
188 | CMS_OBJ_SEC_GET | Gets the account details for the GUID passed | |
189 | CMS_OBJ_SEC_GET_MLT | Fetch details for all given securities accounts | |
190 | CMS_OBJ_SEC_POS_GET_ADD_DATA | Gets the additional data from the external class master data system | |
191 | CMS_OBJ_SEC_REFRESH | Refresh global buffers | |
192 | CMS_OBJ_SEC_REFRESH_ALL | Refresh Buffers in the OBJ Layer | |
193 | CMS_OBJ_SEC_SAVE_SNG | Saves the full securities account details | |
194 | CMS_OBJ_SEC_SET | Sets the account details with positions bupa and doc | |
195 | CMS_OBJ_SEC_UNLOCK | Unlock securities account | |
196 | CMS_OBJ_SHP_CHECK | Business Check for Ships | |
197 | CMS_OBJ_SHP_COPY | Copy a Ship Object (OBJ Layer) | |
198 | CMS_OBJ_SHP_CREATE | Creates a ship object (OBJ Layer) | |
199 | CMS_OBJ_SHP_GET_BY_SKEY | Gets the GUID(s) for the semantic key passed-OBJ Layer | |
200 | CMS_OBJ_SHP_GET_MLT | Get Ship Data - Multiple (OBJ Layer) | |
201 | CMS_OBJ_SHP_LOCK | Locks Ship Data (OBJ Layer) | |
202 | CMS_OBJ_SHP_REFRESH | Refresh Ship Data (OBJ Layer) | |
203 | CMS_OBJ_SHP_REFRESH_ALL | Refresh Ship Data - All (OBJ Layer) | |
204 | CMS_OBJ_SHP_SAVE | Saves all the details for a Ship (OBJ Layer) | |
205 | CMS_OBJ_SHP_SET | Set Ship Data - Multiple (OBJ Layer) | |
206 | CMS_OBJ_SHP_SYS_CHECK | System Check for Ships | |
207 | CMS_OBJ_SHP_TYP_GET | Get Ship type data (OBJ Layer) | |
208 | CMS_OBJ_SHP_UNLOCK | Unlocks Ship Data (OBJ Layer) | |
209 | CMS_OBJ_TCMS_TRANSACTION_CHECK | OBJ: TCMS_Transaction Customizing Checks | |
210 | CMS_OBJ_TECH_CHECK_SNG | Mandatory technical checks | |
211 | CMS_OBJ_TSK_DELETE | FM: to delete the exisiting tasks | |
212 | CMS_OBJ_TSK_GET | FM - to get the task from DB | |
213 | CMS_OBJ_TSK_REFRESH | FM : to refresh | |
214 | CMS_OBJ_TSK_SAVE | FM : Save the tasks | |
215 | CMS_OBJ_TSK_SET | FM : Sets the tasks | |
216 | CMS_OBJ_UNLOCK_BY_PKY_MLT | UNLock by Primary key (For Change Document) | |
217 | CMS_OBJ_UNLOCK_BY_SKY_MLT | UNLock by Semantic key (For Creating Document) | |
218 | CMS_OBJ_VEH_CHECK | Vehicles checks (OBJ Layer) | |
219 | CMS_OBJ_VEH_CREATE_SNG | Vehicles Create - Single | |
220 | CMS_OBJ_VEH_GET_MLT | Get Vehicle Data - Multiple | |
221 | CMS_OBJ_VEH_REFRESH_ALL | Refresh Vehicle Data - All | |
222 | CMS_OBJ_VEH_REFRESH_MLT | Refresh Vehicle Data - Multiple | |
223 | CMS_OBJ_VEH_SAVE_MLT | Save Vehicle Data - Multiple | |
224 | CMS_OBJ_VEH_SET_MLT | Set Vehicle Data - Multiple | |
225 | CMS_OBJ_VEH_SYS_CHECK | System checks for Vehichles (OBJ layer) | |
226 | CMS_OPPR_ID_VALIDATION | DR opportunity id validation | |
227 | CMS_OPPR_STATUS_CHECK | DWE: Opportunity status check FM | |
228 | CMS_ORDERADM_H_READ | Lesen eines Eintrags von der Datenbank | |
229 | CMS_ORDER_DATE_FROM_GLOBAL | CMS Contract dates from Global | |
230 | CMS_ORDER_DATE_TO_GLOBAL | Contract Dates to Global | |
231 | CMS_ORDER_READ_WITH_CONTRACTID | Order Read with Contract Id | |
232 | CMS_ORG_ATTRIBUTE_GET | Organization Attribute Get | |
233 | CMS_OTH_IM_AST_DIALOG_MAINTAIN | Maintain Object | |
234 | CMS_OTH_IM_AST_DLG_GET_DTFRSCR | Get Data from Screen | |
235 | CMS_OTH_IM_AST_DLG_GET_SCRDATA | Get Screen Data | |
236 | CMS_OTH_IM_AST_DLG_OBJTY_ASTTY | Get Object Types by Asset Types | |
237 | CMS_OTH_IM_AST_DLG_PUT_DTTOSCR | Put Data to Screen | |
238 | CMS_OTH_IM_AST_ND_GET_MLT | Implementation of GET_MLT method | |
239 | CMS_OTH_IM_AST_ND_GET_SNG | Implementation of GET_SNG method | |
240 | CMS_PARTNER_DETERM | Contract Partner determination - CMS | |
241 | CMS_PARTNER_DETERM_COND_OW | Partner identification | |
242 | CMS_PARTNER_DETERM_COND_OW2 | Partner identification on the basis existing partners in the set | |
243 | CMS_PARTNER_DETERM_FOR_COND | Contract Partner determination for conditions - CMS | |
244 | CMS_PARTNER_DETERM_OW | Partnerfindung | |
245 | CMS_PARTNER_DETERM_OW2 | Partnerfindung anhand vorhandener Partner im Set | |
246 | CMS_PARTNER_GET_BY_IDNUMBER | Get valid partners for a given BP Identification Category and Id. number | |
247 | CMS_PASS_DATA_TO_CRM | Function Module to pass data to the CRM system | |
248 | CMS_PAT_IM_AST_DIALOG_MAINTAIN | Maintain Object | |
249 | CMS_PAT_IM_AST_DLG_GET_DTFRSCR | Get Data from Screen | |
250 | CMS_PAT_IM_AST_DLG_GET_SCRDATA | Get Screen Data | |
251 | CMS_PAT_IM_AST_DLG_OBJTY_ASTTY | Get Object Types by Asset Types | |
252 | CMS_PAT_IM_AST_DLG_PUT_DTTOSCR | Put Data to Screen | |
253 | CMS_PAT_IM_AST_ND_GET_MLT | Implementation of GET_MLT method | |
254 | CMS_PAT_IM_AST_ND_GET_SNG | Implementation of GET_SNG method | |
255 | CMS_PI_SIMULATE_CI | Simulate Channel Inventory in CRM | |
256 | CMS_PLUG_IN_PROC | CMS Func Mod for extracting data from R/3 | |
257 | CMS_POP_UP_LR_DE_RE | RE - LR - FM | |
258 | CMS_PPF_ACTION_TRIGGER | Trigger PPF Action | |
259 | CMS_PP_ARCHIVE_READ | Reading Price Protection | |
260 | CMS_PP_CANCELDOC_CRT | FM to create PP Cancellation document | |
261 | CMS_PP_CLMDOC_CRT_BL | Create claim document for due list records | |
262 | CMS_PP_ELIGIBILITY_BL | Check the eligibility of due list records | |
263 | CMS_PP_GET_FIELDLIST | Function module to get the fields to be mapped | |
264 | CMS_PP_GET_LOCK_ENTRIES | Getting lock entries from buffer. | |
265 | CMS_PP_GET_NEW_PRICE | Determine new price from condition records | |
266 | CMS_PP_GET_OLD_SIMULATED_RECS | Get old simulated records based on version number | |
267 | CMS_PP_GET_PB_XN_QTY | Get price bucket quantity on effective date | |
268 | CMS_PP_GET_RECORDS_TO_UPDATE | Update the existing due list records | |
269 | CMS_PP_INDEX_SAVE_DB | Update Index table | |
270 | CMS_PP_I_EXTN_GET_DB | Reads PP item extensions from database | |
271 | CMS_PP_I_EXTN_GET_MULTI_DB | Reads Multi. PP extn records from DB | |
272 | CMS_PP_I_EXTN_GET_MULTI_OB | Reads mutli. PP item extensions from object buffer | |
273 | CMS_PP_I_EXTN_GET_OB | Reads single PP item extn. from the object buffer | |
274 | CMS_PP_I_EXTN_INIT_DB | Initialize Database buffer for given set of GUIDs | |
275 | CMS_PP_I_EXTN_INIT_OB | Deletes entries from object buffer | |
276 | CMS_PP_I_EXTN_PREPARE_UPD_DB | Prepare records for database update | |
277 | CMS_PP_I_EXTN_PUT_MULTI_OB | Inserts multi. PP item extensions into object buffer | |
278 | CMS_PP_I_EXTN_PUT_OB | Inserts single PP item extension into object buffer | |
279 | CMS_PP_I_EXTN_SELECT_DB | Reads Multi. PP extensions from Database | |
280 | CMS_PP_I_EXTN_UPDATE_DB | PP extn - Update function | |
281 | CMS_PP_RECAL_PRICE_BL | Re-calculate new price for due list records | |
282 | CMS_PP_STORE_LOCK_ENTRIES | Storing lock entries for price protection application. | |
283 | CMS_PRE_REQ_RUL_CHK_BL | Pre requisite rule check for applications | |
284 | CMS_PRF_QUAL_OBJECTS_NAME_GET | Get names for the profile objects | |
285 | CMS_PROCESS_IDOC_NOTIFICATION | Notify given contracts through Idocs | |
286 | CMS_PRODUCT_ID_GET | Get the product from the product guid | |
287 | CMS_PRODUCT_SALES_READ_BL | Sales data for a product | |
289 | CMS_PRODUCT_UNIT_CONVERSION | Conversion of the reported quantity from reported UOM to base UOM | |
290 | CMS_PROD_BUPAEXT_INT_PROD_GET | Get the internal product from the product maintained by the external cust | |
291 | CMS_PROD_EAN_INT_PROD_GET | Determine internal product from ean number | |
292 | CMS_PROD_MSBOOKPART_NO_READ_BL | Read MSBookpartno for the product | |
293 | CMS_PROD_NUMBERS_READ_BL | Get data for a product | |
294 | CMS_PROD_ORGDATA_GET_BL | Get Orgdata for a product | |
295 | CMS_PROD_REFRESH_BL | Refreshing of the global product buffer | |
296 | CMS_PROD_UNITOFMEASURE_READ_BL | Get unit of measure for the product | |
297 | CMS_PR_CONTRACT_SEARCH | Contract Search | |
298 | CMS_PUT_CLM_RETURN_RECS | CMS:Bill Ups-PUT data into Global Table | |
299 | CMS_PUT_ITEM_GUIDS | Puts newly created/copied item guids in a buffer | |
300 | CMS_PUT_PP_CI_HDR_BL | Putting the channel inventory header into global buffer | |
301 | CMS_PUT_PP_MATGRP_BL | Putting the material group into global buffer | |
302 | CMS_PUT_R3_DATA | R | CMS rfc enabled func mod to receive data from R/3 |
303 | CMS_PUT_SI_DATA_TO_LO | cms fucntion module to put SI data into LO | |
304 | CMS_PUT_XMNVALUE_MULTI | Post transmission details to TO Global memory | |
305 | CMS_PUT_XMNVALUE_SINGLE | Post XMN value for a single record | |
306 | CMS_QUERY_1O_OBJECTS | Query 1O objects for a given search criteria | |
307 | CMS_READ_CALL_OFF_QTY | Reading the call off qty from the buffer | |
308 | CMS_READ_REM_AVBL_QTY | Updating the remaining qty in the buffer | |
309 | CMS_REAL_ESTATE_BY_AGRMNT_CRM | R | Immobilien + ggfls. Agreements für GP in der Rolle 'Besitzer' |
310 | CMS_REAL_ESTATE_CHECK | Prüft, ob ein Darlehensangebot vorhanden ist | |
311 | CMS_REAL_ESTATE_C_CRM | Create für Immobilien | |
312 | CMS_REAL_ESTATE_R_CRM | GetDetail für Immobilien | |
313 | CMS_REAL_ESTATE_SKEY_CONVERT | R | Konvertiert den RE-semantischen Key in die RE-BTD-ID |
314 | CMS_REAL_ESTATE_SKEY_RECONVERT | R | Konvertiert den RE-semantischen Key in die RE-BTD-ID |
315 | CMS_REASON_CODE_DESC | Revenue Recognition Reason Codes | |
316 | CMS_RECEIVABLE_C_CRM | Anlegen Receivable (Darlehen) | |
317 | CMS_REFRESH_ITEM_GUIDS_BUFFER | Refresh the item guids buffer | |
318 | CMS_REFRESH_ITEM_NUM_BUFFER | To refresh the item number buffer | |
319 | CMS_REGISTER_APPLICATION | Register application | |
320 | CMS_RELN_DATE_FROM_GLOBAL | BP Relation Date from Global | |
321 | CMS_RELN_DATE_TO_GLOBAL | Business Partner Relation Date to Global | |
322 | CMS_REMOVE_INIT_COMT | CMS func mod to remove comt data which is initial | |
323 | CMS_RE_API_RE_AUTH_CHECK | Performs Authorization checks | |
324 | CMS_RE_API_RE_COPY | Copy RE object | |
325 | CMS_RE_API_RE_CREATE | Creates a real estate object with default values | |
326 | CMS_RE_API_RE_GET | Fetches the details for the object ID | |
327 | CMS_RE_API_RE_GET_APPL | Gets the list of participating applications | |
328 | CMS_RE_API_RE_GET_BY_BP | gets BPID and RE GUIDS for a given range of business partners | |
329 | CMS_RE_API_RE_GET_BY_LR_ID | Gets the GUID(s) for the Land Register ID passed | |
330 | CMS_RE_API_RE_GET_BY_SKEY | Gets the GUID(s) for the semantic key passed | |
331 | CMS_RE_API_RE_GET_EXT_DOC_TYP | Fetches the details of the external BuPa role | |
332 | CMS_RE_API_RE_GET_EXT_ROLE | Fetches the details of the external BuPa role | |
333 | CMS_RE_API_RE_GET_EXT_TYP | Fetches the details of the external object type | |
334 | CMS_RE_API_RE_GET_LIST | Real estate object list for the selection Criteria | |
335 | CMS_RE_API_RE_GET_MLT | Fetches the details for the object ID | |
336 | CMS_RE_API_RE_GET_SAS_FOR_ACS | Get Sub Asset types for Acs types | |
337 | CMS_RE_API_RE_GET_SAS_FOR_PRT | Get Sub Asset types for Acs types | |
338 | CMS_RE_API_RE_HDR_SET | Sets the header details in the Object Layer buffers | |
339 | CMS_RE_API_RE_LOCK | Locks Real Estate data | |
340 | CMS_RE_API_RE_MAINTAIN | Displays real estate from external appl(dailog mode) | |
341 | CMS_RE_API_RE_OBJ_ACS_CHECK | Checks the object accessory details | |
342 | CMS_RE_API_RE_OBJ_BP_CHECK | Checks the object part BP details | |
343 | CMS_RE_API_RE_OBJ_CST_CHECK | Checks the object part details | |
344 | CMS_RE_API_RE_OBJ_DOC_CHECK | Checks the object part details | |
345 | CMS_RE_API_RE_OBJ_FULL_CHECK | Checks all object details | |
346 | CMS_RE_API_RE_OBJ_HDR_CHECK | Checks the Object header details | |
347 | CMS_RE_API_RE_OBJ_LR_CHECK | Checks the object part details | |
348 | CMS_RE_API_RE_OBJ_PRT_CHECK | Checks the object part details | |
349 | CMS_RE_API_RE_OBJ_RL_CHECK | Checks the object role details | |
350 | CMS_RE_API_RE_OBJ_TYP_GET | Get customizing details of Object type | |
351 | CMS_RE_API_RE_OBJ_VAL_CHECK | Checks the object part value details | |
352 | CMS_RE_API_RE_PRT_SET | Sets the object part details in the Object Layer buffers | |
353 | CMS_RE_API_RE_REFRESH | Refreshes the buffers in the object layer | |
354 | CMS_RE_API_RE_REFRESH_ALL | Refreshes the buffers in the object layer | |
355 | CMS_RE_API_RE_RL_SET | Sets the object roles in the Object Layer buffers | |
356 | CMS_RE_API_RE_SAVE | Saves all the details for a real estate object | |
357 | CMS_RE_API_RE_SET | Update object layer with data from presentation layer data | |
358 | CMS_RE_API_RE_UNLOCK | Unlock Real Estate data | |
359 | CMS_RE_API_RE_VALUATE | Peforms RE Valuation | |
361 | CMS_RE_API_VAL_CDM | Cost Depreciation Method | |
362 | CMS_RE_API_VAL_ICM | Income Capitalization Method | |
363 | CMS_RE_API_VAL_ICM_COM_GRS | Commercial Gross Value | |
364 | CMS_RE_API_VAL_ICM_COM_MNT | Commercial Maintenance Value | |
365 | CMS_RE_API_VAL_ICM_COM_NET | Net Commercial Value | |
366 | CMS_RE_API_VAL_ICM_COM_REV | Commercial Revenue Value | |
367 | CMS_RE_API_VAL_ICM_COM_USBL_AR | Total Commercial Rented Area | |
368 | CMS_RE_API_VAL_ICM_COM_USBL_VL | Total Commercial Rented Volume | |
369 | CMS_RE_API_VAL_ICM_RES_GRS | Residential Gross Value | |
370 | CMS_RE_API_VAL_ICM_RES_MNT | Residential Maintenance Value | |
371 | CMS_RE_API_VAL_ICM_RES_NET | Net Residential Value | |
372 | CMS_RE_API_VAL_ICM_RES_REV | Residential Revenue Value | |
373 | CMS_RE_API_VAL_ICM_RES_USBL_AR | Total Residential Rented Area | |
374 | CMS_RE_API_VAL_ICM_RES_USBL_VL | Total Residential Rented Volume | |
375 | CMS_RE_API_VAL_ICM_TOTAL_GRS | Total Gross Value | |
376 | CMS_RE_API_VAL_ICM_TOTAL_MNT | Total Maintenance Value | |
377 | CMS_RE_API_VAL_ICM_TOTAL_NET | Total Net Value | |
379 | CMS_RE_CUS_RE_TYP_CHECK | RE Type Customizing Checks | |
380 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_ACS_UPDATE | Perform database updates for accessory details | |
381 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_BP_UPDATE | Perform database updates for business partner details | |
382 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_CST_UPDATE | Perform database updates for cost details | |
383 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_DOC_UPDATE | Perform database updates for cost details | |
384 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_GET | FM for getting the details of an object | |
385 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_GET_APPL | FM to get the list of participating applications | |
386 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_GET_BY_BP | gets BPID and RE GUIDS for a given range of business partners | |
387 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_GET_BY_LR_ID | Gets the GUID(s) for the Land Register ID passed | |
388 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_GET_BY_SKEY | FM to get the GUID for the Object ID passed | |
389 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_GET_EXT_DOC_TYP | FM to get the ext BuPa role for Internal Bupa role | |
390 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_GET_EXT_ROLE | FM to get the ext BuPa role for Internal Bupa role | |
391 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_GET_EXT_TYP | FM to get the external type for internal object type | |
392 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_GET_LIST | Real estate object list for the selection Criteria | |
393 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_GET_MLT | Fetches the details for the object ID | |
394 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_GET_SAS_FOR_ACS | FM to get the external type for internal object type | |
395 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_GET_SAS_FOR_PRT | FM to get the external type for internal object type | |
396 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_HDR_SAVE | Saves header details in the database | |
397 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_HDR_UPDATE | Perform database updates | |
398 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_LR_UPDATE | Perform database updates for land register references | |
399 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_OBJ_TYP_ACS_GET | Fetch Building part types for a Object Type | |
400 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_OBJ_TYP_GET | FM to fetch details of the Object type passed | |
401 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_OBJ_TYP_PRT_GET | Fetch Building part types for a Object Type | |
402 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_PRT_GET | Gets the object part details for the GUID passed | |
403 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_PRT_GET_MLT | Gets the object part details for the GUID passed | |
404 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_PRT_SAVE | Saves object part details in the database | |
405 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_PRT_UPDATE | Perform database updates for object part details | |
406 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_REFRESH | FM for Refreshing DB Layer data | |
407 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_REFRESH_ALL | FM for Refreshing DB Layer data | |
408 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_RL_GET | Gets the object role details for the GUID passed | |
409 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_RL_SAVE | Saves object roles in the database | |
410 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_RL_UPDATE | Perform database updates | |
411 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_SAVE | FM to save data in the database | |
412 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_TYP_CHECK | DB: Determine if any RE of the given RE Type exists | |
413 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_VAL_RES_GET | Get the list of valuation results | |
414 | CMS_RE_DB_RE_VAL_UPDATE | Perform database updates for value details | |
415 | CMS_RE_IM_AST_DIALOG_MAINTAIN | Maintain Object | |
416 | CMS_RE_IM_AST_DLG_GET_DATA_SCR | Get Data from Screen | |
417 | CMS_RE_IM_AST_DLG_GET_SCR_DATA | Get Screen Data | |
418 | CMS_RE_IM_AST_DLG_OBJTY_ASTTY | Get Object Types by Asset Types | |
419 | CMS_RE_IM_AST_DLG_PUT_DATA_SCR | Put Data to Screen | |
420 | CMS_RE_IM_AST_ND_GET_MLT | Implementation of GET_MLT method | |
421 | CMS_RE_IM_AST_ND_GET_SNG | Implementation of GET_SNG method | |
422 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_ADDR_REFRESH | Refresh Address Buffer data in Memory | |
423 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_ADDR_SET | Sets the header details | |
424 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_AUTH_CHECK | FM to check the Authorizations | |
425 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_CHECK | Business Plausibility Checks | |
426 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_COPY | Copies an existing object to a new one | |
427 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_CREATE | Creates a new real estate object | |
428 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_CREATE_TECH_KEY | Create GUID's for line items(Subasset,AST-BP,AST-DOC) | |
429 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_GET | Gets the object details for the GUID passed | |
430 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_GET_MLT | Fetches the details for the object ID | |
431 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_HDR_SET | Sets the header details | |
432 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_LOCK | Locks Real Estate data | |
433 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_OBJ_FULL_CHECK | Checks all object details | |
434 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_OBJ_HDR_CHECK | Checks the object header details | |
435 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_OBJ_PRT_CHECK | Sets the object part details | |
436 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_OBJ_RL_CHECK | Checks the object role details | |
437 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_PRT_SET | Sets the object part details | |
438 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_REFRESH | Refresh the global buffers | |
439 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_REFRESH_ALL | Refresh the whole global buffer | |
440 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_RL_SET | Sets the object role details | |
441 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_SAVE | Saves data in the database | |
442 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_SET | Sets the details in the Object Layer buffers | |
443 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_SYS_CHECK | System checks for Real Estate (Obj layer) | |
444 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_UNLOCK | Unlock Real Estate data | |
445 | CMS_RE_OBJ_RE_VALUATE | Performs RE Valuation | |
446 | CMS_RFC_UI_IR_MAINTAIN | R | MaintainIR in normal mode |
447 | CMS_RTCM_ARCHIVE_READ | Reading for Resale Tracking and Claims Mgmt. | |
448 | CMS_RTCM_BW_MAP | BW extraction module for RTCM | |
449 | CMS_RTCM_BW_SEL | BW extraction module for RTCM | |
450 | CMS_RTCM_CONTRACT_EXTRACT_UPD | Contract Extract update on CMR Creation | |
451 | CMS_RTCM_CREATE_DMR | Ceration of debit memo request for RTCM | |
452 | CMS_RTCM_GET_LOCK_ENTRIES | Getting lock entries from buffer. | |
453 | CMS_RTCM_INDEX_SAVE_DB | INDEX update module for RTCM | |
454 | CMS_RTCM_I_EXTN_GET_DB | Reads TO item extensions from database | |
455 | CMS_RTCM_I_EXTN_GET_MULTI_DB | Reads Multi. TO extn records from DB | |
456 | CMS_RTCM_I_EXTN_GET_MULTI_OB | Reads mutli. TO item extensions from object buffer | |
457 | CMS_RTCM_I_EXTN_GET_OB | Reads single TO item extn. from the object buffer | |
458 | CMS_RTCM_I_EXTN_INIT_DB | Initialize Database buffer for given set of GUIDs | |
459 | CMS_RTCM_I_EXTN_INIT_OB | Deletes entries from object buffer | |
460 | CMS_RTCM_I_EXTN_PREPARE_UPD_DB | Prepare records for database update | |
461 | CMS_RTCM_I_EXTN_PUT_MULTI_OB | Inserts multi. TO item extensions into object buffer | |
462 | CMS_RTCM_I_EXTN_PUT_OB | Inserts single TO item extension into object buffer | |
463 | CMS_RTCM_I_EXTN_SELECT_DB | Reads Multi. TO extensions from Database | |
464 | CMS_RTCM_I_EXTN_UPDATE_DB | TO extn - Update function | |
465 | CMS_RTCM_MESTYP_SHLP_EXIT | Search help exit for Message type | |
466 | CMS_RTCM_SRCH_REPL | Search and replace for Resale tracking | |
467 | CMS_RTCM_STORE_LOCK_ENTRIES | Storing lock entries for resale tracking application. | |
468 | CMS_RTCM_TO_COMP_STATUS_UPD | Update XMN for 'Completion/Processed' status from RTCM | |
469 | CMS_RTCM_TO_UPDATE | Update transmission object from RTCM | |
470 | CMS_RTCM_TO_UPDATE_AT_INBOUND | Update transmission object from RTCM | |
471 | CMS_RTCM_VAL_EFFDATE | Effective Date Validation during Cancellation | |
473 | CMS_SA_CHECK_COMP_DEPENDENCIES | CMS: check component dependencies | |
476 | CMS_SA_GET_ADJUSTED_VERSION | CMS: look for modification adjustments | |
478 | CMS_SA_PROXY_DEPLOY_PROGRESS | CMS: update deploment info in CMS | |
479 | CMS_SA_REGISTER_COMP_VERS | CMS: registration of a component version in SDM | |
481 | CMS_SEC_IM_AST_DIALOG_MAINTAIN | Maintain Object | |
482 | CMS_SEC_IM_AST_DLG_GET_DTFRSCR | Get Data from Screen | |
483 | CMS_SEC_IM_AST_DLG_GET_SCRDATA | Get Screen Data | |
484 | CMS_SEC_IM_AST_DLG_OBJTY_ASTTY | Get Object Types by Asset Types | |
485 | CMS_SEC_IM_AST_DLG_PUT_DTTOSCR | Put Data to Screen | |
486 | CMS_SEC_IM_AST_ND_GET_MLT | Implementation of GET_MLT method | |
487 | CMS_SEC_IM_AST_ND_GET_SNG | Implementation of GET_SNG method | |
488 | CMS_SENDOUTBND_IDOC | Send response IDOC for ship and debit claims | |
489 | CMS_SET_FLG_PP_CLAIM | Set the flag to show that the PP claim is being created | |
490 | CMS_SET_PRODUCT_DESC | Set Product Description | |
491 | CMS_SET_RTCM_ITEMS | Set RTCM item records for Outbound Processing | |
492 | CMS_SET_STARTUP_TO_RECENT | Sets the context of the Worklist to recent on Startup | |
493 | CMS_SHLP_EXIT_CAG_ID | Search help exit for Recievable ID | |
494 | CMS_SHLP_EXIT_CAG_TYP | Search help exit for CMS_SRCH_CAG | |
495 | CMS_SHLP_EXIT_LIQ_VAL_TYP | Search help exit for liq value type | |
496 | CMS_SHLP_EXIT_OMS_TYP | Search help exit for CMS_SRCH_OMS_TYP | |
497 | CMS_SHLP_EXIT_OTH_OMS_ID | Search help exit for Recievable ID | |
498 | CMS_SHLP_EXIT_PCN_ACTVT_GRP | Exit for Search Help CMS_ELM_ST_PROF | |
499 | CMS_SHLP_EXIT_PCN_A_CAT | Exit for Search Help CMS_ELM_actvt_cat | |