SAP ABAP Function Module - Index C, page 49
Function Module - C
# Function Module Mode Short Description
1 CMS_DB_SEC_REFRESH Refresh DB layer data 
2 CMS_DB_SEC_REFRESH_ALL Refresh Buffers in the DB Layer 
3 CMS_DB_SEC_SAVE FM to save the full securities account details in DB 
5 CMS_DB_SHP_DB_GET_BY_SKEY Gets the GUID(s) for the semantic key passed (DB Layer) 
6 CMS_DB_SHP_DB_GET_MLT Get Ship Data - Multiple (DB Layer) 
7 CMS_DB_SHP_DB_REFRESH Refresh Ship Data (DB Layer) 
8 CMS_DB_SHP_DB_REFRESH_ALL Refresh Ship Data - All 
9 CMS_DB_SHP_DB_SAVE Saves all the details for a Ship (DB Layer) 
10 CMS_DB_SHP_DB_TYP_GET Get Ship type data (DB Layer) 
11 CMS_DB_SYNC_RECEIVABLE Synchronize Receivables in CMS 
12 CMS_DB_TSK_GET FM to get the tasks from the database 
13 CMS_DB_TSK_GET_BY_GUID_MLT FM: to get the table of tasks for the given table of task guids 
14 CMS_DB_TSK_GET_LIST FM: to get list of task guid 
15 CMS_DB_TSK_REFRESH FM refresh the values - task 
16 CMS_DB_TSK_SAVE FM - to save the task into database 
17 CMS_DB_TSK_UPDATE FM - save the tasks in update task mode 
18 CMS_DB_VALTYP_GET DB : Value type get 
19 CMS_DB_VALTYP_SET_GET API: Value in a Value Set 
21 CMS_DEA_READ DEA record read using DEA Number 
22 CMS_DERIVE_ALL_ATTRIBUTES_CRM Alle Attribute ableiten 
23 CMS_DERIVE_BANK_AREA_CRM Ableutung Bankbereich 
25 CMS_DEV_IM_AST_DLG_GET_DTFRSCR Get Data from Screen 
27 CMS_DEV_IM_AST_DLG_OBJTY_ASTTY Get Object Types by Asset Types 
29 CMS_DEV_IM_AST_ND_GET_MLT Implementation of GET_MLT method 
30 CMS_DEV_IM_AST_ND_GET_SNG Implementation of GET_SNG method 
43 CMS_DL_REVOKE_PUBLISH CMS: revoke a lifecycle state of a component version 
44 CMS_DL_REVOKE_SUBSCRIBE CMS: revoke a lifecycle state from a component (system) 
49 CMS_DRREQ_IDOC_REJECT_SEND DR Request Reject Idoc send 
51 CMS_DR_STATUS_UPDATE DR status update FM 
52 CMS_DR_WIN_CLAIM_RESP_OB DWE DR Win Claim Response Outbound 
53 CMS_DUMMY_EXTRACT_CALL dummy module to test the call to generic extractor 
54 CMS_DUPLCHK_BL Duplicate check for records 
68 CMS_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE_GET Exchange rate type determination 
69 CMS_EXTRACT_R3_DATA CMS Func Mod for extracting data from R/3 
70 CMS_EXT_ARCHIVE_READ Reading Price Protection 
71 CMS_F4IF_SHLP_EXIT_LR_DE_SEC2 Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe 
72 CMS_FETCH_REGISTRY_FROM_GLOBAL Read registry from global 
73 CMS_FILTER_SEL_CHNG_RECS Filtering only selected or changed UI records 
74 CMS_FILTER_SEL_HDR_CHNG_RECS Filtering only selected or changed UI records 
75 CMS_GEN_DYN_WHERETAB Dynamic where clause generation 
76 CMS_GET_ACTION_PROFILE RO PPF: Get acton profile for given RO application 
77 CMS_GET_BFW_LOGEVT_PROC_TIME Getting logical event from BFW 
78 CMS_GET_CLM_RETURN_RECS CMS:Bill Ups-Get data from global table 
79 CMS_GET_FILTERED_RECS Getting the changed records only 
80 CMS_GET_HEADER_FILTERED_RECS Getting the changed records only 
81 CMS_GET_ITEM_GUIDS Gets the newly created/copied item guids from buffer 
82 CMS_GET_LO_XNTYPE_DESC Get LO transaction type description. 
83 CMS_GET_OPEN_POSTING_DATE Get Open Posting Date 
84 CMS_GET_ORG_DESC Get Organization description. 
85 CMS_GET_PP_CI_HDR_BL Getting the channel inventory header into global buffer 
86 CMS_GET_PP_MATGRP_BL get the material group into global buffer 
87 CMS_GET_PRODUCT_DESC Get the product description 
88 CMS_GET_REGISTERED_APPLICATION Returns registered application 
89 CMS_GET_RTCM_ITEMS Get RTCM item records for Outbound Processing 
90 CMS_GET_SCENARIO_ID Get Scenario id 
91 CMS_GET_SCHEMAS_FROM_SCEKEY Get default schema and list of schemas from scenario key 
92 CMS_GET_SQL_FIELDVALUE_PAIR Returns the field value pair for a given sql where single line 
93 CMS_GET_SYSTEM_STATUS Get System Status for User status. 
94 CMS_GET_TEXT_DATA_TO_SAVE Resale Order: gets text data records to be saved 
95 CMS_GET_USER_STATUS To get the user status for the given system status 
96 CMS_GLOBAL_DATES_REFRESH Global Dates Refresh 
97 CMS_GRP_MEM_READ Group Membership read 
98 CMS_GUID_CREATE Generates a new GUID - 16 bit 
99 CMS_HIN_READ HIN record read using HIN Number 
100 CMS_IDOC_INPUT_CHACLM CMS Function Module for conv SLSRPT01 Idoc to CDT 
101 CMS_IDOC_INPUT_INVRPT CMS Function Module for IDOC Input Message Type: INVRPT 
103 CMS_IDOC_INPUT_SLSRPT CMS Function Module for conv SLSRPT01 Idoc to CDT 
104 CMS_IDOC_OUTBOUND_DWE Outbound idoc FM for DWE 
105 CMS_IDOC_OUTPUT_CHAREC CMS FM to create outbound Chargeback Response IDOC 
107 CMS_INDX_KEX_CREATE_CRM Erzeugt den Schlüssel für die INDX (Puffer) 
108 CMS_INIT_REGISTERED_APPL Clears registered application 
110 CMS_INS_IM_AST_DLG_GET_DTFRSCR Get Data from Screen 
112 CMS_INS_IM_AST_DLG_OBJTY_ASTTY Get Object Types by Asset Types 
113 CMS_INS_IM_AST_DLG_PUT_DTTOSCR Put Data to Screen 
114 CMS_INS_IM_AST_ND_GET_MLT Implementation of GET_MLT method 
115 CMS_INS_IM_AST_ND_GET_SNG Implementation of GET_SNG method 
116 CMS_INTF_MAP_GET Read entity/interface mapping entries 
117 CMS_INVOKE_AREA Invoke lean order workarea 
119 CMS_INV_IM_AST_DLG_GET_DTFRSCR Get Data from Screen 
121 CMS_INV_IM_AST_DLG_OBJTY_ASTTY Get Object Types by Asset Types 
122 CMS_INV_IM_AST_DLG_PUT_DTTOSCR Put Data to Screen 
123 CMS_INV_IM_AST_ND_GET_MLT Implementation of GET_MLT method 
124 CMS_INV_IM_AST_ND_GET_SNG Implementation of GET_SNG method 
125 CMS_IP_PROFILES_READ Read Profiles 
126 CMS_IP_PROFILES_READ_CONDTYPES Read condition types for condition generation 
127 CMS_IP_PROFILE_DATA_READ_DB Read data of the profiles 
128 CMS_IP_PROFILE_DATA_SAVE Save FM for the profile Data 
130 CMS_IP_PROFILE_FIELDS Fm to find Details for Profile Fields 
131 CMS_IP_PROFILE_READ_DB Read FM for Project and profile Guids 
132 CMS_IP_PROFILE_READ_MAIN Read API for Profile Data 
133 CMS_IP_READ_FIRST FM to find all the attributes in a Given Profile 
134 CMS_IP_READ_PFMASTER Read Profile Data 
135 CMS_IR_ARCHIVE_READ Reading Inventory Receipt 
136 CMS_IR_GET_LOCK_ENTRIES Getting Lock Entries from Buffer for Inventory Receipt Application 
137 CMS_IR_INDEX_SAVE_DB INDEX update module for IR 
138 CMS_IR_I_EXTN_GET_DB Reads IR item extensions from database 
139 CMS_IR_I_EXTN_GET_MULTI_DB Reads Multi. IR extn records from DB 
140 CMS_IR_I_EXTN_GET_MULTI_OB Reads mutli. IR item extensions from object buffer 
141 CMS_IR_I_EXTN_GET_OB Reads single IR item extn. from the object buffer 
142 CMS_IR_I_EXTN_INIT_DB Initialize Database buffer for given set of GUIDs 
143 CMS_IR_I_EXTN_INIT_OB Deletes entries from object buffer 
144 CMS_IR_I_EXTN_PREPARE_UPD_DB Prepare records for database update 
145 CMS_IR_I_EXTN_PUT_MULTI_OB Inserts multi. IR item extensions into object buffer 
146 CMS_IR_I_EXTN_PUT_OB Inserts single IR item extension into object buffer 
147 CMS_IR_I_EXTN_SELECT_DB Reads Multi. IR extensions from Database 
148 CMS_IR_I_EXTN_UPDATE_DB IR extn - Update function 
149 CMS_IR_SRCH_REPL Search and replace for Resale tracking 
150 CMS_IR_STORE_LOCK_ENTRIES Storing lock entries for Inventory receipt application. 
151 CMS_IR_TO_COMP_STATUS_UPD Update XMN for 'Completion/Processed' status from IR 
152 CMS_IR_TO_STATUS Updating the status of RTCM records 
153 CMS_IR_TO_UPDATE Update transmission object from RTCM 
154 CMS_IR_TO_UPDATE_AT_INBOUND Update transmission object from RTCM 
155 CMS_ITM_TEXT_TO_BE_DISABLED Interface to put the Item guids for which the text tab is to be disabled 
156 CMS_JUMP_TO_BADI_IMPLEM R Display BADI implementations 
157 CMS_KEYMAPPING_ADD Fügt Keymapping hinzu (falls neu) 
158 CMS_KEYMAPPING_READ Liest Keymapping (falls vorhanden) 
159 CMS_LIQ_CFL_KEY_TO_PP_INT_KEY Liq CFL Key to PP Key Maintain 
160 CMS_LKEY_BP_HIER_READ Logical Key Hierarchy Read 
161 CMS_LKEY_BP_HIER_SAVE BP Hierarchy Logical Key Save 
162 CMS_LKEY_ORDERS_READ Logical Key Orders Read 
163 CMS_LKEY_ORDERS_SAVE Logical key Partner Save 
164 CMS_LKEY_PARTNER_READ Logical Key Partners Read 
165 CMS_LKEY_PARTNER_RELATION_READ Partner Relationship Read 
166 CMS_LKEY_PARTNER_SAVE Logical key Partner Save 
167 CMS_LOAN_CONTRACT_CHECK Prüft, ob ein Darlehensangebot vorhanden ist 
168 CMS_LOAN_OFFER_CHECK Prüft, ob ein Darlehensangebot vorhanden ist 
169 CMS_LOGHANDLE_REFRESH Clear global loghandle buffer 
170 CMS_LOGICALSYSTEM_DETERMINE Returns the Logical system information 
171 CMS_LOG_COLLECT Collect messages 
172 CMS_LOG_DISPLAY Display the messages 
173 CMS_LOG_GET_LOGHANDLE Returns the REGISTERED loghandle. Does not create a loghandle 
174 CMS_LOG_MERGE Merge messages to single log 
175 CMS_LOG_MESSAGES_DELETE Deletes messages from a log 
176 CMS_LOG_MESSAGES_DELETE_SINGLE Delete single message from the log 
177 CMS_LOG_REGISTER Creates and returns loghandle. 
178 CMS_LOG_REGISTER_MULTI Create and return loghandle for multiple Items 
179 CMS_LOG_SAVE Save the logs to the database 
180 CMS_LO_ANALYZE_DATA_BFW Analyze the interface data before invoking OL 
181 CMS_LO_ANALYZE_DATA_IL Analyze the interface data before invoking OL 
182 CMS_LO_ANALYZE_DATA_IL_1 Analyze the interface data before invoking OL 
183 CMS_LO_APPLICATIONS_GET Get all applications 
184 CMS_LO_APPLICATION_GET_OW Returns the current application name 
185 CMS_LO_APPLOG_GET_INFO_IL Get applog related info from IL 
186 CMS_LO_APPLOG_PUT_INFO_IL Put applog related info into IL 
187 CMS_LO_APPL_ADDL_ATTR_GET Get addtional attributes for the application 
188 CMS_LO_APPL_ATTRIBUTES_GET Get application attributes 
189 CMS_LO_APPL_COMPLETION_GET Get application global parameter setting 
190 CMS_LO_APPL_DISPLAY_TRACE Display the trace data 
191 CMS_LO_APPL_FUNCMOD_NAME_GET Get the name of function module 
192 CMS_LO_APPL_FUNCPOOL_NAME_GET Get application function pool name 
193 CMS_LO_APPL_GET_INDEX_BUFFER Copy the index values into buffer 
194 CMS_LO_APPL_INDEX_ADJUST Adjust application index tables 
195 CMS_LO_APPL_INDEX_REGENERATE Regenerate the index entries from sets 
196 CMS_LO_APPL_PARAMETERS_GET Get application global parameter setting 
197 CMS_LO_APPL_PRF_QUAL_GET Get all objects for an application 
198 CMS_LO_APPL_PUT_INDEX_BUFFER Copy the index values into buffer 
199 CMS_LO_APPL_REPO_DISPLAY Display the Application Repository 
200 CMS_LO_APPL_REPO_EXPORT Exporting application repository in to memory 
201 CMS_LO_APPL_SELSCR_GET_CB Get the selection screens for an application 
202 CMS_LO_APPL_SEL_SCR_NAVI Application to selection screen navigation 
203 CMS_LO_APPL_TRACE Trace functionality for applications 
204 CMS_LO_APPL_TRANSPORT Transport application objects 
205 CMS_LO_APPL_UI_GRID_NAVI Navigation from application UI grid 
206 CMS_LO_APPL_XNTYPE_CHECK Get lean order transaction types 
207 CMS_LO_APPL_XNTYPE_GET Get lean order transaction types 
208 CMS_LO_APP_OBJECTS_DEL Delete the application objects 
209 CMS_LO_APP_OBJECTS_GEN Generate the DDIC structures for the lean order application 
210 CMS_LO_APP_OBJECTS_NAME_GET Generate names for the application objects 
211 CMS_LO_APP_WB_OBJECTS_GEN Initialize the lean order application 
212 CMS_LO_ARCHIVE Archive LO documents 
213 CMS_LO_ARCHIVE_DELETE Archive: Delete LO object data after archive 
214 CMS_LO_ARCHIVE_DISPLAY Anzeige aus dem Archiv 
215 CMS_LO_ARCHIVE_OW Archive LO doc.s 
216 CMS_LO_ARCHIVE_READ Read data from archive file 
217 CMS_LO_ARCHIVE_WRITE Write LO data to the archive 
218 CMS_LO_AUTHORITY_CHECK Authority check for lean order applications 
219 CMS_LO_BFW_CALL_POSTSTEP Post step invocation 
220 CMS_LO_BFW_CALL_PRESTEP Prepare call for LO before invocation of BFW 
221 CMS_LO_BFW_EXEC BFW execution from LO 
222 CMS_LO_BFW_PROFILE_ASSIGN Assign BFW profile to application/xn type 
223 CMS_LO_BUPA_FOR_USER_GET Data selection based on relationships 
224 CMS_LO_BW_CALL_GEN Generate the routines for BW update 
225 CMS_LO_BW_EXTRACT Generic LO extractor 
226 CMS_LO_BW_MAP_GEN Generate the BW Map routine for application 
227 CMS_LO_BW_MAP_TEM Template for BW Map routine generation 
228 CMS_LO_BW_SEL_TEM Template function for BW calls 
229 CMS_LO_CHANGE_LOG_READ Read the Change logs from DB 
230 CMS_LO_CHK_VLD_FOR_CHANGELOG Check if application is valid for change log 
231 CMS_LO_CI_GET_FLAG Get the flag to clear buffers 
232 CMS_LO_CI_PUT_FLAG Set the flag after clearing the global buffers 
233 CMS_LO_CLEAR_HANDLE_IL Clear all the handles 
234 CMS_LO_CLR_MSG_FOR_DISPLAY_IL Clear the message structure for display 
235 CMS_LO_COLLECT_APP_PRF_OBJECTS Transport profile objects for an application 
236 CMS_LO_COLLECT_APP_QUAL_OBJ Collect the qualifier objects for the application 
237 CMS_LO_COLLECT_APP_STATUS_OBJ Collect the status objects for the application 
238 CMS_LO_COMPARE_COMT_DATA Compare data for given interface structure 
239 CMS_LO_COMPARE_DATA Compare data for given interface structure 
240 CMS_LO_COMPARE_EXEC_DATA Compare data for given interface structure 
241 CMS_LO_CONFIG_PARAMETER_GET Get parameter values from the global settings 
242 CMS_LO_CONVERT_GUID_TO_NUMBER Convert a header/item guid to a number 
243 CMS_LO_COPY_OW Create Lo documents or items for the application 
244 CMS_LO_CREATE_HDRVALBITS_WHERE Construct the where clause for validation bits/classes for header 
245 CMS_LO_CREATE_OW Create Lo documents or items for the application 
246 CMS_LO_CREATE_VAL_BITS_WHERE Construct the where clause for validation bits/classes 
247 CMS_LO_DATE_ARCHIVE_WRITE Write DATE data to archive 
248 CMS_LO_DATE_DELETE_OB Delete date set for a LO doc. head/item 
249 CMS_LO_DATE_GET_DB Reads date set of a LO doc. head/item 
250 CMS_LO_DATE_GET_MULTI_DB Reads date set for multi. LO doc. heads/items 
251 CMS_LO_DATE_GET_MULTI_MASS_DB Reads date set for multi. LO doc. heads/items - MASS 
252 CMS_LO_DATE_GET_MULTI_MASS_OB Reads date set for multi. LO doc. heads/items - MASS 
253 CMS_LO_DATE_GET_MULTI_OB Reads date set for multi. LO doc. heads/items 
254 CMS_LO_DATE_GET_OB Reads date set for a LO doc. head/item 
255 CMS_LO_DATE_INIT_DB Delete entries from database buffer 
256 CMS_LO_DATE_INIT_MASS_DB Delete entries from database buffer - MASS 
257 CMS_LO_DATE_INIT_MASS_OB Deletes entries from object buffer - MASS 
258 CMS_LO_DATE_INIT_OB Deletes entries from object buffer 
259 CMS_LO_DATE_PREPARE_UPD_DB Prepare database buffer for database update 
260 CMS_LO_DATE_PUT_MULTI_OB Insert date sets for multi. LO doc. heads/items 
261 CMS_LO_DATE_PUT_OB Inserts date set for a LO doc. head/item 
262 CMS_LO_DATE_SELECT_DB Reads date set for multi. LO doc. head/items 
263 CMS_LO_DATE_SELECT_MASS_DB Reads date set for multi. LO doc. head/items - MASS read 
264 CMS_LO_DATE_UPDATE_DB Update database with database buffer 
265 CMS_LO_DDIC_OBJECTS_DEL Delete generated objects 
266 CMS_LO_DELETE_CHANGE_LOGS Delete Change Logs along with deletion of Record 
267 CMS_LO_DELETE_GUID_IL Deletes entries from IL GUIDs table 
268 CMS_LO_DELETE_INITQUAL_DB Delete qaulifier records with initial value 
269 CMS_LO_DELETE_OW To delete LO document Header & Items/Items 
270 CMS_LO_DESREG_SEARCH_EXIT Design registration search exit 
271 CMS_LO_DISPLAY_1O_BUS2000115 Display CRM Order object 
272 CMS_LO_DISPLAY_DES_REG Display CRM Order object 
273 CMS_LO_DISPLAY_IDOC Display Idoc 
274 CMS_LO_DISPLAY_PARTNER Display partner data 
276 CMS_LO_DOCU_ARCHIVE_WRITE Write DOCU data to archive 
277 CMS_LO_DOCU_DELETE_OB Delete document set for a LO doc. head/item 
278 CMS_LO_DOCU_GET_DB Reads document set of a LO doc. head/item 
279 CMS_LO_DOCU_GET_MULTI_DB Reads document set for multi. LO doc. heads/items 
280 CMS_LO_DOCU_GET_MULTI_MASS_DB Reads document set for multi. LO doc. heads/items - MASS 
281 CMS_LO_DOCU_GET_MULTI_MASS_OB Reads document set for multi. LO doc. heads/items - MASS 
282 CMS_LO_DOCU_GET_MULTI_OB Reads document set for multi. LO doc. heads/items 
283 CMS_LO_DOCU_GET_OB Reads document set for a LO doc. head/item 
284 CMS_LO_DOCU_INIT_DB Delete entries from database buffer 
285 CMS_LO_DOCU_INIT_MASS_DB Delete entries from database buffer - MASS 
286 CMS_LO_DOCU_INIT_MASS_OB Deletes entries from object buffer - MASS 
287 CMS_LO_DOCU_INIT_OB Deletes entries from object buffer 
288 CMS_LO_DOCU_PREPARE_UPD_DB Prepare database buffer for database update 
289 CMS_LO_DOCU_PUT_MULTI_OB Insert document sets for multi. LO doc. heads/items 
290 CMS_LO_DOCU_PUT_OB Inserts document set for a LO doc. head/item 
291 CMS_LO_DOCU_SELECT_DB Reads document set for multi. LO doc. head/items 
292 CMS_LO_DOCU_SELECT_MASS_DB Reads document set for multi. LO doc. head/items - MASS 
293 CMS_LO_DOCU_UPDATE_DB Update database with database buffer 
294 CMS_LO_DOC_ANALYZE_DATA_IL Analyze the interface data before invoking OL 
295 CMS_LO_DOC_ARCHIVE_WRITE Writes LO header to archive 
296 CMS_LO_DOC_MAINTAIN Post LO doc.s to object buffer 
297 CMS_LO_DOC_MAINTAIN_IL Invoke LO Maintain 
298 CMS_LO_DOC_MAINTAIN_OW Post multi. LO doc. to object buffer 
299 CMS_LO_DOC_RAISE_EVENTS_OW Raise events : Optimised 
300 CMS_LO_DOC_READ_MULTI_MASS_OW Reads multiple documents from database 
301 CMS_LO_DOMAIN_GEN Generate domains 
302 CMS_LO_DTEL_GEN Generate data elements 
303 CMS_LO_ENQU_GEN Generate tables/structures 
304 CMS_LO_ENTITY_CHECK_FOR_REG_OB Read old values 
305 CMS_LO_EXTN_DEFN_GET Get the profile definitions 
306 CMS_LO_EXTN_OBJECTS_DEL Delete the profile relevant objects 
307 CMS_LO_EXTN_OBJECTS_GEN Generate objects for a profile definition 
308 CMS_LO_EXTN_OBJECTS_NAME_GET Generate names for the extension objects 
309 CMS_LO_EXT_NAVI_MODULE_GET Read customizing for navigation 
310 CMS_LO_EXT_OBJECT_NAVIGATION Navigation from LO to external objects 
311 CMS_LO_F4_APPL_ALL_RULES Display F4 of all rules for an application 
312 CMS_LO_F4_APPL_BP_PRF Display F4 of all rules for an application 
313 CMS_LO_FIELDGROUP_ASSIGN Invoke customizing view for Field group assignment 
314 CMS_LO_FIELDGROUP_DES_GET Function module to fetch the field group description 
315 CMS_LO_FIELDGROUP_GET Function module to fetch the field group 
316 CMS_LO_FORMAT_CODE Format the generated code 
317 CMS_LO_FOR_MATCHINGRECORDS_GEN Function module for matching records mapping 
318 CMS_LO_GENERATOR_LOG_CREATE Application log functionality for LO generator 
319 CMS_LO_GENERATOR_LOG_MSG_ADD Aufruf eines Fu.-Ba. des Application Logs zum Schreiben einer Meldung 
320 CMS_LO_GEN_CODENOTE_GET Get the code generation note 
321 CMS_LO_GEN_CODE_NOTE_GET Get the code generation note 
322 CMS_LO_GET_ARCHIVE_HANDLE Get Archive Handle 
323 CMS_LO_GET_CHANGED_GUIDS Get the changed records for saving 
326 CMS_LO_GET_DATA_EXEC_OW Get the execution structure data 
327 CMS_LO_GET_DATA_IL Transfer data from OL to UI 
328 CMS_LO_GET_DATA_MASS_EXT_IL Transfer data from OL to UI 
329 CMS_LO_GET_DATA_MASS_IL Transfer data from OL to UI 
330 CMS_LO_GET_DELTA_GUIDS_OW Returns the Delta records (Createed/Changed/Deleted) GUIDs from OB 
331 CMS_LO_GET_EVENT_IL Getting logical event based on function code and application 
332 CMS_LO_GET_EXEC_FOR_DOCS_OW Reads the object buffer and returns the Doc.s in Exec str. 
333 CMS_LO_GET_FLD_TEXTS Get application specific texts 
334 CMS_LO_GET_FLD_TEXTS_CB Get the field texts from customizing 
335 CMS_LO_GET_GUIDS_IL Buffer the selected guids 
336 CMS_LO_GET_GUID_ARCHIVE_WRITE Exports Archive-able GUIDS (Header+Item) to main memory 
337 CMS_LO_GET_HANDLE_IL Get handle 
338 CMS_LO_GET_HDR_GUID Getting header guid from transaction guid. 
339 CMS_LO_GET_HEADGUID_FR_ITEM_OW Returns header guids for given item guids 
340 CMS_LO_GET_ITEMID_HANDLE Returns a running number for the newly created items 
341 CMS_LO_GET_LOGICAL_EVENTS Getting all logical events 
342 CMS_LO_GET_MSG_FOR_DISPLAY_IL Get the message to be displayed 
343 CMS_LO_GET_OBJECTID_HANDLE Returns a running number for the newly created items 
344 CMS_LO_GET_OKCODE_UI Function module to store OK code of locator screen 
345 CMS_LO_GET_REGISTERED_HEAD_OB Get registered HEAD guids from the OB 
346 CMS_LO_GET_REGISTERED_ITEM_OB Retrieves the registered ITEM GUIDs from the OB 
347 CMS_LO_GET_SAVE_REGISTER_IL Post data to be saved into IL 
348 CMS_LO_GET_SCR_REF Getting grid references for the UI screens. 
349 CMS_LO_GET_SELECT_RECORD Returns the selected record 
350 CMS_LO_GET_SSC_REGISTRY_IL Put the data into registry for SSC 
351 CMS_LO_GET_UI_INTF_FLDS Getting UI interface structure fields. 
352 CMS_LO_GRID_ATTR_GET Get the grid display attributes 
353 CMS_LO_HEADER_ARCHIVE_CHECK Check whether all the items for given header are archived. 
354 CMS_LO_HEAD_EXTN_GET_DB Reads database buffer for the header extensions 
355 CMS_LO_HEAD_EXTN_GET_MULTI_DB Reads multiple Header extensions 
356 CMS_LO_HEAD_EXTN_GET_MULTI_OB Reads Mutliple header extensions 
357 CMS_LO_HEAD_EXTN_GET_OB Get Header extensions from object layer 
358 CMS_LO_HEAD_EXTN_INIT_DB Initialize database buffer 
359 CMS_LO_HEAD_EXTN_INIT_OB Initialize header extensions object buffer 
360 CMS_LO_HEAD_EXTN_PREPAR_UPD_DB Prepare database buffer data for update 
361 CMS_LO_HEAD_EXTN_PUT_DB Inserts single header extension data to the object buffer 
362 CMS_LO_HEAD_EXTN_PUT_MULTI_DB Inserts multiple header extension data to the object buffer 
363 CMS_LO_HEAD_EXTN_PUT_MULTI_OB Inserts multiple header extensions to object buffer 
364 CMS_LO_HEAD_EXTN_PUT_OB Inserts single head extension to object buffer 
365 CMS_LO_HEAD_EXTN_SELECT_DB Reads Multi. LO doc. header extensions from Database 
366 CMS_LO_HEAD_GET_DB Reads LO document header from database 
367 CMS_LO_HEAD_GET_MULTI_DB Reads Multi. LO head records from DB 
368 CMS_LO_HEAD_GET_MULTI_OB Reads multi. LO doc. header admin data from object buffer 
369 CMS_LO_HEAD_GET_OB Reads single LO doc. header admin data from the object buffer 
370 CMS_LO_HEAD_INIT_DB Initializes database buffer 
371 CMS_LO_HEAD_INIT_OB Initializes the object buffer 
372 CMS_LO_HEAD_MAINTAIN_OW Maintain LO doc. header 
373 CMS_LO_HEAD_PREPARE_UPDATE_DB Analyze and Prepares LO head records for DB update 
374 CMS_LO_HEAD_PUT_MULTI_OB Inserts multi. LO doc. header admin data to the object buffer 
375 CMS_LO_HEAD_PUT_OB Inserts single LO doc. header admin data to the object buffer 
376 CMS_LO_HEAD_READ_MULTI_MASS_OW Mass Database read for multiple items 
377 CMS_LO_HEAD_READ_OW Reads LO doc. head information using OB functions 
378 CMS_LO_HEAD_SELECT_DB Reads Multi. LO doc. header from Database 
379 CMS_LO_HEAD_TO_SAVE_GET Returns header guids to save 
380 CMS_LO_HEAD_UPDATE_DB LO doc. head - Update function 
381 CMS_LO_INDEX_ARCHIVE_WRITE Archiving application index data 
382 CMS_LO_INDEX_CALL_GEN Generate the routines for BW update 
383 CMS_LO_INDEX_SAVE_TEM Template for Index save function module 
384 CMS_LO_INDEX_UPDATE_MODULE_GET Get the index update module for the application 
385 CMS_LO_INIT Prepare object layer for processing 
386 CMS_LO_INIT_OW prepare the object workspace for processing 
388 CMS_LO_INVOKE_WORKAREA Invoke lean order workarea 
389 CMS_LO_ITEM_ARCHIVE_WRITE Writes LO header to archive 
390 CMS_LO_ITEM_EXTN_GET_DB Reads database buffer for the item extensions 
391 CMS_LO_ITEM_EXTN_GET_MULTI_DB Reads multiple item extensions 
392 CMS_LO_ITEM_EXTN_GET_MULTI_OB Reads Mutliple header extensions 
393 CMS_LO_ITEM_EXTN_GET_OB Get Header extensions from object layer 
394 CMS_LO_ITEM_EXTN_INIT_DB Initialize database buffer 
395 CMS_LO_ITEM_EXTN_INIT_OB Initialize header extensions object buffer 
396 CMS_LO_ITEM_EXTN_PREPAR_UPD_DB Prepare database buffer data for update 
397 CMS_LO_ITEM_EXTN_PUT_DB Inserts single item extension data to the object buffer 
398 CMS_LO_ITEM_EXTN_PUT_MULTI_DB Inserts multiple item extension data to the object buffer 
399 CMS_LO_ITEM_EXTN_PUT_MULTI_OB Inserts multiple header extensions to object buffer 
400 CMS_LO_ITEM_EXTN_PUT_OB Inserts single head extension to object buffer 
401 CMS_LO_ITEM_EXTN_SELECT_DB Reads Multiple item extensions from Database 
402 CMS_LO_ITEM_GET_DB Reads single LO item from database buffer 
403 CMS_LO_ITEM_GET_MULTI_BYREF_DB Reads entries from database buffer using LO doc. header GUID 
404 CMS_LO_ITEM_GET_MULTI_DB Reads multi. LO items from database buffer 
405 CMS_LO_ITEM_GET_MULTI_OB Reads mutli. LO doc. items from object buffer 
406 CMS_LO_ITEM_GET_OB Reads single LO item from the object buffer 
407 CMS_LO_ITEM_GUIDS_GET_BYREF_OB Returns items guids that correspond to a LO doc. header GUID 
408 CMS_LO_ITEM_INIT_DB Deletes entries from database buffer 
409 CMS_LO_ITEM_INIT_OB Deletes entries from object buffer 
410 CMS_LO_ITEM_MAINTAIN_MULTI_OW Maintain mutliple LO items 
411 CMS_LO_ITEM_MAINTAIN_SINGLE_OW Post the item to object buffer 
412 CMS_LO_ITEM_PREPARE_UPDATE_DB Prepare records for database update 
413 CMS_LO_ITEM_PUT_MULTI_OB Inserts multi. LO items into object buffer 
414 CMS_LO_ITEM_PUT_OB Inserts single LO doc item into object buffer 
415 CMS_LO_ITEM_READ_MULTI_MASS_OW Mass Database read for multiple items 
416 CMS_LO_ITEM_READ_MULTI_OW Read multi items of a LO document 
417 CMS_LO_ITEM_READ_SINGLE_OW Reads LO doc. head information using OB functions 
418 CMS_LO_ITEM_SELECT_BYREF_DB Read multiple item data from database using doc. header GUID 
419 CMS_LO_ITEM_SELECT_DB Reads multi. LO items from database 
420 CMS_LO_ITEM_TO_SAVE_GET Returns item guids to save 
421 CMS_LO_ITEM_UPDATE_DB Update database 
422 CMS_LO_LOCK Application specific locking for lean order 
423 CMS_LO_LOCK_CALL_GEN Generate the calls for enqueue/dequeue 
424 CMS_LO_LOCK_OW Lock LO doc. Head/Items 
425 CMS_LO_MAINTAIN Post LO doc.s to object buffer 
426 CMS_LO_MAINTAIN_BG_MASS R Background API module for LO processing 
427 CMS_LO_MAINTAIN_BG_MASS_PACK Background API module for LO processing in packets 
428 CMS_LO_MAINTAIN_IL Invoke LO Maintain 
429 CMS_LO_MAINTAIN_MULTI_OW Post multi. LO doc. to object buffer 
430 CMS_LO_MAINTAIN_PARALLEL_BG Parallel processing for RO applications 
432 CMS_LO_MAINTAIN_SINGLE_OW Post a LO doc. to object buffer 
433 CMS_LO_MAINTAIN_TEXT_DATA Maintain Text Data 
434 CMS_LO_MAPPING_FOR_COMPARE_GEN Generate mapping for compare function 
435 CMS_LO_MAPPING_FOR_COMT_GEN Generate the mapping subroutine for INT to COMT 
436 CMS_LO_MAPPING_FOR_STR_GEN Generate mapping routine for COMT to INT 
437 CMS_LO_MAPPING_PROGRAM_GET Get the mapping generation status 
438 CMS_LO_MAPPING_PROGRAM_SET Get the mapping generation status 
439 CMS_LO_MAP_COMT_TO_STR Xform data to linear format 
440 CMS_LO_MAP_STR_TO_COMT Conversion of INT data to COMT data 
441 CMS_LO_MATCHRECORDS_GEN Function module for matching records mapping generation 
442 CMS_LO_MATCH_FIELDS_GET Function module to get the fields required for matching records 
443 CMS_LO_MATCH_RECORDS_GET Function module to fetch the matching records for a record 
444 CMS_LO_MERGE_DOCUMENTS_OW Merge Items into single document 
445 CMS_LO_MODIFY_SELSCR_TEXTS Modify selection screen texts 
446 CMS_LO_NAMESPACE_CHECK Check namespace validities 
447 CMS_LO_NAMESPACE_GET Get the namespace of an object 
448 CMS_LO_NAVIGATION Invocation of the transaction workarea 
449 CMS_LO_NOTIFY_ES_ACE Function Module to Notify the ES and ACE Framework of changes in Objects. 
450 CMS_LO_OBJECTS_ARCHIVE_DELETE Read from archive object for delete 
452 CMS_LO_PARTNER_DELETE_OB Deletes single Partner set or partner from object buffer 
453 CMS_LO_PARTNER_GET_DB Reads all partners for a single LO doc. Head/Item 
454 CMS_LO_PARTNER_GET_MULTI_DB Reads partner set for multi. LO doc. Head(s)/Item(s) 
455 CMS_LO_PARTNER_GET_MULTI_M_DB Reads partner set for multi. LO doc. Head(s)/Item(s) - MASS 
456 CMS_LO_PARTNER_GET_MULTI_M_OB Reads partner set for multi. LO doc. heads/items - MASS 
457 CMS_LO_PARTNER_GET_MULTI_OB Reads partner set for multi. LO doc. heads/items - MASS 
458 CMS_LO_PARTNER_GET_OB Reads partner set for a single LO doc. Head/Item 
459 CMS_LO_PARTNER_INIT_DB Deletes entries from database buffer 
460 CMS_LO_PARTNER_INIT_MASS_DB Deletes entries from database buffer - MASS 
461 CMS_LO_PARTNER_INIT_MASS_OB Deletes entries from object buffer - MASS 
462 CMS_LO_PARTNER_INIT_OB Deletes entries from object buffer 
463 CMS_LO_PARTNER_PREPARE_UPD_DB Prepare database buffer for database update 
464 CMS_LO_PARTNER_PUT_MULTI_OB Inserts partner sets of multi. LO head/item 
465 CMS_LO_PARTNER_PUT_OB Insert a partner set of a single LO doc. Head/Item 
466 CMS_LO_PARTNER_SELECT_DB Reads multi. partner set for LO doc. head/items 
467 CMS_LO_PARTNER_SELECT_MASS_DB Reads multi. partner set for LO doc. head/items - MASS 
468 CMS_LO_PARTNER_UPDATE_DB The database is updated with the database buffer 
469 CMS_LO_POST_SELECT_RECORD Posts selected record to global buffer 
470 CMS_LO_PREPARE_CHANGE_LOG Prepare Change Logs 
471 CMS_LO_PREPARE_DOCS_BF_SAVE_OW Prepares document just before saving the document. -> ObjID and ItmID 
472 CMS_LO_PREREQ_BUFFER_REFRESH Refresh pre-requisites buffer table 
473 CMS_LO_PREREQ_VALIDATIONS_GET Returns pre-requisite validations for a given process 
474 CMS_LO_PREREQ_VALIDS_CHECK Check pre-requisite validitions for a record. One validation @ a time 
475 CMS_LO_PRF_CHECK_DEL Check profile usage before deletion 
476 CMS_LO_PRF_DEFN_GET Get the profile definitions 
477 CMS_LO_PRF_OBJECTS_DEL Delete the profile relevant objects 
478 CMS_LO_PRF_OBJECTS_GEN Generate objects for a profile definition 
479 CMS_LO_PRF_OBJECTS_NAME_GET Generate names for the profile objects 
480 CMS_LO_PRF_QUAL_ATTR_GET Get profile qualifier attributes 
481 CMS_LO_PRF_QUAL_GET Get profile qualifiers for a profile type 
482 CMS_LO_PRF_QUAL_OBJECTS_DEL Delete the profile relevant objects 
483 CMS_LO_PRF_QUAL_OBJECTS_GEN Generate DDIC objects for profile qualifiers 
484 CMS_LO_PRICE_ARCHIVE_WRITE Write PRICE data to archive 
485 CMS_LO_PRICE_DELETE_OB Deletes price set of a single LO doc. Head/item 
486 CMS_LO_PRICE_GET_DB Reads partner set of a single LO doc. head/item 
487 CMS_LO_PRICE_GET_MULTI_DB Reads partner sets of multi. LO doc. head/item 
488 CMS_LO_PRICE_GET_MULTI_MASS_DB Reads partner sets of multi. LO doc. head/item - MASS 
489 CMS_LO_PRICE_GET_MULTI_MASS_OB Reads price sets of multi. LO doc. heads/items - MASS 
490 CMS_LO_PRICE_GET_MULTI_OB Reads price sets of multi. LO doc. heads/items 
491 CMS_LO_PRICE_GET_OB Reads price sets from object buffer 
492 CMS_LO_PRICE_INIT_DB Deletes entries from database buffer 
493 CMS_LO_PRICE_INIT_MASS_DB Deletes entries from database buffer - MASS 
494 CMS_LO_PRICE_INIT_MASS_OB Deletes entries of multi. LO doc. head/item from object buffer. - MASS 
495 CMS_LO_PRICE_INIT_OB Deletes entries of multi. LO doc. head/item from object buffer. 
496 CMS_LO_PRICE_PREPARE_UPD_DB Prepare database buffer for database update 
497 CMS_LO_PRICE_PUT_MULTI_OB Inserts price sets of multi. LO doc. head/item 
498 CMS_LO_PRICE_PUT_OB Inserts a price set into object buffer 
499 CMS_LO_PRICE_SELECT_DB Reads price set for multi. LO doc. Head/item 
500 CMS_LO_PRICE_SELECT_MASS_DB Reads price set for multi. LO doc. Head/item - MASS