SAP ABAP Function Module - Index C, page 148
- C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 C-9 C-10 C-11 C-12 C-13 C-14 C-15 C-16 C-17 C-18 C-19 C-20 C-21 C-22 C-23 C-24 C-25 C-26 C-27 C-28 C-29 C-30 C-31 C-32 C-33 C-34 C-35 C-36 C-37 C-38 C-39 C-40 C-41 C-42 C-43 C-44 C-45 C-46 C-47 C-48 C-49 C-50 C-51 C-52 C-53 C-54 C-55 C-56 C-57 C-58 C-59 C-60 C-61 C-62 C-63 C-64 C-65 C-66 C-67 C-68 C-69 C-70 C-71 C-72 C-73 C-74 C-75 C-76 C-77 C-78 C-79 C-80 C-81 C-82 C-83 C-84 C-85 C-86 C-87 C-88 C-89 C-90 C-91 C-92 C-93 C-94 C-95 C-96 C-97 C-98 C-99 C-100 C-101 C-102 C-103 C-104 C-105 C-106 C-107 C-108 C-109 C-110 C-111 C-112 C-113 C-114 C-115 C-116 C-117 C-118 C-119 C-120 C-121 C-122 C-123 C-124 C-125 C-126 C-127 C-128 C-129 C-130 C-131 C-132 C-133 C-134 C-135 C-136 C-137 C-138 C-139 C-140 C-141 C-142 C-143 C-144 C-145 C-146 C-147 C-148 C-149 C-150 C-151 C-152 C-153 C-154 C-155 C-156 C-157 C-158 C-159 C-160 C-161 C-162 C-163 C-164 C-165 C-166 C-167 C-168 C-169 C-170 C-171 C-172 C-173 C-174 C-175
Function Module - C
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
2 | CRM_PARTNER_READ_DB | Einstellen in den Objekt Puffer | |
3 | CRM_PARTNER_READ_MULTI_OB | Massenlesen des Objectpuffers der Partnerverarbeitung | |
4 | CRM_PARTNER_READ_OW | Ermittlung der Partnerdaten zur Anzeige für ein Partnerset | |
5 | CRM_PARTNER_READ_SINGLE_OB | Einstellen in den Objekt Puffer | |
7 | CRM_PARTNER_REDETERMINE_EC | Aufruf der erweiterten Partnerfindung über Eventhandler | |
8 | CRM_PARTNER_REDET_FILTER | Filter Partner in Add-Case | |
9 | CRM_PARTNER_SAVE_EC | Sichern Positionen | |
10 | CRM_PARTNER_SELECTION_UI | Ausführen der Partnerselektion (via Aktion Code) | |
11 | CRM_PARTNER_SET_BPMASTER_FLAG | Set flag for refreshing BP master data | |
12 | CRM_PARTNER_SET_CHANGEABLE_EC | Setzen der Änderbarkeit für Partnerfunktionen | |
13 | CRM_PARTNER_SET_FC_FLAG | Feldprüfungen für Partner an- oder ausschalten | |
14 | CRM_PARTNER_SET_UI_MODE | Set UI mode | |
15 | CRM_PARTNER_STATUS_BUFFER | Statuspuffer | |
16 | CRM_PARTNER_SUBITM_INHERIT_OW | Inheritance Check for partner from Item to Subitem | |
17 | CRM_PARTNER_TOOLS_INIT | Initialisierung der Funktionsgruppe | |
18 | CRM_PARTNER_TO_DISPLAY_OW | Ermittlung der Partnerdaten zur Anzeige für ein Partnerset | |
19 | CRM_PARTNER_UIU_PARTNER_PUT | Pass selected Partner to Partner_Run_Btil | |
20 | CRM_PARTNER_UIU_SET_BUTTON | Add Redetermination Button to Menue of Web-UI | |
21 | CRM_PARTNER_UIU_SET_PART_MAX | Set max Partner | |
23 | CRM_PARTY_TEXT_IL | Text zum Kündigungsschema holen | |
24 | CRM_PART_EXISTS_BELOW_NODE | Gibt an, ob GP2 unterhalb oder auf gleicher Ebene wie GP1 liegt | |
25 | CRM_PART_EXISTS_BELOW_NODE_ALL | Gibt an, ob ein GP unterhalb eines bestimmten Knotens liegt | |
27 | CRM_PAYCARD_AUTHORIZATION | Autorisierungsaufruf aus CRM-Auftrag | |
28 | CRM_PAYCARD_CHECK_SYS_REQ | Prüfen die Systembedigung for Autorisierung | |
29 | CRM_PAYCARD_HEADER_DATA_GET | Ermitteln Kopfdaten/Adressdaten Auftraggeber für address verification | |
30 | CRM_PAYCARD_OPEN_VALUES_GET | Ermitteln offene Werte für die Autorisierung | |
31 | CRM_PAYCARD_READ_HEADER_DATA | Payment card: read additional header data | |
32 | CRM_PAYCARD_READ_ITEMS_DATA | Payment card: read additional item data | |
33 | CRM_PAYCARD_SET_AGGREGATION | Kundendefinierte Kriterien für Zusammenfassung der offenen Werte | |
34 | CRM_PAYPLAN_AUTHORIZATION_EC | Call Back: Triggern der Autorisierung | |
35 | CRM_PAYPLAN_CHANGE_CURRENCY_EC | Ändern der Währung im Zahlungsplan | |
36 | CRM_PAYPLAN_CHANGE_MERCHANT_EC | Call Back: Änderung Orgdaten; Neuermittlung Händler ID | |
37 | CRM_PAYPLAN_CHECK_AND_DO_EC | Call Back: Änderung Zahlungsweise: Prüfung und ev. Partnerfindung | |
38 | CRM_PAYPLAN_CHECK_EC | Call Back: Änderung Regulierer, Prüfung Nachnahme | |
39 | CRM_PAYPLAN_CHECK_ERROR_STATUS | Prüfen, ob Objekt am Zahlungsplan Fehler hat | |
40 | CRM_PAYPLAN_CHECK_USED | Archiving: Check Payment Card Data by Usage | |
41 | CRM_PAYPLAN_COPY_EC | Kopieren des Fakturierungsplans | |
42 | CRM_PAYPLAN_DEFAULT_CCARD_EC | Ableitung der Zahlungskarte aus der Geschäftsvereinbarung im Billing-Set | |
43 | CRM_PAYPLAN_DELETE_AC | Löschen der archivierten Einträge | |
45 | CRM_PAYPLAN_DELETE_EC | Löschen Zahlungsplan | |
46 | CRM_PAYPLAN_DELETE_OB | Löschen eines Eintrags aus dem Objektpuffer | |
47 | CRM_PAYPLAN_D_FIELDCHECK_FC | Prüfen der Eingabefelder der Zahlungsplantermine | |
48 | CRM_PAYPLAN_EVENT_ARCH1 | Archiving: Check Data | |
49 | CRM_PAYPLAN_EVENT_DELE1 | Zeitpunkt DELE1: Prüfen vor Löschen | |
50 | CRM_PAYPLAN_FCODE | CRM Zahlungsplan: User-Interface-Funktionen | |
51 | CRM_PAYPLAN_FIELDCHECK_FC | Prüfen der Eingabefelder des Zahlungsplans | |
52 | CRM_PAYPLAN_GET_CUSTOMIZING_OW | Ermitteln der Zahlungsplanart aus dem Customizing | |
53 | CRM_PAYPLAN_GET_DEFAULTCARD_OW | Ermitteln zum Kunde eingetragener Zahlungskarten | |
54 | CRM_PAYPLAN_GET_MERCHANT_OW | Ermittlung der Merchant ID | |
55 | CRM_PAYPLAN_GET_PARTNER_OW | Ermittlung der Merchant ID | |
56 | CRM_PAYPLAN_GET_PAYCARD_ORDER | Suche nach Vorgängen anhand v. Zahlungskarte-Nr und -Typ | |
57 | CRM_PAYPLAN_GET_PAYMENT_TYPES | Ermitteln zahlungsweise | |
58 | CRM_PAYPLAN_GET_REFGUID_BUF_OW | Lesen Guid des Orders im Puffer der OW-Schicht | |
59 | CRM_PAYPLAN_GET_USED_PAYCARD | Archiving: Check Payment Card Data by Usage | |
60 | CRM_PAYPLAN_GET_USED_PAYPLAN | Archiving: Check Payment Card Data by Usage | |
61 | CRM_PAYPLAN_INIT_EC | Initialisieren Zahlungsplan | |
62 | CRM_PAYPLAN_INIT_OB | Initialisierung des Objektpuffers | |
63 | CRM_PAYPLAN_MAINTAIN_OW | Pflegen eines Zahlungsplan, aeussere Kapsel | |
64 | CRM_PAYPLAN_MAN_AUTH_GET_DATA | Lesen zusätzlicher Daten für manuelle Autorisierung | |
65 | CRM_PAYPLAN_MAP_COM2INPUT | Übertragen der Feldliste in eigene Tabelle | |
66 | CRM_PAYPLAN_MAP_INPUT2COM | Übertragen der Feldliste in eigene Tabelle | |
67 | CRM_PAYPLAN_MESSAGES_DELETE | Löschen bzw. deaktivieren von Nachrichten | |
68 | CRM_PAYPLAN_MESSAGE_COLLECT | Include Individual Message | |
69 | CRM_PAYPLAN_PRESELECT_AC | Preselect für Archivierung | |
70 | CRM_PAYPLAN_PROVIDE_CATEGORY | Ermitteln Zahlungsplankategorie für UI | |
71 | CRM_PAYPLAN_PROVIDE_DATA_1000 | Bereitstellen der daten der Trägerobjektes | |
72 | CRM_PAYPLAN_PUBLISH_OW | Events ausloesen für andere Objekte | |
73 | CRM_PAYPLAN_PUT_DATA | Übergabe der Zahlungskartendaten und Input-Fields in CRM-Strukturen | |
74 | CRM_PAYPLAN_READ_AC | Lesen der Daten aus dem Archiv | |
75 | CRM_PAYPLAN_READ_DB | Lesen Zahlungsplan aus DB-Puffer bzw. von Datenbank | |
76 | CRM_PAYPLAN_READ_OB | Lesen Zahlungsplan aus Object Buffer | |
77 | CRM_PAYPLAN_SAVE_AC | Schreiben der Daten ins Archiv | |
78 | CRM_PAYPLAN_SAVE_EC | Sichern Zahlungsplan | |
79 | CRM_PAYPLAN_SAVE_OB | Write to Database | |
80 | CRM_PAYPLAN_WEC_PSP_CANCEL_EC | EC: after cancelation of billing request | |
81 | CRM_PAYPLAN_WEC_PSP_CANCEL_OW | EC: after cancelation of billing request | |
82 | CRM_PAYPLAN_WEC_PSP_CHANGE_EC | Prevent changeability of PSP relevant Order | |
83 | CRM_PAYPLAN_WEC_PSP_STATUS_EC | Call back: set status | |
84 | CRM_PCAT_IMS_IDXCAT_GETLIST | R | Lesen Indexkategorien für Produktkataloge |
85 | CRM_PCKI_READ_HISTORY | Historiendaten lesen | |
86 | CRM_PERF_SWITCH_R3_COPA | Ausschalten des COPA-Adapters wenn nicht relevant | |
87 | CRM_PERF_SWITCH_SELECT_CB | Lesebaustein für Performance-Tabelle CRMC_PERF_SWITCH | |
88 | CRM_PERF_SWITCH_UPDATE_CB | Pflegebaustein für Performance-Tabelle CRMC_PERF_SWITCH | |
89 | CRM_PFTPL_MSG_MSA | Mobile Bridge: Profile-Templates | |
90 | CRM_PHASEN_HISTORIE | Phasenhistorie für Opportunity | |
91 | CRM_PHASE_CONPHASE_SELECT_CB | Lesen der Customzingstabelle CRMC_CON_PHASE | |
92 | CRM_PHASE_CONPHASE_T_SELECT_CB | Lesen der Customzingstabelle CRMC_CON_PHASE_T | |
93 | CRM_PHASE_CYCLE_SELECT_CB | Lesen der Customzingstabelle CRMC_CYCLE | |
94 | CRM_PHASE_CYCLE_T_SELECT_CB | Lesen der Customzingstabelle CRMC_CYCLE_T | |
95 | CRM_PHASE_CYCPHASE_SELECT_CB | Lesen der Customzingstabelle CRMC_CYCPHASE | |
96 | CRM_PHASE_CYCPHASE_T_SELECT_CB | Lesen der Customzingstabelle CRMC_CYCPHASE_T | |
97 | CRM_PHASE_GET_PHASE_LIST_CB | Bereitstellen der Phasen zu einem SalesCycle | |
98 | CRM_PHASE_PHASE_SELECT_CB | Lesen der Customzingstabelle CRMC_PHASE | |
99 | CRM_PHASE_PHASE_T_SELECT_CB | Lesen der Customzingstabelle CRMC_PHASE_T | |
100 | CRM_PHASE_TEXT_GET_DATA | Template: Übertragung von Bewegungsdaten | |
101 | CRM_PHIE_GET_OTYPE | Ermittelt zu einem InfoObject den zug. Objekttyp | |
102 | CRM_PHIE_HIERARCHY_CATALOG | HR Hierarchieverzeichnis zu einer Hierarchieklasse | |
103 | CRM_PHIE_HIERARCHY_TRANSFER | HR Übergabe einer Hierarchie im BW-Format | |
104 | CRM_PLANOGRAM_MAINTAIN | Planogram Maintenance | |
105 | CRM_PLANOGRAM_MSG_VAL | CRM Validation function for Planogram | |
106 | CRM_PLANOGRAM_UPDATE_DU | Update Planogram Tables | |
107 | CRM_PLANT_FROM_INVT_LOC_GET | Get inventory location from plant | |
108 | CRM_PMEB_CLOSE_KB_VERSION | R | Closes a Knowledge Base Runtime Version That Was Loaded/Created Previously |
109 | CRM_PMEB_CREATE_KB_PROFILE | Creates a Knowledge Base Profile for a Knowledge Base Product | |
110 | CRM_PMEB_DELETE_CLASS | R | Deletes a Class/Product from Knowledge Base |
111 | CRM_PMEB_DELETE_CSTIC | R | Delete a Characteristic |
112 | CRM_PMEB_DELETE_GROUP | R | Deletes a Characteristic Group |
113 | CRM_PMEB_DELETE_KB_PROFILE | Deletes a Knowledge Base Profile for a Knowledge Base Product | |
114 | CRM_PMEB_DELETE_KB_VERSION | R | Deletes a Knowledge Base Runtime Version |
115 | CRM_PMEB_DEL_CLASS_SHORT_DESCS | R | Deletes a Short Description for a Knowledge Base Class/Product |
116 | CRM_PMEB_DEL_CSTIC_SHORT_DESCS | R | Delete Short Description of a Characteristic |
117 | CRM_PMEB_DEL_CST_VAL_SDESCS | R | Delete Short Descriptions of a Value |
118 | CRM_PMEB_DEL_GROUP_SDESC | R | Sets the Short Description of the Group |
119 | CRM_PMEB_GET_CLASS_SHORT_DESCS | R | Gets the Short Description for a Knowledge Base Class/Product |
120 | CRM_PMEB_GET_CSTIC_SHORT_DESCS | R | Get Short Descriptions for Characteristic |
121 | CRM_PMEB_GET_CST_VAL_SDESCS | R | Get Short Descriptions of a Value |
122 | CRM_PMEB_GET_GROUP_SDESC | R | Gets the Short Descriptions of the Group |
123 | CRM_PMEB_GET_KB_PROFILE | Get Knowledge Base Profile | |
124 | CRM_PMEB_GET_KB_PROFILES | Get Knowledge Base Profiles of current model | |
125 | CRM_PMEB_GET_LOCAL_CSTIC_DOMAI | Get the Domain of a Characteristic | |
126 | CRM_PMEB_SET_CLASS_SHORT_DESCS | R | Sets the Short Descriptions for a Knowledge Base Class//Product |
127 | CRM_PMEB_SET_CSTIC_SHORT_DESCS | R | Set or Delete the Short Descriptions for a Characteristic |
128 | CRM_PMEB_SET_CST_VAL_SDESCS | R | Set the Language-Dependent Short Descriptions |
129 | CRM_PMEB_SET_GROUP_SDESC | R | Sets the Short Description of the Group |
130 | CRM_PMEB_SET_LOCAL_CSTIC_DOMAI | R | Set the Domain of a Characteristic |
131 | CRM_PME_ACTIVATE_KB_VERSION | K | Find kb versions - inactive and active ones |
132 | CRM_PME_ADD_DECOMP_ITEM | K | Adds a Decomposition Item to a Product |
133 | CRM_PME_ADD_GROUP_CSTIC | K | Adds an Existing Characteristic to a Group |
134 | CRM_PME_ASSIGN_CLASS | K | Assigns a Class/Product to a Knowledge Base |
135 | CRM_PME_ASSIGN_CSTIC | K | Assign a Characteristic to a Given Class/Product |
136 | CRM_PME_CHECK_DEP | K | Checks a Dependency |
137 | CRM_PME_CHECK_VAR_TAB_CONT | K | Checks Lines in a Variant Table in a Knowledge Base |
138 | CRM_PME_CLEAR_VAR_FCT_DEPS | K | Gets Variant Function Dependencies |
139 | CRM_PME_CLEAR_VAR_TAB_DEPS | K | Reads the Dependencies of a Variant Table |
140 | CRM_PME_CLOSE_KB_VERSION | K | Closes a Knowledge Base Runtime Version That Was Loaded/Created Previously |
141 | CRM_PME_CREATE_CLASS | K | Creates a Class/Product on a Knowledge Base |
142 | CRM_PME_CREATE_CLASS_DEP | K | Creates a Dependency |
143 | CRM_PME_CREATE_CSTIC | K | Create a Characteristic in an Existing Knowledge Base |
144 | CRM_PME_CREATE_GROUP | K | Characteristic Groups |
145 | CRM_PME_CREATE_KB_PROFILE | K | Creates a Knowledge Base Profile for a Knowledge Base Product |
146 | CRM_PME_CREATE_KB_VERSION | K | Creates a Knowledge Base Runtime Version |
147 | CRM_PME_CREATE_VAR_FCT | K | Creates Variant Function |
148 | CRM_PME_CREATE_VAR_TAB | K | Creates a New Empty Variant Table in a Knowledge Base |
149 | CRM_PME_DELETE_CLASS | K | Deletes a Class/Product from Knowledge Base |
150 | CRM_PME_DELETE_CSTIC | K | Delete a Characteristic |
151 | CRM_PME_DELETE_DECOMP_ITEM | K | Deletes a Decomposition Item from a Product |
152 | CRM_PME_DELETE_DEPS | K | Deletes Dependencies |
153 | CRM_PME_DELETE_FILE | K | Delete File |
154 | CRM_PME_DELETE_GROUP | K | Deletes a Characteristic Group |
155 | CRM_PME_DELETE_GROUP_CSTIC | K | Removes a Characteristic from a Group |
156 | CRM_PME_DELETE_KB_PROFILE | K | Deletes a Knowledge Base Profile for a Knowledge Base Product |
157 | CRM_PME_DELETE_KB_VERSION | K | Creates a Knowledge Base Runtime Version |
158 | CRM_PME_DELETE_VAR_FCT | K | Deletes Variant Function |
159 | CRM_PME_DELETE_VAR_TAB | K | Deletes a Variant Table in a Knowledge Base |
160 | CRM_PME_DEL_CLASS_LONG_DESCS | K | Deletes a Long Description for a Knowledge Base Class/Product |
161 | CRM_PME_DEL_CLASS_SHORT_DESCS | K | Deletes a Short Description for a Knowledge Base Class/Product |
162 | CRM_PME_DEL_CSTIC_LONG_DESCS | K | Delete Long Description of a Characteristic |
163 | CRM_PME_DEL_CSTIC_SHORT_DESCS | K | Delete Short Description of a Characteristic |
164 | CRM_PME_DEL_CST_VAL_LDESCS | K | Delete Long Descriptions of a Value |
165 | CRM_PME_DEL_CST_VAL_SDESCS | K | Delete Short Descriptions of a Value |
166 | CRM_PME_DEL_DEP_DESCRIPTIONS | K | Deletes Short Descriptions of a Dependency |
167 | CRM_PME_DEL_DEP_EXPLANATIONS | K | Deletes Explanations of a Dependency |
168 | CRM_PME_DEL_GROUP_SDESC | K | Sets the Short Description of the Group |
169 | CRM_PME_DEL_VAR_TAB_CONT | K | Deletes Lines in a Variant Table in a Knowledge Base |
170 | CRM_PME_EDIT_ACTIVE_KB_STATUS | K | Edit status of active KB |
171 | CRM_PME_EDIT_KB_PROFILE | K | Edit a Knowledge Base Profile for a Knowledge Base Product |
172 | CRM_PME_EXPORT_VAR_TAB | K | Exports a Variant Table from a Knowledge Base |
173 | CRM_PME_FIND_KB_VERSIONS | K | Find kb versions - inactive and active ones |
174 | CRM_PME_GET_CLASSES_TREE | K | Get Classes Tree from a Knowledge Base |
175 | CRM_PME_GET_CLASS_DEPS | K | Get Dependencies of a Class Including Header Data |
176 | CRM_PME_GET_CLASS_LONG_DESCS | K | Gets the Long Descriptions for a Knowledge Base Class/Product |
177 | CRM_PME_GET_CLASS_SHORT_DESCS | K | Gets the Short Description for a Knowledge Base Class/Product |
178 | CRM_PME_GET_CSTIC_DEPS | K | Reads the Dependencies of a Characteristic Including Header Data |
179 | CRM_PME_GET_CSTIC_LONG_DESCS | K | Get the Long Descriptions of a Characteristic |
180 | CRM_PME_GET_CSTIC_REFERENCES | K | Retrieve External Object References for Characteristics |
181 | CRM_PME_GET_CSTIC_SHORT_DESCS | K | Get Short Descriptions for Characteristic |
182 | CRM_PME_GET_CSTIC_VAR_FCTS | K | Reads variant functions which contain the characteristic |
183 | CRM_PME_GET_CSTIC_VAR_TABS | K | Reads variant tables which contain the characteristic |
184 | CRM_PME_GET_CST_VAL_LDESCS | K | Gets the Descriptions of a Value |
185 | CRM_PME_GET_CST_VAL_SDESCS | K | Get Short Descriptions of a Value |
186 | CRM_PME_GET_DECOMP_ITEMS | K | Get Table of Decomposition Items from a Product |
187 | CRM_PME_GET_DECOMP_ITEM_DEPS | K | Reads the Dependencies of a Decomposition Item |
188 | CRM_PME_GET_DECOMP_PRODUCTS | K | Reads Products which contain the decomposition item |
189 | CRM_PME_GET_DEP | K | Reads the Header Data of a Dependency |
190 | CRM_PME_GET_DEPS | K | Reads the Header Data of a List of Dependencies |
191 | CRM_PME_GET_DEP_DESCRIPTIONS | K | Reads the Short Descriptions of a Dependency |
192 | CRM_PME_GET_DEP_EXPLANATIONS | K | Reads the Explanations of a Dependency |
193 | CRM_PME_GET_DEP_HELP_TOKEN | K | Reads Help Token for the Source of a Dependency |
194 | CRM_PME_GET_DEP_RELATION | K | Reads the Name of the Related Object of a Dependency |
195 | CRM_PME_GET_DEP_SOURCESECTIONS | K | Reads the Source Sections of a Dependency |
196 | CRM_PME_GET_DEP_STATUS | K | Reads the Status of a Dependency |
197 | CRM_PME_GET_FILE | K | Get File |
198 | CRM_PME_GET_GLOBAL_CSTICS | K | Get the List of Local Characteristics Assigned to a Class or Product |
199 | CRM_PME_GET_GROUPS | K | Retrieves All Groups Assigned to a Class |
200 | CRM_PME_GET_GROUP_SDESC | K | Gets the Short Descriptions of the Group |
201 | CRM_PME_GET_KB_PROFILE | K | Get Knowledge Base Profiles of current model |
202 | CRM_PME_GET_KB_PROFILE2 | J | Get Knowledge Base Profile by KB ID |
203 | CRM_PME_GET_KB_PROFILES | K | Get Knowledge Base Profiles of current model |
204 | CRM_PME_GET_KB_VERSION_DESCR | K | Reads KBRTheader data without loading it into memory (lazy load). |
205 | CRM_PME_GET_KB_VERSION_HEADER | K | Reads the Header Data for the Specified Knowledge Base Runtime Version |
206 | CRM_PME_GET_LOCAL_CSTICS | K | Get the List of Local Characteristics Assigned to a Class or Product |
207 | CRM_PME_GET_LOCAL_CSTIC_DOMAIN | K | Set the Domain of a Characteristic |
208 | CRM_PME_GET_LOGSYS | R | Get Logical System |
209 | CRM_PME_GET_SUPP_PRODUCT_TYPES | R | Retrieves Product Types from CRM Customizing which support Configuration |
210 | CRM_PME_GET_VAR_FCT_DEPS | K | Gets Variant Function Dependencies |
211 | CRM_PME_GET_VAR_FCT_INFO | K | Gets Variant Function Info |
212 | CRM_PME_GET_VAR_FCT_STRUCT | K | Gets Variant Function Structure |
213 | CRM_PME_GET_VAR_TAB_CONT | K | Gets the Content of a Variant Table in a Knowledge Base |
214 | CRM_PME_GET_VAR_TAB_DEPS | K | Reads the Dependencies of a Variant Table |
215 | CRM_PME_GET_VAR_TAB_INFO | K | Gets Information of One or All Variant Tables in a Knowledge Base |
216 | CRM_PME_GET_VAR_TAB_STRUCT_EXT | K | Gets the Extended Structure Info. of a Variant Table in a Knowledge Base |
217 | CRM_PME_GET_VAR_TAB_VALUE_HELP | K | Gets Values for Column Value Help of a Variant Table in a Knowledge Base |
218 | CRM_PME_IMPORT_VAR_TAB | K | Imports a Variant Table into a Knowledge Base |
219 | CRM_PME_KB_VERSION_HAS_CHANGED | K | Returns whether the specified KBRT needs to be saved. |
220 | CRM_PME_KNOWLEDGEBASE_USED | R | Prüft, ob eine Wissensbasis in einem Auftrag verwendet wird |
221 | CRM_PME_LIST_FILES | K | List Files |
222 | CRM_PME_OPEN_KB_VERSION | K | Opens a Knowledge Base Runtime Version |
223 | CRM_PME_RENAME_CLASS | K | Renames a Class of a Knowledge Base |
224 | CRM_PME_RENAME_CSTIC | K | Rename an Existing Characteristic |
225 | CRM_PME_RENAME_DEP | K | Renames a Dependency |
226 | CRM_PME_RENAME_GROUP | K | Change the Group Description |
227 | CRM_PME_RENAME_VAR_TAB | K | Renames a Variant Table in a Knowledge Base |
228 | CRM_PME_RENUMBER_DECOMP_ITEM | K | Changes the Position Number of a Decomposition Item |
229 | CRM_PME_SAVE_KB_VERSION | K | Saves a Knowledge Base Runtime Version or Creates a New KB Runtime Version |
230 | CRM_PME_SET_CLASS_LONG_DESCS | K | Sets the Long Descriptions for a Knowledge Base Class |
231 | CRM_PME_SET_CLASS_SHORT_DESCS | K | Sets the Short Descriptions for a Knowledge Base Class//Product |
232 | CRM_PME_SET_CSTIC_DATA | K | Modifies an Existing Characteristic |
233 | CRM_PME_SET_CSTIC_LONG_DESCS | K | Set Long Description of a Characteristic |
234 | CRM_PME_SET_CSTIC_SHORT_DESCS | K | Set or Delete the Short Descriptions for a Characteristic |
235 | CRM_PME_SET_CST_VAL_LDESCS | K | Set the Long Descriptions of a Value |
236 | CRM_PME_SET_CST_VAL_SDESCS | K | Set the Language-Dependent Short Descriptions |
237 | CRM_PME_SET_DEP_DESCRIPTIONS | K | Sets the Short Descriptions of a Dependency |
238 | CRM_PME_SET_DEP_EXPLANATIONS | K | Sets the Explanations of a Dependency |
239 | CRM_PME_SET_DEP_RELATION | K | Sets the Name of the Related Object of a Dependency |
240 | CRM_PME_SET_DEP_SOURCESECTIONS | K | Sets the Source Sections of a Dependency |
241 | CRM_PME_SET_DEP_STATUS | K | Sets the Status of a Dependency |
242 | CRM_PME_SET_FILE | K | Set File |
243 | CRM_PME_SET_GROUP_CSTIC_SEQ | K | Changes the Order of Characteristics Within a Group |
244 | CRM_PME_SET_GROUP_SDESC | K | Sets the Short Description of the Group |
245 | CRM_PME_SET_GROUP_SEQ | K | Sets the Group Order in the Class |
246 | CRM_PME_SET_KB_VERSION_HEADER | K | Writes Header Data for the Specified Knowledge Base Runtime Version |
247 | CRM_PME_SET_LOCAL_CSTIC_DOMAIN | K | Set the Domain of a Characteristic |
248 | CRM_PME_SET_LOCAL_CSTIC_FACETS | K | Modify a Given Local Characteristic |
249 | CRM_PME_SET_VAR_FCT_DESC | K | Sets Variant Function Description |
250 | CRM_PME_SET_VAR_FCT_STATUS | K | Sets Variant Table Status |
251 | CRM_PME_SET_VAR_FCT_STRUCT | K | Sets Variant Function Structure |
252 | CRM_PME_SET_VAR_TAB_CONT | K | Sets the Content of a Variant Table in a Knowledge Base |
253 | CRM_PME_SET_VAR_TAB_DESC | K | Sets the Description of a Variant Table in a Knowledge Base |
254 | CRM_PME_SET_VAR_TAB_STATUS | K | Sets the Status of a Variant Table in a Knowledge Base |
255 | CRM_PME_SET_VAR_TAB_STRUCT | K | Sets the Structure of a Variant Table in a Knowledge Base |
256 | CRM_PME_UIMODELS_ASSIGN_PREP | Reassign UI Model. Preparation | |
257 | CRM_PME_UIMODELS_COPY | Copy UI Models from source to target vesion. | |
258 | CRM_PME_UIMODELS_COPY_PREPARE | Copy UI Models from source to target vesion. Preparation. | |
259 | CRM_PME_UIMODELS_COPY_UT | Copy UI Models from source to target vesion (update task) | |
260 | CRM_PME_UIMODELS_REASSIGN_UT | Reassign UI Models (update task) | |
261 | CRM_PME_UIMODELS_REMOVE_OBSOL | Remove obsolete UI models | |
262 | CRM_PME_UIMODEL_DETERMINE | Determine UI Model according to the Scenario | |
263 | CRM_PME_UIMODEL_DETERMINE_RFC | R | RFC: Determine UI Model according to the Scenario |
264 | CRM_PME_UIMODEL_PROCESS | Process UI Model in Update Task | |
265 | CRM_PME_UIMODEL_PROCESS_UT | Process UI Model in Update Task | |
266 | CRM_PME_UNASSIGN_CLASS | K | Unassigns a Class/Product from Knowledge Base |
267 | CRM_PME_UNASSIGN_CSTIC | K | Assign a Characteristic to a Given Class/Product |
268 | CRM_PMI_AGENT_BTX_ACTIVE | Check if agent is active | |
269 | CRM_PML_ATTR_CONT_CUST_UPD | Update FM for attribute context customizing | |
270 | CRM_PML_MAIL_FORM_TRANSPORT | R | Personailzed Mail: RFC create of a mail form |
271 | CRM_PMM_BTX_PMM_QUT_CHANGE_EC | PMM quotation - request pricing data | |
272 | CRM_PMM_BTX_PRICE_APPROVAL_EC | PMM Integration - Price Approval Request | |
273 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_APPOINTMEN_EC | Price_change_check_appointment | |
274 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_APPROVAL_EC | PMM - After Status Change EC for quotation items | |
275 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_APPR_REQ_EC | PMM - After Status Change EC for quotation items | |
276 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_BEF_APPROVE_EC | Status check before quote set to complete | |
277 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_BEF_COMPL_EC | Status check before quote set to complete | |
278 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_BEF_RELE_EC | Status check before quote release | |
279 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_CASCADE_EC | Cascades Status In Process from Item to Header | |
280 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_INIT_EC | Initialize the object | |
281 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_PARTNER_EC | PMM Partner Segment Change Detection | |
282 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_PRICING_EC | PMM Price segment change detection | |
283 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_PRICING_H_EC | PMM Price segment change detection | |
284 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_PRIDOC_CHK_EC | After Change of Pridoc segment | |
285 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_PRIDOC_EC | After Change of Pridoc segment | |
286 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_PROC_REJ_H_EC | Withdraw the approval request | |
287 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_PRODUCT_I_EC | PMM Product Segment Change detection | |
288 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_REJECT_H_EC | Withdraw the approval request | |
289 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_REJECT_I_EC | Rejecting and item | |
290 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_RROC_REJ_I_EC | Rejecting and item | |
291 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_SAVE_EC | EC upon document saved | |
293 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_SHIPING_EC | Detect Change in Shiping segment | |
294 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_STATUS_H_EC | Price_change_check_appointment | |
295 | CRM_PMM_BTX_QUT_STRUCT_I_EC | Price_change_check_appointment | |
296 | CRM_PMM_DISC_TYPE_SHLP_EXIT | Discount Types Search Help | |
297 | CRM_PMM_KSCHL_GET | Suchhilfe Konditionsarten für Easy condition entry | |
298 | CRM_PMNTTRMS_TEXT_IL | Text für Zahlungsbedingungen | |
302 | CRM_PNT_COM_ORGMAN_CHNG_EC | Change | |
303 | CRM_PNT_COM_STOP_START_EVENTS | Start / Stop von der Event-Registrierung | |
304 | CRM_PNT_COPY_EC | Copy | |
305 | CRM_PNT_DEFAULT_EC | Propose | |
306 | CRM_PNT_DELETE_NON_OWNER_EC | Ändern | |
307 | CRM_PNT_INIT_EC | Sichern Positionen | |
309 | CRM_PNT_SHLP_EXIT_PROCTYPE | Example for a search help exit | |
310 | CRM_POOL_CHECK_APPOINTMENT | check_appointment | |
311 | CRM_POOL_CHECK_CUSTOMIZING | customizing_check | |
312 | CRM_POOL_CHECK_LINKING_CURRENC | check_linking_currency | |
313 | CRM_POOL_CHECK_LINKING_ORGDATA | check_linking_orgdata | |
314 | CRM_POOL_CHECK_LINKING_STATUS | Prüfen ob Status linkage erlaubt | |
315 | CRM_POOL_LINKING_CHECK | Ist das Linking erlaubt ? | |
316 | CRM_POOL_LINKING_CHECK_PERIODS | Ist das Linking erlaubt ? | |
317 | CRM_POOL_LINK_BRI | Leasen aller aktiven Links zu einer FAP | |
318 | CRM_POOL_LINK_BUS_POOL_SEL_CB | CRM: read Customizing from CRMC_BUS_POOL_C | |
319 | CRM_POOL_LINK_COPY | Kopiert die Link-Attribute | |
320 | CRM_POOL_LINK_CP_PLNK_ADJUST | Kopiert die Link-Attribute | |
321 | CRM_POOL_LINK_DATES_CHECK | Check ob Linkstartdatum kleiner Vertragendedatum | |
322 | CRM_POOL_LINK_ENQUEUE | UBB: Sperren der Verträge aller aktiven Verknüpfungen | |
324 | CRM_POOL_LINK_REL_READ | CRM Lesen der Poolverknüpfung | |
325 | CRM_POOL_L_STYP_SEL_CB | Select servicetypes for business object type | |
326 | CRM_POOL_STORE_APPOINTMENT | store_appointment | |
327 | CRM_POPUP_STRING_INPUT | Control Composer: Popup zum Eingeben einer Integer Zahl | |
328 | CRM_PORTAL_1O_PARTNERS_LIST | Fetch the list of partners for a given one order document | |
329 | CRM_PORTAL_CONFIRM_ALERT | R | Alerts: Confirm Alert (RFC) |
330 | CRM_PORTAL_FORMAT_CURRENCIES | R | Konvertiert Währungen in das richtige Ausgabeformat |
331 | CRM_PORTAL_GET_ACTIVITIES | R | Alerts: Read Alerts for Users (RFC) |
332 | CRM_PORTAL_GET_ACTIVITIES_SIM | R | Simulation Alerts: Alerts für Benutzer lesen (RFC) |
333 | CRM_PORTAL_GET_ALERTS_FOR_USER | R | CRM Portals: Read Alerts for Users (RFC) |
334 | CRM_PORTAL_GET_ALERTS_USER_SIM | R | Simulation CRM Portale: Alerts für Benutzer lesen (RFC) |
335 | CRM_PORTAL_OBJECTTYPE_DISPATCH | R | Zuordnung Seite zu Objekttyp und Rolle |
336 | CRM_PORTAL_REMOVE_FROM_MYOBJEC | R | Löschen von Objekten aus der Favoritenliste |
337 | CRM_PORTAL_REPORT_INIT | Initializing the function group | |
338 | CRM_PORTAL_SEARCHHELP_ORDER | Suchhilfe für Status Contract/Auftrag/Angebot | |
339 | CRM_PORTAL_STATUSHELP | Example for a Search Help Exit | |
340 | CRM_PPFTCONDTR_EXTRACTOR | Extractor function for the customizing table PPFTCONDTR | |
341 | CRM_PPFTCONDTR_MAPPER | Receive customizing data from OLTP system | |
342 | CRM_PPFTTTCU_EXTRACTOR | Extractor function for the customizing table PPFTTTCU | |
344 | CRM_PPM_ALRT_CREATE | creation of alerts with ppm conditions | |
345 | CRM_PPM_ALRT_EXEC_IN_TIMEFRAME | checks timeframe for alert execution | |
346 | CRM_PPM_ALRT_SET_NEW | sets new timestamp | |
347 | CRM_PPM_BC_PRODUCT_INFO | Product information | |
348 | CRM_PPM_CALC_REF_CURR_VALS | Calculate reference currency values | |
349 | CRM_PPM_CREATE_1O_TEXT_UI | R | Create note for an opportunity |
350 | CRM_PPM_CREATE_TEXT_IL | Create a note for an opportunity | |
351 | CRM_PPM_DELETE_ELEMENT_GUID | Delete GUID for an element in Alerting Context | |
352 | CRM_PPM_GET_1O_TEXT_UI | R | Get opportunity texts |
353 | CRM_PPM_GET_ATTACHMENT_IL | Retrieve attachment for opportunity | |
356 | CRM_PPM_GET_DATES_FOR_DELTA | Converts delta integers into real months | |
357 | CRM_PPM_GET_ELEMENT_GUID | Get GUID for an element in Alerting Context | |
358 | CRM_PPM_GET_END_DATE_RANGE_FLT | Get filter for Closing Date | |
359 | CRM_PPM_GET_FORECAST_FILTER | Convert filter term on forecast_rel flag | |
360 | CRM_PPM_GET_LAST_NEXT_STEP_IL | Get last step and next step for a opportunity | |
361 | CRM_PPM_GET_LAST_NEXT_STEP_UI | R | Get last step and next step for an opportunity |
362 | CRM_PPM_GET_OPP_ACTIVITY_UI | R | Get activities for opportunity, exposed to UI |
363 | CRM_PPM_GET_OPP_ATTACHMENT_UI | R | Get opportunity attachments, exposed to UI |
364 | CRM_PPM_GET_OPP_COMPETITORS_UI | R | Get opportunity competitor information |
365 | CRM_PPM_GET_OPP_CONTACTS_UI | R | Get partner information |
366 | CRM_PPM_GET_OPP_DETAIL_UI | R | Get opportunity detail |
367 | CRM_PPM_GET_OPP_PRODUCT_UI | R | Get opportunity products |
368 | CRM_PPM_GET_OPP_SALES_TEAM_UI | R | Get sales team member that belongs to an opportunity |
369 | CRM_PPM_GET_ORG_MODEL_IL | Get available items in dropdownlists | |
370 | CRM_PPM_GET_ORG_MODEL_UI | Get available items in dropdownlists | |
371 | CRM_PPM_GET_OVERVIEW_IL | Retrieve overview detail for opportunity | |
372 | CRM_PPM_GET_OWNERSHIP_FILTER | Prepare Search Criteria regarding SALES_TEAM, SALESTEAM_MEMBERS | |
373 | CRM_PPM_GET_PCR_DATA_UI | R | Get PCR data |
375 | CRM_PPM_GET_PHASE_FILTER | Get filter for control phase | |
376 | CRM_PPM_GET_PREV_NEXT_OP | Decodes previous/next operator in Query-Terms | |
377 | CRM_PPM_GET_PRODUCT_ID_FILTER | Changes Product Guid to Product ID if possible | |
378 | CRM_PPM_GET_PRODUCT_IL | Retrieve product for opportunity | |
379 | CRM_PPM_GET_PROD_CAT_FILTER | Add all sub Categories to the chosen Category | |
380 | CRM_PPM_GET_PROSPECT_FILTER | Prepare filter terms for prospect search | |
381 | CRM_PPM_GET_REF_CURR_FILTER | Get Filter for Sales Rep | |
382 | CRM_PPM_GET_SALES_REP_FILTER | Get Filter for Sales Rep | |
383 | CRM_PPM_GET_SALES_TEAM_FILTER | Get Filter for Sales Team | |
384 | CRM_PPM_GET_STATUS_FILTER_STD | Replace Status-Group values | |
385 | CRM_PPM_GET_TEXT_IL | Retrieve note for opportunity | |
386 | CRM_PPM_GET_TTD_ACTUAL_IL | Get Actual Data for Target-to-date View | |
387 | CRM_PPM_GET_USER_REFCURR | deteermine ref currency from system user | |
388 | CRM_PPM_GET_USER_ROLE | Get Role of User | |
389 | CRM_PPM_GET_USER_ROLE_IL | Justify If A User Have a Manager Role | |
390 | CRM_PPM_GET_USER_ROLE_UI | R | Judge if a user is a manager |
391 | CRM_PPM_GET_VELOCITY_FILTER | translate velocity value to filter entries | |
392 | CRM_PPM_HANDLE_WILDCARD_FILTER | Convert filter terms that support 'CP' operator or might contain wildcards | |
393 | CRM_PPM_MONTRANGE_TO_TIMEFRAME | Transfer month range to time frame | |
394 | CRM_PPM_PARSE_VIEW_FLAG | parse pcr specific flag | |
395 | CRM_PPM_PERS_DELETE | PPM Chart Personalization Delete From Database | |
396 | CRM_PPM_PERS_INSERT | PPM Chart Personalization Insert Database | |
397 | CRM_PPM_PERS_UPDATE | PPM Chart Personalization Update Database | |
398 | CRM_PPM_QP_DIST_UPDATE | PPM Quota Planning Distribution Save function module | |
399 | CRM_PPM_QP_UPDATE | PPM Quota planning Save function module | |
400 | CRM_PPM_QUARRANGE_TO_TIMEFRAME | Transfer Quarter Range To Time Frame | |
401 | CRM_PPM_READ_QUOTA | Fetch Quota Data | |
402 | CRM_PPM_RESET_USER_REFCURR | Reset buffer for ref curr determined by orgmodel | |
403 | CRM_PPM_SORT_BY_CLOSING_DATE | Sort Table by Closing Date | |
404 | CRM_PPM_TRANS_DATE_TO_QUARTER | Convert Date to Quarter | |
405 | CRM_PPM_TTD_ALERTING | checkmodule if alert shall be risen | |
406 | CRM_PPM_TTD_EXEC_BW_REPORT | Perform TTD analysis by BW Report | |
408 | CRM_PPR_CDB_CRM_MAPPER | Mobile bridge for initial upload from cdb to crm | |
409 | CRM_PPR_CUST_DATA_CHECK | PPR check aktiv im Marketing Planner | |
410 | CRM_PPR_SETTYP_ALL | Get all Settypes for PPR | |
411 | CRM_PPR_SETTYP_GEN_MAX_STRUCT | Re-/Generate DDIC Structure BOL for MaxObject | |
412 | CRM_PP_CONFIG_DETERMINE | Produkte mit Konfiguration einer Order ermitteln | |
413 | CRM_PP_DP_SELECT_CB | Lesen des Anzeigeprofils für die Auftragshistorie | |
414 | CRM_PP_DP_T_SELECT_CB | Lesen der Beschreibung des Anzeigeprofils | |
415 | CRM_PP_FILTER_SELECT_CB | Lesen des Vorgangsfilters für die Auftragshistorie | |
416 | CRM_PP_GET_CUSTOMIZING | Get General Customizing Settings for Product Proposal | |
417 | CRM_PP_GLOBAL_SELECT_CB | Lesen der allgemeinen Einstellungen für Produktvorschläge | |
418 | CRM_PP_HISTINFO_GET | Historical Information (deprecated) | |
419 | CRM_PP_HST_TRAN_SELECT_CB | Lesen des Anzeigeprofils / Zeitraums für Auftragshistorie | |
420 | CRM_PP_PRODUCT_GET | Proposed Product Extraction (deprecated) | |
421 | CRM_PP_PROD_DEFAULT_GET | Default Proposed Product (deprecated) | |
422 | CRM_PP_PROD_MAP_READ | Lesen aus der Tabelle CRMC_PP_PROD_MAP | |
423 | CRM_PP_PROMOTION_GET | Product Proposal - Promotion (deprecated) | |
424 | CRM_PRCALL_EXAMPLE_01 | R | Return the Number 19650921 |
425 | CRM_PRCALL_EXAMPLE_02 | R | Return Cond. Amt Split by 19990707 (Fixed Point Arith. On) |
426 | CRM_PRCALL_EXAMPLE_03 | R | Test for Error Handling: Return the Number One and Generates a Dump |
427 | CRM_PRCALL_EXAMPLE_04 | R | Der KondBetrag geteilt durch 19990707 zurückgeben (genauer) |
428 | CRM_PRCALL_EXAMPLE_11 | R | Return Cond. Amt Split by 20020601 (Fixed Point Arithmetic Off) |
429 | CRM_PRCALL_FUNCNAME_SH | Exit for Function Name | |
430 | CRM_PRCATCNDFRLS_SELECT_CB | Lesen aller Customizingeinträge aus CRMC_PRCATCNDFRG | |
431 | CRM_PRCATCNDFRL_SELECT_CB | Lesen eines Customizingeintrags aus CRMC_PRCATCNDFRG | |
432 | CRM_PRCATCNDGRPS_SELECT_CB | Lesen aller Customizingeinträge aus CRMC_PRCATCNDGRP | |
433 | CRM_PRCATCNDGRP_SELECT_CB | Lesen eines Customizingeintrags aus CRMC_PRCATCNDGRP | |
434 | CRM_PRCATCNDRELS_SELECT_CB | Lesen aller Customizingeinträge aus CRMC_PRCATCNDREL | |
435 | CRM_PRCATCNDREL_SELECT_CB | Lesen eines Customizingeintrags aus CRMC_PRCATCNDREL | |
436 | CRM_PRCATCNDSUPS_SELECT_CB | Lesen aller Customizingeinträge aus CRMC_PRCATCNDSUP | |
437 | CRM_PRCATCNDSUP_SELECT_CB | Lesen eines Customizingeintrags aus CRMC_PRCATCNDSUP | |
438 | CRM_PRCAT_API_GET_CATEGORYPATH | Retrieve the assigned product category and the path to the root | |
439 | CRM_PRCAT_ATTR_MAP_TO_EXTERNAL | Mapping der vtl. abhängigen Attribute in BDoc-Fomat | |
440 | CRM_PRCAT_COND_BADI_SHORT_TEXT | FB für BADI Lesen Kategoriekurztext | |
441 | CRM_PRCAT_COND_CATID_F4 | F4-Hilfe für Feld Kategorie-ID | |
442 | CRM_PRCAT_COND_CHECK_CATGUID | Prüft ob es sich um eine preisrelevante Hierarchie (CRM Kond.) handelt | |
443 | CRM_PRCAT_COND_GET_R3_FIELDS | Prüft ob es sich um die Hier. mit R/3 Konditionen handelt | |
444 | CRM_PRCAT_COND_UI_CHECK_ACTIVE | Prüfbaustein zur Pflegbarkeit von Konditionen | |
445 | CRM_PRCAT_ILREF_ASSIGN_CHECK | Zuordnung zw. Kategorie und Beziehungstyp prüfen | |
446 | CRM_PRCAT_ILREF_CHECK | Check referenced rel types assigned to product category | |
449 | CRM_PRCAT_ILREF_DELETE_CHECK | Löschen des zugeordneten Beziehungstyp möglich? | |
458 | CRM_PRCAT_ILREF_TRANSPORT | R | Transport Product Category - Referenced Rel types |
459 | CRM_PRCAT_ILREF_VALID_RELTYPES | Determine possible rel types | |
460 | CRM_PRCAT_IL_CAT_SETT_SEARCH | F4-Hilfe für Settypen, die einer Kategorie zugeordnet werden können | |
461 | CRM_PRCAT_IL_MINITEMPL_SEARCHE | Example for a search help exit | |
462 | CRM_PRCAT_IL_SETTTPE_SEARCHEX | Example for a search help exit | |
463 | CRM_PRCAT_PRICING_FILL_COMMST2 | Füllen der Kommunikationsstruktur zur Preisfindung für Produkthierarchien | |
464 | CRM_PRCAT_PRICING_FILL_COMMSTR | Füllen der Kommunikationsstruktur zur Preisfindung für Produkthierarchien | |
465 | CRM_PRCAT_PRICING_FILL_PRODH | Füllen der Komm.Struktur zur Preisfindung mit Sales-Produkthierarchie | |
466 | CRM_PRCAT_PRICING_GET_FIELDS | Konditionsfelder der preisrelev. Hierarchien ermitteln (ohne R/3 Felder) | |
467 | CRM_PRCAT_PRICING_GET_HIER | Ermittlung der preisfindungsrel. Produkthierarchien | |
468 | CRM_PRCAT_SET_REL_CREATE | Zuordnung anlegen ohne OE | |
469 | CRM_PRCAT_SET_REL_DEL_MULTI | Zuordnung löschen ohne OE | |
470 | CRM_PRCAT_SET_REL_FREE | Puffer refresh | |
472 | CRM_PRCAT_SET_REL_READ_SINGLE | Zuordnung lesen ohne OE | |
473 | CRM_PRCAT_SET_REL_SAVE | Save Assignments | |
474 | CRM_PRCAT_SET_REL_SAVE_DB | db update | |
475 | CRM_PRCAT_UOM_GET | get sales uom if not base uom | |
476 | CRM_PRC_COND_TYPE_F4 | Suchhilfe-Exit für die Auswahl der Preisfindungskondition | |
477 | CRM_PRC_DEV_TYPE_IL | Text für Produktgruppe 1 | |
478 | CRM_PRC_GET_CTYPE_FROM_KOMV_SM | Determines the calculation type for an item document | |
479 | CRM_PRC_GROUP1_TEXT_IL | Text für Produktgruppe 1 | |
480 | CRM_PRC_GROUP2_TEXT_IL | Text für Produktgruppe 2 | |
481 | CRM_PRC_GROUP3_TEXT_IL | Text für Produktgruppe 3 | |
482 | CRM_PRC_GROUP4_TEXT_IL | Text für Produktgruppe 4 | |
483 | CRM_PRC_GROUP5_TEXT_IL | Text für Produktgruppe 5 | |
484 | CRM_PRDWTY_IL_API_READ | Verknüpfungen Produkt-Garantie lesen | |
485 | CRM_PRD_CUST_F4_SHLP_EXIT | Search Help Exit for Sales Organization | |
486 | CRM_PRD_INDOBJ_IT_STAT_EC | IT items: status changes via IOITF | |
487 | CRM_PRD_SALES_F4_SHLP_EXIT | Search Help Exit for Sales Organization | |
488 | CRM_PRD_SET_ROD_FILL_BUFF_EXT | Externes Füllen der T/O Puffer des orgabh. Linkhandlers | |
489 | CRM_PRD_SORG_F4_SHLP_EXIT | Suchhilfe-Exit für Verkaufsorganisation | |
490 | CRM_PRD_TAX_F4_SHLP_EXIT | Suchhilfe-Exit für Tax_Type | |
491 | CRM_PRD_TAX_TCODE_F4_SHLP_EXIT | Suchhilfe-Exit für Tax_Type | |
492 | CRM_PRD_UPG_MV_ATTR_CHECK | Prüft, ob die PME Werte umgesetzt wurden | |
493 | CRM_PRD_UPG_MV_ATTR_UPGRADE | Umsetzung der mehrwertigen Attribute in CRM 5.0 starten | |
494 | CRM_PREDECESSOR_PROCESS_IR | Integritätsregeln des Vorgängerbelegs | |
495 | CRM_PREFILL_RFC_F4_HELP | Example for a search help exit | |
496 | CRM_PREFILL_SRVQ_RFC_CREATION | R | RFC function module for creation of Service Request |
497 | CRM_PREFILL_SRVQ_RFC_DISPLAY | R | RFC function module for Search of Service Requests |
498 | CRM_PREFILL_SRVQ_RFC_SEARCH | R | RFC function module for Search of Service Requests |
499 | CRM_PREPARE_APPOINTMENT | Vorbelegen von Termindaten | |
500 | CRM_PREPARE_CONTRACT_SEARCH_EC | Merken der Positions-GUID für die Kontraktfindung |