SAP ABAP Function Module - Index C, page 151
- C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 C-9 C-10 C-11 C-12 C-13 C-14 C-15 C-16 C-17 C-18 C-19 C-20 C-21 C-22 C-23 C-24 C-25 C-26 C-27 C-28 C-29 C-30 C-31 C-32 C-33 C-34 C-35 C-36 C-37 C-38 C-39 C-40 C-41 C-42 C-43 C-44 C-45 C-46 C-47 C-48 C-49 C-50 C-51 C-52 C-53 C-54 C-55 C-56 C-57 C-58 C-59 C-60 C-61 C-62 C-63 C-64 C-65 C-66 C-67 C-68 C-69 C-70 C-71 C-72 C-73 C-74 C-75 C-76 C-77 C-78 C-79 C-80 C-81 C-82 C-83 C-84 C-85 C-86 C-87 C-88 C-89 C-90 C-91 C-92 C-93 C-94 C-95 C-96 C-97 C-98 C-99 C-100 C-101 C-102 C-103 C-104 C-105 C-106 C-107 C-108 C-109 C-110 C-111 C-112 C-113 C-114 C-115 C-116 C-117 C-118 C-119 C-120 C-121 C-122 C-123 C-124 C-125 C-126 C-127 C-128 C-129 C-130 C-131 C-132 C-133 C-134 C-135 C-136 C-137 C-138 C-139 C-140 C-141 C-142 C-143 C-144 C-145 C-146 C-147 C-148 C-149 C-150 C-151 C-152 C-153 C-154 C-155 C-156 C-157 C-158 C-159 C-160 C-161 C-162 C-163 C-164 C-165 C-166 C-167 C-168 C-169 C-170 C-171 C-172 C-173 C-174 C-175
Function Module - C
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | CRM_PRP_ATTR_VAL_CDB | Download of PPR possible attribute Values | |
2 | CRM_PRP_AUTHORITY_CHECK | Authority Check for Partner/Product Ranges (PPRs) | |
4 | CRM_PRP_AUTH_ACE_CHECK_REQUIRE | Check whether an ACE check is required | |
5 | CRM_PRP_AUTO_PUT_IL | Auto input PPR into interaction layer | |
6 | CRM_PRP_BADI_APPEND_APPL_LOG | Append Messages from BADI to the PPR Application Log | |
7 | CRM_PRP_BLUEPRNTC_UPDATE | CRM: CRMC_BLUEPRINT for Partner/Product Ranges | |
8 | CRM_PRP_BSP_BLUEPRINT_UPDATE | Update Blueprint Table for PPR Customer Settype | |
9 | CRM_PRP_BSP_CST_BLUEPRINT_UPD | Re-generate blueprint entries for PPR set types | |
10 | CRM_PRP_BSP_GEN_SAP_SETTYPES | Genarate blueprint for predefined settypes | |
11 | CRM_PRP_BSP_GET_ALTID_TYPE | Get Alt Id Type from buffer based on PPR Type | |
12 | CRM_PRP_BSP_GET_F4_VALUE_TAB | Get Value Table information for BSP F4( with DB TEXT) | |
13 | CRM_PRP_BSP_GET_FIELDGROUP | Get Field Group name for PPR Customer Defined Settype | |
14 | CRM_PRP_BSP_GET_REF_TYPE | Get All Reference Type Base on PPR Type | |
15 | CRM_PRP_BSP_GET_RULE_DETAIL | Get Rule BP,Product,Validity Date for PC-UI | |
16 | CRM_PRP_BSP_GLOBAL_DATA_GET | Get BSP Global data | |
17 | CRM_PRP_BSP_GLOBAL_DATA_UPD | Update BSP Global data | |
18 | CRM_PRP_BSP_PRP_ID_SHLP_EXIT | Searchhelp exit: search PPR IDs in BSP UI | |
19 | CRM_PRP_BSP_PUT_ALTID_TYPE | Put Alt Id Type into buffer based on PPR Type | |
20 | CRM_PRP_BSP_SETTYPE_LAYOUT_UPD | Layout update for Set Types in FORM view | |
21 | CRM_PRP_BSP_UI_BUFFER_GET | PPR: BSP UI Get data from buffer | |
22 | CRM_PRP_BSP_UI_BUFFER_PUT | PPR: BSP UI Put data to buffer | |
23 | CRM_PRP_BSP_UI_BUFFER_REFRESH | PPR: BSP UI refresh buffer | |
24 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_ARCH_ROLLBACK | PPR Rollback function when BUPA archive | |
25 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_ARCH_TEST | Test for BUPA archive check | |
26 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_DATA_FROM_LOCA | Transfer business partner data from locator to workplace | |
27 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_EVENT_ARCH1 | This function is called by the BUPA Archiving for checks in PPR. | |
28 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_EVENT_ARCH4 | This function is called by the BUPA Archiving for deleting BPs in PPR. | |
29 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_EVENT_DELE1 | This function is called by the BUPA Archiving for checks in PPR. | |
30 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_HIE_NODE_F4 | Self defined F4 for Business Partner hierarchy for ALV Grid control | |
31 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_ITEM_RULE_DISPLAY | Exporting some information of PPR Rule Business Partner | |
32 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_4_READ_BUFF_DB | BUPA Check: Read the needed Entries from the Global Buffer Table | |
33 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_ALL_BP_VALID_FC | PPR Business Partner Ref. Field Check for 'ALL_BP_VALIDITY'-Flag | |
34 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_BP_STATUS_IR | Check whether the BP has status 'To be Archived' | |
35 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_BUFFER_UPD_DB | Update the Database Buffer of PPR Business Partner References | |
36 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_BUHI_NODE_FC | PPR Business Partner Reference Field Check for Hierarchy Node Search Term | |
37 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_BUHI_TYPE_FC | PPR Business Partner Reference Field Check for Hierarchy Node Type | |
38 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_CHANGE_OW | Update PPR Business Partner References | |
39 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_CHECK | Check whether PPR Business Partner References contain a Business Partner | |
40 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_CHECK_2 | Check whether PPR Business Partner References contain a Business Partner | |
41 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_CHECK_OW | Check PPR Business Partner References | |
42 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_CREATE_OW | Create a single PPR Business Partner Reference | |
43 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_EXCL_CHECK | Reduce a List of BP References by Exclusion BPs | |
44 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_FIELDCHECK_FC | Check Readiness for Input of PPR Business Partner Fields | |
45 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_FREE | Reset the Function Group's Internal Buffer Tables | |
46 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_GENERAL_IR | General Checks for PPR Business Partner References | |
47 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_GET_LINK_DB | Get the Key GUID(s) for a specified Parent GUID | |
48 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_GET_MULTI_DB | Retrieve PPR Business Partner References from the Database Buffer | |
49 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_GET_MULTI_OB | Get several PPR Business Partners from the Object Buffer | |
50 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_GET_PGUID_DB | Retrieve PPR BUPA References by Parent GUIDs from the Database Buffer | |
51 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_GET_WRK_BUF_OB | Return the complete current WRK content of PPR Business Partner References | |
52 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_HIERARCHY_IR | Checks for PPR Business Partner Group Hierarchy References | |
53 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_INIT_4_CHECK_DB | Reset the Function Group's Internal Buffer Tables for check&propose | |
54 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_INIT_DB | Initialize the Database Buffer for PPR Business Partner References | |
55 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_INIT_OB | Initialise the Object Buffer for Business Partner References | |
56 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_INIT_OW | Initialize PPR Business Partner References | |
57 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_MAINTAIN_OW | Maintain PPR Business Partner References | |
58 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_MERGE_OW | Merge PPR Business Partner Reference Fields | |
59 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_MESSAGE_DEL_OW | Reset a defined Message Range for a PPR Business Partner References | |
60 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_MKTSEG_DESCR_FC | PPR Business Partner Reference Field Check for a Marketing Segment Descrip | |
61 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_MKT_SEGMENT_IR | Checks for PPR References to Marketing Segments | |
62 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_MKT_SEG_CAT_FC | PPR Business Partner Reference Field Check for a Marketing Segment Categor | |
63 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_MKT_SEG_TYPE_FC | PPR Business Partner Reference Field Check for a Marketing Segment Type | |
64 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_NUMBER_INT_UPD | Update PPR BP number_int field in the Object Buffer | |
65 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_PARTNER_ID_FC | PPR Business Partner Reference Field Check for a Partner ID | |
66 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_PARTNER_ID_IR | Check the Partner ID of a PPR Business Partner Reference | |
67 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_PGUID_READ_DB | Read PPR BUPA Reference(s) from the Database (Buffer) by Parent GUIDs | |
68 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_PGUID_READ_OB | PPR BUPA Reference Retrieval from the Object Buffer by Parent GUIDs | |
69 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_PRP_STATUS_IR | Check the Status of a referenced PPR | |
70 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_PRP_TO_PRP_IR | Check the Correctness of a PPR as a Business Partner Reference | |
71 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_PUT_LINK_DB | Put Data into the Global Link Table GT_LINK for PPR Business Partner Refs. | |
72 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_PUT_MULTI_OB | Pass Many PPR Business Partner References to the Object Buffer | |
73 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_PUT_OB | Pass PPR Business Partner References to the Object Buffer | |
74 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_PUT_TO_DB_LAYER | Put PPR BUPA References into the Global DB Layer Buffer Table | |
75 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_READ_4_CHECK_DB | Execute dedicated Select-Statements for ppr Check & Propose | |
76 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_READ_DB | Read one or more PPR Business Partner Ref(s). from the Database (Buffer) | |
77 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_READ_MULTI_DB | Read one or more PPR Business Partner Refs. from the Database (Buffer) | |
78 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_READ_OB | PPR Business Partner Reference Retrieval from the Object Buffer | |
79 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_REF_PRP_ID_FC | PPR Business Partner Reference Field Check for a referenced PPR ID | |
80 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_REF_PRP_TYPE_FC | PPR Business Partner Reference Field Check for a referenced PPR's Type | |
81 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_RESOLVE_2_OB | Resolve complex PPR Business Partner References | |
82 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_RESOLVE_OB | Resolve complex PPR Business Partner References | |
83 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_SAVE_OB | Write PPR Business Partner References to the Database | |
84 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_SELECT_4_CHK_DB | Select all the needed Database Entries for the PPR BUPA Check | |
85 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_TARGETGRP_ID_FC | PPR Business Partner Reference Field Check for a Target Group ID | |
86 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_I_UPDATE_DU | Update PPR Business Partner References | |
87 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_SORT_BY_ID | Sort PRP business partners by their ID | |
88 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_SORT_BY_RANK | Sort PPR Business Partner References by their internal Rank | |
89 | CRM_PRP_BUPA_SORT_IR | Check a PPR Sorting Rule for Business Partners | |
90 | CRM_PRP_CHANGE_LISTING_BUPA | Change the BP Reference of an existing Listing | |
91 | CRM_PRP_CHANGE_RANK | Retrieve Listings for a specified Bsiness Partner Reference | |
92 | CRM_PRP_CHBADI_CALL_AFTER_UPD | call BAdI after PPR changes | |
93 | CRM_PRP_CHECK | Check a business document against PPRs | |
94 | CRM_PRP_CHECK_BUPA_ID | Check, if a specifiied Business Partner Reference exists in the Database | |
95 | CRM_PRP_CHECK_BUPA_IN_PPR | check if a given business partner guid is referenced in a PPR | |
96 | CRM_PRP_CHECK_FOR_BUPA_ARCHIVE | Check PPRs for Business Partner Archiving | |
97 | CRM_PRP_CHECK_GUID_EXIST_AT_DB | Check whether the PPR guid in the Database table or not | |
98 | CRM_PRP_CHECK_PRODUCTLIST | Check if Products are assigned to given PPRs | |
99 | CRM_PRP_CHECK_PROF_RANK_USED | Check, if a PPR Rank assigned in a PPR Rank Profile is used in PPRs | |
100 | CRM_PRP_CHECK_RANK_IN_PRP_TYPE | Check, if a PPR Rank at all is used within PPRs of a given Type | |
101 | CRM_PRP_CHECK_RANK_PROFILE_IDS | Check, if each PPR Rank Profile has at least one PPR Rank assigned | |
102 | CRM_PRP_CHECK_RANK_PROF_USED | Check, if a PPR Rank Profile is used in at least one PPR Type | |
103 | CRM_PRP_CHECK_RANK_USED | Check, if a given Rank is used in at least one PPR Rank Profile or a PPR | |
104 | CRM_PRP_CHECK_REF_USAGE | Check PPR reference usage ( whether it is referenced by other PPR or not ) | |
105 | CRM_PRP_CHECK_SETTYPE_DATA_CB | Check the PPR Settypes maintained within the PPR Type Customizing | |
106 | CRM_PRP_CLEAR_RETURN_TABLE | Clear the global return table of Function Group CRM_PRP_TOOLS | |
107 | CRM_PRP_COMPILE_EXCL_BUPA_I | Compile a List of excluded Business Partners | |
108 | CRM_PRP_COMPILE_EXCL_PROD_I | Compile a List of Exclusion Products not to be shown in a Product Proposal | |
109 | CRM_PRP_COMPILE_PARENT_TABLE | Compile the PPR admin item table for the PPR check & propose | |
110 | CRM_PRP_COMPILE_PARENT_TABLE_2 | Compile the PPR Admin Item Table for the PPR APIs Check & Propose | |
111 | CRM_PRP_COMPLETE_MULTI_OW | Final Maintain Complete for PPRs | |
112 | CRM_PRP_CONTRACT_SHLP_EXIT | Search for PPRs in contract environments | |
113 | CRM_PRP_CONVERT_DOCNUMBER | Convert a PPR document number into the internal GUID | |
114 | CRM_PRP_COPY_FROM_REFERENCE | Copy a PPR with all its objects | |
115 | CRM_PRP_COPY_ITEM | Copy a PPR with all its objects | |
116 | CRM_PRP_COPY_LISTING | Copy a given Partner/Product Range based Listing | |
117 | CRM_PRP_CREATE_HEADER_UI | Create a PPR header along with one item | |
118 | CRM_PRP_CREATE_ITEM_UI | Create a PPR item for a given header GUID | |
119 | CRM_PRP_CTRL_SELECT_CB | Get PPR Control Table Entry for Client | |
120 | CRM_PRP_DATE_CHAR_EXIT | F4 Searchhelp exit for date element BU_DATE_...CHAR | |
121 | CRM_PRP_DA_ANALYZE | CRM: Display archived Partner/Product Ranges from archive files | |
122 | CRM_PRP_DA_DELETE | Delete Partner/Product Ranges wtih Status 'To be Deleted' | |
123 | CRM_PRP_DA_DELETE_BAK | CRM: PPR archivng Delete Phase: 3 | |
124 | CRM_PRP_DA_PRESELECT | CRM: PPR archivng Preselect Phase: 1.1 | |
125 | CRM_PRP_DA_READ_CHECK | Archiving CRM Partner/Product Ranges: Read Program | |
126 | CRM_PRP_DA_RELOAD | Load archived PPRs from archive files back to database table | |
127 | CRM_PRP_DA_WRITE | CRM: PPR archivng Write Phase: 2.1 | |
128 | CRM_PRP_DEFAULT_RANK_SELECT_CB | Select the Default PPR Rank for a PPR Rank Profile | |
129 | CRM_PRP_DELETE | Delete partner/product ranges physically | |
130 | CRM_PRP_DELETE_BUFFER_IL | Delete the Buffer for Object Layer Data Retrieval | |
131 | CRM_PRP_DELETE_COMPLETE_PRP | Delete a complete PPR specified by its ID and Type od Header GUID | |
132 | CRM_PRP_DELETE_PRPADM_I | Delete a PPR item & its descendants | |
133 | CRM_PRP_DEQUEUE | Dequeue a single Partner/Product Range (PPR) Assignment | |
134 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_CHANGE_OW | Update PPR Descriptions (Header or Item) | |
135 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_CHECK_OW | Check PPR Descriptions for either Header or Item | |
136 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_CREATE_OW | Create a single PPR Description Line | |
137 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_FIELDCHECK_FC | Check input readiness of PRP description fields | |
138 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_GET_LINK_DB | Get the Key GUIDs for a specified Parent GUID | |
139 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_GET_MULTI_DB | Retrieve PPR Description(s) from the Database Buffer | |
140 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_GET_MULTI_OB | Get several PPR (Header and/or Item) Descriptions from the Object Buffer | |
141 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_GUID_GET_DB | Retrieve PPR Description GUIDs by their Semantic Key | |
142 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_GUID_GET_OB | Get GUIDs for a PPR Descriptions | |
143 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_H_BUFFER_UPD_DB | Update the Database Buffer of PPR Header Descriptions | |
144 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_H_FIELDCHECK_FC | Check input readiness of PRP description fields | |
145 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_H_GET_LINK_DB | Get Key GUIDs for a PPR Header Description | |
146 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_H_GET_MULTI_DB | Retrieve PPR Header Descriptions from the Database Buffer | |
147 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_H_GET_MULTI_OB | Get several PPR Header Descriptions from the Object Buffer | |
148 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_H_INIT_DB | Initialize the Database Buffer for PPR Header Descriptions | |
149 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_H_INIT_OB | Initialise the PPR Header Description Object Buffer | |
150 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_H_INIT_OW | Initialize PPR Administrative Header Description Data | |
151 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_H_READ_OB | Get PPR Header Descriptions from the Object Buffer | |
152 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_H_READ_OW | PRP Administrative Header: Read the Description | |
153 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_H_SAVE_OB | Write PPR Header Descriptions to the Database | |
154 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_H_UPDATE_DU | Update PPR Header Descriptions | |
155 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_INIT_OW | Initialize PPR Description Data | |
156 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_I_BUFFER_UPD_DB | Update the Database Buffer of PPR Item Descriptions | |
157 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_I_FIELDCHECK_FC | Check input readiness of PRP description fields | |
158 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_I_GET_LINK_DB | Get Key GUIDs for a PPR Item Description | |
159 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_I_GET_MULTI_DB | Retrieve PPR Item Descriptions from the Database Buffer | |
160 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_I_GET_MULTI_OB | Get several PPR Item Descriptions from the Object Buffer | |
161 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_I_INIT_DB | Initialize the Database Buffer for PPR Item Descriptions | |
162 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_I_INIT_OB | Initialise the PPR Item Description Object Buffer | |
163 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_I_INIT_OW | Initialize PPR Administrative Item Description Data | |
164 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_I_READ_OB | Get PPR Item Descriptions from the Object Buffer | |
165 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_I_READ_OW | PPR Administrative Item: Read the Description | |
166 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_I_SAVE_OB | Write PPR Item Descriptions to the Database | |
167 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_I_UPDATE_DU | Update PPR Item Descriptions | |
168 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_LANGUAGE_FC | PRP description: field check for LANGUAGE | |
169 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_LANGUAGE_IR | Check the Language Key | |
170 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_MAINTAIN_OW | Maintain PPR Descriptions (Header or Item) | |
171 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_MERGE_OW | Merge PPR Description Fields | |
172 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_MESSAGE_DEL_OW | Reset a defined Message Range for PPR Descriptions | |
173 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_PGUID_READ_DB | Read PPR Description Record(s) from the Database (Buffer) by Parent GUIDs | |
174 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_PGUID_READ_OB | PPR Description Retrieval from the Object Buffer by Parent GUIDs | |
175 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_PUT_LINK_DB | Put Data into the Global Link Table GT_LINK for PPR Descriptions | |
176 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_PUT_OB | Pass PPR Descriptions to the Object Buffer | |
177 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_PUT_TO_DB_LAYER | Put PPR Descriptions into the Global DB Layer Buffer Table | |
178 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_READ_MULTI_DB | Read one or more PPR Description Record(s) from the Database (Buffer) | |
179 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_READ_OB | PPR Description Retrieval from the Object Buffer | |
180 | CRM_PRP_DESCR_UPDATE_DU | Update PPR Descriptions | |
181 | CRM_PRP_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULT | Display PPR and Top N List search result at locator side (ALV TREE) | |
182 | CRM_PRP_DOWNLOAD_MSA | Mobile Bridge for PPRs | |
183 | CRM_PRP_DROPDOWN_VAL_TYPE_30 | Get Values for filling Dropdown Listboxes for CRM_PRP_FIND_BY_TYPE_30 | |
184 | CRM_PRP_EDITABLE_TYPES_CB | Returns PPR types for Assortment | |
185 | CRM_PRP_EDIT_RULE_PARAMS_UI | Edit a PPR's Rule Parameters | |
186 | CRM_PRP_ENQUEUE | Enqueue a Partner/Product Range (PPR) Assignment | |
187 | CRM_PRP_ENQUEUE_CHECK | Check, if a PPR Header is already locked | |
188 | CRM_PRP_EOP_CHECK | End of Purpose check for PPR | |
189 | CRM_PRP_EXEC_TOPN_PROD_RULE | Execute PPR(Top n list) product Rule | |
190 | CRM_PRP_EXTRACT_CDB_ID | CDB Guid extractor for PPR's | |
191 | CRM_PRP_EXTRACT_DATA | selects data for given ID's | |
192 | CRM_PRP_EXTRACT_ID | selection of ID's for download | |
193 | CRM_PRP_EXT_CHECK_OW | Check PPR Object Extensions | |
194 | CRM_PRP_EXT_DET_INFO_DB | Get DDIC Info for a PPR Settype IDs Database Table and its Fields | |
195 | CRM_PRP_EXT_GET_FIXED_VAL_DB | Get Fixed Values for a PPR Settype IDs Attributes | |
196 | CRM_PRP_EXT_GUID_INFO | Get Info, if for a comb. "PPR Type/Obj./Ref.Type/Set Type" an entry exists | |
197 | CRM_PRP_EXT_H_BUFFER_UPD_DB | Update the Database Buffer of PPR Org. Data Obj. Extensions | |
198 | CRM_PRP_EXT_H_CHECK_OW | Check PPR Org. Data Object Extensions | |
199 | CRM_PRP_EXT_H_CREATE_OW | Create a single PPR Org. Data Object Extension | |
200 | CRM_PRP_EXT_H_FIELDCHECK_FC | Check readiness for input of PRP product fields | |
201 | CRM_PRP_EXT_H_GET_MULTI_DB | Retrieve PPR Org. Data Object Extensions from the Database Buffer | |
202 | CRM_PRP_EXT_H_GET_MULTI_OB | Get several PPR Org. Data Object Extensions from the Object Buffer | |
203 | CRM_PRP_EXT_H_INIT_DB | Initialize the Database Buffer for PPR Org. Data Object Extensions | |
204 | CRM_PRP_EXT_H_INIT_OB | Initialise the Object Buffer for PPR Org. Data Object Extensions | |
205 | CRM_PRP_EXT_H_INIT_OW | Initialize PPR Org. Data Object Extensions | |
206 | CRM_PRP_EXT_H_PGUID_READ_DB | Read PPR Org. Data Object Extension Records by Parent GUIDs from the DB | |
207 | CRM_PRP_EXT_H_PUT_OB | Pass PPR Org. Data Object Extensions to the Object Buffer | |
208 | CRM_PRP_EXT_H_PUT_TO_DB_LAYER | Put PPR Org. Data Object Extension Data into the Global DB Layer Buffer | |
209 | CRM_PRP_EXT_H_READ_DB | Read PPR Org. Data Object Extension Records from the DB (Buffer) | |
210 | CRM_PRP_EXT_H_READ_MULTI_DB | Read PPR Org. Data Object Extension Records from the DB (Buffer) | |
211 | CRM_PRP_EXT_H_READ_OB | PPR Org. Data Object Extensions Retrieval from the Object Buffer | |
212 | CRM_PRP_EXT_H_READ_PARENT_OB | PPR Org. Data Obj. Ext. Retrieval from the Object Buffer for Parent_GUIDs | |
213 | CRM_PRP_EXT_H_SAVE_OB | Write PPR Org. Data Object Extensions to the Database | |
214 | CRM_PRP_EXT_H_TABLE_SAVE_DU | Write PPR Org. Data Object Extensions to the Database | |
215 | CRM_PRP_EXT_I_BUFFER_UPD_DB | Update the Database Buffer of PPR Object Extensions | |
216 | CRM_PRP_EXT_I_CHECK_OW | Check PPR Object Extensions | |
217 | CRM_PRP_EXT_I_CREATE_OW | Create a single PPR Object Extension | |
218 | CRM_PRP_EXT_I_FIELDCHECK_FC | Check readiness for input of PRP product fields | |
219 | CRM_PRP_EXT_I_GET_MULTI_DB | Retrieve PPR Object Extensions from the Database Buffer | |
220 | CRM_PRP_EXT_I_GET_MULTI_OB | Get several PPR Object Extensions from the Object Buffer | |
221 | CRM_PRP_EXT_I_INIT_DB | Initialize the Database Buffer for PPR Object Extensions | |
222 | CRM_PRP_EXT_I_INIT_OB | Initialise the Object Buffer | |
223 | CRM_PRP_EXT_I_INIT_OW | Initialize PPR Object Extensions | |
224 | CRM_PRP_EXT_I_PGUID_READ_DB | Read PPR Object Extension Records by Parent GUIDs from the DB | |
225 | CRM_PRP_EXT_I_PUT_MULTI_OB | Pass many PPR Object Extensions to the Object Buffer | |
226 | CRM_PRP_EXT_I_PUT_OB | Pass PPR Object Extensions to the Object Buffer | |
227 | CRM_PRP_EXT_I_PUT_TO_DB_LAYER | Put PPR Object Extension Data into the Global DB Layer Buffer Table | |
228 | CRM_PRP_EXT_I_READ_DB | Read PPR BUPA/Product/Validity Period Extensions from the DB (Buffer) | |
229 | CRM_PRP_EXT_I_READ_MULTI_DB | Read PPR BUPA/Product/Validity Period Extension Records from the DB | |
230 | CRM_PRP_EXT_I_READ_OB | PPR Object Extensions Retrieval from the Object Buffer | |
231 | CRM_PRP_EXT_I_READ_PARENT_OB | PPR Object Extensions Retrieval from the Object Buffer for Parent_GUIDs | |
232 | CRM_PRP_EXT_I_SAVE_OB | Write PPR Object Extensions (Item Level) to the Database | |
233 | CRM_PRP_EXT_I_TABLE_SAVE_DU | Write PPR Object Extensions to the Database | |
234 | CRM_PRP_EXT_KEY_FIELDS_IR | Check the Key Fields for PPR Object Extensions | |
235 | CRM_PRP_EXT_MESSAGE_DEL_OW | Reset a defined Message Range for PPR Product References | |
236 | CRM_PRP_EXT_READ_DB | Read PPR Object Extension Records from the DB (Buffer) | |
237 | CRM_PRP_EXT_READ_MULTI_DB | Read PPR Object Extension Records from the DB (Buffer) | |
238 | CRM_PRP_EXT_READ_OB | PPR Object Extensions Retrieval from the Object Buffer | |
239 | CRM_PRP_EXT_TYPE_IR | Check the Reference Type | |
240 | CRM_PRP_EXT_UPDATE_DU | Update PPR Object Extensions | |
241 | CRM_PRP_F4IF_SHLP_EXIT_ID | User exit for F4 search help of PPR ID (Topn ID) | |
242 | CRM_PRP_F4IF_SHLP_EXIT_PROD | User exit for Product search help to get 'Product type' back | |
243 | CRM_PRP_FIELDCHECK | Check readiness for input of fields | |
244 | CRM_PRP_FIELDCHECK_CALL | Generic Call of Fieldcheck for PPR Objects | |
245 | CRM_PRP_FIELDCHECK_FC | Check readiness for input of fields | |
246 | CRM_PRP_FIELDCHECK_SELECT | Einlesen der Feldprüfroutinen | |
247 | CRM_PRP_FILL_UPDATE_TABLES | Fill the PPR tables for the posting operation | |
248 | CRM_PRP_FIND_BY_ADMINDATA | Search PPR by administrative data | |
249 | CRM_PRP_FIND_BY_APPL_LOG | Enhanced PPR Locator Search via Application Log | |
250 | CRM_PRP_FIND_BY_BP | Find PPRs by Business Partner | |
251 | CRM_PRP_FIND_BY_BP_ALL | Locator Searches with different search criteria for PPRs | |
252 | CRM_PRP_FIND_BY_BP_HIER | Enhanced PPR Locator Search via Business Partner Group Hierachy | |
253 | CRM_PRP_FIND_BY_BP_W_E | Enhanced PPR Locator Search via Business Partner | |
254 | CRM_PRP_FIND_BY_ITEM_CAT | Find PPRs by item category | |
255 | CRM_PRP_FIND_BY_NEPI | Find PPRs with Non-Existing PRP_BUPA_I/PRP_PROD_I/PRP_TS_I Reference IDs | |
256 | CRM_PRP_FIND_BY_ORG_DATA | Enhanced PPR Locator Search via Sales Org Data | |
257 | CRM_PRP_FIND_BY_PRODUCT | Find PPRs by Product | |
258 | CRM_PRP_FIND_BY_PRODUCT_W_E | Enhanced PPR Locator Search via Products | |
259 | CRM_PRP_FIND_BY_SERVICE_ORG | Enhanced PPR Locator Search via Service Org Data | |
260 | CRM_PRP_FIND_BY_TS | Find PPRs by Validity Period | |
261 | CRM_PRP_FIND_BY_TS_W_E | Find PPRs by Validity Period | |
262 | CRM_PRP_FIND_BY_TYPE_30 | Find PPRs containing PRP_BUPA_I/PRP_PROD_I References of Type '30' | |
263 | CRM_PRP_GET_ALL_IL_DATA | Get all the PPR Tables currently held in the PPR Interaction Layer | |
264 | CRM_PRP_GET_ALL_ITEM | Get all items belong to a PPR | |
265 | CRM_PRP_GET_BUTTON_TRANSFER | Get Status of button 'PPR Transfer' | |
266 | CRM_PRP_GET_CURRENT_PRP_TYPE | Get the type of the PPR header currently being edited | |
267 | CRM_PRP_GET_DFIES_TAB | Get the Table DFIES for a DDIC Structure | |
268 | CRM_PRP_GET_FIXED_VALUES_TAB | Get the Table DFIES for a DDIC Structure | |
269 | CRM_PRP_GET_HEADER_GUID | Determine from Ref_Object/Ref_Kind the Header GUID of a PPR | |
270 | CRM_PRP_GET_MAINTENANCE_TYPE | Get the PPR Maintenance Type | |
271 | CRM_PRP_GET_MS_TYPE_FOR_PP | Get MS Type for Product Proposal | |
272 | CRM_PRP_GET_PARENT_GUID | Aus Ref_Object/Ref_Kind die Header GUID eines PPRs ermitteln | |
273 | CRM_PRP_GET_POPUP_DISPLAY_FLAG | Get popup display flag for non-unique Product IDs | |
274 | CRM_PRP_GET_PPR_FOR_PRODUCTS | Returns PPRs where given products are assigned | |
275 | CRM_PRP_GET_PROD_I_OB_AND_DB | Get Product Reference OB and DB Data for a List of PPR GUIDs | |
276 | CRM_PRP_GET_PRP_STATUS | Get current PPR status | |
277 | CRM_PRP_GET_RETURN_TABLE | Get the Global Return Table of Function Group CRM_PRP_TOOLS | |
278 | CRM_PRP_GET_RULE_BP_PRD_DETAIL | Get Rule BP and Product Detail Information | |
279 | CRM_PRP_GET_RULE_BP_PROD_TS | Get Rule BPs or Products or Validity Periods | |
280 | CRM_PRP_GET_SORTING_SEQUENCE | Get PPR Sorting Sequence by Item Guid | |
281 | CRM_PRP_GET_TEXT_FROM_UI | Get some text from UI function group to PPR locator function group | |
282 | CRM_PRP_GET_TIMESTAMP | Provide a timestamp | |
283 | CRM_PRP_GET_TYPES_LISTING_DISP | Get PPR Types which are allowed for BP Listing Display Report | |
284 | CRM_PRP_GUID_CREATE | Create a GUID | |
285 | CRM_PRP_GUID_GET | Retrieve GUID(s) for a PPR ID | |
286 | CRM_PRP_HISTORY_DATA_GET | Get history data for PPR | |
287 | CRM_PRP_HISTORY_DATA_READ | Read Partner/Product Range History Database Table Records | |
288 | CRM_PRP_H_MAINTAIN_OW | Processing a PPR Header and its Associates | |
289 | CRM_PRP_ID_GET | Get a PPR's ID for a given GUID | |
290 | CRM_PRP_ID_IR | Check PPR Identifier | |
291 | CRM_PRP_ID_SORT | Sort PPR by ID | |
292 | CRM_PRP_IL_CALL_ANALYZE_DATA | Call the function module that analyzes IL data | |
293 | CRM_PRP_IL_CONVERT_IL_TO_OL | Conversion of data in the interaction layer | |
294 | CRM_PRP_IL_CONVERT_OL_TO_IL | Conversion of object layer data for the interaction layer | |
295 | CRM_PRP_IL_GET_DATA | Data retrieval by the PPR Interaction Layer from the Object Buffer | |
296 | CRM_PRP_IL_GET_HANDLE | Provide a new handle | |
297 | CRM_PRP_IL_GET_HEADER_ID | Provide the current header GUID | |
298 | CRM_PRP_IL_GET_ITEM_ID | Get the GUID of the current PPR item | |
299 | CRM_PRP_IL_GET_ITF_OBJ_GUID | Set object GUID for reference in interface | |
300 | CRM_PRP_IL_GET_LIST_OF_I_GUIDS | Provide a list of PPR item GUIDs | |
301 | CRM_PRP_IL_GET_PROCESS_MODE | Fetch the current PPR processing mode | |
302 | CRM_PRP_IL_INITIALIZE_FS | Initialize field symbol data and administration | |
303 | CRM_PRP_IL_MAP_ITF_READ | Read content of views CRMV_PRP_IL_MAP_ITF for an interface | |
304 | CRM_PRP_IL_MULTIPLE_GET_DATA | Data retrieval by the IL (several records at once) from the Object Buffer | |
305 | CRM_PRP_IL_MULTIPLE_PUT_DATA | Assign a table to the PPR Interaction Layer | |
306 | CRM_PRP_IL_PROVIDE_CONTENT | Provide all PPR interaction layer variables | |
307 | CRM_PRP_IL_PROVIDE_FS_ADMIN | Provide the PPR interaction layer admin table for field-symbols | |
308 | CRM_PRP_IL_PUT_ALL_GUIDS | Fill the GUID administration variables | |
309 | CRM_PRP_IL_PUT_DATA | Assign any Kind of UI Data back to the PPR Interaction Layer | |
310 | CRM_PRP_IL_PUT_ITEM_GUIDS | Fill the GUID administration variables with item GUIDs | |
311 | CRM_PRP_IL_SET_ITEM_GUID | Make the imported item GUID the current one | |
312 | CRM_PRP_IL_SET_ITF_OBJ_GUIDS | Set object GUID for reference in interface | |
313 | CRM_PRP_IL_SET_PROCESS_MODE | Set the current PPR processing mode | |
314 | CRM_PRP_IL_SINGLE_GET_DATA | Data retrieval by the Interaction Layer (single recs.) from Object Buffer | |
315 | CRM_PRP_IL_SINGLE_PUT_DATA | Assign a scalar or structure to the PPR interaction layer | |
316 | CRM_PRP_IL_UPDATE_FS_ADMIN | Replace the current interaction layer admin table | |
317 | CRM_PRP_INITIALIZE | Initialize PPR variables | |
318 | CRM_PRP_INIT_CURRENT_PRP | Initialize current PPR | |
319 | CRM_PRP_INIT_LANGUAGE_DESCR | Initialize language description | |
320 | CRM_PRP_INIT_OW | Preparing the Maintenance of Partner/Product Ranges (PPRs) | |
321 | CRM_PRP_INIT_SELECT_DATA | initialization for data selection | |
322 | CRM_PRP_INIT_SELECT_ID | initialization for ID selection | |
323 | CRM_PRP_INPUT_DATA_ASSIGN | Assign data from "COM" to "WRK" structure | |
324 | CRM_PRP_ITEM_ID_GET | Get a PPR's item ID for a given GUID | |
325 | CRM_PRP_I_CAT_IR | Check the PRP item category | |
326 | CRM_PRP_I_COMPLETE_SINGLE_OW | Final last steps for a single PRP item | |
327 | CRM_PRP_I_ID_IR | Check PRP identifier | |
328 | CRM_PRP_I_MAINTAIN_MULTI_OW | Processing several PPR Items and their Associates | |
329 | CRM_PRP_I_MAINTAIN_SINGLE_OW | Maintain a single PPR Item and its Associates | |
330 | CRM_PRP_I_PREPARE_MULTI_OW | Initial Steps for PPR Item Maintenance | |
331 | CRM_PRP_I_REF_CYCLE_CHECK_IR | Check Cyclic References for a PPR Header | |
332 | CRM_PRP_I_REF_ID_CHECK_IR | Check the referenced PPR's ID and type | |
333 | CRM_PRP_I_TYPE_IR | Check the PRP type | |
334 | CRM_PRP_LINK_INIT | Initialize link buffer entries | |
335 | CRM_PRP_LINK_RETRIEVE | Retrieve GUIDs for an Object via the Object's Parent GUID | |
336 | CRM_PRP_LINK_UPDATE | Insert links for an object into the global PRP link table | |
337 | CRM_PRP_LISTINGS_BUPA_READ_OB | Retrieve Listings from the Object Buffer Only | |
338 | CRM_PRP_LISTING_BUPA_I_CHECK | Check whether PPR Business Partner References contain a Business Partner | |
339 | CRM_PRP_LISTING_EDIT_CHECK | Check whether a listing is allowed for editing or not | |
340 | CRM_PRP_LISTING_GET_BY_APPL | PPR Listing reused by other applicaion | |
341 | CRM_PRP_LISTING_LOCATOR_SEARCH | Locator Search for PPR Listing UI (Listing) | |
342 | CRM_PRP_LISTING_LOCA_TRANS_PRD | Transfer product reference from locator to listing items | |
343 | CRM_PRP_LISTING_PRODUCT_SEARCH | Locator Search for PPR Listing UI (Product) | |
344 | CRM_PRP_LISTING_SET_BY_APPL | PPR Listing reused by other applicaion | |
345 | CRM_PRP_LISTING_TYPES_CB | Select PPR Types relevant for Listing User Interfaces | |
346 | CRM_PRP_LISTING_UI_BUFFER_PUT | Put buffer data into internal table from PPR Listing UI | |
347 | CRM_PRP_LISTING_UI_PER_SETTING | Personal Setting for PPR Listing UI | |
348 | CRM_PRP_LISTING_UI_SAVE_CHECK | Check whether the data should be saved before the change is made | |
349 | CRM_PRP_LOCATOR_BUPA_I | Provide PPRs referencing certain business partners | |
350 | CRM_PRP_LOCATOR_DATA_TO_UI | Pass data from PPR locator to PPR workplace | |
351 | CRM_PRP_LOCATOR_PROD_I | Provide PPR headers for products and product categories | |
352 | CRM_PRP_LOCATOR_SET_END_SIGN | Set sign for ending PPR and Top n List maintenance transaction | |
353 | CRM_PRP_LOCATOR_TS_I | Provide PPR header valid within a certain period | |
354 | CRM_PRP_LOCATOR_UI_SEARCH | PPR locator function module | |
355 | CRM_PRP_LOCA_MS_UI_SEARCH | PPR locator function module for Marketing Segments | |
356 | CRM_PRP_LOCA_PROD_UI_SEARCH | PPR & Top n List locator for searching products | |
357 | CRM_PRP_LOCA_TOPN_UI_SEARCH | PPR locator function module for Top N List | |
358 | CRM_PRP_LOCA_TRANSFER_BUTTON | Set status of transfer button '->' at PPR locator side | |
359 | CRM_PRP_LOCA_TREE_DOUBLE_CLICK | Handle double click of PPR or Top n ALV tree | |
360 | CRM_PRP_LOCA_TREE_NODE_EXPAND | Auto expand special node at PPR locator ALV tree | |
362 | CRM_PRP_LOCK_HEADER_OW | Lock a PPR Header | |
363 | CRM_PRP_LSTDATES_UPDATE | R | Parallel processing of listings date update |
364 | CRM_PRP_LST_SETTYPE_ENH | Create union structure | |
365 | CRM_PRP_MAINTAIN | Maintain Partner/Product Range (PPR) Assignments | |
366 | CRM_PRP_MAINTAIN_DATA | Maintain PPR data when pass PAI | |
367 | CRM_PRP_MAINTAIN_LISTINGS_BUPA | Maintain Listings for a specified Business Partner Reference | |
368 | CRM_PRP_MAINTAIN_MULTI_OW | Maintain Partner/Product Range (PPR) Assignments | |
369 | CRM_PRP_MAINTAIN_SINGLE_OW | Maintain a Single PPR Header along with its Associates | |
370 | CRM_PRP_MAP_MSA | Download Mapper for PPRs | |
371 | CRM_PRP_MESSAGES_CLEAR | Delete the complete Application Log for a specified PPR | |
372 | CRM_PRP_MESSAGES_COMPLETE | Complete maintenance of an error log | |
373 | CRM_PRP_MESSAGES_DELETE | Delete and deactivate messages | |
374 | CRM_PRP_MESSAGES_DELETE_LOG | Delete an error log (also on the DB after save) | |
375 | CRM_PRP_MESSAGES_DELETE_SINGLE | Delete a single message | |
376 | CRM_PRP_MESSAGES_DISPLAY | Display messages | |
377 | CRM_PRP_MESSAGES_DSP_CALLBACK | Callback function module for Application Log display | |
378 | CRM_PRP_MESSAGES_GET_LOG_INFO | Get Informations about the Message Log | |
379 | CRM_PRP_MESSAGES_GET_MSG_INFO | Get information to a message | |
380 | CRM_PRP_MESSAGES_INIT | Initialize application logs in main buffer | |
381 | CRM_PRP_MESSAGES_READ_CB | Read Attributes of a Message from Customizing | |
382 | CRM_PRP_MESSAGES_REGISTER | Open an application log | |
383 | CRM_PRP_MESSAGES_SAVE | Save application log on Database | |
384 | CRM_PRP_MESSAGES_SEARCH | Search messages | |
385 | CRM_PRP_MESSAGE_COLLECT | Register a single PPR Message | |
386 | CRM_PRP_MSGS_B_UCOMM_CALLBACK | Callback before execution of user-command | |
387 | CRM_PRP_MSGS_MAKE_DSP_PROFILE | Create Display Profil with Standard settings for Application Log | |
388 | CRM_PRP_MSGS_UCOMM_CALLBACK | Callbackbaustein bei Druck des 'Bearbeiten' Buttons | |
389 | CRM_PRP_MS_DATA_FROM_LOCA | Transfer marketing segments data from locator to workplace | |
390 | CRM_PRP_OBJECTS_SELECT_CB | Select of PPR Objects (CRMC_PRP_OBJ) | |
391 | CRM_PRP_OBJECT_NAMES_DETERMINE | Determine the names of objects for partner/product ranges (PPRs) | |
392 | CRM_PRP_OBJECT_READ_OB | Dynamically read a PPR object from the object buffer | |
393 | CRM_PRP_OC_REL_PRP_TYPES_CB | Retrieve PPR Types for PPR Check-relevant Transaction Types / Applications | |
394 | CRM_PRP_OC_SELECT_CB | Return all the Transaction Types relevant for the PPR Order Check | |
395 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_BUFFER_UPD_DB | Update the Database Buffer of PPR Org. Data Records | |
396 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_CHANGE_OW | Update PPR Organisational Data | |
397 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_CHECK | Check whether PPR Org. Data References contain given Org. Data Parameters | |
398 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_CHECK_OW | Check PPR Organisational Data | |
399 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_CREATE_OW | Create a single PPR Entry for Organisational Data | |
400 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_DIS_CHANNEL_FC | PPR Organisational Data: Check for a Distribution Channel | |
401 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_DIVISION_FC | PPR Organisational Data: Check for a Division | |
402 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_FIELDCHECK_FC | Check Readiness for Input of PPR Org. Data Fields | |
403 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_FREE | Reset the Function Group's Internal Buffer Tables | |
404 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_GENERAL_IR | General Check for a PPR Organisational Data Object | |
405 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_GET_LINK_DB | Get the key GUIDs for a specified Parent GUID | |
406 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_GET_MULTI_DB | Retrieve PPR Organisational Data from the Database Buffer | |
407 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_GET_MULTI_OB | Get several PPR Org. Data Records from the Object Buffer | |
408 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_GET_WRK_BUF_OB | Return the complete current WRK content of the PPR Org. Data Buffer Table | |
409 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_INIT_DB | Initialize the Database Buffer for PPR Organisational Data | |
410 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_INIT_OB | Initialise the PPR Org. Data Object Buffer | |
411 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_INIT_OW | Initialize PPR Organisational Data | |
412 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_MAINTAIN_OW | Maintain PPR Organisational Data | |
413 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_MERGE_OW | Merge PPR Organisational Data Fields | |
414 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_MESSAGE_DEL_OW | Reset a defined Message Range for PPR Organisational Data | |
415 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_PARTNER_FUNC_FC | PPR Organisational Data: Check for a Partner Function | |
416 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_PARTNER_FUNC_IR | Check an Org. Data Partner Function | |
417 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_PFUNCTION_CHECK | Check whether PPR Org. Data References contain given Partner Function Refs | |
418 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_PFUNCTION_FIND | Find PPRs with a given Partner Function | |
419 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_PGUID_READ_DB | Read PPR Org. Data Records from the Database (Buffer) by Parent_GUIDs | |
420 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_PGUID_READ_OB | PPR Org. Data Retrieval from the Object Buffer by Parent GUIDs | |
421 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_PROCESS_TYPE_FC | PPR Organisational Data: Check for Process/Transaction Type | |
422 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_PROCESS_TYPE_IR | Check an Org. Data Process Type | |
423 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_PUT_LINK_DB | Put Data into the Global Link Table GT_LINK for PPR Org. Data | |
424 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_PUT_OB | Pass PPR Org. Data Entries to the PPR Org. Data Object Buffer | |
425 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_PUT_TO_DB_LAYER | Put PPR Header Data into the Global DB Layer Buffer Table | |
426 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_READ_DB | Read one or more PPR Org. Data Records from the Database (Buffer) | |
427 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_READ_DESCR_OB | Read Descriptions for Org. Data Records | |
428 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_READ_MULTI_DB | Read one or more PPR Organisational Data Record(s) | |
429 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_READ_OB | PPR Org. Data Retrieval from the Object Buffer | |
430 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_SALES_GROUP_FC | PPR Organisational Data: Check for a Sales Group | |
431 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_SALES_OFFICE_FC | PPR Organisational Data: Check for a Sales Office | |
432 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_SALES_ORG_FC | PPR Organisational Data: Check for a Sales Organisation | |
433 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_SALES_ORG_FIND | Find PPRs with given Sales Organisational Data | |
434 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_SALES_ORG_IR | Check an Org. Data Sales organisation and Associates | |
435 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_SALES_ORG_R_FC | PPR Organisational Data: Check for a Responsible Sales Organisation | |
436 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_SAVE_OB | Write PPR Org. Data to the Database | |
437 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_SERVICE_ORG_FC | PPR organisational data: check for service organisation | |
438 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_SERVICE_ORG_FIND | Find PPRs with a given Service Organisation | |
439 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_SERVICE_ORG_IR | Check an Org. Data Service Organisation | |
440 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_TRANS_TYPE_FIND | Find PPRs with a given Business Transaction Type | |
441 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_TYPE_DETERMINE | Determine the Organisational Data Type of an Entry | |
442 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_TYPE_IR | Check a given PPR Reference Type for Organisational Data | |
443 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_TYPE_SELECT_CB | Select a Record for a given PPR Organisational Type | |
444 | CRM_PRP_ORG_H_UPDATE_DU | Update PPR Organisational Data | |
445 | CRM_PRP_OR_TOPN_IDENTIFY | Check whether this is PPR or Top n list maintenance transaction | |
446 | CRM_PRP_OUTBOUND | Read PPR data for BAdI | |
447 | CRM_PRP_OUTBOUND_GET_BDOCH | Reading of BDoc Header for MW - Outboundhandling | |
448 | CRM_PRP_OUTBOUND_SET_BDOCH | Setting of BDoc Header for MW - Outboundhandling | |
449 | CRM_PRP_PARENT_NAME_DETERMINE | Determine an object's parent name | |
450 | CRM_PRP_PAR_IF_SELECT_CB | Select a PPR Rule Parameter ID's Parameter Objects | |
451 | CRM_PRP_PAR_IT_SELECT_CB | Select one/all PPR Rule Parameter ID(s) and its Description(s) | |
452 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_BUFFER_UPD_DB | Update the Database Buffer of PPR Rule Parameters | |
453 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_CHANGE_OW | Update PPR Rule Parameters | |
454 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_CHECK_OW | Check PPR Rule Parameters | |
455 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_CREATE_OW | Create a single PPR Rule Parameter Record | |
456 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_FIELDCHECK_FC | PPR General Fieldcheck for Rule Parameter Data | |
457 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_FREE | Reset the Function Group's Internal Buffer Tables | |
458 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_GET_LINK_DB | Get the Key GUIDs for a specified Parent GUID for PPR Rule Parameter Data | |
459 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_GET_MULTI_DB | Retrieve PPR Rule Parameters from the Database Buffer | |
460 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_GET_MULTI_OB | Get several PPR Rule Parameter Records from the Object Buffer | |
461 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_INIT_DB | Initialize the Database Buffer for PPR Rule Parameter Data | |
462 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_INIT_OB | Initialise the Object Buffer for PPR Rule Paremeter Data | |
463 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_INIT_OW | Initialize PPR Rule Parameters | |
464 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_MAINTAIN_OW | Maintain PRP rule parameters | |
465 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_MERGE_OW | Merge PPR Rule Parameter Fields | |
466 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_MESSAGE_DEL_OW | Reset a defined Message Range for PPR Rule Parameter Data | |
467 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_PGUID_READ_DB | Read PPR Rule Parameter Data from the Database (Buffer) by Parent GUIDs | |
468 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_PGUID_READ_OB | PPR Rule Parameter Data Retrieval from the Object Buffer by Parent GUIDs | |
469 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_PUT_LINK_DB | Put Data into the Global Link Table GT_LINK for PPR Rule Parameter Data | |
470 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_PUT_OB | Pass a PPR Set of Rule Parameters to the Object Buffer | |
471 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_READ_DB | Read one or more PPR Rule Parameter Records from the Database (Buffer) | |
472 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_READ_MULTI_DB | Read one or more PPR rule parameter Records from the Database (Buffer) | |
473 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_READ_OB | PPR Rule Parameter Data Retrieval from Object Buffer | |
474 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_RULE_ID_FC | PPR Fieldcheck for the Rule ID Field | |
475 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_SAVE_OB | Write PPR Rule Parameters to the Database | |
476 | CRM_PRP_PAR_I_UPDATE_DU | Update PPR Rule Parameter Data | |
477 | CRM_PRP_PREPARE_MULTI_OW | Prepare Tables for PPR Maintenance | |
478 | CRM_PRP_PREPARE_SINGLE_OW | Prepare Processing a Single PPR | |
479 | CRM_PRP_PRODUCTS_FOR_A_PRP | Retrieve a PPR's products | |
480 | CRM_PRP_PRODUCTS_IN_TIME_RANGE | Listed products for a BP within given time range | |
481 | CRM_PRP_PRODUCTS_SORT_BY_ID | Sort PRP products by their ID | |
482 | CRM_PRP_PRODUCTS_SORT_BY_RANK | Sort PRP Products by the Field NUMBER_INT | |
483 | CRM_PRP_PRODUCT_SELECT_ORD_UI | Selection of Contract Products within the Sales Order UI | |
484 | CRM_PRP_PRODUCT_SHLP_EXIT | Search for products assigned to a bupa via PPR | |
485 | CRM_PRP_PROD_ARCH_CHECK | PPR check for products archiving | |
486 | CRM_PRP_PROD_C_DATA_FROM_LOCA | Transfer product category data from PPR locator to workplace | |
487 | CRM_PRP_PROD_DATA_FROM_LOCA | Transfer product data from PPR locator to workplace | |
488 | CRM_PRP_PROD_ITEM_RULE_DISPLAY | Exporting some information of PPR Rule products | |
489 | CRM_PRP_PROD_I_4_READ_BUFF_DB | PPR Product Check: Read the needed Entries from the Global Buffer Table | |
490 | CRM_PRP_PROD_I_ALL_PR_VALID_FC | PPR Product Reference Field Check for 'ALL_PROD_VALIDITY'-Flag | |
491 | CRM_PRP_PROD_I_BUFFER_UPD_DB | Update the Database Buffer of PPR Product References | |
492 | CRM_PRP_PROD_I_CATEGORY_ID_FC | PPR product references field check for a category ID | |
493 | CRM_PRP_PROD_I_CHANGE_OW | Update PPR Product References | |
494 | CRM_PRP_PROD_I_CHECK | Check whether PPR Product References refer to a dedicated Product | |
495 | CRM_PRP_PROD_I_CHECK_2 | Check whether PPR Product References refer to a dedicated Product | |
496 | CRM_PRP_PROD_I_CHECK_OW | Check PPR Product References | |
497 | CRM_PRP_PROD_I_CREATE_OW | Create a single PPR Product Reference | |
498 | CRM_PRP_PROD_I_ENTITY_IR | Check whether the entry for a given PPR type is valid | |
499 | CRM_PRP_PROD_I_EXCL_CHECK | Reduce a List of Product References by Exclusion Products | |
500 | CRM_PRP_PROD_I_FIELDCHECK_FC | Check readiness for input of PRP product fields |