SAP ABAP Function Module - Index C, page 58
- C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 C-9 C-10 C-11 C-12 C-13 C-14 C-15 C-16 C-17 C-18 C-19 C-20 C-21 C-22 C-23 C-24 C-25 C-26 C-27 C-28 C-29 C-30 C-31 C-32 C-33 C-34 C-35 C-36 C-37 C-38 C-39 C-40 C-41 C-42 C-43 C-44 C-45 C-46 C-47 C-48 C-49 C-50 C-51 C-52 C-53 C-54 C-55 C-56 C-57 C-58 C-59 C-60 C-61 C-62 C-63 C-64 C-65 C-66 C-67 C-68 C-69 C-70 C-71 C-72 C-73 C-74 C-75 C-76 C-77 C-78 C-79 C-80 C-81 C-82 C-83 C-84 C-85 C-86 C-87 C-88 C-89 C-90 C-91 C-92 C-93 C-94 C-95 C-96 C-97 C-98 C-99 C-100 C-101 C-102 C-103 C-104 C-105 C-106 C-107 C-108 C-109 C-110 C-111 C-112 C-113 C-114 C-115 C-116 C-117 C-118 C-119 C-120 C-121 C-122 C-123 C-124 C-125 C-126 C-127 C-128 C-129 C-130 C-131 C-132 C-133 C-134 C-135 C-136 C-137 C-138 C-139 C-140 C-141 C-142 C-143 C-144 C-145 C-146 C-147 C-148 C-149 C-150 C-151 C-152 C-153 C-154 C-155 C-156 C-157 C-158 C-159 C-160 C-161 C-162 C-163 C-164 C-165 C-166 C-167 C-168 C-169 C-170 C-171 C-172 C-173 C-174 C-175
Function Module - C
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | CNV_CDMC_CC_STATE_FINISH | CDMC - Set the Final Status | |
2 | CNV_CDMC_CC_STATE_INIT | CDMC : Initialize the State | |
4 | CNV_CDMC_CC_STATE_UPDATE | CDMC : Update the State of the Activity | |
7 | CNV_CDMC_CC_TABLE_COUNT | R | Determeines the Object count |
8 | CNV_CDMC_CC_UPDATE_SOLMAN_DATA | CDMC : Update the Project Heirarchy Infromation in CDMC Tables | |
9 | CNV_CDMC_CC_USAGE_REPORTING | CDMC Usage Reporting | |
10 | CNV_CDMC_CTS_CHECK_USER_TYPE | R | Check the user type is dialog or not |
11 | CNV_CDMC_CTS_ENVI_ANALYSIS | R | CDMC: CTS: Perform Environment analysis for the input objects set |
12 | CNV_CDMC_CTS_GET_REF_OBJECTS | R | CDMC: CTS: To get the referred Objects for the input object set |
13 | CNV_CDMC_CTS_MAINTAIN_RFCDEST | R | Maintain RFC destination |
14 | CNV_CDMC_CTS_REM_COMPARE | R | CDMC: CTS: Perform Remote Comparison Analysis for input objects set |
15 | CNV_CDMC_CTS_RFC_READ_DATA | R | FM to read CTS data in remote system |
16 | CNV_CDMC_CTS_START_PROGRAM | R | CDMC - Start a program in the foreground in the remote system |
17 | CNV_CDMC_CTS_STAT_COLLECT | R | CDMC: CTS: Extract content of CNVCDMCCTS_STAT Table |
18 | CNV_CDMC_CTS_TRANSPORT_DISPLAY | R | Transport Request Display In Given Systems(SE01) |
19 | CNV_CDMC_CTS_USAGE_ANALYSIS | R | CDMC: CTS: Gets the usage info for the object set |
20 | CNV_CDMC_PROTOCOL_CREATE_LOG | Create Application Log | |
21 | CNV_CDMC_PROTOCOL_CRT_PROFILE | Create Display Profile for the Applpication Log | |
22 | CNV_CDMC_PROTOCOL_DISPLAY_LOG | Display Application Log | |
23 | CNV_CDMC_PROTOCOL_LOAD_APL_LOG | R | Load the Application Log in to memory |
24 | CNV_CDMC_PROTOCOL_READ_MSGS | R | Read all Messages belongs to Log Handle |
25 | CNV_CDMC_PROTOCOL_WRITE_LOG | Write Message to Application Log | |
26 | CNV_CDMC_PROTOCOL_WRITE_LOG_DB | Write Log to database | |
27 | CNV_CDMC_SAPWL_STDR_FR_RMT_SYS | FM for collecting the WorkloadDirectory as part of Stat collection in CDMC | |
28 | CNV_CDMC_UCIA_ACCESS_OBJECT | R | CDMC - UCIA : Workbench Operations for the given Object |
30 | CNV_CDMC_UCIA_EXCLUDE_OBJS | R | CDMC: Update the cnvcdmcucia_excl table in Analysis system |
31 | CNV_CDMC_UCIA_GETCHNGOBJS_KWBS | FM to check whether an object has under gone change in Diff. Releases | |
32 | CNV_CDMC_UCIA_GETCLASSINFO_KWB | R | Get the Class information ( Properites, methods, attributes, events etc ) |
33 | CNV_CDMC_UCIA_GETFUNCOBJS_OBSL | R | CDMC UCIA: RFC to know whether the funcion moudle is obsolete or not |
34 | CNV_CDMC_UCIA_GET_BDC_ESUB | R | To get Impacted objects of Batch Input & External Subroutine |
35 | CNV_CDMC_UCIA_GET_CHANGED_OBJS | FM to check whether an object has under gone change in Diff. Releases | |
36 | CNV_CDMC_UCIA_GET_CLASS_INFO | R | Get the Class information ( Properites, methods, attributes, events etc ) |
37 | CNV_CDMC_UCIA_GET_FORM_PARAMS | R | CDMc: UCIA: To get the FORM routine parameters info |
38 | CNV_CDMC_UCIA_GET_PIECELIST | R | Get objects in piecelist |
39 | CNV_CDMC_UCIA_GET_TRKORR | CDMC - UCIA : F4 for the user to enter Transport Requests | |
40 | CNV_CDMC_UCIA_GET_USED_SAPOBJS | R | CDMC - UCIA : SAP Objects being used in Customer Development |
41 | CNV_CDMC_UCIA_INITIAL_LOAD | R | CDMC: Get Customer Reports copied from SAP Reports |
42 | CNV_CDMC_UCIA_KWBS_GETOBDT_SP8 | R | CDMC-UCIA: To get the object details from the other systems to CNP |
43 | CNV_CDMC_UCIA_KWBS_GETOBJDET | R | CDMC-UCIA: To get the object details from the other systems to CNP |
44 | CNV_CDMC_UCIA_KWBS_GETOBJLIST | R | CDMC-UCIA: To get the Obj list from other systems to CNP |
45 | CNV_CDMC_UCIA_KWBS_GETOBJL_SP8 | R | CDMC-UCIA: To get the Obj list from other systems to CNP |
46 | CNV_CDMC_UCIA_RFC_READ_DATA | R | FM to read the intersection data |
47 | CNV_CDMC_UCIA_UPDATE_STAT_OBJS | R | CDMC: Updates objects to CNVCDMCUCIA_OBJS got from statistics |
48 | CNV_CDOP_CA_ACTIVATE_STATS | R | CDOP : Activate Statisitics Collection on all the Productive Systems |
49 | CNV_CDOP_CA_CHECK_JOB_STATUS | R | CDOP : Check for status of statistics collection jobs |
50 | CNV_CDOP_CA_DEACTIVATE_STATS | R | CDOP : Deactivate Statisitics Collection on all the Productive Systems |
51 | CNV_CDOP_CA_GET_CUST_OBJS | CDOP -Customer Objects Collection | |
52 | CNV_CDOP_CA_GET_CUS_SAP_DOMAIN | R | FM to get Customer and SAP Domains from remote system. |
53 | CNV_CDOP_CA_GET_SE30TRACES | Object comparison between several systems | |
54 | CNV_CDOP_CA_GET_SQLTRACE_FILE | R | Get SQL Trace file name and path |
55 | CNV_CDOP_CA_GET_TRACE_FILE | R | CDOP : FM for the get the Trace File name from Appl. Server |
56 | CNV_CDOP_CA_MASS_COMP | R | Perform Mass Comparison of Objects |
57 | CNV_CDOP_CA_OBJ_REF | Mass reference determination | |
58 | CNV_CDOP_CA_PIECELIST | R | Function module to create piecelist |
59 | CNV_CDOP_CA_PROG_TO_TCODE | Determines the Prog assigned to a Transaction | |
60 | CNV_CDOP_CA_REM_COMP | R | Perform Remote Comparison |
61 | CNV_CDOP_CA_RFC_COMPARE_OBJ | R | Use of RFC compare programs RSVRS* |
62 | CNV_CDOP_CA_STAT_EVAL | R | Extract content of STAT.DAT file |
63 | CNV_CDOP_CC_ACTIVITY_RESTART | CDOP : Trigger the activity | |
64 | CNV_CDOP_CC_ACTIVITY_START | CDOP : Trigger the activity | |
65 | CNV_CDOP_CC_CHECK_PROJ_ID | R | Check whether the Project ID exists in the system |
66 | CNV_CDOP_CC_DELETE_ADHOC_STATE | R | Dlete the entries from state table for adhoc project only |
67 | CNV_CDOP_CC_DELETE_PROJECT | R | Deletes project related entriesin tables from all systems |
68 | CNV_CDOP_CC_EXECUTE_OTHERS | R | CDOP - Trigger the activities under node "Others" |
69 | CNV_CDOP_CC_GET_DEVC | R | Get Development class from all System in Landscape |
70 | CNV_CDOP_CC_READ_STATE_TABLE | R | Read the CDOP State Table |
71 | CNV_CDOP_CC_READ_TABLE | R | CDOP - Read data from a table (RFC) |
72 | CNV_CDOP_CC_START_PROGRAM | R | CDOP - Start a program in the background in the remote system |
73 | CNV_CDOP_CC_STATE_FINISH | CDOP - Set the Final Status | |
74 | CNV_CDOP_CC_STATE_INIT | CDOP : Initialize the State | |
75 | CNV_CDOP_CC_STATE_READ | R | CDOP : Read from CNVCDOP_STATE table |
76 | CNV_CDOP_CC_STATE_UPDATE | CDOP : Update the State of the Activity | |
77 | CNV_CDOP_CC_TABLE_COUNT | R | Determeines the Object count |
78 | CNV_CDOP_PROTOCOL_CREATE_LOG | Create Application Log | |
79 | CNV_CDOP_PROTOCOL_CRT_PROFILE | Create Display Profile for the Applpication Log | |
80 | CNV_CDOP_PROTOCOL_DISPLAY_LOG | Display Application Log | |
81 | CNV_CDOP_PROTOCOL_LOAD_APL_LOG | R | Load the Application Log in to memory |
82 | CNV_CDOP_PROTOCOL_READ_MSGS | R | Read all Messages belongs to Log Handle |
83 | CNV_CDOP_PROTOCOL_WRITE_LOG | Write Message to Application Log | |
84 | CNV_CDOP_PROTOCOL_WRITE_LOG_DB | Write Log to database | |
85 | CNV_CDOP_UCIA_ACCESS_OBJECT | R | CDOP - UCIA : Workbench Operations for the given Object |
87 | CNV_CDOP_UCIA_GETCHNGOBJS_KWBS | FM to check whether an object has under gone change in Diff. Releases | |
88 | CNV_CDOP_UCIA_GETCLASSINFO_KWB | R | Get the Class information ( Properites, methods, attributes, events etc ) |
89 | CNV_CDOP_UCIA_GET_CHANGED_OBJS | FM to check whether an object has under gone change in Diff. Releases | |
90 | CNV_CDOP_UCIA_GET_CLASS_INFO | R | Get the Class information ( Properites, methods, attributes, events etc ) |
91 | CNV_CDOP_UCIA_GET_FORM_PARAMS | R | CDOP: UCIA: To get the FORM routine parameters info |
92 | CNV_CDOP_UCIA_GET_PIECELIST | R | Get objects in piecelist |
93 | CNV_CDOP_UCIA_GET_TRKORR | CDOP - UCIA : F4 for the user to enter Transport Requests | |
94 | CNV_CDOP_UCIA_GET_USED_SAPOBJS | R | CDOP - UCIA : SAP Objects being used in Customer Development |
95 | CNV_CDOP_UCIA_INITIAL_LOAD | R | CDOP: Get Customer Reports copied from SAP Reports |
96 | CNV_CDOP_UCIA_KWBS_GETOBDT_SP8 | R | CDOP-UCIA: To get the object details from the other systems to CNP |
97 | CNV_CDOP_UCIA_KWBS_GETOBJDET | R | CDOP-UCIA: To get the object details from the other systems to CNP |
98 | CNV_CDOP_UCIA_KWBS_GETOBJLIST | R | CDOP-UCIA: To get the Obj list from other systems to CNP |
99 | CNV_CDOP_UCIA_KWBS_GETOBJL_SP8 | R | CDOP-UCIA: To get the Obj list from other systems to CNP |
100 | CNV_CDOP_UCIA_RFC_READ_DATA | R | FM to read the intersection data |
102 | CNV_CHECK_CONVERSION_OBJECT_O | R | Jest Conversion Object |
103 | CNV_CHECK_CONV_OBJECT | R | Check JEST object |
104 | CNV_CHECK_CONV_OBJECT_O | R | Jest Conversion Object |
105 | CNV_CLASS_F4_EXIT | Suchhilfe-Exit für F4 bei Methodenmuster | |
106 | CNV_CLIENT_MERGE_MODE | Liefert zurück, ob ein Client Merge stattfindet | |
107 | CNV_CMIS_30_EXPORT | Export the internal tables to the database | |
108 | CNV_CMIS_30_EXPORT_COMPRES | Export function for Comparision Results | |
109 | CNV_CMIS_30_IMPORT | Import the internal tables from the database | |
110 | CNV_CMIS_30_IMPORT_COMPRES | Import for the comparision result | |
111 | CNV_CMIS_ARCHIVE_TAB_CHECK | R | Check for empty archive tables |
112 | CNV_CMIS_A_10_GET_TRKORR | R | Get Transport Details from remote systems |
113 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_CHECK_FUNC_RFC | Check availability of function module in RFC system | |
114 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_CHECK_LANDSCAPE | Do all necessary tests for system landscape consistency | |
115 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_CHECK_PCL | Check for PCL availability | |
116 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_CHG_STATUS | Change status and add annotation | |
117 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_COMPARE_ALL_RFC | R | Get and display table values via RFC |
118 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_COMPARE_BATCH | R | Get and display table values via RFC |
119 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_COMPARE_STR | R | Get and display table values via RFC |
120 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_DBCNT | R | Determine number of entries in worklist tables |
121 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_DDIF_NAMETAB_GET | R | DD: Interface to Read a Runtime Object from the ABAP Dictionary |
122 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_DEST_CHK | Check destination ID | |
123 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_EXCL_DDICS | R | FM to exclude fields in DDIC for further comparison |
124 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_GET_DETAIL_RFC | R | Get and display table values via RFC |
125 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_GET_EXCL_INFO | Get exclude list flags | |
126 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_GET_FIELDLISTS | R | Get the tabls structures of all tables in the worklist |
127 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_GET_GLOBAL_WL | R | Get Global worklist |
128 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_GET_LS_INFO | Get landscape flags | |
129 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_GET_MESSAGE | Evaluate output text for MSGID and MSGNO | |
130 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_GET_NO_OF_DATA | Evaluate the number of entries in a work list table | |
131 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_GET_SYS_PROP | Get system properties from landscape | |
132 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_GET_TABLE | R | Get data of table CNVCMIS_A_TABLES from remote system |
133 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_GET_WL_INFO | Get worklist flags | |
134 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_GET_WL_ITEMS | R | Get worklist items from RFC systems |
135 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_GET_WORKLIST | Create a work list in a remote system | |
136 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_PREPARE_GP_TABLE | Prepare comparison data for ALV display | |
137 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_PREP_GP_TAB_STR | Prepare comparison data for ALV display | |
138 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_REFRESH_DATA | Rebuild data for comparison | |
139 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_RFC_CLIENT_INFO | R | Callback: Find Information On RFC Client (Server Function) |
140 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_RFC_RD_TAB | R | Copy from system WB1 |
141 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_RFC_READ_TABLE | R | Copy from system WB1 |
142 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_TABLESIZE | R | To get the table size and indexes for a table (multiple databases) |
143 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_TABLESIZES | R | To ascertain the table size (in KB) for a range of tables |
144 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_UPDATE_DDIC | R | Update field information in the central system |
145 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_UPDATE_WL_DB | Update work list on database | |
146 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_UPDT_FLD_STATE | Update fields state | |
147 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_UPDT_RESULTS | Analysis results of content comparison | |
148 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_UPDT_RES_CSTATE | Update the results of content comparison | |
149 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_UPDT_TBL_STATE | Update worklist table state | |
150 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_UPDT_WL | Update worklist tables with specific table entries | |
151 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_UPDT_WL_CMPABLE | Update table comparable | |
152 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_WL_EXCL | Exclude list editor for work list generator | |
153 | CNV_CMIS_A_20_WL_PUSH | R | Push manual table list to source and target systems |
154 | CNV_CMIS_A_30_COLLECT | R | Rfc Function Module to collect data in the target system |
155 | CNV_CMIS_A_30_COMPARE | R | Rfc function to transfer analysis data to central system |
156 | CNV_CMIS_A_30_COMPARE_EXPORT | R | Rfc function to transfer analysis data to central system |
157 | CNV_CMIS_A_ARCH_COMPARE | Compare program fields of archive objects and store into database | |
158 | CNV_CMIS_A_CHANGE_STATUS | Set New Status According to User Select. | |
159 | CNV_CMIS_A_CHK_NOT_COMPARABLE | checks whther an object is comparable or not | |
161 | CNV_CMIS_A_COMPARE | R | rfc function to rtansfer analysis data to central system |
162 | CNV_CMIS_A_COMPARE_STRINFO | CMIS : Structure Overview Comp for new Anal type objs | |
163 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_BADI_OBJECTS | function module to get SXSD(BADI) objects for repository Analysis | |
164 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_CLAS_OBJECTS | cmis repository analysis for 'CLAS' object | |
166 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_CUSTOM_OBJECTS | Ermittle Kunden-Repositoryobjekte | |
167 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_DEVC_OBJECTS | Function module to get DEVC objects for repository Analysis | |
168 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_DOMA_OBJECTS | Function Module to get DOMA information | |
169 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_DTEL_OBJECTS | Function Module to get Dtel information | |
170 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_ENQU_OBJECTS | Function Module to get ENQU information | |
171 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_FIELD_INFO | Function module to get the description of a field. | |
172 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_FUGR_OBJECTS | Function Group Objects Analysis | |
173 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_FUNC_OBJECTS | function module analysis | |
174 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_INDX_OBJECTS | Function Module to get information about INDX Objects | |
176 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_LIS_OBJECTS | To get TADIR list of cust defined LIS tables and thier existence check | |
177 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_MCID_OBJECTS | function module to get MSAG objects for repository Analysis | |
178 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_MCOB_OBJECTS | function module to get MSAG objects for repository Analysis | |
179 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_MSAG_OBJECTS | function module to get MSAG objects for repository Analysis | |
180 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_NEWANALTYPEOBJS | To get TADIR list of cust defined LIS tables and thier existence check | |
181 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_PROG_OBJECTS | Function Module to get information about REPS Objects. | |
182 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_SDACCSEQ | Access Sequence | |
183 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_SHLP_OBJECTS | Function Module to get the information about SHLP objects. | |
184 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_SPECIAL_OBJECTS | Ermittle Kunden-Repositoryobjekte | |
185 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_TABL_OBJECTS | Function Module to get information about TABL objects. | |
186 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_TRAN_OBJECTS | function module to get TRAN objects for repository Analysis | |
187 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_TTYP_OBJECTS | function module to get TTYP objects for repository Analysis | |
188 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_TYPE_OBJECTS | Function Moduleto get the information about Type Pool Objects. | |
189 | CNV_CMIS_A_GET_VIEW_OBJECTS | function module to get MSAG objects for repository Analysis | |
190 | CNV_CMIS_A_LISCURR_COMPARE | LIS curerncy Compare | |
191 | CNV_CMIS_A_PIECELIST | R | Function module to create piecelist |
192 | CNV_CMIS_A_POPUP | test function module (Shud b deleted) | |
193 | CNV_CMIS_A_RFC_COMPARE_OBJECT | R | Use of RFC compare programs RSVRS* |
194 | CNV_CMIS_A_SD_COMPARE | To compare the Access Sequence of SD Conditions | |
195 | CNV_CMIS_A_TABLESIZES_ORACLE | To ascertain the table size (in KB) for a range of tables | |
196 | CNV_CMIS_A_WF_COMPARE | Compare the Workflow data of Sender & Receiver | |
197 | CNV_CMIS_CALCULATE_CLAS_SCALAR | Calculates scalar values for clas code | |
198 | CNV_CMIS_CALCULATE_FUNC_SCALAR | Berechnet Skalar aus Sourcecode | |
199 | CNV_CMIS_CALCULATE_REPS_SCALAR | Berechnet Skalar aus Sourcecode | |
200 | CNV_CMIS_CONTROL_TABLES_GET | R | Get PCL control tables, remote call |
201 | CNV_CMIS_CONTROL_TABLES_WRITE | R | Get PCL control tables, remote call |
202 | CNV_CMIS_COUNT_TABLES | R | CMIS: Table count |
205 | CNV_CMIS_DB_EXISTS_INDEX | R | CMIS: Checks whether an index is created in the database |
206 | CNV_CMIS_F4_DOMNAMES | R | CMIS: F4 domain values (RFC enabled) |
207 | CNV_CMIS_GET_CONFLICTS_CONFIG | R | CMIS: get configuration table for conflicts |
208 | CNV_CMIS_GET_MODI_OBJECTS | Ermittlung modifizierter Objekte eines Systems | |
209 | CNV_CMIS_G_10_GET_CMIS_CVERS | R | CMIS: determine installed components |
210 | CNV_CMIS_G_10_GET_CODEPAGE | R | CMIS: Determinate code page in the local system |
211 | CNV_CMIS_G_10_GET_COMPONENTS | R | CMIS: determine installed components |
212 | CNV_CMIS_G_10_GET_INST_LANGU | R | SAP LT CT : Get Installed Languages detail from remote system |
213 | CNV_CMIS_G_10_GET_RCV_CLIENT | R | CMIS: Get receiver client information from the mapping table |
214 | CNV_CMIS_G_10_GET_SOFT_COMP | R | To collect component details in system |
215 | CNV_CMIS_G_10_INIT | CMIS: Initialization of Cross System Checks | |
216 | CNV_CMIS_G_10_READ_TABLE | R | CMIS: access to remote tables |
217 | CNV_CMIS_G_10_RUN_TIME_CALC | Runtime Calculation from Two Timestamps | |
218 | CNV_CMIS_G_10_SPECIAL_CHECKS | R | CMIS: execute special checks |
219 | CNV_CMIS_G_10_UPLOAD_POSTPROC | Postprocessing function for verification of uploaded data | |
220 | CNV_CMIS_G_10_XS_CHK_RFC | CMIS: Check of RFC Connection | |
221 | CNV_CMIS_G_10_XS_CMP_CODEPAGE | CMIS: Comparison of System Codepages | |
222 | CNV_CMIS_G_10_XS_CMP_COMPONENT | CMIS: Comparison of System Components | |
223 | CNV_CMIS_G_10_XS_DET_CODEPAGE | CMIS: Determination of System Codepage | |
224 | CNV_CMIS_G_10_XS_DET_COMPONENT | CMIS: Determination of System Components | |
225 | CNV_CMIS_G_10_XS_TRACE_GET | CMIS: Get Trace of Comparison | |
226 | CNV_CMIS_G_10_XS_TRACE_INIT | CMIS: Initialize Trace of Comparison | |
227 | CNV_CMIS_INDEX_ANALYZE | CMIS: Index Analyze | |
228 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_CHECK_TARGET_TAB | R | Verification of target table |
229 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_CONFL_GET | R | Selection of all known conflicts from tab CNVCMIS_M_CONFL |
230 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_CUST_MAPPING_WR | CMIS: Trace Write Function | |
231 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_DD_DOMA_F4_EXIT | CMIS domain "exit" function for the CNV_CMIS_DD_DOMA search help | |
232 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_DOMA_DTEL_MATCH | R | Check if a data element is associated with a domain |
233 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_DOM_CLIENT_CHECK | R | Check a domain's client status |
234 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_EXCEPT_DELETE | R | Deletes all entries for a certain packid. |
235 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_EXCEPT_GET | Get all the entries about the unknown types of NTF | |
236 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_EXCEPT_UPDATE | R | Updates information about the unknown types in NTFs |
237 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_GET_DYNP_VALUE | CMIS: Read screen field | |
238 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_GET_SPLIT_VALUES | R | SAP LT CT : Get split values from remote system |
239 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_INC_OBJ_CREATE | R | Set objects to be transferred incrementally |
240 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_IS_MAP_ALLOWED | CMIS: Check if provided table/field mapping is allowed | |
241 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_JOB_INFO_GET | R | SAP LT CT : MBT PCL Initialize local substate |
242 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_REBUILD_OBJECTS | CMIS: Rebuilding Conversion Objects | |
243 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_SHOW_GRAFIK_TABS | Show overview of the systems of a package in a graphic | |
244 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_SUBSTATE_CHECK | R | CMIS: Check entries from CNVMBTSUBSTATE |
245 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_TABLES_DET | R | Returns a certain set of tables out of table worklist for transfer |
246 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_TRACE_WRITE | CMIS: Trace Write Function | |
247 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_TSTRUC_GET | R | Selection of all rules /routines from tab cnvcmis_ntr_stru |
248 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_TSTRUC_UPDATE | R | Modify all entries of table cnvcmis_m_10_stru |
249 | CNV_CMIS_M_10_WITH_TAB_DISPLAY | Popup to display internal table data | |
250 | CNV_CMIS_M_20_ARCH_HANDLING | R | SAP LT CT: Function Module for Archive handling |
251 | CNV_CMIS_M_20_CHECK_MAPPING | R | CMIS: Create DB Table Index |
252 | CNV_CMIS_M_20_CREATE_DB_INDEX | R | CMIS: Create DB Table Index |
253 | CNV_CMIS_M_20_GET_ENC_ACCESS | R | SAP LT: Client transfer. Getting of secure memory information. |
254 | CNV_CMIS_M_20_GET_JOBS_INFO | R | SAP LT: Client transfer. Get related Job/Spool Information |
255 | CNV_CMIS_M_20_GET_POSTPROL | CMIS: Get list of reports for exec. in postprocessing | |
256 | CNV_CMIS_M_20_STATUS_INFO | R | Atate and Protocol Information for CMIS Migration |
257 | CNV_CMIS_M_20_SUMMARY_INFO | CMIS: Summary information | |
258 | CNV_CMIS_M_20_SYSTEM_TYPE_L | R | Get System Configuration Type |
259 | CNV_CMIS_M_20_TAB_FIELDINFO | R | DD: Interface to Read Text on Tables or Types |
260 | CNV_CMIS_M_20_TAB_NEXT_GET | R | Table CNVCMIS_TB_COUNT read |
261 | CNV_CMIS_M_20_TAB_UPDATE | R | Table CNVCMIS_TB_COUNT read |
263 | CNV_CMIS_U_10_CALL_TRANSP_DISP | R | CMIS Upg: Call the transport dispatcher |
264 | CNV_CMIS_U_10_CHECK_BUFFERS | CMIS Upg: Check the buffer files | |
265 | CNV_CMIS_U_10_CHECK_COMMFILE | R | CMIS Upg: check existence of TABU command files |
266 | CNV_CMIS_U_10_CHECK_COMP_TARG | CMIS Upg: read Integrated Upgrade Identifier | |
267 | CNV_CMIS_U_10_CHECK_TPPARAMS | CMIS Upg: check the parameters of the tp parameter file | |
268 | CNV_CMIS_U_10_CONFIRM_R3TRANS | CMIS Upg: confirm the version of r3trans | |
269 | CNV_CMIS_U_10_CONFIRM_TPPARAMS | CMIS Upg: confirm the settings of the tp parameter file / choose tp file | |
270 | CNV_CMIS_U_10_CORRECT_TP_STATE | R | CMIS Upg: correct transport state of export |
271 | CNV_CMIS_U_10_GET_IU_UPG_GUID | R | CMIS Upg: read Integrated Upgrade Identifier |
272 | CNV_CMIS_U_10_SHOW_PROTOCOLS | R | CMIS Upg: show protocols of Integrated Upgrade actions |
273 | CNV_CMIS_U_10_START_LANG_SUPP | R | CMIS Upg: start language supplementation |
274 | CNV_CMIS_U_10_SUMMARY_INFO | CMIS Upg: determines summarized information | |
275 | CNV_CMIS_U_10_SYS_PARAM_READ | R | CMIS Upg: read system parameter |
276 | CNV_CMIS_U_20_DEL_CLIENTUPG | R | CMIS Upg: delete content of DMC_IU_BCSET table |
277 | CNV_CMIS_U_20_DEL_DMC_IU_BCSET | R | CMIS Upg: delete content of DMC_IU_BCSET table |
278 | CNV_CMIS_U_20_GET_DMC_IU_BCSET | R | CMIS Upg: get content of DMC_IU_BCSET table |
279 | CNV_CMIS_U_20_SET_XPRAS_DTL | R | CMIS Upg: set xpras to MWB Integrated Upgrade |
280 | CNV_CMIS_U_20_SET_XPRA_VECTOR | R | CMIS Upg: set upgrade release vector (for Integrated Upgrade) |
281 | CNV_CMIS_U_20_XPRA_CHECKS | R | CMIS Upg: release specific checks of xpra programs |
282 | CNV_CMIS_U_20_XPRA_PREPARE | R | CMIS Upg:prepareactivate related xpra programs |
283 | CNV_CMIS_U_20_XPRA_RESTORE | R | CMIS Upg: restore after terminated XPRA run |
284 | CNV_CMIS_U_DIACL_UPDATE_TAB_05 | Update Tables for Log Book during XPRA | |
285 | CNV_CMIS_U_PROFILE_SAP_NEW_04 | Ber.profil SAP_NEW aus Unterprofilen zusammenstellen | |
286 | CNV_CMIS_U_PROFILE_SAP_NEW_05 | Ber.profil SAP_NEW aus Unterprofilen zusammenstellen | |
287 | CNV_CMIS_U_PROFILE_SAP_NEW_ENT | Ber.profil SAP_NEW aus Unterprofilen zusammenstellen | |
288 | CNV_CMIS_U_SAP_NEW_SUBPROFI_05 | Profil SAP_NEW für ein bestimmtes Release zusammenstellen | |
289 | CNV_CMIS_U_SAP_NEW_SUBPROF_04 | Profil SAP_NEW für ein bestimmtes Release zusammenstellen | |
290 | CNV_CMIS_U_SAP_NEW_SUBPROF_ENT | Profil SAP_NEW für ein bestimmtes Release zusammenstellen | |
291 | CNV_COBJ_JESTT_CHECK | R | Conversion object JEST Check |
292 | CNV_COBJ_JEST_CHECK | R | Conversion object JEST Check |
293 | CNV_COBJ_JEST_JSTO_CHECK | R | Conversion object JEST Check |
294 | CNV_CONVERT_PATTERN | Austauschen von Patterns | |
295 | CNV_DEMO_CONS_CHK_BG | R | Background processing and notification |
296 | CNV_DEMO_CONS_CHK_DISPLAY_RES | Display results of consistency check | |
297 | CNV_DEMO_CONS_CHK_SENDMAIL | Send express message that data is ready | |
298 | CNV_DEMO_FM_CREATE_ZOBJ | R | Creates Z-Tables in the system |
299 | CNV_DEMO_FM_GENERATE_DATA | R | Generate data for flight data model |
300 | CNV_DEMO_FM_GET_AIRLINES | R | Returns the airlines with their attributes |
301 | CNV_DEMO_FM_GET_BOOKINGS | R | Returns bookings / tickets for the given flight |
302 | CNV_DEMO_FM_GET_COUNTERS | R | Returns the airport counters for the airline |
303 | CNV_DEMO_FM_GET_CUSTOMER | R | Returns the customer data |
304 | CNV_DEMO_FM_GET_FLIGHTS | R | Returns the flights from the schedule from the given period |
305 | CNV_DEMO_FM_GET_SCHEDULE | R | Returns the daily schedule of the flights |
306 | CNV_DEMO_FM_POPUP_GET_DATES | Shows a popup to select begin and end date | |
307 | CNV_DEMO_FM_SHOW_DATA | Displays the flight model data | |
308 | CNV_DISPLAY_PACK_HIERARCHY | Anzeigen von der Hierarchie von abhängigen Paketen | |
309 | CNV_DOWNUP_TS_UPLOAD | Upload for troubleshooting | |
312 | CNV_FIND_BEST_FORM_WITH_TABLE | Ermitteln der besten Formroutine | |
314 | CNV_GET_PACK_HIERARCHY | Zurückliefern der Hierarchie der Pakete | |
315 | CNV_GET_PARAMETERS | Returns the parameters of a method | |
316 | CNV_GET_TSGUID_PRESEL_RCV | R | Get LTR Sol guid of the Export package |
317 | CNV_GET_USERS_FOR_APP_SERVER | R | Benutzer pro Applikationsserver ermitteln |
318 | CNV_GET_USERS_LOGGED_IN | Angemeldete Benutzer ermitteln/abmelden | |
319 | CNV_GET_USER_ROLE | ||
320 | CNV_ID_TO_KEY | Convert document key to document ID | |
323 | CNV_IMG_COPY | Kopieren der IMG Objekte zu einem Paket | |
324 | CNV_IMG_DELETE | löschen der IMG Objekte zu einem Packet | |
326 | CNV_IMG_NAME_FOR_PACKID_GET | Liefert Name der IMG Struktur zum Paket zurück | |
328 | CNV_IMG_PROJECT_START | Starten des IMG Projektes | |
330 | CNV_IMG_STRUCTURE_CREATE_OLD | Alte IMG Mischlogik - IMG Struktur für Paket zusammenmischen und anlegen | |
333 | CNV_IMG_STRUCTURE_SAVE | Speichern der berechneten IMG Struktur zu einem Projekt | |
334 | CNV_IMG_STRUCTURE_TRANSLATE | Kopieren der IMG Struktur in eine andere Sprache | |
335 | CNV_INDX_DEL_GEN_IE_ROUTINES | Generates import and export routine for a given INDX tables | |
336 | CNV_INDX_DISPLAY_DATA | Displays data from INDX tables | |
337 | CNV_INDX_DISPLAY_MISMATCH_LIST | Displays a version mismatch (comparison of structure and directory) | |
338 | CNV_INDX_DISPLAY_STRUCTURE | Displays DDIC structure in POPUP | |
339 | CNV_INDX_DISPLAY_VERSN_MISMTCH | Displays a version mismatch (comparison of structure and directory) | |
340 | CNV_INDX_DISP_RELIDS_WITH_ERRS | Display list of RELIDs containing data errors | |
341 | CNV_INDX_GENERATE | Generates INDX conversion programs | |
342 | CNV_INDX_GENERATE_IE_ROUTINES | Generates import and export routine for a given INDX tables | |
343 | CNV_INDX_GEN_CONV_CALLS | Generate conversion routine calls | |
344 | CNV_INDX_GEN_IE_ROUTINES_OLD | Generates import and export routine for a given INDX tables | |
345 | CNV_INDX_GET_STRUCT_CONFIG | R | Gets INDX knowledge configuration |
346 | CNV_INDX_INSERT_REPORT | Inserts a new report | |
347 | CNV_INDX_IS_KNOWLEDGEPL_VALID | R | Returns whether knowledge pool time stamp is up to date |
348 | CNV_INDX_RESULTSET_DISPLAY | Displays the result set | |
349 | CNV_INT_GET_PCL_ACT_PACK | Returns whether the active package is obtained from PCL | |
350 | CNV_INT_GET_USERDEF_ACT_PACK | Internal use | |
351 | CNV_INT_IS_PCL_ACT_PACK_USED | Returns whether the active package is obtained from PCL | |
352 | CNV_INT_IS_PHASE_PARALLELIZED | R | Returns whether several packages may be active in the given phase |
355 | CNV_INT_PACKAGE_SET_PARALLEL | R | Configures the ability of the package to run in parallel to others |
356 | CNV_INT_PHASE_GET | R | Get active phase of the given package |
357 | CNV_INT_PROTOCOL_INITIALIZE | Initializes the protocol | |
358 | CNV_INT_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE | Writes the message to the protocol | |
359 | CNV_INT_PROTOCOL_MWB_EXIT | Calls MWB exit | |
360 | CNV_INT_PROTOCOL_SUMMARY | Writes the summary to the protocol | |
361 | CNV_INT_PROTOCOL_WRITE_DB | Writes log entries to db | |
365 | CNV_INT_SCHEME_SET_DELIMETER | Umstellung: Begrenzungszeichen setzen für den Schema-Parser | |
366 | CNV_INT_SCHEME_SPLIT_LINE | Trennung eines langen Textes in Zeilen | |
367 | CNV_INT_SET_PCL_ACT_PACK | Sets the active package from PCL in ABAP memory | |
369 | CNV_INT_STATE_GET | Umstellung: Lesen von Statusinformationen | |
370 | CNV_INT_STATE_GET_TABLE_TASKS | Return state tasks belonging to the table | |
373 | CNV_INT_STATE_INSERT | R | Create an entry in table CNVSTATE for optional activities |
376 | CNV_INT_STATE_LOGSTATE_SET | Umstellung: Ausschließlich den logischen Status setzen | |
377 | CNV_INT_STATE_PHASE_FIND | Umstellung: Finden der nächsten Phase | |
378 | CNV_INT_STATE_REFRESH | Umstellung: Status der laufenden Programme überprüfen | |
379 | CNV_INT_STATE_RESET | R | Reset status of the activity and / or its successors |
380 | CNV_INT_STATE_SET | Umstellung: Status für beliebiges Programm setzen | |
381 | CNV_INT_STATE_SET_CANCEL_TIME | Laufzeitdaten bei Abbr -> Hilfstab, um Nettolaufzt berechnen zu können | |
383 | CNV_INT_STATE_UPDATE | Umstellung: Status aktualisieren | |
384 | CNV_INT_TABNAME_SEARCH | Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe | |
386 | CNV_INT_VIEW_DELETE | Umstellung: Löschen eines Datenbankviews mit Überprüfung der Entw.-Klasse | |
387 | CNV_IUUC_CHANGE_VERS | R | Change entries in tables CVERS and UVERS |
388 | CNV_IUUC_RESTORE_VERS | R | Restore entries in tables CVERS and UVERS |
389 | CNV_IUUC_SAVE_VERS_TMP | R | Change entries in tables CVERS and UVERS |
390 | CNV_IUUC_UPLOAD_VERS_TMP | R | Change entries in tables CVERS and UVERS |
391 | CNV_JESTT_CHECK | R | Conversion object JEST Check |
392 | CNV_JEST_CHECK | R | Conversion object JEST Check |
393 | CNV_JEST_JSTO_CHECK | R | Conversion object JEST Check |
394 | CNV_KEY_TO_ID | Convert document key to document ID | |
395 | CNV_MBT_09_DEL_GET_NEXT_TABLE | To Get Next Table to Execute Data Deletion | |
396 | CNV_MBT_09_DEL_GET_NEXT_UPDATE | To get next update task | |
397 | CNV_MBT_09_INVALIDATE_SYST_MSG | Invalidate system message | |
398 | CNV_MBT_09_SAVE_NO_USED_INDEX | Save not on db existing indexes | |
399 | CNV_MBT_ACPLAN_DELETE | R | Delete an Accessplan / Data Selection in DTL |
400 | CNV_MBT_ACPLAN_MODIFY | R | Delete or recalculate access plans |
401 | CNV_MBT_ACTION_LOG | For additional required functionality | |
402 | CNV_MBT_ACTION_LOG_COLL_SYNC | Collect action log table entries and synchronize them | |
403 | CNV_MBT_ACTION_LOG_CREATE | Create entry for the action log | |
404 | CNV_MBT_ACTION_LOG_GET | Read entries from the action log | |
405 | CNV_MBT_ACTION_LOG_SYNCHRONIZE | R | Synchronize action log entries with other systems |
406 | CNV_MBT_ACTIVITIES_AUTH_CHECK | Authorization check for DMIS activities in activity group | |
407 | CNV_MBT_ACTIVITY_NODETEXT_GET | R | Get node text (description) of an activity |
408 | CNV_MBT_ACTLOG_GET | R | Get activity execution log |
409 | CNV_MBT_ACT_GRP_AUTH_CHECK | Authorization check for an activity group | |
410 | CNV_MBT_ADD_DATE | Adds a number of days to a date | |
411 | CNV_MBT_ADM_ACTIVE_MODIFY | create or update active package id or phase | |
412 | CNV_MBT_ADM_ACTIVE_PACKID | R | get active packid for subproject |
413 | CNV_MBT_ADM_ACT_PACKAGE_SYNC | R | Function synchronise the active package |
414 | CNV_MBT_ADM_ALL_PACKAGES_GET | R | Get all PCL and CWB packages client independent |
415 | CNV_MBT_ADM_CHECK_BEFORE_SYNC | R | Checks before destination synchronization starts |
416 | CNV_MBT_ADM_CWB_PACKAGE_SYNC | R | Function to synchronise package information in the target system |
417 | CNV_MBT_ADM_EXPERT_MODE | MBT PCL set / delete user expert mode | |
418 | CNV_MBT_ADM_GET_TDMS_TYPE | MBT PCL read package TDMS type | |
419 | CNV_MBT_ADM_MAX_JOBS | R | MBT PCL : Get max. number free background jobs in a specified system. |
420 | CNV_MBT_ADM_MAX_JOBS_GET | R | MBT PCL : Get max. number background jobs in a specified system. |
421 | CNV_MBT_ADM_MAX_JOBS_INT | R | Internal Use only - Read Jobsettings from Control System |
422 | CNV_MBT_ADM_MAX_JOBS_SET | R | MBT PCL : Get max. number background jobs in a specified system. |
423 | CNV_MBT_ADM_MTID_SYNC | R | Synchronize used MTIDs |
424 | CNV_MBT_ADM_NEXT_PACKAGE_NR | Get free package number in PCL | |
425 | CNV_MBT_ADM_PACKAGES_GET | R | list all packages under a subproject |
426 | CNV_MBT_ADM_PACKAGE_CREATE | Create PCL control entries for package | |
427 | CNV_MBT_ADM_PACKAGE_DEACT | Deactivate Package | |
428 | CNV_MBT_ADM_PACKAGE_EXIST | R | check existence of package |
429 | CNV_MBT_ADM_PACKAGE_HIDE | MBT PCL : Set HIDDEN status to packages | |
430 | CNV_MBT_ADM_PACKAGE_INFO | R | MBT PCL : Information about package |
431 | CNV_MBT_ADM_PACKAGE_SYNC | R | Function to synchronise package information in the target system |
432 | CNV_MBT_ADM_PACKAGE_UNHIDE | MBT PCL unhide package to display it in overview again | |
433 | CNV_MBT_ADM_PACKDESCR_GET | To get the description of the package | |
434 | CNV_MBT_ADM_PACK_LOADSTAT | Determine package load status | |
435 | CNV_MBT_ADM_PROJECTS_GET | All Projects in a client | |
436 | CNV_MBT_ADM_PROJECT_CHECK | R | Check existence of project |
437 | CNV_MBT_ADM_PROJECT_CREATE | Create project in PCL | |
438 | CNV_MBT_ADM_PROJECT_DELETE | Delete a project | |
439 | CNV_MBT_ADM_PROJECT_EXIST | R | Check existence of a project |
440 | CNV_MBT_ADM_PROJECT_SYNC | R | Function to create or update project information |
441 | CNV_MBT_ADM_READ_ALL_ACT_PACK | R | Read all active packages |
442 | CNV_MBT_ADM_SET_TDMS_TYPE | MBT PCL set TDMS type of package | |
443 | CNV_MBT_ADM_STEPGUID_GET | Get stepguid for package | |
444 | CNV_MBT_ADM_STEPGUID_SET | Store stepguid for package | |
445 | CNV_MBT_ADM_SUBACT_GET | R | Function to get subactivities from CNVMBTSUBACT |
446 | CNV_MBT_ADM_SUBPROJECTS_GET | collect all subprojects under one project | |
447 | CNV_MBT_ADM_SUBPROJECT_CHECK | R | check existence of subproject |
448 | CNV_MBT_ADM_SUBPROJECT_CREATE | create subproject in PCL | |
449 | CNV_MBT_ADM_SUBPROJECT_SYNC | R | Function to create or update project information |
450 | CNV_MBT_ADM_SUBPRO_CREATE_DARK | Create project and subproject without user interaction (dark) | |
451 | CNV_MBT_ADM_SYSTEM_CHECK | R | MBT PCL : Modifiable check in a specified system. |
452 | CNV_MBT_ADM_TH_SERVER_LIST | R | MBT PCL: Return server list (RFC supported) |
453 | CNV_MBT_ADM_VERSION_GET | MBT PCL get version of specified DMIS component | |
454 | CNV_MBT_ADM_WP_TOTAL_ACTIVITY | R | MBT PCL: Return current activity of all R/3 work processes (RFC supported) |
455 | CNV_MBT_ADV_AUTHORITY_CHECK | R | DMIS Authorization check for Development of Analysis objects |
456 | CNV_MBT_ADV_AUTHORITY_CHECK_CX | DMIS Authorization check for Development of Analysis objects with ex.class | |
457 | CNV_MBT_ANA_AUTHORITY_CHECK | R | DMIS Authorization check for Analysis execution and evaluation |
458 | CNV_MBT_ANA_AUTHORITY_CHECK_CX | DMIS Authorization check for Analysis execution and evaluation w.ex. class | |
459 | CNV_MBT_ANS_GET_TABLE_LINES | R | Get no of table lines in each client |
460 | CNV_MBT_ATTACHMENT_MGMT_CALL | Call Attachment Management | |
461 | CNV_MBT_ATTACH_DELETE | Delete attachment entries | |
462 | CNV_MBT_ATTACH_GET | Read Attachment entry | |
463 | CNV_MBT_ATTACH_GET_ALL | Read all attachments (used in overview transaction) | |
464 | CNV_MBT_ATTACH_MNGMNT_CALL | Call attachment management | |
465 | CNV_MBT_AUTHORITY_CHECK | MBT PCL authority check | |
466 | CNV_MBT_AUTHORITY_CHECK_CX | MBT PCL authority check with ex. class | |
467 | CNV_MBT_AUTH_USER_REG_PACK | R | MBT PCL check registration of user for a given package |
468 | CNV_MBT_AUTH_USER_REG_PROJ | R | MBT PCL check registration of user for a given project |
469 | CNV_MBT_AUTH_USER_REG_SUBPROJ | R | MBT PCL check registration of user for a given subproject |
470 | CNV_MBT_AUTH_USER_ROLE_GET | MBT PCL determine authority in user profile - to determine user type | |
471 | CNV_MBT_CALL_ONE | R | RFC pwd check |
472 | CNV_MBT_CALL_TWO | R | Rfc pwd check |
473 | CNV_MBT_CC_EXCLTAB_WRITE | R | ClientCopy: Write tables to be excluded for client copy |
474 | CNV_MBT_CC_PROFIL_READ | R | Read Client-Copy Profil |
475 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_CONFLICT_READ | R | Return conflicts for a specified conversion object or package |
476 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_CONFLICT_WRITE | Write conflict into internal table | |
477 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_CONVOBJECTS | R | PCL Checks: Conversion Object Checks |
478 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_CWB_GET_PROFILES | R | Get exec GUIDs and profiles of a CWB package |
479 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_DATADICTIONARY | R | PCL Checks: Data Dictionary Checks |
480 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_DD_GET | R | Get Data Dictionary |
481 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_EXECUTE_REMOTE | R | Check Framework: Execute check via RFC |
482 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_FIELDMAPPING | R | PCL Checks: Field Mapping Checks |
483 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_FINISH | R | PCL Checks: Read data from the database |
484 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_GET_EXEC_GUIDS | R | Retrieve execution GUIDs of checks run remotely |
485 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_HIERARCHY | R | PCL Checks: Check Hierarchy |
486 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_INCLUDES | R | PCL Checks: Check Includes |
487 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_INIT | R | PCL Checks: Read data from the database |
488 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_MONITOR | Start checkframe work | |
489 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_OBJECT | PCL Check 2.0 | |
490 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_OBJECT_EXT | PCL Check 2.0 External Call | |
491 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_RELATIONSHIP | R | PCL Checks: Relationships Checks |
492 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_RULEMAPPING | R | PCL Checks: Rule Mapping Checks |
493 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_RULES | R | PCL Checks: Check Rules |
494 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_SELSTRING | R | PCL Checks: Selection-String Checks |
495 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_STATE_FINISH | R | PCL Checks: Initialize protocol / state management |
496 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_STATE_INIT | R | PCL Checks: Initialize protocol / state management |
497 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_STATE_UPDATE | R | PCL Checks: Initialize protocol / state management |
498 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_SYNC_APPL_LOG | R | Check Framework: Sync application log |
499 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_SYNC_DB | R | Check Framework: Sync database tables |
500 | CNV_MBT_CHECK_TEST | Check Framework: Test a single check |