SAP ABAP Data Element - Index O, page 5
Data Element - O
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | OIB_BSTMPPPSUMC | Gas component base temperature: summation factor | OIB_OTMP | CHAR |
3 | OIB_BSWCNEH | BSW % unit (volume %, mol %, mass % or proportion ) | MEINS | UNIT |
4 | OIB_BSWIND | BSW indicator | FLAG | CHAR |
5 | OIB_BTMPVP | Oil/gas standard/base temperature (vapor pressure) | TEMP_VALUE | FLTP |
6 | OIB_BTMPVPEH | Oil/gas standard/base temperature unit (vapor pressure) | MEINS | UNIT |
7 | OIB_BUCHM | Book Quantity when Reading is Taken | OIB_ADQNT | FLTP |
8 | OIB_BUCHMP | Book quantity for count add. UoM | MENGV13 | QUAN |
9 | OIB_BWCOL | Column to display "additional quantities" in The BW | OIB_BWCOL | NUMC |
10 | OIB_C10 | Table name field for HPM check reports | OIB_C10 | CHAR |
11 | OIB_C10H22RAT | Natural gas C10H22 (n-Decane ) content (ratio) | OIB_RAT | FLTP |
12 | OIB_C10H22RATC | Natural gas C10H22 (n-Decane ) content (ratio) | OIB_RATC | CHAR |
13 | OIB_C2H6RAT | Natural gas C2H6 (ethane) content (ratio) | OIB_RAT | FLTP |
14 | OIB_C2H6RATC | Natural gas C2H6 (ethane) content (ratio) | OIB_RATC | CHAR |
15 | OIB_C3H8RAT | Natural gas C3H8 (propane) content (ratio) | OIB_RAT | FLTP |
16 | OIB_C3H8RATC | Natural gas C3H8 (propane) content (ratio) | OIB_RATC | CHAR |
17 | OIB_C6H14RAT | Natural gas C6H14 (n-hexane ) content (ratio) | OIB_RAT | FLTP |
18 | OIB_C6H14RATC | Natural gas C6H14 (n-hexane ) content (ratio) | OIB_RATC | CHAR |
19 | OIB_C7H16RAT | Natural gas C7H16 (n-heptane ) content (ratio) | OIB_RAT | FLTP |
20 | OIB_C7H16RATC | Natural gas C7H16 (n-heptane ) content (ratio) | OIB_RATC | CHAR |
21 | OIB_C8H18RAT | Natural gas C8H18 (n-octane ) content (ratio) | OIB_RAT | FLTP |
22 | OIB_C8H18RATC | Natural gas C8H18 (n-octane ) content (ratio) | OIB_RATC | CHAR |
23 | OIB_C9H20RAT | Natural gas C9H20 (n-Nonane ) content (ratio) | OIB_RAT | FLTP |
24 | OIB_C9H20RATC | Natural gas C9H20 (n-Nonane ) content (ratio) | OIB_RATC | CHAR |
25 | OIB_CALCTIME | Determine defaults set for deliveries | OIB_CALCTIME | CHAR |
26 | OIB_CALCULATE | Calculation type for quantity conversion (autom.,dialog,..) | OIB_CALCULATE | CHAR |
27 | OIB_CALLAP | Identifier for calling application (default data) | OIB_CALLAP | CHAR |
28 | OIB_CH4RAT | Natural gas CH4 content (ratio) | OIB_RAT | FLTP |
29 | OIB_CH4RATC | Natural gas CH4 content (ratio) | OIB_RATC | CHAR |
30 | OIB_CHANGE_FLAG | Mark changed base for dip analysis (new mat.mvmts) | XFELD | CHAR |
31 | OIB_CHGS | Conversion handling for gases | OIB_CHGS | CHAR |
32 | OIB_CHKBOX | Checkbox for Loop Processing | OIB_CHKBOX | CHAR |
33 | OIB_CHLQ | Conversion handling for liquid products | OIB_CHLQ | CHAR |
34 | OIB_CMETH | Quantity Conversion Method | OIB_CMETH | CHAR |
35 | OIB_CMMOD | Conversion mode modification indicator | OIB_XFELD | CHAR |
36 | OIB_CMODE | Conversion Mode | OIB_CMODE | CHAR |
37 | OIB_CMTCOMBTMP | Natural gas material combustion temperature | OIB_OTMP | CHAR |
38 | OIB_CO2RAT | Natural gas CO2 content (ratio) | OIB_RAT | FLTP |
39 | OIB_CO2RATC | Natural Gas CO2 content (ratio) | OIB_RATC | CHAR |
40 | OIB_CODE | Return code from AGA c-code routines | OIB_CODE | FLTP |
41 | OIB_COEFF | Quantity Conversion Coefficient | OIB_COEFF | FLTP |
42 | OIB_COMMODITY | Commodity (API Product Group) | OIB_COMMODITY | CHAR |
43 | OIB_COMPF_ALT | Compressibility Factor at alternate condition | OIB_COMP_FACTOR | FLTP |
44 | OIB_COMPF_OBS | Compressibility Factor at Observed Conditions | OIB_COMP_FACTOR | FLTP |
45 | OIB_COMPRESSIONFACTOR_CONVBASE | Compression factor at base cond. (AGA c-code): conv. group | OIB_COMPRESSIONFACTOR | FLTP |
46 | OIB_COMPRESSIONFACTOR_OBSERVED | Compression factor at observed conditions (AGA c-code) | OIB_COMPRESSIONFACTOR | FLTP |
47 | OIB_COMPRESSIONFACTOR_US_BASE | Compression factor at base cond. (AGA c-code): 60F,14.73 PSI | OIB_COMPRESSIONFACTOR | FLTP |
48 | OIB_CORAT | Natural gas CO content (ratio) | OIB_RAT | FLTP |
49 | OIB_CORATC | Natural gas CO content (ratio) | OIB_RATC | CHAR |
50 | OIB_CPL_BASE_ALT | Correction Factor by Temperature from Base to Alternate | OIB_COEFF | FLTP |
51 | OIB_CPL_OBS_BASE | Correction Factor by Pressure from Observed to Base | OIB_COEFF | FLTP |
52 | OIB_CRITPRS | Critical pressure of natural gas component | OIB_PRES | FLTP |
53 | OIB_CRITPRSC | Critical pressure of natural gas component | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
54 | OIB_CRITTMP | Critical temperature of natural gas component | OIB_PRES | FLTP |
55 | OIB_CRITTMPC | Critical temperature of natural gas component | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
56 | OIB_CST | Oil BoM cost.(X=..from BoM header;' '=..from BoM components) | XFELD | CHAR |
57 | OIB_CSTAT | HPM calculation status | OIB_CSTAT | DEC |
58 | OIB_CSTAT_F | HPM calculation status | OIB_CSTAT_F | FLTP |
59 | OIB_CTL_BASE_ALT | Correction Factor by Temperature from Base to Alternate | OIB_COEFF | FLTP |
60 | OIB_CTL_OBS_BASE | Correction Factor by Temperature from Observed to Base | OIB_COEFF | FLTP |
61 | OIB_CTPL_BASE_ALT | Correction Factor by Temperature from Base to Alternate | OIB_COEFF | FLTP |
62 | OIB_CTPL_OBS_BASE | Correction Factor from Observed to Base | OIB_COEFF | FLTP |
63 | OIB_CUSTEH1 | Customer parameter 1 unit | MEINS | UNIT |
64 | OIB_CUSTEH2 | Customer parameter 2 unit | MEINS | UNIT |
65 | OIB_CUSTEH3 | Customer parameter 3 unit | MEINS | UNIT |
66 | OIB_CUSTPARC1 | Help field for customer parameter 1 | OIB_CUSTPAR | CHAR |
67 | OIB_CUSTPARC2 | Help field for customer parameter 2 | OIB_CUSTPAR | CHAR |
68 | OIB_CUSTPARC3 | Help field for customer parameter 3 | OIB_CUSTPAR | CHAR |
69 | OIB_CUSTPARCHAR1 | Customer parameter character field 1 | OIB_CUSTPARCHAR | CHAR |
70 | OIB_CUSTPARCHAR2 | Customer parameter character field 2 | OIB_CUSTPARCHAR | CHAR |
71 | OIB_CUSTPARCHAR3 | Customer parameter character field 3 | OIB_CUSTPARCHAR | CHAR |
72 | OIB_CUSTPARFLOAT1 | Customer parameter float 1 | OIB_CUSTPARFLO | FLTP |
73 | OIB_CUSTPARFLOAT2 | Customer parameter float 2 | OIB_CUSTPARFLO | FLTP |
74 | OIB_CUSTPARFLOAT3 | Customer parameter float 3 | OIB_CUSTPARFLO | FLTP |
75 | OIB_DEFSWITCH | Define parameter default table and maintenance transaction | OIB_DEFSWITCH | CHAR |
76 | OIB_DEF_COPY | Copy instructions for default transaction | OIB_DEF_COPY | CHAR |
77 | OIB_DELTA_NUMBER | Difference derived by number of movements | MENG13V | QUAN |
78 | OIB_DELTA_TURNOVER | Difference derived by turnover rate | MENG13V | QUAN |
79 | OIB_DEL_FLAG | Delete Tank Dip | XFELD | CHAR |
80 | OIB_DENSITY60F | Density at 60 FAH | OIB_DICHT | FLTP |
81 | OIB_DESCR | Description Field | OIB_DESCR | CHAR |
82 | OIB_DETDEF | Indicator for default determination in RFC call modules | OIB_XFELD | CHAR |
83 | OIB_DIFMG | POD difference quantity (float) | OIB_ADQNT | FLTP |
84 | OIB_DIFMGP | POD difference quantity (packed) | MENG13 | QUAN |
85 | OIB_DIPDELTASTOCK | Silo Mgmt.: related book stock - Dip quantity in base UoM | MENG13V | QUAN |
86 | OIB_DIP_CNT | Line counter for tank dip processing | NUMC3 | NUMC |
87 | OIB_DIP_EVENTKEY | Events in silo management tank dips | OIB_DIP_EVENTKEY | CHAR |
88 | OIB_DNEH | Unit for densities of petroleum products and natural gas | MEINS | UNIT |
89 | OIB_DNTYP | Density Type | OIB_DNTYP | CHAR |
90 | OIB_EQTYH | Upper Tolerance Limit for Manual Quantity Entries (in %) | OIB_QTYPC | FLTP |
91 | OIB_EQTYHD | Quantity manual entry: high error tolerance limit | OIB_QTYPCD | CHAR |
92 | OIB_EQTYL | Lower Tolerance Limit for Manual Quantity Entries (in %) | OIB_QTYPC | FLTP |
93 | OIB_EQTYLD | Lower tolerance limit for manual quantity entries (in %) | OIB_QTYPCD | CHAR |
94 | OIB_EXTIND | External functions ind. (API c-codes, etc.) | OIB_EXTIND | CHAR |
95 | OIB_EXTINT | Internal read handling: read from internal/external data | OIB_EXTINT | CHAR |
96 | OIB_EXT_VERSION | Supported version of external routines | OIB_EXT_VERSION | CHAR |
97 | OIB_FDICH | Fixed Density | OIB_DICHT | FLTP |
98 | OIB_FLLIMLOW | Flammability limit, lower, Vol% in air | OIB_FAC | FLTP |
99 | OIB_FLLIMLOWC | Flammability limit, lower, Vol% in air | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
100 | OIB_FLLIMUP | Flammability limit, upper, Vol% in air | OIB_FAC | FLTP |
101 | OIB_FLLIMUPC | Flammability limit, upper, Vol% in air | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
102 | OIB_FLOAT_CHAR | Floating point -Character default indicator | OIB_FLOAT_CHAR | CHAR |
103 | OIB_FLTP | Value in Format FLTP | OIB_FLTP | FLTP |
104 | OIB_FMEXP | Function module export parameter | AS4TAB | CHAR |
105 | OIB_FMIMP | Function module import parameter | AS4TAB | CHAR |
106 | OIB_FMNAM | Function module name | OIB_FMNAM | CHAR |
107 | OIB_FMSEQ | Function module sequence | OIB_FMSEQ | NUMC |
108 | OIB_FMSUB | Function module subroutine | OIB_FMSUB | CHAR |
109 | OIB_FMTYP | Function module type | OIB_FMTYP | CHAR |
110 | OIB_FREEZPOINTREFPRS | Freezing point reference pressure | TEMP_VALUE | FLTP |
111 | OIB_FREEZPOINTREFPRSC | Freezing point reference pressure | OIB_OPRES | CHAR |
112 | OIB_FREEZPOINTTEMP | Freezing point: temperature, at defined pressure | TEMP_VALUE | FLTP |
113 | OIB_FREEZPOINTTEMPC | Freezing point: temperature at fixed pressure | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
114 | OIB_GASCOMPRATEH | Unit (vol. %, mol % or mass % ) of natural gas composition | MEINS | UNIT |
115 | OIB_GAS_MOLVOL_RATIO | Ratio of gas component, mol to volume | OIB_FAC | FLTP |
116 | OIB_GAS_VOLMOL_RATIO | Ratio of gas component, volume to mol | OIB_FAC | FLTP |
117 | OIB_GLRAT | Ratio of gaseous to liquid volume of component | OIB_FAC | FLTP |
118 | OIB_GLRATLBMOLGAL | Ratio of liquid component, mol / volume | OIB_FAC | FLTP |
119 | OIB_GROUP | Grouping field for screen display of parameters | OIB_GROUP | CHAR |
120 | OIB_H2ORAT | Natural gas H2O content (ratio) | OIB_RAT | FLTP |
121 | OIB_H2ORATC | Natural gas H2O content (ratio) | OIB_RATC | CHAR |
122 | OIB_H2RAT | Natural gas H2 (Hydrogen) content (ratio) | OIB_RAT | FLTP |
123 | OIB_H2RATC | Natural gas H2 (Hydrogen) content (ratio) | OIB_RATC | CHAR |
124 | OIB_H2SRAT | Natural gas H2S content (ratio) | OIB_RAT | FLTP |
125 | OIB_H2SRATC | Natural gas H2S content (ratio) | OIB_RATC | CHAR |
126 | OIB_HERAT | Natural gas He (Helium) content (ratio) | OIB_RAT | FLTP |
127 | OIB_HERATC | Natural gas He (Helium) content (ratio) | OIB_RATC | CHAR |
128 | OIB_HVALVAPOR | Heat of vaporization (heat. value at boiling point) | OIB_HVAL | FLTP |
129 | OIB_HVALVAPORC | Heat of vaporization (heat. value at boiling point) | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
130 | OIB_HVCLS | Heating value class (calorific value class) | OIB_HVCLS | CHAR |
131 | OIB_HVEH | Heating value unit | MEINS | UNIT |
132 | OIB_HVTYP | Heating value type | OIB_HVTYP | CHAR |
133 | OIB_HYDRO | Hydrometer Correction Indicator | OIB_XFELD | CHAR |
134 | OIB_HYDROCARBMOLFRAC | Hydrocarbon mole fraction calculated from AGA c-code | OIB_FRAC | FLTP |
135 | OIB_IDGAS | Indicator for SAP natural gas routine (ideal/real gas) | OIB_IDGAS | CHAR |
136 | OIB_ISOC4H10RAT | Natural gas ISO-C4H10 (iso-butane ) content (ratio) | OIB_RAT | FLTP |
137 | OIB_ISOC4H10RATC | Natural gas ISO-C4H10 (ISO-butane ) content (ratio) | OIB_RATC | CHAR |
138 | OIB_ISOC5H12RAT | Natural gas ISO-C5H12 (ISO-pentane ) content (ratio) | OIB_RAT | FLTP |
139 | OIB_ISOC5H12RATC | Natural gas ISO-C5H12 (ISO-pentane ) content (ratio) | OIB_RATC | CHAR |
140 | OIB_ISOIL | Oil material maintenance | OI0_SELKZ | CHAR |
141 | OIB_ITEM | Item number of default parameter: Sorting sequence | OIB_ITEM | NUMC |
142 | OIB_LGRAT | Ratio of liquid to gaseous volume of component | OIB_FAC | FLTP |
143 | OIB_LGRATC | Ratio of liquid to gaseous volume of component | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
144 | OIB_LGRATFT3IDGS | Ratio of ideal gas volume in cubic feet per liquid gallon | OIB_FAC | FLTP |
145 | OIB_LGRATFT3IDGSC | Ratio of ideal gas volume in cubic feet per liquid gallon | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
146 | OIB_LGRATGALLBMOL | Ratio of liquid component, volume / mol | OIB_FAC | FLTP |
147 | OIB_LGRATGALLBMOLC | Ratio of liquid component, volume / mol | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
148 | OIB_MANEN | Quantity manual entry (indicator) | OIB_MANEN | CHAR |
149 | OIB_MCF | Meter correction factor | OIB_OMCF | CHAR |
150 | OIB_MCF1 | Meter correction factor | OIB_VCF | FLTP |
151 | OIB_MCFI | Meter correction factor indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
152 | OIB_MDSGL_DELTA | Silo Mgmt.: Movement Dip Diff. (bt succ. dips) in base UoM | MENG13V | QUAN |
153 | OIB_MDSUM_DELTA | Silo Mgmt.: Total movement Dip Diff. in base UoM | MENG13V | QUAN |
154 | OIB_MIGO_DEF | Date for QCI default determination | OIB_MIGO_DEF | CHAR |
155 | OIB_MOLDEN | Natural gas molar density (mol/volume) at standard condition | OIB_DICHT | FLTP |
156 | OIB_MOLDENEH | Unit for molar density at base conditions ( nat.gas) | MEINS | UNIT |
157 | OIB_MOLWEIGHT | Molecular weight of natural gas:return value from AGA c-code | OIB_MOLWEIGHT | FLTP |
158 | OIB_MOLWEIGHTC | Molecular weight of natural gas:return value from AGA c-code | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
159 | OIB_MOLWEIGHTEH | Unit for molar mass | MEINS | UNIT |
160 | OIB_MOTORCLEAR | Octane number (motor clear) | OIB_FAC | FLTP |
161 | OIB_MOTORCLEARC | Octane number (motor clear) | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
162 | OIB_MTCOMBPRES | Natural gas material combustion pressure: observed quantity | OIB_PRES | FLTP |
163 | OIB_MTCOMBPRESEH | Natural gas material combustion pres. unit: oberved quantity | MEINS | UNIT |
164 | OIB_MTCOMBTEH | Natural gas material combustion temp. unit: obs. quantity | MEINS | UNIT |
165 | OIB_MTCOMBTMP | Natural gas material combustion temp.: observed quantity | TEMP_VALUE | FLTP |
166 | OIB_MTPRES | Oil/gas material pressure: observed quantity | OIB_PRES | FLTP |
167 | OIB_MTPRESEH | Oil/gas material pressure unit: observed quantity | MEINS | UNIT |
168 | OIB_MTTEH | Oil/Gas Material Temperature Unit: Observed Quantity | MEINS | UNIT |
169 | OIB_MTTMP | Oil/Gas Material Temperature: Observed Quantity | TEMP_VALUE | FLTP |
170 | OIB_N2RAT | Natural gas N2 (nitrogen) content (ratio) | OIB_RAT | FLTP |
171 | OIB_N2RATC | Natural gas N2 (nitrogen) content (ratio) | OIB_RATC | CHAR |
172 | OIB_NATIND | Activate SAP conversion routines for natural gas | OIB_NATIND | CHAR |
173 | OIB_NC4H10RAT | Natural gas n-C4H10 (n-butane ) content (ratio) | OIB_RAT | FLTP |
174 | OIB_NC4H10RATC | Natural gas n-C4H10 (n-butane ) content (ratio) | OIB_RATC | CHAR |
175 | OIB_NC5H12RAT | Natural gas n-C5H12 (n-pentane ) content (ratio) | OIB_RAT | FLTP |
176 | OIB_NC5H12RATC | Natural gas n-C5H12 (n-pentane ) content (ratio) | OIB_RATC | CHAR |
177 | OIB_O2RAT | Natural gas oxygen (O2) content (ratio) | OIB_RAT | FLTP |
178 | OIB_O2RATC | Natural gas oxygen (O2) content (ratio) | OIB_RATC | CHAR |
179 | OIB_OADQNT | Additional quantity calculated or manually entered | OIB_OQNT | CHAR |
180 | OIB_OATPRES | Atmospheric pressure | OIB_OPRES | CHAR |
181 | OIB_OBDICH | Oil density at base temperature | OIB_ODICHT | CHAR |
182 | OIB_OBDICT | Text: Oil density at base temperature | OIB_ODICTT | CHAR |
183 | OIB_OBHVAL | Heating value at base conditions (natural gas) | OIB_OHVAL | CHAR |
184 | OIB_OBHVALT | Base heating value text | OIB_ODICTT | CHAR |
185 | OIB_OBPRESH | Oil / gas base pressure (heating value) | OIB_OPRES | CHAR |
186 | OIB_OBPRESV | Oil / gas material base pressure (volume) | OIB_OPRES | CHAR |
187 | OIB_OBSTMP | Oil base temperature | OIB_OTMP | CHAR |
188 | OIB_OBSTMPH | Oil/Gas base temperature (heating value, combustion) | OIB_OTMP | CHAR |
190 | OIB_OBS_DENS | Density at observed conditions | OIB_FLTP | FLTP |
191 | OIB_OBS_PRES | Pressure at observed conditions | OIB_FLTP | FLTP |
192 | OIB_OBS_TEMP | Temperature at abserved conditions | OIB_FLTP | FLTP |
193 | OIB_OBS_VOL | Volume at observed conditions | OIB_FLTP | FLTP |
194 | OIB_OBUCHM | Book quantity for count / tank dip | OIB_OQNT | CHAR |
195 | OIB_OCOEFF | Quantity conversion coefficient (screen display) | OIB_OCOEFF | CHAR |
196 | OIB_OFDICH | Fixed density | OIB_ODICHT | CHAR |
197 | OIB_OFDICT | Test: fixed oil density | OIB_ODICTT | CHAR |
198 | OIB_OLDNEW | Internal Control f.Interface to receive"Delivery+Quantities" | OIB_OLDNEW | CHAR |
199 | OIB_OMTPRES | Material volume pressure | OIB_OPRES | CHAR |
200 | OIB_OMTTMP | Material temperature (oil / natural gas) | OIB_OTMP | CHAR |
201 | OIB_OTABF | Output text for air buoyancy factor | OIB_ODICTT | CHAR |
202 | OIB_OTBSW | BSW content | OIB_OTBSW | CHAR |
203 | OIB_OTDICH | Oil test density | OIB_ODICHT | CHAR |
204 | OIB_OTDICT | Test: oil test density | OIB_ODICTT | CHAR |
205 | OIB_OTHVAL | Heating value at test conditions (natural gas) | OIB_OHVAL | CHAR |
206 | OIB_OTHVALT | Test heating value text | OIB_ODICTT | CHAR |
207 | OIB_OTPRED | Test pressure of test density/volume | OIB_OPRES | CHAR |
208 | OIB_OTPREDCAL | Natural gas: Calorimeter test pressure (density) | OIB_OPRES | CHAR |
209 | OIB_OTPRHV | Test pressure heating value: combustion | OIB_OPRES | CHAR |
210 | OIB_OTRQNT | Transaction quantity | OIB_OQNT | CHAR |
211 | OIB_OTSTMP | Density test temperature | OIB_OTMP | CHAR |
212 | OIB_OTSTMPCAL | Natural gas: Calorimeter test temperature (density) | OIB_OTMP | CHAR |
213 | OIB_OTSTMPH | Combustion test temperature (heating value) | CHAR | |
214 | OIB_OVAPRES | Vapor pressure of liquid petroleum gases (LPG) | OIB_OPRES | CHAR |
215 | OIB_PAR_CHAR | QCI parameter CHAR string | CHAR22 | CHAR |
216 | OIB_PAR_CHARFLAG | Flag: Parameter has type CHAR | AS4FLAG | CHAR |
217 | OIB_PAR_FIELDNAME | Field name of the QCI parameter | FDNAME | CHAR |
218 | OIB_PAR_FLTP | QCI Parameter FLTP | FLTP | FLTP |
219 | OIB_PAR_LENGTH | Length of parameter | NUM2 | NUMC |
220 | OIB_PAR_NAME | Parameter of the Quantity Conversion Interface | OIB_PAR_NAME | CHAR |
221 | OIB_PAR_TEXT | Parameter text | TXT30 | CHAR |
222 | OIB_PDCL | Oil/Gas product conversion class | OIB_PDCL | CHAR |
223 | OIB_PDTYP | Oil product type | OIB_PDTYP | CHAR |
224 | OIB_PDTYP_API | API Prodyct Type | OIB_PDTYP_API | INT4 |
225 | OIB_PODMG | POD quantity (float) | OIB_ADQNT | FLTP |
226 | OIB_PODMGP | POD quantity (packed) | MENG13 | QUAN |
227 | OIB_QCIMANIND | QCI manual indicator | OIB_QCIMANIND | CHAR |
228 | OIB_QCI_SIMPLE | Flag to avoid call to external routines via Table OIB04 | XFELD | CHAR |
229 | OIB_QCI_UNIT | QCI specifific Unit of Measurement assigned to Conv. Groups | OIB_QCI_UNIT | CHAR |
230 | OIB_QCI_UOM_TXT | QCI Unit of Measurement Description | TEXT30 | CHAR |
231 | OIB_RDGGROUP | Reading group for default parameters | OIB_RDGGRP | CHAR |
232 | OIB_RDGT | Description of the reading group | OIB_DESCR | CHAR |
233 | OIB_RELEASE | Release indicator for external (RFC) calls to QCI | OIB_XFELD | CHAR |
234 | OIB_RELSTOCK | Silo Mgmt: related book stock at time of tank dip | MENG13V | QUAN |
235 | OIB_RESEARCH | Octane number (research clear) | OIB_FAC | FLTP |
236 | OIB_RESEARCHC | Octane number (research clear) | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
237 | OIB_RES_TIME | Residence Time for Archiving | NUMC | |
238 | OIB_ROUND | Indicator for rounding procedure of customizing VCF table | OIB_ROUND | CHAR |
239 | OIB_RVPRES | Reid Vapor Pressure of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) | OIB_PRES | FLTP |
240 | OIB_RVPRESC | Reid Vapor Pressure of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
241 | OIB_SCREEN_FLAG | Screen characteristics for QCI default parameter | OIB_SCREEN_FLAG | CHAR |
242 | OIB_SCREEN_FLAG_DEF | Flag det. screen characteristics of QCI parameter: defaults | OIB_SCREEN_FLAG | CHAR |
243 | OIB_SDIP_DELTA | Silo Mgmt.: Dip Difference (to previous dip) in base UoM | MENG13V | QUAN |
244 | OIB_SD_QCI_USE_CASE | Use Case of QCI Calculation in SD | OIB_SD_QCI_USE_CASE | NUMC |
245 | OIB_SELKZ | Selection Indicator / General Switch | OIB_SELKZ | CHAR |
246 | OIB_SET_NUMBER | Number/character defining a set of physical properties data | OIB_CNT | CHAR |
247 | OIB_SHKZG | Debits/credits indicator | SHKZG | CHAR |
248 | OIB_SMVMT_DELTA | Silo Mgmt.: Movement Diff. (bt succ. dips) in base UoM | MENG13V | QUAN |
249 | OIB_SPECHEATCP | Specific heat of natural gas component: C_p | OIB_FAC | FLTP |
250 | OIB_SPECHEATCPC | Specific heat: Cp | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
251 | OIB_SPECHEATCS | Specific heat of natural gas component: saturated liquid | OIB_FAC | FLTP |
252 | OIB_SPECHEATCSC | Specific heat: saturated liquid | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
253 | OIB_SPECHEATCV | Specific heat of natural gas component: C_v | OIB_FAC | FLTP |
254 | OIB_SPECHEATCVC | Specific heat: Cv | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
255 | OIB_SPECHEATEH | Specific heat of natural gas: unit | MEINS | UNIT |
256 | OIB_SSEQNR | Issuing tank number | OII_SSEQNR | CHAR |
257 | OIB_STANDARD | Indicator for standard calculation | OIB_XFELD | CHAR |
258 | OIB_STDQUANTITY | Standard Quantity | OIB_STDQUANTITY | FLTP |
259 | OIB_SUMDIP_DELTA | Silo Mgmt.: Acc.Dip Difference in base UoM | MENG13V | QUAN |
260 | OIB_SUMMATIONFACTOR | Summation factor (1/pressure) | OIB_FAC | FLTP |
261 | OIB_SUMMATIONFACTORC | Summation factor (1/pressure) | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
262 | OIB_SUMVMT_DELTA | Silo Mgmt.: Accumulated Movement Diff. (bt dips) in base UoM | MENG13V | QUAN |
263 | OIB_SUPERCOMPRESSIBILITY | Super-compressibility factor (from AGA c-code) at US cond. | OIB_VCF | FLTP |
264 | OIB_TDICH | Oil/Gas Test Density | OIB_DICHT | FLTP |
265 | OIB_TDTHV | Test density/test heating value - parameter handling | OIB_XFELD | CHAR |
266 | OIB_TEMP | Temperature field for customizing VCF tables | OIB_TEMP | DEC |
267 | OIB_THVAL | Heating value at test conditions (natural gas): observed | OIB_HVAL | FLTP |
268 | OIB_TMSTM | Tank dip time stamp | OII_TIMEST | NUMC |
269 | OIB_TNKASSIGN | Silo Managament: Tank assignment indicator | OIB_TNKASSIGN | CHAR |
270 | OIB_TPRED | Oil/gas test pressure: metering (obs. density) | OIB_PRES | FLTP |
271 | OIB_TPREDCAL | Natural gas: Calorimeter test pressure (density) | OIB_PRES | FLTP |
272 | OIB_TPREDCALEH | Natural gas: Unit for calorimeter test pressure (density) | MEINS | UNIT |
273 | OIB_TPREDEH | Oil/Gas test press. unit: metering (density) | MEINS | UNIT |
274 | OIB_TPRHV | Natural gas test pressure: combustion (obs. heating value ) | OIB_PRES | FLTP |
275 | OIB_TPRHVEH | Natural gas test pressure unit: combustion ( heating value ) | MEINS | UNIT |
276 | OIB_TRQNT | Transaction Quantity | OIB_TRQNT | FLTP |
277 | OIB_TRUOM | Transaction entry unit of measure | MEINS | UNIT |
278 | OIB_TSTEH | Test Temperature Unit (Density): Measurement | MEINS | UNIT |
279 | OIB_TSTMP | Oil/Gas Test Temperature: Observed Density | TEMP_VALUE | FLTP |
280 | OIB_TSTMPCAL | Natural gas: Calorimeter test temperature (density) | TEMP_VALUE | FLTP |
281 | OIB_TSTMPCALEH | Natural gas: unit for calorimeter test temperature (density) | MEINS | UNIT |
282 | OIB_TTMPHV | Natural gas test temperature: combustion (obs. heat. value ) | TEMP_VALUE | FLTP |
283 | OIB_TTMPHVEH | Natural gas test temp. unit: combustion (heating value) | MEINS | UNIT |
284 | OIB_UCD_QCONV | HPM Quantity Conversion performed | XFELD | CHAR |
285 | OIB_UMRSL | Conversion Group (Oil, Natural Gas,..) | OIB_UMRSL | CHAR |
286 | OIB_UMRST | Conversion group description | OIB_DESCR | CHAR |
287 | OIB_UMSSEQNR | Receiving tank number | OII_SSEQNR | CHAR |
288 | OIB_UNIT_FIELDNAME | Field name of the OUM of the QCI Parameter | FDNAME | CHAR |
289 | OIB_UOMGR | Unit of Mearsure Group (Oil, Natural Gas,...) | OIB_UOMGR | CHAR |
290 | OIB_UOMGT | Description of the unit of measure group | OIB_DESCR | CHAR |
291 | OIB_UOMTYPE | Internal control: UoM Unit type | OIB_UOMTYPE | CHAR |
292 | OIB_UPARAM | Parameter for HPM user parameters | CHAR30 | CHAR |
293 | OIB_UVALUE | Values of HPM user parameters | CHAR30 | CHAR |
294 | OIB_VAPRES | Vapor pressure of liquid petroleum gases (LPG) | OIB_PRES | FLTP |
295 | OIB_VAPRESC | Vapor pressure of liquid petroleum gases (LPG) | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
296 | OIB_VAPRESEH | Vapor pressure unit (LPG) | MEINS | UNIT |
297 | OIB_VAPRESREFTMP | Reference temperature of vapor pressure | OIB_PRES | FLTP |
298 | OIB_VAPRESREFTMPC | Reference temperature of vapor pressure | OIB_OTMP | CHAR |
299 | OIB_VCF1 | Volume correction factor | OIB_VCF | FLTP |
300 | OIB_VCF2 | Volume correction factor | OIB_VCF | FLTP |
301 | OIB_VCFDEC | Volume correction factor: Customizing table (aromatics) | OIB_VCFDEC | DEC |
302 | OIB_VCFLN | Volume correction factor | OIB_VCFLN | CHAR |
303 | OIB_VCFLN_LPG | Volume correction factor LPG | OIB_VCFLN_LPG | CHAR |
304 | OIB_VOLMOLEH | Unit for Volume/mol ratio | MEINS | UNIT |
305 | OIB_WKSTA | QCI working status | OIB_WKSTA | CHAR |
306 | OIB_WL_DESCR | Silo Management: Worklist description | CHAR30 | CHAR |
307 | OIB_WORKLIST | Silo Management: Worklist | CHAR10 | CHAR |
308 | OIB_WQTYH | Upper warning tolerance limit for manual entries (in %) | OIB_QTYPC | FLTP |
309 | OIB_WQTYHD | Upper warning tolerance limit for manual entries (in %) | OIB_QTYPCD | CHAR |
310 | OIB_WQTYL | Lower warning tolerance limit for manual entries (in %) | OIB_QTYPC | FLTP |
311 | OIB_WQTYLD | Lower warning tolerance limit for manual entries (in %) | OIB_QTYPCD | CHAR |
312 | OICFKARTDI | Differential invoice billing type proposal | FKART | CHAR |
313 | OICHOBI_BI | Head office / branch Indicator BTCI | OI0_XFELD | CHAR |
314 | OICSDPDCM_VM | Version number for Document Change Management (DCM) | CHAR13 | CHAR |
315 | OIC_ACCCUR | Reference currency for line display | WAERS | CUKY |
316 | OIC_ACCVAL | User exit to accumulate already-invoiced values | OIC_ACCVAL | NUMC |
317 | OIC_ACTDAT | Date used | OIC_ACTDAT | DATS |
318 | OIC_ACTIVE | Interest type is active or not | XFELD | CHAR |
319 | OIC_ACTVT | Activity in formula maintenance | OIC_ACTVT | CHAR |
320 | OIC_ADESTN | Alternate destination | OIC_PDESTN | CHAR |
321 | OIC_AMT_BAL | Balance amount | WERTV8 | CURR |
322 | OIC_AMT_PAID | Amount paid | WERTV8 | CURR |
323 | OIC_ANALLVL_DESC | Description of Level in Pattern Analysis | OIC_ANALLVL_DESC | CHAR |
324 | OIC_ANALYSIS_LVL | Level of the Pattern Analysis | OIC_ANALYSIS_LVL | NUMC |
325 | OIC_AORGIN | Alternate origin | OIC_PORGIN | CHAR |
326 | OIC_AVQTCNT | Number of used daily quotation prices | OIC_CNT | INT4 |
327 | OIC_AVQTCUKY | Currency of average quotation prices | WAERS | CUKY |
328 | OIC_AVQTPRUN | Pricing unit of average quotation prices | KPEIN | DEC |
329 | OIC_AVQTPR_LEAD | Average quotation price in leading combination | OIC_P16D14 | DEC |
330 | OIC_AVQTPR_RAW | Unrounded average quotation price | OIC_P16D14 | DEC |
331 | OIC_AVQTPR_RND | Rounded average quotation price | OIC_P16D14 | DEC |
332 | OIC_AVQTUOM | Unit of measure of average quotation prices | MEINS | UNIT |
333 | OIC_AVSURCNT | Number of used daily currency converted surcharges | OIC_CNT | INT4 |
334 | OIC_AVSUR_LEAD | Unrounded average surcharge in leading Cuky/Prun/UoM | OIC_P16D14 | DEC |
335 | OIC_AVSUR_RND | Rounded average surcharge in leading Cuky/Prun/UoM | OIC_P16D14 | DEC |
336 | OIC_BEDAT | Purchase order date | DATUM | DATS |
337 | OIC_BEGIN_DATE | Begin date for interest calculation | DATUM | DATS |
338 | OIC_BLDAT | Goods receipt document date | DATUM | DATS |
339 | OIC_CALCTYP | Calculation type for formula condition item | OIC_CALCTYP | CHAR |
340 | OIC_CANREB | Delete because of cancel / rebill | XFELD | CHAR |
341 | OIC_CARULE | Average currency rule | OIC_EXIT | NUMC |
342 | OIC_CDATFR | Date from for fixation period for currency | DATUM | DATS |
343 | OIC_CDATTO | Date to for fixation period for currency | DATUM | DATS |
344 | OIC_CDDATF | Date from for fixation period for currency | DATUM | DATS |
345 | OIC_CDDATT | End date for currency period | DATUM | DATS |
346 | OIC_CDRULE | Daily currency rule | OIC_EXIT | NUMC |
347 | OIC_CERRHN | Error-handling exit (if no exch.rate found) | OIC_EXIT | NUMC |
348 | OIC_CEXCEV | Exclude Base Date for Currency | XFELD | CHAR |
349 | OIC_CFACTC | Factory calendar ID for currency | WFCID | CHAR |
350 | OIC_CNPDAY | Currency non-posted days rule exit | OIC_EXIT | NUMC |
351 | OIC_COLNUM | Column number | OIC_COLNUM | NUMC |
352 | OIC_CONTNR | Outline agreement: contract | VBELN | CHAR |
353 | OIC_CPERAF | Period after base date for currency | OIC_OFFSET | NUMC |
354 | OIC_CPERBF | Period before base date for currency | OIC_OFFSET | NUMC |
355 | OIC_CPE_FORMID | Key of CPE Customizing Formula | OIC_CPE_FORMID | CHAR |
356 | OIC_CRDOFF | Offset from reference date for currency | OIC_OFFSET | NUMC |
357 | OIC_CREFDT | Determination exit for currency reference date | OIC_EXIT | NUMC |
358 | OIC_CTIMUM | Currency time unit of measure exit | OIC_EXIT | NUMC |
359 | OIC_CUST | F&A repository customer | KUNNR | CHAR |
360 | OIC_CWERUL | Currency weekend rule exit | OIC_EXIT | NUMC |
361 | OIC_DAILY_RATE | Daily rate for interest calculation | ZSATZ | DEC |
362 | OIC_DATA | Routine number for data capture | GRPNO | NUMC |
363 | OIC_DATE | Date for time pricing | OIC_DATE | DATS |
364 | OIC_DATE_CALC | Date calculation exit | OIC_EXIT | NUMC |
365 | OIC_DATE_RECD | Date received | DATUM | DATS |
366 | OIC_DATFRM | 'Date from' for average period | DATUM | DATS |
367 | OIC_DATTO | 'Date to' for fixation period | DATUM | DATS |
368 | OIC_DAY | Day of the week (1=Monday...) | OIC_DAY | CHAR |
369 | OIC_DAYQTPR | Converted daily quotation price | OIC_P16D14 | DEC |
370 | OIC_DAYQTPR_SUM | Sum of daily quotation prices | OIC_P16D14 | DEC |
371 | OIC_DAYS | Difference between from and to date | TAGE | NUMC |
372 | OIC_DAYSUR | Daily currency converted surcharge | OIC_P16D14 | DEC |
373 | OIC_DAYSUR_SUM | Sum of daily (currency) converted surcharges | OIC_P16D14 | DEC |
374 | OIC_DCITYC | Destination city code | CITYC | CHAR |
375 | OIC_DCOUNC | Destination county code | COUNC | CHAR |
376 | OIC_DDATFR | 'Date from' determined for fixation period | DATUM | DATS |
377 | OIC_DDATTO | 'Date to' determined for fixation period | DATUM | DATS |
378 | OIC_DEFCUR | Default currency for price quotations | WAERS | CUKY |
379 | OIC_DEFPER | Default condition pricing unit for quotations | OIC_KPEIN | DEC |
380 | OIC_DEFUOM | Default unit of measure for price quotation | MEINS | UNIT |
381 | OIC_DICNTR | Differential invoice control | OIC_DICNTR | CHAR |
382 | OIC_DIFFI2 | Differential invoice indicator | KREUZ | CHAR |
383 | OIC_DIFFIN | Differential invoice | OIC_DIFFIN | CHAR |
384 | OIC_DLAND1 | Destination country | LAND1 | CHAR |
385 | OIC_DOMTEX | Short text for domain fixed values | OIC_DOMTEX | CHAR |
386 | OIC_DRC | Differential Reference Code (DRC) | OIC_DRC | CHAR |
387 | OIC_DRCREG | DRC region | REGIO | CHAR |
388 | OIC_DRCTRY | DRC country | LAND1 | CHAR |
389 | OIC_DREGIO | Destination region | REGIO | CHAR |
390 | OIC_DUE_DATE | Payment due date for interest calculation | DATUM | DATS |
391 | OIC_END_DATE | End date for interest calculation | DATUM | DATS |
392 | OIC_ERRHA | User exit for error handling/no breakdown of diff. amount | OIC_ERRHA | NUMC |
393 | OIC_ERRHAN | Error handling exit, if no quotation found | OIC_EXIT | NUMC |
394 | OIC_EXCEV | Exclude Base Date | XFELD | CHAR |
395 | OIC_EXRTTY | Exchange rate type | KURST | CHAR |
396 | OIC_FACTCA | Factory calendar for quotation | WFCID | CHAR |
397 | OIC_FCODE | Fcode calling pricing dialog (differential invoice) | OKCODE | CHAR |
398 | OIC_FIELD | Field name | FDNAME | CHAR |
400 | OIC_FKART | Default billing type for cancel / rebill | FKART | CHAR |
401 | OIC_FORAVB | Formula term selection exit | OIC_EXIT | NUMC |
402 | OIC_FORCUR | Currency for formula condition | WAERS | CUKY |
403 | OIC_FORDES | Formula description | CHAR40 | CHAR |
404 | OIC_FORID | Formula repository ID | OIC_FORID | CHAR |
405 | OIC_FORMPER | Displayed pricing unit for Formula and Average conditions | KPEIN | DEC |
406 | OIC_FORMQTY | Quantity used to calculate formula value for rate based calc | OIC_MENG13 | QUAN |
407 | OIC_FORMUMNE | Denominator for converting to formula condition UoM | UMBSN | DEC |
408 | OIC_FORMUMZA | Numerator for converting to formula condition UoM | UMBSZ | DEC |
409 | OIC_FORMUOM | Displayed unit of measure for Formula and Average conditions | MEINS | UNIT |
410 | OIC_FORMUP | Formula changed | UPDKZ | CHAR |
411 | OIC_FORM_KEY | Formula Key | OIC_FORM_KEY | CHAR |
412 | OIC_FORM_PATTNO | Number of Formula Structure Pattern | OIC_PATTERN_NO | NUMC |
413 | OIC_FORM_TYPE | Formula Type | OIC_FORM_TYPE | CHAR |
414 | OIC_FORVAL | Formula condition value | WERTV8 | CURR |
415 | OIC_FROM_DATE | From date for interest calculation | DATUM | DATS |
416 | OIC_FSTAT | Formula evaluation status | OIC_FSTAT | NUMC |
417 | OIC_GNRULE | Gross/net pricing rule | GRPNO | NUMC |
418 | OIC_GNSTRA | Gross/net pricing strategy used | OIC_GNSTRA | CHAR |
419 | OIC_GNSTRQ | Gross/net pricing strategy used for quotation | OIC_GNSTRA | CHAR |
420 | OIC_GNSTRS | Gross/net pricing strategy used for surcharge | OIC_GNSTRA | CHAR |
421 | OIC_GRCHK | Carry out gross/net unit check | XFELD | CHAR |
422 | OIC_GRNET | Gross/net pricing indicator | OIC_GRNET | CHAR |
423 | OIC_GRSUOM | Gross volume unit of measure | MEINS | UNIT |
424 | OIC_HEAD | Header format routine for second level analysis report | GRPNO | NUMC |
425 | OIC_HEADER | Header text | OIC_HEADER | CHAR |
426 | OIC_HEAD_PATTNO | Number of Formula Header Pattern | OIC_PATTERN_NO | NUMC |
427 | OIC_HOBIND | Head office / branch indicator | OI0_XFELD | CHAR |
428 | OIC_INPD | Invoice pricing date rule | OIC_INPD | CHAR |
429 | OIC_INTTYPE | Interest type for interest calculation | OIC_INTTYPE | CHAR |
430 | OIC_INT_AMT | Interest amount for interest calculation | WERTV8 | CURR |
431 | OIC_INV_AMT | Invoice amount for interest calculation | WERTV8 | CURR |
432 | OIC_INV_BAL | Invoice balance for interest calculation | WERTV8 | CURR |
433 | OIC_ITEM | Item routine for second level analysis report | GRPNO | NUMC |
434 | OIC_ITEM_PATTNO | Number of Term Item Pattern | OIC_PATTERN_NO | NUMC |
435 | OIC_ITMCUR | Term item value currency | WAERS | CUKY |
436 | OIC_ITMVAL | Term item value | WERTV8 | CURR |
437 | OIC_ITRATE_FORM | Item rate in formula Cuky/Prun/UoM | OIC_P16D14 | DEC |
438 | OIC_ITRATE_LEAD | Item rate in leading Cuky/Prun/UoM | OIC_P16D14 | DEC |
439 | OIC_ITRATE_RND | Rounded item rate in formula Cuky/Prun/UoM | OIC_P16D14 | DEC |
440 | OIC_KMPOS | Reference contract line item number | OIC_KMPOS | NUMC |
441 | OIC_KNPRS | Invoice pricing type | KNPRS | CHAR |
442 | OIC_LDTIM | Loading time | OIC_TIME | TIMS |
443 | OIC_LEADCUKY | Leading currency within term item | WAERS | CUKY |
444 | OIC_LEADPRUN | Leading pricing unit within term item | KPEIN | DEC |
445 | OIC_LEADUOM | Leading unit of measure within term item | MEINS | UNIT |
446 | OIC_LFDAT | Date for time pricing | OIC_DATE | DATS |
447 | OIC_LFTIM | Time for time pricing | OIC_TIME | TIMS |
448 | OIC_LINTYP | Line type | OIC_LINTYP | CHAR |
449 | OIC_LINVAL | Line value | OIC_LINVAL | CURR |
450 | OIC_MARGIN | Margin rate for interest calculation | ZSATZ | DEC |
451 | OIC_MATGRP | F&A repository material group | MATKL | CHAR |
452 | OIC_METIND | Metropolitan indicator | OIC_METIND | CHAR |
454 | OIC_MOT | IS-OIL MAP external details mode of transport | VKTRA | CHAR |
455 | OIC_MOT_BI | IS-OIL MAP external details mode of transport BTCI^ | VKTRA | CHAR |
456 | OIC_MULT1 | Calculation factor 1 | OIC_MULT1 | DEC |
457 | OIC_MULT2 | Calculation factor 2 | OIC_MULT2 | DEC |
458 | OIC_NETUOM | Net volume unit of measure | MEINS | UNIT |
459 | OIC_NFREL | Nota Fiscal relevant documents | XFELD | CHAR |
460 | OIC_NOQUOT | No quotation exists indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
461 | OIC_NPDAYS | Non-posted days rule exit | OIC_EXIT | NUMC |
462 | OIC_NXINV | Next billing date for invoice if status is provisional | DATUM | DATS |
463 | OIC_OCITYC | Origin city code | CITYC | CHAR |
464 | OIC_OCOUNC | Origin county code | COUNC | CHAR |
465 | OIC_OFFER_DATE | Offer date for interest calculation | DATUM | DATS |
466 | OIC_OLAND1 | Origin country | LAND1 | CHAR |
467 | OIC_OREGIO | Origin region | REGIO | CHAR |
468 | OIC_PBATCH | Pipeline operator´s external batch number | OIC_PBATCH | CHAR |
469 | OIC_PDESTN | Tax destination | OIC_PDESTN | CHAR |
470 | OIC_PERAFT | Period after base date | OIC_OFFSET | NUMC |
471 | OIC_PERBEF | Period before base date | OIC_OFFSET | NUMC |
472 | OIC_PERIOD_PATTNO | Number of Term Period Pattern | OIC_PATTERN_NO | NUMC |
473 | OIC_PFIND | Formula provisional/final indicator | OIC_PFIND | CHAR |
474 | OIC_PLANT | F&A repository plant | WERKS | CHAR |
475 | OIC_PLNO | Price list number | OIC_PLNO | NUMC |
476 | OIC_POQTY | Purchase order quantity at time of goods receipt | MENG13 | QUAN |
477 | OIC_PORGIN | Tax origin | OIC_PORGIN | CHAR |
478 | OIC_PRICE | Price for quotation | WERTV6 | CURR |
479 | OIC_PROC | Record processed within differential calculation | KREUZ | CHAR |
480 | OIC_PSDRC | Pricing DRC (grouping customers by DRC for pricing) | OIC_DRC | CHAR |
481 | OIC_PTRIP | Pipeline trip number (external) | OIC_PTRIP | CHAR |
482 | OIC_QDESC | Price Quotation number description | CHAR40 | CHAR |
483 | OIC_QORIGM | Quote original unit of measure (before gross/net determ.) | MEINS | UNIT |
484 | OIC_QTDAT | Quotation date | DATUM | DATS |
485 | OIC_QUOQTY | Quantity used to calculate quote value | OIC_MENG13 | QUAN |
486 | OIC_QUOTA | Quotation number | CHAR18 | CHAR |
487 | OIC_QUOTEX | Quotation exchange rate | UKURS | DEC |
488 | OIC_QUOTVA | Quotation average value | WERTV8 | CURR |
489 | OIC_QUOTYP | Quotation type | OIC_QUOTYP | CHAR |
490 | OIC_RATCUR | Currency for display of calculated formula rate | WAERS | CUKY |
491 | OIC_RATEBASED | Indicator, if F&A calculation is performed rate based | XFELD | CHAR |
492 | OIC_RATE_RAW | Stores intermediate rate where difference occurred | OIC_P16D14 | DEC |
493 | OIC_RAWCUR | Reference currency for quot.raw value display | WAERS | CUKY |
494 | OIC_RAWVAL | Raw value of quote | OIC_LINVAL | CURR |
495 | OIC_RDOFF | Offset from reference date | OIC_EXIT | NUMC |
496 | OIC_REFCUKY | Reference currency for a rate | WAERS | CUKY |
497 | OIC_REFDAT | User exit for reference date determination | OIC_EXIT | NUMC |
498 | OIC_REFPRUN | Reference pricing unit for a rate | KPEIN | DEC |
499 | OIC_REFUOM | Reference unit of measure for a rate | MEINS | UNIT |
500 | OIC_REFUOM1 | UoM for reference data 1 in formula term item calculation | MEINS | UNIT |