SAP ABAP Data Element - Index O, page 26
Data Element - O
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | OPEN | Open Personnel Numbers Only | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
2 | OPENAMOUNT_CA | Open Amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
3 | OPENCNT | No. of SQL OPENs | INT4 | INT4 |
4 | OPENIP_CA | FI-CA Indicator for Displaying Open Installment Plans | OPENIP_CA | CHAR |
5 | OPENITEM | Open Item | XFELD | CHAR |
6 | OPENQTY | Open Quantity (Still to be Assigned) | MENG13 | QUAN |
7 | OPENRCURS | Currently open remote cursors | CHAR | |
8 | OPENRCURSB | Currently open remote cursors with blocking | CHAR | |
9 | OPENS | Open since | NUMC3 | NUMC |
10 | OPENVAL_HW | Open Value in Local Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
11 | OPENVAL_TW | Open Value in Document Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
12 | OPEN_BALANCE_C | Open Balance | CHAR_5 | CHAR |
13 | OPEN_BALANCE_C_UI | Open Balance | CHAR_5 | CHAR |
14 | OPEN_CNT_64 | Number of SQL OPENs | ABAP_MSIZE | DEC |
15 | OPEN_DATE | Date of beginning balance | NUM6 | NUMC |
16 | OPEN_INV_AMOUNT_CA | Open Invoice Amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
17 | OPEN_INV_CA | Open Invoices | XFELD | CHAR |
18 | OPEN_ITEMS_CA | Open Items | XFELD | CHAR |
19 | OPEN_KK | Only Calculate Interest on Open Items | XFELD | CHAR |
20 | OPEN_LEVEL | IS-H: Hierarchy Level for Pre-Expansion of Service Groups | OPEN_LEVEL | INT1 |
21 | OPEN_ORDER | Include Open Purchase Order Quantities | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
22 | OPEN_QUAN | Open Quantity | MENG13 | QUAN |
23 | OPEN_TOGETHER | Number of objects processed together | DEC12 | DEC |
24 | OPER | Operation | CHAR02 | CHAR |
25 | OPERA | Function character of step | CHAR2 | CHAR |
26 | OPERAND | Formula operand | OPERAND | FLTP |
27 | OPERAND1 | Operand for value from | CHAR2 | CHAR |
28 | OPERAND2 | Operand for value to | CHAR2 | CHAR |
29 | OPERAND_BETRAG | Amount Operand | E_OPERAND | CHAR |
30 | OPERAND_MENGE | Quantity Operand | E_OPERAND | CHAR |
31 | OPERAND_VALUE | Operand Value for Concession - Factor or Amount | OPWERT | DEC |
32 | OPERAP | Operator | OPERAP | CHAR |
33 | OPERAT | Operator | OPERAT | CHAR |
34 | OPERATION | Operation for linking attribute values | OPERATION | CHAR |
35 | OPERATION_ALLOWED | Flag for operation allowance | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
36 | OPERATION_TIME | Operation time | TIMS | |
37 | OPERATOR | Operator for HERFD and BISFD | OPERATOR | CHAR |
38 | OPERATOR_PS | Comparison Operator | OPERATOR_PS | CHAR |
39 | OPERATOR_UNARY_PS | Unary or Binary Operator | CHAR | |
40 | OPERC | Operation code | CHAR1 | CHAR |
41 | OPERN | _ | ISH_OPERN | CHAR |
42 | OPERR | _ | ISH_OPERR | CHAR |
43 | OPERS | Operation Indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
44 | OPERT | Operator for Task Types | PAD_OPERT | CHAR |
45 | OPERTXT | Container description | CHAR30 | CHAR |
46 | OPERUSE | Operand User for XCB | OPERUSE | CHAR |
47 | OPER_INST_DEM | Operand for Installed Demand | E_OPERAND | CHAR |
48 | OPER_STAT | Indicator: Update Operation Status to Printed | X | CHAR |
49 | OPER_TITLE | Column heading for pegged requirement | CHAR140 | CHAR |
50 | OPER_TYPE | Type of Arithmetical Operation | CHAR1 | CHAR |
51 | OPEX | Operation/Exercise | CHAR | |
52 | OPFAM_EBBE | Transaction type family | CHAR2 | CHAR |
53 | OPFDT | Date of firm planned order last copied from MRP | DATUM | DATS |
54 | OPFKZ | Indicator:OPFDT changed | XFELD | CHAR |
55 | OPFLD | Field parameter | CHAR5 | CHAR |
56 | OPFOR | Special case | XFELD | CHAR |
57 | OPGRA | Optimization level | OPGRA | CHAR |
58 | OPGRA1 | Optimization level | OPGRA | CHAR |
59 | OPGROUP | Operand group | OPGROUP | CHAR |
60 | OPGROUPLEVEL | Level of the operand group | OPGROUPLEVEL | NUMC |
61 | OPGRP | Location Code Group | QCODEGRP | CHAR |
62 | OPGRP_KK | Grouping at Level 1:2 | OPGRP_KK | CHAR |
63 | OPHB_KK | Status of G/L Transfer | XFELD | CHAR |
64 | OPHEAD_KK | Additional Data for Business Partner Item (Header) | TXT30 | CHAR |
65 | OPHTX | Frame Text for Open Item Processing | CHAR100 | CHAR |
66 | OPIND | Operation ID | CHAR1 | CHAR |
67 | OPION | Infotype operations for creating events | OPRTN | CHAR |
68 | OPI_CURRENCY | PO Currency of Vendor | OPI_CURRENCY | CUKY |
69 | OPI_LINE | Line Number for Partner Interface | NUMC5 | NUMC |
70 | OPKDATA_KK | Additional data on G/L item | CHAR30 | CHAR |
71 | OPKEN | Operation Indicator for Wage Types | OPKEN | CHAR |
72 | OPKEN_ICON | Deduction Wage Type | ICONNAME | CHAR |
73 | OPKHEAD_KK | Additional data on G/L item (heading) | TXT30 | CHAR |
74 | OPKNZ | Operation indicator for indirect valuation | CHAR1 | CHAR |
75 | OPKURZ | IS-H: OU to which Patient Assigned for Nrs. Care (Identif.) | CHAR5 | CHAR |
76 | OPK_VK | Usage for Account Determination in KONTL and DFKKOPK | CHAR1 | CHAR |
77 | OPLEN | Length of value parameter | CHAR1 | CHAR |
78 | OPLFDNR | Consecutive number of an operand | LFDNR4 | NUMC |
79 | OPLFDNR2 | Second consecutive number of an operand | LFDNR4 | NUMC |
80 | OPLFDNRKZ | Operand Can Be Created Several Times | KENNZX | CHAR |
81 | OPLKD | Duty to inform | NUM1 | NUMC |
82 | OPLKZ | With no MRP | CHAR1 | CHAR |
83 | OPMNG | Open Quantity Not Yet Packed | MENG13 | QUAN |
84 | OPMOB | Model | OPMOB | CHAR |
85 | OPMOD | Model definition | CHAR10 | CHAR |
86 | OPMULT | Addition first | KENZX | CHAR |
87 | OPM_ALLOC_UOM_RULE_ID | Allocation UOM Rule ID | SYSUUID | RAW |
88 | OPM_MC_RCD_ORG | Manual Capture Record origin | OPM_RCD_ORG | CHAR |
89 | OPM_OGE_UOM | Unit of Measure for Oil and Gas Entity | MEINS | UNIT |
90 | OPM_STATUS | Rule Status | OPM_STATUS | CHAR |
91 | OPNAM | Operation name | P990_OBJNA | CHAR |
92 | OPNAME | Short description of operating system | TEXT40 | CHAR |
93 | OPNDT | _ | ISH_OPNDT | CHAR |
94 | OPNOF | Number of special case | CHAR2 | CHAR |
95 | OPNQTY | Open Quantity | MENG13 | QUAN |
96 | OPOL_REL | Operation - Object Lists - Link(OPROL) for all Notifications | KREUZ | CHAR |
97 | OPORD_CA | Classification Key | CHAR35 | CHAR |
98 | OPORD_KK | Classification Key | CHAR35 | CHAR |
99 | OPOS | Position of string in line | INDEX5 | INT2 |
100 | OPOSWE | ID preference determination without item change | CHAR1 | CHAR |
101 | OPPLC_KK | Open items local currency | WRTV7 | CURR |
102 | OPPOS_KK | Item Category | OPPOS_KK | CHAR |
103 | OPPP1 | Increase Percentage 1 | BVPCT | DEC |
104 | OPPP2 | Increase Percentage 2 | BVPCT | DEC |
105 | OPPTC_KK | Open items in transaction currency | WRTV7 | CURR |
106 | OPPVALUE_THRESHOLD | Design Registration Threshold Amount | BAPICURR | DEC |
107 | OPPVALUE_WIN | Design Registration Win Metric Amount | BAPICURR | DEC |
108 | OPP_QTY_THRESHOLD | Design Registration Threshold Quantity | MENG13 | QUAN |
109 | OPP_QTY_VALUE_WIN | Design Registration Win Metric Quantity | MENG13 | QUAN |
110 | OPRAN | Checkbox: ABC strategy in % of total number of char. values | XFLAG | CHAR |
111 | OPRAST_KK | Sorted List Upper Limit in Days | OPRAST_KK | DEC |
112 | OPRCHG_CONF | Change a confirmed operation | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
113 | OPRCHG_CONF_PS | Change a confirmed activity | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
114 | OPRCHG_PCNF | Change a partially confirmed operation | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
115 | OPRCHG_PCNF_PS | Change a partially confirmed activity | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
116 | OPRCHG_RELE | Change a released operation | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
117 | OPRCHG_RELE_PS | Change a released activity | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
118 | OPRDEL_CMAN | Delete a manually created operation | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
119 | OPRDEL_CMAN_PS | Delete a manually created activity | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
120 | OPRDEL_CONF | Delete a confirmed operation | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
121 | OPRDEL_CONF_PS | Delete a confirmed activity | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
122 | OPRDEL_PCNF | Delete a partially confirmed operation | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
123 | OPRDEL_PCNF_PS | Delete a partially confirmed activity | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
124 | OPRDEL_RELE | Delete a released operation | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
125 | OPRDEL_RELE_PS | Delete a released activity | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
126 | OPRE1 | Unit for remaining quantity of business process | MEINS | UNIT |
127 | OPREA | Reaction indicator | CHAR2 | CHAR |
128 | OPREIFX | Fixed Price in Foreign Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
129 | OPRID | Operation ID | CHAR8 | CHAR |
130 | OPRINS_CONF | Create operation when order is confirmed | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
131 | OPRINS_CONF_PS | Create activity , if network confirmed | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
132 | OPRINS_PCNF | Create operation when order is partially confirmed | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
133 | OPRINS_PCNF_PS | Create activity, if network partially confirmed | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
134 | OPRINS_RELE | Create operation when order is released | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
135 | OPRINS_RELE_PS | Create activity, if network released | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
136 | OPRINS_SCON | Create operation when successor is confirmed | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
137 | OPRINS_SPCO | Create operation when successor is partially confirmed | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
138 | OPRINS_SREL | Create operation when successor is released | OCM_CONFLICT | CHAR |
139 | OPRKEY | Identification of Operation Key for Model-340 | OPRKEY | CHAR |
140 | OPRMAN_NEXE | "Do not execute" deletion of operation added manually | FLAG | CHAR |
141 | OPRMAN_NEXE_PS | 'Do not execute' Delete manually added activity | FLAG | CHAR |
142 | OPROJ | Open-item management for projects | RKACT | CHAR |
143 | OPRTR | Function character of step | OPRTR | CHAR |
144 | OPRTYP | PM request: Operation type (text for screen layout) | ACTTX | CHAR |
145 | OPRUB_EBBE | Transaction type details | CHAR3 | CHAR |
146 | OPRWE | Checkbox: ABC strategy is % of total value | XFLAG | CHAR |
147 | OPRZ1 | Remaining quantity for business process | MENGV13 | QUAN |
148 | OPR_BLDGR | Screen group | BLDGR | CHAR |
149 | OPR_COPY | Operations are copied | FLAG | CHAR |
150 | OPR_END | Activity following the standard network to be included | VORNR | CHAR |
151 | OPR_FLG | Indicator: operations | FLG_OBJ | CHAR |
152 | OPR_HER | Origin of an operation | OPR_HER | CHAR |
153 | OPR_LINK | Operations exist | SYCHAR132 | CHAR |
154 | OPR_LOCK | Operation is locked | FLAG | CHAR |
155 | OPR_LOCK_SET | Automatically lock operations | FLAG | CHAR |
156 | OPR_OPRID | Main operation ID | CHAR8 | CHAR |
157 | OPR_PANEL | Identifies current screen display | PANEL | CHAR |
158 | OPR_REF | Operation is referenced | FLAG | CHAR |
159 | OPR_REFID | Operation ID of the referenced operation | CHAR8 | CHAR |
160 | OPR_START | Activity preceding the standard network to be included | VORNR | CHAR |
161 | OPSALDO_KK | Balance of current open items in FI-CA | WERTV8 | CURR |
162 | OPSES | Open Service Entry Sheet | XFELD | CHAR |
163 | OPSGN | Indicator parameters | CHAR3 | CHAR |
164 | OPSICOD | Location Code | QCODE | CHAR |
165 | OPSPO_KK | Merge Spool Requests | XFELD | CHAR |
166 | OPSPZ_KK | Subitem In Event of Item Split | OPUPZ_KK | NUMC |
167 | OPST0 | Indicator for output status: no output | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
168 | OPST1 | Indicator for output status: output triggered | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
169 | OPST2 | Indicator of output status: successfully output | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
170 | OPST3 | Indicator for output status: output error | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
171 | OPSTAT | Output Status for Notifications | OPSTAT | NUMC |
172 | OPSTATUS | Processing Status | OPSTATUS | CHAR |
173 | OPSTA_KK | Dunning indicator | OPSTA_KK | CHAR |
174 | OPSUM_KK | Totals at Level 1:2 | OPSUM_KK | CHAR |
175 | OPSYS | Name of operating system | OPSYS | CHAR |
176 | OPSYSTXT | Operating system name (international) | TEXT60 | CHAR |
177 | OPSYS_SOFI | Operating System where the Reorganization Run Took Place | SYCHAR10 | CHAR |
178 | OPS_PDFSEL_PDF | Selection Choice for PDF | CHAR1 | CHAR |
179 | OPS_SCRSEL_PDF | Selection for SAP Script Output | CHAR1 | CHAR |
180 | OPS_SE_ACTION_CODE | Action code | CHAR | |
181 | OPS_SE_BTDID | Business Transaction Document ID | OPS_SE_BTDID | CHAR |
183 | OPS_SE_FEH_TESTED | Flag: Testcase is meant to test FEH Usage | BOOLE | CHAR |
184 | OPS_SE_INTERNL_DATATYPE | ABAP Datatype of Service PROXY Parameter | ROLLNAME | CHAR |
185 | OPS_SE_INT_TYPE | Type of XI interface | POS_SE_INT_TYPE | CHAR |
187 | OPS_SE_PROCESS_METHOD | Process method (service implementation) | CHAR | |
188 | OPS_SE_PROXY_METHOD | Counterpart Proxy Method | CHAR61 | CHAR |
189 | OPS_SE_PROXY_TESTCLASS | Counterpart Proxy Test Class | CLASSNAME | CHAR |
190 | OPS_SE_RESULT_TYPE | Result of an asynchronous test scenario | OPS_SE_RESULT_TYPE | CHAR |
191 | OPS_SE_SEQNR | Number of Message with same MessageID | INT4 | INT4 |
193 | OPS_SE_SOC_CLASS | Class for Message Sending | OPS_SE_SOC_CLASS | CHAR |
194 | OPS_SE_SOC_CONTAINER_DATA | Container Data for preprocessing | LRAW | |
195 | OPS_SE_SOC_EVENT | Message Event | OPS_SE_SOC_EVENT | CHAR |
196 | OPS_SE_SOC_KSCHL | Output type | CHAR | |
197 | OPS_SE_SOC_LOG_ACTIVE | Flag: Activate Log | CHAR | |
198 | OPS_SE_SOC_LOG_DAYS | Number of days in log | INT1 | |
199 | OPS_SE_SOC_LOG_NEXTREORG | Date of next log reorganization | DATS | |
200 | OPS_SE_SOC_MSGID | Message ID | RAW | |
201 | OPS_SE_SOC_OBJKEY | Object key | CHAR30 | CHAR |
202 | OPS_SE_SOC_PARNR | Partner number | CHAR | |
203 | OPS_SE_SOC_PREPROC | Flag: Message preprocessing | CHAR | |
205 | OPS_SE_SZENRO_TESTCLASS | Scenario Test Class for Counterpart Test | CLASSNAME | CHAR |
206 | OPS_SE_TESTCASE_ID | Test Case ID for Generic Counterpart Test | OPS_SE_TESTCASE_ID | NUMC |
207 | OPS_SE_TESTED_PROXY | Tested Proxy in Counterpart Test | OPS_SE_TESTED_PROXY | CHAR |
209 | OPS_SFSEL_PDF | Selection for Smartform Output | CHAR1 | CHAR |
210 | OPT | SLIS: Status of saved lists | BOOLE | CHAR |
211 | OPT00 | Selection option 00 (default) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
212 | OPT01 | Selection option 01 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
213 | OPT02 | Selection option 02 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
214 | OPT03 | Selection option 03 (cancel multi-level planning) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
215 | OPT1 | Option 1, transaction-dependent | OPT1 | CHAR |
216 | OPT2 | Option 2, transaction-dependent | OPT2 | CHAR |
217 | OPT3 | Option 3, transaction-dependent | OPT3 | CHAR |
218 | OPTABTEXT | IS-H: Text for table of operation | TEXT40 | CHAR |
219 | OPTALIGN | Alignment of text for object | NUM1 | NUMC |
220 | OPTANLF | Warrant product category | OPTANLF | NUMC |
221 | OPTARROWS | Mark links with arrows | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
222 | OPTBUTTON | Mark links with button | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
223 | OPTDEPTH | Display depth | NUM02 | NUMC |
224 | OPTDIRECT | Alignment of structure (before rotation) | NUM1 | NUMC |
225 | OPTDISPLAY | Display mode overview/detail | NUM01 | NUMC |
226 | OPTERM | Option rate determinatioin - Procedure | OPTERM | CHAR |
227 | OPTEXT_D | Name of operation | TEXT30 | CHAR |
228 | OPTE_EBBE2 | Transaction Code | CHAR8 | CHAR |
229 | OPTE_KKBE | Transaction Code | CHAR8 | CHAR |
230 | OPTGRID | Auxiliary grid | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
231 | OPTGROUPTX | Combine link texts that are the same | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
232 | OPTI | Option for ranking structure | CHAR2 | CHAR |
233 | OPTIMHOR | Optimization Horizon | FRE_HORIZON | NUMC |
234 | OPTIN | Tax option | CHAR1 | CHAR |
235 | OPTINNSCX | Scaling the horizontal, inner object frame (in percent) | NUMC3 | NUMC |
236 | OPTINNSCY | Scaling the inner, vertical object frame (in percent) | NUMC3 | NUMC |
237 | OPTION | Option for ranges tables | OPTION | CHAR |
238 | OPTIONAL | Optional billing step | OPTIONAL | CHAR |
239 | OPTIONALIT | Optionality of Parameter Transfer | OPTIONALIT | CHAR |
240 | OPTIONID_D | Assignment Option | OPTIONID | CHAR |
241 | OPTIONIND | Optional variant | OPTIONIND | CHAR |
242 | OPTIONSET | Relational Operator | OPTIONSET | CHAR |
243 | OPTIONTEXT_D | Text: Assignment option | TEXT40 | CHAR |
244 | OPTIONVALUE | Value of Assignment Option | TEXT10 | CHAR |
245 | OPTION_CAN | Response option CANCEL | TEXT11 | CHAR |
246 | OPTION_CC | Payment cards: Selection opion | OPTION_CC | CHAR |
247 | OPTION_CL | Option for ranges tables | OPTION_CL | CHAR |
248 | OPTION_DE | Select Option - Option | OPTION_DOM | CHAR |
250 | OPTION_NAME | Option name | CHAR100 | CHAR |
251 | OPTION_NO | Possible answer NO | TEXT6 | CHAR |
252 | OPTION_VALUE | Option value | CHAR100 | CHAR |
253 | OPTION_VTREF_KK | Security at Contract Level | OPTION_VTREF_KK | CHAR |
254 | OPTION_YES | Possible answer YES | TEXT6 | CHAR |
255 | OPTIO_FR01 | Value Set Entry: Option | CHAR02 | CHAR |
256 | OPTJAHRE | Renewal of lease for ... years | NUMC3 | NUMC |
257 | OPTKAP | Optimum Number of Attendees for Business Event | DEC3 | DEC |
258 | OPTKNOCKON | Subsequent mode | NUM01 | NUMC |
259 | OPTLFONT | Font for link texts | GSUFONTID | NUMC |
260 | OPTLINEWRP | Line break for object text in overview mode | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
261 | OPTLNKLOOK | Display of linking lines (straight/slanted) | NUM1 | NUMC |
262 | OPTLTEXT | Mark links with text | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
263 | OPTMODE | Oracle: Optimizer mode (rule/choose) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
264 | OPTOFONT | Font for object texts | GSUFONTID | NUMC |
265 | OPTOL_KK | Number of Days for Selection of Open Items | NUM03 | NUMC |
266 | OPTOUTSCX | Scaling the horizontal, outer object frame (in percent) | NUMC3 | NUMC |
267 | OPTOUTSCY | Scaling the vertical, outer object frame (in percent) | NUMC3 | NUMC |
268 | OPTPE_EBBE | Transaction type | CHAR1 | CHAR |
269 | OPTPROFILE | Start profile | CHAR3 | CHAR |
270 | OPTREPRES | Display mode | NUM1 | NUMC |
271 | OPTRESO | Cover resource requirements | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
272 | OPTROTATE | Rotation of the structure | NUM3 | NUMC |
273 | OPTSATZ | Option rate - Default value | POPTSATZ | DEC |
274 | OPTSEL | Selection | SWC_BOOL | CHAR |
275 | OPTSHADOW | Display objects with shadow | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
276 | OPTSOLID | Display objects filled | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
277 | OPTSYS | Name of external optimization system (RFC destination) | OPTSYS | CHAR |
278 | OPTTIME | At equal intervals over the period | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
279 | OPTTXT | Name of optimization system | CY_CHAR40 | CHAR |
280 | OPTVIEW | Other view | NUM1 | NUMC |
281 | OPTVT_KK | Security at Contract Level | OPTVT_KK | CHAR |
282 | OPTXT | Parameter text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
283 | OPTXT_CA | Explanatory Text for the Item | TEXT50 | CHAR |
284 | OPTXT_KK | Item text | TEXT50 | CHAR |
285 | OPTYP | Type of value parameter | CHAR7 | CHAR |
286 | OPTYPE | Operation type of SQL statement | OPTYPE | CHAR |
287 | OPTYP_PAY | Operation mode | CHAR2 | CHAR |
288 | OPT_ACTIVE | PM: Print Diversion Active | X | CHAR |
289 | OPT_AVLBL | Optional Line Items Functionality | OPT_AVLBL | CHAR |
290 | OPT_EXT_CNTR_VAL | Extend Contract Validity | OPT_EXT_CNTR_VALIDITY | CHAR |
291 | OPT_EXT_CNTR_VALIDITY | Extend Contract Validity | OPT_EXT_CNTR_VALIDITY | CHAR |
292 | OPT_RANGE | Selection operator OPTION (as per range table) | OPT_RANGE | CHAR |
293 | OPT_RANGE_PROPREFIX | Selection Operator OPTION (According to Range Table) - Copy | OPT_RANGE_PROPREFIX | CHAR |
294 | OPT_SERV | Optional Service | EBA_FLAG | CHAR |
295 | OPT_VAL_INCLUDE_TOT | Total Value Includes Optional Line Item | OPT_VAL_INCLUDE_TOT | CHAR |
296 | OPT_VAL_INCL_TOT | Total Value Includes Optional Line Item | OPT_VAL_INCLUDE_TOT | CHAR |
297 | OPUFF | SAPLDISP: work without float | XFELD | CHAR |
298 | OPUPK_BI_KK | Item Number in Contract Account Document | CHAR4 | CHAR |
299 | OPUPK_CA | Item Number in Contract Account Document | OPUPK_CA | NUMC |
300 | OPUPK_KK | Item number in contract account document | OPUPK_KK | NUMC |
301 | OPUPQ_KK | Item Number In Reporting File For Withholding Tax | NUM04 | NUMC |
302 | OPUPWC_KK | Repetition Item in Contract Account Document | CHAR3 | CHAR |
303 | OPUPW_CA | Repetition Item in Contract Account Document | OPUPW_CA | NUMC |
304 | OPUPW_KK | Repetition Item in Contract Account Document | OPUPW_KK | NUMC |
305 | OPUPZ1_KK | Subitem for Trigger Item | OPUPZ_KK | NUMC |
306 | OPUPZ_BI_KK | Subitem for a Partial Clearing in Document | CHAR3 | CHAR |
307 | OPUPZ_CA | Sub-Item for Partial Clearing in Document | OPUPZ_CA | NUMC |
308 | OPUPZ_KK | Subitem for a Partial Clearing in Document | OPUPZ_KK | NUMC |
309 | OPURBD | ATP Server: Flag 'Check without transfer requirements' | XFELD | CHAR |
310 | OPVAR | Posting Period Variant | OPVAR | CHAR |
311 | OPVIS_KZ | IS-H: Number of Open Items Are to Be Displayed | XFELD | CHAR |
312 | OPVTX | Posting Period Variant Name | TEXT35 | CHAR |
313 | OPVWA | Asset under construct. with line item settlement | XFELD | CHAR |
314 | OPWERTKZ | Indicator: no replacement value required for operand | KENNZX | CHAR |
315 | OPWRT | Original forecast value | FLDNN | CHAR |
316 | OPZBEL_KK | Payment document for returns | OPBEL_KK | CHAR |
317 | OPZEI | Number of the Open Items within an FI Document | SUZEI | NUMC |
318 | OPZP | Indicator: Optional reporting points | CHAR1 | CHAR |
319 | OPZUL | Allowed operation | CHAR5 | CHAR |
320 | OP_CODE | Relational Operator | OP_CODE | CHAR |
321 | OP_DUR | Operation duration | INT4 | INT4 |
322 | OP_DUR_64 | Operation Duration | ABAP_MSIZE | DEC |
323 | OP_HOUR_ALV | Operations per Hour | INT4 | |
324 | OP_KEYDATE_KK | Key Date for Analysis of Open Items | SYDATS | DATS |
325 | OP_LENGTH | Length of an operand in a formula | INT4 | INT4 |
326 | OP_MODE | Processing Mode in Report RMBWV3RE | OP_MODE | CHAR |
327 | OP_NAME_LG | Name of a formula operand | CHAR10 | CHAR |
328 | OP_OFFSET | Offset of an operand in a formula | INT4 | INT4 |
329 | OP_PCT_FRE | Recommended value for storage parameter 'PCTFREE' | INT2 | INT2 |
330 | OP_PCT_USE | Recommended value for storage parameter 'PCTUSED' | INT2 | INT2 |
331 | OP_PU12 | Data Access Tax Audit: PU12 Operator | CHAR2 | CHAR |
332 | OP_RASTERINT_KK | Grid interval for age grid with open item | CHAR1 | CHAR |
333 | OP_RASTERTXT_KK | Grid Interval for Age Grid for Open Item | CHAR5 | CHAR |
334 | OP_SEL_FLG | Operation Selected for Printing | X | CHAR |
335 | OP_TEXT | IS-H: Short Text for Surgical Procedure Code | LEIKTXT | CHAR |
336 | OP_TO_VS | Copy operative data -> version | XFELD | CHAR |
337 | OP_TYPE | Formula operand type | OP_TYPE | CHAR |
338 | OP_VAL | Open Value in Local Currency | WERT11 | CURR |
339 | OP_VAL_TR | Open Value in Transaction Currency | WERT11 | CURR |
340 | OP_VK | Usage for Additional Account Assignment in KONTL for DFKKOP | CHAR1 | CHAR |
341 | ORAACTION | Action name | CHAR64 | CHAR |
342 | ORAACTIONH | Hash value of action | ORAP16 | FLTP |
343 | ORAACTIONHN | Hash Value of Action (DEC22) | ORANUMD22 | DEC |
344 | ORAADDRESS | Address of statement in the cache | CHAR16 | CHAR |
345 | ORABGPERE | Number of 'buffer gets' for each execution | ORADEC16 | DEC |
346 | ORABGPERR | Number of 'buffer gets' for each row | ORADEC16 | DEC |
347 | ORABUFFERG | Total number of "buffer gets" | ORAPNUMBER | DEC |
348 | ORAB_CHANG | Block Changes for this Sesssion | CHAR12 | CHAR |
349 | ORACH30000 | SQL statement text | ORACH30000 | CHAR |
350 | ORACHILDLA | Child Latch Number | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
351 | ORACHILDNU | Number of child cursor | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
352 | ORACHILDNUM | Child Cursor Number | ORAP16 | FLTP |
353 | ORACLIENT | Oracle: Client of an Oracle session | CHAR32 | CHAR |
354 | ORACOLFIEL | Field for controlling colors in ABAP List Viewer | CHAR3 | CHAR |
356 | ORACOMPRESS | Oracle Compression Definition (as of Oracle 11) | CHAR | |
357 | ORACOMTYPE | Oracle command type definition | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
358 | ORACOUNT | Oracle: Generic integer count in Oracle | DEC17 | DEC |
359 | ORACPUTIME | CPU Time in Miroseconds | ORAPNUMBER | DEC |
360 | ORACTPERE | CPU Time per Execution | ORADEC16 | DEC |
361 | ORACURREX | Number of users executing this cursor | ORANUMB7 | INT4 |
362 | ORAC_CHANG | Consistent Changes for this Session | CHAR12 | CHAR |
363 | ORADBAGRP | ST04 (Oracle): Administrator table groups (DBA%, V$%, GV$%) | DORADBAGRP | CHAR |
364 | ORADEC20 | DEC20 Field for Partition engine | DEC | |
365 | ORADEVNAME | Oracle File System Requests File Name | CHAR60 | CHAR |
366 | ORADISKR | Sum of all 'disk reads' | ORAPNUMBER | DEC |
367 | ORADRPERE | Number of 'disk reads' for each execution | ORADEC16 | DEC |
368 | ORAELAPERE | Elapsed Time per Execution | ORADEC16 | DEC |
369 | ORAELAPSED | Elapsed Time in Microseconds | ORAPNUMBER | DEC |
370 | ORAEVENT | Oracle: Wait event name (V$System_Event, V$Session_Event) | CHAR64 | CHAR |
371 | ORAEVENT4 | Resource or Event That the Session is Waiting For | CHAR30 | CHAR |
372 | ORAEXECNUM | Total number of executions | ORAPNUMBER | DEC |
373 | ORAFETCHES | Total Number of Fetches | ORAPNUMBER | DEC |
374 | ORAFILENAM | oracle Data File Name | CHAR20 | CHAR |
375 | ORAHASHN | Hash Value (DEC22) | ORANUMD22 | DEC |
376 | ORAHASHVAL | Hash value of statement | ORAP16 | FLTP |
377 | ORAHASHVALN | Hash Value of Statement (DEC22) | ORANUMD22 | DEC |
378 | ORAINDCOMPRESS | Oracle Index Compression Definition (as of Oracle 11) | CHAR | |
380 | ORAINIT | Size of an initial ORACLE extent in KB | ORAEXT | NUMC |
381 | ORAINITIAL | Size of initial extent in KB (in ORACLE) | ORAEXTSIZE | NUMC |
382 | ORAINST_ID | Oracle Instance ID | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
383 | ORAINVALID | Number of 'invalidations' for all versions | ORANUMB8 | INT4 |
384 | ORAISPNAME | Index space name for ORACLE | ORAISPNAME | CHAR |
385 | ORAKEPTVER | Indicator for using DBMS_SHARED_POOL | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
386 | ORALASTLOA | Last Load Time | CHAR19 | CHAR |
387 | ORALOADS | Number of loads or reloads | ORANUMB5 | INT4 |
388 | ORALOADVER | Loaded cursor versions | ORANUMB8 | INT4 |
389 | ORALOAD_T | Time SQL statement loaded | ORATIMESTA | CHAR |
390 | ORAL_READS | Total Block and Consistent Gets for the Session | CHAR14 | CHAR |
391 | ORAMACHINE | Operating System Machine Name | CHAR30 | CHAR |
392 | ORAMAXEXT | Maximum number of ORACLE extents | ORAEXTNUM | NUMC |
393 | ORAMINEXT | Minimum number of ORACLE extents | ORAEXTNUM | NUMC |
394 | ORAMODULE | Program Name | ORACHAR64 | CHAR |
395 | ORAMODULEH | Hash value of module | ORAP16 | FLTP |
396 | ORAMODULEHN | Hash Value of Module (DEC22) | ORANUMD22 | DEC |
397 | ORANEXT | Size of an ORACLE next extent in KB | ORAEXT | NUMC |
398 | ORANEXTEXT | Size of the next extent in KB | ORAEXTSIZE | NUMC |
399 | ORANOSORT | ORACLE: flag for NOSORT parameters with CREATE INDEX | AS4FLAG | CHAR |
400 | ORANUM | Oracle data type: Number | DEC17 | DEC |
401 | ORAOBJID | St04 (Oracle): ID of an object, file, block, or row | INT4 | |
402 | ORAOPENVER | Number of opened cursor versions | ORANUMB8 | INT4 |
403 | ORAOPTCOST | Cost of this query | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
404 | ORAOPTMODE | Optimizer mode | ORAOPTMODE | CHAR |
405 | ORAP1 | Parameter value 1 | CHAR11 | CHAR |
406 | ORAP1TEXT | Description of First Additional Parameter | CHAR20 | CHAR |
407 | ORAP2 | Parameter value 2 | CHAR11 | CHAR |
408 | ORAP2TEXT | Description of Second Additional Parameter | CHAR20 | CHAR |
409 | ORAP3 | Parameter value 3 | CHAR11 | CHAR |
410 | ORAP3TEXT | Description of Third Additional Parameter | CHAR20 | CHAR |
411 | ORAPARSEC | Sum of all 'parse calls' | ORANUMB8 | INT4 |
413 | ORAPARSUSR | ID of the user who built this child cursor | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
414 | ORAPCPERE | Parse calls per execution | ORADEC16 | DEC |
415 | ORAPERSMEM | Total 'persistent memory' | ORAMEMORY | INT4 |
416 | ORAPIECE | Number of piece of SQL text | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
417 | ORAPIECETX | Piece of SQL text | CHAR64 | CHAR |
418 | ORAPLANHAS | Numerical Representation of the SQL Plan | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
419 | ORAPROCESS | Operating System Client Process ID | CHAR9 | CHAR |
420 | ORAPVL | Order Reason for Automatic Posting in Case of Value Variance | AUGRU | CHAR |
421 | ORAPVQ | Order Reason for Auto Posting in Case of Value/Qty Variance | AUGRU | CHAR |
422 | ORARBUFG | Restriction for buffer gets; shared cursor cache shown | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
423 | ORARBUFGET | Restriction on number of 'buffer gets' | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
424 | ORARCUREXE | Restriction on number of 'current executions' | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
425 | ORARDISKRD | Restriction on number of 'disk reads' | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
426 | ORARMNSTET | Maximum number of statements | ORANUMC4 | NUMC |
427 | ORAROWPROC | Number of processed rows | ORAPNUMBER | DEC |
428 | ORARPPERE | Number of rows processed for each execution | ORADEC16 | DEC |
429 | ORARREAD | Restrictions for disk reads | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
430 | ORARSHAMEM | Restriction on shared memory | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
431 | ORARSKIPSC | Field list display for select statements | CHAR1_CBOX | CHAR |
432 | ORARSQLTXT | Restriction on SQL statements to be analyzed | CHAR40 | CHAR |
433 | ORARTEXEC | Restriction on the number of total executions | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
434 | ORARUNTMEM | Total "runtime memory" | ORAMEMORY | INT4 |
435 | ORAR_READS | Physical Read Operations for this Session | CHAR12 | CHAR |
436 | ORASERIAL | Number of producing ORA-8177 | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
437 | ORASESSC | Oracle: Number of sessions per session type and client | INT4 | |
438 | ORASHARMEM | Total shareable memory | ORAPNUMBER | DEC |
439 | ORASID | Session ID | ORANUMBER4 | INT4 |
440 | ORASORTS | Sum of the number of sorts | ORANUMB8 | INT4 |
441 | ORASPID | Operating System Process ID | CHAR9 | CHAR |
442 | ORASQLSORT | Sort orders | ORANUMB8 | INT4 |
443 | ORASQLTEXT | Start of SQL statement | CHAR60 | CHAR |
444 | ORASQLTXT4 | Start of SQL statement | CHAR64 | CHAR |
445 | ORASTATUS | Status of Session (Active, Inactive, Killed) | CHAR8 | CHAR |
446 | ORAS_WAIT | Wait Time in Seconds | INT4 | INT4 |
448 | ORATABSP | ORACLE tablespace | ORATABSP | CHAR |
449 | ORATSPNAME | Tablespace Name | ORATSPNAME | CHAR |
450 | ORATYPECHK | Descriptor of type | ORARAW4 | RAW |
452 | ORAUSREXEC | Number of users executing | ORANUMB7 | INT4 |
453 | ORAUSROPEN | Number of users who have opened cursor version | ORANUMB8 | INT4 |
454 | ORAVERSCOU | Number of children | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
455 | ORAVERSION | Oracle: Release | CHAR17 | CHAR |
456 | ORAWAITTIM | Wait time | ORAPNUMBER | DEC |
457 | ORAWTPERE | Wait Time per Execution | ORADEC16 | DEC |
458 | ORAW_TIME | WAIT_TIME Column of v$session_wait | INT4 | INT4 |
459 | ORA_ACS | Adapted Column Statistics | CHAR | |
460 | ORA_ACTION | Oracle monitoring: ACTION: Currently executing action | ORA_ACTION | CHAR |
461 | ORA_ACTION_HASH | Oracle monitoring: ACTION: Currently executing action hash | ORA_ACTION_HASH | DEC |
462 | ORA_ACTION_LATCH | Oracle Monitoring: gv$sql action | ORA_CHAR_64 | CHAR |
463 | ORA_ACTION_V10 | Oracle Monitoring: Action version 10 | ORA_CHAR_64 | CHAR |
464 | ORA_ACTION_VAL | Oracle monitoring: Description of lock conversions | ORA_ACTION_VAL | CHAR |
465 | ORA_ACTIV | Control Flag for Update of Statistics | CHAR | |
466 | ORA_ACTIVATION | Oracle monitoring: db activation number | ORA_NUMBER | DEC |
467 | ORA_ACTIVE_AGENTS | Oracle monitoring: Number of active standby db agents | ORA_DEC_22 | DEC |
468 | ORA_ACTIVE_STATE | Oracle monitoring: active state | ORA_CHAR_9 | CHAR |
469 | ORA_ACTIVE_TIME | Oracle Monitoring: ACTIVE_TIME: Average Active Time | ORA_NUMBER | DEC |
470 | ORA_ACTUAL_MEM_USED | Oracle Monitoring: ACTUAL_MEM_USED: Actual PGA mem. used | ORA_NUMBER | DEC |
472 | ORA_ADDR | Oracle monitoring: ADDR | ORA_ADDR | RAW |
473 | ORA_ADDRESS | Oracle Monitoring: ADDRESS: @ of Handle to Parent Cursor | ORA_RAW_8 | RAW |
474 | ORA_ADVICE_STATUS | Oracle monitoring: Advice is enabled (ON) or disabled (OFF) | ORA_ADVICE_STATUS | CHAR |
475 | ORA_ADVICE_STATUS_DB_CACHE_ADV | Oracle monitoring: db cache advice status | ORA_CHAR_3 | CHAR |
476 | ORA_AIS | Adapted Index Statistics | CHAR | |
477 | ORA_ALLOCATION_TYPE | Oracle monitor: allocation type | ORA_CHAR_12 | CHAR |
478 | ORA_ALLOCATION_TYPE_TBLSPC | Oracle Monitoring: dba_tablespaces Allocation Type | ORA_CHAR_9 | CHAR |
479 | ORA_ALOG_CLASS | Oracle alert log entry classification | ORA_ALOG_CLASS | NUMC |
480 | ORA_ALOG_DATE | Oracle alert log timestamp (date) | DATS | |
481 | ORA_ALOG_LINE | Oracle alert log entry line number in text table | INT4 | |
482 | ORA_ALOG_ORANR | Oracle alert log ORA - message number | NUMC | |
483 | ORA_ALOG_TIME | Oracle alert log timestamp (time) | TIMS | |
484 | ORA_ALOG_XALERT | Oracle alert log: Flag "current messge log line is an alert" | XFELD | CHAR |
485 | ORA_AMETH | Analysis Method for collecting Statistics | CHAR | |
486 | ORA_APPLICATION_WAIT_TIME | Oracle Monitoring: Application Wait Time | ORA_DEC_22 | DEC |
487 | ORA_ARCHIVELOG_CHANGE | Oracle monitoring: db archivelog chg nb | ORA_NUMBER | DEC |
488 | ORA_ARCHIVER | Oracle monitoring: archiver | ORA_CHAR_7 | CHAR |
489 | ORA_ARCHIVE_CHANGE | Oracle monitoring: archive change number | ORA_NUMBER | DEC |
490 | ORA_ASHGSET_ID | ID for a set of ASH monitor graphic settings | ORA_ASHGSET_ID | CHAR |
491 | ORA_ASH_DATASOURCE | Datasource for active session history graphic (GV$, DBA) | ORA_ASH_DATASOURCE | CHAR |
492 | ORA_ASH_EVENTSOURCE | Datasource for (event class or event) | ORA_ASH_EVENTSOURCE | CHAR |
493 | ORA_ASH_KEYFIGURE | Key figure for active session history graphic (y axis) | ORA_ASH_KEYFIGURE | CHAR |
494 | ORA_ASH_SERIESTYPE | Series type for act. sess. history graphic (line semantics) | ORA_ASH_SERIESTYPE | CHAR |
495 | ORA_ASH_TIMEINTERVAL | Time interval for act. sess. history graphic | ORA_ASH_TIMEINTERVAL | CHAR |
496 | ORA_ATS | Adapted Table Statistics | CHAR | |
497 | ORA_AUDSID | Oracle monitoring: AUDSID: Auditing session ID | ORA_AUDSID | DEC |
498 | ORA_AUXSTAT_PNAME | Column pname from table SAP_AUXSTAT | ORA_AUXSTAT_PNAME | CHAR |
500 | ORA_AUXSTAT_PVAL1 | Column pval1 from table SAP_AUXSTAT | ORA_AUXSTAT_PVAL1 | NUMC |