SAP ABAP Data Element - Index O, page 4
Data Element - O
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | OG_COMPIND | Compare results indicator | OG_COMPIND | CHAR |
2 | OG_SAMMG_V | Software maintenance process run number | SAMMG | CHAR |
3 | OHEADER_MA | Block header, maximum size | INT4 | INT4 |
4 | OHEADER_MI | Block header, minimum size | INT4 | INT4 |
5 | OHEMPLBOOK | Without bookings of all employees | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
6 | OHEMPLHIST | Without history of all employees | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
7 | OHEMPLSTOR | Without employee cancellations | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
8 | OHNDATLF | When deleting notif. runs, ignore those already registered | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
9 | OHNEE | Also display info records without purch. organization data | XFELD | CHAR |
10 | OHNEEINZ | Move-out w/o move-in | OHNEEINZ | CHAR |
11 | OHNEEINZT | Text for reason for move-out without move-in | TEXT30 | CHAR |
12 | OHNKORRI | Ignore old corrections when deleting notification runs | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
13 | OHPREBVORM | Without employee prebookings | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
14 | OI0BWCHARGR | Reference Batch number | CHARG | CHAR |
15 | OI0BWEQUNTU | Equipment number -(transport unit) | EQUNR | CHAR |
16 | OI0BWEQUNVE | Equipment number - vehicle | EQUNR | CHAR |
17 | OI0BWLGMNGD | Delivered quantity in stockkeeping units | MENG13 | QUAN |
18 | OI0BWLGMNGL | Loaded quantity in stockkeeping units | MENG13 | QUAN |
19 | OI0BWLGMNGS | Scheduled quantity in stockkeeping units | MENG13 | QUAN |
20 | OI0BWLGORTR | Reference storage location | LGORT | CHAR |
21 | OI0BWMATNRR | Reference material | MATNR | CHAR |
22 | OI0BWWERKSR | Reference Plant | WERKS | CHAR |
23 | OI0BW_ADQNT2 | Additional oil quantity 2 | OIB_ADQNT | FLTP |
24 | OI0BW_ADQNT3 | Additional oil quantity 3 | OIB_ADQNT | FLTP |
25 | OI0BW_ADQNT4 | Additional oil quantity 4 | OIB_ADQNT | FLTP |
26 | OI0BW_ADQNT5 | Additional oil quantity 5 | OIB_ADQNT | FLTP |
27 | OI0BW_FEETOTD | Fee total (document currency) | OIA_FEETOT | CURR |
28 | OI0BW_KUNWE | Ship-to party | KUNNR | CHAR |
29 | OI0BW_LGMNGZ | Actual quantity delivered in stockkeeping units | MENG13 | QUAN |
30 | OI0BW_LIFNR | Account number of the vendor or creditor | LIFNR | CHAR |
31 | OI0BW_MENGE_D | Quantity | MENG13 | QUAN |
32 | OI0BW_MSEHI1 | Unit of measurement 1 | MEINS | UNIT |
33 | OI0BW_MSEHI2 | Unit of measurement 2 | MEINS | UNIT |
34 | OI0BW_MSEHI3 | Unit of measurement 3 | MEINS | UNIT |
35 | OI0BW_MSEHI4 | Unit of measurement 4 | MEINS | UNIT |
36 | OI0BW_MSEHI5 | Unit of measurement 5 | MEINS | UNIT |
37 | OI0BW_NMRCMP | Number of compartments (TD) | OIB_UOMGR | CHAR |
38 | OI0BW_NMRMET | TD number of meters on the transport unit | OIB_UOMGR | CHAR |
39 | OI0BW_QTYVOLZ | Quantity in volume UoM | OIB_ADQNT | FLTP |
40 | OI0BW_QTYWGTZ | Quantity in weight UoM | OIB_ADQNT | FLTP |
41 | OI0BW_QVOLD | Delivered quantity in volume UoM | OIB_ADQNT | FLTP |
42 | OI0BW_QVOLL | Loaded quantity in volume UoM | OIB_ADQNT | FLTP |
43 | OI0BW_QVOLS | Scheduled quantity in volume UoM | OIB_ADQNT | FLTP |
44 | OI0BW_QWGTD | Delivered quantity in weight UoM | OIB_ADQNT | FLTP |
45 | OI0BW_QWGTL | Loaded quantity in weight UoM | OIB_ADQNT | FLTP |
46 | OI0BW_QWGTS | Scheduled quantity in weight UoM | OIB_ADQNT | FLTP |
47 | OI0BW_SHNUMN | Next shipment number | OIG_SHNUM | CHAR |
48 | OI0BW_SSTSF | TD shipment status (functional) | OIG_SSTSF | CHAR |
49 | OI0BW_VBTYP | SD document category | VBTYP | CHAR |
50 | OI0JVPPINV | Flag if material is prepaid inventory (material valuation) | X | CHAR |
51 | OI0_ACTCODE_ECC | Action code for exch. assignments (services) | OI0_ACTCODE_ECC | CHAR |
52 | OI0_AETIM | Time of day the record was changed | UZEIT | TIMS |
53 | OI0_ALV | Indicator ALV (AbapListViewer) display/output type | OI0_ALV | NUMC |
54 | OI0_APAREADESC | Description of Application Area | OI0_EVDESCR | CHAR |
55 | OI0_APPAREA | Application area | OI0_APPAREA | CHAR |
56 | OI0_APPLIC | IS-OIL application index | OI0_APPLIC | NUMC |
57 | OI0_AREA | IS-OIL application that needs a junction | OI0_AREA | CHAR |
58 | OI0_BCSET_STATUS | BC Sets: Activation Status | OI0_BCSET_STATUS | CHAR |
59 | OI0_BWREL | Business information warehouse (transfer,..) active flag | XFELD | CHAR |
60 | OI0_BW_FKIMG | Actual billed quantity | MENG13 | QUAN |
61 | OI0_BW_FKLMG | Billing quantity in stockkeeping unit | MENG13 | QUAN |
62 | OI0_BW_LMENG | Required quantity for in stockkeeping units | MENG13 | QUAN |
63 | OI0_BW_SMENG | Scale quantity in base unit of measure | MENG13 | QUAN |
64 | OI0_CHAR40 | General purpose short description (length 40) for IS-Oil | CHAR40 | CHAR |
65 | OI0_COLOR_ALV | Color information for display with ALV | CHAR3 | CHAR |
66 | OI0_COUNTER | IS-Oil: Counter for relevance customizing | OI0_COUNTER | NUMC |
67 | OI0_CP_ARG | Message Variable | OI0_CP_ARG | CHAR |
68 | OI0_CP_ATTR | Compatibility check Attributes | OI0_CP_ATTR | CHAR |
69 | OI0_CP_ATTR_DESCR | Compatibility Attributes description. | OI0_CP_ATTR_DESCR | CHAR |
70 | OI0_CP_CMP_MD | Compatibility Compared MD | OI0_CP_MD | CHAR |
71 | OI0_CP_GRP_DESCR | Compatibility Group Description | OI0_CP_GRP_DESCR | CHAR |
72 | OI0_CP_GRP_ID | Compatibility group ID | OI0_CP_GRP_ID | CHAR |
73 | OI0_CP_MSG_TYPE | Message Type | OI0_CP_MSG_TYPE | CHAR |
74 | OI0_CP_OP | Compatibility Operator | OI0_CP_OP | CHAR |
75 | OI0_CP_OP_DESCR | Description of Compatible Operator | OI0_CP_OP_DESCR | CHAR |
76 | OI0_CP_REF_MD | Compatibility Refering MD | OI0_CP_MD | CHAR |
77 | OI0_CP_RET_MSG_TYPE | Message Type of Compatibility Check | OI0_CP_RET_MSG_TYPE | CHAR |
78 | OI0_CP_UOM1 | UoM of 1st Value of Compatible Attribtues | MEINS | UNIT |
79 | OI0_CP_UOM2 | UoM of Value2 | MEINS | UNIT |
80 | OI0_CP_VALUE1 | First Value of the Compatibility Attributes | OI0_CP_VAL | QUAN |
81 | OI0_CP_VALUE2 | Second Value of Compatible Attributes | OI0_CP_VAL | QUAN |
82 | OI0_CP_VAL_REQ | Value required | OI0_CP_VAL_REQ | NUMC |
83 | OI0_ERTIM | Time of creation | UZEIT | TIMS |
84 | OI0_EVDESCR | Master Data Event Type Text | OI0_EVDESCR | CHAR |
85 | OI0_EVNR | Master Data Event number | OI0_EVNR | NUMC |
86 | OI0_EVSTAT | Master Data Event Status | OI0_EVSTAT | CHAR |
87 | OI0_EVTYPE | Master Data Event Type | OI0_EVTYPE | CHAR |
88 | OI0_FUN | IS-Oil junction function index | OI0_FUN | CHAR |
89 | OI0_GRP | IS-OIL: Function group | OI0_GRP | CHAR |
90 | OI0_GRP_C | IS-OIL: Function group for Ticket Correction | OI0_GRP | CHAR |
91 | OI0_GRP_R | IS-OIL: Function group for Ticket Reversals | OI0_GRP | CHAR |
92 | OI0_INACTIVE | Flag if component or functionality is inactive | OI0_XFELD | CHAR |
93 | OI0_JUNC | IS-OIL junction | OI0_JUNC | CHAR |
94 | OI0_KEYWORD | Keyword (descriptive name) | CHAR50 | CHAR |
95 | OI0_LOG_NUMBER | Id number of an application log | OI0_LOG_NUMBER | CHAR |
96 | OI0_NOT_AVAILABLE | Not Available | XFELD | CHAR |
97 | OI0_PROD_TYP | IS-Oil: Production Document Type | OI0_PROD_TYP | CHAR |
98 | OI0_RANK | IS-OIL: Ranking of relvance fields | OI0_RANK | NUMC |
99 | OI0_RELTYPE | IS-Oil: Relevance type | OI0_RELTYPE | CHAR |
100 | OI0_RESDT | Resets Data | XFELD | CHAR |
101 | OI0_SELKZ | Selection flag / general switch | OI0_SELKZ | CHAR |
102 | OI0_SEQNO | IS-Oil: Sequence number | OI0_SEQNO | NUMC |
103 | OI0_TEXT | IS-Oil: Descriptive text | OI0_TEXT | CHAR |
104 | OI0_TXT_10S | Character field length 10 with upper/lower case | CHAR10 | CHAR |
105 | OI0_USRFNC | Function customizing blocking indicator | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
106 | OIAWO_QS | Without quantity schedules | XFELD | CHAR |
107 | OIA_ACPOL | Fee accounting policy indicator | OIA_ACPOL | CHAR |
108 | OIA_ACQTY | Logical inventory quantity | MENG13 | QUAN |
109 | OIA_ANDOR | AND / OR indicator for netting selection criteria | OIA_ANDOR | CHAR |
110 | OIA_APPIND | Exchange application use (sales/purchasing side) | KAPPL | CHAR |
111 | OIA_AREWR | GR/IR account clearing value in local currency | OIA_FEETOT | CURR |
112 | OIA_ASQTY | Quantity assigned to exchange entitlements | MENG13 | QUAN |
113 | OIA_AUTIND | Indicator: Entry to be used to create an autom. call-off | XFELD | CHAR |
114 | OIA_BALAN | Include balances indicator | OI0_SELKZ | CHAR |
115 | OIA_BASELO | Base location | OIA_BASELO | CHAR |
116 | OIA_BASVAL | Base product value | WERT7 | CURR |
117 | OIA_BEXNUM | To exchange agreement number | OIA_EXGNUM | CHAR |
118 | OIA_BEXTYP | To exchange type | OIA_EXGTYP | CHAR |
119 | OIA_BICNT | Counter created batch inputs per netting document | OIA_BICNT | DEC |
120 | OIA_BISSL | Selection criteria item - to value | OIA_BISSL | CHAR |
121 | OIA_BMATNR | To material number | MATNR | CHAR |
122 | OIA_BMATRF | To - mat. group reference for exchange balance reporting | OIA_MATREF | CHAR |
123 | OIA_BOMCON | Indicator: BOM continuation item | OI0_SELKZ | CHAR |
124 | OIA_BOMHM | BoM header material number | MATNR | CHAR |
125 | OIA_BOOKTYPE | LIA quantity adjustment type | OIA_BOOKTYPE | CHAR |
126 | OIA_BSBMAT | To base product number | MATNR | CHAR |
127 | OIA_BSPBUP | To period to analyze - posting period | MCPERIOD | NUMC |
128 | OIA_BSPMON | To period to analyze - month | RSCALMONTH | NUMC |
129 | OIA_BSPTAG | To period to analyze - day | DATUM | DATS |
130 | OIA_BSPWOC | To period to analyze - week | MCPERIOD | NUMC |
131 | OIA_BTCEX | BTCI generation exit for movements based netting | GRPNO | NUMC |
132 | OIA_BWERKS | To plant | WERKS | CHAR |
133 | OIA_BWKEY | Plant (valuation area) | BWKEY | CHAR |
134 | OIA_CBAL | Closing exchange balance | MENGV15 | QUAN |
135 | OIA_CHAR50 | Message | CHAR50 | CHAR |
136 | OIA_CHSBP | Sub/base product user exit routine | GRPNO | NUMC |
137 | OIA_CIMAP | Change internal moving average price | OIA_CIMAP | CHAR |
138 | OIA_CIND | Contract / call-off indicator | OIA_CIND | CHAR |
139 | OIA_CLRCYC | Item already cleared in all cycles under process (X/ ) | KREUZ | CHAR |
140 | OIA_CLRNO | Doc. number of the netting document clearing the item/cycle | OIA_PREQNO | CHAR |
141 | OIA_CODE_PAGE | Code page | OIA_CODE_PAGE | CHAR |
142 | OIA_COND_ERS | Settle delivery cost items | XFELD | CHAR |
143 | OIA_COND_ID | Condition Code | CHAR3 | CHAR |
144 | OIA_CSEGI | Quantity schedule creation permitted | OIA_CSEGI | CHAR |
145 | OIA_CVIND | Customer / vendor posting indicator | OIA_CVIND | CHAR |
146 | OIA_CYCIND_DEL | Indicator: Delivery cost & tax invoice cycle | XFELD | CHAR |
147 | OIA_CYCIND_FEE | Indicator: Fee invoice cycle | XFELD | CHAR |
148 | OIA_CYCIND_MAT | Indicator: Material invoice cycle | XFELD | CHAR |
149 | OIA_CYCLE1 | Indicator for invoice cycle 1 | XFELD | CHAR |
150 | OIA_CYCLE2 | Indicator for invoice cycle 2 | XFELD | CHAR |
151 | OIA_CYCLE3 | Indicator for invoice cycle 3 | XFELD | CHAR |
152 | OIA_CYCLE4 | Indicator for invoice cycle 4 | XFELD | CHAR |
153 | OIA_CYCLE5 | Indicator for invoice cycle 5 | XFELD | CHAR |
154 | OIA_CYCLE6 | Indicator for invoice cycle 6 | XFELD | CHAR |
155 | OIA_CYCLE7 | Indicator for invoice cycle 7 | XFELD | CHAR |
156 | OIA_CYCLE8 | Indicator for invoice cycle 8 | XFELD | CHAR |
157 | OIA_CYCLE9 | Indicator for invoice cycle 9 | XFELD | CHAR |
158 | OIA_DELIV | Exchange deliveries | MENG15 | QUAN |
159 | OIA_DEL_COST | Indicator: Delivery cost & excise tax items | XFELD | CHAR |
160 | OIA_DESCR | Breakdown period description | TEXT30 | CHAR |
161 | OIA_DISNEG | Display negative fee lines | OIA_DISNEG | CHAR |
162 | OIA_DMBTR | Fee amount in local currency | OIA_FEETOT | CURR |
163 | OIA_DMBTR1 | Amount in local currency | WERTV7 | CURR |
164 | OIA_DMSDOCU | Documentation by using Document Management System (DMS) | XFELD | CHAR |
165 | OIA_DOCSTA | Exchange - netting document status | OIA_DOCSTA | CHAR |
166 | OIA_DOCUM | Document number | OIA_DOCUM | CHAR |
167 | OIA_DURAT | Duration of a period | OIA_DURAT | DEC |
168 | OIA_DURUN | Unit of duration (period) | OIA_DURUN | CHAR |
169 | OIA_DWAERS | Currency for exchange statement | WAERS | CUKY |
170 | OIA_ELINE | End line for selection criteria | OIA_ELINE | DEC |
171 | OIA_ENTLU | Breakdown ind. for scheduling on contract/call-off level | OIA_ENTLU | CHAR |
172 | OIA_ERRHAN | Error handling routine for statement production | GRPNO | NUMC |
173 | OIA_ERSBA | ERS procedure: type of document selection (OIL) | OIA_ERSBA | CHAR |
174 | OIA_EVTYPE | Evergreen type | OIA_EVTYPE | CHAR |
175 | OIA_EVTYPE_BAPI | Evergreen type (for use in BAPIs) | OIA_EVTYPE_BAPI | CHAR |
176 | OIA_EXADD | User exit for displaying additional exchange data | GRPNO | NUMC |
177 | OIA_EXAST | Exchange assignment type | OIA_EXAST | CHAR |
178 | OIA_EXBEGD | Starting date (exchange agreement) | DATUM | DATS |
179 | OIA_EXENDD | Closing date (exchange agreement) | DATUM | DATS |
180 | OIA_EXGASS | Purchase assignment user exit | GRPNO | NUMC |
181 | OIA_EXGIND | Exchange number required (indicator) | OI0_XFELD | CHAR |
182 | OIA_EXGNUB | Exchange agreement number to | OIA_EXGNUM | CHAR |
183 | OIA_EXGNUM | Exchange agreement number | OIA_EXGNUM | CHAR |
184 | OIA_EXGPTR | Exchange partner (vendor number) | LIFNR | CHAR |
185 | OIA_EXGSEL | ERS: Selection of exchange-related items | OIA_EXGSEL | CHAR |
186 | OIA_EXGSGN | Sign for logical inventory update(override flag) | XFELD | CHAR |
187 | OIA_EXGTXT | Exchange type description | TEXT30 | CHAR |
188 | OIA_EXGTYP | Exchange type | OIA_EXGTYP | CHAR |
189 | OIA_EXHEAD | Exchange header format routine | GRPNO | NUMC |
190 | OIA_EXIND | Material check indicator at LIA posting | OIA_EXIND | NUMC |
191 | OIA_EXREL | Exchange relevant documents | XFELD | CHAR |
192 | OIA_EXREVD | Review date (exchange agreement) | DATUM | DATS |
193 | OIA_EXSTAT | Status of an exchange agreement | OIA_EXSTAT | CHAR |
194 | OIA_EXT | Element posted externally | OI0_XFELD | CHAR |
195 | OIA_FBSTYP | Source document category (purchasing) | BSTYP | CHAR |
196 | OIA_FD | Indicator: fee is on detail level | XFELD | CHAR |
197 | OIA_FE | Indicator: update fee order history | XFELD | CHAR |
198 | OIA_FEECH | Fee edit control | OIA_FEECH | CHAR |
199 | OIA_FEECHK | Fee check indicator (apply minimum of one fee to exchange) | OIA_FEECHK | CHAR |
200 | OIA_FEECHK_BAPI | Fee check indicator (for use in BAPIs) | OIA_FEECHK_BAPI | CHAR |
201 | OIA_FEEDT | Fee pricing condition date | DATUM | DATS |
202 | OIA_FEEMAN | Fee rate indicator | OIA_FEEMAN | CHAR |
203 | OIA_FEEPD | Fee pricing date | OIC_INPD | CHAR |
204 | OIA_FEEPRT | Condition is printed at item level | XFELD | CHAR |
205 | OIA_FEEPST | Posting rules for fees | OIA_FEEPST | CHAR |
206 | OIA_FEEPSTRUL | Posting rule for fees | OIA_PSTRUL | CHAR |
207 | OIA_FEERCI | Fee recalculation ind. | XFELD | CHAR |
208 | OIA_FEES | Indicator: fees to be invoiced | XFELD | CHAR |
209 | OIA_FEES_UNZIPPED | Indication if fees are unzipped | XFELD | CHAR |
210 | OIA_FEETOC | Fee total (in local currency) f. communication structure | NUMC13 | NUMC |
211 | OIA_FEETOT | Fee total | OIA_FEETOT | CURR |
212 | OIA_FEETOTD | Fee total (document currency) | OIA_FEETOT | CURR |
213 | OIA_FEKNUM | Working storage for fee doc.condition reference | KNUMV | CHAR |
214 | OIA_FERP | Fee repricing indicator | OIA_FERP | CHAR |
215 | OIA_FERPDT | Fee repricing date for invoice verification | GRPNO | NUMC |
216 | OIA_FERPDTGR | Fee repricing date for goods receipt | OIA_FEERP_EXIT | NUMC |
217 | OIA_FFTYP | Fulfillment indicator for exchange assignments | OIA_FFTYP | CHAR |
218 | OIA_FINEX | Financial document selection exit | GRPNO | NUMC |
219 | OIA_FOOTER | Exchange statement footer | GRPNO | NUMC |
220 | OIA_FRBS | Source document type | BSART | CHAR |
221 | OIA_FRGRDC | From goods receipt document type | BLART | CHAR |
222 | OIA_FTEXT | Fee account assignment description | TEXT20 | CHAR |
223 | OIA_GPKNUM | Reference to fee conditions for group delivery processing | KNUMV | CHAR |
224 | OIA_GRDAT | Goods receipt date | DATUM | DATS |
225 | OIA_HEADER | Header formatting routine | GRPNO | NUMC |
226 | OIA_HTXT | Dynamic headings for quantities in quantity schedule | CHAR17 | CHAR |
227 | OIA_IMATV | Internal material value | WERT7 | CURR |
228 | OIA_IMVAP | Moving average price for logical inventory | WERT13 | CURR |
229 | OIA_INCLIA | LIA included indicator (X/ ) | KREUZ | CHAR |
230 | OIA_INCPFA | PFA included indicator (X/ ) | KREUZ | CHAR |
231 | OIA_INCYCA | Invoice cycle indicator active (X/ ) | KREUZ | CHAR |
232 | OIA_INCYCCAT | Invoice cycle category | OIA_INCYCCAT | CHAR |
233 | OIA_INCYCI | Invoice cycle included indicator active (X/ ) | KREUZ | CHAR |
234 | OIA_INCYST | Cond. statistical due to invoicing cycle | KREUZ | CHAR |
235 | OIA_INDBD | Book delivery | OI0_XFELD | CHAR |
236 | OIA_INDBR | Book receipt made | OI0_XFELD | CHAR |
237 | OIA_INDNP | Negotiated payment | OI0_XFELD | CHAR |
238 | OIA_INDOC | Indicator 'receivable/payable in netting document ?' | OI0_SELKZ | CHAR |
239 | OIA_INT | Internally-posted element | OI0_XFELD | CHAR |
240 | OIA_INTQTY | Quantity scheduled to be exchanged | MENGE | QUAN |
241 | OIA_INVCS1 | Status of invoice cycle 1 | OI0_INVCST | CHAR |
242 | OIA_INVCS2 | Status of invoice cycle 2 | OI0_INVCST | CHAR |
243 | OIA_INVCS3 | Status of invoice cycle 3 | OI0_INVCST | CHAR |
244 | OIA_INVCS4 | Status of invoice cycle 4 | OI0_INVCST | CHAR |
245 | OIA_INVCS5 | Status of invoice cycle 5 | OI0_INVCST | CHAR |
246 | OIA_INVCS6 | Status of invoice cycle 6 | OI0_INVCST | CHAR |
247 | OIA_INVCS7 | Status of invoice cycle 7 | OI0_INVCST | CHAR |
248 | OIA_INVCS8 | Status of invoice cycle 8 | OI0_INVCST | CHAR |
249 | OIA_INVCS9 | Status of invoice cycle 9 | OI0_INVCST | CHAR |
250 | OIA_INVCYC | Invoice cycle | OIA_INVCYC | NUMC |
251 | OIA_INV_FILTER | Invoice verification filter type | OIA_INV_FILTER | CHAR |
252 | OIA_IPMVAT | VAT on internally-posted material | OIA_IPMVAT | CHAR |
253 | OIA_IPMVAT_BAPI | VAT on internally-posted material (for use in BAPIs) | OIA_IPMVAT_BAPI | CHAR |
254 | OIA_ISSUES | Formatting exit for exchange issues | GRPNO | NUMC |
255 | OIA_ITCAT | Exchange - netting document item type | OIA_MVTYPE | CHAR |
256 | OIA_ITEM | Item number | OIA_ITEM | NUMC |
257 | OIA_ITNO | Exchange - netting document item number | OIA_ITNO | NUMC |
258 | OIA_KNPRS | Delivery cost repricing indicator | KNPRS | CHAR |
259 | OIA_KONTI | Allocation (Account Assignment Number depends on Type) | OIA_KONTI | CHAR |
260 | OIA_KONTZ | Account Assignment Type | OIA_KONTZ | CHAR |
261 | OIA_KOSTL | Cost center for fee expense accounting | KOSTL | CHAR |
262 | OIA_KSCHL | Fee price condition record type | KSCHL | CHAR |
263 | OIA_KTOSL | Fee accounting process key | OIA_KTOSL | CHAR |
264 | OIA_KWERT | Fee detail clearing amount | WERTV7 | CURR |
265 | OIA_LFKNUM | Delivery note reference for fee doc. conditions | KNUMV | CHAR |
266 | OIA_LFPOS | Reference delivery note item | POSNR | NUMC |
267 | OIA_LIAEXT | LIA user exit for logical inventory movements | GRPNO | NUMC |
268 | OIA_LIA_AMOUNT | Payment amount for LIA | OIA_PYMT_SIGN | CURR |
269 | OIA_LIA_DMBTR | LIA quantity adjustment value in local currency | WERT7 | CURR |
270 | OIA_LIFTS | Exchange lifts | MENG15 | QUAN |
271 | OIA_LIVAL | Total logical inventory value | WERT13N | CURR |
272 | OIA_MATCYC | Invoicing cycle for purchase material costs | OIA_INVCYC | NUMC |
273 | OIA_MATCYC_BI | Invoicing cycle for purchase material costs | OIA_INVCYC_BI | CHAR |
274 | OIA_MATIE | Material internal / external posting indicator | OIA_MATIE | CHAR |
275 | OIA_MATPST | Posting rules for material | OIA_MATPST | CHAR |
276 | OIA_MATPSTRUL | Posting rule for product | OIA_PSTRUL | CHAR |
277 | OIA_MATREF | Material group reference for exchange balance reporting | OIA_MATREF | CHAR |
278 | OIA_MEINS | Quantity schedule-related UoM | MEINS | UNIT |
279 | OIA_MENGE | Quantity in transaction UOM | OIA_MENGE | QUAN |
280 | OIA_MENGE_LIA | LIA quantity in transaction UOM | OIA_MENGE | QUAN |
281 | OIA_MESS18 | Message data element | CHAR18 | CHAR |
282 | OIA_MOD | Mode of transport | OIA_MOD | CHAR |
283 | OIA_MOT | Transaction Type | CHAR1 | CHAR |
284 | OIA_MVTYPE | Movement type (in exchange statement) | OIA_MVTYPE | CHAR |
285 | OIA_MWOFI | Movements without financials indicator | OI0_SELKZ | CHAR |
286 | OIA_MWSBPA | Tax value if all cycles are active | WERTV7 | CURR |
287 | OIA_NEGADJ | Negative adjustment indicator for LIA | OIA_NEGADJ | CHAR |
288 | OIA_NET | Movement-based netting indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
289 | OIA_NETBAL | Net balance check TOTAL | WERT7 | CURR |
290 | OIA_NETCRT | Netting grouping criteria | FDNAME | CHAR |
291 | OIA_NETCYC | Netting cycle (FI blocking indicator) | ZAHLS | CHAR |
292 | OIA_NETDOC | Movement-based netting document | XFELD | CHAR |
293 | OIA_NETNUM | Exchange - netting document number | OIA_NETNUM | CHAR |
294 | OIA_NETTNG | Netting indicator | OIA_NETTNG | CHAR |
295 | OIA_NETTNG_BAPI | Netting indicator (for use in BAPIs) | OIA_NETTNG_BAPI | CHAR |
296 | OIA_NETWRA | Net price if all cycles are active | WERTV8 | CURR |
297 | OIA_NEXIT | User exit for netting cycle determination | GRPNO | NUMC |
298 | OIA_NEXREL | No exchange-relevant documents | XFELD | CHAR |
299 | OIA_NGPSTL | Negative posting line (exchange fees) | OI0_XFELD | CHAR |
300 | OIA_NOCYC | Invoice cycle not used indicator | OI0_SELKZ | CHAR |
301 | OIA_NOTPER | Notice period for exchange agreement | OIA_DURAT | DEC |
302 | OIA_NOTPERC | Period of notice for exchange agreement (CHAR) | CHAR03 | CHAR |
303 | OIA_NOTPER_BAPI | Notice period for exchange agreement (for use in BAPI) | OIA_DURAT_BAPI | NUMC |
304 | OIA_NUMKR | Number range for exchanges document | NUMKR | CHAR |
305 | OIA_OBAL | Opening exchange balance | MENGV15 | QUAN |
306 | OIA_OIFEES | Fee selection indicator for invoice selection | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
307 | OIA_OIXEXG | Indicator for exchange agreement selection at invoice verif. | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
308 | OIA_OLIKWT | Open delivery credit value transferred during billing | WERTV10 | CURR |
309 | OIA_OLIMET | Open delivery quantity transferred during billing | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
310 | OIA_OPREI | Old Price | WERT11 | CURR |
311 | OIA_ORBTR | Fee amount before clearing (original amount, document curr.) | OIA_FEETOT | CURR |
312 | OIA_ORGA | (,,, | CHAR25 | CHAR |
313 | OIA_OUTMEI | Output unit of measure (for exchange and netting statement) | MEINS | UNIT |
314 | OIA_OWNCHK | Ownership check indicator | OIA_OWNCHK | CHAR |
315 | OIA_PARTNER_ID | ID of exchange partner | CHAR12 | CHAR |
316 | OIA_PAYTYPE | Negotiated payment type | OIA_PAYTYPE | CHAR |
317 | OIA_PFA | Pure financial adjustments section | GRPNO | NUMC |
318 | OIA_PMTHIN | Previous month indicator | OIA_PMTHIN | CHAR |
319 | OIA_PREQNO | Exchange statement print request document number | OIA_PREQNO | CHAR |
320 | OIA_PREQTY | Exchange statement print request document type | FKART | CHAR |
321 | OIA_PRIOR | Priority of an exchange agreement for load balancing | OIA_PRIOR | NUMC |
322 | OIA_PRODUCT | Base Product Code | CHAR8 | CHAR |
323 | OIA_PTEXIT | Payment term transfer to VBRK | GRPNO | NUMC |
324 | OIA_PTRM | Payment terms for invoice cycle X | ZTERM | CHAR |
325 | OIA_PTRREF | Exchange partner reference code | OIA_PTRREF | CHAR |
326 | OIA_PYMT | Payment amount for LIA | OIA_PYMT | CURR |
327 | OIA_QAABU | Qty. already assigned to exchange entitlements | MENG13 | QUAN |
328 | OIA_QAASU | Qty.already assigned to exchange entitlements | MENG13 | QUAN |
329 | OIA_QTABU | Qty to be assigned to exchange entitlements | MENG13 | QUAN |
330 | OIA_QTASU | Qty to be assigned to exchange entitlements | MENG13 | QUAN |
331 | OIA_QTYDEF | Quantity default for quantity schedule at time of call-off | XFELD | CHAR |
332 | OIA_QTYIND | LIA quantity check indicator | OIA_QTYIND | CHAR |
333 | OIA_QUAN | Movement quantity | OIA_MENGE | QUAN |
334 | OIA_RATE | Exchange rate (for foreign currencies) | OIA_RATE | FLTP |
335 | OIA_RECPT | Exchange receipts | MENG15 | QUAN |
336 | OIA_RECPTS | Formatting exit for exchange receipts | GRPNO | NUMC |
337 | OIA_RECQTY | Quantity intended against an exchange | MENGE | QUAN |
338 | OIA_REC_DEL | Indicator to mark Receipts and Deliveries | CHAR1 | CHAR |
339 | OIA_REEWR | Invoice fee value entered in local currency | OIA_FEETOT | CURR |
340 | OIA_REFPLT | Price reference plant | BWKEY | CHAR |
341 | OIA_REFWR | Invoice fee value entered in document currency | OIA_FEETOT | CURR |
342 | OIA_REORG | Reorganization date | DATUM | DATS |
343 | OIA_REPEAT | Repeat flag: document already sent? | OIA_CHAR | CHAR |
344 | OIA_REV_LIANUM | Document number for reversal logical inventory adjustment | OIA_UPENUM | CHAR |
345 | OIA_REWWR | Fee detail clearing amount (document currency) | WERTV7 | CURR |
346 | OIA_RULECI | Fee recalculation according to copy rules | XFELD | CHAR |
347 | OIA_SBMAT | Base product number | MATNR | CHAR |
348 | OIA_SBMEIN | Base product quantity unit | MEINS | UNIT |
349 | OIA_SBMNG | Base product quantity | MENG15 | QUAN |
350 | OIA_SBREL | Sub product/ base product relevence indicator | OIA_SBREL | NUMC |
351 | OIA_SCHDDT | Schedule date | DATUM | DATS |
352 | OIA_SEGNUM | Document item no. for logical inventory adjustment | OIA_SEGNUM | NUMC |
353 | OIA_SELEX | Movements index selection exit | GRPNO | NUMC |
354 | OIA_SENDING_PARTNER | ID of sending exchange partner | CHAR12 | CHAR |
355 | OIA_SEQENT | Sequential segment number | OIA_SEQENT | NUMC |
356 | OIA_SEQNR | Sequence number | OIA_SEQNR | NUMC |
357 | OIA_SHIP | Shipping date | DATUM | DATS |
358 | OIA_SKMNG | Quantity in stockkeeping UoM | MENGE | QUAN |
359 | OIA_SKMNS | Stockkeeping unit of measure | MEINS | UNIT |
360 | OIA_SLINE | Start line for selection criteria | OIA_SLINE | DEC |
361 | OIA_SMENGE | Called-off/delivered/goods receipt quantity | OIA_MENGE | QUAN |
362 | OIA_SPLIT | How to split quantity in quantity schedule | OIA_SPLIT | CHAR |
363 | OIA_SPLIT_BAPI | How to split qty in quantity schedule (for use in BAPIs) | OIA_SPLIT_BAPI | CHAR |
364 | OIA_SPLTIV | Indicator for split invoice verification | OIA_SPLTIV | CHAR |
365 | OIA_SPMEIN | Sub-product base unit of measure | MEINS | UNIT |
366 | OIA_STAT_COND | ERS status for split conditions | XFELD | CHAR |
367 | OIA_STAT_FEE | ERS status fees | XFELD | CHAR |
368 | OIA_STAT_MAT | ERS status material | XFELD | CHAR |
369 | OIA_STEPL | Step loop number for selection item | OIA_STEPL | INT4 |
370 | OIA_ST_NUM | Step loop number for selection item | OIA_ST_NUM | NUMC |
371 | OIA_SUBITM | Sub-item number | OIA_SUBITM | NUMC |
372 | OIA_SUBPRD | Sub-product number | MATNR | CHAR |
373 | OIA_SUMMRY | Exchange statement summary section | GRPNO | NUMC |
374 | OIA_SUPP | Suppress inactive contracts based on pricing date | OIA_SUPP | CHAR |
375 | OIA_TAXPSTRUL | Posting rule for taxes | OIA_PSTRUL | CHAR |
376 | OIA_TBSTYP | Target document category (purchasing) | BSTYP | CHAR |
377 | OIA_TEXT | Text field | TEXT20 | CHAR |
378 | OIA_TMEINS | LIA transaction unit of measure | MEINS | UNIT |
379 | OIA_TOBS | Target document type | BSART | CHAR |
380 | OIA_TOGRDC | To goods receipt document type | BLART | CHAR |
381 | OIA_TOIRDC | To invoice receipt document type | BLART | CHAR |
382 | OIA_UPDATE | Update indicator | OIA_ANDOR | CHAR |
383 | OIA_UPDCHK | Update consistency check for quantity schedule while calling | OIA_UPDCHK | CHAR |
384 | OIA_UPE | Exchange LIA (logical inventory adjustment) format | GRPNO | NUMC |
385 | OIA_UPEDOC | LIA document type | OIA_UPEDOC | CHAR |
386 | OIA_UPEFI | LIA financial document type | BLART | CHAR |
387 | OIA_UPEITM | LIA item type | OIA_UPEITM | CHAR |
388 | OIA_UPENR | Constant to identify logical inventory adjustment | CHAR3 | CHAR |
389 | OIA_UPENUM | Document number for logical inventory adjustment | OIA_UPENUM | CHAR |
390 | OIA_UPEPI | Source of LIA material price | GRPNO | NUMC |
391 | OIA_UPETXT | LIA document type | TEXT20 | CHAR |
392 | OIA_VALFLG | Exchange valuation indicator | OIA_VALFLG | CHAR |
393 | OIA_VAT_SIGN | Sign (+/-) of the invoice vat amount | SIGN | CHAR |
394 | OIA_VEXNUM | From exchange agreement number | OIA_EXGNUM | CHAR |
395 | OIA_VEXTYP | From exchange type | OIA_EXGTYP | CHAR |
396 | OIA_VMATNR | From material number | MATNR | CHAR |
397 | OIA_VMATRF | From mat. group reference for exchange balance reporting | OIA_MATREF | CHAR |
398 | OIA_VNETB | Netting balance (with +/- sign) | VWERT13 | CURR |
399 | OIA_VONSL | From value for selection criteria item | OIA_VONSL | CHAR |
400 | OIA_VSBMAT | From base product number | MATNR | CHAR |
401 | OIA_VSPBUP | From period to analyze - posting period | MCPERIOD | NUMC |
402 | OIA_VSPMON | From period to analyze - month | RSCALMONTH | NUMC |
403 | OIA_VSPTAG | From period to analyze -daytime reference | DATUM | DATS |
404 | OIA_VSPWOC | From period to analyze - week | MCPERIOD | NUMC |
405 | OIA_VWERKS | From plant | WERKS | CHAR |
406 | OIA_WRBTR | Fee amount in document currency | OIA_FEETOT | CURR |
407 | OIA_WRBTR1 | Amount in document currency | WERTV7 | CURR |
408 | OIA_WRBTR_SIGN | Sign (+/-) of the invoice amount | SIGN | CHAR |
409 | OIA_XBLNR | External delivery note number | XBLNR1 | CHAR |
410 | OIA_XINIT | Selection criteria - initial value search | OI0_SELKZ | CHAR |
411 | OIA_XSTRG | Selection criteria - as a character string | OI0_SELKZ | CHAR |
412 | OIB_ABFAC | Air Bouyancy Factor | OIB_ABFAC | DEC |
413 | OIB_ABFAC_F | Air buoyancy factor (oil) | OIB_ABFAC_F | FLTP |
414 | OIB_ABIND | Air Bouyancy Indicator | OIB_XFELD | CHAR |
415 | OIB_ADICH | Alternate Density | OIB_DICHT | FLTP |
416 | OIB_ADQNT | Additional Oil and Gas Quantity | OIB_ADQNT | FLTP |
417 | OIB_ADQNTP | Additional oil quantity (packed format) | MENG13 | QUAN |
418 | OIB_ADUOM | Additional unit of measure | MEINS | UNIT |
419 | OIB_AGASTDPRS | Standard pressure from AGA c-code: 14.73 PSIA or equivalent | TEMP_VALUE | FLTP |
420 | OIB_AGASTDTMP | Standard temperature from AGA c-code: 60 FAH or equivalent | TEMP_VALUE | FLTP |
421 | OIB_AIR_GAS_RAT | Volume of air to burn one volume of ideal gas(dimensionless) | OIB_FAC | FLTP |
422 | OIB_AIR_GAS_RATC | Volume of air to burn one volume of ideal gas(dimensionless) | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
423 | OIB_ALPHA60 | Thermal Expansion Factor at 60F | OIB_FLTP | FLTP |
424 | OIB_ALTQUANTITY | Alternate Quantity | OIB_ALTQUANTITY | FLTP |
425 | OIB_ALT_DENS | Density at alternate conditions | OIB_FLTP | FLTP |
426 | OIB_ALT_PRES | Pressure at observed conditions | OIB_FLTP | FLTP |
427 | OIB_ALT_TEMP | Temperature at alternate conditions | OIB_FLTP | FLTP |
428 | OIB_ALT_VOL | Volume at alternate conditions | OIB_FLTP | FLTP |
429 | OIB_ANALYSE_BASE | Silo Mgmt: Base interval of DIP - MM analysis | OIB_ANALYSE_BASE | CHAR |
430 | OIB_ANALYSE_UPDATE | Silo Mgmt: Update mode of DIP - MM analysis | OIB_ANALYSE_UPDATE | CHAR |
431 | OIB_ANA_STORE_ZERO | Silo Mgmt.: Store zero lines (no movements) | OIB_XFELD | CHAR |
432 | OIB_ANA_VERSION | Version number of dip material movement analysis | NUMC4 | NUMC |
433 | OIB_API | Gas component liquid API gravity at base conditions | OIB_DICHT | FLTP |
434 | OIB_APIC | Gas component liquid API gravity at base conditions | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
435 | OIB_API_AU | API Alpha 60 Unit | OIB_API_UNIT | CHAR |
436 | OIB_API_DUA | API Alternate Density Unit | OIB_API_UNIT | CHAR |
437 | OIB_API_DUB | API Base Density Unit | OIB_API_UNIT | CHAR |
438 | OIB_API_DUO | API Observed Density Unit | OIB_API_UNIT | CHAR |
439 | OIB_API_PUA | API Alternate Pressure Unit | OIB_API_UNIT | CHAR |
440 | OIB_API_PUB | API Base Pressure Unit | OIB_API_UNIT | CHAR |
441 | OIB_API_PUO | API Observed Pressure Unit | OIB_API_UNIT | CHAR |
442 | OIB_API_TUA | API Alternate Temperature Unit | OIB_API_UNIT | CHAR |
443 | OIB_API_TUB | API Base Temperature Unit | OIB_API_UNIT | CHAR |
444 | OIB_API_TUO | API Observed Temperature Unit | OIB_API_UNIT | CHAR |
445 | OIB_API_UNIT | API Unit of Measurement | OIB_API_UNIT | CHAR |
446 | OIB_API_VUA | API Alternate Volume Unit | OIB_API_UNIT | CHAR |
447 | OIB_API_VUB | API Base Volume Unit | OIB_API_UNIT | CHAR |
448 | OIB_API_VUO | API Observed Volume Unit | OIB_API_UNIT | CHAR |
449 | OIB_APRESV | Alternate Pressure | OIB_APRESV | FLTP |
450 | OIB_AROMATICS | Industrial aromatic hydrocarbons: Type | OIB_AROMATICS | CHAR |
451 | OIB_ARRAT | Natural gas Argon content (ratio) | OIB_RAT | FLTP |
452 | OIB_ARRATC | Natural gas argon content (ratio) | OIB_RATC | CHAR |
453 | OIB_ATPRES | Atmospheric pressure of the air surrounding a product | OIB_PRES | FLTP |
454 | OIB_ATPRESEH | Atmospheric pressure unit | MEINS | UNIT |
455 | OIB_BAS_DENS | Density at base conditions | OIB_FLTP | FLTP |
456 | OIB_BAS_PRES | Pressure at base conditions | OIB_FLTP | FLTP |
457 | OIB_BAS_TEMP | Temperature at base conditions | OIB_FLTP | FLTP |
458 | OIB_BAS_VOL | Volume at base conditions | OIB_FLTP | FLTP |
459 | OIB_BDBHV | Base density / base heating value parameter handling | OIB_XFELD | CHAR |
460 | OIB_BDICH | Oil/gas density at standard/base conditions | OIB_DICHT | FLTP |
461 | OIB_BDICHABS | Gas component - liquid absolute density at base conditions | OIB_DICHT | FLTP |
462 | OIB_BDICHABSC | Gas component - liquid absolute density at base conditions | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
463 | OIB_BDICHGS | Gas component -ideal gas absolute density at base conditions | OIB_DICHT | FLTP |
464 | OIB_BDICHGSC | Gas component ideal gas absolute density at base conditions | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
465 | OIB_BDICHREL | Gas component - liquid relative density at base conditions | OIB_DICHT | FLTP |
466 | OIB_BDICHRELC | Gas component - liquid relative density at base conditions | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
467 | OIB_BDICHRELGS | Gas component ideal gas relative density at base conditions | OIB_DICHT | FLTP |
468 | OIB_BDICHRELGSC | Gas component ideal gas relative density at base conditions | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
469 | OIB_BDNEH | Unit for densities at standard/base conditions | MEINS | UNIT |
470 | OIB_BHVAL | Heating value at standard/base conditions (natural gas) | OIB_HVAL | FLTP |
471 | OIB_BHVALGSINF | Gas comp. heat. value, inferior, ideal reaction, ideal gas | OIB_HVAL | FLTP |
472 | OIB_BHVALGSINFC | Gas comp. heat. value, inferior, ideal reaction, ideal gas | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
473 | OIB_BHVALGSSUP | Gas comp. heat. value,superior, id. react. fuel as ideal gas | OIB_HVAL | FLTP |
474 | OIB_BHVALGSSUPC | Gas comp. heat. value,superior, id. react. fuel as ideal gas | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
475 | OIB_BHVALLQSUP | Gas component heating value, superior, fuel as liquid | OIB_HVAL | FLTP |
476 | OIB_BHVALLQSUPC | Gas component heating value, superior, fuel as liquid | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
477 | OIB_BHVEH | Heating value unit at standard/base conditions (natural gas) | MEINS | UNIT |
478 | OIB_BLTIME | Posting time in the document | TIMES | TIMS |
479 | OIB_BOILPOINTPRES | Boiling point reference pressure | TEMP_VALUE | FLTP |
480 | OIB_BOILPOINTPRESC | Boiling point pressure | OIB_OPRES | CHAR |
481 | OIB_BOILPOINTTEMP | Boiling point: temperature at reference pressure | TEMP_VALUE | FLTP |
482 | OIB_BOILPOINTTEMPC | Boiling point temperature at fixed pressure | OIB_CHAR | CHAR |
483 | OIB_BOM | Use of item category as part of an Oil bill of material(BOM) | OIB_BOM | CHAR |
484 | OIB_BPRESEHPPP | Base pressure unit for physical properties data | MEINS | UNIT |
485 | OIB_BPRESH | Natural Gas Base Pressure for Combustion (Heating Value) | B_FLOAT | FLTP |
486 | OIB_BPRESHEH | Natural gas std/base press.: combustion (heat. value): unit | MEINS | UNIT |
487 | OIB_BPRESPPP | Gas component base pressure: flammability limit | OIB_PRES | FLTP |
488 | OIB_BPRESPPPC | Gas component base pressure: flammability limit | OIB_OPRES | CHAR |
489 | OIB_BPRESV | Oil/gas standard/base pressure:metering (volume, density) | OIB_PRES | FLTP |
490 | OIB_BPRESVEH | Oil/gas standard/base pres.:metering (volume, density): unit | MEINS | UNIT |
491 | OIB_BSDNEH | Base density unit (at standard reference conditions) | MEINS | UNIT |
492 | OIB_BSHVEH | Base heating value unit (at standard reference conditions) | MEINS | UNIT |
493 | OIB_BSTEH | Oil/gas standard/base temperature unit | MEINS | UNIT |
494 | OIB_BSTEHPPP | Base temperature unit for physical properties data | MEINS | UNIT |
495 | OIB_BSTMP | Oil/gas standard/base temperature | TEMP_VALUE | FLTP |
496 | OIB_BSTMPH | Natural Gas Base Temperature of Combustion (Heating Value) | TEMP_VALUE | FLTP |
497 | OIB_BSTMPHEH | Natural gas std/base temp.: combustion (heat. value): unit | MEINS | UNIT |
498 | OIB_BSTMPPP | Gas component base temperature: flammability limit | TEMP_VALUE | FLTP |
499 | OIB_BSTMPPPC | Gas component base temperature: flammability limit | OIB_OTMP | CHAR |
500 | OIB_BSTMPPPSUM | Gas component base temperature: summation factor | TEMP_VALUE | FLTP |