SAP ABAP Data Element - Index O, page 30
Data Element - O
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | ORISK_KK | Cash disc. base of open item in doc currency | WRTV7 | CURR |
2 | ORISO | Index Number for Original Sorting | PACK4 | DEC |
3 | ORISO_KK | Consecutive number according to original sorting | NUM05 | NUMC |
4 | ORIVZ_KK | Arrears Surcharge in Document Currency | WRTV7 | CURR |
5 | ORIWA_KK | Document currency of open item | WAERS | CUKY |
6 | ORIWERT | Original value for detailed information | ANLKWERT | CURR |
7 | ORI_GPART_KK | Alternative Business Partner from Posting Doocument | BU_PARTNER | CHAR |
8 | ORI_OPBEL_KK | Tax Reporting: Document Number of Transferred Document | OPBEL_KK | CHAR |
9 | ORI_OPUPK_KK | Tax Reporting: Item Number of Transferred Tax Item | OPUPK_KK | NUMC |
10 | ORLN | File length of original | NUM12 | NUMC |
11 | ORLOADVER | Context heap load flag | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
12 | ORMNG | Original Quantity of Shipping Notification/Inbound Delivery | MENGE | QUAN |
13 | ORMNG_ADOPT | Adjust Delivery Note Quantity | XFELD | CHAR |
14 | ORMNG_VL | Original Quantity of Delivery Item | MENG13 | QUAN |
15 | ORNDOCNR | Doc. no. of orig. doc. | BELNR | CHAR |
16 | OROIVL | Order Reason for New Open Item In Case of Value Variance | AUGRU | CHAR |
17 | OROIVQ | Order Reason for New Open Item In Case of Value/Qty Variance | AUGRU | CHAR |
18 | OROLLNAME | DD: Old data element name | RONAME | CHAR |
19 | OROPENVER | Flag for child cursors is locked | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
20 | OROWS | Number of rows in a table | DEC15 | DEC |
21 | ORPARSEC | Parse calls for this child cursor | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
22 | ORPERSMEM | Persistent memory | ORAMEMORY | INT4 |
23 | ORPLAN | Period split | ORPLAN | CHAR |
24 | ORPOS | TO item from which the current TO item originates | POSNR | NUMC |
25 | ORPRINT_AUFNR | Order Number Without Formatting | CHAR12 | CHAR |
26 | ORPRINT_FG | Field selection flag: Print master data | XFLAG | CHAR |
27 | ORREG | Region | CHAR3 | CHAR |
28 | ORROWPROC | Number of rows parsed | ORAPNUMBER | DEC |
29 | ORRUNTMEM | Ephemeral frame used | ORAMEMORY | INT4 |
30 | ORSHARMEM | Shareable memory | ORAMEMORY | INT4 |
31 | ORSNAPSDAY | Day cursor cache analyzed | SYDATS | DATS |
32 | ORSNAPSTIM | Time cursor cache analyzed | SYTIME | TIMS |
33 | ORSORTS | Number of sorts | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
34 | ORS_ACT | Actual status changes | XFELD | CHAR |
35 | ORS_ACTIVE | Activate function "status management by period" | XFLAG | CHAR |
36 | ORS_DATE_FROM | Status by period: Validy period start | SYDATS | DATS |
37 | ORS_DEF | Default date set | XFLAG | CHAR |
38 | ORS_PLAN | Planned status changes | XFELD | CHAR |
39 | ORT | City where company is located | TEXT30 | CHAR |
40 | ORT00 | Employer´s city | CHAR35 | CHAR |
41 | ORT01 | City | TEXT25 | CHAR |
42 | ORT01_AG | Location of the sold-to party | ORT01 | CHAR |
43 | ORT01_ANG | IS-H: City where Person to Be Contacted Resides | TEXT25 | CHAR |
44 | ORT01_ANLA | Municipality | TEXT25 | CHAR |
45 | ORT01_BW | IS-M: City name BW | TEXT32 | CHAR |
46 | ORT01_GP | City | TEXT35 | CHAR |
47 | ORT01_ISP | IS-M: City | TEXT35 | CHAR |
48 | ORT01_ISPM | IS-M/SD: City Name (Upper Case for Matchcode) | ORT01_MACO | CHAR |
49 | ORT01_LF | Vendor location | ORT01 | CHAR |
50 | ORT01_LI | Vendor location | ORT01 | CHAR |
51 | ORT01_OLD | Location | TEXT25 | CHAR |
52 | ORT01_PA | Location of additional partner | ORT01 | CHAR |
53 | ORT01_PAT | IS-H: City where Patient Resides | TEXT25 | CHAR |
54 | ORT01_SP | Location of the carrier | ORT01 | CHAR |
55 | ORT01_UNF | IS-H: Accident Location | TEXT25 | CHAR |
56 | ORT01_VP | City | ORT01 | CHAR |
57 | ORT01_WAN | IS-H: City where Bad Debt Party Resides | TEXT25 | CHAR |
58 | ORT01_WE | Location of the ship-to party | ORT01 | CHAR |
59 | ORT02 | District | TEXT25 | CHAR |
60 | ORT02_BAS | District | TEXT35 | CHAR |
61 | ORT02_EINR | IS-H: District of the Institution's Address | TEXT25 | CHAR |
62 | ORT02_GP | District | TEXT35 | CHAR |
63 | ORT02_ISP | IS-M: City District | TEXT35 | CHAR |
64 | ORT02_PAT | Patient District | TEXT25 | CHAR |
65 | ORT02_WAN | IS-H: District of bad debt party | TEXT25 | CHAR |
66 | ORT02_Z | Location from payee's address | TEXT35 | CHAR |
67 | ORT03 | City | TEXT25 | CHAR |
68 | ORT04 | County | TEXT20 | CHAR |
69 | ORT21 | IS-M: Postal code and city / name | TEXT21 | CHAR |
70 | ORT2_GP | District of Business Partner | TEXT25 | CHAR |
71 | ORT50 | City | CHAR50 | CHAR |
72 | ORTAB | Indicator for location-dependency | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
73 | ORTABNAME | Name of internal table for output | AS4TAB | CHAR |
74 | ORTDP | MRP Area Location | LGORT | CHAR |
75 | ORTEX | Insurance Organizations | TEXT10 | CHAR |
76 | ORTID | Object ID of Business Event Location | NUM08 | NUMC |
77 | ORTNAME | IS-M: City name as printed in address | TEXT40 | CHAR |
78 | ORTNLB | IS-M: City for postal packing level 4 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
79 | ORTNOSL | IS-M: City - postal packing level 3 or 2 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
80 | ORTNZBG | IS-M: City name for postal packing level 1 | CHAR24 | CHAR |
81 | ORTNZBOB | IS-M: City - postal packing level 2 or 3 | CHAR24 | CHAR |
82 | ORTOB | Location is mandatory | XFELD | CHAR |
83 | ORTPF | IS-M: City for PO Box | TEXT35 | CHAR |
84 | ORTSEARK | Business Event Location | CHAR15 | CHAR |
85 | ORTSGRUPPE | Location group | ORTSGRUPPE | CHAR |
86 | ORTSGR_TO | To location group | ORTSGRUPPE | CHAR |
87 | ORTSTEIL | IS-M: City district that contains street section | TEXT40 | CHAR |
88 | ORTS_GP | Standardized Name of City where Business Partner is Located | ISH30 | CHAR |
89 | ORTVERW | Can be used with cities | XFELD | CHAR |
90 | ORTXT_AOB1 | Short description order, start relationship | TEXT40 | CHAR |
91 | ORTXT_AOB2 | Short description order, end relationship | TEXT40 | CHAR |
92 | ORTZG | Receiving storage location | LGORT | CHAR |
93 | ORTZI | Cost-of-Living Allowance Class (Internal) | ORTZK | CHAR |
94 | ORTZK | Cost-of-living allowance class | ORTZK | CHAR |
95 | ORTZS | Cost of Living Allowance Level | ORTZS | CHAR |
96 | ORTZU | Monthly cost-of-living allowance | NUM9 | NUMC |
97 | ORTZUSA | IS-M: Affix for City Name | TEXT30 | CHAR |
98 | ORT_GP | IS-H: City of Business Partner | TEXT25 | CHAR |
99 | ORT_ID | SD screen sequence control: Location description | TEXT50 | CHAR |
100 | ORT_ID_SRK | Location ID (Also Search Term) | CHAR21 | CHAR |
101 | ORT_NAME_AL | IS-M: Alternative City Name | TEXT50 | CHAR |
102 | ORT_NAME_G | IS-M: City name in block capitals | JCHAR50_G | CHAR |
103 | ORT_NAME_K | IS-M: City Name (Short Text) | TEXT25 | CHAR |
104 | ORT_NAME_L | IS-M: City name (long text) | TEXT50 | CHAR |
105 | ORT_NAME_S | IS-M: City Name (Long Text, No Special Characters) | CHAR50 | CHAR |
106 | ORT_REG | IS-M: Payer city | ORT01 | CHAR |
107 | ORT_SHORT | Abbreviation for Business Event Location | CHAR12 | CHAR |
108 | ORT_STAND | Standardized City Name | CHAR30 | CHAR |
109 | ORT_STEXT | Object Name for Business Event Location | TEXT40 | CHAR |
110 | ORT_ZEBU | City name from ZEBU (20 chars) | ORTNAME_GK | CHAR |
111 | ORUPZ_KK | Subitem Number before Item Split | CHAR3 | CHAR |
112 | ORUSREXEC | Number of users executing | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
113 | ORUSROPEN | Number of users executing the statement | ORANUMBER | INT4 |
114 | ORVTP | Value type of purchase order/sales order values | ORVTP | CHAR |
115 | ORWAY | Evaluation path: Organizational assignment | WEGID | CHAR |
116 | OR_BED | Requirements - RS view | CHAR1 | CHAR |
117 | OR_BED_KO | Requirements RS (+ cost collector) view | CHAR1 | CHAR |
118 | OR_FERT | Production orders | CHAR1 | CHAR |
119 | OR_FIX | Firmed planned orders | CHAR1 | CHAR |
120 | OR_FIX_KO | Firmed planned orders - RS (+ cost collector) view | CHAR1 | CHAR |
121 | OR_METHODE | Open Reporting: Methods for Price Calculation | OR_METHOD | NUMC |
122 | OR_OHNEV | Planned orders without version - RS header view | CHAR1 | CHAR |
123 | OR_OV_KO | Planned orders without version - RS (+ cost collector) view | CHAR1 | CHAR |
124 | OR_PLAN | Planned Orders | CHAR1 | CHAR |
125 | OR_PLAN_KO | Planned Orders | CHAR1 | CHAR |
126 | OR_REST | Other versions - RS header view | CHAR1 | CHAR |
127 | OR_REST_KO | Other versions - RS header view | CHAR1 | CHAR |
128 | OR_STR | String with Text Or | OR_STR | CHAR |
129 | OR_SUMME | RS header total - RS header view | CHAR1 | CHAR |
130 | OR_SUM_KO | RS header total - RS header + cost collector view | CHAR1 | CHAR |
131 | OR_SZU | Total supply - RS header view | CHAR1 | CHAR |
132 | OR_SZU_KO | Total supply - RS + cost collector view | CHAR1 | CHAR |
133 | OR_VERF | Availability - RS header view | CHAR1 | CHAR |
134 | OR_VERF_KO | Availability - RS header + cost collector view | CHAR1 | CHAR |
135 | OSBEGRU | Authorization group for online store | BEGRU | CHAR |
136 | OSBUFSTATE | Status of a mapping record in the buffer | OSBUFSTATE | CHAR |
137 | OSCRTP | Subscreen Category - Object | SCRTP | CHAR |
138 | OSDDIC_TAM | Object Services: Dictionary Table Type [Access Mode] | OSDDIC_TAM | CHAR |
139 | OSDDIC_TKD | Object Services: Dictionary Table Type [Key Definition] | OSDDIC_TKD | CHAR |
140 | OSDREF | OS: Data Reference | DATA | REF |
141 | OSELC_KK | Selection Only Or Selection And Dialog | XFELD | CHAR |
142 | OSELT | Above selection date | DATUM | DATS |
143 | OSEXINDEX | OS Example: Index | INT4 | |
144 | OSEXSTRING | OS Example: String | OSEXSTRING | SSTR |
145 | OSFLDORDER | Field sequence | NUMC | |
146 | OSFLDTYPE | Field type | OSFLDTYPE | CHAR |
147 | OSGUIDFLD | GUI field | FDNAME | CHAR |
148 | OSHOST | Data element for domain oshost for input screen with val tab | OSHOST | CHAR |
149 | OSIOF | Transfer system (new) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
150 | OSIUB | OSI transfer (Denmark) | XFELD | CHAR |
151 | OSI_AIRLINE_CODE | Airline request | FTPD_PROVIDER_CODE | CHAR |
152 | OSI_FREEFLOW | OSI additional info | FTPD_INFO | CHAR |
154 | OSI_LINENUMBER | Line number of OSI in itinerary | FTPD_LINENUMBER | INT2 |
155 | OSI_SSR_CODE | Special service request code | FTPD_OSI_SRV_ID | CHAR |
156 | OSI_STATUS_CODE | OSI status for booked flight | FTPD_OSI_STATUS_CODE | NUMC |
157 | OSLPP | FI-SL: Data element for OSL Key Figure in Planning | WERTV12 | CURR |
158 | OSLPR | No check on sublocation level | XFELD | CHAR |
159 | OSLVT12 | Balance carried forward in fourth currency | WERTV12 | CURR |
160 | OSLXX12 | Total transactions for the period in the fourth currency | WERTV12 | CURR |
161 | OSOVF | Transfer code (DK) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
162 | OSOWNACCS | Indicator for Manual Database Access | CHAR | |
163 | OSPCT_DT_CHECK_DESC | Checktool : Check description | OSPCT_DO_CHECK_DESC | CHAR |
164 | OSPCT_DT_CHECK_NAME | Checktool: Name of the check | OSPCT_DO_CHECK_NAME | CHAR |
166 | OSPCT_DT_CHK_CALLVALUE | Duet Checktool Call Value | CHAR40 | CHAR |
167 | OSPCT_DT_CLASS_CHECK | Checktool: Class name | SEOCLSNAME | CHAR |
168 | OSPCT_DT_CT_CALLTYPE | Call Type for Check Tool | OSPCT_DO_CT_CALLTYPE | CHAR |
169 | OSPCT_DT_CT_CALLVALUE | Duet Checktool Call Value | CHAR40 | CHAR |
170 | OSPCT_DT_DUET_SP | Checktool: GroupWare SP level | OSPCT_DO_DUET_SP | CHAR |
171 | OSPCT_DT_DUET_VERSION | Checktool: GroupWare Version | OSPCT_DO_DUET_VERSION | CHAR |
172 | OSPCT_DT_MESS_TYPE | Checktool: Message Type (S/E/W) | OSPCT_DO_MESS_TYPE | CHAR |
173 | OSPCT_DT_SCN_ID | Scenario ID | OSPCT_DO_SCN_ID | CHAR |
174 | OSPCT_DT_USR_NAME | User Name | SYCHAR12 | CHAR |
175 | OSPIH_DT_BOUNDITEM_TYPE | Groupware Object-Bound Item type | OSPIH_DO_BOUNDITEM_TYPE | CHAR |
176 | OSPIH_DT_OPERATION | IH Operation to be performed | OSPIH_DO_OPERATION | CHAR |
178 | OSPRIVACCS | Flag for Private Database Access | CHAR | |
179 | OSREF | OS: Reference | OBJECT | REF |
180 | OSREFTYPE | Reference type | OSREFTYPE | CHAR |
181 | OSRELEASE | Full qualified operating system rel. number ('10.10') or '*' | CHAR10 | CHAR |
182 | OSR_DEL_OPT | Delete Options for OSR | HRD_OSR_DEL_OPT | CHAR |
183 | OSTAT | Status to be maintained | PSTAT | CHAR |
184 | OSTA_FLAG | Temporary Location | BOOLE | CHAR |
185 | OSTERNKZ | Easter Sunday flag | CHAR1 | CHAR |
186 | OSTKZ | East Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
187 | OSTRS | Scheduled start - planning operation | DATUM | DATS |
188 | OSTYPE | OS type without release no. (or '*'): HP-UX, Windows NT, ... | CHAR10 | CHAR |
189 | OSUSERNAME | Operating system user name | OSUSERNAME | CHAR |
190 | OSUZS | Start time of planning operation | UHRZT | TIMS |
191 | OSW2T | Name of the Object for Full Release | TEXT25 | CHAR |
192 | OSWF2 | Object ID for Linking to HR Objects | OSWF2 | CHAR |
193 | OS_APPLYEDITORDER | Indicator for Attribute Order | OS_BOOLEAN | CHAR |
194 | OS_ASSTATE | Check status authorization service | CHAR | |
195 | OS_BOOLEAN | Boolean | OS_BOOLEAN | CHAR |
196 | OS_COMMENT | Comment for Other Service | FTPD_OS_COMMENT | CHAR |
197 | OS_CONF_NUMBER | Confirmation Code of Other Service | FTPD_OS_CONF_NR | NUMC |
198 | OS_CREATEBKEYSONLY | Indicator for Minimal Interfaces | OS_BOOLEAN | CHAR |
199 | OS_DATE_BEG | Start Date of Other Service | FTPD_DATE | DATS |
200 | OS_DATE_END | End Date of Other Service | FTPD_DATE | DATS |
201 | OS_DMODE | Database Update Mode | OS_DMODE | INT4 |
202 | OS_DSTATUS | Database status of a persistent object | OS_DSTATUS | INT4 |
203 | OS_FC_AM | Field Control - Price | AUSWL | CHAR |
204 | OS_FC_C1 | Field Control Comment 1 | AUSWL | CHAR |
205 | OS_FC_C2 | Field Control Comment 2 | AUSWL | CHAR |
206 | OS_FC_CN | Field Control Confirmation Code | AUSWL | CHAR |
207 | OS_FC_DB | Field Control Start Date | AUSWL | CHAR |
208 | OS_FC_DE | Field Control End Date | AUSWL | CHAR |
209 | OS_FC_LB | Field Control Start Location IATA | AUSWL | CHAR |
210 | OS_FC_LBT | Field Control Start Location | AUSWL | CHAR |
211 | OS_FC_LE | Field Control End Location IATA | AUSWL | CHAR |
212 | OS_FC_LET | Field Control End Location | AUSWL | CHAR |
213 | OS_FC_ST | Field Control Status | AUSWL | CHAR |
214 | OS_FC_TB | Field Control Start Time | AUSWL | CHAR |
215 | OS_FC_TE | Field Control End Time | AUSWL | CHAR |
216 | OS_GUID | Globally Unique Identifier | SYSUUID | RAW |
217 | OS_LINENUMBER | Line Number of Other Service in PNR (if PNR Present) | FTPD_PNR_NR | INT2 |
218 | OS_LOC_BEG | Start Location of Other Service (IATA) | FTPD_IATA_LOCATION | CHAR |
219 | OS_LOC_BEG_TEXT | Start Location of Other Service | FTPD_OS_LOC_TEXT | CHAR |
220 | OS_LOC_END | End Location of Other Service (IATA) | FTPD_IATA_LOCATION | CHAR |
221 | OS_LOC_END_TEXT | End Location of Other Service | FTPD_OS_LOC_TEXT | CHAR |
222 | OS_MULTIACCESS | Multiple Access Indicator | OS_BOOLEAN | CHAR |
223 | OS_OID | Object Services: Object ID | CHAR32 | CHAR |
224 | OS_OSTATUS | Status of an object (managed object) | OS_OSTATUS | INT4 |
225 | OS_PNR | Integration of Other Service in the GDS PNR | FTPD_OS_PNR | CHAR |
226 | OS_PO1 | Indicator: Change to Transient Attributes | OS_BOOLEAN | CHAR |
227 | OS_PRIMTAB | ID for Primary Table | OS_BOOLEAN | CHAR |
228 | OS_QUERYACCESS | Query Access Flag | OS_BOOLEAN | CHAR |
229 | OS_SSTATUS | Object Services - Save status for object data | OS_SSTATUS | INT4 |
230 | OS_STATUS | Status of Other Service | FTPD_OTHER_SERVICE_STATUS | CHAR |
231 | OS_TID | Object Services: ID of a Type (Class, ...) | CHAR25 | CHAR |
232 | OS_TIME_BEG | Start Time of Other Service | FTPD_TIME | TIMS |
233 | OS_TIME_END | End Time of Other Service | FTPD_TIME | TIMS |
234 | OS_TSTATUS | Status of a transaction | OS_TSTATUS | INT4 |
235 | OT | Owner type ('O'=object definition) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
236 | OTABL | Original table | AS4TAB | CHAR |
237 | OTAMT_EBJP | Total amount of outgoing payments | NUMC13 | NUMC |
238 | OTAMT_KK | Amount of Individual Values in Currency Sheet | WRTV7 | CURR |
239 | OTBAKTIV | Activate OTB function | AKTKN | CHAR |
240 | OTBBSTTST | OTB check in the purchase order | OTBBSTTST | CHAR |
241 | OTBCHOICE | Choice of OTB scenario | OTBCHOICE | CHAR |
242 | OTBGVP | OTB at sales price with tax | WERTV10 | CURR |
243 | OTBMENGE | OTB calculation also for quantity | AKTKN | CHAR |
244 | OTBMNG | OTB quantity in BUn | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
245 | OTBSCOV | Benefit Basic Coverage Amount | P_AMT08 | CURR |
246 | OTBSCTYP | Planning type for order warning | SCTYP | CHAR |
247 | OTBSCTYP2 | OTB planning type | SCTYP | CHAR |
248 | OTBSGEO | OTB of seasonal budget at purchase price without tax | WERTV10 | CURR |
249 | OTBSGVO | OTB of seasonal budget at sales price without tax | WERTV10 | CURR |
250 | OTBSGVP | OTB of seasonal budget at sales price including tax | WERTV10 | CURR |
251 | OTBSMNG | OTB of seasonal budget in quantity of base unit | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
252 | OTBUY | ID: open to buy | OTBUY | CHAR |
253 | OTBVGEO | OTB of budget already released at purchase price without tax | WERTV10 | CURR |
254 | OTBVGVO | OTB of budget already released at sales price without tax | WERTV10 | CURR |
255 | OTBVGVP | OTB of budget already released at sales price including tax | WERTV10 | CURR |
256 | OTBVMNG | Open-to-buy of budget already released in qty of base unit | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
257 | OTBVRSIO | Version number for order warning | VRSIO | CHAR |
258 | OTBVRSIO2 | OTB version number | VRSIO | CHAR |
259 | OTCARDPAYOUT_CA | FI-CA Indicator: One-Time Card Payment | PAYTYPE_CA | CHAR |
260 | OTCARDPAY_CA | FI-CA Indicator for One-Time Card Payment | PAYTYPE_CA | CHAR |
261 | OTCLA | Indicator: take class items into account | CHAR1 | CHAR |
262 | OTCODETEXT | Code Text for Object Part | QTEXT80 | CHAR |
263 | OTDOC | Indicator: take document items into account | CHAR1 | CHAR |
264 | OTEIL | Part of Object | QCODE | CHAR |
265 | OTEMPB | Zero point of temperature scale in absolute units | OTEMPB | DEC |
266 | OTEXT | Object Type Text | TEXT25 | CHAR |
267 | OTEXTID | Object Text ID | PDOTEXTID | CHAR |
268 | OTFCOUNT2 | No. of characters | OTFCOUNT2 | NUMC |
269 | OTFLD | Outsourcers Field Name | OTFLD | CHAR |
270 | OTFLEADING | Line Spacing | OTFLEADING | NUMC |
271 | OTFPITCH | Width of character | OTFPITCH | NUMC |
272 | OTFPOS_H | Horizontal position/width | OTFPOS_H | NUMC |
273 | OTFPOS_V | Vertical position/height | OTFPOS_V | NUMC |
274 | OTGRP | Code Group - Object Parts | QCODEGRP | CHAR |
275 | OTGRPTEXT | Code Group Text for Object Part | QKURZTEXT | CHAR |
276 | OTH01 | Other Planning Amount | WERT7 | CURR |
277 | OTHCD | Retroactive Accouting Indicator for Compensatory Allowance | XFELD | CHAR |
278 | OTHER | Further information on use and/or destination | FLAG | CHAR |
279 | OTHERDT | Date: further data | DATUM | DATS |
280 | OTHERDT1 | Further data 1: date | DATUM | DATS |
281 | OTHERDT2 | Further data 2: date | DATUM | DATS |
282 | OTHERLOC1 | Further data 1: location | TEXT25 | CHAR |
283 | OTHERLOC2 | Further data 2: location | TEXT25 | CHAR |
284 | OTHERNR | Number: further data 1 | TEXT25 | CHAR |
285 | OTHERNR1 | Reference to further data 1 | TEXT25 | CHAR |
286 | OTHERNR2 | Reference to further data 2 | TEXT25 | CHAR |
287 | OTHER_ADDR | Additional addresses for customer exist | KENNZX | CHAR |
288 | OTHER_BANK | Further bank details for customer exist | KENNZX | CHAR |
289 | OTHER_SERVICE_CODE | Other Travel Service: Code | FTPD_OS_CODE | CHAR |
290 | OTHER_SERVICE_DESCR | Other Travel Service: Description | TEXT200 | CHAR |
291 | OTHER_SERVICE_NAME | Other Travel Service: Name | TEXT30 | CHAR |
292 | OTHER_SERVICE_NR | Sequence Number: Other Travel Service | FTPD_OS_NR | NUMC |
293 | OTHHD | Header modifier will be used for further entries | CHAR1 | CHAR |
294 | OTHTC | Menu will be used for further transactions | CHAR1 | CHAR |
295 | OTJID | Concatenation of Object Type and Object ID | CHAR10 | CHAR |
296 | OTKAT | Catalog Type - Object Parts | QKATART | CHAR |
297 | OTL_KEY | IS-M: City District Number | OTL_KEY | CHAR |
298 | OTL_NAME | IS-M: Name of City District | TEXT40 | CHAR |
299 | OTL_NAME_G | IS-M: City district in block capitals | JCHAR40_G | CHAR |
300 | OTL_STR_VH | IS-M: City district has street directory | CHARX_012 | CHAR |
301 | OTMA1 | Maximum Compensatory Allowance [overhevelingstoeslag] | P05_WERTV6 | CURR |
302 | OTMAT | Indicator: take material items into account | CHAR1 | CHAR |
303 | OTMAX | Maximum Compensatory Allowance [overhevelingstoeslag] | P05_WERTV7 | CURR |
304 | OTMSN | Info group will be used for further actions | CHAR1 | CHAR |
305 | OTN | Object type number | CHAR10 | CHAR |
306 | OTOT | Total Number of Pages for Object Types | NUM01 | NUMC |
307 | OTO_CHILD | 1:1 node | RF_KENNZX | CHAR |
308 | OTO_NAME | Name of a 1:1 level in Structure of an Application Form | CHAR10 | CHAR |
309 | OTPC1 | Compensatory Allowance [overhevelingstoeslag] Percentage | BVPCT | DEC |
310 | OTPER | Compensatory Allowance [Overhevelingstoeslag] Percentage | DEC2_2 | DEC |
311 | OTRESTY | Resource Type | CHAR2 | CHAR |
312 | OTRGR | Old Pay Scale Group | TRFGR | CHAR |
313 | OTRST | Old Pay Scale Level | TRFST | CHAR |
314 | OTSPNAME | Tablespace name for ORACLE | OTSPNAME | CHAR |
315 | OTTXT | IS-H: Text Describing Organizational Unit Category | TEXT20 | CHAR |
316 | OTVAL | Outsourcers Field Value | OTVAL | CHAR |
317 | OTWORTPK | Keyword for Object Part Catalog | QSWORTPK | CHAR |
318 | OTXT | Field Label | TEXT25 | CHAR |
319 | OTXT1 | Abbreviation for Organizational Element | TEXT10 | CHAR |
320 | OTXT2 | Name of organizational element | TEXT40 | CHAR |
321 | OTXTN | Organizer type: text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
322 | OTYP1 | CO Master Data: General Object Type, 1 Character | CHAR1 | CHAR |
323 | OTYPE | Object Type | OTYPE | CHAR |
324 | OTYPEOBJID | Object Type / Object ID | CHAR10 | CHAR |
325 | OTYPESPEC | Function is Object Type Specific | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
326 | OTYPE_DP | Object Type Dependent Object | OTYPE | CHAR |
327 | OTYPE_FUNCTION | Object Type for Headcount Planning: Function | OTYPE | CHAR |
328 | OTYPE_HOLDER | Object Type for Headcount Planning: Holder | OTYPE | CHAR |
329 | OTYPE_KEYDATE | Object Type for Key Date Category Assignment | OTYPE_KEYDATE | CHAR |
330 | OTYPE_PLACE | Object Type for Headcount Planning: Place | OTYPE | CHAR |
331 | OTYPE_REAL | Object type of real CO account assignment (internal only) | OTYPE | CHAR |
332 | OTYPE_RP | Object Type, Restricted to Persons and Applicants | OTYPE_RP | CHAR |
333 | OTYPE_TEXT | Object Type Text | CHAR25 | CHAR |
334 | OTYPE_TRIGGER | Object Type for Fee Calculation Processing Mode | OTYPE_TRIGGER | CHAR |
335 | OTYPE_UNIT | Object Type for Headcount Planning: Unit | OTYPE | CHAR |
336 | OTYPLTEXT | IS-H: Text for Object Type of Service | TEXT40 | CHAR |
337 | OTYPN | Organizer type: radio button | CHAR1 | CHAR |
338 | OTYTX | Object type of organizational assignment | TEXT25 | CHAR |
339 | OT_ABZNR | HR: Outsourcing: Absence assignment | LNGTH | NUMC |
340 | OT_ALZNR | HR: Outsourcng: Pointer to alternative payment | LNGTH | NUMC |
341 | OT_APZNR | HR: Outsourcing: Split Indicator - PC205 Assignment | LNGTH | NUMC |
342 | OT_BTZNR | HR: Outsourcing: Transfer assignment | LNGTH | NUMC |
343 | OT_C1ZNR | HR: Outsourcing: Pointer to cost accounting | LEN | NUMC |
344 | OT_CNTR1 | HR: Outsourcing: Country Split Indicator - Taxes | LNGTH | NUMC |
345 | OT_CNTR2 | HR: Outsourcing: Split Indicator - 2 NOT USED | LNGTH | NUMC |
346 | OT_CNTR3 | HR: Outsourcing: Split Indicator - 3 NOT USED | LNGTH | NUMC |
347 | OT_FPERN | Number of Female Personnel Processed | NUM9 | NUMC |
348 | OT_FTYP | Filing Type | CHAR2 | CHAR |
349 | OT_NPERN | Number of Personnel Processed | NUM9 | NUMC |
350 | OT_PQYIND | OT: Periodic/Quarterly/Yearly Indicator | REPTY | CHAR |
351 | OT_REFID | Outsourcing reference identifier | OTREFID | CHAR |
353 | OT_TEXT | Object Type Name | CHAR25 | CHAR |
354 | OT_TE_REFID | Reference Id - US tax exemptions | CHAR40 | CHAR |
355 | OT_TRECS | Number of Segments Processed | NUM9 | NUMC |
356 | OT_UIIND | Unemployment Indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
357 | OT_V0ZNR | HR: Outsourcing: Variable assignment number | LNGTH | NUMC |
358 | OT_VERSN | HR: Outsourcing Payroll Version | VERSN | CHAR |
359 | OT_VINFO | Outsourcing Variable Information | CHAR69 | CHAR |
360 | OUCONT | Outline Contract | KENNZX | CHAR |
361 | OUCONTRACT | Master Agreement for Individual Contract | VERTRAG | CHAR |
362 | OUFUN | Function module: save data | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
363 | OUICW_TXT_OWN_OTHER | Own Other | CHAR12 | CHAR |
364 | OUTBOUND | Create outgoing shipments | XFELD | CHAR |
365 | OUTCITY | Indicator: Tax jurisdiction is out of city | CHAR1 | CHAR |
366 | OUTCNSO | Consecutive number of outsorting | OUTCNSO | NUMC |
367 | OUTCOUNT | Number of manual outsortings to be carried out yet | OUTNUMBER | NUMC |
368 | OUTDATA | Name of output file | TEXT40 | CHAR |
369 | OUTDATA_D | Difference: Average Data Volume per Step to Front End (%) | DECV10_2 | DEC |
370 | OUTDATA_P | Average Data Volume to Front End per Step (kBytes) | DEC | |
371 | OUTDATA_SAW | Standard Deviation: Data Volume to Front End | DEC | |
372 | OUTDATED | Indicator: dlv. item belongs to outdated reservation | OUTDATED | CHAR |
373 | OUTDATEDCP | ID: Reorganizing obsolete change pointers | XFELD | CHAR |
374 | OUTDEV | Output medium for notifications | CHAR10 | CHAR |
375 | OUTDEV1 | Selection of the output medium | CHAR1 | CHAR |
376 | OUTDT | Date on which this record was read from the table | DATUM | DATS |
377 | OUTFIRST | Indicator: first output | CHAR1 | CHAR |
378 | OUTG_PAY_LOCKREASON_KK | Lock Reason for Outgoing Payments | SPZAH_KK | CHAR |
379 | OUTIN1 | IS-HCM: EDI - Directory Logic | OUTIN1 | CHAR |
380 | OUTLAST | Indicator: last output | CHAR1 | CHAR |
381 | OUTLENGTH | Field Output Length | NTABLONG | RAW |
382 | OUTLEN_COM | Total output length of compound characteristic | NUMC6 | NUMC |
383 | OUTLINE | Hypertext Structure | OUTLINE | CHAR |
384 | OUTLINE_NO | Outline Number | INTROW | NUMC |
385 | OUTLIST | Ind.: List created records? | INOUTLIST | NUMC |
386 | OUTLN | Line length of CAD output table for screen display | NUM03 | NUMC |
387 | OUTL_ASPCT | Outline aspect | CHAR1 | CHAR |
388 | OUTL_CON | Outline Contract | OUTL_CON | CHAR |
389 | OUTL_IND | Indicator: Outline line | CHAR1 | CHAR |
390 | OUTL_SEQN4 | Consecutive chapter number | DOKU_SEQ4 | NUMC |
391 | OUTL_STAT | Status of Outline Contract | OUTL_STAT | CHAR |
392 | OUTL_STATE | Outline status | AS4STATE | CHAR |
393 | OUTL_VERS | Outline Version | AS4VERS | NUMC |
394 | OUTMAI | Indicator: output via mail | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
395 | OUTMED | Ouput medium | OUTMED | CHAR |
396 | OUTMED_PAY | Output medium | OUTMED_PAY | CHAR |
397 | OUTNR | Sequence of text element output | INT4 | INT4 |
398 | OUTNUMBER | Number of manual outsortings | OUTNUMBER | NUMC |
399 | OUTOFBOUND | Flag: Field exceeds screen limits (out of bounds) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
400 | OUTPAYMENT_CA | FI-CA Outgoing Payment | CHAR | |
401 | OUTPD | Date output | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
402 | OUTPFAKT | Output attendees for billing | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
403 | OUTPI | Instructor output | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
404 | OUTPINLV | Output attendees for internal activity allocation | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
405 | OUTPK | Business event key output | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
406 | OUTPM | Material output | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
407 | OUTPOOL | IS-HCM: FORM Routine Pool for Outbound Msg. Formatting | PROGNAME | CHAR |
408 | OUTPR | Room output | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
409 | OUTPRN | Indicator: output to printer | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
410 | OUTPROC | IS-HCM: FORM routine for outbound msg. formatting | PROCEDUR | CHAR |
411 | OUTPSTOR | Output of cancellations | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
412 | OUTPT | Text output | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
413 | OUTPUT | Output type | OUTPUT | CHAR |
414 | OUTPUTDATE | Output date for meter reading order | DATUM | DATS |
415 | OUTPUTFIELD_D | Field exists in the field catalog of the output list | XFELD | CHAR |
416 | OUTPUTFLAG | DDIN: Field output flag | OUTPUTFLAG | CHAR |
417 | OUTPUTLEN | Output Length | DDLENG | NUMC |
418 | OUTPUTLIST | Ind.: List updated records? | XFELD | CHAR |
419 | OUTPUTMEDTXT_FPM | Texts for output medium | CHAR | |
420 | OUTPUTMED_FPM | Payment Medium: Output Medium | OUTPUTMED_FPM | NUMC |
421 | OUTPUTPRT | Indicator: Print output in list form | XFELD | CHAR |
422 | OUTPUTSCR | Indicator for output to screen | XFELD | CHAR |
423 | OUTPUTSTYLE | DD: Output Style (Output Style) for Decfloat Types | OUTPUTSTYLE | NUMC |
424 | OUTPUTSTYLETXT | Textual Representation of the OUTPUTSTYLE | DDTEXT | CHAR |
425 | OUTPUTTYPE | Type of operand update | OUTPUTTYPE | CHAR |
426 | OUTPUT_DATE | Output Date for Document CRMPLM | DATUM | DATS |
427 | OUTPUT_DEVICE | Output Device | OUTPUT_DEVICE | CHAR |
428 | OUTPUT_ERROR | Output Error | XFELD | CHAR |
429 | OUTPUT_FILEPATH | Output File Path | CHAR255 | CHAR |
430 | OUTPUT_FORMAT | Display version in the product structure | CHAR1 | CHAR |
431 | OUTPUT_PP | Editing S=Screen,D=Print | CHAR1 | CHAR |
432 | OUTPUT_RP | Print control | CHAR1 | CHAR |
433 | OUTPUT_TOGETHER | Number of meter reading orders to be output together | DEC12 | DEC |
434 | OUTQUNAME | iSeries: Name of an Output Queue | CHAR | |
435 | OUTSCR | Indicator: output on screen | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
436 | OUTSER | Indicator: output using MS Word (form letter) | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
437 | OUTSORT_IN | Documents outsorted in invoicing | KENNZX | CHAR |
438 | OUTSORT_PR | Documents Outsorted in Bill Printing | KENNZX | CHAR |
439 | OUTTFX | Indicator: output via telefax | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
440 | OUTTI | Time at which entry was retrieved from the table | UZEIT | TIMS |
441 | OUTTLX | Indicator: output via telex | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
442 | OUTWA | Customer Warranty | WCHECK | NUMC |
443 | OUTWIN | Indicator: output via MS Word (download in ASCII) | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
444 | OUT_BANK_RESET_CA | Delete Bank Outgoing Payment Method | CHAR5 | CHAR |
445 | OUT_BANK_SET_CA | Create Bank Outgoing Payment Method | CHAR5 | CHAR |
446 | OUT_CARD_RESET_CA | Delete Card Data Outgoing Payment Method | CHAR5 | CHAR |
447 | OUT_CARD_SET_CA | Outgoing Payment Method: Create Card Data | CHAR5 | CHAR |
448 | OUT_DEVI | Output medium | OUT_DEVI | CHAR |
449 | OUT_FILE | File for Report Writer output | LOCALFILE | CHAR |
450 | OUT_FORM | Output format | OUT_FORM | CHAR |
451 | OUT_FORM1 | Output Format (Addition) | OUT_FORM1 | CHAR |
452 | OUT_LENGTH | Length of output field value | OUT_LENGTH | NUMC |
453 | OUT_MSIM | Meaning of Outsorting Check for Mass Simulation | OUT_MSIM | CHAR |
454 | OUT_RADIO | Radio button: output | RW_RADIO | CHAR |
455 | OUT_TEMPLATE | Logical Path of Finished Excel Template | LOCALFILE | CHAR |
456 | OU_BLOCKS | Used blocks of an Oracle table | DEC11 | DEC |
457 | OU_SIZE | Disk space used for Oracle table | DEC15 | DEC |
458 | OVAMOUNT_CM_CA | Overdue Amount of Master Data Group | WRTV7 | CURR |
459 | OVARK | Variable key for VDSK1 layout | CHAR7 | CHAR |
460 | OVBLN | Payment Document Number for OCRA Lines | NUMC13 | NUMC |
461 | OVBLN_FPM | Payment Document Number for OCRA Lines | NUMC13 | NUMC |
462 | OVBUFF | Number of unsuccessful accesses to shared memory buffer | SINT4_NOS | INT4 |
463 | OVCHK | Indicator for overriding consistency check | CHAR1 | CHAR |
464 | OVDUE | Days Overdue | NUMC3 | NUMC |
465 | OVEPR | No check on version level | XFELD | CHAR |
466 | OVERACT | BSI: Override action | CHAR1 | CHAR |
467 | OVERAMT | BSI: Override amount | BSI_WAGE | DEC |
468 | OVERDUE | New Offer from Shipper Expired | XFELD | CHAR |
469 | OVERDUE_AFTER | Shipments Overdue After: | TSTRDURAN | DEC |
470 | OVERFLAG | Cross-transport flag | AS4FLAG | CHAR |
471 | OVERFLAT | BSI: Override lump sum | BSI_WAGE | DEC |
472 | OVERFLOW | Indicator: overflow | KENNZX | CHAR |
473 | OVERFLOWS | Number of sort overflows | CHAR | |
474 | OVERL | Indicator: capacity overloaded | CHAR1 | CHAR |
475 | OVERLAP | Date overlap found | KENNZX | CHAR |
476 | OVERLAPPED | Flag: Field overlaps with other elements | CHAR1 | CHAR |
477 | OVERLAPTC | Flag: Field has duplicate column index in table control | CHAR1 | CHAR |
478 | OVERLAP_CUM | Behaviour if periods are partially cumulated | OVERLAP_CUM | CHAR |
479 | OVERLAP_OK | Permit Overlapping Fields | XFELD | CHAR |
480 | OVERLAP_REL | Relevance test if results partially in period | OVERLAP_REL | CHAR |
481 | OVERMAXT | BSI: Override maximum tax | BSI_WAGE | DEC |
482 | OVERMAXW | BSI: Override maximum salary | BSI_WAGE | DEC |
483 | OVERMINW | BSI: Override minimum salary | BSI_WAGE | DEC |
484 | OVERPAY | Maximum Tax Return acc. to Invoice | XFELD | CHAR |
485 | OVERPAY_ALLOWED | Allowed to Exceed Payment Value | XFELD | CHAR |
486 | OVERP_SC | Procedure for overpayment | OVERP_SC | CHAR |
487 | OVERRATE | BSI: Override rate | BSI_RATE | CHAR |
488 | OVERRIDE_ENINCORR_CA | Override Customizing for Enhanced Inbound Correspondence | CRM_PSOB_FLAG | CHAR |
489 | OVERROUND | BSI: Override rounding indicator | NUM1 | NUMC |
490 | OVERT | Flag: overtime from Infotype 2005 (Reporting Time Type) | XFELD | CHAR |
491 | OVERTAX | BSI: Override tax | BSI_RATE | CHAR |
492 | OVERTYPE | BSI: Override type | CHAR1 | CHAR |
493 | OVERVIEWED | Revised documents | CHAR1 | CHAR |
494 | OVERW1 | Not used | CHAR1 | CHAR |
495 | OVERW2 | Not used | CHAR2 | CHAR |
496 | OVERWRITE | Generate: Overwrite Existing Application Forms | RF_KENNZX | CHAR |
497 | OVERWRT | Overwrite flag | X | CHAR |
498 | OVERWR_KK | Overwrite File | XFELD | CHAR |
499 | OVFLS | Indicator: value exceeds maximum length | CHAR01 | CHAR |
500 | OVKOR | Check box: sales organization | SCRPFLAG | CHAR |