SAP ABAP Data Element - Index F, page 5
Data Element - F
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | FARBT | Select function, set to in process | XFELD | CHAR |
2 | FARBTYP | IS-M: Color Type | FARBTYP | CHAR |
3 | FARB_SEITE | IS-M: Actual Page Color Scheme | AZART_FARB | CHAR |
4 | FAREA_DRV_ALWAYS | Always Determine Functional Area Automatically | BOOLE | CHAR |
5 | FAREA_FOR_BS_ACC | Also Determine Functional Area for Balance Sheet Account | BOOLE | CHAR |
6 | FAREA_FROM_ACCIT | Determine Functional Area when Saving | BOOLE | CHAR |
7 | FAREA_FROM_COBL | Determine Functional Area on Entry Screen | BOOLE | CHAR |
8 | FAREA_FROM_COBL_OBSOLETE | Obsolete Setting Option | BOOLE | CHAR |
9 | FAREG | Rule in billing plan/invoice plan | FAREG | CHAR |
10 | FAREG_ANZ | Date is a down payment date | XFELD | CHAR |
11 | FAREH | Unit of Travel Time | MEINS | UNIT |
12 | FAREH_ISO | Travel time unit in ISO code | ISOCD_UNIT | CHAR |
13 | FARE_BASIS_CODE | Basis code of rate component | CHAR10 | CHAR |
14 | FARE_COMP | Rate component | FTPD_FARE_ID | NUMC |
15 | FARE_COMPONENT | Rate price | FTPD_PRICE | CURR |
17 | FARE_INDEX | Rate Index Tables | NUMC06 | NUMC |
18 | FARE_NATURE | Rate Type (One-Way or Round Trip) | FTPD_FARE_NATURE | CHAR |
19 | FARE_NOTE_CAT | Category of Rate Rule | FTPD_FARE_NOTE_CAT | CHAR |
21 | FARE_RESTRICT | Restricted airfare | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
22 | FARE_STOPOVER | Stopover surcharge | FTPD_PRICE | CURR |
24 | FARE_SURCHARGE | Surcharge price | FTPD_PRICE | CURR |
26 | FARNR | IS-H: Personnel Number of Admitting Physician | RI_KUNNR | CHAR |
27 | FARZT | Travel Time | FARZT | QUAN |
28 | FASAR | School Type of Family Member | SLART | CHAR |
29 | FASDT | End of Family Member's Education/Training | DATUM | DATS |
30 | FASEX | Indicator: Gender of family member | CHAR1 | CHAR |
31 | FASHGRD | Fashion Grade | FASHGRD | CHAR |
32 | FASHGRD_BAPI | Fashion Grade | FASHGRD_BAPI | CHAR |
33 | FASIN | Educational Institute | TEXT20 | CHAR |
34 | FASMET_EE | Determine dual-level tax determination code | KENNZX | CHAR |
35 | FASPEINTER | IS-M: Billing Block if not all Schedule Lines Published | FAKSP | CHAR |
36 | FATTR_KK | Field attribute | FATTR_KK | CHAR |
37 | FATXT | Marital Status | FATXT | CHAR |
38 | FATXT_KK | Name of Error Activity | TXT50 | CHAR |
39 | FATYP | IS-H: Category of Specialty Key | FATYP | CHAR |
40 | FAU64 | Field selection (length 64) | FAU64 | CHAR |
41 | FAU70 | Field selection string | FAU70 | CHAR |
42 | FAUAN | Field in RFQ | XFELD | CHAR |
43 | FAUART | Reference order type (can be masked) | CHAR4 | CHAR |
44 | FAUBA | Field in purchase requisition | XFELD | CHAR |
45 | FAUBS | Field in purchase order | XFELD | CHAR |
46 | FAUGR | Field selection group | FAUGR | CHAR |
47 | FAUGRSRV | Field selection group SRV | FAUGRSRV | CHAR |
48 | FAUGT | Description of field selection group | TEXT30 | CHAR |
49 | FAUKT | Field in contract | XFELD | CHAR |
50 | FAULP | Field in scheduling agreement | XFELD | CHAR |
51 | FAULT | Error calling FM STOCK_COUNT_CHECK | FAULT | CHAR |
52 | FAUNARE | Name of field selection string for earmarked funds | FAUNARE | CHAR |
53 | FAUNARETXT | Description of field selection string for earmarked funds | TEXT30 | CHAR |
54 | FAUNA_MODI | Name of the Field Selection Definition | CHAR11 | CHAR |
55 | FAUNR | Position in field selection string | NUM03 | NUMC |
56 | FAUNRSRV | Field selection: Column number | NUM03 | NUMC |
57 | FAUPR | Shipment Cost Information Profile | FAUPR | CHAR |
58 | FAUS1 | Account/Posting Key Field Selection | FA050 | CHAR |
59 | FAUS1_KK | Field selection fields | FA050 | CHAR |
60 | FAUS1_VK | Posting Data Field Selection | FA050 | CHAR |
61 | FAUSA_077D | Customer master record field status def.for general data | FA040 | CHAR |
62 | FAUSA_077K | Vendor Master Record Field Status Def.for General Data | FA040 | CHAR |
63 | FAUSA_1 | Master Data Area General Data | CHAR1 | CHAR |
64 | FAUSF_077D | Customer master record field status def.for comp.code data | FA040 | CHAR |
65 | FAUSF_077K | Vendor master record field status def.for company code data | FA040 | CHAR |
66 | FAUSF_1 | Master Data Area Company Code Data | CHAR1 | CHAR |
67 | FAUSM_077K | Vendor Master Record Field Status Def.for Purchasing Fields | FA040 | CHAR |
68 | FAUSM_1 | Master Data Area Purchasing Data | CHAR1 | CHAR |
69 | FAUSR | Indicator: correction of outliers for forecast | X | CHAR |
70 | FAUSS | Field status definition for G/L accounts | FA040 | CHAR |
71 | FAUSS_WRF2 | Field status definition plant master | FA040 | CHAR |
72 | FAUST_077K | Field status bar, vendor master record, for IS-R data | FA040 | CHAR |
73 | FAUSV_077D | Customer master record field status def.for sales fields | FA040 | CHAR |
74 | FAUSV_1 | Master Data Area Sales Data | CHAR1 | CHAR |
75 | FAUSV_KK | Field selection variant | CHAR10 | CHAR |
76 | FAUSW | Field Selection String | FA128 | CHAR |
77 | FAUSW_077D | Field status bar, plant master for IS-R data | FA040 | CHAR |
78 | FAUSW_077K | Field status bar, vendor master record, for IS-R data | FA040 | CHAR |
79 | FAUSW_SEG | Field selection segment | CHAR1 | CHAR |
80 | FAUTB | Indicator: Field Selection Table | FAUTB | CHAR |
81 | FAUTM | Vending machine space | FLAE | DEC |
82 | FAUTX | Description of field group | TEXT30 | CHAR |
83 | FAVFLAG | Use favorites flag | RALDB_MARK | CHAR |
84 | FAVOR | First Name of Family Member | CHAR25 | CHAR |
85 | FAVORITE_BASKET | Indicator for Favorite | FAVORITE_BASKET | CHAR |
86 | FAVTEXT | Search Variant | TEXT25 | CHAR |
87 | FAV_DT | Favorite | CHAR1 | CHAR |
88 | FAWANZACT | Field selection: Display attribute "Active" | XFELD | CHAR |
89 | FAWANZINP | Field selection: Display attribute "Input" | XFELD | CHAR |
90 | FAWANZINT | Field selection: Display attribute "highlighted" | XFELD | CHAR |
91 | FAWANZINV | Field selection: Display attribute "Invisible" | XFELD | CHAR |
92 | FAWANZOUT | Field selection: Display attribute "Output" | XFELD | CHAR |
93 | FAWANZREQ | Field selection: Display attribute "Obligatory" | XFELD | CHAR |
94 | FAWBDEF | Field selection: Default value | FAWBWERT | CHAR |
95 | FAWBFELD | Field Selection: Influencing Field | FAWFLDNAM | CHAR |
96 | FAWBLDGR | Field selection control: Screen group | FAWBLDGR | CHAR |
97 | FAWBMASKE | Field selection mask | FAWBMASKE | RAW |
98 | FAWBWERT | Field selection: Contents of influencing field | FAWBWERT | CHAR |
99 | FAWC1 | Field selection flag | FAWC1 | CHAR |
100 | FAWCUST | Flag: Field can be used/set in customizing | XFELD | CHAR |
101 | FAWDISPLAY | Indicator: 'Field is displayed' | XFELD | CHAR |
102 | FAWE | JIT: No. of Last Goods Receipts Against SA Release | NUMC1 | NUMC |
103 | FAWFLDNAM | Field Name | FAWFLDNAM | CHAR |
104 | FAWFPAT | Template for Workflow Processing | HROBJEC_14 | CHAR |
105 | FAWFSET | Controlling Exception Processing for Workflows | FAWFSET | CHAR |
106 | FAWGR | Field selection group for header & item | FAWGR | CHAR |
107 | FAWGR_ISP | Field Selection Group for Header & Item | FAWGR_ISP | CHAR |
108 | FAWGTEXT | Field selection: Screen group text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
109 | FAWINPUT | Indicator: 'Field is ready for input' | XFELD | CHAR |
110 | FAWINTENS | Indicator: 'Field is highlighted' | XFELD | CHAR |
111 | FAWMFELD | Field Selection: Modifiable Field | FAWFLDNAM | CHAR |
112 | FAWMNUM | Field number | FAWMNUM | NUMC |
113 | FAWNBED | Field selection: Exception condition | FAWNBED | CHAR |
114 | FAWNOTACT | Indicator: 'Field is hidden' | XFELD | CHAR |
115 | FAWOBLIGAT | Indicator: 'Field is a required entry' | XFELD | CHAR |
116 | FAWOPER | Field selection: NOT condition operator | FAWOPER | CHAR |
117 | FAWPROG | Field Selection: Name of Module Pool | PROGNAME | CHAR |
118 | FAWTABNAM | Field selection: Table name | AS4TAB | CHAR |
119 | FAX | Telefax | CHAR30 | CHAR |
120 | FAXIN | Fax Number | TEXT5 | CHAR |
121 | FAXN0 | Fax number | CHAR20 | CHAR |
122 | FAXNR | Fax Number | CHAR25 | CHAR |
123 | FAXNUM | Fax number | CHAR16 | CHAR |
124 | FAX_CONC | IS-M/AM: Concatenated Fax Number | CHAR40 | CHAR |
125 | FAZUS | Combine Production Order | XFELD | CHAR |
126 | FAZUW | Indicator that Departmental Assignment Is Allowed | XFELD | CHAR |
127 | FA_AUFDT | IS-H: Date of Admission to Departmental Org. Unit | RI_DATUM | DATS |
128 | FA_AUFZT | IS-H: Time of Admission to Department | UHRZT | TIMS |
129 | FA_BEWAUS | IS-H: Indicator for Transfer/Discharge From Dept. OU | XFELD | CHAR |
130 | FA_BEWIN | IS-H: Indicator for Admission/Transfer/Visit to Dept. OU | XFELD | CHAR |
131 | FA_ENTDT | IS-H: Date of Discharge from Departmental Org. Unit | RI_DATUM | DATS |
132 | FA_PSPNR | WBS element for billing | PS_POSNR | NUMC |
133 | FA_SELDT | IS-H: Key Date for Movements to/from Organizational Units | RI_DATUM | DATS |
134 | FA_SICHTB | Production order visible in list printout | FASEL | CHAR |
135 | FB01B_49B | G/L Account Posting | CHAR1 | CHAR |
136 | FB01M_49B | Session Name (FB01) | CHAR12 | CHAR |
137 | FB05B_49B | Incoming Payment Posting | CHAR1 | CHAR |
138 | FB05M_49B | Session Name of Postings for Customer Incoming Payments | CHAR12 | CHAR |
139 | FB1KZ_49B | Type of G/L Account Posting | CHAR1_049B | CHAR |
140 | FBAKZ | Long-term planning:include firm purchase requisitions yes/no | XFELD | CHAR |
141 | FBALQ | Indicator: Factor Dummy Gross Amount Mid-Month? | CHAR1 | CHAR |
142 | FBAND_ORDR | IS-M: Function Module for Modifying Orders from Release | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
143 | FBAR1 | Type of Family Allowance | FBAR1 | CHAR |
144 | FBART | Type of division | FBART | CHAR |
145 | FBASE | Date of entry into company | DATUM | DATS |
146 | FBAS_ACTIVE | Setting Active | XFELD | CHAR |
147 | FBAS_RRICB_SETTING_ACTIVE | Setting for Resource-Related Billing Is Active | XFELD | CHAR |
148 | FBAUST | ID for output of function modules | AUSWAHL | CHAR |
149 | FBBE1 | Specification for family characteristic | CHAR2 | CHAR |
150 | FBBER | Family Allowance Authorization | AUSPR | CHAR |
151 | FBBET | Deductible Amount | WERTV5 | CURR |
152 | FBCHKBLD | IS-H: Function Module for Checking and Building Messages | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
153 | FBCNT_KK | Sequential Number for Several FM Calls Per Event | NUM02 | NUMC |
154 | FBCNT_VX | Sequence Number for Several FM Calls Per Event | NUM02 | NUMC |
155 | FBC_BANK_B_EXT | Do Not Use: External ID of Bank of Biller | CHAR20 | CHAR |
156 | FBC_BANK_C_EXT | Do Not Use: External ID of Bank of Customer | CHAR20 | CHAR |
157 | FBC_BILLER_EXT | Do Not Use: External ID of Biller | CHAR20 | CHAR |
158 | FBC_BILLER_PID | ID of Billing Unit in Biller Consolidator | BU_ADEXT | CHAR |
159 | FBC_BM_BEGIN | Contract Start Date for Biller Consolidator Business Model | DATS | DATS |
162 | FBC_BM_CONTRACT_TYPE | Contract Type for Biller Consolidator Business Model | FBC_BM_CONTRACT_TYPE | CHAR |
163 | FBC_BM_END | Contract End Date for Biller Consolidator Busines Model | DATS | DATS |
164 | FBC_BM_ISSUER | Agency for Biller Consolidator Business Model | BU_PARTNER | CHAR |
165 | FBC_BM_TEXT | Description | TEXT60 | CHAR |
166 | FBC_BPID_BANK_B | Biller's Bank Identification | BU_ADEXT | CHAR |
167 | FBC_BPID_BANK_B_INT | Internal Business Partner ID of Biller's Bank | BU_PARTNER | CHAR |
168 | FBC_BPID_BANK_C | Customer's Bank Identification | BU_ADEXT | CHAR |
169 | FBC_BPID_BANK_C_INT | Internal Business Partner ID of Customer's Bank | BU_PARTNER | CHAR |
170 | FBC_BPID_BILLER | Identification of Biller | BU_ADEXT | CHAR |
171 | FBC_BPID_BILLER_INT | Internal Business Partner ID of Biller | BU_PARTNER | CHAR |
172 | FBC_BPID_COMMPAR_INT | Internal Business Partner ID of Communication Partner | BU_PARTNER | CHAR |
173 | FBC_BPID_CUSTOMER | Identification of Customer | BU_ADEXT | CHAR |
174 | FBC_BPID_CUSTOMER_INT | Internal Business Partner ID of Customer | BU_PARTNER | CHAR |
175 | FBC_BPID_EXT | Control for Determining Internal Partner-IDs | XFELD | CHAR |
176 | FBC_BP_ID | Internal or External Address Number of Business Partner | BU_ADEXT | CHAR |
177 | FBC_BUS_REF | Reference to a Business Transaction | FBC_BUSREF | CHAR |
178 | FBC_CESENDER | Cost Event Sender | FBC_CESENDER | CHAR |
179 | FBC_CE_GUID | GUID in 'RAW' format | SYSUUID | RAW |
180 | FBC_CE_TASK | Ext. Interface: Change Indicator | FBC_CE_TASK | CHAR |
181 | FBC_COMMPAR_EXT | Identification of Communication Partner | BU_ADEXT | CHAR |
182 | FBC_CONTRACT | Contract ID | CHAR032 | CHAR |
183 | FBC_CONTRACT_EXT | External Contract ID | CHAR032 | CHAR |
184 | FBC_CUSTOMER_EXT | Do Not Use: External ID of Customer | CHAR20 | CHAR |
185 | FBC_EXCL_MSG | Message Types To Be Excluded | CHAR005 | CHAR |
186 | FBC_OBJREF | Object Reference of Legacy System | FBC_OBJREF | CHAR |
187 | FBC_TESTFLAG | Test Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
188 | FBC_TEXT | Additional Information | TEXT50 | CHAR |
189 | FBC_TRUSTEE_EXT | Do Not Use: External ID of Trustee | CHAR20 | CHAR |
190 | FBDAT | Release date of vendor PO generation | CHAR10 | CHAR |
191 | FBDED | Fixed deduction base | CHAR6 | CHAR |
192 | FBEINTPROF | Store procurement profile for store order, replenishment | POSINTPROF | CHAR |
193 | FBEIT | Fixed contribution | CHAR1 | CHAR |
194 | FBELEGMAX | Checkbox Field for Displaying Maximum Booking | XFELD | CHAR |
195 | FBELKZ | Processing indicator for external document | TEXT4 | CHAR |
196 | FBELNR | Billing document number of external document | E_BELNR | CHAR |
197 | FBERGRP | Functional Area Group | SETNAME | CHAR |
198 | FBEST | JIT: Acknowledgment of Internet Release by Vendor | XFELD | CHAR |
199 | FBEVE_KK | Event in Which a Function Module is Called | FBEVE_KK | CHAR |
200 | FBEVE_VX | Event in which a function module is called | FBEVE_VX | CHAR |
201 | FBEZUG | Reference area for calculation of amounts per area unit | DEC13_2 | DEC |
202 | FBFORM | IS-H: Name of the SAP Function Module for Form Printout | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
203 | FBFORM_C | IS-H: Customer Function Module for Logical Work Organizer | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
204 | FBGST | Overall status of calculation of shipment costs for shipment | FBGST | CHAR |
205 | FBGST_BEZ | Overall status of calculation of shipment costs for shipment | FBGST_BEZ | CHAR |
206 | FBGST_TXT | Total status of shipment costs calculation | TEXT30 | CHAR |
207 | FBG_BEARB | Follow-On Document Generation Status | CHAR1 | CHAR |
208 | FBICRC_ALERT_AMOUNT | Alert Amount | DEC | |
209 | FBICRC_ALERT_AMOUNT_RATE | Threshold for Alert (in Percentage Points) | INT1 | |
210 | FBICRC_ALERT_THRESHOLD | Threshold for Alert (in Amount) | CHAR | |
211 | FBICRC_AMOUNT_THRESHOLD | Threshold for Amount | CHAR | |
212 | FBICRC_APP_CONFIG | Name of Application Configuration | CHAR | |
213 | FBICRC_CATEGORY | Category | STRING | STRG |
215 | FBICRC_CO_HIER_KEY | Company Hierarchy Key | FBICRC_CO_HIER_KEY | CHAR |
216 | FBICRC_CO_HIER_LEVEL | Level of Company Hierarchy Tree | NUMC | |
217 | FBICRC_CO_HIER_NODE_DESC | Description for Company Hierarchy Node | CHAR | |
218 | FBICRC_CO_HIER_TEXT | Description for Company Hierarchy Version | FBICRC_CO_HIER_TEXT | CHAR |
219 | FBICRC_CO_HIER_VERSION | Company Hierarchy Version | CHAR | |
220 | FBICRC_CURR_TRAN_DATE | Currency Translation Date | DATS | DATS |
221 | FBICRC_DIFF | Difference | STRING | STRG |
222 | FBICRC_DOC_ID | Unique Document ID | FBICRC_DOC_ID | CHAR |
223 | FBICRC_ELEMENT | Transaction for New ICR | FBICRC_ELEMENT | CHAR |
225 | FBICRC_GROUP_REF | Document Group Number | FBICRC_GROUP_REF | CHAR |
226 | FBICRC_ICR_NEW_UI_IND | Launch in New ICR | XFELD | CHAR |
228 | FBICRC_IS_ACTIVE | Confirmation Required When Assigning Data Records | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
229 | FBICRC_ITEM | Number of Line Item Within Mail | FBICRC_ITEM | NUMC |
231 | FBICRC_MAIL_ID | Local Mail ID | OBJNR | CHAR |
232 | FBICRC_NOTE_CONTENT | Note Content | STRING | STRG |
233 | FBICRC_NOTE_TITLE | Note Title | CHAR | |
235 | FBICRC_NUMBER_OF_COMPANIES | Maximum Number of Companies | INT1 | |
236 | FBICRC_NUMBER_OF_OBJGRPS | Maximum Number of Object Groups | INT1 | |
237 | FBICRC_ORGU | Organizational Unit | STRING | STRG |
238 | FBICRC_ORGU_DESC | Organizational Unit Description | STRING | STRG |
239 | FBICRC_PICTURE_PATH | Path to Picture | STRING | STRG |
240 | FBICRC_PSTAT | Processing Status | FBICRC_PSTAT | NUMC |
241 | FBICRC_PTNR | Partner | STRING | STRG |
242 | FBICRC_PTNR_DESC | Partner Description | STRING | STRG |
243 | FBICRC_RFCDEST | Logical Destination (Specified in Function Call) | RFCDEST | CHAR |
244 | FBICRC_SHOW_ON_CHIP | Display Chart on Chips | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
245 | FBICRC_TEXT | Text | STRING | STRG |
246 | FBICRC_THRESHOLD | Threshold | DEC | DEC |
248 | FBICRC_UPLOAD_NONE | No Link to Companies | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
250 | FBICRC_WARNING_TEXT | Warning Message | STRING | STRG |
251 | FBICRC_XLS_XML | Microsoft Excel XML | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
252 | FBIDT | Release date of PO generation | DATUM | DATS |
253 | FBINC | Include with transfer structures for formulas/conditions | PROGNAME | CHAR |
254 | FBKDA | Family Allowance Child Type | FBKDA | CHAR |
255 | FBKNR | Child number | CHAR2 | CHAR |
256 | FBKON | Exemption amount as a constant | ABRKN | CHAR |
257 | FBLDGR | Subsequent screen group | BLDGR | CHAR |
258 | FBLK | Form Block | FBLK | CHAR |
259 | FBLNR | Number of a document (updating of business volumes) | BELNR | CHAR |
260 | FBLPO | Document item (updating of cum. vendor business volumes) | NUMC6 | NUMC |
261 | FBMAIL | JIT: Workflow for Acknowledgment of Release by Vendor | XFELD | CHAR |
262 | FBMAX | Maximum exemption | LGBTR | NUMC |
263 | FBMIN | Minimum exemption | NUM7 | NUMC |
264 | FBNAM_021A | Function Module | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
265 | FBNAV_KK | Function Module for Navigation in Account Determination | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
266 | FBN_ADDUNYN | Indicator: Additional Units Required | XFELD | CHAR |
267 | FBN_ADDYN | ESS Benefits - Indicator: Plan Can Be Added | XFELD | CHAR |
268 | FBN_AMOUNT | Flexible benefit amount with sign | P_AMT07V | CURR |
269 | FBN_AVCID | AVC only pension plan indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
270 | FBN_BCOVRYN | Indicator: Insurance Coverage Required | XFELD | CHAR |
271 | FBN_BOPTIYN | Indicator: Health Plan Option Required | XFELD | CHAR |
272 | FBN_BSGRP | Benefit holiday buy/sell limitation grouping | FBN_BSGRP | CHAR |
273 | FBN_BSNUM | Number of holiday buying or selling | PTM_QUONUM | DEC |
274 | FBN_CARYN | Benefit indicator for relevancy of Company Car | XFELD | CHAR |
275 | FBN_CBEID | Benefit indicator for start date of infotype records(ComCar) | FBN_CBEID | CHAR |
276 | FBN_CDURN | Benefit number of time units for length of company car | DEC4 | DEC |
277 | FBN_CDURU | Benefit time unit for length of company car | RPMSH | CHAR |
278 | FBN_CENID | Benefit indicator for infotype records' end date (ComCar) | FBN_CENID | CHAR |
279 | FBN_CHARC | Calculation character for PFBN0005 | FBN_CHARC | CHAR |
280 | FBN_CHGYN | ESS Benefits - Indicator: Plan Can Be Changed | XFELD | CHAR |
281 | FBN_CHKPD | Check Period (for mass generation of adjustment reason) | DATUM | DATS |
282 | FBN_CHKTY | Check Plan Type (for mass adjustment reason generation) | BEN_TYPE | CHAR |
283 | FBN_CNSAL | Pre-flex salary | P_AMT08V | CURR |
284 | FBN_CONYN | Benefits: Indicator for Relevance of Contributions | XFELD | CHAR |
285 | FBN_COPID | Company car option indicator | FBN_COPID | CHAR |
286 | FBN_COSTDIF | Cost difference | P_AMT07V | CURR |
287 | FBN_CRED_YN | Benefits: Indicator for Relevance of Credit Plans | XFELD | CHAR |
288 | FBN_CRQYN | Indicator: Corequisite Plans Required | XFELD | CHAR |
289 | FBN_CSCYN | Benefits: Indicator for Relevance of Costs and Credits | XFELD | CHAR |
290 | FBN_CSTINFO | Cost Information | FBN_CSTINFO | STRG |
291 | FBN_CTRFA | Benefits factor for employee pension contribution | DEC3_4 | DEC |
292 | FBN_CYEAR | Calendar year | GJAHR | NUMC |
293 | FBN_DATET | Date Type | DATAR | CHAR |
294 | FBN_DEPCVYN | Indicator: Dependent Coverage Required | XFELD | CHAR |
295 | FBN_DIFET | Wage type stores different cost between std. and flex. value | LGART | CHAR |
296 | FBN_DIFWT | Employee Credit/Cost from GB FlexBens: Wage Type | LGART | CHAR |
297 | FBN_DURCC | Flexible benefit indicator records end after a period for CC | XFELD | CHAR |
298 | FBN_EATTR | Flexible Benefits Plan Carriy Forward or not for this event | XFELD | CHAR |
299 | FBN_EECON_INFO | FBN Pension Employee Contribution Information | FBN_CSTINFO | STRG |
300 | FBN_EECSTCRD | Employee cost/credit | P_AMT07V | CURR |
301 | FBN_EECSTYN | Indicator: Employee Costs Required | XFELD | CHAR |
302 | FBN_EECTR | Benefit employee pension contribution (GB) | P_AMT07 | CURR |
303 | FBN_ERCON_INFO | FBN Pension Employer Contribution Information | FBN_CSTINFO | STRG |
304 | FBN_ERCSTYN | Indicator: Employer Costs Required | XFELD | CHAR |
305 | FBN_ERNIC | NI Cost Neutrality Amount | P_AMT07V | CURR |
306 | FBN_ERNID | NI Cost Neutrality required | FBN_ERNID | CHAR |
307 | FBN_ESS_ACTION_PERFORMED | ESS Benefits - Indicator for Executed Action | FBN_ESS_ACTION_PERFORMED | CHAR |
308 | FBN_ESS_PREVIOUS_PLAN | ESS Benefits - Vorheriger Plan | BEN_PLAN | CHAR |
309 | FBN_ESS_PREVIOUS_PLAN_TEXT | ESS Benefits - Previous Plan (Long Text) | TEXT30 | CHAR |
310 | FBN_ESS_PROBLEM_MORE_INFO | ESS Benefits - Indicator Whether Additional Problems Exist | XFELD | CHAR |
311 | FBN_ESS_PROBLEM_TEXT | ESS Benefits - Problem Description for Plan Selection | FBN_STRING | STRG |
312 | FBN_ESS_TEXT | ESS Benefits - General Concatenated Text | STRG | |
313 | FBN_FLEID | Flexible Benefits Miscellaneous Plan Type Indicator | FBN_FLEID | CHAR |
314 | FBN_FLXCOST | Flexed value | P_AMT07 | CURR |
315 | FBN_FLXOPTION | Flexed benefit plan option | CHAR4 | CHAR |
316 | FBN_FMODE | Flexible benefit funding scheme | FBN_FMODE | CHAR |
317 | FBN_FOPTITX | Flexed option text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
318 | FBN_FSAYN | Benefit Indicator for Relevance of Flex.Spend.Accounts | XFELD | CHAR |
319 | FBN_FXFND | Flex fund | P_AMT08V | CURR |
320 | FBN_FXSAL | Post-flex salary | P_AMT08V | CURR |
321 | FBN_GRPTX | Holiday buying/selling grouping text | FBN_GRPTX | CHAR |
322 | FBN_HEAYN | Benefit indicator for relevancy of Health Plan | XFELD | CHAR |
323 | FBN_HOLYN | Benefit indicator for relevancy of Holiday Plan | XFELD | CHAR |
324 | FBN_IDTXT | Flexible benefit plan indicator description | FBN_IDTXT | CHAR |
325 | FBN_IMINCYN | Indicator: Imputed Income Required | XFELD | CHAR |
326 | FBN_INSYN | Benefit indicator for relevancy of insurance Plan | XFELD | CHAR |
327 | FBN_INV_AMTYN | Indicator: Investment Amount Required | XFELD | CHAR |
328 | FBN_LEGYN | Benefit Indicator Plan Can Be Deleted | XFELD | CHAR |
329 | FBN_LEVL1YN | Indicator: Option for Miscellaneous Plan Required | XFELD | CHAR |
330 | FBN_LOGON | Date Type Used for ESS Flexible Benefits Enrolment Logon | DATAR | CHAR |
331 | FBN_MAXBD | Maximum Holiday Buying in Joining Month | FBN_MAXDA | DEC |
332 | FBN_MAXBU | Maximum number of buying holiday | FBN_QUNUM | DEC |
333 | FBN_MAXQU | Maximum quota number allowed | FBN_QUNUM | DEC |
334 | FBN_MAXSD | Maximum Holiday Selling in Joining Month | FBN_MAXDA | DEC |
335 | FBN_MAXSE | Maximum number of selling holiday | FBN_QUNUM | DEC |
336 | FBN_MERGE | Merge Two Plans Cost in the Provider Report | XFELD | CHAR |
337 | FBN_MINQU | Minimum number of quota allowed | FBN_QUNUM | DEC |
338 | FBN_MISYN | Benefit indicator for relevancy of Miscellaneous Plan | XFELD | CHAR |
339 | FBN_MONTH | Calendar month | BEN_CMONTH | CHAR |
340 | FBN_MPLAN | Corequisite Master Insurance Plan | BEN_PLAN | CHAR |
341 | FBN_NEWHIRE | New Hire Event | XFELD | CHAR |
342 | FBN_NEW_QUOTA | FBN Holiday Plan New Quota (with time unit ) | STRG | |
343 | FBN_NICNE | National Insurance Cost Neutrality Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
344 | FBN_NICYN | Benefit indicator for relevancy of NI Neutrality | XFELD | CHAR |
345 | FBN_NIDWT | Employee NIC Neutrality Cost Wage Type | LGART | CHAR |
346 | FBN_NIIND | Indicate national insurance relevant or not (GB) | XFELD | CHAR |
347 | FBN_NMLEN | Number of months in the future for benefit plan staying | DEC4 | DEC |
348 | FBN_NOFYN | Benefit indicator for relevancy of Flex Fund | XFELD | CHAR |
349 | FBN_NONST | Non Standard Benefits Plan Option Selected | XFELD | CHAR |
350 | FBN_OPCHK | Benefit Plan Options Check Flag | XFELD | CHAR |
351 | FBN_OVERI | Indicator:Allow Over Spending or Not in Additional Funding | XFELD | CHAR |
352 | FBN_OVPCT | Overspend Upper Limit of Benefit Percentage of funding | DEC3 | DEC |
353 | FBN_P11DF | Taxable Benefit P11D Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
354 | FBN_P11WT | P11D Report Wage Type | LGART | CHAR |
355 | FBN_PAYBK | Pension Pay Back Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
356 | FBN_PBKYN | Benefit indicator for relevancy of Pension Payback | XFELD | CHAR |
357 | FBN_PCARR | Benefit Plan Carry Over | XFELD | CHAR |
358 | FBN_PCHKF | Pension Sell Check Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
359 | FBN_PENWT | Pay Back to Pension Plan: Wage type | LGART | CHAR |
360 | FBN_PENYN | Benefit indicator for relevancy of Pension Plan | XFELD | CHAR |
361 | FBN_PERIOD | Flexible benefit period for calculation of company car | PFREQ | NUMC |
362 | FBN_PLANTX | Benefit plan text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
363 | FBN_PLSUMM | Plan Summary | FBN_PLSUMM | STRG |
364 | FBN_POCOP | Copy benefit selections from previous benefits year | XFELD | CHAR |
365 | FBN_PROR | Annual Cost Pro-rate Flag for the Flexible Benefits Plan | XFELD | CHAR |
366 | FBN_PSIMU | Payroll Simulation in ESS is allowed or not | XFELD | CHAR |
367 | FBN_PSSWT | Pension salary sacrifice case EE contribution | LGART | CHAR |
368 | FBN_PTCSTYN | Indicator: Post-Tax Costs Required | XFELD | CHAR |
369 | FBN_QUOTA | Quota type in infotype 2006 (Holiday buying/selling) | ABWKO | NUMC |
370 | FBN_QUOTA_INFO | FBN Holiday Plan Original Quota (with time unit ) | STRG | |
371 | FBN_RDFLG | infotype read flag | XFELD | CHAR |
372 | FBN_REFAM | Option Cover Employee or not | XFELD | CHAR |
373 | FBN_RMVYN | Benefit Indicator Plan Can Be Deleted | XFELD | CHAR |
374 | FBN_SACRI_INFO | FBN Pension Salary Sacrifice Information | FBN_CSTINFO | STRG |
375 | FBN_SACYN | Benefit indicator for relevancy of Salary Sacrifice | XFELD | CHAR |
376 | FBN_SCRIF | Salary sacrifice | XFELD | CHAR |
377 | FBN_SMUST | Secondary Insurance Plan Must Exist with Master Plan | XFELD | CHAR |
378 | FBN_SOOPT | Benefit Plan Source Option | FBN_OPTION | CHAR |
379 | FBN_SOPTITX | Standard option text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
380 | FBN_SPLAN | Corequisite Secondary Insurance Plan | BEN_PLAN | CHAR |
381 | FBN_SSCFA | Salary sacrifice amount | P_AMT07V | CURR |
382 | FBN_STDCOST | Standard value | P_AMT07 | CURR |
383 | FBN_STDOPTION | Standard benefit plan option | CHAR4 | CHAR |
384 | FBN_STDVAL | Standard benefit value | P_AMT08V | CURR |
385 | FBN_SUBMIT | Date Type Used for ESS Flexible Benefits Enrolment Submit | DATAR | CHAR |
386 | FBN_SUBTY | Master data mapping between two infotypes | SUBTY | CHAR |
387 | FBN_TAOPT | Benefit Plan Target Option | FBN_OPTION | CHAR |
388 | FBN_TFAMT | Yearly Tax Free Amount Boundary | P_AMT07 | CURR |
389 | FBN_TFCHK | Tax Free Boundary Check | XFELD | CHAR |
390 | FBN_UNDER | Indicator:Allow Under Spending or Not in Additional Funding | XFELD | CHAR |
391 | FBN_UNPCT | Pay Benefit Percentage of Excess Additional Funding | DEC3 | DEC |
392 | FBP35 | Indivd. Exemption Amount According to Sec. 35 Income Tax Law | P03_CURRC9 | CURR |
393 | FBP68 | Exemption Amount in Acc. with Sec. 68 (6) EStG | XFELD | CHAR |
394 | FBPLAHOR | IS-H: Empty Beds in Planning Horizon | BETTANZ | NUMC |
395 | FBPRO | Program name for formulas and conditions | PROGNAME | CHAR |
396 | FBP_COUNT | Number of Postings | NUMC | |
397 | FBRA_ARCH_CHECK | Detailed Archiving Check in FBRA | XFELD | CHAR |
398 | FBREFN | Field Selection Control for Purchase Requisition | BREFN | CHAR |
399 | FBSEGM | IS-H: Name of SAP Function Module for Segment Determination | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
400 | FBSF1_KK | Function module for displaying documentation | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
401 | FBSF4_KK | Function module for displaying possible entries | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
402 | FBSKZ | Indicator: procured externally | XFELD | CHAR |
403 | FBSTA | Status of shipment costs calculation | FBSTA | CHAR |
404 | FBSTA_BEZ | Description of status for calculation of shipment costs | FBSTA_BEZ | CHAR |
405 | FBSTA_TXT | Status of shipment costs calculation | TEXT30 | CHAR |
406 | FBSTIZEIPU | IS-H: Empty Beds at Key Date/Time | INT4 | INT4 |
407 | FBS_COMP_DFLT_CURR_USAGE | Usage of Default Currency | CHAR | |
408 | FBS_HIER_LEVEL | Hierarchy Level | FBS_HIER_LEVEL | NUMC |
409 | FBS_STRING | Data Element of the "String" Type | STRG | |
410 | FBTAG | Employer part fixed amount | CURR6 | CURR |
411 | FBTAN | Fixed amount for employee | CURR6 | CURR |
412 | FBTCH | Action for Automatic Procedures in Financial Accounting | NUM02 | NUMC |
413 | FBTCH_KK | Action for Automatic Procedures in Financial Accounting | FBTCH_KK | NUMC |
414 | FBTNR | Number of Children on Family Allowance Card | CHAR2 | CHAR |
415 | FBTRG | Fixed exemption amount | PRBETRG | CURR |
416 | FBTRP | Permissibility Indicator for Personal Exemption | ZKENN | CHAR |
417 | FBUDA | Date When Services Rendered | DATUM | DATS |
418 | FBUEB | Function module for overdelivery | CHAR30 | CHAR |
419 | FBUER | Office space | FLAE | DEC |
420 | FBUNT | Function module for adjusting underdelivery | CHAR30 | CHAR |
421 | FBUPER | Period in the form YYYYMM | FBUPER | ACCP |
422 | FBWEUEBE | File should be copied | XFELD | CHAR |
423 | FBWE_PATH | Path (directory) of DME file in file system | TEXT44 | CHAR |
424 | FBWE_UNAME | Logon name of user | SYCHAR12 | CHAR |
425 | FBWO_BWRBTR | Total of the OCs locked by Orbian for the Discount Process | WRBTR | CURR |
426 | FBWO_DWRBTR | Discount Amount for Orbian Credits | WRBTR | CURR |
427 | FBWO_HBKID | House Bank for Discounting of Orbian Credits | HBKID | CHAR |
428 | FBWO_HKTID | House Bank Account for Discounting of Orbian Credits | HKTID | CHAR |
429 | FBWO_NWRBTR | Discounted Discount Amount not yet Processed | WRBTR | CURR |
430 | FBWO_SALDO | Account Balance of Active Account with Orbian Process | WRBTR | CURR |
431 | FBWO_SDATE | Value Date for Discounting of Orbian Credits | DATUM | DATS |
432 | FBWO_VWRBTR | Available Amount for Orbian Discount | WRBTR | CURR |
433 | FBWO_WRBTR | Total Received Orbian Credits (Value Date in Future) | WRBTR | CURR |
434 | FBZAE_KK | Counter for Foreign Currency Valuation Run | NUMC3 | NUMC |
435 | FB_ABLRGL | IS-M: Function Module for Reading Unloading Rule | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
436 | FB_ABLRGLI | IS-M: Function Module for Interpreting Unloading Rule | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
437 | FB_BELNR_D | Accounting Document Number | BELNR | CHAR |
438 | FB_BUKRS_D | Company Code | BUKRS | CHAR |
439 | FB_ERROR_STATUS_TEXT20 | Processing Status | TEXT20 | CHAR |
440 | FB_FLAG_TESTRUN | Indicator: Test Run | BOOLE | CHAR |
442 | FB_ICRC_ADD_REL_WO_DOCUMENTS | ICR: Show Intercompany Relationships Without Documents | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
443 | FB_ICRC_ADIFF | Absolute Difference Amount | WERT9 | CURR |
444 | FB_ICRC_APPLY_CREDIT_IND | Apply Credit Indicator | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
445 | FB_ICRC_ASSIGNED_DATA | Include Assigned / Unassigned Data Records | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
447 | FB_ICRC_ASSIGN_OL_COUNT | Limit for Performing Automatic Assignment in Dialog | INT4 | INT4 |
448 | FB_ICRC_BUSINESS_RELAT | Show All Business Relationships Completely | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
449 | FB_ICRC_CHAR300L | Text | FB_ICRC_CHAR300L | CHAR |
450 | FB_ICRC_CSTAT | Communication Status | NUMC3 | NUMC |
451 | FB_ICRC_CURR_TRAN | ICR: Currency Translation Settings | FB_ICRC_CURR_TRAN | CHAR |
452 | FB_ICRC_DAMNT | Amount in Display Currency | WERT9 | CURR |
453 | FB_ICRC_DATA_COM_TYPE | Communication Type | FB_ICRC_DATA_COM_TYPE | CHAR |
456 | FB_ICRC_DCURR | Display Currency | WAERS | CUKY |
457 | FB_ICRC_DFOSP | Delta First of Same Period | WERT9 | CURR |
458 | FB_ICRC_DLOPP | Delta Last of Previous Period | WERT9 | CURR |
459 | FB_ICRC_DPREV | Delta Previous Entry | WERT9 | CURR |
460 | FB_ICRC_FIELDNAME | Field Name | FDNAME | CHAR |
461 | FB_ICRC_FILE_CONTENT | File content | STRING | STRG |
462 | FB_ICRC_FLAG | General Indicator | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
463 | FB_ICRC_FNAME_SEND | Sender Field | FDNAME | CHAR |
464 | FB_ICRC_FROLE | Level of Availability for Customer Defined Field | FB_ICRC_FROLE | CHAR |
465 | FB_ICRC_GRCOA | Group chart of accounts | KTOPL | CHAR |
466 | FB_ICRC_GROUPREF | Document Group Number | FB_ICRC_GROUPREF | CHAR |
467 | FB_ICRC_HDB_READ_RASSC_DATA | Read Partner Information from Document Data | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
468 | FB_ICRC_HDB_READ_RASSC_MASTER | Read Partner Information from Master Data | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
469 | FB_ICRC_INCL_BALANCE_ZERO | ICR: Include Accounts with Zero Balance | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
470 | FB_ICRC_INCL_RTYPE_OTHER | ICR: Include Assigned/Unassigned Data Records | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
471 | FB_ICRC_INCL_RTYPE_SPACE | ICR: Include Original Data Records | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
472 | FB_ICRC_LFILE | Logical file name | FILEINTERN | CHAR |
473 | FB_ICRC_MAXRF | Maximum Number of Calls per RFC Destination | INT1 | |
474 | FB_ICRC_NONSAP | Select Data Using BAdI | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
475 | FB_ICRC_PARALLEL_TASKS | Number of Parallel Tasks | NUMC3 | NUMC |
476 | FB_ICRC_PERIV | Fiscal Year Variant | PERIV | CHAR |
477 | FB_ICRC_PFILE | Physical file name | STRING | STRG |
478 | FB_ICRC_PRACCT | Group Account in Partner Document | SAKNR | CHAR |
479 | FB_ICRC_PREFNR | Reference Number in Partner Document | CHAR30LOW | CHAR |
480 | FB_ICRC_PSTAT | Processing Status | NUMC3 | NUMC |
481 | FB_ICRC_PUSNAM | User Name in Partner Document | USNAM | CHAR |
482 | FB_ICRC_REFNR | Reference Number | CHAR30LOW | CHAR |
483 | FB_ICRC_RELAT_SEL | ICR: Display Business Relationship Completely | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
484 | FB_ICRC_RESEL | Reselect Previously Selected Data | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
485 | FB_ICRC_RLDNR | Receiving Ledger | RLDNR | CHAR |
486 | FB_ICRC_RNAME_DISP | Data Element for Display | ROLLNAME | CHAR |
487 | FB_ICRC_ROLLNAME | Data Element | ROLLNAME | CHAR |
488 | FB_ICRC_RTYPE | Record Type | FB_ICRC_RTYPE | CHAR |
490 | FB_ICRC_RTYPE_ORIG | ICR: Delete Original Data Records | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
491 | FB_ICRC_RVERS | Version | RVERS | CHAR |
492 | FB_ICRC_SEC_ORGUNIT | Secondary Organizational Unit | CHAR | |
493 | FB_ICRC_SEC_PARTNER | Secondary Partner Unit | CHAR | |
494 | FB_ICRC_SELIND | Type of Selection Restriction | FB_ICRC_SELIND | CHAR |
496 | FB_ICRC_SEPSEL | Separate Selection Process | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
497 | FB_ICRC_SEQNR | Sequential Number | NUMC4 | NUMC |
498 | FB_ICRC_SLDNR | Sender Ledger | RLDNR | CHAR |
499 | FB_ICRC_SUPPLY_FIDOC | Supply Field from FI Document Header | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
500 | FB_ICRC_TABNAME | Table / Structure Name | AS4TAB | CHAR |